Training for the development of employee motivation. Games for training "non-material motivation" - Instruction. What's in the training program


Games for the training "Non-material motivation"

Name of the game

Game description

special props

"Motivation for learning"

The participants are divided into two groups. They need to figure out how to motivate the neighboring subgroup to learn

Not required

"Motivational Appeal"


“We are all managers of a factory for the production of felt boots. The situation of our factory is very disastrous. The salaries are very small. The outlook is unclear. Employees get out of hand, do not want to work. Please divide into 3 subgroups. Each subgroup should prepare a motivating appeal to subordinates.

During the speech of the representative of each of the subgroups, all other members of the group become ordinary employees of the factory

Not required

"Employee Motivation"


“I want you to imagine that a photocopier broke down in your office this morning and they just fixed it. Now it is 16.30, and at 17.00 everyone usually goes home. But by tomorrow morning, by 8:30, 20 sheets of conference materials must be placed in each of the 150 folders. Your task as the office manager is to convince the relevant employee to stay and prepare copies. Unfortunately, the matter is complicated by the fact that this man, as you know, has purchased tickets for the only jazz concert that the world-famous group is playing tonight. This employee stood in line all night to get tickets and talked about the upcoming concert for several weeks.”

Not required

"Break Out of the Circle"

Everyone stands in a circle and holds hands. Those who wish enter the circle with the task of getting out of the circle - to escape in 2-3 minutes. Anyone who fails to do so is considered dead. The circle has no desire to release it, but if someone has such a desire, he can do it. The one who released, does not risk anything: the next one will enter the circle at will. The circle will release only those who prove their will to live.

Not required

"Wolf and 7 kids"

    The coach voices the introductory: “We are in the fairy tale“ The Wolf and the Seven Kids ”. The role of the wolf is not traditional. He is a vegetarian. He eats fresh vegetables from his garden. The kids do not really believe in this and are afraid of the wolf. The wolf's garden is big. The wolf needs to weed cabbage, carrots and radishes. He wants to use hired labor for this - goats.

    The trainer distributes the instructions “wolves” and “goats” to the participants. The role of the "wolf" is performed sequentially by 3-5 participants

    The coach separately instructs the “wolves”: “Your task is to motivate the kids so that they go to work for you and do it honestly”

    The trainer separately instructs the “goats”: “You will agree to work only if the offer of the wolf meets your needs, interests, desires”

    "Wolf" and "goats" sit down at the table and discuss the terms of cooperation. After some time, the “wolf” is replaced by another participant, etc.

    The success of the task is determined by a simple vote of "goats" for one or another wolf


    Which of the "wolves" was the most successful and due to what?

    What needs did the "wolves" identify in the "goats"?

    What motivating and stimulating techniques were used?

    Were there things that motivated some kids but demotivated others?

    What is the main idea of ​​the game?

After discussing these issues, the trainer can identify demotivating factors and, using the example of a particular goat, refer to the relevant training materials.

Instructions for participants

(see appendix: The game "Wolf and 7 kids")

"Bear Rescue"

The trainer puts the participants into 2 groups, describes the situation to them and identifies the problem that needs to be solved:

“A certain zoo needed a bear. The bear was caught in the Siberian forests. They put me in a spacious cage and by water, first along the river, then along the Northern Sea Route and canals, they delivered me to my destination. By virtue of objective reasons the journey took several months. By the arrival of the bear, the zoo had prepared a new, carefully equipped, vast territory. However, during the journey, the bear became so accustomed to its cage that when it was placed in this new enclosure, it did not want to leave it. Further stay of the bear in the cage threatened him with hypodynamia, obesity, etc. Therefore, a group of experts was urgently convened to resolve the problem.”

After that, the groups receive the instruction: “You are the same group of experts. Within 20 minutes, after discussing the problem, you should develop an action plan for the zoo staff. As a result of the implementation of this program, the bear must voluntarily, without mental trauma, leave the cage and begin to explore the territory of the enclosure.”

After 20 minutes, the group is offered to report on the results of the work - to announce the program.

Not required

"Creating a motivation program"

The group is tasked with modeling an abstract company. Each member of the group must take one of the hierarchical levels in this virtual company, for example: general manager, director, head of division, head of department, etc. At the same time, the roles of ordinary employees are not involved. Each of the members of the group, having received one or another leadership position, must develop a system of measures to motivate their subordinates. Next, a general meeting will be held on the adoption of a unified concept of the motivational climate in the companyTraining "Conflicts and ways ...

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    Several years ago, while training for sellers, I opened a beautiful ... was the definition of the level motivation future graduates, will be able ... for sale card games for children from four ... competition, do business on intangible things are much more difficult. ...

  • One of the most difficult trainings in our arsenal is motivation training. In the training, the group works out exercises to identify and structure their own goals. We are sure that it makes sense to talk with subordinates about their motivation and offer some tools only after trying it all on yourself. After the training, participants disagree with the task to perform some of the exercises again, after a certain period of time. For our part, we help to sort out the accumulated questions and analyze the results obtained during and after the training.

    I remember very well the participant who, at the entrance to the training, mentioned a problem with his own motivation (“a glass ceiling where it is not clear where to grow”), and during this exercise he suddenly “remembered” his abandoned passion for the electric guitar. After the training, he bought a new guitar, a small "amp" and began to learn to play again in the evenings. His review, which he sent a month later, is interesting. He spoke about the guitar and noted in a separate line:
    - And at work somehow more cheerfully went.
    Further, he listed a list of tasks completed in a month in relation to the team and the customer, which previously “simply did not reach the hands” and “there was no strength to do”.

    A paradoxical effect, if you think about it. Lack of time and heavy workload, the feeling of a "glass ceiling". Not the best state for a manager who wants to work with the motivation of the team, agree. People around “read” this state almost instantly: “my manager doesn’t need all this.” From such positions, it is extremely, extremely difficult to start working with a team.

    Being at this point, a person does not “slow down”, but, on the contrary, adds activity to himself in learning something new. There is time. The head is loaded with something else. And work becomes easier.

    It's about another "degree of freedom" or another level of the "Interest - Competence" matrix, which is created at the moment when you start to learn something new.

    We have already talked about this simple tool many times, so now we will simply indicate how to use it.

    Draw a 2x2 matrix on the leaf as shown below.

    The matrix shows how a person learns a skill and what happens to his interest in work. For example, you hired a new employee. He is not yet familiar with the features of your development or project management process, he may not know something in your business domain (that is, his competence regarding your field of activity is still low), but at the same time he is interested and “eyes are on fire” (you most likely selected him on this basis - the candidate's future work should be interesting: the quadrant of high interest). When a person is interested in what he does, he begins to learn. His competence grows, he remains on the right side of the matrix, but moves up along it. High interest and high competence.

    Excellent condition. Sustainable, interesting.

    Then a person does what he can do for a year or two. Experience has been accumulated. Tasks are being solved. But interest is slowly waning. We move to the left. A person knows and knows how, perhaps more than anyone else in a team or company. From work a little "sickness", but the authority, position, money and comfort zone can hold a person firmly enough.

    The last empty box “as if hints” :) No, a person does not grow stupid, but stops developing, because it is extremely difficult to force yourself to learn something new when you are not at all interested in what you are doing.

    A familiar feeling?

    Lots of experience. Large amount of knowledge. Monotony of tasks. Your brain interprets this state as fatigue, "running in circles", the absence of a new one. He needs a new degree of freedom. New direction "where to dig". Because your brain just can't do nothing - that's the way it's designed by nature.

    Starting to learn something new, you overlay a new level of exactly the same matrix on top of the main 2 × 2 matrix, where you are again interested and you want to “dig” again.

    Returning to the profession that we have been talking about for the last week. A business coach and coaching is like teaching other skills that help you work easier and better.

    On the one hand, in itself, learning a new business, new profession has the most positive effect on a person: you are again in the “high interest” square and there are a lot of new and unexplored things around you. You have just found a new mineral layer that can be mined, analyzed and structured. You begin to see new things in a seemingly long-studied case. You are reworking concepts that you have long taken for granted in order to be able to answer your student's question, "Why is that?". Indeed - why? I've tried this before, and it's the other way around. Great feeling. Just great.

    On the other hand, adult learning, as an area of ​​interpersonal interactions, is a space with a high degree of freedom: you can learn how to explain, convey, convince, teach other people all your life.

    You choose your teaching style. You choose what and how to teach based on your understanding of the complexity of certain tasks. You choose the format, the learning model and the structure of the presentation of the material. You choose the most convenient schedule for conducting and designing new trainings. Training is the author's field of knowledge. Complex. Interesting. Allowing you to release the Author in you and work on creating a new one. To create a knowledge structure that allows others to learn.

    Just think about it for a couple of minutes.

    Training "Increasing motivation professional activity»

    Purpose and objectives of the training This training model is focused primarily on optimizing the professional attitudes of participants in the field of motivation of pedagogical activity.
    aim training motivation for professional self-improvement of teachers is the actualization of the need for self-development, awareness of the possibilities of professional growth as a necessary condition for improving pedagogical professionalism.

    I ask you now to leave your thoughts about work and devote this hour to yourself. We are starting the lesson, but first we will get acquainted with the rules of the training.

    Exercise-activator "Greetings".

    Purpose: removal of barriers in communication, transition to a position “on an equal footing” (partnership), physical and emotional liberation.

    Divide into two teams. I ask you to greet each other like football teams. But we will do this in the way that I will offer you. Try to do sincerely and enjoy communication in such an unusual format. (the host offers to greet each other with a look, a handshake, a touch, a hug, etc.).

    Rules for working in the training:

    In order for our lesson to be effective, it is necessary to adopt the rules for the work of the group.

    I will read the proverb, and you will choose a rule for it.

    Knowledge makes life beautiful - Being open to new knowledge

    How can I speak here, if they don’t even let me open my mouth - Do not interrupt

    You need to know what to say and where to say it - Stick to the topic

    In work, time runs quickly - Follow the rules

    He said to the godfather, and she told the whole settlement - Maintain confidentiality

    Do not spit in the well - it will come in handy to drink water - Be kind to others

    Name as an abbreviation.
    Participants are invited to write down on a piece of paper the version of their name that they consider the most appropriate for communication in this circle, and then “decipher” the name, taking it as an abbreviation, while naming their inherent characteristics. If a participant calls himself by his first name, patronymic, it is enough to “decipher” only the name.

    For example: IRINA.
    I - sincere, R - decisive, I - proactive, N - independent, A - altruist.
    Then the participants are asked to give their name, as well as its "decoding". And we will continue the work with the exercise "Continue the phrase ..."

    Exercise "Continue the phrase ..."

    Purpose: establishing trust in the group, forming group cohesion, immersion in the atmosphere of the training, updating personal attitudes.

    Teachers, in turn, pull out notes with unfinished sentences, read them aloud and complete the phrases:I, like all of us ....; I take pride in my work when I…; My work for me…; If I did not work at school, then ...; If I hadn't become a teacher...; What I value most in my profession is…; My relatives relate to my work…; I love my profession when…; I, like all of us ...; My colleagues for me…; I learn from my colleagues…; My profession makes me...; If I could, I would change my job to.

    Thank you all for your candid comments.

    Exercise "My social roles"

    Purpose: personal positioning, reassessment of one's own role repertoire, reflection.

    P: Our lives are varied. We play different roles in it. I ask you to think and write down on pieces of paper what social roles you own. And list them in order of importance to you.

    P: Thank you. Let's discuss the results. Participants of the training read their notes. The psychologist comments, if necessary, on the answers of the teachers.

    All participants sit in a circle.
    “I will name the numbers. Immediately after the number is called, exactly as many people as the number sounded should stand up (no more and no less). For example, if I say four, four of you should get up as quickly as possible. They can sit down only after I say "thank you". You must complete the task in silence. Tactics for completing the task should be developed in the process of work, focusing on the actions of each other.

    Psychogymnastic exercise.
    The purpose of psycho-gymnastics at this stage of work is to maintain and restore the working capacity of participants.

    The whole group becomes in a circle. The trainer gives instructions: “Let each of you come up with a movement and demonstrate it to everyone in turn. At the same time, we will be careful and try to remember the movement of everyone. The group does this part of the task.

    “Now that we have all memorized each other's movements, let's proceed to the exercise itself. The one who starts, first performs his move, and then the move of the one of us to whom he wants to pass the move. You all need to be very careful not to miss the moment when your own move is made and the right to move passes to you. The one to whom the move is passed will have to make his move and pass the move on.

    ^ Pay attention to one limitation: you cannot transfer the move back, i.e. the one who just gave it to you."
    During the exercise, the trainer encourages participants to act faster. At the end of the exercise, you can ask the question:
    “What difficulties did you have?”, “What is your mood?”.
    The exercise allows you to increase the cohesion of the group, improve, even out the emotional state, overcome or reduce the tension that arose at the previous stage for one reason or another. In addition, attention, intellectual and physical activity of participants increases, fatigue decreases, and mood improves.

    Exercise "Shield".

    Target: the formation of life priorities, streamlining plans, optimizing the future, summing up the intermediate results of life, personal achievements; developing a positive attitude towards oneself.

    I ask you to fill in these cards. 5 minutes to complete the job.

    I want to….



    I do not want…



    My plans…



    My achievements (or what I'm proud of)



    Discussion of results, reflection.

    "I'm growing."
    Purpose: - formation of a mindset for personal and professional growth at the psychosomatic level.

    Participants in a circle squat down, bend their heads to their knees, wrap their arms around it. From a certain point they begin to "grow".

    “Imagine that you are a small sprout that has just emerged from the ground. You grow, gradually straightening, opening and rushing up. I will help you grow by counting to ten. Try to grow by the count: for each count, add the next stage of your growth. Try to grow to the count of "eight", and to the count of "nine" and "ten" try to grow even more, mentally tearing your heels off the floor to become even higher.

    Exercise - visualization "Rainbow".

    Purpose: relaxation, stress relief, relaxation.

    P: We've been hard at work. Let's get some rest. I suggest you alternately imagine the colors of the rainbow. Close your eyes, sit back.

    Let's start withred colors. This is a very beautiful red. The red color of any fruit or flower. Let this red fill your entire field of vision. Red is everywhere.

    Orange color . Radiant, mobile. If you feel that your attention is not scattered, direct it to the color orange. Orange.

    Yellow . Yellow like the sun. Golden. Feel the warmth of the sun in your body. Fountain of heat! Allow this warmth to flow throughout your body. Especially in those parts of it that require attention and care, they hurt. Yellow.

    Green color . Green like a huge meadow in the sun. Green.

    Blue . Blue like clear skies. Lightweight, tall. It seems that if you wave your arms, you can take off. Blue.

    Dark blue . Lovely blue. Look into it like into a deep lake. Its cool waters will give you peace and tranquility. Blue.

    Purple . Purple is a harmonious color. It will give you complete relaxation. Breathe freely. Relax. Purple will absorb all your fears and worries. Gives peace and comfort. Purple.

    Immerse yourself in these pleasant sensations that filled your body. Feel them. Devote these moments only to yourself. You are wonderful. You are successful. You are young and full of energy. Everything is great with you. You are a miracle!

    When you open your eyes, your mind will be clear, free of tension. And you will be ready to solve any problems that await you today.

    Open your eyes. Today you have made a journey into your inner world. We tried to improve our relationship with ourselves. Thank yourself for the effort and attention. And let's thank each other for the work.

    Exercise "Two circles".

    Purpose: the formation of friendly feelings, empathy, increasing the emotional tone of the group.

    I ask you sincerely, from the bottom of my heart, to thank each other. Hug, say something nice to each other.

    Exercise "Applause"

    We all did a good job today. Let's give each other a round of applause.

    Thank you all for your work!

    Training session on the development of educational motivation in adolescents

    "Let's Succeed"

    Tasks of training for teenagers:

    Formation of adequate self-esteem and confident behavior;

    Overcoming fears and anxiety;

    Acquiring the skills of working in a group, cohesion and mutual assistance;

    Learn ways of emotional self-regulation (reducing tension, excitement, nervousness);

    Ability to control your emotions and feelings;

    Motivation for study.

    Working process:

    Warm-up "Funny ball"

    Purpose of the exercise: warm-up, developing the ability to speak and listen to compliments.

    Let's start today with a game. Throwing this ball to each other in turn, we will talk about the unconditional merits, strengths of the one to whom the ball is thrown. We will be careful that everyone has the ball.

    Exercise "Confusion"

    Target: Cohesion, improvement of mutual understanding of the participants.

    Exercise progress: Everyone joins hands, standing in a circle and begins to get confused. When everyone got confused, and it turned out one big "confusion", you can imagine that the whole group has turned into one huge beast. Now it is urgently necessary to determine where his head is and where his tail is. (“Who will be the head? And who will be the tail?” The host asks). When the beast has oriented where its right and where its left is, it must learn to move in all directions, including backwards. And then, the beast must run, and maybe even “eat” someone that got along the way.

    Discussion: What sensations and emotions did you experience while performing the task?

    Game "Car with character"

    Target: group bonding.

    Exercise progress:

    The whole group must build an imaginary car. Its details are only well-coordinated and diverse movements and exclamations of the players. You can't talk during the game. Ask one volunteer (player 1) to come to the middle of the circle and tell him: “I want you to start doing some repetitive movements now. Maybe you want to alternate between stretching your arms up, or stroking your belly with your right hand, or jumping on one leg. Any action is good, but you have to keep repeating it. If you want, you can accompany your movements with exclamations. When player 1 decides on his actions, he becomes the first part of the machine. Now the next volunteer can become the second part. Player 2, for his part, performs movements that complement the action of the first player. If, for example, player 1 looks up, strokes his stomach and at the same time says “Ah” and “Oh” alternately in between, then player 2 can stand behind and each time player 1 says “Ah”, spread his arms, and at the final "Oh" jump once. He can also stand sideways to player 1, put his right hand on his head and at the same time say "Ay", and for his "Ay" choose a moment between "Ah" and "Oh". When the movements of the first volunteers are sufficiently coordinated, a third player can join them. Each player must become a new part of the growing machine and try to make it more interesting and multifaceted. Everyone can choose a place for himself where he could settle down, as well as come up with his own action and exclamations.

    When all players are involved. You can let the fantasy machine run for half a minute at the pace the group has chosen. Then suggest that the speed of work increase slightly, then slow down slightly, then start to stop. Eventually the car will fall apart.

    Game discussion:

      At what point did you become a part of a machine? Why?

      How did you come up with your actions?

      What happened when the car speeded up or slowed down?

      How did the fact that you were not allowed to talk to each other affect your work?


    Participants, breaking up in fours or fives, can depict real-life mechanisms, units, machines: an alarm clock, a coffee grinder, a motor, a glider. Players can build a machine that allegorizes a conceptual concept, such as a machine for love, war, peace, and so on.

    Exercise "Dozen"

    Purpose of the exercise: "Intellectual warm-up", training skills of confident behavior in situations where you need to quickly respond to a changing situation.

    Description of the exercise: Participants sit in a circle. The driver points to any of them and calls a number from 2 to 12. The one whom the driver pointed to demonstrates the named number on his fingers (if it is more than 10, then in two steps). The one to his right shows a number one less on his fingers, the next neighbor to the right shows one less, and so on, until zero is reached. Whoever makes a mistake or hesitates is out of the game.

    Discussion: What skills, from the point of view of the participants, are developed in this exercise?

    Exercise "Magic Mirrors"

    Target: the formation of a positive self-concept, increased self-confidence, reduced anxiety.

    Time: 40 m.

    materials: colored pencils or felt-tip pens, A4 paper.

    Procedure: Participants are invited to draw themselves in 3 mirrors, but not simple, magical: in the first - small and frightened, in the second - large and cheerful, in the third - fearless and strong.


      Which person looks prettier?

      Who do you look like now?

      In which mirror do you most often look in your life?

      Who would you like to be like?

      What feelings did you have in the process of drawing 3 drawings?

    Exercise "Motivation"

    Goals: include participants in joint group activities; identify the motivation and readiness of each of the participants for productive joint work; identify and support the self-concept of the participants, as well as make it understandable enough for others; provide participants with the opportunity to compare their level of self-esteem with the assessment of their abilities and capabilities by others.

    Time spending: 60 minutes.

    The exercise is carried out in three stages.

    At the first stage, the facilitator invites each of the participants to draw the following diagram: draw a square in the middle of the sheet and write in it such features of your personality that you think are important for working in this team. Around the square, write those personal qualities that you cannot use in your professional activities, because, from your point of view, they are not needed and, moreover, are even inappropriate. This procedure takes 20 minutes.

    The discussion of the presented schemes is built around two central questions:

      What personal manifestations should be sacrificed during work?

      What personality traits can still be integrated into professional life?

    The most acute stages of the discussion are filmed.

    The third stage is to show the participants a videotape and discuss the most striking styles of discussion (20-25 minutes).

    Error handling exercise.

    Analyze the failure you experienced in the past. Reflect on each mistake, determine what you have gained as a result of this failure (experience, qualities of character, understanding of some processes in life, etc.). Think about what became possible for you as a result of the experience of failure?

    Exercise "Self-motivation"

    In a few words, describe your usual job or duty, which you find uninteresting and burdensome, and constantly put off doing it. How could you motivate yourself to do this work?

    I keep putting this activity on the back burner.

    A - at work

    B - at home

    If I end up doing this job,

    2. Downplay problems.

    Basically I can't get used to this kind of activity:


    First step_________________________

    Emphasis on the positive aspect protects from gloomy pessimism, from fears, sets up for success.

    Exercise "Get Started".

    If you constantly put off indefinitely the performance of any work, then you need to regularly motivate yourself: force yourself to start working and believe that this work has imperceptibly interested you. In this case, motivation is associated with the first push to start work, and not with the work itself.
    Try to motivate yourself by doing a routine and boring thing: writing a long business letter, developing a presentation, reading a complex specific book, etc.

    Sit down at the table, take everything you need to get the job done. Then focus on the beginning; the first step you take when you get started. After that, you just finish the job. You will notice, while still sitting at work, that you are seized with a pleasant feeling that you are done with one thing for today.

    despite the fact that I need to execute it:

    A - at work

    B - at home

    I find the following advantages in it:
    1. Tune in to a positive outcome.
    2. Downplay problems.
    3. Get started right away.


    I start this job like this:
    First step_________________________
    First step_________________________

    I keep putting this activity on the back burner.

    despite the fact that I need to execute it:

    A - at work

    B - at home

    If I end up doing this job,

    I find the following advantages in it:
    1. Tune in to a positive outcome.
    2. Downplay problems.
    3. Get started right away.

    Basically I can't get used to this view


    I start this job like this:
    First step_________________________
    First step_________________________

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    International Business University

    Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines

    Training on the topic "Motivation"


    Muhamadi Aigerim

    Kuatov Didar

    Samahunova Kamalat

    Checked: d.k. Kulnazarova A.Zh.

    Almaty 2013

    Motivational training

    Motivation- one of the most important problems modern psychology, and one of its most intriguing and mysterious areas.

    The mental processes, phenomena and states we are considering (sensation, perception, memory, attention, will, character, temperament) provide mainly the regulation of behavior. As for his motivation, that is, stimulation, direction and support, it is associated with the concepts of need, motive and a number of other motivational factors.

    The term "motivation" has two meanings. In a broad sense, motivation defines the area of ​​psychological research related to the identification and study of factors that motivate and guide, supporting human behavior.

    Knowledge of motivation and motivational training is necessary for anyone who is trying to encourage other people to work or who wants to work with interest, easily and naturally.

    Goals of motivational training:

    1. mastering the techniques of positive thinking and the formation of the vector striving for success (constructive overcoming of the motive of avoiding failure); mastery basic strategy motivation "from" and "to";

    2. diagnosis and awareness of the individual map of motives - identification of common and individual features hierarchies of motives;

    3. mastering the techniques of working with dreams and desires (including professional ones); comprehension and selection of dreams. Transformation of significant desires into a goal (combining common standards for individual approaches in the process of motivation);

    4. mastering the method of phased movement planning to achieve the goal;

    5. mastering the methods of forming practical skills for managing one's motivation;

    6. formation of a focus on practical applications the results of the training (in the form of skills) in the practical life and future professional activities of students.

    Tasks: create conditions so that participants can first experience the action of motivational forces, then learn to control them, and after that learn to allow these forces to manifest freely and specifically call them when it helps to achieve maximum results.

    Leading the training: Didar, Aigerim, Kamalat.

    Age: 2nd year students (18-20 years old).

    List of participants: 25.

    Working mode: 30 minutes;

    Relevance: The relevance of this topic lies in the fact that, having understood the mechanism of formation of the motivational sphere of a person, we will be able to purposefully influence the formation of the motivation of our children with the help of educational influences; managers will be able to effectively manage personnel, increasing the productivity of the enterprise by motivating their employees, we will be able to manage our own lives more effectively, adequately perceive not only the people around us, but the whole situation of interaction, enjoy the present, listening to our needs and desires, make plans for the future based on their true motives.

    Training structure:

    1. Org. moment - 4 minutes

    2. Introduction - 5 minutes

    3. Purpose of the task - 3 minutes

    4. Warm up - 5 minutes

    5. Main part -15 minutes

    6. Reflection - 3 minutes

    7. Org. end - 3 minutes

    motivation motivational training

    The course of the training session

    1. Warm up

    "Motivational Appeal"

    The coach announces the introduction: “We are all managers of a factory for the production of felt boots. The situation of our factory is very disastrous. The salaries are very small. The outlook is unclear. Employees get out of hand, do not want to work. Please divide into 3 subgroups. Each subgroup should prepare a motivating appeal to subordinates.

    During the speech of the representative of each of the subgroups, all other members of the group become ordinary employees of the factory.

    The trainer gives instructions to each group and gives time for preparation (20 minutes).

    The success of the task is determined by the voting of ordinary employees for a particular group of managers.


    “I want you to imagine that a photocopier broke down in your office this morning and they just fixed it. Now it is 16.30, and at 17.00 everyone usually goes home. But by tomorrow morning, by 8:30, 20 sheets of conference materials must be placed in each of the 150 folders. Your task as office manager is to convince the appropriate person to stay and prepare copies. Unfortunately, the matter is complicated by the fact that this man, as you know, has purchased tickets for the only jazz concert that the world-famous group is playing tonight. This employee stood in line all night to get tickets and talked about the upcoming concert for several weeks.”


    How will motivation come in handy in the future?

    Org. the end:

    How to motivate yourself?

    Always and under any circumstances drive away from yourself negative thoughts! Keep in mind - all thoughts are material! And if you think about the bad for a long time and imagine it in all colors - this is bad for you and it will happen!

    Make a promise to yourself that you will wake up early - regardless of the weekend! The best motivation is the motivation that starts in the morning!

    Thank you very much for coming to our training, we hope that it will not pass without a trace in your life, we hope that something will be useful to you and that you have thought about something and will work in this direction.

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