Small domestic rabbits mini. Dwarf rabbit. Decorative rabbit - dimensions


These charming creatures cannot but delight. A dwarf rabbit with beady eyes, funny ears and unusual habits delights animal lovers. These do not spoil furniture with their claws (unlike cats), do not require regular walks in any weather (like dogs), and do not make unnecessary sounds at night. In addition, these kids, for example, the Rex or Sheep breeds, quickly become attached to the owner, please with their funny look and behavior, so they are always loved by both adults and children. What else is attractive about domestic dwarf rabbits, and why every year more and more animal lovers have such pets? We will talk about this in this article.

How are dwarf rabbits different from ordinary ones?

Sometimes it seems that the dwarf rabbit lives in order to please a person with his appearance, to cheer him up. However, this is not entirely true. These gentle babies seem to be created for living in comfortable home conditions. Such rabbits are not grown for fluff or meat - they are exclusively pets that need human care and attention.

Future owners need to know how long dwarf rabbits live. With proper care, their life expectancy reaches twelve years. You should purchase an animal at a pet store or nursery. In this case, one must understand the difference between a dwarf and a decorative animal. The latter may be different weight and dimensions. This is the main difference. Dwarf rabbits, which are always small in size, remain so throughout their lives. If you buy a pet from the market, then you run the risk of buying an ordinary rabbit, but at a young age. In addition, he may be unwell.

Depending on the breed, dwarfs can have different parameters for weight and body length - weight can range from 2.5 kg to 1.5 kg (babies with erect ears). Different breeds may differ in the length of the ears. Most individuals have ears 6 cm long, but there are also hybrids whose ears reach twenty centimeters.


Sometimes novice owners do not think about how long dwarf rabbits live. And absolutely in vain. This is necessary to know at least in order to provide the animal with the right care at different stages of its life.

To date, this question - about the life expectancy of cute babies - is controversial. Some owners claim that dwarf rabbits live only five years, while others claim that they may well live up to twelve.

There are a number of reasons for this difference of opinion. The life expectancy of this pet depends on many factors - the quality of pet care, the attention of owners to the animal, proper nutrition. How to care for a dwarf rabbit - we will tell a little later.

There is no doubt that the health of your pet has a great influence on life expectancy. You need to know how a dwarf pet behaves at home. If you notice any change in his behavior, you should immediately seek help from a veterinary clinic.

Popular breeds

There are many various breeds these cute pets. We will present the most popular and common types of dwarf rabbits to your attention.


The very first short-haired rabbits appeared in France in 1919. For their unusual and valuable fur, they were given a sonorous name - "castor rex" (king of beavers). The resemblance to a beaver is really obvious - the animal has a red-brown fur color. And he received the title of king for the quality of the skin, which is very reminiscent of a chinchilla coat.

"Rex" is a dwarf rabbit (you can see the photo below), which has a low hairline, down and guard hairs of almost the same length. They are half as long as their counterparts. Underdeveloped whiskers are characteristic of this breed - they are much smaller than those of other breeds, and often twisted. At a very young age, it is possible to distinguish a rabbit of this breed only by the antennae. When this species is crossed with ordinary decorative individuals, the skins of rabbits in the first generation do not look like "rex".

lion head

This breed was first bred in Belgium. However, it is not currently considered a separate subspecies in many countries. In our country, this charming creature has gained great popularity. The lion's head is a dwarf rabbit (whose photo we posted in this article), which got its name due to its appearance - its head is really a bit similar to the head of a lion.

His muzzle is surrounded by a soft and fluffy mane, forming a luxurious collar. Most experts are sure that this species is nothing more than a mixture of fluffy and short-haired individuals.

Colored dwarf rabbit

This species first appeared in Holland in the thirties of the last century. He is the offspring of colored, red-eyed Polish rabbits that were crossbred with wild animals.

At first, this dwarf rabbit had a light gray color. In the fifties, the first black variety appeared, and then a wide variety of colors began to appear. Distinctive features of the breed are a small, strong and short body, a short neck, low legs, a massive, in comparison with the rest of the body, back. In addition, the colored dwarf rabbit has rather short ears (5-6 cm). The fur coat of these babies is short and shiny.

short haired rabbit

This breed is very similar to the usual in its physique. It differs from its wild relatives only in size. They have a stocky, cylindrical body. The head is round, the ears are small. They are in perfect harmony with the body. Weight does not exceed one kilogram. According to the existing standard, the ears of rabbits of this breed should not be more than five centimeters.

Today, this dwarf rabbit is kept at home quite often. The breed has more than sixty colors. The coat is shiny and smooth. The main colors are gray, chinchilla, brown. The most popular, but very rare color is snow white, with spots around the eyes. Very rare, and therefore very valuable, is a white color that does not have black hairs at all.

angora pygmy rabbit

This handsome man looks very unusual. In a small fluffy lump it is difficult to see the muzzle. The fur is longer all over the body than on the head. These are special dwarf rabbits. Their care and maintenance is somewhat more difficult. This is due to their luxurious fur coat. This breed is distinguished by two types of fur.

Angora fur is very pleasant to the touch, soft, there is an undercoat. It requires regular combing, careful care. If the owner notices matted fur, it should be cut off immediately. Such a dwarf rabbit is suitable only for a caring owner who has enough time to care for the animal.

The shorter Angora fur is smooth, shiny, not exceeding five centimeters in length. It practically does not get confused and does not fall off, and this makes it easier to care for the pet.

The Angora rabbit has erect and short ears. The standard prescribes an ideal length of six centimeters. The head is round, the eyes are set shallow, the neck is almost invisible. The body has the shape of a cylinder, the backbone is strong. Outwardly, the angora dwarf rabbit looks very harmonious.

Fox pygmy rabbit

Many owners call this rabbit a pygmy fox. They are classified as long-haired breeds. The dwarf fox rabbit has a large head covered with smooth hair, the hair on the body is long. According to the standard, it should not exceed seven centimeters and not be shorter than four.

The body is stocky, the neck is almost invisible. The head is large, but short. The ears are erect and close together. They are beautifully rounded at the ends. Their ideal length is five and a half centimeters, but in some cases it reaches seven. Larger size is considered a defect. The legs are short (especially the front ones). Weight from 1 kg to 1.5 kg. Color most often found brown, chinchilla, agouti.

Lop-eared ram

And this is probably the most original-looking rabbit. It is very common and popular, largely due to its unusual appearance. They have long floppy ears that make them very cute. These rabbits are less shy than other breeds, they quickly get used to people. Experts are sure that the "bravery" of these babies is due to the special structure of the ears. The fact is that these rabbits hear much worse than their compatriots with upright ears.

The weight of these animals is greater than that of many others. dwarf breeds- it sometimes reaches up to three kilograms. "Lambs" have a stocky body with a beautiful back line. Paws are short. The head of this species has a wide forehead and large eyes. The ears are covered with hair, hanging, slightly thickened at the base. It looks like a crown. The ends of the ears are rounded.

The coat is thick, but not hard at all, there is an undercoat. The colors are very diverse - white, gray, blue black and even quite unusual - yellow. They do not need special care.

The most common and popular species is the Dutch Fold rabbit. This is a very calm and friendly breed. Her ideal weight is one and a half kilograms. The ears of these rabbits do not hang from birth. Hanging they become on the fourth week of life.

Dwarf rabbits: care and maintenance

We want to note right away that dwarf rabbits are extremely clean animals. It is quite easy to keep them. However, certain rules must be observed so that your pet is cozy and comfortable in your home.

Dwarf rabbits can use the tray. The main thing is that every time after use, the toilet must be cleaned, because, having felt an unpleasant smell, the animal will look for the wrong place. There are very simple rules for keeping dwarf rabbits that all owners should know.

Your pet will need a cage that will keep him safe when you are busy and the baby is not in your line of sight. You should carefully approach the choice of a place for it - it should be installed in a place protected from drafts and removed from heating appliances and a TV.

In no case do not keep your pet in a cage all the time - the animal must have the opportunity to walk. This is extremely important for its normal development and well-being.

If you want to pick up the baby, do it with the utmost care, as he may try to escape. This may cause injury to the animal.

The rabbit should not be bathed unless absolutely necessary. He is quite good at taking care of himself. The only exceptions are cases when your pet gets dirty and cannot clean itself on its own.

An important factor is the state of his health. The diseases of these animals are manifested brightly and immediately affect his behavior. If you notice something unusual, do not put off a visit to the veterinary clinic. Do not forget that the sooner treatment is started, the higher the likelihood of a quick recovery.


These charming rodents are very fond of fresh grass. The owner's task is to provide his pet with this delicacy (especially in summer). For this fit wild herbs, meadow. The rabbit will happily eat alfalfa and plantain, nettle and dandelion, burdock and sow thistle, and yarrow. There are herbs that should be given in limited quantities (clover or sweet clover). City residents, before collecting grass, should read the list of poisonous plants and herbs and see a photo of how they look. This is necessary so as not to accidentally treat the rabbit with buttercups or henbane.

But the dwarf rabbit does not feed on grass alone. He also needs juicy food. These are primarily boiled potatoes, turnips, carrots, a little cabbage and beets. In summer, milky corn can be given. Your little one will be very happy when you give him an apple. First, it must be cut into four parts, remove the bones and put in the house. And one more rule that the owner must firmly grasp - you can not leave uneaten food in the cage. They must always be fresh. If you notice an upset stomach in your pet, this may indicate overfeeding with green fodder. In this case, you need to reduce the amount of this food.

Dwarf rabbits need mineral supplements. Usually they use mineral stone, pressed chalk, bone meal. Another not the most pleasant feature of the rabbit's body is eating its own droppings. This is the need of the animal's body, since the droppings reduce the rate of digestion of food by 20%, thereby increasing its digestibility. Moreover, it is a source of vitamins, so do not worry too much if you notice that your baby is picking up his "peas".

Dwarf rabbit: reviews

Most owners of these fluffy babies are very pleased with their pets. Many note the ease of care for them. Someone describes them as smart and funny animals that become friends for their children.

And all, without exception, emphasize that this is a very clean animal, completely unpretentious in food. They believe that even a novice owner will cope with the maintenance of this baby, provided that he follows all the rules for caring for the animal.

The breeding of dwarf rabbits has its roots in England at the end of the 19th century, when the breed was first bred and presented at the exhibition, which received the name "Polish Rabbit". The work of the British was continued by German scientists, who introduced the world to another kind of animal - the Hermelin breed. If decorative rabbits of English and German breeding had a standard color, then breeders from the Netherlands for the first time received multi-colored rodents that have a dwarfism code in the DNA structure. The dwarf rabbit is a great pet option. How to take care of him?

Decorative (dwarf) rabbits are animals weighing in the range of 1.5-2.5 kg, differing in the shape of the head and body, the length of the ears and the thickness of the coat.

Regardless of breed, miniature animals vary in length of hairline.

Kind of rabbitsHair length in cm

1,50 – 2,0

2,50 – 4,0

Over 5.0

The coat of dwarf rabbits is soft and silky. The body of representatives of this class of rodents is characteristic of all rabbits - rounded, shortened in length. The head looks quite massive, its ratio with the length of the body is 1:2, the neck is practically absent. The ears of miniature rodents can be very short - up to 5-6 cm, or hang below the level of the lower jaw and reach a length of 20 cm.

The purpose of dwarf rabbits is different from domestic meat or fur-down rodents. Their goal is to please their owners. appearance, affectionate nature and playfulness. The main part of the breeds of dwarf rabbits was bred for keeping in a house or apartment.

Important: dwarf rabbits are quite shy, but they can respond to careless handling, a loud voice or overly energetic movements with counter aggression - biting or marking the territory.

Breeds of dwarf rabbits

The selection work of rabbit breeders has made it possible to breed many breeds of pygmy rodents that differ in the shape of their ears, the length of the fur, the color and pattern on the coat.

Among the breeds decorative rabbits the following varieties can be noted:

  • Danish/Dutch rabbit;
  • lop-eared rabbit Baran;
  • angora rabbit;
  • lion rabbit (lion head and angora lion);
  • fox rabbit;
  • short-haired colored rabbit.

Before making the final choice in favor of a particular breed, it is advisable to first familiarize yourself with the specifics different kind dwarf rabbits.

Dutch (Danish rabbit)

The pet of this breed is in the top 10 most popular varieties of decorative rabbits in the world. Among dwarf rodents, the Danish rabbit looks like a real giant - its weight reaches 2.4-2.5 kg. A large wide head, a rounded body, straight-set ears and shortened front legs are the characteristic features of the animal.

However, it is difficult to confuse the Dutch rabbit with another breed - it gives out a specific color. A distinct white wedge, passing through the middle of the nose, rests with a sharp part against the base of the ears, and below it passes into a zone of the same color. Areas of a contrasting shade (usually black, less often chocolate, tortoiseshell, blue) have clear rounded borders.

The life expectancy of Danish rabbits is about 10 years. Calm temperament, good susceptibility to training and learning determine the prevalence of this breed as a pet.

Sheep lop-eared

In the last decade, the lop-eared Dutch Sheep has confidently held the palm in popularity among dwarf rabbits. The mass of an adult varies from 1.5 to 1.7 kg, the head is quite large - only 2 times smaller than the size of the body. A shortened muzzle with wide-set eyes gives the pet the appearance of a well-fed, good-natured animal.

The main distinguishing feature of the Dutch Sheep is the ears. They hang down below the chin by 2-2.5 cm, are rounded at the ends and look like a horseshoe. The color scheme of the lop-eared Sheep for a long time included only tortoiseshell shades. To date, individuals of almost any color are common - from black or spotted to pearl smoke with red eyes.

The disposition of the lop-eared Dutch Sheep is flexible and friendly, these rabbits easily get used to the toilet, get along well with their owners and children.

angora english rabbit

A fluffy soft ball with barely distinguishable ears and nose is an angora decorative rabbit. The weight of such an animal fluctuates around 1.5 kg, slightly deviating in one direction or another.

The length of the hair on the muzzle and on the body is the same, the structure of the hairline is soft and pliable, prone to tangling. This fact should be kept in mind by potential breeders, as the Angora rabbit requires special care to look good. Ears are erect, decorated with elongated tassels.

The color of the animals has over twenty colors, among which there is a monotonous color (black, lilac, chocolate), and agouti color (white-red-black), and a point color (white background with contrasting paws, ears, tail and nose).

In behavior, Angora mini-rabbits are absolutely calm, they are not capable of aggression and whims. This property of character allows you to start Angoras for the youngest children.

Angora rabbits can be bred both for domestic keeping and for wool, which is highly valued in the market. Read more about breeding and keeping Angora rabbits at. How to feed Angorians, how to care for them? How to shear an angora rabbit?

Feed prices for rabbits

Compound feed for rabbits

lion head

The lion-headed rabbit really resembles the "king of beasts" with the feature of its fur. A compact body with a wide shoulder part is covered with short soft hair, and a lush mane adorns the head and straight ears. The length of the hairline of the chest triangle reaches 7 cm, while the front part of the head is free from hanging strands, the eyes are completely open. The weight of the lion-headed rabbit must not exceed 1.7 kg.

Depending on the set of genes inherited from the parents, the rabbit may have two manes - in addition to lush hair on the head and neck, there is a "skirt" on the sides and back of the body. With recessive genes in the DNA of the Lion's Head, the distinguishing features of the breed may be absent - the rodent is evenly covered with short fur, without an elongated mane.

The character of the Lion's head is surprisingly friendly, with manifestations of timidity. When kept at home, the animal needs a lot of free space and a high aviary - the animal needs free space and the ability to jump intensively.

Colored (short-haired) dwarf rabbit

The breed is fully adapted to home keeping, the maximum weight of a colored rabbit barely reaches 1500 grams. Harmonious proportions, compact body with short and small legs make this representative of rodents look like an elastic ball. The fur cover of the animal is short, dense and thick.

The name of the breed determines the variability in the color of colored rabbits - among them there are all shades, from white with rounded spots near the eyes (oto) to blue and chocolate.

The short-haired pygmy rabbit easily accepts the conditions of the house where he is. With careful and attentive handling, colored rabbits are good-natured and calm. Rare attacks of aggression are possible during puberty or with a sudden fright.

Where is the best place to buy a dwarf rabbit?

The worst option for buying a domestic dwarf rabbit is in the markets or through private announcements. There is a high probability of fraud here - when an ordinary Eastern European rabbit is sold under the brand name of a thoroughbred animal.

Before purchasing an animal, you should be aware of the main characteristics that an ideal pet should meet:

  • the age of the rabbit is at least 1.5 months;
  • mandatory anthelmintic treatment;
  • vaccination against VGBK (viral hemorrhagic disease) and myxomatosis;
  • desirable to have a pedigree.

Even before buying an animal, you need to decide on the gender of the future pet and the desired breed. After that, you can start looking for a pet. Buying a dwarf rabbit is possible:

  • in a pet store;
  • from hands, according to the announcement of the owner;
  • in a specialized nursery or from a club breeder.

Know: thoroughbred dwarf rabbits with an impeccable pedigree and excellent health can participate in exhibitions and competitions, be used for breeding.

The purchase of a miniature rabbit in a store has one main advantage - here you can almost always buy a small animal here, without a queue and at a low price. However, a "shop" dwarf rabbit may well be of the wrong breed, sellers can not always give good advice on keeping animals. In addition, due to not the best conditions for keeping mini-rabbits and their crowding, it is possible to acquire a sick rodent or a pregnant female.

Buying a pet on an ad from former owners a dwarf rabbit is a common option for acquiring a pet. For various reasons, people are forced to part with their pets, so you can buy a thoroughbred rabbit along with its cage and toys at a reasonable price. It should only be remembered that the animal may have advanced age or a chronic illness, which the previous owner will not tell about when selling.

Prices for cages for rabbits

Rabbit cage

The most convenient option is to buy a dwarf rabbit in a nursery or club. Here it is guaranteed that you can buy an animal of the desired breed, with all the documents and evidence of health. The breeder or nursery specialist will advise on all issues related to the home keeping of the rodent, at first he will be able to supervise the pet and give professional advice to the new owner.

How to choose a nursery for buying a dwarf rabbit?

To buy a healthy dwarf rabbit, capable of delighting owners with its fluffy charm for many years, you need to choose the right nursery. In order not to make a mistake with the purchase, it is advisable to pay attention to the following characteristics of the rabbit club:

Important: when choosing a cattery, you should proceed from the documentary evidence of a professional level available to breeders, your own observations and feedback from previous customers.

Determine the gender of the rabbit

Dwarf rabbits of the same breed at the age of 1-2 months are completely indistinguishable from each other. If the animal is purchased from an experienced breeder or in a nursery, then the sex of the animal is indicated in the documents - it is determined professional veterinarians and rabbit breeders. When buying a dwarf rabbit in a store or on the market, the new owner of the rodent faces the problem of determining the sex of the pet.

If the animal has reached the age of three months, then the males can be identified by the descended testicles - they look like small seals next to the genitals. In younger rabbits, sex is determined by the genitals.

  • To determine the sex of the animal, simple manipulations should be done:
  • take the tail to the side and seat the rabbit on its hind legs with its belly up;
  • lifting the rodent by the withers with one hand, carefully squeeze the genital organ with two fingers of the other hand;
  • in the female, when pressed, you can see a pinkish triangle, in the male - a pointed penis.

In a rabbit girl, the genitals look like a narrow gap, originating directly from the anus. The male has a round pharynx, located at a distance of 3.5-4 cm from the anal.

In addition to studying the genitals, the sex of a rabbit can be determined in several other ways. From you will learn about the primary and secondary sexual characteristics of rabbits, about the difference in the behavior of females and males, and why you need to know what gender your pet is.

How long do dwarf rabbits live?

The life span of an average dwarf rabbit is 6-8 years. However, quite often pets living at home reach 10-11 years old. What determines the life span of a miniature animal? Here are a few key factors:

  • genetic disposition to diseases or hereditary defects;
  • good health of producers;
  • the absence of injuries, viral and colds contribute to an increase in life span;
  • correct diet and compliance with the conditions of detention;
  • providing the animal with enough time and space for active walks.

Attentive care, timely vaccination and proper nutrition can help increase the lifespan of dwarf ornamental rabbits.

Prices for brushes for small animals (kittens, rabbits, guinea pigs)

Brush for small animals (kittens, rabbits, guinea pigs)

Tip: if the miniature rabbit is not planned for use in breeding, it is advisable to perform a castration operation - this will add several years to the life of a pet.

Keeping dwarf rabbits at home

After buying a mini-rabbit, he needs to create conditions for a comfortable stay in the apartment. To do this, you need to purchase or make an aviary / spacious cage with your own hands. The pet should be placed in a place inaccessible to drafts and direct sunlight.

A warm fur coat provides comfort to the rabbit at low temperatures, but the animal's heat exchange is completely disturbed in a stuffy hot room. If the apartment has a high air temperature (more than 19-20 0 C), it is recommended to place in a cage plastic bottles with ice, and also wipe the inside of the ears with a cloth dipped in cool water. This way you can avoid overheating the rabbit.

The pygmy rabbit needs a lot of space - he needs to run and jump. A cage or aviary should provide him with the necessary amount of free space for walking. For rest, it is advisable for the animal to provide a house where it will be in the daytime. Dry bedding should be placed in the cage, which should be changed every other day.

Miniature rodents quickly get used to the tray, after which the rabbit can be released for free range in the apartment. It is not recommended to keep the animal in your arms for a long time - when trying to jump, it can damage fragile bones and die.

Attention: dwarf rabbits should only be bathed when heavily polluted or in very hot weather. After taking a bath, you should wipe the animal and allow it to dry in the air, without the slightest drafts.

How to place animals in a cage

Rabbit breeders have a strict rule: each animal must be kept in an individual cage. Exceptions are allowed for short term and in strictly defined variations:

  • two males from one offspring (brothers) until they reach the age of 3 months;
  • two females from the same litter or mother-daughter before puberty;
  • female and male - subject to castration.

When the rabbits reach the age of 3.5-4 months, skirmishes will inevitably take place between individuals in the same cage. If the apartment contains 2 males, then it is better to place them in different rooms, otherwise the housing will be marked by rabbits.

Rules for caring for a dwarf rabbit

Decorative dwarf rabbits need careful daily care. In order for the animal to please the family with its presence and good health for many years, the following recommendations should be observed:

The diet of dwarf rabbits

In the diet of dwarf rabbits, you should follow the recommendations of specialists. The diet of animals should contain a large amount of vegetables (cucumbers, radishes, carrots), dried fruits (bananas, raisins, dried apricots), green leaves and fresh hay. The drinking regimen is of great importance - the presence of settled clean water is mandatory in the cage.

The approximate menu of a young mini-rabbit should look like this:

fresh hay150 g - for individuals with straight ears
200g - for lop-eared breeds
Juicy forage (clover, dandelions, nettles, cereal sprouts) freshly cutUp to 8% of body weight
Washed vegetables (broccoli, carrots, cauliflower, rutabagas, radishes, cucumbers)1-1.5 cups / 1 kg animal weight, starting with small doses and gradually increasing
Fruits (apple, banana, pear, papaya)1 tablespoon, up to 4 times a week
Dry granular food (specialized, only for this type of animal) with a protein content of up to 18%1-2 tablespoon (2.5-3% of body weight)
Salt0.5-2% of total food

Remember: white cabbage, potatoes, plums and citrus fruits are products that are strictly prohibited for feeding ornamental rabbits. Do not give pets milk, sweets and food from the common table.

What to feed decorative rabbits?

A well-designed diet is the basis of your pet's good health and longevity. Read in what the rabbit menu consists of, in what proportions should food be given to the pet. And from the article "" you will get acquainted with the list of unwanted and harmful foods for rabbits.

Proper care, a sufficient number of walks and a well-designed diet are a guarantee of the longevity of dwarf rabbits living at home. A grown animal can walk on the street, using a harness or leash. In keeping, a decorative rabbit is more convenient than traditional pets, and a well-groomed and healthy rodent can evoke the warmest feelings in all family members.

Video - Proper care of a miniature rabbit

Video - Hygienic nail clipping for a rabbit

Since ancient times, rabbits live next to humans. The ancestor of the current rabbit is considered to be a wild rabbit, and not a hare, as they mistakenly think. Even in the Stone Age, these animals were caught in order to be kept at home. Soon, rabbits spread and domesticated almost all continents of the world. There are breeds that are bred for the purpose of obtaining meat and skins. Also, decorative rabbits are becoming more and more popular every day. It is convenient to keep them in apartment conditions as pets. In our article we will tell you about the breeds of decorative rabbits.

Many people ask: how long do decorative rabbits live? Rabbits live an average of 6 years, but if they are well looked after, surrounded by care and love, they can live up to 12 years.
The sizes of decorative rabbits are different, since each breed has its own standards.

On the this moment About 200 breeds of rabbits are known, which are classified as follows:

  • by weight of the rabbit (small, medium and large);
  • by productivity (meat, meat-skin, downy and decorative);
  • according to the length of the coat (long-haired, normal-haired and short-haired).

Now we will consider the most popular breeds of decorative rabbits and their features.

Sometimes they are also called a colored dwarf. This breed is similar to an ordinary wild rabbit in physique, differing only in size. They have a stocky, cylindrical body. The head is round with small ears, about 5.5 centimeters long, which blend perfectly with the whole body. Weight about a kilogram. By standards, the ears of rabbits should be no more than five centimeters long. This breed has sixty types of colors. The coat is smooth, shiny. The main colors for this breed are gray, brown, chinchilla and others. The most attractive color is snow white, with spots in the eye area. An achievement in decorative rabbit breeding is white rabbits with a complete absence of black hairs.

These decorative dwarf rabbits are similar to their large counterparts. They are bred in the Netherlands. What is characteristic of this breed is the designation by the color of the eyes, back of the body and ears. The rest of the rabbit's body is white. On the paws of this breed there are "socks". Weight ranges from half to one kilogram. You rarely see a decorative rabbit of this breed, which will weigh up to one and a half kilograms. This breed is characterized by colors: blue, black, brown, gray.

In appearance, they look very funny - such small lumps of fur. In this lump it is very difficult to see the eyes and muzzle. All over the body the fur is longer than on the head, but on the head it is fluffier. This breed has two types of fur:

  • Angora fur is pleasant to the touch, there is a resemblance to cotton wool, just as soft. Requires careful care, regular combing. Suddenly it happens that the fur falls off, immediately cut it off. Get such a rabbit if you have enough time to care for him.
  • The shorter Angora fur is a shiny, smooth fur, its length does not exceed 5 centimeters. It almost does not get tangled, which makes it much easier to clean.

The ears of this breed are short and erect. According to the standards, the ideal length is 6 centimeters. Their head is round, with not deep-set eyes, the neck is almost invisible. The body is cylindrical, but with strong light bones.

In appearance, the animal is very fluffy, harmoniously folded.

Fox dwarf rabbits

Often they are also called pygmy fox. They belong to the long-haired rabbits. Their head is covered with smooth hair, and their body is covered with long hair. Their body is as if covered with a cloak of wool. The length of the hair according to the standards is not more than 7 millimeters, but not less than 4 millimeters. Their body is stocky, the neck is almost invisible. The head is large but short. The ears are set close to each other, erect, nicely rounded at the ends. The ideal length for them is up to 55 millimeters, but it can reach up to 70 millimeters, more is already considered a defect. The front legs are short. Weight is considered ideal in the range from 1 kg to 1.5 kg. There are different colors: brown, chinchilla, agouti.

"Lion" breeds of decorative rabbits

Lion breeds include two types of decorative rabbits:

  1. Angora lion;
  2. Lion head.

Now let's look at them in more detail.

angora lion has very long hair, even the ears are covered with it. Wool can close the rabbit's eyes, then you need to cut it right away. The main thing is to do it quickly and carefully so as not to scare the rabbit and not damage anything to it.

Lion's head - rabbits got this name because their muzzle resembles some features of the muzzle of a lion. They are like miniature lions. The mane on the muzzle gives them a very pretty look.

Their body is miniature, but stocky. The average weight is 1.2 kilograms. The head is round, small, the color of the eyes is usually combined with the color, the ears are erect. The paws are small but strong.

Unlike the Angora lion, this type of decorative rabbit does not require such laborious care, since the hair in the mane area does not roll.

Lop-eared rabbits-rams

In appearance, ram rabbits look very original. They belong to the normal-haired type of decorative rabbits, they are distinguished by drooping ears, which give them a more pretty appearance. This is the most popular breed, they are less shy and quickly get used to the person. It is believed that one of the reasons they are not so shy is that they have worse hearing than rabbits with erect ears.

By weight, they are larger than some other breeds of dwarf rabbits, their weight can reach up to 3 kilograms.
The body of this breed is stocky, the back line looks beautiful, the back is rounded. Their legs are short and of medium thickness. The head of a "ram" type, with a wide forehead and large eyes. The ears are hanging, covered with hair, at the base there is a thickening that resembles a crown, rounded at the ends.

The coat is thick, not hard, there is an undercoat. The colors are different: gray, white, black, blue and even yellow. They do not need special care.

by the most popular view of the varieties is the Dutch dwarf fold rabbit. This is a very friendly and calm breed. The ideal weight for this breed is one and a half kilograms. The ears of this breed do not hang from birth. They become pendulous between the fourth and twelfth week of life. Colors for this breed are very different.

This is a fairly popular breed of decorative rabbits. Outwardly it White Rabbit with red eyes, only dark paws, ears and tail. The spots can be of various colors: black, brown and even blue.
When a rabbit is born, the dark spots may be invisible or almost invisible. And they only show up after a while. The most popular stain color is black. Previously, rabbits of this breed were called "burning noses."


Breed of decorative rabbits - Ognevka

This breed is less common. She has such colors: black, brown and even blue. The fur is soft and shiny. Their claws are always dark. In rabbits of this breed, the nostrils and circles around the eye are clearly distinguished, as well as the bark of the abdomen, chest and ear framing. Their weight does not exceed three kilograms. They have a strong body with a small head and ears, the length of which does not exceed 10 centimeters.

Pygmy rex, they say, an aristocrat

They are considered to have royal status. They are sometimes called plush bunnies. This breed belongs to short-haired decorative rabbits. Outwardly, their coat resembles velvet or plush. If you run your hand over their fur coat, then the hairs return to their original position. Due to the non-standard structure of the hair, this breed is more prone to skin diseases, since the protective function of the skin is reduced. In appearance, these rabbits look elegant and graceful, and you would not think that they can weigh from 1.5 to 4 kilograms. The body is slightly elongated, cylindrical in shape, with an elongated head, large eyes. The ears are close to each other, looking up and back at an angle that is 45 degrees. The hind legs are longer than the front. The females have no dewlap. Whiskers are not at all developed in this breed, by this criterion they can be distinguished even at birth.

By nature, they are usually phlegmatic, calm and lead a measured life.


Often it is also called the Polish rabbit. The breed is common in Scandinavia and England. In our country, one can hardly find such a rabbit. These are the smallest decorative rabbits. Their mass barely reaches a kilogram. Although there are rabbits and 1.5 kilograms each, this is their maximum weight. The color of the coat is snow-white, combined with red or blue eyes, gives this animal an amazing look. They look like adorable toys.

They have an elegant body with a taut belly. The body is covered with tight-fitting fur, the length of which does not exceed two millimeters. The head of the rabbits of this breed is large, egg-shaped, and the ears are erect and very thin - this gives the rabbit more elegance.

Heat is dangerous for this breed, so you need to choose the right place for their life and monitor the air temperature in hot weather.

They have a peculiar character - “on their own mind”, so this breed should not be started by novice rabbit breeders.

pygmy butterfly

By external signs, this is a very interesting breed. This breed got its name because of the similarity of color with butterflies.

Their weight ranges from 1 to 1.8 kilograms. The body is cylindrical, strong, the line of the back looks beautiful, the back is slightly rounded. This breed of decorative rabbits has a large head with close-set ears that are rounded at the ends.

The wool of these rabbits must have a shine. The absence or lack of gloss is considered a breed defect. The main color is pure white, although combinations of two and three colors are possible. For example, white-black or white-black-yellow. By standards, the claws of this breed are colorless. The pattern on the wool cover should be symmetrical. The design on the head consists of several elements, namely the "butterfly", a wide, closed outline of the eyes, paired points that are on the cheeks and painted ears. The “butterfly” itself also consists of a couple of elements, in particular, a “thorn” and “wings” that cover the corners of the mouth. In the middle of the nose is a "thorn", which has the shape of a circle. On the cheeks there are points of a round or oval shape. A border passes near the ears, after which the color passes to the neck area in the form of a “triangle”, and it directly enters a wide line called the “belt”.

The dorsal pattern consists of two parts:

  • "belt" (dark stripe) about 10 millimeters wide;
  • spots on the sides (4-6 on each).

The "belt" begins behind the ears of the animal, and ends at the tip of the tail.

There should be no spots on the chest, belly and paws - this is considered a breed defect.

On the territory of our country you rarely meet representatives of this breed.


This is a medium-sized breed, which was bred at the beginning of the early 20th century in Germany, which was obtained by crossing two breeds.

These rabbits have a stocky, well-proportioned build, a strong constitution and a broad back. On average, the weight of such a rabbit is 4 kilograms. Their fur is medium in density and is colored bluish-gray. Coloring is zonal. Everything except the tummy and the lower part of the tail is painted in darker tones. The same parts of the rabbit's body are painted in light colors. Squirrel rabbits have a medium-sized head with gray eyes.

Animals of this breed are considered not very prolific. Females of this breed bring an average of six rabbits.

This breed of decorative rabbits is not common in our country.


And in conclusion, I would like to say that not all types of decorative rabbits are listed here, but only a part - the most famous and common. But you have learned a little about the world of "eared", and now, if you wish, you can choose a suitable rabbit for yourself, which will bring you happiness and joy.

An interesting video about decorative rabbits:

Small, fluffy, big-eared and very funny - what pet lover wouldn't love these. Having seen them at least once, one cannot but ask what kind of animals they are and what they are. See breeds of decorative rabbits with photos and names in our selection below and find out everything!

Breeds of decorative rabbits with photos

We have collected photos of decorative rabbits of different breeds, which are common in our country and enjoy considerable popularity. The smallest, lop-eared, curly, etc. - we will not only indicate their names, but also briefly talk about these breeds.

Dwarf ram - lop-eared decorative rabbit

Breeds of lop-eared decorative rabbits "Dwarf ram". Photo of the nursery "Valley of the Winds".

Dwarf ram - this name combines breeds of decorative lop-eared rabbits. Their main distinguishing feature is hanging ears, because of which these babies look like sheep (hence the name).

The most common lop-eared rabbits are NHD (Netherlands Dwarf Sheep), Mini Lop (English Dwarf Sheep) and ZWW (German Dwarf Sheep). All of them are approximately the same in size (weight about 1.5 kg) and do not differ much in price.

  • The price of a rabbit is on average from 3,000 to 7,000 rubles;

Colored dwarf - a small miracle pet

Decorative dwarf colored rabbit, photo of the Dolina Vetrov nursery.

Compared to sheep, colored rabbits have much shorter ears (6 cm versus 24) and are erect. These babies come in a wide variety of colors - gray, white, like a squirrel, many variations and combinations of colors. Maybe that's why they are called colored?

This breed of rabbits differs little from other decorative rabbits in size - the allowable weight is from 1 to 1.5 kg. Read more about colored dwarfs at the link below, where you will also find more photos.

  • The price of a rabbit is on average from 2,500 to 7,000 rubles;

Pygmy rex (decorative rabbit)

Photo of a rabbit of the dwarf rex breed (from the Valley of the Winds nursery).

Decorative Rex rabbits boast a variety of acceptable colors, beautiful thick hair (not long, up to 2 cm) and light weight (from 1.2 to 1.5 kg).

But the main feature of these rabbits, because of which they are called Rex, is the type of coat. The hairs do not adhere to the body as usual, but seem to protrude outward, like in Rex cats.

  • The price of a rabbit is on average from 3,000 to 5,000 rubles;

Rabbit minor

Dwarf rabbit minor, photo of the Dolina Vetrov kennel.

At the moment, the breed of dwarf rabbits "minor" is not officially recognized, although in size they are almost the smallest decorative rabbits. But the price for such babies is far from the smallest, especially when it comes to rare and very beautiful colors.

  • The price of a rabbit is from 5,000 to 15,000 rubles.

Dwarf angora rabbit

Rabbit of the decorative Angora breed, photo of the Pushariki nursery.

With their appearance, decorative Angora rabbits resemble small lumps of fur. Often, it is even difficult to see the muzzle behind the long hair, although the hair on the head is slightly shorter than on the rest of the body.

Such fluffy fur is pleasant to the touch, but also requires care - the owner of the rabbit will have to regularly comb out his pet. Although the breed has two types of wool, very long and shorter (up to 5 cm). The ears of Angora dwarfs are relatively small.

  • The price of a rabbit is on average from 1500 to 4000 rubles.

lion head

Decorative lion head rabbit, photo by WabbyTwaxx.

Outwardly, a decorative rabbit of the lion's head breed is unlikely to resemble a lion, primarily because of its tiny size. And the breed got its name because of the longer hair on the head, a bit reminiscent of a lion's mane.

On average, the weight of these pets is 1.2 kilograms. The head is small, round, the ears are erect, the color of the eyes is usually combined with the color. The paws are small but strong.

  • The price of a rabbit is on average from 3,000 to 4,000 rubles.

Photos of other breeds of decorative rabbits

There are many breeds of decorative rabbits, they are all different in appearance, size, and temperament. All of them are united by one function - to be in the house as a pet.

Since ancient times, wild rabbits have been caught to keep them at home. Over time, they became domesticated. They began to be grown in order to obtain valuable fur and dietary meat. But due to the unpretentiousness of these animals and simple care, they began to be kept as decorative pets. They live an average of 6 years. But if they have quality care, supervision and love, they can live longer.

Why decorative rabbits are needed

The purpose of these breeds can be judged from their name. These animals are not used for breeding for fur and meat. They serve as pets. Especially if there are children in the house. Due to the wide variety of breeds, everyone can choose a pet to their liking.

It is necessary to distinguish a decorative rabbit from a dwarf one. Dwarf rabbits have strict size standards. Decorative such clear standards do not exist. It can be of different sizes, shades and breeds.

Types of breeds of decorative rabbits

To date, about 200 breeds of these rodents are known, which can be classified by weight (small, medium, large), pile length (short-haired, with normal-length hair, long-haired).

Consider the most famous breeds of decorative rabbits with photographs.


This is decorative breed was bred in Holland. Drawings from the 15th century have been found showing similar rabbits. But official data date the origin of the breed to the middle of the 19th century.

The distinctive features of this rabbit is that the color matches the color of the eyes. The ears, part of the muzzle, the back of the torso with the hind legs are of the same color in the animal. All other parts are white. If you watch the Dutch rabbit from the side, then visually it is divided into 2 parts by color contrast. His face is round, his ears are miniature, located at the top of his head. The disproportion between the large eyes and the head with the rest of the body is striking. The weight of an adult individual reaches 2-2.5 kg.

The dwarf breed of the Dutch rabbit is outwardly close to its large relatives. The weight of the animal is 0.5-1 kg. It was bred at the beginning of the 20th century from small Polish rabbits and miniature wild ones. In 1948, the breed ended up in Britain, in the 60s - in the USA.

Back in the 80s, due to the fact that the ancestors of the Dutch rabbit were wild, the animals behaved quite aggressively. Domestication was difficult. After several generations, the breed became more friendly, obedient, sociable. Unlike other breeds, the Dutch rabbit stands out for its greater energy.

dutch fold

This is the most popular breed among the lop-eared. He was bred by the Dutch breeder Adrian de Kock. He set the task of breeding a dwarf copy of the French ram, and many did not believe in the effectiveness of his work. After all, there was one obstacle during work - reducing the size lop-eared rabbit leads to smaller ears. That is, due to lack of length, the ears do not hang down. After working for 12 years on breeding the breed, the breeder officially registered it in 1964.

The length of the ears of a modern Dutch ram is 22-27 cm. The ears of a rabbit do not begin to droop immediately, this process lasts about a month after birth. Sometimes hanging lasts up to 2 months.

When breeding, such a nuisance can occur as the animal outgrows its own dwarf size and bringing it closer to the parameters of an ordinary rabbit. Color may vary. Over time, the color range of the Dutch Fold expands. The standard weight of the animal is 1.5 kg. The number of rabbits in the litter is about 6.

This breed is very well suited for keeping in those homes where there are children, due to the friendly and fearless nature of the animal. They don't require much grooming.

Shorthair pygmy (colored dwarf)

Outwardly, they are similar to a wild rabbit, the difference is only in size. The animal has a stocky build resembling a top hat. According to the standard, the length of the ears is 5.5 cm. The rabbit weighs 1-1.5 kg. The variety of colors of the colored dwarf is more than 50. In the process of selection work, a white rabbit was bred without inclusions of black villi. A very popular breed is white Oto - on a white skin there is a dark spot framing the eye with a continuous strip.

The breed has a short neck and limbs, which distinguishes it from others. The length of the coat is short. The nature of the animal is friendly, but during puberty, a manifestation of unreasonable aggression can be observed. It passes through time.

This is a decorative breed of normal coat length.

Like all breeds of sheep, the dwarf has characteristic hanging ears. They are friendly and balanced. There is an opinion that this is due to the constitution of the ears - they close the auricle, as a result of which rabbits do not hear well.

Unlike other dwarf breeds, a ram can reach a weight of 3 kg. His build is stocky, with a beautiful line of the spine. The back is rounded. Paw thickness is average. The shape of the head resembles the head of a real ram - with large eyes and a massive forehead. Ears hanging rounded at the edges are covered with wool. Under the thick soft pile there is an undercoat. The coat is thick, not hard, there is an undercoat. The color of the animal is varied.

"Lion" breeds

lion head- rabbits that were born in Belgium by mating the Swiss fox and Belgian dwarf breeds. It was officially recognized in 2002.

According to the constitution, the animal resembles a small lion - a mane framing its head and short ears (up to 3 cm). Wool grows 6-7 cm in length. This breed is distinguished from others by the difference in the length of the pile on the head and the rest of the body. It practically does not roll and does not gather into lumps, which makes it easier to care for the animal. Some subspecies of the lion's head have black rims around the eyes. There are no color standards.

The rabbit has a small but stocky body, as well as small and strong limbs. The average weight of the animal is 1.2 kg. It does not scratch or bite, it gets along well with the owner, therefore it is suitable for families with children.

angora lion - long haired rabbit. Its pile can cover the eyes, which is why many owners cut it. The common color is similar to the coloring of a lion - reddish-brown. The nature of the animal is very balanced. They do not fuss, and do not like excessive activity.

Fox pygmy

Their second name is the pygmy fox. The head is covered with a short pile, and the rest of the body is long. According to the standards, the length of the pile should be in the range of 0.4-0.7 cm. The body has a stocky structure, the neck is almost invisible. The head is large but short.

Straight ears are at a close distance from each other. The correct length of the ears is 5.5 cm. If they grow more than 7 cm, then this is a significant flaw. Standard weight 1.3 kg. Wool colors have many options. Most of all there are chinchilla, brown. The pygmy fox needs careful care. By nature, they are different - one comes across calm individuals, the other - skittish.

Angora rabbits were among the first to be domesticated. Turkey is considered the birthplace of this breed. Ankara used to be called Angora, from where Angora cats and goats originated. In the 18th century, the breed was brought to France, where it quickly gained popularity.

Previously, the angora dwarf was used to obtain wool, from which warm clothes were knitted. Later it was bred as an ornamental animal.

Their equipment is tiny, and because of the long pile, the body practically does not stand out. It looks like a ball of fluff. Animals weigh 1-1.6 kg. The common color is white. Breeders are now working on breeding angora dwarf rabbits in other colors. The ears are straight and short (6 cm). The head is round, the neck is almost invisible.

When purchasing this breed, it should be borne in mind that wool requires special care. It needs to be brushed constantly. If lumps form, they should be cut off. A variety of breed with a coat no longer than 6 cm is suitable for keeping. It practically does not crumple, it is easier to care for a pet. Fiber (hay, grass) must be present in the angora's diet. Such food helps to over-etch your own wool, which has entered the stomach.

pygmy hare

This is a common breed of white color with a dark tail, ears and paws (the colors of the spots may vary). The eyes are red. The rabbit is built proportionally, has a slightly elongated torso.

When a rabbit is born, the spots on the coat can be almost invisible. After a certain period they become more pronounced. This breed was once also called the "burning nose".

This is a breed with characteristic external features. The ornaments on her skin resemble the shape of a butterfly. Hence the name of the breed. The body has a cylindrical shape, the body is stocky. The correct line of the back and rounded buttocks. The head is massive and the ears are close to each other. The weight of a rabbit reaches 1.8 kg.

The pile should shine at the butterfly. If there is no shine, this is a deviation from the standard. Nails should be colorless. The ornament should be symmetrical. There is a dark continuous border around the eyes. There is a dark broad line along the spine. The chest, belly and paws must be free of spots, otherwise it is considered a deviation from the norm. There should be no spots on the chest, abdomen and paws - this is a deviation from the breed standard. In our country, a dwarf butterfly is very rare. Typically, large individuals are bred on farms to extract valuable skins and meat.


This breed is also called the Polish rabbit. Its habitat is the Scandinavian countries, Britain. This is the smallest decorative rabbit. The maximum adult animal reaches a weight of 1 kg. Occasionally there are specimens of 1.5 kg. The color is white, the eyes are blue or red. Sometimes a yellowish shade of wool is allowed. The body of the rabbit is proportional, retracted abdomen. The fur is no more than 2 mm long and fits snugly to the body. The head is shaped like an egg. The ears are thin and short.


This breed is of medium size, and was obtained in the early 20th century in Germany. The body of the animal is dense, proportional. The back is massive. An adult animal weighs an average of 4 kg. Hairline of medium density, gray-blue hue. The belly and undertail are lighter in color than the other parts. The head is medium, the eyes are grayish.

The squirrel breed is highly fertile. In one round, a rabbit can give birth to about 6 cubs. Unfortunately, in our country this breed is not popular.

The article describes only the most common types of decorative rabbits. But the information provided makes it possible to form an idea about the features of these animals. If you want to have such a pet, it will be easier to make a choice.

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