Vietnamese pig at 4 months 15 kg. Vietnamese piglets - weight by month. Vietnamese pig weight


More recently, a new breed of piglets has entered the Russian market - Vietnamese lop-bellied. She almost immediately won the favor of many farmers. Why this happened, we will tell in this article. We will also consider the issues of feeding piglets, their weakness to certain diseases, the benefits that breeding brings and, of course, the history of their appearance in our countries.

Brief history of appearance in Russia. Vietnamese bellied piglets are a breed of domestic pigs. The birthplace of animals is South-East Asia, from which piglets came to Europe at the end of the 20th century. The name of the breed speaks for itself - the first piglets were bred in Vietnam. Work on improving the breed is ongoing, scientists are striving to reduce the percentage of fat, as a result - to increase the amount of meat in the carcass of the animal after slaughter. Piglets came to the Russian market a few years ago. They immediately gained popularity and became in demand - convenient conditions for their maintenance, relatively cheap food, unpretentiousness and the possibility of early and efficient slaughter attract farmers.

Information about the breed. The breed is in particular demand because of the rapid, one might even say the rapid growth of piglets. Already by 4 (pig) - 6 (boar) months, Vietnamese piglets reach puberty. It is also profitable to breed piglets for sale, because by 4 months the representatives of the breed reach 35 - 40 kg, and by 9 - 10 months 100 - 110 kg, respectively. Loose-bellied piglets must be properly fed, because up to 40 kg piglets gain weight in meat, after 40 - in lard. If the diet is incorrect, then the proportion of fat in the pig carcass will be even greater. Let's look at how to feed bellied piglets to avoid this.

Proper diet: Vietnamese piglets calculate the benefits of keeping. The Vietnamese pig is unpretentious in nutrition, among our farmers it is called a herbivore. Of course, for a full weight gain, if you raise pigs for slaughter, grass alone will not be enough. When compiling a diet, it should be borne in mind that the breed is European and it is impossible to feed it the way we feed our pigs. This is what experts say, but our farmers, through selection, have determined a diet and a set of products that are beneficial for our country. We will consider each option, after noting that the “folk” version guarantees the same result (in terms of the amount of meat after slaughter) as the expert one.

Nutrition in the warm season. The undoubted advantage of raising bellied pigs is that they can be pastured. In the warm season, in addition to grazing, pigs are fed twice. To do this, it is worth preparing a mixture of two feeds - ordinary feed or cereals, the price of which is quite high, and bran in equal proportions. Give this mixture 2 times a day, the approximate amount per 1 animal is 0.7 parts of a liter jar. As we have already said, such a mixture is quite expensive, so it is very unprofitable to feed animals with it. How to save?

Let's be honest, the experience of many farmers who are already raising bellied Vietnamese pigs claims that about 5-7 rubles are spent on feeding 1 animal per day. The diet includes natural products: grass or hay. All related products that you have in the garden or in the garden - apples and pears - carrion, zucchini, tops, beets, corn, herbs (alfalfa and even hay) are included in the diet of piglets without restrictions.

You can also combine compound feed or grain with vegetable mixtures - potatoes, beets, fruits - carrion, etc. All cereals and mixtures need to be made quite thick, piglets should not “drink” them, but should chew, which will facilitate the process of digestion of food. Calculate for yourself the benefits of that feed or product that can be purchased inexpensively or collected from your own garden. And the bellied piglets will pay for themselves in full!

Nutrition in the cold season and how to avoid excessive fat formation. In the cold season, add daytime feeding to the diet of pigs - in the same volume and proportions of feed as in summer. Do not forget to put water to the pigs - it must always be in their enclosure. Many farmers, in order to save money, feed piglets and pigs with ordinary hay, corn porridge, also about 0.7-liter jars per 1 individual. This does not affect the quality and quantity of the resulting meat in any way, it can increase the percentage of fat on the pig carcass. Read on to find out how to avoid this.

An excess amount of fat on a pig carcass is formed in several cases:

1. Animals are kept in tight spaces, without grazing or short walks.

2. Homemade formulas for feeding contain predominant amounts of cereals: corn, wheat or barley. Corn, for lop-bellied piglets, is a very controversial product. In a grain mixture, porridge, for example, the percentage of corn should be less than 10% - piglets get very fat from it.

Do not give pigs coarse grain, without fine grinding you will simply transfer the product - the digestive system of animals is designed so that it simply turns into undigested manure.

To sum up, under the profitability and cheapness of keeping piglets in terms of nutrition: after 4 months the pig is ready for slaughter (up to 40 - 50 kg.). But the most effective slaughter at 6 - 7 months (the most suitable age) - you will get 50 - 70 kg of pork, or even more. If slaughter is done at 10-11 months, the weight of pure pork will increase to 100-150 kg, depending on the nutrition and purity of the breed of the animal.

Features of the content of bellied piglets. Summer and winter maintenance of bellied piglets is slightly different. It is worth noting that the bellied Vietnamese piglets sleep in groups. This helps them to keep warm in our severe, winter frosts.

Summer content. Summer is one of the best seasons of the year for breeding, piglets can be let out for grazing and save on their food. The pigsty must be capital. The ideal option is concrete floors, ceiling heights up to 2 meters, width of feeding pens - 3 - 3.5 meters. Loose-bellied piglets are quite compact and unpretentious - they can be kept in small rooms. The site for summer - spring grazing, nevertheless, should be protected - a regular chain-link net, below which you can install barrier boards. These measures will prevent digging holes and your piglets going to neighbors. The total area of ​​such an enclosure can reach 10x10m - it depends on the number of piglets and the area that can be allocated for these purposes. In the summer, bellied piglets spend up to 10 light hours outdoors - they simply need the sun, fresh grass and air.

Regular walks have a beneficial effect on the health of animals. Do not forget to install a special awning or place the aviary near the trees - to create shade. Trees, in addition to shade, are used by piglets to scratch their sides, if there are no trees, dig a couple of ordinary smooth logs into the ground.

Vietnamese pigs very fond of water, or rather mud bathing. On the territory of their enclosure, it is enough to dig several holes, about 2 meters wide and 25-30 centimeters deep, filling them with water. Pigs will happily flounder in the “mud bath”, protecting themselves from overheating and annoying insects. This is optional but preferred.

Winter content. Vietnamese piglets endure winter time well. But, nevertheless, it is necessary to insulate the pigsty. Even during construction, prevent the formation of cracks on the walls and roof, the interior can be finished with moisture-resistant wood. Such a pigsty is necessary when the number of piglets exceeds 30 or more pieces. An ordinary Russian stove, a gas convector or any other safe type of heater can serve as a heating element. Piglets up to 3 months do not tolerate frost well and the temperature in the pigsty should not be lower than 18 - 20 C.

Now let's talk about ventilation. It plays a big role in maintaining the health of all piglets, with the cheapest system installed, you will forever forget what the smell of manure is. Loose-bellied piglets, by their nature, do not have a pronounced unpleasant odor.

piglets Vietnamese breed susceptible to the following diseases:

2. Salmonellosis, the disease affects individuals that live in large numbers on farms. Usually, rats or mice become carriers of this disease. It cannot be argued that piglets that are bred at home do not fall into the risk zone. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly get rid of mice and rats, and vaccinate bellied piglets against the disease.

3. One of the most common diseases in piglets is erysipelas. You can determine it yourself - spots of different colors appear on the piglet's body (usually red or pink), after a few days the animal refuses to eat and cannot get up. This disease is also carried by mice and insects, and can be caused by unsanitary conditions. For those owners who breed piglets for further slaughter, it must be clarified that piglets up to 12 months old are susceptible to this disease. Piglets are treated with a special anti-erysipelas serum, antibiotics and means to improve heart function.

4. Loose-bellied piglets do not have an upper layer of wool, so the heat exchange in their body is poorly regulated. Vietnamese pigs are prone to sunstroke.

5. Loose-bellied piglets, according to experts and professional farmers, experience depression. This can be triggered by poor care and even loneliness. Piglets live better in a flock, and kept alone can really get bored. Treatment - improving the diet, more time to allocate for walks in the air, thorough cleaning of the pigsty.

5. Plague is an incurable infectious disease that Vietnamese piglets are also susceptible to. Piglets are slaughtered, the meat of a sick animal should never be eaten or fed to pets!

Is it worth it or not to take on the breeding of Vietnamese fold-bellied piglets? As we have already considered above, the diet of bellied piglets, especially if you guess and breed them during the warm season, is completely inexpensive. Especially if you have your own farm or at least an orchard. For breeding, it is necessary to build a special type of pigsty - after all, piglets need some freedom and a place for "grazing". But, on the other hand, you can also save money on construction or re-equip a building that already exists on your site or farm area.

Loose-bellied piglets, despite their Asian origin, tolerate our harsh winters well. It is enough to install a minimal heat source in the pigsty - and the winter will pass easily and unnoticed. The larger the number of piglets, the warmer they will be, they warm themselves together.

Treatment of Vietnamese fold-bellied piglets is minimized. Their high endurance is a guarantee of protection against many diseases. But, it is worth remembering that piglets are sensitive to unsanitary conditions - an uncleaned pigsty, a terrible smell in the air, bad drinking water or rotten food can kill an entire brood of piglets. In this regard, try to be careful to avoid problems and not spend money on veterinary services.

In addition, the meat of Vietnamese piglets is very tasty, tender and quickly fried. Meat is bought with pleasure and at reasonable prices by wholesale buyers and our fellow citizens in the markets. It is considered a delicacy, and, so far, rare.

Breeding this breed of pigs for sale can be a very profitable venture for farming. Of course, you must first draw up a clear business plan, invest cash in preparing the site for breeding. After the first slaughter, all costs will pay off!

In the warm season, feed 2 times a day with grain or compound feed, which are mixed with bran one to two. One feeding - 0.7 liters.

You can give unlimited food such as: alfalfa, hay, grass, apples, pears, zucchini and other vegetables.

In winter, feed 3 times a day.

In summer, you need to graze on pastures.

The mass yield is 80 percent of the mass of the carcass. For comparison: at European breeds about 66 percent. If a

right. we get excellent pork, good density with a pleasant taste. Salo is marbled with a layer of meat.

Piglets, upon reaching 30 kilograms, grow only in meat. This can be called the explosive growth of muscle tissue. But after that, live weight begins to gain fat, especially if the diet includes corn, barley, wheat. Fat grows faster even in cases where pigs are not walked.

Within 10 months, the weight of a Vietnamese pig is 90-110 kilograms. At the same time, the pig eats 240-270 kilograms of feed. As a result of simple calculations, we get that by feeding a ton of grain with vegetables, we get 400 kilograms of pork. This proves the low cost per pig.

Growing these animals is very profitable even for those who do not have a large initial capital. If you buy 2-3 sows and make a farrowing gap of three months, the average family will constantly have meat for themselves and for sale.

Fattening Vietnamese pigs with compound feed

Fascination with exotic Vietnamese pigs is actively spreading. The reason for this is the delicious tender meat and fat of these animals. How to properly fatten Vietnamese pigs is our next article. Even the best conditions created for Vietnamese pigs will not give a positive result if the food base is chosen incorrectly. Before you start this particular type of pigs, you must initially consider the tactics of fattening. Let's start with important physiological features of these animals that can affect fattening:

  • Smaller than the widespread domestic breeds of pigs, the volume of the stomach.
  • Thinner intestines in diameter than other counterparts.
  • The speed of passage of food through the digestive tract is higher.
  • Excellent immunity does not mean abandoning the prevention of helminths.
  • Active salivation is caused by digestive necessity - saliva converts part of the starch into sugar.
  • High need for fresh grass, young hay.
  • The digestibility of roughage, whole grains, beets, straw in these pigs is much lower.

Animals become sexually mature at 3-4 months. Pregnancy lasts somewhere between 110 and 114 days. Given the love of Vietnamese pigs for highly vitaminized feeds and herbs, compound feeds are well suited to meet the daily requirement of the animal for protein, vitamins and minerals. The composition of the complete feed should be barley, wheat, peas, corn.

An adult "herbivorous pig" eats approximately 600-700 g of feed per feeding. Overfeeding is not worth it - this will lead to a deterioration in the quality of the meat. Spring, summer and autumn - time to take a walk in the pasture. At this time, compound feed can be only 20% of the diet. In warm weather, grazing can occur almost constantly, and feeding with compound feed - in the morning and evening.

In winter and late autumn, the need for fats and carbohydrates increases, therefore the amount of feed in overall structure feeding should increase to 30 and even 40%. In principle, complete feed can be used as the main type of food. But for healthy offspring, one complete feed is not enough. Feeding in winter - up to three times a day. Zucchini, pumpkin, potato waste are well suited as complementary foods in winter.

It is beneficial to feed pigs with compound feed up to 4-5 months of age. After gaining 25-30 kilograms of weight, the animal stops growing, actively getting fat. Feed consumption drops during this time. Fluctuations in weight can be easily compensated for with compound feed. In Vietnamese pigs, weight gain and loss is quite dynamic. On bacon fatteners, the proportion of corn and oats may be lower, as these components do not contribute to the deposition of bacon.

Under other good conditions, Vietnamese pigs can reach 120 kg of weight by 8 months, providing you with tender meat, delicious lard and lard. Lower feed costs and a certain ease of keeping adults in the summer and spring periods make Vietnamese pigs excellent animals for small farms.

vietnamese bellied pigs

Nutrition of Vietnamese bellied pigs. Under no circumstances should the Vietnamese bellied belly be fed like our white. These pigs are omnivores. In a warm year, they need to be fed twice a day, it is better to mix the compound feed in half with bran and give an adult pig 0.7 liter jars of this consistency at a time. Alfalfa, any other grass, carrion pears, apple trees, zucchini give plenty. In winter, I feed the pigs in the afternoon. I give 1-2 ears of corn. Instead of grass, I offer them zucchini and hay. The weight of an adult Vietnamese pig is up to 110 kg. It is recruited in 9-10 months. For this, she eats 250-280 kg of grain, in other words, when feeding 1 ton of grain, we get 400 kg of pork.

I have Vietnamese fold-bellied pig brought 20 piglets. 17 pieces survived, of course, not all are the same. Highly good breed, good immunity.

We castrate at 2 months of age, they are easier to tolerate. I always broke their teeth, and the last farrow did not torment them, and normal ones grew up.

Landrace pig breed, large white breed, Duroc, Vietnamese and barbecue pig breed

Based on the fact that pig farming is the most profitable and sought-after industry, livestock breeders continue to develop new pig breeds. achieving maximum productivity and product quality. To date, there are several dozen varieties of pig stock in the World, in total, according to statistics, more than a hundred breeds, only in Europe alone seventy-five species are grown. The most valuable breeds are the most widespread. According to the direction of productivity, pig breeds are divided into five categories, these are bacon breeds of pigs, lard meat breeds of pigs. sebaceous, bacon meat and sebaceous meat are universal, especially typical for cultivation in the CIS.

Brazier breed or black-and-white pig was produced in the 70s of the 20th century. To create it, manufacturers of English black, Yorkshire and Berkshire were used. Braziers are widespread both in Europe and in the countries of the former socialist camp. The direction of the breed is universal and is grown both for the production of meat and fat. In addition, the skins of pigs of this breed are characterized by the qualities necessary for dressing leathers of a technical haberdashery direction. A mass of one hundred kilograms of pigs is gained in 200 days, the average farrowing of sows is 10 12 piglets.

The meat of these pigs does not contain cholesterol, the direction of the breed is exclusively meat dietary, which is especially important for modern gourmets. Recently, Vietnamese folds have appeared in the Far Eastern regions and our country. Pigs are small in size, the maximum weight is up to one hundred kilograms, they do not take up much space in the pigsty, several individuals feel quite comfortable in one cage. Any breed will envy their fertility, one pair of these animals gives over 20 piglets per year. They are unpretentious, eat raw food, moreover, they are accustomed to get it on their own in pastures.

Among other things, these pigs are distinguished by an amazing ability to train. This is also an important factor in the rapidly growing popularity of the Vietnamese fold. The boar is distinguished by devotion and responsibility for his family, able to show unprecedented aggression in case of danger from predatory animals. Pigs are smart, can learn the simplest commands and even perform in the circus. In the home garden, a particularly gifted boar can be used as a guard dog. And some movie stars and other famous people even keep Vietnamese pigs in their apartment as a pet instead of a traditional dog.

Economic justification

Vietnamese pigs

Origin and history of the breed

Vietnamese bellied pigs were first introduced to Eastern Europe and Canada in 1985 from Vietnam. Currently ongoing active work to improve this breed in the direction of increasing the size and percentage of muscle mass. The most active breeding work is carried out in Canada, Hungary and Ukraine.

Breed features

The Vietnamese bellied pig is characterized by high precocity, pigs reach puberty at the age of 4 months, boars at 6 months. They use pasture well, have high immunity. Up to 50% of roughage can be included in the fattening ration. Vietnamese sows lop-bellied pig they are distinguished by a balanced psyche, high milkiness, well-developed maternal instinct and special cleanliness. The breed is well adapted to both the humid hot climate of Southeast Asia and the rather severe winters of Central Europe and Russia.

Young sows of the Vietnamese bellied pig are first launched at the age of 4 months with a weight of 30-35 kg. Boars at 5-6 months with a weight of 30 kg. Pregnancy is 114-117 days, in a litter there are usually from 6 to 18 piglets, on average 12. Taking into account the lactation period, 24 piglets are produced on average from one sow per year. Individuals not used in intensive animal husbandry live 18 years or more.


Depending on the feeding rations, at 7-8 months of age, a Vietnamese fattening pig reaches 75-80 kg of live weight, which is the normal slaughter weight for this breed. The slaughter yield is approximately 70-75%. Pigs are well fattened and fattening.


Vietnamese bellied piglets belong to the breed of domestic pigs. The first individuals were bred in Vietnam, hence the name. By the end of the 20th century, their active distribution began in Europe and America, and subsequently throughout the world. The breed has successfully taken root in Russia. The unpretentiousness and comfortable conditions for keeping piglets made them popular among farmers.

Piglet pigs are called because of the large hanging belly, which stands out noticeably against the background of small short legs. The characteristic color is black, but there are individuals of white and marble color. The muzzle is slightly flattened, the ears are small, there are a large number of folds on the stigma, which gives the animal a good-natured look.

Vietnamese bellied piglets have a calm disposition. They do not destroy fences and can even be trained. The advantages of this breed include:

  1. Low food costs. The main diet is plant foods.
  2. Neatness and cleanliness. Animals strictly share the living area and the toilet. In places where they are kept, there is usually no specific smell characteristic of ordinary pigsties.
  3. The small size of individuals. This allows you to compactly place animals in a limited space.
  4. Stable immunity. Piglets practically do not get sick, they tolerate climatic changes and temperature extremes well.
  5. Early puberty. Already in 4 - 5 months, the animals are ready to reproduce offspring.
  6. High fertility. The sow is able to bring from 11 to 18 piglets at a time. Farrowing is possible twice a year.
  7. The meat of this breed is more juicy, tender, and has a low fat content.

What to look for when buying piglets

In order for the benefits of keeping these animals to be fully manifested, it is necessary to pay great attention choice of piglets.

It is better to buy animals from several sellers. This will avoid future inbreeding, which contributes to the development of weak genes, mutations and infertility.

It is desirable to see the sow. Her appearance will help determine the age of the piglet. If farrowing was recent, the pig looks emaciated and has pendulous nipples.

A healthy piglet has an elastic body, strong legs, well-developed muscles, and the curves of the nasal bones are clearly visible. The coat should be even and dry under the tail. Piglets are mobile and have a good appetite. You should find out how much the piglet weighed at birth, the diet, in order to gradually transfer to the planned feed in the future.

You can buy piglets both from professional breeders and in personal subsidiary farms. Offspring with a good pedigree, which has undergone the necessary vaccination and treatment against helminths, is more expensive. But in the future, these costs will pay off, since breeding Vietnamese pigs is a profitable business.

How to keep Vietnamese piglets (video)

Loose-bellied Vietnamese pigs: cultivation, breeding and care

Before you get animals of this breed, you need to prepare a special room for them.

The room should be well ventilated, but without drafts. For females and newborn piglets in winter, it is necessary to maintain an air temperature of about 20 ° C.

In the warm season, animals should have a territory for walking. A small pool of mud will cool off in the heat and get rid of blood-sucking insects.

What to feed Vietnamese piglets

It is necessary to feed animals at home in such a way that rapid weight gain occurs. In the first 2 weeks of life, they feed mainly on mother's milk, but already during this period it is necessary to introduce complementary foods. Piglets are born with a minimal supply of nutrients. Eating only milk reduces the iron content in the blood, which leads to anemia and death of the offspring. For this reason, many farmers vaccinate piglets with iron and copper preparations.

In the first 5 - 10 days, cow's milk should be gradually added to food. It's fatter. That's why, starting complementary foods, make a mixture of 1 liter of milk and 2 chicken eggs. The stomach of a piglet is small, it eats in small portions, about 8 times a day. At the same time, charcoal, chalk or clay and clean water are placed in the feeder. The next product should be mashed carrots and green grass.

In the third week, thick porridge should be introduced into the diet. Granular food is best mixed with boiled potatoes and mashed. You can feed beets. It is better to give cereals and vegetables in separate bowls. Each New Product can be administered no more than one day later.

By the end of the first month of life, piglets should completely switch to the diet of adults. To make this process painless, within 4-5 days the volume of milk consumed by piglets is reduced, and communication with the sow is limited. Then she is transferred to the other end of the pigsty, behind the partition, and the young are kept under observation in their usual place. If the nutrition at this stage was balanced, the weight of the piglet during this period increases by 5 times.

Proper care

Vietnamese breed sows have a strong maternal instinct and are very reverent in caring for their offspring. After giving birth, the piglets are placed near the mother, immediately applied to the nipples to feed with colostrum. Keeping a pig with piglets should be organized separately from other animals.

Piglets are very mobile. On the 4th day after birth, they can be released into the corral, gradually increasing the residence time. In the summer, it is desirable to provide animals with walking on green grass. Piglets walk with their mother and nibble grass. For the proper organization of the diet, such a grazing should be about 6 hours in time.

Major diseases, their treatment and prevention

Diseases of Vietnamese lop-bellied pigs are the result of a violation of sanitary standards in their maintenance. Animals of this breed get sick quite rarely, as they have strong immunity. But if the process still started, you should immediately seek help from veterinarian, which specializes in the treatment of such pigs. You can determine that an animal has health problems by the following signs:

  • the appearance of discharge from the nose or from the eyes;
  • streaks of blood in feces, diarrhea;
  • vomit;
  • lesions and tumors on the skin;
  • wheezing;
  • limping;
  • weight loss or severe obesity in a short period of time.

Poor quality food and the presence of rodents in the corral can lead to a disease such as salmonellosis. Basically, it affects piglets 4 - 5 months. For treatment, a special serum of antibiotics and sulfonamides is used.

Norms of feeding Vietnamese piglets (video)

A dangerous infectious disease for all pigs is erysipelas. It is transmitted from birds, insects, mice through food and water. In an acute form, it causes fever, pulmonary edema, hemorrhage, which leads to the rapid death of the animal. Treatment consists of taking anti-erysipelas serum and antibiotics.

If at least one pig is infected with plague, the entire livestock is subject to complete destruction. This disease cannot be cured.

Besides, Vietnamese fold pigs can be prone to the following diseases:

  • smallpox;
  • anthrax;
  • brucellosis;
  • listeriosis;
  • leptospirosis.

Animal diseases can pose a danger not only to the entire livestock, but also to humans.

Prevention of all diseases consists in the timely cleaning of places of detention, the destruction of rodents, and a balanced diet. On the recommendation of a specialist, you can draw up a vaccination calendar in order to vaccinate on time.

What you need to know about pregnancy, childbirth and breeding of Vietnamese pigs

Pregnancy in Vietnamese sows lasts about 4 months. During pregnancy, they become calmer and intensively gain weight. A couple of days before the birth, the nipples swell, the stomach drops. The pig begins to equip its place, sorts out the litter, worries. On the day of farrowing, she refuses to eat, colostrum appears in the nipples.

It is necessary to prepare for the appearance of piglets. Everything superfluous is removed in the paddock, bedding is made of a thick layer of soft straw. If childbirth occurs in winter, additional heating is needed. Sows usually manage on their own, but the process still needs to be controlled. Nearby should be a first aid kit, scissors, threads, dry cloth.

Childbirth lasts about 3-5 hours. Newborn piglets are cleaned of mucus, the airways are freed, applied to the nipples. The process ends with the release of the afterbirth, which must be removed immediately so that the pig does not eat it.

After giving birth, the sow needs additional care and enhanced feeding. Her food on the first day should be liquid. After a day, you can give regular food, but in an increased volume. The pig mostly lies and moves only along the corral. You can let her out for walking in 4 days.

If the piglets do not receive adequate nutrition, it is necessary to provide additional complementary foods. In the first 3 days, you can put them on another farrowing pig or give cow's milk. Depends on successful development piglet in the future.

Weight of Vietnamese piglets by months

A newborn piglet weighs 400 - 600 grams. After 10 days, his weight is approaching a kilogram.

Monthly piglets weigh an average of about 2 - 3 kg, but there are large individuals weighing up to 5 - 6 kg.

At 3 months, the piglet gains about 25 kg. By 4 months, the weight reaches 35 - 40 kg. If piglets are bred for slaughter, then keeping them longer is not cost-effective. With a properly composed diet during this period, animals gain weight mainly in meat, and after 40 kg they begin to accumulate fat.

Weight at 7 months is approximately 60 kg. At the age of 10 months, piglets can weigh 70 - 80 kg. Average weight indicators at the age of one year are 90 - 110 kg.

Feeding and keeping animals in winter

Vietnamese pigs tolerate winter well. The pigsty can be insulated with wood, close up all the cracks, add straw to the bedding. Additional heating is required for sows and piglets. For these purposes, you can use a Russian stove or safe heaters. Animals should spend some time outdoors every day.

In winter, pigs are transferred to a three-time diet, by introducing additional daily feeding. The main share in the diet is hay and mixed fodder. For succulent food, you can use pre-prepared vegetables such as pumpkin and carrots. To provide animals with additional nutrients, mineral supplements and vitamins are introduced into the feed.

Vietnamese piglets: care (video)

Currently, the cultivation of Vietnamese lop-bellied pigs is becoming increasingly popular and is becoming profitable business for farmers. The meat of this breed is very tasty, tender, and maintenance and care is much easier than for ordinary pigs.

Pig farming is most popular view business, which is engaged in thousands of people in our country. But raising Vietnamese pigs has become popular not so long ago. Meanwhile, this breed has a lot of advantages compared to others: Vietnamese pigs grow quickly, are unpretentious in food and care. But for the successful breeding of these animals, you need to have certain knowledge.

This breed of pigs has many unique features that you should definitely pay attention to when breeding, caring for and feeding them:

Even novice breeders can breed these pigs. Some novice pig farmers often face the problem of animal indigestion as a result of the introduction of inappropriate grass into the diet. Due to this oversight of the owner, the pig may even die if veterinary care was not provided in a timely manner.

Vietnamese pigs, unlike many other breeds, are able to independently distinguish between useful and harmful plants, and will never eat something that is bad for their health.

How to choose piglets Vietnamese pigs

The choice of a piglet is the most important moment in this pig business. The growth rate, weight gain, health and fertility of the animals will depend on the quality of the piglets, which ultimately determines the success of the entire event.

When choosing piglets for breeding, you should focus on the following points:

  • If you plan to take piglets of different sexes for their subsequent mating, in no case should you buy babies of one sow. Relationships in the animal kingdom also bear bad fruit, just as they do in the human world. It is also not recommended to take piglets from a seller who has only one boar for many sows. In this case, the piglets will definitely be relatives.
  • You need to ask the seller about the weight of piglets at birth and weight gain every 10 days.
  • In order not to be deceived by the dried age of a piglet, it is recommended to look at its parents. It is best to take piglets from 1-2 months of age. At the age of one month, a Vietnamese pig piglet weighs about 3.5 kg, while the sow looks emaciated, and her nipples should be pronounced and saggy. If the pig is nimble and plump, and the mammary glands are barely visible, the seller is probably lying about the age of the piglets.
  • It is advisable to examine several piglets from the litter from which the selected piglet is purchased. A pig will grow up healthy if the piglets have well-developed muscles, strong and strong legs, a wide head, curved nasal bones, an elastic body, clear eyes with a shine. If the piglet is inactive, does not eat well, there are bald spots on the coat, and caked remains of feces under the tail, it means that there are problems with his health and it is better not to take such a pig.
  • It will not be superfluous to ask about the diet of feeding piglets. If they are accustomed to one food, it will be necessary to switch to another very carefully and gradually.

Vietnamese pigs are characterized by very fast growth rates. With proper maintenance and a properly composed diet, a piglet can be slaughtered already at the age of 4-5 months. But still, it is recommended to wait at least six months, since before this period they are most intensively gaining mass.

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Before you go shopping for piglets, you need to select for their maintenance appropriate place. If you plan to breed Vietnamese pigs for a long time, it is recommended to carefully equip the premises for them. Since the representatives of this breed are not very large in size, a full-fledged farm can be built in a small area.

Bricks or cinder blocks are best for building a pigsty, but wood can also be used. The main requirements for a pigsty are dryness and warmth. The area of ​​the pigsty is calculated in advance, depending on the planned number of heads grown. At five square meters area can fit two females or one sow with piglets. Three square meters will be enough for a boar.

The premises for keeping pigs must be divided into several machines with an area of ​​\u200b\u200babout 5 square meters. m. Metal or wooden partitions are installed between the machines. The height of the partitions should be such that an adult pig cannot jump over them. The passage between the machines should be of such a width that it is possible to move freely with a wheelbarrow for manure.

Pigs like to dig into the ground with their nickels and quickly ruin wooden floors. At the same time, they can tear off entire boards, and when walking, get stuck in them with their feet, getting injured. Therefore, the floor is recommended to be made of concrete. A cemented ball has another advantage - it will become much easier to clean up in machines.

Vietnamese pigs are distinguished by their exceptional cleanliness, so it is recommended to build a small wooden platform in each machine where they will sleep. In addition, wood retains heat better and pigs will not freeze in the cold season.

It is also important to take care of good ventilation. If fresh air is not supplied to the pigsty, the pigs will have to constantly breathe in the fumes emitted by manure and urine, which will have an adverse effect on their health. In winter, it is recommended to heat the pigsty, especially if one of the pigs has farrowed. Low temperatures can lead to the death of newborn piglets and the sow herself, whose body is weakened after childbirth. You can heat the room using a conventional stove, potbelly stove or by installing special heating devices.

In order for piglets to grow faster, they need to be walked during the warm months of the year. Fresh air, physical activity and sunlight contribute to the growth and health of pigs.

For each pig, it is necessary to allocate 10x10 meters of free space under the open sky. The walking area must be fenced with strong boards nailed to powerful logs.

What to feed Vietnamese pigs?

There are many conflicting rumors about feeding Vietnamese pigs. Some novice pig breeders believe that these animals are omnivores and the fundamental difference between different types there is no food for them. To some extent this is true, but for rapid growth and weight gain, you must adhere to strict feeding rules.

Video - the experience of breeding Vietnamese pigs

Vietnamese pigs are bacon breeds, so their diet should be dominated by feed that helps accumulate fat. These pigs are distinguished by a peculiar digestive system (small stomach and short intestines), which ensures the rapid passage of food through the esophagus.

Hard feeds containing dense fiber are poorly absorbed by the body of Vietnamese pigs. Leguminous herbs and greens are considered the best food option for these animals. It is better not to give food in liquid form to pigs, since they will immediately swallow such food, without chewing it in their mouths. Thick porridge is well suited, as well as the fruits of fruits and vegetables. It is allowed to feed pigs with food waste - potato peels, apple cores, banana peels and other food leftovers from the table. The more varied the diet, the better.

Small piglets should be fed with mother's milk up to 1-1.5 months, but it is advisable to introduce complementary foods from the second week after birth. At the age of one month, they can be taken away from their mother and settled in a separate machine. The diet of piglets up to 1 month should contain cereals in milk (barley, wheat, corn or oatmeal), from a month old you can give fresh hay. For small pigs, herbs such as nettle, clover, sainfoin, quinoa, and amaranth are best suited.

Adult pigs need to be fed according to the season. In the summer, it is enough to give food twice a day, while it is recommended to feed more greens and vegetables. In the winter months, tops and hay are suitable, while you need to give food 3 times a day. If compound feeds are used, they must be mixed with bran - in this form they will be absorbed much better.

Vietnamese pigs should not be fed any grain. For example, it is better not to give them corn and oats, since these products will provoke the accumulation of fat and will adversely affect the health of the pigs. In addition, excess body fat will adversely affect the quality of meat. Recommended grains for adults are barley, rye and wheat.

Table - the rate of need for pigs in basic nutrients

Pregnant sows can be fed the same diet as normal pigs, but it is recommended to enrich the feed with vitamins - for example, add 1 raw egg, 2 tablespoons of fish oil or whey per 10 kg of feed. If you plan to slaughter a pig, a month before slaughter, you should switch to a special diet. The following daily diet contribute to the maximum weight gain: (50%), oats (10%), wheat (20%), corn (10%) and peas (10%).

Mating and farrowing

Vietnamese pigs are ready for mating at the age of 4-5 months, but it is not recommended to breed a pig weighing less than 35 kg, as it will be difficult for her to bear offspring.

There are a number of signs that will help determine the readiness of the animal for mating: swelling of the genital loop, restless behavior, and sometimes discharge. For mating to be successful, it is necessary to plant a boar with a pig for one day.

Bearing offspring lasts about 120 days. A week before giving birth, the pig becomes restless, begins to build a nest, her nipples swell, her stomach drops. Before farrowing itself, the pig will not eat anything, and a clear liquid will be released from the mammary glands - colostrum. If such phenomena are observed, you need to carefully prepare - clean the machine, put fresh straw, renew the water in the drinker.

You can not interfere in the birth process - the sow herself knows what and how to do. In some cases, when a pig is farrowing for the first time, you can help a little by wiping the newborn piglets with a clean cloth and cutting off the umbilical cord. The duration of farrowing is usually about 4 hours and it ends with the release of the placenta, which must be removed from the pen.

At the age of 40 days, Vietnamese piglets are pierced with deworming drugs (for example, brovandazole). Additional vaccinations against various diseases may be needed, but this issue is already being resolved with the veterinarian.

Video - keeping and feeding Vietnamese pigs

How much Vietnamese piglets weigh at seven months is a question that interests pig breeders who have just started this breed. Vietnamese pigs appeared in Russia quite recently, but they were able to arouse great interest among farmers.

However, before purchasing piglets, you should study some characteristics of the breed, the features of body weight gain at different stages - this, first of all, will allow you to assess the profitability of the farm. This is what we will talk about today.

Pigs of the Vietnamese breed have a number of unique features for which farmers throughout the country fell in love with them:

  1. Rapid growth and early puberty. Closer to four months, the females are ready for mating.
  2. Strong immunity. Vietnamese pigs rarely have various infections, so piglets do not have to be vaccinated.
  3. The meat has good taste.
  4. Accuracy. These are very clean pigs compared to other breeds. They always share a place to sleep and a toilet.
  5. Resistant to difficult climates. Southeast Asia is considered the birthplace of pigs, where a humid tropical climate prevails. However, this feature did not affect the adaptation of pigs to the cold climate of Russia.

Vietnamese females are patient in nature, so they become good mothers. But, despite the fact that they reach puberty closer to four months (in males, puberty is observed only closer to six months), it is recommended that they occur no earlier than seven or eight. In the future, pigs are allowed to happen twice a year. There are about 16-17 piglets in one litter.

What does the young look like?

Vietnamese piglets have a rather unusual appearance. They are identified by characteristic features:

  • black skin (spotted piglets are also found);
  • stocky build: broad back, massive sternum, powerful legs;
  • flattened muzzle.

These pigs are called bellied because of the sagging belly, in some individuals it even reaches the ground. This feature is reflected in the activity of animals, prevents them from moving normally.

Important point! Due to their unusual appearance, such individuals sometimes attract lovers of decorative pigs. However, the Vietnamese breed is not suitable for keeping for such purposes - small piglets are rapidly gaining weight and turning into real giants.

How to choose Vietnamese piglets?

The right choice of young animals is an important point in the pig business. The further productivity of individuals, their growth rate and the degree of fertility directly depend on this.

When choosing piglets, certain criteria must be taken into account. If it is planned to raise piglets not only for meat, but for further breeding, then you should not purchase young animals from one female. Inbreeding of animals leads to the rapid degeneration of all breed qualities. In addition, it is not recommended to purchase stock from breeders who have one boar for several females, because such young animals are very likely to have related genes.

Important point! The seller should be asked to provide information on the rate of weight gain of piglets every 10 days.

You can determine the approximate age of the piglet by external examination of the sow. It is recommended to buy piglets at the age of 30-60 days. A monthly Vietnamese piglet usually weighs about 4-5 kilograms, while the female looks emaciated, but her udder is large and swollen nipples can be clearly seen. If the female is quite active, and her mammary glands are practically invisible, then most likely the seller gave incorrect information about the age of the piglets, or shows the wrong mother pig.

It is necessary to pay special attention to the appearance of piglets. Health individuals have a dense physique, strong legs, clear eyes. On examination, you need to examine the skin and coat of young animals - normally, both the skin and coat are smooth, without any damage. Under the tail, the piglet should not have fecal residues - such signs indicate the presence of diseases.

It is important to learn about the method of fattening piglets. If the young animals have already adapted to a certain type of food, then it is necessary to switch to a different diet gradually. Otherwise, you can provoke violations of the digestive tract.

Thanks to these rules, you can acquire the most productive, and most importantly, healthy livestock. However, experts recommend buying purebred animals only at large pig farms, which is a guarantee of quality.

Features of feeding Vietnamese pigs

Vietnamese pigs have an unusual structure of the digestive system. They have a rather miniature stomach and small intestines, which is why their food is digested faster.

Since these are herbivores, a large amount of plant foods should prevail in their diet. However, it is not recommended to give them beets and straw - in the small intestine, these products are poorly digested and cause discomfort.

The menu of grown piglets includes the following products:

  • cereals and beans;
  • compound feed;
  • bean hay;
  • roots.

Important point! Vietnamese piglets are fed with grain crops only in a steamed form, otherwise the food will be poorly absorbed by the body.

Table 1. How to make cereal feed for piglets

Step one: you need to mix oats, corn and peas, and then crush.
Step two: add boiling water and a little salt to the feed mixture (based on 4 kilograms of feed up to 8-9 liters of water). The mixture must be left for 12 hours.
Step Three: To improve the digestion process, fish oil is added to the feed.

Body weight of Vietnamese piglets by months

Typically, newborn Vietnamese piglets weigh 500 grams (individuals with less weight survive only in rare cases). In addition, the young animals completely lack a fatty layer, so they need warmth.

In the first few days after birth, they consume only the milk of the mother pig, then they begin to introduce feed for piglets into the diet. When organizing the right diet, young animals quickly gain weight. The highest activity of their growth is observed in the period from 60 to 120 days.

Table 2. Average indicators of changes in body weight in young animals

MonthBody weight, kg
1 4,5-6
2 10-12
3 22-23
4 32-35
5 45
6 50-55
7 65-68
8 75-78
9 85-88
10 95-98
11 100
12 110-115

First month

Starting from the tenth day from birth, piglets are given steamed cereals with the addition of milk and eggs. In most cases, piglets of this age develop iron deficiency anemia (the milk of sows contains a small concentration of this component), so they are given special iron injections for prevention.

It is important to provide a variety of food for the livestock - to introduce vegetables, animal feed, dairy products. At the same time, piglets do not stop drinking mother's milk. Thanks to this enhanced nutrition, their weight increases by 9 times. The average weight of a piglet at the very end of the month is 4.5-5 kilograms.

Second month

At the end of the first 30 days after birth, the active growth of young animals stops a little, so experienced farmers do not recommend weaning piglets from the sow during this period. Mother's milk contains useful components that help strengthen the protective functions of the body. However, adult pig food can already be included in the diet.

The average weight of a two-month-old Vietnamese pig is 8-12 kilograms. However, this is just an average value, there are slight deviations up or down. If the difference is very small, then do not worry.

Weight changes in piglets between 4 and 7 months

Closer to four months, there is a large increase in body weight of the piglet. Some farmers prefer to send young animals for slaughter during such a period, because they do not consider further maintenance to be cost-effective. At this point, the mass of piglets is already about 35 kilograms.

Important point! As a result of slaughtering a piglet at the age of four months, the percentage of net meat production is more than 78%.

The meat obtained from young pigs is dietary, it practically does not have a layer of fat. In addition, such products have good taste. However, if the farmer prefers to raise animals for lard, then the livestock must continue to be fattened.

With increased feeding of piglets, by the sixth month they begin to form a small layer of fat. Their average weight at this age is 50 kilograms.

Weight changes in piglets between 7 and 12 months

Toward the end of the seventh month, Vietnamese pigs gain a body weight of about 65-68 kilograms. During this period, with increased feeding, they already form a dense layer of fat. In order not to provoke obesity, it will be necessary to reduce the amount of grain feed in the diet, and in particular corn.

Over the following months, pigs gain an average of 10-12 kilograms, so already at 12 months the weight of a boar is more than 115 kilograms. Females are smaller in size, their weight per year is about a centner.

Body weight of adults

At the age of two years, the growth of Vietnamese pigs stops. Usually only breeding pigs are raised up to this point. Their weight is about 120-125 kilograms, they are characterized by increased appetite, they consume 750 grams of liquid mash per day.

Video - Vietnamese boar weight

Content Features

You can build a pigsty for piglets from brick or wood, but you should not make a room entirely from these materials - the floor in the pigsty should be more durable and water resistant. Most farmers prefer to fill the floor with concrete because it is much easier to clean, while slurry often accumulates between the wooden boards and is not easy to clean out. However, some part of the pigsty is insulated with boards to avoid hypothermia of the pigs in the winter season.

Too spacious rooms are separated using a grid. In such pens they contain several piglets at once or a female with offspring. There should be space between these partitions so that manure can be removed without any problems. In addition, ventilation in the room is of no small importance - in its absence, hydrogen sulfide accumulates in the air, which poisons individuals.

Important point! There must be a canopy on the walking area. It is installed in case of rain or extreme heat.

In the winter season, heaters are often installed in the pigsty, because sub-zero temperatures negatively affect the productivity of piglets. They have to expend energy on warming their own body instead of gaining meat mass.

When keeping pigs together, it is necessary to castrate all males that are unsuitable for breeding. This is required so that every month they do not have sexual hunting, when the male can accidentally cover one of the females. In addition, with the help of castration, you can reduce the likelihood of aggression in males. Such individuals do not enter into conflicts.

However, the main reason for castration of wild boars is the ability to eliminate the unpleasant smell of meat, so this procedure should be carried out at the age of 1.5 months. Read more about castration of piglets in

Positive and negative aspects of keeping Vietnamese pigs

Many farmers are convinced that breeding Vietnamese pigs brings a good income. However, additional advantages of the breed should be highlighted:

  1. Absence of high costs for feed mixtures, because Vietnamese pigs mainly eat plant foods. In the summer, they willingly consume green grass, and in winter, hay and root crops.
  2. The meat of young individuals is in great demand, because it contains a minimum amount of calories and has a pleasant taste.
  3. For 12 months, the female can bring offspring twice, which can also be sold and made a profit.
  4. Vietnamese pigs have a very calm nature, they do not cause much trouble, they do not make noise.

This breed has practically no flaws. The disadvantage of the Vietnamese is that thoroughbred sows are too caring mothers who can feed offspring for a long time. And this, in turn, leads to their exhaustion.

Also, the disadvantage is the impossibility of mating immediately after maturation in females. Despite the fact that puberty occurs at four months, they are recommended to happen closer to 6-7 months. During this time, their body will be able to get stronger, which will allow you to get a viable offspring.

Piglets cost

Despite the high productivity, the young growth of the Vietnamese breed has an acceptable cost. So, a three-month-old piglet can be bought within 4,000-5,000 rubles. Dairy piglets can be purchased much cheaper. Their cost is about 2,000 rubles.

Summing up

The popularity of Vietnamese pigs is due to the fact that they are able to adapt to various conditions of detention. However, in order to maximize the profitability of the farm, it is necessary to adhere to the rules for the care and feeding of piglets, which are not at all difficult for the pig breeder. Therefore, breeding Vietnamese is not troublesome.

Video - Is it profitable to keep Vietnamese pigs?

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