Basic research. Methodological aspects of determining the ethno-cultural potential of the region Features of the formation of the image of tourist areas



federal state educational institution higher professional education





(Moscow) (branch) RGUTiS

Department of Tourism


in the discipline "Marketing of tourist territories"

on the topic "Formation of the image of tourist areas"

Made by Ekaterina Udachina

Group TT5 - 2

Checked by Andreeva Yu.Yu.

Grade ______________

Head's signature _________________


Chapter 1. Theoretical part……………………...…….…………………….5

1.1. Image marketing, basic concepts, role and significance ........…………5

1.2. Characteristics of the main stages of image formation ……….......... 8

1.3. Process approach to image marketing, characteristics of the main elements…………………………………………………………………….…..9

1.4. Image positioning of tourist areas………..….…12

Chapter 2. Practical part……………………………………….....…….18

Task number 1. PEST analysis of Lisbon………………………………...……..18

Task number 2. SWOT analysis of Lisbon………………………………..…19

Task No. 3. Assessment of the key factors of competitiveness of Lisbon .............................................. ................................................. ..................twenty

Task number 4. Analysis of information resources of territories……………22

Task number 5. Brief digest for tourists………………………………...27


Bibliographic list…………………………………………………35



In the conditions of fierce competition among the regions for the inflow of investments, skilled labor, environmentally friendly production, improving the image and investment attractiveness of the region becomes an increasingly urgent problem. The steps taken in this direction are non-systemic in nature and, as a rule, do not comprehensively solve the problem. First of all, this is due to the lack of theoretical developments on the basis of which it would be possible to develop a comprehensive marketing strategy for the region, as well as convenient and reliable tools to support the development and implementation of such a strategy.

In a rapidly changing economic and social situation, both in the region and beyond, an increasingly urgent task for successful development the image of the territory is the adoption of reasonable and timely management decisions aimed at increasing the attractiveness of the territory, strengthening and developing positive investment dynamics. This requires the development and implementation of a long-term concept for the integrated development of the economy and social sphere of the region. An important role here is played by attractiveness marketing as a strategic direction of territory marketing, aimed at increasing the attractiveness of a given territory for a person by developing special features that guarantee the competitive advantages of this territory.

aim term paper is to identify the features of the formation of the image of tourist areas.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve a number of tasks:

reveal the essence of image marketing, its basic concepts, role and significance;

determine the place and importance of image marketing in territory marketing;

· characterize the main stages of image formation.

For the most complete and in-depth study of the formation of the image of the territory, as well as to determine its components, the collected and generalized materials of the detailed study of educational literature on the discipline "Marketing of territories" were used.

The objectives of the course work are:

Identification of the main factors influencing the formation of the image of the territories;

· analysis of the main marketing tools that can be applied in the process of forming a positive image of tourist areas;

· to show the importance and practical significance of the tourist area as an object of promotion;

Demonstrate the need to form and promote a regional tourism product.

The object of the study is the image of tourist areas, as well as factors influencing its formation, change and promotion. The subject of the research is the organizational and economic relations that arise in the process of formation and promotion of a positive image of tourist areas.

CHAPTER 1. Theoretical part

1.1. Image Marketing, Basic Concepts, Role and Importance

One of the most important promising areas of marketing of tourist areas is image marketing. The main goal of image marketing is to create, develop, disseminate and ensure public recognition of a positive image of the territory.

The leading image marketing tool is communication activities that demonstrate the openness of the territory for contacts and allow external actors to get to know it better, ascertain the significance of its advantages.

Image is one of the determining factors in the perception of territories. This, in turn, affects the loyalty of the federal center, other subjects Russian Federation, international community. The socio-political, cultural, historical, investment attractiveness of the regions does not arise from scratch, but is the result of a formed and updated image.

According to the UNWTO definition, the image of a region is a set of emotional and rational ideas of an individual about a region, arising from a comparison of all the features of a country, as well as own experience and rumors that influence the creation of a certain image.

Development market economy entailed an increase in the categories subjectively interested in the correct formation of their own image. At the same time, the schemes developed by the West for solving such problems do not fully correspond to the conditions of life in post-Soviet society.

The formation of the tourist image takes place in the institutions of the tourism industry. The object of tourism (tourism industry) includes a tourist region.

A tourist uses a set of services that are provided to him in a certain place or region where a tourist event (event) takes place. This place, due to its attractive factors, becomes a center of tourism. It is through the formation and promotion of the image that the region becomes more attractive, thanks to the competent use of the image. Tourist places differ in the reasons for which a tourist lingers in them.

These reasons are components of the tourist image:

· geographical position;

climatic conditions;

· historical and cultural heritage;

biological and geological features;

· ethnic composition;

natural "treasures" of the region.

When a tourist chooses the purpose of his trip, he compares the various places and the services that are available there, and chooses from them what suits him best. The product that a tourist orders and buys consists of services offered in a given place (tourist region). To make your region attractive is the main task of the image. Territory where a range of services is offered. This may be part of the region or a tourist center, a hotel, where there are all the necessary facilities for organizing recreation and accommodating tourists.

The tourist image should take into account all the nuances associated with the definition of a “tourist region”, since this region appears to be an appropriate competitive unit for it. For this reason, consumer-oriented thinking should be used when defining the product of a tourist region. The production apparatus of the entire region produces only that set of services that is in demand from the consumer, and this set of services can be depicted as a chain of services. Service chains are image tools that, from the point of view of the consumer, divide a complete service into separate parts-elements and partial processes. When using various elements of services, the consumer does not focus on enterprises, but refers the service and its quality to the region as a whole. Thus, regions through all elements of the service chain should strive for long-term development, through the competent use of the image.

The quality of a region as a producer of tourism services should be measured by how well the region can tailor its services to the needs of customers, that is, how well the image program is designed and applied. Strategic goal the entire region as a competitive unit - ensuring competitiveness for a long period. The interaction of industries (hotels, transport companies, trade), their markets, population and the surrounding world has an impact on the competitiveness of the region. For the most successful and long-term existence of the tourist region, a well-formed development program is required. Purposeful, thoughtful creation of the image leads to a positive result.

It should be noted that a positive image depends on the correctness of the concept of the development of public relations. The whole system must necessarily obey a single concept of logic.

Now it is important not only to produce high-quality goods and services, but to organize their sale. Therefore, marketing is very important. The motto of marketing today is: "Produce what is bought, not sell what is produced."

1.2. Characteristics of the main stages of image formation

If tourists have different information about the territory, as well as different experiences associated with it, then the image of the same territory in the minds of people is formed in different ways.

The main stage in the formation of the image of the territory and, at the same time, a necessary condition for its further promotion is systematic research of the target audience. The formation of the image of the territories implies the allocation of certain target audiences, which may be federal authorities, authorities of neighboring administrative entities, large entrepreneurs and organizations, various legal and individuals, local residents, whose interests may be heterogeneous, but relate to the given territory.

At the first stage, research and analysis of the market is carried out, short-term and long-term aspects of our own and competitive offers are determined.

The second stage involves the definition of the objectives of an integrated trade policy, namely a complete understanding of which market tourism operates in. It is necessary to take care of the sale of national products and cultural entertainment, otherwise the effectiveness of tourism may be less than in reality.

The third stage is the implementation of the goal:

· creates its own, characteristic appearance of the proposed tourist product, emphasizes its uniqueness and special attractiveness;

· market segmentation is carried out, an image of a preferred client is created, including nationality, age, education, belonging to one or another group by income and social status, health status, marital status, etc.;

· the proposal is completed, i.е. a set of tourist services and goods is established that is able to meet the needs of the tourist and provide maximum income for the city and region.

At the fourth stage, the selection and use of a combination of marketing tools is carried out - product design, choice of form and price level, sales channels; promotion of the sale, including information and promotions.

When developing a strategy in tourism promotions, it is important to solve the issue of completing the offer. The range of proposals at the first stage should be limited, and this should mean the formation of groups or individuals with similar needs.

1.3. Process Approach to Image Marketing

Characteristics of the main elements

Successful regional development largely depends on the widespread use of marketing tools and modern theories of polarized development. The modern approach to the development of tourist areas is based on the identification of poles or points of economic activity and growth, which are attractions and attractive objects of display.

For the successful formation and promotion of a territorial tourism product, it is important to objectively assess the main characteristics of the competitive environment and its competitiveness. The information basis of such research is the latest electronic technologies, the Internet, multimedia discs, as well as study and promotional tours. In addition, it is customary to use bulletin boards where information about mailing lists, customer feedback, and ratings of tourist destinations are posted.

Multimedia discs – widely used by all participants tourist market to promote your own product. Today almost every country has its own CD-products. The structure of the disc usually repeats the structure of the site and allows you to post information in several languages.

Organization of study tours and promotional tours is a powerful tool for promoting the country and its individual regions. In this case, the consumer receives information from the first person. As a rule, when organizing such trips, the NTA has partners: the national carrier provides transport, regional governments organize reception on the spot, hotels provide accommodation. This form is quite effective and makes it possible to widely advertise the national tourism product.

E-mail marketing is widely used along with other Internet technologies. Tourist organizations have their own distribution databases, which are constantly updated. New mailing systems facilitate the transfer of textual material, quality illustrations, and shipping costs are significantly lower than postage.

Advertising in the media is one of the most effective. Advertising campaigns conducted in the media must be clearly planned and have clear, achievable goals. A number of countries widely use this form of promotion of their tourism products.

To identify the main competitive advantages and key factors of the region's competitiveness, PEST and SWOT analysis methods should be used. PEST Analysis is a tool designed to identify political (Policy), economic (Economy), social (Society) and technological (Technology) factors external environment which may affect the company's strategy. Political factors are studied because they regulate the power functions that determine the state of the business environment of a company, territory or other object of study.

Economic factors are studied to see the picture of the distribution of resources at the level of the state or region.

Social factors make it possible to analyze the demographic picture of the territory, to determine consumer preferences.

Technological factors are examined in this methodology to identify trends in technological development, which are often the causes of changes in industry markets.

In practice, PEST-analysis is used to form the marketing strategy of a company or territory. It is also a tool for comprehensive macroeconomic analysis of the environment and resource availability.

SWOT analysis allows you to determine the reasons for the effective or inefficient work of the research object in the market. The result of this analysis is the development of a marketing strategy. Unlike PEST - analysis that studies the market, SWOT analysis studies the position of the analyzed object (business unit, territory) in the market, as well as its basic concept or idea.

The analysis carried out will make it possible to identify factors that increase and decrease the competitiveness of the region in the markets of tourist and recreational services.

Extremely important in the formation of image methods for the tourist region is the organization of fairs, holidays, various festivals, theatrical performances. The most important method of forming the image of the region is the release of various kinds of advertising information and souvenir products.

1.4. Image positioning of tourist areas

It is necessary to manage the image, because this allows you to position the territory taking into account different target groups of consumers. The image of the territory, which is formed in the mind of the consumer, changes depending on the influence of various events and actions that took place in the area. As a result of the use of marketing tools, consumer perception of the image of the region can be corrected, enhanced or transformed.

Each territory, region has certain characteristics, features (dominants), which, in turn, form an image in the mind of the consumer. Attractive, unique sights, valuable cultural and historical monuments and architectural structures, natural reserves, or economic and political stability, the level of development of the social sphere, etc. can act as dominants. These dominants can be both negative and positive, they are subject to change over time and are not permanent. To form the image of the territory, it is necessary to identify the main positive dominants that would concentrate on themselves all the secondary features of the place. At the same time, using marketing tools, you can adjust the dominants, filling them with a more attractive meaning.

The art of image management should be to ensure that the image of the territory manifests itself in the public mind with its corresponding facet, for this purpose, all facets (profiles) of the image of the territory should be revealed.

A systematic and integrated approach to the formation and promotion of the image of the territory allows, based on the selected profiles, to manage this process in order to form development programs and adjust the image of the territory. The distribution of profiles that make up the image makes it possible to formulate strategic and current goals and objectives. The process of image positioning of the territory requires constant monitoring, which will determine which image profiles need to be developed and promoted under certain conditions.

Strategic management of the image of a tourist area is a process, the starting point of which is the initial diagnosis of the image, which determines the actual assessment of the image. The next step in strategic image management is the selection of goals. In this case, it is necessary to choose a specific area of ​​activity in the field of the image of the territory (image formation, renewal, strengthening or change).

Based on the goal set, an image strategy is formed. The “positioning” strategy assumes, on the basis of the advantages and unique qualities of the region, to single out this place against the background of others. The strategy of "diversification" aims to create a wide range of images associated with the region among consumers in order to break the idea of ​​monotony. The strategy of "concentration", on the contrary, forms a single image of the region in the eyes of the public. The strategy of "denial" is designed to deal with a negative image. The “events and actions” strategy reinforces the positive image of the region through significant events and active actions. Based on the chosen strategy, an activity tactic is developed, i.e. specific tasks are set, certain methods and tools are applied.

Table 1.1. represented marketing methods to work with different types of images.

Table 1.1.

Marketing methods applied to different types of image

Image type Characteristics of the image A task Marketing Methods
positive image The territory is uniquely associated in the minds of consumers due to its merits This image needs not to be changed, but to be strengthened, confirmed and disseminated. Maintaining an image. Hosting major international festivals
Weakly expressed image The territory may be relatively unknown to the target consumer groups. Main reasons - no obvious benefits presented, weak advertising It is necessary to inform about the advantages of the region, using all competitive advantages to attract tourists and other consumers Clear positioning is required. Formation of information flows, mention in the federal media, coverage of interesting and unique events

traditional image

The image based on historical associations does not allow presenting the region as modern, and this may repel the target consumer groups that are significant for it Actively promote the idea of ​​a renewed image, focus on new target consumer groups

The image needs to be corrected.

It is necessary to promote new associative images of the territory through the media

Controversial. image Many large cities have obvious advantages, but at the same time are partially associated with bad ecology, traffic jams, crime and aggression. Isolate negative associations and correct the image of the city or region

Correction or change of image.

Highlighting strong positive aspects through marketing communications

Negative image The territory is unequivocally associated in the everyday consciousness of consumers mainly only with its shortcomings and negative factors: poverty, crime, drug addiction, military conflicts. It is necessary not only to create a new image, but also to actively disavow the old one. It is necessary to form positive attitudes in the minds of consumers

Formation of a new favorable image of the territory.

Positive publications in the media, active propaganda and advertising

Overly attractive. image The territory evokes exclusively positive emotions, is associated only with virtues. The territory is unable to cope with the flow of visitors and new residents Application of the mechanism for regulating the flow of visitors to the territory in the direction of reducing their number

Development of a balanced approach to broadcasting the image of the territory

From table 1.1. it can be concluded that each type of image has its own marketing methods that can be used to improve or make adjustments to the image of the territory.

The image performs three main functions:

Identification creates proven ways of identification;

Idealization of the object makes it possible to combine the desired and actual perception;

· opposition is built on contrast with other images in order to emphasize the advantages of this particular or other object.

The image of any tourist region is not unchanged, ideas about the region can change, especially under the influence of political and economic factors: wars, natural disasters, man-made disasters significantly weaken the image of the region. They reinforce persistent negative stereotypes in the minds of consumers.

The image positioning of tourist areas is based on a certain short and aphoristic slogan, emphasizing their uniqueness and value. Table 1.2. examples of image positioning are presented.

Table 1.2.

Image Positioning Examples

From table 1.2. it can be concluded that each territory has a short slogan, which helps to emphasize the uniqueness and distinguish the tourist territory from others.

For the successful formation of the image, regular marketing research is needed, which makes it possible to identify certain patterns and cause-and-effect relationships, to assess the attractiveness of the region for tourists. For an objective assessment of the attractiveness of the image, it is important to determine the performance indicators.

The main groups of indicators are:

· psychophysical – characterize physical and emotional comfort, ecological safety of rest;

reputational (image) - characterize the degree of prestige of recreation in the region;

social - reflect the social stability in the region, the attitude of the local population towards tourists;

cultural and aesthetic - characterize the level of the historical and cultural potential of the region, information richness, the degree of cognition of excursion routes;

economic - reflect the level of tourist spending, the cost of basic and additional services, compliance with price and quality .

The image of territories in the modern world is becoming an important economic resource and one of the key factors in the competitiveness of a region, city or country. The image of the territory, its reputation in domestic and foreign socio-political and business circles is the basis for the successful promotion of the territory, increasing the attractiveness of territorial tourism products and services both in the domestic and international markets.

Chapter 2. Practical part

Study of the territorial tourism product of Portugal

Task number 1. PEST-analysis of Lisbon

Table 2.1. presented PEST - Analysis - a tool designed to identify political (Policy), economic (Economy), social (Society) and technological (Technology) environmental factors that may affect the company's strategy.

Table 2.1.

Political factors

· Politically stable country;

· State support for tourism development;

· Sound national policy;

· Occupies one of the leading positions in the international market;

· Monitoring the development of tourism in the region.

Economic forces

· Revival of the industrial sector of the economy;

· There is a tendency to increase the average annual income;

· Fall in tourist flows by 10-20% compared to last year, due to the economic crisis;

· Relatively stable exchange rate.

Social factors

· The growth of the population of Portugal due to immigration and also due to the growth of the birth rate of the indigenous population;

· Raising the educational level of the population;

· Readiness of specialists in the field of tourism (Institutes of tourism);

· Average life expectancy of 80 years;

· Reducing the mortality of the population.

Technological factors

· Development of new tourism products;

· Development information technologies, use of WEB-sites;

· Good level of transport infrastructure (development of air transport, rail, sea, road).

After analyzing table 2.1. we can conclude that Portugal is a successfully developing country, which over time can take one of the first places in the development of tourism.

Task number 2. SWOT analysis of Portugal

Table 2.2. a SWOT analysis is presented, which allows you to determine the reasons for the effective or inefficient work of the research object in the market.

Table 2.2.


· Fame, positive image of the territory;

· High level of quality of goods and services;

· Developed tourist infrastructure;

· Financing and maintenance of monuments of culture and history;

Stable position on tourism market;

· A wide range of additional services provided.

Weak sides

· Lack of financial and other resources;

· Insufficient qualification of personnel;

· Ignorance of Portuguese foreign languages;

· Visa formalities.


· Popular beach resorts of the world;

· Portugal is a member of the European Union;

· Increasing the effective demand of the population;

· High consumer satisfaction;

· Portugal's legislation is focused on tourism.

· New players in the market;

High competition in the tourist market;

· World crisis;

· Economic recession;

· Difficulties in obtaining a visa.

After analyzing table 2.2. it can be concluded that Portugal has an advantage in the tourism market, therefore, it occupies one of the leading places. Cons can affect the development of the country as a whole.

Task #3. Assessing Key Factors of Portugal's Competitiveness

Table 2.3.

Factor name Factor characteristic Factor score
attraction factor rich tourist and recreational resources comparable to similar resorts high
the presence of unique monuments of culture and history high
existing material base of recreation high
comfortable climate high
rich flora Medium
balneological resources Medium

Economic forces

Economic forces

favorable value for money for tourist services Medium
stable exchange rate Medium
wide production base Medium
income growth Medium
development of the accommodation services market high
quality of tourist and recreational services high
the level of prices for recreation services Medium
skilled workforce Medium

Safety Factors

protection of tourists from terrorist attacks high
the threat of interethnic internal conflicts high
degree of insecurity of guests Medium
Environmental factors environmentally friendly landscapes high
well-groomed territories high
no harmful industrial emissions high
environmental standards high
Technological factors developed transport infrastructure Medium
state of public utilities Medium
road condition Medium
automation and information technologies in the field of tourism high
Political factors political stability in the region high
Lisbon's prestige in the tourism market Medium
compliance with tourist formalities for tourists entering Lisbon high

After analyzing table 2.3. it can be concluded that Portugal's competitiveness is affected by both positive and negative factors. The influence of many negative factors can be smoothed out or neutralized with certain efforts, both on the part of the authorities and on the part of the local community in the region. The most important factor in the competitiveness of Portugal is the presence of cultural and historical monuments, high quality beaches, as well as a developed functioning tourist and recreational complex.

Task number 4. Analysis of information resources of territories

1. http:// www.

1.1. Appearance and content

The site is made in soft and calm colors - green, pink. The site header is the coat of arms of Portugal. The site contains such tabs as information about the country, main resorts, tourist formalities, main tour operators, an online store, air tickets, various services, a subscription to the press. The site contains illustrative material, also the site contains various maps. Therefore, we can conclude that the logical harmony and content of the main page, first of all, is determined by the headings that make the site rich in information.

1.2. Informativeness and simplicity of presentation of information

The site offers a wealth of information on a variety of topics (accommodation, services, types of tourism, places of interest, events) but uses efficient rubric systems that allow users to select only the information they are interested in. All information is presented in an accessible and understandable way, long texts are not used, extensive material is divided into separate blocks (chapters) with subtitles. Text fragments alternate with illustrative material and photographs, maps, drawings, symbols are used that increase the visual perception of the site.

1.3. Efficiency and ease of use of the site

Each page of the site has a link to the main page. This allows the user to quickly return to the original viewing point. The presence of sections on each page greatly facilitates the use of the site, as they help you find the information you need without returning to the main page.

1.4. Site interactivity

Users of the site can choose the information themselves. An example of high interactivity of the site is an interactive travel plan. Search by keyword, which makes it possible to verify the availability of the necessary information on the site.

1.5. Internationality of the site

It is very important that the site be interesting for foreign tourists, for which it is better to have its versions in other languages.

In this case, the site has only a version in Russian.

1.6. Ways to promote the site

Creating an effective website is only the first step in using the Internet. It is very important to organize an active campaign to promote the site using traditional electronic channels. The site is one of the main sites in Portugal. When you search, a link to it appears among the first.

1.7. Involvement of electronic channels

1.8. Further development site

Currently, the provision of only information services no longer satisfies modern consumers, many of them are interested in booking and making transactions in real time. Therefore, in order to attract tourists, it is necessary to provide such opportunities. To do this, it is necessary to ensure the process of commercialization of sites by introducing payment for booking services or using partnerships.

The site in question is a kind of electronic calling card enterprises of the country. Each resource provides an opportunity for mutual links to other information sites, providing a permanent connection between the most interesting sites and portals and their mutual promotion in the Internet space.


2.1. Site appearance and content

The site is made in soft and calm colors - green, pink, blue. The main menu is located in the upper right corner and on the left side below the picture. The site contains such tabs as information about the country, videos about the main resorts, tourist formalities, news, news archive, air tickets, various services. The site contains illustrative material, the site also contains various information cards, as well as maps of the city. Information sections make the site of the Portuguese Republic rich.

2.2. Informativeness and simplicity of presentation of information

The site offers a wealth of information on a variety of topics. For example, by accommodation facilities, services, types of tourism, attractions, news, events. All information is presented in an accessible and understandable way, long texts are not used, extensive material is divided into separate blocks (chapters) with subtitles. Text fragments alternate with illustrative material and photographs, maps, videos, drawings, symbols are used that increase the visual perception of the site.

Digital material is presented in tables. Graphs and charts were used to track the dynamics of changes in individual indicators (volumes, sales, prices for services, the number of tourist arrivals).

2.3. Efficiency and ease of use

2.4. Site interactivity

Users of the site can choose the information themselves. An example of high interactivity of the site is an interactive travel plan, which is presented in the form of a keyword search, which makes it possible to make sure that the necessary information is available on the site.

2.5. Internationality of the site

It is important that the site be interesting for foreign tourists, for which it is better to have its versions in other languages.

In this case, the site has only a version in Russian

2.6. Ways to promote the site

2.7. Involvement of electronic channels

It is extremely important to create such a site support system, which assumes that other sites will contain links (banners) to the site.

2.8. Website development

Currently, the provision of only information services no longer satisfies modern consumers, many of them are interested in booking and making transactions in real time. Therefore, in order to attract tourists, it is necessary to provide such opportunities. The site will be promoted, but you cannot book through it, as it is just informative.

The site in question is the official web site for tourism in Portugal. It will be promoted and replenished, as tourism in the Portuguese Republic is one of the main economic factors of the region.

After analyzing the main sites of the Portuguese Republic, we can conclude that this region has quite informative sites that will be developed and improved in the future. The most interesting and convenient site for tourists is, as the site is very informative and convenient in that it contains such tabs as information about the country, videos about the main resorts, tourist formalities, news, news archive, air tickets, various services, hotel maps, star rating and name.

The site contains colorful illustrative material, the site also contains various information cards, as well as maps of the city. For the convenience of users, digital material is presented in tables. Graphs and charts were used to trace the dynamics of changes in individual indicators.

Task number 5. Brief digest for tourists

1. Portuguese Republic, a state in the west of the Iberian Peninsula. The capital is the city of Lisbon (see Appendix 1). From the south and west, the country is washed by the Atlantic Ocean, in the north and east it borders on Spain. Portugal includes the Azores, located in the Atlantic Ocean about 1,450 km west of Lisbon, and the Madeira archipelago, 970 km southwest of the capital.

2. For a long time, the main goal of Portugal's policy was to conduct crusades against Muslims in Africa. At the same time, the strengthening of the monarchy and the confirmation of the independence of the country awakened the national spirit of the Portuguese. Portugal took possession of the Madeira Islands in 1418-1420, and the Azores - a few years later. During the reign of Manuel I (1495-1521), Portugal reaped the fruits of the activities of Prince Henry the Navigator and experienced a golden age. The Portuguese had previously fortified their strongholds in Morocco, settled on the islands of the Atlantic Ocean, and established trade centers along the coast of West Africa.

3. The official language of the country is Portuguese, and some citizens also speak German, English, French.

The official national convertible currency is the euro. For currency exchange, it is better to use the services of Portuguese banks, which are open from 9.30 to 12.00 and from 14.00 to 16.00. At later hours, you can contact money changers, where the average exchange rate is somewhat lower.

Time is 3 hours behind Moscow time. Summer and winter time is valid.

4. Political structure: the legislature is a unicameral parliament (Assembly of the Republic), consisting of 250 deputies elected in general elections for a four-year term. The Assembly adopts laws and approves the budget. Executive power is divided between the president and the government headed by the prime minister. Portuguese President Jorge Sampaio. He is elected in a general election for a term of five years and cannot be re-elected for a third term. The president's powers include the appointment and removal of the prime minister and other ministers, and he can veto bills passed by parliament.

5. The main religion is Christianity, incl. Roman Catholicism
- 94%, Protestantism - less than 1%. There are Jewish communities in Lisbon and Porto (200 thousand people). About 5% of the country's inhabitants recognize themselves as atheists. The population of the northern part of Portugal is distinguished by a special religiosity. For a long time this part of the country has been considered its religious citadel. Until now, the city of Braga remains a place of pilgrimage for Catholics.

6. Portugal is located in the subtropical zone. The climate is temperate Mediterranean. In summer, continental tropical air masses dominate, in winter - maritime continental temperate air masses. Several climatic regions can be distinguished: northwestern with abundant rains, mild winters and short summers; northeastern with longer, colder, snowy winter and hot summers, and southern with a deficit of precipitation, long hot summers and mild winters. The average temperature in July is +20º +22ºС, the average temperature in December is +4º +10ºС. The temperature is positive throughout the year (from +3ºС to +25ºС). Western winds prevail. The climate is mild, without sharp fluctuations in temperature. In summer the pressure is high, in winter it is low. Precipitation on the plains falls from 400 to 800 mm, in the mountains from 1000 to 2500 mm per year. Portugal is located in the active zone, earthquakes of 8 points every two years. Rain falls mainly in the winter half of the year.

From the point of view of tourism, the most favorable time to visit Portugal can be called periods: end of May - end of October.

7. Visa: Portugal is one of the countries participating in the Schengen Agreement. Citizens of the Russian Federation can obtain a Schengen visa at the Embassy of Portugal.

In this case, the tourist must enter the Schengen area through the territory of Portugal.

8. Customs rules: The import of foreign and national currency is not limited, the amount of more than 100 thousand escudos (about $ 700) must be declared. The export of imported foreign currency is allowed, national - no more than 50 thousand escudos. The import of drugs, weapons, explosives is prohibited. It is forbidden to import jewelry worth more than 30,000 escudos. When buying in the amount of 11,700 escudos, you can return VAT (about 10%) at the Lisbon airport (international departures hall), at the Lisbon seaport, at the airports of Porto (before passing through passport control) and Funchal ("Duty free shop").

9. On June 9, 2008, flights to Lisbonairport were launched by Transaero Airlines. Departures are carried out weekly on Fridays. Now citizens of Russia and Portugal have the opportunity to travel between the two countries without unnecessary time and money. On all flights from Moscow and Lisbon, passengers have the opportunity to issue an electronic ticket (e-ticket). Flights on the route Moscow - Lisbon - Moscow will be operated on modern comfortable Boeing-767 aircraft with an economy, first and business class cabin. The cost of air tickets for a flight by these airlines ranges from 570-650 euros.

10. Categories of accommodation: hotels, private sector, castle hotels, resort hotels, motels. The cost of accommodation depends on the area where the hotel is located and the cost increases if the hotel is located in central regions. The cost of accommodation in 5-star hotels is in the region of 100 - 150 euros and more per day for one person in a double room. Hotel "Avenida Palace" located in the heart of Lisbon, in a respectable mansion - DBL - 97 euros per day. "Pestana Palace" - the hotel is located 15 minutes from the center of Lisbon, DBL - 130 euros per day.

The cost of accommodation in 4-star hotels is approximately 50 - 100 euros per day for one person in a double room, although sometimes it can be noticeably higher. For example: "Holiday Inn Lisbon" DBL - 60 euros, "Pestana Palms" - one of the best four-star hotels in Madeira, located on the very shore of the ocean - 68 euros per day.

3 star hotels. Middle class hotels. Prices, depending on the area, are as follows: "Almirante", located in the center of Lisbon, DBL - 62 euros per day. "Inglaterra" is located in one of the most attractive and quiet corners of Estoril, DBL - 57 euros per day.

A place in the youth hotel "YMCA YWCA" costs $ 4-6 per day.

11. Enterprises Catering are represented by cafes, bars, restaurants of various categories and capacities, including restaurants of national cuisine, which are a specialized tourism infrastructure. Lunch for two at an inexpensive restaurant in the Baixa area will cost about $20-25 (excluding wine).

12. Portuguese cuisine is quite diverse and combines both European and national components.

Portuguese cuisine is simple, dense and very tasty dishes of fish and seafood, meat and cabbage, as well as a large selection of cheeses. Compared to the Mediterranean, fresh herbs are consumed less. A wide selection of sweets using almonds and cinnamon.

13. Transport: the main means of transportation around the country is buses, in Lisbon - the metro. Payment depending on the distance, by coupons or in small coins from the driver. Portugal has an extensive network of automobile and railways. Ticket prices are quite affordable for small out-of-town trips. Ticket prices for domestic flights are quite high. If you rent a car, you should know that most of the roads in Portugal are paid, their quality is generally good. However, there is no charge from Friday afternoon until Sunday. Taxis are easily recognizable by their beige color and color signal. Some machines are metered, while others are billed by the hour. From 22:00 to 06:00, the tariff increases by 20%. Baggage weighing more than 30 kg is paid at a fixed rate. All taxis have a price list in two languages ​​(Portuguese, English).

Car rental: Renting a car in Portugal is quite easy. The driver of the rented car must be at least 21 years old (in some companies - at least 23 years old) and have a driving experience of 1 year. The car is provided as a rule on presentation of a credit card. It is possible to receive a car upon making a deposit. The price of gasoline is about $1.

14. Shops: Working hours: on working days - from 9.00 to 13.00 and from 15.00 to 19.00. In Portugal, as in Spain, it is customary to rest during the siesta. On Saturdays, most shops close at 13.00. IN shopping malls(Centros Comersiais) in major cities, shops are usually open also on weekends and holidays from 10.00 to 23.00.

15. Tip: If you are satisfied with the service, a tip of 10% is welcome.

16. Communication: You can call from any telephone booth. The call is paid, as a rule, by a telephone card, which can be purchased at the post office. You can also call from a hotel room - in this case, the cost of a call can be much higher. Dialing sequence: 07 + area code + telephone number.

17. Emergency phones: In case of emergency - 115 (from anywhere in the country, at any time of the day). In the event of a traffic accident, use the nearest (orange) telephone 308, ambulance, police, fire brigade - 112, information service - 118.

18. Pharmacies. They are designated with a special sign - a green or red cross on a white background. Opening hours are the same as for shops. On Saturdays and Sundays, as well as on holidays, only duty pharmacies are open, which work around the clock. The most used medicines can be bought at kiosks - they usually work until late.

19. The infrastructure of the entertainment industry is currently developing significantly and includes cinemas, amusement parks, sports clubs. For lovers of gambling and sports, a lot of attractions have been created (“Supersplash”, “Scamboland”).

Leisure industry enterprises adhere to the tradition of entertainment, supplementing them with new elements. Multimedia halls, cafe-theatres (In Lisbon "Tropicalisimo", "Las Ramblas") have gained popularity.

20. Various types of art are developing in Portugal. High level religious and secular architecture and architecture have reached, interesting works of local masters are represented by sculpture and painting. These types of art are characterized by a variety of artistic styles and trends.

A feature in this country was the Portuguese Gothic Manueline style, named after King Manuel I and very different from anything that can be seen elsewhere in Europe.

In Lisbon, there are a huge number of architectural monuments visited by tourists: Queluz Palace, Royal Palace, Mafra,

Tower of Torri de Belen.

21. Unique museum complexes have been formed in Portugal with collections of archaeological treasures, paintings and sculptures, jewelry, arts and crafts and folk art. Museums are located in almost every city in Portugal.

22.Holidays and non-working days: January 1 (Feast of the Virgin Mary), Good Friday, April 25 (Liberty Day), May 1 (Labour Day), June 10 (Portugal Day), August 15 (Assumption of the Virgin), October 5 (Proclamation of the Republic), November 1 ( All Saints Day), December 1 (Independence Restoration Day), December 8 (Immaculate Conception Day), December 25 (Christmas).

23. National features: In Portugal, it is not customary to yawn and stretch in public places, in a conversation you should not discuss problems related to the family and especially children. You should never compare the Portuguese with the Spaniards - despite the unconditional similarity of languages, customs, national cultures and characters, the Portuguese perceive this kind of comparison very painfully.

24. Embassy of Portugal in Moscow:
129010, Russia, Moscow, Grokholsky lane, 3
Phone: (+7 495) 280-1332, 280-6268
Fax: (+7 495) 280-9203

The Consular Section:
Phone: (+7 495) 280-1332, 280-2272
Fax: (+7 495) 280-6293 (reception: Mon-Fri 10-13)

25. Embassy of the Russian Federation in Portugal:
Rua Visconde de Santarem, 59,1000 Lisboa
Phone: (8-10-3511) 846-2424, 846-2423, 846-2524
Fax: (8-10-3511) 846-3008


At the present stage of economic development and in the context of the transition to a post-industrial society, marketing activities are of particular importance. Marketing as a philosophy of modern business, strategy and tactics of market activity is in dynamic development, and any development is a rational combination of historical continuity with constant renewal. The development of marketing occurs, among other things, due to its new directions, taking into account the possibilities and conditions of specific regions. Territory marketing is becoming an important factor successful regional development.

Despite the fact that territory marketing is still a little-studied economic tool, some of its elements are reflected in management theory and are used in foreign and Russian practice. In recent decades, various countries and individual regions have been trying to use the potential of marketing in order to increase the tourist and commercial attractiveness of the regions. First of all, this refers to the direction associated with attracting investors and consumers of the regional tourism product based on the formation of a positive image of the territory.

The image of territories in the modern world is becoming an important economic resource and one of the key factors in the competitiveness of a region, city or country. The image of the territory, its reputation in domestic and foreign socio-political and business circles is the basis for the successful promotion of the territory, increasing the attractiveness of territorial tourism products and services both in the domestic and international markets. The well-known name of the territory, supported by an attractive image, contributes to stable socio-economic development and attracting investment in its economy.

Bibliographic list

    Bgatov A.P. etc. Tourist formalities. M.: Academy, 2006.

2. Voskresensky V.Yu. international tourism: tutorial. M., 2006

    Dzhandzhugazova E.A. Marketing of tourist territories. Tutorial M.: Academy, 2006.
    Lapochkina V.V. Marketing approach to the formation of an image strategy for tourist areas, M., 2008

6. Osipova O.Ya. Transport services for tourists, Publishing Center "Academy", 2004

7. "Portugal". Publishing house "Around the World". M., 2006.

8. "Guide to Portugal" St. Petersburg: Delta, 2008.

9. "Portugal Guide". Skorobogatko K. M., 2008.

10. http:// Date of access: 10/17/2010

11. http:// Date of access: 10/17/2010

12. Date of access: 10.10.2010

13. http:// Date of access: 10/17/2010

14. http:// www. portugal.ruDate of access: 10/17/2010

15. http:// Date of access: 10/17/2010

16. http:// Date of access: 10/17/2010

An image is an image (of a territory, a country, a region) in the minds of public groups. A properly formed image is the most effective and efficient way to work with the mass consciousness.

Country image(as defined by the WTO UN) is a set of emotional and rational ideas arising from a comparison of all the features of a country, their own consumer experience and rumors, as unofficial, but very important information that affects the creation of a certain image.

All of these factors make it possible to present a whole chain of associative pictures when mentioning a particular country. A well-known specialist in the field of imageology A. E. Kiryunin notes that image of the region - this is an individual complex of associative representations, the core of which is the basic representation, correlated by the individual with the region.

Currently, Russia faces an important task - the formation of its own attractive tourist image.

Under the formation of the image is understood the process of establishing associative links between the basic representation of the region and other representations through the repeated joint reproduction of the corresponding representations of objects within a single situation. When forming the image of the region, a certain target setting is determined - the possibility of recognizing regions with a concomitant actualization of attitudes towards the region.

Studies confirm that the main components of the image as a complex of associative representations include geographical, cultural, ethnic, historical. Geographic features play a special role in shaping ideas about the region. At the same time, it is rather difficult to separate the associative complex, since the ethnos is always associated with the landscape, culture and historical development of the region.

The geographical component of the region's image acts as a sum of representations associated with the localization of the region and its natural features, which leads to the allocation of territories with varying degrees of attractiveness, which determine its specialization. Most often, attractiveness is determined by the whole complex of factors (natural, cultural, technological, etc.), and such complex-attractive regions are especially attractive to consumers.

Tourism as a species economic activity and the method of developing the territory is very important for the development of the region, since, in principle, a full-fledged tourist resource can be created in any region, in any territory or corner of nature. An example is the creation of a number of interesting and popular tours to the Arctic. All this significantly changes the approach to tourism marketing. When investigating the key issues of marketing tourist territories, it should be taken into account that tourist resources themselves are not yet a full-fledged tourist product of the territory, such a product must be developed. The product must be based on a certain marketing idea (intent), and only then this product should be promoted to the market. At the same time, the success of promotion primarily depends on a well-formed image.

The cultural component of the image of the region covers the sum of ideas about the region associated with the totality of material and spiritual values ​​created by man within the region.

Basic ideas about the region are activated by the presentation of material objects, the most striking associations are associated with the architectural monuments of the region. The Pyramid of Cheops and the statue of the Sphinx activate the idea of ​​Egypt, St. Mark's Square and the Doge's Palace personify Venice, the Kremlin - Russia, the Blue Mosque - Turkey, etc. The culture of the region includes various manifestations of spiritual life: politics, economics, science, law, morality, art, religion.

The ethnic component of the region's image united by the sum of ideas about the people inhabiting the region as a certain community.

The perception of an ethnos has the peculiarity of moving to the everyday level, in accordance with this, the division of regions into “good” and “bad” appears, in fact, the image of the people is transferred to the image of the region.

Usually complex and multifaceted ideas about the people are replaced by established stereotypes. For example, it is believed that the British are stiff, the Germans are pedantic, the Italians are temperamental, the Americans are unceremonious. The geographical environment and religion had a special influence on the formation of the Russian national character.

The harsh climate, the unpredictability of natural phenomena, the vast territory contributed to the development of special features of the Russian national character: courage, collectivism, impulsiveness, contemplation. Orthodoxy, as the state religion of the Russian people, imparted to the national character a striving for an ideal (harmony), catholicity, patience, and messianism.

Features of the national character, as practice shows, have a significant impact on the formation of ideas about the region.

The historical component of the image of the region includes associative representations related to the process of development of the region.

Each region is a kind of arena for the deployment of various kinds of historical events.

The influence of ideas about the history of the region on its image is formed in two directions.

One of them is related to the idea of ​​antiquity: the further in time the historical events associated with the region are, the more valuable it is for tourists. In fact, there is a certain mythologization - and the image of the region is regarded as a kind of myth. Such regions as Egypt, Greece, China, India are attractive for tourists primarily due to their antiquity.

Another direction is based on the idea of ​​well-known historical events: great wars, sports tournaments, etc. For example, the Trojan War is closely connected with ideas about Ancient Hellas (Greece), Bartholomew's Night - with Paris, the Crusades - with the Middle East. Considering the components of the image of the region, it should be emphasized that any component can be used to activate the ideas about the region, the main thing is that this idea should be bright and emotionally saturated.

Consider the main technological approaches to the formation of the image of the region. The basic element of the image of the region is territory image, which is formed in the minds of consumers.

Traveling, the tourist orients himself with the help of the already existing images of the territories that have developed or been constructed on the basis of past experience and various information. Such images are spatial representations and, in fact, are peculiar economic phenomena.

Visual images are fixed with the help of material evidence - photographs, slides, postcards, booklets, etc. They reflect the image of a particular area and are valuable evidence that enlivens impressions. Regional tourism marketing (Destinations marketing) is able to create and consolidate the so-called "strategic images" of tourist regions, primarily images (images) of cities, regions, resort areas, landscapes and landscapes. It is very important for the tourism industry to show bulk space using various advertising media (booklets, brochures, prospectuses, postcards). Advertising of the area is designed to endow the volumetric space it creates with positive images and ideas that can attract guests. In this regard, unique landmarks of the area should be used, which are of interest to tourists and at the same time can be enhanced by attractive artistic images.

The images of the "unknown country", "mysterious land" - all this has a symbolic connotation and forms the impression of tourists. So, for example, tourist routes along Greater Sochi to tea plantations in Dagomys, with a visit to the museum and tasting in tea houses, are very popular. In this case, the image of Sochi as the birthplace of the northernmost tea in the world is formed, which, of course, is a unique phenomenon. However, the presence of unique objects on the territory does not automatically make them attractive; marketing tools should be used, in particular, a fantasy image should be created around such objects. It is for this that it is necessary to form artistic images using the epic, the history of the region, and cultural traditions.

The image of a territory is, first of all, an idea of ​​an object, a kind of "picture", which is formed on the basis of direct sensory perception of the territory. The image of the territory can be recalled from memory through such specific "pictures". For example, for many people who have never even been to Italy and Rome, the image of Rome is associated with the image of the Colosseum, this is because the views of the Colosseum are presented in the school history textbook ancient world Rome as the capital of the Roman Empire.

Thus, the idea of ​​a territory as an object is, first of all, a complex of various interrelated ideas that reflect certain aspects, features, connections or functions of an object, where each of these ideas can

"reproduce" depending on the situation or direction of thought of the individual (tourist).

The idea of ​​a tourist area as an object has a core - a basic idea ("picture" formed on the basis of directly sensory perception), the recall of which from memory - activation - occurs on the basis of some external stimulus and which is directly identified with the object. Usually, the activation of images of objects occurs under the influence of music, reproductions, postcards, photographic materials, both in material form and in electronic form.

Base view- this is some quintessence, obtained from a variety of images and "pictures" that characterize the territory, and the more complex the object, the more uncertain and blurred the basic idea of ​​it will be.

A region is a much more complex object than an object, person or organization. It is a collection of tens, hundreds, thousands of objects, people, organizations, which in turn are interconnected. All this does not allow one to spontaneously form an idea of ​​the region. Since it is quite difficult to form a basic idea, therefore, it is difficult to feedback an individual with a region through such a representation. Therefore, it is necessary to form the target base representation of the region, as well as a set of associated representations to enable recognition of the region. Recognition of the region, territory should be based on the actualization of images, on the basis of associative representations.

Under performance usually understand the image of a previously perceived object or phenomenon, as well as an image created by the imagination, which is discovered and retrieved from memory. Quite often, the formation of associative representations is associated with cinematography. The films "Spartacus", "Antony and Cleopatra" form vivid associative images of Rome as a majestic city, in turn, the film "Roman Holiday" presents Rome as a very lively, cheerful and modern city, in which almost mystical, funny and at the same time almost mystical, funny and at the same time a sad love story between a princess and an ordinary reporter. Following the plot of the picture, the audience easily remembers the images of Rome - the Plaza of Spain, the Trevi Fountain, the Tiber embankment. These sights become recognizable, which allows you to form a basic idea of ​​​​Rome as a tourist site.

The process of perceiving a territory as an object is complex: to one degree or another, such properties of the human psyche as memory, attention, imagination, and thinking are involved in it. This process can be conditionally divided into stages, each of which characterizes the degree of separation of an object from a single and integral image of the surrounding world based on comparison with previously obtained experience. Sequentially happens:

  • - selection of the object as a whole;
  • - selection of individual features in the object;
  • - highlighting the cognitive content of the object;
  • - highlighting the emotional content of the object;
  • - formation of a sensory image of an object in memory.

Thus, initially a person with the help of organs

senses singles out a specific object as a kind of integrity accessible to cognition from a variety of objects of the surrounding world, then highlights the characteristic features of the object, which in the process of a specific act of perception are taken as elementary, “indivisible” and only subsequently will be analyzed independently. Further, using the abstract-logical apparatus, the cognitive content of the object, adequate to the purpose of its action (for example, “necessary - not necessary”), and then the emotional content (“like - dislike”) will be allocated, and at the final stage, a place is allocated in memory for fixing selected characteristics, i.e. an image is formed.

Note that the same objects can be perceived differently by different people, this is due to the peculiarities of the senses, consciousness and motivation of consumers. The characteristics of perception are also greatly influenced by life experience, level of education, consumer culture and value system.

It is very important to activate the representations of the already formed image of the territory on the basis of associations.

Under association(lat. association - connection) understand the connection that occurs under certain conditions between two or more mental formations - sensations, perceptions, ideas, ideas, etc.

Associations, as it were, remove the restrictions that are imposed by short-term memory on the perception of a limited number of information units and actually ensure the formation of long chains of ideas about an object. Representation activation can occur not only by activation of associated representations (internally), but also as a result of direct perception (externally). This process can be represented as a comparison of the perceived image with representations stored in memory for a long time, and a possible "selection" of one of them. As already noted, the view, the activation of which occurs externally and which is identified with a specific object, is called the base view, in turn, the set of the base view and the views associated with it will be called a set of associative representations.

When activating the idea of ​​the region, it is necessary to pay great attention to the attributes (signs and symbols), as they are used for figurative positioning of the region in the minds of consumers. For example, the use of a coat of arms, an emblem, an image of an animal or a plant makes it possible to create an easily remembered visual image. Thus, the symbol of Florence - a lily flower, the symbol of Canada - a maple leaf, the symbol of Ireland - a clover leaf are repeated many times in the attributes of the corresponding region. Such symbolism allows constructing the image of the territory, creating certain stereotypes and forming a kind of “guidelines” for consumers of tourist services when visiting it. When promoting a tourist area on the market, it must be taken into account that at present the most important motivation in determining a vacation spot is the desire to see something new, interesting and exciting. The consumer expects new impressions and positive emotions from the rest, so it is very important to somewhat enhance and aestheticize the objects presented, to make them memorable. In this regard, even the name of the tour itself is significant. "Brilliant Petersburg" (St. Petersburg), "Legends of the Black Sea" (Greater Sochi region), "In the footsteps of the Argonauts" (Abkhazia) - these names are already forming the image of the regions offered for travel, because they sound in a new way and activate associative representation.

When creating a general image of a region, it is saturated with stable symbols - images of nature, elements of history, local folklore and traditions, stereotypes, etc. communication channels. Like any product, it has a value, which in this case acts as a “symbolic value” and reflects the value of a brand name, trademark, logo, which bring high incomes. The symbolic value of the region is a kind of basis for its brand, on the basis of which the regions compete with each other. First of all, this should be taken into account when forming the marketing strategies of the regions.

The symbolic value of the region is largely formed due to the attributes of the region, or attribute marks, which include the name of the region, flag, coat of arms, motto and anthem.

Attribute signs are not formally chosen means used to designate a particular region, they are associated with many other signs and organically enter into a single system of sign culture, which is the genetic memory of people. At the same time, they are easily perceived by the senses and actively shape the perception of the region.

Effective attributes in combination with a well-thought-out marketing program of the region makes it possible to form a positive image of a country, a separate territory or a tourist destination. As already noted, the work on image formation should be carried out systematically and focused on various target markets, since ideas about the consumer value of a tourist territory are not the same (for one group of consumers, safety can be a key evaluative feature, for others - the level of service, for others - the cost of services) .

In fact, the image acts as a tool for achieving strategic goals affecting the main aspects of the territory's activity. A positive image increases the value of the region in the minds of consumers. Creating a positive image (publicity) is information activity aimed at re-forming it or changing it (adjusting, updating, restoring).

The image performs three main functions: identification- creation of proven ways of identification (identity is the identification of objects through signs, symbols, myths, rituals, etc.);

idealization- idealization of the object makes it possible to combine the desired and actual perception. With idealization, the territory as an object is perceived in accordance with the perception of consumers, i.e. the most effective scenarios for the development of events, actions, actions are set;

opposition- is built on contrast with other images in order to emphasize the advantages of this particular or other object.

The image of any tourist region is not unchanged, ideas about the region may change, especially under the influence of political and economic factors. Wars, natural disasters, man-made disasters significantly weaken the image of the region. In addition, they reinforce persistent negative stereotypes in the minds of consumers. For example, the war in Abkhazia created a negative stereotype of perception of this region as dangerous, unpredictable, and poor among many consumers. At the same time, the resorts of Gelendzhik and Anapa are perceived as prosperous, prosperous and developing. The most effective propaganda tool that can form a positive image is advertising and a competent propaganda policy both at the national and regional levels.

Effective promotion (promotion) of the country and its individual regions is essentially image marketing.

The starting point of this process is the initial diagnosis of the image, in which the actual image assessment is determined. Usually three main types are defined: positive, negative and neutral image of the territory. The next step in image marketing is target selection. In this case, it is necessary to choose a certain direction of activity in the field of the image of the territory (formation of the image, renewal, strengthening, change). Then, on the basis of the goal set, an activity tactic is formed, i.e. specific tasks are set, certain methods and tools are applied. Let's imagine the marketing of the image of a tourist territory as a process (Fig. 6).

One of the most important methods of marketing the image of a tourist area is image positioning.

The image positioning of tourist areas is based on a certain short and aphoristic slogan, emphasizing their uniqueness and value. Let us give the most illustrative examples of positioning the image of tourist areas (Table 10).

The problem of image positioning is especially relevant for Russia. Many tourist regions have begun to solve it. Resorts successfully position their image Krasnodar Territory, and in particular the resort of Sochi, putting forward "Sochi is the Caucasian Riviera" as a key slogan. This is already a historical motto, since at the beginning of the last century the first modern health resort was built on the territory of the city, called the "Caucasian Riviera". Right from that moment

Rice. 6.

Sochi began to take shape as the largest resort on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus.

An interesting approach to the formation of the image is demonstrated by the tourist regions of the Middle East. In particular, the United Arab Emirates position itself as a country of deserts, beautiful beaches and "Palm Islands". In addition, this region is called a "shopping paradise". Another state of the Middle East - Qatar creates an image of the country of business tourism.

For the successful formation of the image, regular marketing research is needed, which makes it possible to identify certain patterns and cause-and-effect relationships, to assess the attractiveness of the region for tourists. For an objective assessment of the attractiveness of the image, it is important to determine the performance indicators. The main groups of indicators are:

psychophysical- characterize physical and emotional comfort, environmental safety of recreation;

reputational(image) - characterize the degree of prestige of recreation in the region;

social- reflect social stability in the region, the attitude of the local population towards tourists;

cultural and aesthetic- characterize the level of the historical and cultural potential of the region, information saturation, the degree of cognition of excursion routes;

economic - reflect the level of tourist expenses, the cost of basic and additional services, the correspondence between price and quality.

The most important component of tourism territory marketing is attraction marketing. It, in turn, is inextricably linked with image marketing, since sights are the components of a positive image of a tourist region. Unfortunately, this type of marketing is poorly studied, the issues of the influence of the attractiveness of individual attractions on the image of the entire tourist territory have not been studied. At the same time, there is no doubt about the exceptional influence of individual unique objects on the image of the territory, which sometimes become symbols of cities and tourist centers (the Eiffel Tower in Paris, the Taj Mahal in India, the Tower Bridge in London).

Of course, the value and attractiveness of attractions depends primarily on their historical and cultural significance, which is indisputable for well-known objects, but this does not mean that new objects are not attractive to tourists.

Examples are the quite successful marketing of a relatively new tourist center in Russia - Veliky Ustyug, known as the birthplace of the Russian Father Frost, or a new attraction on the outskirts of St. Petersburg - the village of Shuvalovka, which is positioned as an ethnic village, a center of folk arts and crafts, combined with an extensive program recreation, entertainment and Russian folk amusements.

In fact, such an image policy forms new brands of territories, a complex of unique distinctive features of the region. As you know, branding is the most important area of ​​marketing communications. There are different types of brands: product, service, personal, organization, event, and geographic.

For image marketing, a special role is played by " geographic» brands(“Geographical” brands), where cities, countries, resorts are the object of branding. This type of brand is gradually becoming widespread, especially in the tourism business, as its creation and successful promotion allow you to receive additional income. The most striking examples of already established geographic brands - the ski resort of St. Moritz, the French Riviera and the Seychelles - bring considerable profits to tourist areas and companies that promote them.

Based on the reach of consumers, geographic brands are divided into three main categories: local, national and multinational.

Local, or local, brand can be defined as a brand that exists in a certain limited area - within the same city or even urban area, within the same tourist center, attractions. A brand's locality is not a sign of its weakness: as a rule, it is the result of a well-thought-out branding strategy and rational allocation of resources. Many companies and territories prefer to create strong local brands and focus on one region instead of creating a “blurred” national level brand. Examples of strong local brands are well-known tourist centers in Italy - Venice, Florence, Naples.

National brand exists within one country, requires significant financial investments for the formation and development, however, work on the formation of a national tourism brand is necessary for the successful promotion of the country in the international tourism market.

multinational(world) brand is a brand that is based on uniform strategic principles in the field of positioning and marketing on a global scale, at the same time, specific marketing activities in different regions may vary depending on the national characteristics of countries and tourist regions.

Branding is the process of building, developing and managing a brand, the purpose of which is to create a strong and competitive brand.

The classic brand creation scheme is a rather complex process, which in a simplified version can be represented as a sequence of stages:

  • 1) strategic analysis market using marketing technologies;
  • 2) assessment of the feasibility of bringing the brand to the market;
  • 3) brand positioning;
  • 4) creation of brand attributes.

The first step in creating a brand is an analysis of the market situation, which determines the feasibility of bringing a new brand to the market. To do this, all known marketing mechanisms are used to accurately determine the characteristics of the market: SWOT analysis, consumer segmentation and analysis of the competitive environment.

The second stage gives an understanding of the need to create a brand with perceived and imagined differences from competitors. The manufacturer expects the brand to have a dramatic increase in sales, additional profits and the ability to further exploit it, so at this stage it is necessary to realistically assess the expected costs and possible income from branding.

The third stage completes the strategic part of the brand building program. The basis of this stage is positioning. Brand positioning allows, to a certain extent, to control the opinion of consumers regarding the place of the brand among many different brands. In fact, positioning is a vision of each company's own brand separately, it allows you to compare individual brands, identifying advantages and disadvantages.

The fourth stage is the stage of creating a creative brand image. At this stage, the content essence of the brand, its value to consumers, as well as the level of design development of the brand name, brand name and other attributes are determined. When developing a brand, it is necessary to perform a number of sequential actions:

  • 1) define the mission of the brand;
  • 2) define and formulate the brand philosophy;
  • 3) develop a concept and strategy for brand development;
  • 4) to form a system of strategic brand images;
  • 5) identify corporate symbols, brand name;
  • 6) create a brand communication system.

Questions and tasks for self-examination

  • 1. What is the "image of the territory (country, region, tourist center, tourist destination)". What is its role?
  • 2. List the geographical, cultural, historical and ethnic components of the image of the tourist region.
  • 3. Define the term "image of the territory". Emphasize the features of its formation and fixing in the minds of consumers.
  • 4. What is the symbolism of the region? Show the role and importance of attributive signs in the formation of an attractive image of the tourist region.
  • 5. Describe image marketing: indicate the basic concepts, their role and meaning.
  • 6. Expand the essence of the image positioning of tourist areas.
  • 7. What are the features of branding tourist areas? Describe the brand building process.

Yu. V. Taranova

Tourism image of the country

In international practice, there are a number of definitions of the concept of tourism. In most of them, there are three main points that characterize tourism:

1) change of place (travel and stay in places that are outside the usual environment of the tourist's residence);

2) the temporary nature of the trip (not exceeding one year in a row);

3) lack of connection with labor activity (remuneration) (without engaging in activities related to receiving income from sources in the country (place) of temporary residence).

Defining tourist image of a territorial state subject, as a starting point, we will use the approach of the World Tourism Organization, understanding the image of the country as “a set of emotional and rational ideas arising from the comparison of all the features of the country, the actual experience and rumors that influence the creation of a certain image” . Below we give several examples of how the tourism image of a state-territorial entity is directly defined in the literature. It should be noted that when considering the tourist image of a territorial subject, we, as well as when considering the integral image of a territorial subject, are faced with various approaches and angles of consideration of this category presented in the literature - marketing, branding and image. Moreover, for various authors, these approaches interact and intersect within the same text.

So, M. A. Spirchenko considers the city as a kind of unique product that has specific properties inherent in it, and requires a certain positioning and promotion in order to obtain certain benefits. “Under the image of the city, one can understand the historically formed image of the city as a subject of social relations in the system of a region or country, due to national, social, cultural and urban factors proper, which is manifested in the accompanying communicative attributes” .

Applying a marketing approach in tourism, A.F. Gorokhov considers the concept of "tourist destination", defining this concept "as an intensively produced and consumed set of tourism products developed on the basis of tourism resources and infrastructure of a certain territory, concentrated in time and space and intended for certain categories of consumers. The concept of a tourist destination brand represents, according to the author, the dominant creative idea, built on the symbolization of the main values, resources of the territory, embodied in semantic, graphic, sound, animation expressions, etc. A. F. Gorokhov considers the study and formation of the image and branding strategy as part of the formation of a marketing strategy for the development of a tourist destination.

In general, after analyzing the literature, we can conclude that the definition of the country's tourism image is similar to the definition of the country's image as such. The only thing that is added is a certain specification associated with the allocation of a narrower group of the public (and groups already within this group) and focusing on certain image characteristics - the components of the territory that are most important for this target group.

In this way, tourism image of the country can be defined as a set of symbolically expressed emotional and rational ideas about the originality and specificity of the country, formed in the minds of public groups (real and potential tourists).

The image of a territorial-state entity is formed in stages. When substantiating the technology for forming the image of a region / country, we rely on approaches well developed in PR theory to the formation of a company's image and use the Laswell communication model.

The following stages of the formation of the tourist image of a territorial state subject can be distinguished:

1) identifying the expectations of public groups in relation to the territorial-state entity;

2) identifying the features and advantages of the territory as an object for tourism;

3) comparison of the image of the territorial-state subject, which is necessary for public groups, with the real characteristics of the territory; wording of the message (messages should be consistent, but different for each group of the public and should take into account the specifics and interests of each group);

4) determination of priority communication channels through which the message (containing the characteristics of the region / country demanded by the public groups) will be sent to the public groups.

The main channels through which information is sent to public groups are:

— Internet (including blogs and forums);

- special events;

- personal meetings;

- intermediaries (travel agencies);

5) development and implementation of an appropriate action program, taking into account the interests of various subjects and the consistency of their actions;

6) efficiency analysis.

It is important not only to attract tourists, but also to encourage them to come regularly, to recommend the area to visit to their friends. Arriving guests have the right to count on a full-fledged tourist product, and not just on visiting the main attractions. This requires a specially designed program for the formation of the image of the territory.

Let us consider the presence of features of a territorial-state subject that are attractive to tourists, taking into account the specifics of this group of the public; as well as the channels that are used to convey the message of the tourist wealth of the territorial state subject to potential tourists.

What attracts tourists to a country or region?

The factors that form the brand of the territory are, for example:

- historical aspect, sights, various events and "common values, feelings, common ideas" (for example, London is a city of business prospects and educational opportunities);

- tourist resources and infrastructure of a certain territory. So, A.F. Gorokhov allocates primary and secondary resources. The main resources form the demand of tourists. Secondary resources are auxiliary components that provide a standardized quality of a tourist trip: accommodation facilities, transport, all types of services for tourists, etc. Secondary resources are divided by A.F. Gorokhov into infrastructure and superstructure. The infrastructure is the whole complex of basic facilities necessary for the life support of the local population and tourists: water supply, sewerage, electricity, roads, communications, etc. The superstructure is defined by A.F. Gorokhov as a set of secondary resources of the tourism sector itself: hotels, beaches, service enterprises, etc.

Tourists, no matter how focused on certain (cognitive, recreational, business) goals, still cannot but face the current state of the territorial subject. The cleanliness of the streets, the courtesy of local residents, their knowledge of languages, the ability to report interesting places to visit, the quality of service in cafes and restaurants, the availability of ATMs, the availability of means of communication - all this will be noticed by guests of the country, and they will tell their friends about everything when they return home. Restraining factors in the development of the tourism industry can be: lack of information, lack of a clear positioning of the territorial subject in the domestic and international information space, infrastructure problems. Political problems, difficulties associated with obtaining visas, force majeure and crisis situations can also discourage tourists from visiting a particular country.

Thus, the level of infrastructure, quality of service contribute to the arrival of tourists to the country, and the unique features of the territory attract tourists to the country:

  • historical and cultural heritage, architectural monuments;
  • natural and geographical features of the territory;
  • opportunities for hunting, fishing, extreme tourism;
  • carnivals, festivals, holidays, sporting events and other bright events associated with this territory;
  • specific features of the territory (in terms of the interests and goals of specific tourists).

When constructing the image of a territory, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the set of image constructs contained in a message addressed to the audience and the channels through which this message reaches the audience are not the same for different groups public, but take into account the specifics, interests and preferences, goals, as well as the cultural level of each group. After all, tourists come to the country with different goals, have different financial resources and different cultural and educational levels.

Speaking about information transmission channels, we note that in order to attract tourists, it is possible to place the necessary information in the media, on the websites of tour operators, on the websites of regional administrations, on interregional and international exhibitions- that is, use those channels through which information is most likely to reach potential tourists.

The formation of the image of the territory as a major tourist center is facilitated by participation in specialized exhibitions. Thus, the regions of the Russian Federation present their stands at international exhibitions held annually in Moscow - "Intourmarket" and "MITT-Travel and Tourism". Exhibition visitors have the opportunity to get acquainted with the programs of tour operators in rural, historical, ecological and other types of tourism. At the exhibitions, the regions demonstrate printed and video materials, present souvenirs.

As an example, we give the following methods and channels for attracting potential tourists, indicated in the law on the regional target program "Development of the Tourism and Recreation of the Leningrad Region":

1) cycles of TV and radio programs for Russia and foreign countries;

4) international exhibitions;

5) official website of the Administration of the Leningrad Region;

6) a network of tourist information centers for foreign and Russian tourists;

7) study tours around the Leningrad region for foreign journalists;

8) presentation of the tourism opportunities of the Leningrad region in the regions of the Russian Federation and the main countries that send tourists to the Leningrad region.

In conclusion, I would like to note that the tourist image of the country is one of the components of the overall image of the country. The connection of the country's tourist image with the natural-geographical, historical-cultural, socio-economic, political and mass-cult components of the Spheral structural model of the external image of the state is obvious. All these components influence each other within the framework of the macrostructural model of the image of a territorial subject. Tourism development plays an important role in solving economic, social problems countries, providing significant revenues to the budgets of the subjects of the Federation, contributing to the successful operation of small and medium-sized businesses, providing income for citizens employed in this area. Along with this, tourism has an impact on the preservation and development of cultural potential, leads to the harmonization of relations between different countries and peoples.

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