Five jobs of the future you need to know about. The most promising professions of the future 5 professions of the future


Hello dear readers! I am very glad to you!

In previous articles, we started talking about alternative education, especially in IT professions and new professions that are not yet taught in universities (article), about the most popular and highly paid professions today (article). In this article, you will learn how choose the right professions of the future new and promising in our rapidly changing information, digital world. To be in demand by specialists in the next decade.

What profession do you need to master today in order to be a sought-after specialist in the future?

Now every schoolchild, but not every adult, knows that humanity has stepped over from the industrial era to the post-industrial (or digital, informational) one. A new technological revolution has taken place. High technologies are changing the needs of mankind at an ultra-fast pace. Therefore, many professions of the industrial age have become unclaimed.

They were replaced by new professions that no one had heard of 5 or 10 years ago, for example, trend hunter, life coach, QA engineer, SMM manager and many others.

If so many new professions have already appeared today, what will happen in 10-20 years? Whom to study today to be a sought-after specialist in the future, to be in a trend?

What skills will the professions of the future require from professionals?

We will answer this question with ease, noticing the trend of shortage in the labor market of specialists at the intersection of specialties. Analysts of recruitment companies speak about the lack of such universal specialists.

Examples from my experience: in an IT company, a business analyst and a system analyst work together, on TV - a video designer and editor, in the field of Internet marketing - a web site designer and layout designer. There are many examples of the work of specialists at the intersection of professions. So, more and more often, the labor market requires professionals who can cover both professions.

We see that IT-, bio- and other technologies have rapidly entered our lives, so analysts, researchers, futurologists predict the emergence of many professions at the intersection of sciences: molecular nutritionist, bioengineer, energy auditor, city farmer, etc.

The trends are such that the professions of the future will require such skills from specialists:
  • Cross-functionality, work at the intersection of professions
  • Ability to think creatively
  • Willingness to retrain for life
  • Willingness to change profession every 10 years
  • Knowledge of several languages
  • Readiness for cross-cultural movement (willingness to work in different countries due to globalization)
  • Basic knowledge of IT technologies
  • Ability to work remotely
  • Be a big date professional (collect and work with a large amount of information)
  • Be able to self-study, tk. technology development will be rapid
  • Possess soft skills (think softly, positively, patiently, benevolently achieve goals)

What professions will be needed in the next decade according to "Sparks & Honey" - an American research company

The findings from this research company's report have made many parents wonder if they are giving the right knowledge to their children. Over 60% of the most in-demand jobs of the coming decade don't exist yet!

So, in the next 10 years there will be demand for:
  • productivity consultants
  • Corporate disruptors
  • Traders of alternative currencies
  • Managers of social media accounts after death
  • Personal digital curators
  • Specialists in the treatment of network and gadget addiction
  • virtual reality architects
  • Drone managers (delivery service)
  • 3D printing template designers
  • 3D Printers

Interested in learning more about each of these professions? You can read in this article .

Amazingly, many of these jobs of the future have already become our reality. In the video, watch the story about 5 such super new professions.

What 25 professions will be in demand in the next 15-20 years according to Forbs magazine?

25 new and promising professions of the future - according to Forbs - these are professions at the junction of different fields of knowledge.

  1. Composite engineer. Has knowledge in the field of composite materials for production, which are used, among other things, in 3D printing, in robotic technological complexes
  2. IT geneticist. Engaged in genome programming for the treatment of diseases that are inherited.
  3. Urbanist-ecologist. Engaged in the design of new environmentally friendly cities.
  4. Smart road builder. It is engaged in the construction of roads using new technologies, installs a "smart" road surface using sensors to monitor the condition of roads, installs "smart" signs and markings, and video surveillance systems.
  5. Intellectual property appraiser. Engaged in evaluating the cost of ideas, inventions, etc.
  6. Manager of crowdinvesting and crowdfunding platforms. Coordinates the interaction between contributors and project authors.
  7. Space tourism manager. Engaged in the development of tourism programs.
  8. Molecular Nutritionist. He is engaged in the development of individual nutrition schemes in accordance with the molecular composition of food and the results of the human genotype.
  9. genetic consultant. Engaged in genetic analysis for the conclusion and recommendations for the treatment regimen.
  10. city ​​farmer. Engaged in growing vegetables and fruits on the walls and roofs of houses and skyscrapers.
  11. Virtual world designer. Engaged in the creation of virtual worlds with individual culture, architecture, nature, laws.
  12. healthy aging consultant. Creates for the elderly optimal complexes of physical activity, recommendations on lifestyle, nutrition system.
  13. Foreman watcher. Construction consultant evaluates and corrects construction progress with digital building designs.
  14. eco-preacher. Teaches children and adults an environmentally conscious lifestyle.
  15. Environmental Catastrophe Specialist. He is engaged in the prevention of disasters that can be gradually realized by people: pollution of nature around large industrial centers, melting glaciers, radiation dumps.
  16. IT medic. Engaged in the design of software for diagnostic and medical equipment, creates a database of physiological parameters of patients.
  17. Cosmobiologist and Cosmogeologist. Cosmobiologist studies the behavior of organisms in space, creates ecosystems for lunar bases and orbital stations. A space geologist is engaged in mining on asteroids and the Moon.
  18. Smart environment designer. Generates and implements ideas for technological solutions that make homes and offices respond to user requests.
  19. Network Lawyer. Engaged in the development of legislation for networks and the virtual world, solves issues of protecting virtual property.
  20. Multicurrency exchanger. Engaged in mutual settlements of traditional and alternative electronic currencies.
  21. Medical robot designer. Engaged in the design of robots for medicine: surgical robots, diagnostic robots, cyber prostheses.
  22. Electric tanker. Engaged in the maintenance of refueling electric vehicles.
  23. 3D printing designer in construction. Engaged in the design of layouts, structures, selects the optimal components for their printing.
  24. Mining system engineer. Fully controls the development of deposits, from prospecting and exploration to the closure of the deposit.
  25. Linguist digital. Engaged in the development of new interfaces for communication between a computer and a person, the processing of textual information (semantic search on the Internet).

Where can you get knowledge on these professions of the future today?

Do you want to know where you can already get knowledge (basic) in these professions in Russia today? The authors of Forbs magazine, Russia analyzed modern educational institutions where you can get knowledge for these professions of the future. List educational institutions for each of the 25 professions of the future you will find in this Forbs magazine article, Russia.

What 20 professions will be in demand by 2030 according to the British research company "Fast Future"

"Fast Future" presented a report on scientific work with sensational data about the professions of the future:

  1. nano medic
  2. Specialist in the creation of artificial organs
  3. Farmer working with gene technology
  4. memory augmentation surgeon
  5. Senior Citizens Consultant
  6. Scientific Ethics Expert
  7. space pilot, space guide
  8. Vertical Farm Specialist
  9. Climate Change Specialist
  10. weather police
  11. quarantine specialist
  12. Virtual lawyer
  13. Avatar manager and virtual teacher
  14. Developer of alternative transport
  15. broadcasting specialist
  16. Utilizer of data, information
  17. virtual space manager
  18. Trader, time bank broker
  19. social media social worker
  20. Personal brand manager

Curious about each of these mysterious jobs of the future? Can you find out from this article.

So, an unimaginable future awaits us all, which we now already see in science fiction films. The main thing to understand is that there will no longer be a profession for life and you will need to be prepared to constantly retrain. In no era there are no professions with a great future, but only professionals with a great future. And one more thing: at all times one should choose a profession according to one's soul and vocation. Then the whole life will be bright and full and work will not be a burden, but a joy!

Read about how to choose a profession according to your talents and inclinations in this article.

See you soon!

Choose a profession to your liking!

I wish you courage and inspiration when choosing!

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P.S.3 Subscribe to the blog - there is a subscription form below - there will be many more articles on this topic. Be aware of the latest trends in the labor market for yourself and for your children!

Most people dream of working from the comfort of their homes, because it's so convenient! Very often, work is far from home, and in order to be in time for the beginning of the working day, you need to get up very early, spend a total of one to three hours on the road and allocate extra money for this. Constantly think about what to cook so that it is convenient to take for lunch or also spend money on going to an institution during a break.

But this is not the only problem in such work. In the office we work in a team of other people and everyone has their own character. Not everyone manages to become one friendly and well-coordinated mechanism. We must not forget that there is often competition at work, and especially when there are a couple of applicants for a promotion. But there may be another situation, for example, when your boss is very picky and demanding. Therefore, more and more people prefer to work at home without unnecessary stress, financial and time losses.

Photo: markusspiske/pixabay (CC0 Creative Commons)

Against the backdrop of all this, work at home is gaining more and more popularity and is developing more and more rapidly. Employers themselves understand that not every employee needs to be required to be present in the office and have a normal attitude towards remote work. Some of these professions will be discussed:

1. Designer

There are many different trends in design. For example, a web designer. To master this profession, you do not need to spend many years and money. You just need to take free online courses that can be mastered in a couple of months, the ability to use Photoshop and start practicing with confidence. Of course, you will not be able to do complex tasks right away, but you need to start with something. But if you get good at it this profession already in a couple of years, it’s really possible to gain experience, develop your strengths and receive an average of 1-3 thousand dollars a month.

Interface designer. This direction is also developing rapidly, as it can be traced high demand. This job can be very profitable.

Graphic Designer. People working in this field are engaged in the development of logos and corporate identity. Such professionals are called identity specialists, they create fonts, select winning color schemes, and so on.

Print designer. Everything related to printing - all this is done by this specialist. Such people design business cards, billboards, posters, magazines, book covers and much more. This job requires a high level of professionalism.

2. 3D graphics and visualization

Photo: markusspiske/pixabay (CC0 Creative Commons)

During the rapid development of high technologies, people with this profession are in demand in the labor market and have a decent income. The work of such a specialist extends from the creation of various game characters to the development and visualization landscape design. To say that this profession is in great demand is an understatement. Specialists this direction must have a large store of knowledge, improve it daily, so the world does not stand still.

3. WEB designer

Photo: Pexels/pixabay (CC0 Creative Commons)

The duties of a WEB designer include the development of websites. The work includes many nuances, ranging from receiving an exact order, drawing up technical specifications, full development and layout, and ending with the delivery of a finished project. This profession requires extensive knowledge in different areas, from design development to knowledge of markup languages ​​and styles. If you are a good specialist, then earnings can reach a fairly high level.

4. SEO optimizer

This is one of the most sought after jobs that you can easily do at home. The bottom line is to optimize the site for search engines, bringing it to the first position in the search engine at the request of various users.

5. Translator

If you know any foreign language, or even better several languages, you can easily earn money from it at home. To date, not many people speak foreign languages ​​at a sufficiently high level, so the demand for such specialists is high. And so is income.

There are many more opportunities to realize your potential and strength at home, without even getting up from the couch. What and how to do, the choice is yours.

Victoria Demidyuk

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  • 1 Professions of the future: forecasts, hopes, fears
    • 1.1 Job cuts expected
    • 1.2 IT-sphere is becoming more and more popular
    • 1.3 How important is employee qualifications?
  • 2 How to become a sought-after specialist
  • 3 Forward into the future: the most in-demand professions of 2025
  • 4 What professions will die out
    • 4.1 Sellers
    • 4.2 Service personnel
    • 4.3 Media professionals
    • 4.4 Injury occupations
    • 4.5 Office plankton
  • 5 Who to go to study after graduation

The choice of a profession that will be in demand throughout a person's life is one of the most pressing issues that confronts those who graduate from school and their parents. Naturally, few of yesterday's schoolchildren can conduct a deep analysis of the labor market - and get a promising profession that will be in demand for many years. next years and bring a stable high income, everyone wants.

Professions of the future: forecasts, hopes, fears

The labor market is a very dynamic and rapidly changing system. Today, hardly anyone can talk with absolute certainty about all the changes over the next 10 years, not to mention more distant periods.

Watch a video about the future of popular professions and job market prospects.

The emergence of new technologies and other processes can either elevate professions that are not very popular today to the top, or, conversely, reduce the popularity of currently demanded areas to zero. However, the general market development trends are such that some conclusions can be drawn.

Job cuts expected

The reasons for this forecast lie in the rate of demographic growth of the population, which already today far exceeds the rate of economic growth. Scientific and technological progress also plays an important role in this process.

Automation of various areas of activity, previously traditionally considered the prerogative of man, leads to a reduction in jobs. The popularity of marketplaces located on the Internet allows business owners to refuse to own or rent commercial premises for shops, warehouses and hiring staff.

The IT industry is becoming more and more popular

Given the increasing introduction of Internet technologies into the daily life of a modern person, we can confidently say that professions, one way or another related to, will be more and more in demand over time.

The share of humanitarian professions, on the contrary, will decrease. Many humanities students are no longer working in their specialty.

How important is employee qualifications?

Paradoxically, but in the near future, low-skilled professions that traditionally pay the worst are not going anywhere. At the same time, the wage gap between unskilled labor and highly qualified specialists will grow. As a result, there may be fewer average employees. It makes sense to improve your qualifications and move to the “major league” in the labor market.

Where to go to study after school and how not to be left on the sidelines of life? About this we now let's talk.

How to become a sought-after specialist

Wholly agreeing with the saying: "It is better to be rich and healthy than poor and sick", let's try to draw up an action plan that will most likely allow us not to turn out to be an unnecessary "penguin flipper" in a few years.
You should always try to improve your skills and qualifications. It is necessary to look for any opportunities to become a true professional in the chosen field of activity, because the incomes of a pro and an ordinary employee differ at times, and sometimes dozens of times.
For example, take the case of lawyers. Today, the supply in this sector of professional services is several times higher than the demand for them. Many job seekers respond to any vacancy, who agree to receive the minimum wage, if only to work in their profession.

However, do not forget that there is another type of lawyers. They earn fabulous sums, deal with large transnational corporations and manufacturing giants and know their worth.

So what makes some lawyers different from others? Someone will say - luck, but the lion's share of success still depends on the professionalism of the lawyer himself. Therefore, not knowing in advance when fate will present you with this or that opportunity, you must be ready at any moment to use the chance you have received. And this means that you need to continuously improve, push the boundaries of your knowledge and skills, getting competitive advantage to members of the same profession.

You need to be able to analyze the market, study the prospects of certain areas and try to act in their field. For example, now one of the most promising areas of the market can be called cryptocurrencies, blockchain, various digital technologies, which show a steady upward trend in demand.

We live in a dynamic, rapidly changing world. What today is considered a new advanced technology is already hopelessly outdated in a year. To remain in demand as a specialist, it is necessary not only to be able to change and acquire new skills in accordance with changing realities, but also to try to anticipate these very changes and always be one step ahead.

Let's try to move from general concepts to more specific ones and talk in detail about the possibilities for the emergence of new professions and specialties in the foreseeable future.

Forward into the future: the most in-demand professions of 2025

Today's Analysis Russian market labor shows a glut of its young professionals in the field of law, design and psychology and, at the same time, reveals a lack of doctors of various profiles, engineers and representatives of agricultural professions. Also, statistics show that almost 90% of humanities graduates cannot find a job in their profession.

There are several areas of human activity in which, according to experts, artificial intelligence and robotization will not soon replace humans. First of all, they include educational professions, housekeeping, and various areas of health care.

In addition, some of the professions that today exist only in science fiction novels may become really in demand in the short term. Full list of such professions, compiled by analysts, has 136 items.

Here are just some of the possible areas that will become in demand in the foreseeable future:

  • airship design;
  • bioethics;
  • engineering of robotic systems;
  • IT medicine;
  • architecture of energy-zero highways;
  • cosmogeology.

Today these names sound more than exotic, however, if you look at the pace at which our world has developed in the last 30 years and how many new revolutionary technologies that science fiction writers of the past never even dreamed of have become commonplace for us, the imminent appearance of cosmogeologists does not seem so unrealistic.

But do not rush to design airships, especially since it is still difficult to get the appropriate profession. It is better to think in detail what to do now and where to go to study after school (or even after college, if you decide to get a new specialty). This is based on two main factors. The first, and by far the most important, personal preferences. If you hate biology, then it is unlikely that you will be able to become an outstanding biologist or even a sought-after specialist in this field.

At the same time, one should not ignore the forecasts of futurologists and, if possible, select promising areas so that, firstly, if necessary, you can quickly gain additional knowledge, and secondly, acquire the necessary skills to adapt as quickly as possible to the requirements of the labor market in the future.

What professions will die out

In fact, the extinction of any profession is a rather relative concept. For a long time, a similar fate has been predicted, for example, for librarians, however, nevertheless, they still have jobs. True, every year there are indeed fewer librarians.

Scientists predict a drop in demand for representatives of the following professions:


In view of the ever-increasing transfer of the selling business to Internet sites, the services of sellers will be less and less in demand from year to year.

Service staff

Soon such irrelevant professions as watchmen, elevator operators and even postmen should disappear.

Media professionals

The threat of lack of demand in the foreseeable future will affect such ancient professions as reporters and journalists, proofreaders and editors, and even a very popular one now. copywriting profession. The functions of the media are increasingly taking over social media, and the functions of writers of all stripes are automatic systems acquiring intelligence.

Traumatic professions

The demand for such traumatic professions as stuntmen and understudies will also decrease due to the rapid development of computer technology and web design.

Office plankton

In the longer term, entire branches of professions related to accounting and office work, jurisprudence and management can be hit.

So, for example, Sberbank of Russia announced a plan according to which it is planned to replace about three thousand units of the current personnel with robots.

Who to go to study after graduation

So, what professions, according to experts, will remain relevant in the near future?

  • engineers of various specialties;
  • technical specialists;
  • biologists, chemists and related disciplines;
  • programmers;
  • web designers;
  • ecologists;
  • specialists in the field of nanotechnology.

17.02.2016 01:54

Imagine that outside the window is 2025. Who will work in your HR department? A group of HR professionals within the CHREATE project (a global association of HR professionals considering employment, talent development and organizations) presented their vision of what HR professions will be in demand in the near future.

Today it is absolutely obvious that as the labor market develops, the complexity and globalization of many processes, the HR profession in the traditional sense will soon cease to exist. The next generation of HR professionals will need skills in marketing, brand management, information technologies, finance, corporate relations and even social activities.

The creators of the CHREATE project identified 5 key professions in the field of HR and named the competencies that they will need:

1. Organizationalengineer

  • Understands new methods and styles of work;
  • Coordinates virtual teams (monitors their effectiveness)
  • Engaged in leadership development
  • Tracks the rotation, movement of talent within the organization
  • Optimizes tasks and organizational rules based on the principles of flexibility, networking and trust

2. Creatorvirtualculture

  • Builds a brand
  • Aligns employee goals with organization goals
  • Promotes the values, norms and principles of the company

3. Talent scout, coach and coordinator

  • Protects corporate culture
  • Unlocks Talents
  • Accompanies employees in personal growth (life coach)
  • Develops talents
  • Understands new models of work (freelancers, temporary workers, etc.)
  • Optimizes the relationship between employee, job and organization

4. Specialist in technology integration andBigData

  • Predicts what skills will be in demand under the influence of technology
  • Promotes technology efficiency
  • Works with analytics and makes decisions based on data
  • Understanding algorithms
  • Combines the results of technology, automation and human work

5. Active in social policy and communities

  • Takes responsibility for community development
  • Solves issues related to corporate social responsibility
  • Coordinates the interaction of the social goals of the organization
  • Influences decision making in the organization by shaping policies and rules that support corporate culture

Relevant and interesting HR cases in our Telegram. Subscribe to the channel!

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VR, AR, MR have been used for marketing purposes for several years now. Developers send clients to their future apartments, automakers arrange a virtual test drive. Back in 2014, Timberland offered customers to try on the latest collections without entering the store, on an AR screen.

And at the beginning of 2016, in the Swedish McDonalds, every Happy Meal owner could make VR glasses without looking up from a cheeseburger.

Today, technologies that are unrealistic in every sense penetrate into every home. In 2016, almost 7,000,000 people became owners of VR gadgets. Experts predict that by 2020, the annual number of VR software installations will reach 37,000,000 worldwide.

We will come home from work, put on a helmet and go anywhere in the world. Fight aliens in your own apartment. Walk with a virtual dog. But no matter what reality we run into, advertising will haunt us all the time. Marketers are already working on it.

So, we present you the TOP 5 prestigious and highly paid marketing professions of the future.

5 unrealistic professions, or What professions will be in demand in the future?

Who it

This is a project manager, director. The VR editor makes sure that the picture goes strictly according to the plot, and the music matches it. He can correct almost everything himself, as he has production skills. Responsible for the timely delivery of a quality product to post-production.

What can

Edits scripts and scripts, audio, video and design in professional programs (like Adobe Premiere Pro and Adobe After Effects). The most important skill is mastering - correcting the sound and picture of the final version of the product.

go far

Today, there are approximately 1,400 current vacancies for a VR editor on LinkedIn. Mostly from creative agencies and production companies. There are few job openings, because now it is probably one of the easiest professions to learn. Companies are cultivating VR editors from available talent.

Who it

Member of the AR team. A techie with the potential of an artist with absolutely no boundaries in his head - in every sense.

What can

Fluent in all Adobe Creative Suite tools, models in 3D Studio and Cinema 4D. He thinks in volumetric objects and visualizes them aesthetically.

go far

An ABI study showed that the AR market will reach $100,000,000,000 by 2020. The market has a huge audience of mobile device users and an even larger and solvent one - the medical and industrial sectors. And for an AR designer, the minimum bid on is $60,000.

Who it

A wizard capable of creating real reality from digital codes and adding virtual elements to it. Fantastic artist. He knows everything about 3D technologies and can make a significant contribution to the development of science.

What can

Draws and designs with Adobe Creative Suite. Master of 3D modeling, UX professional. How the work of an MR designer will look like, shown in Windows:

go far

This is the most unpopular (but no less interesting) profession from our selection. But only due to the fact that technologies based on mixed reality are now the most expensive. The inventors of HoloLens - Microsoft specialists - are expanding the team. So far, their product only finds a response in the B2B segment. However, Microsoft plans to introduce holographic reality into all areas of human life: from education to entertainment.

Who it

Programmer top level, a person capable of disassembling each system into algorithms. The importance of this profession is inestimable. An ML engineer speaks in code, and machines understand it. Develops algorithms based on machine learning and neural networks. Mathematician, statistician and physicist rolled into one.

What can

He is fluent in Java, C/C++, Python, has knowledge in such areas as Machine Learning, Computer Vision, Natural Language Processing, Data Mining.

go far

Today, about 13,000 vacancies are posted on various HR aggregators. The profession is more than in demand. Apple, Google, Oculus, Amazon, and other global corporations are looking for ML engineers on


Who it

An alien capable of holding a conversation between a refrigerator and a microwave. And not just support, but really set the tone! Dreamer and dreamer with a good dose of commercialism. An inventor who knows how and by what means to combine devices, for whom and how it will work.

What can

Always up to date with IoT trends. Not only understands innovations, but also knows all technological trendsetters (innovators) by name. Anticipates the dreams of the audience and decides how they will come true. Competent planner and speaker. Able to lead a team.

go far

According to Gartner, by the end of this year, more than 8,000,000,000 devices will interact with each other, and by 2020 their number will more than double. Manufacturers household appliances, electronics and automobiles will need assistants who will explain to a wide audience why it is important to view stories from a toaster and how washing machine ordering powder for herself.

5 real predictions

1. VR will cover Russia by new year holidays, according to representatives of M.Video (the largest electronic retailer in Russia). Helmets and games will go on sale en masse and become more than affordable, which means that a niche for product placement will be added.

2. AR and MR are worth waiting for later. However, the Pokemon Go phenomenon (in less than a week, the application was installed 7,500,000 times in the US alone) is already keeping many marketers awake. We will see augmented reality in brands in large quantities and in a variety of formats: from trying on clothes, like Timberland, to exemplary results of plastic surgery.

3. Scientists from Oxford have calculated that over the next 10 years, approximately 12% of employed people in developed countries will be out of work. This will happen through process automation.

4. At the same time, 75% of jobs will be improved thanks to the same automation and robotics.

5. Having learned how to create virtual reality, people will begin to teach with it. There are already attempts to introduce VR projects into education systems. So last year, a group of American schoolchildren visited Mars on their way to school. The bus was equipped with dozens of VR devices that turned the streets of Washington outside the window into space landscapes (you can see how it was).

Progress will give us many new opportunities and directions, and it will be damn interesting. In the meantime, we invite you to take our comic test and find out in a minute and a half which of these promising professions suits you the most. It remains to take the initiative, the choice is yours!

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