I will sell a line for the production of antifreeze and antifreeze. The production of antifreeze and antifreeze is your own business. Premises and rent


Almost every family has a car, and some even have several. Such expensive equipment requires regular maintenance. And many make decent money from car care products.

A little earlier, just water was poured into the radiator, but now they use a special coolant, which is called antifreeze or antifreeze. Such a liquid requires periodic replacement, and if the radiator begins to leak, then a constant addition of coolant is necessary until the repair of the latter occurs. Although, most often, drivers begin to delay this process. Therefore, the demand for antifreeze and antifreeze is always there, and due to the growth of the automotive industry and the demand for transport, it will always remain stably high.

Premises and rent.

It is best to choose a room in an industrial area and away from a residential area. The size of the room will range from 300 to 500 m2. The entire area will be conditionally divided into warehouses and the production part.

Warehouses will be conditionally divided into zones where raw materials will be stored and finished product. It is also worth highlighting the area where simply empty plastic bottles, this area can not be heated, and the remaining zones will require maintaining a normal, stable temperature throughout the entire storage period: from 16 to 25 degrees.

Antifreeze and antifreeze will be manufactured in the production zone. About 50 m2 of the area will be occupied by the production line itself (this is the norm for small installations).

When choosing a room, special attention should be paid to fire safety. It must be third degree. It is worth being prepared for the fact that representatives from local fire safety authorities will constantly visit. But visitors from the side of ecology should not be expected, because the production is absolutely waste-free. A room of this type will cost about $500-700 monthly rent.


For the manufacture of antifreeze and antifreeze, a special modern installation is purchased, the size of the smallest will be about 10 m2.

The main elements of the production line are:

1. Water demineralization machine - $1.2 thousand;

2. Mixing containers - $600-800;

3. Steam condenser - 3 thousand $;

4. Reactor - about $5,000;

5. Bottle blowing line - up to $2,000;

6. Packing equipment - about $1,000.

The prices of such a production line will depend on the manufacturer. Buying a modern installation, you can minimize manual labor and make production uninterrupted. It is also worth considering that the installation will need to be washed regularly. By hand this is impossible, so it is necessary to invest in a washing plant.

Total for necessary equipment it is worth allocating at least $15,000.

Raw material.

Antifreeze and antifreeze are based on three main liquids - water, concentrate and additives. The water used is not simple, but special, purified with no salt in the composition. In addition to water, an additive, glycol and dyes are used. Most often, a special machine is purchased that demineralizes water. The remaining raw materials are freely available and it is quite easy to find a seller. The cost of raw materials will be about $2,000.


The number of people in the state will directly depend on the volume of production. For a minimum maintenance of a small installation, up to 10 people are needed. Workers in the workshop can only have a special technical education, this is quite enough, because the production process itself is accessible to everyone and is quite easy.

Instead of operators for bottling antifreeze and antifreeze in bottles, it is priority to hire women, because, as proven in practice, they cope much better with this task than male workers. In addition to operators on the line, you need to invite laborers, an accountant and a shop manager to work. It is worth allocating about $4,000 to pay workers.

It is most profitable to promote products through outdoor advertising, which must be placed in places with a large gathering of car drivers. This place is near car parks, not far from parking lots, busy intersections. You can also use automotive-related printed materials, both magazines and printed newspapers. Also, to attract buyers, you should create your own website.

At first, it can be quite simple. It is also worth participating in automotive forums. If funds allow, you can create your own video on the TV channel. At the dawn of business development, it is necessary to organize a large-scale promotion, perhaps a discount or a gift (car fragrance, key chain, car cup) for each purchased canister. In total, it is worth allocating about $ 200 for advertising.

Business start-up costs.

To organize a business, you need to consider the following expenses:

1. Room rental - $500-700;

2. Equipment - $15 thousand;

3. Raw materials - 2 thousand $;

To open own production for manufacturing antifreeze and antifreeze, you need to prepare an amount of at least $ 22 thousand.

Profit and payback period.

The production equipment is capable of producing about 1,000 liters per hour. If your production works in two shifts, then about 10 thousand liters will be produced per day. For a month of work, it is possible to produce about 300 thousand liters of antifreeze and antifreeze. One liter of the product costs $0.5 - this is the market value of the product. If we talk about 600 thousand liters of coolant, then in a month you can make a profit of $ 150 thousand. But, this is not a net profit, and only 20% will come to the share of the company. This is $35,000 in income. Working in this mode and with 100% sales of products, you can reach the full payback of the business in 3-4 months.

Clients and direction development.

Business customers are shops, supermarkets, markets, as well as car repair shops, workshops and service stations. To develop a business, you can create a laboratory in your own production, the investment is quite justified, since there are enough people who want to check products and quality. You can also open your own company store or even a whole network.

In the production of antifreezes, there cannot and should not be compromises. The damage that a surrogate coolant can cause to a car and its owner's wallet is too great. The topic of technology in the context of the production of antifreezes is relevant already because it should help the end buyer to correctly navigate the coolant market and be able to choose the right and high-quality product.

It is worth recognizing that it is rather difficult to find a manufacturer of high-quality antifreezes in Russia. The scope of the counterfeit antifreeze market in our country indicates that most domestic manufacturers of coolants do not strive to produce quality products. Why would they spend extra money if what they produce at no extra cost sells well? In addition, our enterprises simply cannot afford to invest heavily in the development of high-quality compounds, additives and their serious running and bench tests. After all, with the volume of the country's modern vehicle fleet, they simply will not be able to regularly sell a large volume of products sufficient to “beat off” such costly events.

Therefore, there are no manufacturers of truly modern components for antifreeze that meet international standards, and hence the current requirements of engines, in Russia. The only way out is to bring such components from abroad, but few people are willing to bear the additional costs.

We add that domestic manufacturers of antifreezes from Russian components, unlike world leaders in this field, do not interact with automotive brands at the development stage, which means they cannot guarantee full and long-term protection of all engine elements and other auto components. Taking into account the peculiarities of the Russian car market, the only real scheme for organizing the production of world-class high-quality coolant in our country looks like this: importing the best foreign additive packages, blending and packaging products at a production site in Russia. This is exactly how the business of the Technoform company is organized, the largest manufacturer antifreeze under the Coolstream brand. Strategic partner The company is the Belgian company Arteco, a joint venture between Chevron and Total. Arteco is known worldwide as a developer and manufacturer of additives, antifreezes and heat transfer fluids. The scale of the company's work is evidenced by the fact that the share of Arteco antifreezes in factory filling in Europe reaches 40%. Arteco specialists create all products in cooperation with specialists from automakers, developing antifreezes under technical requirements appropriate cooling systems for each engine and vehicle manufacturer. The company has the resources to invest in the development of efficient technologies, to create and test new antifreeze additives. Arteco spends millions of euros annually on testing its products alone, and the volume of these investments is steadily growing.

What is the significance of such a partnership for Technoform? This mainly gives access to advanced manufacturing technologies and quality antifreeze components. This allows the company to produce a coolant that is in high demand in the retail market, and is also used for conveyor refueling in cars of foreign and domestic brands, including Ford, Renault, Nissan, Volkswagen, Skoda, Audi, KIA, Hyundai, Peugeot, Citroen, Mitsubishi, Volvo, LADA, KAMAZ, GAZ and others. The production of Technoform is localized in Russia, two blending enterprises operate here, in Nizhnekamsk and Klimovsk. In their functional and technological essence, these plants are the Russian part of a single international production structure joint venture between Chevron and Total.

So, in addition to modern technologies In order to produce high-quality antifreezes, other components are also needed: high-quality additives and premium ethylene glycol, as well as blending equipment with high mixing accuracy.

For the production of coolant, two technologies are mainly used, which differ in the types of additive packages.

Traditional is the technology by which a group of mineral corrosion inhibitors (borates, phosphates, nitrates, etc.) is added to the water-glycol solution. The notorious antifreeze is just made using this technology. Inside the cooling system, mineral inhibitors form a film that protects the system components from corrosion, but also reduces the heat transfer efficiency by several times. This negatively affects the operation of the engine, fuel consumption increases, wear of rubbing elements increases, and the process of oil oxidation accelerates. Over time, the film formed by mineral inhibitors on the metal components of the system begins to break down, the metal is exposed, and corrosion occurs in these places.

The modern technology in coolant production is organic technology (OAT technology). It involves the use of salts of carboxylic acids, which are highly effective in combating corrosion. The package of additives with carboxylic acids "activates" on the corrosive areas of the metal and stops this destructive process. Due to this selective action, in which almost the entire metal surface is exposed, the heat exchange efficiency in the engine is not reduced, which means there is no risk of premature wear of its components, increased fuel consumption and premature oil production. Plus, such antifreeze works in the system for five to ten years. The use of carboxylate coolant allows you to reduce the overall cost of operating the car, save money on maintenance of the cooling system.

But in Russia, a third technology has also become widespread - the technology for the production of a surrogate coolant. Unscrupulous coolant manufacturers, in order to minimize production costs, do not produce antifreezes, but surrogate glycerin-methanol compounds that are dangerous for the car's cooling system. They have a low boiling point and a high freezing point, high viscosity and density. Methanol coolers in the heat or when driving in traffic jams quickly boil. Overheating in the cooling system and a decrease in the efficiency of heat dissipation provoke an increase in fuel consumption and reduce engine power. And ignoring such a problem threatens to reduce the life of the engine and can lead to its breakdown and costly repairs.

In a word, those who are informed are armed against counterfeit and surrogate products.

". This time I want to bring to your attention the work of student Evgeny V. "Business plan for the sale of antifreeze". The initial investment is 1.5 million rubles, and the monthly profit is approximately 275000 rubles, therefore, such an enterprise will pay off for 6 months.

So, in order to choose a profitable startup, you need to consider what is currently in demand on the market. As is known, most Russian Federation is located in a zone of prolonged frosts, which is why local motorists simply need an anti-freeze liquid. It can be concluded- a small workshop for the production of antifreeze will bring its owner a good income, with the right business organization. Read on.

- a substance consisting of water, alcohol, propylene glycol, glycerin, fragrances and anti-corrosion agents. A similar composition is used throughout the world as an anti-freeze and glass cleaner.

The production of antifreeze liquids has the following advantages:
Raw materials are cheap and available for purchase,
The production technology is so simple that antifreeze can be produced even at home. This reduces the initial investment.
A large sales market guarantees consistently high incomes.

It is quite possible that this business will seem unprofitable to some, since the anti-freeze is usually used only in the winter. Unfortunately, this is true, but even in the warm season, the manufacturer will not be left without profit, because the variability of technology makes it possible to reorient the enterprise at any time. By slightly changing the composition of the final product, you can no longer make antifreeze, but glass cleaner fluid. Such products are especially necessary for motorists in the warm season.

What is important to consider?

In fact, it does not matter what exactly our small plant will produce, because almost the same raw materials are used to create antifreeze and glass cleaner, and the difference is only in the ratio of the ingredients used.

Starting production, we need to attract a qualified specialist who can work out the composition of a high-quality liquid. But since this is too expensive for us, we will have to independently study all the subtleties of the technical process. Good for all necessary information can be found on the Internet.

For our production we need the following raw materials:
Distilled water,
ethylene glycol,
Various fragrances,
isopropyl alcohol,
Surfactants (surfactants).

It is important to understand that during the production process, some ingredients can be used or vice versa - some components can be added to the recipe. But absolutely each of the substances will affect the final quality of the product.

It is also important to remember one important nuance: if our final product contains nine or more than 9% pure alcohol, then we will have to pay an excise tax (indirect tax). So for us it is necessary to keep the alcohol level so that it is less than 9%.

Moreover, there is another opportunity to save money. It is pretty obvious that antifreeze can be made up of cheaper components. For example, most manufacturers use methyl alcohol instead of isopropyl alcohol. The problem is that methyl alcohol is an extremely poisonous and toxic substance; if a person inhales its vapors, very serious poisoning can occur. This sad fact does not stop handicraft production, but we don’t want to poison people, because it’s bad, and we don’t really want to go to jail. Moreover, having bought an antifreeze with methyl alcohol once, the buyer is unlikely to purchase it again, and we need a stable income while remaining a conscientious company.

Secondary raw materials include bottling containers and, of course, company labels.

When building a production line, it is important to adhere to the following plan:
Water purification (but if we buy distilled water, then it is not required),
mixing ingredients,
Thermal treatment of liquid,
Bottling of the final product,
sticker on container labels,
And finally, warehousing products.

To create a windshield wiper or anti-freeze, the release technology does not change. Moreover, with a little modification chemical composition you can get other substances that motorists need to care for the car.

Even with our simplest production technology, it is impossible to do without equipment, unless, of course, we are going to manufacture our product on a negligibly small scale for personal use. So, for the workshop it is necessary to purchase the following devices (this applies to explicit variable costs):
thermal reactor,
filling machine,
container with stirrer,
brand labeling machine,
intermediate tanks.

The equipment listed above is already designed for prepared distilled water. If we do not want to buy water separately, but purify it ourselves, then we will have to purchase a system for its purification, which will cost somewhere at 200,000 rubles. But this system will be simply necessary in the long run.

Mathematical Calculations

We have exactly two options: buy all equipment separately or equip our workshop with a complete line. The only difference is that if you buy the machines separately, you can save a little, but the downside is that you will probably have to do some operations manually (this will apply to constant implicit costs, since this will reduce production capacity). In turn, the assembled lines are more expensive, but they have one very important plus.– they have excellent production capacity and full automation of the process, which will save on employees.

Equipment price for the production of antifreeze on a small scale (≈500 l/h) is on average equal to 700000 - 1200000 rubles. And high-performance machines (≈1500 l/h) from European brands will cost up to 1700000 rubles and this is without taking into account the possible delivery to the assembly site, but this does not concern our startup, since we take the average option for 950000 rubles. Also to market value devices need to be added. from 50000 rubles for its installation, adjustment and launch.

For such a workshop, workers will be needed at the rate of 3 people - 2 at the conveyor production and the mechanic on duty. Because highly qualified they are not required, the salary will be in the area 25000 rubles per month . Repair, on average, will cost at 150,000 rubles in year.

Now let's calculate the approximate profit from such an enterprise. As I said at the very beginning, the antifreeze business can pay off in as soon as possible(although it all depends on the purchased production line). This figure includes all capital investments and we get a pretty good profitability indicator. According to minimal estimates, the cost of organizing a mini-workshop with a productivity somewhere 500 l/h, where some operations will have to be performed manually, approximately 1500000 rubles . This figure includes the purchase, setup, delivery and debugging of machines (approximately 1000000 rubles ), preparation for work of the premises and, of course, its rent (somewhere 200000 rubles ) and, finally, the purchase of raw materials and containers for half a year (approximately 300000 rubles ).

It is very difficult to calculate specific profit figures, which is why we have indicated profitability from half a year to one year. It all depends on the volume of output of the final product, the system for the sale of finished goods and the pricing policy in the selected region of the Russian Federation. But you can still calculate the approximate income. An “average” windshield washer fluid or antifreeze with a volume of 5 liters is on the wholesale market somewhere 250-600 rubles . In other words, with a price of 350 rubles and a label that inspires confidence, in a month of net income will be released 560000 rubles (assuming that the company is initial stage and productivity due to the small amount of raw materials is very far from the technical limit, and the mode of operation 20 working days per month and 8-hour days ).

We remove VAT in the amount of 18% (depreciation), wages for workers, repairs, raw materials, delivery to points of sale, losses in production, and we get about 275,000 rubles.

Due to high demand, cheap labor and relatively inexpensive elementary raw materials this enterprise payback, on average, for 6 months.

I don’t understand anything about antifreeze, but the work seemed interesting to me. If you have any thoughts on the content, be sure to write in the comments. It will be interesting to read.

Sincerely, Marina Shirshikova

You may be interested in other topics for business:

The number of car owners in Russia is steadily growing. The presence of a car in the family is considered the norm, not a luxury. Each car also requires special maintenance, which is impossible without auto chemical goods. You can build a good business on this, for example, to establish the production of antifreeze. It's easy to do.

Features of the production of antifreeze

Now no one pours water into the radiator and expansion tank, as our grandfathers did. At least in the cold season. There is a wonderful substance that, when exposed to negative temperatures, does not freeze, but simply thickens. Every driver is familiar with antifreeze. So that you do not need to issue a license, it all comes down to obtaining standard permits and registration of a trademark.

Not all antifreeze is the same

Antifreeze fluids may contain various chemicals. You, as a future businessman, must choose for yourself the best formula that will make your product competitive and attractive for continuous use.

  1. Adding saline or hydrochloric acid will help achieve a non-freezing effect, but such antifreeze will not be successful, since exposure to the metal has an extremely negative effect.
  2. Alcohol-containing antifreezes are now not used as widely as we would like.
  3. Glycol antifreezes are now the most popular and common. They are not afraid of frost even at -60 degrees.

In addition to the main substance, it is necessary to add fragrance, demineralized water and dye to the composition of antifreeze.

We explore the sales market

Having decided on what kind of antifreeze will be produced at the future enterprise, you can proceed to the next stage on the path of building a business with your own hands. And it consists in carrying out marketing research market features. You will need to cover not only your region, but also neighboring ones.

The ideal option would be to conclude an agreement for the supply of antifreeze with at least one enterprise. Worth trying to get state support, motivating this by the fact that your business provides new jobs and contributes to economic development region.

We delve into the essence of the production process of antifreeze

A business based on the production of antifreeze automotive fluids does not require deep knowledge of chemistry. Moreover, even the involvement of a person with the appropriate education is not required. And all because the production process of antifreeze is extremely simple and consists of the following steps:

  1. water purification;
  2. connection of all constituent components, the listing of which can be found above;
  3. heating the resulting mixture;
  4. pouring antifreeze into plastic bottles.

In the production of antifreeze, certain proportions of the components used must be observed.

When drawing up, do not forget about the cost of electricity, which will have to be spent on heating the mixture. If heating coils are responsible for this process, then when ordering equipment, it is necessary to separately negotiate with the manufacturer about equipping the reactor with a heating element. You can go the other way and purchase steam condensate from a CHP. This will be additional equipment, the purchase of which will increase the initial investment, but in the future will save on electricity.

That's all the main stages of the production of antifreeze, necessary for the organization of a businessman who will create a business from scratch with his own hands. A small labor force is expected, since almost all the work is done on equipment. So it's time to study the technical side.

Choose a room

The production workshop must have a number of features so that in the future there will be no problems with controlling and inspection bodies.

  1. Fire safety. The workshop must meet the third class. To do this, you need to appoint a responsible person, put a box filled with sand, organize a fire shield and take care of fire extinguishers. All this is easy to do with your own hands, without the involvement of specialists.
  2. Environmental safety may not concern you, since production may be waste-free.
  3. Sanitary requirements require the presence of a washstand and an exhaust system.
  4. The area cannot be less than 50 sq. meters. At the same time, antifreeze equipment will occupy only 10 square meters. meters. It is difficult to cover this issue, since each businessman independently decides the need to allocate a warehouse for the storage of containers, finished products and concentrates.

Necessary equipment

Equipment will take up a large share of the budget, so get ready to spend. Each item from the list below will be mandatory and irreplaceable:

  1. A reactor with a three-layer design, in which the prepared mixture will be heated to the required temperature.
  2. A container equipped with an engine, gearbox, blades, which are necessary for thorough mixing of the antifreeze components.
  3. Pipelines connecting tanks and containers to each other.
  4. A compressor that will be responsible for transporting the substance within the production system.
  5. Automatic antifreeze bottling, capping and labeling equipment.

The money that will be invested may return in a month, six months or even a year. To shorten the payback period and make the business more profitable, you can start producing other antifreeze liquids for car care using the same technical equipment. It can be a windshield washer and car shampoo. The expansion of production units will require the purchase of a special reactor, which will be used to wash the containers during the transition from shampoo to antifreeze.

An expanded product range will facilitate entry into the automotive chemicals market.

Equipment can vary greatly in cost, the level of which will fluctuate depending on its power, performance and country of origin. You can choose Italian equipment or pay attention to offers from Russian companies. The choice is yours.

  1. With enough demand, the business is sure to be profitable.
  2. Maintain product quality high level- this will allow you to take a strong position in the market and hope for the successful promotion of the brand.
  3. The name of the antifreeze should be sonorous and easy to remember.
  4. The information on the label must be complete and true.
  5. Consider working in shifts.

It is not difficult to organize a business for the production of antifreeze with your own hands, if you are not afraid of difficulties, believe in yourself and purposefully move forward.

All businessmen know that it is much more profitable to produce products and sell them than just sell them. This rule applies to everyone the same.

In order to reduce costs, increase sales or increase margins, regular quality control of goods, many networks of car dealerships, service stations and gas stations, as well as logistics companies, organize additional production.

Most often, ready-made production means not just the purchase of additional equipment, but a turnkey business, a ready-made solution.

About how to start the production of automotive fluids, namely antifreeze, antifreeze and detergents, will be described in more detail below.

Before making a decision, it is necessary to make a thorough analysis of the auto chemical goods market, weigh the possible production volumes and their payback. The Russian car market is constantly growing and, according to experts, this growth will continue for at least another 10 years, from which it follows that the demand for operating fluids and auto chemicals will continue for a long time to come.

However, development takes place differently in each region, so a businessman who decides to launch such a production must independently evaluate and weigh all the risks before purchasing a ready-made business solution.

In order to get a return on investment as quickly as possible, it is necessary to produce about 50 tons of antifreeze every month. Plus, expand the production line, add antifreeze and car shampoo to the antifreeze.

It is difficult to name the exact payback periods, everything is individual here, the run-up in time can be from two weeks to six months. by the most the best option turnover of goods will be a preliminary agreement on the release of certain volumes of products for sale.

By launching this production, the entrepreneur opens additional jobs, which helps to receive support from the regional government in the form of investments. Despite the fact that the activity is carried out through the so-called "basement production", you should not be afraid of this, observing the technology of manufacturing products, the quality properties of the goods do not suffer and withstand competition very well.

How to organize a business production

This type of activity in the context of the products in question does not require licensing. To organize a production site, an entrepreneur will need to complete all the necessary documents in the fire, sanitary and environmental inspections and register a trademark.


Production room must comply with the third class of fire safety, control and compliance with all standards will require the appointment of a responsible person. The production room must be equipped with fire extinguishers, a fire shield and a box of sand.

Where to get money to start own business? This is the problem faced by 95% of new entrepreneurs! In the article, we have revealed the most relevant ways to obtain start-up capital for an entrepreneur. We also recommend that you carefully study the results of our experiment in exchange earnings:

There should be no problems with environmental inspection at all, all production is waste-free, which is described in more detail below. In accordance with sanitary standards, the room must be equipped with an exhaust hood over the equipment and a washstand.

The most optimal workshop area should be approximately 300 - 500 sq.m. The installation itself occupies 10 sq.m., the minimum area allocated for it must be at least 50 sq.m. an area is also needed to store empty canisters and products that make up the production. They can be stored in an open area or in an unheated room. For a better arrangement of the traffic flow, it is necessary to separate the warehouse and production area.


The number of personnel at the site depends on the volume of production, starting from approximately three people or more. For shop workers, it is enough to have a secondary technical education, since the process and technology at all stages of production are described in detail.

Exact following the instructions will increase the minimum GOST values ​​by an order of magnitude. It is recommended to hire women to replace the employees who pour liquid into containers, as they are much better at this task than men.

In the case of sufficiently large production volumes, it would be advisable to purchase an additional automatic or semi-automatic bottling line for operating fluids in containers from 0.5 to 10 liters, the productivity of this equipment reaches 2000 l / h.

Production technology

Production technology different types liquids - coolants, glass cleaners and detergents, consists in certain proportions of special water, concentrate and additive package. In this regard, all three liquids are produced on the same equipment; between the production of each individual type, it is necessary to flush the installation well.

This is especially true for the production of shampoo, which will require the purchase of a reactor that will wash the equipment well enough and quickly. It takes a long time to do it manually.

The special water mentioned earlier is demineralized water and is an essential ingredient for every type of liquid. According to the production technology, the mixtures must be heated; in order to save energy, it is recommended to use the steam condensate of the CHP. In the case of using treated or filtered water, it will be necessary to install additional heating elements on the reactor and, accordingly, include an increase in electricity costs in the cost price.

It has already been written above that this production is waste-free, that is, it excludes the discharge of dirty water. Between the transitions from the production of one liquid to another, residues or water from the wash can be used in the next production.

To eliminate possible spills, trays are easily installed under the system, the liquid from which is also collected and stored until the next use.

Knowledge is power

Everyone knows that it is impossible, when starting a new business, to do without mistakes. That's why most in demand does not use the equipment, namely ready business"turnkey", with a description of absolutely all the processes of production and accounting. If all the recommendations are followed at a high level, even any newcomer to the auto business is guaranteed to achieve excellent results.

Video: how the antifreeze bottling line works

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