Open a point in the market where to start. How to open your store from scratch: step by step instructions. Abbreviated name in Russian


The information is relevant for those who plan to open a store in Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and other countries of the CIS and the world. All the features of launching an enterprise are universal for different areas.

In this article, we answer the following questions:

  • How to create a store from scratch, and how much does it cost?
  • What type of outlet is better to choose?
  • Where to start, how to draw up documents and equip a retail space?
  • How to attract customers and get a stable profit?

winning option– choose the type of product related to your professional skills or hobby.

For example, a person who understands technology will be able to establish its sale, correctly assess the needs of customers and know how to present this product. Cosmetics or clothing stores are traditionally run by women who are passionate about beauty and style. It is easier to form an assortment and set up work with those things that you understand.

If you approach the choice of direction purely for commercial reasons, then you should open an enterprise of any type that is in demand in a particular place. If there is nowhere to buy pasta in a residential area after nine in the evening, The best decision- own 24-hour grocery store.

The nuances of opening a store, or factors to consider when choosing a market niche:

1. Seasonality of business. Many types of goods sell better in certain seasons (winter clothing, some sporting goods, etc.). Decide on the seasonality of your business and think in advance about ways to receive money in the off-season.

2. Competition. When deciding on the type of product, it is important to choose a location without direct competitors nearby. Or offer the buyer something that the competitor does not have. For example, adjacent to expensive boutiques in mall, it is worth offering a good range of youth clothing and accessories at a low price.

A grocery store near a supermarket cannot survive with the usual assortment. It is better to specialize in the sale of confectionery, meat, household essentials, etc., that is, narrow your niche.

3. Be very careful with ideas. which have no analogues. On the one hand, such a business in the absence of competitors will receive maximum profit. On the other hand, the lack of competition may mean that such products are not in demand.

Step 2: Store Name

It is necessary to start preparing for the opening with the name. This is a little thing that should be taken care of in advance. When drawing up a business plan and planning expenses, be sure to consider the sign. And its value directly depends on the name.

Main requirement- Appropriateness and attractiveness of the name. It should explain to passers-by what is for sale inside. If you want to take the original name, then add a specialization to it (grocery, construction, clothing, etc.)

Step 3: Business Plan

If you are not sure whether it is worth spending time on this, discard all doubts. This is a step-by-step guide on how to open your own store, plus an extra opportunity to look at the business from the outside: assess the risks and benefits.

Mandatory points of a business plan

  • Summary(where is the company located, what does it do);
  • Market and competitor analysis;
  • Organizational moments(registration of the enterprise, obtaining the necessary permits and licenses);
  • Marketing plan(how will you stimulate sales, what advertising to use to attract and retain customers);
  • Assortment and pricing(what categories of goods will be presented, their cost, brands);
  • Production plan(arrangement of the premises, communications, division into zones);
  • Technical base(equipment, manufacturers from whom it is profitable to purchase);
  • organizational plan(staff and work schedule, salary level);
  • Possible risks and how to deal with them. This paragraph implies a description of a “pessimistic” business development scenario. A pre-prepared strategy will help to cope with possible difficulties;
  • Financial plan(how much money is needed to open a business, calculation of potential profit, calculation of payback).

Step. 4: Finding a room

Own premises for a store is a rarity, therefore, in planning, we focus on the rented area. Common accommodation options: the first floor of a residential building or office building, space in a shopping center, a separate building. The last option is the most expensive and not always expedient.

The best place is on the "red line", that is, overlooking the road with a lot of traffic. Both in a residential area and in the city center, this is an ideal way to get "casual" buyers who just walked by. Below are the main conditions when choosing a location, or where it is best to open a store.

Availability. No confusing lanes on the way to the establishment, it should be easy to find and easy to see from afar. Huge pluses - the presence of nearby parking, advertising signs.

Positioning(customer orientation). There are different places for each type of goods. Small food outlets are popular in sleeping areas, souvenirs - in entertainment centers, luxury items are best sold in the city center, stationery - close to schools, universities, business centers.

Properly chosen space. Space must be used rationally so as not to overpay for unnecessary square meters. But some businesses need a lot of space.

for example, a small boutique of gifts and souvenirs is enough 20 sq. m, a clothing store with fitting booths will need at least 40 sq. m. The area of ​​retail space ranges from 20-100 square meters. m depending on the chosen type.

Adequate rent corresponding to the price level. For example, expensive space in shopping mall unprofitable for the commission. On average, the cost of rent is 8-11 $ per 1 sq. m. m in residential areas and remote places, $ 15-20 per 1 sq. m - in the center.

Important nuance- it is worth paying rent for six months or a year in advance (this will go into capital investments) in order to ensure the operation of the company in the first months, until trade begins to bring a lot of income. Otherwise, with a convulsive monthly search for money for rent, there is a risk of going broke.

Step 5: Arrangement and repair of the premises

It is necessary to rent an area, and begin the arrangement of the site before receiving most of the permits. Most instances in the package of documents require a lease agreement, and also check the readiness of the premises for work.


Mandatory conditions for all trading floors:

  1. Having an evacuation plan, fire alarms, fire extinguishers;
  2. Availability of heating, electricity, air conditioning, plumbing(mandatory not for all types of sales, important for food);
  3. When repairing in the process of finishing, painting, cladding, use moisture-resistant and easily washable materials. Floors must be even, without cracks and potholes;
  4. Compliance with consumer rights. This includes control scales for grocery outlets, the availability of a book of complaints and a consumer corner (rules of implementation, contact details of the company, etc.);
  5. The layout of the space should be simple for the buyer, not hindering movement in the hall.

Placement permit and when to get it

This certificate must be obtained prior to repair. This is a kind of expert assessment of Rospotrebnadzor on whether it is possible to start selling in the chosen place. If the site does not fit in many ways, then the money for repairs will be wasted. Receipt peer review takes 2-3 weeks. When applying to a special law firm, the cost of registration will be $ 150-160.

Average, redecoration and finishing premises with an area of ​​50-70 sq. m cost in the amount of 1500-2000 dollars.

Step 6: Business Registration

What documents are needed to open a store? First formally register . The simplest option is an individual entrepreneur, it is faster, cheaper and less hassle with accounting. But only an LLC with an authorized capital of at least a million rubles can sell alcoholic beverages, for example.

How to open an IP?

Registration certificate legal entity must be obtained from the local tax office at the address of registration. It is worth deciding on the taxation system in advance (OSNO, STS, UTII).

Documents required for tax

  • Your passport(for foreign citizens - a passport) and TIN. If you do not have an individual taxpayer number, it will be issued along with a certificate, it will take 4-5 days more;
  • Application form P21001 (For Russia). One of the important points of the application is the choice of OKVED codes. For each type of store, they may differ, but the general subsection for all: 47 - "Retail trade, except for motor vehicles and motorcycles." It is recommended to choose as many suitable codes as possible, so as not to fuss with “additional registration” later. Extra codes do not affect the activity in any way;
  • Receipt confirming payment of the state duty ($12);
  • Application for the transition to a simplified taxation system if it suits you. Otherwise, DOS is written by default.

The tax office issues a receipt on receipt of documents. In five days, the application will be considered, with a positive response, the entrepreneur receives a certificate of registration with the tax service and an extract from the USRIP (Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs).

Together with them, they issue a notification of the assignment of statistics codes from Rosstat, a certificate of registration of an entrepreneur in a pension fund at the place of residence, a certificate of registration with the TFOMS. Otherwise, you will have to issue these certificates separately.

After that, you need to open a bank account and make a seal (up to $ 15). The presence of a seal for an individual entrepreneur is not necessary, usually a signature and the mark “B / P” (“without a seal”) are sufficient.

Other documentation

Conclusion of Rospozharnadzor. To obtain, you need an application, a certificate of registration of an individual entrepreneur, a BTI plan, a lease agreement for commercial space, an insurance policy for an object, documents on installing a fire alarm. One of the employees must be trained in fire safety and take on the responsibility of the supervisor for its observance.

Sanitary and epidemiological conclusion from Rospotrebnadzor. In addition to the basic certificates, we need a sanitary passport of the building, medical records of employees, agreements on disposal and disinfection, product quality certificates.

Opening this enterprise most often associated with the purchase and registration of a cash register with the Federal Tax Service. For this, documents on the opening of the enterprise are already needed.

Remember that the electronic control tape protected on the device must be changed every year.

Signage also requires permission from local authorities.

Do-it-yourself paperwork will cost about $ 100, when contacting special intermediary firms, you will have to pay from $ 500.

Step 7: Selecting Suppliers

Main selection criteria:

  1. Experience and reliability, reviews of other buyers;
  2. Range. The most convenient supplier - from which you can buy the maximum of different products. Pay attention to recognizable products of famous brands, they are sold better;
  3. Convenience of calculations. Various bonuses, discounts, deferrals. It is difficult for a beginner to find a supplier who will agree to provide products with deferred payment. However, it is worth trying to negotiate according to the 50/50 scheme, you pay for some of the goods immediately, and some after the sale.

Search for suppliers should be on the Internet, newspapers and magazines, at trade shows.

Step 8: Shop Equipment

Common items of equipment for all store types:

  • Racks, counters, showcases - about $ 700. Good manufacturers are Mago, Neka, Rus, Fabrik Art;
  • A simple reception for issuing purchases - $ 150-300. Showcase Plus, "Trade equipment";
  • Control- cash register- 150-250 $. Orion, Mercury, Elwes-MK.

Total equipment will be $ 1200.

An important point is the connection of the possibility of cashless payment (acquiring), this will increase the number of customers and reduce the risk of encountering scammers. You need to contact the selected bank, where they will form the conditions for cooperation for you (basically, the amount of bank commissions) and install a pos-terminal. On average, the commission is 1.9-4% of the transaction volume.

The lower the company's turnover, the higher the commission required by the bank. For cooperation, a certain deposit amount is required on the current account.

Step 9: Recruitment for the store

For a small grocery or flower shop, two sales assistants (the work schedule is “week after week”) and a cleaner are enough. In a construction or clothing store, it is worth hiring a sales floor administrator (consultant), a cashier, and a cleaner. It is recommended to outsource bookkeeping to save money.

The most important person is the salesperson. In addition to the standard qualities of a good employee and sales skills, the employee must be in the right place. In other words, match the store. For example, underwear is sold by beautiful women, and Construction Materials- men and women of age who inspire confidence with their experience.

The ideal way to stimulate the seller is a percentage of the proceeds. But if you put an employee completely on a percentage in a new place, you can lose him and provoke a large turnover of staff.

It is best to form a minimum salary (for example, $ 200-250) plus a percentage of monthly revenue. The cashier, the cleaner receive a fixed salary.

Step 10: Assortment Formation

This includes the display of goods and the interior design of the store. Don't be too lazy to learn the basics of merchandising or hire a specialist to make the initial layout. General rules include:

  1. The product must be placed conveniently for the visitor, in easily accessible places. Those products that need to be sold first are placed in the most prominent place;
  2. Use price tags to promote sales. Highlight promotions and discounts in large letters and bright colors. For expensive products, place the price so that you have to look for it and turn the thing in your hands, evaluating all its advantages;
  3. Divide things for convenience on categories and mark them with signs or stands;
  4. Interior decoration and atmosphere should be motivated to buy certain things. Proper lighting, background music, pleasant smells - all this affects visitors.

Step 11: Security

Keep your company safe. The minimum set of security equipment is an alarm, a “panic button”, a video surveillance camera. Purchase and installation costs start from $200, maintenance costs start from $50 per month.

Step 12: Store Opening and Advertising

Turn your start into a promotion with music, contests, giveaways and advertising booklets, discounts, etc. Then buyers will want to come back to you.

Periodically arrange sales and promotions for customers. Discount cards work well for regular customers. For building materials, clothes, toys, distribution of printed advertising in mailboxes is suitable.

Form a unique offer and colorfully design flyers. Printing 5,000 copies will cost about $100.

Step 13: Risk Assessment

Before starting a business, you should evaluate all the risks and benefits. What do you need to know?


  • An established point of sale is a source of stable income. The enterprise in good location and with a wide range of buyers will always be.
  • A trading enterprise, if necessary, is easy to sell as a ready-made business.
  • Pretty simple billing system.


  • Large investments in business and high level competition.
  • Remains of unsold products that have to be written off or sold at a markdown.
  • Seasonality of some types of trade.
  • The risk of losing up to 80% of investments in case of an unsuccessful turn of events.

Consider the features and nuances of opening stores of various types. Based on the previous points, the minimum amount of expenses for business registration, repairs and equipment, rent and advertising is approximately 8 thousand dollars.

Clothing store

Area - from 50 sq. m.

Clothing store opening costs

  • Mannequins and busts, torsos (about 10-15 pieces) - about $ 500;
  • Full-length mirror in the trading floor - from $ 50;
  • 2 fitting rooms with curtains + 2 mirrors - $ 200-250;
  • Hangers and racks for clothes - $300-400;
  • Electronic product protection system - $ 1400;
  • Barcode scanner - $100-150;
  • Barcode label printer - $400-600;
  • Purchase of things for six months in advance - 10-15 thousand dollars.

The total investment in the business will amount to 20-25 thousand dollars. Margin - from 50-400%.

Important nuances: a large assortment (at least 1000 units), the availability of popular sizes, the sale of related products and accessories (handbags, purses, hangers, jewelry, belts, etc.). Regularly hold sales and promotions (“third item as a gift”, “discount on a second purchase”, etc.).

lingerie store

Enough 15-25 square meters. m. The list of equipment differs from the previous type of outlet only in the type of mannequins. You will need special hangers-busts, "shoulders", "legs" for tights and socks, etc. Demonstration of goods on mannequins and half torsos works well. You need to invest at least $ 13,000 in the opening.

Good and popular lingerie brands: Incanto, Lormar, Milavitsa, Agent Provocateur, Victoria's Secret, Calzedonia, Passionata, Rosme. The best demand is observed for products of the middle price category. It is necessary to form an assortment for women, men and children in order to visitors made purchases for the whole family.

Grocery store

Required area - from 30 sq. m. Additional equipment and costs:

  1. 2 Refrigerators – 1100 $;
  2. Shelving for vegetable breakdowns (vegetable box) - $ 150;
  3. Product racks- 600 dollars;
  4. Printer for printing barcodes and labels - $ 400-600.

In total, together with the purchase of goods, capital costs will amount to 13-15 thousand dollars.

A grocery store needs a warehouse to store food. There are also special requirements for such firms.

To obtain a work permit from Rospotrebnadzor, it is necessary to fulfill the conditions of SanPiN 2.3.5. 021-94— “Sanitary rules for enterprises food trade". All norms, GOSTs, etc. are written here.

Products must have price tags, weight indication, good term validity. Products with defects are sold separately, with mandatory notification of the defect. Must have weights.

Company employees must have sanitary books, work in uniform with a headdress, have a badge indicating the name and position.

Children's clothing store

Selling clothes for children will require the same opening costs as a regular clothing store. Mannequins need to be purchased for children.

The amount required for this is in the region of $17,000-20,000. It is important to decide on the price category (the best option is medium), and sort the products by age.

Commission shop

Area 50-60 square meters.


  • No need to look for suppliers, people hand over their things themselves;
  • The size of the company's commission for the sale of a used product is 20-50%;
  • There are no problems with unsold balances. Unsold items are taken back by the owner;
  • It is best to place a clothing commission in a densely populated residential area;
  • Unlike a clothing salon, many expensive mannequins are not required, a few torsos, busts, and hangers are enough.

To open a thrift store on your own, you will need to spend approximately $ 9,000-10,000.

Auto parts store

The required size of the room is from 60 sq. m. From the equipment you will need counters, racks, a cash register. The amount of investments - from $ 12,000, taking into account the purchase of spare parts.

The secrets of the success of this business

  1. It is better to specialize in one or two brands of cars, but to provide spare parts for the entire model range;
  2. Sell ​​accessories (mats, scented key rings, etc.);
  3. Sellers must be well versed in the device of the car;
  4. Select several suppliers for each product group so as not to keep customers waiting. By cooperating with official dealers, you will increase the credibility of the company and will be able to officially use the brand logo in your advertising;
  5. Offer a home delivery service.

Flower shop

Area from 20 sq. m. In the trading floor, you need racks, a table for packing and composing compositions, racks and flowerpots for flowers, ideally a refrigerator to maintain the desired temperature.

In addition to flowers, wrapping paper, baskets, gift ribbons, bows, transparent cellophane, mesh, felt, and adhesive tape are purchased as consumables. From small tools you will need scissors, wire cutters, a glue gun, floral knives.

Investments in equipment and the first purchase of cutting - from $ 12,000. To begin with, it is worth working with local wholesalers; with good promotion, it is recommended to buy flowers from the capital and foreign suppliers.


  • Organize the sale of flowers and ready-made bouquets and compositions by the piece;
  • Flowers should always be fresh, so you need to learn how to correctly assess the volume of purchases;
  • Diversify the assortment with gift cards and soft toys;
  • Having created a thematic website, an entrepreneur can start decorating holiday celebrations to order.

Draft beer shop

Required space - from 70 sq. m.

Necessary equipment

  • Racks with taps and beer barrels;
  • Coolers and defoamers;
  • Snack stands.

A complete set will cost about $2,000. About two thousand more will be needed for the purchase of 10-15 types of beer, 100 liters each. In total, the opening will take about $ 13,000.

Sales organization secrets: you need an assortment of 10-15 varieties of a drink and the availability of snacks in packages and by weight (crackers, chips, fish, etc.)

Hardware store

Area - from 60-70 square meters. m. In addition to standard equipment and counters with racks, demonstration stands are needed. Necessarily storage room, packing and delivery services for purchases. Capital investments in the enterprise will amount to 16-20 thousand dollars.

Most wanted products: Decoration Materials, tools, paint and varnish products, plumbing. Best to place outlet in the city center, near major roads and crossroads, markets, shopping centers. Margin on products - 25-40%.

Franchise shop

Starting a franchise is easier than doing it yourself from scratch. Obvious advantages: work with a promoted brand, assistance in the design and advertising of the company. In fact, this is the acquisition of a ready-made enterprise.

Minuses: rather high cost of the franchise, monthly deductions from sales, purchase of products from strictly defined suppliers. The initial payment is 5-10% of the total investment in the business, the monthly royalty is 6-10% of the proceeds.

The price of a franchise of a well-known brand is rather big, but there are companies that are ready to help in starting a business under their own name for a minimal fee. This is done with the aim of deep integration into the market, promotion of certain manufacturers from which franchisees are purchased.

Franchise can open any business and make good profits. The average cost of a small business is around 6-7 thousand dollars.

Opening a store on your own requires good investment and legal expertise or professional help.

In the calculations, always include the amount for unforeseen expenses, never work "back to back" so as not to go broke. A trading enterprise pays off in a year or two and begins to bring a good income.

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Many small business entrepreneurs are faced with the difficult choice of opening their own stand-alone store or renting a small outlet in a mall. Both options have their pros and cons. St. Petersburg businessman Dmitry Ogorodnik also faced such a choice - he already had separate shop, but he also decided to test drive in the "island" format in a shopping center. We think it will be useful for many small business entrepreneurs his experience.

34 years old, entrepreneur from St. Petersburg, CEO company "Karelschungit", managing stores and "Planet of Shungite". Education: Ryazan Institute of Airborne Troops. Dmitry Ogorodnik - author business blog in which it is divided own experience entrepreneurship. Until the end of 2016, the company had its own offline store; in December, a retail outlet was opened in the June shopping center.

Think design, make a good presentation

The advantage of shopping centers is that there is already traffic there. You will not need to spend years for people to find out about the location of your store and start visiting you. You immediately get access to a mass audience.

The first thing to understand is that although you are signing a lease agreement, in fact, you do not need the lease itself, but access to the maximum number of people who “live” in a particular shopping center.

Therefore, you need to start by setting yourself up - your goal is not just to get into some kind of shopping center, but to find a good passable place in any shopping center.

The first thing to do is create a presentation. Almost all shopping centers will ask you to upload a presentation of your project; without it, your proposal will not be considered at all. The presentation should include the following:

    Design for your store. It must be ordered in advance, even before you start looking for a place.

    Competitive advantages. Write why you are a great option for a mall. Here you have to turn on the fantasy and come up with arguments.

    Portrait of your target audience.

    Planned average check in your store.

    General information about your company.

The most important point is about design. Accordingly, you will need to find an agency that develops the design of outlets and stores. There are not many such agencies (at least in St. Petersburg), but they do exist.

You need to think about how the store will look schematically - i.e. how the showcases will be located, what kind of showcases they will be, where the checkout area will be, etc. If you don’t have your own thoughts on this, then I advise you to walk around the shopping centers and look at the points that are already working. And decide what you like for the sample.

Then the designers will have to turn your general scheme into a 3D visualization. This picture needs to be inserted into the presentation - 50% depends on it, what decision will be made on you. If there is no picture, decision makers will simply not be able to understand whether you will fit into the overall visual concept of their mall.

I want to warn you right away: if you want an “island”, then it’s better to immediately plan to make it out of glass and plastic. Not from wood! Then there will be more chances that you will be approved. Shopping centers are very fond of plastic "islands".

After the presentation is ready, you need to make a list of all the shopping centers in your city. You need to contact all possible. And then choose from what you will be offered.

In all shopping centers, either the contract department or the rental department is engaged in renting. You need to find on the Internet all the contacts of rental managers from the relevant structures. Then - call them, ask about free places, clarify working emails and send your presentation.

Be prepared for the fact that at first no one will answer you at all. In a few days, I advise you to call everyone again, remind them of yourself, and ask them to watch your presentation. If necessary, you need to call every 3-4 days - until you are directly told that “there are no places” or “you do not fit into our concept”, or some options are offered.

Suppose you still waited for feedback, you are offered some options to choose from and invited to meet with the manager.

And here is a very important point: before this meeting, be sure to go to this shopping center, moreover, it is advisable to go at least twice - once on weekdays, the second time on weekends. Take a comfortable place for observation and calculate the patency. Track how many people pass by your future store in 30 minutes or an hour. This will allow you to identify potential traffic.

Also look into the quality of parking, access roads, competing malls nearby, etc.

Read the contract carefully, bargain,
ask for rental holidays

Let's say they called you back, offered an option, you monitored everything and everything suits you. And then the contract will be signed. But before that, as a rule, you sign a preliminary agreement or an agreement of intent (this is, in fact, the same thing). This document specifies the footage, the amount of payment, the terms of cooperation, etc. Negotiate before you sign. As a rule, 10% of the advertised rental price can always be discounted.

You need to read the lease agreement very carefully, delving into each clause. Each shopping center has its own lease agreement. And very often there are a lot of different nuances that can put you in a very unenviable position.

It is important that you are offered so-called rental holidays. Usually it is a month, a maximum of two. This is the time for you to prepare your sales equipment and equip your outlet. If the contract does not contain a clause about rental holidays, then be sure to ask about it!

If everything in the contract suited you and you signed it, then it's time to put into production the equipment of your outlet - according to the approved design.

Do not forget that very often the designers themselves have access to various industries - and they can advise you on a good contractor. If your designer does not know anyone, then Google with Yandex will help you - there are a lot of companies that manufacture equipment, choose according to the ratio of price and quality, and do not forget to monitor reviews.

Start hiring sellers
order acquiring, equip a point

While the equipment is being manufactured, run the process of hiring sellers in parallel. This is not a quick matter, it may well take 1-1.5 months. In our experience, this is how long it takes to find competent sellers.

Then you immediately need to apply for registration and installation of acquiring. It happens that they are also delayed with it - it may take a couple of weeks until you get a terminal.

Request your copy of the contract as soon as possible. The administration of the shopping center can delay this - for example, send it for signature to its directors and departments. And you will need it in order to put the cash register. It will need to be ordered from specialized companies and registered with the tax office.

And at the same time, you need to purchase commercial equipment. In our case, this is a jewelry store - so we ordered plates for rings, earrings and other products.

All installation works are carried out at night, so you will need to apply for the installation of equipment in advance.

If you did everything right and conducted all the processes in parallel, then your outlet should start working soon.

And now our experience

When we opened our first “island” point, there were doubts. We launched it as a test format. Someone said that the islands are not the format that suits the jewelry. Like, no one approaches them, no matter who you ask, all their wives bypass them. Allegedly, in itself, this is a zone of discomfort - you stand and choose, and people walk by.

On the other hand, in 2011-2012 I myself worked on the "island" - and sold well. People approach, are interested, buy. So I thought it was worth at least trying. Even if it doesn’t work, the rent is not so expensive, you can work in the red. The main thing is to understand whether the format is suitable or not.

So, we opened our first "island" in the St. Petersburg shopping center "June" in December 2016. The first month worked "to zero". For us, "zero" is 260,000 rubles of turnover.

January 2017 started neither shaky nor rolly. For the first eleven days, we again went “to zero” in terms of turnover. I walked around very upset. It seemed that this would continue. There were thoughts that, no, the “island” format is really not for jewelry.

But after the holidays, the situation changed dramatically. Sales went up. As a result, January was closed at the amount of 417,000 rubles. And this is already a net profit - over 150,000 rubles. For us, this is an indicator that the format makes sense.

And we closed February already at the figure of 750,000 rubles. According to intelligence, we overtook the closest competitors who have been trading silver in the same shopping center for nine months. Their maximum turnover at this place was about 600,000 rubles in December.

Our net profit in February turned out to be around 300,000 rubles. This is significantly more than our expectations. So, we can already say for sure that this is a working format, and we will promote it.

Now they have already begun to look for a new place for the second "island". When we fully work out the format, we will start working on the franchise. But this is the future.

Where to start if you want to open your own store? Which store is better to open and how to choose goods for trade? How much does it cost to open small shop and how to do it from scratch?

Hello, dear readers of business magazine. Entrepreneur and author of the site Alexander Berezhnov is with you.

When aspiring entrepreneurs have a question about what kind of business to start, many choose the simplest and most obvious - retail, namely the opening of your outlet or store, which is essentially the same thing.

The article will be especially interesting for a beginner who decided to open a store without sufficient experience. After studying it, you will learn about all the secrets and nuances of this business.

The information in the article is universal for opening any kind of stores.

For example, if you decide to open a clothing, auto parts, children's or grocery store then you have to go through the same steps. Here you will also find recommendations for opening the most common types of stores. This will be especially true for you if you have not yet decided which store to open.

Now I will tell you everything in order!

1. What you need to know to open a profitable store

Dear friend, most importantly, you must understand that the vast majority of people come up with the idea of ​​​​opening a store as a simple commercial project at first glance.

For clarity, I propose to consider the objective pros and cons of your store as a business. This will make it easier for you to decide which store to open and what to look for.

pros (+) your store as a business

1. Clarity for the average person

That is why most aspiring entrepreneurs consider their store as the first project. Since childhood, we have been accustomed to seeing markets, stalls and even supermarkets, where today you can buy almost everything.

The truth is that a person is reluctant to take on a task that he does not understand. In the case of the store, it seems to us, we will have the least problems. But this is only partly true.

2. Ease of implementation of the idea

In general, in trade, 99% of all business processes have long been worked out.

It is not for nothing that, having opened 1 store, its owner often does not stop and, with the right approach to business, outlets multiply like mushrooms after rain.

Indeed, all you need is not to reinvent the wheel and go along the beaten path, which should lead to success in your business, unless, of course, you “hit the jambs” at the very beginning.

3. Ease of calculations (forecasting income and expenses)

Trading is the most understandable business also in terms of settlements. You have the cost of the item, the sales margin, and the costs you incur.

4. Sustainability of business with its promotion

A well-established outlet is a paradise for its owner. For example, a "brisk" grocery store in a residential area of ​​​​the city can provide you with a comfortable life, even despite nearby competitors.

5. Ability to sell your store as ready business

Having built the entire store management system correctly, you can only occasionally coordinate the main processes, all things will go by inertia. So you become the owner of a completely autonomous system that makes a profit.

Naturally, many people who have capital but do not want to open their store from scratch will want to become the owner of such a “tidbit”.

Now selling a ready-made business is as simple as a car or an apartment, you just need to notify potential clients that you are selling your profitable store.

Minuses (-) your store as a business

1. High competition

The reverse side of the simplicity and clarity of opening a store is a high level of competition. After all, there are a lot of people who want to become the owner of their own outlet. Every second entrepreneur wants to open his own store in one area or another. This greatly complicates the start in this business and its further development.

2. Relatively high business entry threshold

If you are dealing with a product and selling it through a regular store, in this case you will need several hundred thousand rubles, or an average of $10,000, to start your business.

3. The appearance of remnants of unsold goods

Another weakness of the store as a business is the remnants of the goods.

Especially often they are formed in grocery stores and in stores selling seasonal goods. For example, Christmas toys and other holiday accessories.

The cost of the rest of the goods has to be included in the current cost, which leads to a drop in demand, as the final price of the goods rises, and the buyer does not want to overpay.

4. A large number of periodic routine operations

Suppliers and working with them, tracking product balances, updating the assortment, renting, working with staff (if any), taxes, checks, inventories - this is a far from complete list of what you will have to face in the process of working on your own store.

5. Seasonality of business depending on the chosen niche

Each trading niche has its own seasonality. It can be more or less pronounced. For example, building and finishing materials sell well in summer, while sales fall significantly in winter.

Other shops make super profits in winter under New Year, and in the summer they “suck their paw” in anticipation of a new profitable season. Pay attention to this factor when choosing a niche for a future store.

6. If the business fails, the risk of losing 80% of the money

If suddenly your business does not go well, then the purchased commercial equipment will have to be sold for a pittance, and the remaining goods will also be sold in bulk or simply presented to friends for the holidays (if the goods do not belong to food).

I hope that now you have a better picture of opening your store and know what difficulties you will face in the process.

You can reduce the risk of financial losses if you approach the opening of your store, or rather trading activities a little differently, for example, by starting trading on the “Doing business with China” section.

This is a very trendy and interesting topic today. My friends are doing it successfully. Buying goods in China, you can sell them at a markup of up to 500% without even opening a physical outlet. This business can be done through the Internet.

He teaches this business very cool - he is a specialist in the “Chinese topic”. Our team knows Zhenya personally and recommends him as a professional in this field.

Watch the video in which student Evgenia shares her impressions of the training and monetary results:

We continue the theme of opening our store.

2. Opening a store from scratch - sweet myth or bitter truth

If by “zero” we mean the lack of knowledge and experience, then of course such a zero will not be an obstacle to the implementation of the project.

But if someone thinks that you can open your store without having anything, then you must be disappointed - this is really a myth!

Let's look at those mandatory elements, without which it is simply impossible to open a store in principle.

I will list this minimum, and then you yourself can calculate in numbers how much, according to conservative estimates, it will cost to open and maintain a store.

For example, one of my acquaintances, having opened a store women's clothing premium, invested in it more than 1,200,000 rubles . This amount included the rent of the premises, repairs in it, the purchase of goods, the purchase commercial equipment, recruitment, company registration.

How much does it cost to open your store?

1. Premises (shopping area)

Own or rented.

Naturally, having your own space (not rented) gives you tremendous advantages, but unfortunately, a minority of people have such a bonus at the start.

Get ready for the fact that the rent will "eat up" most of the profits, and in seasonal downturns you can work "to zero", not earning a penny, or even go into the red, putting money out of your pocket.

2. Trade equipment

In rare cases, you will not need counters or other equipment: stands, refrigerators (if you open a grocery store). Depending on the specifics and size of your outlet, the cost of commercial equipment will vary.

3. Product

You can take part of the goods from suppliers for sale on the terms of deferred payment. That is, give money for it after the sale. But the other half of the goods will most likely have to be purchased.

It is especially difficult here for novice players in this market. So, if you are a beginner, then not every supplier will agree to give you the goods for sale due to a lack of trust.

4. Seller

At first, you yourself can act as a seller and it will even be useful, because it is the owner who is primarily interested in the success of his business.

So you learn the most hot goods, work with the objections of customers and be able to transfer your experience to employees hired in the future.

5. Legal and accounting nuances

In any case, you will need to formally register your commercial activity and periodically submit reports to tax office and the Pension Fund.

In addition, you will deal with invoices, invoices and contracts. With all these points you have to deal with sequentially.

Usually business people prefer to open a small retail store at the very beginning of their business. This is correct, since the risk of losing a large amount is minimized. This option is ideal for a good start. If you decide to open a retail outlet, then you need to:

  • know how it's done;
  • choose a suitable place;
  • correctly plan the entire assortment;
  • set prices
  • engage in proper accounting.

How to open a store

  1. First of all, you need to decide what will be start-up capital. It is important to know what products will be sold. After that, you should start looking for suppliers who offer the conditions that will be the most profitable and convenient for you. It is also good to prefer those goods that are adjacent.
  2. Have you decided to open your outlet in a large shopping center or market? You must be registered with the tax authority. Choose the right way to pay taxes. USN is an ideal option for retail trade.
  3. You need to be very careful in choosing the location where your outlet will be located. Worth a look to see what shops are nearby. It is very good if there are few competitors. If you have already decided, then you need to find out how much the rent will cost. When you have already entered into an agreement, do not forget about the obligatory clause that will allow you to terminate it ahead of schedule.
  4. The equipment you purchase must match your outlet. Appearance points of sale and its design is very important. Buyers pay attention first to these parameters, and only then look at the range.
  5. The seller influences the amount of profit and the success of the entire trade. It is important that he be really experienced. Such a person should be well versed in the assortment. Equally important is his friendliness.

Prices. How to set them up correctly

The target audience (its specific capabilities) has a direct impact on prices. You also need to consider the specifics of your product. It can be elite or budget. If you are just starting your business, then it is better to keep the markup as low as possible. This will help attract buyers. But you need to immediately prepare yourself for the fact that at first you will only get back what you spent. But do not think that a large cheat will provide a good profit. In this case, sales will occur quite rarely.

It is important to choose an intermediate pricing option. You need to find out what level of markup on the goods you sell will be optimal. It is also worth analyzing the prices that are usually set in a particular region. It is also important to study the price at which goods are sold in the stores of your direct competitors. Make the appropriate adjustment.

Work with clients

Principles of automating your sales

You must have a clear idea of ​​the state of your business on this moment. If you write everything in a notebook, it will not help you see the whole picture. Also, you will not be able to decide on the direction in which you need to move. The ideal option is trade automation. To do this, you need to choose the right program for accounting, which has all the functionality you need. Buying newfangled programs in stores is not worth it. They are expensive and require maintenance, which can be detrimental to your business.

Today, there are convenient systems that allow you to keep records online. They do not require installation. You will always be aware of everything that happens in the field of sales. At the same time, you can relax, be on a business trip or do something else. "Big Bird" is a system in demand today. It was created like a regular application on the Internet. That is why downloads and updates are not required. System advantages:

  • You can organize sales at several points at once.
  • The seller interface is ideal for registering sales.
  • You can generate reports for the desired period in shifts.
  • Create and print all the documents you need.
  • Assigning a discount in manual or automatic mode.
  • Carrying out non-cash and cash settlements with each buyer.

You will clearly know the size of the received profit, proceeds. You will know how profitable your company is. You will be aware of the entire dynamics of sales, ongoing movements of goods and available balances, the status of all cash and non-cash funds. Expenditure and income transactions will become as transparent as possible.

If you choose to automate your trading with Big Bird, you can use printers and barcode scanners to easily print labels and receipts. This will make it easier not only to register sales, but also to maintain all records.

If you are a beginner entrepreneur, then using the system will be absolutely free for you. At the same time, the time is not limited at all.

If you decide to open a retail outlet, then be sure to consider all the details. The success of your business depends on you.

A point of sale in the market is becoming an attractive idea for those who want to try their hand at a new kind of business and understand how money is made in the markets. Perhaps this will be the first step towards a new life, on the way to big business. With all its simplicity, the presence of a retail outlet requires from the first days of attention and accounting for the product, the ability to communicate with customers, to solve org. questions, and feel in the stream, which is important. It happens that the situation develops in such a way that a person suddenly loses his job. Our time is a time of opportunity for enterprising people. If you try to open a point, you can be sure that you will start doing business on your own, make a profit, and gain new experience. There will be certain risks, but on the other hand, there will be no bosses over you, and you will form the work schedule yourself.

How to open a point in the market?

How to open?

  • Register as an individual entrepreneur or legal entity. face.
  • Decide on the type of tax. It is best to stay on a simplified system.
  • Conduct marketing research for a point of sale - which group of goods you will sell.
  • Find suppliers with favorable conditions cooperation. You can minimize costs if you negotiate with suppliers correctly.
  • Find a place to implement. Appropriate place– away from competitors.
  • To sell correctly - to have an assistant, with a health book, work experience, responsibility for the result.

Trading Features

Starting capital will be needed in any case. You can take a loan, you need to decide in which market you will do business, what to trade. There are clothing, construction, automotive, mixed, food markets. And everywhere has its own specifics and rules of trade. Perhaps you already have some blueprints and preferences. Or, for example, the time of crisis suggests which goods will be in high demand, and which should be abandoned.

After the market and product category is selected, it is necessary to study the demand of the population. Pay attention to how buyers walk between the rows, what they lack, study the prices and decide what will be sold, in what form, how best to lay out the goods. The point of sale should attract the attention of the buyer, even if he just stopped. How to delay him, how to attract him - the ability of the seller to find the right words and convince him that the goods are needed, and only now there are discounts.

Many merchants don't do this in the beginning, so they get a lot of problems. Near the market there may be a hyped place for trading. It is better to sell what you understand. If you have a medical education, you can open a pharmacy or a point of sale of massagers, applicators. If you understand building materials, it is better to open a point on construction market. But one thing is clear, the most popular point is the sale of food products. Even if the market has recently opened, there will be no problems with customers. For example, if you open a mini-cafe, the sellers will eat in it, and you will always have an influx of customers.

After you have made a decision, you need to conclude agreements with wholesale suppliers who have low prices for products and high-quality goods. To do this, you will have to do the work - find options on the Internet, ads in the newspaper, view samples, analyze and make a final decision with whom to cooperate. This will set your activity many steps ahead.

Trading Rules

There are trading rules that the seller needs to know. After making a decision, you need to go to the administration of the market, ask about rent. Each market offers different options. For example, you do not need a room on the ground floor, but a part of the room will be fine. It is necessary to persuade the tenant to give you half, or part at a suitable price.

After registering a business, you need to recruit sellers. But if you have not yet promoted the point, it will be difficult for you to pay everyone a salary. It is enough to first take an efficient assistant, and work on increasing profits. Either expand the range of products, or make marketing moves - offer discounts, organize sales.

Point decoration

How to attract a buyer? Colorful point decoration, signboards, showcases, banners, Business Cards, flyers, and they can be handed out at the entrance to the market, all this will attract the attention of the buyer with its originality. An individual approach - this is what in our time can attract customers to your point. If the buyer was treated carefully, not deceived, advised what he needed, he will definitely return. Store the goods in places adapted for this, do not sell perishable, stale products.


For each point, profitability may be different, but approximate calculations can be made. For large items, you can make a markup of up to 30% of the purchase price. For small household goods - all 100%. The payback depends on the lease, the purchase price of the goods, on the level of sales for the goods. Goods may be seasonal, may be perishable. Experts say that a point can pay off in a year, provided that the trade was properly organized and you didn’t make any mistakes anywhere.

Also watch the video "Basic steps when opening a retail outlet"

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