How to make a work schedule in 1s 8.3. Part-time work: scheduling and payroll. Schedule for shift work


Setting work schedules in the program "1C: Payroll and personnel management 8" (version 3)

Work schedules that are set for organizations, staff units in the staffing table, are assigned to employees upon hiring or personnel transfer and are described in the program in the directory Employee work schedules(chapter Setup - Enterprise - Employee Schedules).
The package includes a chart with the name Five days(Fig. 1). This graph describes work time for a five day 40 hour working week with two days off: Saturday and Sunday. The duration of each working day is 8 hours without a break for lunch. When filling out the schedule, take into account holidays.
If the work schedule established in the organization corresponds to the schedule Five days, then additional settings (changing the chart parameters) are not required. It is enough to fill it out once a year for the next calendar year. However, it is first necessary to check the completion of the regulated production calendar associated with the work schedule. By default, for all work schedules, the production calendar included in the delivery of the program is used with the name the Russian Federation . Filling in the schedule for subsequent periods (for next year) is made as needed, but mandatory before the calculation of accruals falling on the next calendar year.
To draw up a working time schedule for the next year, after filling out the production calendar in the form of a schedule, indicate the working year in the field The year for which the schedule is displayed and press the button Fill. In the completed schedule for days that are working, the length of the working day is indicated. Weekends and holidays are marked in pink. For each month, the number of working days and hours is shown. The completed schedule must be saved in the program by clicking on the button Write and close.

Rice. one
When adding a new chart to the directory Employee work schedules by button Create necessary (Fig. 2):

  • indicate the name of the chart;
  • select the working year for which the data will initially be filled in;
  • set the properties of the new work schedule. For this link Edit Graph Properties... the form is called Schedule setting.

Rice. 2

Setting schedule properties on a form Schedule setting consists of several stages:

  1. Selecting a production calendar in the field Production calendar, which becomes available if the enterprise has several production calendars (Fig. 3). This may be necessary for organizations whose separate divisions or branches are located in regions that have their own holidays (for such regions, the norm of days does not coincide with the all-Russian production calendar). The list of production calendars is stored in the directory Production calendars(chapter Setup - Enterprise - Production calendars). By default, all work schedules are set to a production calendar with the name the Russian Federation.

Rice. 3

  1. Specifying how to fill the chart in the section Chart Filling Method(Fig. 4):
    • . If this method is selected, then by default the chart properties will be filled in automatically, and they will correspond to the chart Five days, which describes working hours for a five-day, 40-hour work week with two days off: Saturday and Sunday. When filling out the schedule, holidays are taken into account. The duration of each working day is 8 hours without a break for lunch. This method of filling in the schedule allows you to create a schedule indicating the duration of work in hours for each selected type of time by day of the week;
    • . This method of filling in the schedule allows you to create a work schedule in the form of a mode of operation by days during the cycle: for each day, the number of working hours is indicated separately for each selected type of time.

Rice. 4

  1. The need to account for holidays. Checkbox When filling out, take into account holidays(Fig. 5) is set if it is necessary that when filling out the schedule calendar, holidays are taken into account according to the production calendar: the duration of work on a holiday in this case is set to 0, the duration of work on a pre-holiday day is reduced by 1 hour.
  2. Keeping track of working hours. Check the box (Fig. 5) for those work schedules for which the summarized accounting of working time is kept (if the work in the organization is carried out in a continuous mode, that is, it does not stop on weekends and holidays). Checkbox Summarized accounting of working hours appears if Setting - Payroll– link ) on the bookmark Hourly payment checked Applying hourly pay. Also, if this tab is checked Processing with summarized time tracking, then the section appears When calculating processing times, determine the rate by. When checking the box Summarized accounting of working hours switches Production calendar(installed by default), The data of this chart, Data from another chart become active, and in a custom schedule, you can specify which rate will be used when calculating hours of processing in a document Registration of processing(chapter The salary - time tracking - Processing registrations), which automatically calculates overtime for an arbitrary period.

Rice. 5
  1. Working week duration settings (Fig. 6):
    • checkbox part-time work set if the schedule includes part-time work (part-time or reduced work week). If the part-time schedule provides for a reduction in the duration of daily work by a certain number of working hours on all days of the week, then set the switch to the position Part time. If the number of working days in a week is reduced, for example, only 4 days are working days with a five-day working week, then set the switch to Part-time work week;
    • the checkbox is set for part-time schedules, which allows you to configure the procedure for determining the time norm for a different schedule when calculating remuneration for work. If you specify another schedule in the corresponding field for selection, the rate is determined based on the specified full-time schedule. If the checkbox is not checked, then the time rate in the calculation is determined based on the number of working days and hours according to the part-time schedule.
Note! Checkbox part-time work, switches Part time, Part-time work week and checkbox Calculate the norm according to a different schedule will be available in the form Schedule setting if in the settings form personnel records(chapter Settings - HR Accounting) is checked Used part-time work. In chapter Types of time time types corresponding to part-time work will be available for selection.

Rice. 6

  1. Accounting needs different types appearances, night, evening hours, etc. in the section Types of time(Fig. 7):
    • checkbox Turnout always set by default, i.e. the schedule provides for daytime work;
    • in addition to the attendance time, created as types of use of working time in the directory can be accessed Types of use of working time(chapter Settings - Classifiers - Types of working time) other types of time, for example, this may be needed for drivers who are paid different rates for on-line hours and repair hours (fig. 8). To access other checkboxes corresponding in name to self-created types of time, it is necessary that the checkbox be checked in the payroll settings settings (section Setup - Payroll) or a checkbox in the payroll settings settings (section link Setting up the composition of accruals and deductions- bookmark Hourly payment);
    • checkbox night hours(the checkbox will be available if the company performs work at night, i.e. the checkbox is checked night hours in setting up payroll parameters (section Setup - Payroll - link Setting up the composition of accruals and deductions- bookmark Hourly payment)) set if the schedule provides for work at night and hours of work at night are paid to employees at an increased rate;
    • checkbox Evening hours(the checkbox will be available if the company performs work in the evening hours, i.e. the checkbox is checked Evening hours in setting up payroll parameters (section Setup - Payroll - link Setting up the composition of accruals and deductions- bookmark Hourly payment)) set if the schedule provides for work in the evening and hours of work in the evening are paid to employees at an increased rate;
    • checkbox Nursing breaks(the checkbox will be available if the company uses additional breaks for feeding the baby, i.e. the checkbox is checked Extra breaks at work to feed the baby in setting up payroll parameters (section Setup - Payroll - link Setting up the composition of accruals and deductions- bookmark Hourly payment)) establish if the schedule provides for breaks in work for feeding the child and the hours of breaks for feeding the child are paid to employees at average earnings;
    • checkbox Watch(the checkbox will be available if the checkbox is checked Several types of time are used in the work schedule in setting up payroll parameters (section Setup - Payroll) or checkbox Several types of time in the work schedule in setting up payroll parameters (section Setup - Payroll- link Setting up the composition of accruals and deductions- bookmark Hourly payment)) set if the schedule provides for work on a rotational basis.

Rice. 7

Rice. eight

  1. Settings for the duration of operation by day of the week or the operation mode by day during the cycle in the section Work schedule, the tabular part of which is modified depending on the chosen method of filling the chart (Fig. 9):
    • if in section Chart Filling Method installed way By days of the week (five days, six days, etc.), then the duration of work in hours by day of the week is indicated as a schedule. If the parameters of this schedule provide for the accounting of different types of attendances and/or night and/or other types of time (the corresponding checkboxes are set in the section Types of time), then this section indicates their duration by day of the week;
    • if in section Chart Filling Method installed way By cycles of arbitrary length (changeable graphics), then the schedule indicates the mode of operation by day during the cycle: for each day, the number of working hours is indicated. If the parameters of this schedule provide for the accounting of different types of attendances and/or night and/or other types of time (the corresponding checkboxes are set in the section Types of time), then this section indicates their duration by day during the cycle. Wherein non-working days(days of rest) are also included in the table, but they are given zero hours of work.
note, night and evening hours are recorded separately from daytime hours, i.e. the number of night and evening hours is not included in the number of working hours of attendance.

Rice. nine

  1. The length of the working week in hours (the total amount of working time for the week), which is reflected in the field Length of the working week(Fig. 10). For five-day, six-day schedules, etc. the duration of the working week is calculated automatically depending on the specified hours of attendance in the work schedule (the work schedule is filled in in such a way that the duration of the working week corresponds to the weekly working time, on the basis of which the normal number of working hours for the accounting period is determined). For shift schedules, the duration of the working week is not automatically calculated, so this field is edited manually if necessary (the weekly working hours are indicated, based on which the normal number of working hours for the accounting period is determined). With the summarized accounting of working time, the norm of working time is determined for a certain accounting period (month, quarter, etc., but not more than a calendar year). Compliance with the norm of working hours for the established accounting period for the schedules of the summarized accounting in the program is not automatically controlled, control over these indicators is assigned to the user.
  2. The date from which the chart cycle begins (the date of the first day of the chart), which is specified in the field Start date. This field is available only for shift schedules (Fig. 10).
  3. Completion of setting the properties of the work schedule and automatic filling of the schedule calendar according to the settings made is done by clicking the button OK(Fig. 10).

Rice. ten

To save the graph, click on the button burn. To generate a printed form of the work schedule, click on the button Schedule. If necessary, by clicking on the link Edit Graph Properties..., you can call the form at any time Schedule setting and refine its properties (Fig. 2).
In the future, to fill in the work schedule for the next year (or to refill the calendar for the current year), use the button Fill, located in the form of a reference element Employee work schedules. Filling in is made for the year indicated in the upper left corner of the form (Fig. 1).

Hello dear site visitors. Today we will talk about how in the program 1C ZUP 3.0 (3.1) set up payroll for an employee who works in an organization part-time part-time work.We will talk about how to configure the program itself so that it can take into account such employees, how to set up a part-time schedule, as well as analyze the features of the calculation for employees with a salary in hours (accrual type "Payment by salary (by hour)") and with a salary in days (accrual type "Payment by salary").

Based on articles Labor Code RF (93, 74,203), by agreement between the employee and the employer, can be established both at the time of employment and subsequently part-time work (shift) or part-time work week. When working on a part-time basis, the employee is paid in proportion to the time worked or depending on the amount of work performed by him. Salary is based on full time work.

So, let's take a look at specific example how to arrange an employee for a part-time job, and how to 1s ZUP 8.3 set up a part-time schedule (Part-time work). From 11/01/2016 we will accept in the organization - Semenov F.B. In the program ZUP 3.0 (3.1) in the document "Recruitment" we can set different rates for employees. For example, 1(bet), 1/8(eighth of the bet), 1/4(quarter of the bet), 1/3(one third of the bet), 1/2(half of the bet), 2/3 of the bet (two thirds of the bet), an arbitrary number of bets (any arbitrary fraction), and we can also indicate the bet as a decimal fraction. Employee Semenov F.B. we indicate - 1/2 rate.

Setting up a part-time schedule in 1C ZUP 3.0 (3.1) and calculating the employee's salary

Next, set up a work schedule Part-time. To do this, open the "Settings" section and in the "Employee work schedules" document log, create a work schedule with the name "Part-time (20 hours)". Let's press the button Change Graph Properties and in the opened window "Setting the work schedule" check the box - part-time work, type of part-time work – Part time. Also check the box Calculate the norm according to a different scheduleFive days(schedule of normal working hours). We will fill in the work schedule, put down from Monday to Friday the duration of the working day - 4 hours (Turnout), the duration of the working week will be calculated automatically - 20 hours. We have set all the parameters, then press the "OK" button and the "Part-time (20 hours)" schedule will be filled in accordance with the settings. Now in the document "Employment" we can specify this work schedule for our employee.

Consider two options for paying an employee working part-time on the Part-time schedule, but with different planned accruals.

Calculation of the salary of a part-time employee with the planned accrual "Payment by salary (by hour)"

CHECK LIST for checking payroll in 1C ZUP 3.1
VIDEO - monthly self-check of accounting:

Payroll in 1C ZUP 3.1
Step-by-step instruction for beginners:

In the document "Employment" on the "Payment" tab, assign the employee a planned accrual Payment by salary (by hour). In the settings of this type of accrual, it is indicated that the result is calculated by the formula Salary*TimeInHours/NormHours.

Now we can guess how this employee's salary for November will be calculated:

  • Salary- in the amount of 40,000 rubles is set based on full-time work,
  • TimeIn Hours- this is the hours worked according to the part-time schedule (Part-time (20 hours)),
  • NormHours- these are hours according to the full-time schedule (Five days).

If the employee works the entire month, then the time worked according to the “Part-time (20 hours)” schedule will be 83 hours, and the time limit according to the Five-day schedule is 167 hours. Accordingly, the calculation will be as follows: 40000*83/167=19880.24 rubles.

Fill out the document, indicate the month of accrual - November. As you can see, the calculation turned out exactly as we expected.

But it is worth paying attention that the amount turned out to be less than 20,000 rubles. In this situation, this may seem unfair to the employee, since 19,880 is less than half of the full-time salary (40,000). Why is this happening? The fact is that in November there is a pre-holiday day - this is “November 3” and the working time on this day is reduced by 1 hour. This is what the program did.

If we still want to accrue a salary of 20,000 rubles to an employee, then we can adjust part time schedule manually, setting the work time on the holiday day - 3.5 hours. Accordingly, the norm of time in hours per month will be 83.5 hours, i.e. exactly half of 167 hours (according to the Pyatidnevka schedule).

Let's recalculate the document Payroll and contributions. Now we see that in November the employee worked 83.50 hours. Accordingly - 40,000 * 83.5 / 167 = 20,000 rubles.

Calculation of the salary of a part-time employee with the planned accrual "Payment by salary"

Seminar "Life hacks for 1C ZUP 3.1"
Analysis of 15 accounting life hacks in 1s zup 3.1:

CHECK LIST for checking payroll in 1C ZUP 3.1
VIDEO - monthly self-check of accounting:

Payroll in 1C ZUP 3.1
Step by step instructions for beginners:

In the document "Employment" on the "Payment" tab, change the employee's planned accrual to Salary payment. In the settings of this type of accrual, it is indicated that the result is calculated by the formula Salary*Part Time Share*TimeDays/NormalDays:

  • Salary- we indicated that this is an amount of 40,000 rubles,
  • Share of part-time work- the number of rates for which the employee is arranged. In this case, it is equal to 0.5, because our employee is employed part-time,
  • Time in days- this is the actual number of days worked per month according to the schedule Part time (20 hours),
  • Norm of days- determined by schedule Five days.

Share of part-time work is a very important indicator in the formula, if it is not there, then the salary will be calculated at the full rate, i.e. in the amount of 40,000 rubles. In the form of an accrual Salary payment" the actual hours worked and the rate are counted in days. Thus the indicator "time in days"(essentially calculated based on the part-time work schedule) and "norm of days" according to the Five-day schedule, they will be the same - 21 days for our example, so this proportion will result in 1. In order for the salary to be recalculated in accordance with the number of rates for which the employee was accepted, the developers introduced the indicator Share of part-time work.

Let's fill out the document Payroll and contributions for November and see how the employee's salary is calculated this time. On the “Accruals” tab, we see Planned accrual - Salary payment, worked out - 21 days, Norm of time - 21 days. Also, note that there is a new indicator Share of incomplete time– 0.5. The calculation is made in accordance with the formula Salary*Part Time Share*TimeDays/NormalDays: 40000*0.5*21/21=20000 rubles.

Thus, for the correct calculation of salaries in the 1C ZUP 3.0 (3.1) program, it is necessary, when applying for a job, to correctly indicate the number of rates for which the employee is accepted and correctly set up the part-time schedule.

Every year the production calendar is approved by a government decree. This decree also postpones holidays if necessary.

In the program, filling in the production calendar is mandatory, otherwise the system will not be able to correctly perform many of its functions. When you try to use the functionality that requires a completed production calendar, the program will generate an error. The work schedule is used when accruing employees, maintaining staffing, to calculate workers and banking days and in many other activities.

In our article, we will show by example filling in the production calendar in the 1C 8.3 Accounting 3.0 program. The mechanism is typical and is universal for most configurations and platform versions. According to it, the work schedule of employees is filled in 1C.

Where can I find a production calendar in 1C 8.3? Go to the "All functions" menu, if it is available to you. Otherwise, your account may lack all rights, or this menu is not enabled in the settings (in the main menu: Options - Tools).

In the window that opens, go to the directories and open "Production calendars".

You will see a list of previously created work schedules. By default, we already have one named "Russian Federation". We will open it. This calendar is nationwide, filled in on the basis of current legislation and stores data for several years at once.

In the form that opens, indicate the year for which you want to fill out the production calendar in 1C. In our case, this is 2017.

Initially, our calendar was not filled. This is evidenced by the fact that all dates are marked in red. To automatically fill in the calendar, click on the appropriate button.

For the current year, the autocompletion of the calendar is made from the approved information about working days, holidays and holiday transfers, for future years - in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

The factory calendar filled by default will look like the image below. Day shifts are displayed on the right side.

  • working days are marked in black;
  • dark red - Saturdays;
  • red - Sundays;
  • blue - shortened pre-holiday days;
  • and pink - festive.

Sometimes enterprises approve their own production calendars and postponement of holidays. The following describes how this can be done in 1C.

Change of days

To change a day, select it and click the "Change Day" button. After that, a drop-down list will open in front of you, where you can select a new view.

Transfer days

To transfer a day, also select it in the calendar and click on the button of the same name. You will see a form in which you need to specify on which day the transfer will be carried out, and then click on the "OK" button.

Specialists of "BM-SYSTEMS" told in detail to the readers of the magazine "Salary" the features of scheduling work in 1C programs.

Software capabilities to automate the accounting and planning of employees' working time for various work schedules are provided by the configurations "1C: Payroll and Personnel Management 8" and "1C: Production Enterprise Management 8". Consider the sequence of actions in the automated scheduling of work in 1C programs.

At the time of the creation of the materials, such configuration versions as “Salary and Human Resources Management”, version 2.5 (2.5.27) and “Management manufacturing plant”, version 1.2 (1.2.33)

General list of procedures for scheduling work in the 1C program .

Employee time planning software products 1C involves a series of sequential actions:

1. Fill in the production calendar (performed annually).

2. Enter all work schedule templates used in the company (performed when you start working in the program and as new schedules appear).

3. Set up the entered templates of work schedules (the setting is performed when entering each new schedule).

4. Fill in work schedules for the coming year (performed annually)

5. Assign an appropriate schedule to each employee (performed regularly in the current personnel work).

Let's consider each necessary action in more detail.

Filling out the production calendar

To correctly record the working time of employees, it is necessary to fill out the production calendar annually. Information about public holidays, weekends and pre-holiday days is entered manually based on the decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation on the postponement of holidays in the coming year. After entering this information, you can print and check the correctness of filling in the summary data on the number of working days and holidays / hours per month. And so what exactly needs to be done? Below is the sequence of actions for filling in the production calendar for the coming year, as well as the view of the working window.

1. Set a calendar fill period

2. By clicking on the "Fill by default" button, you can activate the function of automatically filling in data about working hours in the calendar

3. Print and check the result

4. Correct the data if necessary by clicking on the right mouse button

5. Save your changes.

(Menu Company / Production calendar)

Entering chart templates used in the company

The program allows you to enter various templates for work schedules:

Five days;

Six days;

Schedules of part-time (reduced) working time;


Graphs of the summarized accounting of working hours;

Charts by calendar days;

The number of charts that can be registered in the program is unlimited. Below is the sequence of actions for introducing a new template.

1. Add a new work schedule

2. Use the Graph Completion Helper to correctly enter a new graph

3. Or "Graph filling assistant" for the previously entered graph.

(Menu Company / Work schedules)

Setting up and filling in charts

To set up a work schedule, use the “Schedule Completion Assistant”. The program offers you two options: configuration according to an existing template and manual configuration.

Template customization. The assistant will prompt you to fill in the chart based on one of the predefined templates:

-- "Five days 40 hours": from Monday to Friday - 8 hours, in pre-holiday days- 7 o'clock;

-- "Six-day week 40 hours": from Monday to Friday 7 hours, on Sat 5 hours on pre-holiday days, respectively - 7 and 4 hours;

-- "Day in two" and "Day in three" - shift schedules with a change of 24 hours with a specified frequency starting from the date of reference. For these schedules, evening and night hours can be provided - 2 and 10 hours per shift;

-- "Calendar days" - every day 8 hours.

note:When creating a schedule according to the template “Five days 40 hours”, or “Six days 40 hours”, holidays are taken into account, in other templates, holidays are not taken into account.

After filling in according to the template, if necessary, you can correct the completed schedule manually.

Manual setting. If you need to enter a more complex schedule than those offered in the templates, when starting the “Graph Filling Assistant”, select the “Manually set up” method of filling the schedule. In this case, the assistant will prompt you to configure the following settings:

Let's consider the possibilities of setting chart parameters manually:

1. In the "Type of schedule" field, specify the duration of the working week in days - "Five days" or "Six days".

For reflection shift mode work, select the type of schedule "Shift".

If you select the "Calendar days" schedule type, the working time data will be filled in based on the fact that all days of the year are working days.

2. In the "Hours per week" field, specify the duration of the working week in hours. This parameter is used when converting an employee's monthly or daily rate into an hourly rate, for example, to pay for night hours.

3. When you check the box "Summated accounting of working time", the holidays marked in the production calendar are not taken into account.

Checking the box also affects the calculation of some accruals: for example, "Payment by average earnings" when paying for business trips in this case will use the average hourly earnings, not the average daily.

4., 5. The flags "Keep a record of night hours" and "Keep a record of evening hours" are set when it is necessary to provide for night and / or evening hours in the schedule.

The number of night and evening hours per day is determined according to the schedule schedule.

6. The checkbox "Take into account holidays" is set when, when filling out the schedule, it is necessary to take into account holidays as non-working days.

For the "Five-day", "Six-day" and "Calendar days" schedule types, on the pre-holiday day, the working time is reduced by 1 hour.

For "Shift" schedules, pre-holiday days are not reduced.

7. When checking the box "Part-time" you need to select also the type of part-time: "Part-time" or "Short working week"

If it is planned to assign employees working on this schedule tariff rate Based on the full-time schedule, you must select the method for calculating the time norm "According to a different schedule" and select a full-time schedule.

After you fill in all the necessary data, proceed to the next step of entering information in the assistant by clicking the "Next" button.

Depending on the type of schedule selected in paragraph 1, a certain form of setting the schedule opens.

If you have selected the Shift schedule type, a shift setting form is displayed in which you need to describe the cycle of shift work, including weekends. For example, "Day after two":

If you have selected the chart type "Five-day", "Six-day" or "Calendar days", the form for entering hours by day of the week is displayed:

If you indicated the need to take into account night and evening hours, the system will prompt you to fill out an extended (detailed) schedule form:

Methodological notes on scheduling work in the configurations of the 1C program were prepared by the Department of Automation of Personnel Accounting and Calculation wages company "BM-SYSTEMS".

"Salary", 2010, N 11

The work schedule is the main tool for planning working time and monitoring compliance with labor standards. In the article we will talk about scheduling, taking into account the requirements of labor legislation, as well as the procedure and settings necessary for the correct planning of working time in 1C software products.

Many factors need to be taken into account when scheduling work: the time of day, the worker's health, family circumstances, entitlement to benefits, and so on. Therefore, before moving on to scheduling work using the 1C program, let us recall what norms must be taken into account.

The norm of working hours according to the Labor Code

Working time is the time during which the employee, in accordance with the internal labor regulations and the terms of the employment contract, must perform labor duties (part 1 of article 91 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Labor legislation establishes clear limits on working hours for various categories of workers.

Note. The employee has the right to know

The employee must have information about the working hours, start and end times of the working day (shift). According to part 3 of Art. 68 of the Labor Code, when hiring, the employer is obliged, against signature, to familiarize the employee with the internal labor regulations, other local regulations directly related to his future work activity. These include, in particular, work schedules. So, for example, the shift schedule should be made public a month before the start of application, with a rotational method of organizing work - two months in advance.

Weekly working hours

Normal working hours cannot exceed 40 hours per week (Part 2, Article 91 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Table 1

Categories of workersDuration
working hours per week
Norm of Labor
1 2 3
Up to 16 years oldNo more than 24 hoursPart 1 Art. 92
16 to 18 years oldNo more than 35 hoursPart 1 Art. 92
Disabled people of I or II groupNo more than 35 hoursPart 1 Art. 92
Employed at work with harmful and
(or) hazardous working conditions
No more than 36 hoursPart 1 Art. 92
working during
school year in
free from study
up to 16 yearsNo more than 12 hoursPart 2 Art. 92
from 16
under 18
No more than 17.5 hoursPart 2 Art. 92
Women working in the districts
Far North and equated
to them areas
No more than 36 hoursArticle 320
University and secondary students
special educational institutions
part-time and part-time
(evening) forms of study for 10
months of school before the start
graduation project
or surrender of state
exams (optional)
Work week
shortened by 7 hours
Part 4 Art. 173
and part 4 of Art. 174
Evening students (replaceable)
general educational institutions
during the academic year
Work week
shortened by
business day or
number of workers
Part 3 Art. 176
teachersNo more than 36 hoursPart 1 Art. 333
Medical workers No more than 39 hoursPart 1 Art. 350

An employee's weekly uninterrupted rest cannot be less than 42 hours (Article 110 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Daily working hours

Normal daily shift. With a 40-hour work week, the daily work shift is typically eight hours.

Reduced work shifts. For some categories of workers, labor legislation limits the duration of daily work. This is established by Art. 94 of the Labor Code. Their list is given in Table. 2 on p. 93.

table 2

Reducing the work shift by one hour. In some cases, the duration of the work shift must be reduced by one hour.

for example when the work shift is directly precedes a public holiday(part 1 of article 95 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). If a holiday falls on a Monday, the working day on Friday is not reduced.

Also, the work shift is reduced by 1 hour when it falls on night time from 22.00 to 6.00 (part 2 of article 96 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

The duration of the night shift is not reduced for employees who have a reduced working day and for those who have been hired specifically for night work.

When drawing up a shift schedule, you will have to take into account that work at night is not allowed (part 5 of article 96 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation):

  • pregnant women;
  • employees under the age of 18, with the exception of persons involved in the creation and (or) performance of works of art.

To schedule night shifts, in some cases, you will need the written consent of the employee and a certificate stating that night work not prohibited for medical reasons. This condition applies (part 5 of article 96 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation):

  • women with children under the age of three;
  • disabled people;
  • workers with disabled children;
  • workers caring for sick members of their families;
  • workers raising children under the age of five without a spouse, including guardians.

Breaks for rest and meals. During the working day (shift), the employee must be given a break for rest and meals lasting no more than two hours and at least 30 minutes, which is not included in working hours (part 1 of article 108 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Breaks for feeding the baby. Employees with children under the age of one and a half years, at least every three hours, are provided, in addition to a break for rest and food, additional breaks for feeding the child (children) lasting at least 30 minutes each (part 1 of article 258 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) . If there are two or more children, the break time increases to one hour.

According to the woman, breaks for feeding the baby can be:

  • attached to a break for rest and meals;
  • moved to the beginning or end of the work shift with a corresponding reduction.

Breaks for feeding the child (children) are included in working hours (part 4 of article 258 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

The norm of working hours for part-timers. Part-time employment - the performance by an employee of other regular paid work on the terms of an employment contract in his free time from his main job (part 1 of article 282 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Part 1 of Art. 284 of the Labor Code establishes limits on the duration of the daily shift when working part-time. It should not exceed four hours a day. On days when the employee is free from work at the main place of work job duties, he can work part-time full time (shift). This should be taken into account when scheduling part-time work.

Exceeding the daily norm of working hours. Overtime work, that is, work performed at the initiative of the employer, outside the working hours established for the employee, cannot be planned in the schedule. Its duration cannot exceed four hours for two consecutive days and 120 hours a year (part 6 of article 99 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

The norm of working hours with summarized accounting

If your production cannot meet the daily or weekly working hours, you should introduce a summary accounting. In the case of summarized accounting, the employer is obliged to ensure compliance with the working time norm not during the working day (shift), week, but during the accounting period. The accounting period can be a month, a quarter, any period of time not more than a year (part 1 of article 104 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

The normal number of working hours for the accounting period is determined on the basis of the weekly working hours established for a certain category of employees. For employees working part-time (shift) and (or) part-time working week, the normal number of working hours for the accounting period is reduced accordingly (part 2 of article 104 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). for example, the accounting period is a quarter. From October 1 to December 31, 2010, women workers in the High North must work a total of 466 hours.

Making work schedules

The time of performance of labor duties is set for each employee before the start of work. In what form should he be familiarized with the schedule? Obviously, the answer depends on the frequency of the mode change.

Stable work schedules: one entry is enough

Making a schedule for those who work five working days a week (40 working hours) is not difficult. It can be established by the internal labor regulations, for example, by the following entry: "A five-day working week is established at the enterprise with a weekly work duration of 40 hours. Work is carried out from 9.00 to 18.00 daily on working days with a lunch break from 13.00 to 14.00." Similar entry, but already in employment contract it is possible to fix a stable schedule for privileged categories of workers, for example, for disabled people or minors, whose work is also carried out according to a stable schedule, but in a reduced mode. Recall that a deviation from the work schedule established by the internal labor schedule must be necessarily reflected in the employment contract (part 2 of article 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Changing work schedules

With shift work, a shift method of organizing labor, and in all cases where the summarized accounting of working time is used, the mode of work and rest cannot be classified as stable.

Repetitions in the work schedule are possible, but they are not systematic, but random. It is impossible to guess which day or shift the work will fall on.

A special way of organizing work obliges the employer to draw up clear work schedules in advance. So, in a multi-shift mode, the exact work schedule should be made public a month before the start of work (part 4 of article 103 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). With the rotational method of organizing work, it is necessary to familiarize the employee with the schedule no later than two months before its introduction (part 1 of article 301 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). At the same time, it is impossible to get by with an entry in the internal regulations or in an employment contract. You need to make a full-fledged schedule in the form of a table.

Graph in the form of a table. Content

Consider the content of the graph in the form of a table.

Graph structure. As a rule, one table covers one calendar month of work of one subdivision, section, brigade, etc. The vertical columns indicate the dates of the calendar month, in the lines - the names of the employees. With a multi-shift schedule, it is convenient to draw up a schedule by combining in one block (on one sheet) those workers who replace each other within one day from shift to shift, in the next block (sheet) - the next group of shifters. At the intersection of the graph and lines, the number of hours that the employee will have to work on that day is put down. As an option - the interval of work, that is, the start time of the shift or the start and end times are indicated.

Results. It is convenient when the number of hours and the interval of work complement each other. The schedule in this case can be used both for planning working hours and for monitoring compliance with labor standards. Since the value obtained as a result of summing up the daily shift hours of work ("Total" horizontally) forms the planned number of working hours per employee per month. The sum of the results for all months of the accounting period should not exceed the established norm of working hours.

The vertical sum for changing workers during the day is 24 hours. Only two exceptions are possible here - on the days when the clock hands are switched to summer and winter time<1>.

<1>Read more about accounting for and paying for extra hours of work during the transition to winter time on p. 46. ​​- Note. ed.

This pattern allows you to detect inaccuracies that sometimes occur when manually compiling schedules: sometimes it turns out that the sum of the work of all shifters per day is more or less than 24. This means that the schedule was drawn up incorrectly. You can eliminate such inaccuracies by using the scheduling software tools that 1C offers you.

We draw up work schedules in the 1C program

The methodological material was prepared by M. Eropkin and O. Leonova, specialists of the HR and payroll automation department of the Microtest company.

Software capabilities to automate the accounting and planning of employees' working time for various work schedules are provided by the configurations "1C: Payroll and Personnel Management 8" and "1C: Production Enterprise Management 8"<2>. Consider the sequence of actions in the automated scheduling of work in 1C programs.

<2>At the time of signing the number, such configuration versions as "Salary and Human Resources Management", edition 2.5 (2.5.27) and "Manufacturing Enterprise Management", edition 1.2 (1.2.33) are also relevant. - Note. ed.

General list of procedures for scheduling work in the 1C program

Working time planning in 1C software products involves a series of sequential actions.

  1. Fill in the production calendar (performed annually).
  2. Enter all work schedule templates used in the company (performed when you start working in the program and as new schedules appear).
  3. Customize the entered work schedule templates (performed when a new schedule is entered).
  4. Fill in the work schedules for the coming year (performed annually).
  5. Assign an appropriate schedule to each employee (performed regularly).

Let's consider all the necessary actions in more detail.

Filling out the production calendar

To correctly record the working time of employees, it is necessary to fill out the production calendar annually. Information about public holidays, weekends and pre-holiday days is entered manually based on the decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation on the postponement of holidays in the coming year. After entering this information, you can print and check the correctness of filling in the summary data on the number of working days and holidays / hours in a month. So what exactly needs to be done? Below is the sequence of actions for filling in the production calendar for the coming year, as well as the view of the working window (Fig. 1 - not shown).

Figure 1 Figure not shown. Entering chart templates used in the company

The program allows you to enter various templates for work schedules (Fig. 2 - not shown):

  • five days, six days;
  • schedules of part-time (reduced) working time;
  • interchangeable;
  • graphs of the summarized accounting of working hours;
  • schedules by calendar days, etc.

Figure 2 Figure not shown.

The number of charts that can be registered in the program is unlimited. Below is the sequence of actions for introducing a new template (Fig. 3 - not shown).

Figure 3 Figure not shown. Setting up and filling in charts

To set up a work schedule, use the "Schedule filling assistant" service (Fig. 4 - not shown). The program offers you two options for action: setting according to an existing template and setting it manually.

Figure 4 Figure not shown.

Template customization. The assistant will prompt you to fill in the chart based on one of the predefined templates:

  • "Five days 40 hours": from Monday to Friday - 8 hours, on pre-holiday days - 7 hours;
  • "Six-day week 40 hours": from Monday to Friday - 7 hours, on Saturday - 5 hours, on pre-holiday days, respectively - 7 hours and 4 hours;
  • "A day in two" and "A day in three" - shift schedules with a change of 24 hours with a specified frequency starting from the date of reference. For these schedules, evening and night hours can be provided - 2 hours and 10 hours per shift;
  • "Calendar days" - every day 8 hours.
Please note: when creating a schedule using the template "Five days 40 hours" or "Six days 40 hours", holidays are taken into account, in other templates holidays are not taken into account.

After filling in according to the template, if necessary, you can correct the completed schedule manually.

Manual setting. If you need to enter more complex charts than those offered in the templates, when starting the "Chart filling assistant" service, select the "Manually set up" chart filling method (Fig. 5 - not shown).

Figure 5 Figure not shown.

Let's consider the possibilities of setting the chart parameters manually (Fig. 6 - not shown).

Figure 6 Figure not shown.

  1. In the "Schedule type" field, specify the duration of the working week in days - "Five days" or "Six days".

To reflect the shift mode of operation, select the "Shift" chart type.

If you select the "Calendar days" chart type, the working time data will be filled in based on the fact that all days of the year are working days.

  1. The "Hours per week" field specifies the duration of the working week in hours. This parameter is used when converting an employee's monthly or daily rate into an hourly rate, for example, to pay for night hours.
  2. When you check the box "Summed accounting of working hours", the holidays marked in the production calendar are not taken into account.

Checking the box also affects the calculation of some accruals. for example, "Payment according to average earnings" when paying for business trips and in other cases (except for holidays) provided for labor law, in this case will use the average hourly earnings, not the average daily.

4, 5. The flags "Keep a record of night hours" and "Keep a record of evening hours" are set when it is necessary to provide for night and / or evening hours in the schedule.

The number of night and evening hours per day is determined according to the schedule schedule.

  1. The "Include holidays" checkbox is selected when it is necessary to consider holidays as non-working days.

For the "Five-day", "Six-day" and "Calendar days" schedule types, on the pre-holiday day, the working time is reduced by an hour.

For shift schedules, pre-holiday days are not reduced.

  1. When checking the "Part-time" checkbox, you must also select the type of part-time: "Part-time" or "Short working week".

If it is planned to assign a tariff rate to employees working according to this schedule based on the full-time schedule, then you must select the "According to a different schedule" method for calculating the time norm and the full-time schedule.

After you specify all the necessary data, proceed to the next step of entering information by clicking the "Next" button.

Depending on the type of schedule selected in step 1, a certain form of setting the schedule opens.

If the schedule type "Shift" is selected, the shift setting form is displayed to describe the cycle of shift work (Fig. 7 - not shown).

Figure 7 Figure not shown.

For the "Five-day", "Six-day" or "Calendar days" charts, a form is displayed to display hours by day of the week (Fig. 8 - not shown).

Figure 8 Figure not shown.

If the need to take into account night and evening hours is indicated, the system will offer to fill out an extended schedule form (Fig. 9 - not shown).

Figure 9 Figure not shown.

After you have entered the required parameters, click the "Fill" button. After automatically filling the chart, if necessary, you can correct it manually (Fig. 10 - not shown).

Figure 10 Figure not shown. Assigning work schedules to employees

Work schedules must be assigned to employees at the time of hiring or at the time of personnel movements using the appropriate personnel documents systems (Fig. 11 - not shown).

Figure 11 Figure not shown.

When calculating wages, the program automatically calculates working hours according to the assigned schedule (Fig. 12 - not shown).

Figure 12 Figure not shown.

O.S. Ovchinnikova

Deputy Chief Editor

magazine "Salary"

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Business processes. Investments. Motivation. Planning. Implementation