News of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation. News of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation Board of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation


Chamber of Commerce and Industry Russian Federation - an association of Russian entrepreneurs with the aim of lobbying and protecting their interests at all levels of society.

It is a non-governmental non-profit organization based on membership, created on the initiative of Russian commercial and non-profit organizations and individual entrepreneurs of the Russian Federation, which unites its members to achieve the goals and objectives defined by the Law of the Russian Federation "On Chambers of Commerce and Industry in the Russian Federation" and its own Charter.

The proposed strategy for the development of the system of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation was approved as a result of the meeting.

Activities of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation

In accordance with the Law "On the Chamber of Commerce and Industry", a non-governmental non-profit organization that unites Russian enterprises and Russian entrepreneurs. Chambers of Commerce and Industry are granted all the rights and obligations established by Russian legislation for non-profit organizations - to exercise all the rights of a legal entity, to be responsible for its obligations with all its property, to engage in entrepreneurial activity(to the extent necessary to fulfill its statutory tasks). The profit received among the members of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry is not distributed.

The Chamber of Commerce and Industry is also not liable for the obligations of the enterprises it has created, just as these enterprises are not liable for the obligations of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry. In this regard, chambers of commerce and industry have exactly the same status as unions and associations. legal entities whose activities are regulated by civil law.

Conflicts around the CCI

The activities of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation in recent times associated with a number of scandals caused by the organization's incompletely transparent financial statements and the privatization of its public property, which in total amounted to damage of several billion rubles.

One of these conflicts was the trial between the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation and Valery Borodin. Valery Ivanovich - Chairman of the Board of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Karelia, who on June 27, 2012 was not allowed to attend the Advisory Council of the Heads of Regional Chambers of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, as well as a number of others officials eligible to attend the event. Based on the comments of the organizers, Borodin was not admitted to the Council because "Borodin is allegedly not a legitimate representative of Karelian entrepreneurs."

Borodin himself associates such behavior of a narrow circle of people who made this decision regarding his presence at the Council with a number of publications in the media about illegal facts of the activities of the CCI.

Subsequently, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation appealed to the Arbitration Court of the City of Moscow with a claim against V.I.<<ТоварищЪ>> no. 5 (47), May 2010, in the article<<На острие проблем>> and oblige Borodin to give a refutation in the same source.

The subject of the dispute was the statements of Valery Ivanovich in the article that:
- <<...ТПП РФ перед палатами не отчитывается, какой-либо финансовой помощи им не оказывает,...>> (p. 11, paragraph 7);
- <<...куда тратятся полученные от использования огромной некогда государственной собственности дивиденды - никому неведомо>>, (p. 11, par. 7);
- <<Сегодня денежные потоки палаты России и ее структур идут мимо региональных торгово-промышленных палат и государства в карманы отдельных личностей>>, (p. 12, para. 4);
- <<...торгово-промышленные палаты... не хотят мириться со сложившейся в ТПП РФ системой коррупции, давлением, которое оказывается на независимые торгово- промышленные палаты>>, (p. 12, last, para.)

As a result of judicial debate, on 03.02.2011 the Arbitration Court of the city of Moscow decided to dismiss the claim against Borodin V.I., the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Further appeals filed by the RF TCC were similarly dismissed. This decision was based on the impossibility of the TTP to provide the court with evidence refuting the facts published by Borodin in the article, and the article itself was recognized as the author's opinion of Valery Ivanovich.

On November 19, 2012, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Karelia, the Leningrad Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Moscow Region, INTERREGIONAL LEGAL CENTER LLC, public associations (Kemerovo, Novosibirsk, Tomsk, Irkutsk, Rostov) and an individual entrepreneur from the Chukotka Autonomous District filed a claim with the Moscow Arbitration Court for recognition of the Charter of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation as illegal.

Structure of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation


  • Industrial Development Committee
  • Committee on scientific and technical innovations and high technologies
  • Committee for the Development of Private Entrepreneurship, Small and Medium Business
  • Committee on Entrepreneurship in the Agro-Industrial Sphere
  • Committee for Financial Markets and Credit Organizations
  • Committee for the Promotion of Foreign Economic Activity
  • Committee for Nature Management and Ecology
  • Committee on business ethics and cultural entrepreneurship
  • Transport and Forwarding Committee
  • Committee on information support entrepreneurship
  • Business Safety Committee
  • Committee for Entrepreneurship in the Textile and Light Industry
  • Consumer Market Development Committee
  • Committee for Exhibition and Fair Activities and Support for Producers and Exporters
  • Committee on Entrepreneurship in the Field of Tourism, Resort, Recreational and Hotel Activities
  • Social Policy Committee
  • Evaluation Committee
  • Product Quality Committee
  • Committee for the Promotion of Vocational and Business Education
  • Intellectual Property Committee
  • Advertising Entrepreneurship Committee
  • Committee on Economic Integration of the SCO and CIS Countries
  • Committee for Energy Strategy and Development of the Fuel and Energy Complex
  • Health and Medical Industry Entrepreneurship Committee
  • Committee for the Support of Entrepreneurship in the Sphere of Mining, Production, Processing and Trade in Precious Metals and Precious Stones and Products Made from Them
  • Metallurgy Committee
  • Business Regulation Committee
  • Investment Policy Committee
  • Committee on Entrepreneurship in the Sphere of Housing and Communal Services
  • Committee for the development of the aerospace complex
  • Automotive Entrepreneurship Committee
  • Committee for the Development of the Forest Industry and Forestry
  • Fund Entrepreneurship Committee mass media, book publishing and printing

The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation is a voluntary non-state association of entrepreneurs, acting in accordance with a special federal law. It unites more than several hundred territorial chambers of commerce and industry and other associations and associations of Russian entrepreneurs, and individual commercial and non-profit organizations are also its direct members. The structure of the chamber includes 20 committees. The Chamber operates the International Commercial Arbitration Court, the Arbitration Court for resolving economic disputes, the Maritime Arbitration Commission, Sports Arbitration, and the Board of Mediators. The structure of the chamber includes foreign representations, several dozens of international business councils, various expert and coordinating councils. In addition, the structure of the chamber includes such organizations as the Center international trade”, “Expocentre”, “Soyuzpatent”, “Soyuzexpertiza” and other companies in which the chamber is a founder or owns a controlling stake.

Management of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Russia

Katyrin Sergey Nikolaevich - Chairman of the Board, President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation.

Vice-presidents of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation:

Dmitriev Vladimir Alexandrovich

Dybova Elena Nikolaevna

Kurochkin Dmitry Nikolaevich.

Padalko Volodymyr Ivanovych

Fateev Maxim Albertovich.

Chubarov Vadim Vitalievich

Board of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation:

Bliznets Ivan Anatolyevich - Rector of the Russian State Academy of Intellectual Property, Chairman of the Council of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation on Intellectual Property.

Degtyarev Fedor Lukich - President of the South Ural Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

Dmitriev Vladimir Alexandrovich - Vice-President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation.

Dybova Elena Nikolaevna - Vice-President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation.

Ermakov Viktor Petrovich - General Director joint stock company"Russian Agency for the Support of Small and Medium Businesses", public commissioner for the protection of the rights of SMEs.

Kanygin Petr Sergeevich - Chairman of the Board of Directors of OJSC Biotechnology Corporation.

Katyrin Sergey Nikolaevich - President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation.

Krasnov Dmitry Germanovich - General Director of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Nizhny Novgorod Region.

Kuznetsov Evgeny Nikolaevich - Vice-President of JSC "Independent Construction Bank".

Kunilovsky Alexander Anatolyevich - General Director of CJSC Construction and Investment Holding Likos, Orenburg.

Kurochkin Dmitry Nikolaevich - Vice-President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation.

Natalenko Elena Vladimirovna - director of the network of children's goods stores "Lapushka-Malyshka", the city of Kaluga.

Padalko Vladimir Ivanovich - Vice-President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation.

Prisyazhnyuk Nikolai Ivanovich - President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Rostov Region.

Pustovgarov Yury Leonidovich - Managing Director of the Kumertau Aviation manufacturing enterprise, Republic of Bashkiria, city of Kumertau.

Skrug Valery Stepanovich - President of the Belgorod Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

Stupnitsky Boris Vladimirovich - President of the Primorsky CCI.

Telegina Galina Dmitrievna - President of the Vologda Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

Tuganov Kazbek Khazbievich - President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania.

Fateev Maxim Albertovich - Vice-President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation.

Chesnokov Boris Anatolyevich - President of the Altai CCI.

Chubarov Vadim Vitalievich - Vice-President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation.

Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation- an association of Russian entrepreneurs with the aim of lobbying and protecting their interests at all levels of society.

It is a non-governmental non-profit organization based on membership, created on the initiative of Russian commercial and non-profit organizations and individual entrepreneurs of the Russian Federation, uniting its members to achieve the goals and objectives defined by the Law of the Russian Federation "On Chambers of Commerce and Industry in the Russian Federation" and its own Charter.

The proposed strategy for the development of the system of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation was approved as a result of the meeting.

Activities of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation

In accordance with the Law "On the Chamber of Commerce and Industry", a non-governmental non-profit organization that unites Russian enterprises and Russian entrepreneurs is recognized as a chamber of commerce and industry. Chambers of Commerce and Industry are granted all the rights and obligations established by Russian law for non-profit organizations - to exercise all the rights of a legal entity, be liable for its obligations with all its property, and engage in entrepreneurial activities (to the extent necessary to fulfill its statutory tasks). The profit received among the members of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry is not distributed.

The Chamber of Commerce and Industry is also not liable for the obligations of the enterprises it has created, just as these enterprises are not liable for the obligations of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry. In this regard, chambers of commerce and industry have exactly the same status as unions and associations of legal entities whose activities are regulated by civil law.

Conflicts around the CCI

The activities of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation have recently been associated with a number of scandals caused by the organization's incompletely transparent financial statements and the privatization of its public property, which in total amounted to damage of several billion rubles.

One of these conflicts was the trial between the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation and Valery Borodin. Valery Ivanovich - Chairman of the Board of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Karelia, who on June 27, 2012 was not allowed to attend the Advisory Council of the heads of the regional Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, as well as a number of other officials who have the right to attend the event. Based on the comments of the organizers, Borodin was not admitted to the Council because "Borodin is allegedly not a legitimate representative of Karelian entrepreneurs."

Borodin himself associates such behavior of a narrow circle of people who made this decision regarding his presence at the Council with a number of publications in the media about illegal facts of the activities of the CCI.

Subsequently, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation appealed to the Arbitration Court of the City of Moscow with a claim against V.I.<<ТоварищЪ>> no. 5 (47), May 2010, in the article<<На острие проблем>> and oblige Borodin to give a refutation in the same source.

The subject of the dispute was the statements of Valery Ivanovich in the article that:
- <<...ТПП РФ перед палатами не отчитывается, какой-либо финансовой помощи им не оказывает,...>> (p. 11, paragraph 7);
- <<...куда тратятся полученные от использования огромной некогда государственной собственности дивиденды - никому неведомо>>, (p. 11, par. 7);
- <<Сегодня денежные потоки палаты России и ее структур идут мимо региональных торгово-промышленных палат и государства в карманы отдельных личностей>>, (p. 12, para. 4);
- <<...торгово-промышленные палаты... не хотят мириться со сложившейся в ТПП РФ системой коррупции, давлением, которое оказывается на независимые торгово- промышленные палаты>>, (p. 12, last, para.)

As a result of judicial debate, on 03.02.2011 the Arbitration Court of the city of Moscow decided to dismiss the claim against Borodin V.I., the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Further appeals filed by the RF TCC were similarly dismissed. This decision was based on the impossibility of the TTP to provide the court with evidence refuting the facts published by Borodin in the article, and the article itself was recognized as the author's opinion of Valery Ivanovich.

On November 19, 2012, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Karelia, the Leningrad Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Moscow Region, INTERREGIONAL LEGAL CENTER LLC, public associations (Kemerovo, Novosibirsk, Tomsk, Irkutsk, Rostov) and an individual entrepreneur from the Chukotka Autonomous District filed a claim with the Moscow Arbitration Court for recognition of the Charter of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation as illegal.

Structure of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation


  • Industrial Development Committee
  • Committee on scientific and technical innovations and high technologies
  • Committee for the Development of Private Entrepreneurship, Small and Medium Business
  • Committee on Entrepreneurship in the Agro-Industrial Sphere
  • Committee for Financial Markets and Credit Organizations
  • Committee for the Promotion of Foreign Economic Activity
  • Committee for Nature Management and Ecology
  • Cultural Business Ethics and Entrepreneurship Committee
  • Transport and Forwarding Committee
  • Committee for Information Support of Entrepreneurship
  • Business Safety Committee
  • Committee for Entrepreneurship in the Textile and Light Industry
  • Consumer Market Development Committee
  • Committee for Exhibition and Fair Activities and Support for Producers and Exporters
  • Committee on Entrepreneurship in the Field of Tourism, Resort, Recreational and Hotel Activities
  • Social Policy Committee
  • Evaluation Committee
  • Product Quality Committee
  • Committee for the Promotion of Vocational and Business Education
  • Intellectual Property Committee
  • Advertising Entrepreneurship Committee
  • Committee on Economic Integration of the SCO and CIS Countries
  • Committee for Energy Strategy and Development of the Fuel and Energy Complex
  • Health and Medical Industry Entrepreneurship Committee
  • Committee for the Support of Entrepreneurship in the Sphere of Mining, Production, Processing and Trade in Precious Metals and Precious Stones and Products Made from Them
  • Metallurgy Committee
  • Business Regulation Committee
  • Investment Policy Committee
  • Committee on Entrepreneurship in the Sphere of Housing and Communal Services
  • Committee for the development of the aerospace complex
  • Automotive Entrepreneurship Committee
  • Committee for the Development of the Forest Industry and Forestry
  • Committee on Entrepreneurship in the Sphere of Mass Media, Book Publishing and Printing

On March 19, 2020 at 10.00 a meeting of the Board of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry will be held at the Congress Center of the RF CCI. The event will be hosted by the President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation Sergey Katyrin.

News of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation

March 4 - International conference "EAEU and the EU: prospects for 2020" as part of the initiative to create a Common Economic Space from Lisbon to Vladivostok

The international Conference"EAEU and the EU: Prospects for 2020" as part of the initiative to create a Common Economic Space from Lisbon to Vladivostok.

News of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation

February 27 - Meeting of the Committee for the Development of the Agro-Industrial Complex, dedicated to the discussion of the new Doctrine of Food Security of the Russian Federation

On February 27, 2020, at 10:00 a.m., a meeting of the Committee for the Development of the Agro-Industrial complex dedicated to the discussion of the new Doctrine of food security of the Russian Federation. The event will be moderated by Elena Dybova, Vice President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation.

News of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation

February 25 - Joint meeting of the RF CCI Committee on Economic Integration and Foreign Economic Activity and the BRICS Business Council

On February 25 at 15.00 at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Russia (Ilyinka St., 6/1, 3rd floor, office 324) a joint meeting of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Committee on Economic Integration and Foreign Economic Activity and the BRICS Business Council will be held on the topic: “Development of trade - economic cooperation with the BRICS countries. Business Expectations.

News of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation

A new competition "Cities for Children" has started in Moscow

The Children's Support Fund announced the start of accepting applications for participation in the XI All-Russian competition "Cities for Children"! The start of the competition was given during a joint meeting of the Board of the Association of Small and Medium Cities of Russia and the Chamber of Municipal Districts of the All-Russian Congress of Municipalities, which took place in Moscow, in Gostiny Dvor, February 12-13.

News of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation

February 20 - The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation will hold a presentation of the magazine "Commercial Arbitration"

On February 20, 2020 at 15.00 at the Biblio-Globus Trade House, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation will hold a presentation of the Commercial Arbitration magazine.

News of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation

On February 19 at 10:30 a.m., a press briefing will be held at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation on the topic: “Modern and effective tools financial support for SMEs”. The event will present the platform as a tool to increase the availability of financing for small and medium-sized businesses.

News of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation

February 8-9 - XV Theater Festival "Sretenie"

February 8-9, 2020 at the Moscow Theater of Russian Drama under the direction of M.G. Schepenko, with the blessing of His Eminence Dionisy, Metropolitan of Voskresensky, First Vicar of His Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, Administrator of the Central Vicariate of Moscow, the final round of the XV Candlemas Theater Festival will take place.

News of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation

May 27-29 - 45th World Congress of the International Advertising Association (IAA)

From May 27 to May 29, 2020 in St. Petersburg with information support The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation will host the 45th World Congress of the International Advertising Association (IAA). The IAA World Congress is a global platform for meetings with leading Russian and foreign experts in the communications industry.

News of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation

February 13-14 - In Paris, the delegation of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation presents an application for the right to host the World Congress of Chambers of Commerce in Moscow in 2023

On February 13-14, 2020, a delegation of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, headed by its President Sergey Katyrin, will visit France. On January 13, a meeting will be held in Paris at the headquarters of the International Chamber of Commerce General Council the World Federation of Chambers of Commerce and a presentation of candidates for the right to host the World Congress of Chambers of Commerce in 2023 will take place.

News of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation

February 10 - Joint seminar with INTEZA BANK "Russia and Europe: innovative prospects for economic cooperation"

On February 10, 2020, at the Congress Center of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Moscow, Ilyinka st. 6/1, building 1) at 09.30 a joint seminar with INTEZA BANK "Russia and Europe: innovative perspectives economic cooperation".

News of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation

February 6 - Experts will discuss the economic consequences of the coronavirus epidemic at the Izvestia press center

On February 6 at 13.00, experts will discuss the economic consequences of the coronavirus epidemic at the Izvestia press center.

News of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation

February 5 - IV All-Russian branding conference “Food brand. How can the region surprise Russia and the world?”

On February 5, 2020, the IV All-Russian Branding Conference “Food Brand. How can the region surprise Russia and the world?”.

In the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, you can certify invoices, various certificates (phytosanitary, origin, veterinary and hygienic), contracts, packing lists, bills of lading, powers of attorney for the right to act abroad, constituent documents and their notarized copies.

The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation is located at the address: Moscow, st. Ilyinka, d. 5/2.

Phones of specialists: +7-495-620-01-52, +7-495-620-02-95, +7-495-620-01-16 (consultations)
Phone of the head of the department: +7-495-620-01-57
Official site:
Email: missing

Working mode
Working days: Monday - Friday.
Opening hours: 10:00 – 12:00.
Days off: Saturday, Sunday, official holidays Russia.
Pre-registration is not required.

Consular legalization of documents through the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation

If you need to submit documents abroad in a country where they do not accept an apostille, then you need to take care of consular legalization in advance. Documents are usually certified at the embassy either after the Consular Department of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, or after the Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

For example, in order to legalize an agency agreement on an exclusive representation for Kuwait, you must first certify it at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation and then at the Kuwait embassy. Please note that the agreement drawn up immediately on English language, does not need translation.

Translation of documents
1. To certify the seal of the organization and the signature of the head of the translation is not required.
2. If a translation is certified, then the language of the translation depends on the country for which the document is intended. In this case, notarization of the translator's signature is mandatory.

Cost and terms
Processing time: 1 working day, finished documents are returned on the same day.
State. the fee since January 2018 is 1950 rubles per document.
Certify a copy of the certificate: 1000 rubles.
Possible payment methods: cash or non-cash payment.

Important: when paying in cash there is a limit of 100 thousand rubles per year. If you have large volumes of deliveries and you need to certify many certificates of origin every month, after the amount of state. duties will exceed 100,000 rubles, the remaining payments must be made through a current account by bank transfer.

Certification of a copy of the certificate
In some cases, the place of requirement may be asked to provide certified copies of certificates of origin. To do this, the RF CCI must provide the original document itself or a notarized copy. The cost of certifying a copy below is 1000 rubles. Lead time: 1 business day.

A copy of the certificate is not a simple black and white photocopy, this document bears the wet seals of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry that issued the certificate, it simply bears the inscription “copy”.

The procedure for certification of documents is as follows:
1. We certify documents at the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Moscow.
2. We certify documents at the embassy.
3. We send the finished documents to you.
At all stages, your personal presence is not required.

The preparatory stage consists in correctly preparing all the necessary documents.

Requirements for legal entities

1) Statement from your organization:
on official letterhead of the company,
signed by the leader
the phone number and the name of the artist are indicated,
a request is indicated to certify a notarized translation (if it is the translation that will be certified),
the wording “We confirm the reliability of the information indicated in the documents” is indicated.

2) Power of attorney from the organization on behalf of which the state is paid. duty.
If you certify through our organization, you do not need to provide a power of attorney.

3) Partner card with details.

4) Certified documents.

Nuances of legalization of certificates of origin.
Usually all certificates of origin for use abroad are issued in English, so no additional translation is required.

Nuances of legalization of contracts with a foreign partner.
Please note that the contract can be drawn up in two languages, for example, in Russian and English. In this case, no translation is required.

Requirements for individuals

1) Written statement:
filled out by our employee,
indicate in the text that the employee is acting on behalf of individual,
add the number and name of the artist,
an instruction to certify a notarized translation (if required).

2) Power of attorney:
must be drawn up by a notary
in the case of agreements, a power of attorney for a representative is drawn up from both parties to the agreement.

3) Certified documents.

The building of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Russia is in full swing. Right in the morning, our specialist visits the legal department to certify the certificates of origin (office No. 123).

Peculiarities of legalization in the Chamber of Commerce and Industry for different countries

Features of legalization for Egypt
The Egyptian embassy has samples of seals and signatures of only these CCIs:

1. RF and Moscow.
2. St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region.
3. Novorossiysk.
4. Yaroslavl (preliminary clarification is required).
5. Belarus, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan.

For other chambers of commerce and industry, the Egyptian embassy does not have samples of seals and signatures, so we first certify such documents at the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Moscow, and only after that they will be certified at the Egyptian embassy.

Attention: there have been changes in Egypt, and now a legalized invoice is often required for customs clearance of products. Be sure to check with your buyer: do they need an invoice legalized by the Egyptian Embassy in Moscow or is it enough to legalize only certificates of origin.

Features of legalization for Saudi Arabia
Additional documents needed:

1. A copy or scan of the registration certificate of a Russian company.
2. Copy or scan of passport CEO your and Saudi company, photo page.
3. A copy or scan of the contract between your company and the Saudi company.
4. A copy or scan of the Saudi company registration certificate.

Features of legalization for Indonesia
Documents are certified not at the embassy, ​​but at the trade attache. The commercial attache certifies only the documents of manufacturers, documents sales agents and does not certify intermediaries. Additional documents needed:

1. A document proving that you are a manufacturer, such as a license or certificate. This document must be translated into English with notarization. You can make such a translation yourself or order from us for an additional fee.
2. A letter from your Indonesian partner, not on their letterhead, with the obligatory indication of contact persons and telephone numbers. Sample text of the letter: For the purpose of (goal of legalization) with our partners (name of your company), please finalize attestation procedure of the following documents: (which documents need to be certified).”

Features of legalization for Nigeria

1. Letter of request from your Nigerian partner, on their letterhead. Sample text of the letter: “For the purpose of (goal of legalization), please finalize attestation procedure of documents of our partners (name of your company).”
2. Letter of request from your company, on your letterhead. Sample text of the letter: “For the purpose of (the purpose of legalization), please finalize attestation procedure of our documents.”

Features of legalization for the Philippines
Additional documents needed:

1. Power of attorney on letterhead.
2. A copy or scan of the passport of the general director of your and the Philippine company, a page with a photo.
3. If your company has not previously applied to the Embassy of the Philippines for the legalization of documents, then in order to enter the company into their database, they require the provision of constituent documents legalized to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs: TIN, OGRN and (if any) permission from the Federal Migration Service to attract foreign workers. The embassy keeps these documents for itself. If the goal is to legalize the same documents, TIN and OGRN certificates, then the Philippine Embassy legalizes them and gives them to you, while keeping ordinary copies for yourself.

Features of legalization for the UAE
For all documents, even if they are in English, a notarized translation into Arabic is required.
The certificate of origin is certified only together with the invoice.
The invoice must contain the following information:

1. full description of goods and their brands
2. number and type of packaging
3.gross and net weight
4. Quantity
5. cost

The embassy fee is approximately from 3 to 60 thousand rubles. for certification of an invoice depends on its amount, for an accurate calculation, send us a scan of the invoice.

Rubric "Question to the expert"

“How to legalize a certificate for the United Arab Emirates? What are the requirements?" Marat, Moscow

Let's analyze the features of legalization for the UAE.

Certificates of origin are certified only together with the invoice, the procedure is as follows:

1. The invoice must contain this information:
– a complete description of the goods and their brands,
- number and type of packaging,
– gross and net weight,
- amount,
- price.

2. We certify the certificate of origin and the invoice at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation in Moscow.

3. We certify the certificate of origin and invoice at the UAE Embassy in Moscow. The fee for certification of the invoice depends on its amount.

"Good day! We will need to certify the certificates at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation and the Embassy of Oman in Moscow. List of documents: Dioxine free certificate, Certificate of origin, Phytosanitary certificate, Health certiificate. What will be the timing? What is required of us? Ekaterina, Moscow

Good afternoon, Ekaterina.
I think it will be easier for you to bring certificates to our Moscow office. You need the certificates themselves (originals) and a written statement.

Registration deadlines:
certification in the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation takes 1-2 working days,
legalization of certificates at the Embassy of Oman takes 1 working day.

“Good day, dear experts. You were recommended by our partners from the United Arab Emirates. We plan to supply spare parts for locomotives in ARE. Delivery is carried out under a letter of credit, which indicates the requirement to provide certificates of origin and an invoice certified by the Chamber of Commerce and the Embassy of Egypt. You also need to certify additional copies of certificates. The question is - we have an invoice on two sheets, do they need to be stitched? What does the legalization of an invoice look like in this case?” Svetlana, Moscow.

Good afternoon, Svetlana. In your case, we can certify at the Chamber of Commerce and the Egyptian Embassy both the original certificates themselves and copies.

The cost of certification of the original in the Chamber of Commerce and Industry: 1950 rubles.
The cost of certification of a copy of the certificate in the CCI: 1000 rubles.

As for the invoice on two sheets, they will be sealed and certified by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry. This is how the invoice design looks like ↓

"Good afternoon. I am turning to you in connection with the following question. Soon I'm going to Saudi Arabia on a business visa. I have an invitation from a partner from KSA, all the documents are handled by the company where I work. That is, they submit documents to the embassy themselves. But at the embassy they were asked for a certificate of employment on the letterhead of the company in English, indicating the position, salary, purpose of the trip, etc. It must be certified by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Does the Chamber of Commerce certify such documents and can you address this issue? How long will it take? Sergey, Nizhny Novgorod

Good day, Sergey.

We turned to the Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry with a question about the legalization of this type of documents. The embassy of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry told us that they can certify a certificate of employment, but the cover letter must be written from your company.

So, what documents do you need to send by courier to our Moscow office:

  1. Original certificate of employment.
  2. Original cover letter. You can get a sample from our specialist.
  3. Partner card with company details.

Legalization term: 1-2 working days.

Sample legalized certificate ↓

"Hello. Our company participate in the tender in Egypt. We were asked to participate in a letter stating that their employee is a representative of the company. The form of the letter was thrown off, and we made it immediately in English. Now you need to assure him at the Egyptian Embassy. Is it possible to do this with a document drawn up immediately in English?” Karina, Samara

Good afternoon Karina. In order to certify a commercial document at the Egyptian Embassy, ​​you first need to certify it at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry. The Chamber of Commerce and Industry certifies documents drawn up immediately in English, there will be no problems with this.

As additional documents, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry will definitely need to provide a completed application from our company, as well as send us a partner card of your company.

Please note that if you refer to any other documents in the power of attorney, then proof of the existence of these documents must be provided to the Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

Sample Letter of Power of Attorney, legalized in the Chamber of Commerce and the Embassy of Egypt.

To order a service, contact a specialist of our company. Submit your application.


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