Dwarf rabbits and their colors. Dwarf rabbit. Breeds of dwarf rabbits - description with photo


The decorative colored pygmy rabbit is one of the most popular pets today. Among the advantages of the breed, one can single out an attractive appearance, good-natured character, playfulness and a short pile length. But, before you get such a rabbit, you should carefully study all the characteristics of the breed, familiarize yourself with the rules of care and maintenance. It is these questions that we will consider in this article.

The history of the breed

The colored dwarf rabbit is an achievement of the work of scientific breeders from Holland. The exact date of the breeding line is unknown, the event dates back to 1920-1930. It is known that the breed is based on two lines - wild rabbits and Polish red-eyed.

Initially, dwarf rabbits had a single color - gray, inherited from their wild ancestors. Further selective work helped to bring out a variety that has a black fur coat. It took more than 20 years to improve the breed, but this moment was a turning point. Further, it became possible to breed multi-colored dwarf rabbits.

On the this moment There are 20 basic colors included in the breed standard. But taking into account mixing, new and new colors are obtained. Today there are about 60 of them.

Colored rabbits are popular all over the world. The main advantages of dwarf fluffies are their unpretentiousness to the conditions of detention and good disposition.

Description of a colored dwarf

The short-haired dwarf rabbit is ideally adapted for keeping at home. The first thing that catches your eye when looking at this representative of the rabbit genus is the rounded shape of the body, making it look like a ball.

Breed standards for a colored dwarf rabbit:

  • the weight of an adult dwarf according to the European standard ranges from 1100 to 1250 g (the upper limit of body weight is 1500 g);
  • the body is strong, wide, rounded;
  • limbs are short
  • ears are small, short, always erect;
  • the tail is short, fluffy, tightly pressed to the body;
  • the head is large, rounded;
  • the fur is dense, soft, very thick.

It is thanks to the harmonious physique and thick coat that the colored dwarf becomes more like a plush toy than a living creature.

As already mentioned above, the variety of colors of dwarf rabbits is very large. But one of the most popular and sought-after colors today is oto - with a white fur coat and a black border around the eyes. The spots have the correct shape of a circle, without protrusions and irregularities.

Other popular colors of the colored dwarf rabbit include chocolate, black fire, blue, silver, Japanese, luxury, Siamese, squirrel, havana, marder, chinchilla, Russian, ren and others.

But white dwarf rabbits are a rare occurrence, therefore they are especially valued by livestock breeders. Breeders spend a lot of time and effort until they manage to breed a snow-white individual. Despite such difficulties, white dwarf rabbits can also appear during random mating, as a result of a spontaneous mutation of the gene responsible for color.

The brightest and most unusual color of the miniature eared fur coat is red satin.

Behavioral characteristics

Dwarf rabbits are attracted not only by their appearance, but also by their friendliness. Fluffies for a record short time get used to the owners, quickly remember their own name. Such a cute little animal simply does not want to be kept continuously in a cage, so many owners prefer their pet to walk around the house for a long time. The toilet problem is easily solved - a colored miniature rabbit is no more difficult to accustom to a tray than a kitten.

Rabbits are very playful and enjoy playing with children. Due to their high intelligence, eared dogs can even be trained at home.

Such simple commands as greeting the owner and jumping over obstacles, dwarf rabbits perform easily and with pleasure.

Do not forget that rabbits are shy animals. You need to be especially attentive to the pet during the period of its accustoming to a new place of residence. But when the fluffy gets comfortable and feels safe, there will be no trace of his caution.

The miniature size of a rabbit does not mean that it cannot hurt. But colored dwarfs show aggression only when they feel danger or pain. Another factor that negatively affects the behavior of a pet is periods of sexual activity. At this time, the dwarf may be more sensitive to external stimuli. Therefore, if it is not planned to breed the breed, it is better to castrate the eared ones.

The activity of the rabbit increases with the sunset, at night he eats more, can run and play. This must be taken into account before buying an unusual pet. It is desirable that it be possible to place the rabbit for the night in a separate room, this will be the key to a peaceful sleep for all household members. Noisy behavior is one of the drawbacks.

Having bought a special leash with a soft harness, you can take the rabbit out for a walk in the park or in the yard. Ushastik will be happy to walk in the fresh air, gnaw grass and twigs, dig minks. For the safety of the fluffy, do not leave him unattended - dogs, cats and birds of prey can see their prey in him.

The need for walks can be attributed to both the pluses and minuses of the breed. It all depends on your lifestyle.

More about conditions of detention

A cage is a must for a dwarf rabbit. Even at the moment when he is already well at home in your house and will visit the tray unmistakably. The house will act as a safe haven and will become an additional comfort factor.

Requirements for the cage - its size should be 5 times the size of the rabbit. If several animals are kept in one enclosure at once, then 6-7 per individual. The rods are metal, without varnish or paint. The house is located in a place protected from direct sunlight and drafts.

The bottom of the cage is necessarily lined with natural material with good hygroscopic characteristics. For example, hay, straw or sawdust. Synthetic materials will negatively affect health, first of all, the risk of developing pododermatitis increases.

The bedding should be changed as it gets dirty, but at least once a day. Every 7 days, the rabbit cage must be washed with high quality and treated with antiseptics.

Ambient temperature also plays an important role in the health and comfort of the dwarf rabbit. Optimal temperature regime+18+19 degrees. But already at +25 the animal suffers from overheating. You can help the baby by spreading bottles or ice packs near his house.

What to feed

In nutrition, this crumb is very modest. The basis of the diet is hay, ready-made grain mixtures and drinking water. Fresh vegetables and fruits are used as top dressing - carrots, apples, cabbage, beets, lettuce and fresh herbs.

In the warm season, when you can independently collect grass for a rabbit, one should not forget about the vulnerability of its digestive system. Therefore, green fodder is introduced very carefully. Preference should be given to young burdock leaves, clover, dandelion, cereals and cinquefoil. Grass cannot be cut near large highways and in industrial areas. Greens should be dry and clean - drops of dew or rain can cause swelling, diarrhea, or even death of the rabbit.

Purchased concentrated feed must certainly be present in the rabbit's daily menu. They are rich in vital trace elements and vitamins.

A rodent constantly needs to grind down its teeth. For these purposes, branches of deciduous trees - cherry, birch, willow - are laid in the cage. Thin willow twigs containing a natural antibiotic are especially useful.

But feeding a rabbit with food from the table is highly discouraged, its digestive system is simply not adapted to such a menu. Undoubtedly, the fluffy is happy to eat cookies or sweet rolls, but after that he will suffer from stomach pains.

How to take care of your pet's health

Rabbits living in an apartment still need to be vaccinated. Infections and viruses can get to them through the hands and clothes of the owners, from other pets, through the bites of mosquitoes and other insects.

The list of required vaccinations includes vaccines against pasteurellosis, hemorrhagic disease and myxomatosis.

In addition to vaccination, you should also monitor the general condition of the eared. Long-term diarrhea or constipation may be a sign of a digestive disorder or a more serious condition. The sooner you pay attention to the deterioration of the rabbit's well-being, the faster and easier it will be possible to fix the problem.

It is necessary to pay attention to the condition of the ears of the rabbit - an excess of sulfur, abundant discharge and scabs are symptoms of ear ailments.

In general, colored miniature fluffies have strong natural immunity. For a pet to be healthy, it is enough to do all the necessary vaccinations and control the quality of his diet.

Subject to all the rules of care and maintenance, dwarf rabbits live - 6-9 years, and real centenarians can please their owners for 12-15 years.

Considering the efforts and expenses for maintenance, care and feeding, we conclude: a dwarf colored rabbit will cost a lot.

How to choose

Buying rabbits of the colored dwarf breed has some difficulties. For example, they are very easy to confuse with baby rabbits more large breeds. Succumbing to emotions and buying a representative of the dwarf line from the first seller you come across, in a couple of months you will receive an animal of impressive size. To avoid this, the seller of thoroughbred dwarf rabbits should be chosen very deliberately.

Signs of a good seller:

  • rabbits of the colored dwarf breed are sold by a nursery with a good reputation, the staff of which includes graduates;
  • the buyer is allowed to look at the conditions of living and growing eared animals;
  • rabbits are kept in spacious clean enclosures, look healthy and active;
  • the seller can provide a pet veterinary passport, which will indicate its pedigree;
  • each animal has its own medical card, which displays the vaccination calendar.

Usually, having bought a rabbit, the buyer can count on the advice of professionals. Their answers to questions regarding the rules of keeping and caring for a fluffy pet will help you avoid many common mistakes.

Be sure to inspect your favorite rabbit. Fur should be uniform, clean and shiny. Eyes, ears and nose are clean. The eared man himself should look healthy, move actively, be interested in what is happening around.

How to correctly determine the gender

Only experienced livestock breeders can determine the sex of a dwarf colored rabbit under the age of 3 months. In nurseries, animals are examined by veterinarians, who make certain notes on the rabbit card.

When buying a furry friend in the market or store, you cannot be sure of the competence of the seller. But knowing some tricks, you can easily distinguish a boy from a girl.

At the age of 3 months, some hormonal changes begin to occur in the body of the eared. And it is during this period that the testicles descend in males, so it is easy to identify them.

At a younger age, the genitals of rabbits should be considered. To do this, turn the rabbit on its back, pull back the tail and lightly squeeze the penis with two fingers. You see a pink triangle - in front of you is a girl, a pointed penis - a boy.

Another trick that will help determine the sex of the animal. The genitals of the female are located closer to the anus than the genitals of the male.

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Domestic rabbits have become a real fashion trend in recent years. They are turned on even by those who are indifferent to dogs and cats or do not get along with them for any reason. Rabbits are funny, cute, accommodating. Caring for such animals is not difficult, damage to the house is minimal. The short-haired dwarf rabbit has gained particular popularity. It does not require a large cage, which is suitable for both private households and apartment maintenance.

Domestic rabbits are decorative, dwarf or miniature. When buying, few people think about the difference between concepts, at first glance they are equivalent. Meanwhile, the substitution of the category can lead to an incident in the future. As a result of confusion, the animal may grow unexpectedly more or less than desired.

A photoCategoryCharacteristic

decorative rabbitsThis category includes all breeds with a beautiful color, in which meat and down are not the main purpose of breeding. This includes even the California and Flemish giants, that is, breeds with a medium or large body size.

dwarf rabbitsThey have body sizes like industrial and decorative rabbits. The only difference is in the short legs. Due to the small legs, dwarf individuals seem smaller. The category contains both meat and decorative rocks.

miniature rabbitsDecorative and dwarf breeds weighing up to 3 kg. Initially, they were bred only for home keeping as pets.

Since species often intersect with each other, it is worthwhile to study the breeds you like in advance. Rabbits that combine all three categories are best suited for keeping as a pet. For simplicity, they are often called simply dwarfs, but the signs should be mixed.

Breed selection

Dwarf rabbits for home keeping have an adult weight of 0.8 to 3 kg. Body length varies from 20 to 50 cm. Ears reach a length of about 6 cm (20 cm or more is rare). The shape of the ears can be hanging or erect. According to the length of the coat, the breeds are divided into short-haired (up to 2 cm), medium-haired (2-3 cm), long-haired (3.5 - 4 cm or more). The table lists the most popular species dwarf rabbits for home keeping.


Weight - up to 1.5 kg, ears no more than 5-6 cm. The smallest in the category. They have over 60 color variations. Wool - about 1.5 cm. Live 5-7 years. They have a lively character, interesting in communication. Fertility is average. Easy to keep.

Weight from 1.5 to 2.5 kg. Life expectancy is 5-7 years. Monochromatic in color, interspersed with a second tone is extremely rare. Fertile - in one season up to 6 rabbits. Unpretentious, but demanding of cleanliness.

Weight from 0.9 to 1.5 kg. Live 5-6 years. Wool 7 mm long can be dyed in blue, white, black, silver tones. Fertility depends on the conditions of detention. Gluttonous, prone to obesity with malnutrition.

Weight about 1.2-1.5 kg. Life expectancy is 7-10 years with good care. The coat is short, reminiscent of chinchilla fur, comparable in value to it. The offspring depends on feeding. Gluttonous.

Weight - about 1 kg. Live up to 7 years. Short-haired body and long-haired head, similar to a lion's mane. Fertility is average - 3-4 rabbits. Unpretentious, have a flexible character.

A practical copy of the lop-eared rams, except for the color. The palette of wool colors is very wide, there may be mixed options. A little stubborn in nature and gluttonous. The content is unpretentious.

In everything they are similar to colored shorthairs, but they have very dense fur. They do not tolerate heat well, therefore they are capricious in keeping. By nature, they are playful, kind, get along well with a person, for which they do not lose popularity.

One of the longest-haired - 5-7 cm, individual hairs up to 20 cm. They weigh about 1.5 kg. Live up to 7 years. They are difficult to care for, because I have to brush every 2-3 days. Very demanding on cleanliness.

Colored shorthair rabbits win on many counts comparative characteristics. They do not take up much space, are willing to be trained, do not require complex and too plentiful food. The choice of breeders often falls on this breed, especially for the first experience of keeping and breeding.

Bunny's Choice

Do not buy the first animal that comes across. Without a thorough examination, you can take a sick, weak baby. It is better to make a purchase in specialized clubs, where the breed is not confused, there is a pedigree, there are vaccination documents.

When you first meet a rabbit, you will need to pay attention to the signs:

It is desirable that the animal is no longer afraid of hands. So it will be easier to make friends with him in the new house. Very young rabbits are very shy at first, but quickly get used to if they are not frightened.

To transport a pet, you will need a clean box, carrier or basket with soft cloth bedding. It is good to ensure silence as much as possible so that stress for the baby is minimal. After settling into the cage for some time, the animal is not touched, they are allowed to get used to it. Then contact begins without sudden movements.

Characteristics of dwarf shorthair rabbits

Colored short-haired rabbits are bred by crossing wild relatives and cultivated Polish rabbits. Dutch scientists carried out the selection many times, which gave rise to many color options. The breed is maximally adapted to living at home, has its own standard, recommendations for keeping.


The European document prescribes the desired weight in the range of 1.1-1.25 kg. The maximum allowable figure is 1.5 kg. The minimum value cannot fall below 0.8 kg.

Important! Ears longer than 5.5 cm are considered a defect of the breed.

The body is shaped like a small tightly folded ball. The head is large. Paws are short. The tail is small, tightly pressed to the body. The croup is dense. The coat is slightly glossy, thick, evenly covering the body. The eyes are large and dark.

Types of color of a dwarf rabbit

There are 16 most popular color options for a dwarf colored rabbit.



Rabbits of the colored short-haired dwarf breed have a pronounced disposition. They quickly get used to the house, the owner, willingly go into the arms, participate in games. Individuals can be taught greetings (stand on their hind legs at the sight of a person) and various tricks. With good handling, there is practically no trace of fearfulness.

Aggression is manifested only in case of danger and pain. At such moments, the animal can bite, squeak and hide in a far corner for a long time. With a single content, bites and fights with paws are also observed during puberty. Breeders advise to castrate rabbits if breeding is not planned. This approach allows you to level the character and avoid conflicts.

Colored dwarfs get along well with other pets, in the absence of attacks on them and their cage.

Why start

The breed is suitable for four purposes:

Where can I buy

In specialized nurseries or private breeders, at fairs and through advertisements. Below are the two major clubs:

  • Krol Arthur - St. Petersburg;
  • Les lapins MarSi - Moscow, Moscow region.

The price for a different color and pedigree varies from 900 to 7000 rubles.

Keeping dwarf rabbits at home

Prices for brushes for small animals (kittens, rabbits, guinea pigs)

Brush for small animals (kittens, rabbits, guinea pigs)

Short-haired dwarf rabbits can live in an apartment or in the yard. Each owner chooses the option at his discretion. In this case, it is necessary to take into account factors that have a direct impact on the comfort and health of the animal:

  1. Colored rabbits do not tolerate heat above +25C and easily catch cold in frosts below -18C. In the open sun, the aviary or cage should be shaded, cooled with cold water bottles or ice packs wrapped in a cotton towel.

  2. Rabbits should be kept away from drafts and strong winds. Sudden changes in air temperature lead to respiratory diseases.

  3. The rabbit needs to move, so a cramped cage is not the best choice. You will also need to arrange pet walks around the apartment, on the street.

  4. Water and food must be fresh. The feed is selected according to weight and needs with the right amount of trace elements, a minimum of salt and preservatives. Wrong diet causes allergies.

Separately, it is worth noting the need to keep males separately. Only one rabbit can live in one cage. Otherwise, the animals arrange fights for the territory. Rabbits get along with each other in large numbers without problems.


Settling a rabbit at home on free movement is not recommended. He can gnaw on everything that gets in his way, injure himself with objects, start going to the toilet randomly, steal and hide food. The animal needs its own home for household chores. In human space, the animal is released for games under supervision.

The cage is chosen 4-5 times more than the pet. If there are several rabbits, each individual should account for at least 50-70 cm from the length of the house. It is best to take a structure of 2-3 floors with ladders to provide room for movement. The doors must close tightly, otherwise the pet will quickly learn to open them on its own. It is important to monitor the integrity of the rods in order to avoid injury. It is advisable to choose unpainted weaving options, because. a rabbit can eat paint while trying to scratch its teeth.

The floor needs to be smooth. The mesh version will not work, because there are no softening pads on the paws of colored rabbits. The wood finish is ideal as long as there are no burrs. If the choice fell on a plastic bottom, it must be thick so that the animal cannot gnaw a hole.

The bottom of the cage is covered with a litter of pressed hay or large sawdust. The layer should be at least 3 cm. Large granules can be added to absorb moisture. Small sawdust and fillers are dangerous for rabbits. They can be inhaled and cause suffocation or death. To facilitate cleaning, it is good to have a removable tray.

The cage is placed away from direct sun, drafts and areas with high humidity (more than 50%). Veterinarians recommend a shaded corner of the room, isolated from the window.

Prices for cages for rabbits

Rabbit cage

The content of a colored dwarf outside the cell

Some breeders are unwilling to keep rabbits in cage conditions. For such cases, special indoor and outdoor enclosures are provided. Fences for their construction are sold in pet stores. You can fence part of the room or area at your discretion. Inside the equipment corresponds to the cage: drinkers, feeders, houses, trays, toys.

At home, the aviary option is good in the absence of other pets and small children. On the street area, it is desirable to make a fence with a roof. So the animal can be protected from the scorching sun, precipitation, birds of prey and animals, occasional dogs and cats. A couple of walls are left solid to avoid drafts. Choose the driest, warmest, quietest piece of the site. You can make an aviary with a shelter house.

Walking in open space will require constant supervision and the presence of a leash-harness. Walking and keeping outdoors in the summer will allow rabbits to enjoy digging the ground to their heart's content. Colored dwarfs are very fond of this activity, but it is not available in cells.

Video - Keeping a dwarf rabbit at home


Rabbits are not picky about food. They can eat almost anything they find, regardless of the benefit or harm. Therefore, it is important for the breeder to take responsibility for feeding his pet.

Feed selection

For dwarf rabbits, pet stores offer many types of different mixtures and granular feeds. The advantage of this option is in the already made calculation of the daily norms of microelements and nutrients. It is enough to give food according to the dosage from the package and do not forget about water. In addition, industrial mixtures are enriched with minerals and vitamins. You don't need to buy them separately.

Balanced dry food is an acceptable method of feeding colored rabbits. However, the animal is a herbivore, and its diet should include enough succulent food. Pets cannot do without fresh herbal products. The daily feed should be divided as follows: 60% green grass or hay; 20% vegetables, roots, fruits; 20% cereals.

Feed prices for rabbits

Compound feed for rabbits

Making a diet

The daily menu of a dwarf rabbit consists of the following products:

Type of feedApproved ProductsDaily rate per individual
CerealsCombined mixes, rolled oats, wheat flakes, whole grain pasta (rarely and without salt), sunflower meal, corn, barley.Up to 30 g (1-2 tablespoons).

The meal should not exceed 13% of the volume.

Barley and corn - no more than 20% of the volume and no more than 2-3 times a month in its pure form.

GreeneryHay, young nettles, dandelions, meadow grass, burdock, cinquefoil, quinoa, plantain, clover, carrot tops, lettuce.Unlimited. Diet basis. Do not give wet from the rain, unwashed greens.
Twigs (for teeth)Willow, birch, maple, lilac, raspberry, pear, alder, mountain ash, apple tree.1-2 medium branches. Washed and dried.
RootsApples, pears, carrots, cabbage (white, cauliflower, broccoli, Beijing), beets, young radishes, bell peppers, seedless cucumbers, sweet turnips, any berries.2-3 small pieces.

Beets, white cabbage, cucumbers, apples, pears, berries - no more than 2 times a week, so as not to cause indigestion.

Mineral SupplementsMineral stone, bone meal, chalk.The stone hangs or lies in the cage all the time. Sprinkle the hay with a small pinch of flour and chalk.

Hay can be bought ready-made or stored independently from permitted herbs. It is important to avoid roadside areas, poisonous plants, thoroughly rinse and dry the fees. The rotting and charm of rabbit food is unacceptable. It is better to store herbs in wooden or cardboard boxes, canvas bags.

Lack of mineral supplements often leads to calcium deficiency. It is expressed in eating one's own excrement.

Dwarf rabbits eat 3-4 times a day. The daily ration must be divided into the desired number of meals. Only mineral stone, branches, hay are constantly present in the cell. Fresh greens, root crops, grains are given in portions, their remains are removed every day to avoid sourness. Bones from vegetables and fruits must be removed. The fruits are cut into pieces with a third of the finger.

An upset esophagus occurs from an abundance of root vegetables and greens. When overfeeding, it is better to replace part of the fresh food with hay and dried treats.

Colored rabbits should not be given chocolate, sweets, any sweets, potatoes, prepared human food, bread and pasta made from premium flour.

Video - Feeding a dwarf rabbit at home


For breeding at home, you need to have at least 1 male. In this case, there may be 3-4 females. You can determine the sex of rabbits not earlier than 12-16 weeks old. Individuals are turned upside down, the tail is pulled back and the presence of testicles is examined. Sometimes the tubercles are visually poorly distinguishable, but are clearly visible to the touch. In rabbits, 4 mm from the anus, there is another round hole. In rabbits, a gap departs from the anus.

Rabbits can breed all year round at a high rate. At one time, the female can give birth to 2-8 cubs. Offspring up to 12 babies for decorative breeds is rare, but cases are known. During the year, 6-9 new offspring may appear. No more than 2 is considered a healthy pace, since the body of the parent is depleted.

To control reproduction, females and males try to keep separately. They are bred in cages after puberty (approximately 3 months) and reduced to mating from 7 months of age. The first mating is obligatory up to 1 year of life. The last mating falls on 3 years. Mating can be carried out at intervals of 2 days. The bride is seated next to the groom, but not vice versa.

After successful mating, the rabbit bears babies for about 30 days. Before giving birth, she begins to form a mink of their down. The rabbit herself feeds the babies for 1.5 months. During this period, she needs to provide enhanced nutrition. It is better to add a special type of compound feed. After 3 weeks, the rabbits leave the mink and begin to feed on their own. By 2 months, they can already be removed from the mother to allow her body to recover. Active growth goes up to 16 weeks. Individuals gain full weight by 8 months.

For feeding rabbits use the feeding scheme:

  • up to 3 weeks. mother's milk;
  • from 3 to 7 weeks. Mother's milk, hay unlimited. Compound feed for rabbits according to the norms from the package (each brand has its own norm);
  • from 7 to 12 weeks. Compound feed and hay unlimited;
  • from 12 weeks to 1 year. Reduce the amount of grass, hay, feed by a third. Introduce vegetables 1 at a time every few days. Gradually reach the adult scheme.

It is believed that dwarf rabbits with breeding instincts are more aggressive and biting. If breeding is not planned, it is better to sterilize the female and castrate the male. Without operations, mating will be required at least once a year.

Diseases and treatment

Dwarf shorthair rabbits are prone to various diseases. They need to be vaccinated according to age. Clubs and private sellers often deal with the procedure, so the information should be clarified and further vaccinations planned only in the veterinarian's office.

Non-communicable diseases

Colds, bronchitisExpressed in respiratory disorders: wheezing, mucus. The weakness of the animal is noticeable. Without timely treatment, it threatens with pneumonia.Treatment with antibiotics and anti-inflammatory vaccines.
Gastrointestinal disordersLoose stools, refusal to eat, sometimes vomiting and bloated abdomen.Change of food, massage of the abdomen, Dimethicone for veterinary purposes.
ConjunctivitisEye infection due to sand, dust, physical injury. Severe swelling of the eyes with redness and lacrimation.Treatment with local drops, washings with antiseptics.
RicketsEating feces, prolapse of the spine, curvature and weakening of the paws, convulsions (acute form) are pronounced.Requires vitamin therapy.
DermatitisAlopecia paws, ulcers, purulent wounds and redness on the skin. It is provoked by unsanitary conditions, tightness in the cage, excess weight, violation of the norms of air temperature and humidity.Treatment with special ointments, vitamins, correcting the cause of the appearance.
Thermal shockIncreased body temperature, rapid breathing, red eyes, lethargy. Often the rabbit lies on its side or stomach and does not move.Treatment is anti-inflammatory, constant washing of the ears with water at room temperature.
InjuriesBruises, fractures, sprains, dislocations due to tight cages, playing in inappropriate places.A bandage is required by a doctor. Sometimes bracing is needed.
FrostbiteEars and paws are affected when walking. Redness, ice on the limbs, swelling.Treatment with anti-inflammatory drugs internally and in the form of bandages.

contagious diseases

Infectious runny noseMucus from the nose, sneezing, lethargy.Treatment with an antibiotic against pathogens - streptococcus, Escherichia coli, bronchisepticus.
LichenLocal baldness, skin irritation. Dangerous for animals and humans.Requires strict treatment under veterinary supervision. First aid - washing with an antiseptic, applying ointments against itching under a bandage.
Viral hemorrhagic lesionThere are inflammation of the eyelids, bleeding from the nose and mouth, stool disorders, convulsions, wheezing in the lungs.Requires immediate veterinary intervention, dangerously fatal.
StomatitisRed or gray plaque, mouth ulcers, profuse salivation, refusal to eat.Quarantine, mouth washing with furatsilin, streptocide, antibiotic treatment under the supervision of a veterinarian is required. In severe form, it is fatal.
MyxomatosisEdema of the ears, eyes, genitals.Without proper treatment, the death rate is 100%, so only quarantine can be the first aid. Next, urgent medical intervention is needed. Broad-spectrum antibiotic therapy has been suggested, but no definitive cure has been found.
pasteurellosisIncreased body temperature, refusal of food, inflamed mucous membranes, pus from the eyes and nose.Tetracycline antibiotics are needed.
StaphylococcosisMultiple suppurations under the coat. Infection occurs in unsanitary conditions, through wounds, scratches.Treatment with local and internal antibiotics against staphylococcus aureus. First aid - washing the wounds with a solution of calendula.

Self-medication is dangerous due to incorrect diagnosis, which often leads to death. To save the life of the rabbit, you need to contact the veterinarian when the first deviations in the condition of the pet are detected.

There are many breeds of decorative rabbits, they are all different in appearance, size, and temperament. All of them are united by one function - to be in the house as a pet.

Since ancient times, wild rabbits have been caught to keep them at home. Over time, they became domesticated. They began to be grown in order to obtain valuable fur and dietary meat. But due to the unpretentiousness of these animals and simple care, they began to be kept as decorative pets. They live an average of 6 years. But if they have quality care, supervision and love, they can live longer.

Why decorative rabbits are needed

The purpose of these breeds can be judged from their name. These animals are not used for breeding for fur and meat. They serve as pets. Especially if there are children in the house. Due to the wide variety of breeds, everyone can choose a pet to their liking.

It is necessary to distinguish a decorative rabbit from a dwarf one. Dwarf rabbits have strict size standards. Decorative such clear standards do not exist. It can be of different sizes, shades and breeds.

Types of breeds of decorative rabbits

To date, about 200 breeds of these rodents are known, which can be classified by weight (small, medium, large), pile length (short-haired, with normal-length hair, long-haired).

Consider the most famous breeds of decorative rabbits with photographs.


This decorative breed was bred in Holland. Drawings from the 15th century have been found showing similar rabbits. But official data date the origin of the breed to the middle of the 19th century.

The distinctive features of this rabbit is that the color matches the color of the eyes. The ears, part of the muzzle, the back of the torso with the hind legs are of the same color in the animal. All other parts are white. If you watch the Dutch rabbit from the side, then visually it is divided into 2 parts by color contrast. His face is round, his ears are miniature, located at the top of his head. The disproportion between the large eyes and the head with the rest of the body is striking. The weight of an adult individual reaches 2-2.5 kg.

The dwarf breed of the Dutch rabbit is outwardly close to its large relatives. The weight of the animal is 0.5-1 kg. It was bred at the beginning of the 20th century from small Polish rabbits and miniature wild ones. In 1948, the breed ended up in Britain, in the 60s - in the USA.

Back in the 80s, due to the fact that the ancestors of the Dutch rabbit were wild, the animals behaved quite aggressively. Domestication was difficult. After several generations, the breed became more friendly, obedient, sociable. Unlike other breeds, the Dutch rabbit stands out for its greater energy.

dutch fold

This is the most popular breed among the lop-eared. He was bred by the Dutch breeder Adrian de Kock. He set the task of breeding a dwarf copy of the French ram, and many did not believe in the effectiveness of his work. After all, there was one obstacle during work - reducing the size lop-eared rabbit leads to smaller ears. That is, due to lack of length, the ears do not hang down. After working for 12 years on breeding the breed, the breeder officially registered it in 1964.

The length of the ears of a modern Dutch ram is 22-27 cm. The ears of a rabbit do not begin to droop immediately, this process lasts about a month after birth. Sometimes hanging lasts up to 2 months.

When breeding, such a nuisance can occur as the animal outgrows its own dwarf size and bringing it closer to the parameters of an ordinary rabbit. Color may vary. Over time, the color range of the Dutch Fold expands. The standard weight of the animal is 1.5 kg. The number of rabbits in the litter is about 6.

This breed is very well suited for keeping in those homes where there are children, due to the friendly and fearless nature of the animal. They don't require much grooming.

Shorthair pygmy (colored dwarf)

Outwardly, they are similar to a wild rabbit, the difference is only in size. The animal has a stocky build resembling a top hat. According to the standard, the length of the ears is 5.5 cm. The rabbit weighs 1-1.5 kg. The variety of colors of the colored dwarf is more than 50. In the process of selection work, White Rabbit without inclusions of black villi. A very popular breed is white Oto - on a white skin there is a dark spot framing the eye with a continuous strip.

The breed has a short neck and limbs, which distinguishes it from others. The length of the coat is short. The nature of the animal is friendly, but during puberty, a manifestation of unreasonable aggression can be observed. It passes through time.

This is a decorative breed of normal coat length.

Like all breeds of sheep, the dwarf has characteristic hanging ears. They are friendly and balanced. There is an opinion that this is due to the constitution of the ears - they close the auricle, as a result of which rabbits do not hear well.

Unlike other dwarf breeds, a ram can reach a weight of 3 kg. His build is stocky, with a beautiful line of the spine. The back is rounded. Paw thickness is average. The shape of the head resembles the head of a real ram - with large eyes and a massive forehead. Ears hanging rounded at the edges are covered with wool. Under the thick soft pile there is an undercoat. The coat is thick, not hard, there is an undercoat. The color of the animal is varied.

"Lion" breeds

lion head- rabbits that were born in Belgium by mating the Swiss fox and Belgian dwarf breeds. It was officially recognized in 2002.

According to the constitution, the animal resembles a small lion - a mane framing its head and short ears (up to 3 cm). Wool grows 6-7 cm in length. This breed is distinguished from others by the difference in the length of the pile on the head and the rest of the body. It practically does not roll and does not gather into lumps, which makes it easier to care for the animal. Some subspecies of the lion's head have black rims around the eyes. There are no color standards.

The rabbit has a small but stocky body, as well as small and strong limbs. Average weight animal 1.2 kg. It does not scratch or bite, it gets along well with the owner, therefore it is suitable for families with children.

angora lion - long haired rabbit. Its pile can cover the eyes, which is why many owners cut it. The common color is similar to the coloring of a lion - reddish-brown. The nature of the animal is very balanced. They do not fuss, and do not like excessive activity.

Fox pygmy

Their second name is the pygmy fox. The head is covered with a short pile, and the rest of the body is long. According to the standards, the length of the pile should be in the range of 0.4-0.7 cm. The body has a stocky structure, the neck is almost invisible. The head is large but short.

Straight ears are at a close distance from each other. The correct length of the ears is 5.5 cm. If they grow more than 7 cm, then this is a significant flaw. Standard weight 1.3 kg. Wool colors have many options. Most of all there are chinchilla, brown. The pygmy fox needs careful care. By nature, they are different - one comes across calm individuals, the other - skittish.

Angora rabbits were among the first to be domesticated. Turkey is considered the birthplace of this breed. Ankara used to be called Angora, from where Angora cats and goats originated. In the 18th century, the breed was brought to France, where it quickly gained popularity.

Previously, the angora dwarf was used to obtain wool, from which warm clothes were knitted. Later it was bred as an ornamental animal.

Their equipment is tiny, and because of the long pile, the body practically does not stand out. It looks like a ball of fluff. Animals weigh 1-1.6 kg. The common color is white. Breeders are now working on breeding angora dwarf rabbits in other colors. The ears are straight and short (6 cm). The head is round, the neck is almost invisible.

When purchasing this breed, it should be borne in mind that wool requires special care. It needs to be brushed constantly. If lumps form, they should be cut off. A variety of breed with a coat no longer than 6 cm is suitable for keeping. It practically does not crumple, it is easier to care for a pet. Fiber (hay, grass) must be present in the angora's diet. Such food helps to over-etch your own wool, which has entered the stomach.

pygmy hare

This is a common breed of white color with a dark tail, ears and paws (the colors of the spots may vary). The eyes are red. The rabbit is built proportionally, has a slightly elongated torso.

When a rabbit is born, the spots on the coat can be almost invisible. After a certain period they become more pronounced. This breed was once also called the "burning nose".

This is a breed with characteristic external features. The ornaments on her skin resemble the shape of a butterfly. Hence the name of the breed. The body has a cylindrical shape, the body is stocky. The correct line of the back and rounded buttocks. The head is massive and the ears are close to each other. The weight of a rabbit reaches 1.8 kg.

The pile should shine at the butterfly. If there is no shine, this is a deviation from the standard. Nails should be colorless. The ornament should be symmetrical. There is a dark continuous border around the eyes. There is a dark broad line along the spine. The chest, belly and paws must be free of spots, otherwise it is considered a deviation from the norm. There should be no spots on the chest, abdomen and paws - this is a deviation from the breed standard. In our country, a dwarf butterfly is very rare. Typically, large individuals are bred on farms to extract valuable skins and meat.


This breed is also called the Polish rabbit. Its habitat is the Scandinavian countries, Britain. This is the smallest decorative rabbit. The maximum adult animal reaches a weight of 1 kg. Occasionally there are specimens of 1.5 kg. The color is white, the eyes are blue or red. Sometimes a yellowish shade of wool is allowed. The body of the rabbit is proportional, retracted abdomen. The fur is no more than 2 mm long and fits snugly to the body. The head is shaped like an egg. The ears are thin and short.


This breed is of medium size, and was obtained in the early 20th century in Germany. The body of the animal is dense, proportional. The back is massive. An adult animal weighs an average of 4 kg. Hairline of medium density, gray-blue hue. The belly and undertail are lighter in color than the other parts. The head is medium, the eyes are grayish.

The squirrel breed is highly fertile. In one round, a rabbit can give birth to about 6 cubs. Unfortunately, in our country this breed is not popular.

The article describes only the most common types of decorative rabbits. But the information provided makes it possible to form an idea about the features of these animals. If you want to have such a pet, it will be easier to make a choice.

The dwarf rabbit is not one particular species. Many breeds of small animals are designated by this name. They are grown in houses and apartments as pets for children. Decorative animals have an original appearance, calm disposition, caring for them is not difficult.

  • Types of dwarf rabbits

    Dwarf rabbits come in a wide variety of breeds. When buying animals, you should familiarize yourself with all types.

    The types of dwarf rabbits differ in body shape, ear length, coat structure and color, and size. If a person has chosen a suitable breed, he should carefully study its standards and features before buying.

    Dutch pygmy rabbit

    The Dutch Dwarf Rabbit is a decorative breed that originated in the Netherlands in the 19th century. Its dimensions are quite large, an adult male weighs 2.4-2.5 kg. A distinctive feature of the species is the pattern on the wool. The muzzle is white in the middle, there are dark spots around the eyes, the ears are dark. The back is divided by a transverse stripe, the back of the body is dark, and the front is white. Dutch breeds have different colors - red, black, gray, blue.

    The Dutch dwarf rabbit is one of the most popular varieties.

    lion head

    The main difference of this pet is a lush lion's mane on its head. The muzzle remains completely smooth, the ears are erect, small in size. Some species have hanging skirts along the edges of the body. The color is red, an adult animal weighs 1700 g.


    The Polish or dwarf rabbit hermelin is a small albino with a neat little body, the coat is never colored. The head is relatively large, the ears are 5.5 cm long, located close to each other, the eyes are blue. The body is compact, the legs are short, the tail is tightly pressed. Germelin weighs 800-1500 g.

    Fox pygmy rabbit

    The fox dwarf rabbit got its name from the elongated, fluffy, red-colored coat that resembles fox fur. The length of the spine reaches 4-5 cm. The head is large, the ears are miniature, the body is compact. The mass of the rabbit is 1.3 kg. If it speaks about the nature of the breed, the animals are active and curious, they quickly get used to the house.


    The English Angora mini rabbit is a smaller version of its large relative. In appearance, it resembles a small fluffy ball. The fur is soft, easily tangled, reaches 7-8 cm in length, it requires constant careful care. The ends of the ears hang down, decorated with cute tassels. The size of the animal is 1.5 kg, the colors of angora dwarf rabbits can be any.


    Tiny minors are the smallest rabbit, its ancestors were Dutch and colored individuals. Weight does not exceed 900-1100 g. The head is small, rounded, the ears are small, about 6 cm long, the eyes are expressive. The paws are short, but strong, the body is correctly folded. To date, there are 7 colors - two variants of black, blue, frosty, spotted, two types of marder. Minors are always shorthaired.

    colored rabbits

    The colored dwarf rabbit (short-haired) has short and thick fur, pleasant to the touch. There are any colors - solid, spotted, wild, Siamese, silver, motley, almost like the individuals of the Dutch breeds. The physique is harmonious, neat, has rounded shapes, the paws are short, the head is small, the muzzle is short, the ears reach 6 cm in length.

    The short-haired dwarf rabbit is an unpretentious breed, well adapted to life at home. The nature of the animals is friendly, they are distinguished by great curiosity.

    Lop-eared ram

    The Lop-Eared Sheep is a breed with drooping ears. There are about 20 varieties with this trait, but not all of them are dwarf. An adult mini-ram weighs about 1500 g, has a coat of normal length and different colors, a shortened muzzle. His ears are of medium length, hanging on the sides of his head. The species is unpretentious, it takes root well at home.

    Japanese pygmy rabbit

    The Japanese pygmy rabbit has an original pattern on the body. It is striped, dark (brown or black) areas alternate with light (white-red). There is a dividing line from nose to tail. If the stripe on the left is light, then on the right it will always be dark and vice versa. The ears are of different colors, and the muzzle is divided into two shades. At the same time, there is always a dark ear above the light part of the muzzle. The more visible the stripes, the more the Japanese look is valued.


    The satin mini rabbit has a beautiful shiny coat. It resembles silk both in appearance and in touch. The color is always saturated, red, chocolate or black. The size of the animals is large, they grow up to 1.8-2.2 kg. The physique is compact, proportional, the head is small, the ears stand straight, their length is about 9 cm, the skin is covered with thick hair. The character is calm, satin rarely bites.

    Buying rabbits

    It is better to buy pets in a trusted pet store, and not in the market. They should be taken from friends who have been breeding and raising animals for a long time. Another option is a special nursery.

    When choosing an animal, it is worth considering the following nuances:

    1. Examine the cage carefully. It should be clean, tidy, without the smell of urine.
    2. If a person turned to a nursery or buys a thoroughbred animal in a pet store, you should ask to see his parents and other individuals from the same litter. All of them must be the same size and fully comply with the standard.
    3. The animal should be active, curious, with a raised muzzle and protruding ears.
    4. The coat should be clean, smooth, shiny and free of tangles. There should be no feces under the tail.

    If you carelessly examine and select a dwarf rabbit at random, there is a chance of buying a sick individual that will need treatment. It is better to buy a beast at the age of 3-5 months.

    When buying two animals, their gender is taken into account. Boys are not able to live in the same cage, they will immediately arrange a fight. The male and female are housed together if the dwarf boy is castrated, otherwise the girl will quickly become pregnant. The two girls get along well, but they also become aggressive during estrus.

    Site preparation

    If a miniature stick-eared animal has appeared in the house, it is worth preparing a place for it. It should be at a great distance from the battery and the air conditioner. Animals do not tolerate heat, drafts and direct sunlight. The dwelling is installed in the shade in that part of the room that is not blown during ventilation.

    1. All parts of the cage must be made of special durable plastic or metal so that the animal does not chew them.
    2. A dwarf domestic rabbit and the length of the cage should be proportionate, the house is chosen 4-5 times the size of the pet.
    3. Optimal walls are created from a dense mesh, and not from ordinary parallel rods.
    4. A deep plastic tray is placed at the bottom to make it easier to clean. The mesh floor is not very comfortable, the animal is able to injure its paws on it.
    5. In one corner put a tray for the toilet. It is better to take a heavy metal one so that dwarf rabbits do not turn it over.
    6. On the opposite side of the tray, they make a small closed house where the animal can hide and sleep.
    7. A manger for hay is attached to one of the walls of the cage.
    8. Inside, containers for wet food, grains and a drinking bowl are installed.
    9. A wheel, a closed pipe, balls and other toys must be placed in the cage.

    If there is enough space in the house, create an aviary. To do this, a part of the room measuring 1.2 × 1.3 m is fenced off with a grid. The optimal screen height is 1 m. A waterproof piece of linoleum or a dense film is placed on the floor. From above, everything is covered with straw mixed with shavings. An iron tray is placed in the far corner. The enclosure should also include a buried sleeping hut, crawling tubes, a wheel, and other toys. A manger with hay and an automatic drinker are attached to the net, bowls for wet food and grain are placed nearby.

    Features of care and maintenance

    The life expectancy of dwarf rabbits is 5-7 years, although each breed has its own characteristics. Proper care and maintenance can extend the life of another 3-4 years. in order for the pet to feel good and not get sick, it is required to perform simple actions that do not violate the daily routine of an adult.

    The optimum air temperature in the room where dwarf rabbits live is 18-20 ° C. The room should be regularly ventilated to avoid the smell of animal excrement. From the very first days, the pet is accustomed to the tray. Some experienced owners advise to see where the animal began to go to the toilet, and put a container there. The tray is cleaned and washed daily. The bedding is changed once a week.

    Do not disturb your pet in the first days after purchase. He will gradually get used to the new place and become more affectionate. During the day, the animals sleep, they become active in the late evening and early morning. At this time, it is worth releasing the animal for a walk around the house. You can’t do this immediately after feeding, you should wait until the pet goes to the toilet, otherwise you will have to collect his feces throughout the house.

    Caring for dwarf rabbits does not involve frequent bathing. They clean up great on their own. A bath is recommended in cases where the animal had diarrhea. Animals sometimes get fleas, then they are bathed with a shampoo designed specifically for this species. The pet's coat is combed, short-haired breeds need such a procedure every 1.5-2 weeks. Long-haired and down combed every 2-3 days so that they do not have tangles. Once every 1.5-2 months they cut their claws.

    Dwarf rabbits are able to learn some commands. Training should not be too intense. Raising a pet is allowed no more than 5-10 minutes a day. The animal easily learns to respond to its nickname, to return to the cage on command.

    If you properly care for a dwarf rabbit, it will delight children and adults for a long time, and its life expectancy will double.


    It is important to properly feed a dwarf rabbit, otherwise it will become ill and require treatment by a veterinarian. The main food of the animal is hay. It is harvested in the summer on its own or bought at a pet store. Hay is chosen fresh, fragrant, without signs of rotting and mold. If the animal does not want to eat dry grass, it is slightly moistened with salted water or sprinkled with flour.

    Dwarf rabbits also eat other foods:

    • fresh grass;
    • grain (barley, oats, wheat);
    • corn cobs;
    • boiled potatoes;
    • raw or boiled carrots, turnips;
    • sugar or fodder beet;
    • cabbage;
    • apples;
    • chalk, special salt stone or meat and bone meal.

    Pet stores sell special granular feeds that contain the entire list of essential vitamins and minerals. They are given in the evening, 2-3 tablespoons per individual. Fresh herbs and vegetables should not be given in large quantities. It is better to pamper your pet with such food 3-4 times a week. From a large amount of cabbage, animals puff up. Animals should not be given sweets, dried fruits, sugar beets, it is advisable not to feed cauliflower, otherwise you will have to treat intestinal diseases.

    The animal eats 20-30 times a day. He has a small stomach and a fast metabolism. Access to food must be constant. Hay should be in the manger around the clock. Wet mash must be removed in time so that they do not deteriorate. It is good to teach your pet to eat at certain hours. Requires 24/7 access to water. It is better to buy an automatic drinker so that the dwarf animal does not turn the bowl over.


    Reproduction of miniature breeds at home is no different from the reproduction of large varieties. Females are prolific, for one round they bring 10-15 cubs. They give birth 6-9 times a year. Males and females mature at 3.5-4 months, but 4-5 months is considered the optimal period for mating. For breeding, the most suitable color species, Dutch, Polish Germelin, Japanese, lop-eared ram.

    If a person is interested in breeding dwarf rabbits, it is worth choosing purebred animals of a certain breed. So it will be possible to quickly find buyers of offspring. It is better to look for animals in nurseries that issue documents.

    The male and female are kept separately, a few days before the intended mating, the cages are placed side by side so that the animals get used to each other. The girl is always placed next to the boy, because he feels more confident in his own territory. The couple is kept together from 3-4 days to two weeks. Before birth, the female must be planted, the male is able to eat newborn rabbits. During mating, be sure to monitor whether the animals get along well with each other, whether they arrange fights. If conflicts arise between them, the animals are immediately resettled, breeding will not be successful.

    The duration of pregnancy in a female is 25-30 days. At this time, she is fed food with a high protein content. The diet includes oats, legumes, meat and bone meal. It is worth buying special protein-vitamin supplements for pregnant rabbits in veterinary pharmacy or a pet store.

    Before the birth of the cubs, the female becomes restless, begins to build a nest. The dwarf rabbit is born blind and hairless. In the early days, it is better not to touch the babies, their mother is able to get scared and stop feeding.

    Cubs quickly gain weight, already at the end of the first week of life they become twice as large, and at 3 months dwarf rabbits weigh the same as adults. There is almost no need to take care of the babies, the female does an excellent job with everything herself.

    Breastfeeding lasts 35-45 days. It is better to wean the cubs from the female at 2 months. They are placed in a separate cage. It is imperative to distinguish where the females are and where the males are. From 2.5-3 months, the rabbits should live separately, because. starts puberty. The estrus in the female after childbirth occurs after 2-3 days, she is ready for a new fertilization. Do not introduce her to the male before the end of feeding. so that the rabbit does not become exhausted, she cannot give birth more than 4-5 times a year.

    The short-haired dwarf rabbit is not a specific animal, but a description of small animals with short fur. Small rabbits are very popular for home and farm keeping, and many acquire these rodents as pets.

    Short-haired dwarf rabbits are kept both in apartment conditions and in farm conditions - for divorce, because they do not cause trouble, they require minimal care and a small cage. Today we will tell you in more detail what breeds of short-haired dwarf rabbits exist, and how to provide these animals with optimal conditions.

    Many novice rabbit breeders are not always aware that there are differences between these types of animals. The peculiarity is that decorative breeds are bred only as pets, regardless of their size, because beautiful appearance is their main advantage. Dwarf breeds differ only in the smallest sizes.

    On average, the weight of a newborn dwarf baby is 20 grams, while the appearance of a rabbit of this type can be very mediocre. These rodents are kept both for meat, valuable skins, and as pets.

    When choosing a breed for home keeping, you should first study their advantages, as well as evaluate some of the nuances of their content.

    What are the breeds?

    To date, fifteen main breeds of dwarf rabbits have been officially registered, but in fact there are many more of them - due to unofficial crossbreeding. All these subspecies differ in several ways:

    • coat color;
    • coat length (medium, short, long coat);
    • body weight (maximum weight is 3 kg);
    • the shape of the ears (straight-eared, lop-eared).

    Table 1. Breeds of dwarf rabbits

    IllustrationDescription of the breed

    Colored short-haired dwarf rabbits weigh from 850 grams to 1.5 kilograms. These animals have a shiny short coat that shimmers in sunlight. The males of this breed are capricious in nature, they can show aggression towards the owner, especially during puberty, so they are often castrated. Females are characterized by low productivity, in one litter there are no more than 3 cubs.

    The British Mini is the founder of other breeds of dwarf rabbits. The most famous color of these rodents is snow-white, but there are others. The average weight of the animals is about a kilogram, their hair is soft and short. They differ in a rather temperamental character.

    The American Polish mini-rabbit has a docile nature, so these rodents are preferred to be purchased as pets and even used in circuses. Their average weight is 1.5 kilograms. Their coat is of medium length, and has a dark, brown, spotted color.

    The Rex rabbit has an unusual velor coat. There are several coat colors, including dark, lilac, brown, silver. The weight of adults is about 2 kilograms. The average life expectancy of rabbits is up to 5.5 years, at home sterilized females and males are up to 10 years old. Rexes are ideal pets that easily make contact with the owner.

    Russian ermine mini-rabbits are distinguished by cleanliness, which is not inherent in all rodents. Individuals have a rather massive physique and weight about 3 kilograms. Their coat is of medium length, it is light, blue, spotted color. The nature of these animals is very friendly, they are often purchased as pets.

    The Jersey Woolie is a pygmy angora rabbit. Such rodents have a soft, silky coat that looks like fluff. Their undercoat is usually light, and the main coat is colored. Such a rabbit needs more careful care, its coat should be combed out periodically. The average weight of grown individuals is 1.5 kilograms. They have a calm nature, get along in an apartment with other animals without any problems.

    The lion-headed pygmy rabbit has an unusual appearance- on the head, the hair forms a semblance of a mane. Representatives are distinguished by mobility, a lively mind, they quickly make contact with the owner. The average weight of adults is 1.6 kilograms. There are about 60 different coat colors of such rodents, the most common are red and brown.

    A more extensive list of decorative rabbit breeds can be found in

    What to look for when choosing a rabbit?

    You must carefully choose your pet or breed for breeding for sale, and it is recommended to purchase rabbits only from trusted breeders who are able to provide data on the animal's pedigree, vaccinations. Otherwise, you can buy a weak, non-viable rodent.

    At the first examination, you should pay attention to such nuances:

    • wool should be uniform without any bald spots, damage;
    • there should be no discharge on the skin around the nose and anus;
    • it is important to pay attention to the rodent's breathing, it should be calm without any wheezing and squelching sounds;
    • a healthy pet must be mobile;
    • for home keeping, you should choose a rabbit with a calm disposition, excessive excitement often indicates the presence of an illness.

    Important point! It is recommended to choose animals that calmly walk in your arms - it will be easier for them to adapt to new conditions. However, small rabbits up to a month old can be shy, but under comfortable conditions they quickly get used to the owner.

    Features of dwarf shorthair rabbits

    The first dwarf rabbits were bred by Dutch breeders back in the 30s. It was possible to obtain such animals as a result of crossing wild red-eyed and Polish rabbits.

    Initially, all animals had only a gray coat color, like their wild predecessors, then the specialists managed to get a black rodent. However, over the years, global work has been done, and this has led to the emergence of other colored coat colors.


    Standard dwarf shorthair rabbits have the following breed characteristics:

    1. The average body weight is about one and a half kilograms.
    2. The body is dense, the legs are short.
    3. Dwarf rabbits have very tiny ears. Usually their length is no more than five centimeters.
    4. The head is massive, the tail is shortened, fits snugly to the body.
    5. The coat is short, but very thick and shiny.

    The breed standard initially included 20 basic colors, but when crossed, they turned out to be much more. The most popular of them are distinguished:

    • chinchilla;
    • red;
    • butterfly;
    • black;
    • luxury;
    • Havana;
    • Japanese;
    • Siamese;
    • Russian;
    • silver;
    • agouti;
    • hotot.

    Despite the huge variety of coat colors of these rabbits, the most popular are rodents with a white fur coat and a black even spot near the eyes (“butterfly” color).

    It is extremely rare to find snow-white dwarf short-haired rabbits, which is why they are especially valued among rabbit lovers. Specialists have to spend a lot of effort to achieve the appearance of snow-white babies, but sometimes such rodents appear during random crossings.


    Domestic dwarf rabbits are quite friendly, they quickly get used to their owner and remember the nickname. They do not have to be kept only in a cage, because the animals become accustomed to the tray in a short time.

    However, like any animal, small rabbits are prone to stress, so in some situations they can show aggression, but this happens very rarely. Experts note that they become more irritable during sexual activity, and it is recommended to castrate the most active individuals in this regard.

    What is the purpose of keeping rabbits?

    Dwarf rabbits are kept and bred for the following purposes:

    1. These rodents become good friends for children and, if necessary, are easy to train.
    2. Mini rabbits are quite popular, so the offspring can be sold, while receiving additional income. The cost of one animal ranges from 1,000 to 7,000 rubles, or even more (the exact price will depend on the breed characteristics).
    3. Purebred rabbits participate in various exhibitions, competitions, receive awards.

    Home content of rabbits

    You need to prepare not only for the appearance of a rabbit in the house, but also for its transportation. To transport a rodent, it is advisable to purchase a special carrier - they are sold in almost any pet store. In its absence, you can use a box, a basket with holes and a soft bottom.

    After settling into a new home, it is important to provide complete silence for the rodent - this will reduce the likelihood of stress. When the rabbit gets used to the new environment, you can accustom him to your hands.

    1. Colored rabbits require optimal temperature conditions, no more than 25 degrees and no lower than 17 degrees. Otherwise, hyperthermia or severe hypothermia may occur. Animals can get sunstroke when kept outdoors in the summer, so their cages should be carefully closed from direct sunlight.
    2. Animals do not tolerate high humidity and drafts in the room, this leads to diseases of the respiratory system.
    3. The cage or enclosure where pets are kept should be cleaned periodically - the convenience of cleaning must be foreseen in advance. It is necessary to replace the bedding layer every 7 days, remove dirt and droppings. You can disinfect the cage with a solution of manganese, drinkers and feeders are treated with boiling water. Pollution leads to the development of serious diseases.
    4. Almost all dwarf rabbit breeds are mobile, so they should not be kept in cramped cages and aviaries. Pets are often allowed to roam freely.
    5. Pets are allowed to give only fresh food and clean water. Feed mixtures should be selected individually, depending on the age of the individuals. The diet of rodents must be balanced so that all useful trace elements are present in the composition.

    Video - Caring for decorative rabbits

    At home, the rabbit is often allowed to roam freely around the apartment, but you will have to control its movement. These animals love to gnaw on everything that comes their way, and that is why they are not kept without a cage at all - the rodent must have its own home, where it can be closed at night or during the absence of the owner.

    Despite the small body weight, it is recommended to choose a spacious cage for individuals. It is advisable to purchase or make a structure for pets in several tiers with various ladders and toys. The optimal length of the house for each rabbit is 55-70 cm. If the rabbits are crowded, they may develop joint problems.

    You should not choose options for cages with a slatted floor - this is how the pet can damage the pads on the paws. The most optimal would be a solid floor made of plastic or wood. But the side parts and the top of the cage can be mesh, like the door - the main thing is that the metal is not painted - rabbits like to sharpen their teeth on bars and can be poisoned by paint. Make sure that the entrance to the cage is tightly closed, otherwise the rabbit can get out at any time.

    A litter of hay and sawdust is laid on the floor in a cage, the layer of which should be sufficiently dense. You should not choose fillers that are too small in structure, otherwise they will clog in the respiratory tract of rodents.

    Not all rabbit lovers prefer to keep animals in cages, and in this case, you can purchase or build a small aviary in an apartment or in the yard. Pet stores sell various designs of such fences. In the inner part of the enclosure, as well as in the cage, there should be drinkers, feeders and other equipment.

    It is possible to build an open aviary in apartment conditions only in the absence of aggressive cats and dogs, but indoor housing options are usually installed on the street. This is done in order to protect rabbits from other rodents, predators.


    In pet stores, you can buy ready-made dry feed mixtures for rabbits. They contain a full range of useful components. But we must not forget that for normal growth, rodents require plant foods.

    Table 2. Daily requirement of individuals for various types of food

    Type of feedProductsDaily rate
    concentratesWheat, rye, corn, barley, animal feed, oilseed waste.With mixed feeding - 40 g per day.
    RoughageStraw of legumes and cereals, branches of linden, aspen, acacia, maple.Hay - unlimited (especially in winter).
    Green feedLeaves of vegetables, fresh grains and legumes, various young herbs, including dandelion, plantain, alfalfa and sorrel.In the summer season, in unlimited quantities. It is advisable to give dried grass to animals.
    succulent feedCarrots, cabbage, zucchini, beets, potatoes, Jerusalem artichoke.120-150 g per day, small pieces.
    Mineral SupplementsChalk, mineral stone.The average daily dosage is 1.5 g, and for lactating females up to 5 g.

    Table 3. How to make a treat for dwarf rabbits: step by step instructions

    Step one: you need to take a raw egg, and separate the yolk from the protein.
    Step Two: Using a spoon, beat the protein a little.
    Step three: in the resulting mixture you need to add various seeds without peel.
    Step four: mix and put some hay and cabbage leaves.
    Step Five: Mix all the ingredients again and pour the mixture into silicone molds.
    Step Six: Put the treat in the microwave for a few minutes. It turns out a kind of cookie that rabbits eat with pleasure.

    Important point! Mineral supplements must be present in the diet of animals, otherwise the rabbits will begin to use their excrement.


    For the purpose of breeding, rabbits are usually kept in cages in whole groups. For every four females, one male is required. Rabbits can reproduce offspring at any time of the year. In one litter, dwarf rabbits have up to 5-7 cubs, occasionally there are fertile individuals that give 12 rabbits at a time.

    Puberty in individuals begins at the age of 7 months, and for the first time they are recommended to happen before 12 months.

    After good mating the female bears offspring for a month. By the end of pregnancy, a special room in a cage is equipped for a rabbit - a queen cell. There she independently builds a nest from straw and her own fluff, where she gives birth. The rabbit feeds her offspring with milk for up to 1-1.5 months, and then the young are planted - at this age they can already eat the food of adults.

    Summing up

    Domestic dwarf rabbits, like any other living creatures, require care from the owner. Providing pets with all the necessary conditions for keeping and proper nutrition is the responsibility of the person who has taken responsibility for the small animal. Fortunately, caring for dwarfs is easy, and animal lovers can only enjoy it.

    Video - What you need for the appearance of a rabbit in the house

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