The process of recruiting managers and specialists. Organization of personnel selection in the organization and its improvement. Free catalog of policies and procedures for the selection, recruitment and recruitment of personnel


This is an activity to determine the competence of applicants to fulfill certain official duties.

The result of the selection is the placement of employees in specific positions.

Personnel selection is carried out by managers of all levels. Often, the selection of personnel is identified with the selection process, which is illegal from the point of view of the Russian language. When selecting, the business and other qualities of the employee are compared with the requirements of the workplace.

The selection has two purposes:

Formation of labor collectives within the framework of structural divisions;

Creation of conditions for professional growth of each employee.

The main task selection and placement of personnel - optimal placement of personnel depending on the work performed.

recruitment methods

1. "Intraorganizational" search.

The purpose of the method is the selection of employees for vacant positions of middle and top managers. Vacancies appear as a result of the expansion of the organization or the "movement" of employees within the company. In this case, managers appoint people already working in the company to vacant positions. Advantages: no material costs, contributes to the growth of loyalty to the organization, candidates do not need to be integrated into the team. Disadvantages: a limited choice of applicants, the lack of the possibility of attracting fresh forces, encourages the strengthening of parochialism of the heads of structural divisions.

2. Help workers.

The goal is the selection of employees for ordinary positions or the recruitment of unskilled personnel (workers). Advantages of the method: high degree of compatibility. The “disadvantages” of the method are the impossibility of using the method when hiring professional personnel due to the lack of necessary experience and staff selection skills among the “advising” employees, as well as, as a rule, ignorance of the specifics of the vacancy.

3. Mass media.

The use of the media space provides the maximum "coverage" of possible applicants, relatively low financial costs. In this case, the success of the event largely depends on the following indicators: circulation, frequency of release, image of the publication, fame and traffic to the site, ease of use and registration, etc. In this case, prepare for a large number of job applications.

4. Help of a recruitment agency.

In this case, all work on the selection of personnel falls on the shoulders of the employees of the recruitment agency. The success of the "campaign" depends on clearly and correctly formulated requirements for the candidate for the position, as well as on the professionalism of the agency's employees. The disadvantage is that, as a rule, the services of recruitment agencies are not cheap.

5. "Self-initiative" applicants.

Employees of human resources departments often face such a situation and such applicants. Most often, these are candidates who offer themselves without applying for any specific position. The probability of choosing an employee in this way is very low - it is unlikely that the applicant's desire will coincide in time with the organization's need for a new employee. It is even less likely to "get" a valuable employee in this way.

6. Search in educational institutions.

Provides an influx of "fresh" personnel to the company. Costs of the method - a "newcomer" needs time to gain practical experience in this position. Every year more and more companies use this method. The reason for this was the adaptation of the education system to the needs of the market. Organizations are willing to invest huge cash in the training of young professionals, thus "at the end" getting a highly qualified specialist with all the necessary theoretical and practical skills.

7. Service of employment.

The task of the state employment service is to reduce the level of social tension and help the "unemployed" in finding a job. It should be noted that the possibilities of the state employment service are not fully used. This fact can be explained as follows. Not every company is ready to cooperate with the public service, due to the non-transparency of the economy. This is where the situation arises when employers through the employment service are looking for low-skilled low-paid workers. As a result of the above factors, there is a low degree of public confidence in the employment service. In principle, the situation is quite easy to change. The employment service should develop activities for the search and selection of specialists, taking into account the vacancies and requirements that are necessary for a particular organization.

The entry of the employment service to the level of a professional recruitment agency can have a positive impact on its reputation both among employers and job seekers. The advantages of recruiting through the employment service are the ability to search for employees according to the necessary requirements, no financial costs.

Selection stages:

1) Development of a position model + definition of job responsibilities

2) Collection of information about candidates by 2 methods (passive and active).

Passive - selection of data on possible candidates and comparative analysis.

Active - personal contacts: interview, questioning, trial period.

Staff placement understands the rational distribution of employees of the organization according to structural divisions, sites, workplaces in accordance with the system of division and cooperation of labor adopted in the organization, on the one hand, and the abilities, psycho-physiological and business qualities of employees that meet the requirements of the content of the work performed, on the other.

The purpose of the arrangement - distribution by workplace, in which the discrepancy between the personal qualities of a person and the requirements for the work performed by him is minimal without excessive or insufficient workload. This is a rational distribution of employees of the organization by structural divisions and jobs in accordance with the system of division and cooperation of labor adopted in the organization; according to the abilities, psycho-physiological and business qualities of employees that meet the requirements of the content of the work performed in order to provide conditions for the most effective realization of the creative and physical labor potential of employees.

The decision on the placement of personnel should be made in accordance with a number of requirements:

1. the worker must correspond to the site of work

2. The employee must be able to develop this area of ​​work from scratch.

3 The employee must be compatible with the team

4. The desire of the worker himself

The modern labor market is in a state of development: new vacancies and professions are emerging, the conditions and circumstances of hiring are changing, the requirements of employers and the needs of job seekers are changing.

Personnel - a relatively new phenomenon. It takes place through the emergence of large organizations, the expansion of successful enterprises and an increase in demand for reliable employees.

What does the concept of "mass recruitment" mean?

This term refers to the process of searching, selecting and hiring a large number of employees for the same or similar positions. Mass recruitment has several distinctive features that make it possible to identify and formulate the specifics of this type of activity:

  • The set must be completed within a certain period of time.
  • A large number of similar vacancies.
  • Attraction of large human resources.
  • An impressive budget.

Selection in such conditions is also characterized by scale, efficiency and work with huge amounts of information.

Taking on mass recruiting, professionals are aware that there is a specific date for the completion of staffing. Therefore, they pay maximum attention to the development of detailed work plans and the correct distribution of upcoming costs.

Who is involved in large-scale recruiting

As a rule, large companies are interested in the mass recruitment of workers, which require employees of all levels to work: hypermarkets, chain stores and institutions Catering, training centers with a large number of branches, banking institutions, manufacturing enterprises and many others.

Typically, such companies have their own department or service involved in attracting new employees. The use of their resources is justified by the fact that personnel officers are perfectly familiar with the scope of the enterprise, with its atmosphere and procedures. Therefore, it is logical to assume that they will be able to assess candidates more accurately and succinctly, understand their needs and explain their future responsibilities to them.

The recruitment agency is involved in cases where the employees of the enterprise cannot cope with the volume of work on their own due to insufficient staff size, lack of time, experience or qualifications.

Separate nuances of the process

A large number of new vacancies that need to be filled is associated with the processing of a huge number of applications and questionnaires from applicants. Each company has its own recruitment system, but they all have some common features.

Mass recruiters perform primary sorting of resumes (paper and email), evaluate candidates by phone and draw preliminary conclusions. Applicants are selected based on the created unified set of criteria.

At the next stages, with candidates who have passed the initial assessment and selection, group meetings are held, and then individual interviews. As a result, such a recruitment process is a rather large-scale project, in which almost all personnel specialists are involved. The decision to hire freelancers is made in order to release some of their employees and ensure the normal operation of the enterprise in other areas (solution of personnel issues not related to these events).

The recruitment agency provides a variety of services: from the direct search for candidates to the distribution of promotional materials.

Among the important issues that the company's management decides is the allocation of resources (human and financial) for the organization of training for newcomers and their adaptation to working conditions.

Mass recruitment: algorithm and methodology

At the first stage, all employees involved in the search and hiring of new employees draw up a plan of their actions. Of course, there are no such systems that would suit absolutely all companies, so the following is a simplified version of the algorithm that every recruiter uses to one degree or another:

  1. Determining the positions and number of employees to be found.
  2. Specifying clear deadlines when employees should already go to work.
  3. Project budget limit.
  4. Determination of the ideal and real portraits of the candidate.
  5. Specifying the average wages, which is determined after monitoring similar vacancies.
  6. Preparation of formalized criteria characterizing specific types of vacancies.
  7. Holding advertising campaign to attract potentially interested applicants.
  8. Conducting initial screening and individual interviews.
  9. Provide escort for newly hired employees.

In the following paragraphs, the steps that enable mass recruitment will be described in more detail.

Separate aspects of the advertising campaign

In order for promotional events to be successful and money not wasted, they must be organized by a person who is able to draw up a clear action plan, is familiar with the main communication channels and understands the primary and main selection criteria for personnel.

First, HR specialists determine the characteristics of the target audience, which will be targeted by mass recruitment tools. Among the most effective ways impact on the audience can be listed:

  • PR-actions with the participation of promoters.
  • Distribution of flyers and leaflets.
  • Presentations.
  • Participation in job fairs.
  • Placement of various materials in print and online publications (ads, videos, viral news).

Advertising procedure

Taking over promotional activities should take into account the company's reputation in the market. In case of insufficient popularity or unsatisfactory reputation, the formation of a favorable image may require additional financial injections.

And, of course, one should not lose sight of such an important stage as determining the requirements for candidates and drawing up an application. The specific document "Application for recruitment", together with the description of the vacancy, contains information not only about the professional, but also about the personal qualities of the desired employee.

Work with the flow of applicants

This stage, without exaggeration, can be called the most time-consuming. Depending on how many people and what employees are required to work in the company, specialists conducting the selection of candidates have to study and process from several dozen to several hundred questionnaires.

At the same time, compliance with deadlines and timeliness is one of the main values. In addition, the quality of the incoming stream requires careful attention. It can be optimized by tuning only to work with target audience. By gradually narrowing it down and weeding out unsuitable candidates, the recruiter achieves an improvement in the average performance of applicants.

When informing the audience, care should be taken to evenly distribute the peaks of incoming calls, as well as provide for periodic updates of advertising messages.

General presentations: how and why they are held

Candidates for the replacement of free workers who have responded to the disseminated advertising information are invited for personal communication. However, they are usually grouped into small groups.

Strictly speaking, the presentation should be attributed to the advertising campaign, as it is its continuation. Here the employer talks about the company, its history and value system. It also highlights the stated goals and tasks to be performed. The most important part of the presentation is a more detailed description of the manager about the vacancies.

Being present at such an event, the applicant can ask questions that have arisen, and the manager has the opportunity to get to know him better.

Questionnaire stage

Those candidates who are satisfied with the conditions proposed by the company move to the next level. In an effort to save time and at the same time get the most reliable results, employers use a variety of methods:

  • Questioning.
  • Testing.
  • Different types of business games and educational trainings.

All of these techniques are designed to quickly and efficiently filter the incoming flow of candidates. Techniques that cope with this task can be called really effective.

Questionnaire recruitment is useful for comparing the key characteristics of candidates, while testing reveals their skills, potential and abilities.

Other ways to get information

Conducting business games and trainings can provide the maximum amount of information about the applicant. Analyzing this data, an experienced specialist can form an idea of ​​who the candidate is and what he breathes. Given the rush mode in which mass recruiting often takes place, the rapid study of personal and professional qualities candidates becomes the key to the success of the entire campaign.

Processing the results, specialists apply a point-based assessment, or scoring.

When conducting an interview, the recruiter does not set out to deeply assess the personality and professionalism of applicants. Often, the duration of the meeting is a quarter of an hour, and this time allows you to complete the collection of data on the candidate, check the documents necessary for hiring and clarify clarifying questions.

How to identify potentially unscrupulous employees

Many enterprises are ready to hire very young employees, even those who do not have work experience. However, in this case, the employer does not have the opportunity to check the reliability of the candidate. You can find out how serious the applicant’s intentions are by asking a simple question: “What do you need this job for?” The way a person answers, what exactly and how confidently he says, perfectly characterizes him.

The problem for managers is the abuse of alcohol among staff. Often this phenomenon is common among unskilled workers (loaders, handymen, builders) or among the lower levels of personnel.

There are effective and efficient methods for detecting this addiction: the Michigan alcohol screening test, the methods of Poltavets and Zavyalov.

Final stage

The latest in a series of events in mass recruiting is the training and adaptation of those candidates who have successfully passed previous tests. The selection of applicants is also carried out here, however, its scale is much smaller.

Candidates are taught to comply with the current regulations and procedures of the organization, familiarize themselves with the standards. If necessary, the employing company uses external training centers for better or specialized training of personnel. Some enterprises, taking care of maintaining the recruited staff, use the support method: for a short time, the beginner is advised by an experienced worker. Its purpose is to maintain confidence in right choice companies.

Security checks and medical examinations are becoming common practice. An additional interview with the immediate supervisor may also be scheduled.

What are the most effective recruiting methods? What should you pay attention to when searching and selecting personnel? What employees and employees should be hired?

Hello dear friend! With you again one of the authors of the business magazine, Alexander Berezhnov.

Today we are pleased to invite you to the “open day” of an HR employee who will share with you all the secrets of finding and selecting employees who can bring success and prosperity to your company.

Our guest is Ksenia Borodina, a specialist in recruitment and recruitment.

In one of the previous articles, Ksyusha already told our readers, and today she will help us to reveal the topic of high-quality recruitment.

This article is filled with invaluable practical tips to help you understand and easily practice the intricacies of the art of finding the right people.

Enjoy reading!

1. Recruitment: basic concepts and terms

In order for the “personnel issue” in your company to be resolved effectively and competently, it is necessary to approach the recruitment process consistently and professionally.

The phrase “cadres decide everything” belongs to I. Stalin: if we ignore the political aspect, one cannot help but appreciate the wisdom of this statement.

This expression has become popularly loved and is widely used to this day.

As a recruiting specialist with 5 years of experience, I can confirm that the well-being of the company, the atmosphere within the team, the prospects for the development of the company and much more depend on the personnel.

The HR department of the company (the term comes from the English "Human Resource" - "human resources") is engaged in the selection of personnel, taking into account the long-term prospects for the development of the organization. Sometimes companies resort to the help of headhunters (head hunter), which literally translates as "headhunter".

So today they call professional recruitment agents who "poach" already working employees from one company to another on its order, offering the best working conditions.

For successful business it is necessary that employees are not only talented in their fields, but also able to work effectively in a team.

The search for qualified personnel is the first thing that the head of a new organization has to do.

The selection of employees is also relevant for an already operating company, if there is suddenly a stagnation in work or there are prospects for expanding the field of activity.

To begin with, let me remind you the meaning of the main terms and concepts.

This will help you better understand the terms.

Recruitment is a purposeful work to attract candidates to the company who have the qualities and skills necessary for the current and long-term needs of the organization. In other words, it is the search, testing and hiring of people who can and want to work, have the competencies and knowledge necessary for the employer, and share the values ​​of the company.

Applicants- persons applying for vacant position.

Job description- a document regulating the scope of duties and rights of employees, as well as the nature of their official relationship with other employees.

Recruitment agencies- professional organizations that act as an intermediary between a company that needs to find employees and job seekers.

High-quality selection of employees:

  • increases the profits of the company;
  • increases labor productivity;
  • allows the company to grow.

An unprofessional approach to hiring employees is fraught with disruption of work deadlines, a decrease in company income, and failures in business processes. In the end, you will have to return to the starting point - start searching and spend money and time on recruiting new employees. Systemic errors in the recruitment process - I have observed this in practice - significantly increase the company's costs.

2. Types of recruitment sources

There are two types of sources for recruitment: external and internal.

In the first case, personnel are selected from among the employees of the company itself, in the second - at the expense of external resources. It is clear that internal sources are always limited, and it is impossible to completely solve personnel problems with their help.

The most common sources of hiring workers are external. Conventionally, they can be divided into 2 subspecies: budget and expensive.

Inexpensive sources are, for example, public employment services, contacts with universities and colleges. Expensive sources are professional recruitment agencies, media publications.

There are completely free sources of personnel - Internet sites that publish vacancies and resumes of applicants, for example - HeadHunter, Job, SuperJob.

Even in every major city, there are usually several such local sites. Even smaller cities often have their own city websites where you can post job ads.

In addition, organizations can always get resumes directly from job seekers without going through intermediaries.

Practice shows that even in times of crisis and unemployment, finding a qualified narrow specialist in any field is not an easy task. Personally, I have repeatedly had to use expensive sources to find the best representatives of the most sought-after professions. However, for positions that do not require special knowledge, the cheapest methods of attracting staff are usually used.

Types of external sources of recruitment:

  1. By recommendation. Attracting candidates on the recommendations of relatives, friends and acquaintances of the company's employees. The oldest method, very effective and more suitable for small organizations. Statistics show that in organizations where the number of employees does not exceed 50-60, 40% of new employees enter the service through acquaintances. This approach has a significant drawback - there is a risk of hiring an unqualified specialist.
  2. Direct work with potential employees. Work with "independent" candidates - people who are looking for work without contacting special services. Such candidates themselves call the company, send their resumes and are interested in vacancies. Usually this is due to the leading position of the company in the market. Even if in this moment the organization does not need such a specialist, his data should be stored in order to be used if necessary.
  3. Advertising in the media. This is the most common way to attract applicants. Announcements are given in newspapers, on Internet portals, on television, after which the candidates themselves call or come to the company. There are specialized publications and websites focused on a wide range of professions or individual industries. The use of online resources and print publications is the most effective and popular tool for attracting candidates, however, in order for ads to hit the target, the requirements for applicants and their future job functions should be stated as accurately as possible.
  4. Contacts with universities. Many large corporations working for the future are focused on attracting graduates of educational institutions who do not have a full-fledged practice. To this end, employers hold events at specialized universities or participate in job fairs. Since it is difficult to assess professional skills without work experience without work experience, personal characteristics, planning and analysis skills are assessed.
  5. Labor exchanges are state employment centers. A developed state is always interested in increasing the level of employment of citizens. For this purpose, special services are created that have their own databases and work with large companies. The method has a significant disadvantage: not all applicants apply to government agencies for the unemployed.
  6. Recruitment agencies. Over the past decades, recruiting has become an actively developing branch of the economy. Personnel companies have constantly updated databases and independently search for candidates in accordance with the tasks of customers. For their work, firms take a solid remuneration - sometimes up to 50% of the annual salary of the employee they found. There are companies that specialize in mass recruitment or, conversely, engaged in "exclusive search" - the selection of executives.

The right choice of external sources ensures success in the selection of competent employees who correspond to the profile of the company and its spirit.

The table shows the comparative indicators of recruitment sources:

Personnel search methods Average time spent Total time
1 Through the mediaThe announcement in the newspaper is published in 5-7 days. For electronic media the period is reduced to the day of the announcement. It takes 5-7 days to process resumes from candidates and preliminary interviews with applicants 6-14 days
2 Through friends and acquaintancesFor a full-fledged survey of the circle of contacts, 3-5 days are enough 3-5 days
3 Among university graduatesCommunication and interaction with employees of the relevant services of universities (5-7 days). Collection of resumes with subsequent processing - another week 2 weeks
4 Inside your own company1-2 days are enough to analyze possible candidates from among the employee 1-2 days
5 Through job centersBringing information to the responsible employees of the Employment Centers - 7 days. Processing resumes of applicants - 5-7 days 2 weeks
6 Through free recruitment agenciesEstablishing relationships with agency staff - 3 days. Data processing - 7 days 10 days
7 Through recruiting companiesProviding information to employees of companies - 1 day. Search and selection of candidates for a position by a recruiting agency - 5-10 days 1-2 weeks

3. Basic methods of personnel search

Let's look at the classic and newfangled methods of finding employees. I must say right away that experienced personnel officers always combine methods of attracting personnel in their work.

In a number of situations, you can really “not warm your head” and use the recommendations of work colleagues who are looking for a position for their friend or relative. In other cases, a multi-day search for a narrow specialist is required through specialized recruitment agencies and other paid channels.

Consider the most effective methods search.

Method 1. Recruiting

Recruiting is a method of selecting employees of common professions. Usually these are specialists of the so-called "line level" - sales agents, ordinary managers, performers, secretaries. Recruiting itself consists in compiling a competent job description and placing this description where it will be seen by potential job seekers or recruitment sites. The emphasis in this case is on people who are in the immediate process of finding a job.

Method 2. Executive Search

Selection of management personnel - heads of departments, directors of companies, heads of regional divisions. This also includes the search for rare and unique specialists. Unlike recruiting, "exclusive search" involves active actions on the part of the interested company. Typically, this type of recruitment is carried out by specialized recruitment agencies.

Method 3. Headhunting

Literally - "hunting for heads." A method of searching or luring a specific specialist (a recognized master in his field) from one company to another. The methodology is based on the premise that workers top level do not look for a job on their own and sometimes do not even think about changing one. The task of the "hunter" - an employee of a recruitment agency - is to interest the candidate more favorable conditions or development prospects from a competing organization.

Method 4. Screening

Quick selection of candidates on formal grounds. Psychological characteristics, motivation, personality traits are not taken into account during screening: the main criterion for such a search for employees is speed. The screening period is several days. The technique is used when recruiting secretaries, managers, sales consultants.

Method 5. Preliminaring (preliminaring)

Attracting job candidates through industrial practice young professionals (graduates of specialized universities). The choice of a future employee presupposes that applicants meet certain psychological and personal qualities.

Preliminaring is aimed at the company's long-term business plan: it is the most promising way to create a strong and productive work community.

4. Recruitment companies - a list of reliable recruitment agencies, an overview of the advantages and disadvantages of using the services of recruiting companies

In my work, I have repeatedly had to resort to the services of personnel and recruiting agencies. The method is certainly costly, but quite effective.

The main advantages of working with an intermediary include:

  • Having a huge database. The average number of resumes in the archives of recruiting agencies is 100,000. True, with today's Internet capabilities, it is not difficult to collect the required number of applicant profiles from job sites. Of this number, only “developed” resumes are really useful - that is, those on which the recruiter got in touch with the applicant and received permission to use the questionnaire.
  • Professional and comprehensive approach to finding employees.
  • The presence of a standard guarantee is a free replacement of the applicant if he did not fit the employer or he himself refused employment. Guarantee period valid for up to six months.

With regard to such a service of recruitment agencies as an "evaluation interview", in most cases you should not rely too much on the effectiveness and "exclusivity" of this offer. Recruiting agencies conduct such interviews mostly remotely, and without a personal meeting, a correct assessment of professional and personal qualities is impossible.

The cost of agency services is calculated depending on the complexity of the search and the speed of closing the vacancy. Usually it is a certain percentage of the annual salary of the selected specialist. The market average is 10-30%. Services are paid approximately one week from the day the employee enters work.

I ask you to pay attention to the fact that due to the wrong approach and without proper attention in the field of recruitment Russian companies losing hundreds of billions of dollars a year.

Among the disadvantages of searching for employees through agencies is the risk of encountering an unscrupulous approach of recruiting companies to their functions. The result of which is that workplace comes the “wrong” employee who does not have the proper knowledge and qualifications. And this negatively affects the activities of the enterprise and adds to me, as a personnel officer, a “headache” and red tape with paperwork.

To avoid this, I advise you to pay special attention to the choice of the company with which you want to cooperate. Be sure to study reliable client reviews about the work of the agency, check for guarantees, evaluate the speed of feedback from company employees.

Here, for your convenience, we have already analyzed several reliable recruitment agencies to help you find the best employees for your business:

  • Friendly family( - Moscow
  • staff line( - Moscow
  • InterHR( - Moscow
  • Gardarika( - St. Petersburg
  • ANT group of companies( - St. Petersburg

5. The process and stages of the search for employees of the company

The selection process of employees consists of several stages that candidates for the position must go through. At each stage, some of the applicants are eliminated or they themselves refuse the vacancy, taking advantage of other offers or for other reasons.

Now we will consider with you the main stages of selection.

Stage 1. Preliminary conversation

The conversation is being held various methods. For some positions, it is preferable for the candidate to appear in person at a potential job, in other cases, a telephone conversation with a representative of the personnel service is sufficient. The main purpose of the preliminary conversation is to assess the level of preparation of the applicant, his communication skills, basic personal qualities.

But here it should be remembered that only at the level of visual communication can one get the most accurate idea of ​​the personality of the job seeker. Therefore, now more and more often I have a preliminary conversation on Skype.

Stage 2. Interview

An extended interview is conducted directly by a personnel worker. During the conversation, it is important to get detailed information about the candidate and give him the opportunity to learn more about his future job responsibilities and corporate culture the environment in which he is to work.

Please note that at this stage it is very important not to make one mistake. You can not attach importance to personal sympathy for the candidate for the position. You may like a person outwardly, his behavior and manners are close to you, and even you and him have found common interests in life. Under the influence of emotions and feelings, you are no doubt sure that you simply cannot find the best candidate, and he, like no one else, will “fit” into the team in the best way. And therefore there is no point in “torturing” him and asking tricky questions.

It is necessary to carry out a full testing of a potential employee, and if, according to important technical points, he does not meet the established requirements, then feel free to refuse him employment.

There are several types of interviews:

  • Biographical, during which the past experience of the applicant and various aspects of his professional qualities are revealed;
  • situational: the applicant is invited to solve practical situations in order to clarify his analytical abilities and other qualities;
  • Structured- the conversation is conducted according to a pre-compiled list of points;
  • stressful- is carried out in order to test the applicant's stress resistance and his ability to adequately behave in provocative and non-standard situations.

Stage 3. Professional testing

Conducting tests and tests to obtain information about the professional skills and abilities of a future employee. The results of the tests will allow you to assess the current and potential capabilities of the candidate, form an opinion about the style of his work.

It is important to ensure that the issues of professional testing are relevant and comply with the law.

Stage 4. Checking the track record

For a more complete picture of the employee, it is worth talking with his colleagues at the previous place of work. Many people have a bad "professional history", although the reason for dismissal in the labor is "on their own".

Therefore, if possible, it would be good to talk with the immediate supervisor of the applicant to find out the reasons for the employee's departure from previous place work, it will improve the quality of recruitment. It will not be superfluous to familiarize yourself with the recommendations, characteristics, promotions and other items of the track record.

Stage 5. Decision making

Based on the results of the comparison of candidates, the one who best meets the professional requirements and fits into the team is determined. When the decision to enroll in the staff is made, the candidate is informed of this either orally or in writing. The applicant must be familiarized in detail with the nature of the forthcoming activity, informed about the working hours, holidays, days off, the rules for calculating salaries and bonuses.

Step 6. Filling out the application form

Candidates who have successfully completed the first and second levels fill out an application, a questionnaire and sign labor contract. The number of items in the questionnaire should be minimal: important information that finds out the performance of the applicant and his main qualities. The information provided relates to the past work, professional skills, mindset of the candidate.

Below you can download samples of these three documents relevant for 2016.

The official introduction follows. Usually, this term refers to the first working day of a new employee, during which he directly gets acquainted with the procedure and rules of work and begins his official duties.

6. Non-traditional recruitment technologies

Non-traditional recruitment methods are becoming increasingly important. I have compiled a list of the most effective non-traditional ways to hire employees:

  1. Stress (or shock) interview. The meaning of such a conversation is to determine the candidate's stress resistance. During such an interview, various techniques are used, the purpose of which is to unbalance the interlocutor. For example, the person responsible for the conversation is first late for the meeting - for 20-30 minutes or even more. Or you can disparage the titles, merits and academic degrees of the candidate ("Moscow State University is not an authority for us - our cleaning lady graduated from Moscow State University").
  2. Brainteaser interview. Applicants need to answer some intricate or tricky question or solve a complex logical puzzle in a certain time. Typically, such methods are used when selecting creatives, marketers, programmers.
  3. The use of irritants. Such factors are: a bright light in the eyes, as during interrogation in the NKVD, indecent questions, too high a chair. The subject can be seated in the center of a circle, around the circumference of which are representatives of the employer.
  4. Selection of personnel on the basis of physiognomy. It involves determining the character of a person by his appearance and socionics.

Non-traditional methods allow assessing the flexibility of a candidate's thinking, testing his intelligence, assessing his ability to be creative, and finally, testing his ability to work under pressure, which is important in a competitive business environment. In some large corporations (in particular, Microsoft), stress interviews are used on a mandatory and massive basis.

An example is such a competence as communication skills, which is indicated in most vacancies: this is not only the ability to quickly establish contact with strangers, but also the ability to speak in public, the presence of a well-trained voice, the ability to convince, knowledge of the basics of non-verbal communication.

In most traditional enterprises, the main document defining duties, rights and responsibilities is job description. It reflects the requirements for the level of education, knowledge, skills and abilities of the candidate for the position.

1.2.4 Personnel search

Any enterprise that has long-term development plans inevitably faces the need to rational use its human resources, their development and replenishment.

Personnel search is the first of the tasks facing the HR manager. There are several ways to close a job. These methods differ in complexity and cost. Each of them can be suitable for one position and be completely unacceptable for another. In order to choose the most correct one from the whole variety of ways to search for personnel, it is necessary to know the technology of personnel selection.

The selection of personnel in organizations is carried out by employees of the personnel department (HR managers). The functions of HR managers include:

choice of selection criteria;

approval of selection criteria;

qualifying conversation;

work with applications and questionnaires on biographical data;

conversation about hiring;


final selection decision .

There are two possible dialing sources: internal (from internal personnel reserve organization) and external (from people who had not previously been associated with the organization in any way).

There are several options for externally searching for the right employee.

1. Through acquaintances, this is a reliable and cheap source, but not always professional. It is best, taking into account the recommendations of acquaintances, to consider candidates on a general basis.

2. Use the services of recruitment agencies, preferably a few. It will be fast, quite professional, but expensive. They will help to formulate exactly who is needed, orient the cost of a specialist, conduct a preliminary selection and submit more than one candidate for consideration.

If all the candidates are more or less suitable, then the work of recruiters is done professionally. If applicants are not suitable, it is better to refuse the services of such an agency. But the success of cooperation cannot be guaranteed either by the duration of work on the market of this agency, or by the volume of the database, or by the list of reputable clients, or by the cost of services. In this case, you should look for another recruitment agency.

3. The easiest and cheap way search for a specialist - the Internet (posting an ad on one of the employment sites). By e-mail you can conduct the first interview by asking the candidate to answer some questions. In addition, the necessary candidates can be selected by viewing the resumes posted on the sites. But in small towns, this method does not always work.

4. Placement of advertisements in newspapers for employment, preferably in several, in order to reach a wide and diverse audience of job seekers. These should be both local periodicals (including those that are delivered free to every home every week) and business publications that are guaranteed to reach the desk of most leaders. The involvement of professional publications and the business press makes it possible to select the right specialist who is thinking about changing jobs. The job posting must contain the title of the position, requirements and terms of reference. Well, if it is a module containing the name and logo of the enterprise. At the same time, announcements can be given on radio and television.

5. Willingly cooperate educational establishments, providing information about the best students and alumni. It is difficult to work with training companies, because they do not have the right to disclose information about people attending trainings without their consent. But if the personnel officer himself attends various trainings and gets acquainted with potential candidates there, then this method of selecting specialists can also be used.

6. Find the right specialists it is also possible at specialized exhibitions, usually on the second or third day, good managers and specialists work at the expositions. Posing as a client, you can see them in the process.

7. You can contact representatives of other enterprises that recruit staff for themselves, and offer to exchange information about candidates.

Since in our country recruitment technologies were not sufficiently developed until recently, it was used and adapted to the Russian reality foreign experience. Terminology has also been transferred from foreign literature.

In modern practice of external selection of candidates, the following technologies are mainly used: screening, recruiting and headhunting. Lower vacancies are usually closed by screening, mid-level specialists are selected through recruiting, and top managers and highly qualified narrow specialists are selected by headhunting.

Screening - "superficial selection", it is carried out on formal grounds: education, age, gender, approximate work experience. As a result, having received a lot of resumes, the selection is carried out by the customer himself, and the recruitment agency acts as a supplier of suitable candidates.

Recruiting is an "in-depth selection" that takes into account personal characteristics and business qualities applicant, is carried out by a recruiting agency based on the database of candidates and response to advertisements in the media. The result of the selection depends on the experience of the recruiter and the content of the database of candidates.

Headhunting - "high-quality search", search for top managers, taking into account the specifics of the customer's business, working environment, business and personal qualities of the candidate, organized in a direct way - without announcing a vacancy in the media. Most of the candidates are employed and have a high salary. For comparison: if screening and recruiting are "wholesale", then headhunting is "retail".

The Association of Recruitment Consultants (AKPP) has been established in Russia, which indicates the transition of the recruitment process to a qualitatively new level.

1.3 Organization of the selection of applicants for a vacant position

The final selection decision is usually formed at several stages that applicants have to go through. At each stage, a part of the applicants is eliminated or they refuse the procedure, accepting other offers. The sequence of these stages can be traced in Appendix 1.

Preliminary interview. Work at this stage can be organized in various ways. Sometimes it is preferable that candidates come to the personnel department or to the place of work. In such cases, the personnel department specialist or the head of the department conducts a preliminary conversation with him. At the same time, organizations apply general rules of conversation aimed at finding out, for example, the level of education of the applicant, assessing his appearance and defining personality traits. After that, the applicant is sent to the next stage of selection.

Filling out the application form and application form for the position. Applicants who have passed the preliminary selection interview must fill out an application form and a questionnaire. The same sequence is commonly used by recruiters. The number of items in the questionnaire should be minimal, and with their help it is necessary to request information that most of all characterizes the applicant's labor productivity. Questions may be related to past work and mindset so that a psychometric assessment of the applicant can be made on their basis. Questionnaire items should be worded in a neutral style and suggest any possible answers, including the possibility of refusing to answer.

Questioning is an important procedure for assessing and selecting applicants. The purpose of the method is twofold. Along with solving the problems of screening out less suitable candidates, a range of factors is identified that need particularly close study based on subsequent methods, as well as sources from which one can obtain necessary information. Any distortion of it in the questionnaire is the basis for the dismissal of the employee at any time when it turns out (the text of the questionnaire usually includes a corresponding indication).

Analysis of personal data in combination with other selection methods reveals the following:

1) compliance of the applicant's level of education with the minimum qualification requirements;

2) compliance of practical experience with the nature of the position;

3) the presence of restrictions of a different kind on the performance of official duties;

4) readiness to accept additional loads ( overtime work, business trips);

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