The first stage of developing a planned staffing requirement. Determine the organization's staffing needs. Methods for determining the need for personnel


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Relevance of the topic. In the conditions of the formation of a market economy in our country, planning the needs of an enterprise for personnel is a rather complicated type of forecast, since it requires taking into account corporate culture, level of education, professional skills and abilities of the personnel that the enterprise needs.

In the system of measures to implement the economic reform, special importance is attached to raising the level of work with personnel, putting this work on a solid scientific foundation, and using the experience accumulated over many years of domestic and foreign experience.

Personnel planning is defined as “the process of ensuring that an organization has the right number of qualified personnel hired in the right positions at the right time”. According to another definition, personnel planning is “a system for the selection of qualified personnel, using two types of sources - internal (employees available in the organization) and external (found or attracted from the external environment), which aims to meet the needs of the organization in the required number of specialists in specific time frame".

Personnel planning as one of the important functions of personnel management consists in the quantitative, qualitative, temporal and spatial determination of the need for personnel necessary to achieve the goals of the organization. Personnel planning is based on the development strategy of the organization, its personnel policy. The function of workforce planning is becoming increasingly important in supporting the strategy of the organization, since an accurate consideration of future needs allows a clear orientation in the development of plans for training and work with the reserve. However, it should be noted that the planned economic growth programs of the organization are increasingly not provided with appropriate management personnel, they pay more attention to financing and investment issues.

In modern conditions of economic development, the most significant characteristics of an employee are not only the level of education and experience, but also, importantly, his attitude to work and the motivation of labor behavior. At the same time, the management of labor behavior is an extremely complex process, since it is an external manifestation of the internal interests, motives, and value orientations of each individual employee. To implement this task, it is necessary to take a comprehensive approach to the consideration of the problem of motivation. labor resources, which, among other things, is acute in the system hotel services. Therefore, the study of labor motivation as a factor in the efficiency of the use of labor resources is one of the most promising areas of labor economics.

The essence of personnel management, including employees, employers and other owners of the enterprise, is to establish organizational, economic, socio-psychological and legal relations subject and object of control. These relations are based on the principles, methods and forms of influence on the interests, behavior and activities of employees in order to maximize their use.

Personnel management occupies a leading place in the enterprise management system. Methodologically, this area of ​​management has a specific conceptual apparatus, has distinctive characteristics and performance indicators, special procedures and methods - certification, experiment, and others; methods of study and direction of analysis of the content of labor of various categories of personnel.

The relevance of the topic is related to the peculiarities of the Russian mentality, since in our country, if accurate planning is not carried out in the activities of personnel management in accordance with its needs, then this activity is less effective. Only with the right organization personnel records and monitoring the results of the work of employees, it is possible to achieve high productivity and quality of work, and as a result, a competitive company

The purpose of the WRC is planning for the needs of personnel in the enterprise, identifying problems and developing practical advice on the application of the most effective forms and methods of personnel planning.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks in the work:

To study the features of planning the need for personnel in the enterprise;

Conduct an analysis of the need for personnel at the enterprise under study;

Research personnel and social policy;

The object of the WRC is OOO Novy Impulse 50.

The subject of the WRC is the system of planning the need for personnel of the enterprise.

The practical significance is due to its novelty, which lies in the results of the study and the development of practical recommendations for improving the planning of the need for personnel in the enterprise.

The practical value of the work lies in the fact that its recommendations are purposeful in a market economy and make it possible to increase the efficiency of the system for planning the need for personnel in an enterprise, contribute to the most objective and effective selection of managerial personnel and improve the management of professional development.

Provisions for defense:

1. methodological basis for assessing the need for personnel.

2. results of the personnel planning system at a particular enterprise

4. measures to optimize the retention of specialists in the workplace.

A brief description of. The volume of this work consists of an introduction, 3 chapters, conclusion, list of references and applications. In the first chapter, the theoretical foundations of planning for personnel requirements will be considered. The second chapter is devoted to the analysis of the need for personnel of the enterprise on the example of LLC "New Impulse 50". The third chapter will offer practical recommendations for personnel planning in the enterprise.


1.1 Personnel and their main categories

Personnel, or cadres, is the main staffing employees of the organization (with the exception of management) performing various production and economic functions. It is characterized primarily by the number, structure, considered both in statics and in dynamics, professional suitability, competence.

The number of personnel is determined by the nature, scale, complexity, labor intensity production processes, the degree of their mechanization, automation, computerization. These factors set its normative (planned) value, which in practice is almost never achieved. Therefore, the staff is more objectively characterized by the payroll (actual) number, i.e. the number of employees who are formally employed by the organization in this moment.

Personnel management is associated with the use of the capabilities of employees to achieve the goals of the organization. To manage personnel means to plan, organize, motivate and control the formation, distribution, redistribution and use of personnel. HR includes the following elements:

Selection and placement of personnel;

Personnel training and development;

Compensation for the work performed;

Creation of conditions in the workplace;

And other.

It is expedient to present personnel as an object of management through the phases of reproduction (Table 1.1).

Table 1.1. The matrix of functions of personnel management in the organization

Control functions

Phases of reproduction





1. Planning

Development of a planned balance of labor force and balance calculations of personnel training. Set sources.

Development of long-term plans for personnel programs. Development of a forecast of the professional suitability of personnel.

Development of plans for the release of personnel under the influence of scientific and technological progress.

Development of measures to ensure full and rational use personnel in the organization.


Selection and training of personnel. Formation of personnel training base.

Professional orientation and placement of personnel.

Retraining of personnel released in the course of the development of scientific and technological progress.

Promoting the development of various competitions, strengthening labor discipline in the organization.

3. Motivation

Establishment and definition of a system of labor motivation, the use of flexible forms of labor organization.

4. Control

Drawing up a balance sheet for the number and staffing, determining the number of personnel.

Define a scorecard to account for and evaluate the actual recruitment. Evaluation of the implementation of the personnel plan.

Definition of final results on the secondary distribution of personnel and its use.

Determination of the level of mechanization of the organization and working conditions.

The personnel management process of a trade enterprise is based on the following principles:

1. Subordination overall strategy development of a commercial enterprise;

2. Ensuring the stabilization of the composition of employees;

3. Refusal of rigid classification of works;

4. Selection of key employees on a competitive basis;

5. Accounting for labor motivation of key employees;

6. Accounting for legal norms and state regulation of employment and wages.

Taking into account the stated basic principles, a personnel management system is formed on a specific commercial enterprise, the functions of this control are differentiated.

The personnel management system involves the formation of goals, functions, organizational structure of personnel management, relationships between managers and specialists in the process of developing, making and implementing management decisions. The personnel management system is a set of principles and methods for managing the personnel of workers and employees in an enterprise. Personnel management implies the purposeful activity of the management, heads and specialists of departments, including the development of principles and methods of personnel management.

The personnel management system and its annexes are presented in Figure 1.1.

Rice. 1.1 Components of the control system

The personnel management system is built on three main management functions (Figure 1.2).

Rice. 1.2 Basic functions of personnel management

The main goal of managing the number and composition of personnel is to optimize the cost of human labor for the performance of basic work related to the activities of the organization, and to ensure that the necessary jobs are filled by employees of the relevant professions, specialties and skill levels. The management of the number and composition of personnel covers a number of successively performed stages of work:

Design of labor processes at the enterprise;

Rationing of labor costs for the performance of certain types of work;

Planning the number of employees of certain positions, professions and skill levels;

Formation of the personnel of the organization.

The effective use of the formed personnel is largely ensured by the development of a system of measures aimed at increasing labor productivity. Labor productivity is understood as the ratio of the main results of the activities of the travel agency and its employees to the labor costs of personnel for its implementation in a certain period. The purpose of labor productivity management is to find and implement reserves for its growth while ensuring high level client service .

1.2 Personnel policy of the organization - element effective management staff

The market economy poses a number of fundamental tasks, the most important of which is to maximize effective use personnel potential. In order to achieve this, a clearly developed personnel policy of the state is needed.

The purpose of personnel policy is to formulate goals in a timely manner in accordance with the organization's development strategy, set problems and tasks, find ways and organize the achievement of goals. To achieve the set goals, it is especially important to ensure the production behavior of each of its employees required by the organization. Like the development strategy of the organization as a whole, the personnel policy is developed taking into account the internal resources and traditions of the organization and the opportunities provided by external environment. Personnel policy is part of the organization's policy and must fully comply with the concept of its development. The place of personnel policy in the policy of the organization is shown in fig. 1.3.

The main goal of the personnel policy is the full use of the qualification potential management personnel. This goal is achievable by providing each employee in accordance with his abilities and qualifications.

The personnel policy of an organization is the general direction of personnel work, a set of principles, methods, forms, an organizational mechanism for developing goals and objectives aimed at maintaining, strengthening and developing human resources, at creating a qualified and highly productive cohesive team capable of responding in a timely manner to constantly changing requirements market, taking into account the development strategy of the organization.

Fig. 1.3 Place and role of personnel policy in the policy of the organization

Personnel policy is closely connected with all areas of the economic policy of the organization. On the one hand, decision-making in the field of personnel policy takes place in all complex functional subsystems: management of scientific and technical activities, production management, management economic activity, management of foreign economic activity, personnel management of the organization.

On the other hand, decisions in the field of personnel policy influence decisions in these complex functional subsystems. Since the main goal of personnel policy is to provide these functional subsystems of the management system and the production system of the organization with the necessary workers. It is obvious that decisions on recruitment, assessment, labor adaptation, stimulation and motivation, training, certification, organization of work and workplace, use of personnel, promotion planning, management personnel reserve, innovation management in personnel work, safety and health, staff release, leadership style definitions strongly influence decision-making in the field of economic policy of the organization, for example, in the field of scientific and technical, industrial, economic, foreign economic activity, etc.

All activities of the organization should contribute to the achievement of this goal. One of the activities of the organization is personnel management. From the main goal of personnel policy, sub-goals for personnel management can be derived, for example, to provide labor resources of a certain quality and quantity by a specific date, for a specified period, to certain jobs. On the basis of such targets, it is possible to determine the content of the personnel policy in the organization.

It should be borne in mind that not only the organization has goals. Each employee of the organization has his own, individual goals. Based on the need to match individual and organizational goals, we can formulate the basic principle of personnel policy. It lies in the fact that it is equally necessary to achieve individual and organizational goals. This means that when conflicts arise, fair trade-offs should be sought rather than giving precedence to the goals of the organization. A correct understanding of the essence of personnel policy is possible only if this circumstance is fully taken into account.

The most important principles of individual areas of the organization's personnel policy and their characteristics are given in table 1.2 ..

Table 1.2 Characteristics of the most important principles of individual areas of the organization's personnel policy




1. Personnel management of the organization

The principle of the equal need to achieve individual and organizational goals

The need to look for fair compromises between management and employees, and not to give preference to the interests of the organization

2. Selection and placement of personnel

Conformity principle

The principle of professional competence

Practical Achievement Principle

The principle of individuality

Correspondence of the volume of tasks and responsibility to human capabilities

The level of knowledge corresponding

job requirements

Required experience, leadership ability

The level of intelligence development, character, leadership style

3. Formation and preparation of a reserve for promotion to senior positions

The principle of competitiveness

The principle of rotation

The principle of individual training

The principle of verification by deed

The principle of suitability for the position

The principle of regular assessment of individual qualities and capabilities

Selection on a competitive basis

Planned change of positions

vertically and horizontally

Preparation of a reserve for a specific position for an individual. program

Effective internship in leadership positions

Candidate Compliance

position at the moment

Evaluation of performance results,

interviews, identification of inclinations, etc.

4. Evaluation and certification of personnel

The principle of selection of evaluation indicators

Qualification assessment principle

The principle of assignment evaluation

A system of indicators that takes into account the purpose of assessments, assessment criteria

Suitability, determining the knowledge required to perform

this type of activity

Performance evaluation

5. Personnel development

The principle of advanced training

The principle of self-expression

The principle of self-development

The need for periodic review of job descriptions

for continuous staff development

Independence, influence on the formation of execution methods

Ability and opportunity for self-development

6. Motivation and stimulation of personnel, remuneration

The principle of compliance of payment with the volume and complexity of the work performed

The principle of an even combination of incentives, sanctions

Principle of motivation

Efficiency of the wage system

The specificity of writing off tasks, responsibilities and indicators

Motivating factors influencing the increase in labor efficiency

Personnel policy provides, first of all, the formation of an organization's personnel management strategy, which takes into account the organization's activity strategy. The personnel management strategy assumes:

Determining the goals of personnel management, i.e. when making decisions in the field of personnel management, both economic aspects (the adopted personnel management strategy) and the needs and interests of employees (decent wages, satisfactory working conditions, opportunities for developing and realizing the abilities of employees, etc.) should be taken into account;

Formation of the ideology and principles of personnel work, i.е. the ideology of personnel work should be reflected in the form of a document and implemented in everyday work by all managers structural divisions organizations, starting with the head of the organization. This document should be a set of ethical norms that cannot be violated in the work with the personnel of the organization. As the organization develops and the external conditions of the organization's personnel work change, it can be refined;

Determining the conditions for ensuring a balance between the economic and social efficiency of the use of labor resources in the organization. Security economic efficiency in the field of personnel management means the use of personnel to achieve goals entrepreneurial activity organizations (for example, an increase in production volumes) with limited labor resources corresponding to the organization. Social efficiency is ensured by the implementation of a system of measures aimed at meeting the socio-economic expectations, needs and interests of the employees of the organization.

The strategy of personnel management is dependent on the strategy of personnel policy.

Currently, there are three concepts of the personnel policy strategy.

1. The strategy of personnel management is determined by the strategy of the organization. Personnel management performs a service function, which consists in providing and maintaining the performance of the personnel necessary for the organization.

2. The personnel management strategy is a central independent function. Employees employed in the organization are considered as independent resources, with the help of which, depending on their quality and abilities, it is possible to solve various problems that arise in a market economy. In this case, the personnel policy strategy depends on the available or potential human resources.

3. The third concept is a synthesis of the two previous ones. The organization's strategy is compared with existing and potential human resources, and compliance with the directions of the personnel policy strategy is determined. As a result of such a comparison, the strategy of the entire organization or personnel policy can be changed.

The main directions of the personnel policy of the organization are:

Carrying out marketing activities in the field of personnel; planning the organization's need for personnel;

Forecasting the creation of new jobs, taking into account the introduction of new technologies; organization of recruitment, selection, evaluation and certification of personnel, career guidance and labor adaptation of personnel;

Selection and placement of personnel;

Development of incentive systems and motivational mechanisms to increase interest and job satisfaction, remuneration; rationalization of personnel costs of the organization;

Development of personnel development programs in order to solve not only today's, but also future tasks of the organization based on the improvement of training systems,

Career promotion of employees and preparation of a reserve for promotion to managerial positions; organization of labor and workplace;

Development of employment programs and social programs; efficient distribution and use of employees employed in the organization, rationalization of their number;

Management of innovations in personnel work;

Ensuring the safety and health of personnel; analysis of the reasons for the release of personnel and the choice of the most rational options for it;

Ensuring a high level of labor quality, working life and labor results;

Development of projects to improve the organization's personnel management and assessment of social and economic efficiency.

The main goal of the personnel management service is to provide the organization with personnel, their effective use, professional and social development, and personnel capable of effectively solving the problems of the organization in market conditions. The new personnel policy involves the restructuring of the organization's personnel management service.

The personnel management service of the organization should develop and implement the following activities:

Develop a personnel policy, the concept of personnel management and a plan for reforming the personnel service;

Update regulations on HR departments;

Carry out the necessary reshuffles in the management of the organization, based on the data of extraordinary certification (this should affect the main specialists, heads of functional and production units, foremen);

Switch to a contract recruitment system;

Introduce new methods of recruitment, selection and evaluation of personnel;

Introduce a system for planning a business career and service and professional promotion of personnel, personnel rotation;

Develop career guidance and adaptation programs for personnel;

Develop a new system of incentives and labor motivation;

Develop measures to manage labor discipline;

Create information system by law;

Computerize the work of the personnel management service;

Create an organization security service, if it does not exist;

Develop a system for resolving conflicts in the team and more.

To implement these activities and maintain effective work in the future, it is necessary to improve the organizational structure of the organization's personnel management service itself. It must include subdivisions aimed at the implementation of all the functions assigned to it.

The most important trend in the development of management in recent decades is a systematic approach, which is considered as modern way managerial thinking, which makes it possible to present a holistic and comprehensive management of an organization and its subsystems in a complex market environment. Application systems approach makes it possible to reveal the internal structure of the human resource management system as an integral system consisting of three interdependent subsystems for managing the formation, use and development of human resources in an organization.

1.3 Methodology for analyzing the need for personnel in the enterprise

Often one has to deal with a situation where the search and selection of personnel are not planned in advance and are carried out only at the moment when the manager is faced with the need to fill certain vacancies. In such cases, it is difficult to avoid common mistakes: the recruitment of insufficiently qualified applicants, the inability to objectively assess the requirements, the lack of selection tools.

When planning the selection process, both quantitative and qualitative needs for personnel should be taken into account.

The quantitative need for personnel is the need for a certain number of workers of various specialties.

The qualitative need for personnel is the need for workers of certain specialties with the required level of qualification. To determine the qualitative need for personnel, use different approaches. Among them are the following:

Professional and qualification division of work on the basis of production and technological documentation;

Analysis of regulations on departments, job descriptions and job descriptions;


Analysis of the documentation that determines the professional and qualification level of this position.

When determining the need for personnel, it is also necessary to take into account the expected planned (transfers, long business trips, study) and natural attrition of personnel (illness, maternity leave, dismissal due to own will).

Starting work on planning the need for personnel, you need to understand that this is a whole system of integrated solutions that has specific goals. The task of planning is to have in the right place and at the right time the personnel with the necessary qualifications to perform the corresponding work. And the main goals are the following:

Providing the organization with human resources within the specified time frame, preferably by minimizing all costs;

Organization of effective work on hiring (staffing) and development (training) of personnel.

There are two types of planning:

Strategic (long-term);

Tactical (situational).

In strategic planning, a program is drawn up to identify the potential of specialists that the organization needs in the future. A strategy for the development of human resources is being developed, and the need for these resources in the future is determined.

In tactical planning, the organization's need for personnel for a specific period (month, quarter) is analyzed. It depends on current employee turnover rates, retirements, maternity leave, layoffs, etc.

Also, when planning personnel, it is necessary to take into account the dynamics of the market and competition in this industry; the level of remuneration of employees and the internal culture of the organization and many more factors.

Personnel planning is also connected with other planning processes taking place in the organization, and should be correlated with them in time. Ideally, the organization should make plans for each of the periods.

You can classify planning periods as follows:

Short-term (up to 2 years)

Medium-term (from 2 to 5 years)

Long-term (more than 5 years)

The entire procedure for planning the need for personnel can be represented as four major stages.

1. There is an analysis of the internal resources of the company in order to predict the satisfaction of future needs. The overall strategy of the company, financial viability, turnover, profits, etc. are taken into account.

2. There is an analysis of the company's needs for personnel for a specific period (month, quarter). Those. it is revealed: how many, what qualifications, for what positions and when employees are required.

3. There is an analysis of the possibility of meeting the specific needs of the company in personnel at the expense of existing human resources. It depends on the personnel policy: is it aimed at retaining employees or not.

4. There is a decision-making process:

Attract human resources from outside;

Retrain partially existing employees;

Reduce staff for lack of need;

Quantitative and qualitative need.

The need for personnel can be of two types: qualitative and quantitative.

Qualitative need for personnel - the need for the number of personnel by categories, professions, specialties and levels qualification requirements. That's why we recommend that you look at the data on additional skills of employees in order to get an idea of ​​the level of professionalism.

For example, in order to sell more units of a product, it is not always necessary to increase the number of sellers, but there is an indirect dependence. It must be remembered that with the growth of sales, the load increases not only in the commercial division.

Quantitative need - the need for personnel without taking into account the qualification requirements and characteristics of the organization.

For example, with a 20% increase in sales and while maintaining the existing profitability in a particular company, one can assume an increase headcount by 15-30%, depending on the type of organization.

Methods for calculating the need for personnel.

The forecast of personnel needs is carried out using a number of methods and techniques (complex or separately). AT recent times methods based on the use of mathematics are popular. But the method expert assessments, which does not require complex research, is also used in organizations.

Methods for calculating the need for personnel - methods for determining the planned number of personnel of an organization or its unit.
To calculate the need for staff use:

1. Labor intensity method (photo of a working day);

2. Calculation method according to service rates;

3. Method of expert assessments;

4. Extrapolation method;

5. Computer model of personnel planning.

Photograph of the workplace.

In the course of using this method, the personnel manager determines the tasks and actions for the employee, and then registers them over time. The result of such a study will be the determination of the feasibility of certain operations (actions), as well as their significance. It will be possible to abandon some in favor of performing more significant ones, or even go down the path of downsizing by combining the duties of several employees into one staff unit.

Service rate calculation method.

This method is partially similar to the previous one. Service standards are fixed in various GOSTs, SNiPs and SanPiNs (relevant for each industry). This method allows the HR manager, knowing the production standards and planned production volumes, to easily calculate the number of required personnel.

These two methods work effectively in calculating the need for production and maintenance personnel.

Method of expert assessments.

This method is based on the opinion of specialists (heads of departments or companies). The method is based on their intuition and professional experience. This is not the most accurate of all the methods given, but experience compensates for the disadvantage. necessary information. The human factor means a lot, and therefore in commercial enterprises this method of calculation is most often used.

extrapolation method.

When using this method, the current situation in the company is transferred to the planned period, taking into account the specifics of the market, changes in the financial situation, etc. This method is good for short term and stable companies. Russian business, alas, is unstable, so the corrected extrapolation method is used. And then all external factors are taken into account, such as rising prices, the popularity of this industry, government policy, etc.

Computer model of personnel planning.

Not a very popular method when calculating the need for personnel. When using it, line managers are involved, who must provide information to the personnel manager. And on the basis of this, a computer forecast is built.

When determining the need for staff, the following should be considered:

the need for the release of personnel in connection with the growth of labor productivity, the reduction in production, downtime, etc.;

the need to increase the number associated with the expansion of production;

the need for replacement of personnel by years of the planned period in connection with layoffs, retirement, transition to disability, etc.

Measures for their implementation include measures to increase labor productivity and release the workforce. To ensure the growth of labor productivity for the coming period, it is necessary to determine the effectiveness of all measures planned by the enterprise in terms of labor indicators. Most of the measures to reduce labor costs are associated with a decrease in the labor intensity of products or work. The calculation of the effectiveness of these activities is carried out in standard hours, and the effectiveness of individual activities can be directly expressed in a reduction in the number of personnel.

Justification of the growth of labor productivity in many operating Russian enterprises produced by factors. In this case, the calculation is carried out based on the need to save the number of employees for all factors of labor productivity growth. In this case, the number of employees of the enterprise in the planning period can be determined by the following formula:

H pl \u003d H b x I q ​​+ E

where Npl -- the average planned number of employees; Chb -- the average number of employees in the base period; Iq -- index of change in the volume of production in the planning period; E - the general change (decrease - "minus", increase - "plus") of the initial number of employees.

The planned number of personnel can also be determined on the basis of the target for the volume of production in the appropriate units of measurement and the planned output per employee of industrial and production personnel:

where Qpl -- the planned volume of output; Vpl - the planned production output per employee of industrial and production personnel.

These methods of calculating the total need of the company in the labor force can only be used in operating enterprises with a stable, smooth change in the production program. They are not applicable to newly created enterprises and facilities, as well as to firms with significant fluctuations in the production program and the structure of employees. More accurate and justified, including for newly created enterprises and facilities, is the method of determining the planned number of employees of the company in a direct way.

The most common are the following basic methods for determining the need for workers:

According to the complexity of the work;

According to production standards;

By workplaces on the basis of the norms for the maintenance of machines and units and control over the technological process.

When planning the number of main workers, the attendance and average payroll composition is determined. The attendance number of the main workers per shift (Hyav os) is the standard number of workers to perform the production shift task for the production of products:

where Tp is the complexity of the production program, standard hours; Тсм - the duration of the working shift or the shift fund of the working time of one worker, hours; S -- the number of work shifts per day; Dp - the number of days of operation of the enterprise in the planned period; Kvn--planned coefficient of implementation of standards.

To calculate the required average number of workers, two main methods can be applied - calculation by the coefficient of average payroll and calculation of the planned percentage of absenteeism

H cn os \u003d H yav x K cn

where Ksp is the coefficient of the average payroll. This ratio is calculated as:

where Fn is the nominal working time fund (number of calendar working days); f -- the actual fund of the working time of one worker (the planned number of working days).

At enterprises with a continuous production process (hardware and other similar processes), the number of personnel involved in equipment maintenance, as well as adjustment, repair and other similar work, can be determined taking into account the current fleet and maintenance standards:

where H cn about -- payroll number of personnel involved in the maintenance of equipment; Ho -- shift rate of service (number of pieces of equipment per worker).

The calculation of the number of most categories of auxiliary workers, especially those employed in jobs where their volume is planned and time standards are established (production, service standards), is similar to the calculation of the number of main workers. With regard to work for which their volumes and production rates are not established, the number of auxiliary workers can be determined directly depending on the number of jobs and the shift of the corresponding unit (workshop, section, etc.):

H cn sun \u003d n sun x S x K cn

where H cn sun -- payroll number of auxiliary workers; nvs - the number of jobs for auxiliary workers.

Using this method, it is possible to determine the number of crane operators, slingers, storekeepers, etc. Planning the number of auxiliary workers performing work for which there are service standards is reduced to determining the total number of service objects, taking into account the shift work. The quotient of dividing this quantity by the service rate is the attendance number of workers.

The number of employees can be determined based on the analysis of industry average data, and in their absence, according to the standards developed by the enterprise. Headcount standards, depending on their purpose, can be developed not only for each individual management function, for groups of functions, for the enterprise as a whole, but also for certain types of work (accounting, graphic, computing, etc.), as well as for positions (designers , technologists, economists, accountants, etc.). The number of service personnel can be determined by the enlarged service standards. For example, the number of cleaners - by the number square meters floor space, cloakroom attendants - by the number of people served, etc. The number of managers can be determined taking into account the standards of manageability and a number of other factors.

Planning for the need for personnel, taking into account the turnover, evaluation procedures and the "disappearance" of employees.

In order for the forecast for personnel planning to be justified, it is necessary to take into account other factors such as turnover and the departure of employees as a result of evaluation procedures.

To more accurately determine turnover rates, it is necessary to take into account all the features of the business, including the number of people who may not pass certification, the natural departure of staff (for example, on retirement or maternity leave), as well as the seasonality factor (the number of layoffs may depend on the time of year). Different departments within the same company may have different turnover rates. For example, for a sales representative, the period of work in the company is 1.5-2 years. For production departments and management staff, the period of effectiveness can last for years. Here the level of fluidity can be lower - 5-10%. According to some sources, turnover in the manufacturing sector averages 10%. If the company is actively developing, and there is a mass hiring of personnel, then the turnover increases to 20%. In retail and insurers, a 30% employee turnover rate is considered the norm. And in the HoReKa segment (hotel and restaurant business), even 80% turnover is considered the norm.

If the company's management expresses dissatisfaction with the qualifications of personnel, then most likely in the coming year, employees will have such a procedure as assessment or certification of personnel. Accordingly, when planning the calculation of personnel, we must take into account not only the level of turnover (based on the data of the past year), but also the prospect of leaving the company for a certain number of employees. Suppose that another 15% of employees “disappear”.

If it is planned to increase sales by 20% - increase the number (10-30%), at least + 10 more people. Therefore, in the planned year we must recruit 55 people, which is 50% of the current number.

Ways to cover the need for staff.

Based on the need, we choose ways and sources to cover the need for personnel. Most companies use active pathways cover the need for staff.

These are recruitment methods in which the organization:

Recruiting staff directly in educational institutions;

Submits applications for vacancies to local and interregional employment centers (labor exchanges);

Uses the services of personnel consultants and the services of specialized intermediary recruitment firms;

Recruits new personnel through its employees.

Sources of covering the need for personnel:

Educational establishments;

Commercial training centers;

Intermediary recruiting firms;

Employment centers;

Professional associations and associations;

Free labor market;


Own internal sources.

Internal sources of covering the need for staff - the organization's ability to self-sufficiency in staffing needs. Internal sources include: release, retraining and relocation of personnel.

Thus, in order to start the process of planning the need for personnel, the HR manager needs to:

Conduct a staffing analysis, as well as an analysis of performance and organizational climate.

Conduct a study of the short-term and long-term prospects of the organization, including a study of the need for labor resources, as well as a study of the need to train the organization's personnel;

To draw up a recruitment plan, we need:

Know the personnel situation in the region (availability of personnel with the required qualifications in the region, unemployment rate, turnover rate, etc.)

Think over the personnel assessment technology (duration, stages of assessment for each vacancy)

When planning, the average period for closing a vacancy for each profession is taken into account. When developing a recruitment plan, it is necessary to take into account the resources of the personnel service allocated to this task and plan the costs (budget) for recruitment.


2.1 General characteristics of OOO Novy Impulse-50

The New Impulse-50 organization is a society with limited liability acting on the basis of the statute.

Abbreviated name: OOO Novy Impulse-50.

Location and postal address of the Company: 431110, Moscow region, Lytkarino, Children's Town Zil, 29.

New Impulse-50 is the managing organization of the Utkonos chain of stores - a chain of stores of traditional and modern smart retail technologies.

The stores have a wide range of different products. This was achieved thanks to the scheme of work developed by the Novy Impulse company, which manages the chain of stores. The technology of Utkonos stores is based on a fundamentally new scheme for the delivery of goods from the warehouse to the buyer, built on the principle of "Order - Delivery - Payment". In each store, the buyer can choose from the catalog and receive all the necessary products the next day.

The concept of "Utkonos" - really low prices close to home. The coverage area of ​​one store is the distance that you can walk from your home old man, and this key concept in network development plans. Now in the capital, especially in the new large microdistricts, there is an acute shortage of inexpensive convenience stores. The network's task is to open Utkonos stores in every quarter of Moscow.

Of great importance for economic management is the establishment of a rational production structure enterprises.

The organizational structure of the management of Novy Impulse-50 LLC is linear, shown in fig. 2.1.

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  • Rice. 2.1 Management structure of Novy Impulse-50 LLC
    • The management of the enterprise is carried out by the director on the basis of unity of command. A single vertical line of leadership and a direct path of active influence on subordinates have been created. The advantage of such a control structure is simplicity, reliability and economy. The leader here covers all aspects of the enterprise.

The linear organizational structure is the most optimal for Novy Impulse-50 LLC. This is based on the fact that the company is an organization that has a relatively limited range of products, works, services, has customers to ensure its functioning and requires the solution of standard tasks.

We will analyze the personnel management system for this enterprise, where we will talk about the negative trend in the use of labor tools in LLC "New Impulse-50" and the insufficiently developed policy for using the production potential of the enterprise for the period 2008-2010.

The number of personnel currently available in Novy Impulse-50 LLC satisfies the enterprise's need for labor resources to implement the volume of sales of its goods planned for 2011.

When forming a personnel management system at LLC Novy Impulse-50 personnel work comes down to this:

Determination of the qualitative and quantitative need for personnel and the formation staffing;

Development of internal labor regulations;

Development of job descriptions for personnel;

Personnel selection.

The average age of employees at the enterprise is 30 years. New Impulse-50 LLC carried out systematic training and recruitment of young workers and specialists, as well as the personnel structure.

Today, 1,025 people work at Novy Impulse-50 LLC. Many employees work for quite a long time, and there are those who carry out their labor activities from the day of foundation. The company, in addition to service personnel, lawyers, economists, employs experienced marketers and managers. Each employee is personally responsible for a particular area of ​​work.

In the study of the professional training of the personnel of Novy Impulse-50 LLC, the following shortcomings were identified in some divisions:

The staff is not in full force has professional training and special education;

Poorly familiar with legislative and regulatory acts, in the amount corresponding to the work performed;

Does not always know how to give clear, accurate answers to the questions posed by the client, does not have enough information necessary for the consumer, sometimes is not able to provide it;

Their official duties does not perform fully.

The following table 2.1 summarizes the main financial results of the activities of Novy Impulse-50 LLC for 2008-2010.

Table 2.1. Performance results of CJSC "NEW STOLYTSA" for the period 2008-2010


The value of the indicator, thousand rubles

Change in indicator

Rate of change, %

thousand roubles. (group 4-group 2)

1. Revenue from the sale of products

2. Expenses for ordinary activities

3. Profit (loss) from sales (1-2)

4. Other income

5. Other expenses

6. profit before tax

7. Change in tax assets and liabilities, income tax and other expenses from profit

8. Net profit (loss) of the reporting period (3+6+8)

According to table 2.1, it can be seen that the organization received a loss on sales in the amount of 1,995 thousand rubles. in 2010, while in 2008 the profit from sales was 24,002 thousand rubles, and in 2009 it was 8,853 thousand rubles. This circumstance is connected with the introduction of new equipment and adaptation to innovations at the enterprise. Also influenced by the effects of the global financial crisis.

Compared to the previous period, in 2010 both sales proceeds and expenses for ordinary activities increased (by 368,372 and 379,220 thousand rubles). Moreover, in percentage terms, the change in expenses (+42%) is ahead of the change in revenue (+47%).

Comparison of the loss according to form No. 2 and form No. 1 showed that in 2010 the organization used net profit (repaid the loss) in the amount of 14,688 thousand rubles. - this is the difference between the loss of the reporting period according to Form No. 2 and the change in the indicator "Retained earnings (uncovered loss)" according to the Balance sheet. In previous years, the company had a profit: 2008 15,360 thousand rubles. and its characteristic decrease in 2009 (1,358 thousand rubles).

We present the analysis data in Fig. 2.3.

Rice. 2.3. Net profit (loss) of OOO Novy Impulse-50 for 2008 2010

Marketing management and sales policy of products in Novy Impulse-50 LLC should be considered as a purposeful activity, principles and methods, the implementation of which is designed to organize the flow of services to the end consumer.

In order to make a profit, the company is constantly expanding its product range, upon saturation of which New Product must be different from those offered.

Thus, analyzing the organizational situation and the main economic indicators enterprise, we can conclude about its development and the desire to introduce innovative technologies, but, to date, unprofitable activity, as evidenced by the profit and profitability indicators in 2010.

planning need personnel staffing

2.2 Analysis of the need for personnel in the enterprise

Determining the need for personnel is the initial step in the recruitment and selection process, i.e. the process of personnel formation and is the first stage in the process of entering a new person into the organization. It is based on data on available and planned jobs, a plan for carrying out organizational and technical measures, staffing and a replacement plan vacancies. For example, in this chapter, we will analyze the needs of Novy Impulse-50 LLC in sales personnel, as part of the entire workforce of the organization. When determining the need for such personnel, Novy Impulse-50 LLC is attended by the head of the relevant department and CEO, which together determine both the current and strategic staffing needs.

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An integral part of the entire management and production policy of the enterprise, aimed at achieving the goals and objectives, is the personnel policy. It is within the framework of personnel policy that the basic principles, methods, means and forms of influencing the interests, behavior and activities of employees are formed in order to maximize the use of their intellectual, physical and creative potential in the performance of their labor functions at each specific enterprise.

At the same time, the third most important place after the organization's development strategy (1) and the formation of the organization's personnel policy (2) in the personnel management system is occupied by personnel planning. The initial step in the workforce planning process is staffing requirements planning. Personnel planning is a whole system of activities that are carried out with a specific goal: to have specialists in the right place and at the right time with the necessary qualifications to perform a specific job. The main tasks of such planning can be called:

Providing the company with human resources within the specified time frame (preferably by minimizing all costs);

Organization of effective work on recruitment and training of personnel.

Theoretical basis, established in the conceptual approaches to personnel management, including personnel planning, are considered in the works of T.Yu. Bazarova, B.L. M.I. Bukhalkov, Eremina, A.Ya. Kibanova, E.B. Morgunova, V.I. Starodubova and others.

The purpose of this work: to study the features of planning the need for personnel in the organization.

In this case, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

To study the features of planning the need for personnel;

Explore staffing planning methods.

The work consists of an introduction, two chapters of the main part, a conclusion and a list of references.

1. Features of planning the need for personnel

1.1 The concept and essence of personnel requirements planning

Personnel planning is one of the most important areas of personnel planning and is defined as the process of providing an enterprise with the necessary number of qualified personnel for a certain period. Organization personnel management. Textbook / Ed. AND I. Kibanova. - M.: Infra-M, 2012. - S. 261. As can be seen from the definition, there are qualitative and quantitative needs for personnel. These types of needs in the practice of headcount planning are calculated in unity and interconnection.

The main task of personnel planning is to provide the organization with the required level of personnel at the right time in the right quantity.

The objectives of planning for the organization's personnel requirements are:

Attract employees of the right quality and in the right quantity to the company;

Effectively use the staff of the organization's employees;

Prevention or minimization of the consequences of problems caused by an excess or shortage of the required personnel.

Planning of the need for personnel should be carried out at all stages of intra-company planning, since, firstly, the need for personnel directly depends on the strategic plans of the enterprise, and, secondly, the personnel situation affects the formation of enterprise plans.

The main tasks of personnel planning include: Antropov V.A. Planning the need for personnel in the enterprise. Teaching aid/ V.A. Antropov, A.P. Makaridin, K.A. Zavyalova. - Yekaterinburg: UNUPS, 2010. - S. 15.

1) creation of a healthy and efficient labor collective capable of fulfilling the goals outlined by the strategic development plan;

2) formation of the optimal gender, age and qualification structure of the labor collective;

3) maintaining the level of personnel qualification at the appropriate strategic goals;

4) increase in productivity and quality of labor;

5) optimization of funds for the maintenance of personnel, etc.

Figure 1 clearly shows the role and place of the personnel planning system in the internal planning system. Ilyin A.I. Planning at the enterprise: Textbook / A.I. Ilyin. - Minsk: New knowledge, 2010. - S. 38.

Figure 1 - The role of staffing requirements planning in the system

internal planning

Requirements for personnel planning - the number and quality of personnel must be calculated in such a way as to ensure the long-term fulfillment of the tasks of the enterprise.

1.2 Types and factors of personnel planning

There are the following types of planning (Figure 1).

Table 1 - Types of staffing requirements planning


Planning for a period of 3-10 years. It is based on the long-term strategy of the enterprise and is an element of the organization's personnel management strategy. Focuses on taking into account the influence of various factors (external and internal)


Planning for a period of 1 to 3 years. It involves the identification of problems that impede the implementation of the strategy for personnel management and the organization of various actions to solve these problems. Focuses on setting specific goals and planning specific activities aimed at achieving goals


Planning for up to 1 year (month, quarter). Focused on achieving individual operational goals (selection, training, adaptation, certification, etc.). It involves a detailed action plan for HRMS employees (weekly, daily), coordination of the amount of required resources, etc.

Factors to be taken into account when planning personnel: Miroshnichenko A.N. Human resource management of an organization: Personnel needs planning / A.N. Miroshnichenko. - M.: MIEP, 2012. - S. 39.

1) Staffing:

The number of staff units;

Vacancies by divisions;

Employee data: additional skills, career plans, etc.

2) Personnel policy in relation to personnel:

Orientation to attract specialists or to train their own;

Orientation towards retaining or attracting personnel, etc.

3) HR strategy:

Staffing needs in departments;

Sources of meeting the needs for personnel;

Ways to meet staffing needs, etc.

4) The percentage of staff turnover in all departments (average for each department). Causes of turnover: factors of personnel demotivation; behavior of leaders; compliance with the position (level of competence);

5) The amount of remuneration of personnel and other material components:

Competitiveness of the compensation package in the labor market;

motivating factors.

1.3 Types of staffing needs

The need for personnel is usually determined by the characteristics: Antropov V.A. Planning the need for personnel in the enterprise. Teaching aid / V.A. Antropov, A.P. Makaridin, K.A. Zavyalova. - Yekaterinburg: UNUPS, 2010. - S. 25.

Qualitative need is the need for the number of personnel by categories, professions, specialties and levels of qualification requirements. It is determined on the basis of the system of goals of the enterprise; organizational structure; professional and qualification division of works recorded in the production and technical documentation for the workflow; requirements for the positions enshrined in job descriptions; staffing list, where the composition of posts is fixed; various organizational and managerial processes are regulated with the allocation of requirements for the professional and qualification composition of performers. The calculation of the qualitative need for professions, specialties, etc. is accompanied by a simultaneous calculation of the number of personnel for each criterion of the qualitative need. The total need for personnel is found by summing up the quantitative need for individual qualitative criteria.

For example, in order to sell more units of a product, it is not always necessary to increase the number of sellers. In addition, we must remember that with the expansion of sales, the load increases not only on the commercial division;

Quantitative need is the need for personnel without taking into account the qualification requirements and characteristics of the organization. The quantitative need for personnel is planned by determining its estimated number and comparing it with the actual availability for a certain planning period. Quantitative need for personnel - a forecast of the number of personnel required to implement the short-term and long-term goals of the organization. 13. p. 260 It can be illustrated by the following example: with a 20% increase in sales and maintaining the existing profitability, the company is expected to expand the staff by 15-30% (depending on the type of organization).

At the same time, the general and additional need for personnel is determined:

General requirement - the entire number of personnel that the enterprise needs to perform the planned scope of work;

Additional need - the number of employees required in the planning period in addition to the existing number of the base year, due to the current needs of the enterprise.

1.4 Stages of staffing requirements planning

The personnel planning process is subordinated to the task of implementing the overall strategy by the enterprise. Conventionally, the following main stages of planning can be distinguished (Table 2).

Table 2 - Stages of staffing requirements planning

Definition of strategic goals

Based on the strategic plans of the organization, specific quantitative goals of the enterprise as a whole and all departments in particular are determined.

Statement of the personnel problem

Various parameters of requirements for the personnel structure of enterprises are determined, taking into account their planned reorganization and optimization. The composition of the personnel of enterprises involves quantitative and qualitative parameterization of the composition of departments

Assessment of the organization's human resources

There is an assessment of human resources:

Assessment of the state of available resources (quantity, quality, labor productivity, turnover, merit, competence, workload and);

Evaluation of external sources (employees of other enterprises, graduates of educational institutions, students);

Assessment of compliance with requirements and resources (currently and in the future);

Estimation of resources required for various options for solving personnel problems

Develop action plans to achieve desired results

Determination of various options for solving personnel problems, taking into account available resources (training, selection, use of external or internal sources of personnel, etc.);

Estimation of complexity and resource intensity of each option;

Choosing the best option for solving the personnel problem;

Development of an action plan to solve the personnel problem

Each of them requires information that the personnel manager receives from the heads of departments that need new employees. By combining all the data and understanding the overall picture of the need for staff, the manager can go directly to planning.

So, the first stage of personnel planning involves the implementation of strategic planning of the entire enterprise. During strategic management great attention should be given to the problems of analysis of the external and internal environment in the enterprise.

Table 3 shows the main factors influencing the need for personnel in an organization. Shkatulla V.I. Handbook of the personnel manager / V.I. Shkatulla. - M.: NORMA, 2001 - 560 p. Well-organized statistics are important here:

The structure and dynamics of the workforce of the organization by categories of employees (production, non-production, administrative personnel);

Age and educational structure of personnel;

Staff turnover;

labor costs;

Qualification of personnel and statistics of vocational training.

Table 3 - The main factors affecting the need for staff

Intraorganizational factors

External factors

1. Goals ( strategic objectives, business plans):

Release of new products;

Development of new markets;

Liquidation of certain market segments.

1. The state of the economy as a whole:

economic growth rates;

inflation rate;

Unemployment rate;

The situation in the labor market.

2. Personnel movement:

Voluntary layoffs;


maternity leave;

Temporary disability;

2. Political changes:

Changes in the Labor Code;

tax regime;

The social insurance system.

3. Financial condition, traditions.

1. Development of engineering and technology.

4. Competition and market dynamics

At this stage, it is imperative to constantly compare external and internal factors and understand that what is a strength today, tomorrow can become a weakness of the enterprise and vice versa. In addition, any organization that wants to succeed in its activities must constantly "keep abreast" of everything new and promising, i.e. it is necessary to constantly monitor the technical, social and economic components of scientific and technological progress and identify those factors that can have a positive impact on the life of the organization in the future.

Looking into the future, the enterprise will be able to create a system today that will allow it to work most efficiently now to achieve long-term goals. Ilyin A.I. Planning at the enterprise: Textbook / A.I. Ilyin. - Minsk: New knowledge, 2010. - 635 p.

The second stage is connected with the determination of the internal labor potential of the company. An analysis of the specific needs of the organization is carried out (when, how much, what qualifications of employees will be required for the planned period). The basis is a detailed long-term plan for the development of the organization. It is at this stage that the qualitative and quantitative composition of personnel is predicted for a certain perspective.

At the third stage, the company determines the need for additional personnel, the required level of qualification, as well as the need to develop its human resources potential through training and advanced training. An analysis is made of the possibilities of meeting the specific needs of the organization at the expense of existing staff. Knowing its trends and development prospects and, in connection with this, an additional need for personnel, the enterprise proceeds to an important stage: planning measures to meet the need for personnel.

At the fourth stage, a decision is made on the need to attract additional resources, meet the future needs of the organization at the expense of existing staff, or on a partial reduction in staff.

The personnel planning process can be represented as the following diagram (Figure 2).

Figure 2 - Stages of planning the need for personnel

However, not all enterprises implement this planning mechanism. Quite often, enterprises have a situation where some of the stages are skipped, or their role in the planning process is formal. This leads to the fact that the results of planning cannot guarantee the satisfaction of the real need for personnel, and hence the success of the enterprise in the long term.

Thus, personnel planning in an enterprise is the alignment of the need for personnel and its availability (quantitative and qualitative) through hiring, training or dismissal.

2. Methods of planning the need for personnel

Methods for calculating the need for personnel - methods for determining the planned number of personnel of an organization or its unit. When determining the overall need for personnel, modern organizations use various methods, from very simple to extremely complex, the choice of which depends on the availability of the necessary resources in the enterprise (financial, temporary, information), the specifics of the company's activities, as well as the skill level of the planning specialist.

Consider the methods used to calculate the need for personnel. Ivankina L.I. Personnel Management: tutorial/ L.I. Ivankin. - Tomsk: TPU, 2012. - 190 p.

Labor intensity method (photo of the workplace). The HR manager makes a task list of the employee's actions, and then records the time for their completion. A labor rationing specialist records the time for solving production problems (or ongoing actions, procedures, operations, etc.). A list of tasks and operations should be developed in advance. The result is the average time to complete any work. It is assumed that as a result of such an analysis, labor costs for solving production problems will be obtained, operations performed will be optimized, and it will be calculated how many employees and what qualifications are required to perform certain tasks. The result of such a study is the determination of the feasibility of certain operations, as well as their significance. You may have to abandon some of them in favor of more important ones, or even go down the path of staff reduction, combining the duties of several employees and shifting them to one staff unit.

Service rate calculation method. This method is partially similar to the labor input method. Service standards are fixed in various GOSTs, SNiPs and SanPiNs (relevant for each industry). This method allows the HR manager, knowing the production standards and planned production volumes, to easily calculate the number of required personnel. For example, in the clothing industry, where jackets are made, seamstresses from three qualification categories. You need to take photos of the working day of the seamstresses of each qualification and derive the average value of the required number of employees. Taking into account data on the volume of output (600 jackets per month; tailoring time for one product is 20 hours) and an 8-hour working day with a five-day working week the personnel manager can calculate the number of seamstresses required in production:

(20 hours x 600 jackets): (8 hours x 22 working days) = 68 seamstresses.

Both of the methods described above are effective in calculating the need for production and maintenance personnel.

Method of expert assessments. The source of data on labor costs for the performance of certain professional tasks is the opinion of experts, usually managers. The method is based on the intuition of these people and their professional experience. This method is subject to subjective factors.

Quite popular among professional workers personnel services and departments Delphi method, which consists in a written exchange of views between them and experts based on a specially designed questionnaire. Includes expert and group methods. First, a set of experts who are independent of each other are interviewed, and then the results of the survey are analyzed in group discussions and appropriate decisions are made.

extrapolation method. When using this method, the current situation in the company is transferred to the planned period, taking into account the specifics of the market, changes in the financial situation, etc. This method is good for short term and stable companies. For example, a wholesaler food products, had 5 commercial agents with a sales volume of 5,000 thousand dollars. AT next year the company intends to achieve a sales volume of 7,000 thousand dollars. Therefore, she will need 7 commercial agents (sales volume per 1 agent is 100 thousand dollars). planning need staff

Adjusted extrapolation. The method is used when all external factors that determine the need for personnel are taken into account, such as rising prices, the popularity of the industry, government policy, a possible change in the financial situation, labor productivity, changes in the local labor market, etc.

Method of group assessments. In this case, groups are formed that jointly determine the problems or tasks to be solved, and jointly propose solutions. When determining the planned headcount, this method is a good opportunity to take into account many factors that affect the solution of personnel tasks, and to involve line managers in personnel management processes.

Computer model of personnel planning. Creation of a mathematical model of the movement of personnel in the organization and taking into account key factors (variables). The model allows you to understand how to act in various situations, and to predict these situations. The use of computer models allows the simultaneous use of various forecasting methods, which significantly increases the accuracy of forecasts.

When planning the need for personnel, it is necessary to take into account staff turnover. In order to more accurately determine its norms, one must keep in mind all the features of the business, as well as the number of people who may not pass certification, the natural departure of employees from the company (for example, to retire or on maternity leave), seasonality (the number of layoffs may depend on the season) . Different departments of the same enterprise may have their own turnover rate. For example, for a sales representative average term work in the organization is 1.5-2 years. For production workers and managers, the period of effectiveness can last for years, so their turnover rate is less than 5-10%. According to some sources, turnover in the manufacturing sector is on average 10%. If the company is actively developing and there is a mass hiring of personnel, then this figure increases to 20%. In retail and insurers, a staff turnover rate of 30% is considered natural. And in the hotel and restaurant business, even 80% is the norm.

If the company's management expresses dissatisfaction with the qualifications of subordinates, then, most likely, in the coming year, employees will have such a procedure as assessment or certification. Accordingly, when planning the need for personnel, it is necessary to take into account not only the level of turnover (based on the data of the past year), but also the likelihood of leaving a certain number of employees. For example, the number of employees of the company according to the staffing table is 100 people. As of December 1, there were 90 employees, 10 vacancies, staff turnover - 20%, i.e. 20 people. Suppose that another 10% - 10 employees "disappear"*. It turns out that even to maintain the existing number, you need to recruit 40 people (10 + 20 + 10). If a 20% increase in sales is expected (and an increase in the number of employees by 10-30%), then at least 10 more people are needed. Consequently, in the planned year it is necessary to hire 50 employees, which is 50% of their current number in accordance with the staffing table.

Based on the planned need for personnel, the ways and sources of its coverage are selected. Most often, companies take an active approach, ie. methods of hiring employees in which the organization:

Recruits employees directly in educational institutions;

Submits applications for vacancies to local and interregional employment centers (labor exchanges);

Uses the services of personnel consultants and specialized intermediary recruitment firms;

Recruits newcomers through its employees.

Sources of covering the need for personnel can be:

External - educational establishments, commercial training centers, intermediary recruitment firms, employment centers, professional associations and associations, free labor market;

Internal - own sources.


Personnel planning, as one of the most important functions of personnel management, consists in the quantitative, qualitative, temporal and spatial determination of the need for personnel, which is necessary to achieve the goals of the organization. The purpose of determining the need for personnel is to determine the number of personnel necessary for the reliable performance of official and professional duties by employees.

Personnel planning can be current and prospective. In both cases, the plan for the need for personnel is formed in three main directions: the need for the planned volume of production or services (under the conditions of a given or changing technology), taking into account the existing number of employees; coverage of the expected (planned) departure of personnel; coverage of unscheduled staff departures.

In strategic (long-term) planning, a program is drawn up to identify the potential of specialists needed by the enterprise in the future. A strategy for the development of human resources is being developed and the need for them in the future is determined. In tactical (situational) planning, the company's need for personnel for a specific period (month, quarter) is analyzed. It depends on current employee turnover rates, the number of retirements, maternity leave, layoffs, etc. At the same time, among other things, it is necessary to take into account the dynamics of the market and competition in the industry, the level of remuneration, the internal culture of the organization, the stage of development of the company, etc.

The dynamics of the need for personnel is influenced by many factors, some of them can be easily planned, while some of the factors can be predicted with a greater or lesser degree of probability.

Determining the need for staff comes down to choosing a method for calculating the number of employees, establishing the initial data for the calculation and directly calculating the required number for a certain time period. Various methods are used to determine the need for personnel.

List of sources used

Antropov V.A. Planning the need for personnel in the enterprise. Teaching aid / V.A. Antropov, A.P. Makaridin, K.A. Zavyalova. - Ekaterinburg: UNUPS, 2010. - 84 p.

Vesnin V.R. Management / V.R. Vesnin. - M.: Finance and statistics, 2010. - 504 p.

Durakova I.B. Personnel Management. Textbook / I.B. Durakova. - M.: Infra-M, 2009. - 569 p.

Ivankina L.I. Personnel management: textbook / L.I. Ivankin. - Tomsk: TPU, 2012. - 190 p.

Ilyin A.I. Planning at the enterprise: Textbook / A.I. Ilyin. - Minsk: New knowledge, 2010. - 700 p.

Miroshnichenko A.N. Human resource management of an organization: Personnel needs planning / A.N. Miroshnichenko. - M.: MIEP, 2012. - 129 p.

Organization personnel management. Textbook / Ed. AND I. Kibanova. - M.: Infra-M, 2012. - 638 p.

Shkatulla V.I. Handbook of the personnel manager / V.I. Shkatulla. - M.: NORMA, 2001 - 560 p.

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    thesis, added 04/07/2012

    Planning for staffing needs, sources of recruitment. Analysis of the personnel planning system of LLC "Legion": general characteristics of the enterprise, evaluation of efficiency and development of measures to improve planning and recruitment.

    abstract, added 11/08/2013

    The essence of planning in economics. Necessity and features of economic planning. The concept of intra-company planning. Types and content of intra-company planning. Methodology of intrafirm planning.

    term paper, added 08/14/2004

    Personnel of the organization: concept and characteristics. Personnel planning system: purpose, content, directions. The essence and definition of the need for personnel, the main requirements for it. Personnel planning process. Estimation of personnel costs.

    presentation, added 12/21/2011

    Quantitative and qualitative assessment of staffing needs, planning stages. Methods for calculating needs, ways to search for personnel. Organization of work on hiring (staffing) and development (training) of personnel. Human resources development strategy.

    test, added 01/16/2014

    Essence, goals, objectives and methods of personnel needs planning. Basic qualification requirements for them. Directions for improvement and recommendations for improving the efficiency of work in the field of personnel policy at the enterprise JSC "Zelenstroy".

    term paper, added 03/29/2011

    The role and importance of intra-company planning in enterprise management. Principles and methods of planning. The main types and tools of intra-company planning. Business plan as the main tool for improving intra-company planning.

    term paper, added 11/06/2008

    Theoretical foundations of intra-firm planning, its role and importance in enterprise management. The essence and organization of intra-company planning at enterprises hotel business, its formation and budgeting; strategic planning.

    thesis, added 04/11/2010

    Characteristics of the main methods of personnel planning. The concept of staffing needs and its types. The actual need for personnel and its forecasting. Sources of recruitment organization. Determination of requirements for candidates for a vacant position.

The most important task of personnel planning is to ensure the full and effective employment of all categories of workers in each enterprise. Full employment means achieving a balance between the number of jobs and the number of labor resources for all categories of workers Development of a market mechanism for personnel management at a regional enterprise // Proceedings of the republican scientific and practical conference. / Under. ed. M. Bukhalkova. - Samara: SamGTU, 1995. - S. 94 ..

Assessment of the organization's need for personnel can be quantitative and qualitative. A quantitative assessment of the need for personnel, designed to answer the question “how much?”, Is based on an analysis of the proposed organizational structure (management levels, number of divisions, distribution of responsibilities), production technology requirements (a form of organization of joint activities of performers), a marketing plan (commissioning plan enterprises, the phased deployment of production), as well as the forecast of changes in the quantitative characteristics of personnel (taking into account, for example, changes in technology). At the same time, information on the number of filled vacancies is certainly important. A qualitative assessment of the need for personnel is an attempt to answer the question "who?". This is a more complex type of forecast, since, following an analysis similar to that for the purposes of quantitative assessment, value orientations, the level of culture and education, professional skills and abilities of the personnel that the organization needs should be taken into account. Of particular difficulty is the assessment of the need for managerial personnel. In this case, it is necessary to take into account, at a minimum, the capabilities of the personnel "to determine rational operational and strategic goals for the functioning of the enterprise and to carry out the formation of optimal management decisions that ensure the achievement of these goals." An important point in personnel assessment is the development of organizational and financial plans equipment, including:

  • development of a program of measures to attract personnel;
  • development or adaptation of methods for assessing candidates;
  • calculation of financial costs for recruitment and evaluation of personnel;
  • implementation of evaluation activities;
  • development of staff development programs;
  • · Estimation of costs for the implementation of personnel development programs Personnel management. / Ed. Bazarova T., Eremina B. - M .: Banks and exchanges, UNITI, 1998. - P. 110. .

The current need of the enterprise for the main workers is determined by the norms of labor intensity of products. AT general view the annual need for workers can be calculated as the ratio of the labor intensity of the annual production program of the relevant work to the effective time fund of one worker according to the following formula:

PP \u003d Tg / Fe (1).

Where PP is the need for workers, man; Tg - total (annual) labor intensity of work, hours; Fe - annual effective working time fund, man-hours.

In the process of planning the need for production workers, their attendance and payroll are determined. The attendant staff includes those workers who must come to work every day to ensure the normal course of production. The list includes all workers who are in the group of industrial and production personnel of the enterprise, including those who are on vacation, absent due to illness, etc. The list of workers changes during the year due to staff turnover. That is why it is necessary to distinguish between the average number of workers of the enterprise, which is their arithmetic average annual number.

The quantitative ratio between secret and payroll workers or their structure can be represented as the ratio effective fund working time to the nominal, the corresponding values ​​of which are approximately equal to 225 and 250 working days. From this ratio (225:250 = 0.9) it follows that the number of workers on the payroll is approximately 10% more than the turnout, as can be seen from the formula for the number of workers on the payroll:

Psp \u003d 1.1 Rya (2).

Where Psp is the payroll number of employees, Rya is the undisclosed number of employees.

The planning of the number of different categories of personnel at domestic enterprises is carried out, as a rule, using integrated methods or economic and mathematical dependencies. Based on the developed models and formulas, it is possible to calculate the need for managerial personnel for all functions performed in production by specialists of various categories:

In the course of headcount planning, it is important to establish an additional need for employees of various categories, which consists of an increase in the required number due to the expansion of production volumes, as well as compensation for the departure or loss of employees of the enterprise under the influence of natural and social factors. At the enterprise, the additional need for personnel of one category or another can be most simply represented by the difference between the planned (current) and actual number:

Рd = Рpl - Рf (4).

Where Rd - additional need for personnel; Рpl - the planned need for personnel; Rf - the actual number of personnel.

AT market economy more difficult is the task of planning the long-term need for personnel necessary for the implementation of the strategic goals of the enterprise Bukhalkov, M. Personnel management. /M. Bukhalkov. - M.: INFRA-M, 2008. - S.229, 232..

Personnel planning is one of the most important areas of personnel planning, which allows you to set the qualitative and quantitative composition of personnel for a given period of time. 2, from 260

As can be seen from the definition, it is necessary to distinguish between qualitative and quantitative need for personnel. These types of needs in the practice of headcount planning are calculated in unity and interconnection.

Personnel planning includes the following steps:

  • · a special analysis of the various types of plans of the organization that have an impact on staffing (for example, production and sales plans, investment plans, etc.);
  • analysis of personnel statistics, including information on its business evaluation and promotion;
  • determination of the actual state by the quantity and quality of personnel for the planned period;
  • Calculation of the qualitative quantitative need for personnel for the same planning period;
  • comparison of data obtained at the two previous stages of planning;
  • planning of measures to cover the need for personnel.

Qualitative need, i.e. the need for categories, professions, specialties, the level of qualification requirements for personnel, is calculated based on the overall organizational structure, as well as organizational structures divisions; professional and qualification division of works recorded in the production and technological documentation for the work process; requirements for positions and workplaces, enshrined in job descriptions or job descriptions; the staffing table of the organization and divisions, where the composition of positions is fixed, the documentation regulating various organizational and managerial processes with the allocation of requirements for the professional and qualification composition of performers.

Calculation of quality needs by professions, specialties, etc. is accompanied by a simultaneous calculation of the number of personnel for each criterion of qualitative need. The total need for personnel is found by summing up the quantitative need for individual qualitative criteria.

The quantitative need for personnel is planned by determining its estimated number and comparing it with the actual availability for a certain planning period. There are several basic methods for calculating the quantitative need for personnel. 2, p. 261

1) The method based on the use of data on the time of the labor process makes it possible to calculate the number of pieceworkers or time workers, the number of which is determined directly by the complexity of the process. For the calculation, the following typical dependence should be used:

Time required to complete the production program (T n)

In its turn,

where n is the number of item positions in the production program; H i - the number of products of the i-th nomenclature position; T i - time of execution of the process (part of the process) for the manufacture of the product of the i-th nomenclature position; T - the time required to change the value of work in progress in accordance with production cycle products of the ith position; K in - coefficient of fulfillment of norms of time.

The number of jobs can be determined differentially by professional types works, according to the qualification complexity of the work with the appropriate allocation with the qualitative parameters of the need for personnel. The useful time fund of one employee (T floor) and the coefficient for converting the turnout into the payroll are determined from the balance of the working time of one employee. As a variation of the method under consideration, an approach can be presented for determining the number of managerial personnel using the Rosencrantz formula, which in the general case has the following form:

where N is the number of managerial personnel of a certain profession, specialty, division, etc.; n - the number of types of management functions that determine the load of this category of specialists; m i - the average number of certain actions (settlements, order processing, negotiations, etc.) within the i-th type of management functions for a specified period of time (for example, for a year); t i - the time required to perform unit m within the i-th type of management functions; T - work time specialist according to employment contract(contract) for the corresponding period of time of calendar time, having accepted the calculations; To nrv. - coefficient of necessary distribution of time; K fr - the coefficient of the actual distribution of time; t p - time for various functions that cannot be taken into account in preliminary (scheduled) calculations.

The required time distribution factor (Knrv) is calculated as follows:

K nv = K dr K o K p, (1.3)

where - K dr - coefficient taking into account the costs of additional functions that are not pre-set in the time required for a particular process (?m t); is usually within

1,2 < К др < 1,4; К о - коэффициент, учитывающий затраты времени на отдых сотрудников в течение рабочего дня; как правило, устанавливается на уровне 1,12; К п - коэффициент пересчёта явочной численности в списочную.

The ratio of the required distribution of time (K fr) is determined by the ratio of the total fund of working time of any unit to the time calculated as (? m і t і).

In general terms, the Rosencrantz formula serves to check whether the actual number (for example, of any unit) is necessary, which is set by the load of this unit.

To use the Rosencrantz formula in scheduled calculations it should look like this:

2) Calculation method according to service rates. In foreign literature, it is customary to call the "unit-method", showing the dependence of the calculated number on the number of serviced machines, aggregates and other objects.

The number of temporary workers or employees according to service standards is calculated using the following formula:

In turn, service rates are determined by the formula

where n is the number of types of work to service the facility; t edі - the time required to complete the volume unit of the i-th type of work; n рі - the number of volume units of the i-th type of work per unit of equipment or other calculation object (for example, a unit of production area); T floor - a useful fund of the employee's time per day (shift); T d - the time required for the employee to perform additional functions not included in t ed.

3) Calculation method for jobs and headcount standards.

The population standards are defined as follows:

To calculate the number of personnel, you can also use some statistical methods. They are conditionally divided into two main groups: stochastic methods; methods of expert assessments. 2, p. 267

Stochastic calculation methods are based on the analysis of the relationship between the need for personnel and other variables (for example, production volume).

The following stochastic methods are most often used: calculation of numerical characteristics; regression analysis; correlation analysis.

The calculation of numerical characteristics is used, as a rule, in the case when the need for personnel is largely related to any factor and this relationship is quite stable.

Regression analysis involves the establishment of a linear relationship between the number of personnel and the factors influencing it. The general formula looks like this:

T p = b + b x, (1.9)

where T p - the complexity of the work; b - constant value; b - regression coefficient; x is the influencing factor.

Correlation analysis establishes the tightness of the relationship between several parameters. The tightness of the relationship between the parameters is expressed by the correlation coefficient. The relationship is higher, the higher the correlation coefficient. To calculate the correlation coefficient, the following relationship is used: where m і ,р і - parameter values ​​(between which the tightness of the connection is established) according to the i-th dimension; m cf, p cf - arithmetic mean values ​​of the corresponding parameters; n - the number of measurements of the parameters m and p (for example, the number of calendar periods of time during which the values ​​of the parameters are taken into account).

The application of methods of expert assessments is carried out using the experience of specialists and managers. These methods are divided into simple and extended assessment, including both single and multiple peer review.

These methods allow you to determine the overall need for staff. However, a more important value for personnel planning is the actual need for staff. The calculation of the actual need takes into account the need to cover the planned or unscheduled departure of personnel, as well as its planned receipt. The return of employees after training, military service, etc. should be considered as a planned income.

The planned departure of personnel includes a reduction in the number due to the reorganization of production or services, the direction of employees for training, internships, conscription into the army, and retirement. In these cases, the departure of personnel can be predicted and measures taken to receive or relocate employees.

Of great difficulty for planning is the departure of personnel for unplanned reasons (dismissal of their own free will, at the initiative of the employer, additional holidays etc.).

In these cases, personnel departure planning can be carried out on the basis of statistical data on employees laid off for the indicated reasons over the past 3-5 years.

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