Marketer: Responsibilities and Required Skills. Job description of a marketer. Mission Impossible. How to find an Internet marketer or digital marketing director Marketing or management which is better


The profession of a marketer, or a marketing manager, is quite young. But at the same time, it is very promising and dynamically developing. The essence of this profession is to manage the value (exactly as it is perceived by consumers of the product) to increase sales or profits.

Large companies divide the marketing profession into various specializations: analyst, marketing specialist, brand manager, marketing specialist marketing research, marketing director, BTL manager, art manager, product manager, etc.


Marketing is a fairly young specialty. However, this does not prevent it from dynamically and rapidly developing.

At first, marketing was not an independent direction. In most cases, it was interpreted as an advertisement that is based on the needs of consumers, as opposed to ordinary slogans.

But the rate of development of marketing was so high that in 1902, lectures on marketing began to be given at US universities. About 20 years later (1926) the first marketing association was born. After some time, similar associations began to be created both in Europe and in other countries of the world. Marketing reached the USSR in 1970 - the first marketing chamber appeared. Since that time, such a specialty as a marketer began to actively develop in our country. Due to the fact that the marketing profession is new for our country, the functions continue to vary. And in each company, this position can be interpreted differently, which means that responsibilities can be different. But there are general standards set by the Russian Marketing Association.

Who is a marketer?

Many do not have an accurate idea of ​​who a marketer is and what a marketer does. Responsibilities (basic) give an idea of ​​the profession itself:

  1. Market analysis.
  2. Work with clients.
  3. Analysis of competitors.
  4. Looking for new clients.
  5. Search for new interesting offers.
  6. Finance analysis.

Market analysis

The most important function in marketing. A marketer must constantly monitor any changes in the market and be able to quickly adapt to them.

If, for example, a plant for the production of certain iron products does not quickly respond to market changes (does not replace machines with newer ones, etc.), then it risks losing the competition. This means that the company will lose not only time, but also a lot of money.

Among the specific tools, the main ones can be distinguished: tracking periodicals, consumer surveys, analysis of information from competitors, public opinion, social surveys, etc.

Collecting the necessary data is the responsibility of a marketing analyst. He must also be able to process this data, conduct a thorough analysis, draw conclusions and suggest solutions.

Work with clients

Communication with clients is the direct responsibility of the manager. Only by interacting with consumers will you be able to answer questions such as:

  • Why is he buying this product?
  • Why in your company?
  • Why exactly this product?
  • What suits him?
  • What kind Additional services is he interested?
  • What does the client not like?

By finding the answers to these questions, the marketer will discover many secrets about the market, competitors, customer expectations, etc.

A marketer should always know how his company differs from competing ones. But here it is important to pay attention to one feature: what makes you stand out in the eyes of customers, and not in your own eyes. Perhaps this is a perfect trifle (free Wi-Fi in a cafe always increases the flow of customers).

It is necessary to communicate not only with VIP clients, but also with simple, small ones. Your turnover depends on the latter.

Competitor analysis

Communication with clients is, of course, good. But you need to know your competitors even better. The tasks of a marketer include:

  • control over the pricing policy of competitors;
  • knowing their strengths;
  • knowledge about their additional services;
  • understanding why some clients go to them.

These questions need to be constantly researched. Because the market, as mentioned earlier, is constantly changing.

In a way, keeping track of your competitors is easy these days. Almost all companies have their own blogs with customer reviews, official news on websites, press releases. If necessary, you can use a mystery shopper. All legal means are good.

If the market in which you provide your services is small, then most likely all business leaders know each other. Conferences, seminars, exhibitions - these are the places where everyone often intersects. Sometimes at such events you can learn a lot useful information. The main thing is to try to follow what you say (especially about innovations, large-scale advertising campaigns, rebranding and other cardinal things).

Looking for new clients

The functions of a marketer also include finding new customers. In small companies, this can be done by a marketing assistant. He is engaged in the fact that he is looking for new niches where the product can be used. It can be either a new segment or an entire market.

The task of the marketer is that he must check everything. It often happens that a product that was previously used by one group of customers becomes very popular among another group.

A good marketer is well versed in advertising, knows how to do it. Therefore, periodic performance reviews should be carried out. advertising campaigns. When launching a new product, you should develop different strategies for conducting promotional ventures. And then find the best based on the research.

Search for new interesting offers

Finding new opportunities is not an easy job. A marketer must always look to the future and improve his customer care.

An example is home delivery of bottled water. Most of the organizations that do this, for some reason, deliver water exclusively to work time. That is, many potential clients simply cannot use the services of the company, because they are at work at this time.

Almost any service area can be improved by adding a range of enhanced customer service options.

A marketer can find, analyze and highlight what will be economically justified and beneficial for the enterprise.

Not all services directly bring profit, but the quality of service and customer loyalty is always increased.

Financial analysis

The last major responsibility of a marketer is to deal with money. A competent marketer is able to calculate the approximate turnover of the company, competitors and the market as a whole. Particular attention should be paid to:

  • Market dynamics, ups and downs. Do your business growth cycles generally coincide with market growth? If not, your company is in trouble.
  • competitor dynamics.
  • Revenue by segment. Perhaps something worth giving up.
  • Revenue/profit per unit of output across segments and markets.
  • How competitors respond to your price manipulations.
  • Do you need VIP customers (big discounts and high requirements).

Financial analytics is not the main task, but it is necessary to spend some time and effort on this process.

Official and functional responsibilities

The main duty of a marketer is to study, analyze supply and demand in the market for goods and services. Then he forms the company's development strategy.

The main goal is to meet the needs of consumers. Therefore, the primary task of the marketer is to study and identify needs. And only after that you can create a product that is most suitable for various characteristics of the buyer.

If you are going to work as a marketer, you need to know the functional responsibilities:

  • tracking prices for the offered goods, analysis of competitiveness;
  • search and subsequent analysis of data on potential competitors;
  • preparation of analytical reports;
  • research of the market (or market segment) for the sale of a certain type of product;
  • analysis of the purchasing power of various regions and population groups;
  • media planning, development of advertising campaigns;
  • development of measures to improve sales efficiency.

Resume writing

Marketing is such a profession that is difficult to teach, because professionalism comes with work experience. AT educational institutions only a theoretical base is offered, which allows one to navigate in the basic concepts. Each marketer must develop independently.

Writing a marketing resume is a time-consuming process. It must be approached with particular care. Experts point out 9 key competencies that a marketer should possess. Of course, they may not be fully expressed, but each of them must be improved.

  1. Analytical skills: analysis of sales dynamics and management of this forecast; advertising budget management, investment efficiency calculation; comparison of a number of solutions, choosing the best; setting priorities for projects; search for a causal relationship in the behavior of customers.
  2. Professional Competence. In the resume of a marketer, you can indicate knowledge: about modern marketing techniques; about how you can develop and manage the brand of the company; about techniques and methods of sales; about the basics of economics and finance; about the foundations of sociology and psychology; modern design trends (understanding aesthetics).
  3. Initiative. Ability to independently formulate tasks and understand how business can be improved.
  4. Responsibility, no job can do without it. A marketer must be able to manage the advertising budget and product profitability. Therefore, he must understand that he has a great responsibility.
  5. Perseverance and effectiveness in the actions of a marketer. He must be ambitious in his goals.
  6. Creativity - the creation of new ideas and the search for alternatives to solve a problem.
  7. Quality of communication: competent written and oral speech; effective interpersonal communication; public speaking skills.
  8. Flexibility in work. The marketer must be able to find different approaches to be open to new technologies and perspectives.
  9. Self-development and erudition. In any business, you need to constantly improve. Increasing competence and expanding horizons is what a marketer should constantly do.

Job Responsibilities

Every beginner wants to achieve this high level, so that everyone will say about him: "He is a first-class, unique marketer!" The responsibilities of each marketing manager are spelled out in their job description. Among others, it includes forecasting the dynamics of important indicators for the company, as well as developing recommendations for improving them.

It is the ability to evaluate and give a correct forecast that distinguishes a professional manager-analyst from a beginner. And if you learn to predict changes in the situation before your competitors, you will become a unique expert. But the path to this goal is very difficult. The level of knowledge should be constantly improved, and it is best to focus on the latest achievements in statistics and information technology.

Instruction position of a marketer contains all the items related to the progress of the work. This document spells out what the marketer should know and what the marketer is guided by, job duties and functions, rights and responsibilities. It may also indicate that in the event of a vacation or illness, he is replaced by a marketing assistant.

In some cases, it may be prescribed to whom and when the reports of the marketer should be transferred. These reports indicate the results of ongoing research in a particular market segment: figures, graphs, comparative characteristics. As well as forecast and recommendations for further actions.

Who is suitable for this profession

They say about a marketer that it should be a comprehensively developed personality, that is, he should be able to do almost everything.

A good marketer is analytical and likes to work with numbers. Otherwise, he will not stay in this job.

Also, the marketer must be careful. Since even a small inaccuracy can incorrectly reflect all the data. As a result, the concept will line up incorrectly, and the company may suffer serious losses.

Communication is something that a marketer must have. His duties suggest that the marketer communicates a lot with people. After all, he needs to be able to receive data from distributors, from outlets. He must know the level of sales of his products and those of competitors.

Of course, a marketer must be stress-resistant. Endless communication with people and huge responsibility leave a serious imprint. Therefore, you must always be able to control yourself.

Despite the analytical mindset, a marketer must remain creative and be able to generate ideas. After analyzing the situation on the market, the marketer needs to provide his recommendations on how to further promote the product.

Starting a marketing career, it is worth remembering that this is a long and thorny path. It will require almost all the forces and all the time. At the beginning of your career, most likely you will not earn much. And since you need to constantly develop, there will be no time for an additional source of income. But if you have everything that is inherent in a good marketer, then after a while you will be able to reach a new level. The main thing is not to stop your development. Marketing is a profession that strives forward every day, covering more and more new spaces.

“Greetings, site reader. Today I happened to hear a phrase about the differences between a marketer and a manager. I won’t write verbatim where it was dug up, I don’t know either, but its essence is this: “Marketers should create and sell a product, and managers should manage processes and personnel.” And then, as in the song: "Well, everything is clear, but what exactly." Here on this topic I propose to discuss in the comments. In the meantime, my view of things.

To begin with, I decided to see what they write on the Internet about the differences between a marketer and a manager ... I managed to read a lot of funny However, the truth was found with great difficulty. Yes, and is it true?

First, let's look at the definitions

I took all the definitions on the World Wide Web, so please do not criticize too much.

Marketer (English market - market or trade; Greek logos - teaching or science) - in other words - studying the market or trade.

Manager (eng. manage - manage, manage) - i.e. supervisor.

By definition, everything is simple and even almost understandable. However, the meaning of many definitions is often forgotten, translation and interpretation are lame, and the result is a completely different picture of the world. Our marketer does everything, including drawing up layouts and ordering stationery for the office (read the duties of a marketer, which I previously published on the blog). Anyone can be called a manager (an office manager, for example, but one of the duties here is only to bring coffee to customers).

Yes, modern realities have already changed a lot and all concepts are confused. We cannot change the world, but I suggest at least on the pages of this blog to put everything in its place. Add comments - it will be interesting.

What is the difference between a manager and a marketer?

The field of activity of the marketer is the standard 4P marketing mix.

The area of ​​activity of the manager (manager of the organization as a whole) is the company, its development and directions.

I wrote more than once what a marketer does. The manager should only define goals and set tasks. If you like, the manager says WHAT TO DO, and the marketer says HOW TO DO IT and launches a mechanism to implement the plan.

Naturally, when implementing a plan, a marketing specialist will have to interact with people, manage a team, think through the nuances and features, i.e. perform managerial duties. But how else? Launching a marketing campaign or the process of displaying goods on store shelves, determining the direction of the company's assortment, and much more - all this will require certain personnel. Everywhere there are people who need to be managed.

At the same time, any process must be supervised. Discuss the nuances, follow the little things, clearly understand how everything should work. Who does all this? Manager? No, of course, he should think about the global, for example, about the company's development strategy. All this falls on the shoulders of the marketer. The marketer must know and control about all, absolutely all body movements in the company.

Where are the differences? And they are not. It's all about hierarchy. Any action the marketer must coordinate and receive approval. With whom and from whom? With the manager and with him. And then full carte blanche. Actually, that's why I was hooked by the phrase voiced at the very beginning, since far from always a marketing specialist is only responsible for a product (service). Very often, both processes and personnel management fall on his shoulders. And it is right. Otherwise, the marketer turns into an office manager ordering business cards 2 times a year. Do you agree?

Everyone has long known such specialties as a marketer or manager. There are a lot of such "professionals" now. Almost every university has specialties in this area. However, not everyone knows what is included in the main responsibilities of a marketer. Today our task is to explain to you absolutely all the functions of a marketer, his personal qualities and show the job description of this specialty by example.

Job Responsibilities of a Marketer

A marketer is a rather laborious profession that requires a strategic mindset and no small mental stamina. Let's say right away that if a marketer works in big company, his job responsibilities may differ from those of a marketer working in a medium-sized enterprise. The fact is that in large companies there are special marketing subdivisions, each of which deals with its own tasks. For example, there are marketing departments that deal exclusively with the study of the market price of goods. Next, we will describe everything in order job responsibilities of a marketer both in a large company and in a small enterprise. For each function, we will try to give illustrative examples.

Market analysis

Trends are constantly changing in absolutely any market. And this must be followed. This is one of the main functions of a marketer - to follow the movement of the market. It is worth noting here that the more inert the market, the more difficult it becomes to adapt to it and accept new conditions.

What can happen if you didn't see the general trend of the market and didn't analyze everything correctly? It's simple, the company can easily fly out of the market. It is also worth considering that market analysis must be carried out on time. If it is too late, no analysis will save you.

Example: imagine a huge factory that is engaged in the smelting of iron products. The marketing department analyzed the market and realized that it was urgent to change machines and upgrade production facilities. The fact is that this task cannot be completed so quickly, since it is a very laborious work (it is necessary to remove old machines, install new ones, train staff how to work with new equipment). For this reason, the analysis of any market must be carried out on time and smoothly.

The main tools of this function of a marketer include: tracking periodicals, analysis of market competitors, social surveys. In fact, there are a lot of tools for this duty.

Cooperation with clients

Yes, the most important thing is not to “work”, but to “cooperate” with clients. You might think that only the manager should have a relationship with customers, but this is not so. The manager must be able to communicate with clients, and the marketer must understand what exactly each client needs. The analysis of each client will open many doors for you.

You need to understand the main difference between your company and competitors. Here it is necessary to have an objective assessment. That is, to understand how you differ from others in the eyes of the client himself, and not what you yourself invented there.

Example: a person can go to the same cafe all the time. Cafe employees may begin to think that a client comes to them because of the friendly staff, delicious food, or something else. In fact, this person just came because of the free wi-fi.

Analysis of the competitive environment

Another primary responsibility of a marketer is to analyze the company's competitors. Of course, you need to communicate with customers, but you need to devote even more time to the competitive environment, since this is your main rival. It is necessary to understand exactly what is the pricing policy of a particular company that works with you in the same segment. Why are they better than you?

There are a lot of tools for analyzing competitors: company press releases, customer reviews of their products, mystery shoppers, news, and more.

Finding new ways to attract customers

The responsibility of a marketer in an enterprise is to look for new customers, and the more the better. What does this mean? You can look for new niches where your company can show itself. There are simply no limits in this area.

Let's not forget that one of the most effective ways to attract new customers remains an advertising campaign. If you are a marketer, then you must understand good advertising and be able to do it. Analyze the effectiveness of advertising campaigns and develop strategies for conducting promotional activities.

Cash analysis

And the last duty of a marketer is to work with cash flows. A really good marketer will be able to calculate the turnover of the company, as well as the turnover of competitors and the market as a whole.

In this case, we want to advise you to always carefully follow the following points:

  • Market dynamics (busts and booms)
  • Growth dynamics of competitors
  • Company profit by different segments
  • Profit per unit of production
  • The response of competitors to your manipulations with product prices

It must be clearly understood that your main goal is NOT financial analytics, this is the task of other departments. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't use them. The marketer's job is to keep track of the company's successes and failures.

Personal qualities of a marketer

We have already said about the most important duties of the job responsibilities of a marketer. Now we should move on to the personal qualities of a person who can work in this specialty. Perhaps most importantly, a marketer must have a mathematical mindset. Such a person simply must easily use the methods of induction and deduction.

The whole difficulty lies in the fact that a marketer must be able to think, both logically and creatively. Oh yes, this profession implies creative skills, because you will have to come up with new approaches to achieve a particular goal (for example, to conduct a bright advertising campaign).

No one said that this type of profession is very easy work. Just imagine, in one day you may have to come up with a creative advertisement, including all your creativity, and on the same day make clear calculations on the effectiveness of this idea.

As a result, to become an excellent marketer, you will need knowledge in many areas of different directions. If you are promoting a product, this does not mean at all that you will not need mathematical calculations.

Example job description for a marketer

Below we provide a sample example official duties marketer at one of the companies (We took a sample instruction from one of the large retail chains). And so, a person working as a marketer is obliged to fulfill the following points:

  • The marketer should conduct research on the main factors that may in one way or another affect the dynamics of the consumer dispute on the company's product.
  • Based on the research, the marketer must develop an overall marketing strategy for the company.
  • Calculate the budget of the marketing plan and manage the allocated funds.
  • Do a categorization. Identify groups of potential consumers.
  • Assess the prospects of the market in which the company operates. Assess the company's future prospects for entering new markets.
  • Establish a pricing policy and determine the required range of goods.
  • Make new proposals for the individualization of goods for further transmission of information to manufacturers.
  • Establish various distribution channels. Be able to develop dealer and distribution networks.
  • Organize the collection of information from potential clients about the quality of goods, complaints, suggestions. Come up with ways to eliminate the shortcomings of the product.
  • Develop strategies for all types of promotional activities.
  • Develop client incentive strategies (active and passive measures).
  • Be able to prepare proposals for the design of a new style of the company and products.
  • Summarize the effectiveness of the activities carried out.

Experts' words about the responsibilities of a marketer

Zingfin founder Balaji Vishwanathan on marketers:

A marketer is that person who answers the questions “who is the client?”, “What does he want?”. A marketer develops a pricing policy, and creates a so-called "bridge to the client."

The companies have never sold services or products. They always sell profit. The main responsibility of the marketer will be to determine the difference between the sale of the product and the benefits that the consumer can receive with the help of it.

Another main function of a marketer is the ability to distinguish a company's product from the crowd. And in order to make your product stand out from the rest, you need to make the buying process convenient, sell at the right time, and work on the product so that it differs from all competitors.

And the last thing worth mentioning is branding. This is the marketer's most powerful weapon. Agree, as soon as you hear the phrase “Just Do it”, you immediately remember high-quality sportswear and Nike. This is a tool that directly connects the product with the consumer.

The most obvious example, perhaps, would be the eternal rivalry between Pepsi and Coca-Cola. Companies sell sugary sodas that are very similar to each other. As a result, each company makes a profit through the development of a brand management strategy.

Bernd Harzog on Qoura about marketing goals

About 99 percent of the people who claim to understand marketing have little to no understanding of it. Each of them is well aware that the main task of marketing is to bring to a common denominator the benefits provided by the company's product or service. At the same time, each of these people misses a few very important things.

  • Customers who buy a company's product now may NOT buy it in the future.
  • Not the fact that in the future the company will solve the same problem as now.
  • There are no such products that could overnight adapt to the changing tastes of the audience.
  • It is necessary to be able to focus in time both on current tasks and on future prospects.
  • The task of a marketer is to simultaneously support products, study market conditions and plan strategic development.

The most important thing for beginner marketers is to be able to communicate with customers and understand what they want. After all, the profit growth of the company in which you work depends on them.

  • In no case do not gently prove to the management that your position occupies a very important position in the company. Show your abilities in practice.
  • It is very common for many new marketers to complain that the sales manager's opinion is more important than his opinion.

Probably the most common mistake new marketers make is trying to change something. About 90 percent of newly-minted marketers, when they come to work in a company, immediately want to improve something, do a strategy, while management bombards them with simple tactical tasks that, according to the marketer himself, he is not supposed to do.

This is wrong thinking. It seems that before your arrival the company was simply falling apart, and you came here and know how to save it. This is not true. A company is a system that could have worked perfectly for many years before you. It is necessary to soberly assess the situation, and not simply rush into a working adventure that can only lead to bad consequences.

If you do not see what you expected, this does not mean at all that the company's management is incompetent in your work. You are far from the best versed in the life of the company here. A lot of people have worked here before you. Let's say you have found some element in the company that definitely needs to be fixed. Now think about it, do you really think that only you noticed this error? Maybe in fact, this element is made incorrectly on purpose.

Despite all this, a marketer who is well aware of his responsibilities can definitely come in handy for a company. Main on early stages don't get ahead of everyone. It is necessary to carefully analyze everything and become part of the company in order to perfectly understand how it lives and breathes.

What are the responsibilities of a marketer?

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I'll start the topic with a letter from one of our future colleagues. This letter was the reason for writing this note.

Hello Pavel Evgenievich.

I am facing a difficult life choice. This year I need to enter the university (I'm from Ukraine) but I can't decide on the direction. I choose between marketing and management.

Could you describe these directions in more detail (in simple, understandable words). I want to go to these areas because I do not see myself as an ordinary "office rat", but I want to actively participate in the life of a firm, company, and so on ... I want to get a position in which my word will not be an empty place. I want to decide something, invent something. Maybe you have some specific tests, questionnaires, etc. which will help me decide. This is very important for me and I will be very glad to hear from you. Thanks in advance.

Thanks for your question. In fact, the question is worth a million, since the answer to it lays the vector of development, allows you to decide on a career and, as a result, allows you to make life better. Since I know the answer to this question, I will be happy to share this million with you.

Marketing: science and craft

Let's start with a paradoxical, at first glance: the profession of a manager exists, but the profession of a marketer does not! Marketing is a way of thinking, an approach to market activity in which the individual and the company are engaged.

Marketing thinking should have representatives of a fairly wide range of professions. Anyone who does something for the sake of the customer, with the aim of making his life better, making it easier for the customer to choose goods, helping the customer to be satisfied with the services and products that the company offers, must have this special mindset. Thinking like a marketer must:

  • good sellers;
  • those who advertise goods and services;
  • those who design, plan, and create the goods and services needed by the market;
  • those who are interested in these goods and services, in order to help customers, come up with, plan and conduct promotions at points of sale;
  • those who create visual, video and audio communications (posters, videos, banners);
  • those who draw up points of sale and put goods on the shelves;
  • those who manage all the processes listed above (manager);
  • and so on.
All these and many other professions require special thinking, a special attitude to everything that people in these professions do. Usually, without going into details, such professionals are called a marketer (marketer). Thus, no matter what the specialist does. In fact, those who are engaged in marketing have a huge number of professions. One thing unites everyone - work in the market and for the market, work in the company, but also for the buyer.

What is a specialist?

So, do something: sell, shift papers on the table, write reports, plan work, predict the result, build relationships, contacts with the press, government agencies, stores, representatives of wholesale companies, draw advertising layouts, place ads, come up with texts and engage in the web -mastering (website development) - all this diverse work - it is a special job or the work of a specialist.

Naturally, one person cannot do all the work listed, and many people (managers) work in companies. Each of them performs only a part of the work, and the result of this work is only a part of the overall result of the company's work.

Specialist Specialization

In the company, all employees are grouped by areas. Traditionally, there are five directions (maybe more or less):

  • sale,
  • production,
  • logistics,
  • marketing,
  • finance.
Each of these areas has its own professions that require their own special knowledge and skills. Each of these areas has its own narrow specialists. Suppose, having a marketing mindset, the seller can be a specialist (possess special knowledge) in retail sales, or he can specialize in selling to state corporations under government contracts. These two specializations require completely different knowledge and experience.

Other marketing-oriented specialists, engaged in the promotion of goods (promotion), may specialize: one - in the promotion of goods through retail points of sale, the other - through wholesale sales, using the experience and distribution system of other distribution companies. The hold of the first specialist is not applicable in the work of the second.

Each direction has a head-manager: the head of the department, the head of the group. Above all areas there is another group of managers - management of the general management. They call themselves top management or top management. These are special specialists - specialists in management.

What is a Marketing Specialist?

Marketer is a general and collective concept, meaning both special knowledge and skills in the field of a particular marketing specialization. I highly recommend reading the marginal note on what marketing is.

The marketer can:

  • Engage in sales and apply marketing ideas in your work.
  • He can build relationships of the company, its products and services with target audience;
  • May be engaged in the development of new advertising and information materials;
  • He can develop new products.

The main thing is that a marketer is a philosophy and attitude to market activity, a specialist in the science of marketing and a preacher of marketing ideas! Without this marketer does not exist. Take away the attitude, philosophy and empathy, and only a specialist and a good person will remain, only God forbid letting such a person into the market! Let him sit in the accounting department, turn the screws at the factory, or manage a team of specialists in the office.

What is a manager?

A manager is a specialist in management. This is not a specialist in marketing, in the development of creative layouts or in the specifics of printing. Manager is:

  • managing the creativity of others;
  • generation of meanings (why is this or that necessary) and management of other people-generators of meanings;
  • analytical work;
  • strategizing and planning;
  • managing people and processes...
A manager is a leader, a manager. The manager manages: processes, people, distribution, spending resources and earning money.

Market (marketing) management

Of all the groups in the section "Specialization (above), one is of interest to you and me - marketing: advertising and promotion. All employees of this group are called upon to bring knowledge about the product and about the company itself to the masses - to the market. Employees develop the most necessary products for the market and services, development of simple and intelligible methods of communication with customers, partners, friends of the company, government officials, etc., with everyone who is interested in the product in one way or another, can affect its fate.

I would not say that this group of managers is the most creative and creative in the company. No less creativity, for example, in the work of sales staff or developers of new products in production. They experience no less drive from the result of their activities, but I will focus on work related to the market - the satisfaction of the needs of people who are willing to pay for this satisfaction.

manager without marketing

So, having learned, a student with a diploma of "manager" in his hands can lead! Can choose for himself one of the directions and specialize in one of the types of management. If a manager, doing a good job of financial planning, manages the production or development process industrial enterprise– he just does his job well and he is not a marketer. Managers without a marketing education perfectly manage the processes that take place within the company, they perfectly work out the management of communication with suppliers and counterparties, but it’s not worth allowing a manager without a marketing education and marketing thinking to buyers, customers, market intermediaries. Is it clear?

About marketing and institute

If marketing is a way of thinking and a philosophy, then it is really impossible to teach how to be a marketer at an institute. More precisely, you can get acquainted with the theory of marketing, you can learn the postulates of marketing, you can get acquainted with the works of marketing gurus ... but that's all. To understand what has been said, I will give an example: studying marketing at the institute is like learning to jump from a springboard, standing on the tiled floor of the pool! It's like learning to ride a bike by listening to lectures or driving circles around the school track! It's like preparing for motherhood by listening to your mom's stories about your feeding, raising and "didn't sleep at night."

Marketing teaches only the market!

Marketing is truly taught only by the one who sold this "damn" unsold product in the morning. The one who has already lost his mind in search of an answer to the question of how to get dealers to put a product on the shelf instead of a competitor's product. Who suffers at night over the design of the packaging of a new product. Professors with degrees in economics will never fill you with the excitement of the market struggle, they will not light the fire of marketing in your eyes, they will not teach you empathy. Only you yourself, only that team and those things that you have to plunge into, are able to develop your marketing thinking!

What do they teach in institutes?

- the process of marketing management - all the same management, but focused on marketing, on the process of managing marketing structures and marketing processes. Here, in order to understand why marketing is needed and how to manage marketing, it is very worth listening to lectures at the institute.

You will not get more systematic knowledge about the THEORY of marketing anywhere, and the practice of marketing without its theory is wandering in the desert and searching for answers to questions, the answers to which have long been found and formulated by the founders of marketing and marketing practitioners. But, and this is important, you can become a marketer in spirit only by plunging into the market with your head!

Marketing professions?

I described in more detail the specializations of marketing managers familiar to me in this note. I would like to add that this is somewhat an exhaustive list. If you are familiar with other management, for example, business card printing management, then this management is as close to marketing as the philosophy of marketing is close to those who are involved in this process.

What to choose: marketing or management?

In fact, the correct choice is worth:

  • between marketing management and
  • non-marketing management.
If in the future you want, for example, to focus on production management(build factories, dams and power plants, manage RAU EU or Gazprom, for example, then the specialty of a manager is for you.

If you want to engage in financial management, your path to the profession lies through universities with departments of financial management.

Having received a marketing manager diploma, it is quite possible to become a manager at GAZPROM, although economists or lawyers are more favored there.

If you want to become managers in the field of marketing, then the faculties of management of universities with a strong department of marketing are for you. If you are interested in prospects: developing a new product, implementing creative ideas, managing the development of industrial design, mastering new communications with people, creating new sales markets - if you are close to the ideas of marketing, then in addition to the management specialty, you will have to master one of the long list of marketing professions. The Faculty of Marketing will provide all this, but it will only be the beginning. Next, you have to choose and master one of the marketing professions and you will have to become a specialist in one of the areas of marketing, and later, and get in-depth special knowledge, you will have to become a specialist and.

Well, that's all for now. There will be questions, write on the forum of marketers, in the mail. I will always answer, even if not always hour-by-hour with your letter. Good luck.

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Keywords Keywords: marketing, management, choice

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