Assessment of the competitiveness of enterprises in the hotel industry. Methods for analyzing the competitiveness of hotel services. Characteristics of the hotel "Province"


Competitiveness is a multidimensional concept that means the conformity of a product to market conditions, the specific requirements of consumers, not only in terms of their quality, economic, technical, aesthetic, ergonomic characteristics, but also in terms of commercial and other conditions for its implementation (delivery time, price, distribution channels, service, advertising ) (1, p.21)

It is known that if the system does not develop, it eventually dies; this is true for hotels. Of course, this is not about physical death, but about the fact that the hotel may become insolvent, i.e. will be forced to stop functioning as an economic unit due to the lack of necessary resources to carry out its activities.

The most superficial analysis of the activities of such hotels shows that at some stage their development did not meet the requirements of reality and they were content with a condition that once allowed them to receive good financial results. But in modern conditions When the market of hotel services has developed and operates, which is divided into segments and there is fierce competition within each segment, it is necessary to develop continuously in order to maintain competitiveness (1, p. 22).

Income from accommodation mainly depends on the percentage of occupancy of the room stock, which the hotel has, and the sale price of the room. The main advantage of the hotel is achieved when it effectively uses the number of rooms and at the same time offers such a set additional services, which takes into account the needs of both customers living in the hotel and customers from the street.

When starting to create new hotel services, the hotel manager must determine the market in which this product will be sold, the expected sales volume, its life cycle, the estimated price, the cost of its creation and the period of its release to the market. Such requirements for the creation of new hotel services exclude the spontaneous nature of this process and suggest that the hotel has a mechanism for managing continuous development.

One of the conditions for the effectiveness of the sale of hotel services is taking into account the types of accommodation of the consumer (client) in the hotel (9, p. 136):

The main development trends in the hotel business include the active development of small hotels. This is due to the preferences that are formed among modern tourists: they want to see in a hotel not only a means of accommodation, but also want to fully experience home comfort, uniqueness and originality, which is just one of the hallmarks of small independent hotels.

The competitive advantage of a small hotel is an individual attitude to each client. Small hotels take full advantage of the personalized approach to guests, create a home away from home atmosphere. In addition, small hotels, as a rule, use a more flexible system of discounts and cost the client less than large hotels of the same class. All this allows small forms of hotel business to actively develop and be competitive (20, p. 158).

In order to carry out a certain competitive hotel service, an enterprise must have basic and working capital. In this regard, the hotel activity is characterized by a number of features:

production and sale of services do not depend on time; the hotel must be constantly ready to provide the service. Moreover, due to seasonality, uneven demand for hotel services in the hotel industry, reserves of fixed, working and other funds should be provided;

the implementation of hotel services does not require intermediaries and the creation or assistance of special marketing structures;

in the production of hotel services there is no work in progress.

The above features of the competitiveness of hotel services affect the formation of their prices. As practice shows, the price level is influenced by the following factors: the cost of the service, the level of prices for similar services from competitors, the ratio of supply and demand, the level wages personnel, etc. One of the components of the price is the cost of a hotel room. Competitiveness of the service, i.e. the possibility of its commercially profitable sale in a competitive market can only be determined by comparing the product with competitors-analogues (20, p. 159).

A special place in ensuring and maintaining the competitiveness of the service is occupied by the service - in its absence, the service loses its consumer value (or part of it), becomes uncompetitive and is rejected by the consumer.

On the contrary, a well-established service (1, p. 89)

firstly, it helps the manufacturer to form a promising, fairly stable market for their products,

secondly, it increases the competitiveness of the product,

thirdly, in itself is quite a profitable business

fourthly, it is an indispensable condition for the high authority (image) of a commodity producer.

Everything considered predetermines the complexity, but at the same time the need for research, analysis and evaluation of the competitiveness of the product.

The main focus of competitiveness hotel business is to increase the efficiency of the hotel's operational activities by improving services and providing new additional services. In the overall hotel supply system, some of the services do not play a large role in generating profits, but they contribute to the acquisition of other services and increase the offer, which depends on the organizational culture. Another component of commercial competitiveness is a hotel company, usually expressed through branded clothing, emblems, through services that are unique to this hotel, etc., thus creating a brand name for the hotel.

Thus, the competitiveness of the enterprise hotel industry possible through the provision of new additional services, with a simultaneous process of reconstruction and modernization of existing hotels. Hospitality services include a wide variety of services. The list of services is constantly supplemented, modified and differentiated depending on the size of the hotel, its location, level of comfort and other reasons. The current state of hotel services is characterized by a lack of real investment, a low level of hotel service, an insufficient number of hotel beds, and a shortage of qualified personnel. The production of hotel services requires high material fixed costs with significantly lower variable costs. Of particular importance for the development of hotel services is the study of the entire hotel industry, its state and development trends.

Based on the monitoring of internal sources of information, i.e. profit and loss statements; turnover statistics; balance sheet; conversations with employees of the marketing and advertising department, the financial and economic department, and other specialists and managers; marketing information system; consumer reviews; reviews of received awards, claims and news; range of menus needed to explore competitiveness of the hotel enterprise LLC "Breeze-Hotel".

The purpose of the study aimed at solving this problem is to study consumers. Consequently, it was decided to conduct field research by the method of questioning.

As a tool for collecting primary information, two questionnaires were developed, the first of which was intended for restaurant visitors, and the second for persons living in a hotel and not necessarily using the services of Breeze Hotel LLC. The data obtained were processed and combined, thus, in general, a selective survey of 100 people was conducted. It should be noted that with an increase in the sample size, the probability of distortion decreases and the sampling error can be neglected.

A study of the structure of consumers based on demographic factors revealed the following picture: data on the gender and age structure show that some of the visitors to the Breeze Hotel are men (61%), and in the age group from 29 to 35 years. On average, this is 65% of the total number of respondents and exceeds the number of women by 54%.

Figure Age structure of consumers

In this way, potential client restaurant complex LLC "Breeze-Hotel" is a man aged 29 to 45 years who came to the hotel "Breeze-Hotel" for recreation and tourism for the first time (48% of the entire sample) from the Russian Federation and neighboring countries.

Business tourism was in second place (31.5%), therefore, we can conclude that during the off-season, an increase in demand for tourism services will not entail a rapid increase in the turnover of the restaurant complex.

Studies show that the majority of visitors use the services of the restaurant complex of the Breeze Hotel because such a diet is convenient for them (27%). The most probable reason is that 53% of the respondents came to the hotel for vacation, therefore, breakfast at 9-30 is very convenient for them, unlike businessmen. Moreover, almost the same number (25%) like the quality of the services provided, and only in third place (22%) was the restaurant complex preferred because meals are included in the room rate. Moreover, 54% of visitors are absolutely satisfied with the quality of service, and 35% are more satisfied than not. This is a high figure and important factor, thanks to which Breeze-Hotel LLC is gradually gaining regular customers.

In addition, 45% of the total number of respondents consider food prices to be quite normal. Respondents who considered the prices high and slightly overpriced are 9.5% and 24% respectively, however, for 21.5%, the prices for food in the restaurant complex are low.

Here, first of all, it should be noted the relationship that was noticed between the categories of respondents' rooms and their opinions about the price level.

As a result, the largest share is made up of people living in junior suites, which fixed prices quite satisfied. This suggests that people living in the Breeze Hotel have very high incomes, because the prices for accommodation here cannot be called low. Prices for accommodation in the hotel "Starfish" are given in table.


The cost of hotel rooms depending on the categories

For comparison, accommodation in a standard junior suite at the Sochi Hotel will cost 5,980 rubles. per day, and in the "Starfish" 6200 rubles. per day, in the "Central" 2700 rubles. per day, this suggests that the hotel "Breeze-Hotel" can compete with prices for hotel services. Room rates include breakfast (buffet, $7), and lunch and dinner are paid extra ($10 each). As it turned out later, the Breeze Hotel restaurant is mainly visited on special occasions, and 18% of respondents prefer the services of cafeterias on the floors. However, 3% of the hotel guests noted that they do not use the services of the restaurant complex, and 4% were not entirely satisfied with the quality of service. This is not a high figure, however, and the sample size is small, so you should pay close attention to this factor.

It was for this purpose that the questionnaire included the question of what does not suit tourists in the hotel and restaurant complex, and why they do not visit it. The results obtained turned out to be very interesting and are valuable information for management.

So, according to the results of the survey, it turned out that the majority of respondents (38%) consider the location of the Breeze Hotel restaurant convenient. A fifth of the surveyed tourists (20%) liked the atmosphere in the restaurant, which is explained by the high degree of renovation of the interior. This factor, of course, also influenced the level of turnover of the restaurant.

Moreover, it is very important to know exactly which factors provide the greatest value to consumers. To collect this information, special questions were developed and the following data were obtained.

Studies show that when deciding on the preference of a particular hotel, the most significant influence is the quality of the service provided (49% of the total number of respondents), the next factor is the level of service (26.5%), then the speed of service provision (13%), accounting individual features(8%), and only 3.5% included the cost of the service in a number of the most significant factors.

Often, managers of organizations use the results of studying the opinions and expectations of consumers to improve their activities, to better focus on consumer needs. In this regard, it is useful to compare the estimates of the value of goods and services provided by the organization, obtained from employees and consumers of the organization. The data obtained will help to understand how the opinion of employees coincides with the assessments of consumers, and thus, to what extent the activities of the enterprise are focused on meeting the needs of the client.

The following data were obtained by the method of in-depth interviews with leading experts: in Table. provides ratings of individual indicators of the quality of services of Breeze-Hotel LLC, obtained on the basis of the ranking of the values ​​of employees and consumers in order of importance.


Ranking restaurant service quality indicators

From Table. it can be seen that for a number of indicators, the assessments of the employees of the hotel and restaurant complex and the assessments of consumers are largely similar. It follows from this that the employees of the hotel and restaurant complex largely focused their activities on achieving high values ​​of those service quality indicators that are also of high value to consumers. And, nevertheless, a noticeable discrepancy is observed in the assessment of the indicator "cleanliness and comfort in the hall." This suggests that the hotel and restaurant complex seeks to attract more customers, and restaurants with outdated interiors are already undergoing reconstruction.

As for the use of marketing communications by Breeze-Hotel LLC, the most common and used is advertising, because. ensures the creation of an image of the enterprise and a long-term impact on the consumer.

Based on the above tables, you can build graphs and charts.

IN In the course of the analysis, it is advisable to identify the factors that influenced the change in the volume and structure of services.

IN as an example, we will analyze the structure and volume of additional services of the hotel enterprise A for the first

tsakh 2.5.16 and 2.5.17 allow us to draw conclusions about a gradual increase in ironing services.

clothing and the rapid growth of laundry services. In the structure of services, the share of ironing and the use of household items is gradually (slightly) decreasing, while the share of washing is also gradually increasing.

An analysis of marketing activities will help hospitality enterprises to choose priority areas for their development, ensure the achievement of marketing goals, which will directly or indirectly affect the increase in the competitiveness of hotels.

Analysis of factors of competitiveness of a hotel enterprise 69

Methods and indicators for assessing competitiveness

3.1. Indicators for assessing the competitiveness of hotel services.

In the conditions of the development of market relations, any product must be competitive. This provision applies to services even more than to products, which is explained by the specifics of the provision of services. An integral process of service provision is service, which significantly affects the quality of the service and its attractiveness to the consumer. The hotel service that meets the following requirements will be competitive:

acceptable price for the service;

high quality of services;

high quality service;

– the rational use of the resources of the hotel enterprise is ensured.

Unlike the first three requirements, the latter is a requirement of the enterprise itself and is of no interest to the consumer using the hotel service, but for the enterprise it is of paramount importance, since it directly affects the efficiency of its activities.

The competitiveness of a hotel service can be viewed as the degree of its attractiveness to the consumer, which determines the possibility of satisfying a whole range of requirements. A classification scheme that reflects the factors of attractiveness of a hotel service for a consumer can be represented

70 Competitiveness of the hotel enterprise

twist in the form of a chain: price - quality - service organization - marketing environment. The main factors of competitiveness of hotel services are presented in Table 3.1.1.

The competitiveness of a hotel service is determined by quality and cost factors, which can be quite fully characterized using a system of quality (service and service quality), economic and marketing indicators (Fig. 3.1.1).

Qualitative indicators of the competitiveness of a hotel service characterize the properties of the service, its characteristics.

ki in terms of the ability of a service to satisfy a certain competitive need. The quality of the hotel service will be determined by the reliability of the activities and commitment of the hotel company, the responsiveness and attentiveness of its employees, the availability of communications and communication, a quick understanding of the needs of the client, service safety (in legal, financial and moral terms), compliance with the declared class of the service relevant norms and standards, as well as the state of the infrastructure.

Methods and indicators for assessing competitiveness 71

Rice. 3.1.1. Grouping indicators of the competitiveness of hotel services.

The assessment of the quality of hotel services by the consumer is based on certain criteria. For each parameter for assessing the quality of services, there are two values ​​(conditional) - expected by the buyer and actual. The difference between these two values ​​is called the discrepancy (mismatch) and assesses the degree of customer satisfaction with the quality of the service, if the actual quality parameters match the expected values, then the quality of services is recognized by the consumer as satisfactory.

The most important parameters customer service quality assessments are as follows:

tangibility - that physical environment,

in which services are provided (interior, office equipment, appearance personnel);

reliability - the sequence of service execution, as well as the reliability of information and financial procedures accompanying the process of service provision;

responsibility - the desire of the personnel of the hotel enterprise to help the consumer, guarantees for the performance of services;

completeness - possession of the necessary knowledge and skills, staff competence;

accessibility - ease of establishing contacts with the hotel business

72 Competitiveness of the hotel enterprise

management in such a way as to minimize discrepancies between expected and actual levels of service quality. For this, they are used various methods assessments, such as customer questionnaires, peer reviews, statistical methods, etc. The processes of forecasting the volume of services, collecting information about the needs of the market, current norms, rules, regulations, creating a database of consumers, services, competitors and their advantages, identifying consumer requirements, organizing interaction with customers, assessing the satisfaction of their needs, monitoring the delivery of services to the consumer, exercising control over communications, managing personnel qualifications.

The complexity of assessing the quality of any service, including hotel services, lies in the fact that most service quality parameters cannot be measured quantitatively, i.e. get a formal assessment.

Thus, qualitative indicators can be defined by the following relations:

degree of satisfaction of consumer requirements (Kt.p.)

where U s.r. and U s.k. - respectively, the level of use value considered

the service being offered and a similar service of competitors;

C c and C p - respectively, the price of competing services and the service under consideration;

level of use value

meadows (U s.r.) and (U s.k.) is determined by a set of qualitative and quantitative characteristics#

service consumer properties risk (for example, terms of service, share

Methods and indicators for assessing competitiveness 73

Rice. 3.1.2. The process of assessing the quality of hotel services by the consumer.

services rendered free of charge in the total volume of services provided, etc.).

Given the complexity of the nature of the consumer cost of a service, the level of consumer properties can be assessed in points using expert methods. This process involves:

– identification of a set of service quality parameters that are most significant for the consumer;

service quality assessment;

assessment of the quality of service;

determining the degree of relative significance of each of the identified parameters;

calculation of a weighted average rating of the level of use value of the service in question and similar services of competitors;

– calculation of the level coefficient

74 Competitiveness of the hotel enterprise

nya use value (Kp.s.)

service level (Ko) characterizes the effectiveness of its organization and service culture

where P f.o. - the actual rating of the organization's efficiency and service culture, assessed by the consumer;

P max - the highest possible rating of the effectiveness of the organization and the culture of service.

It should be noted that the calculation of this indicator is possible only with continuous work with consumers to identify negative and positive factors affecting the quality of service.

service class coefficient (Кк.у.)

shows the compliance of the actual class of service with the declared one

where O AD and NF AD - assessment of the parameters of the hotel and its number of rooms independently

this expert in the process of attestation and certification of hotel services, score6;

About sob. and NF sob. - assessment of the parameters of the hotel and its own rooms #

mi forces (declared classiness), point. After calculating the private indicators of the quality of the hotel service, it calculates

generalized coefficient of quality

indicators (IR)

where etc. , a o and a c.u. - the degree of relative importance of each of the considered

qualitative indicators (the total sum of all a should be equal to 1).

If the hotel organization wants to single out some other group (groups) of factors, then the considered formula takes the form

where a i is the degree of relative importance of each of the considered qualitative indicators (∑a = 1);

Marketing Metrics the competitiveness of a hotel service characterizes the effectiveness of the marketing environment of the service, including

hotel brand awareness (Kb ) characterizes the recognition of the service in different markets

where N n is the number of respondents who responded positively to the name of the hotel, people;

N about. - total number of interviewed respondents, pers.

6 In accordance with the accepted system of classification of accommodation facilities.

Methods and indicators for assessing competitiveness 75

growth rate of the market share of the hotel enterprise (Kr.d.) characterizes the change in its position in the market of hotel services

where d is from. and d b. - market share of the hotel enterprise in the reporting and base period, respectively, %.

Generalized coefficient of marketing indicators (im) competitiveness of a hotel service is calculated by the formula

where in b. , in r.m. , in c.s. . and in r.d. - the degree of relative importance of each of the races

viewed marketing indicators (the total sum of all in must be equal to 1).

If the hotel organization wants to single out some other group (groups) of factors, then, just as in the first case, the considered formula takes the form

where in i is the degree of relative significance of each of the considered qualitative indicators (∑v = 1);

n is the number of estimated qualitative parameters.

Economic indicators the competitiveness of a hotel service is estimated by the price of consumption, i.e. consumer costs necessary to satisfy his needs, namely:

76 Competitiveness of the hotel enterprise

service price (P u ) is the cost of the consumer for living in a hotel enterprise

where Cn is the total cost of the room (place) paid by the consumer for the entire period of residence, rub.;

C d.u. - total cost of services provided to the consumer additionally and not included in the cost of living, rub.

service cost (Co ) represents the loss of the consumer due to the financial and moral damage caused in the provision of hotel services, as well as the loss of time, estimated in value terms

where P fin. - losses of the consumer from the caused financial damage, rub.; P sea - loss of the consumer from the cause #

nenny moral damage, rub.; P time - loss of consumer time,

valued according to the formula

where С about - the total cost of stay, including the cost of purchased goods and services, thousand rubles;

T is the total time spent by the consumer, hours;

T p.v. - the total lost time of the consumer due to inefficient or #

service organization, hour.

This indicator evaluates not only the temporary losses of the client from poor quality service, but also allows

the hotel company to identify lost financial resources.

Total Cost of Consumption (CPU) hotel services is determined by the formula

Comparison of the consumption price of the analyzed hotel enterprise with its competitors is carried out according to the formula

where C pa and C pk - respectively, the price of consumption at the analyzed hotel enterprise and at the enterprise # competitor, rub.

If it is difficult or impossible to determine the consumption price of an enterprise#competitor, then the enterprise can compare its own consumption price in the reporting period and in the base period.

Thus, on the basis of certain qualitative, marketing and economic indicators, the integral coefficient of competitiveness of hotel services (I g.c. ) is determined

only if this condition is met, the hotel service will be considered competitive.

In accordance with the laws market economy the higher the competitiveness of the service, i.e. the more preferable and attractive it is for the consumer, the greater the sales volume of the hotel room fund,

Methods and indicators for assessing competitiveness 77

higher sales volumes of additional services, higher load factor, which helps to reduce the cost of providing services (works), therefore, conditions are created for maneuvering the price of services and creating new competitive advantages for the hotel enterprise.

3.2. Assessment methods and ways to improve the competitiveness of a hotel enterprise.

The competitiveness of a hotel service is a determining factor in assessing the competitiveness of a hospitality enterprise. Additional factors, as mentioned above (clause 1.3), are factors characterizing the hotel enterprise itself (reputation (image), human resources, financial condition, management organization, location), and factors characterizing the marketing activity # ness (price, communication, assortment and marketing policies).

Methods for assessing the competitiveness of an enterprise, including those in the hospitality sector, are quite diverse: by comparative advantages; by factors of production; according to the market position of the enterprise; quality of products, works, services; matrix method; comprehensive assessment, etc.

One of the methods for assessing the competitiveness of a hotel enterprise is the calculation method. In the first case, indicators of the competitiveness of the hotel service and efficiency are used economic activity hotel business. Competitiveness is determined through the calculation of the integral indicator of competitiveness (К g.p. ) according to the formula7

where I g.u. - an integral indicator of the competitiveness of the hotel service;

I e is the index of relative efficiency of economic activity of a hotel enterprise (for example, the profitability ratio, costs per 1 ruble of services sold, profit per 1 ruble of services sold, and other relative indicators).

In the second, the competitiveness of a hotel enterprise is determined taking into account the market position and other macroeconomic factors8

where P is the profitability of the services of a hotel enterprise,%;

Рav - weighted average profitability of services of a hotel enterprise by types, %;

I v.r. - index of change in the volume of proceeds from the sale of services of a hotel enterprise;

I - weighted average index of change in the volume of proceeds from the sale of hotel services by types;

K p - coefficient of competitiveness of the hotel enterprise in terms of


7 When deriving this formula, we used

market competition called the struggle for the limited demand of the consumer, conducted between firms in the parts (segments) of the market accessible to them. Competition is the rivalry between participants in the market economy for the best conditions for the production, purchase and sale of goods. Competition - competitive work between producers for the most profitable areas of capital investment, markets, sources of raw materials and at the same time a very effective mechanism for regulating the proportions of social production. It is generated by objective conditions: the economic isolation of each producer, its dependence on market conditions, the confrontation with other commodity owners in the struggle for consumer demand.

In the presence of competition in the market, manufacturers are constantly striving to reduce their production costs in order to increase profits. As a result, productivity is increased, costs are reduced, and the company is able to reduce prices. Competition also encourages manufacturers to improve the quality of goods and constantly increase the variety of goods and services offered. That. manufacturers are forced to constantly fight competitors for buyers in the sales market by expanding and improving the range of high-quality goods and services offered at lower prices. The consumer benefits from this.

The interaction between sellers and buyers, acting as the bearers of supply and demand, takes place in the market. Decisions of sellers and buyers regarding prices, production volumes, purchases of goods will differ significantly for different types (models) of the market.

There are four possible competitive structures that define the type of market. Market dominated by pure competition- consists of many sellers and buyers of some similar commodity product, for example, wheat, copper, securities. No individual buyer or seller has much influence on the current market price level of a commodity. The seller is not in a position to ask for a price above the market price, since buyers are free to purchase any quantity of goods they need at this market price. Sellers will not ask for a price below the market price, since they can sell everything they need at the existing market price.

Market monopolistic competition consists of many buyers and sellers who trade not at a single market price, but over a wide range of prices. The presence of a price range is explained by the ability of sellers to offer buyers different options for goods. Real products may differ from each other in quality, properties, external design, but these differences, if any, are very small. Differences may lie in the services associated with the product. Buyers see the difference in offers and are willing to pay for goods in different ways.

Market oligopolies (oligopolistic competition) consists of a small number of sellers who are highly sensitive to each other's pricing policies and marketing strategies. Products can be similar (steel, aluminum) or dissimilar (cars, personal computers). The small number of sellers is explained by the fact that it is difficult for new bidders to enter this market. Each seller is sensitive to the strategy and the actions of competitors.

At pure monopoly there is only one seller in the market. It could be state organization(such as the Post Office), a private regulated monopoly (such as Con-Edison in the US), or a private unregulated monopoly (such as DuPont during its nylon introduction period).

Factors of competitiveness- these are the phenomena and processes of the production and economic activities of the enterprise and the socio-economic life of society that cause a change in the absolute and relative value of production costs, and as a result, a change in the level of competitiveness of the enterprise. Factors can change the competitiveness of an enterprise upwards and downwards.

The whole set of factors of competitiveness of the enterprise in relation to it is divided into external and internal.

Internal factors- objective criteria that determine the ability of an enterprise to ensure its own competitiveness (scientific and technical potential, financial and economic potential, personnel potential, advertising effectiveness, conditions for storage, transportation, packaging of products, the level of service and warranty service, etc.)

External factors- socio-economic and organizational relations that allow the enterprise to create products that are more attractive in terms of price and non-price characteristics.

External factors should be understood as: 1) measures of state influence: economic nature(depreciation, tax, financial and credit policy); administrative nature (improvement and implementation of legislative acts, demonopolization of the economy, the state system of standardization and certification); 2) the main characteristics of the activity market itself this enterprise(its type and capacity, availability and capabilities of competitors); 3) activities of public and non-state institutions; 4) the activities of political parties, movements, blocs that shape the socio-economic situation in the country.

Analyzing the activities of competitors and developing appropriate responses are often more effective for hospitality and tourism enterprises than sales growth in their market segment. System marketing research behavior of competitors, opens up a number of additional features successful development:

comprehensively assess the prospects for the development of the market and choose your own niche;

More accurate targeting and targeting strategic development;

find fast and adequate response combinations to the actions of competitors;

develop a strategy to neutralize the strengths of competitors and make fuller use of their own competitive advantages;

improve the work of personnel, increase the motivation of their activities, informing about the expected actions of competing enterprises;

· better protect the position of its State Customs Committee in the market, increase efficiency and competitiveness in general.

Analysis of the activities of all competitors is a rather complicated and expensive undertaking. Therefore, it is customary to distinguish two main groups of competitors: direct competitors And potential competitors(newcomers). The analysis uses quantitative and qualitative information about their activities.

Quantitative information includes the following information: organizational and legal form of the enterprise; enterprise managers; number of staff; own assets; access to sources of borrowed and other funds; sales volumes; market share; profitability; availability and size of the branch network; list of main types of services; service cost; advertising expenses, etc.

Qualitative information includes such subjective information: the reputation of the enterprise and its managers; fame; prestige; experience of the management and personnel of the enterprise; flexibility of the marketing strategy; the effectiveness of the product strategy; pricing and marketing strategy; level and quality of services and customer service culture; response to changing market conditions; methods of competition; consumer commitment; ways to promote new services, etc.

The results of the analysis make it possible to identify and evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of competitors, their preferences and their own prospects in the competitive struggle. Determining your own competitive status and the status of direct and potential competitors allows you to solve two interrelated tasks: to establish the features of the development of the competitive situation and to identify the degree of dominance of certain enterprises in the market.

To analyze the state of the hotel (tourist) services market, the index method is widely used, based on the calculation of special indicators and their comparison. At the same time, the most important indicators are the occupancy rate of the room fund and the average price of a room. Based on these indicators, the corresponding indices are calculated.

The occupancy rate of the room fund is determined by the ratio of the number of rooms sold to the total number of rooms offered for sale. The average room price is calculated by dividing total income from the sale of rooms to the number of rooms sold. By multiplying the occupancy index and the average room price index, the market position index is obtained. In addition, the market penetration index of the hotel is determined. In international practice, this index is called MPI and is determined by the occupancy rate for each hotel and the average occupancy rate for this market segment. Other indices are calculated similarly: ARI - price penetration index, RGI - general penetration index.

For example, the nearest competitors of a hotel enterprise are determined taking into account the following indicators:

a set of services and classiness of the hotel;

price per room

· location;

· capacity;

Qualitative composition of the room fund;

· contingent of guests and specialization of the hotel;

· specifications hotel buildings;

time of work in the market;

forms of management (independent hotel, management contract, franchise).

After determining the nearest competitive group and calculating the average indicators for this group (sales price of a room and hotel occupancy), the specified penetration indices are calculated. The obtained values ​​for each hotel enterprise are compared with the average group indices.

If a hotel company has a penetration index equal to one, this means that the position of the hotel on the market is fully consistent with its potential. If the index is greater than one, this means that this hotel occupies a higher position in the market than it expected. With an index less than one, the hotel implements its market strategy less successfully than its competitors.

Thus, the basis for assessing the competitiveness of a hotel enterprise is the method comparative analysis. The results of this analysis make it possible to determine which of the compared hotels performed better in the market and received, accordingly, the best result in terms of the number of rooms sold.

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Business processes. Investments. Motivation. Planning. Implementation