How much does a rabbit weigh in 1 month. Dwarf rabbit: size and age. Infectious runny nose treatment


Some decorative rocks grow to a very impressive size. decorative rabbit- a kind of ordinary rabbit and is considered decorative not only by the owner of a miniature size, but also by any animal bred to live at home.

During the selection, two hundred breeds of animals were bred, and all of them differ not only in their characteristic habits, color and length of wool, but primarily in weight and size.

Breeding standards

The range of values ​​is so wide that all domestic rodents are classified into four main groups:

eared giants

Among some breeds, animals of truly outstanding sizes stand out:

But the real giants are rodents bred by Soviet breeders in the middle of the last century. Combining the desire to get animals with high vitality, precocity and excellent health, scientists crossed the English breed of large-sized animals with local ones, which were distinguished by their large body weight. So, scientists got giant rabbits with good genetic characteristics:

The leading place in terms of size is occupied by the Belgian Flanders. A long, growing up to 70 cm rabbit, with dense chic fur. Ordinary animals weigh from 7 kg, some grow up to 10-12 kg, and the recorded record is 25 kg.

Until what age do dwarf rabbits grow?

Babies quickly gain weight. In a healthy female of a dwarf and small breed, subject to calm gestation and the absence of diseases rabbits are born with an average weight of 70 grams. Doubling occurs on the 6-8th day after birth and by two weeks it increases five times.

By the month of life, the initial mass of the rabbit exceeds 10-12 times. The main body growth and density gain occurs up to 3-4 months and is 80% commensurate with the weight of an adult animal. A distinctive feature of animals is their rapid maturation. The final formation of the body ends by eight months after birth.

Rabbits of medium and large breeds are born from 70 to 90 grams. At four months after birth, they take on the appearance of an adult small breed and weigh about 3 kilograms. A full-grown rodent weighs 5 kg.

The weight of the animal may fluctuate depending on the physical condition.

How to find out the age of a pet?

It is difficult for an inexperienced owner to determine the age of a pet. However, there are a number of signs that distinguish a young individual from an adult pet.

Correspondence table for the age and weight of decorative rabbits

rabbit age

Weight of small and dwarf breed

Medium breed weight

Large breed weight

5 months

Any novice farmer planning to work with these animals should know how much a rabbit weighs. The demand for meat will be guaranteed, because the benefits of rabbit meat are literally legendary, but it is important to be able to calculate what income to count on and what breed to start in order to ensure a profitable business.

Meat: general information

Rabbit meat is a dietary product that is beneficial to human health. It is easily absorbed by the digestive system, has high nutritional qualities. Already from six months, it is recommended to start feeding babies using rabbit meat, which is rich in protein, mineral, vitamin complexes.

In terms of the concentration of nitrogenous substances, only turkey and hare are better than rabbits; in terms of fatty substances, duck and pork dominate. The dietary indicators of meat from a rabbit carcass will be close to chicken, but the quality will be better. Up to 20% of the total mass - protein structures, fat - no more than 18%. According to the concentration and set of vitamins, minerals, rabbit meat is better, as experts say, there is practically nothing.

Where to get?

Indeed, having found out all the advantages of rabbit meat, everyone will want to know where to get such a unique product to their table. The owners of rabbit farms are sure for sure: you need to buy from them. In total, about two hundred varieties of animals are known, but not all meat ones. Most famous rabbits are a source of tasty meat and beautiful skins, but some are too small to be used for food.

The most delicious and healthy meat can be obtained from a meat breed. There are several of the most popular rabbits currently farmed. They are the ones for sale.


Many farmers know how much a California breed rabbit weighs - this variety is currently one of the most popular. On average, the carcass pulls more than 5.5 kg, sometimes reaching six. The breed is suitable for our climate, it is well cultivated in industrial environment, has relatively small dimensions, and the quality of the meat is excellent. One of the main advantages of Californians is precocity. By the age of five months, females are maturing, each time bringing a dozen rabbits.

California rabbits are a source of tender and tasty meat, which became the basis for classifying the breed as a broiler. In comparison with other varieties, the rabbit carcass here gives the greatest useful yield. Animals are distinguished by well-developed muscles, short bones.

New Zealanders

Many farmers also know how much a rabbit of this breed weighs - along with the Californian, New Zealand is bred most actively in our area. On average, live weight is up to 5 kg, body length reaches half a meter. Distinctive features of the structure are a cylindrical compact body, a wide back, rich in meat. Especially vigorous growth is observed at an early age. The females of this breed are very prolific, dairy, one round gives the farmer up to 8 rabbits.

Industrial cultivation of the breed allows you to get meat of impeccable quality. The muscles are predominantly located near the spine, the ribs are rounded, the shoulder blades are rather large. The muscle fibers on the lower back and sides are the most dense, although the density throughout the body is sufficient to speak of high quality. Output from one rabbit - up to 60%.

White and German giants

Both of these breeds are considered high-quality, and their meat is tasty. Whites are good for their performance. They belong to the meat and skin breeds of rabbits for meat production. The female for one okrol brings up to 15 cubs. A distinctive feature of the breed is unpretentiousness, undemanding to conditions. The white giant perfectly takes root in the climate of our country.

The German giant is known among specialists under the name "risen". This is a large animal. The answer to the question of how much a rabbit of this breed weighs may surprise you - sometimes the mass reaches 12 kg! The body is massive, rather wide, and up to 70 cm long. A distinctive feature is a powerful skeleton. Like the whites German giants give a rich litter - up to 12 rabbits at a time.

Gray giants

This breed of rabbits for breeding for meat is one of the meat and skin rabbits. The animals are quite large, and their meat is rated as nutritious and tasty, of high quality. The fertility of females is one of the reasons to choose this type of rabbit for your farm. On average, one litter gives 12 cubs. A distinctive feature is the high-quality feeding of the cubs by the female.

At a young age, gray giants grow quickly, feed efficiently and for short term. On average, the weight reaches 7 kg, and the animal reaches full maturity by the seventh month of life. The weight of a rabbit is about 3.5 kg; in well-fed individuals, the slaughter yield is up to 61%.

This breed of rabbits for breeding for meat enjoys well-deserved respect: it is characterized by both a powerful skeleton and an impeccable constitution. Animals are distinguished by a rounded croup, a wide, even back and a developed chest. The rabbit's head is of medium size and somewhat non-standard, elongated shape. The ears are small, stand straight, and the paws are low and powerful.

On average, the weight of a rabbit of this breed is 6 kg. Carcass dimensions: chest girth 37 cm, length slightly exceeds 60 cm. At a young age, Soviet chinchillas grow very quickly and actively, they are energetic, and are in good health. The positive qualities of the meat of this breed are noted: a large yield, good fertility and a decent slaughter yield. At proper cultivation Soviet chinchilla can give even better results than Californians, New Zealanders.

Belgian Flanders

This is such a breed of giant rabbits, the distinguishing features of which are an irrepressible appetite and rich fluffy fur. However, despite the love of food, rabbits are extremely picky in their choice. On average, the weight of an individual reaches 12 kg, the body grows up to a meter in length, and the length of the ears is almost 20 cm.

Due to their impressive size, rabbits are considered beneficial for farm breeding, as they provide a lot of meat. However, there are also weaknesses. For example, offspring, although numerous, rabbits give much later than many other varieties. The coat of the Belgian Flanders comes in a variety of shades of grey. Often it is used to imitate expensive fur.

Giant rabbits: butterflies and rams

Butterfly - a subspecies that appeared around the eighties of the last century. Today it is rare, has a beautiful color with spots, thick white fur, valuable and soft. The spots are scattered randomly on the hearth. Despite belonging to giants, butterflies are quite small: up to 60 cm in length, up to 4 kg in weight. An important feature is the ability to multiply quickly and productively. Animals also grow very quickly.

But the ram has not only a beautiful, but also a very unusual appearance, especially in comparison with the rabbits we are used to. His nose is decorated with a peculiar hump, and his ears and skull have a non-standard shape. Around the end of the first six months of life, the ears gradually begin to sag. Rabbits of this breed are distinguished by poor hearing, they are not afraid of external sounds. Good-natured, calm individuals are undemanding to the conditions of detention and easily adapt to the climate and other features of the area. Soft and thick, their fur is highly valued. The coloration of sheep is varied. On average, the weight of one individual is up to 8 kg.

Blue royal giant

This is a rabbit, characterized by a dense coat of a unique blue color. Beautiful individuals are valued not only for their fur, but also for their meat. On average, the weight reaches 5 kg, and the length of the animal grows up to half a meter. It is said that it is the blue royal giant that has the most delicious meat. The advantages of the breed include rapid growth and the ability to bring rich offspring.

Meat quality: important factors

Breed is not the only one important factor, which determines how high the quality of rabbit meat will be. Much depends on the feed, on the conditions in which the animal lived. Currently, China provides the largest volumes of rabbit meat. According to experts, despite the numerous kilograms, breeding rabbits for meat in this country leaves much to be desired: finished product not too good.

Hungarian manufacturers have a good reputation, supplying an environmentally friendly product to the markets of other countries. The demand for domestic goods is also quite active. In our country there are several large and small farms whose owners know own experience how much an ordinary rabbit weighs, how to fatten it so that the meat is of high quality. Products can be bought either in specialized branded stores or in large supermarkets. Rabbit meat is available to everyone, so you should regularly serve it to the table - this is a healthy product that is excellent even for those who are forced to adhere to a dietary diet.

Rabbits giants: curious features

Representatives of several breeds belong to this category, united by one feature - large sizes. But their color can be very different. As a rule, giants breed excellently, grow quickly, have good productivity, and high-quality meat. Giants in the territory of the former Soviet Union are believed to have first appeared in the Poltava lands as a response to the crisis and food shortages in the post-war period. At that time, breeders set themselves the task of creating a healthy, large breed. It was decided to cross specimens of especially large sizes brought from other countries with local rabbits, perfectly accustomed to the climate and living conditions. Success led to the solution of the problem of lack of meat, first among the local population, and supplies to other regions gradually improved.

Currently, giants are one of the most popular breeds in our country. However, they are also in demand in other powers. Distribution has led to the development of several productive subspecies. For example, there are now giants - these are rodents whose sizes are even larger than standard giants, that is, the yield of meat from each individual is more significant.

Is it worth starting a business?

Breeding giants is considered a promising business area, but novice farmers admit that it is not an easy task. Rabbits live in cages, so it is necessary to choose such a roomy structure, inside which the individual can rise on its hind legs. The presence of free space is one of the most important conditions for the qualitative growth of any breed.

To make the rabbit comfortable, the floor of the cage is covered with sawdust, straw, and hay. From time to time, you need to enclose fruit branches so that the rabbit can gnaw on a solid object. To regularly feed the animal, it is necessary to provide a feeder, a large drinking bowl. The fluid is changed daily - this is a guarantee of the health of individuals. Heavy bowls are more suitable for rabbits, as animals can turn them with their noses.

In order for the female to give a normal birth, one of the corners must be equipped with a heating system - it is she who will choose it for childbirth. Fertility modern breeds quite high, birth control is not required, and small cubs at birth weigh no more than one hundred grams, but their number often reaches 7, and sometimes more. In just a month and a half, the weight of the young will increase to one and a half kilograms. To avoid diseases, it is necessary to monitor the cleanliness of the cage - bacteria are dangerous not only for humans, but also for rabbits.

Rabbits are small, fluffy and cute creatures - we are used to seeing them like that. But there are breeds of giant rabbits, and in this article we will learn all the most interesting about them. Giant rabbits are the pride of rabbit breeding, they are kind and very fluffy. These are the largest rabbits among all rodents. Growing such giants is easy and profitable.

They tolerate cold snap well and are able to adapt to any conditions. How much does a rabbit weigh? Average weight reaches up to six kilograms in a mature individual. They have their own characteristics:

  • unpretentiousness;
  • large body structure;
  • Weight Limit;
  • rapid reproduction;
  • high viability.

Breeds of giant rabbits:

Each breed differs from the other in the structure of the skeleton, the color of the skin, the features of the content and their purpose. In our country more popular White and Gray giants- they are unpretentious and very fleshy. Giant breeds are joined by half-giants and giant breeds.

The Belgian giants or Flanders transferred their large weight to giant rabbits. Their origin is still unknown. They were brought to Flanders sailors from the South American shores, but later no traces of them were found. Most likely, they were exterminated by hunters for the purpose of prey.

The giant rabbit lives in the UK. This is a very large and beautiful animal named Ralph, has a Flanders breed, its weight has reached record levels - 26 kilograms.

Gallery: giant rabbits (25 photos)

Breeding giant rabbits

You decide to breed rabbits first of all decide on the goal that you are more attracted: skin, meat and favorites for your own pleasure? In this article we will analyze several breeds of giants.

Belgian Flanders the Giant

The largest animal, they have a muscular body and a lot of meat. The average weight of this rabbit varies from 4 to 8 kg, the record weight is 13 kg. Height reaches 80 cm, the most minimum length wool 4 cm. They are strong and thick, they have tasty meat, which has thin streaks of fat and a skin of excellent quality. Their color is different:

At the beginning of the last century in the US state of California, breeder George West, as a result of crossing individuals of three various breeds(Russian ermine rabbit, New Zealand White Rabbit and the Soviet chinchilla) received a new breed, unique in its characteristics - the Californian.

But the California hare (black-tailed hare), which lives in the steppes of Mexico and the western United States, has nothing to do with this breed.

Californian rabbits are well suited for industrial breeding, as they easily adapt to the conditions of detention and are highly productive. These animals are bred both for meat and for the purpose of using high-quality fur.

The distinctive color of all rabbits of the Californian breed is dark brown or black paws, ears and a spot on the nose. The spots are bright and well-defined. The eyes of these animals are red.

The shape of the body corresponds to the description of the standards meat breedsstrong stocky body on short legs, thin bones, powerful back and broad chest. The head is small with short ears. The weight of the Californian is about 5 kg, this is a medium-large breed. The fur is thick, high density.

Breeding California rabbits. To increase the number, animals are selected that meet the standard qualities of this species. Rabbit breeders cull an individual if there are the following shortcomings:

  • the weight of the animal is less than 3.5 kg;
  • there are extra dark spots on the body of the rabbit;
  • ears not erect or very long;
  • fur inelastic or sparse;
  • atypical eye color for the breed.

Californians who meet all the requirements placed in separate rooms for breeding. One coating is enough for fertilization. During pregnancy, which lasts a month, females build a nest.

Breeding rabbits in a pit at home

Rabbits are born white, signs of the breed appear over time. All rabbits from the Californian breed have a high milk content and excellent maternal qualities, so the survival rate of young animals is very high.

Buying California Rabbits

You need to purchase an animal from rabbit breeders who are professionally breeding a certain breed. At the same time, attention must be paid to the condition of the young and adult rabbits from California, as well as on the conditions of detention.

First time in a new place approximate the conditions keeping animals to those that the breeder had. Californian rabbits endure transportation quite easily, and young animals are lighter than adults.

Rabbit weight dynamics by months

The Californian breed is distinguished by high productivity and milk production. For one round, the female brings up to 8 babies. The weight of a newborn rabbit is 45 grams, and at the age of two months the Californian is already up to two kilograms.

At 3-4 months, the weight of rabbits is already about three kilograms, and at 5-6 months - 4 kg. Maximum weight ( about 5 kg) is recruited at the age of seven months and further content is considered inappropriate. Animals that are used as producers live up to 5 years. Sexual maturity in rabbits occurs at 5 months.

The adaptive abilities of the Californian breed make it possible to grow these animals both in the south and in the northern regions. Most suitable place for cultivation is indoors with a mesh or slatted floor.

The padding is optional. Cells can be compact size per individual 0.3 m². The height of the cage should be such that the Californian rabbit can stand freely on its hind legs. The room should be well ventilated and protected from direct sunlight and drafts.

Compound feed for rabbits: composition and recipes

Be sure to clean after disinfect cells, not forgetting to process also all drinkers, feeders and other equipment. It is easier to organize the care of rabbits from California if you place animals of the same age nearby.

If rabbits are bred only for the purpose of obtaining meat, the keeping of animals is allowed. in the rabbit hole. The maintenance of animals is thus beneficial, since it does not require large labor costs. Making a hole is pretty easy. To do this, they dig a pit in the ground 2 meters wide and long. The size of the walls is 1 meter, they are reinforced with slate or concrete.

Then you should lay a mesh or plank floor, leaving manholes. The next step is to put a fence around the perimeter of the pit and build a roof. In the future, the rabbit breeder will only have to feed and water the animals, as well as avoid inbreeding, which leads to the degeneration of the breed.

Sometimes representatives of this breed are acquired and as pets. They are friendly, smart enough and have a compact size. In addition, Californian domestic rabbits are very decorative due to their unusual coloration and fluffy fur, which is pleasant to the touch.

Features of feeding

For pets to enjoy rapid growth, their food must be rich in protein. Fish and meat meal, dairy products and other protein supplements are added to the diet of Californian rabbits.

When breeding rabbits for the purpose of obtaining meat products, any livestock breeder should know how much and at what age the pets will gain maximum weight. In order to understand how much a rabbit weighs, you need to know the characteristics of the breed.

Large, medium and small farms that breed rabbits must always correctly assess the performance index of their pets for the success of their business. The weight of animals depends on the following parameters:

  • breed features;
  • the rate of development and growth of young animals;
  • nutritional features;
  • main content parameters.

All these nuances affect the weight of the rabbits by months. A table for accounting for this parameter has been developed for each breed. It usually contains averages. Therefore, it is possible that the maximum weight of a rabbit may differ from the indicators stated in the table for any age. The farmer himself can regulate the pet's body weight by giving the animals a certain feed.

Let's look at the weight versus age parameter for giant breeds. The popularity of these varieties is due to the excellent performance of animals by weight. Moreover, many breeds can be fed with inexpensive feed, while obtaining the maximum weight of animals and an excellent yield of meat products.


Today, livestock farmers very often grow in their farms such a large breed as the Flander. These rabbits are considered direct descendants of the Patagonian species. Outwardly, such a rabbit resembles a small puppy. The exterior of the Flanders is characterized by the following features:

  • thick paws;
  • sluggishness;
  • big ears.

A rabbit of this species can give birth to 16 cubs at a time, or even more. However, on average, this figure is 7-9 rabbits. Babies grow quickly and by 3 months weigh about 3 kilograms. Despite the fact that newborn rabbits weigh 62 g.

In the future, the table of their mass, depending on the month, will look like this:

  • 1st month - 815 g;
  • 2nd - 1.6 kg;
  • 3rd - 2.7 kg;
  • 4th - 3.6 kg;
  • 5th - 4.7 kg;
  • 6th - 5.5 kg;
  • 7th - 6.3 kg;
  • 8th - 7 kg.

As you can see, the young of this variety demonstrate excellent growth dynamics. The main thing is to properly feed and care for growing animals.

white giant

Another large variety is the White Giant. This variety is a descendant of the Flanders. Their distinguishing features are snow-white coat color (there is not a single spot) and red (sometimes pink) eyes. This breed was obtained in Belgium at the beginning of the 20th century.

Domestic breeders have bred a new variety of the White Giant, which perfectly tolerates even harsh weather conditions. Therefore, the breeding of these fur animals can be carried out in regions with harsh climatic conditions.

For one round, the female brings up to 14 babies. The set of their weight per day is as follows:

  • newborn rabbits - 60 g;
  • 30 days - 745 g;
  • 60 days - 1.3 kg;
  • 90 days - 2.4 kg;
  • 120 days - 3.3 kg;
  • 150 days - 4.1 kg;
  • 180 days - 4.8 kg;
  • 210 days - 5.2 kg;
  • 240 days - 5.7 kg.

As you can see, a 6-month-old rabbit weighs a little less than Flanders. Using a variety of feeds, you can slightly spur the growth of young animals. However, it is unlikely that it will be possible to achieve a significant increase, since the characteristics of the rock in terms of mass can only be exceeded slightly.

french ram

To large breeds rabbits also include a variety of French ram. Animals, despite their pretty appearance, are raised for the purpose of obtaining fur and meat. Direct relatives of this species are the English Fold and the Flemish Giant.

With proper care, members of this breed can weigh enough to guarantee an excellent meat yield. To gain a hundred or more grams per day, young animals must eat right. On average, rabbits gain about 4.5 kg.

How much do rabbits weigh, you can find out based on the following data:

  • newborn babies - 60 g;
  • 1st month - 695 g;
  • 2nd - 1.4 kg;
  • 3rd - 2.6 kg;
  • 4th - 3.5 kg;
  • 5th - 4.3 kg;
  • 6th - 4.4 kg;
  • 7th - 5.3 kg;
  • 8th - 6.3 kg.

As you can see, eared breeds of this breed grow and gain weight quite quickly. At the same time, the French ram is highly prolific. At a time, the female is able to give birth to 12 or more babies.

California rabbit

A large breed is the California rabbit, whose homeland is the US state of California. Animals have a cute appearance due to their unusual color. The ancestors of Californians are Chinchilla, Ermine (Himalayan) and New Zealand breeds.

On average, representatives of this species gain 4-4.7 kg. But in some cases, animals can weigh 5 kg or more. Remember that feeding certain types of food will give different weight gain.

The set of young weight by months will look like this:

  • newborn rabbits - 50 g;
  • 60 days - 1.9 kg;
  • 90 days - 2.7 kg;
  • 120 days - 3.1 kg;
  • 150 days - 3.6 kg;
  • 180 days - 4 kg;
  • 210 days - 4.8 kg.

Weight indicators may vary depending on the conditions of the animals.

The breed was obtained by crossing the Chinchilla Rabbit with the White Giant. This is a meat-skin variety. It is typical for young people high speed growth. At the same time, the species is characterized by precocity.

Weight gain is as follows:

  • newborn babies - 0.75 kg;
  • 2nd month - 1.8 kg;
  • 3rd - 2.7 kg;
  • 4th - 3.6 kg.

Adults weigh about 5 kg. The female usually brings up to 8 rabbits per litter. Animals are unpretentious in terms of breeding and calmly endure the harsh climate.

Knowing what weight of a rabbit will be obtained by months with a particular diet, it is quite easy to determine the optimal slaughter time in order to obtain a high meat yield.

Video "How to keep rabbits in winter"

From this video you will learn how to properly keep rabbits in the winter at home.

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