functioning of the tourism market. Trends and factors in the development of the tourism market The concept of features and functioning of the tourism market


Market- an indirect relationship between producers and consumers of products in the form of the sale and purchase of goods, the scope of the implementation of commodity-money relations, as well as the entire set of means, methods, tools, organizational and legal norms, structures that ensure the functioning of such relations. It is generally accepted that the market functions effectively if three basic conditions are met: free competition between manufacturers, the same rules for everyone in the field of quality and safety of products and services provided, and the possibility of free choice of consumers.

Under services market It is customary to understand the system of purchase and sale relations between economically free sellers and buyers. The services market is unlike other markets mainly for two reasons:

1) the service does not exist until the moment of its provision, which means that it is impossible to compare and evaluate services before they are received, since only the expected and received benefits can be compared;

2) the service is characterized by a high degree of uncertainty, which puts the client at a disadvantage, and makes it difficult for sellers to promote services to the market.

I.N. Rubanova refers to the main features of the services market:

§ high dynamism of market processes connected, on the one hand, with the dynamic nature of demand for services, which is subject to a significant influence of the time factor, on the other hand, with the dynamics of supply in this market, due to the flexibility of the sectoral structure of services;

§ territorial segmentation, which determines the forms of service provision, demand and conditions for the functioning of the enterprise;

§ local character, due to the influence of territorial specifics, associated with the formation within one territory of socio-economic characteristics that are different from others, but interconnected;

§ high speed capital turnover, associated with a shorter production cycle and serving as one of the main advantages;

§ high sensitivity to changes in market conditions due to the impossibility of storage, warehousing and transportation of services and, as a rule, the temporal and spatial coincidence of their production and consumption;

§ the specifics of the organization of production and the process of providing services, which is associated with a personal contact between the manufacturer and the consumer;

§ a high degree of service differentiation, since the complex structure of demand causes the emergence of new, non-standard services, their diversification, personification and individualization;

§ uncertainty of the result of activities for the provision of services, since the result cannot be determined in advance with sufficient accuracy and its final assessment is possible only after the consumption of the service.

The listed features of the service market can be extended to the tourism market. At the same time, the tourism market is a rather specific element of the service market and it has some specific features that are not manifested in other sectors of the service sector (for example, seasonality in the provision of tourist services).

Broadly speaking tourist market means the place where the sale and purchase takes place tourism product(tours, individual tourism services or goods for tourists). However, it should be borne in mind that such transactions are not always carried out in the same place. They can take place without the direct involvement of the seller and buyer of the tourist product, for example, by telex, telegram, fax, telephone call or check. This is because the tourism market is not limited to a particular place or geographic area. A number of authors consider the tourism market as a tool for coordinating the interests of buyers and sellers of a tourist product, the scope of its implementation and the manifestation of economic relations between buyers and sellers of a tourist product.

The tourist market is an area of ​​manifestation of socio-economic relations between producers and consumers of a tourist product, combining supply and demand to ensure the process of its purchase and sale. The market will function effectively only if the following conditions are met: free competition, in which all market participants strive to achieve their goals (sell a product with maximum profit or buy it with minimal cost); the existence of basic rules in the field of quality and safety of the product and services provided; free choice of the consumer.

More fully, the tourist market can be defined as the sphere of realization of a tourist product and economic relations that arise between its buyers and sellers, that is, between a tourist, a travel agency, and a tour operator. Consequently, subjects tourist market are consumers of the tourism product (tourists); producers of a tourist product (travel agencies); government (externally regulating the tourism market in accordance with state policy). There is also a point of view according to which the subjects of the tourism market are:

§ tourist- a consumer of a tourist product, any individual using, acquiring or intending to purchase tourism services for personal use;

§ tour operator- a legal or natural person, a developer of tourist services, carrying out the formation, promotion and wholesale of a tourist product in the form of general agreements, contracts, vouchers, contracts and other things on the basis of licenses;

§ travel agent― a legal or natural person engaged in the promotion and retail sale of a tourist product in the form of contracts, vouchers on the basis of licenses, as well as sending a tourist from a place of permanent residence and some exit formalities;

§ counterparty― a legal or natural person, a provider of tourist services in a country or region of temporary residence, acting in accordance with the legislation of the host country and international agreements.

It should be especially noted that for the normal functioning of the tourism market and the effective interaction of its subjects, an appropriate infrastructure is required. Under market infrastructure understand the totality of enterprises, organizations and services that contribute to the implementation of economic, economic and other relations between the main subjects. The infrastructure of the tourist market is formed by five major components:

1) accommodation facilities for tourists - hotels and other collective accommodation facilities;

2) catering industry enterprises - restaurants, cafes, bars, canteens, bistros, etc.;

3) transport companies engaged in servicing tourists;

4) objects of cognitive, health-improving, religious, sports, cultural, historical, entertainment nature, as well as objects of other purpose used in the provision of tourist services or specially created for these purposes;

5) organizations that provide services of guide-interpreters, excursions, and carry out formalities when crossing borders between states.

In a number of works, three groups of organizations are distinguished as the main infrastructural elements of the tourism market:

The first group is formed by organizations and enterprises involved in the development and provision of basic tourist services: tour operators and travel agents, accommodation, catering, and transport companies. The second group is represented specialized organizations providing tourism services for the intended purpose:

§ excursion bureaus and organizations of guide-interpreters;

§ health-improving complexes of recreational tourism;

§ tourist bases of various specializations;

§ training centers for the initial specialized training of tourists;

§ sports complexes and camps for sports and competitions;

§ enterprises producing and selling tourist goods;

§ services and organizations providing services in the field international tourism and legal;

§ organizations providing services for the settlement of various tourist formalities.

The third group is represented by organizations involved in the reproduction of tourism activities. These include: organization of professional training and retraining of personnel for the tourism sector; recruitment agencies for professional selection; training courses for guides and guide-interpreters; organization of certification, accreditation and control of physical and legal entities engaged in tourism activities.

tourist market represents an economic system of interaction of four main elements: tourist demand, supply of a tourist product, price and competition (Fig. 4.1.).

Rice. 4.1. Demand and supply in the tourism market

Demand for a tourist product - a form of manifestation of the population's need for a tourist product, provided with monetary funds. There are the following types of demand: potential, emerging, established, seasonal. As a rule, tourist demand is seasonal, overcome by special marketing measures. Consumer demand depends on many factors. These include:

§ demographic - population, gender and age structure, family size and composition, urbanization, cultural level of the buyer;

§ socio-economic - employment, level of wages, pensions, distribution of the population by income level;

§ geographical and climatic features of the country;

§ national composition of buyers;

§ political and economic stability of the state;

§ safety of stay;

§ other random impacts (weather, conflicts, etc.).

Sentence in the tourist market - this is the whole mass of tours, tourism services and goods for tourist and souvenir purposes intended for sale. TO proposals the tourist market also includes directions (regions of stay) and the volume of tours (services) intended for sale and offered to buyers during a certain period at a certain price. The tourist product acts as an exchange value, which is in no way determined by the amount of labor expended on its production. It depends only on how highly consumers subjectively evaluate this product as a useful product. Therefore, the tourist market is characterized as a "buyer's market".

The offer of a tourist product is determined by certain prerequisites, among which the most important are: the presence of manufacturers of a tourist product (tour operators), the level of development of the tourism industry, the volume of tourism resources. The exchange of demand for supply in the tourist market means the exchange of tourist money for a tourist product. With such an exchange, on the one hand, the interests of a specific producer (seller) and a specific consumer (buyer) are satisfied, on the other hand, conditions are created for the expanded reproduction of the tourist product. This process depends on the price of the tourist product. There is a rule: in the market, the price is always commanded by demand. If demand exceeds supply, prices rise; if supply exceeds demand, prices fall.

So there are seller's market when demand exceeds supply and there is a shortage of goods, and buyer's market- supply meets or exceeds demand. The situation that has developed in the market at a certain point in time is called market conditions..

A large number of tourism product manufacturers creates competition between them, which is also considered an integral part of the tourism market. Competition— mutual struggle of entrepreneurs for monopoly, or the best position in the tourism market. Like any phenomenon in society, it has its positive and negative sides. Among the positives - high level motivation (interest) of product manufacturers to improve quality and reduce prices. Negative factors include conflict, instability, bankruptcy enterprises, mass layoffs of workers and job cuts.

Competitive struggle is conducted by two main methods: price and non-price competition. Across price competition sellers influence demand mainly through changes in price. In price competition, sellers raise or lower prices based on demand. But an increasingly important role non-price competition when a manufacturer distinguishes its product from a number of similar products of competitors, giving it properties that are unique to the buyer, which is expressed in various elements of the service program, which should be rare or unique. This can be visiting new tourist sites, holding or participating in any events, holidays that were not previously practiced, in general, everything that may interest tourists, attract their attention so much that they will be ready to pay a large amount for a new tourist product. against the backdrop of lower prices for traditional programs.

The market performs a large number of functions: informational, intermediary, regulatory, pricing, stimulating, creative-destructive, differentiating. However, the main functions of the tourist market are considered.

1. Realization of the value and use value contained in the tourist product, which means the movement of value, which is reflected through the interchange of money and the tourist product. As a result, the normal course of social reproduction is ensured, funds appear and accumulate for the development of tourism.

2. Organization of the process of bringing the tourist product to the consumer (tourist) implemented through a network of travel agents and tour operators. A tourist, having spent money on a tourist product, satisfies his needs for material and spiritual benefits. Consequently, the tourist market contributes to the reimbursement of labor costs and the reproduction of the main productive force of society.

3. Economic provision of material incentives to work lies in the fact that in the process of interchange of money and a tourist product in the market, distribution (as a necessary phase of reproduction) appears in its final form.

Features of the tourism market are determined by the main features of tourism services. This topic will be discussed in more detail in Chapter 8. Here we present only the most important features of the tourism market and tourism services.

Firstly, tourist services:

§ intangible (when purchasing a tour, a tourist cannot either try it, or touch it with his hands, or see it with his own eyes), therefore, the reliability of the tourist product, the guarantee of providing tourists with prepaid services of the promised level and quality (that is, the correspondence of information and content of the tourist product) are important here. Comprehensive information is needed for tourists about the consumer properties of the tour and compliance with the principle of "price-quality relationship" (consumers conditionally set a lower price threshold for themselves, beyond which they assume low quality). Trust in a firm is not only a matter of prestige, but also of clientele and market sustainability;

§ lost in time (income from a service not provided at the time is lost forever) - here the efficiency of information and work with the customer's order are important, as well as flexible, step-by-step pricing that responds to changes in demand and stimulates sales;

§ variability - the quality of individual services as part of the tour may change, therefore, price differentiation in terms of the quality of services, substitution and variability of service are needed.

Secondly, when implementing a tourist product (whether it is an excursion, a tour or a pre-booked hotel service), as a rule, there is a gap in time between the fact of payment (purchase) of a tourist product and the fact of its consumption. A tourist, purchasing a ticket for a tour in advance, advances the work of service organizations on the route through a tour operator and travel agent (pays not personally to the service provider, but to the one who from whom he buys a ticket). Therefore, the reliability of the tourist product and channels for its promotion, the responsibility of the travel company that sells the product to the tourist are also important here. Various forms of installment payment, booking and privileges.

Thirdly, the tourism market is characterized by significant seasonal fluctuations in tourist demand. Moreover, these fluctuations are not the same for different types of tourism. The development of non-seasonal forms of recreation, the provision of a good rest for tourists during off-season periods, the skillful use of the material base for various types of tourism and the regional difference in seasons - all this helps to reduce the seasonal losses of a travel company.

Fourth, in tourism, the quality largely depends on the performers, that is, on the attendants (guides, tour guides, porters, maids, etc.) - workers of contact professions. It changes with the change of personnel. Therefore, management in tourism, the motivation of quality work, the creation of a flexible tourism product are paramount issues for a tourism enterprise.

Fifth, in the tourist market there is a territorial disunity between the consumer and the producer . Information and advertising of your product in other regions, connections with foreign partners for the convenience of working to meet consumer needs are also important.

So, the main feature of the tourist market is the professional disunity of the producer of tourist services, their consumer - the tourist and the performers of the purchased service. A comprehensive tourist service (package of services), as a rule, is offered to a tourist and purchased by him in the place of his permanent residence, and the place of travel, the host country is outside it. Therefore, in the market of tourist services, advertising, information and legal aspects acquire a special role for its normal functioning, guaranteeing the provision of the service (service package) that was paid for.

§ structured— Dozens of highly specialized markets should be distinguished in its structure, for example, the market for bus travel, health and medical tours, business tourism, etc.

§ free- such a market involves an unlimited number of sellers and buyers, the sale and purchase of an unlimited number of services, complete and reliable information about sellers and their services.

§ competitive- competition is considered one of the most important elements market economy.

§ civilized― have a high economic culture, including following the rules of doing business, respecting the interests of partners and competitors, observing moral principles, and fulfilling obligations.

The mechanism of functioning of the tourism market- a system of action of economic levers to balance supply and demand for a tourist product, for the exchange of "money - a tourist product", for cash and tourist product flows.

The cycle of supply and demand can be specified for the tourism sector, taking into account resources, consumer goods and incomes. The demand of tourists is expressed in the costs incurred in the markets of consumer goods and services. Their sale is the revenue of the travel company. Buying the resources needed to do this involves a cost to the firm. Tourists can directly use the available resources tourist region or purchase a ready-made tourist product. Thus, the real flow of economic benefits is supplemented by a counter cash flow of income and expenses (Fig. 4.2.).

Fig 4.2. The mechanism of functioning of the market of tourist services

The above model can be refined by including turnovers within sectors. The most obvious is the division of travel companies into tour operators and travel agents (tour operators operate in the market of tourist resources, and travel agents act as intermediaries between tourists and tour operators). At the same time, the resource market also includes the market of producers of individual tourism services, that is, accommodation facilities, catering establishments, entertainment, etc.

The tourism market is characterized capacity, that is, the ability to sell a certain volume of a tourist product at existing prices and supply for a certain period of time (usually a year). The market capacity depends on the effective demand of the population, the price level and the nature of the tourist offer. Depending on the price level, the need for a tourist product may decrease or, conversely, increase. Knowing the capacity of the market and the trends of its change, the tourist enterprise gets the opportunity to assess the prospects of this market for themselves.

Rice. 4.3. Tourist circuit

In the tourist market, there is a constant movement of money flows and a tourist product that move towards each other, thereby creating a tourist circuit (Fig. 4.3.). Tourist circuit- a system of economic relations in which the process of converting services into money and vice versa takes place. It shows the direction of movement of the flows of the tourism product, investments in the development of the tourism sector and cash receipts to the budget from the income of tourism activities.

So, the tourist circuit is carried out according to the following scheme:

§ a tourist buys a ticket and pays money to a tourist company;

§ as a result, the tourist satisfies his basic needs;

§ a tourism enterprise receives money for the sold tourism product, invests in the development of the tourism industry, creates or buys new types of tourism product;

§ The tourist enterprise pays taxes, various fees to the budget and pays wages to its employees.

1.1. Features of the functioning of the tourist market
Organization formation competitive advantage nevozpossible without knowing the characteristics of the market in which it operates. The tourism market is a service market, as services are the main subject of exchange and account for 80% of total sales in developed tourism markets. Tourist service - a set of purposeful actions in the service sector that are focused on providing and satisfying the needs of a tourist or a sightseer that meet the goals of tourism, the nature and direction of a tourist service, tour, tourist product and do not contradict the universal principles of morality and good order. Tourist services have four characteristics that distinguish a service from a product: 1) intangibility; 2) the continuity of production and consumption; 3) variability; 4) inability to store. However, along with the specific characteristics of services, tourism services also have distinctive features:
    s e c o n t i o n suffi ciently clearly defined tourist zones e.g., "sun - sea" - Cyprus, Bulgaria, Turkey; e c h e " - K a r l o v y B a r y, E s e n t u k i; "sport" - D o m b a y, C h i a y , Yugoslavia, Shveytsarya, etc.);
    C RATING A TOURISM PACKAGE , each of which has its own working methods, special physical needs and various commercial purposes. MARKET SUCCESS IS POSSIBLE ONLY IF all the participants in the tourism services are working u t to maintain the common goals;
    C u b e r overcoming the distance separating o f o t u risti c s r e v i r e d s u s s i n s e s s ;
    D e p o n i t i o n T o u r i s t u s s u r i r d i o n s e to time and space. The seasonality factor is of greater importance. M ARKETING ACTIVITIES OF THE TOURIST ORGANIZATION WILL BE V e r e d u n p ix o s e o n and off s ea s o n. a n d u n d a n d e n t e n t s t o m e n t s to stimulate demand prices, various additional services;
¦ a significant impact on the quality of tourism services is provided by external factors of a force majeure nature, i.e. independent of the will and actions of the seller and the buyer: the weather, natural conditions, politics, international events.
These specific features inherent in tourism services,are reflected in the activities of organizations in the tourism industry
When identifying the features of the tourism market, an important place should be given not only to the category of "tourist offer" and the consideration of the concept of "tourist service", but also to the concept of "tourist demand", in the concept of which the priority is given to the consumer, whose needs and desires are supposed to be satisfied by tourism organizations.
The complexity of the functioning of organizations in the tourism industry lies in the fact that the assessment of the quality of tourist services by the consumer is quite subjective and depends on various factors: general economic; cultural and socio-psychological charactertera; socio-demographic; personal-behavioral.A significant impact on the demand in the field of tourism services is exerted by such changes in the social psychology of consumption as informationworldliness, level of education; high demands to comfort and quality of services; individuality; ecologization of consumer thinking; mobility; physical and mental activity on vacation; the desire to receive a kaleidoscope of impressions from life. The combination of all these factors determines the emergence and nature of the behavioral characteristics of consumers of tourism services, which can be expressed by indicators such as:
    TOURISM FREQUENCY (NUMBER OF TOURIST TRAVELS, c o m p e r o f the fol lowing period, per capita);
    P r o u t ininsbaboutRedefromTAndnbutcAndAnd;
    RaboutlbinnewnAndXRbuthdRbutwellAndTelethinPRaboutcefromfromePRAndnITAndIRewenAndAndaboutmefromTePRaboutwellAndinbutnAndI (insbaboutReGaboutfromTAndnAndcs) AndPabouttoatPtoeTatRbut.
The choice by a tourism organization of the most effective means of attracting consumers to a tourism product is impossible without a clear study of the very process of making a decision on the purchase of a tourism product by a potential tourist. The consumer's decision to purchase a tourism product involves evaluating and selecting a single tourism product from an alternative range and selecting an appropriate set of different services offered by organizations in the tourism industry.
The process of buying a particular tourist product begins long before the act of sale is made. Decision making by the consumer is influenced by a number of factors, it solves problems of various scale and complexity, but has a stable structure, including the following stages.
1. Awareness of the need for travel, the formation of the purpose of the trip.
2. Search for information.
3. Pre-purchase evaluation of alternatives. The buyer evaluates the options, considering the tourist offer as a certain set of properties. Each consumer identifies his own, different from others, priority characteristics, based on personal needs and motives.
4. Purchase and consumption.
The final decision on the purchase can be influenced by 2 factors, this is the attitude of other people to the chosen direction of travel, the attitude to the reputation of the tourist organization that sells the tourist product (Table 1.1.)

Table 1.1.
Priorities of choice by consumers of travel companies when making a purchase

Consumption in the tourism industry is usually delayed for some time. Traditionally, consumption has been of little interest to the seller, who is primarily focused on the purchase, but in the face of growing competition, tourism organizations are reorienting towards the satisfaction and retention of consumers.
5. Post-purchase evaluation of alternatives, i.e. assessment of the degree of satisfaction from the experience of consumption.
The consumer receives or does not receive satisfaction from the purchased tourism product, the degree of which is measured by the relationship between expectations and specifically perceived properties of the tourism product. Expectations are formed on the basis of information received by the consumer from the staff of the tourism organization, friends and from other sources. If the characteristics of the tourism product are overestimated, the consumer may have toocom high demands, which are likely to result indisappointment. The greater the gap between the expected and actual properties of the tourism product, the more acute the dissatisfaction of the client. The degree of customer satisfaction is reflected in the growth of the client's sense of trust in a particular tourism organization, the formation of a circle of regular customers of the organization and positively affects the creation of a positive image of the tourism organization.
The choice of a tourist service by a tourist is based on his motivation, which is one of critical factors making travel decisions. Consumer motivation is an invisible, implicit internal force that stimulates and induces a behavioral response and provides a specific direction for this response.
A person's motives to a certain extent shape his behavior as a buyer and consumer of goods and services, especially in the tourism industry. There is no such service that can be sold on the market if it is not produced in accordance with consumer demand. The targeting of a tourist service is the key to its sale. Understanding the motives of a potential tourist is of great importance when planning, shaping and organizing the process of implementing a tourist service. This makes it possible to produce and offer to the market such a tourist service that best meets consumer expectations.
Identification, knowledge and use of tourism motives should be the most important strategy for organizing the tourism industry, focused on identifying market needs and creating such types of tourism products that reflect the requirements of certain market segments. Tourism motives, as a determining component of demand, should be the basis for the activities of tourism organizations with the expectation that the tourism service produced will be able to meet tourism demand. At the same time, a two-pronged and complementary approach is important: on the one hand, a thorough, comprehensive study and use of consumer motives, production orientation towards them, targeting of tourist services; on the other hand, an active influence on existing motives, their formation.
It is extremely difficult to satisfy the needs for a tourist service and the demands of all consumers without exception, since each of them hasThere are certain differences in tastes and preferences. TemHowever, tourists (consumers) can be grouped according to some criteria, which is called segmentation. People in these groups - market segments - react approximately the same to the activities of the tourist organization-seller.
There are no exact rules for segmentation - each tourism organization, depending on the tourism services produced and other circumstances, develops its own strategy. However, it is important for tourism organizations, by highlighting market segments, to identify among consumersthose customer groups that differ significantly in their needs and attitudes in relation to the services of the tourism industry and, therefore, have different behaviors in the process of acquiring a tourist service. When segmenting the consumers of the tourism market, it is advisable to take into account a number of features inherent in the tourism industry:

    inRaboutlAndnePaboutfromRedfromTinennaboutGaboutPaboutTRebAndTelIatfromlatGAndPabouttoatPbutTelI(hbuttobuthhAndtobut) neRedtoaboutinsfromTatPbutYuTRbuthnselAndcbut (nbutPRAndmeR, bRaboutnAndRaboutinbutnAndenaboutmeRaboutindlIfrominaboutAndXfromaboutTRatdnAndtoaboutintoaboutmPbutnAndeth);
    RewenAndeaboutPRAndaboutbReTenAndAndTatRAndfromTfromtoAndXatfromlatGmaboutwelleTmenITbfromIinhbutinAndfromAndmaboutfromTAndaboutTcelAndPatTewefromTinAndI, nbutlAndhAndIfrominaboutbaboutdnaboutGaboutinRemenAnd, PRaboutdaboutlwellAndTelbnaboutfromTAndAndhbutfromTaboutTsaboutTdsXbut;
    aboutbSCHAndthAndnTeRefromGRatPPaboutinsXPatTewefromTinAndthinRIdefromlathbuteinaboutTlAndhbuteTfromIaboutTPaboutTRebnaboutfromTethAndwellelbutnAndthtobutwelldaboutGaboutAndndAndinAnddatatmbut (hlenbutGRatPPs);
    maboutTAndinbutcAndITatRAndfromTaboutinaboutTlAndhbuteTfromIinhbutinAndfromAndmaboutfromTAndaboutTinRemenAnd, toaboutGdbutPRAndnAndmbuteTfromIRewenAndeaboutPabouttoatPtoeAndbRaboutnAndRaboutinbutnAndAndTatRbut (nbutPRAndmeR,maboutTAndinsPatTewefromTinAndthRbuthlAndhnsatTatRAndfromTaboutin,toatPAndinwAndXTatRshbutblbutGaboutinRemennabout, AndatTeX, toTaboutPRAndaboutbRel« GaboutRISCHAndePatTeintoAnd»).
The meaning of market segmentation is that the tourism organization does not scatter its efforts, but concentrates them on the mostmore promising segment for it. Experts identify three the main groups of criteria (geographical, socio-demographic and psycho-behavioral), on the basis of which tourist organizations conduct consumer segmentation.
Despite the segmentation presented in sufficient detail, of course, it covers only the main segments of tourist demand. Segmentation of tourist demand tends to infinity, which is caused by such factors as the complexity of the structure of human needs, as well as the growing importance of recreation and tourism in society.
Currently, there are over 300 types and subspecies of travel in the world, which are constantly supplemented by new varieties that can satisfy the most diverse desires of people.
As a rule, segmentation of the tourism market is carried out not according to one, but according to several criteria, which makes it possible to more accurately take into account the various needs and motives of consumers when creating a new tourist service. When choosing a tourist service, the consumer is guided by a whole range of motives, of which only a few are of significant importance. These motives are combined into multicomponent complexes of sensations and desires, which greatly enhance their influence on the mechanism and result of the consumer's final decision. Thus, a tourist can make a decision to purchase a tourist service corresponding to several motivational outcomes at the same time.
When creating and implementing a service, travel companies must take into account the ratio of the main and secondary travel motives that determine the choice of a tourist. This will allow the tourism organization to effectively build a system for planning, developing and implementing tourism services. Experts classify motivational outcomes as follows:
- one prevailing motivational outcome, and several secondary or expected outcomes, the choice of which can be decided under the appropriate set of circumstances during the trip;
- the main motivational outcome and several well-defined accompanying outcomes.
Thus, the organizations of the tourism industry are faced with the task of offering consumers such a tourist service that would take into account the motives of tourists as much as possible and be unique in its kind. This can be achieved by developing a tourism service that takes into account the individual characteristics of consumers, as well as meeting their key needs.
The problem of the effective impact of tourism organizations on increasing the attractiveness of their work in the eyes of the client is to overcome various fears and concerns of clients from the upcoming trip and, as a result, increase the degree of consumer satisfaction. This is impossible without taking into account by tourist organizations the psychological obstacles that travelers face both consciously and subconsciously.
Experts identify six types of barriers, each of which characterizes the psychological obstacles that tourists face:

Chapter 12. Features of the mechanism of functioning of the tourism market

§ 1. Price and pricing

Modern economic theory considers the price as the result of the functional interaction of the complex pricing factors. In conditions of perfect competition, i.e., when many small firms produce homogeneous products under favorable conditions for entering and exiting the market and equal access to all types of information (this is how the market structure of the modern tourist market in Russia can be described), the price is set in the market. This price is called at the cost of balance.

The demand curve shows that consumer demand for tourism services increases as their price decreases. Producers, on the other hand, increase supply as prices rise. The point of intersection of the curves on the chart means that supply and demand are balanced, and the price is an exponent of this balance.

The equilibrium price is equal, on the one hand, to marginal utility, and on the other hand, to marginal cost. The essence of the price is expressed in the following functions:

- stimulating;
- orientation functions.

Content distributive function prices is manifested in the fact that the gross domestic product created with the help of prices and the income of economic entities are redistributed among enterprises and sectors of the national economic complex. Stimulating function prices finds its explanation in the following: prices contribute economically to the production and consumption of some goods and restrain the consumption and production of others, they also stimulate the use of new goods and materials and the improvement of product quality. Orientation function means that the price provides the buyer of the goods and its seller with the necessary information.

Pricing in the service sector and in tourism in particular has a number of features:

1 Tourism services are final products intended for direct consumption, so service prices are retail prices.
2. The stability of demand for tourist services depends on the individual characteristics of a person, therefore, when setting prices for them, the following psychological moment should be taken into account: the price should not cause negative emotions among potential buyers.
3. The processes of production, sale and consumption of services coincide in time, therefore, seasonal differentiation of prices and tariffs is applied in the service sector; Demand for tourism services has a pronounced seasonal character.
4. Tourist services are sold both in the domestic and global markets, therefore, when assessing quality and standardization, international requirements are taken into account, since prices for foreign tourists are usually higher than for domestic ones and are set in a freely convertible currency .
5. Prices for tourist services should include consumer values ​​that do not take a direct commodity form (for example, national parks, historical monuments) or are not products of labor, but are created by nature (mountains, waterfalls).

The price of tourist services has two limits: lower and upper. The lower limit is the cost of the produced goods (tourist package), and the upper limit is determined by the demand for this product. Consequently, the value of the price of a tourist product is determined by its cost and the demand for this product. In addition, a number of factors influence the price of a tourist product: the class of service, the vehicle used, the form of service (group or individual), the market conditions for travel services, the seasonality of the provision of services, the effectiveness of advertising, etc.

The structure of the price of a tourist product is shown in fig. 3.11.

Rice. 3.11. Tourist product price structure

When developing prices for a tourist product (for example, hotel accommodation), the following types of commissions to intermediaries are taken into account: commission for wholesalers - tour operators who develop programs and implement them independently or through intermediaries; retail commission for travel agents who resell programs of tour operators or book hotel rooms themselves; commission for other organizations that act as intermediaries between the travel agent, the tourist and the hotel.

The price of a tourist product is determined by the standard calculation method and includes the costs of people accompanying the group along the route. Thus, the cost of a tourist voucher is determined by the formula

where C is the price of a tour package per tourist in rubles;
I - the cost of services included in the tour operator's tour package;
H - indirect taxes (VAT) for certain types of services;
P - profit of the tour operator in rubles;
C - discount provided by the tour operator to the tourist from certain types of services included in the tour package;
K - commission fee of the travel agent selling the tour package (surcharge to the price of the tour package or discount from the price of the tour operator in favor of the travel agent);
T - the number of tourists in the group;
E - the number of accompanying the group (escort).

In addition to the above features of pricing in tourism, the following should be remembered:

Prices for certain types of tourism services are not included in the cost of the tour package (for example, excursions); tourists order and pay for them additionally in accordance with their tastes and interests;
- for a group tour, the price of the tour per person depends on the number of tourists in the group: the larger the group, the lower the cost of the tour per person;
- the price of the tour depends on the age composition of tourists, as children and schoolchildren are provided with significant discounts from the price of many tourism services;
- the profit included in the price of the tourist product is set by the travel agency as a percentage of the cost of expenses (the percentage depends on the demand for this tourist product and can range from 5 to 100% or more).

The calculation of the price of a tourist product is based on the standard cost of services. Calculation is the determination of the cost of one unit of services or goods.

Example. Let's calculate the cost of a tour to Turkey (Anta-lya) offered by the tour operator "Academservice" for a group of 40 people.

1. General conditions.

Terms: 15 days - 14 nights in July.
The number of tourists in the group, including the accompanying person, is 40 people.
Meals - half board (breakfast and dinner).
Accommodation - double rooms with all amenities in a resort hotel.
Transport - flight by regular flight "Aeroflot" (IL-86).
Transfer: airport - hotel - airport by bus "Mercedes".

2. Estimated expenses of the travel agency for sending tourists.

Flight - $175 x 40 people = $7000.
Accommodation - hotel "Sun Zeynep", including meals (half board): $35 x 14 nights x 40 people = $19,600.
Total: $26600.

3. Company services (booking hotel rooms and air tickets, group escort) - 10% of the cost:
($19,600 + $7,000) x 10% = $26,600 x 10% = $2,660.

4. Profit of the company - 10% of the cost - $ 2660.

5 Total cost of the tour for the whole group: $26600 + $2660 + + $2660 = $31920.

6. The cost of the tour for 1 person (the cost of an accompanying person from the company is divided by the total number of tourists in the group, i.e. for 39 people):
$31920: 39 = $818,5.

The above example shows that the share of the sending travel company accounts for only 16.7% of the total cost of the tour:
($2660 + $2660) / $31920 x 100% = 16.7%.

It should be borne in mind that the price must be flexible, i.e., have maneuverability and dynamism. Thus, in the present conditions, many travel companies were forced to reduce the rate of return in the prices of tourist vouchers in order to attract tourists 1 .

§ 2. Organization of financial relations

Development of financial relations and organization financial mechanism have a significant impact on the functioning of the economic mechanism in tourism, as in any other industry.

financial relations- these are relations that arise with cash flow, i.e., with a continuous flow of money in time.

Finances perform three main functions that determine their essence: the formation of monetary funds, i.e., income (capital); use of funds; control function. The first two functions are related to the formation and use of capital.

Capital This is money meant to make a profit. Source of capital - income from entrepreneurial activity, which are formed into cash funds and cash.

cash funds represent a separate part of money, having a special purpose and relative independence of functioning. Cash This is money that you can use as you please.

The criterion for attributing financial relations to the first or second function (formation or use) is the movement of value - either one-sided in monetary form, or two-sided, mediated by the acts of exchange "money - goods" and "commodity - money". The control function of finance is to create and use a system of financial control over the observance of cost proportions in the process of formation and spending of funds and cash. Financial control arises due to the fact that financial relations can be planned and regulated, since there are specific subjects of financial relations, norms, standards and purposes of use financial resources, volumes and terms of financial transactions, legal conditions established by law.

The essence and functions of finance are common to all industries, and features, including in tourism, are manifested in the specificity of the organization of financial relations and the functioning of the financial mechanism.

The finances of a travel company are the finances of an economic entity. The tasks of the travel agency include the formation of monetary funds and their use in order to carry out their production, service and financial activities, make a profit, ensure financial stability. In the course of the production and service process, numerous financial relations arise: a travel agent with a tour operator, a travel agent with another travel agent, travel agencies with housing and communal services to pay rent and utilities, travel agencies with their employees, travel agencies with the banking system, travel agencies with a budget and off-budget funds, with the tax service and many others.

In tourism, all of the above relations have their own characteristics. Let's consider them in more detail.

1. Tourism is characterized by a special circuit of circulation working capital. It is due to the fact that the object of tourism is a person (tourist), whose demand depends on his tastes and interests; as well as the fact that in tourism the processes of production, sale and organization of consumption of a tourist product are combined into a single production and service process. The circulation of funds in tourism can be represented by a diagram

where D - funds advanced by the travel agency to create a tourist product;
T - tangible and intangible tourism services and goods for tourist and souvenir purposes;
D 1 - funds received from the sale of services, goods, tourist experiences (include value added);
B - tourist impressions.

This scheme shows that the tourist pays money for what impresses him, what he sees. The company itself does not take part in the creation of tourist display objects, but they bring the company cash income. Change or disappearance of objects of tourist interest leads to a sharp slowdown in turnover Money and decrease in revenues to the travel company.

2. The peculiarity of the circulation of working capital in tourism affects the speed of their turnover. The turnover of working capital - the duration of the passage of working capital of a separate stage of the production of circulation. The turnover ratio of working capital characterizes the amount of proceeds from the sale of products per ruble of working capital and is defined as the ratio of the amount of proceeds to the average balance of working capital. This is the return on assets. The coefficient shows the number of turnovers of working capital for the reporting period.

It is also important to take into account the utilization factor of funds in circulation, which is the reciprocal of the turnover ratio. It shows the costs of working capital to obtain one ruble of a sold tourist product.

The conducted studies show that, on average, the turnover of working capital in tourism is higher than in a factory or a store selling industrial goods, but lower than in food stores and bases.

3. Travel agencies are characterized by a special composition and structure of financial resources. This composition is determined by the presence of travel agents and tour operators in the tourism market. In table. 3.2. the approximate structure of financial resources, typical for a number of tourist firms that do not have hotels, is given.

Table 3.2.

Structure of financial resources of travel companies that do not have hotels, %


In accordance with the above concept strategic goal development of the Irkutsk region is to create a comfortable living environment and improve the quality of life of the local population, which can be achieved through the development of a tourist and recreational complex in the third priority development zone (in the territories adjacent to Lake Baikal) and through the implementation of a special economic zone tourist and recreational type in the Irkutsk region.

The tourist and recreational potential of the Irkutsk region is formed by the following factors: convenient geographical location, natural resource potential, rich historical and cultural heritage, developed tourist infrastructure, many years of experience in receiving tourists in the Irkutsk region and the availability of a human resources base.

Basically, the entire tourist infrastructure is located in the territories adjacent to Lake Baikal (Irkutsk, Slyudyansky, Olkhonsky districts of the Irkutsk region), as well as in the city of Irkutsk, the main transit tourist center, where the redistribution of tourist flows from West to East and back takes place.

Tourism in the Irkutsk region is one of the branches of the tertiary sector of the economy of this subject Russian Federation. In the Irkutsk region, there are such types of tourism as educational tourism, health tourism, business tourism, and active tourism.

The most famous natural attraction of the Irkutsk region is Lake Baikal. The southeastern and middle-eastern parts of the region go to Baikal, namely the Slyudyansky, Irkutsk and Olkhonsky regions. The aim of the work is to study the modern market of tourist services in the Irkutsk region.

Trends and development factors of the tourism market

Features of the functioning of the tourist market

The tourist market is a service market, since services are the main subject of exchange and account for 80% of total sales in developed tourist markets. Tourist service is a set of purposeful actions in the service sector that are focused on providing and satisfying the needs of a tourist or a sightseer that meet the goals of tourism, the nature and direction of a tourist service, tour, tourist product and do not contradict the universal principles of morality and good order. Tourism services have four characteristics that distinguish a service from a product:

1) intangibility;

2) the continuity of production and consumption;

3) variability;

4) inability to store.

However, along with the specific characteristics of services, tourism services also have distinctive features:

Identification of fairly well-defined tourist areas (for example, "sun - sea" - Cyprus, Bulgaria, Turkey; "rest - treatment" - Charles Bars, Essentuki; "sport" - Dombay, Czech Republic, Yugoslavia, Switzerland, etc.). d.);

The creation of a tourist package is the efforts of many organizations, each of which has its own working methods, specific needs and different commercial goals. Achieving success in the market is possible only if all participants in the tourism service develop and adhere to common goals;

Overcoming by the buyer of the distance separating him from the tourist service and the place of its consumption;

The dependence of tourism services on variables such as time and space. The seasonality factor is of great importance. The tourism organization's marketing activities will differ during the peak season and off-season. In the off-season, additional measures to stimulate demand are needed: low prices, various Additional services etc.;

A significant impact on the quality of tourist services is exerted by external factors of a force majeure nature, i.e. independent of the will and actions of the seller and the buyer: weather, natural conditions, politics, international events, etc.

When identifying the features of the tourism market, an important place should be given not only to the category of "tourist offer" and the consideration of the concept of "tourist service", but also to the concept of "tourist demand", in the concept of which the priority is given to the consumer, whose needs and desires tourist organizations intend to satisfy.

The complexity of the functioning of organizations in the tourism industry lies in the fact that the assessment of the quality of tourist services by the consumer is quite subjective and depends on various factors:

General economic;

Cultural and socio-psychological character;


Personal behavioral.

A significant impact on the demand in the field of tourist services is exerted by such changes in the public psychology of consumption as awareness, level of education; high demands on comfort and quality of services; individuality; ecologization of consumer thinking; mobility; physical and mental activity on vacation; the desire to receive a kaleidoscope of impressions from life.

The combination of all these factors determines the emergence and nature of the behavioral characteristics of consumers of tourist services, which can be expressed by indicators such as:

The frequency of tourism (the number of tourist trips made during the study period, per capita);

Destination preferences;

The most preferred form of tour organization, hotel category;

Tourist perceptions of price hotel service, tour;

Representations about the trade mark of the tourist organization;

Communicative behavior of the tourist;

The role of external stimuli in the process of making a decision about the place of residence (choosing a hotel) and buying a tour, etc.

The choice by a tourism organization of the most effective means of attracting consumers to a tourism product is impossible without a clear study of the very process of making a decision on the purchase of a tourism product by a potential tourist. The consumer's decision to purchase a tourism product involves evaluating and selecting a single tourism product from an alternative range, and selecting an appropriate set of different services offered by tourism industry organizations.

Taking into account such complex factors by a tourist organization affects the improvement of its image, speaks of high professionalism. Therefore, the attitude to consumer motivation, taking into account possible travel barriers becomes essential in the struggle for the client and leads to further diversification of tourism and personalization of consumer requests, the creation of tourism services with a distinctive quality, novelty and image.

Ultimately, those tourist organizations that fully take into account the peculiarities of consumer perception of services and make every possible use of marketing technologies to influence this process receive a competitive advantage.


In the conditions of market relations, an organization (enterprise) objectively becomes the main link in the economy. The fact is that it is at this level that the products needed by society are produced and services are provided. Jobs are created here, employment of the population is provided, wage. Issues are dealt with here effective use resources, application of equipment and technology.

By paying federal and local taxes, organizations contribute to the formation of budgets at various levels, to the maintenance of state bodies, to the implementation government programs, development of education, healthcare, culture.

Ensuring highly efficient operation of an organization (enterprise) requires deep economic knowledge. In a market economy successful work only the one who most competently determines the demands of the market, creates and organizes the efficient production of products in demand, and ensures the profitable operation of the organization achieves. Only a specialist who is well versed in the economics of the enterprise can organize such work.

According to participation in the creation of the total social product and national income, social production is divided into two large areas: material production and the non-productive sphere.

TO material production include industry, agriculture and forestry, freight transport, communications (serving material production), construction, trade, catering, information and computing services and other activities in the sphere of material production.

TO non-productive sphere include housing and communal services, passenger transport, communications (serving organizations of the non-productive sphere and the population), healthcare, Physical Culture and social security, public education, culture and art, science and scientific services, lending and insurance, the activities of the administrative apparatus.

In turn, each of the sectors of the economy is divided into industries.

Industry -- this is a set of enterprises and organizations characterized by a commonality of products, production technology, fixed assets, training of workers and satisfaction of needs.

tourist market

Features of the functioning of the tourism market

The formation of competitive advantages for an organization is impossible without knowledge of the characteristics of the market in which it operates. The tourist market is a market for services, since services are the main subject of exchange and account for 80% of total sales in developed tourist markets. Tourist service is a set of purposeful actions in the service sector that are focused on providing and satisfying the needs of a tourist or a sightseer that meet the goals of tourism, the nature and direction of a tourist service, tour, tourist product and do not contradict the universal principles of morality and good order. Tourist services have four characteristics that distinguish a service from a product: 1) intangibility; 2) the continuity of production and consumption; 3) variability; 4) inability to store. However, along with the specific characteristics of services, tourism services also have distinctive features:

the allocation of fairly well-defined tourist areas (for example, "sun - sea" - Cyprus, Bulgaria, Turkey; "rest - treatment" - Karlovy Vary, Essentuki; "sport" - Dombay, Czech Republic, Yugoslavia, Switzerland, etc. .d.);

the creation of a tourist package by the efforts of many organizations, each of which has its own methods of work, specific needs and different commercial goals. Achieving success in the market is possible only if all participants in the tourism service develop and adhere to common goals;

overcoming by the buyer of the distance separating him from the tourist service and the place of its consumption;

the dependence of the tourist service on such variables as time and space. The seasonality factor is of great importance. The tourism organization's marketing activities will differ during the peak season and off-season. In the off-season, additional services are needed, etc.;

a significant impact on the quality of tourist services is exerted by external factors of a force majeure nature, i.e. independent of the will and actions of the seller and the buyer: weather, natural conditions, politics, international events, etc.

These specific features inherent in tourist services are reflected in the activities of organizations in the tourism industry.

When identifying the features of the tourism market, an important place should be given not only to the category of "tourist offer" and the consideration of the concept of "tourist service", but also to the concept of "tourist demand", in the concept of which the priority is given to the consumer, whose needs and desires tourist organizations intend to satisfy.

The complexity of the functioning of organizations in the tourism industry lies in the fact that the assessment of the quality of tourist services by the consumer is quite subjective and depends on various factors: general economic; cultural and socio-psychological character; socio-demographic; personal-behavioral. A significant impact on the demand in the field of tourist services is exerted by such changes in the public psychology of consumption as awareness, level of education; high demands on comfort and quality of services; individuality; ecologization of consumer thinking; mobility; physical and mental activity on vacation; the desire to receive a kaleidoscope of impressions from life.

The combination of all these factors determines the emergence and nature of the behavioral characteristics of consumers of tourist services, which can be expressed by indicators such as:

* frequency of tourism (the number of tourist trips made during the study period, per capita);

*preferences in choosing a destination;

*the most preferred form of tour organization, hotel category;

*representations of the tourist about. the price of a hotel service, tour;

*representations about the trade mark of the tourist organization;

* communicative behavior of the tourist;

*the role of external stimuli in the process of making a decision about the place of residence (choosing a hotel) and buying a tour, etc.

The choice by a tourism organization of the most effective means of attracting consumers to a tourism product is impossible without a clear study of the very process of making a decision on the purchase of a tourism product by a potential tourist.

The consumer's decision to purchase a tourism product involves evaluating and selecting a single tourism product from an alternative range and selecting an appropriate set of different services offered by organizations in the tourism industry.

The process of buying a particular tourist product begins long before the act of sale is made. Decision making by the consumer is influenced by a number of factors, it solves problems of various scale and complexity, but has a stable structure, including the following stages.

1. Awareness of the need for travel, the formation of the purpose of the trip.

2. Search for information. The consumer turns to sources: personal (family, friends, acquaintances), means mass media etc. As a result of the collection of information, awareness of the manufacturers available on the tourism market and the travel services they provide is increased. The consumer uses the information to compile a set of alternatives.

3. Pre-purchase evaluation of alternatives. The consumer evaluates the options by considering the tourist offer as a certain set of properties (for example, in terms of accommodation for a tourist, location, category, cost, service, specialization, affiliation with a well-known brand and other characteristics may be important). Each consumer identifies his own, different from others, priority characteristics, based on personal needs and motives.

4. Purchase and consumption. The option rating leads to a ranking of the items in the selection set, forming the intention to purchase the most preferred option, taking into account family income, the cost of the tour and the benefits of purchasing it. Two factors can influence the final purchasing decision:

a) the attitude of other people to the chosen direction of travel;

b) attitude to the reputation of the tourist organization that sells the tourist product.

Consumption in the tourism industry is usually delayed for some time. Traditionally, consumption has been of little interest to the seller, who is primarily focused on the purchase, but in the face of growing competition, tourism organizations are reorienting towards the satisfaction and retention of consumers.

5. Post-purchase evaluation of alternatives, i.e. assessment of the degree of satisfaction from the experience of consumption. The consumer receives or does not receive satisfaction from the purchased tour product, the degree of which is measured by the relationship between expectations and specifically perceived properties of the tour product. Expectations are formed on the basis of information received by the consumer from the staff of the tourism organization, friends and from other sources. If the characteristics of the tourist product are overestimated, the consumer may have too high requirements, which are likely to turn into disappointment. The greater the gap between the expected and actual properties of the tourist product, the more acute the customer's dissatisfaction. The degree of customer satisfaction is reflected in the growth of the client's sense of trust in a particular tourism organization, the formation of a circle of regular customers of the organization and positively affects the creation of a positive image of the tourism organization. Chudnovsky A.D., Zhukova M.A., Senin V.S. Tourism Management / tutorial, 2007 Page 10-15.

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