Where can a pharmacist work other than a pharmacy. Where do pharmacists work? Qualification requirements for pharmacy workers


Where can I get a job, having received the specialty of a pharmacist or pharmacist? The most obvious answer is a pharmacy or a pharmaceutical company. Often, having eaten more than one pound of salt during the years of study, grinding their teeth on the granite of science, graduates of pharmaceutical universities do not go to work in their specialty in accordance with their diploma. Or, having worked for some time in a pharmacy as a pharmacist or at a pharmaceutical company, they are looking for themselves in other areas. What are the possible reasons why pharmacists go to work outside their specialty, and where else can they apply their professional knowledge and skills? First of all, the identified questions come down to understanding whether the profession of a pharmacist/pharmacist is prestigious in Ukraine, whether it is well paid and what are the development options for specialists who have received secondary specialized or higher pharmaceutical education. To understand this topic, the editors of the "APTEKA Weekly" turned to Andrey Anuchin, director of the Pharma Personnel agency, which specializes in recruiting employees for the pharmaceutical business.


According to A. Anuchin, today there is indeed a high turnover of personnel in pharmacies, and many young people, having received a pharmaceutical education, do not go to work as a pharmacist, but look for themselves in other areas. Why is this happening? One of the main reasons is low wages, of course, in relation to the level of remuneration of specialists employed in other areas of the pharmaceutical industry. So, the salary of a pharmacist of the first table can vary from 2 to 6 thousand UAH. per month. Of course, much depends on the location of the outlet, turnover, the number of visitors and buyers. In pharmacies with a favorable location, a wide range of products, first-desk employees have the opportunity to receive higher wages compared to pharmacies, which are located in less "passing" places, especially in provincial towns and villages.

A similar situation is observed in the pharmaceutical industry. Ordinary positions that specialists with pharmaceutical education come to, as a rule, are also poorly paid compared to the level of remuneration of specialists with the same education working in other areas of the pharmaceutical business (for example, in the field of promotion).

Thus, the desire to increase the level of income may encourage the pharmacist to look for himself in related industries, where he can earn more. However, from the point of view of A. Anuchin, before making a decision to change a profession, it is important to take into account a number of trends that can be traced in the pharmaceutical market, namely, the active growth of the Ukrainian pharmaceutical market, as well as the development of pharmacy chains and pharmaceutical production enterprises.


First, the retail segment is being consolidated. Many pharmacy chains are merging, opening new branches, buying up single outlets. There is a tendency to increase the level of remuneration of pharmacy employees. Thus, according to the preliminary data of the agency "Pharma Personnel", in 2016, on average in Ukraine, in the pharmacy segment, wages (in hryvnia) increased by 15%. For comparison, the wages of employees of pharmaceutical companies in hryvnia over this period increased by 11.5%. Thus, wages rise faster in the pharmacy segment. This may be due to the high turnover of staff in this area. Therefore, managers or owners of pharmacy chains need to increase wages in order to retain and motivate their employees.

Secondly, Ukrainian manufacturers are actively developing. Crisis of 2014–2015 significantly influenced the structure of the market. Many imported drugs are pegged to the currency, therefore, during the significant devaluation of the hryvnia, they significantly increased in price. This contributed to an increase in the share of consumption of more affordable domestic drugs. Thus, during the crisis, Ukrainian companies received some advantages to strengthen their positions in the market. Many of them have increased their capacity in both production and promotion. This, of course, requires personnel, and they are often not enough, especially for production personnel. According to A. Anuchin, there is a large shortage of personnel in this area and, as expected, the level of wages will increase.

The expert also drew attention to the fact that Ukrainian pharmacists can be in high demand in neighboring countries. Poland, the Czech Republic, the Baltic countries (Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia) are very promising in this regard, since they have a large shortage of personnel in the pharmacy segment due to the outflow of their own specialists to other countries. In addition, the European Parliament recently approved a visa-free regime for Ukraine, which means that fewer and fewer obstacles remain for Ukrainian specialists to go abroad.

So, before changing the scope of activity, it is important to consider that:

  • the pharmaceutical market is actively growing, and specialists with pharmaceutical education are needed both in pharmacies and in pharmaceutical production;
  • there is a tendency to increase wages both in the pharmacy segment and in the production of pharmaceutical products (as expected, this trend will continue in the near future).

Of course, the decision to change the scope of activity can be determined not only by the material factor. Perhaps the young specialist received a diploma in pharmaceutical education, but the very essence of the work of an employee of the first table or in the production of drugs was not to their liking. In this case, there are many opportunities where you can develop and apply your professional knowledge in other areas of the pharmaceutical industry.


We used to think that a pharmacist works in a pharmacy and in production. But there are other participants in the process of developing and selling medicines, where specialists with pharmaceutical education are needed.

Thus, the life cycle of a drug begins at the stage of research and development. Then comes production. But before it gets on the shelves of pharmacies, it goes to distributors (warehouses), which are engaged in the distribution of products purchased from manufacturers at retail, where it can be purchased by the end consumer. In addition, in the chain from production to purchase, the sales catalyst is the promotion service. It includes a marketing department that develops advertising messages, determines promotion channels, studies market demand, etc., as well as a sales service that conveys information about drugs, thereby stimulating the purchasing and sales process. Specialists with pharmaceutical education are in demand at each of these stages.

Let us consider in more detail such areas as research and development, distribution, and promotion of drugs from the point of view of employment prospects for a specialist with a pharmaceutical education.


The clinical research market is a separate area in which Clinical Research Organizations (CROs) specialize. In Ukraine, there are a large number (about 40) of international companies that are engaged in clinical research. One of the key specialties in CRO is the Clinical Research Associate. He interacts with doctors who conduct research, controls the process of maintaining drug research protocols. In this position, specialists with pharmaceutical education are in great demand. Also, specialists with pharmaceutical education can work in CRO as a Clinical Trial Assistant. However, it is important to take into account that one of the main conditions for working in these positions is knowledge of the English language, since by and large this is an international job. One specialist in the study of a drug can supervise several clinics not only in Ukraine but also abroad. In addition, research protocols are being English language. This work is also associated with a large number of business trips - in different countries, clinics, conferences. At the same time, the work of clinical research specialists is highly paid - the average salary in the Ukrainian market is about 1.5 thousand dollars. USA per month.


There are many distributors in Ukraine, both large and small companies, where specialists with pharmaceutical education are also in demand. For example, as a sales manager. This work involves communication with pharmacies, ascertaining the needs of the client, stimulating and supporting purchases, monitoring delivery, etc. Sometimes active sales skills are required. The more an employee knows about medicines, the more in demand he is. The salary in such a position, as a rule, is about 2 times higher than the salary of a pharmacist in a pharmacy.


There is a huge layer of positions associated with the promotion of medicines. Stimulating demand is a very important task, because if doctors, pharmacies, patients do not know about the drug on the market, it will remain in warehouses.

Many foreign and domestic pharmaceutical companies have their own sales service, which includes an external service (Sales Force) and a marketing department. Some companies provide outsourcing marketing services for drugs from international companies that do not have a representative office in Ukraine. According to the calculations of the company "Pharma Personnel", about 200 promotional teams (outsourcing, domestic, foreign companies) work in Ukraine. Today, about 10,000 medical representatives work in Ukraine. About 7 thousand more people are back office employees: managers, administrative staff, accounting, lawyers, etc. That is, about 17 thousand people are employed in the field of promotion.

Professional knowledge allows specialists with a pharmaceutical education to work in an external service. They are in high demand in this area, especially in recent times, as fewer doctors tend to work as medical representatives, which is associated with the development of private medicine. Prospects for professional growth, and, of course, the material component increase with the receipt of a new position at a higher level. So if average salary medical representative is about 13 thousand UAH. per month (excluding taxes and contributions), then the salary of a regional manager is about UAH 25,000. It all depends on the desire to work (motivation), competencies (abilities) and performance (energy).

Thus, in the pharmaceutical business there are many alternative employment options for specialists with a pharmaceutical education.


The demand for specialists with pharmaceutical education not only does not fade away, but even increases, which is facilitated by the development of the Ukrainian pharmaceutical market. In addition, there are so many different companies, employers, and positions in the pharmaceutical business that the opportunities for development and unlocking one's potential are almost inexhaustible.

The agency "Pharma Personnel" over the years of work has accumulated a lot of cases, when with a change in the field of activity and entering new job not only the financial condition of the applicant changes for the better, but he also opens up in a new position in a new position or finds a job that is more suitable (to his liking).

The pharmaceutical market is like a big anthill. At first glance, it seems that the movement of personnel is chaotic. But in fact, they fall into a hierarchical structure with a clear organization, business goals, and the concept of functionality in each position. From this point of view, the pharmaceutical market is very ordered.

He is also very competitive. There are a large number of players in each segment, where a well-built marketing strategy, communications with the end user, pricing policy, compliance with quality standards at each stage of the drug life cycle (production, distribution, storage) play a key role. All these factors contribute to the exclusion from the game of unfair or unethical relationships in the market. From this point of view, the professions associated with the creation and sale of medicines serve a noble goal - the preservation and improvement of health.

Press Service of the Weekly APTEKA

The question of where a pharmacist can work, except for a pharmacy, is quite interesting. Its biggest snag is that most of the pharmacists (pharmacists) do not work in the pharmacy. This is facilitated mainly by the rigid financial responsibility under which pharmacy workers are.

Responsibility (both civil and criminal) is provided for both for the presence of shortages at the checkout or for goods, and for incorrectly executed documentation of strict accountability, incorrect issuance of prescription drugs. And this is despite the fact that the work of a pharmacist is not paid at all high - mainly due to the incredible competition in this market.

Often, the pharmacist has to give his entire salary for only a few missteps (which, in fairness, it should be noted, were made and not at all through his fault). So if they agree to work as pharmacists, then only students or yesterday's graduates (who still do not really understand the whole process). Or people of retirement or pre-retirement age, who already have nowhere to go.

Where to find a job for a failed pharmacist

A large number of all the pharmacists who graduate from the institute go to work as medical representatives. Against working as a first-timer, working as a medical representative (even for the most simple company) has a number of undeniable advantages. Namely:

Let us consider in more detail the advantages in the work of a medical representative.

The medical representative is not a financially responsible person. No, of course, he is personally responsible for the vehicle entrusted to him, if any, tablets, smartphones, etc. However, the level of material and moral responsibility is simply not comparable to what the pharmacist is responsible for. In addition, the medical representative is not required to complete strict reporting documentation.

Much less stress at work. On duty, the pharmacist is forced to communicate daily with a huge number of completely different people, among whom far from all are adequate. Everyone is trying to express to him all their troubles with health and not only. The medical representative, of course, has no such problems.

Most of the time, he communicates either with doctors or with the same pharmacists (heads of pharmacies), motivating both of them to sell the promoted drugs more actively.

Salary. On average, a medical representative earns three to four times more than a pharmacist (with the same hourly workload). Plus - they are almost always provided with a full social package, training at the expense of the company, a car, trips to conferences around the world. And all this - at the expense of the company.

However, in terms of where a pharmacist can work, except for a pharmacy, one more very significant remark needs to be made - it is very unlikely that yesterday's student will be accepted for the position of medical representative without any work experience, without a driver's license and the ability to drive a car.

The age is also strictly - from eighteen and, as a rule, up to fifty-fifty-five years. In pharmacists, on the other hand (more correctly, in first-timers) they take everyone in a row - students of various forms of education, persons who do not have a higher medical or pharmaceutical education at all, and so on.

The most competent thing that a pharmacist can do is to work as a nightlighter in a pharmacy in his student years, and then get a job as a medical representative in a pharmaceutical company, having both experience and a diploma of higher education.

So, there is nothing more to say about where a pharmacist can work, except for a pharmacy. By definition, he cannot have a medical practice, work for himself - only open his own pharmacy. But this is very problematic.

The profession of a pharmacist is much more than a pharmacist. This is a responsible job for the storage and sale of medicines. A pharmacist by profession is a specialist with a higher medical education. Junior colleagues in the shop, engaged in similar, but with less responsibility, activities and secondary vocational education are called pharmacists.

What does a inspector do?

The specialty of a pharmacist is multifaceted. Working in the field of production, the pharmacist knows exactly not only to whom and how much to hang in grams, but also what. What the drug consists of, what components it contains, how to combine them correctly and the pharmacist knows about many other things. The profession of a pharmacist-pharmacist is another of the activities of this specialty. Having a higher education, this specialist may also be clinical pharmacist- work at a clinic, hospital - hospital, do research and many others. Excellent prospects for the profession of a pharmacist are opened to people with experience. Immediately after graduating, you can get a job as a medical representative of one of the pharmaceutical companies, as well as work as a product manager, performing the function of supporting a commercial drug for the company, and even work as a marketer, engaged in promotion, studying prices, the market and demand for medical products in general . However, you can take your time and go to work as a pharmacist in a pharmacy. Unlike a pharmacist, the profession of a pharmacist allows a graduate to have a wide choice of vacancies and activities.

Training in the specialty Pharmacist

Training in the specialty pharmacist is carried out at the university. Despite the fact that you can study as a pharmacist in the specialty of Pharmacy at a higher educational institution, you should not confuse the specialty of a pharmacist and a pharmacist. The first will receive a higher education, and the second only a secondary professional. Of course, studying to become a pharmacist at a university opens up broader prospects in the labor market, but it also imposes obligations on the graduate to regularly improve their skills. Upon admission to the profession of a pharmacist, biology (or physics), chemistry and the Russian language are surrendered to the university. In Russia, the results of the Unified State Examination are ready to accept dozens of universities. In Moscow, training as a pharmacist can be completed, for example, at the Moscow Medical Academy named after I.M. Sechenov, Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Russian State Medical University, Russian University friendship of peoples and in many others.

Where can a pharmacist work?

By definition, a pharmacist may work for any organization involved in the manufacture, dispensing, or research of medicinal products. This includes hospitals, pharmacies and large pharmaceutical companies. Most pharmacists connect their lives with pharmacies. In this case, unlike a pharmacist, it is quite possible for a pharmacist to become a pharmacy manager. Great career opportunities open up for pharmacists in pharmaceutical companies. You can not only research, but also create your own drug, vaccine or dietary supplement. All this is quite real for the work of a pharmacist. But there are two more areas where talented pharmacists can prove themselves - marketing and sales. In the first case, you can do market research, study competitors and fight for the best sales performance, and in the second, you can actively promote the product to the market. As a rule, pharmacists in pharmaceutical companies receive very good money and never regret the chosen line of work.

Pros and cons of being a pharmacist

When weighing the pros and cons of working as a pharmacist on a scale, consider the pros:

  • Excellent career prospects for a graduate in the specialty of a pharmacist is real.
  • A good salary is possible immediately after graduation.
  • It is possible to work in international companies and large pharmaceutical offices.

Don't forget the cons:

  • The profession of a pharmacist requires high level knowledge, mistakes are unacceptable here.
  • Working as a pharmacist requires perfect accuracy and responsibility for people's health.
  • It is required to regularly improve one's qualifications, to constantly study, to keep track of innovations in medicine.
  • Sometimes you have to work in pharmacies for several years as a pharmacist, not being able to get a good job without experience.

By choosing to study as a pharmacist, you have the opportunity to decide who to work with, but for starters, there is only one thing left - to study hard.

  • Are you planning to get a pharmacist diploma? Then you have a direct road to higher educational institution. It is universities that train pharmacists and today you can get a pharmacist diploma in Russia by completing a course of study at a pharmaceutical institute or at a specialized faculty of a medical university.

  • Thousands of applicants have already decided to connect their lives with the profession of a pharmacist, some of them have entered the institute, some have yet to do so. Where can you unlearn to become a pharmacist and where do those who also decided to become a pharmacist go?

  • Do you work in your specialty and it's time to get a pharmacist's certificate? This task is not so difficult, unless, of course, you know how to get a pharmacist's certificate.

  • You work as a pharmacist and want something more or just plan to connect your life with the medical field, but the answer is, how to become a pharmacist Or is there no other place? Then let's figure out how to become a pharmacist.

  • The vast majority of existing professions have knowledge-improving retraining programs. Refresher courses for pharmacists were no exception. The knowledge that can be obtained during the retraining of pharmacists has two main goals.

  • Courses for pharmacists

    Recently, the issues of raising the level of postgraduate training of personnel in the relevant profile have become very acute. They do not bypass the profession of a pharmacist either. However, pharmacist courses in Moscow and the regions are enough for any pharmacist to feel confident in their competence.

  • Question, can a pharmacist work as a pharmacist- not idle. The pharmacist has a higher education, the pharmacist has a secondary vocational education. This means that the pharmacist still has more knowledge and skills. But can a pharmacist work as a pharmacist? Yes or still no?

The specialty of a pharmacist is currently one of the most demanded and well-paid. The profession of a pharmacist should not be confused with the profession of a pharmacist. In order to become a pharmacist, a secondary specialized education is enough, and a pharmacist is a specialist with a higher pharmaceutical education, equal in importance to the profession of a doctor. The pharmacist must be well versed in medicines, optimize patient drug therapy, carry out drug quality control, but also know the basics of marketing, understand the principles of economics, and even be a psychologist.

However, one should not think that after receiving the profession of a pharmacist, a specialist has only one opportunity - work in a pharmacy. Of course, a pharmacist, especially one with no experience, can go to work as a salesperson in a pharmacy. But the employment opportunities of a pharmacist are much wider. For example, one of the largest job search services "HeadHunter" offers for pharmacists big choice jobs: http://hh.ua/

In our time, the market for medicines is huge, a large network of pharmacies is constantly in need of qualified specialists with higher pharmaceutical education.

A pharmacist can get a job as a marketer pharmaceutical company, become a sales manager for drugs, work in a pharmacy warehouse.

The specialty of a medical representative of a pharmaceutical company is widely in demand, which should popularize and promote new drugs in pharmacies and medical institutions.

Numerous clinical and biological laboratories developing new drugs, studying the effect and effectiveness of drugs need pharmacists-laboratory assistants.

You can go to work in a private or public clinic, becoming a clinical pharmacist. This profession involves advising patients on the use of drugs, proper storage of drugs.

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Today, the requirements of the orders of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated August 31, 2016 No. 646n and 647n are being implemented in the activities of pharmacies. These regulations are implemented through the Regulations on the Licensing of Pharmaceutical Activities (approved by Decree of the Russian Federation of December 22, 2011 No. 1081, as amended on July 2, 2017).

Nevertheless, a number of questions arise from representatives of pharmacy organizations that are related to staffing. Today there are problems of combining positions and professional duties. Such is, for example, the question of whether pharmacists who have professional education in the specialties "Pharmaceutical chemistry and pharmacognosy (PKhP)" or "Pharmaceutical technology (FT)" to hold senior positions pharmacy organization requiring an education in the specialty "Management and economics of pharmacy»?

And even more often there is a problem with specialists who have an education in the direction of "Management and Economics of Pharmacy". Due to personnel problems, they are forced to carry out the functions of pharmacists. In other words, can a manager stand behind a pharmacy counter and retail drugs?

Is it possible to work as a pharmacist, having only a certificate in the direction of "Management and Economics of Pharmacy"?

The Ministry of Health takes a clear position on this issue (download the Letter dated December 7, 2017): no, such a specialist cannot conduct professional activities in the profile "Pharmacist-technologist" or "Pharmacist-analyst". The Ministry of Health refers to a number of regulations and laws.

AT Federal Law No. 61-FZ of April 12, 2010 “On the Circulation of Medicines” states that individuals must have a secondary or higher pharmaceutical education and have a specialist certificate.

Article 8 Federal Law No. 99-FZ of May 4, 2011 “On Licensing Certain Types of Activities”requirements for education, for the necessary length of service are also established.

According to requirements Pharmaceutical Licensing Regulations(Government Decree Russian Federation dated December 22, 2011 No. 1081), as well as the provisions of the Unified qualification handbook positions of managers, specialists and employees (Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated July 23, 2010 No. 541n) and qualification characteristics, specialists who have received a certificate in the specialty "Management and Economics of Pharmacy" can hold one of the positions of managers of a pharmacy organization:

Director (manager, head) of a pharmacy organization;

Deputy director (manager, head) of a pharmacy organization;

Manager (head) structural unit(department) pharmacy organization.

If such an employee will carry out activities in the profile "Proviso-technologist" or "Pharmacist-analyst", then for this it is necessary to obtain a certificate of a specialist in the specialty "Pharmaceutical technology".

Qualification requirements for pharmacy workers

Qualification characteristics: pharmacist




Management and Economics of Pharmacy

Director (manager);

Deputy director (manager);

Organization warehouse manager wholesale trade medicines;

Head of the medical warehouse of the mobilization reserve;

Deputy head of the warehouse of the organization of wholesale trade in medicines;

Head (head) of a structural subdivision (department) of a pharmacy organization.

Higher professional education in the specialty "Pharmacy", training in internship / residency in the specialty "Management and Economics of Pharmacy",

Professional retraining in the specialty "Management and Economics of Pharmacy" of the heads of pharmacy organizations, work experience of at least three (two) years.

Pharmaceutical chemistry and pharmacognosy




senior inspector,

Head of a structural subdivision (department) of a pharmacy organization.

Higher professional education in the specialty "Pharmacy", training in internship / residency in the specialty "Pharmaceutical chemistry and pharmacognosy" without presenting requirements for work experience. For the position of "Senior pharmacist" - 5 years of experience.

Pharmaceutical Technology (FT)



senior inspector,

Head (head) of a structural subdivision (department) of a pharmacy organization

Higher professional education in the specialty "Pharmacy", internship / residency training in the specialty "Pharmaceutical technology", without presenting requirements for work experience. For the position of "Senior pharmacist" - 5 years of experience.

Pharmacy (pharmacist)



Higher professional education in the specialty "Pharmacy", certificate of accreditation in the specialty "Pharmacy" without presenting work experience

Pharmacists who have a break in their specialty for more than 5 years, and those who have changed the profile of a specialty that requires special training and qualifications, are appointed to the position of a trainee pharmacist for the period of professional retraining in the prescribed manner. Trainee pharmacist can perform official duties provided for qualification characteristic pharmacist, only under the guidance of a pharmacist who has a certificate of a specialist in the relevant specialty, being equally responsible for his actions with him.

Qualifications: Pharmacist




Pharmacy (pharmacist)

Junior pharmacist

Secondary vocational education in the specialty "Pharmacy" without presenting requirements for work experience.


Secondary vocational education in the specialty "Pharmacy" and a certificate of a specialist in the specialty "Pharmacy" without presenting requirements for work experience.

Senior pharmacist

Secondary vocational education (advanced level) in the specialty "Pharmacy" and a certificate of a specialist in the specialty "Pharmacy" without presenting requirements for work experience.

Director (manager, head) of a pharmacy organization,

Deputy director (manager, head) of a pharmacy organization,

Warehouse manager of the organization of wholesale trade in medicines,

Deputy head of the warehouse of the organization of wholesale trade in medicines,

Manager (head)

Secondary vocational education in the specialty "Pharmacy" and a certificate of a specialist in the specialty "Pharmacy", work experience of at least five years.

Today, the professional standards "Pharmacist", "Pharmacist-analyst" and "Specialist in the field of pharmaceutical management" are in force. These standards spell out job functions, education, training and experience requirements. practical work. There is already a draft professional standard "Pharmacist", which has not yet been approved.

In addition, the order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated 07.10.2015 No. 700n “Nomenclature of Specialists” and the order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated 08.10.2015 No. 707n “On Approval of Qualification Requirements for Medical and Pharmaceutical Workers with higher education in the direction of preparation "Health care and medical sciences". In these normative documents the requirements for the level of training and the level additional education– professional retraining and advanced training courses.

A pharmacist can be a leader, and a leader without a certificate cannot be a pharmacist

According to the requirements of the order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated 08.10.2015 No. 707n, pharmacists with certificates in the specialties "Pharmaceutical Technology" or "Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Pharmacognosy" can hold senior positions.

In turn, not every manager can perform the functions of a pharmacist. To do this, you must have the appropriate professional training and a certificate in the direction of "Pharmaceutical Technology" or "Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Pharmacognosy".

For violation of the rules in accordance with Part 4 of Article 14.1. Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, on individual an administrative fine in the amount of 4,000 to 8,000 rubles or a suspension of activities for up to 90 days will be imposed. A fine in the amount of 5,000 to 10,000 rubles may be imposed on executive. Legal entities may be fined 100,000 - 200,000 rubles or the organization faces suspension of activities for up to 90 days.

How to get a pharmacist certificate?

Here, the application of the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of August 3, 2012 No. 66n “On approval of the procedure and terms for improving medical workers and pharmaceutical workers professional knowledge and skills through training in additional professional educational programs in educational and scientific organizations.

The decisive factor in obtaining the desired certificate is the experience of continuous professional activity in a newly acquired specialty. It all depends on how many years the farm has worked. worker in the specialty: more than 5 years of experience or less than 5 years. According to this, specialists have 3 options for obtaining a certificate:

First option:If an employee has 10 years or more of work experience in his specialty, he can take advanced courses in any form of training with a workload of 100 to 500 hours.

Second option:If a specialist has work experience from 5 to 10 years, then he must take professional retraining courses of more than 500 hours.

Third option:If there is no 5 years of experience, then only residency training is possible here. Regarding the direction "Management and Economics of Pharmacy", there is no requirement for experience and, according to Order 707n, you can take retraining courses.

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