Analysis of the staffing of an enterprise example. Organizational and staffing structure of an organization, enterprise. Why do you need staffing


In addition to the legislative acts of our country, which are designed to regulate the labor sphere, each company has internal regulations.

Some of them are mandatory, others are developed based on the needs of the organization.

It can be:

  • instruction on labor protection;
  • job description;
  • labor regulations;
  • and etc.

These documents are distinguished from other acts by several specific rules:

  • they are approved by the head of the company;
  • their effect applies only to employees of the enterprise;
  • their content should not be contrary to the law, worsening the position of employees;
  • their action lasts a certain time.

The staffing table is one of such internal company documents.


The concept of "staffing" can only be found in the second part of Article 57 of the Criminal Code Russian Federation.

It's about mandatory items. It also deciphers a number of concepts in parallel, such as position, specialty and qualification.

According to this article, the staffing table is “an organizational and administrative document that fixes the official and numerical strength of the organization, and also indicates the fund wages.

It is compiled according to the form established by the State Statistics Committee of Russia and includes a list of positions, information on the number of staff positions, official salaries, allowances, monthly fund.

According to the law, if only the position or specialty is mentioned in the contract concluded by the employee with the employer, then the staff list is a mandatory document that must be drawn up in accordance with all the rules.

If the contract provides for a full description of the work duties of the hired person, then the schedule is not necessary.

According to the article of the law, this document is not necessary for individual entrepreneurs, it is provided only for organizations.

But in fact, during the inspection, the federal inspection will fine such an employer for violating the Labor Code (50 thousand rubles).


The staffing table is an internal document of an enterprise that reflects its structure, with a mandatory list of professions, positions, specialties, as well as the total number of employees, their salary and its components.

There is no consensus on whether or not a staffing table is needed at an enterprise.

An indisputable fact is that a well-written document can help a company win a dispute in court, for example, with a reduced staff former employee or avoid fines from inspection bodies.

Data contained in the document:

  • list of all structural divisions companies, according to the hierarchy;
  • information on the number of all staff units of the enterprise;
  • the amount of wages accrued for each position;
  • list of all positions;
  • enumeration with the order of their accrual.

For compiling staffing the organization must have a well-formed and well-established structure.

It is in accordance with it that all positions and staff units are indicated in the document.

What is needed?

A well-organized staffing table helps to quickly and efficiently solve a number of tasks, namely:

  • helps the manager and employees to have a clear idea of ​​the structure of the enterprise with all its divisions;
  • fix the number of the entire staff of the company;
  • analyze and control the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of employees;
  • control and monitor the remuneration system in the organization, as well as the size of allowances;
  • correctly draw up an employment contract;
  • when vacancies appear, it simplifies the selection of employees.

In addition to current tasks, the staffing will help the employer:

  • win a lawsuit with a former employee due to layoffs;
  • explain .

When checking the company with tax authorities or the Social Insurance Fund, this document is also required.

Although its presence is not considered mandatory, auditors will require it in any case to verify the correctness of various monetary charges.

Who makes up?

The law does not mention who should draw up the staff list.

It could be:

  • enterprise management;
  • a specially created group of responsible persons;
  • personnel department staff;
  • members of the legal department;
  • employees of the economic department;
  • employees of the payroll and labor organization department.

It should be noted that at least one economist must necessarily participate in filling out the document.

How to fill out and draw up a staffing table in 2016?

How to develop and draw up a staffing table?

To do this, you need to know a few rules for filling it out using the official form.

Form and Sections

For the staffing table, the Unified Form No. T-3 is used.

It was approved by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation in 2004 on primary documents for labor accounting. This form is optional, but recommended.

Document sections:

  • The official name of the organization.
  • Department code.
  • Position according to the All-Russian classifier of professions and the Qualification directory of managers and specialists.
  • The number of staff units of the organization.
  • Tariff rate.
  • Allowances
  • Total salary, including bonuses.
  • Notes.

Step by step filling algorithm

The algorithm for filling the staffing table is as follows:

  1. The name of the company is filled in according to the constituent documents. If the company has a full and abbreviated name, then you can choose any option. But in order to avoid controversial situations, it is advisable to fix the chosen option in any instructions for filling in the details of the company.
  2. Fill in the number and date of the document. It should be borne in mind that the staffing table may not immediately take effect, so the date is set accordingly. For example, if the document enters into force on January 1, 2018, then this number is indicated.
  3. The name of the structural unit of the company is filled in. In commercial organizations, it can be anything, but not of foreign origin. For state-owned enterprises, compliance with the regulations is mandatory. Because some units are used as an indicator for calculating retirement benefits ( medical workers, employees in the field of education, workers in hazardous industries).
  4. The subdivision code is filled in according to the company hierarchy. For example, department - 01, management - 01.01, department - 01.01.01, group -
  5. The column "Position" is filled in. This is done in strict accordance with the employment contract and work book. At the same time, the All-Russian classifier of professions is used to name the category, specialty, category of workers and Qualification guide leaders and specialists. First, the positions of heads of departments are filled, then their deputies, then specialists and ordinary employees.
  6. The number of staff units is filled in. It should be remembered that this does not mean the actual number of employees of the enterprise, but the necessary one. Therefore, the data in this column can be fractional (0.25 is taken as a step). For commercial organizations, each value is selected based on their needs. For budgetary enterprises, the number of full-time employees is calculated in a certain way.
  7. The column "tariff rate" is filled. Its value cannot be lower than the minimum wage. You cannot fill in this column, for example, 10-15,000 rubles. You must specify a specific salary in rubles. If it changes depending on certain conditions, then the following columns of the form are used to reflect this.
  8. The following 3 columns "surcharges" are filled in depending on the norms prescribed by law, the bonus scheme at a particular enterprise, the mode of work or the presence of harmful working conditions, it is allowed to indicate amounts in rubles or percentages.
  9. Completing the total salary, obtained by summing the values ​​of columns 5,6,7,8.
  10. Notes are being filled, if they are.
  11. Fill in the columns "total". This is done by summing the form values ​​vertically (staff, salaries, allowances, and payroll).

Sample filling (example) of form T-3 in 2016:

In the given example, it is filled out for NEXT LLC.

Based on the document number (No. 5) - this is the 5th approved staffing table in the organization. The date of completion and approval are the same - it is December 23, 2015. And the moment the staffing table came into force only on January 1, 2016, which is indicated separately.

According to the document, NEXT LLC has only 3 structural divisions:

  • Administration (01). The division includes the following positions: CEO, Commercial Director, Deputy General Director for AHS, secretary-referent.
  • Accounting (02). The division includes the following positions: Chief Accountant, leading accountant, accountant-cashier.
  • Logistics department (03). The division consists of the head of the department and the logistician.

In column number 5 salaries for all positions. In columns 6 and 7, bonuses "for the intensity of work" and "bonuses for young professionals."

In column number 9 the values ​​of columns 5,6,7 are summarized (column No. 8 is not filled).

In the column "total" the number of staff units is 10, the total salary is 376,000 rubles, and the total wage fund at the enterprise is 477,650 rubles.


The staffing table is approved by a special order, which must be indicated (in the final column of the document).

You can download a sample here:

The text of the order may be as follows: “Approve the staffing table of July 15, 2016 No. 15 with a strength of 10 staff units with a monthly payroll of 250,000 rubles.”

Signatures and seals

The staff list must be signed by the head of the company and the chief accountant.

If the document consists of several sheets, it is allowed to sign each sheet in the fields specially provided for this. This may be necessary, for example, in an organization where the document is first approved at the branches, and then at the head office.

It is possible to stamp the approved schedule, but it is not required.

The document is usually valid for 1 year.

Changes are made to it as follows:

  • draw up a new staffing table;
  • amend the already approved document, making a note in it according to the new order.

Shelf life

According to the Order of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation of August 25, 2010 N 558 On the approval of the List of standard administrative archival documents, the terms of storage of the staffing table are determined as follows:

  • at the place of approval and development - constantly;
  • in another organization - 3 years;
  • staffing list of employees - 75 years.

Can contractors work on a regular schedule?

The staffing table applies only to those employees who work under an employment contract.

Contract workers are not included in the staff list, because their relationship with the employer is regulated Civil Code RF, in which there is no mention of this document.

Summing up, we can say that the staffing table is not mandatory, but a necessary document for systematizing personnel information in a company and for its effective operation, not to mention the fact that its presence is a guarantee of successful completion of any audits.

A position is a list of tasks for a certain position in the organizational structure. And in this definition it is clearly seen that for the very emergence of the concept of position, the existence of an organization structure is necessary. The position is a component of the mechanism of the organization.
In a small company, all people are visible, direct communications are possible in any direction and, as a result, there is clarity in where and why the team is moving.

If you hear such conversations in your organization: “I don’t know what is expected of me”, “I am not treated fairly”, “I don’t see where and why I should develop”, then most likely your organization does not describe clearly the positions of people and it makes sense for you to read this article.

Position - a component of the mechanism of the organization

With an increase in the number of employees, communication failures begin to occur, it becomes possible to “delegate their duties” and there is a need for a clear structuring of the team and work, a description of roles.

Along with the rapid development of organizations, there is a global change in the nature of work. The work performed by people is increasingly ceasing to be mechanical. And it's getting harder to describe the scope official duties, especially for highly skilled workers and managers. The concept of "role" is more in line with modern realities. A person in a role can be more flexible and easier to navigate his duties and powers, take responsibility for himself.

Of course, it would be “good” to take into account the entire world experience in building successful organizations and design the structure of a new enterprise from the very beginning, taking into account the mission and goals of the future structure. But in practice, we come to this at a time when the enterprise is already functioning and often successfully, but there are difficulties in management.

Many enterprises have job descriptions and regulations about departments, and they exist separately from the production process. Written once and by someone, each of them rests in its place, and there are few daredevils to think and rethink their meaning.

It is quite natural that after some time the position undergoes significant changes. Therefore, when an organization conducts an audit, the relevant managers must take steps to re-evaluate the position in light of the new circumstances. This is the origin of job analysis.

What is job analysis and why is it necessary?

Job analysis is the process of collecting and analyzing information about job positions in order to highlight their characteristic parameters (tasks and tasks, responsibilities, performance standards, etc.).

In Ukrainian practice, this tool has not yet found a worthy application. Many managers ask themselves the question: what will be the result of this complex, resource-intensive process of job analysis?

The result of the analysis is the updating of job descriptions (JD) or their creation.

Behavior of Job Analysis and Creation of Quality CIs provides the following benefits:

If, when analyzing the work of a line manager, you find that he performs a lot of routine work (writing reports, keeping a time sheet at work, etc.), but does not fulfill his direct strategic duties (planning the work of the department, improving the efficiency of employees , motivation, etc.), while the leader quite rightly asks the question - who will it be t do if not me? Then, probably, there is a need to change the job descriptions of employees or introduce a new position (for example, “deputy head of department”).

For leaders:

    Clarification of the “real situation” at the enterprise and determination of directions for increasing the efficiency and intensification of the work of employees of the enterprise, in some cases up to changing the structure of the enterprise (especially important for fast-growing organizations).

    Ability to rank jobs, establish a hierarchy of positions and determine the ranks of payment.

    Development of criteria for the selection of personnel for vacant and vacant positions. Job analysis can be very useful and constructive for complex recruitment.

    The possibility of assessing the compliance of personnel and the creation of programs for the development of employees in the direction of achieving the goals of the organization.

    The procedure for familiarizing yourself with the ID when hiring avoids misunderstandings and is legal basis in resolving labor disputes.

    The analysis and then the evaluation of the personnel make it possible to draw up a comprehensive personnel training program.

For staff:

    Definition of areas of responsibility and clarity of boundaries of duties.

    Directions of development and training to achieve the desired positions.

    The ability to demand a review of salary or position level in the case of regular performance of work that goes beyond the scope of job duties.

    Ability to plan and align your own goals with those of the organization.

Preparation for job analysis.

In preparation for the analysis, one can distinguish

the following job position criteria:

    Direct supervisor (subordination)

    Relationship with other positions (departments)

    Purpose of the position (work)

    Main responsibilities (areas of responsibility, key tasks) - the content of the work.

    Powers and available resources, use of technology (mechanisms, equipment, tools).

    Work performance standards.

    Requirements for the employee: level of qualification, education, additional. skills.

Conducting an analysis is a process for which you need to be well prepared, to decide why you are conducting an analysis, which positions need to be subjected to a procedure, what should be the result of the analysis, etc.

To make the CI as complete and harmonious as possible, you can use the model of Logical Levels (R. Dilts, 1997).

Questions to be answered:

    What is the mission of this position? What is the purpose (reason) of the existence of this position?

    What is the position in the job hierarchy for this position?

    What are the responsibilities of the employee in this position?

    What beliefs (values) will the employee need in this position?

    What are the requirements for experience and qualifications for quality work?

    What are the requirements for the identity of the worker?

    What are the key tasks of the position? What are the performance standards?

    What are the powers to manage resources (including financial), to recruit staff, dismiss (dismiss) employees?

    What is the budget, how many subordinates, what equipment? Who does this position communicate with?

    What end results are expected from the employee in this position?

Logic Level.

Typical question.

Focus of attention.

Mission Spirituality

What for?
For what?

A look into the future.

Personal identity.

Who am I?

Understanding your role.

Values. Beliefs.





Strategy. Plan.





Where? When? With whom? How much?


When doing a job analysis, keep in mind that employees who occupy the positions to be analyzed are not the object of research(personnel assessment will be valid after the analysis of positions).

Entry-level routine positions are best described with an emphasis on tasks to be performed, while a managerial position requires an emphasis on achieving certain results.

Based on the criteria and the list of positions to be analyzed, the analysis method is selected.

Methods for conducting job analysis.

    Structured interview.

Within the framework of this method, interviews with employees occupying this position are of the greatest value. You can talk to them individually, or you can conduct an interview (“brainstorming”) with a group. An interview with a superior or subordinates will provide additional information.

pros: the most adequate analysis of highly skilled labor. The method is the most flexible and easily changeable to analyze different positions.

Minuses A: Conducting and analyzing interviews will require a lot of time and skill in conducting interviews. It is possible that the information is distorted by the interviewee, both due to misunderstanding and differences in the interpretation of terms, and due to direct falsification.

    Questioning, questionnaires, scales.

Questionnaires can be both standard and developed within the organization. The adequacy of the method depends on the careful design of the questionnaires. The most applicable method for positions in which many people work.

Pros: saving time and money, especially if you need to get information from a large number of people.

Minuses: the need to develop a questionnaire that meets the objectives of the analysis. If the questions in the questionnaire are compiled incorrectly, ambiguously, vaguely, then the results of the survey will be of poor quality. In the case of a large number of analyzed parameters, it is difficult to process questionnaires.

To avoid such errors, you can conduct a test survey at the selected production site, and then, after adjusting the questionnaire, conduct an extensive study.

    Observation method (photo of a working day).

Usually used for routine cyclic work. It is the process of entering information about the performance of work in special forms. Another method of observation is fixation on film with the recording of comments. Can be used in conjunction with other analysis methods.

Pros: often characterized as the best (most accurate) method of gathering information, especially when combined with face-to-face interviews.

Minuses: requires a similarly qualified observer. Takes a long time. This method cannot be used for intellectual and creative work.


Self-analysis of your work and preparation of its description.

Pros: the fastest and most economical form of job analysis.

Minuses: a very clear description of the task is required, sometimes training of people.

Creation of job descriptions

CI appear as a result of the analysis of works. From the mass of various information (questionnaires, descriptions, abstracts), clear, real, understandable instructions should appear. They represent basic information about the job. At the same time, the DI should not describe the details and nuances. Its purpose is to clarify what contribution is expected from the employee. The job description is a legal act, therefore, the DI must be coordinated with the laws (by a lawyer at the enterprise). The DI is approved by the director, and significant changes to it can only be made by order of the director. When applying for a job, the employee gets acquainted with his ID and signs his agreement with it. Based on the DI, a labor contract, the assessment of the activities of the personnel, the establishment of the class or category of the employee.

The job description may include

    Position mission

    Definition of work

    Description of operating functions

    Relations of subordination and communication

    Duties and responsibilities

    Working conditions and organization, work schedule.

    Requirements for the employee (qualification, experience, personal qualities)

Creating accurate, laconic and yet understandable instructions is not an easy task.

In addition to mastering the "clerical language", the person conducting the analysis will need a number of skills:

    interviewing skills;

    quickly building a relationship with the interviewee;

    the ability to highlight the main thing, cutting off the unnecessary (not affecting the achievement of the goals of the position) and paying attention to details;

    analytic skills;

    tact and diplomacy.

Now in Ukraine there are a sufficient number of consulting organizations that have the above skills and can help you in this hard work. By attracting an outside specialist, you also get the opportunity to see your enterprise through the eyes of an outside "unbiased" observer. The disadvantage of such a solution is the fact that the invited specialist will need time and effort to get to know the organization, see all the connections within it and get an idea of ​​the types of positions that need to be involved in the analysis.

Position: Head of Human Resources Department

Date of analysis: January 2004

Location : dairy plant

Subordination : General director of the plant

Functional subordination : Director of Human Resources at the head office of the company

Other job relationships:

    Heads of production departments

    Factory management

    Heads of shops and departments

    local job center

Direct subordinates:

    HR department administrator

    Clerk, head of security department

    Factory personnel training manager


O provide management of personnel in departments in accordance with the corporate personnel policy, create and maintain a trusting, friendly atmosphere of the enterprise, conducive to the quality performance of work by the plant's employees.

Main responsibilities:

    Ensure the effectiveness of recruitment: to select personnel of the required quantity and quality in accordance with the list of vacancies for department heads

    Advise line managers on labor law and HR matters.

    Plan and hold regular meetings with company staff representatives

    Conduct systematic safety inspections on the plant site and report the results of such inspections to department heads.

    Conduct regular staff appraisals and, based on it, provide training programs for new hires, managers and other employees.

    Advise department heads on development of managerial skills.

Allotted powers:

    Can use corporate financial resources within the agreed budget for hiring and training staff.

    Can recruit staff for his department within budgetary constraints.

    Can determine the amount of individual pay / rates of work for the staff of his department within the agreed limits.

    Can deprive staff of payments in case of proven serious offences.

Available resources:

    Vehicle security.

    Service car.

Required qualifications:

At least 3 years of work experience as a head of personnel or a linear department of a manufacturing plant. Knowledge regulatory framework Ukraine. Knowledge of production. Additional education in psychology is desirable.

Knowledge - information that you need to know when doing work.

Skill How to apply this knowledge in practice.

Competence - application of this skill in such a way that the work can be done to a certain standard. When developing competencies, it includes a set of statements that describe how well the work should be done.

for example , you can use knowledge about using Microsoft Word and keyboard skills in order to type a document in a certain time and without errors according to a given standard. In this case, we are talking about the competence of working with documents for the secretary.

competency model.

AT recent times HR companies are increasingly talking about the need to have competency models (MC) for employees of their enterprise. How are competency model and job description related?

MCs are often used as part of the job description to define what is expected of the employee.

The QM is a list of competencies related to a particular job and becomes the main guide for people to determine not only WHAT is expected of them, but also HOW they should act.

Typically, such a model may contain:

    Key competencies- these are the competencies that support the proclaimed mission and values. They apply to any position in the organization. By identifying core competencies, an organization makes it clear what aspects it values ​​in people.

    General competencies- these are competencies that have a universal definition and apply to certain positions (for example, strategic thinking, leadership).

    Special competencies- these are competencies that apply to certain positions (for example, certain technical competencies).

MC makes it even easier and more specific to assess personnel, identify training needs, plan a career, and much more. The simplest way to use MC is to self-assess the person on the competencies required for his job. By evaluating themselves, employees can identify areas where they need to improve. A line manager or mentor can help them with this. Having successfully mastered the necessary competencies required for this position, the employee can independently develop competencies for growth.

In conclusion, I want to once again quote the brilliant manager Lee Iacocca:

“All production operations can be described in three words: people, products, profits. PEOPLE come first. If you don't have a solid team, there's not much you can do about other factors."

Regardless of the form of ownership of the enterprise, its organizational and staffing structure is a fundamental element of the economic and legal regulation of the labor activity of employees. The personnel policy of the commercial or establishes the framework of corporate behavior of employees, the system of remuneration for their activities, incentives or disciplinary sanctions.

What is structural

Any organizational and staffing structure serves as a reflection of the principles of personnel management operating at the enterprise, the model of relationships between the management and employees, the tactics of distributing duties and competencies between them.

The hierarchical system deserves special attention. large companies having a multi-level chain of command.

What is the difference between the two documents?

Staffing and organizational structure cannot be called equal concepts. In the first case, we are talking about a document containing the names of positions, the number of staff units for the corresponding position and the amount of the rate for each employee. Concerning organizational structure, then it is also a written document that clearly spells out the positions available at the enterprise and the subordination order. Competent management of the organizational structure and staffing allows you to establish the qualitative and quantitative composition of individual units, based on the content and scope of the tasks assigned to the enterprise, taking into account the material and technical base and budget.

Determining the rate in the staffing structure

During the period of existence of the enterprise, its divisions can merge, change names, disband, etc. At the same time, information about ongoing changes in the structure of the enterprise should be stored in the personnel department and the catalog of structural units. The staffing table is a summary document that allows you to visually solve the tasks and problems of the personnel policy of the enterprise.

The main element of the organizational-staff and units separately is the rate, which was mentioned above. At each enterprise, its quantity corresponds to a particular position, profession, conditions of payment and labor activity. The number of rates is formed taking into account regular structural units.

Principles of formation of organizational structures at the enterprise

Thus, in order to implement the functions on which the success and competitiveness of the company depend, it is important to have a developed and effective organizational and staff structure. However, for its formation it is important to adhere to the following principles:

  • ensuring the smooth and uninterrupted work of all departments;
  • loyalty and ability to maneuver for a lightning-fast reaction in case of rearrangements of market conditions;
  • making efforts to prevent or neutralize social conflicts;
  • minimalism in the formation of the number of administrative and managerial staff in order to reduce the cost of its financial support and prevent the increase in economic costs at the enterprise;
  • guaranteeing high results and fulfilling the profit plan;
  • timely fulfillment of obligations to customers, suppliers, creditors.

Staff structure as a reflection of the company's strategy

In addition, the management of the organizational structure implies taking into account the interests of the working team, based on the principles of equal partnership. The choice of a competent management model for an enterprise of any field of activity and form of ownership is one of the fundamental criteria that determine the future of the company.

The direction and strategy of the company are the starting points for planning the organizational structure. A well-formed coordinating device of a firm or non-profit institution must meet the following requirements:

  • interact with partners and customers on favorable terms;
  • rationally distribute among the staff the amount of work related to solving current production problems.

Varieties of models of organizational and staff management

The management model of the organizational and staffing structure of an enterprise is a set of departments that perform a number of functions for the preparation, development, adoption and implementation of company decisions. For convenience, the system is depicted graphically in the form of a diagram or diagram showing the composition, relationships of individual staff units and their levels of subordination.

Several models of the organizational structure are in demand and will be applied in practice. Their formation corresponds to the following principles:

  • multifunctional management device of the enterprise (it is understood that each division or staff unit performs one function assigned to it);
  • process type of organizational structure (involves the implementation of a specific process by a separate unit);
  • matrix form of management (represents a complex mechanism for the implementation of projects by a group of employees from various multifunctional departments).

The use of another model, built on the principle of "one division - one counterparty" (the latter can be contractors, suppliers, client groups, etc.), is used in cases of a limited market.

The secret of success and relevance of the organizational structure

Multifunctional and process management models, their modifications, which have been used since the beginning of the last century, have become widespread. Such models of the management structure of an enterprise are often called bureaucratic. The effectiveness of hierarchical systems is explained by the following factors:

  • subordination, in which the work of all lower units is controlled and regulated by higher structures;
  • compliance with the abilities of employees of the position held, i.e. certain hierarchical role;
  • division job duties for additional specializations;
  • formalization of activities or the introduction of standards, thanks to which an unambiguous approach of employees to the implementation of assigned tasks is guaranteed;
  • mass and impersonal performance of the relevant functions by employees;
  • strict selection of employees in accordance with strict qualification conditions.

Staff organization of the enterprise: an example

One of the classic examples to consider is a manufacturing company that manufactures products. At the heart of such a firm is a multifunctional coordinating device. If, in accordance with the staffing table, about 100 employees are officially employed in it, the creation of several large divisions will be an expedient solution. For example:

  • production department;
  • directorate for financial matters;
  • sales department.

Accordingly, each of them includes other, smaller structural units, which are entrusted with the implementation of specific tasks. As a rule, the accounting department and the logistics department are formed outside the organizational and staffing corps. If it is necessary to expand the range or update the catalog for convenience, the enterprise can temporarily switch to a matrix management model by creating a new division within the company for the period of solving the tasks.

Is it necessary to draw up a staffing table?

Despite the fact that the legislation of the Russian Federation does not stipulate a strict need to approve the organizational structure and headcount employees of the company, the requirement for the presence of a staffing table at the enterprise is available in articles 15 and 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. An indirect mention of the legislator is contained in the requirement to employ employees in positions corresponding to the staff list, with the prescription of labor functions in the contract.

Thus, any institution, trading or manufacturing firm should enter a document on the number of employees and rates in order to avoid disputes about the positions held by subordinates, the scope of their duties. There is also no single standard form of the organizational and staffing structure, the composition of employees of a separate unit. At the same time, information about the coordinating device of the enterprise is allowed to be reflected in the T-3 form approved by the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation.

About filling out the staffing form

It is universal and suitable for staffing, the structure of any organization. The following fields must be filled in to complete the document:

  • registration number and date of registration;
  • the period during which the document will be considered valid;
  • full name and code of the structural unit;
  • professions and positions of employees;
  • the total number of staff positions and rates;
  • salary, the presence or absence of an allowance.

The column "Approved", available in the staffing table, contains data on the order that allows the document to enter into force. The codes of the structural department and each of its units are assigned here or in advance. They are indicated in a hierarchical sequence - from the top to the subordinate units. When determining a position, it is advisable to adhere to the provisions of the OKZ - the All-Russian classifier of occupations. The regular organization of the enterprise is approved for a specific period, if necessary, it can be extended or changed. Although the obligation to draw up this document is not established by the regulatory legal act, in fact it is approved in 90% of cases. In addition, in isolated cases, the staffing table may be requested by regulatory authorities during inspections and audits.


Theoretical foundations of staffing in an organization

1 The essence and significance of staffing in enterprise management

2 Fundamentals of staffing

3 The order of changes in the staffing table

Analysis of maintaining the staffing table in Pumori-Osnastka LLC

1 Characteristics of the enterprise Pumori-Osnastka LLC

2 Analysis of staffing at Pumori-Osnastka LLC


Bibliographic list



Management decisions and actions of organizations and enterprises are recorded in official documents. The documents reflect and take into account the activities of the organization, enterprise, therefore, the maintenance of many documents is prescribed by laws (organizational, personnel and administrative documents, etc.). One of them is staffing.

The staffing table is the main document that is used to design the structure, staffing and staffing of the organization in accordance with the constituent document (charter or regulation). The staff list contains a list of structural units, positions, information on the number of staff units, official salaries, allowances and monthly payroll. This document gives management the right to staff the organization and its structural divisions with employees. On the basis of the staffing table, the personnel department conducts the selection of employees for vacant positions, forms a reserve for promotion, organizes advanced training of personnel.

It should be noted that such an important personnel document as the staff list raises many questions in practice. Namely:

Is staffing mandatory for an organization?

How to approve a new staffing table and how often should it be drawn up?

How to fill out the unified form No. T-3 correctly and is it possible to add additional details to it?

How to formalize a change in staffing and what are the features of this procedure when reducing staff?

What is staffing and how is it different from staffing?

The desire to understand these topical issues determined the choice of the topic of our thesis: "The role and structure of staffing in the organization."

The purpose of the study of the thesis is to study the process of compiling the staffing table in the organization.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks were set and solved:

.to study literary sources on the chosen topic;

.determine the essence and significance of the staffing in enterprise management;

.consider the procedure for compiling the organization's staffing table;

.analyze the maintenance of the staffing table on the example of a particular enterprise.

The object of research work is the process of drawing up the staffing table in the organization.

The subject of the research is the activity of staffing.

In the course of the study, such general scientific methods as: analysis, synthesis, logical approach, as well as classifications, groupings, generalizations, and others were used.

Theoretical basis works are the works of domestic and foreign authors devoted to the theory and practice of management, personnel planning, management: Bazarova T.Yu., Zaitseva G.G., Magura M.I., Smirnova B.M., Travina V.V. and etc.

The research base is the machine-building enterprise Pumori-Osnastka LLC, located at the address: Russia, Sverdlovsk region, Ekaterinburg, st. Frunze, d. 35a.


1.1 The essence and importance of staffing in enterprise management

staffing position management

AT practical activities enterprises and their leaders can meet the most different approaches to the preparation, approval and use of staffing tables.

There are heads of enterprises who believe that they do not need staffing tables, that they have the right to recruit any number of employees without binding themselves with any obligations regarding their official, professional or qualification composition, as well as for remuneration of employees occupying certain positions. This point of view and practice is not uncommon in enterprises created in the course of economic reform, especially in small enterprises owned by private individuals or limited liability companies.

There is another practice when the staffing table covers the entire staff of the enterprise and is re-approved with each change in its number or structure, that is, the staffing table is adjusted to the actual number of staff.

Between these polar approaches, there are many intermediate options. This situation often causes controversy, especially between specialists of enterprises and various organizations that control them. And far from always these disputes are resolved on a fair basis, even if any of the parties is right.

In the practice of working with staffing tables, much has been preserved from the previous economic system, although, as you know, this system no longer exists. How economic normative document At the enterprise, the staffing table reflected the contradictions of the previous economic system: on the one hand, the goal was to rationalize the expenditure of labor and financial resources used for wages, and on the other hand, the goal was to fix the excess number in the staffing table so that it would be easier to work within the planned task. The staff list was one of the most important documents that specialists of the personnel services of enterprises worked with. The number of vacancies at the enterprise was determined by unoccupied positions (professional qualification groups) of the staffing table. On the basis of vacancies, work was built on the selection of new employees, their training and retraining, the promotion of specialists from one position to another was carried out with the growth of their qualifications. The important role of the staffing in the economic life of the enterprise attracted the attention of all organizations that control the activities of the enterprise, and there were (and still are) quite a few of them. Staffing tables for divisions (when their head delegated the right to approve the corresponding staffing tables) were the subject internal control and checks.

At the same time, the new system has not formalized in any clear form its attitude to such an enterprise document as the staffing table.

In this regard, it is necessary, relying primarily on the needs of practice, to consider from various positions (legal, economic, organizational, social) the issue of staffing as a normative document of the enterprise.

First of all, for this it is necessary to give the staffing table a certain terminological interpretation, that is, to characterize what is at stake, who needs the staffing table and why.

Various sources give different definitions to the concept of "staffing", but, in principle, their essence boils down to the following: staffing is a form of reporting legal entity, an organizational and administrative document that reflects the structure of the organization, the number of departments, contains a list of positions indicating their number and size official salaries. The staffing table also reflects the amount of allowances and additional payments that exist in this organization, in relation to specific positions.

In accordance with the Guidelines for the application and filling out forms of primary accounting documentation for accounting for labor and its payment, approved by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated 01/05/2004 No. 1 "On approval of unified forms of primary accounting documentation for accounting for labor and its payment" (hereinafter referred to as the Resolution No. 1), the staffing table is used to formalize the structure, staffing and staffing of the organization in accordance with its Charter. It contains a list of structural units, the names of positions, specialties, professions, indicating qualifications, information on the number of staff units.

For the employer, the staffing table is a very convenient “tool” that performs several functions at once. In particular, it:

allows you to clearly trace the organizational structure of the company (its structural divisions);

fixes the staffing of structural units and the number of staff units for each position (profession);

allows you to trace the system of remuneration of employees of structural divisions;

establishes and fixes the size of allowances;

facilitates the tracking of vacancies and the selection of personnel for these vacancies.

The staffing table is approved by order (instruction) of the head of the organization or an authorized person, the authority to approve this document must be secured in writing. In such an order, in contrast to the standard form of an order for the main activity, there is no ascertaining part, and the order may begin with the word “I ORDER”, since no additional explanations are required to put the staffing table into effect.

On the basis of the staff list, the names of positions, specialties, professions are established, which are reflected in employment contracts and other personnel documentation.

The staffing table, as a normative document of an enterprise, fixes in a consolidated form the division of labor between employees that has developed at the enterprise, described in job (work) instructions.

But the staff list is not just a document derived from job descriptions. Once drafted, it begins to play a very active role in the efficient use of workers. The staffing table is not an alphabetical index of the positions available at the enterprise, but, as a rule, it groups positions into departments and allows you to compare these departments by the number of employees employed in them, the set of positions and qualification groups (i.e., according to their qualification composition), level payment for positions of the same name and qualification groups. Such a comparison forces us to return to the analysis of the workload of workers, the volume and quality of the work they perform, the feasibility of the division and cooperation of labor and to clarify job (work) instructions, and from them to the structural division of the enterprise into certain divisions, issues of rationing and quality of labor. It is especially useful for enterprise managers to correlate the actual number of employees (by departments, by positions) with what is provided for in the staffing table.

The staffing table has a code according to OKUD 0301017, is usually drawn up in three copies, its storage period at the place of development and approval is set by management (permanently or 3 years).

On the this moment There are two points of view regarding the obligation of the employer to maintain the staffing table.

According to the first, the presence of this local regulatory act is mandatory, since it directly affects the labor function of the employee and his remuneration. So, in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the staffing is mentioned in Art. 15 containing the definition labor relations, and in Art. 57, according to which the essential condition employment contract is a labor function, namely: work according to the position in accordance with the staff list, profession, specialty, indicating qualifications, the specific type of work assigned to the employee.

According to another point of view, the employer independently decides on the need to maintain a staffing table. The following arguments serve as justification for this position. Firstly, Decree No. 1 approved the unified form of staffing recommended for use (No. T-3). The staffing table is also mentioned in the Instructions for filling out work books, approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated 10.10.2003 No. 69 (hereinafter - Instruction No. 69). In particular, in clause 3.1 of the Instruction it is noted that entries about the name of the position (job), specialty, profession, indicating qualifications are made, as a rule, in accordance with the organization's staffing table.

As you can see, none of the listed regulations fixes the obligation of the employer to draw up a staffing table. However, we recommend that you do not neglect this personnel document, since the inspection bodies adhere to the first point of view.

Thus, the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation draws the attention of policyholders (employers) to the need to draw up a staffing table as a document that serves to confirm the correctness of the calculation of insurance premiums.<#"416" src="doc_zip1.jpg" /> <#"justify">Figure 1 - Sample staffing table

The resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia, which introduced the unified form No. T-3, provides for the approval of the staffing table by order of the head of the organization. To do this, the date and number of the order, the number of staff units and the monthly payroll are entered in a separate column.

The first column of the unified form is called "Name of the structural unit". If it's about commercial organization then, as a rule, there are no restrictions in the names of structural divisions, apart from the requirements for terminology and generally accepted concepts and definitions (it is undesirable to call structural divisions obscure foreign words). However, there are organizations in which a number of benefits provided to employees upon retirement depend on the name of the structural unit indicated in the staffing table (for example, medical and educational institutions, enterprises that include production facilities with harmful conditions labor). Therefore, the task of correctly reflecting the names of structural divisions in the staffing table falls on the personnel department or the department of organization and remuneration. To facilitate work in this direction there are sectoral classifiers of hazardous industries or a nomenclature of names of structural units, as well as tariff and qualification reference books, all-Russian classifiers, List No. 1 of industries, jobs, professions, positions and indicators in underground work, in jobs with especially harmful and especially difficult working conditions, employment in which gives the right to an old-age pension for preferential terms and List No. 2 of industries, jobs, professions, positions and indicators with harmful and difficult working conditions, employment in which gives the right to an old-age pension on preferential terms.

The names of the departments are indicated by groups:

management or administrative part (such units include directorate, accounting, personnel department, etc.);

production departments;

support or service departments.

As a rule, the location of the names of structural units in most organizations corresponds to this order. The exception is enterprises whose main business is trade. In such firms there are no production departments, but there are sales departments or commercial departments, which are closely related to logistics units (the latter in this case are service units).

The code of the structural unit indicates the place of the structural unit in the hierarchical structure of the organization. By coding, the place of smaller units in the structure of large ones is indicated.

The column "Profession (position)" is filled in in strict accordance with the tariff and qualification reference books and the All-Russian classifier of positions of employees and professions of workers. The sequence of filling in this column for each structural unit is individual, taking into account the specifics of a particular organization. As a rule, the positions of the head of the structural unit, his deputies are located first, then the leading and chief specialists, then the positions of performers. If the structural unit includes both engineering and technical personnel and workers, it is necessary to allocate first engineers, then workers.

At enterprises with a large official and numerical strength, it is advisable to develop and approve the staffing table for each structural unit.

The form can be filled out as manually, and with the help of machine technology (printing, computing, etc.), however, with mandatory backup of information on paper.

The names of structural divisions, as a rule, are indicated in alphabetical order, without abbreviations, in the nominative case of the singular.

Column 3 of the table contains the names of professions (positions), which can be differentiated by specialties and qualifications.

The name of the profession is taken from the Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Works and Occupations of Workers (ETKS). This procedure is determined by Art. 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

In the staff list, the names of professions (positions) are indicated as part of the structural units. They are given starting from the top level and ending with the junior level: manager, deputy manager, specialist, technical executive, etc. In the staff list, it is allowed to indicate double job titles separated by a "-" sign, while the official salary is set for the first position in the double title.

In the event that the organization has employees who are not part of any structural unit, they are registered as "other personnel".

The name is indicated in full, in the singular of the nominative case. Abbreviations "head", "deputy", "beg." not allowed.

The number of staff units (column 4) is indicated in units for each position or profession. Positions for which the content of an incomplete staff unit is provided are indicated in the appropriate shares (0.2; 0.4, etc.).

Column 5 indicates salaries ( tariff rates), established for the performance of work in accordance with the professions (positions) listed in column 3.

Billing of works and assignment tariff categories employees are made taking into account the Unified Tariff and Qualification Handbook of Works and Professions of Workers, the Qualification Handbook for the Positions of Managers, Specialists and Other Employees.

As for the allowances (columns 6 - 8), they should also be provided for by the wage system. The types and amounts of allowances are established in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, collective agreements and local regulations.

Column 9 determines the monthly wage fund for each employee. According to Art. 129 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation under salary refers to remuneration for work depending on the qualifications of the employee, the complexity, quantity, quality and conditions of the work performed, as well as compensation and incentive payments.

According to the Guidelines for the application and filling out forms of primary accounting documentation for accounting for labor and its payment, approved by Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia N 1, in the staffing table, wages can be indicated not only in rubles, but also using percentages, coefficients, etc.

The "Note" column is intended to make operational changes or reflect features for a specific job title. Often this column is used to indicate the surname and initials individual workers holding managerial positions.

After filling in all the columns of the main part of the table, the line "Total" indicates the totals for columns 4 - 9. According to the totals of the 3rd and 9th columns, an order (instruction) is issued to approve the state with a specific number of staff units and a certain monthly pay fund labor. The order (instruction) is approved by the head of the organization or a person authorized by him.

If errors were made when filling out the form, then they can only be corrected according to the established rules, i.e. by crossing out the incorrect entries and putting the correct ones over them. At the same time, the corrections must be agreed with all the persons who signed the document and confirmed by their signatures indicating the date the corrections were made.

When drawing up the staffing table, you should pay attention to the fact that all the details provided for in the unified form are filled in the document. Only in this case it will be considered finalized and can be accepted for approval. In particular, it is necessary to fill in such details as the name of the organization and the OKPO code. Signature transcripts are also required details. If there are blank lines in the form, then they must be crossed out.

The draft staffing table is subject to agreement with the heads of structural divisions, as well as other persons related to the highest level of enterprise management. It is made according to the number of interested parties and is stored for 3 years after the approval of the staffing table.

1.3 Order of changes on the staffing table

The staffing table is a long-term document, however, if necessary, changes and additions can be made to it. Changes and additions are made by order of the head of the enterprise or a person authorized by him (see Figure 2).

Changes to the staffing table are made when the number or staff of employees is reduced. When the number is reduced, individual units are excluded, and when the staff is reduced, individual units are excluded. At the same time, employees replacing reduced positions or working in reduced professions are subject to dismissal under the relevant articles. Labor Code RF.

Changes to the staffing table are also made in accordance with the order (instruction) of the head.

There are two ways to make changes to the staffing table:

) change the staffing itself. The new staffing table for the next registration number is approved by order for the main activity;

) when the changes made to the staffing table are insignificant, they can be issued through an order for the main activity.


.1 Characteristics of the enterprise Pumori-Osnastka LLC

The object of analysis is the machine-building enterprise Pumori-Osnastka LLC, located at the address: Russia, Sverdlovsk Region, Yekaterinburg, st. Frunze, d. 35a.

Pumori-Osnastka LLC<#"justify">On a territorial basis, the company operates in the market of the Ural region, in the city of Yekaterinburg.

Pumori-Osnastka LLC in the manufacturing market technological equipment has been successfully operating for 10 years.

The main customers of Pumori-Osnastka LLC products are such companies as UDMZ LLC, ZSO Iskra LLC, SIZ LLC, Votkinsk Machine Plant, Vikom LLC, KULZ OJSC, MZMZ-VMM OJSC and other enterprises and firms.

The activities of Pumori-Osnastka LLC are:

development, production and sale of experimental, single and serial products, special technological equipment, scientific and technical products, products for industrial and technical purposes;

foreign economic activity;

other activities not prohibited by law.

The objectives of Pumori-Osnastka LLC are primarily:

providing enterprises of various industries with modern high-quality auxiliary tools, technical equipment;

increasing production efficiency by reducing non-production costs;

creation of conditions for the introduction of advanced technologies;

increasing market share by creating competitive products and increasing sales.

The main activities of Pumori-Osnastka LLC are:

tool production A;

production of technical equipment

The ratio of activities of Pumori-Osnastka LLC is presented in Figure 3.

Figure 3 - Correlation of types of activity of Pumori-Osnastka LLC in 2010

LLC "Pumori-Osnastka" is a legal entity and operates on the basis of the charter and legislation of the Russian Federation.

The organizational structure of the enterprise management of Pumori-Osnastka LLC is shown in Figure 4.

Pumori-Osnastka LLC is a subsidiary of one of the largest Russian manufacturers metal-cutting and complex auxiliary tools, equipment, a supplier of modern machine tools and equipment in the Russian Federation, is part of the Ural Machine-Building Corporation Pumori-SIZ.

The Ural Machine-Building Corporation Pumori-SIZ was created by integrating the Pumori group of enterprises and the Sverdlovsk Tool Plant. Combining the technical, industrial, scientific and creative potential of enterprises within a single structure contributed to the successful solution of complex tasks facing the Russian machine-building industry. Today UMC "Pumori-SIZ" unites more than a dozen enterprises and has subsidiaries in the cities of St. Petersburg, Perm and representative offices in Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, Novosibirsk and other cities of the Russian Federation. The Ural Machine-Building Corporation "Pumori-SIZ" has extensive business ties in Russia and abroad.

Figure 4 - Organizational structure of Pumori-Osnastka LLC

2.2 Analysis of staffing in Pumori-Osnastka LLC

The development of the staffing table at the Pumori-Osnastka LLC enterprise is used to formalize the structure, staffing and staffing of the organization in accordance with its charter.

The staff list contains a list of structural units, positions, information on the number of staff units, official salaries, allowances and monthly payroll.

The development of the staffing table at the enterprise Pumori-Osnastka LLC is carried out by the personnel department with direct interaction with the labor department and economic department.

Due to the need to develop a staffing table, Pumori-Osnastka LLC first issues an order imposing on a specific employee the responsibility for creating a draft staffing table, which sets the deadline for creating a draft staffing table. A prerequisite preparation of the draft staffing is its consistency with the heads of all departments of the enterprise.

The staffing table is approved by order signed CEO organizations.

To draw up the staffing table at Pumori-Osnastka LLC, form No. T-3 of the Album of unified forms of primary accounting documentation for accounting for labor and its payment, approved by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated 05.01.2004, is used. No. 1.

The order of arrangement of structural units and positions in them is determined by the head of the organization.

Each structural unit includes positions for all categories of personnel with an indication of the specialty, starting with the highest and ending with the junior link.

The total number of staff units according to the staffing table corresponds to the estimated number of payroll provided in the estimate.

The names of structural units and positions in the staff list are written in the nominative case in accordance with the lists of positions of employees and working professions approved in the qualification reference books.

At the moment, there are the following directories that can be used when establishing a profession (position) in the staffing table:

ETKS - Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Works and Professions of Workers;

Unified qualification directory of positions of managers, specialists and employees;

OKPDTR - All-Russian classifier professions of workers, positions of employees and wage categories.

The staffing table at Pumori-Osnastka LLC was developed and approved in 2001, subsequently, changes were made to the staffing table.

The following reasons may be given as grounds for the order:

improvement of the organizational structure of the company;

carrying out activities aimed at improving the activities of individual structural units;

company reorganization;

expansion or contraction production basis companies;

changing legislation;

optimization of management work;

planning and economic calculations of the personnel department, elimination of duplication of functions, etc.

Last modified staffing in connection with the massive reduction in the number during the period of the global financial crisis, was in January 2009, by amending the current schedule.

According to the staffing table presented in Appendix A, the number of staff units of the Pumori-Osnastka LLC enterprise is 137.4 units.

However, the staff of Pumori-Osnastka LLC is not fully formed, according to the staffing as of August 2011, the number of positions occupied is 121 positions, which is 88% of the total number of positions of the approved staff list.

In a detailed analysis of the organizational and managerial structure of Pumori-Osnastka LLC, we determined that the staffing corresponds to the activities of the enterprise, the workload of employees is uniform, the duties and managerial powers of employees are clearly distributed, according to job descriptions.


this work was devoted to the question of the role of staffing in the organization, as well as determining its structure.

In the introduction, we determined the relevance of the topic of the work, set a goal, outlined the tasks of the work, determined the object and subject of research, outlined the theoretical, research base of the work, the main research methods.

In the first chapter, based on the analysis of literary sources, we considered theoretical aspects scheduling.

The staffing table is a reporting form of a legal entity, an organizational and administrative document that reflects the structure of the organization, the number of departments, contains a list of positions indicating their number and salaries.

The staffing table is approved by an order (instruction) signed by the head of the organization or a person authorized by him.

The development of the staffing table in the organization is entrusted, as a rule, to the personnel department, or to the planning and economic department.

The way to draw up a staffing table is to fill out a unified form No. T-3.

With a reduction in the number or staff of employees, changes are made to the staffing table. Changes are made in two ways: by changing the entire staffing table or by making changes to the staffing table.

We believe that the staff list is a very important document that helps in the work of the leader and any serious organization should have it.

In the second chapter of the work, an analysis was made of the staffing at a particular enterprise - at Pumori-Osnastka LLC.

In a detailed analysis of the staffing of Pumori-Osnastka LLC, we determined that it corresponds to the activities of the enterprise, the workload of employees is uniform, the duties and managerial powers of employees are clearly distributed in accordance with job descriptions.

Thus, the writing of the work was carried out according to the relevance of the topic and the purpose set for it. The tasks set at the beginning of writing the work were fully resolved.


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Annex A

Staffing table of Pumori Osnstka LLC Unified form No. T-3 Approved by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated January 5, 2004 No. 1 STATE SCHEDULEAPPROVED By order of the organization dated "" _______ 20, No. ___ staff in the amount of 137.4 units Structural unit Position (specialty, profession), rank, class (category) of qualification Number of staff units Tariff rate (salary), etc., rub. Coemefficient of material and technical supply and cooperation Group Cooperation96 Current of the head of the department110000.0015%11500.00 Parts of material and technical supply and cooperation Group Cooperation96 Engineer for Cooperation17000.0015%Director13 , 00 -apparatus of management1 Purchase Director for Technical Issues120000.0015%23000.00 APARATE1 Engineer for labor protection0.57000.0015%4025.00APARATE OFFICAL17000.0015%8050.00APARTARY1100. 23000 23000. 00Control apparatus1 Secretary of the head17000.0015%8050.00 BUHGALTERY8 BUHGALTER37000.00 - 8000.0015%24150.00 - 27600.00 BUHGAGHTIRIA8 MEDICAL MALE125%23000.00 BUHGENTERIA EFFICIST110,00,00 and energy68Energetik110000.0015%11500.00Department of Chief Mechanic and Energy. Group of Electronics Engineers69Electronics Engineer0.514000.0015%8050.00Department of Chief Mechanical and Power Engineering. Group of electronic engineers69Electronics engineer of the 1st category0.57000.00 - 14000.0015%4025.00 - 8050.00Department of chief mechanic and power engineer. Group of electronic engineers69Team leader0.520000.0015%11500.00Department of chief mechanic and power engineer. Group of repair and maintenance of equipment of workshops No. 2, No. 371 Repairman27000.0015%16100.00Department of Chief Mechanic and Energy. Group of repair and maintenance of CNC machines70Mechanic-repairman114000.0015%16100.00Department of chief mechanic and power engineer. Plot for the current repair of electrical equipment 72Electromonter for repair and maintenance of electrical equipment17000.0015%8050.00 Mistaging and Sales11 Paper of the head of the department210000.0015%23000.00 Mistractor of marketing and sales111 technical supply and cooperation92Head of department112000.0015%13800.00Department of logistics and cooperation. Garage.93Forwarding driver17000.0015%8050.00Procurement and cooperation department. Supply group.95Procurement engineer17000.0015%8050.00Procurement and cooperation department. Warehouse of metals and fuels and lubricants.94Loader-auxiliary worker17000.0015%152950.00Department of logistics and cooperation. Warehouse of metals and fuel and lubricants 94-plate17000.0015%8050.00 Technical control 27 Engineer-controller17000.0015%8050.00 Technical control 27 controller -dispatch department3Production preparation engineer17000.0015%8050.00Production and dispatch department3Head of department112000.0015%13800.00Technical department63Documentation process engineer17000.0015%8050.00Technical department63Head of department112000.0015%13800.00Technical department. Modeling and Design Bureau66Lead Design Engineer37000.0015%24150.00Technical Department. Modeling and Design Bureau66Head of Bureau110000.0015%11500.00Technical Department. Rationing Bureau64Labor Rationing Engineer17000.0015%8050.00Technical Department. Rationing Bureau64Head of Bureau110000.0015%11500.00Technical department. Bureau of control programs for machine tools with program control65Programming engineer27000.0015%16100.00Technical department. Bureau of control programs for machine tools with program control65Head of the bureau110000.0015%11500.00Technical department. Auxiliary Tool Technology Bureau59Process Engineer37000.0015%24150.00Technical Department. Auxiliary Tool Technology Bureau59Head of Bureau110000.0015%11500.00Technical Department. Technological bureau of shaping equipment58Process engineer17000.0015%8050.00Technical department. Technological bureau of shaping equipment58Head of the bureau110000.0015%11500.00Packaging section74Head of the section0.44000.0015%1840.00Works No. 2 Tooling, dies and fixtures. 0015%8050.00Shop No. 2 Tooling, dies and fixtures.4Setter of machine tools with PU (milling)17000.0015%8050.00Shop No.2 Tooling, dies and fixtures.4Head of shop112000.0015%13800.00Shop No.2 Tooling, dies and fixtures.4 Operator of machine tools with PU 6 category 17000.0015% 8050.00 Workshop No. 2 Tooling, dies and fixtures. 4Operator of machine tools with PU (milling)17000.0015%8050.00Shop No. 2 Tooling, dies and fixtures.4Operator of machine tools with PU 5 category 17000.0015%8050.00Workshop No.2 Tooling, dies and fixtures.4 Distributor of work 4 categories17000.0015 %8050.00Shop No. 2 Tooling, dies and fixtures.4Cutter on saws and machine tools17000.0015%Shop No.2 Tooling, dies and fixtures.4Mechanic-toolmaker of the 5th category17000.0015%Shop No.2 Tooling, dies and fixtures.4Locksmith 6th category toolmaker27000.0015% Workshop No. 2 Tooling, dies and fixtures. 4 Turner 3 category 17000.0015% Workshop No. 2 Tooling, dies and fixtures. Discharge27000.0015% Workshop No. 2 Tooling, dies and fixtures. 4 Turner-borer17000.0015% 8050.00 ik17000.0015%8050.00Shop No. 2 Tooling, dies and fixtures.4 Milling machine 4 category17000.0015%8050.00Shop No.2 Tooling, dies and fixtures. 4 Grinder 6 grade 17000.0015% 8050.00 Workshop No. 2 Tooling, dies and fixtures. 00Workshop No.3 Auxiliary and cutting tools5Driver of electric and truck trolley17000.0015%8050.00Shop No.3 Auxiliary and cutting tools5Production preparation engineer17000.0015%8050.00Workshop No.3 Auxiliary and cutting tools5Storekeeper17000.0015%8050.00Shop No.3 -distributor of works17000.0015%8050.00Shop No.3 Auxiliary and cutting tools5 Head of shop112000.0015%13800.00Shop No.3 Auxiliary and cutting tool5 Distributor of works27000.0015%16100.00Shop No. 3 Auxiliary and cutting tools. Pre-treatment section33Section foreman110000.0015%11500.00Shop No. 3 Auxiliary and cutting tools. Pre-treatment section33Setter of machine tools with PU (lathes)27000.0015%16100.00Shop No. 3 Auxiliary and cutting tools. Pre-processing section33Adjuster of machine tools with PU (milling)37000.0015%24150.00Shop No. 3 Auxiliary and cutting tools. Pre-treatment section33 Operator of machine tools with PU (lathes) 4 categories17000.0015%8050.00Shop No. 3 Auxiliary and cutting tools. Pre-processing section33 Operator of machine tools with PU (lathes) 37000.0015% 24150.00 Workshop No. 3 Auxiliary and cutting tools. Pre-processing section33 Operator of machine tools with PU (lathes) 3 category37000.0015%24150.00Shop No. 3 Auxiliary and cutting tools. Pre-processing section33 Operator of machine tools with PU (milling) 57000.0015% 40250.00 Workshop No. 3 Auxiliary and cutting tools. Pre-treatment section33 Operator of machine tools with PU (milling) 3 category17000.0015%8050.00Shop No. 3 Auxiliary and cutting tools. Pre-treatment section33Turner37000.0015%24150.00Shop No.3 Auxiliary and cutting tools. Pre-treatment section33 4th category turner27000.0015%16100.00Shop No. 3 Auxiliary and cutting tools. Pre-treatment section33 turner of the 6th category17000.0015%8050.00Shop No. 3 Auxiliary and cutting tools. Pre-treatment section33Miller17000.0015%8050.00Shop No.3 Auxiliary and cutting tools. Pre-treatment section33 Milling operator of the 5th category17000.0015%8050.00Shop No. 3 Auxiliary and cutting tools. Finishing and assembly section.34 Section foreman110000.0015%11500.00Shop No. 3 Auxiliary and cutting tools. Finishing and assembly section.34Adjuster of machine tools with PU (grinding)17000.0015%8050.00Shop No. 3 Auxiliary and cutting tools. Finishing and assembly section. 34 Operator of machine tools with PU (laser installation) 17000.0015% 8050.00 Workshop No. 3 Auxiliary and cutting tools. Finishing and assembly section. 34 Operator of machine tools with PU (grinding) 17000.0015% 8050.00 Workshop No. 3 Auxiliary and cutting tools. Finishing and assembly section.34Mechanical assembly worker27000.0015%16100.00Shop No.3 Auxiliary and cutting tools. Finishing and assembly section. 34Mechanical assembly work fitter 4 category17000.0015%8050.00Shop No. 3 Auxiliary and cutting tools. Finishing and assembly section. Finishing and assembly section.34Mechanical assembly worker, 6th category17000.0015%8050.00Shop No. 3 Auxiliary and cutting tools. Finishing and assembly section. Finishing and assembly area. Finishing and assembly section.34Grinder (profile grinding)27000.0015%16100.00Shop No. 3 Auxiliary and cutting tools. Finishing and assembly section.34Grinder 4th category17000.0015%8050.00Shop No. 3 Auxiliary and cutting tools. Finishing and assembly department.34Grinder 5th category

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