Ways to improve customer service. Ways to improve the organization of guest service at the enterprises of the hotel business (on the example of Amaks Safar-Hotel LLC). Features of the preparation and service of the banquet


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Based on the results of the analysis carried out in the second chapter, it was concluded that in Ris LLC the organization of servicing banquet visitors cannot be recognized as completely high-quality. In this regard, it is advisable to introduce the position of a banquet service manager into the staff of the enterprise, in whose hands the functions of interacting with customers on the organization of banquets will be concentrated. This will also relieve the director and administrator.

The main task of the manager will not only interact with potential customers, but also attract them through personal selling.

The employee will be entrusted with the functions of searching for corporate clients, who today themselves apply to Ris LLC, as a rule, on the advice of business partners or know about the existence of a cafe from their employees (or have been in it themselves), as well as interaction with private persons planning to hold a banquet.

Responsibilities of the banquet service manager of "Ris" LLC will include: formation and support client base Cafe; development of a strategy and implementation of a cafe banquet services sales program; looking for new clients; conducting preliminary negotiations with potential customers of banquet services; conclusion of contracts for the provision of banquet services; customer relationship management and development.

The catering manager will report to the administrator.

The personality of a sales manager: communication skills, energy, focus on results, competent speech, willingness to work irregular hours, presentable appearance. Requirements: active life position, experience successful sales, negotiations, confident PC user.

Organization of sales, promotion of services to the market, establishment of business contacts, market analysis. Negotiation skills, result oriented, professionalism, organizational skills, drafting experience commercial offers desire to work and earn. Age: 22 to 37 years old. Higher education. Sales training welcome. Experience: Minimum 1 year experience in restaurant sales.

Salary: 24,000 rubles (288,000 rubles per year). The data was obtained by analyzing the site http://www.job.ru, where a search was made for vacancies in order to determine the average level of remuneration for this position.

We will also give recommendations on how to organize the procedure for the work of a banquet service manager with clients. At the same time, it should be taken into account that this function will be transferred to him by the administrator, who is not currently "leading" clients.

The scenario for the sale of banquet services proposed for the manager of Ris LLC is as follows:

Upon first contact with potential client, which, as a rule, is carried out by phone, the wishes of the client are identified, then it is proposed to come to the cafe to clarify all questions on the spot;

At the meeting, the details of the proposed event, the type of menu, type of service and a possible date are discussed in detail;

Then the client can meet with the chef for a specific discussion of the menu, if ordering author's dishes is expected;

The approximate cost of the banquet is calculated;

For the client, the catering manager prepares a draft catering agreement, which may need to be amended after the client considers the proposal and adds or removes some points;

The client finally confirms his intentions and calls the cafe;

The final contract is signed and the client hands over the deposit;

If the client did not call back, the manager himself contacts him to identify the reasons for refusing to hold a banquet in a cafe.

The banquet service manager needs to determine what is the commercial argument in favor of the deal in particular LLC "Ris". The advantages include a unique concept, a rich collection of wines. It is better to sell your services in a cafe. The atmosphere in the cafe, the taste of the dishes offered for tasting, photographs, cleanliness and order in the kitchen will make a favorable impression on a potential client.

It should be noted that in the field of banquet services, efficiency is extremely important, because. the client can be "intercepted" by competitors at any time, especially on the eve of the holidays. That is why it is advisable for a banquet service manager to develop several typical service options that will allow the client to evaluate the breadth of the service options offered, as well as the possibility of obtaining an individual approach. It is also recommended to collect a collection of spectacular photographs in a neat, professional looking a portfolio to confirm what activities are held in the restaurant. The cost of making a portfolio with a professional photographer is 12 thousand rubles. These recommendations will allow, even at the stage of preliminary negotiations, to set up clients in favor of holding banquet services at Ris LLC.

The expected growth in the turnover of Ris LLC after the introduction of the position of a banquet service manager is 7%.

In order to improve the service for cafe visitors, as part of improving the personnel motivation system, Ris LLC proposes to increase the basic wage (for example, 10,000 rubles for waiters) through additional payments that are closely tied to the employee’s working time in the cafe (adjustment factor) and for account of adjustment factors closely linked to the quality of work of each employee. In addition, it is proposed to provide for a system of reducing (penalty) coefficients. Thus, wage differentiation will be obtained. A coefficient for assessing remuneration by level of education can also be introduced: three groups - those with a secondary general education(group 1), average professional education(group 2), higher education(group 3). Depending on the length of service in the specialty and education, a remuneration assessment coefficient based on the results of work for the year can be assigned.

Table 3.1.3.-Coefficients for assessing the remuneration of service personnel based on the results of work for the half year (Kv)

A system of indicators that can clearly link wages to the quality of service and will be taken into account when calculating the monthly level of wages for waiters at Ris LLC is presented in Table 3.2.1

Thus, the use of increasing and decreasing coefficients when calculating wages will encourage cafe employees to provide quality service to visitors.

The analysis showed that the employees of "Ris" LLC do not know how much other employees working in similar positions receive.

Table 3.2.1. -System of indicators for evaluating the work of service personnel



Influence on the result

1. Boosting factors

Positive feedback from visitors about the employee

Contribution to the study of consumer demand (providing information to management about buyers and their behavior)

Compliance with the standard of service

Improving work with customers (self-learning, taking into account comments and complaints)

No remarks during external control

No remarks during internal control

The quality of customer service (speed of service, courtesy, ability to work with customers, willingness to help visitors, etc.)

2. Reducing factors

Violation of labor discipline (including large downtime at work)

Substantiated complaints from visitors

Careless attitude to the safety of equipment

Non-compliance with the standard of service

Non-compliance with the requirements regarding the form of clothing and appearance

Failure to comply with safety regulations, the timing of medical examinations, etc.

This is determined by the cafe's pay policy and avoids conflicts related to the difference in the level of wages received. However, it is important to note that the salary for all employees of the same specialty is the same, and the difference is only in the amount of bonuses received.

Tip size issues are not regulated by the management, and the staff independently decides whether to tell other employees about their size, as this is an additional remuneration that does not depend on the management, but is determined only by the quality of the staff's work and the desire of visitors to encourage him. It is advisable to make the new personnel motivation system open so that there is no misunderstanding about how the quality of work affects the amount of remuneration. The amount of tips in the formation of the wage system is not taken into account.

The correctness of the personnel assessment, summing up, obtaining the result and bringing this information to the staff will allow the cafe management not only to see what is available on this moment, but also where to move and what to pay special attention to in order to create the best service on the market. The expected growth in turnover will be 3% due to the improvement of the quality of the work of the staff - satisfied customers will return to Ris LLC again and again and will recommend the cafe to their friends.

Maintenance high level Service at LLC "Ris" can also be provided through periodic (2 times a year) staff training.

For this purpose, you can turn to the services of training companies in Tuapse. The cost of education is about 75 thousand rubles a year.

Training takes place in 2 stages.

1. Preparatory stage - the trainer collects necessary information about the cafe, its menu, the target group of visitors, about how it is customary to serve now, what problems are most often encountered in service, what would you like to change. The coach receives this information from the cafe management.

2. Training - the trainer goes to the cafe and conducts classes with the staff in a familiar environment, based on the menu and style of this restaurant, taking into account the information received at the preparatory stage. Training is carried out alternately with all shifts.

As a result of the training, new solutions and staff suggestions for improving service usually appear, which the management systematizes and then uses in their work. Such trainings are held for service personnel, while their program is not strictly regulated, but is formed by the trainer based on a preliminary analysis of the restaurant's activities.

For example, the following questions can be included in the program of the seminar "Improving the efficiency of the functioning of a public catering enterprise":

1. Specifics of the public catering market. Market structure. The current state of the market. Problems, tendencies and prospects of the market. Features of the regional development of the public catering market. Fashion in the catering market.

2. Technology of research and evaluation of the public catering market. Research methods. The main directions of research. Research stages.

3. Analysis of the location of the cafe. Competitive analysis: direct and indirect competitors. Analysis of the activity of client flows. Rental rates. Features of the restaurant business in the city center and in residential areas.

4. Evaluation of the external and internal design of a public catering enterprise in terms of compliance with its concept.

5. Evaluation of the service and the implementation of service standards at a public catering enterprise. Service system. Service standards. Service standard development technology. Evaluation of the process of selling services. Evaluation of the work of personnel.

6. Analysis of the menu and pricing policy of a public catering enterprise for compliance with the concept. Additional services. Pricing methods. Price methods to stimulate sales. Functional cost analysis of the menu.

7. Audit of the marketing activities of a public catering enterprise. Features of the organization of marketing at a public catering enterprise. Marketing policy evaluation, advertising campaigns, promotion methods, ways to retain customers. Building customer satisfaction and loyalty.

8. Analysis of the organization of management of a public catering enterprise. Management strategy. Managment structure. Features of management. Control system. Regulation of the management process. Personnel management and motivation.

Thus, the cafe is recommended to conduct annual training for service and management personnel. In addition, it is necessary to annually analyze the existing system of motivation and develop motivational programs for next year. As one of the incentive elements, annual wage indexation by 15-20% is recommended. Annual training costs will amount to about 130 thousand rubles. At the same time, the expected effect of personnel training is to increase the company's revenue by 1% by improving the quality of personnel work and improving their qualifications.

The workplace is a zone labor actions employee or group of employees, equipped and equipped with everything necessary for the performance of work and services. Here are the objects and tools of labor, with the help of which certain elements of work or services are carried out, as well as means of equipping the workplace: X-ray machines, special furniture, etc.

Proper organization and maintenance of workplaces are among the most important tasks of the TTO, because. they help to increase the efficiency of work. The main goals of their improvement are to provide for a rational arrangement, to reasonably arrange the necessary equipment elements in a limited area, to create convenience and comfort for workers, to protect them from harmful effects adverse factors external environment, to maintain the uninterrupted provision of workplaces with everything that is required.

The correct organization of the workplace implies, first of all, its specialization, i.e. establishing a clear medical profile, if possible assigning the same type of operations or work to it. The equipment includes basic medical equipment, technological and organizational equipment, which must comply with the provisions of the NOT and take into account sanitary and hygienic, ergonomic aspects, as well as safety precautions. Thus, sanitary and hygienic requirements dictate the need for an X-ray protection device, good thermal insulation, ventilation industrial premises, ergonomic - finding the best options for the "man-machine" system, the most rational from the point of view of physiology, psychology, industrial aesthetics of adapting the workplace, tools and production environment to human potential. Safety measures provide for the safety and reliability of the operation of mechanisms and equipment.

AT recent times organizational equipment begins to play an important role: local communications, computers, furniture, etc.

Rapid scientific and technological progress brings new content to the introduction of advanced techniques and methods of work. This also applies to medicine. In order to introduce modern forms of treatment, they must be studied. Only highly qualified specialists can master them with the help of scientific rationing methods. Based on it, analysis, evaluation of effectiveness and design of a rational method of treatment or services are then carried out.

Thus, the organization of the workplace is understood as a system of measures to equip the workplace with the means, objects of labor and services necessary for the implementation of the labor process. As a direction of NOT, improving the organization of jobs involves creative search the best organizational and technical solutions for the layout, equipment and aesthetic design of workplaces, equipping them with organizational equipment, devices that facilitate work.

Great importance in the process of improving the organization of labor medical staff has intra-organizational operational communication. This is explained by the increasing volume of administrative, managerial and medical information circulating in healthcare institutions.

The rational organization of jobs in the field of health is designed to solve two equally important tasks - the creation of health worker conditions for highly productive work with the least possible physical effort and minimal nervous tension and ensuring maximum comfort for the patient in the process of his examination and treatment.

Combining together the tasks of technological progress and creating optimal working conditions is carried out by ergonomics - a scientific discipline that studies functionality and characteristics of a person in the process of work. Ergonomics defines the requirements that must be followed when organizing workplaces and which depend on how a person reacts to external phenomena, how he sees, hears, feels, coordinates movements, which positions of the human body in terms of his biomechanics are more convenient and require less energy cost.

In healthcare institutions, this area includes the following activities - centralized sterilization of syringes and instruments; search for rational forms of organization of jobs for a nurse, laboratory assistant, doctor; organization of a dictaphone method of keeping case histories and outpatient cards; the use of cliché stamps, ready-made forms of various forms and referrals for procedures and examinations; changes in the principle of operation of the registry, centralized issuance sick leave etc.

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