Profession marketer description of the profession for children. Who is the marketer? Marketer: job responsibilities, resume. Where can you get a job as a marketer?


Hello friends and guests of my blog! Today I tried very hard to write for you a cool and comprehensive article on the topic, who is a marketer, what kind of profession is this, what are his duties and how to become one. I am sure that you will like the result of my labors and thoughts!

And now let's all amicably present the picture. The girl, let's call her Larisa, wakes up at 7 in the morning and sleepily goes to the kitchen. There, she brews a cup of her favorite coffee. Her favorite morning ritual is to open the fresh magazine she always buys and read at least a couple of articles from it while drinking coffee.

Preparing for the exit, she does makeup with her usual cosmetics, into which, however, some novelty was able to break through. Before going out, the girl remembers that she forgot to splash with perfume, which pleases her, starting with the bottle and ending with the fragrance.

While she gets to work, a lot of billboards and posters with advertisements fall into her field of vision. It seems that our heroine no longer notices their screaming calls to “buy me”, but they still get a place in her memory, and at the right time they will “pop up”.

At lunch, Larisa and the other girls go to lunch. Nearby there are about 10 cafes that offer a business lunch at this time. Of these, they consistently visit one or two, they did not like others, but their colleagues like them.

At lunch, the girls discuss the fitness centers they go to. One of them chose the small center closest to the house, the second preferred the one with a swimming pool and interesting Additional services, the third took advantage of a good discount and chose a network complex ...

We can continue this story further, but already in these half a day we see that marketing and advertising (and this is part of it) surrounds us everywhere. If you take Larisa, then here are the points of contact with marketing - she made a choice of a certain brand of coffee among all the others, then a magazine.

By the way, maybe the picture, to start the morning with coffee for a magazine, also came to her from outside. Then there was a perfume that pleases her in its entirety, along with its packaging.

At lunch, she and other girls, for some reason, also choose some cafes and ignore others (and the cost of their dishes may be the same). And as we can see, the choice of fitness centers among her colleagues is very different and dictated by individual needs.

And behind the scenes of these ordinary elections is the work of marketers. What entrepreneur does not dream that the consumer, among others, would give preference to him?

This is the success of his business, the possibility of its growth and development, and, ultimately, financial profit. And all this is very closely related to marketing, how successful it is in his company. Read on, the most interesting is ahead for you!

So, we came close to the question, who is a marketer, and what role does he play in the company? Sometimes the work of marketers is mistakenly equated with promotional activities. This is a delusion, because advertising is only the tip of this diverse and complex direction.

Marketing from English. market has several meanings - market, sales, demand, trade. F. Kottler (marketing guru) calls this definition a type of human activity aimed at satisfying needs and requirements through exchange.

A marketer is someone who researches the market, studies and predicts the demand for goods / services, and forms it himself, creates new products, and promotes them on the market. This is a generalized understanding to make you feel the essence.

There are quite a few definitions and characteristics, and they are all correct, since marketing contains quite a lot of related disciplines and tasks that ultimately affect its final result.

By the way, marketing begins long before you buy any product or service, and does not stop even after the purchase.

This is professional activity dictates his requirements for the qualities of a specialist:

  • a lively, sharp mind is needed,
  • the ability to process a large amount of information,
  • analytical skills and with them creative / creative,
  • ability to communicate with people, to understand psychology,
  • be stress resistant
  • and the desire to constantly learn and develop, keep abreast and be flexible.

I agree, the list turned out to be not small, and that's not all! But the good news is that many of these skills can be developed, and it is very real! If you dream of becoming a marketer, everything will work out, the main thing is your desire and movement towards the goal!

What kind of profession is a marketer

Marketing as a profession in the modern sense arose not so long ago. As an academic discipline, marketing began to be taught in America in 1901. That is why this country is traditionally considered the birthplace of marketing.

Nevertheless, Japan is considered the birthplace of practical marketing. In 1690, Mr. Mitsui opened the first department store, where he focused on the interests of the buyer, and also provided product guarantees and regularly expanded his range.

And the first rudiments of this trend go back centuries and even millennia. The inscriptions, which are advertisements for services, date back to the era of Ancient Egypt. They were drawn on a piece of papyrus and offered to buy ... a slave.

In ancient Greece, enterprising Minos offered his services, and carved the corresponding inscription on the stone. It sounded something like this: “Here I live, Minos from the island of Cyprus, endowed by the grace of the gods with the ability to interpret dreams for a very moderate fee.” I can’t even believe that even before our era, people already knew how to present their services in an interesting way.

In our country, since the 16th century, successful merchants have used marketing techniques to attract and retain their customers - they gave free “samples” of their goods, or some kind of trinkets for purchase, appreciated regular customers and were interested in what was missing so that they would definitely bring it to the next once.

Our time is called the age of consumption. So it is, every day we are offered a lot of goods, something new is constantly being invented, there are goods that we could not even think of before, and plus the old is being modernized.

According to some reports, more than 500 billion dollars are spent annually on advertising in the world. Not a bad budget, right? And someone even calculated how many commercials a person views by the age of 65. Their number, for a moment, is about 2 million! It’s good that I practically don’t watch TV)) But for people like me, there are dozens of other alternatives to get into my field of vision.

Advertising is now recognized as the most influential and significant form of art. Of course, there is still enough mediocrity, but there are also real masterpieces that can be seen at the grandiose advertising festivals and events timed to coincide with this (for example, the night of the ad-eaters).

I do not have vocational education in the field of marketing, but I am very interested in it, and plus, I worked in this field for a while. Therefore, I will give you my personal associative understanding of marketing. I am sure that for someone my images, why do we need marketers, will also be useful!

So, who is the marketer in my eyes:

These are the eyes, ears, mouth, legs and hands of any entrepreneur who wants to be successful.

Eyes- he must see everything that is happening around, how the world lives in general and in particular his potential customers (target audience). What are their needs, complaints, what lifestyle do they prefer, what habits do they have, and so on.

Ears– to hear what the client really needs. It's one thing when innovative products are created, the need for which, sometimes, is artificially forced. But more often than not, it's different.

AT modern conditions market saturation, when everything is full, you must first find that “pain” point of the client, which is not yet covered by anything, and offer an appropriate solution in the form of a product or service.

And even 25-30 years ago in our country, for example, it was enough to put something imported in bright packaging on store shelves - chocolates, chewing gum, yogurts, etc., and people bought it with pleasure. Now that moment is long past.

We choose among many other brands of units. And this is what our choice is based on, how much we are willing to pay, and what composition of the product is acceptable for us for such an amount - all this is important for those who bring the next similar product to the market.

It is clear that there are different segments among buyers - someone is ready to pay more, hoping to get a quality product, someone cannot afford it and is looking for the best middle ground for themselves.

But the essence remains the same, a successful marketer needs to hear what is happening in the head of the buyer. The paradox is that people, even participating in special surveys on a product, can think one thing, but say a completely different thing out loud. And here it is also very important for a specialist to competently carry out such work.

Here I also include work on the quality of the promoted product or service, the results of which can be learned through feedback from customers.

Mouth- sales of products. The product must not be stale. This means conveying to buyers its value and the need to purchase. Here I include what, how and where to say and do so that people understand what a cool product or service you have and will certainly want to get it. Accordingly, all measures of promotion, advertising, creation of promotions, and flash mobs, unusual moves, bright solutions are all here.

Legs is to go out to people, to conduct research, surveys. I include here analytical work, as well as the collection and work with information on competitors.

Fedor Ovchinnikov, by the way, my fellow countryman, is a vivid example of a talented marketer and successful businessman in one person. Before opening the first Dodo pizzeria in 2011 (now it is already a network that can be joined on a franchise basis, it has 180 pizzerias, and has entered the international level, including China, America and other countries) - he went to the metropolis and a little worked as an ordinary employee at McDonald's, Papa John's, Sbarro and Teremok.

Arms– “keep a finger on the pulse”, take concrete actions, quickly respond to changing conditions and market requirements. It happens that a marketer will conduct research with interesting results or come up with cool ideas for promoting a company, but this is where his ardor ends. This is not acceptable, it is better to bring to mind a few simpler ideas, but get a result than to come up with 100 brilliant ideas and not implement a single one.

Marketer duties

Job responsibilities of a marketer can vary greatly depending on the specifics of the company and the management's understanding of what kind of profession it is. You already know who a marketer is, and you understand that this work under its wing hides several areas of work. Here are the differences between the tasks and functions that are performed in this position in different companies.

  • So, in one it is more analytical work with numbers and data (marketing analyst), to track and predict the level of sales, seasonal surges and recessions.
  • In others, it is more of a marketing and advertising activity for the creation and development of promotional offers, participation in exhibitions, holding promotions.
  • Thirdly, it is work on the brand - its creation and introduction to the market.
  • Fourth, it's just a little bit.
  • Fifthly, this is work to promote the company on the Internet or prepare letters to clients by email distribution.
  • In the sixth, work will be focused on competitor analysis and customer satisfaction, and so on.

It is clear that a large company usually has a marketing department, and the responsibilities between employees are divided into narrow areas. Where this is not possible, a marketer-generalist is often required, or more tailored to the current needs of the company (for example, only for analytics).

However, I will give an approximate list of what this specialist does:

  1. Market analysis (specifics, ups and downs, capacity, development prospects, etc.)
  2. Analysis of the company's success (reasons for fluctuations, turnover, profit, speed of product sales, etc.)
  3. Forecasting the demand for a product / service and their relevance.
  4. Analysis of competitors.
  5. Revealing target audience and work with her.
  6. Development and implementation of the marketing strategy of the enterprise.
  7. Pricing policy development (together with other specialists).
  8. Formation of the assortment (together with other specialists).
  9. Development of a policy to stimulate customers, retain old ones and attract new ones. Creation of a sales strategy and interaction with clients.
  10. Analysis of feedback from customers (including potential ones).
  11. Study of consumer preferences.
  12. Development and implementation of new products/services.
  13. Work on the brand of the company.
  14. Development of measures to promote the company on the market (including advertising activities and the search for new distribution channels).
  15. Participation in exhibitions and inter-industry events.
  16. Development of recommendations for improving the current characteristics of the product / service, if necessary, adding new / related areas.
  17. Formation of demand.
  18. Calculation of the necessary budget for the promotion of the company and current marketing activities.
  19. Drawing up reports.

Internet Marketer

What does an Internet marketer (sometimes called a content marketer):

  1. Promotion of the company on the Internet
  2. Conducting promotions and events on the Internet.
  3. Analysis of the effectiveness of advertising channels.
  4. Web traffic analytics on the site, and other indicators.
  5. Increase in traffic.
  6. Development of technical specifications for programmers, web designers, according to marketing tasks and SEO optimization.
  7. Website optimization (in terms of improving behavioral factors).
  8. SEO analysis of the site (but without getting into the programming jungle).
  9. Work on representing the company in social networks, communities, forums, video platforms.
  10. Setting up advertising campaigns (Yandex-Direct, etc.) and analyzing their effectiveness.
  11. Preparation of email newsletters for the customer base.
  12. Expanding the customer base and its segmentation.
  13. Working with the target audience.

This specialist can work remotely.

Marketing Analyst

What a market analyst should typically do:

  • Conduct market analysis.
  • Process the necessary data, and reduce it to reports and presentations.
  • Participates in pricing, calculates break-even and profit levels.
  • Analyzes the turnover of goods.

In general, such a specialist works with large amounts of information, it is important for him to process both internal and external statistical data in a timely and correct manner. The main skill here is to be able to read “between the numbers” and interpret them professionally.

Is there some more marketing manager, usually this is such an advanced account manager. That is, in addition to its functions of selling and interacting with customers, it can study competitors, develop measures to attract new customers.

Economist marketer, there is even such a specialization. In general, there is also data collection and analysis, as well as more rational management of costs and profits, and the formation of enterprise reserves.

Advertising Marketer or a marketing and advertising manager - promotes the company using advertising tools, is engaged in media planning, and the calculation of its effectiveness, the development of information materials.

A brand manager is the development and promotion of a brand so that it is recognizable and popular. This may include developing the name of a new brand, its packaging, if it is a new product.

Marketing Research Manager- everything is clear from the name. Must be able to competently draw up a sample, select the necessary forms for research (focus groups, questionnaires, etc.), conduct them and interpret the results.

Product Manager, he is also a product manager - in his activities he is responsible for the entire cycle from development to promotion of a particular brand / product on the market among all the company's products.

Trade (trading) marketer– carries out comprehensive measures to promote the brand to the consumer, and also builds mutually beneficial relationships with dealers, partners and intermediaries.

Marketing assistant or assistant– performs routine current work that does not require high level professionalism.

As you can see, there is different types this profession, from which you can choose the most suitable and interesting direction for yourself. And besides, you can choose an interesting area for yourself - it can be an enterprise, or a restaurant, or a consulting agency, or a start-up - there are many device possibilities, and there is always a demand for a good marketer.

How to become a marketer

Now you know everything and a little more about who a marketer is. Wake you up tonight with this question, you can answer it without hesitation. And now it's time to talk about how to become one! Ready? There is very little left.

Fortunately, now almost every university has faculties where you can get the appropriate education and master the theoretical part of this exciting profession. In addition, there are retraining courses, so, for example, people from related professions can improve their knowledge and move into this area.

And yet, the possibility of recent years is to receive education remotely, through online learning. I don’t know how high quality it is, but if you have a high degree of self-organization, then why not. As a result, this specialty requires knowledge, and not just a crust about what you studied.

And having reached this point in my article, you yourself were convinced that a marketer should know a lot. How to become a marketer from scratch? Until you have practical experience, you can start your journey and career as an intern in a large company or marketing assistant. For a beginner, this is not a bad option.

Performing routine work, and not yet bearing special responsibility for the entire cycle, you can clearly see how everything is built, what it rests on. By brewing in this juice, you will learn exactly the practical techniques and gain skills that are not taught in the courses, but which are important.

At the same time, the salary will be less than that of the pros, but by combining such practice with study, by the end of it you can safely claim a good position, having such theoretical and real knowledge.

How much does a marketer earn? His income is very different depending on the region, but in megacities it is on average from 30-40,000 rubles per initial stage, and subsequently the amount can reach several thousand dollars. There is something to strive for!

Remember only in this case about constant professional and personal development, learn new things, implement it (just don’t thoughtlessly, please), develop communication skills, memory, speed of thinking.

Now you know who a marketer is, why he is needed, what role he plays, what they are official duties and how to become one from scratch. I hope the article was extremely useful to you. Share it with your friends through social networks and visit me more often for another portion usefulness!

Anastasia Smolinets was with you

For staff. Already funny?

But I do not. Because such qualification requirements I see a marketer consistently when I conduct audits within .

Therefore, in this article I will answer the question - who is a marketer? And why is it stupid to think that a marketer is manna from heaven.

As you already understood, I am rather skeptical about the desire of the owners to find a person from the “I can do everything” series for the role of a marketer.

This very much reminds me of the desire to find a deputy director who will unload the owner, who will work for him around the clock, but at the same time his salary will be no more than 30 thousand rubles a month.

The same is true with a marketer. The same substitute CEO, but not in business processes, but in marketing. But in reality it won't work.

Back to the past

The profession of a marketer appeared at the end of the 19th century in America, when the economy began to actively develop there and the so-called “middle class” was formed, for which various goods began to be produced en masse.

It was for the mass sale of these products that they began to look for people who could take on such a responsibility. This is how the marketing profession was born.

Interesting. The discipline of marketing began to be taught in 1901. That is why all marketers believe that the profession was born that way.

But as they say in Latvia, "That's not quite right." If we talk about a more or less serious approach and about the first competent marketer, then Japan is in the lead.

After all, it was there in 1690 that Mr. Mitsui opened his shop, the assortment of which was presented based on the demand of consumers.

In addition, Mr. Mitsui provided a guarantee for his goods and expanded the assortment with enviable regularity, based on the wishes and surveys of customers.

But in Russia, the position of a marketer appeared much later, and perhaps that is why we have a slightly changed attitude towards his duties.

In our country, this profession began to develop after the collapse of the USSR, however, a tangible growth in such specialists began only in the 2000s, when the 1990s passed and the incomes of the population began to grow.

3 angles of view

Now, almost two decades later, functional responsibilities of our Russian marketing specialists solve the same tasks as those of their foreign colleagues.

Namely, they are engaged in activities, the main result of which is the stable development of the company in a competitive environment, taking into account the interests of potential consumers and the company itself.

Complicated job description? Very. And in fact, in it lies the whole problem and all the misunderstanding of what the job of a marketer is.

Ideally, the functions of a marketer should consist of one fairly simple sequence of actions:

  1. Analyze the market;
  2. Study ;
  3. Improve products and offers;
  4. Interact with people through sales methods.

You can expand this entire list from a different angle, it will be more understandable for many entrepreneurs, and most importantly, more reasonable from a business point of view.

But I immediately warn you, these are not other actions, these are the same, just said in different words:

  1. Attracting clients;
  2. Customer retention;
  3. Work with the client base;
  4. Return of clients.

And even after that, I will not stop, and will make a turn for a few more tens of degrees.

To show you an additional look at the essence of the work of a marketer. And again BUT, this is the same as what is written above, only in the format of 6 questions:

  1. How to attract new clients?
  2. How to sell more?
  3. How to sell faster?
  4. How to sell more?
  5. How to sell longer?
  6. How to sell more often?

In order not to disassemble each question into dozens of sentences, and thus not to increase the article by a couple more pages, just watch the video below, where I talk about them in more detail.

I reveal secrets

The whole secret of bringing marketing actions to life lies in two points. Moreover, they are known and observed only by large companies due to the availability of opportunities.

Small businesses have their own truth, and it is precisely this that prevents them from getting the coveted results, and not saying that all marketers are thieves and scammers.

1. Full complex

This point is easy to build on what you have already read. But I still endure it separately, because from experience, from the first time it is difficult to learn.

Namely, that marketing is not only about attracting customers. And this is not even attracting customers and a few other tasks to improve the company.

Marketing is a complex work, where proportional time is allocated for each area.

It makes no sense to attract customers if you have a bad or not.

To put it even sharper, you don’t need a marketer just to attract customers.

It will not justify itself, since there are narrowly focused specialists on the main advertising channels. And read about it below.

2. Alien hands

Almost everything that is written above, the marketer must do with someone else's hands. Of course he will coordinate and supervise the work.

But he himself should not be able to do precise actions according to the type of setting.

If he begins to specialize in one thing, then this is no longer a simple marketer, but a narrowly focused one, by type.

And it's not that it's right. To learn one professional tuning, you need to invest more than one year of training and experience.

This applies to design, programming, setting up most advertising channels. All these functions and details simply cannot be physically studied by an ordinary marketer, even if he really wants to. Including everything is changing too dynamically.

No Panic

Don't panic, gentlemen. From my secrets, you have probably already lost hope of finding a good specialist for the role of a marketer, or even decided that you need to figure everything out on your own, think where to start. As already said:

Important. A good marketer, if he doesn’t know how, knows how everything works.

This means that he can easily find good performers and control their work.

Yes, it will increase your wage fund, but I will justify this with one phrase: “If you give a marketer a non-core task, he will lose more money than you pay extra. specialists."

Of course, it all depends on the budget, if the amounts are small and the price of the mistake is tiny, then you can take a chance.

But it may happen that he ruins everything due to a minor mistake and you prematurely decide that this advertising channel does not work for you, and in general you have a bad marketer.

In order for you to fix all the variants of events from the porridge of meanings, below I will describe your task and the executor for it.

After all, it is one thing to know the description of the profession and what are the main responsibilities of a marketer, and another thing to understand when he is needed in a company, and when it is worth getting by with narrowly focused specialists, moreover, either in the state or on freelance.

  1. Attracting customers from 1 advertising channel + small / medium budget - “Narrow” FREELANCE SPECIALIST / AGENCY
  2. Attracting customers from 1 advertising channel + big budget - "Narrow" SPECIALIST TO STAFF
  3. Attracting customers from 5+ advertising channels + big budget - MARKETING IN STAFF + "Narrow" SPECIALISTS IN STAFF
  4. Acquisition of customers from offline + small / medium budget - INDEPENDENTLY
  5. Attracting customers from offline + big budget - MARKETING IN STATE
  6. Comprehensive work on the company - MARKETING IN STATE

not a universal soldier

I will go a little wrong, but I will describe a list of what an average marketer in an average small business should be able to do.

So the owners will understand what the responsibilities of a marketer are and what to ask from their specialist, or what to focus on when hiring a new one.

And marketers will be able to improve their knowledge, including thanks to our blog, in places where they sag.

So, why do you need a marketer ... So to speak, his job responsibilities, only in understandable language:

1. Understand what marketing is

This is probably one of the most important criteria by which I will single out a good marketer. The ability to create a cool ad that everyone will suddenly like is not marketing. But to understand what kind of advertising needs to be done in order to be liked and be able to bring it to life - this is already marketing. Moreover, quite a professional level.

2. Do analysis

What should he know first? First of all, he must be able to analyze the market as a whole and the current situation on it, as well as the company in which he works (this is important!) And competitors.

And of course, to be able to do (this is even more important!). If he knows how to do analyzes from a series or according to a model, then urgently hire such a specialist.

This is from the category of must-have knowledge when it comes to the key skills of a marketer.

3. Create a strategy

Not a long-term strategy, this is the task of the head and his deputies. He should be able to draw up a marketing strategy, in the future, at least 6-12 months.

From the series: “I analyzed everything. Here is now our positioning, and here are the ideas that we will implement.”

4. Build tactics

If the strategy is long-term, then tactics are short-term actions. Therefore, the marketer must back up all his ideas with a marketing plan.

5. Make predictions through numbers

A marketer forms the result of actions not on sensations, but on a specific measurable hypothesis.

To your question: “Why?”. I will answer right away - she did not die, but when correct use attracts customers very well and generally gives amazing results.

But the key point is to understand it, to know which one gives the best effect, and which one will have a better effect on.

And to seal the whole city with banners is not to understand. And this immediately shows the weaknesses of the “specialist”.

8. Understand internet marketing

Necessary. Just very necessary. In the last 5 years, the Internet has become such a part of our lives that businesses that do not use it will not survive.

A good internet marketer should know and feel it.

If a company needs to enter on the site or, an Internet marketer needs to know why these tools and how to beat it.

If speak about retail business or services in B2C, then the marketer simply has to do it.

Know where the company's customers sit and engage in their development. If we are talking about B2B, then there is a slightly different conversation, since not for all areas of social. networks are a tool. Therefore, for B2B, the topic remains individual.

And this means that it is necessary to know not only the psychology of people, but also, for example.

No, he must be able to make it both beautiful (visually), and at the same time easy to remember and bring value to the client.

If you now thought that these are supernatural professional skills of a marketer, then no. It's not hard, if anything.

11. Understand sales

To be honest, I think that a marketer who has never sold anything is a useless marketer.

Yes, these are not the tasks of a marketer in the literal sense, but without sales skills, he will not be able to build competent marketing that will bring money to the company.

However, a subtle point, he should be able to sell and understand how the basics work, but not engage in sales and constantly improve this skill to the ideal.

12. Think beyond discounts

This is my personal preference. But it shows the most important thing - whether the marketer can take sides with the owner.

That is, imagine that he gives customers his own money, because discounts are a loss of the owner’s net money.

If he starts talking about promotions, bonuses and others, his importance in my eyes greatly increases.

Important. It was not by chance that I used the phrases in the context of “Understand” and “Do”.

As I already said, a good marketer should only understand something and give it to contractors, and do something only with his own hands, without relying on outside help.


We have a service -. As part of it, we are working on a development strategy for the company, as a rule, for the next 3 months.

We give tactical tasks with a description of the implementation and detailed prototypes of all promotional materials. All that remains from the client is the implementation of it by a marketer or with his own hand.

Only as it turned out, most of the marketers in the state do not have, or their strength is not enough. Therefore, as part of the work, we help to find such a specialist.

For this case, we have detailed instructions, but in order not to leave you empty-handed, you can read the basics of hiring and understanding how to find a good marketer in the article.

Marketers - (English market - market) - employees of a company, an enterprise that analyzes the demand for manufactured goods, markets for goods, develop recommendations for the company's management on the feasibility of releasing and selling the company's goods or, more simply, marketing specialists.

Marketing (marketing - English) is a complex enterprise management system based on the situation on the sales market, as well as the organization of sales of goods. The concept of marketing, in its modern sense, arose in the middle of the 20th century.

Job Responsibilities

A marketer studies the tastes of buyers and product promotion, explores which products will be in high demand and why, evaluates the market for specific goods and services. Carries out careful monitoring of the industry, organizes the work of interviewers who find out the preferences of buyers. Processes information with the help of special computer programs. Prepares a detailed report with figures, graphs, comparative characteristics. Makes predictions and develops recommendations.

An ordinary marketing specialist at a large enterprise performs a fairly wide range of duties. They may include tracking prices for products sold, analyzing their competitiveness, collecting information about the current state of the market, This also includes searching and analyzing data on product manufacturers, suppliers, potential competitors, The task of a marketer is to identify and study the market for a particular type of product, an approximate determination of the capacity of this market, analysis of the purchasing power of various regions and groups of the population, determination of priority areas of work in the market.

A marketer-economist is also involved in pricing, defining target segments and product positioning. A highly qualified marketing specialist is able to analyze investment projects, development of business plans. It should be noted that at the management level, the positions of the head of the marketing department and the head of the advertising department are often combined. Advertising is effective only when it is targeted specifically at the population group that is the consumer of the product being sold. Based on this, it is advisable that management, planning of advertising activities (media planning), analysis of the results be concentrated in one hand.

Personal qualities of a marketer


Analytical thinking;

Passion for working with numbers;


Stress tolerance;

Creative thinking

In conditions Russian market marketers are often referred to simply as sales managers. A marketer is not directly involved in communicating with customers, offering goods, services, etc. It should be noted that at present, in many large Western companies, separate marketing departments are being liquidated, and their functions are being assigned to sales departments. Very often you can hear from marketing specialists that they can work equally well with any group of goods, but employers prefer specialists with experience in conducting marketing research in their core areas (computers, pharmaceuticals, food, etc.).

In the overwhelming majority of cases, a marketer is required to have an economic education, however, marketing services often hire people with a sociological education who know how to conduct and analyze population surveys, predict public opinion, etc. Another source of personnel for marketing services is specialists in advertising and PR.

Marketers today are necessary for any company interested in promoting and marketing their products. There are marketing departments in banks, industrial holdings, trading firms. Marketers are also in demand in specialized consulting companies that provide marketing research services.

The salary of a marketer is high.

The marketer has great career prospects.

The profession of a marketer, or a marketing manager, is quite young. But at the same time, it is very promising and dynamically developing. The essence of this profession is to manage the value (exactly as it is perceived by consumers of the product) to increase sales or profits.

Large companies divide the marketing profession into different specializations: analyst, marketing specialist, brand manager, marketing research specialist, marketing director, BTL manager, art manager, product manager, etc.


Marketing is a fairly young specialty. However, this does not prevent it from dynamically and rapidly developing.

At first, marketing was not an independent direction. In most cases, it was interpreted as advertising that is based on the needs of consumers, as opposed to ordinary slogans.

But the rate of development of marketing was so high that in 1902, lectures on marketing began to be given at US universities. About 20 years later (1926) the first marketing association was born. After some time, similar associations began to be created both in Europe and in other countries of the world. Marketing reached the USSR in 1970 - the first marketing chamber appeared. Since that time, such a specialty as a marketer began to actively develop in our country. Due to the fact that the marketing profession is new for our country, the functions continue to vary. And in each company, this position can be interpreted differently, which means that responsibilities can be different. But there are general standards set by the Russian Marketing Association.

Who is a marketer?

Many do not have an accurate idea of ​​who a marketer is and what a marketer does. Responsibilities (basic) give an idea of ​​the profession itself:

  1. Market analysis.
  2. Work with clients.
  3. Analysis of competitors.
  4. Looking for new clients.
  5. Search for new interesting offers.
  6. Finance analysis.

Market analysis

The most important function in marketing. A marketer must constantly monitor any changes in the market and be able to quickly adapt to them.

If, for example, a plant for the production of certain iron products does not quickly respond to market changes (does not replace machines with newer ones, etc.), then it risks losing the competition. This means that the company will lose not only time, but also a lot of money.

Among the specific tools, the main ones can be distinguished: tracking periodicals, consumer surveys, analysis of information from competitors, public opinion, social surveys, etc.

Collecting the necessary data is the responsibility of a marketing analyst. He must also be able to process this data, conduct a thorough analysis, draw conclusions and suggest solutions.

Work with clients

Communication with clients is the direct responsibility of the manager. Only by interacting with consumers will you be able to answer questions such as:

  • Why is he buying this product?
  • Why in your company?
  • Why exactly this product?
  • What suits him?
  • What additional services are they interested in?
  • What does the client not like?

By finding the answers to these questions, the marketer will discover many secrets about the market, competitors, customer expectations, etc.

A marketer should always know how his company differs from competing ones. But here it is important to pay attention to one feature: what makes you stand out in the eyes of customers, and not in your own eyes. Perhaps this is a perfect trifle (free Wi-Fi in a cafe always increases the flow of customers).

It is necessary to communicate not only with VIP clients, but also with simple, small ones. Your turnover depends on the latter.

Competitor analysis

Communication with clients is, of course, good. But you need to know your competitors even better. The tasks of a marketer include:

  • control over the pricing policy of competitors;
  • knowing their strengths;
  • knowledge about their additional services;
  • understanding why some clients go to them.

These questions need to be constantly researched. Because the market, as mentioned earlier, is constantly changing.

In a way, keeping track of your competitors is easy these days. Almost all companies have their own blogs with customer reviews, official news on websites, press releases. If necessary, you can use a mystery shopper. All legal means are good.

If the market in which you provide your services is small, then most likely all business leaders know each other. Conferences, seminars, exhibitions - these are the places where everyone often intersects. Sometimes at such events you can learn a lot of useful information. The main thing is to try to follow what you say (especially about innovations, large-scale advertising campaigns, rebranding and other cardinal things).

Looking for new clients

The functions of a marketer also include finding new customers. In small companies, this can be done by a marketing assistant. He is engaged in the fact that he is looking for new niches where the product can be used. It can be either a new segment or an entire market.

The task of the marketer is that he must check everything. It often happens that a product that was previously used by one group of customers becomes very popular among another group.

A good marketer is well versed in advertising, knows how to do it. Therefore, periodic performance reviews should be carried out. advertising campaigns. When launching a new product, you should develop different strategies for conducting promotional ventures. And then find the best based on the research.

Search for new interesting offers

Finding new opportunities is not an easy job. A marketer must always look to the future and improve his customer care.

An example is home delivery of bottled water. Most of the organizations that do this, for some reason, deliver water exclusively to work time. That is, many potential clients simply cannot use the services of the company, because they are at work at this time.

Almost any service area can be improved by adding a range of enhanced customer service options.

A marketer can find, analyze and highlight what will be economically justified and beneficial for the enterprise.

Not all services are directly profitable, but the quality of service and customer loyalty is always improved.

Financial analysis

The last major responsibility of a marketer is to deal with money. A competent marketer is able to calculate the approximate turnover of the company, competitors and the market as a whole. Particular attention should be paid to:

  • Market dynamics, ups and downs. Do your business growth cycles generally coincide with market growth? If not, your company is in trouble.
  • competitor dynamics.
  • Revenue by segment. Perhaps something worth giving up.
  • Revenue/profit per unit of output across segments and markets.
  • How competitors respond to your price manipulations.
  • Do you need VIP customers (big discounts and high requirements).

Financial analytics is not the main task, but it is necessary to spend some time and effort on this process.

Official and functional responsibilities

The main duty of a marketer is to study, analyze supply and demand in the market for goods and services. Then he forms the company's development strategy.

The main goal is to meet the needs of consumers. Therefore, the primary task of the marketer is to study and identify needs. And only after that you can create a product that is most suitable for various characteristics of the buyer.

If you are going to work as a marketer, you need to know the functional responsibilities:

  • tracking prices for the offered goods, analysis of competitiveness;
  • search and subsequent analysis of data on potential competitors;
  • preparation of analytical reports;
  • research of the market (or market segment) for the sale of a certain type of product;
  • analysis of the purchasing power of various regions and population groups;
  • media planning, development of advertising campaigns;
  • development of measures to improve sales efficiency.

Resume writing

Marketing is such a profession that is difficult to teach, because professionalism comes with work experience. AT educational institutions only a theoretical base is offered, which allows one to navigate in the basic concepts. Each marketer must develop independently.

Writing a marketing resume is a time-consuming process. It must be approached with particular care. Experts point out 9 key competencies that a marketer should possess. Of course, they may not be fully expressed, but each of them must be improved.

  1. Analytical skills: analysis of sales dynamics and management of this forecast; advertising budget management, investment efficiency calculation; comparison of a number of solutions, choosing the best; setting priorities for projects; search for a causal relationship in the behavior of customers.
  2. Professional Competence. In the resume of a marketer, you can indicate knowledge: about modern marketing techniques; about how you can develop and manage the brand of the company; about techniques and methods of sales; about the basics of economics and finance; about the foundations of sociology and psychology; modern design trends (understanding aesthetics).
  3. Initiative. Ability to independently formulate tasks and understand how business can be improved.
  4. Responsibility, no job can do without it. A marketer must be able to manage the advertising budget and product profitability. Therefore, he must understand that he has a great responsibility.
  5. Perseverance and effectiveness in the actions of a marketer. He must be ambitious in his goals.
  6. Creativity - the creation of new ideas and the search for alternatives to solve a problem.
  7. Quality of communication: competent written and oral speech; effective interpersonal communication; public speaking skills.
  8. Flexibility in work. The marketer must be able to find different approaches to be open to new technologies and perspectives.
  9. Self-development and erudition. In any business, you need to constantly improve. Increasing competence and expanding horizons is what a marketer should constantly do.

Job Responsibilities

Every newcomer wants to reach such a high level that everyone says about him: "He is a first-class, unique marketer!" The responsibilities of each marketing manager are spelled out in their job description. Among others, it includes forecasting the dynamics of important indicators for the company, as well as developing recommendations for improving them.

It is the ability to evaluate and give a correct forecast that distinguishes a professional manager-analyst from a beginner. And if you learn to predict changes in the situation before your competitors, you will become a unique expert. But the path to this goal is very difficult. It is necessary to constantly improve the level of knowledge, while it is best to focus on the latest achievements in statistics and information technology.

Instruction position of a marketer contains all the items related to the progress of the work. This document spells out what the marketer should know and what the marketer is guided by, job duties and functions, rights and responsibilities. It may also indicate that in the event of a vacation or illness, he is replaced by a marketing assistant.

In some cases, it may be prescribed to whom and when the reports of the marketer should be transferred. These reports indicate the results of ongoing research in a particular market segment: figures, graphs, comparative characteristics. As well as forecast and recommendations for further actions.

Who is suitable for this profession

They say about a marketer that it should be a comprehensively developed personality, that is, he should be able to do almost everything.

A good marketer is analytical and likes to work with numbers. Otherwise, he will not stay in this job.

Also, the marketer must be careful. Since even a small inaccuracy can incorrectly reflect all the data. As a result, the concept will line up incorrectly, and the company may suffer serious losses.

Communication is something that a marketer must have. His duties suggest that the marketer communicates a lot with people. After all, he needs to be able to receive data from distributors, from outlets. He must know the level of sales of his products and those of competitors.

Of course, a marketer must be stress-resistant. Endless communication with people and huge responsibility leave a serious imprint. Therefore, you must always be able to control yourself.

Despite the analytical mindset, a marketer must remain creative and be able to generate ideas. After analyzing the situation on the market, the marketer needs to provide his recommendations on how to further promote the product.

Starting a marketing career, it is worth remembering that this is a long and thorny path. It will require almost all the forces and all the time. At the beginning of your career, most likely you will not earn much. And since you need to constantly develop, there will be no time for an additional source of income. But if you have everything that is inherent in a good marketer, then after a while you will be able to reach a new level. The main thing is not to stop your development. Marketing is a profession that strives forward every day, covering more and more new spaces.

Isn't it time for a career change? In this article, we will look at who a marketer is, what he does, and how much you can earn from it. Consider concrete examples jobs and what you need to do right now to become an elite high-paid marketer.

And first, let's figure out who a marketer really is.

Modern marketer - who is it in the simplest words?

If you think that a marketer is a person who collects focus groups, conducts various marketing research on living people, shows them product samples and asks what color they would like to buy a product, then you ... are partially right.

This is how marketers used to work most often. But modern realities dictate new requirements. And today marketing is a completely different direction of activity.

Relatively speaking, marketing is one of the most important parts of sales in a company. The whole sales process is divided into 2 stages:

  1. Attracting potential buyers (actually, this is called marketing);
  2. Sales (this is when we take a potential buyer and turn him into a real buyer).

A marketer today is a person who attracts the target audience. Compared to hunting, marketers are beaters. And salespeople are the ones who pull the trigger.

An example of how a marketer works today

Let's say a company sells snow to Eskimos. Kidding. Let our company be engaged in sales of cellular services and mobile Internet.

As a marketer, you will need to make sure that as many people as possible know about your offers. Roughly speaking, you will work with advertising.

Your director tells you that the brand of the company is aimed primarily at the youth audience. Because your services are from the category of "cheap and cheerful", and your target audience is this young people and girls aged 18 to 25 years.

Fine. Now you are figuring out where is the best place to advertise your offer, and how this offer is best phrased:

  • At the entrances
  • In elevators
  • On billboards
  • In VKontakte groups X, Y and Z
  • On leaflets in student canteens;
  • AT entertainment centers and cinemas;
  • And so on and so forth...

There, the guys will see your offers and call the company, where they will already be “accepted” by your good sales colleagues. Their task will be to correctly process the incoming call so that the potential client you attracted becomes a real client.

In other words, the marketer is not formally engaged in sales. But in fact, what he does has a very strong impact on the final result in the form of fulfilling the sales plan. Therefore, at sales meetings, you will be asked no less than sellers (and maybe even more).

And by the way, what will they ask of you in general, and what salary will they pay for it?

What is the salary of a marketer and requirements for a candidate

If you open the Yandex.Job service right now and find marketer vacancies in your city, you will see that the requirements for candidates are very different.

Here, for example, is a vacancy from one mobile operator that focuses on a youth audience (what a coincidence).

Here we see a lot of scary and incomprehensible words:

  • “Distribution of quotas by segment programs…”
  • “Escaling in the event of a link down…”
  • "Initiating Download Plan Optimization..."

To be honest, I personally would tear off the hands of anyone who makes such announcements. But the fact is the fact - there are many requirements and they are not always clear.

Someone requires the ability to master Excel and special analytical programs. Someone needs SEO experts and contextual advertising.

The salary is most often not indicated or indicated very modestly - slightly above the average for the region. Work experience with you can request a year and five years. Need somewhere higher education(What exactly is marketing or economic). And somewhere there are enough good old “desires to work actively and earn money” and “desires to develop”.

In short, the picture is very mixed.

Of course, the work of a marketer is highly dependent on the specifics of the company. But there is one general requirement, which is repeated in all declarations. This is what you absolutely need to have and be able to do if you want to work as a marketer.

The main requirement for a marketer

If we discard all the tinsel with which they like to fill job advertisements, then in the bottom line we will get the ability and love to work with numbers.

A marketer is 90% an analyst. By the way, this is exactly what this position is called in many companies. You need to be able to work with a large amount of digital data, analyze indicators, compare results, draw logical conclusions.

In other words, if you are a humanist to the core, then it will be difficult for you in the position of a marketer.

Below we will talk about where to start if you still seriously decide to become a professional marketer. In the meantime, let's look at another important question.

What is the salary of a marketer and what do they pay for

As I said above, a marketer is a person who is very closely connected with sales. How many requests sales managers receive per day, what quality these requests have, and as a result, how much money your company earns per day / month / quarter will depend on your work.

Accordingly, there is good and bad news here. The bad news is that they will put a lot of pressure on you and demand concrete results. Working as a marketer is not just “let's recolor our banners in green, because it is more selling, according to the latest research.”

You will have a tight budget for various experiments, and you will need to report on where everything was spent, and what result it gave.

good news about wages

The good news is that like all “salespeople”, the marketer has practically no limits for growth. If you give real results, then you will be willing to pay more and more. Just not to lose such a valuable employee. You yourself know that very often there is such a situation when a good sales manager earns more than the general director. It's the same here.

Another thing is that for this you really have to work first. Therefore, do not be afraid that you will not immediately be offered a huge salary. Let this be the average level for your city. But when you learn how to attract a truly powerful stream of customers to your company, then your bonuses and rates will grow.

One of my acquaintances in the position of an Internet marketer earned 200-300 thousand per month. And he worked far from Lukoil or Gazprom. True, it was in Moscow. But even for Moscow, this is a very high salary. He reached this level in about 5 years of hard work. Agree, not so long.

So that you better understand what awaits you if you get a job as a marketer - here's a little sketch on this topic.

A typical marketing day

You come to work at 9 am because you work full time, 5 days a week, 8 hours a day.

As usual, by 10 o'clock you have to go to the planning meeting with your boss. Therefore, you have only one hour to collect the necessary papers and data (and not to look like a fool at the planning meeting, like yesterday).

You are a good marketer, and you are going to become not only a good, but also a very highly paid marketer. So you immediately pour your first cup of coffee of the day and get to work.

You need to collect data on promotion through various channels for yesterday. There are a lot of such channels:

  • Contextual advertising;
  • Targeted advertising on VKontakte;
  • Facebook targeted advertising;
  • SMS informing regular customers;
  • Media advertising in youtube videos;
  • And a dozen smaller channels that still require attention.

Of course, you have special software that brings all the data together and analyzes it automatically. But nothing can replace good old Excel.

First, you “manually” capture all incoming data and transfer them to an Excel spreadsheet that you made yourself, to your taste and color. You record separately - how many clicks on contextual advertising were, what budget was spent, how many applications it brought, how much real "live" money was earned.

You separately register the same data for advertising on VKontakte and Facebook. See if changing the color of the landing page button from red to green brings any meaningful improvement.

At first glance, things even got worse.

The day before yesterday, out of 100 visitors to the page, 10 clicked on the red button and "turned" into requests. And yesterday, out of 100 visitors, only 6 clicked on the green button.

Your first desire is to quickly change everything back before the boss sees. But then you bring up sales managers' reports. Look deeper and see that out of 10 "red" applications, only 2 became real buyers. And out of 6 "green" as many as 4 people turned into "money".

Somehow, green attracts a more serious audience.

Your expensive proprietary software can't bring together acquisition data and sales data (because salespeople have their own expensive software that you don't have access to).

Only you, as a human, can make a conclusion that is absurd from the point of view of a machine - a decrease in the conversion of a landing page brings us more money. Human brain + Excel spreadsheet = invincible force.

Now you can relax, you have something to show your boss at the planning meeting.

And after the planning meeting, your day is divided into two parts:

  1. Active (you change all buttons on all pages from red to green);
  2. Passive (you thoughtfully flip through your VKontakte feed, because this is also a completely official part of your job - to track trends).

You go home with a clear conscience, because just changing the color of the buttons should bring your company a sales increase of at least 15%. And your personal bonus for five minutes of work in the morning has almost doubled.

It's a good picture, isn't it?

I confess that here I described the everyday life of an Internet marketer rather than “just a marketer”. But if it’s completely frank, then there are no “just marketers” now.

A few more words about this, and move on from the theoretical part to the practical.

Internet Marketer - Differences and Perspectives

Everything is really simple here. Marketer works with all acquisition channels potential clients, and an Internet marketer with Internet channels.

Today, most often companies work equally actively both offline and online (or with a greater margin towards online). That is, it will not happen that you get a job as a marketer, and you will not have to work with the site, with groups in social networks, with contextual advertising.

Today, marketing is a combination of all kinds of channels.

A couple of days later, the same person sits on VKontakte, “goes crazy over memes,” and your advertising offer is again shown to him from the side. Then he remembers you, clicks on the ad, and maybe even orders your product.

But most often the recruitment process stretches for months.

And you, as a modern marketer, are responsible for all the threads in this web. You came up with a flyer in the elevator, and drew a portrait of the target audience, and picked up the right words for advertising.

Thus, today the question is no longer worth whether you will be engaged in marketing or Internet marketing. The only question is whether it will be ONLY Internet marketing, or something else will be added.

By the way, it is on the Internet that it will be easiest for you to take the first steps towards the position of an “elite marketer”.

How to become a marketer - where to start

At the very beginning of the article, we already touched on this topic a little. As a rule, all vacancies in marketers require work experience from 1 to 5 years. And this is normal, experience is required always and everywhere.

But what if there is no experience yet, and you are not even sure that you have correctly understood half of what is written in this article like “in simple words”?

I would suggest you this option. First, you need to study a lot. First of all, you can take some courses for beginner marketers. The common minus of these courses is that they will tell you a little about everything, but about nothing in particular.

Let it be. First you need to at least learn the basic terms and stop getting confused in them:

  • contextual advertising
  • Landing page
  • Targeted advertising
  • Display advertising
  • Native ad format
  • CTR, ROI, KPI, conversion...

Of course, this will not be enough for real work. You also need to start practicing. Thank God, now he doesn’t necessarily leave his main job to get a job as an “internet marketing assistant” and start putting his knowledge into practice.

You may well receive small orders over the Internet as a freelancer. You may be paid very little for this at first (or even work only for reviews), but you will get practical experience. The one that will be asked of you first and second.

Do not immediately rush to get a second higher education at the Faculty of Economics. It won't help you in real life.

It is better to take good online courses, where you will at least be promised an internship after training and some kind of certificate.

And then - who knows. It may well happen that you do not want to get an office job on permanent job. A good freelance Internet marketer earns more than any office worker ever dreamed of.

However, he does not have to be a jack of all trades. Well, you do not like, for example, SEO promotion. At official work, you will be forced to do this anyway. And if you are "with a mustache yourself" - you can specialize narrowly in targeted advertising, for example.

So you can plan your day yourself, calmly lead 100 clients in one favorite channel (instead of leading one client through 100 channels). And you will earn much more.

But the first step is to start learning. And if you are on this site and have read the article to the end, then you have already started the first step. With which I sincerely congratulate you =)

I hope now you have a better understanding of what a marketer is and how you can make money from it.

Don't forget to download my book. There I show you the fastest way from zero to the first million on the Internet (squeezed from personal experience over 10 years =)

See you later!

Your Dmitry Novoselov

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