Day of workers of the pharmaceutical and microbiological industry in Belarus. Day of Pharmaceutical and Microbiological Industry Workers in Belarus Day of Medical Workers in Belarus


The profession of a doctor is one of the oldest in the world, and at present it is in demand literally everywhere. Each of us at least once in our lives turned to the doctor for help and treatment. Indeed, even at the very beginning of a person's life - at the birth of a baby - doctors are directly involved. And modern healthcare and the efforts of doctors are aimed not only at treating diseases and maintaining human health, but also at its development.

This professional celebration is usually celebrated at the state level. Medical workers are congratulated not only by the direct management, but also by the Minister of Health. The most outstanding and active employees of hospitals are awarded honorary titles. Awards are given for professionalism, long term of work, publication of works on medicine.

Awards ceremonies are also held at the local level. Employees come to the meeting, where they are congratulated and awarded. Traditionally, cash awards are given. Do not forget about the work of doctors and grateful patients who willingly carry various presents to people who have helped them. Students have a tradition of filling their glasses with alcohol on this day.

Professionals who fight for human life every minute are timed to coincide with one of the most significant holidays - the Day of the Medical Worker. When did they start celebrating the holiday in Russia?

Historical facts of the holiday

The Day of the Medical Worker began to be celebrated in 1980, when at the official level, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR approved the procedure for honoring employees of health care institutions. IN Russian Federation The holiday is transferred from the number, so every year it is celebrated differently. It is officially approved that the celebrations take place annually on the third Sunday of June.

The holiday once again confirms the importance of doctors who save lives and take care of the health of other people. Not only hospital staff, but also healthcare workers are timed to celebrate, they include: laboratory assistants, engineers who invent medical equipment, chemists and biologists who study various strains of viruses and bacteria, etc.

Celebration of the professional day of the physician in 2018

Russia will honor doctors in 2018 on June 17. It is celebrated in every federal district of the country without exception.

Honoring medical workers takes place not only in Russia, but also in other states. Consider the dates on which countries that left the USSR and some other countries of the world celebrate Medic's Day.

Neighboring countries such as Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithuania celebrate the professional holiday of doctors, as well as Russia, on the third Sunday of June, which falls on June 17 in 2018.

In the United States, National Doctor's Day is celebrated on March 30th. In other countries, Doctor's Day is celebrated. It was approved by the World Health Organization and is celebrated on October 1 every year.

The meaning of the holiday of a medical worker

The significance of the holiday of medicine is invaluable. There are many other days dedicated to specific medical professionals (dentists, nurses). The day of the medical worker is dedicated to all professionals who work in the field of healthcare.

This day is an official occasion to once again thank the medical staff for their work. Day medical worker serves, a small reminder, that we must recognize the merits of the defenders of our body, who save us from diseases, bring the body out of a critical state.

Medicine holiday traditions

Traditionally, on the Day of the Medical Worker, meetings, concerts, conferences are held in all healthcare organizations, where doctors who have distinguished themselves over the year are awarded, the main directions are voiced further development in improving the work of institutions.

Local administrations hold solemn awards for employees who have made a great contribution to the development of medicine. As incentives, the heads of medical institutions issue bonuses to distinguished personnel. They organize festive concerts, where they gather all medical workers for general congratulations.

How to congratulate doctors?

Both current patients and those whose lives were saved wish to congratulate doctors on their professional holiday. Congratulations can be conveyed verbally, sign a postcard, come and personally congratulate, leave congratulations on the hospital website. The main thing is to show attention to the employees of the medical institution. For each of the staff of the medical institution, your congratulations are of great value.

Day of the medical worker - professional holiday medical staff. The celebration is attended by doctors, nurses, orderlies, researchers, support staff of medical institutions, their relatives and friends. They are joined by teachers, students, interns and graduates of specialized educational institutions.

In Russia, the holiday is celebrated annually on the third Sunday of June. In 2020, Medical Worker Day falls on June 21 and is celebrated for the 40th time.

The essence of the holiday is to pay tribute to and express gratitude to people who dedicate their lives to medical activities.

By the holiday, medical workers hold corporate parties. The administration of medical institutions and the first persons of the country officially congratulate the doctors, present distinctions and awards. Conferences and meetings of scientific communities are timed to coincide with the celebration.



    Happy Medic Day, I congratulate you!
    I wish you warmth, well-being.
    May the time be joyful, and sorrows be forgotten.
    May all your wishes come true this holiday!

    Happy Medical Worker's Day!
    We wish you good health from the bottom of our hearts.
    To help patients as best he could,
    I found a recipe for any diseases.

    Good luck with everything, salary growth,
    In abundance so that you live: luxuriously, richly.
    And in the house ringing, joyful laughter sounded,
    May honor and success await you everywhere!

What date is Medical Worker Day in 2021, 2022, 2023

2021 2022 2023
20 June Sun19 June Sun18 June Sun

In Belarus, Medical Worker Day 2017 will be celebrated on June 18 - on this day, as well as before and after your favorite doctors, you can congratulate and thank you for your work and care.

How many people will celebrate the Day of Medical Worker in Belarus

According to the National Statistical Agency, the number of practicing doctors in our country is more than 43 per 10,000 population, and the number of nurses is 132.4 per 10,000, respectively. Traditionally, Minsk is best staffed with doctors - here there are more than 58 specialists per 10,000 people.

Until quite recently, the issue of personnel was acute in the medical industry - there were not enough narrow specialists, especially in the periphery. But in recent years, due to an increase in enrollment in medical universities and the distribution of young specialists, the problem of staff shortages has been largely resolved. And in some specialties that are in demand in the commercial sector, there is even an overabundance of specialists. According to the Minister of Health of Belarus Valery Malashko, this year

At the same time, the competition for many medical specialties remains one of the highest in the country.

How much do medical workers in Belarus earn?

Medium wage of doctors in April approached 500 US dollars, but the average figure for health care does not yet look so impressive - about 350 US dollars, which does not prevent medicine from remaining the highest paid industry among all state employees in the country.

However, Minsk doctors feel much better than their counterparts from the provinces - since 2012, the Minsk City Council of Deputies has been annually allocating funds for additional payments to the salaries of medical workers. More than 11 million rubles are planned for the implementation of this measure in 2017.

How Belarus celebrates the Day of Medical Worker

Traditionally, the day of the medical worker is celebrated in Belarus on the third Sunday of June. In 2017 - June 18. This date was inherited by Belarusian doctors from the USSR, where it was introduced back in 1981. It has been preserved in many CIS countries - along with Belarusian doctors, Medical Worker Day on June 18 will be celebrated in Russia, Ukraine, Armenia and Moldova.

Since this is a day off, most health workers celebrate their professional holiday not at their post, but in the family circle. The only exceptions are medical hospitals and ambulance services, whose work is organized around the clock.

However, regardless of where doctors celebrate their professional holiday, their phones will be torn all day long from calls from grateful patients.

How to congratulate on the Day of the medical worker

There are no universal recipes here. Some give traditional flowers-candy-alcohol, others show imagination and prefer presents with humor. In the price these days are figurines-cartoons of doctors, funny souvenirs with a comic Hippocratic oath or a set of scalpels imitating the tools of medieval Aesculapius. In a word, finding a gift for a health worker's day is not difficult.

However, when preparing a gift for your beloved doctor, it is important not to lose sight of a very important aspect: in Belarus, restrictions are legally established for receiving gifts by healthcare workers - the cost of a gift should not exceed five times the base value. Otherwise, your gift may be regarded as a bribe.

But this is no reason to be upset. Show your imagination, come up with an unusual move, compose poems for your favorite doctor, contact your colleagues - they probably have a photo where your favorite doctor is captured at work - prepare a wall newspaper for him with humorous poems and photo collages.

Such a gift will definitely be remembered much brighter than the traditional and faceless set of flowers-candy-alcohol. In the end, if you do not know what to give - just call and say grateful and sincere words. After all, it is important for any person to know that what he does is necessary for people. And medical workers deserve it more than anyone else.

Sputnik joins the congratulations of all medical workers on their professional holiday!

This professional holiday in Belarus is dedicated to all those people who work for the benefit of mankind and create pharmaceutical and microbiological products.

Russia is in solidarity with Belarusian colleagues regarding the celebration of the Day of the Microbiological Industry. But the Day of the pharmaceutical industry is usually celebrated on May 19th.

Who is celebrating

The Day of Pharmaceutical and Microbiological Industry Workers in 2020 is celebrated by bacteriologists, biophysicists, biochemists, pharmacologists, epidemiologists and everyone related to this field of activity.

About the profession

Pharmaceutical industry workers are engaged in the study, creation, numerous developments, market research and distribution of pharmaceutical preparations intended for the prevention, alleviation and treatment of human and animal ailments.

Microbiological industry - a section of the industry in which the production of products is based on the microbiological combination of certain products from different types of non-food material (hydrocarbons of the oil and gas group, wood hydrolysates). In addition, the remains of industrial processing of sugar beets, corn, oilseeds and other agricultural crops are used. Employees of this industry are engaged in the manufacture of protein-vitamin concentrated solutions, amino acids, vitamins, fermentation preparations, antibiotics, enterobacterial and viral agents, bacterial fertilizers, as well as products of complex processing of plant materials - furfural, xylitol, etc.

In August 2011, during the reform of the state administration of the pharmaceutical industry, the Belbiopharm production association was liquidated, which then included eighteen enterprises, factories and combines. The concern's responsibilities were transferred to the Department of Pharmaceutical Industry in the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus.

On May 19, 1581, in the Russian Federation (Udelnaya Rus), Prince Ivan IV (the Terrible) promulgated a decree on the opening of the first "royal" pharmacy. The list of exhibited goods was available only to persons close to the king. And only one hundred and twenty years later, in 1701, thanks to Tsar Peter I the Great, on November 22, a decree appeared allowing private individuals to open pharmacies, but prohibiting the sale of medicines in green shops and other similar establishments.

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