What does a young Vietnamese boar look like. Vietnamese pig. Description, features, breeding and price of the Vietnamese pig. Breeding Vietnamese piglets


More and more of our compatriots prefer breeding Vietnamese piglets. After all, the return from this type of management can be obtained very quickly and very high quality. Particularly high efficiency is the breeding of Vietnamese pigs at home. But this process requires a lot of work, careful attention to pets and professional knowledge. And all material investments with the correct organization of fattening will be rewarded handsomely.

These pigs differ from most traditional ones in that they have inexhaustible possibilities. Moreover, breeders do not stop improving the existing characteristics of the breed.

The most striking differences between the Vietnamese piglets of the bellied type are:

  • Rapid maturation and readiness for procreation
  • Uniform, rapid increase in animal body weight
  • Unpretentiousness to feed, willingness to eat any food
  • Endurance, undemanding to the conditions of detention
  • Special cleanliness, allocation of space for emptying

Females of this breed are very caring as mothers. They bring a large number of piglets, despite the fact that they mature sexually at 4 months, and males at 6. In a year, a pig can farrow twice, bringing at least 18 piglets each time.

Adaptation to climatic conditions

In Asia, pigs of this breed grow in humid conditions that distinguish the jungle in the subtropics and tropics. However, after such a climate, the "Vietnamese" calmly take root in the conditions of Russian cold weather. Pigs have excellent immunity, easily cope with most diseases that pets suffer from.

With proper care, such piglets are much more profitable to breed than most breeds common in our latitudes. The reason for this endurance is a dense physique, indicating that the animal is more meaty than greasy. Their meat is very juicy, fine-fibered, with a small amount of fat.

Appearance of animals

Piglets of this breed have a very unusual appearance. The most distinctive features of these stocky animals are:

  • Black skin and fur
  • Wide chest
  • Strong back, wide
  • Short, well-standing legs
  • Short cute muzzle
  • Small protruding ears
  • origin of name

The breed is named after its appearance. After all, in growing animals, the stomach begins to sag. And in adults, it sags down to the ground. Despite such a weighty element, bellied piglets remain very mobile.

Decorative animal

Because of this unusual appearance, young Vietnamese pigs have become an object of attention for connoisseurs of decorative animal species. Although at the same time we must not forget that even with special care they do not cease to be pigs. And thanks to the extraordinary productivity, massive animals quickly grow out of tiny piglets. Already at 4-6 months they weigh at least 30 kilograms. When the wild boar grows to the status of a breeding boar, and the female to a sow, their weight can even exceed 1.5 centners.

This is a very profitable breed of pigs in all respects. It is not for nothing that its breeding has caused such a huge interest all over the world, including our domestic livestock breeders.

How to raise Vietnamese piglets at home

In the countries of America and Europe, livestock breeders learned about the possibility of effective cultivation of Vietnamese piglets only in the eighties and nineties of the last century. And Russian business executives were carried away by breeding this type of pigs even later. Therefore, there are so many who want to learn how to properly breed Vietnamese pigs at home.

Rearing of young animals

The most difficult process in breeding Asian pigs is raising young animals. After all, piglets, like any children, require special attention. This is the air temperature, and the humidity of the corral, and access to the sow. And if any of these or other conditions are violated, the young may simply die out. Therefore, it is important to think over all aspects of keeping both piglets and adults.

Grow room

In order for Vietnamese piglets to be as comfortable as possible, they need to equip a dry, warm, well-ventilated growing room. The flooring on the ground should be as level as possible. It is also important that the floor is strong, because there are a lot of piglets, and everyone strives to dig the ground with their nose. It must be suitable for regular cleaning as well as disinfection work. It is good if the floors are concreted and covered with boardwalk on top.

Since the "Vietnamese" are small in size, you do not have to prepare a large territory for them. It is much more important that the machines can be cleaned every day. The number of piglets that can be kept simultaneously in any farm is unlimited. This is determined by their owner.

Lighting and ventilation

Usually in winter, piglets in large numbers from spacious pens on the street are transferred to more cramped pens. In them, if the proper conditions are not observed, any pathological microflora can develop very quickly. Therefore, it is important that these areas are well ventilated. This is a very important condition for the healthy growth and development of animals.

It is also important for piglets to have sufficient lighting. Animals respond positively to a good supply of natural daylight. But in the absence of the possibility to provide such a condition, you can use artificial lighting. For young animals, you can use heating infrared lamp with periodic inclusion of ultraviolet - for disinfection of the stall. Optimum lighting and ventilation are indispensable conditions for the productive rearing of pigs of this breed.

In winter, rooms with Vietnamese piglets must be heated. Heating is especially important for newly born piglets. After all, they have a very weak immune system. Therefore, protection from external aggressive conditions can only be ensured by the presence of a sufficient amount of mother's milk and careful care by the breeder.

Feeding and walking piglets

When the warmer season arrives, the animals should have adequate food and outdoor exercise. Such an area should be protected from the wind and partially covered so that they can hide from the rain. So that the piglets can scratch their backs, boards are stuffed at the height of their standard height. In such a territory there should be portable feeders and drinkers.

Pros and cons of green fodder

Since this type of pig breeding is quite new for our compatriots, they have a lot of questions about the selection of feed for these animals. Many prefer to give them only green food. The size of the stomach, as well as the structure of all organs of the gastrointestinal tract, are suitable for eating large amounts of herbs. However, a good body weight supplement for piglets cannot be obtained from such feed. And such a diet will also affect the quality of the resulting product, not for the better.

Pigs will generate more waste if they eat only greens. The effectiveness of this diet is quite low. Therefore, it is recommended to feed meat piglets with high-calorie grain mixtures. Of course, greens should also be present in the diet, especially in summer. This will be very rational, because it will allow the use of free feed, which is very abundant during this period. And also herbs are the best source of most of the vitamins and minerals needed by young animals and adults.

Composition of feed for piglets

Usually pigs are given roughage, that is, straw and root crops. But bellied Vietnamese piglets prefer a more delicate delicacy - hay. The grain part of the diet should consist mainly of barley with wheat. Such products are perfectly digested in the body of animals and give an excellent increase in body weight. The composition of the meat in this case turns out to be bacon. These cereals in the diet of pigs should prevail. Only 30% of the total amount of food fed is allocated to the rest of the feed.

To make nutrition more effective, it is recommended to add vitamins, stimulants and fatty omega-3 amino acids, that is, fish oil, to it.

When a sow has to give birth or take care of her offspring, her menu should also be richer and more varied. Sour milk, whey, cottage cheese and boiled eggs are very effective during this period.

How to feed the grain

When eating hard-to-digest types of cereals such as oats and corn, their percentage with other feeds should not be higher than 1:10. Any grain must be crushed, steamed with boiling water and brewed until a homogeneous nutrient mixture with sufficient water content is formed. For steaming, water and crushed grain are taken in a ratio of 2: 1. To improve the appetite of animals, 10 grams of salt must also be added to such a mixture. The process of steaming grain lasts 11 hours.

The introduction of a thick grain soup into the diet of such piglets has an excellent effect on the productivity of their feeding. In winter, it is useful to feed your pets with pumpkins and carrots. Animals like the use of hay from vitamin forbs. Good growth is provided by legumes, including alfalfa grass, dry clover and vikomashka. Also in winter, more than 15% of the diet can be replaced with boiled potatoes.

Growing Vietnamese pigs at home is quite an easy and profitable process. The main thing is to take into account simple conditions and adhere to the rules for their content. And very soon the work of the breeder will be rewarded with an excellent result.

Breeding Vietnamese pigs

Many livestock breeders were attracted by such a breed for growing at home. But breeding Vietnamese pigs is not as simple as it seems at first glance. This process must take place subject to a number of mandatory rules. So, you need to mate females that are already more than 4 months old. After all, it is from this age that their puberty and readiness for reproduction. Required condition- body weight of at least 30 kilograms, so that the mumps can simply physically bear the offspring inside itself. The male must be at least 6 months old for productive mating.

Mating conditions for Vietnamese piglets

You can not mate animals from the same genus, because as a result of this you will get sick offspring. The male should be allowed to approach the female when she begins to show signs of hunting:

  • Constant, unrelenting restlessness
  • Swelling and discharge from the penis
  • Lack of response to punches and pushes in the stall

The female should farrow 115 days after mating has occurred.

The upcoming farrowing in a couple of days is signaled by the pig by the fact that she begins to behave extremely restlessly. She begins to tamp down the litter, laying a nest out of it. In the female, the abdomen drops sharply, the mammary glands swell, the nipples increase, from which, when pressed, colostrum appears.

Baby care after birth

Proper care of piglets in the first days after birth plays a very important role in how successful their breeding will be. To do this, proper conditions must be provided in the paddock. The very first thing is the temperature is not lower than 30 degrees. After all, piglets are born very weak. And with hypothermia, they can begin to develop various infections, many of which can kill all offspring.

What to do immediately after farrowing a pig

The birth process itself Vietnamese pig lasts an average of 4 hours. Therefore, after the appearance of the first piglet, it is necessary to provide him with the proper conditions. After all, before the release of the last one, the first one can simply freeze. The offspring must be freed from maternal mucus, allowed to dry, treated with antiseptics on the umbilical cord and placed next to the sow. In the first hours, it gives colostrum, which is very useful for the baby, which contains immunity and all the nutrients necessary for the piglet. And the sooner you start giving this product, the healthier the animal will grow.

Features of breastfeeding

If the female has enough breast milk, then there is no need to limit the piglets in receiving it. Up to the age of one month, babies can eat only colostrum and milk. However, at the age of 10 days, the young should start drinking water. You should also give him mineral bait. Chalk, charcoal and refined clay are best suited for this. These substances will improve digestion, the development of the musculoskeletal system and the formation of immunity in piglets.

Why are supplements needed?

Pigs that feed on mother's milk alone begin to suffer from a deficiency of iron, calcium and many other microelements important for the body. Nutrients are also needed that are not found in breast milk in sufficient quantities for a grown piglet. In addition, from too long feeding offspring, the sow can significantly weaken. But on the farm, she must work to renew the livestock.

What do piglets need besides milk?

Starting from 20 days or more, sucklings should receive complementary foods in the form of a thick soup of compound feed with vitamin supplements. To avoid the so-called anemia in piglets, it is advisable for them to carry out preventive therapy with specialized veterinary drugs. At the age of 1 month, the young should be weaned and moved to a separate adult pen.

If the piglet is healthy and active, then it weighs 2.5 kilograms or more per month.

That is, breeding piglets is not difficult at all. With the right approach, you can quickly increase a large livestock, which will allow you to provide even a large family with meat all year round.

At what age is it rational to cut a Vietnamese pig?

The first thing that interests any breeder who acquires this breed is at what age is it rational to slaughter a Vietnamese pig? Compared to ordinary animals of this species, quite early. Piglets are ready to be slaughtered, even at 3 months old. But it will be a small supply of meat and almost no layer of bacon, which are so appreciated by pork lovers. And to get more useful product, it is better to slaughter at 6 months. After this age, the intensive growth of the animal stops.

Since the animals are not very large, it is not difficult to stab them, and it is much easier to butcher such a carcass. A professional carver will cope with one pig in 1-1.5 hours. The yield of the product is more than 75%, which is also higher than that of ordinary pigs. This is another advantage of Vietnamese piglets - quick readiness for consumption and prompt processing of the product.

Vietnamese pigs feed very quickly. They are much faster ready to be cut. Therefore, there will definitely not be a shortage of meat with such a farm in the family.

Business calculations

Breeding Vietnamese piglets is beneficial not only because you can get a lot of healthy meat and bacon for the family very quickly without much labor. It is also very beneficial in economic terms. It is easy to complete the elementary of such a plan, given the advantages of this type of animal husbandry:

big litterWhen breeding this breed of piglets, a significant plus is their multiple pregnancy in one pregnancy. At 5 months, the female is able to give birth to at least 10 piglets. And from the age of 10 months, she can even have 20 babies. This is a great start for a beginner pig breeder.
Boar rearingIn ordinary household backyards, few people keep a boar for mating, although this is very profitable as a business. It can be leased to other farms.
Ease of care and feedingPiglets are very unpretentious in care. And their food is quite simple. If in the first days of life the temperature is normal for life, then the babies will very quickly gain the potential for growth.
Possibility of breeding for breeding or for slaughterPiglets can be raised for meat, which is very profitable. But many pig farmers are more attracted to selling young and adult stock, the costs of which will pay off after the first farrowing. As for raising pigs for meat, this process is 75% profitable.

The benefits of raising Vietnamese piglets are clear. They grow quickly, give tasty juicy meat. They can be grown for various purposes. Therefore, this is a real opportunity for effective management in all respects.

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Nowadays there are more and more more breeds pigs bred for industrial purposes. One of them is Vietnamese piglets. Reviews about them are very good, because they have many positive qualities, for example, they grow quickly and gain weight, and they also have good fertility. About this breed, about caring for piglets, about what farmers liked them for, read the article.

History of appearance

The Vietnamese bellied pig, which is otherwise called the Asian herbivore, first appeared in Southeast Asia. Only in the year 85 of the last century, it was brought to other continents from Vietnam. That is why she received such a name, although it is more correct to say: Asian bellied pig.

Initially, the breed was recognized only in Canada and the United States of America. Only after a while, farmers from European countries started breeding Vietnamese pigs. Only after this breed was recognized in Europe, it came to our country.

In Russia, the Vietnamese bellied pig appeared relatively recently, but it immediately gained popularity among domestic farmers. Currently, it is increasingly bred in our country.


Vietnamese bellied piglets, the characteristics of which are given in this article, are not very large animals. Their height at the withers is no more than half a meter. They weigh from five to seven dozen kilograms. However, according to American standards, boars and boars can weigh even 90 kilograms. Despite the fact that these pigs are herbivores, the fangs of males reach a length of 10 or 15 centimeters.

As for the appearance, the pigs of this breed are very funny. They have short legs and a wide body. The stomach hangs, and it is very pronounced (hence the name). Their ears are small and erect.

Most often, bellied Vietnamese piglets, reviews of which demonstrate their excellent commercial qualities, are black in color. However, this does not exclude other color combinations. The bristles can be silvery, white and even red. Sometimes several colors are mixed on the bristles at once, and this is the norm.

One of the features by which this breed can be accurately identified is the elongated bristles along the ridge, which in appearance resembles a kind of mohawk.


Asian pigs have some health characteristics that must be considered before breeding these animals. Note that their immunity is very good. They are almost immune to various diseases.

The disease that most often affects these animals is helminth infection. However, this can be avoided by maintaining hygiene in their breeding areas, as well as observing preventive measures where Vietnamese bellied piglets live. They don't really need any vaccinations. At least in large quantities. Deworming should be carried out regularly not only to protect the pigs, but also to protect yourself, since the worms of piglets can be very dangerous for humans.

Another problem is the reaction of the body of piglets to drafts. Small pigs are sensitive to strong gusts of wind, which can cause them to suffer from colds.


According to reviews, representatives of the Vietnamese breed are very picky about food. They don't take anything that comes their way into their mouths. Piglets tend not to taste poisonous plants and strange or spoiled foods. However, you should monitor what pigs eat, because the wrong diet can lead to weight gain and an increase in the layer of fat.

Feeding bellied Vietnamese piglets, as experts advise, should be done twice a day in the summer. If they graze and have free access to fresh grass, then it is enough to simply feed the animals with cereals, vegetables and fruits. Vietnamese piglets are fed three times a day in winter. Top dressing during this period is represented by beets, pumpkins and carrots.


What to feed the bellied Vietnamese pigs? Since they are herbivores, you should regularly give them grass. It is the basis of their diet. In winter, it is replaced with hay. You also need to add apples, zucchini and pears to your food. They contribute to the full development of animals.

In total, the proportion of fruits and plants in the diet of lop-eared pigs ranges from 50 to 70%. The rest is cereals such as wheat, rye and barley. Corn, according to experts, is a product that can lead to obesity, so it should not be given to piglets in large quantities.

In winter, fresh grass is replaced with hay. It is best to harvest it from clover, sweet clover or alfalfa. These plants are very tender and juicy, so they are easily digested by pigs. Dry hay and straw are contraindicated for them.

Another option is cereal porridge. It is very useful for small piglets. Top dressing in winter is vegetables that should be given raw. The absence of heat treatment will preserve all the vitamins. 10 days a month, fish oil should be added to the feed in the proportion of two tablespoons per bucket.

As numerous reviews say, bellied Vietnamese pigs eat and feed. With it, you can quickly fatten pigs. It can be purchased both ready-made and prepared by yourself. In the mixtures that are sold in stores, all the ingredients are in the optimal ratio, which ensures a balanced diet. If the food is cooked at home, then you need to know how many ingredients are added to it.

The share of barley in compound feed is 40%, wheat - 30%, peas, corn and oats - 10% each. However, compound feed allows you to quickly gain weight, so you need to carefully monitor the nutrition of piglets in order to prevent their obesity.

To grow a pig, the meat of which will be used for the preparation of bacon and other products of this kind, according to the advice of experts, it is necessary to feed it with compound feed from barley, oats, peas, corn and wheat, combining all this with fresh herbs and vegetables. This will allow growing an individual weighing as much as a hundred kilograms already 4-5 months after her birth.

It is known that Asian pigs easily adapt to the Russian climate. They are unpretentious in content. However, it is important to know some points that will help to properly equip the pigsty and prevent any problems.

Here pig farmers advise the following:

  • The content of Vietnamese fold-bellied piglets is to create a pigsty that is comfortable for them. This means that it is necessary to allocate a room with stone or brick walls for them, to concrete the floors in it. Then you need to make a covering of wooden flooring or a thick layer of straw in the area where the piglets will live. And in the place where they will relieve themselves, hold low tides and provide free access for the cart for manure removal to the “toilet”.

  • It is important to ensure the availability of a spare room, because sometimes it becomes necessary to separate some individuals from each other. For example, a sow with newborn pigs should be in a different pen, and not where the rest of the Vietnamese bellied piglets live.

How many individuals to keep in one pen does not matter. Since representatives of this breed are quite friendly and sociable, you can arrange them in twos.


Judging by the reviews, Asian pigs should move as much and as often as possible. This is necessary so that they do not gain excess weight. A sedentary lifestyle will cause the layer of fat to increase. Therefore, it is necessary to provide them with a platform for walking. It should be located near the pigsty.

Within this area, a medium-sized hole should be dug and filled with water. Mud baths will help the pigs cool off during the hot season and keep insects away. It is necessary to provide a tree or log on which the piglets could scratch their sides, as well as their backs.


The sow's pregnancy lasts for three months, three weeks and three days. There are only five to ten piglets in the first litter, but the next time there can be up to 20.

Vietnamese bellied piglets, whose newborn weight is no more than half a kilogram, are growing rapidly.

Before farrowing, it is necessary to prepare a warm and draft-free place. By the behavior of the pig, you can understand when her birth comes. She worries, in some cases refuses to eat, collects hay in a pile and prepares a nest from it.

The birth of a Vietnamese sow lasts for three and a half hours. It is important that at this moment the owner is nearby. As soon as they are born, piglets need to get colostrum. You need to give it within an hour, because piglets are born with a very small supply of nutrients.


Raising Asian pigs is not a very difficult task if you know how it is done. Piglets reach puberty at the age of four months, which means they are ready to breed. True, there is one caveat - on the advice of experts, by the time of mating, the pig should weigh at least 30, or even 35 kg. So it's better to wait a couple of months and mate at the age of six months.

Breeding Vietnamese piglets is carried out with two goals. One of them is getting pigs for meat. In this case, they are knitted at an early age, and there are no special requirements. However, there is a second option - breeding.

To get a strong, strong offspring, you need to make the first mating at the age of eight, or even ten months. The fact is that by this moment the bellied pig not only grows, but also matures. Her mammary glands are fully developed, which means that it becomes much easier for her to feed offspring.

Castration of Vietnamese bellied piglets is carried out in the first one and a half to two months of life.

Raising offspring

Vietnamese bellied pigs are excellent mothers, according to their owners. They take great care of their offspring and try to feed every piglet. However, they do not always have enough nipples for everyone, so small pigs are fed from ordinary baby bottles regularly, every hour and a half. Both cow's and goat's milk are suitable for these purposes. However, they cannot be taught to feed from a bottle with a nipple, and feeding should be added already in the second week of life. Be sure to put drinking water where the piglets are - they need to drink regularly.

How to feed newborn vislobelly? As pig farmers advise, ordinary grass, as well as hay, is suitable for these purposes. You can lightly toast corn, wheat, or barley grains. In this state, the grain acquires a sweetish aftertaste and is liked by animals. There is another plus of such food - piglets are accustomed to solid foods, and their gums are massaged.

Porridge is an essential food that little Vietnamese lop-bellied piglets should eat. The diet of these animals includes cereals from oats and barley. First they are cooked with milk, and then with skim milk. The older the piglet gets, the more feeding it should consume. The amount of milk, on the contrary, must be reduced.

Weaning offspring from the female should be done at the age of 2.5-3 months. If you continue to feed piglets with sow's milk, this can adversely affect their health. Immediately after weaning, you need to start selecting feed. The proportion of protein in them should be at least 20%, fat - from five to six, fiber - only three. By the age of 4 months, the protein content should be increased to 30 or 40%. It all depends on the size and development of the piglet.

Since some pigs are raised for lard, others for meat, and still others for offspring, each needs its own diet. This will achieve the desired results. But in any case, there are foods that all piglets should consume. These are compound feeds consisting of bran, oats, corn and barley, root crops and other vegetables, as well as grass.

Judging by the reviews, piglets should in no case be supercooled, as they can get sick. Therefore, it is necessary to do everything possible so that the ambient temperature is above 25 degrees Celsius.

Differences from other breeds

Looking at the pigs discussed in this article, one cannot fail to notice that they are very different from their other brethren. However, this is not only about appearance. The breed of Vietnamese fold-bellied piglets is smart and calm. What else are the differences? First of all, in character. Their disposition is very accommodating, they do not make noise for no reason. Their attitude towards offspring is also quite different. The sow never eats her piglets, and also feeds the offspring without any problems.

Another difference is cleanliness. Vietnamese piglets and pigs clearly separate the living area and the place where they need to relieve themselves in the pigsty. It is very easy to train them to go to the toilet in a certain place. They grasp this information just as quickly as cats. In addition, the suffocating smell that comes from an ordinary pigsty never appears where Vietnamese piglets live.

Advantages over other breeds

There are a number of advantages that bellied Vietnamese pigs have. Reviews about them, as a rule, contain the following information:

  • Pigs have innate immunity, which is why their survival rate is much higher than that of other breeds.
  • The female is prolific. On average, she brings about 12 piglets at a time, but sometimes their number can increase to almost two dozen. The Vietnamese pig gives birth twice a year.
  • Asian piglets grow faster, their reproductive activity begins at four months of age.

  • The meat of Vietnamese bellied pigs, unlike the meat of their counterparts, contains several times less cholesterol. It is more juicy and tender, suitable for people who suffer from heart disease. In addition, it can become one of the dishes on the diet table.
  • The meat of Asian pigs is about 70-80% of the weight of the entire carcass. This means that an individual weighing 100 kilograms can produce at least 70 kg of meat. Impressive figures, isn't it?

How to choose a Vietnamese pig?

In order not to be deceived when buying Vietnamese pig you need to follow the advice of experts. This will allow you to select the healthiest pigs, as well as save yourself from further problems in breeding them:

  • It is necessary to examine each pig in the litter and select the most developed individuals in physical terms. It must be strong, knocked down. Their limbs are most often widely spaced.
  • The head is wide, the pug has a specific bend of the nasal bones, which makes the piglet look like a pug. The bristles of the pig are even and smooth, the eyes are shining, the pig is very active and cheerful, she has a good appetite.
  • It is also necessary to examine the piglet along with his sow. In a month, he weighs about three and a half kilograms, and the female feeding him looks emaciated, her milk lobes are sagging. If this is not the case, then either the piglet is older or it is not his sow.

However, it is not enough to know what to do when choosing a piglet. You need to know what not to do:

  • Buy two piglets (female and male) from one litter. This can lead not only to diseases of their offspring, but also to degeneration.
  • If there is only one boar on the farm, then the probability of inbreeding increases to almost one hundred percent. It is better not to buy a pig from such a farm.

After the choice is made, it is important to find out what he was fed on the farm. It is impossible to change the diet abruptly, because the animal may feel bad.

Raising Asian pigs for business purposes

Black Vietnamese piglets, as well as other varieties of Asian pigs, are fast-growing animals whose meat is highly valued. No wonder they are bred for business purposes. However, having decided to engage in such activities, it is necessary to study the rules of the pig market.

Firstly, the weight of individuals that are planned to be sold must reach more than one hundred kilograms. Smaller animals are nearly impossible to test for any disease, so bulk buyers won't take the risk. At the same time, carcasses weighing up to 50 kg contain more meat and, accordingly, less fat.

Since Vietnamese piglets have delicious meat, from which bacon, all kinds of cuts and barbecue are prepared, they can be sold in stores natural products. If the farm contains not only pigs, but also birds and, in addition, grows vegetables, then it is possible to open your own business.

Interestingly, the maintenance and care of Vietnamese lop-bellied piglets fully pay off one year after the start of sales of individual individuals or their meat. So this, judging by the reviews, is a very profitable business.

In our time, the Vietnamese bellied pig has ceased to be just an exclusive pet. Livestock farmers are increasingly choosing to breed Vietnamese breed pigs.

vietnamese bellied pig

History of the Vietnamese breed

The Vietnamese Loose Belly pig breed was brought from Vietnam to Canada and Eastern Europe in the mid-80s of the last century. Over time, the fashion for breeding these pigs has spread to many countries: America, France, Hungary, Poland and other countries. The strongest breeding work is currently being carried out in Hungary and Canada. In these countries, breeders are trying to make the breed even more productive for breeding by increasing the size of the animal and the percentage of its muscle mass. In Belarus, this breed has become widespread relatively recently, livestock breeders are just starting to master the breeding of these attractive pigs.

Features of this breed

Pigs of the Vietnamese breed are distinguished by some features that must be considered when breeding them. Many of them are the trends behind the rapid spread of the fashion for keeping pigs.

One of the main features of the breed is the rapid maturation of animals. Already at 4 months, females become sexually mature, and boars are ready for breeding at 6 months. Moreover, caring for newborn piglets is not difficult, since the sow does not interfere with him and behaves quite friendly. She herself takes care of the offspring, having a developed maternal instinct.

Another feature of Vietnamese pigs is good immunity, they perfectly tolerate both hot climates and cold winters. These animals are only afraid of drafts, which are especially detrimental to small piglets.

Appearance of Vietnamese pigs

The bellied Vietnamese pig got its name because of the large hanging belly, which is especially striking because of the short legs.

Pigs can be white or black. There are individuals of a marble color that combines both of these shades. Because of the short legs, the belly of the pigs practically touches the ground. Their back is slightly concave, on the head are small ears. The stigmas resemble an accordion due to the large number of folds. Outwardly, the piglet of these pigs is somewhat similar to the muzzle of a pug due to the large number of bends.

One of the differences is short legs

Pigs are able to grow and gain weight for the first five years, although this process gradually becomes progressively slower. The weight of Vietnamese pigs that have reached the year is about 80 kg. In the livestock market, individuals weighing about 100 kg are most often represented.

Breeding Vietnamese pigs

Vietnamese bellied pigs gained their popularity due to the following advantages:

  • Low food costs
  • The possibility of almost year-round (depending on the place of breeding) free range, as pigs perfectly tolerate low temperatures during the winter;
  • They have tender meat with little fat and no veins. The low cholesterol content in the product makes it possible to eat it for people with vascular diseases;
  • Compact dimensions that allow you to keep several individuals at once in one not too large machine;
  • The animals are very clean, free from the specific smell inherent in almost all pigs of other breeds;
  • Immunity resistant to diseases and temperature extremes;
  • Early sexual maturity makes it possible to get the first offspring from a pig that has reached only 7-9 months. At the same time, animals that live for about 30 years are capable of farrowing throughout their lives. In addition, Vietnamese breed pigs are incredibly prolific, they bring from 12 to 20 piglets at a time;
  • Calm and kind. They let the owner to the piglets, do not break the enclosures, they have the ability to train.

Vietnamese pigs have strong immunity

How to choose a pig breed?

All the advantages of this breed will be real only when choosing healthy individuals capable of producing offspring in the future. There is sometimes a Vietnamese bellied pig, reviews of which are not very good. As a rule, such animals weigh about 40-60 kg by the year, and the farm owner cannot even get offspring from a female for 10 months. This result is most often due to the wrong choice of piglets. To buy an animal suitable for breeding, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • If the breeder has several sows and one boar on the farm, then it is better not to buy piglets in this place. Such animals will certainly be relatives from which it is impossible to obtain healthy offspring.
  • In order to make sure that the age of the piglet indicated by the seller and its real value correspond, you can ask to see the sow that gave birth to the animal. If the piglet is only a month old, then the pig should have sagging milk lobes, it should look thinner. Otherwise, the piglet is older than the seller says, or there is another sow in front of the buyer.
  • You need to find out the weight with which the piglet was born. It is better if the seller also tells the growth dynamics of the animal at intervals of 10 days from the moment of birth.
  • You can determine a healthy animal by appearance. Piglets should have well-developed muscles. Legs in healthy individuals are strong, widely spaced. An external sign of belonging to the breed is a kind of stigma, which has numerous bends of the nasal bones.
    If a piglet has a long head, a spindle-shaped body and legs in the shape of the letter "X", then such an individual is sick. In addition, these signs may indicate degeneration resulting from the birth of a piglet from relative parents.
    A healthy piglet is distinguished by a knocked down dense physique, even coat, shiny eyes. Such an animal is active, has a good appetite. The excellent mood of the piglet is evidenced by waving a thin tail from side to side. Color doesn't matter. It is predominantly black, but even in one litter there can be piglets of both white and mixed color.
  • You can not buy piglets that appeared from the same litter.
  • Having decided on the piglet, you need to ask about the food that the previous owner used. The transition to another diet should not be abrupt, otherwise the animal may get sick.
  • If the litter has more than 12 piglets, then such animals may be weak. The choice must be taken very carefully.

Selection of a place for keeping pigs

Keeping Vietnamese pigs does not require much trouble. Due to their relatively compact size, the animals do not require a very large pigsty. It is best to make it out of brick, and make the floor concrete. So that in the cold season the pigs do not freeze on the stone floor, about 2/3 of the pigsty should be covered with wooden scaffolding. This area will be a kind of sleeping place for animals. The rest of the space will serve as a place for feeding and a toilet. The bellied Vietnamese pig is a clean animal, so you don’t have to worry that manure will be scattered throughout the pigsty. In addition, the animals do not dig the floor, which also simplifies the life of their owner.

Vietnamese pig is unpretentious in maintenance

One pen with a size of about 4.5 m 2 can accommodate two adult pigs, one sow with piglets or a boar. When planning the internal structure of the pigsty between the machines, it is necessary to leave a passage sufficient for the passage of a trolley, with which it will be possible to remove manure. The ventilation system must be well organized in the room. The lack of fresh air and the cluttering of the pigsty will adversely affect the health of the animals.

Despite the fact that the breeding of Vietnamese bellied pigs is possible even at low temperatures, which they calmly endure, you still need to worry about heating the pigsty for the winter. For the sow and newborn piglets, the cold can be devastating. In order for the offspring to be healthy, grow well and recover, it needs a temperature of at least 20 degrees Celsius. Heating of the room can be carried out by gas convectors, a Russian stove, and other heating methods.

How to prepare walking for pigs?

Daily exposure to fresh air in warm weather provides pigs with strong immunity and good mood. Less sick and well put on weight regularly walking Vietnamese bellied pigs. Keeping exclusively in captivity will result in breeding weak and sick animals.

On a paddock site, if trees do not grow there, you need to dig a few logs into the ground. Pigs love to rub against them. A light canopy that protects animals from rain and the scorching sun will not interfere on the site.

Pigs of this breed, who are very fond of swimming in the mud, will be given great pleasure, a kind of pool. Its role can be played by a small depression in the ground measuring 2 by 2 meters. The pit must be periodically filled with fresh water. In such a pool, pigs can get rid of annoying insects, as well as cool off in hot summer weather.

Feeding Vietnamese pigs

A proper diet is the key not only to the growth of a healthy animal and a good weight gain, but also to obtaining high-quality lean meat, which distinguishes Vietnamese bellied pigs. Feeding animals depends on the special structure of their digestive system. A small stomach and a small intestinal diameter, the rapid movement of food through the digestive tract make it undesirable to use coarse feed. The standard treat of ordinary pigs, such as fodder beets, straw, for the Vietnamese breed will not bring any benefit. Well digested in the gastrointestinal tract of these pigs is the young hay of grasses of the legume family - alfalfa, clover.

A good option- compound feed prepared in the form of thick dense porridge. Such food lingers in the mouth for a long time; Vietnamese pigs chew it thoroughly. Feeding food of this consistency contributes to the release of a large amount of saliva, under the influence of which starch turns into sugar. This simplifies the process of digestion.

Feeding pigs is an important part of their content

In order for food to be assimilated as best as possible, preference should be given to ground grain. Whole grain feed mostly passes through the pig's digestive tract unchanged, without being digested.

The basis of compound feed is barley and wheat. Oats, peas and corn are also added to it. The latter should not be more than 10%, since this cereal causes obesity in pigs. If you add too much corn to the feed, then it will be almost impossible to get tender bacon meat.

Vitamin supplements have a good effect on the health of pigs. Piglets can be given fish oil, eggs, milk, and vitamins are added to the bucket of feed for sows. In its raw form, so that vitamins do not break down, you can give animals zucchini, carrots, pumpkins. If vegetables are still cooked, they should be cooked immediately before feeding.


The main condition for the appearance of healthy offspring is the absence of family ties between the sow and the boar. Otherwise, the appearance of piglets with deformities, weak and sick is possible. In the future, such animals gain weight very poorly, often they cannot have their own offspring.

The bellied Vietnamese pig reaches puberty by the age of 4 months, the boar - a little later. You can determine that you can start mating by the state of the pig. She becomes restless, the genital loop swells. When pressing on the croup, the animal freezes in one place. If all these signs are visible, the pig can be placed with a boar for one day. The first farrowing of Vietnamese pigs is about 5 piglets, then up to 20 animals are born, most often about 12.

The pregnancy of a pig lasts from 114 to 118 days. A few days before giving birth, the animal begins to worry, to equip the nest, carefully crushing the hay. If colostrum appeared from the nipples, then the appearance of piglets will occur within a day. For farrowing, you need to carefully prepare. In the machine you need to clean up well, leaving only hay and a bowl of clean water. Separately, you need to equip a corner for newborn piglets. It should be warm in this place, in the first hours of life the temperature will be about 30 degrees.

The first farrowing is about five piglets

If necessary, the airways of piglets are cleared of mucus, then placed in a prepared place to dry. It is important to ensure that in the first hour of life each piglet receives the required amount of colostrum. It contains a large number of nutrients, which are very lacking in newborn offspring.

Piglets at first feed exclusively on milk, which meets their needs for almost all nutrients. The exception is iron. To prevent anemia in offspring, piglets can be given injections of special drugs.

On average, by 10 days of life, a piglet reaches a weight of 1 kg, by 20 days - 1.5-2 kg. By a month, a piglet with a birth weight of 400-450 g should weigh at least 2.5-3 kg.

For a good weight gain, week-old piglets can begin to introduce complementary foods. It can be chalk, charcoal, other substances containing calcium, phosphorus. 10 days after birth, animals are given clean water. Two-week-old piglets can begin to feed thick porridge. A month after giving birth, the amount of milk in the sow is reduced, by this time the babies should learn to chew food on their own. In the same period, it is necessary to begin the gradual weaning of piglets from the mother.


Breeding pigs of this breed is a promising investment. Vietnamese bellied pigs, whose adult price is about 8,000 rubles, are very unpretentious, do not require expensive feed and special care. The decisive factor for profitable breeding is right choice piglets, the cost of which is about 3000 rubles.

The meat of pigs of this breed is very tender and tasty. It appeared on the market recently, but has already earned the trust of consumers. The meat of medium-sized individuals weighing up to 40 kg has especially good taste, although carcasses weighing about 100 kg enter the market.

Vietnamese pig piglets

The meat of Vietnamese bellied pigs contains little cholesterol, retains most of the nutrients in any method of heat treatment.

In order for animals to grow well, gain weight and bring healthy offspring, you need to follow the recommendations for keeping and feeding animals. Then breeding pigs of this breed will become a really profitable business.

Many residents living in the private sector have their own small business, doing agriculture.

Is content Vietnamese profitable?

It will be about what conditions to create for successful breeding of the breed, the correct maintenance and diet of this breed, for novice farmers.

In the last 15-20 years, on the territory Russian Federation in individual summer cottages and peasant yards, Vietnamese bellies have become widespread.

The forage base is any type of herbs, root crops, pumpkin pulp.

The diet includes supplements and concentrates of animal origin.

Piglets should be fed twice a day.

It is forbidden to overeat this breed, since such a fattening option has negative consequences, the structure of muscle and fatty tissues. The productivity of the breed is also deteriorating.

The components of complementary foods in the winter include dry ears of cereals, fortified supplements. The remaining third is made up of acorns and cereals. In summer, it is better to graze animals on weed species of herbs.

Part of the diet in the summer is the leaves of shrubs, fruit droplets, vegetables, in the form of zucchini, pumpkin, duckweed. Approximately 1/5 part is cereals and waste from cereals. Screenings from various crops are ideal for food.

The finished product is much better than the Russian steppe breed, with fatty veins. The color scheme is not different, but even tastier.

The sebaceous layer 1.5-3.5 cm thick, softer, resembles a cut from the abdominal part of the meat breed, but more tender. The rib part contains, without veins and fat.

AT agriculture recognize the following small breeds: Vietnamese and Korean.

Korean piglets grow and gain in weight faster than the Vietnamese breed.

There are also differences in appearance, the Korean breed has a wrinkled stigma structure, the Vietnamese have smooth stigmas, and narrow eyes.

There are some features of fertility, Korean sows in short time are worn, considerable offspring can be born from 10-25 pigs of this breed.

Females of both breeds have a well-developed maternal instinct and attentiveness. Good for growing at home.

Pork meat, small breeds are popular among farmers, not only because of the taste finished products but also its values. It contains a minimum of cholesterol, is well absorbed by the body. In the restaurants of the world, it has long become a real delicacy, and a raw material for the preparation of hundreds of dishes.

Keeping Vietnamese piglets at home

The breed of Vietnamese piglets is popular among farmers and ordinary people involved in household breeding.

The high demand for breeding the Vietnamese breed lies in individual features.

Pigs have some characteristics characteristic of this breed.

Representatives have a weight - from 80-150 kg, depending on gender, have a flattened snout, small ears, have broad indicators, back and chest, squat body, covered with black bristles, sagging stomach.

  • Build a good masonry room with a ventilation system in it, which will ensure systematic ventilation of the room, the flooring should be concrete, at the end of the room it is necessary to equip a rest area for piglets.
  • The diet should be thought out, the pigs of this breed, unpretentious in food, can eat greens and vegetable crops, but do not forget the pigs should also be given fortified feed and supplements.
  • Maintain cleanliness and drinking water, since the pigs of the Vietnamese breed are very ambitious, unlike their simple counterparts.

Room parameters

On the advice of breeders, up to 15 individuals can be accommodated in a camp with parameters of 3.0 x 3.0 m. The floor is padded. Be sure to make a system for the removal of wastewater.

The walls are upholstered with fiberboard, because during farrowing the females behave restlessly, disperse, and can injure themselves, ¾ of the enclosure is occupied by a platform, another ¼ part is occupied by a toilet. If the machine contains boars, then the machine is assigned to them up to 3 square meters. m. In the aisle from the machines, a distance is made for the passage of a wheelbarrow.

The optimum temperature for adults is 18-20 degrees Celsius. For small children in a separate place 30-32 C. It is recommended to use gas convectors or infrared heaters as heating.

An additional 10-20 acres are allocated for walking animals.

Is it profitable to keep a breed of Vietnamese piglets for sale?

It is profitable to feed small ones, provided that a person lives in a rural area with good buildings for household needs and feeds animals for individual consumption, since there is little meat from them, approximately 9-12 kg.

It can be estimated that there is no special benefit to hold, there is no sale.

By weight, they are similar to standard chicken and other birds, the peculiarity of the Vietnamese breed is that they are small, they will not grow larger, no matter how much you feed them.

The owner needs to take into account one more thing - cutting. The work is not easy, and in order to slaughter a pig, a person needs to pay a lot of money for his service, there is no benefit to the farmer.

Advice. You need to breed such a breed exclusively for your family, if you are engaged in independent slaughter of piglets.

How to properly feed the Vietnamese breed during the reproductive period

How quickly the signs of maturity will appear in representatives of this breed is inherently related to the correct diet and feeding.

Therefore, beginners should learn more about their features.

In summer, they should be fed 2 times, and in winter 3 times, as energy is consumed to maintain balance in the body.

It is difficult for small breeds to assimilate coarse feed, fiber, straw and is not recommended to be introduced into the diet of small breeds.

For food, it is advised to use mixed fodder and grain, or to make mixtures from other grain crops. The ideal culture for feeding piglets is barley, rye, wheat, it is possible to additionally add other crops to make a mixture.

A good addition to the main diet will be fruits, or any herb at the discretion of the owner. Give vegetables and fruits, as in raw foods, useful substances are preserved.

In the cold season, such a breed can do with store-bought food, saturated with various useful additives. These pigs, in addition to food, are given various fats and acids, which the body of young animals produces in small quantities. Useful preparations should be added to the feed every time, taking short breaks.

Buying market young should be noticed when buying:

  • You can not buy young animals from an identical offspring.
  • The farmer maintains a single reproductive male for a large number of females.
  • Weight indicators of the piglet with which he appeared.
  • Check the state of health by external examination of the parents of the pigs.

The main distinguishing feature is the similarity of representatives to the dog breed of pugs.

The young growth of the Vietnamese breed has a very active character, they are able to quickly adapt to the environment, so the born young should be kept with the expectation of some nuances. The environment and content must be good, so that the living creatures feel comfortable.

Pigs are neat, do not spoil coatings, do not emit a specific smell characteristic of simple ones.

In the room for keeping young animals, it is necessary to equip a wooden platform, a rest area for pigs, so that when it gets cold, the piglets do not get sick while in the home.

If the owner has not provided for all the conditions for the correct maintenance of pigs, then material will be required for additional insulation, and time to clean the home.

In a pigsty with young piglets, representatives should maintain a constant temperature regime of at least 18 degrees.

Required to equip extra bed for walking.

This breed loves to play outdoors. It is necessary to graze piglets in warm weather on the street 2 times a day, in the afternoon and in the evening. Representatives who regularly walk have a high resistance to various diseases, an active character, and better productivity.

A hole should be made in the pasture and filled with water. This breed loves to take water treatments, as it cools their body, strengthens the immune system.

It is also necessary to have trees in this area, or dig in logs so that the pigs can clean the dirt from the bristles.

To provide good productivity young animals need to familiarize themselves with the conditions for the correct diet and maintenance of the breed of Vietnamese piglets, on a monotonous diet and walking, the owner will not achieve high results in breeding:

  • At birth, quick access to feeding should be provided, otherwise they die.
  • To ensure successful growth and weight gain, preventive measures against infection with helminths should be systematically carried out.
  • A male of reproductive age should weigh approximately 40 kg.
  • These animals should be fed little by little, but often.

Pigs purchased for breeding are always a group of young animals, with two males. As individuals grow older, the most active and healthy is selected for reproduction, the rest are clogged.

When buying a breeding group, always take the advice of farmers with experience - choose females in one farm, males in another. Since closely related ties will give a defect in the offspring and a large number of culling.

The gestation period is about 116-120 days. There is a well-known statement that babies appear after 3 days, three weeks and three months.

Before childbirth, in about 48 hours, the behavior of the uterus changes, becomes more dynamic, colostrum is gradually released, and it refuses to eat. Before farrowing, the female warms up the litter, prepares hay (chews it) so that the young are more comfortable. Before farrowing, the farmer must remove the rubbish pen, change the hay, wash the dishes and change the drink in it.

The location of the future young animals is blocked in the room separately, heat exchangers are hung up to support constant temperature regime. If the birth goes without complications, then do not interfere, but qualified farmers with extensive experience say that it is always necessary to prepare sterile material, tools, disinfectants and treatments for young animals in advance.

It becomes easier for the future mother when the owner is with her, because the animals are very susceptible to the environment.

After the end of the process, apply to the mother for 40 minutes to obtain timely nutrition.

The young are wiped from the remnants of the placenta, the fontanel on the stomach is treated with disinfectants.

The treated representatives are settled in a corral for warming, attached to the mother for breastfeeding. For 1-2 day old piglets in the paddock, it is necessary to maintain the temperature within 31-32 ° C. The remains of the placenta are collected and buried away from the paddock so that the uterus does not eat it.

Important! In the nutrient fluid of the Vietnamese herbivorous pig, there are few trace elements, such as copper and iron. Therefore, solutions of preparations containing nutrients are administered intramuscularly.


The most popular preparations contain vitamin supplements, which can cause imbalance in the body (diarrhea and poor digestion of food). The use of some therapeutic agents is made with the permission of a qualified specialist.

It is not advisable to arbitrarily use drugs, since large dosages and incorrect handling of drugs can harm young animals.

Recommendation! If breeding offspring are selected, then for each piglet it is necessary to create a map, where the characteristics of the individual, weight, size, diseases, vaccinations, and a number of other anatomical and individual characteristics will be recorded. Such data must be updated every 7-10 days. It is easier for the owner to determine which individual is more active and will show good reproductive performance.

About the breed

  • A famous Hollywood actor kept a Vietnamese pig as a pet.
  • Males are sometimes used as a guard, in the summer cottage they are no worse than trained dogs (they are easily trained, they react negatively to strangers).
  • The older the pig, the healthier her offspring.
  • In some Asian countries, this breed has become a talisman of the hearth.

For a novice breeder or farmer, it is important to know ... Lop-eared piglets: precocity, immunity and ...

Kira Stoletova

The Vietnamese breed of pigs has gained wide popularity today. This is due to the fact that animals quickly gain weight and consume less feed than some other breeds. It is also worth noting that it is not difficult to care for pigs of this breed. Consider what features Vietnamese piglets have and how to properly organize nutrition and care in order to get maximum weight gain.


Before talking about the features of the breed, its description and characteristics should be given. What do Vietnamese piglets look like? As for the exterior, Vietnamese pigs have a specific appearance, so it is not possible to confuse them with any other breed.

Overall animals are painted, as a rule, in black. The muzzle of the Vietnamese piglets is short, and erect ears are widely located on the head, which, to match the muzzle, are medium-sized. The Vietnamese bellied pig, thanks to its large body and short legs, looks stocky. The legs, despite their small size, are strong, the chest is wide. Lop-eared individuals are extremely rare.

As the pigs grow up, their belly begins to sag slightly. It is this feature of the structure of the animal that was displayed in the name of the breed. In boars, the belly sags more than in pigs. Sometimes skin folds almost touch the ground. At the same time, Vietnamese bellied pigs feel comfortable and lead a mobile lifestyle. Often they are more active than their relatives who do not have a pendulous belly.

Vietnamese bellied piglets look very funny. Maybe that's why some people buy them not for the purpose of obtaining meat and tallow products, but for the purpose of decorating their yard. When making such a purchase, it should be understood that the Vietnamese pig breed is gaining weight quickly. Within a few months, not a miniature piglet will run around the yard, but a large Vietnamese pig.

Occasionally there are marble and white colors. Some argue based on own experience that piglets from marbled sows are stronger. But zootechnicians do not confirm this fact, arguing that piglets from a white, black and marble sow have the same health reserve.


The breed of pigs Vietnamese bellied is not large-sized. The weight adult pig averages 110 kg. The boar weighs about 130 kg. If we talk about the maximum performance, then the weight of the female does not exceed 140 kg. A boar can weigh 150 kg. This is a meat breed.

With proper care and nutrition, daily gains range from 350 to 500 g, and gilts reach puberty by 4 months. But experts recommend the first mating at the age of 7-8 months. At birth, piglets Vietnamese breed weigh about 500 g.

By the time of puberty, the weight of Vietnamese bellied piglets is 70-80 kg. With such indicators, it is possible to slaughter animals. Meat yield after slaughter exceeds 70%.

With regard to reproductive function, Vietnamese pigs have an average of 12 piglets. Sometimes there are 18 piglets in one litter. Accordingly, the cultivation of Vietnamese pigs can be considered as a small but very profitable business. In one year, a sow gives birth to about 24 piglets. If you follow all the norms of feeding Vietnamese piglets, and provide good conditions for keeping, then the animals live up to 18 years.

Adult pigs are slaughtered at the age of 8 months. By this time, wild boars and pigs are gaining maximum weight. Not everyone can kill a pig. The technology of slaughter at home is significantly different from how slaughter is done on a farm, being less humane. So that the animal does not suffer, it is better to invite a person who can kill him with one precise blow.

Breed advantages

  1. Early maturity. Without talking about any particular breed, we can say that the average age of reaching puberty for these animals is 7 months. When breeding Vietnamese pigs, mating can be done as early as 4 months. If we talk about breeder reviews, then some pigs can be covered as early as 3 months.
  2. Breeding Vietnamese piglets at home is simplified by the fact that the sows have a well-developed maternal instinct. Human intervention is rarely needed.
  3. Also, raising Vietnamese piglets is simplified by the fact that they have good immunity - there is no need to do most vaccinations. It is worth noting that pigs quickly adapt to various conditions, so they can be kept in almost every region of our country.
  4. The maintenance of Vietnamese piglets is cost-effective due to the fecundity of the pigs and the speed of growth. Piglets grow up in 7-8 months.
  5. You won't have to think long about what to feed Vietnamese piglets at home. The basis of the diet is green fodder, which reduces costs during animal breeding.
  6. Care for Vietnamese piglets is simplified by their cleanliness. Such piglets clearly separate the bedroom from the toilet, which is not typical for other breeds.

If we consider the features of Vietnamese pigs, then it is worth mentioning the taste of meat. It turns out juicy and delicate in taste. Many restaurants are willing to pay high prices for Vietnamese pig meat. Since the breed does not belong to greasy or universal, the layer of fat is small and does not exceed 7 cm. At the same time, palatability is highly valued.

When organizing the feeding of Vietnamese pigs, it should be taken into account that they eat little and often. How to feed Vietnamese pigs, we will talk in more detail later. It should also be noted here that in order to get the maximum weight gain, the issue of catering must be approached responsibly.

It is worth noting that all of the above conditions will manifest in small Vietnamese piglets only if you take a representative of a pure breed with good genetics, which is why it is so important to acquire healthy and thoroughbred young animals.

Breeding and caring for Vietnamese pigs is simplified by the fact that the animal cannot boast of large sizes. Accordingly, there is no need to build a large pigsty. Animals get along well in one machine, but you should not abuse this. Depending on the size of the machine, no more than 3-4 pigs are lodged there.

When breeding Vietnamese pigs, you need to properly equip the pigsty. From a hygiene point of view, floors should be made of concrete that is easy to clean. It is best to opt for a slotted floor design. There must be ebb for liquid litter. To simplify the care of animals as much as possible, the floor is made at a slight slope.

To prevent piglets of one month of age and adults from catching a cold, lying on a concrete floor, a wooden platform is equipped in each machine. Due to the cleanliness of the Vietnamese herbivorous pig, they will not shit on the platforms, so keeping them clean is not difficult. In the absence of wooden platforms, small Vietnamese pigs will have to lay a thick layer of straw on the floor. Yes, and in adults it will not be superfluous to make a thick litter to protect the livestock from colds. And this will complicate the care of bellied Vietnamese piglets.

Ventilation and heating

When breeding Vietnamese bellied pigs, one should take into account the fact that individuals are quite thermophilic. The air temperature should not fall below 15°C even in winter. And in a pigsty where Vietnamese piglets are kept for up to 6 months, it is advisable to maintain a temperature of 20-22 ° C, so in winter they should work in a pen for sows and young animals. heating system. These can be electric heaters, potbelly stoves or infrared lamps.

You also need to consider a ventilation system, during which there will be no drafts. It is necessary to ventilate the pigsty, according to existing standards, daily.

Walking area

To simplify the organization of food for Vietnamese piglets, it is advisable to enclose a walking area. It has also been confirmed by practice that if you take time for walks when breeding and caring for a Vietnamese pig, the pet will have better health.

Despite the fact that the weight of Vietnamese bellied pigs is small, they need a spacious area for walking. A certain area should be under a canopy where animals can hide from bad weather or the scorching sun. The dimensions of the canopy depend on how many Vietnamese piglets will have to fit under them.

Based on the characteristics of not only Vietnamese bellied pigs, but also other breeds, there should be a mud bath in the aviary. It is an ordinary shallow pit filled with water. It is not necessary to strengthen the walls of the pit or dig in a container, as is done for ducks. Pigs need a mud bath. In the absence of rain, the pit is filled with water on its own. It is advisable to equip it in the far corner of the aviary.

Often you can see a photo of the Vietnamese bellied pig, which rubs against the logs. This is one of the pigs' favorite pastimes, so several thick and strong logs are installed in the aviary. It is advisable to dig them into the ground.

Pigs should be let out for a short walk even in winter, if there is no severe frost outside.


The diet of Vietnamese piglets must be balanced. Many farmers follow the simplest path, fattening animals only with grass and hay. But, despite the fact that the breed is sometimes called a herbivore, it will not work to achieve maximum weight gain with such fattening. When feeding bellied Vietnamese piglets, cereals, legumes and root crops should be added to the diet.

The basis of the diet is really grass. In winter, animals are given hay instead of grass. In addition to green fodder, pigs are given wheat, barley and rye. Oats, which some farmers give along with other crops, should not be carried away. It promotes the accumulation of body fat. The same goes for corn.

The nutrition of Vietnamese bellied pigs has specific features that are due to the original structure of the gastrointestinal tract. Pigs do not digest roughage well. Also heavy for animals is food that contains a lot of fiber (fodder beets, for example). But the grass is absorbed very well. When harvesting hay for the winter, alfalfa and clover are preferred. Such hay will not be difficult for the body. You can introduce potatoes into the diet, but not raw. Tubers are pre-boiled.

Regardless of the conditions in which pigs live, they need mineral supplements. Even if they walk around the pasture all day, they will not be able to replenish the body with a supply of all minerals.

Feed use

In addition to green fodder, you can purchase special compound feed. But good food is quite expensive, so it is advisable to make it yourself. To prepare it, you will need barley, wheat, oats, peas and corn. The basis of compound feed is the first 2 components. They account for 70% of the total weight. The remaining components are taken in equal amounts (10% each).

Before preparing mixed feed, grain crops are crushed to a state of flour. It is advisable to give compound feed in the form of wet mash. This improves the taste of the meat. Fill the compound feed with milk, after adding a small amount of salt to it.


In addition to what should be fed to Vietnamese piglets, you need to know how to properly organize a diet. We feed the livestock twice a day in the summer. It is advisable to give food in the morning and evening. During the day, we release the animals to the pasture, where they will find something to eat on their own. In winter, due to the lack of grazing, we add a third meal to lunch.

Features of feeding pregnant pigs and piglets

The care and maintenance of Vietnamese pigs during pregnancy is somewhat complicated. Dairy products and eggs should be present in the diet during this period. Since a pregnant pig needs many nutrients, all feeds must be fortified. Livestock specialists recommend purchasing special vitamins. But before buying it is better to consult a veterinarian. The choice of vitamin complexes is influenced by many factors. First of all, the choice depends on whether the animal is walking or sitting locked up.

Newborn Vietnamese piglets do not need to be fed: they feed exclusively on mother's milk. Only if, for some reason, the mother’s milk disappears, newborns are transferred to artificial feeding. It is impossible to unequivocally answer the question of how many days you need to introduce complementary foods. It all depends on the weight gained by the piglet.

In general, the first complementary foods are introduced at the age of 10 days (if the weight of the piglet has reached the mark of 1 kilogram). Pure water, crushed chalk, charcoal and clay are introduced into the diet. At the age of 20 days, if the weight of the piglet exceeds 1.5 kg, the maturing livestock is supplemented with porridge and special compound feed. New types of feed are introduced into the diet gradually so as not to cause indigestion in young animals.

In order to avoid health problems, complementary foods for piglets must be of high quality. The black piglet of this breed eats with great appetite. But more than the norm to give wet cereals is not worth it. It is best if females farrow in winter or spring.


First of all, it is worth answering the question of whether Vietnamese pigs are profitable on the farm. The meat productivity of this breed is lower than that of many existing hybrids. However, this breed is one of the most precocious and very prolific. In addition, pigs economically consume food. The market price of the Vietnamese bellied pig is on average 70-100 US dollars. All factors together allow us to say that breeding the described pigs is indeed a profitable occupation.

Breeding and raising pigs of this breed is a simple task. In addition, piglets are relatively inexpensive. The main thing is to follow some rules. In numerous videos about breeding Vietnamese pigs, livestock specialists focus on the fact that a boar and a pig should not be relatives, otherwise there will be no viable and healthy offspring. Pigs are carefully selected for mating. Despite early puberty, individuals whose weight has not reached 30 kg should not be covered. They will not be able to bear strong piglets. In addition, too early fertilization will adversely affect the health of the pig itself.

It is possible to determine that a pig is ready for mating by a number of signs. During sexual hunting, she behaves restlessly, from the genitals, which turn red and swell, discharge appears. When pressing on the croup, the animal ready for mating freezes and does not try to escape. During the sexual hunt, the breeding boar and the pig are placed in the same cage or paddock and kept there for 24 hours. Sexual hunting does not last long. In order for pregnancy to occur, it is important to plant a boar to the pig in a timely manner.

Pregnancy and childbirth

Pregnant pigs give birth 116 days after mating. This is the average duration of pregnancy. The pig bears well, complications are rare. The readiness of the pig for childbirth can be judged by the restless behavior of the woman in labor and the desire to build a nest. From the beginning of the arrangement of the nest, in which the pig carefully lays hay, until the onset of childbirth, a little less than a week passes.

Also, the fact that childbirth will soon come can be judged by the lowered belly, swollen nipples and formed milk lobes. Just before farrowing, small amounts of colostrum are secreted from the teats. Also at this time the animal does not eat. Childbirth lasts an average of 4 hours. The end of this process is the release of the placenta, which the sow should not eat. It is usually buried in the garden.

Vietnamese newborn piglets in the photo look unusually cute. In the first hour of life, you need to have time to cut the umbilical cord and properly treat the wound, clean the black piglets from films (especially in the respiratory tract), wipe and feed, attaching to the sow's nipples. If newborns do not receive colostrum within the first hour, this will negatively affect the formation of immunity.

At first, the pig itself takes care of the offspring. Using tables of correspondence between height and weight, they monitor how the piglets grow. At the age of 1 month, piglets are weaned from the sow. Weaning from the mother is carried out gradually: this will help prevent the appearance of mastitis in the pig. First, young animals should be separated from their mother several times a day for several hours, then young individuals are completely separated.

Prepare for childbirth in advance. They thoroughly clean the pen in which the pig will give birth, prepare a drinker with water, which should always be near the woman in labor, prepare rags for wiping newborns, in winter they think over the heating system in the pen where the sow will be with young animals.


In general, growing pigs of this breed simply because of their strong immunity. However, with poor care or nutrition, native animals can get sick. Consider which diseases are most common, how they differ from each other and what treatment is best to use.

One of the most common diseases is erysipelas. Symptoms of the disease are falling to the feet, the appearance of purple spots on the skin and trembling. If untreated, the animal dies within a few days. It is transmitted by airborne droplets, so sick individuals are placed in a separate pen.

Often, erysipelas are confused with plague, as they have similar symptoms. But with plague, in addition to red, purple spots appear on the skin.

Dysentery is another dangerous disease. Its symptoms are loose stools with blood and fever.

Often after giving birth, the pig goes bald. This is due to the lack of iron in the body. In this case, you need to inject preparations containing this trace element.

Disease prevention

First of all, all necessary vaccinations should be done in a timely manner and the pig room should be kept clean. It is also necessary to systematically monitor the pigs. If it becomes noticeable that the growth of the piglet has stopped, its skin is peeling, it itches, or there are wounds that fester, turn sour eyes, you should consult a doctor. Any, even minor signs (the animal does not eat well, for example) indicate discomfort. We need to find out what caused it.

You also need to remember that pigs get worms from time to time, so you need to give helminth preparations systematically according to the instructions, which also indicate the frequency of deworming with this medicine. It is advisable to puncture piglets with broad-spectrum antibiotics. But you can give only those drugs that will be prescribed by a qualified doctor.

Buying young animals

When breeding pigs of this breed, you need to purchase piglets. Today you can make this purchase even through the Internet. But experts advise you to go to a farm where qualified livestock specialists work.

When buying, you should ask to see all individuals. It is better to stop the choice on the most active piglets with a good appetite, without visible defects.

It will not be superfluous to look at the parents of the pigs. If there are deviations from the standards in their exterior, it is worth looking for other breeders. A specific feature of the representatives of this breed is a straight tail that does not twist into a donut and a short muzzle resembling that of a pug.

Before buying, it is advisable to show the young to the veterinarian, although the health of the pigs is carefully monitored on farms. As a rule, individuals already vaccinated against dangerous diseases are sold.

Before going shopping, the pigsty is properly prepared. Young animals need a warm room without drafts and with a normal level of humidity. Best suited for this breed is a building made of wood or brick. When purchasing young animals, they take into account the size of the pigsty: one adult should have 2.5-3 square meters. m.

You also need to consider that the breed needs large amounts of green fodder and daily walks. In the absence of pasture for walking, another breed should be looked after. According to current standards, one adult pig needs at least 1 acre of land. It is advisable to sow the land with forbs in the spring, which improves the taste of meat. First of all, it is alfalfa and clover. Young nettle also has a positive effect on the taste of meat.

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