What is the difference between Korean and Vietnamese pigs. Pigs of the Korean breed. Breeding Korean pigs


Surprisingly, Korean pigs are originally from China. In the past, the inhabitants of this country domesticated the wild boar, the progenitor of this breed. It is grown and bred in agriculture for meat products. However, according to reviews, you can meet people who consider these animals decorative. But this is wrong. This individual is meat, which is why it is very much appreciated in many countries, and also liked by the fact that it is unpretentious and prolific.

Appearance Features

The Korean pig breed is easily recognized among others. Its appearance is quite specific - bacon. Newborn piglets, although very tiny, are immediately very strong. After a few months, they have a sagging stomach - their salient feature interfering with full movement. But this is one of the reasons why the meat is tasty and tender.

Also, other features of adult pigs include:

  • flattened wrinkled muzzle and pug-like head;
  • belly that touches the ground and short legs;
  • the color is black (rarely dark red), but sometimes there are spots of a different shade;
  • ears not drooping, small;
  • boars have fangs that grow up to 10-15 cm;
  • a hard pile, especially in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe withers, can reach 20 cm.

Pigs of this breed grow in length up to 1-1.5 m. The whole physique can be called stocky. A large weight, which reaches 200 kg, does not allow you to be dexterous and fast. Pigs are rather clumsy and slow. It's hard to believe, but giants with such a frightening appearance have a completely friendly character and are not dangerous to humans.

Positive points

Korean pigs are almost always, with the exception of isolated cases, raised for meat. Weight, which, at times, reaches several centners, gives muscle mass. Fat is present in a minimal amount, its thickness can vary from 5 to 8 cm. But both meat and lard of this breed do not contain cholesterol, and these products are considered delicacy.

Also, the advantage can be attributed to the fact that animals are very smart. If desired, they are easily trained in simple commands and actions. For example, they can be taught to go to the toilet in the same place. In addition, Korean breed pigs are clean and indifferent to mud baths and digging the earth with their noses.

Pigs are not aggressive and allow themselves to be looked after without problems. With conscientious maintenance, they can live up to 18 years, and this is a good indicator. Korean breed piglets can adapt to different conditions. They are not picky - they can live in both cold and warm climatic zones.

They have another plus. Representatives of the breed are distinguished by tribal memory. This means that animals do not eat harmful, poisonous plants, thereby protecting themselves from poisoning. Korean pigs can be safely left on the pasture in the summer for independent grazing.

Life in the backyard

Korean individuals are large and therefore they need spacious housing, as this is also a guarantee of good weight gain. The room can be made of gas blocks or bricks with a concrete floor. A place to sleep can be equipped with wooden flooring - this will create additional warmth. Also, in cold weather, the walls are sheathed with heat-insulating materials and straw is laid on the floor. You can not do without ventilation - fresh air can protect the pig population from diseases.

Usually, the animal room is divided into zones - the place where the sow lives, the territory for adults and for newborn piglets. The last in the first week of life, it is imperative to provide heat at 20-30 degrees. Be sure to each site is equipped with a feeder and drinker. Sometimes plums are made in the barn. Wooden poles are also placed in the corral so that the pigs can scratch their backs.

Even for comfortable maintenance, you can build a pool by digging a hole in the ground. But any capacity in the form of a trough will also be enough. This breed is very neat and loves to bathe, thereby removing dirt and insects from itself. The area adjacent to the paddock should serve as a walking area for animals. 1 acre of land is enough for one individual. They also install a canopy that will protect the piglet from the sun.

If pigs and boars of the Korean breed actively move, but eat enough hearty, then this will contribute to an active increase in muscle mass, and being in a pen without movement is undesirable.

Quality feeding

Korean pigs are herbivores, but they, like all their brethren, do not know the limits in food and are prone to obesity. To obtain high-quality meat products, this should not be allowed. In the summer, it is desirable for piglets to spend the whole day on the pasture, if possible. They will eat grass and walk. Already by six months, the weight usually reaches 60-70 kg, although their food is not high in calories. At this age, the meat of piglets is especially tender and tasty.

Also, to obtain a quality product, you can give pigs feed mixtures (feed), which will have enough calories. The diet of piglets must be balanced and always fresh. This is the only way to ensure healthy weight gain. Read more about nutrition in the article, since these breeds are both from Asia, their nutrition does not differ from each other.

Green, vegetable feed should be in favor of Korean piglets, especially in summer. However, foods such as clover, fodder beets or straw, as well as other roughage, are poorly digested by pigs. In winter, a mixture of grains (especially barley) is suitable, and grain stock waste is especially useful. During this period, chestnuts, acorns, peas are also added to food as vitamins.

With proper feeding, even a particularly large wild boar will have meat with a small layer of fat. Ideally, an adult should gain up to 550 g per day.

Korean breed piglets are picky eaters. Animals can be given pumpkin, zucchini, bran. Some farmers breed Californian worms in manure and use them as supplementary feed for pigs to gain weight faster.

Pregnancy and childbirth

From the age of four months, Korean piglets are ready to mate, but it is better to wait at least until the age of eight months so that the offspring are strong. In this case, the weight of the boar and pig should be at least 30-35 kg.

The boar is penned with a pig that is ready to mate for several days. If everything goes well, then pregnancy occurs, which lasts up to 4 months. During the gestation period, the pig needs to be fed abundantly and given vitamins. She must walk daily. In no case should close relatives be allowed to mate, and it is best to bring a male from another region or district.

The farrowing process lasts up to 5 hours, until the placenta comes out, which is immediately removed so that the sow does not eat it. The birth of piglets passes on its own, but sometimes the help of a farmer or a veterinarian is required. In this case, you need to take scissors, iodine and cotton wool to cut and process the umbilical cord.

piglet care

A Korean breed sow is able to bring up to 10 piglets in one litter and at the same time be a good parent who takes care of them. The new pig "family" needs to be settled in a secluded place where it is warm and dry.

Under the sow, you need to leave as many babies as she has nipples. The rest can be supplemented on their own (milk with water - one to one), otherwise the female can be overworked. When the piglets learn to eat from the feeder, then it must be installed in the middle of the corral so that everyone gets food.

Complementary feeding begins from the 8th day of life of piglets. It can be roasted barley, mash with bone meal, chalk and red clay. From day 11, you can enter compound feed. After another 14 days, fruits and vegetables are added. In winter, it is good to feed young animals with flour production waste and root crops. On the 26th day from birth, young individuals switch to regular food, which may include grass, zucchini, apples.

After a month after birth, everyone is weaned from milk. With proper nutrition, young Korean breeds usually gain from 10 kg of weight.

Piglet's choice

If mating of related individuals has occurred, then piglets can be born weak and small. When purchasing a Korean breed pig, you need to choose the right young. Experienced pig breeders do not recommend acquiring a male and female from the same litter. It is also bad when there is one boar for several females on the farm.

When buying a pig, you need to see his parents. For example, when the baby is not more than a month old, then the sow usually has swollen nipples and swollen milk lobes. If the pig does not have such signs, then the piglet is much older.

Korean is often confused with Vietnamese breed pigs. Young growth is difficult to distinguish in the first few months - both have a dark color and a strong body. However, the "Koreans" will have more wrinkles on the muzzle, in contrast to the "Vietnamese", which has a straighter nose and a narrower eye section. Obvious differences appear much later.

Korean pigs are a breed of exclusively agricultural purpose, characterized by intensive weight gain, fertility and unpretentiousness. Although, of course, judging by the reviews from some forums, there are originals who confuse Korean pigs with Vietnamese (both breeds are black) and try to keep half-ton boars purely for decorative purposes.

The Korean pig is a purely agricultural animal that is not kept for decorative purposes.

The piglets that have just been born look presentable - soft black fur, a tiny snout, but already a strong body, which clearly indicates that the pig will grow to a respectable size. After a few months, young piglets develop a saggy belly, due to which their movement will be limited. Yes, this is for the best - such metabolic features are conducive to raising animals for tasty meat. For example, in a year a Korean breed pig (of course, with proper care) gains weight about two centners.

If the farmer wants to get especially tasty young meat - “pink pig”, then for this it will be necessary to slaughter a six-month-old pig. And at this age the animal will weigh sixty to seventy kilograms.

To obtain quality meat, a Korean pig must be slaughtered at the age of 6 months.

How should these animals be cared for? Optimal Diet

Due to the unpretentiousness of Korean pigs, it is not difficult to provide them with proper care.

In addition to the fact that such pigs gain weight very quickly, they have another significant advantage - they are "vegetarians" and eat exclusively vegetable food. In fact, in the spring and summer, pigs eat only grass, and in winter - straw and hay. Naturally, we should also not forget that even Korean pigs, who are not picky about food, need vitamins, micro- and macroelements, without which intensive growth and weight gain become impossible. So it will be necessary to add mixed fodder, acorns and grain to plant foods.

Korean pigs are as unpretentious to the conditions of detention as they are to food. They can graze in the meadow all day without human help, and this will not prevent them from gaining mass.

As soon as the air temperature drops, the pigs grow an additional undercoat, which reliably protects them from the cold. These animals never dig the ground or gnaw on boards in a paddock. So there will be no special problems with the content.

Animals of this breed are unpretentious in care and omnivores.

What should be considered when breeding these animals?

First, it is necessary to provide a dry and spacious room. Secondly, the feeder should be placed in the middle of the corral, and not on the edge. This is necessary in order to ensure free access to food for all piglets. Otherwise, a conflict will arise between them, natural selection will work, and weaker individuals will be maimed.

Mating must be carried out with boars imported from other regions in order to prevent the likelihood of closely related crossing and degeneration of the breed.

Regarding the breeding of Korean breed pigs, there is one more very important remark - near the sow itself, no more piglets should be left than the number of nipples. All the rest should be transferred to a separate room and fed with digested milk, diluted with water in a ratio of one to one.

The feeding schedule will be as follows:

  1. In the first days of their life, Korean piglets should receive food once every two to three hours: only warm milk.
  2. Piglets at the age of one week are fed with barley porridge.
  3. After ten days of life, piglets are given a "starter" compound feed.
  4. After two weeks of life, grown-up babies are already fed vegetables and fruits. In winter, the piglet receives root crops and flour production waste as additional nutrition.

Immediately after the birth of piglets, you must invite a veterinarian. He will make all the necessary vaccinations.

Raising Korean piglets is not difficult, but certain rules must be followed.

Breed Benefits

The greatest gastronomic value of this breed is that the fat layer is minimal (even in a pig weighing several centners). Weight gain is due to an increase in muscle mass, not fat.

Sexual activity in Korean piglets begins from three to four months, but they do not need to happen before eight months in order to get strong and prolific offspring. Sows give birth to up to ten cubs per offspring and show the most tender maternal feelings towards piglets. This is only for the first year of life! And already in the second year, the sow will survive three or four farrowings and give her owner fifteen or twenty small boars and pigs.

The docile and friendly nature is another reason why Korean pigs should be bred. They almost never show aggression, so caring for them becomes a pleasure, and completely safe.

Korean pigs are very prolific and ideal for farm breeding.


Without a doubt, pig farming is one of the most profitable destinations Agriculture. Using Korean pigs for commercial purposes is the right decision from the very beginning due to the fact that this breed has a huge number of advantages. It will be enough to have minimal care and a balanced diet in order to get quintals of delicious meat from several piglets during the year. The most important thing in breeding "Koreans" is to prevent overfeeding, since pigs do not have a feeling of fullness, and obesity will occur due to excessive food. In this case, there is no need to talk about any gastronomic quality of the meat - the farmer will get only low-grade lard.

If the owner of Korean pigs wants to get a healthy offspring, then several basic principles will need to be observed.

  1. Korean pigs should only be mated from the age of eight months. It shouldn't be done before.
  2. The Korean breed of pigs is one of the most highly productive. Few compare to her. All piglets that do not have enough mother's milk must be given a balanced artificial diet. There is nothing complicated in its preparation, however, it will be necessary to give the cubs food every two to three hours and not skip feedings.
  3. Make sure that pigs do not have too much high-calorie food. Otherwise, there is a high probability of obesity and deterioration of gastronomic qualities. It is important to respect the proportions in the products used to feed young piglets.

Do you really like Vietnamese pigs and want to buy them? But in the market they told you that Korean fold-bellied pigs are better? But is it really so?! Exposing the myth about Vietnamese and Korean pigs, read further in our article.

Where did the name of the animals come from?

Today, in the markets of our country and the Internet, there is an opinion that in the CIS countries there are about 10 breeds of well-established pigs. These breeds include Mangal, Landrace, Korean, Vietnamese, etc. The last two are constantly being debated. Some argue that bellied Vietnamese pigs are better than Korean ones. Others say the exact opposite and argue that Koreans are bigger, more productive and more likely to gain weight.

But what about a simple buyer who understands little about pig breeding and would just like to buy an unusual lop-bellied piglet? The answer will probably shock you, because in reality there are no two different breeds. Yes, there was a time when bellied herbivorous pigs were simultaneously imported from both Korea and Vietnam. But there were no differences between them and they all belonged to the same breed - this is an Asian herbivorous bellied pig.

Therefore, do not believe what unscrupulous sellers tell you on the market, because in reality, apart from the name, there is no difference and you do not need to overpay accordingly. But there are cases when the difference between representatives is really visible to the naked eye, what then to do?

Differences between representatives of the breed

There may be several reasons for the obvious difference between some representatives of the Asian breed from others. As is known, on this moment, two lines of Asian pig are bred. Both lines in the common people are united by the name "Vietnamese herbivore". It may well be that representatives of one of the lines with a more selected diet and conditions of detention may have best performance than the rest. But these are the merits of the farmer, and not thoroughbred signs.

Then in China, based on the Asian pig, mini pigs were bred - small decorative herbivorous pigs. Another variety of such a breed can be individuals created on the basis of the bellied by the selection efforts of the farmer. Most often Vietnamese are crossed with European breeds, for example, Landrace or Duroc. The result is the so-called mestizos.

How to distinguish a mestizo and is it possible to buy it?

Let's say right away that up to six months it is almost impossible to distinguish a mestizo from a purebred individual. After this period, signs of mixed breed begin to appear. So, for example, if you cross Landrace and a lop-bellied pig, we get the following breed characteristics from a European:

  • long and disproportionate legs;
  • the individual will gain weight faster;
  • demanding for a higher calorie diet;
  • lack of immunity to diseases of piglets;
  • short lifespan.

From an Asian, a mestizo will inherit only a wrinkled stigma and wool. As you can see, this is not a very successful selection option and you should not buy such an individual. Then, if we talk separately about the life span, then the maximum productive period of a mixture of Europeans and Asians is no more than 5 years. Purebred Asian individuals remain highly productive for 20 years. So, if you decide to seriously engage in herbivorous pigs, it is better to buy them from trusted sellers.

The Korean pig belongs to the species of herbivorous vislobelly, and such animals have only recently begun to spread across Russian farms. This breed has long been known all over the world, but domestic livestock breeders only learned about it at the beginning of the 2000s, and gradually farmers began to breed Korean pigs.

Korean pigs are not capricious to the conditions of detention, are practically omnivorous, and are also highly productive. The meat of Korean pigs is highly valued, as it does not contain cholesterol, and the taste is rated as excellent. Below we will talk about this breed in more detail, and dwell on its other advantages.

It is logical that the Korean breed of pigs was bred in Korea, but this is not so - the birthplace of these funny animals is in China. The wild ancestors of pigs lived on the territory of this country - wild boars, which the inhabitants tamed, domesticated and learned to breed in captivity. In the process of domestication, wild boars changed both externally and in character, and over the years they managed to get the ideal farm breed - Korean pigs.

Korean breed pigs are very productive farm animals. The loin perfectly gains meat mass, is highly prolific, and at the same time is unpretentious in care. In addition, Korean pigs are distinguished by an unusual appearance, and many farmers note that these animals also play a decorative role.

Growing Korean pigs is not troublesome, and to some extent even pleasant. Pig breeders repeatedly talk about such advantages of the breed as cleanliness, the absence of a characteristic unpleasant odor, as well as good intelligence. Yes, Korean pigs are really smart - they can even be taught some commands (for example, come to the call or do toilet chores in a specific place). In addition, loins are friendly and responsive to the owner, and are also devoid of interspecific aggression.

There are several more amazing, if not unique features of Korean pigs:

  • tribal memory and high intelligence, allowing pigs to avoid poisonous plants, as well as remember the owner and understand human speech;
  • colossal mass recruitment - for a year loins can gain up to 200 kilograms of meat mass, despite the fact that the weight of a newborn piglet is 300-400 grams;
  • high fertility - a pig can bring up to 25 piglets per year;
  • cleanliness - these pigs do not bathe in dirt and dust;
  • accuracy - loins are very attentive, therefore they do not cause damage farming, do not break feeders, do not trample on free-range landings;
  • diet - pigs eat only fruits, root vegetables and juicy vegetables, as well as herbs, greens, hay.

What do Korean pigs look like?

Pigs of the Korean breed are very easy to distinguish from others, since appearance These animals are very specific. Korean pigs are bacon, and therefore, from an early age, they have a sagging round belly, sometimes even preventing them from moving quickly.

In adult Korean pigs, the following external features are noted:

  • stocky build, body length can reach one and a half meters;
  • high body weight - up to 200 kilograms, which makes pigs slow and clumsy;
  • flattened head with a short wrinkled muzzle, small erect ears, boars can grow long fangs, up to 15 centimeters long;
  • short legs, due to which the sagging belly almost touches the ground;
  • black or dark red color (sometimes Korean pigs are spotted);
  • hard and rather long (up to 20 centimeters) thick pile on the body.

What is the difference between a Korean pig and a Vietnamese one?

Two pig breeds, Korean and Vietnamese, were brought to Russia almost simultaneously, and some livestock breeders mistook them for one breed and involuntarily crossed them. That is why some lines of these pigs are related. In fact, purebred Korean and Vietnamese pigs have some differences.

Table 1. How to distinguish a loin from a Vietnamese?

Korean pig breedVietnamese pig breed
Shorter, wrinkled muzzle and stigma, round eyes.Longer and smoother muzzle, narrow eyes.
The high rate of weight gain - by six months, the mumps can already weigh 80 kilograms.Slower mass gain, six-month-old pigs weigh 50-60 kilograms.
Multiplicity - already in the first year, the female gives birth to up to 20-25 piglets.Smaller offspring - on average, pigs give birth to 12-15 piglets annually.
A stockier build and taller stature.Compared to Koreans, Vietnamese pigs are smaller.

Video - Differences between Vietnamese and Korean pigs

Benefits of breeding Korean pigs

Farmers appreciate the Korean breed of pigs for a number of advantages that distinguish them from other breeds. Firstly, the early ripeness of the loins stands out - by eight months they are sexually mature and ready for mating, and even a young pig will bring at least twenty piglets per year (about 2.5 tons of meat).

At the same time, Korean breed piglets are distinguished by amazing vitality, and sows are considered good parents. After making sure that the birth went well, the mother and offspring can be left alone - the cubs eat well and develop, and the pig itself takes care of them.

Provided that pigs eat only plant foods, by 7-8 months they reach a mass of 90-100 kilograms, and by the year they can show an increase of up to 200 kilograms. At the same time, the quality of the meat carcass is very good, and the fat layer is minimal.

Korean pigs have very high innate immunity - they rarely get sick and infections and common ailments do not stick to them. Pedigree pigs no injections or specific vaccinations are needed. But, nevertheless, the farmer must annually vaccinate the Korean livestock with core vaccines.

Table 2. How to vaccinate a pig: step by step instructions

Step one: you need to put on rubber gloves, then take a new disposable syringe and draw the vaccine into it.
Step two: the animal is fixed (it is desirable that the pig is held by two assistants), the vaccine will be produced in the cervical region, behind the ear. Vaccination for pigs is painless, so the individual should not experience discomfort.
Step three: you need to make sure that the needle enters the muscle by two thirds and is located vertically.
Step four: The vaccine is slowly squeezed out of the syringe, then the needle is withdrawn with a sharp upward movement. A new syringe must be used for each pig!

Pigs of the Korean breed are hardy, feel good on a walk in any weather. Note that pigs are long-lived - Koreans can live up to 18 years, maintaining fertility for a long time.

Another significant advantage of this breed is minimum costs for the purchase of feed. In the summer, Korean pigs are often sent to free grazing, and the animals fully provide themselves with a daily food allowance. The nutrition of Korean pigs is built on the same principle as that of cows - individuals need a lot of greenery, they respect forbs, root crops, vegetables and vegetable tops, Koreans will not refuse fruits.

Despite a vegetarian diet, Korean pigs quickly gain weight, and piglets are often slaughtered as early as three months. This is especially beneficial for farmers who practice summer keeping - for three summer months, piglets graze themselves and then go to slaughter, which allows you to get high profits at almost zero cost. The meat of such young piglets is called pink.

It is important that the pig carcass is almost all edible, and the waste is only ten percent. The same indicators are preserved in six-month-old pigs - from a pig carcass weighing 70 kilograms there will be a waste of no more than 6-7 kilograms.

Video - Weight of a Korean pig per year

Organization of feeding Korean pigs

As we mentioned above, the menu of Korean pigs consists only of plant foods. The optimal diet of Koreans is pasture grasses. Korean pigs have an excellent sense of smell, and they are able to independently choose the best greens for themselves, find and dig up nutritious roots. These smart animals remember the way home well, they walk in flocks in the pasture, do not scatter and do not try to escape.

In summer, green fresh herbs make up 80% of the total diet of Korean pigs, another 10% are vegetables (zucchini, pumpkin, cucumbers and the like) and fruits (apples, watermelons and melons), the remaining 10% are wheat bran, due to which individuals put on weight faster.

The winter diet changes a little, as it is extremely difficult to get greens for pigs. In the cold season, 70% of the diet is hay and various vegetables, and another 30% should be grain feed. The menu of pigs can be supplemented with acorns and chestnuts.

Some farmers give young Korean pigs cereals - it is believed that in this way the piglets will be able to get all the necessary minerals, vitamins and elements. This type of feeding is suitable for winter piglets, as the summer paddock provides the individuals with everything they need.

Adult pigs are also offered barley and wheat turd (no more than 300 grams per day per individual). Such a component of the diet as shit allows you to speed up mass recruitment, but you need to feed it to pigs no earlier than a month and a half before slaughter.

Koreans are unpretentious animals, but housing for them should be equipped taking into account breed characteristics. Korean pigs are large in size, so the pigsty should be spacious, and at least four should be laid per individual. square meters area.

Pigs need some space to move around, with drinkers and feeders, as well as pens for sleeping and resting, which are lined with a thick layer of straw. The pigsty is divided into zones, some of which will be occupied by young animals, another part by pregnant females and females with piglets. Each zone should have its own feeders and drinkers, pens for rest. Also, in a room with pigs, you need to install several vertical sticks, firmly driven into the floor - animals scratch their sides and backs about them.

In a pigsty with Korean pigs, it is necessary to equip ventilation, as well as provide a drain into which animal feces will fall. This will not only facilitate the cleaning process, but also keep the pigsty clean.

Despite their large size and impressive mass, Korean pigs are very active and are always happy to walk, so in addition to the room, they need to provide a walking area. Often farmers make a small hole through which animals can go outside. The territory for walking should be fenced, and also covered with a canopy - so that the animals do not suffer from the strong sun, and also to close the walking area from rain and snow.

In the summer, a small pool can be organized for Korean pigs - dig a hole, cover its bottom with a thick plastic film, and pour warm water into it. Loins do not bathe in mud or dust, but they take water baths with pleasure - this helps them get rid of insects, moisturize their skin, and just indulge.

Breeding Korean pigs

Korean pigs become sexually mature early - females at three months, males at five or six. This must be taken into account and the livestock should be divided before the onset of eight months. Otherwise, the pig will bring weak offspring, which will not gain weight well. For mating, the boar is transferred to the corral to the females, where he stays for several days. It is better to mate females with imported boars in order to avoid incest and degeneration of the breed.

The pregnancy of Korean pigs lasts approximately 120 days, and is easy. A pregnant pig needs to be fed more often and more, and also provided daily walks. A week before the birth, the pig will begin to look for a place to nest, and the selected corral must be prepared for the appearance of offspring - cleaned of waste, preparing fresh lush straw bedding, putting a feeder and a drinker there.

In the first pregnancy, five to ten piglets can be expected from the female, in the second year of life, the sow begins to bring up to 25 newborns. Loin farrowing occurs three to four times a year.

How to care for piglets?

Newborn piglets should be properly wiped of mucus, cut the umbilical cord (at a distance of three centimeters from the tummy), and then put them on the mother's nipples. In a room with barely born piglets, you need to maintain an air temperature of about 27-30 degrees. The mother and offspring are isolated from the rest of the herd.

Important point! As many piglets are left with the mother as the female has teats, the rest must be fed by a person. Newborns are given cow's milk diluted with warm water 1:1.

A couple of days after birth, you need to examine and weigh the piglets. Healthy representatives of the breed should have developed muscles, smooth limbs, a wide head with a flat nose, shiny clean eyes, a good fatness index.

For the first week, piglets eat only milk, then “adult” products can be introduced into the diet - a grain mash with the addition of kefir, fodder flour and chalk. For the second week, vegetables, fruits, greens are added to the diet.

Important point! The feeder in the room with piglets should be placed in the middle so that everyone can get to the food. Otherwise, fights will arise among the piglets, and the weaker individuals will remain hungry.


Korean pigs are a very interesting breed that is really convenient to keep on a farm of any size. These are smart, clean and friendly animals of great meat value, so the farms where representatives of this breed are bred are highly profitable.

During the year, up to 30 piglets or more can be obtained from one sow, which in live weight will give 2-2.5 tons of pork. Due to the short gestation period (116 days) and lactation (3-4 weeks), one sow per year farrows an average of 2.5 times. During the farrowing period, it is desirable to keep sows separate from the main herd (the conditions for farrowing are the same as for ordinary pigs). Live weight newborn piglets - 350-500 g. They are very mobile and already 2 hours after birth do not require special attention. Animals are very clean, without a strong smell, the need is relieved in a certain place, they live up to 30 years.

The most acute problem in pig production is quality feed. The assertion that a pig is an omnivore is not confirmed by practice. A boar or a sow will grow well and fatten its sides only if they receive proper and balanced nutrition. Korean pigs are vegetarians. In summer they eat forbs, weeds from the garden (thistle, dandelion, euphorbia, nettle, etc.), vegetables and fruits, in winter they prefer hay from forbs and alfalfa. Valuable food for pigs is grain waste. However, it is good to use compound feed intended for ordinary pigs in the diet, which gives good results when rearing young animals. Pigs do not need to cook feed - this greatly simplifies their maintenance. Since animals eat little, but often, there should always be food in the feeders, and clean water in the drinkers. During the summer period, loin pigs can be kept on pasture, which makes them economically beneficial, since the consumption of concentrated feed is reduced to a minimum. If pigs are fed with Californian worms, high gains can be expected. It is possible to breed Californian worms on pig manure, it turns out waste-free production. With proper feeding, young animals per month give an increase in live weight of 10 kg, adults - 80-130 kg (body length reaches 1-1.2 m).

Animals can be slaughtered from the age of three months. Unlike conventional pigs, the waste at slaughter is 10%. For example, in a boar at the age of six months, with a live weight of 68 kg, the waste was 6.5 kg.

It should be noted that when breeding Korean pigs, closely related mating is not allowed, since the quality of the livestock drops sharply.

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