"rostelecom" opens the "women's world" and offers viewers of "interactive TV" another portion of free content. Everything women want is in the new Interactive TV subscription from Rostelecom


Rostelecom presents a monthly thematic subscription "Women's World" in the "Video rental" of the "Interactive TV" service. Everything that interests women - children, food, fashion, health, stories of wonderful people, hobbies - is presented in the subscription with videos and programs that are updated weekly.

"Women's World" is a real home encyclopedia on your TV screen, created specifically for the female audience, taking into account the study of their needs and interests. Already today you can subscribe and watch video tips and recipes from Yulia Vysotskaya, express weight loss courses from Marina Korpan, fitness lessons from Olga Yanchuk, makeup secrets from Natalia Shik, as well as detailed stories about various types of needlework and homemade cosmetics, star stories great women and much more.

Connection of the video subscription "Women's World" is available for all subscribers of "Interactive TV" and portal Zabava.ru. To activate a subscription, subscribers need to go to the "Service Management" section on their set-top box. The subscription price is only 150 rubles per month.

Additional information about the Women's World subscription can be obtained on the website tv.rt.ru and the entertainment portal Zabava.ru.

Interactive Television is a unique federal product of Rostelecom, which is already used by 2.5 million families across Russia. "Interactive TV" is a new level of comfort when watching TV, which can be customized individually for the user. Rostelecom broadcasts over 200 digital quality TV channels, including up to 30 in HD format. The Video Rental service offers more than 2,000 feature films and more than 150 series of various genres, including HD and 3D formats, as well as cartoons, concerts, educational programs.

OJSC Rostelecom (www.rostelecom.ru) is a dynamically developing largest telecommunications group in Russia, providing services in all segments of the industry market throughout the country.

The company is a leader in Russian market of broadband access and pay TV services: the number of subscribers of broadband access services exceeds 10.5 million, and of Rostelecom pay TV - more than 7.5 million users, of which over 2.2 million watch the unique federal product Interactive TV.

Consolidated revenue of the Group of Companies in 2013 amounted to 325.7 billion rubles, OIBDA reached 113.3 billion rubles (34.8% of revenue), net profit - 24.1 billion rubles.

Rostelecom is the undisputed market leader in telecommunications services for Russian government authorities and corporate users of all levels.

The company is a recognized technology leader in innovative solutions in the field of e-government, cloud computing, healthcare, education, security, housing and communal services.

The stable financial position of the Company is confirmed by credit ratings: Fitch Ratings at 'BBB-', and Standard & Poor's at 'BB+'.

2020-03-27 13:39:00

“Lies always have a greater impact than the truth. The main thing is to achieve the goal".="">"Playing a feeling", imitating it was not difficult for the leader of labor. He could escort any responsible figure to the door of the office with full cordiality and a smile. And then tell the secretary: "That's a bastard" .

When one of his comrades-in-arms accused young Stalin of publishing slander against the Mensheviks in the Bolshevik newspaper Pravda, he calmly replied that “a lie always has a greater impact than the truth. The main thing is to reach the goal.” And figuratively he told his slanderer Molotov that "the truth is guarded by battalions of lies."

"He quietly laughed at the speakers ...: "Holy revolution, long-awaited, dear ... has finally come"
Stalin was smart, but absolutely practical, ordinary mind. He was never a theoretician of Marxism, and the intellectual constructions of Hegel, Kant and other philosophers were absolutely incomprehensible to him. But to admit the absence of a high theoretical intellect, or the absence of charismatic oratorical data (remember Lenin, Trotsky, Bukharin) was like death for him. Someone else's superiority immediately aroused envy in him, which very often transformed into a kind of "revenge".

Anatoly Baikalov, a comrade of Stalin and Kamenev in exile in Siberia, makes a remarkable observation. Kamenev, "a brilliant orator and a skillful interlocutor," completely pushed into the shadows "a boring and dry Stalin, devoid of brightness and wit." When he tried to say something, Kamenev "cut him off with short, almost contemptuous remarks." Stalin grew gloomy and puffed on his pipe, whose "poisonous smoke greatly interfered with Kamenev's beautiful, but vain and capricious wife," who "coughed and asked Stalin to stop smoking. But he ignored her." Kamenev delivered incendiary speeches, while Koba looked at them coldly and memorized them. He quietly laughed at the orators, then mocking the naivete of their heated speeches, he grinned: “Holy revolution, long-awaited, dear ... has finally come!”

Ya.M. Sverdlov
Ya.M. Sverdlov
Koba did not get along in exile in a shared apartment with the future head of Soviet Russia, Yakov Sverdlov. When it was Stalin's turn to wash the dishes, he gave the plates to his dog to lick. And the dog was named "Yashka". Very quickly, Sverdlov found himself a separate home.

Stalin always sought to "pull chestnuts out of the fire" by proxy
Trotsky was expelled from the country not by Koba, but by completely different party bosses - Zinoviev and Kamenev.

Talented, with the party nickname "Kolya-balabolka", talker Bukharin already destroyed Kamenev and Zinoviev. And all this was done with the quiet filing of Koba. He took all the winnings.

"Progressor" Stalin, at first the leader of only the party secretariat, whom Trotsky recklessly called "secretary" in the early 1920s, destroyed the charismatic leaders (Trotsky, Bukharin), who were not sufficiently loyal to the military commanders ...


  • from 03/07/2017 to 05/31/2017 (inclusive).


  • One month from the subscription activation date.


  • Any individuals, who have reactivated the Service, and current subscribers of the Service who did not have a subscription to the "Women's World" Subscription on the date of the start of the Promotion.
  • The Services must be used solely for personal, family, household and other needs not related to business activities.
  • Persons with overdue debts for the Service provided by the Company are not allowed to participate in the Promotion.


  • As part of the Promotion, the Potential User gets the opportunity to connect the "Women's World" Subscription and use it from the moment of connection during the Promo Period. The fee for using the "Women's World" Subscription connected under the terms of the Promotion during the Promo period is included in the monthly fee for the "Interactive TV" service;
  • Activation of the "Women's World" Subscription on the terms of the Promotion is possible if there is a technical possibility. Subscription "Women's World" on the terms of the Promotion is connected in addition to any basic package of TV channels.


  • In order to use the "Women's World" Subscription on the terms of the Promotion, the Potential User needs to select the Service Management section through the menu of his set-top box, select a video subscription with the name "Women's World AS A GIFT!" and select the "Connect" button. After that, the video subscription will be activated automatically. The subscriber's choice of the "Connect" button for successful activation of the video subscription is the subscriber's consent to the terms of the Promotion.
  • After the end of the Promo period, the Subscriber, who has activated the "Women's World" Subscription on the terms of the Promotion and has not turned it off at the end of the Promo Period, continues to use it and pay for it at the current Base Rate until the "Women's World" Subscription is turned off at his own initiative. To cancel a paid video subscription, the subscriber must disable the video subscription “Women's World AS A GIFT!” before the expiration of the Promo period. via the set-top box menu in the Service Management section. Participants of the Promotion are notified about the end of the Promo period and the transition to paid use of the "Women's World" Subscription by sending messages to the set-top boxes, no later than 3 days before the date of the end of the promo period.
  • The promotional period includes the periods when the Subscriber - Participant of the Promotion is in voluntary and/or financial blocking.
  • During the period of accepting applications for participation in the Promotion, the Subscriber can activate the "Women's World" Subscription on the terms of the Promotion no more than once. If the Subscriber disconnected the "Women's World" Subscription on his own initiative during the Promo period or at its end, then reactivation of the "Women's World" Subscription is possible only on general conditions according to the current Basic tariffs at the will of the Subscriber, by all available means.
  • Services are provided subject to availability.

"Rostelecom" in the Jewish Autonomous Region is holding a campaign "Try Women's World". Users of "Interactive TV" can activate the "Women's World" subscription and watch thematic programs for free for 30 days. "Women's World" includes 32 programs and more than 900 videos about fashion, beauty, parenting, cooking, fitness and hobbies from well-known bloggers and TV stars, the press service of the company told EAOMedia news agency.

You can take part in the promotion until May 31 inclusive. The offer is valid for customers who did not have this subscription activated before the start of the promotion. After the end of the promo period, the cost of the service will be 150 rubles.

"Interactive TV" is a new level of comfort when watching TV, which can be customized individually for each user. Rostelecom offers its users over 220 digital quality TV channels, including over 80 in HD format.

A significant advantage of the service is a wide range of additional interactive services: electronic program programs (with a reminder function), "Karaoke" (performing your favorite musical compositions). The "Parental Control" service allows you to set up viewing for a child depending on his age. The "View Control" service provides various interactive features: pause the transmission, even in live and resume watching later. Also, thanks to this service, you can watch already aired programs from the archive for three days.

You can get detailed information about the company's services, clarify the technical feasibility of connection and leave a request on the company's website www.rt.ru, by calling a single toll-free number 8-800-1000-800, as well as at Rostelecom sales and service centers.

Reference: Khabarovsk branch of PJSC "Rostelecom" structural subdivision PJSC Rostelecom, which operates on the territory of the Khabarovsk Territory, the Jewish Autonomous Region and the Chukotka autonomous region. The branch is under the administrative and functional subordination of the Macroregional Branch "Far East" of PJSC "Rostelecom" ("Rostelecom - Far East").

"Rostelecom - Far East" was established in April 2011 on the basis of Dalsvyaz OJSC after the company was merged with Rostelecom OJSC and today unites seven regional branches - Amur, Kamchatka, Magadan, Primorsky, Sakhalin, Khabarovsk and the Sakhatelecom branch.

PJSC "Rostelecom" (www.rostelecom.ru) is one of the largest national-scale telecommunications companies in Russia and Europe, present in all segments of the communication services market and covering millions of households in Russia.

The company occupies a leading position in the Russian market of broadband access and pay TV services: the number of subscribers of broadband access services exceeds 12.3 million, and Rostelecom's pay TV subscribers have over 9.3 million users, of which over 4.2 million watch the unique federal product "Interactive TV".

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