The ancient world - the birth of the first civilizations presentation for a lesson on the world around (Grade 4) on the topic. MHK presentation on the topic "ancient civilizations" Presentation of what we know about ancient civilizations


For the era of the Ancient World, the following phenomena are fundamental: the formation of tribal relations, the creation of writing, the design of religious cults. On the basis of tribal territories, the first public entities. The appearance of writing leads to the improvement of abstract thinking, takes communication beyond the memory of one person, and makes it possible to realize the connection of times and cause-and-effect patterns. The creation of a specialized communication system and the transition from primitive magic to religion frees fine art from informational functions. The era of the Ancient World corresponds to the model of a "one-dimensional universe", in which linear connections are put forward in the first place.

Myths of the one-dimensional universe, totem myths and myths of initiation, unlike calendar myths, have a linear compositional structure. Totem myths tell about the beginning of the family. In the myths about initiation, the ritual of introducing an adult member of the community to the secret of his origin from the totem ancestor and gaining secret knowledge from dead ancestors is reproduced. On the basis of the "basic myth" and the myths of initiation in the epic genre of literature, the classical structure of the archplot is formed. The Epic of Gilgamesh is the first example of an archplot. Gilgamesh holding a lion cub. 721–705 BC e. Scene from the Epic of Gilgamesh on a cylinder seal

Seated Buddha from Katre. The Kushan era. 2nd century In the fine arts of Egypt, Mesopotamia, India, China, Mesoamerica, the abstract principle of line is embodied through the unfolding of the ritual of worshiping the world tree. From now on, the basis of the composition of works of fine art is the duality of the depicted - the object of veneration and the ritual of veneration. Buddhist iconography is characterized by symmetrical compositions. In them, the Buddha or the images replacing it are flanked to the right and left by the figures of worshippers. Stele of Naramsin, King of Akkad. 23rd century BC e.

Tomb of Seti I. XIX dynasty. Valley of the Kings, Luxor Images on the ceiling of the Hypostyle Temple of Hathor in Dendera Hypostyle of the Temple of Hathor in Dendera. 19th century drawing In ancient Egyptian art, the two-part scheme expands to infinity of frieze formations due to the repeated blocks of the veneration ritual with characters worshiping or bringing gifts.

The unfolding of the universe-line through an ever-growing list of material phenomena in ancient art is manifested in a kind of fear of emptiness. In Egypt, voids are filled with a carpet of hieroglyphic inscriptions or decorative elements of the landscape. In Mesoamerica, there are examples of continuous carpeting of entire architectural structures. Stele of Henen. 21st century BC. Tutankhamen with his wife in the garden Relief on the lid of the chest, XIV century. BC e.

The archetype of the world mountain has become a common basic model for various types of pyramids, ziggurat and stupas. In ancient Egypt, the beam and the mountain existed both in separate and in fused form. Obelisk of Senusret III in the city of Junu (Heliopolis) Stupas in India are a model of Mount Meru, sacred for the Hindus, located in the center of the universe. In Mesoamerica, the scheme of the altar on top of the world mountain was relevant. Great stupa at Sanchi. 3rd century BC e. Piedras Negras. Mayan culture. 600–810 n. e. Reconstruction of T. Proskuryakova Pyramids in Giza. Egypt

In the composition of the temple complexes, the geometric abstraction of the beam is realized in the form of the idea of ​​the passionate Path of the Sun through the underworld. Due to the fact that in the creation myths the unfolding of the world occurs from the waters of chaos to the sky, that is, from the bottom up, the Sacred Road is also directed from the lower, earthly world to the upper, heavenly one. Road of the Dead in Teotihuacan. 2nd century Alley of sacred rams to the Temple of Amun in Luxor. 14th century BC e. Alley of sphinxes to the temple of Amun in Karnak. 1504–1492 BC e.

In Luxor and Karnak, the temple becomes the architectural setting for the dual Path of the Sun - the original, when it rose from the waters of Nun (chaos), and the daily one. The Sun began its advance to the sky from the chamber immersed in darkness, where the Sacred Boat with the figure of God was kept. It was followed by rooms, where there was always a multi-column hall, symbolizing "reed fields", in the waters of which the sun originated. Columns of the Temple of Amun in Luxor. 14th century BC e. View of the Karnak temple complex. 1504–1492 BC e.

According to the logic of the myth, the development of the bottom and the inner core of the cosmos took place initially. The path of the primordial Ray unfolds in the bowels of the earth or the world mountain. The pyramid is a model of the world mountain in its purest form. In the rock temples of Egypt and India, the sacred core is hidden under the thickness of the mountain. D. Roberts Interior of Abu Simbel Temple 1830s Ajanta Temple. Vihara - hall for general meeting 5th century India Mortuary Temple of Hatshepsut. 1482–1473 before. n. e. Deir el-Bahri, Egypt

In the ancient world, the principle of ornamentality as the basis of the compositional and rhythmic organization of fine arts retains its position. The ornamentality of pictorial compositions remains a sign of cosmic supernatural forces that bring order to the Universe. In Egypt, ornamentality symbolizes the eternity of the afterlife. In Mesopotamia, the syncretism of the plot and ornamentation points to the identity of the macro- and microworlds. In India, a deceptively beautiful, infinitely changing, imperceptibly sliding pattern of being is weaved by the deceptive Maya. The transition of the role of a sample of the universe from a vessel as a container of being to architecture led to the opening of a circular ornamental composition and its transformation into a linear one. The spiral running around the vessel loses its quadrupleness, which means a closed annual or daily cycle, and turns into a line of an endless braid.

The idea of ​​a vertical creative beam in dance was most clearly embodied in the cosmic dance of Shiva. According to the myth, Shiva performed this dance at the middle point of the earth. The "cosmic dancer" is depicted with four arms, trampling the dwarf Apasmaru, the demon of ignorance, with his right foot. In his hands he holds a drum and a flame. The whole figure is surrounded by a fiery ring. From the point of view of sacred geometry, the act of creation is realized by a circular wave from one point to all four sides. Dancing Shiva. 11th century

The next competitive task of a creative nature: the teacher reads a short poem, and then asks him questions:

What ruler is mentioned in the poem?

What barrier did this ruler build from the nomads?

What care of the ruler for the people is discussed in the poem?

What famous army was created at the behest of a ruler?

Final competitions about Ancient civilizations of the world

The myth of Theseus and the Minotaur

Competition " Race for the leader” invites teams to score points by answering the following questions:

What are the two most important inventions of India that you know of?

What is the name of the main trade route to Europe from Asia?

In which country was the alphabet invented?

What Chinese drink relieves fatigue?

The ruler of which state was characterized by wearing a double crown?

Which of the sages considered life to be suffering?

What are the Old and New Testaments part of?

What mythical hero had the heel the only vulnerable part of the body?

A detailed reference summary of the lesson in the form of a game on history on the topic “ ancient civilizations world a" can be downloaded at the beginning of the publication along with a colorful presentation.

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Ancient civilizations of the East What is the name of this era? Primary civilizations are also called... The basis of the economic life of primary civilizations was... Political power in them was in the form... At the bottom rung of the social ladder were... At the highest... In the era of ancient civilizations...consciousness prevailed. What is the main feature of the social structure of ancient India? Where and when did the first religion of salvation appear? Its name? What wonders of the world arose in the ancient East? Title the pictures: Where and when did the earliest civilizations arise?

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Self-test In the IV - III millennium BC. in Egypt and Mesopotamia. The era of the Eneolithic - Copper-Stone Age. River, irrigation. Irrigation agriculture. Despotism - unlimited monarchy. Slaves. rulers and priests. archaic. Caste system. In the 7th century BC e. in ancient Iran - Zoroastrianism. Pyramids of Egypt, Hanging Gardens of Babylon in Babylon. Sarcophagus Egyptian pharaoh Tutankhamen, bas-relief depicting Assyrian warriors, Tower of Babel - ziggurat.

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Laws of Hammurabi. Hammurapi, the sixth king of the first dynasty of Babylon, ruled from 1792-1750. BC. He was an outstanding statesman, a cunning diplomat, a major military leader and a skilled organizer. During his reign, he managed to create a vast power, spread over the entire territory of Mesopotamia. The famous monument called "Code of Hammurabi". It was found in 1901 by French archaeologists during excavations of the ancient capital of the Elamite kingdom of the city of Susa, the eastern neighbor of Babylonia.

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Bring crimes and punishments in line with Art.25. If a fire breaks out in the house and the person who came to put it out turns his gaze to the belongings of the owner of the house and takes something for himself... Art.195. If a son hits his father… Art.196. If a person injures the eye of any of the people... Art.203. If any of the people hit on the cheek of any of the people... Art.205. If a man's slave strikes one of the people on the cheek... Art.218. If a doctor makes a heavy incision with a bronze knife and causes death… Art.229. If a builder builds a house for a man and does his work unstable, so that the house collapses and causes death to the owner... Art.250. If a bull, walking along the street, gores a man and causes him death ... ... then he must weigh one mine of silver. ... then this is not a basis for a claim. ...then he should be killed. ... that should cut off his ear. ... then it must be thrown into the fire. ... then his hand should be cut off ... then his fingers should be cut off. ...that should gouge out his eye. Do you remember what this principle of justice is called?

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Try to continue the legal norms and formulate the features of the Babylonian legislation. Art.128. If a man takes a wife and does not conclude a written contract, ... Art.148. If a man takes a wife for himself and leprosy befalls her, and he intends to take another for himself, then ... Art.186. If a person adopts a minor and, only when he is adopted, he recognizes his father and his mother, then... Art.188. If any craftsman takes a minor as a pupil and teaches his craft, then ... is demanded back by the court. Art.191. If a person raises a minor whom he has adopted, but creates his own house and then gets children and intends to expel the pupil ...

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Match the name of the religion with its basic concepts and symbols. A) Zoroastrianism B) Buddhism C) Taoism D) Confucianism E) Judaism "four great truths" principle of "non-action" "five virtues" "ten commandments" karma, samsara, nirvana state - Ahura Mazda family "middle way" Torah Avesta A B C D E F

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Religions of salvation When and why did they arise? Why are they called so? What unites them? Why do they still exist?

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The History of Ancient Civilization In contrast to the ancient Eastern civilizations, in ancient civilizations, property was fairly quickly established. The ancient system of slavery was characterized by ... .. (3) There was a concept of a citizen, which included ... (4) The great role of the people's assembly, the election system, equality before the courts are signs of ... a political structure. However, ancient civilization also experienced many social contradictions, the main of which were ... (3) The religious systems of the Greeks and Romans were .... The main values ​​​​of ancient civilization were ... (4) Played a big role in shaping the worldview ....

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1. Polisnaya (public - private). 2. Wider use of the labor of slaves, their more cruel exploitation, their attitude as "talking tools". 3. Belonging to a community, participation in public life, protection from enemies, the right to use communal land. 4. Democratic; 5. The struggle of the demos against the aristocracy, patricians and plebeians, slaves and slave owners; 6. Polytheistic; 7. Patriotism, autarky, veneration of ancestors, agonism; 8. Philosophy. Self test

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Compare the republican structure of Athens and Rome The Republic - ... The Roman Republic was not democratic, because: ... In Roman legal proceedings, unlike Athens ... Laws were also adopted differently ....

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Try to refute the assessment of the historical role of Alexander the Great. Babylon disappeared - the greatest city, covered with sand and soil. After 2300 years, the archaeologist Koldewey barely managed to uncover the dead city. India was the very first to separate from Alexander's empire... The Hellenized rulers of Bactria and Parthia admired ancient sculptures, porticos, went to theaters and hippodromes for several centuries. And then a wave of revival of national traditions destroyed the remnants of a civilization alien to the people. Greece and Macedonia, flooded with oriental gold, experienced the most severe inflation, which turned them into easy prey for Rome. An attempt to combine other people's religions and ethics eventually turned into rampant pagan immorality, which they began to bashfully call Hellenized freethinking.

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Slides captions:

The ancient world - the birth of the first civilizations Do we use a calendar, hourglass, numbers, alphabet in the modern world?

  • Do we use a calendar, hourglass, numbers, alphabet in the modern world?
  • What do you think of the above listed ancient items?
  • “What achievements of the era of the Ancient World do we still use?”
  • What is the Ancient World?
  • Could clocks, calendars, letters, numbers appear in primitive society?
What items could appear in the era of the Ancient World?
  • What items could appear in the era of the Ancient World?
  • What knowledge do we lack?
Civilization is a new, higher stage in the development of mankind, different countries with its own culture

The main signs of civilization:

  • State (king, taxes, army)
  • Cities
  • Writing
ancient rome ancient greece

Ancient Egypt


Ancient China

ancient india

Ancient Rome

Ancient Rome is located on the Apennine Peninsula. The capital is the city of Rome, founded in 753 BC. on the banks of the Tiber River by the twins Romulus and Remus, sons of the vestal Rhea Sylvia and the god of war Mars.

The city was founded on the top of the Capitol Hill, where later administrative buildings arose: the Senate, the tribune. The Romans were brilliant builders and architects. Rome was built according to an ideal layout. Open squares alternated with straight avenues and streets that intersected at right angles, the squares were decorated with statues.

In the history of Rome, there are a lot of events of interest: the life of Gaius Julius Caesar, the uprising of Spartacus, the Punic Wars

Ancient Rome They invented the water mill, Tyronian marks (shorthand in the modern sense), concrete; and the habit of the Romans to salt greens led to the formation of the word "salad".

Multi-story houses.

High-rise buildings appeared in Rome not at all from a good life. The problem of overpopulation was already familiar in those distant times. The only way out was high-rise buildings that were rented out. The poor lived under the roof. They had to climb up to the very roof along the outer staircase, which began right on the street. These apartments were so low and cramped that the only way to walk around the rooms was to bend over.

Ancient Rome Sewerage. The sewage was constantly washed away through an inclined pipe with water from a nearby thermal source. This was the first full-fledged sewage system, also known as the “Cloaca”, the diameter of the main tunnels of which reached 7 meters.

Double-glazed windows.

Of course, glass was not invented by the ancient Romans. But it was they who brought window craft to perfection. The world's first correct construction of a window measuring 1 x 1.7 m was located under the vault of the dressing room of the bath in Pompeii and consisted of a bronze frame with frosted glass. At the same time, the inhabitants of Ancient Rome realized that the main part of the warm air leaves through the window, and if you put two glasses, one after the other with a distance of five centimeters, then the house becomes much warmer.

Ancient Rome Triumphal arches are also a Roman architectural innovation, possibly borrowed from the Etruscans. Arches were built for various reasons - both in honor of victories and as a sign of the consecration of new cities. However, their primary meaning is associated with a triumph - a solemn procession in honor of the victory over the enemy. Passing through the arch, the emperor returned to his native city in a new capacity. The arch was the boundary between one's own and the other's.

Egypt is an ancient state that existed in the valley of the lower Nile.

The territory of Egypt was a narrow ribbon of fertile soil stretching along the banks of the Nile. On both sides the valley was bordered by mountain ranges.

At first, the country was divided into Upper and Lower Egypt.

The ancient Egyptians grew barley, wheat, grapes, figs and dates, bred large and small cattle.

In 3 thousand BC. imperial power was significantly strengthened and consolidated. This was reflected in the most famous monuments of ancient Egypt - the pyramids.

Ancient Egypt

Ancient Egypt 1. Ancient Egypt made a huge contribution to world culture. The Egyptians found a more suitable material for writing than clay - papyrus. This is a reed that grows in abundance along the banks of the Nile River. They wrote in drawing-like characters called hieroglyphs. The Egyptians called them "divine speech." They attached important religious and magical significance to the writings.

2. The Egyptians built their dwellings from clay, silt and straw. Later they learned how to make bricks out of clay, burn them in the sun and build houses out of them.

Ancient Egypt

3. The Egyptians grew wheat, barley, flax, from which they wove linen and sewed clothes. Raised cattle. The Egyptians hunted on land from chariots and on water from boats. They hunted hippos with harpoons and ropes.

4. The highest and oldest is the pyramid of Cheops. It reaches 146 meters in height. This is the only wonder of the world that has survived to this day. It has been under construction for 20 years. 100 thousand people worked on its construction and six and a half million tons of stones were used.

Ancient Egypt 5. There were medical schools in Egypt. Ancient Egyptian doctors were well versed in how the human body works. Belief in an afterlife led the Egyptians to embalm (mummify) the bodies of the dead.

6. The Egyptians wore light clothing made of linen, which was not hot. Both men and women used cosmetics. Wealthy people wore wigs and jewelry made of gold and semi-precious stones.




Ancient China

  • They made silk fabric (even books were made from this material, but they were very expensive).
  • Invented a cheap material - paper
  • Invented the compass
  • Learned to grow - tea

Single coin of China

Chinese Wall

Ancient Greece

Ancient Greece was located in the south of the Balkan Peninsula and included the islands of the Aegean and Ionian Seas.

From the 8th century BC The Greeks called themselves Hellenes.

The population of Ancient Greece was engaged in agriculture, gardening (especially the cultivation of grapes and olives), cattle breeding (preference was given to small livestock - goats). And the handicraft was also developed.

In historical times, the territory of the Hellenes was divided into many small states.

The largest policies were Sparta and Athens.

The ancient Greeks believed in many gods: Zeus, Athena, Apollo, Neptune, Hera, Artemis, Hermes and others. Ancient Greece gave the world the Olympic Games.

Ancient Greece

1. Sparta, even in peacetime, looked like a military camp. The sons of citizens of Sparta at the age of 7 entered schools, where they underwent severe hardening. In order to teach the boys to endure the hardships of military service without a murmur, they were cruelly flogged in churches once a year. At the same time, the boys were not even supposed to moan. Most Attention was given to the development of strength, endurance, courage, the ability to obey and command. The boys were also taught correct speech (it had to be clear and concise - concise), reading and writing, playing musical instruments, and choral singing. The girls were brought up in the family, they were also necessarily developed physically. Young men from the age of 20 began military service, which lasted until the age of 60.

Ancient Greece

2. In another Greek state - Athens, named after the goddess Athena - the Goddess of war, wisdom, knowledge, arts, crafts, bravery and courage were revered, but sciences and arts were of great importance. Especially valued oratory - eloquence. He was specially taught to boys in gymnasiums.

Ancient Greece

3. Above all, the ancient Greeks valued scientific knowledge, which amazed even their descendants. One of the most famous Greeks - Archimedes - a scientist, mathematician, mechanic, founder of theoretical mechanics and hydrostatics. He made many discoveries: the law of floating of bodies, named after him, invented a propeller for lifting water to land. Pythagoras is a mathematician-geometer, philosopher, religious and political figure. He is credited with studying the properties of integers, proving the Pythagorean theorem, and more. Writers Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides became famous for their plays. The historian Herodotus is called the "father" of history. The great philosophers were Socrates, Plato, Aristotle. Theater also came to us from Greece

Ancient Greece

4. The art of mosaic was born in ancient Greece, where images were made from multi-colored pebbles. In ancient Greece, they were engaged in painting ceramic vessels: amphoras (a sharp-bottomed vessel), kylix (an elegant bowl), craters (a large vessel). Legends, myths, scenes from everyday life, competitions of athletes served as subjects for painting.

Ancient Greece

Now vases are giants, then dwarfs are vases And each vase with a drawing is a story! A hero in a chariot flies to war. The Argonauts are sailing into a foreign country. Perseus kills the Gorgon Medusa. But Artemis, the goddess of the hunt, shoots someone with a well-aimed bow. And this is Orpheus playing the lyre. And this is a sports trophy.

The ancient Greeks plied the seas, They found time for sports, And they also invented the Olympic Games in ancient days!

ancient greek theater

in Pergamon.

In the city of Olympus, the all-Greek sports competitions - the Olympic Games - were held every 4 years. They celebrated in honor of the god Zeus. Competitions were held in running, wrestling, chariot races. The head of the winner was crowned with a laurel wreath. During the Olympic Games, all hostilities ceased. Artists and poets used to come here. Here the custom was established to read literary works and recite poetry. The Greek states during the Olympics announced the conclusion of important treaties, sealed them with oaths at the altars of the gods.


The large cities of Mesopotamia were the centers of states that appeared more than 5 thousand years ago.

During excavations in Mesopotamia, archaeologists found many clay tablets covered with wedge-shaped icons, which turned out to be the oldest writing system on Earth. It turns out that the Sumerians opened the era of written history, found a means of expressing speech in the form of symbols. The Sumerians used soft clay tablets as a material for writing, on which they squeezed out badges - “wedges” with a special stick. Each icon represented a whole word. The tablets were fired for strength. The cuneiform script used 700 characters, so few people owned it. The profession of a scribe was highly respected.


They established order in society, regulated relations between people. The laws are carved on a basalt slab found by archaeologists in 1901. contained 282 articles. In the laws you can find information about the purpose of their creation, about the features of the economy of Babylon, about the development of society, about slavery, trade, the army, and many others.

The Sumerians invented a wheel, a plow, an irrigation system, a bow for hunting, they began to grow wheat, flax, peas, grapes for the first time, thousands of years ago the Sumerians knew mathematics, astronomy.

Since the X century. BC. they make extensive use of iron.

The development of ancient Indian architecture has some peculiarities. Monuments that existed until the III century BC. e., have not survived to the present day, since building material tree served. From the III century BC. e. stone is used in construction.

Big stupa №1,

Where are Buddha relics kept?

Cave Temple at Ajanta (Gupta Empire)

ancient india

ancient indian art

buddha statue

Ancient fresco from

Ajanta Temple (under the Guptas)

Decimal digits

Lesson summary:

  • What is the era of the ancient world?
  • What civilized countries existed in the era of the Ancient World?
  • What is the main difference between the era of the Ancient World and the era of the Primitive World?
Lesson summary:
  • What surprised you in class?
  • What did you buy, feel, think?
  • What did you discover new for yourself?
  • What was more successful?
  • Why do we need this lesson?
  • Evaluate your work in class
  • Green - I was active and satisfied with my work.
  • Yellow - I tried, but I didn’t succeed.
  • Red - I didn't work well enough.
  • Draw a circle of the selected color next to the topic of the lesson in the Workbook

slide presentation

Slide text: Features of ancient civilizations. Civilizations of the Ancient East

Slide text: Purpose: To formulate the features of the civilizations of the Ancient East, the main stages of their development, to show political, spiritual, economic, social life.

Slide text: Tasks: Reasons for the appearance of the first civilizations States - despotism Social structure Right or lack of rights? Kings are gods. The Birth of an Ideology The Limits of the World and the Space of Freedom From Myth to Religion of Salvation

Slide text: The most ancient civilizations that arose in 6 - 5 thousand BC. called primary. This emphasizes the fact that they grew directly from the primitive, they were not preceded by a civilizational tradition. They created the tradition themselves, overcoming primitiveness. This is the main feature of the civilizations of the ancient world.

Slide text: Civilizations of the Ancient East arose in the valleys of large rivers, surrounded by steppes and deserts: Sumer-Akkad -3300 BC, the interfluve of the Tigris and the rivers. Euphrates Egypt -3000 BC - river valley. Nile China - 2000 BC river valley Huanghe Feature: uneven development, "closedness", self-sufficiency

Slide text: Rivers played such a huge role in the life of the civilizations of the old world that they are also called river. Almost everywhere the transition to civilization was accompanied by the construction of irrigation facilities, due to which the yield increased so dramatically that scientists call it the agricultural revolution. Feature: the civilizational process everywhere went inextricably linked with the development and transformation of the natural environment.

Slide text: Reasons for the emergence of the first states Population increase Complication of social relations The need to protect and regulate emerging private property. Construction of temples, support of irrigation works, water pipelines Protection of the interests of the privileged segments of the population. The need to maintain a standing army The state is an institution for the development of legal norms

Slide text: Such a power structure has developed Supreme power (pharaoh, king) Judicial power (judges, jailers) Military power (protection from raids, attacks, suppression of uprisings)

Slide text: Civilizations of the ancient world have a number of common features, but already at this time two large regions stand out: East and West, in which civilizational features begin to take shape that determined their different fate in antiquity, and in the Middle Ages, and in modern times.

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Slide text: States - despotism "Nature's challenge" Irrigation Collective labor Strong central power (state - despotism) Statue of Gudea, ruler of Lagash XXII century. BC.

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Slide text: DESPOTIA: features At the head of the state was a ruler who had full power. He was considered the owner of all the land. This authoritarian type of power was implemented through an extensive administrative system, numerous bureaucracy. Constant wars in the name of expanding territory. Such a state is very durable and stable. If it fell apart, each of them reproduced despotism in miniature. Pharaoh Narmer, in the 4th mill. BC uniting upper and lower Egypt

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Slide text: The structure of society Features: Social heterogeneity generated by the division of labor, the emergence of the state, property stratification. Strict hierarchy: each social stratum has its own, clearly defined place, its duties and its privileges.

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Slide text: king Ancestral nobility priesthood warriors merchants officials Citizens, artisans Free peasants community members slaves Society in ancient civilizations is often depicted as a pyramid

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Slide text: Right or wrong? Basalt pillar with the text of the laws of King Hammurabi: the king receives the text of laws from the sun god Custom tradition oral (common) law Written laws Ancient Egypt: maat - justice, order, truth for all. Ancient India: if laws had not been introduced, "the stronger would roast the weaker like fish on a spit."

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Slide text: General features of ancient laws The difference in punishment depended on the social status of the offender. The state protected the interests of the upper strata of society: the most severe punishments were for those who committed crimes against priests and temples. The inequality that reigned in society extended to the family. The law protected private property, severely punished for theft or damage to other people's property. Laws protected the value and integrity of the family. Even slaves, for all the gravity of the situation, had a number of rights. That. By creating laws, the state provided all segments of the population, albeit to an unequal extent, with certain guarantees.

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Slide text: Kings are gods In all ancient civilizations, kings were revered on a par with gods. It was believed that the king had magical powers. The cult of kings becomes an official ideology. Officially, the cult supported despotism itself. Official titles of kings: Egypt - the living embodiment of the god Horus China - the son of Heaven India, the Vedas: the king was created from particles of different gods and therefore "he surpasses all created beings in brilliance, he is Varuna, he is a great deity in human society"

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Slide text: The limits of power and the space of freedom. Was the power of kings as absolute as the ideology represented? NO! There were forces that claimed power and tried to influence the kings: the priesthood to know

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Slide text: Ancient Egypt 1419 - 1402 B.C. - confrontation between the pharaoh and the priesthood Religious reform of Amenhotep IV - Akhenaten: An attempt to replace polytheism with one god, the solar disk of Aten, the transfer of the capital to Akhetaten (the sky of Aten, Tel - Amarna), the nomination of noble small slave owners and servants to the nobility, a revolution in art.

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Slide text: The situation in Egypt was quite typical for all Eastern civilizations. The struggle for power was waged by privileged strata, while the bulk of the population did not have access to administrative ones. functions. In the East, no special political institutions were created through which society could influence the authorities. Self-government existed at the community level.

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Slide text: Relations between the state and society in ancient India were very original. The period of centralization was very short. The power of the king was limited by the priesthood (Brahmins) and the tribal nobility through the highest governing body - parishad. This loose power structure was combined with a rigid division of society into castes.

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Slide text: Brahmin warrior priests - kshatriyas Free community members and merchants - vaishyas Servants, peasants deprived of land - Shudras of Varna - castes in which Hindus were born, lived and died, not being able to leave their caste. The isolation and isolation of the castes, their social and religious inequality created great obstacles to its development.

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Slide text: In ancient China, the problem of relations between society and the state was solved in the most unusual way for the East. The authorities, in the fight against the nobility, tried to rely on society, calling the ignoble (guo jen - people of the country) into power. They were paid in kind (grain) for their service. After centralization, the influence of guo jen disappeared, but the cooperation between the state and society remained.

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Slide text: Ser. 4th century BC, Shang Yang's reforms: Cancellation of hereditary titles New ranks were granted only for personal merit. A system of state examinations for academic degrees was introduced. Those who received the degree became officials. Exploitation and hierarchy in China were combined with an attitude towards personal activity of the lower classes. The ideology reflected this fact in the idea: China is a big patriarchal family

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Slide text: I, Ashurbanipal, comprehended ... all the art of scribes, mastered the knowledge of all the masters, how many there are, learned to shoot from a bow, hold the reins, comprehended the hidden secrets of the art of writing. I watched the omens, I also studied what is due to the master, and went on my royal path.... With all the differences of ancient civilizations, the space of freedom in them is very limited for the bulk of people Between the state and society lies a huge gulf: society is mute, it is almost has the opportunity to participate in government and influence the decisions of the state. The discontent of society is expressed in uprisings and riots. However, without the state, the existence of society is no longer possible.

Slide #25

Slide text: From Myth to Religions of Salvation Man's consciousness in the epoch of primary civilizations was mythological. The roots of this phenomenon go back to primitiveness, when a person did not separate himself from nature, endowing nature with human features, deified it. Magic appeared, then - ideas about the gods. In each civilization, the pantheon had its own characteristics, but there was also something in common: the gods were closely connected with nature and personified its forces. The most archaic cults: cults of half-animals, half-humans: Horus - a falcon, Sebek - a crocodile, Sokhmet - a lioness.

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Slide text: Each region had its own gods - patrons, leading, obviously, their origin from primitive totems. Ancient Egypt: Anubis - jackal - underworld Hathor - cow - sky goddess Sebek - crocodile - sun cult Sokhmet - lioness - war Horus - falcon - supreme power, Sun Babylon: Ea - half fish - half man - god of water India: Agni - god of fire Indra - god of thunder Surya - god of the sun

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Slide text: Death was perceived by all religions as a transition to another life, to the other world. Gradually, a realistic view of the world is being formed. Reasons: The invention of writing, logical thinking, the accumulation of experience, knowledge, the progress of knowledge. As experience is accumulated, the first natural-scientific knowledge appears. Centers of Rationalist Knowledge: Cities and Temples The state's need for competent officials contributed to the formation of an intellectual elite.

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Slide text: The consciousness of the inhabitants of the rural community remained mythological. The way of life conserved consciousness. The person felt that he was part of a team, and not a separate person who could independently build his life. Expulsion from the community was seen as a severe punishment. The existence of the community was built on traditionalism, strict observance of ancient customs that have not changed for thousands of years.

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Slide text: “... Confucius and Lao Tzu lived in China then, Buddha in India, Zarathustra taught in Iran about a world where there is a struggle against evil; the prophets Isaiah, Elijah, Jeremiah spoke in Palestine; in Greece, this is the time of Homer, Parmenides, Heraclitus, Plato, Archimedes. Everything related to these names arose almost simultaneously in the course of a few centuries in the East and in the West independently of each other. From about 500 B.C. By 1st century AD Changes have taken place in the world, which allowed the German sociologist K. Jaspers (1883-1969) to call this time “axial”, when “many extraordinary things happen”. In the axial time, “the most abrupt turn in history took place”, “a person of such a type appeared that has survived to this day”, when the foundations of world religions were “laid”, “the main categories were developed, in which we think to this day”. The main achievement of the axial time was the emergence of religions, including world religions, modern morality, religious and cultural traditions. The emergence of axial cultures and civilizations was a breakthrough that changed the entire course of human history.

Slide #30

Slide text: Borobudu r - Buddhist temple complex on about. Java

Slide #31

Slide text: Borobudu r (Indo n. Borobudur) - a Buddhist stupa and the associated temple complex of the Mahayana Buddhism tradition, the largest Buddhist monument on Earth, in the south of the island of Java. A unique monument of medieval Indonesian art and the pinnacle of its development. B. was built (about 800) from blocks of stone on the slopes of a natural hill. It looks like a stepped 10-tiered pyramid (31.5 m high, base length 123 m): a procession road, 5 square terraces and 3 round terraces (with numerous bell-shaped stupas) crowned with a large stupa. In the niches of the terraces and openwork upper stupas, 504 Buddha statues are placed, on the walls of the bypasses of the lower terraces - 1460 reliefs from the life of the Buddha.

Slide #32

Slide text: Homework: Material for preparation: Zagladin N.V. The World History, Grade 10, p. 6, p. 7, questions; Synopsis Questions to paragraphs: p. 66,78-70, 1-5, orally S. 78, 6- in writing

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