Carrying out certification of workplaces. V. The procedure for processing the results of attestation of workplaces for working conditions Certification of workplaces for working conditions is subject


Assessment of workplaces

A set of measures taken to assess working conditions in the workplace, identify harmful and dangerous production factors, as well as bring working conditions in line with the established requirements of legislative acts Russian Federation.

All workplaces of an employer duly registered as an individual entrepreneur or legal entity are subject to certification of workplaces.

Certification of workplaces is carried out by the head of the company together with the certification organization involved in work under a civil law contract. The certifying organization can only be accredited in the prescribed manner entity, which provides services for assessing workplaces in terms of working conditions. The certifying organization must be independent in relation to the employer, at whose workplace the certification is carried out.

On September 1, 2011, a new procedure for attestation of workplaces in terms of working conditions will come into force. In accordance with the new law, from September 1, 2013, companies located in the Russian Federation and which have not passed certification (re-certification) of workplaces will be subject to penalties, up to and including the suspension of the company's activities.

Functions of the certifying organization

  • management and control over all stages of certification;
  • formation of a package of documentation necessary for certification and organization of its study;
  • compiling a list of workplaces of the organization with the allocation of similar jobs, indicating the labor process and factors production environment, injury hazard and provision of workers with means personal protection;
  • preparation of proposals for bringing the names of positions and professions of employees of the organization in accordance with the requirements of the Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Workplaces;
  • assigning an individual number to each workplace;
  • signing and filling out attestation cards;
  • preparation of proposals for amendments and additions to the employment contract (if necessary);
  • development of a plan to bring working conditions in line with the requirements of state legal acts in the field of labor protection.

The procedure for attestation of workplaces for working conditions

To organize and conduct certification, the head of the organization creates an certification commission, and also establishes a schedule for the work to evaluate jobs in terms of working conditions. The composition of the certification committee includes:

  • representatives from the employer;
  • specialist in labor protection;
  • representatives from the trade union organization;
  • representatives from the certifying organization;
  • the chairman of the attesting commission is a representative of the employer.

The procedure for attestation of workplaces for working conditions is defined in the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia No. 342n “On approval of the procedure for attestation of workplaces for working conditions” dated April 26, 2011 and involves a comprehensive assessment of working conditions in accordance with the following requirements:

  • assessment of compliance of working conditions with hygienic requirements;
  • assessment of injury risk in the workplace;
  • assessment of the provision of employees with personal protective equipment;
  • comprehensive assessment of working conditions.

Terms of certification of workplaces

The date of commencement of the certification is the publication of the order of the head of the organization on the assessment of workplaces in terms of working conditions, as well as the approval of the certification schedule. Certification of newly created jobs should be carried out no later than 60 days after they are put into operation. Certification of workplaces should be carried out at least once every five years from the date of the previous certification in terms of working conditions.

Registration of the results of certification of workplaces according to working conditions

The results of the attestation of workplaces at the enterprise are drawn up by the attestation commission in the form of an attestation report, which includes:

  • order on the approval of the certification commission and the schedule of events;
  • list of jobs subject to certification;
  • job attestation cards;
  • summary sheet on the results of attestation of workplaces;
  • general table of classes of working conditions;
  • action plan and measures to improve working conditions;
  • minutes of the meeting of the attestation commission on the results of the attestation of workplaces at the enterprise;
  • information about the attesting company (including copies of the accreditation certificate and decisions on entering into the register of accredited organizations providing services for attestation of workplaces);
  • minutes of meetings of the attestation commission;
  • conclusion based on the results of the state examination of working conditions (if available);
  • instructions officials about the revealed violations of working conditions (if available).

Use of attestation results

The results of workplace certification are used for the following purposes:

  • development and implementation of measures to improve working conditions, as well as bringing them into line with current legislative acts in the field of labor protection;
  • establishing for employees employed in hazardous industries a reduction in the length of the working day, annual additional paid leave and an increase in wages;
  • informing employees about harmful production factors and health risks, as well as about protection measures and compensation;
  • control over the state of working conditions in the workplace;
  • production risk assessment;
  • providing employees with personal protective equipment;
  • preparation of statistical reports on working conditions and compensation for work at hazardous production facilities;
  • preparation of a list of names of employees subject to mandatory medical examinations;
  • calculation of discounts to the insurance rate in the system of compulsory social insurance of employees against occupational diseases and industrial accidents;
  • consideration of disagreements and issues related to ensuring the safety of employees in the workplace;
  • substantiation of labor restrictions for certain categories of workers;
  • medical and sanitary support for employees in accordance with the requirements of labor protection;
  • bringing the names of professions into line with the names specified in the Unified All-Russian Classifier of Working Professions, Positions and tariff categories;
  • substantiation of financing measures to improve working conditions in the workplace.

Terms of approval and registration of attestation of workplaces

After registration of the results of the certification of workplaces in the organization, the certification commission considers it, within 10 days after receipt, signs the final protocol and sends it along with the report to the head or representative of the company. The employer, within 10 days from the date of transfer of the report and protocol to him, is obliged to issue an order to complete the certification of workplaces for working conditions and familiarize all employees of the organization with it against signature. After the certification and issuance of the order, the employer is obliged to submit a report in electronic and paper form to the state labor inspectorate in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation within ten days.

Carrying out unscheduled certification of workplaces

Unscheduled certification of workplaces is carried out in the following cases:

  • commissioning of newly organized jobs;
  • as a result of the state examination of working conditions, carried out in order to assess the quality of the certification of workplaces;
  • implementation of measures to bring working conditions at the enterprise in line with current regulations in the field of labor protection, as well as to improve working conditions;
  • replacement of production equipment;
  • change in the technological process;
  • replacement of means of collective protection.

Carrying out and processing the results of unscheduled certification of workplaces is carried out according to the same requirements that apply to the conduct of the main - scheduled certification of workplaces in terms of working conditions.

see also



  • Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia) dated April 26, 2011 N 342n Moscow "On Approval of the Procedure for Certification of Workplaces for Working Conditions"

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

See what "Certification of jobs" is in other dictionaries:

    Check for compliance with current regulatory parameters of the workplace. Dictionary of business terms. 2001 ... Glossary of business terms

    Assessment of workplaces Encyclopedia of Law

    ASSESSMENT OF WORKPLACES- checking for compliance with the regulatory parameters of a particular workplace, scoring the results of this verification and developing measures to improve workplaces ... Big Economic Dictionary

    ASSESSMENT OF WORKPLACES- - assessment of jobs based on a set of technical, economic and organizational indicators for the development of an organizational plan technical measures to ensure their compliance modern requirements to working conditions and in the case of ... ... Concise Dictionary economist

    Assessment of workplaces- see Safe working conditions... Big Law Dictionary

    ASSESSMENT OF WORKPLACES- checking for compliance with current regulatory parameters of the workplace ... Encyclopedia of labor law

    Certification of workplaces according to working conditions- assessment of working conditions at workplaces in order to identify harmful and (or) dangerous production factors and take measures to bring the UT in line with state regulatory requirements for OT. In accordance with Art. 209 TK… … Russian encyclopedia of labor protection

    Certification of workplaces according to working conditions- assessment of working conditions at workplaces in order to identify harmful and (or) dangerous production factors and take measures to bring working conditions in line with state regulatory requirements for labor protection. ... ... Official terminology

    certification of workplaces according to working conditions- 3.4 certification of workplaces for working conditions: Assessment of working conditions at workplaces in order to identify harmful and (or) dangerous production factors and take measures to bring working conditions in line with state ... ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

Certification of workplaces according to the new law is replaced by special assessment working conditions(SUT) is a check of working conditions, organization of measures for their safety, determination of the presence of a health hazard. The SOUT rules are regulated by Federal Law No. 426-FZ of December 28, 2013 and the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. In this article, we will consider how certification of workplaces is carried out according to working conditions, what are the goals of the assessment, what order and list of necessary documents.

The purpose of the certification or special assessment of working conditions

The audit is carried out in order to bring the working conditions to the established standards. For this you need:

  • Monitor the status of jobs;
  • Change the amount of insurance premiums in case of injury;
  • Make a list of people who need to undergo a medical check;
  • Provide personnel with protective equipment;
  • Change the work schedule for employees during harmful conditions(to shorten the working day, to establish additional leave etc.);
  • Change the technology of the process or suspend the operation of the workshop;
  • Bring the names of positions in line with the All-Russian Classifier of Occupations;
  • Apply sanctions for violations of labor protection.

Who evaluates working conditions

Every employer of any form of ownership is obliged to organize certification(individual entrepreneur, legal entity). It is carried out by an attestation commission and an accredited organization attracted by the enterprise on a paid basis. The composition of the commission is approved by the employer, it includes:

For large organizations For small businesses and small businesses
Representatives of the head (heads of structural departments, lawyers, personnel workers, payroll accountants, medical workers, etc.), one of them is appointed head of the commission.The employer or his representative.
Occupational safety specialist.A specialist engaged by employers to perform labor protection functions.
Union member.Union member.
Representative of an accredited organization.

Tasks of the commission:

  • Manage and control all stages of the audit;
  • Collection of necessary documents and their study;
  • Drawing up a list of jobs that will be checked;
  • Checking the compliance of the names of professions and positions with the Unified Directory;
  • Numbering of workplaces;
  • If necessary, propose changes to the obligations of the employer in employment contract(providing protective equipment, changing the work schedule, providing wage supplements for harmfulness, etc.);
  • Develop a plan to bring places in line with regulations.

An accredited organization is an independent entity. An employer may involve several organizations.

  • Tasks of the attesting accredited organization:
  • Determine the measurement methods and the composition of the specialists who will produce them;
  • Examine the documents that provide working conditions;
  • Request for clarification on emerging issues.

According to the contract, the attesting accredited organization must:

  • Make the necessary measurements;
  • Assess the compliance of places with standards;
  • Compile an inspection report.

An accredited organization has the right to refuse to conduct an inspection if it does not provide the necessary documents or if there are no conditions for measurements.

According to Federal Law No. 426, ed. dated 01.01.2014, the following requirements are imposed on accredited organizations that carry out the SOUT:

  • License to carry out SOUT.
  • The composition should include at least five experts with certificates and at least one expert-specialist with higher education in any of the specialties: general hygienist, laboratory research specialist, occupational health doctor.
  • Availability of an accredited research laboratory.

If the organization does not meet the requirements, then its decision will be invalid.

Timing of the audit

The schedule of inspections is approved by the employer, between inspections the period must be at least five years. The next certification is still carried out, even if the results of the previous one showed full compliance with the standards. New places are certified no later than 60 days after the start of their operation.

There are situations when a check is carried out outside the plan:

  • When changing equipment;
  • When changing raw materials and materials;
  • In case of industrial injuries or accidents;
  • When making changes to technology;
  • When taking measures to improve working conditions and bring them to the relevant standards;
  • When changing protective equipment;
  • At the suggestion of a trade union member;
  • According to the results of the state examination;
  • When new jobs appear.

The certification process

There are three stages of certification, this is an assessment: hygiene standards, injury risk, security. Based on the results of certification, a comprehensive assessment is concluded. When checking workplaces in production, the impact of the following factors is checked: biological, chemical and physical. When assessing the conditions of labor activity, the intensity of labor and its severity are checked.

Stage 1. Hygiene assessment

It is carried out in accordance with the guidelines: R 2.2.013-94 and R 2.2.2006-05. Sanitary conditions for work are assessed, whether hygiene rules are observed, whether there are any violations by the employer, whether all conditions have been created for the safety of the employee. Laboratory examinations and sampling are carried out.

According to the results of the assessment, labor conditions are divided into 4 classes of harmfulness: optimal, permissible, harmful and dangerous.

Stage 2. Injury assessment

During the assessment, working equipment is checked, namely: operational documents; is there any protection when working on this equipment; the presence of fences, signal markings, blocking, etc.; serviceability of signals about breakage, emergency start, interruption of power supply, etc.; protection of equipment and electrical wiring from external influences. The tools and fixtures necessary for the work are assessed, whether they comply with the standards.

The Commission is guided by the following requirements for protection against: mechanical impacts, exposure to electricity, toxic chemicals, exposure to temperatures, etc. After the evaluation, the working conditions are divided into three classes: optimal, acceptable, dangerous.

Stage 3. Assessment of personal protective equipment

Employees of the company must be provided with the necessary protective equipment. They must comply with the following requirements: have certificates, comply with regulations, comply with actual working conditions. If at least one non-compliance with the procedure is detected, workplace considered unprotected.

Final assessment of working conditions

Upon completion of certification, a comprehensive assessment of working conditions is carried out, based on the results of all three stages. After that, a final decision is made - whether the workplace meets state regulatory requirements or does not.

Penalties for violation of the rules for a special assessment of working conditions

Responsibility for the conduct and accuracy of the data lies with the employer. In case of violation, an administrative fine is imposed in the amount of 50 to 80 thousand rubles. The amounts of administrative fines that came into effect on January 01, 2015 are presented in the table below.

Type of violation The amount of the administrative fine (rub.)

Violation labor law

Up to 50,000
Violation of the verification procedureUp to 80,000
For the admission of persons who have not been trained in labor protectionUp to 130,000
For non-compliance with labor protection standardsUp to 150,000
For repeated non-compliance with labor protection standards

A simple example #1 of determining the punishment for violating the rules for attestation

The company introduced new jobs on May 01, 2016. The employer began to conduct certification of new jobs on August 01, 2016. Are there any violations? What will be the punishment?

There is a violation, since the verification must be carried out within 60 days from the date of the introduction of new jobs. An administrative fine in the amount of 80,000 rubles is imposed on the organization.

Workplaces subject to certification

All workplaces in the organization are subject to certification. The exception is similar (similar) jobs. If the enterprise has such places, then only a part of them is evaluated, namely only 20%, but not less than two.

Similar places must meet the following criteria:

  • Positions and professions have the same names;
  • Unified technology of work, process;
  • A single list of responsibilities;
  • Work on the same equipment, using the same raw materials, materials, fixtures, tools, inventory, etc.;
  • Similar working premises (either this is one room for all, or it is work in the open air);
  • Similar working conditions have been created (air temperature, air conditioning, heating, ventilation, lighting, etc.);
  • Same work schedule
  • The layout of the equipment is the same;
  • Harmfulness of production of one class and one type;
  • The same protective equipment.

One attestation card is issued for similar places. The result of the assessment (elimination of deficiencies, improvement measures, premiums for harmfulness, etc.) applies to all similar places.

Example #2. Classifying jobs as similar

The sewing factory employs 8 seamstresses. They have the same working conditions, the same sewing machines, work technology, the same job titles, the same work schedule and the raw materials (materials) used. Are the jobs similar and how many jobs need to be assessed?

8 jobs are similar. 20% of places, but not less than two, must pass certification.

8 * 20% = 1.6, so you need to check 2 similar working metas. If, as a result of checking these places, a decision is made to improve working conditions, then this decision will be extended to all 8 places.

Documents required for the assessment of labor conditions

The table below shows the necessary documents for which will be required before certification, during the assessment process itself and after verification.

Before the beginning Under evaluation After the

The order of the head on the creation of the commission and its list.

Schedule approved by the manager.

List of places to be checked.

Attestation cards for each workplace.

Summary sheet of test results.

Table of harmfulness classes and allowances for harmfulness.

Conclusions based on the results of the state examination (if any).

Infringement notices (if any).

Information about the accredited organization.

Minutes of the committee meeting.

Action plan to improve working conditions.

Certificate of Completion.

Approved Attestation Report

The order to complete the certification is signed by the head within 10 days. The manager acquaints the employee with the results of the check against signature. After that, within 10 calendar days, the employer must submit to the state labor inspectorate in paper and electronic form: a summary of the results of the inspection and information about the accredited organization. The data on the results of the SOUT are posted on the official website of the company within 30 days.

Frequently Asked Questions

Question number 1. Is certification of workplaces carried out for office workers?

Yes, it is carried out, since certification, according to Federal Law No. 426, must be carried out for all jobs. Most likely, the workplaces of office workers will be recognized as similar, then only 20% of the places will need to be checked, but at least two.

Question number 2. Who is responsible for compliance with the certification rules?

The employer is responsible. In case of violation, an administrative fine is imposed from 50 to 200 thousand rubles.

Question number 3. Who conducts certification?

Certification is carried out by an attestation commission appointed by the head and an independent accredited organization.

Question number 4. When is certification required?

Once every five years, and for new locations within 60 days. In certain cases, unscheduled certification is carried out.

Question number 5. Can an accredited commission refuse to conduct an audit?

Yes, it can, if the employer has not provided all the necessary documents and conditions for taking measurements.

Carrying out certification of workplaces according to working conditions allows the employer to determine how safely the activities of his employees are organized. At present, all employers, with the exception of individuals without the formation of an individual entrepreneur, should carry out this event.

Evaluation of working conditions and certification of workplaces

It should be noted right away that at present, such a concept as “attestation of workplaces” is not used in legislative acts, it was replaced by “special assessment of working conditions” from 01/01/2014. But in everyday life, the phrase “attestation of workers” is still more often used places."

At their core, these two concepts are identical, and one and the other implies a special set of measures aimed at identifying harmful and dangerous factors at one job or another.

Currently, the current law on attestation of workplaces is the Federal Law “On the Special Assessment of Working Conditions” dated December 28, 2013 No. 426-FZ (hereinafter referred to as the Law).

Certification of workplaces: validity period

The frequency of certification of workplaces is as follows:

  • Scheduled special assessment once every 5 years.
  • Unscheduled as needed.

Unscheduled certification of workplaces can be carried out in the following cases:

  • the emergence of new jobs,
  • an accident or occupational disease due to exposure to hazardous factors,
  • changes in the technological process,
  • order of the GIT inspectors or at the suggestion of the representative body of workers.

For such situations, Article 17 of the Law establishes a deadline of 6 to 12 months for an unscheduled special assessment, depending on the reason that caused it.

Another question that arises for employers who, prior to the entry into force of the Law, had attestation of workplaces: for how many years is such an inspection valid, is it necessary to conduct a special assessment instead? The law states that if there are no prerequisites for an unscheduled assessment, the attestation will be valid for 5 years. That is, if enterprises conducted it before the end of 2013, they need to conduct a special assessment for the first time only in 2018.

Certification of workplaces: who conducts

According to Article 8 of the Law, a special assessment of jobs is organized by the employer with the participation of a company that has the right to carry out such work.

The organization involved has a number of requirements:

  • The list of activities must contain the OKPD code for attestation of workplaces: (according to the classifier OK 034-2014).
  • The company must employ at least 5 certified experts.
  • The structure of the company should include a special accredited laboratory for measurements and samples.

In order to be sure that the company entrusted with the inspection meets the stated requirements, you need to check its presence in a special list, which is located on the ]]> website of the Ministry of Labor ]]> .

How to conduct a workplace assessment yourself

Currently, employers are not entitled to carry out certification of workplaces without the involvement of employees of a company that has the appropriate license. Otherwise, the results of such a special assessment will not be valid.

How is workplace certification carried out?

The procedure for attestation of workplaces in terms of working conditions involves the following activities:

  • Issuance of an order for certification, in which a commission and deadlines are appointed.
  • A list of jobs subject to special assessment is determined. Here it is necessary to take into account the frequency of certification of workplaces. Only those places are checked, the period of the previous evaluation of which expires.
  • Direct work is carried out to study the documentation, measurements and sampling.
  • A report is drawn up, which includes an attestation card and a summary sheet. All the activities carried out are entered into them and a conclusion is made about the safety of the workplace with the assignment of a certain class.

The results of the special assessment should be made known to interested employees.

Workplace attestation card for working conditions

This is a consolidated document in which all information about the workplace being checked is entered, and indicate the level (degree) of exposure to certain factors, for example, the level of APFD (in the certification of workplaces, under this abbreviation, all aerosol substances that may be in the air are combined).

Penalty for the lack of certification of workplaces in 2018

If the employer evades the special assessment or violates its procedure, an administrative penalty is imposed on him. The penalty for the lack of attestation of workplaces is charged under paragraph 2 of Article 5.27.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation and amounts to:

  • 5000 - 10,000 rubles. for officials and entrepreneurs.
  • 60,000 - 80,000 rubles. for organizations.

At the same time, the payment of a fine does not relieve the perpetrator of certification.

How to pay for certification and return part of the funds spent on it

As a rule, the question of cost accounting arises with budget organizations, which pays for the certification of jobs. KOSGU (Classification of Public Sector Operations) in this case refers to Article 220 “Payment for works, services” (Order of the Ministry of Finance dated July 1, 2013 No. 65n).

Another question is how can certification of workplaces be partially compensated? The FSS allows you to pay for it from contributions for "injuries". To do this, you need to submit the appropriate package of documents to the Fund. You can receive funds both for the work already done and for the planned one. The main condition is the absence of debts on insurance premiums.

Certification of workplaces in terms of working conditions includes a set of procedures, measurements and calculations that make it possible to determine how safe a particular workplace is. This procedure should be carried out by all employers with a certain frequency. What are the deadlines for certification of workplaces regulated by Law No. 426-FZ (On conducting a special assessment) . Its types are divided into planned and unscheduled.

The most important specific area in the work on the prevention of industrial injuries and occupational diseases is certification of workplaces according to working conditions, this Russian version of the classic analysis, assessment and risk management in the workplace.

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation defines certification of workplaces for working conditions as an assessment of working conditions at workplaces in order to identify harmful and (or) dangerous production factors and take measures to bring working conditions in line with state regulatory requirements for labor protection.

Certification of workplaces in terms of working conditions makes it possible to identify and objectively evaluate hazardous and harmful production factors at workplaces.

The certification of workplaces, in turn, subject to the establishment of the procedure and norms for the free issuance of these protective equipment, will allow employers to more fully provide their employees with protective equipment depending on working conditions at each workplace and thereby contribute to a significant improvement in the work of workers.

The procedure for certification of workplaces

In accordance with Article 212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer is obliged to ensure that workplaces are attested in terms of working conditions.
Certification of workplaces in terms of working conditions is carried out in the manner established by the federal executive body responsible for the development of state policy and legal regulation in the field of labor.

Certification of workplaces makes it possible to objectively evaluate each workplace from a number of basic positions:

  • on individual factors of the production environment;
  • according to the intensity and severity of the labor process;
  • on safety of the workplace;
  • on the provision of the employee with personal protective equipment.

The actual result of the certification is knowledge of the situation about working conditions and their dangers, the formal result is completed certification cards. It is the job attestation cards that become the basis for all subsequent actions, and all preventive work to prevent occupational injuries and occupational diseases often depends on the correctness of their filling.

The main options for certification of workplaces for working conditions

According to the first option the entire complex of works is carried out entirely by the institution itself.

The practice of certification of workplaces convincingly shows that only individual institutions with an average number of employees can successfully cope with this work.

According to the second option the entire complex of works is performed completely (“on a turn-key basis”) by a third-party organization (having permission to carry out this type of work.

According to the third, most optimal, option, the entire range of works is carried out mainly by the institution itself, jointly and under the methodological guidance of third-party specialists specialized organization(having permission to carry out this type of work, as a rule, to the regional centers of labor protection). At the same time, a third-party organization provides qualified assistance in the implementation of measurements and training of personnel for carrying out individual elements of attestation of workplaces in the field by the institution.

The main regulatory document for organizing and conducting certification of workplaces in terms of working conditions is " Regulations on the procedure for attestation of workplaces in terms of working conditions "( further Regulation ), approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation of March 14, 1997 No. 12 (entered into force on July 1, 1997). On September 1, 2008, a new “Procedure for attestation of workplaces in terms of working conditions” comes into effect, approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated August 31, 2007 No. 569.

Certification deadlines:

are established at least once every 5 years from the date of the last measurements;

workplaces are subject to mandatory recertification after the replacement of the equipment used, changes in the technological process, reconstruction of collective protective equipment, etc., as well as at the request of the State Expertise of working conditions of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in case of violations during the certification of workplaces in terms of working conditions;
the results of recertification are drawn up in the form of an appendix for the relevant positions to the Card for attestation of the workplace in terms of working conditions. It should be remembered that the certification of workplaces for working conditions is a long-term, in fact permanent, work of any institution!

Stages of certification

1. Preparatory stage;
2. The main stage (the actual certification of jobs);
3. Final stage;
4. Evaluation and use of the obtained results;
5. Preparation of the institution for certification of work on labor protection.
Let us now analyze the content of the work at various stages of their implementation.
At the preparatory stage, the following activities are carried out.

1.1. The head of the institution or, on his behalf, one of the employees - the future chairman of the attestation commission forms the composition of the attestation commission.
To certify jobs in small organizations, it is recommended to create an attestation commission consisting of: the head of the institution or his deputy - chairman of the commission, labor protection specialist, mechanic, personnel service specialist, labor and wages department specialist, power engineer, technologist, chairman of the trade union committee etc. Each institution independently determines the composition of the attestation commission.
In institutions with a larger number, as a rule, a central attestation commission and commissions in subdivisions are created.
The composition of the commissions is approved by the order of the establishment. The option of carrying out certification on divisions is possible.

1.2. It is advisable to start the certification of workplaces for working conditions with the training of members of the certification commission by contacting regional labor protection centers or other training centers, preferably with labor authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, that have permits for conducting educational activities and sufficient experience in working on the procedure certification of workplaces according to working conditions.
To do this, the chairman of the commission must organize the provision of methodological assistance by inviting the regional center for labor protection and holding two or three day classes (educational seminar) with members of the commissions. To do this, the following sequence of actions is carried out.

1.3. The head of the institution issues an order on certification of workplaces, indicating its terms.

1.4. The certification commission develops a schedule for the establishment and certification of workplaces in terms of working conditions, in which it is necessary to distribute the activities and stages of certification, indicate the timing and responsible executors.
It is advisable to carry out certification of workplaces first in the main divisions, and then in the auxiliary ones. This will avoid measuring repeating factors in the same place for different categories of workers. For example, the results of measurements of factors at the workplace of the main production can be taken as a basis for auxiliary services of the corresponding workplaces (repairmen, managers, etc.) when specifying the time of exposure, and only if necessary, it is possible to additionally measure the missing factors.

1.5. Since all hazardous and harmful production factors (physical, chemical, biological), the severity and intensity of labor at the workplace, the attestation commission forms lists of workplaces subject to certification, indicating harmful factors for instrumental measurements .
To compile a list of jobs subject to certification, it is recommended to use the staffing table, " All-Russian classifier professions of workers, positions of employees and wage categories "OK 016-94.
When compiling the list, the attestation commission proceeds from:
technological process characteristics;
equipment composition;
applied raw materials and materials;
similar data from earlier measurements of the levels of hazardous and harmful production factors, the severity and intensity of the labor process;
employee complaints about working conditions.
In institutions where there are technological regulations, the characteristics of the technological process can be obtained from this document. It also provides detailed data on harmful production factors, the appearance of which is due to the technological process, as well as describes their main sources.
The main factors subject to mandatory assessment are: the intensity of the labor process, the severity of the labor process. It does not require any special Money. This work can and should be performed by specialists of the institution - members of the attestation commissions according to the methods and proposed samples of completed protocols for assessing the severity and intensity of the labor process.
Mandatory measurable factors include microclimate parameters and illumination at workplaces, levels of electromagnetic radiation (at workplaces with computers).
The whole set of harmful and dangerous production factors in the workplace is formed due to the presence of raw materials and materials (or semi-finished products), as well as processed products that have properties harmful to humans, with which the employee comes into contact. To this should be added harmful factors arising directly from the operation of technological equipment (heating, cooling, noise and vibration from the operation of equipment, ventilation and air purification systems, hand and power tools, etc.).
The compiled list of jobs with indication of harmful factors is approved by the chairman of the attestation commission.

1.6. The certification commission draws up a list of regulatory documents that it will need to assess the injury safety factor, the provision of workers with personal protective equipment.

For the purposes of safety workplaces, it is recommended to use two types of protocols: one is designed for systematic obtaining information on the training of employees in labor protection, as well as to test knowledge of electrical safety, etc., the other - to enter all equipment, tools and fixtures for all workplaces included in the List of workplaces. Similar protocols must be filled out on PPE, the severity and intensity of labor, etc.

In order to assess workplaces by the severity and intensity of the labor process, as well as the time of exposure to harmful factors, it is recommended to compile timekeeping of working hours for each workplace (photo of the working day). The protocols of the preliminary survey of workplaces to a large extent streamline the work of direct executors.

In order to simplify the tasks assigned to the direct executors, it is recommended to prepare samples of completed attestation protocols for some similar jobs.

After the organization of such work and filling in the protocols of the preliminary examination, photographs of the working day, a list of legal documents is compiled. If it was prepared in advance, then any changes and additions are made to it.

Functions of the attestation commission:

  • implementation of methodological guidance and control over the certification of workplaces for working conditions at all its stages in all departments;
  • the formation of all the necessary regulatory and reference base for the certification of workplaces and the organization of its study by the participants in the certification process;
  • compiling a complete list of workplaces of the institution with the allocation of work similar in nature to the work performed and working conditions;
  • identification based on the causes of industrial injuries in the institution of the most traumatic areas, works and equipment;
  • compiling a list of hazardous and harmful factors of the working environment, indicators of the severity and intensity of the labor process to be assessed at each workplace, based on the characteristics of the technological process, the composition of the equipment, the raw materials and materials used, data from previous measurements of indicators of hazardous and harmful production factors, severity and tension of the labor process, complaints of employees about working conditions;
  • assignment of codes to industries, workshops, sections, workplaces for automated processing of the results of attestation of workplaces in terms of working conditions;
  • conducting certification of specific jobs and making decisions on the further use of jobs;
  • development of proposals for the improvement and improvement of working conditions;
  • preparation of the institution for certification of work on labor protection.

In relatively large institutions, with a staff of 500 or more, as a rule, commissions are created in structural divisions.

If the duties (and responsibilities) of the chairman of the central commission and his deputies include organizing and managing all work on the procedure for attestation of workplaces, including obligations to comply with certification schedules and the quality of certification materials, then the chairmen of commissions in structural divisions are responsible:

  • for organizing and performing work on certification of workplaces (collecting initial data, performing instrumental measurements of harmful and dangerous factors, filling out certification cards, etc.);
  • for the preparation of a summary sheet in a structural unit, for the development of measures to improve the working conditions of employees, for holding meetings of the attestation commission;
  • for the provision of materials for attestation of workplaces to the central attestation commission.

Determination of the actual values ​​of hazardous and harmful production factors in the workplace

When attesting a workplace for working conditions, all hazardous and harmful production factors (physical, chemical, biological), the severity and intensity of labor at the workplace are subject to assessment.

This assessment is carried out according to the hygienic criteria defined in the Guidelines for the Hygienic Assessment of Work Environment and Work Process Factors. Criteria and classification of working conditions ”(Guideline 2.2.2006-05) put into effect on November 1, 2005.
Please note that this Guide has replaced the generally accepted and official (according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) terms “working environment”, “hazardous production factor”, “harmful production factor” with new, and, in our opinion, not entirely successful, terms “working environment”. environment", "harmful factor", "harmful factor of the working environment", "dangerous factor of the working environment", practically without changing their meaning and content of the concept, which can cause certain complexity and confusion in the preparation of official labor protection documents in practice and what we We cannot but draw the attention of our listeners.

When carrying out measurements, it is necessary to use the measuring instruments specified in the regulatory documents. The measuring instruments used must be metrologically certified and verified by state verification bodies within the established time limits.

Instrumental measurements of the levels of production factors are documented in protocols.

The form of protocols is established normative documents, which determine the procedure for measuring the levels of indicators of a particular factor.

The protocols must contain the following data:

  • the name and code of the subdivision of the establishment of the workplace;
  • date of measurements;
  • the name of the third-party organization (or its subdivision) involved in the measurement;
  • the name of the measured production factor;
  • measuring instrument (name of the device, instrument, date of verification and number of the certificate of verification);
  • measurement method with indication of the normative document on the basis of which the measurement is carried out;
  • place of measurement, sketch of the room indicating the point of measurement (sampling);
  • the actual value of the measured parameter;
  • position, surname, initials and signatures of the employee who carried out the measurements and the representative of the administration of the facility where the measurements were taken;
  • signature of the responsible person, seal of a third-party organization (or stamp of its division) involved in the measurement.

Similar information is indicated when drawing up protocols for determining the severity and intensity of the labor process. Considering that the assessment of the severity and intensity of the labor process is carried out by the organization independently, the following are methods for assessing the severity and intensity of the labor process, as well as recommendations for measuring and assessing the factors of the production environment using laboratory and instrumental research methods.

Safety assessment of workplaces

The main objects for assessing the safety of workplaces are:

  1. production equipment;
  2. fixtures and tools;
  3. provision of means of training and instruction.

Evaluation of production equipment, fixtures and tools is carried out on the basis of current and applicable regulatory legal acts on labor protection (state and industry standards, labor protection rules, standard instructions on labor protection, etc.).

Methodological basis d To carry out the certification of workplaces according to the safety factor, there are “Guidelines for assessing the safety of workplaces for the purposes of their certification in terms of working conditions. MU OT RM 02-99.

Before assessing the safety of workplaces, the presence, correctness of maintenance and compliance with the requirements of regulatory documents in terms of ensuring labor safety are checked.

Injury safety assessment is carried out by checking the compliance of production equipment, fixtures and tools, as well as training and instruction tools with the requirements of regulatory legal acts. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the availability of safety certificates of the established sample for production equipment.

In cases where production equipment and fixtures at the workplace were manufactured before the regulatory legal acts that apply to them came into force, or when these documents were not developed and approved in the prescribed manner, the injury safety assessment of production equipment and fixtures is carried out for compliance with the requirements set forth in national regulatory legal acts that ensure workplaces safe conditions labor, including:

  • availability of means of protecting workers from the impact of moving parts of equipment that are a source of danger;
  • fencing of cables and other elements, the damage of which may cause danger;
  • availability and compliance with regulatory requirements of signal coloring and safety signs;
  • ensuring the functioning of protective equipment during the action of the corresponding dangerous or harmful production factor;
  • elimination of hazardous situations in case of complete or partial interruption of power supply and its subsequent restoration, as well as in case of damage to the power supply control circuit;
  • protection of electrical equipment, electrical wiring (including grounding) from mechanical influences, rodents and insects, penetration of solvents, making connections of wires and cables in junction boxes, inside the housings of electrical products, devices, machines;
  • compliance with the size of passages and passages to regulatory requirements; appropriate location and execution of controls (including emergency stop devices) for Vehicle;
  • equipping vehicles with protective equipment and safety signs;
  • availability of labor protection instructions and their compliance with regulatory documents;
  • availability and compliance with the regulatory requirements of hand tools and fixtures.

The assessment of the safety of the workplace is documented in a protocol.

When choosing the regulatory legal documents that are required to assess injury safety, one should be guided by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 23, 2000 No. 399 “On regulatory legal acts containing state regulatory requirements for labor protection”. According to this document, when assessing the safety of equipment, fixtures and tools, it is recommended to use primarily documents located at the top of the table - intersectoral rules on labor protection. If there are no relevant Interindustry Rules for this equipment, then the industry rules on labor protection, etc. are used. In the absence of approved normative legal acts on labor protection of direct action or their insufficient quality, national rules and standards on labor protection should be applied: GOST 12.2.003-91 “Production equipment. General safety requirements”; GOST R 12.4.026-2001 “Signal colors, safety signs, signal markings. Purpose and rules of application. General technical requirements and characteristics. Test methods"; GOST 12.0.004-90 “Organization of labor safety training. General provisions”, etc. In the injury safety assessment protocol, several NPAs from the list should be used, since often not all features of production equipment can be assessed with one document. A similar situation arises when evaluating devices and tools, means of instruction and training in labor protection.

In the safety protocol, it is not necessary to completely rewrite all sections of the regulatory documents that are used in the assessment, it should only reflect the most important points and inconsistencies in working conditions at a given workplace (according to the safety factor) from the point of view of regulatory documents. In the section "Regulatory safety requirements for the workplace" of the injury safety assessment protocol, as noted above, the most important points of the NPA from the point of view of the assessor are entered.

In the "Regulatory Legal Entity Compliance" section, either "Complies" or "Does not comply" is written.

The section "Necessary measures and recommendations" provides possible technical and organizational solutions aimed at correcting the identified inconsistencies. The recommendations and activities in this section should be specific and actionable.
Unfortunately, there is no section “Safety requirements for industrial premises” in the approved injury safety assessment protocol. However, sometimes a situation arises that the equipment complies with the requirements of regulatory documentation, but is located in premises that do not meet the requirements, or the placement of equipment does not comply with the requirements of regulatory documentation. It is necessary to assess the workspace external to the equipment and reflect these conditions in the safety assessment protocols. For example, special requirements for the placement of production equipment; passages between equipment; flooring, wall cladding; number of emergency exits, etc. As a rule, this is reflected in the "Safety requirements for equipment" section.

Important points such as having necessary instructions, briefing logs, availability of protocols, certificates for testing knowledge, passports and instructions for operating equipment and other documents necessary for practical, everyday work, the Methodology refers to the preparatory stage when conducting a workplace according to the injury safety factor. However, as the experience of carrying out work on certification shows, the specified information must be entered into the protocols for assessing the safety of the workplace.

Information on the timeliness of training, briefings on labor protection is recommended to be entered in the section "Requirements for the means of instruction and training on labor protection".

Recommendations for assessing the workplace by the safety factor:

1) correctly draw up a list of equipment, fixtures and tools. This task can be entrusted to the department of mechanics or technology bureau. It is imperative to coordinate the list of equipment, fixtures and tools assigned to the workplace with the responsible technical services;
2) before filling out the protocol, conduct an analysis of injuries at the enterprise for previous years (at least 5 years);
3) select regulatory documents and draw up a list of requirements for compliance with which the workplace will be assessed according to the injury safety factor. At the same time, it is impossible to use regulatory legal acts that have been canceled (Rules, GOSTs, etc.);
4) to assess the injury safety factor with the definition of the hazard class (optimal, permissible or dangerous);
5) enter the hazard class in line 61 of the workplace attestation card;
6) based on the results of the assessment, develop an action plan to ensure the safety of workplaces.

The final assessment of the working conditions (according to the safety factor) of each workplace should be assigned to one of the following classes:

optimal (class 1) – equipment and tools fully comply with standards and rules (normative legal acts). The required protective equipment and tools are installed and working; means of instruction and training are compiled in accordance with the requirements, the equipment is in good working order;

admissible (class 2) - damaged and faulty protective equipment that does not reduce their protective functions (partial contamination of the signal color, weakening of individual fasteners, etc.);

dangerous (class 3) - damaged, faulty, or there are no means of protection of working bodies and gears provided for by the design of the equipment (guards, interlocks, signaling devices, etc.), the tool is faulty. There are no instructions on labor protection, or the existing instructions are drawn up without taking into account the relevant requirements, the conditions for their revision are violated. There are no means of labor safety training (rules, training and control programs, study guides etc.), or the available funds are of poor quality and the conditions for their revision are violated.

When classifying a workplace according to the safety factor to class 3, the working conditions are dangerous, such a workplace is considered conditionally certified.

The assessment of the availability of PPE for employees is carried out by comparing the actually issued PPE with the Standard Industry Standards for the free issue of special footwear and other personal protective equipment to workers and employees, other regulatory documents (GOST, TU, etc.), as well as taking into account the specifics and types of work performed.

The effectiveness of PPE is assessed:

  • availability of certificates of conformity;
  • observance of the wearing period;
  • correct list of PPE.

The work of a specialist conducting such an assessment includes two stages.

First stage:
determination of the procedure for issuing PPE, the compliance of the set and the degree of provision with them with the requirements of the Model Industry Norms for the free issue of special clothing, special footwear and other personal protective equipment, approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development.
At this stage, you should check:
availability of internal norms for issuing overalls, special footwear and other personal protective equipment. As a rule, such norms are approved by the heads of the institution and are included in the relevant section. collective agreement;
compliance of internal standards with the Model Industry Standards in terms of the extent to which they cover the employees of the institution, the list of issued protective equipment and their number.
the procedure for issuing overalls, special footwear and other personal protective equipment to employees.
visits to workplaces and interviews with employees.

Second stage of evaluation:
To start work on this stage, you must prepare and have:
protocols for instrumental measurements of industrial environment factors (microclimate, illumination, noise, vibration, thermal radiation, chemical factors, etc.);
safety assessment protocols;
protocols for assessing the availability of personal protective equipment;
analysis of injuries at the enterprise over the past five years.
A comparison should be made of the compliance of the properties of the actually issued PPE with the conditions of the production environment, data on which are available in the protocols. This concerns, first of all, special protective clothing.
By analyzing the injury safety assessment protocol and directly at the workplace, it should be determined whether it is necessary to use a protective helmet, face shield, goggles, whether they are correctly selected for their protective properties. It should also be determined whether the hand and foot protection provided is capable of protecting the worker from injury.
Particular attention should be paid to assessing the compliance with the conditions of the working environment of the issued personal respiratory protection equipment: whether the brands of gas masks are correctly selected, whether their protective properties are sufficient for the detected concentrations of harmful substances.

The results are drawn up in the form of protocols, where information is entered for each certified workplace. Identified shortcomings are described in the final part of the protocol. It also provides suggestions for improving the provision of workers with personal protective equipment.

Data on the actual provision of the employee with personal protective equipment is entered in line 070 of the workplace attestation card for working conditions.

Assessment of the actual state of working conditions at the workplace consists of an assessment of:

  • the degree of exposure to harmful and dangerous production factors;
  • the degree of injury safety (i.e. the risk of injury);
  • the provision of workers with personal protective equipment, as well as the effectiveness of these funds.

The assessment of the actual state of working conditions in terms of the degree of exposure to harmful and hazardous production factors is carried out in accordance with the hygienic criteria for assessing working conditions based on a comparison of the measurement results of all hazardous and harmful factors of the working environment, the severity and intensity of the labor process with the hygienic standards established for them.
It is advisable to carry out such measurements only after completing the work of the preparatory stage, as well as assessing the injury safety and provision of workers with personal protective equipment, including their effectiveness.

Workplaces must be suitably prepared, i.e. it is recommended to replace burned-out lamps with new ones, wash windows, equipment must work according to technology, raw materials and materials must comply with technology. This will help to avoid repeated measurements and reduce the cost of performing instrumental measurements.

Based on comparisons of the obtained results with regulatory requirements, a class of working conditions is determined, both for each factor separately, and for their combination and combination, as well as for the workplace as a whole.

According to the protocols for assessing the safety of a workplace in accordance with the classification of working conditions for safety, a hazard class is separately established or a conclusion is given on the full compliance of the workplace with safety requirements.

The results of the assessment of the actual state of working conditions at the workplace are entered in the Workplace Certification Card for working conditions, in which the certification commission of the institution gives an opinion on the results of certification.

If there are no hazardous and harmful production factors at the workplace or if their actual values ​​correspond to optimal or permissible values, as well as when the requirements for injury prevention and provision of workers with personal protective equipment are met, it is considered that working conditions at the workplace meet hygienic and safety requirements. In this case, the workplace is recognized as certified.

In cases where the actual values ​​of hazardous and harmful production factors exceed the existing standards or requirements for injury prevention and provision of workers with personal protective equipment and do not comply with existing standards, working conditions at such a workplace are classified as harmful and (or) dangerous.

When classifying working conditions as class 3 (harmful), the workplace is recognized as conditionally certified with an indication of the corresponding class and degree of harmfulness (3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4) and making proposals to bring it into line with regulatory legal acts on labor protection in the Action Plan for improvement and improvement of working conditions in the institution.

After the modernization of a conditionally certified workplace, it is necessary to carry out instrumental measurements of the levels of production factors that previously exceeded the maximum permissible level.

When classifying working conditions as class 4 (dangerous), the workplace is recognized not certified and subject to immediate re-equipment or liquidation.

Certification Card

The attestation card of (his) workplaces (a) in terms of working conditions (hereinafter referred to as the Card) is a document containing information on the actual working conditions at the workplace, applicable benefits, compensations, additional payments to employees and their compliance with current legislation, the norms for issuing workwear and protective equipment, as well as recommendations for improving working conditions at a given workplace or a group of similar workplaces and, if necessary, proposals for the abolition of benefits and compensations or the introduction of new ones.

The card is intended for:

  • a comprehensive assessment of the existing conditions and content of labor at the workplace or a group of similar (typical) workplaces;
    injury safety assessments;
  • identification of workplaces that do not comply with the norms, rules and standards of labor safety;
  • substantiation of benefits and compensations for unfavorable working conditions (surcharges to tariff rates, additional leave, reduced work week, pensions for preferential terms);
  • development of measures aimed at improving working conditions and maintaining the health of workers;
  • familiarization of employees upon hiring with working conditions, their impact on health and the necessary personal protective equipment.

On the final stage final documents are formed

At the same time fill in:
List of workplaces (RM) and the results of their certification in terms of working conditions in the subdivision, which includes information about certified workplaces and working conditions at them, the number of workers employed in these conditions, and their provision with personal protective equipment;
A summary sheet of jobs (RM) and the results of their certification in terms of working conditions in the institution, which indicates the number of jobs by structural divisions and the institution as a whole, the number of jobs at which certification was carried out with their distribution by class of working conditions, the number of employees, employed at the workplaces where certification was carried out, information on the provision of workers with personal protective equipment.
The results of the work of the attestation commission of the institution are drawn up by the protocol of attestation of workplaces in terms of working conditions.

The protocol must be accompanied by:
Job attestation cards for working conditions;
Statements of workplaces (RM) and the results of their certification in terms of working conditions in departments;
Summary sheet of jobs (RM) and the results of their attestation on working conditions in the institution;
Action plan to improve and improve working conditions in the institution.

Implementation of the results of certification of workplaces in terms of working conditions

Implementation of the results of certification of workplaces is to develop an action plan to improve and improve working conditions in the institution.

Based on the results of certification of workplaces in terms of working conditions, the certification commission, taking into account proposals received from the structural divisions of the institution, individual employees, develops an Action Plan to improve and improve working conditions in the institution.

The Plan specifies the deadlines for the implementation of activities and responsible executors. The plan should include bringing all workplaces in line with regulatory requirements for labor protection.

The plan is signed by the chairman of the attestation commission, and after agreement with the joint committee (commission) on labor protection, trade unions, approved by the head of the institution.

The results of certification of workplaces in terms of working conditions are brought to the attention of the employees of the institution.

Workplace attestation documents for working conditions are materials of strict accountability and are subject to storage for 45 years.

Procedure for developing and approving instructions

Recall that the head of the institution (department) is responsible for the timeliness and correctness of work with instructions [on labor protection].

The first head of the institution organizes the timely development, approval and availability of labor protection instructions for all types of work performed in his institution or in an independent structural unit such as a branch.

If there are deputies, he entrusts them with this work. The latter exercise control over the timely development, approval and availability of instructions for all types of work performed in subordinate units.

If the institution has a labor protection service or at least an labor protection engineer, then they are directly involved in the preparation and approval of instructions. If an institution has a labor protection management system that provides for and regulates the duties of all managers to ensure labor safety, then it also regulates the work on writing and approving instructions. If the institution is small, then this work will have to be done by the head himself or contact specialists. The development of instructions for employees is carried out on the basis of orders and orders of the head of the educational institution.

The main link for working with instructions is the middle manager - the level of the head of the shop, the head of the department. He knows the specifics of his production better than others and is responsible under the law for this work.

He directly
firstly, together with the labor protection service and the department of labor and wages (OTiZ), develops a list of necessary instructions for labor protection,
secondly, he personally develops or entrusts his deputy or other competent employee with such development;
thirdly, it exercises control over the timely approval and availability of labor protection instructions for all types of work performed in the workshop or department under his supervision.

The list is developed on the basis of the approved at the enterprise staffing in accordance with the "Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Works and Professions of Workers" and "Qualification Guide for the Positions of Managers, Specialists and Other Employees". The list is approved by the head of the institution and sent to all structural units(services, departments, etc.).

Persons appointed by the order of the head of an independent unit (subject teachers, etc.) are directly involved in the development of labor protection instructions.

Hello! In this article we will consider the procedure for certification of workplaces for working conditions.

Today you will learn:

  1. What is attestation, what is the procedure and stages of its implementation;
  2. What are the deadlines and validity period;
  3. What's new adopted in 2019;
  4. Where the results of the study can be useful and which firms are doing it.

Certification what is it

This is a concept from the labor law section. Indicates the identification of the compliance of the environment and other factors at the place of work of a person, labor protection standards, for harmful and dangerous indicators.

If these factors are detected, the employer is obliged to develop an algorithm of actions to approximate working conditions in accordance with these standards.

The phrase "attestation of workplaces" was actively used until 2013, already in 2014 the definition "special assessment" was replaced.

The very concept and rules for its implementation are supported by Federal Law No. 426 of December 28, 2013. The main thing in this action is a set of techniques for detecting and assessing the harmfulness and danger of production indicators and the degree of their impact on human health.

Why is certification needed and is it needed at all? This procedure is carried out to separate all production factors according to the degree negative impact on human health into classes and subclasses.

This division plays a big role in the lives of many workers. Employees engaged in the labor process with negative working conditions can count on a reduction in seniority in order to assign a pension and receive benefits.

Certification allows you to give a full assessment of each workplace from several sides, its goals are:

  1. Assess the degree and level of how the factors of the working environment affect a person.
  2. To identify the severity and tension of individual production cycles on the health status of the employee.
  3. Determine the level of injury and its safety.
  4. Determine the security of each employee with overalls for life-threatening work.

The result of such an assessment is the completion of a certification card, which forms the basis for the development of measures to reduce injuries at the enterprise.

Who is subject to a special assessment of working conditions

Special certification of workplaces applies to all categories of employers.

These include:

  • regardless of the type of property;
  • Commercial firms;
  • Budget institutions;
  • with at least one employee on staff.

Only individual entrepreneurs who do not have employees, as well as individuals who have civilian employment, but do not formalize them properly, are not subject to such a procedure.

Payment to specialists conducting certification is made only from the accounts of enterprises and institutions that have undergone such verification, which is stipulated in Labor Code, Art. 212.

The procedure for attestation of workplaces

The process of determining the level of hazardous work can be carried out in several ways:

  1. It is carried out only at the expense of the employer. This is possible for large enterprises.
  2. The whole range of works is carried out by a third-party company, which is responsible for certification of work places. It must be certified and have the appropriate license.
  3. Conducted jointly. Financial and preparatory work is carried out by specialists of the audited organization, and measurements are performed by a third-party company.

All of these works are regulated by the "Regulations on the rules for certification", adopted by the Ministry of Labor and Social. development of the Russian Federation and entered into force on 01.07.1997. Amendments were made only on 09/01/2008.

The whole process of special assessment can be represented by several stages:

  1. Preparation for the evaluation work.
  2. The main one, which consists in the verification itself.
  3. Final, development of final documents with records of the results of all studies
  4. Evaluation of the results obtained during the procedure.
  5. Preparation for certification of the organization based on the results of the audit.

Let's consider each stage in more detail.


The head of the institution, which is subject to a special assessment of workers, appoints his employee as chairman of the commission. He, in turn, selects his team. Basically, a person responsible for labor protection at work is appointed to the position of chairman, this may be an occupational safety engineer (OT).

In any firm or organization, the certification committee includes:

  • OT engineer;
  • HR officer;
  • Mechanic;
  • Electrician or power engineer;
  • Payroll Accountant;
  • Honey. employee;
  • Member of a trade union organization;
  • Technologist.

The number of people can be determined individually, such a rule is not stipulated in the regulations for the assessment of conditions.

Such a composition may be observed in small institutions, and in large companies such commissions should be present in all individual divisions with a central commission at the head.

Each list of employees for attestation of workplaces is approved by an order for the main activity, indicating the full name, position of the chairman and members of the commission, as well as the timing of the audit.

All representatives are trained. To do this, the chairman should invite a specialist from the regional organization for public safety, to conduct methodological lessons. The workshop can go on for two days.

The next action on the part of the commission is the development of a schedule of events. At this stage, the timing and stages of certification are determined, indicating the authorized persons.

Next, a list of jobs that are assessed is determined, indicating harmful and dangerous factors for the main measurements. When compiling the register, employees rely on the General Classifier of Occupations and identify the types of work that are most susceptible to the negative impact of factors.

They mainly refer to the complaints of employees, for example, lack of ventilation in the room, vibration, loud noise.

Documentation of the list is presented in the form of a table and plays an important role in the overall certification procedure, as it sets the scope of the entire certification work.

And the last step of this stage is the collection and systematization of complete information about each workplace, its environmental factors, as well as the preparation regulatory framework regulating the special assessment of the risk of injury to a person and the provision of personal protective equipment (PPE).

main stage

Certification is aimed at identifying the compliance of work factors with state labor protection standards in a number of areas:

  • Compliance with hygiene standards;
  • Risk of injury in the workplace;
  • Availability of protective clothing, gloves, boots, respirators, glasses;
  • Comprehensive assessment of all conditions.

The assessment, according to hygienic criteria, takes into account all dangerous and harmful factors, severity, tension. It can also be biological, physical, chemical factors. It is carried out with special measuring instruments. The results revealed as a result of measurements are documented in a protocol.

The protocol includes the following data:

  1. Date of measurement.
  2. Specifies the unit being assessed.
  3. The name of the measurement devices.
  4. The name of the factor being measured.
  5. A drawing of the room in which the measurements were taken, indicating the exact location.
  6. The standard value of the measured factor for further comparison.
  7. Autograph of the responsible person for the measurement.
  8. Seal and signatures of employees of a third-party organization, if one is involved.

Measuring instruments are owned only by specialized firms, and the risk of injury is checked by specialists of their own commission.

When assessing injuries, the capacities, machines, accessories for them and working tools, overalls, the timeliness of the briefing, as well as their compliance with regulatory and legal standards and the availability of safety certificates for automated mechanisms are checked.

When evaluating PPE, the correctness and complete provision of workers with them at each workplace is checked. Before conducting an assessment of the availability of PPE, the commission must study and draw up protocols for the above steps in order to determine what means are necessary to have in the enterprise and whether they are fully available.

The output of the job evaluation must be recorded. Based on the data obtained and comparing them with the standards, the class, the subclass of the complexity of being in the workplace, the hazard class, and the compliance of the place of work with safety standards are determined.

All research results are recorded in a special map, on the basis of which an action plan is developed to improve the climate in the workplace.

Attestation card

The map is a final document that confirms the actual situation at each certified site, the current benefits and compensation of employed people, the norms for issuing PPE, a number of measures to eliminate or minimize undesirable performance indicators.

With the help of the assessment document, places that have not been assessed, that is, do not meet safety standards, are identified, a list of poor indicators in production is determined, which are later used when applying for a position in order to bring the conditions of future work to the person.


It involves the preparation of output documents:

  1. The register of workplaces with the results of the inspection separately by structural units and in a complex, indicating the number of employees and the provision of their overalls.
  2. Compliance protocols for various OT requirements.
  3. Work plan to eliminate identified violations.

All documents must be signed by members of the commission and the chairman. The results of certification should be covered by the whole team, with publicity of the deadlines. The results of such an audit are stored for 45 years and are forms of strict accountability.

What kind of work should be certified

A mandatory assessment is carried out for compliance with safety standards when using manual mechanisms, automated devices and equipment that may be exposed to harmful and dangerous factors.

Such criteria do not apply to a special assessment of working conditions, it has no restrictions. That is, it is carried out regardless of the above indicators.

Until 2014, teleworkers or homeworkers were subject to appraisal. And what about office workers? Today, law 426 provides for an assessment of a job office worker on a universal basis.

Terms of certification

According to the rules of mandatory certification, a test for the belonging of working conditions to safety standards is carried out every 5 years. But there are times when an unscheduled inspection is coming, which can be carried out ahead of schedule.

  1. An unscheduled revaluation may be associated with the commissioning of new production capacities, which leads to the attraction of a new workforce, a change in production technology and the emergence of new working factors.
  2. Another point for unscheduled inspection may serve as the onset of an accident or occupational disease, which are obtained in the presence of harmful and dangerous factors.
  3. At the request of the Labor Inspectorate.
  4. At the request of workers and representatives of the trade union organization.

In general, the duration of certification is on average five years.

Innovations in 2019

Radical changes took place in 2014. According to the law, the name of the procedure has changed. Formerly certification of workplaces, the concept of a special assessment of working conditions is now used.

Since 2015, all employers have been required to report on a special assessment to the FSS authorities in order to assign a class of conditions, which is necessary for reporting to the PFR authorities.

Those organizations that passed certification before 2017 must re-certify until December 31, 2018.

According to the letter of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation, such certification should be considered invalid and at present it is necessary to undergo a special assessment of working conditions for compliance with hygiene and safety standards.

However, not all companies hurried to fulfill the requirements of the Federal Law on time. Information about violators is currently summarized in electronic format and is under the analytical review of inspectors from the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation and State Inspectorate on labor, which will allow, in the future, to apply penalties to entrepreneurs without going to the “place”.

The penalties are now significant:

If an accident occurs at the workplace, and the special assessment was not carried out, then the employer becomes guilty and is subject to a fine of up to 400,000 rubles. A more deplorable outcome may come, this is imprisonment or the appointment of forced labor.

In any case, attestation of workplaces in terms of working conditions should be carried out.

Where are certification results used?

As already noted, the results of the special assessment since 2015 are reflected in the report of the social insurance fund in the form. FSS specialists decided to raise or make a percentage discount on the injury tax.

This column, which reflects the number of workplaces that have been tested for harmfulness and danger, has so far been named as certification of the organization's workplaces, but this is only a matter of time, perhaps it will be renamed into a special assessment.

For the pension fund, these results also play an important role. There is a table of classes and subclasses of conditions according to which wages pests are charged insurance premiums for additional. tariff. The tariff can vary from 0 to 8%.

Employees for whom accountants submit lists of names to the FIU indicating benefits for each employee may retire early.

for example, boiler operators (stokers), electric and gas welders, and other professions according to the certification of workplaces.

Workplace attestation class Subclass Add. tariff, %
Dangerous 4 8
Harmful 3.4 7
3.3 6
3.2 4
3.1 2
Permissible 2 0
Optimal 1 0

According to the established categories, the employer is obliged to conduct regular medical examinations of his workers, improve the quality of their work by introducing new PPE, and provide them with benefits.

Organizations licensed to carry out certification of workplaces

In Russia, in each region there are organizations that specialize in conducting special assessments. They can conduct a full check, or they can only take measurements. Who conducts certification of workplaces in Russia?

For example, in Moscow and the Moscow region there are about 94 such firms.

Among them are the most popular:

  • ATON ECO-safety and labor protection;
  • Service for attestation of workplaces and labor protection;
  • Technometer LLC.

And this is not the whole list. The most common company on the market for such services is LLC Glavpromexpertiza, which has the most optimal conditions. It has established itself not only in the Moscow region, but also in other regions of the country. The activity has been carried out for 15 years. The main advantage is the low price of certification of workplaces, the latest measuring equipment, qualified specialists in their field with higher education.

The company "Mercis" produces a whole range of services, according to labor assessment. Capable of performing microbiological tests. Low prices and constant system of discounts for services attract organizations more and more. Serves the city of St. Petersburg and surrounding regions.

AKCOT LLC, this company has established itself in the market of labor assessment services in the Altai Territory. A very demanded company, carries out a flexible approach to each organization, that is, it can adapt to any conditions for certification, will conduct an assessment in as soon as possible with minimal paperwork.

To choose the most suitable company, you need to study in detail the full information about the company, reviews, certifying documents.

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