Conclusions on staff turnover. Personnel turnover rate: calculation, analysis, conclusions. Managing the staff turnover process and methods to reduce its level


An analysis of the number of workers leaving a facility (turnover or attrition) provides the information to use for supply forecasting, that is, calculations can be made based on the amount of loss that may need to be made up. More importantly, an analysis of the number of quitters and the reasons why they left the enterprise provides information that can be used to suggest whether measures should be taken to improve employee retention rates. It may suggest the direction of further research to establish the causes and determine the means to overcome employee turnover.

This section discusses the following aspects of employee turnover:


measurement methods;

causes of turnover;

what is it worth;

how to compare employee turnover rates with reference values.

The value of employee turnover

AT "//?? The Employee Development Bulletin* (IRS, 2000) noted: “Turnout rates provide a graphic illustration of the turbulence in an organization. High employee attrition rates can destabilize the business and reduce the motivation of those who are trying to maintain the level of service delivery and product output against the backdrop of vacancies, inexperience of new employees and general dissatisfaction. It is clear that with an increase in staff turnover, the costs of hiring labor, internships and professional education. CIPD (CIPD, 2000) notes:

Turnover can be the result of negative job attitudes, low job satisfaction, combined with the possibility of getting a secure job elsewhere, i.e. the state of the labor market. On the other hand, employee turnover is the normal state of a functioning organization and while high employee turnover can be destructive, some level of turnover is expected and can be beneficial to the organization.

Measurement methods

There are a number of ways to measure employee turnover, which are described below. Staff turnover index

The employee turnover index (sometimes referred to as the job loss index) labor resources or personnel) is the traditional formula for measuring waste. CIPD describes it as a "gross loss method". It is calculated as follows:

Number of employees who left in a certain period (usually a year) x x 100 / average number of employees in the same period

Since such an index is easy to calculate and understand, it is widely used. For HR purposes, it is very easy to calculate that if a company wants to increase its headcount by 50 people, from 150 to 200, and the turnover rate is 20% (loss of 30 people), then if this trend continues, in order to increase and maintain the staff by level 200 people during next year, will have to hire 80 people (50 additional workers plus 40 people to replace 20% of the losses of an average of 200 workers). This index can also be used to compare the organization with other firms that also apply this ratio.

This loss formula is easy to use but deceptive. The main objection to estimating employee turnover using the percentage of employees who left during a given period is that these figures can be inflated, due to high turnover relative to an overall small proportion of employees, especially during periods of active hiring. Thus, a company with 150 employees could have an annual loss index of 20%, meaning that 30 jobs became vacant during that year. But this indicator can be extended to the entire company, covering all professions and workers with long and short work experience. Or this index could be limited to a small proportion of workers - only 20 jobs could be filled, although each of these positions had to be refilled ten times during this year. These are very different situations and if they are not analyzed, projections of future needs will be inaccurate and inadequate remedial action may be taken. The turnover index is also suspicious if the average number of employees against which the percentage is calculated is not representative of recent trends due to a significant increase or decrease in the number of employees over the period. When collecting and analyzing employee turnover figures, it is important to obtain information on various categories of employees, especially those who are difficult to find and retain, such as highly skilled workers and knowledge workers.

survival rate

A particularly important method of analyzing employee turnover for those involved in human resource planning is the survival rate: the proportion of workers employed for a certain period of time who remain in the enterprise after a certain number of months or years. Thus, an analysis of the number of interns who have completed their internship might show that after two years, ten people out of the original group of twenty interns are still working in the organization, i.e. the survival rate is 50%.

The distribution of losses within each group can be plotted in the form of a "survival curve" as shown in Fig. 24.2. It has been found that the basic shape of this curve is similar for many situations, although it has been observed that its peak may be farther along the time axis and/or may be lower when the curve refers to highly skilled or trained groups of workers. Table 24.1. shows human resource planners that until they improve retention rates, they will allow half of the new hires in any given year to leave within the next five years. Thus, in order to ensure the availability of fifty trained workers in five years, one hundred workers should be hired this year. Such specific numbers can accelerate action, especially when the costs of hiring and training employees are taken into account.

Percentage of retired workers from the total number of new hires

Half life index

A simpler concept derived from the survival rate is the half-life index, which is defined as the time it took for a group of newcomers to halve their original population through a leakage process (five years in the example above). You can then compare the data with subsequent years or between various groups workers to identify where action needs to be taken to reduce undesirable attrition trends.

Stability index

Many people believe that the stability index is more accurate than the employee turnover index.

Here is its formula:

Number of employees with work experience of one year or more x x 100 / number of employees who entered a year ago.

This index shows how many employees with longer tenure tend to stay in the company, and therefore shows the degree of continuity of the company's employment. But this index can also be misleading, because it does not reveal the wide variety of situations that take place in the organization.

Experience analysis

The lack of the stability index can be partly overcome if, in addition, an analysis is made of the average work experience of people who leave, as is done in Table. 24.2.

This analysis is rather rough, as it only deals with those who leave. A more subtle analysis would compare, for each category of worker, the number of employees leaving the job. If in the above example the total number of employees with less than three months of experience was one hundred and the total number of employees with more than five years of experience was also one hundred, then the percentage of quitters in relation to each group would be 28% and 11%, respectively - these are more significant numbers, especially if you can analyze previous periods to identify adverse trends.

Grade selection

It is difficult to avoid the temptation to use the traditional employee turnover index method as the easiest and most familiar of all measurement methods. But it needs to be supplemented with some kind of stability assessment. Analyzing employee turnover or loss as part of the human resource planning process requires detailed information on the seniority of departing employees in order to identify problem areas and provide a basis for proposal forecasts.

Analysis of the causes of staff turnover

An analysis of the reasons for leaving, which are established at the interview with the departing employees, will give useful information, on the basis of which you can draw up plans for retaining employees. These interviews are designed to find out why employees leave, not to convince them to stay. Reasons for dismissal can be classified into the following categories:

higher pay;

better prospects (career growth);

greater reliability;

great opportunities to develop their skills;

better working conditions;

poor relationship with the manager/team leader;

poor relationships with colleagues;

bullying or sexual harassment;

personal - pregnancy, illness, moving to another city, etc. Interviews upon dismissal are aimed at finding out the opinion of the employee

for each of the listed categories, not related to personal reasons. Some leaving workers will be social, others will not. The task of the specialist conducting such interviews is to try skillfully and sensitively to identify the causes of dissatisfaction and dissatisfaction in order to take appropriate measures in those areas where these feelings are justified. Common sense is needed to separate justified claims from unfair or exaggerated claims. Causes need to be analyzed and trends taken into account. General points can be changed by reviewing the policy and practice of labor recruitment. It is also necessary to deal with issues related to individual managers. This may not be easy to do if personal human qualities, such as rudeness, are involved, but if information continues to come in indicating that such incidents are recurring, the problem cannot be ignored.

However, exit interviews alone cannot be absolutely reliable, and it is desirable to get a more complete picture of the views of working employees through attitude research (Chapter 51).

Staff turnover cost

Staff turnover can be expensive. The following factors should be taken into account:

the costs associated with the dismissal - payment to the resigning employee and the work of the personnel service associated with the dismissal;

direct costs of finding a replacement for an employee (advertising, interviewing, testing, etc.)

the cost of unused opportunities for the period spent searching for a new employee by HR representatives and field managers;

direct costs at the stage of mastering the work of a new employee (induction course, cost of induction manuals, etc.);

Opportunity costs for the period spent instructing a new employee by HR representatives and field managers;

direct costs of training new employees in the necessary skills;

opportunity costs incurred by line managers and other employees to provide training;

loss of the contribution made by those who left, until the moment when they are fully replaced in terms of labor results, sales volume, customer satisfaction and other things;

losses arising from the reduced performance of newcomers until they have completed their professional training.

A 2000 study of employee turnover by CIBB found that the average cost per quit was £3,456. Average costs per person ranged from £5206 for professionals to £1127. These are fairly typical numbers, and calculating the cost of turnover in an organization can be alarming if there is a high turnover in the organization, especially among skilled workers. This information can be used by HR staff as a powerful argument in support of changes in employment and compensation policies.

Staff turnover assessment

The turnover rate is a valuable tool for assessing the effectiveness of HR policies and practices in an organization. It is not a primary indicator, but if staff turnover is significantly higher than in other similar organizations, this should stimulate actions aimed at identifying the causes of this and eliminating them.

The level can be assessed through contacts with other organizations, for example, by organizing a "club" for the purpose of regular exchange of information. In addition, there are several agencies that carry out statistical evaluation. Their lists are compiled by the IRS (IRS, 2000) and the European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) using the Internet. National data is provided by the government's Labor Force and Learning and Training at Work. There are also annual staff turnover surveys carried out by CIPD.

The success of any organization, both a fitness club and an industrial plant, largely depends on the qualifications of the staff and competent personnel management. Now for many, the problem of staff turnover at the enterprise is especially acute. You can bring more than one example of organizations where this figure for the year reaches 90%. This, in turn, signals that the organization has a rather low level of labor productivity and there is no proper motivation.

Analysis of staff turnover allows you to understand the reasons that cause this phenomenon, allows you to calculate the turnover rate. And also to understand whether it is necessary at a particular moment to take measures to retain employees.

The presence of turnover in the enterprise does not always mean that it is time to sound the alarm and urgently conduct an analysis.

Such a phenomenon in small volumes even improves the state of the organization, since as a result the team is updated. Another example of usefulness is the emergence of new ideas. But a large number of people leaving is already a wake-up call for management. This indicates a lack of motivation, a lack of cohesion in the team.

In any organization, regardless of the level of motivation, there is a background turnover when an employee leaves his position due to conscription into the army, or upon reaching retirement age. The level of the number of those leaving for such reasons is low and should not cause alarm - this is a natural process. But when the percentage of quitters reaches 15%, this is a wake-up call for management.

At the enterprise, this phenomenon can exist in a latent, potential form. An example of this can be given as follows - an employee still holds his position, but moves away from his duties and at the first opportunity will leave for another place.

There is also active fluidity and passive fluidity. In the first case, the employee is dissatisfied with working conditions, and in the second case, the management is dissatisfied with the employee.

What are the reasons for the high number of layoffs?

A large percentage of layoffs at the enterprise cannot be unreasonable. Consider the main sources that affect this percentage:

  • One of the main reasons is poor quality. In order to understand why this happens, we can give such an example - the management wants to find an employee for a vacancy as soon as possible, or the recruiting agency seeks to simply receive its remuneration, but does not pay attention to the quality of the applicant. This also happens in the case when the applicant needs to this moment find any job
  • The employee may also leave during the probationary period in case of poor adaptation. The management must have a clear plan for the adaptation of new employees - they should not be left to their own devices. With this plan, you can initial stage form a positive attitude towards the organization as a whole among the newcomer;

  • The decision of an employee to leave his position is often influenced by dissatisfaction with direct management. Conflicts, unacceptable management methods for the employee, personal hostility - all this pushes a person to dismissal. Therefore, it is necessary to properly instruct management personnel in advance, to analyze the personnel management system.

More reasons

But these are not all the reasons that become an impetus for an employee to make a decision to leave. Here is another vivid example - inconvenient workplace. After all, most of the time the employee spends at work, and if the working conditions are uncomfortable, sooner or later it will come to dismissal. An unfavorable emotional background in the team also often causes the departure of qualified workers.

Very often people leave due to the fact that there is no opportunity for further growth for them in this organization. Because it leads to feelings of dissatisfaction. Of course, this does not apply to everyone - some may hold the same position for years and feel quite comfortable doing so. But for others, this state of affairs becomes the main reason for the move.

Well, the reason for the passive "turnover" of personnel is the inconsistency of the employee with the position held at the enterprise. Which in turn causes dissatisfaction of the management.

Indirect factors that reduce the level of "churn"

There are also reasons that in one way or another influence the decision of an employee to stay in the organization. One of them is the place of residence - the less time a person spends coming to his workplace, the less risk that he decides to retire.

The length of time an employee holds a position in an enterprise is also important. According to studies, those who have worked less than three years are most likely to leave. Others find it much harder to decide to quit.

Conducted studies have shown that the higher the skill level of an employee, the less often he has a desire to leave his position.

How to find out the level of fluidity?

To begin with, it should be noted that for each organization there is a level of "churn", which is considered normal. It depends on the scale of the enterprise, the specifics of its activities. We give more specific example- in theory, the percentage of quitters should not exceed 3%.

But in practice, everything is different - for small organizations it is no more than 10-12%, and for larger ones - up to 15%. But in all cases, this percentage is an indicator - for example, in some enterprises, an increase in the level of layoffs may be associated simply with the seasonality of work.

In order to find out what is the turnover rate at a particular enterprise, it is necessary to determine the ratio of the number of quitters to the average number of employees in a certain period. That is, the number of quitters must be divided by the average employee and multiplied by 100.

However, calculating this indicator is not the most important thing. It is much more important to analyze its dynamics in the enterprise as a whole and separately in each department. This will allow you to understand how it is affected by all working conditions in the organization.

The negative impact of "churn"

A high level of turnover negatively affects the state of the organization, and also increases financial waste. It is far from always possible to quickly replace a departed employee, and as a result, the volume of production falls.

With a shortage of workers, it is necessary to attract more qualified people to fulfill the duties of the resigned. And this is also associated with additional costs, since the performance of these temporary duties also needs to be paid.

Waste also increases due to the fact that during the training of a new employee, the number of marriages may increase. And in general, the level of productivity in any case will fall during the training period of a beginner.

Also, management will have to spend time searching for a new employee and interviewing him. And there is no guarantee that after the trial period he will remain in the new workplace.

Ways to reduce the percentage of quitters

In the event that the turnover rate exceeds the norms acceptable for a particular organization, steps must be taken to reduce this indicator.

First of all, it is necessary to find out the main reasons that provoke an increase in the number of quitters. And then develop and adopt solutions that will help eliminate them. It is necessary to constantly monitor the statistics of the total number of layoffs and implement programs for the vertical and horizontal movement of personnel.

It is mandatory for new employees to have an adaptation program, which can include a mentoring system. We must not forget about the development effective method for recruiting new staff.

Increasing the prestige of the company in the general market will also reduce the number of people willing to leave.

It will not be superfluous to involve professional HR managers who will help develop a strategy for working with personnel - human resources (Human Resources). To obtain the best result, it is necessary to apply all these methods in combination. Of course, it is not possible to completely eliminate fluidity, but this is not required, the main thing is to reduce its level to an acceptable norm.

How to motivate staff?

Lack of employee motivation is one of the main reasons for dismissal. Leadership as a major manufacturing enterprise, and the fitness club should pay attention to this indicator. A motivation system is a whole set of different methods that will help increase the interest of an employee in an organization.

First of all, it should be noted that there are two ways to stimulate staff - material and non-material. As for material motivation, a system of monetary rewards is used here, as well as the presentation of various gifts to the best employees. An example of such a gift is a voucher paid for by management or a subscription to a fitness club.

Prizes and bonuses in monetary terms, which are issued upon achieving certain success, will be a good incentive to improve performance. The amount of bonuses may be fixed, or may depend on a specific result.

Salary is one of the most powerful motivation tools. If its level is quite low, then no additional rewards will deter employees from leaving the organization. This must be taken care of in the first place if the retention of qualified employees is important for management.

Non-material incentives

Consider ways of motivation that are not related to material wealth. It is important not to generalize here - after all, all employees are different, and it is advisable to select ways of motivation individually.

The spirit of competition is a powerful motivator. Here is a vivid example of the effectiveness of this method. A company selling various tours was able to increase the percentage of sales by 23% by arranging a competition among managers. The winner received the right to accompany the chief on international conference and during a tour of European cities.

Getting a higher position brings with it additional benefits. Therefore, the possibility of career growth is another tool to stimulate employees. Professional development courses for the best employees, paid by the management of the organization, is another effective method.

You should also not burden employees with many additional tasks that he is not required to perform.

It is very important to create comfortable working conditions at the enterprise. But it should be remembered that few people will be surprised by this now, therefore, along with comfortable conditions, you can give employees extra days for recreation, as a reward for a good result, or to provide a more flexible schedule.

A few more words about incentives

The employee should feel really needed in his company. Therefore, it is worth asking for his opinion on various occasions, involving him in solving emerging problems - the employee will feel like a part of the company and it will be much more difficult for him to decide on dismissal. In addition to motivation, this approach is useful for the manager, since the ideas put forward can be really very valuable for the further prosperity and development of the company.

We must not forget about personal communication with the head of a fitness club or a huge concern. This approach is used by many well-known businessmen. A vivid example of this is Steve Jobs, who invited employees on his walks and talked with them in a relaxed atmosphere. Corporate parties that bring together employees can also be attributed to the same kind of stimulation.

It should be noted that not so long ago in our country, practically no attention was paid to methods of stimulating labor. But, fortunately, the situation is changing every year for the better. Domestic companies are increasingly beginning to use Foreign experience to motivate their employees in order to keep them in their staff.

How to find the best way to stimulate staff?

As you can see, the company has a lot. But it is important to understand which of them will be effective in each specific case, so it is necessary to carefully study the changes that have occurred after the introduction of a particular method, as well as analyze the personnel management system as a whole.

An analysis of employee stimulation methods helps to understand which types of motivation really work, and which ones should be abandoned. Researching methods of stimulating employees is a rather laborious process. But that is no reason to give it up. On the contrary, experts advise conducting such studies as often as possible.

Surveys, tests, special methods are used as research tools, the purpose of which is to reveal the hidden motivation of an employee. But at the same time, it must be taken into account that the respondent in some cases may not fully realize which motivation factors affect him the most.

And the answers to the questions will not always be truthful, because the so-called factor of social desirability is triggered. Therefore, it makes sense, along with surveys and tests, to conduct a projective study, which will give a more complete picture.

What does such research provide?

Such a study allows us to draw conclusions about how effective the stimulation system is in the organization. If the applied methods do not bring significant results, it is necessary to abandon them and find others.

Having chosen the most effective methods, the management will be able to organize work much more efficiently, as well as form the necessary labor reserve and select more efficient and qualified personnel and, of course, reduce the level of “churn”.

Based on such studies, it will be possible to select effective methods of motivation for a particular person. For example, for one, career growth and self-realization are important, while another can be interested by challenging him, setting him more and more difficult tasks.

You can also understand how the environment and working conditions affect the motivation of staff, which factors are distracting, and which, on the contrary, have a positive effect. As a result, a properly selected system of motivation methods will increase labor efficiency, as well as reduce the company's costs associated with the dismissal of employees.

Features of the sports club

Now great attention is given to physical fitness, so many decide to link their business with opening a fitness club. There are small clubs where the owner is also a coach. In this case, it makes no sense to talk about personnel management and the motivation system. But there are also larger halls, where a large number of employees are involved. For a large-scale fitness club, it is necessary to research the personnel management system, as well as develop a system of employee motivation.

Every year the number of such establishments increases and, accordingly, the competition increases. The highly qualified and motivated staff of the fitness club adds advantages over competitors. In other words, the popularity of the institution largely depends on the professionalism and personal qualities of the employees, and not only on the variety of services provided.

As in any other organization, high level"Church" negatively affects the activities of the institution as a whole. Therefore, it is in the interests of management and owners to organize an effective personnel management system, as well as periodically review it.

How to organize effective personnel management in such an institution?

Personnel management includes many components, from organizing jobs to ensuring the proper reputation of a fitness club.

First of all, it is necessary to carry out personnel planning, that is, to determine how many employees the organization needs, as well as the level of their qualifications. The number directly depends on how diverse the services offered by the club will be.

The next step is recruiting and evaluating staff. After all, the health of clients and their physical form will depend on the level of their professionalism. This should be done by highly qualified managers who are able to assess how suitable a person is for a particular position.

After the candidates are selected, it is necessary to take care of their adaptation. Further management of the fitness club staff involves staff motivation. It is necessary to ensure that each employee works with full dedication, is interested in the prosperity of the fitness club. The management staff must unite all employees into a single whole.

What measures increase professionalism, improve efficiency and reduce turnover?

First of all, the employee must be satisfied with his salary - he must be paid in accordance with his qualifications. Otherwise, he will feel undervalued and will leave for another club as soon as the opportunity arises.

Some fitness club directors send their employees to various seminars and conventions at their own expense, thereby raising their level of qualification and at the same time getting them interested.

The location of clients depends not only on the professionalism of the trainer, but also on his personal qualities. A friendly employee will always be at a premium. Therefore, you can introduce a reward system, depending on the number of clients a particular trainer has.

It is very important to take into account the personal preferences of employees and organize the work process in accordance with them. Such actions will show the employee that he is valuable to the organization and his interests are taken into account here.

A few last words

The owner of the club can organize everything properly. However, if it is quite large-scale or there is a lack of experience, it is necessary to resort to outside help. Namely - to hire sensible managers.

Their responsibilities will include not only the selection of personnel, but also all other aspects related to the organization of labor.

At the beginning of his working day, such a person is obliged to go around the club, check the technical condition of the premises, cleanliness, if there are problems, take measures to eliminate them.

The manager should monitor the work of his wards, and after the end of training, talk with clients, if possible, finding out if they liked everything. If violations are found in the work of an employee, it is necessary to have a conversation with him, and if the incident repeats, dismiss the violator. If, on the contrary, the employee shows good results, it would be useful to reward him, which will increase his desire to improve.


It is necessary to periodically conduct employee surveys to determine their level of satisfaction with working conditions. A set of such measures will make it possible to establish an effective management system.

Posted On 01/26/2018

Rice. 1. Distribution of employees by length of service at the enterprise (at the beginning of 2009)

Most of the personnel of Uralpromstroy LLC has higher education(Fig. 2), Due to the fact that the organization is developing, there is a trend of increasing demand for highly qualified personnel.

Rice. 2. Distribution of workers by level of education (at the beginning of 2009)

2.3 Movement and turnover analysis

Today, when business has entered the era of the present personnel shortage, the problem of staff turnover is not just becoming relevant - it is beginning to take on rampant proportions, despite the crisis in the country.

There is a high turnover of personnel in LLC Uralpromstroy, the foremen of the enterprise change especially often.

Let's calculate the turnover ratio for admission for 2006, 2007 and 2008 according to formula 1:

2006: 3/11=0.3

2007: 5 / 11 = 0.5

2008: 6/ 12=0.5

Using formula 2, we calculate the layoff turnover ratio for 2006, 2007 and 2008:

2006: 2/ 11=0.2

2007: 5 / 11 = 0.5

2008: 5/ 12= 0.4

Using formula 3, we calculate the coefficient of total turnover for 2006, 2007 and 2008:

2006: 3 + 2/ 11 = 0.5

2007: 5 + 5 / 11 = 0.9

2008: 6+ 5 / 12 = 0.9

In LLC "Uralpromstroy" in 2006-2008. layoffs are due own will management does not motivate employees enough to work.

According to formula 5, we calculate the labor force turnover rate:

2006: 3/11=0.3

2007: 5 /11 =0.5

2008: 5/12=0.4

Using formula 6, we calculate the personnel stability coefficient:

2006: 1 - (2/ (11 + 3) = 0.9

2007: 1 - (5 / (11 + 5)) = 0.7

2008: 1 - (5 / (12 + 6)) = 0.7

To assess the permanence of staff, we calculate the share coefficient

2006: 6 / 11 = 0.5

2007: 6/11 =0.5

2008: 6/12=0.5

The coefficients in 2006, 2007 and 2008 are the same, therefore, we can conclude that staff turnover remains at the same level. management does nothing to remedy the situation.

The above calculations are given in Table 10.

Table 10. Personnel turnover rates at Uralpromstroy LLC

Let's analyze the absolute indicators of movement (Table 11)

Table 11 Indicators of the movement of personnel of Uralpromstroy LLC

According to the table, it can be seen that the number of employees who are leaving and being hired is increasing at the enterprise, which indicates that staff turnover is constantly maintained and does not decrease.

At the enterprise, the causes of turnover were analyzed on the basis of a survey (Table 12).

Table 12 Causes of turnover in Uralpromstroy LLC

The main cause of turnover in the enterprise is dissatisfaction. salary, some employees are dissatisfied with the management of the organization.

Let us analyze the potential turnover at the enterprise also on the basis of a survey (Table 13).

Table 13 Potential turnover in Uralpromstroy LLC

The staff turnover trend in 2008 also persists, 5 out of 12 people can also change jobs under certain conditions. A little more than half of the staff work stably.

There is no internal movement of personnel at the enterprise, only external.

Let us determine the amount of economic damage caused by staff turnover.

Let us calculate the losses caused by interruptions in work in 2008 using the formula (13):

14.19 * 10 * 5 \u003d 709.5 thousand rubles.

Using formula (14), we calculate the losses due to the need for training and retraining of new employees:

3000 * 50 * 0.9 \u003d 135 thousand rubles.

Using formula (15), we calculate the costs of recruiting as a result of turnover:

2000 * 50 / 0.9 \u003d 111 thousand rubles.

The total amount of losses, economic damage caused by

staff turnover is: 709.5+ 135 + 111 = 955.5 thousand rubles.

"Normal" turnover by itself does not threaten the organization. But when the turnover rate becomes too low or too high, it carries certain risks for the company. Low turnover threatens to stagnate the business and all processes and can lead to the "death" of the organization. High turnover is dangerous by a rapid decrease in the quality of personnel, a decrease in the professionalism of employees.

Fluidity deviation from the norm is a reason to think and take action to correct the situation.

Considering the phenomenon of high turnover, it is worth saying that the methods of combating turnover are selected depending on the reasons that caused it. The reasons may be very different. Starting with problems among the company's management, when explanatory work is needed, some calming actions, and ending with a low level of wages, inconsistent with the general situation on the labor market. In the latter case, the recipe is simple - raise wages. Also, the reason for the dismissal may be the departure of the informal leader, who was the bearer of the unofficial corporate culture and had authority in the team. In this case, you need to hold the key figures.

The motivation of ordinary personnel is built to a greater extent on the satisfaction of primary needs - physiological and security. Therefore, an attractive place of work seems to be one where these needs are realized. Ordinary employees choose work on the principle of comfort - high wages compared to similar organizations, proximity to home, social guarantees, and stability. Therefore, the company parted with ease. you can always find a job with similar working conditions.

Many employers believe that if instead of an employee who left the company, a line of people who want to work line up, then you should not worry about turnover. If the situation is reversed and there is simply no one to replace the employee who left the organization, motivation and retention become priority areas. High turnover can have dire consequences for companies in a labor shortage environment. Any dissatisfaction will lead to mass exodus of employees from companies and, consequently, to huge losses.

The process of controlling turnover is directly related to the motivation of employees. Experts talk about a set of standard methods. retaining employees in the organization. Activities aimed at meeting Maslow's needs are motivating. First of all, it's a decent pay. But monetary rewards, like all rewards, must be handled very carefully. If they pay little, then employees feel deprived, if they pay too much, they quickly get used to it and stop appreciating it. Then there are decent working conditions. In the 21st century, recruiting employees and putting them in the basement, two people at one table and one computer, is simply not serious. Then an honest payment of wages, what is called "in the white." Salary in envelopes appropriately adjusts the staff in relation to the organization. A person unwittingly becomes an accomplice to fraud and initially considers this place of work as temporary. These were the lower levels of needs. The next step is employee development. At the stage of adaptation, this is mentoring, then training for advanced training.

Such elements of corporate culture as birthday greetings, social programs, corporate insignia, symbols, attributes of the company. If a person does not feel belonging to an organization, he is unlikely to stay in it for a long time.

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Staff turnover: an analysis of the causes and ways to reduce it. Examples

Name of the organization ANALYTICAL REPORT I APPROVE ___________ N ______ ____________________________________ _______________________________ position of the head of the organization place of compilation _____________ ______________________ On the state of staff turnover signature full name of the organization "__" _______________________ 20__

1. The purpose of the analysis is to identify the main motives and causes of staff turnover and develop measures to reduce the level of turnover.

2. Sources of information: data for determining the main indicators of personnel movement, the dynamics of the main indicators of personnel movement by main categories of personnel, by divisions, by professional groups, data from the final and post-exit interviews.

3. Composition of the sample

Analysis of the main motives and causes of staff turnover

Motive, reason for dismissal

They noted the reason for dismissal as the main one (in % of the number of those who quit due to staff turnover reasons)

Remuneration, discrepancy between remuneration and labor costs

Bad working conditions

Socio-psychological climate in the team

Broken relationship with management

Lack of career growth prospects

Absence professional development, opportunities to improve qualifications, monotony of work

Distance from home


Position signature transcript signature

Source - "Human Resources. HR records management", 2011, № 4

Analysis of the qualitative and quantitative composition of human resources

Table 5

Analysis of the staff turnover of JSC Rosselkhozbank in the village. Raevsky

4. Personnel movement indicators

According to the table, it can be seen that in the analyzed enterprise, the labor force turnover rate in 2012 decreased by 0.7% compared to 2010 and amounted to 2%. This suggests that the employees were offered good working conditions, such as: high wages, bonuses.

Table 6

The level of education of employees at the enterprise for 2010-2012

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Requirements for a modern manager
The difference between a good and an excellent organization lies in its management, which is carried out by the manager, that is, the person who directs and coordinates the activities of the performers.

Employee turnover analysis: why the best employees leave

The last ones are a must…

Modern approaches to personnel motivation management at the enterprise
Commercial success any firm and organization in the conditions market economy is impossible without the well-coordinated work of the staff, without the interest of each individual employee in their work, in ...

They can be divided into three groups:

1) factors arising at the enterprise itself (the amount of wages, working conditions, the level of labor automation, the prospect of professional growth, etc.);

2) personal factors (age of employees, level of their education, work experience, etc.);

3) factors external to the enterprise (the economic situation in the region, family circumstances, the emergence of new enterprises, etc.).

In turn, in each of these groups, factors can be identified that differ in the strength and nature of their influence on the mobility of workers.
The circumstances that cause staff turnover can be fully controllable (working and living conditions), partially controllable (satisfaction with the team, relationships, forms of motivation), uncontrollable (natural and climatic factors).

By purposefully influencing the first and second ones, it is possible to significantly reduce the fluidity. For this, various measures are applied: technical (improvement of equipment and technologies that improve working conditions); organizational (finding for each employee the most appropriate place for him, because, for example, with a feeling of lack of demand and congestion, turnover increases); socio-psychological (providing additional benefits and guarantees, improving the internal climate); cultural and household (improving the level of medical care).

It has been observed that pre-briefing reduces staff turnover, and the feeling of lack of demand or overload increases it. Reduces employee turnover, the employee's confidence that he can influence production processes. Employees are more conscientious and more inner desire perform this or that work, if they themselves are fully responsible for it, they will have the opportunity to bring it to the end. Satisfaction brings freedom in choosing the pace and order of the task, the ability to introduce something new into the process.
To manage staff turnover processes, the collection and analysis of information about them is of great importance. It is considered expedient first of all to collect information on the total number of quitters; retired women; persons in the age categories under 18 years old, 19-30 years old, over 50 years old; about workers with low and high qualifications; with work experience less than 3 and more than 10 years; with professional, higher and secondary specialized education.

The intensity of turnover in groups of workers with different length of service at the enterprise differs significantly. After three years of work at the enterprise, there is a sharp decrease in the intensity of turnover.
The latter circumstance is connected both with the age factor and with the problems of adaptation. In addition, it is important that the incoming employee may have unreasonable expectations in relation to future work. This can be explained both by the candidate's low awareness and by the fact that the employer, seeking to present his enterprise more profitably, can overestimate the positive moments and underestimate the difficulties of working in the company.


Personnel turnover management

The basis of personnel movement management is the establishment of regularities in the process of staff turnover.

Calculation of staff turnover, or how to analyze the effectiveness of personnel management

Knowledge of these patterns makes it possible to determine the most effective management actions.

The dependence of the intensity of staff turnover on socio-demographic characteristics is so significant that it cannot be neglected. Knowledge of the regularities of the influence of an employee's personal characteristics on his propensity to move makes it possible, firstly, to predict the number of layoffs and, secondly, to find ways to mitigate the negative impact of these factors. Known, for example, the experience of determining the future level of staff turnover depending on the time spent by employees in the enterprise.
A detailed study of staff turnover is carried out using special surveys in two directions:

1) to create a general portrait of those leaving (based on information about gender, age, marital status, number of children, general and vocational education, seniority, tariff category, disability, wages for the last few months);

2) to study the reasons for leaving, which may be non-use in the specialty, dissatisfaction with work, working conditions and working conditions, earnings, inability to study, poor relations with the administration and with colleagues, the birth of a child, lack of places in children's institutions, long trips. In large organizations, it is advisable to analyze data on turnover by professions, departments, positions, reasons, age groups of those who left. An in-depth analysis can be done once a year, and a quantitative assessment by departments can be done monthly. This allows you to clarify the reasons and timely provide for measures to secure staff.

Step by step, bringing the level of turnover to an acceptable value can be represented, in particular, through the possibility of planning upcoming layoffs, linking the processes of dismissal with the processes of hiring, and helping laid-off workers. To address these and other issues that will be identified later, it is necessary to proceed from the specific situation at the enterprise. The methodology discussed below assumes an ordered step-by-step activity, the implementation of which should be entrusted directly to the personnel department of the enterprise. All activities for managing staff turnover within the framework of general personnel management can be represented as the following successive stages:

Let's consider the content of each of the stages in more detail.

STAGE 1. Determining the level of staff turnover. At this stage, it is necessary to answer the main question - is the level of turnover so high that it leads to unreasonable economic losses, loss of profit by the enterprise.

STAGE 2. Determining the level of economic losses caused by staff turnover. This is a very important step and at the same time one of the most time-consuming, because it requires special data. The fact is that with the start of economic reforms in the country, one of the first management aspects that enterprises began to neglect was labor rationing, which was originally designed to identify labor productivity reserves. Establishments that maintain time records are developed, maintained and regularly reviewed labor standards, at the moment it is possible to name units.

STAGE 3. Determining the causes of staff turnover.

A high level of staff turnover can be caused by the specifics of the production and economic activities of the enterprise or the imperfection of its management system. In the first case, there is no problem as such and no solutions are required.

In the second, efforts should be made to find bottlenecks in the enterprise management system. The reasons for the dismissal of employees from the enterprise can be analyzed in two aspects. The first will be based on a formal criterion that separates the grounds for layoffs by law - the grounds for termination labor relations listed in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. In this case, the list of grounds will be exhaustive, since the relevant norms of the Labor Code do not provide for fundamentally different grounds for terminating labor relations. Personnel statistics of enterprises on layoffs mainly consists of the following reasons: at their own request, in connection with the transfer, temporary workers, absenteeism without good reasons, for child care, for appearing at work in a state of intoxication, for downsizing, in connection with death, retirement, and some others. The absence or appearance of precedents for layoffs for one reason or another leads to a narrowing or expansion of this list, respectively. Therefore, one of the studies may be the analysis of personnel statistics of the enterprise. An obvious possibility of this analysis is its comparability - with similar data from other enterprises, the industry as a whole.

The second aspect is related to the determination of the motivational structure of personnel departure. It is based on the real reasons that prompt the employee to decide to leave the enterprise. In this case, the statistics of the personnel service, at best, can only partially answer the question of why the employee quit.

If, however, we detail criteria such as “personal reasons” or “unacceptable mode of operation”, and then analyze the data obtained, we can develop real and reasonable recommendations for improving various aspects of the enterprise’s activities. For example, dismissals for personal reasons can be caused by conflict in the “boss-subordinate” connection, and, therefore, shortcomings in organizational structure enterprises, make a decision to change information flows, etc. The reasons for voluntary dismissal can also be indirectly indicated by the gender and age structure of the staff: men under 27 years old - due to military service, women - to care for a child, older workers - in connection with retirement. Recommendations can also be made from this. Therefore, the second study may be a survey of employees of the enterprise.

Finally, within the framework of this stage “Determining the causes of staff turnover”, it is possible to conduct a study of the position of management (not only the head of the enterprise, but also his deputies, the head of the personnel department, the personnel manager, foremen, foremen, etc. will act as representatives of the administration. ). The method of research is interviews or questionnaires.

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Analysis of staff turnover at Karavay LLC

Let's analyze the movement of personnel and staff turnover in Karavay LLC according to the data for 2013-2015.

In the process of carrying out calculations, we will use the following system of formulas:

1. The total turnover of the labor force is determined by the formula:

Oob \u003d Op + Oy, (7)

where Oob is the total turnover of the labor force;

Op - the absolute value of the turnover on admission;

Oy - the absolute value of turnover on dismissal.

2. The absolute size of labor turnover is calculated as follows:

Edema \u003d Oszh + He, (8)

where Edema is the absolute size of labor force turnover;

Oszh - the number of those dismissed of their own free will;

It is the number of those dismissed for absenteeism and other violations of labor discipline.

3. The indicator of the total turnover of the labor force is defined as:

Pob \u003d (Oob: T) x 100%, (9)

where T is the average number of employees.

4. The stability indicator of personnel is defined as:

Pstab = 100% - Kob, (10)

5. The indicator of turnover on acceptance (Kn), is calculated as:

Pp \u003d (Op: T) x 100%, (11)

6. The indicator of turnover on dismissal (Ku) is calculated as:

Pu \u003d (Oy: T) x 100%, (12)

7. The labor force turnover rate (Ktek) is calculated as:

Ptek \u003d (Edema: T) x 100%, (13)

Let's perform the calculation based on formulas (7-13). To this end, we use the data in Table 20.

Table 20 - Analysis of indicators of the movement of personnel and staff turnover in Karavay LLC by personnel categories

Name of indicator

Change in 2014-2013

Change in 2015-2014

Change in 2014-2013

Change in 2015-2014

1. Number at the beginning of the year, people, incl.

1.1. Specialists

1.2. Employees

1.3. Leaders

1.4. workers

2. Accepted for the year, pers.

2.1. Specialists

2.2. Employees

2.3. Leaders

2.4. workers

3. Dropped out during the year, people, incl.

3.1. Of your own accord

3.1.1 Specialists

3.1.2. Employees

3.1.3. Leaders

3.1.4. workers

3.2. For violation of labor discipline

3.2.1. Specialists

3.2.2. Employees

3.2.3. Leaders

3.2.4. workers

3.3. Other reasons

3.3.1. Specialists

3.3.2. Employees

3.3.3. Leaders

3.3.4. workers

4. Number at the end of the year, pers. (p.1 + p.2 - p.3)

4.1. Specialists

4.2. Employees

4.3. Leaders

4.4. workers

5. Average headcount personnel (str.1 + str.4) / 2, pers.

5.1. Specialists

5.2. Employees

5.3. Leaders

5.4. workers

6. Absolute turnover rate (p. 3.1 + p. 3.2), people, incl.

6.1. Specialists

6.2. Employees

6.3. Leaders

6.4. workers

7. Total turnover of the labor force (line 2 + line 3), pers.

8. The indicator of the total turnover of the labor force,% (p. 7 / p. 5) x 100%

9. Frame stability index, % (100% - page 8)

10. Turnover indicator by acceptance (p. 2 / p. 5 x 100%, %

11. The indicator of turnover on dismissal (line 3 / line 5 x 100%, %

12. Labor force turnover rate (p. 6 / p. 5 x 100%, %

12.1. Specialists

12.2. Employees

12.3. Leaders

12.4. workers

As established in the course of the study, the number of employees hired by Karavay LLC increased over 2013-2015. from 21 people up to 35 people Moreover, if in 2013-2015. all employees were hired to replace those who left, then in 2015 8 people. was accepted for new jobs in confectionery shop. The number of retired employees for 2013-2015 also increased from 21 people. up to 35 people

The absolute size of staff turnover is made up of employees who resigned of their own free will and at the initiative of the administration of Karavay LLC.

Thus, the number of employees who left of their own accord increased in 2013-2015. from 17 people up to 29 people In 2014, the number of employees who left at their own request increased by 35.29%, and in 2015 by 26.09%

For violation of labor discipline in 2013-2015. 1 person was fired. Other reasons for dismissal of employees in 2013-2015 was the retirement of employees. So, in 2013, 3 people retired, in 2014 - 4 people, in 2015 - 5 people.

If we consider the structure of employees dismissed of their own free will, then the first place is occupied by workers. So, if in 2013 12 workers quit of their own accord, then in 2015 there were already 20 workers. In general, the absolute size of staff turnover is shown in Figure 6.

Figure 6 - Dynamics of the absolute size of the staff turnover of Karavay LLC, pers.

The staff turnover rate for Karavay LLC as a whole increased by 1.25% in 2014, and by 1.13% in 2015 (Figure 7).

Figure 7 - Dynamics of the employee turnover rate in general for Karavay LLC,%

So, if in 2013 the level of staff turnover was 7.188%, then in 2015 it was already 9.568%. As noted in the course of a theoretical study, natural turnover (3-5% per year) contributes to the timely renewal of the team and does not require special measures from the management and personnel department. Excessive turnover causes significant economic losses, and also creates organizational, personnel, technological, psychological difficulties. Thus, in Karavay LLC in 2013-2015. excessive staff turnover was noted.

As a result, the staffing stability indicator decreased from 83.75% to 75.31%. Consider the dynamics of the staff turnover rate by certain categories personnel (Figure 8).

Figure 8 - Dynamics of the staff turnover rate for certain categories of personnel,%

As the data in Figure 8 show, the highest staff turnover was noted among workers.

Let's analyze the economic losses of the enterprise due to staff turnover. For this purpose, we use formulas (3-6). The calculation results are presented in Table 21.

Table 21 - Analysis of the economic losses of the enterprise due to staff turnover


Absolute change

Growth rate, %

Expenses for training employees hired during the year (Zo), thousand rubles

Share of turnover in the total number of dropouts (Ci)

The coefficient of change in the number of employees (Kizm.)

Losses due to the need to train new employees, thousand rubles (Po = Zo x Di / Kism.)

Average daily output of employees (Adv), thousand rubles

The coefficient of decrease in labor productivity before dismissal (Ksp)

The number of days before dismissal, when there is a decrease in labor productivity (Nh), days

The number of employees who left due to turnover, pers. (H)

Losses caused by a decrease in labor productivity of workers before dismissal (Pp = Srv x Ksp x Nd x H), thousand rubles.

The coefficient of labor productivity losses for the 1st month of adaptation (Km1)

Labor productivity loss coefficient for the 2nd month of adaptation (Km2)

Labor productivity loss coefficient for the 3rd month of adaptation (Km3)

Average number of working days in a month (Chm), days

Losses caused by insufficient level of labor productivity of newly hired workers

Recruitment costs (Zn), thousand rubles

Losses associated with the costs of recruiting as a result of turnover (Porg = (Zn x Dt) / Kizm, thousand rubles.

Aggregate losses associated with staff turnover (Porg + Ppr + Pp + Po), thousand rubles

As established in the course of the study, the total economic losses of the enterprise associated with staff turnover increased over the analyzed period from 2857.57 thousand rubles. up to 5216.15 thousand rubles. The dynamics and structure of the enterprise's economic losses associated with staff turnover is shown in Figure 9.

Figure 9 - Dynamics and structure of economic losses of the enterprise associated with staff turnover, thousand rubles.

As the data in Figure 9 show, the greatest losses of the enterprise are due to insufficient labor productivity of newly hired workers.

In 2015, the personnel department interviewed all 20 workers who left of their own free will to identify the reasons for the dismissal. The survey results are presented in Table 22.

Table 22 - Results of a survey of workers who left of their own free will on the subject of the reason for dismissal

As the data in Table 22 show, the largest number of layoffs among workers was noted due to difficult working conditions, as well as the difficulty of adapting to the team and poor relations with management.

One of the most important indicators of the effectiveness of the use of a human resource for any personnel specialist or head of an enterprise is staff turnover. Understanding the reasons why staff turnover increases allows you to get rid of the negative consequences of its existence, and the calculation formula greatly simplifies obtaining the final information for subsequent analysis.

Staff turnover - what is it

Staff turnover is primarily a general indicator, according to which employees are updated in the organization. It reflects how often employees leave the organization and how often management has to bring in new employees to replace them. It should be understood, however, that staff turnover is not always negative factor- only its immediate significance can indicate the presence of certain personnel or organizational problems.

In the Russian business and HR industry, employee turnover is often referred to simply as "churn", while Western economists and personnel officers also call it the "revolving door index", which reflects the nature of this indicator - how often employees are replaced by new ones.

In simple terms, staff turnover is calculated as the ratio of the number of employees who left during the billing period to the total size of the enterprise's staff. However, when calculating this indicator, analyzing it and studying possible personnel decisions for their use in direct organizational and management process much deeper principles concerning the problem at hand should be used. In particular, the employer must pay attention to:

  • Direct indicator of fluidity. The study of the overall rate of staff turnover at the enterprise is in any case necessary for each employer to obtain a general picture of the use of the organization's human resources.
  • The nature of the fluidity. In some areas of activity, turnover may not be directly due to any shortcomings of an organizational nature and personnel decisions, but be a feature of the industry as a whole.
  • Types of fluidity. An effective calculation of staff turnover should include an analysis of each type of turnover, since the elimination of one or another of its causes depends primarily on the category of turnover.
  • Implications of churn for the organization. Certain ways of organizing work and industries can suffer from high turnover more than others. At the same time, there are areas of activity or individual enterprises, for which even high turnover rates are the norm, since it is on them that the personnel and economic policy of the enterprise is based.

Types of employee turnover and their impact on the organization

As mentioned earlier, a personnel specialist or a person responsible for the personnel policy of an enterprise needs to be aware of what types of staff turnover exist. At the same time, it should be understood that staff turnover in its varieties can be divided according to different criteria. So, from the point of view of the direct size of the fluidity index, its types can differ in:

  • Natural. In most cases, the indicator of natural staff turnover reflects the normal situation in the enterprise, which does not require the adoption of appropriate decisions, since this situation is standard and demonstrates the absence of serious problems in this area of ​​personnel management. For most types of activities, turnover rates at the level of 3-5% are considered natural, but in practice indicators up to 10-15% are considered normal.
  • High. High turnover includes indicators of renewal of the personnel of the enterprise at a level above the previously indicated 15%, however, it begins to have a negative impact precisely when the 5% mentioned as the ideal standard of natural turnover is exceeded. The presence of such a high turnover has a negative impact on most processes, since the work efficiency of an experienced employee is an order of magnitude higher than that of most new specialists. At the same time, it is also necessary to understand that the consequences of high staff turnover can have a different impact on the enterprise, depending on other aspects of this indicator.
  • Reduced. Despite the fact that the main problem that employers seek to cope with is high staff turnover, its lower rate also demonstrates the presence of certain negative processes and management features. So, low or zero indicators are evidence of stagnation and the fact that even inefficient personnel are not removed from the enterprise, but continue to use its resources.

From the point of view of the causes of staff turnover, it can be divided depending on the sources of the initiative. So, fluidity can be:

It is necessary that personnel specialists keep records of the reasons for staff turnover not according to the formal status of dismissal, but for its real reasons, since dismissal of one's own free will can very often be initiated by the employer. And the employee uses this wording to get rid of the negative consequences of termination employment contract, expressed as a "bad" entry in the work book.

In addition, personnel services often take into account the division of staff turnover at its place. So, in this aspect, it can be divided into:

  • External staff turnover. This is a standard indicator that reflects the level of employee departure from the organization as a whole and is considered as the main problem.
  • Internal staff turnover. This indicator refers to the movement and rotation of employees directly within the enterprise and mainly affects the number of transfers of employees from one unit to another or a change in positions in the enterprise.

In addition to the above types of turnover, progressive personnel methods also take into account additional indicator- Potential or hidden staff turnover. It may reflect the number of employees who actually do not quit and continue to work, but are already ready to leave the enterprise and are not interested in its development, both due to professional burnout and due to the influence of other factors. Often such workers are kept in the workplace only by the absence of a convenient alternative - and they will leave the enterprise as soon as one appears.

It is also necessary, in most cases, to divide the calculation of staff turnover rates for employees who have passed probation and employees working for more than a year, and employees who quit before one year of work. In the first situation, there is a standard staff turnover, which is directly due to various direct reasons that push employees to quit, while the turnover of young professionals is ensured mainly by the inefficiency of recruiting employees and adaptation mechanisms for new employees in the enterprise.

Causes of staff turnover

To eliminate the emerging staff turnover, it is necessary to accurately understand the cause of these circumstances. At the same time, in most situations, according to statistics, turnover is ensured only by a number of reasons common to all business entities, which include:

  • Unprofessionalism in recruitment. Most often, it is possible to determine the potential risks of dismissal of an employee even at the stage of direct hiring and consideration of the candidacy of the applicant. However, the personnel service often does not pay due attention to these aspects of employment, paying attention only to the need for a quick selection of a specialist who meets the formal requirements.
  • Inefficiency of adaptation. If, for long-term employees, the turnover rates remain at a normal level, and it is mainly new employees who change jobs, this indicates, first of all, the poor quality of adaptation of workers, which requires appropriate organizational and personnel decisions. The reasons for poor adaptation can be both the lack of adaptation programs and the toxic microclimate in the work team, sometimes reaching the actual “hazing” of old workers in relation to new ones.
  • Lack of a clear development structure. If the profession and position of an employee have a hard, insurmountable salary and career ceiling, this fact will definitely affect the increase in staff turnover, since few people see themselves in the same workplace for a long period. In many situations, it is almost impossible to eliminate this cause, however, certain methods of leveling it negative impact are still present.
  • Inefficient labor organization. Excessively rigid or excessively soft personnel policy and management mechanisms in an enterprise can seriously affect the level of staff turnover, as well as a motivational policy in relation to personnel. An overly loyal attitude towards employees can reduce turnover to a minimum with an actual decrease in their labor efficiency, while tight control can lead to loss of motivation, professional frustration and layoffs.
  • Inconsistency of personnel policy with market requirements. Excessively low wages compared to the market average, higher workload for employees, lack of social guarantees provided by competitors and similar organizations. All of these are direct reasons for staff turnover.

Factors affecting the risk of employee turnover

It must be understood that, despite the presence of very precisely defined main causes of staff turnover, there are also a number of certain indirect factors affecting its emergence and development. These fluidity factors include:

The formula for calculating staff turnover

The basic formula for calculating employee turnover is quite simple and might look like this:

NC / RSH * 100 \u003d KT

NC - the number of employees who left, RSH - the estimated number of staff, CT - the staff turnover rate in percent.

In this case, the total staff turnover at the enterprise is calculated without taking into account the initiative of dismissal and other factors. An extended formula for calculating the turnover rate might look like this:

(CHU-CHN) / RSH * 100 \u003d CT

In this case, a new indicator is introduced - CN - the number of employees who left not on their own initiative.

However, for the analysis of staff turnover and the adoption of appropriate integrated decisions within the framework of personnel management, other indicators directly related to it are also used. Each of them, together with the formula, should be considered in more detail:

Stability factor. It demonstrates the quality of the period of adaptation of workers and the effectiveness of this process. The frame stability factor is calculated as follows:

100/RSh*RP = KS

Where KS is the stability coefficient, RSH is the estimated number of staff, and RP is the number of employees who have worked for a certain period, taken as a basis. 100/2000*1800

Intensity factor. It shows the rate of staff turnover in individual structural divisions and is calculated as follows:

WHO / KTP \u003d KI

Where KI is the intensity factor, KTO is the department turnover rate, and KTP is the enterprise turnover rate. With CI above one, certain measures should be taken in this department to eliminate staff turnover.

Turnover ratio. This indicator demonstrates the change in the number of employees and the effectiveness of personnel policy in general, however, it has no value in itself, but it can be useful in a comprehensive analysis. It is calculated as follows:


Where KO is the turnover ratio, CI is the number of laid-off workers, and PE is the number of hired workers.

Potential fluidity coefficient. This coefficient makes it possible to assess the effectiveness of employee motivation and the ongoing personnel policy by questioning employees. The presence of problems in the enterprise will be determined if this coefficient is higher than the general indicators of the turnover of the enterprise. It is calculated in this way:


Where KPT is the potential turnover rate, NA is the number of surveyed employees in general, NC is the number of surveyed employees who expressed a desire or possibility of dismissal within one calendar year.

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