How to open a hostel business plan. How to open a hostel - hostel business plan with calculations. How much money does a hostel bring as a business?


To date, the real estate market is developing most actively, and the hotel business feels a special ascension, because every day a considerable number of hostels and other mini hotels are opening. Such a stir is connected with the popularization of travel, both within the country and abroad. That is why aspiring entrepreneurs have a question - what is a hostel and how does it work and how to open a hostel from scratch? To learn how to do it correctly and legally, read this article.

What is a hostel

The hostel is the same hotel, but differs in its layout and concept. In this place, every tourist can spend the night for 10-15 dollars. The main essence of the hostel is not a place to sleep, but live communication with tourists from different cities and countries. This is necessary to expand the cultural worldview, since in this way you can learn about other cultures, countries, their customs, and so on.

Also, a distinguishing feature of the hostel from the usual hotel is the shared kitchen, shower and bathroom and beds with different capacity people. For example, in one room, 4 people can sleep in different beds. At the same time, the space in the room should be divided in such a way that the guests do not interfere with each other.

Pros and cons of a hostel as a business

There are many benefits at the opening of the hostel:

  • The opportunity to realize various creative ideas in terms of interior design by making a themed hotel.
  • Large client flow and demand for affordable housing.
  • Due to the fact that a mini-hotel is considered a small business, there will be much less problems with paperwork.
  • The absence of competitors, since in our country such a concept as a hostel is just beginning to emerge.
  • Self-planning hostel.
  • The possibility of expansion shortly after the opening and the considerable prospect of opening a whole network of mini hotels throughout the country, and later abroad.

But, nevertheless, such a business has its own limitations. Basically, they are associated with some features of this type of hotel:

  • The inability to assign distinction stars to your business.
  • The risks that the owner may face when opening a business that is still atypical for our regions (small occupancy at first and other shortcomings that are compensated in the future).
  • Various client flow, which may include not very pleasant and clean clients. But, as they say, people are different, but business is business.

Where to open

Well, where and how to organize a hostel? - this is the first question that newcomers to the hotel business ask. There are several options for where it is best to open a hostel:

  • Rent or buy the premises and completely re-equip it.
  • Use your own apartment (mainly in which no one lives, for example, if it was inherited) and convert it into a modern hostel in a residential building.

How to open a hostel from scratch in an apartment? Refurbishing an apartment that is already in your own property sounds much more attractive, as you can save on the purchase or rental of housing, which will allow you to expand start-up capital and implement more ideas through additional Money. But, before you open a hostel in your home, you need to take into account the fact that the owner will need to redevelop the living space, since the concept of such an institution provides for the almost complete absence of hotel rooms. Making redevelopment to the owner will cost 10 thousand rubles.

It is important to know: in order to legislate your business, there must be at least five squares per client, and the gap between beds should not be less than seventy-five centimeters.

Hostel in law

So, how to open a hostel in an apartment legally. In order to draw up all the documents at the legislative level and provide a service to your customers as a small entrepreneur with all the ensuing consequences, you will need to pre-register entrepreneurial activity. According to the current legislation, all hostels must carry out their activities by paying a single state tax and are payers of the 3rd group of taxes.

In addition, residential premises must comply with state standards, according to which various services will be provided. Certificates of compliance with the conditions are issued by specialized bodies that have been accredited in accordance with applicable standards state standard. After completing all the necessary documents, you can safely open your own mini hotel.

It is important to know: it should also be noted that all documents received must be available to customers and be in the buyer's corner along with a book of complaints and suggestions. Thus, guests will be able to familiarize themselves with the compliance with all standards.

How to choose the right staff

If you want your brainchild to function like a clock, you need to select a team of responsible professionals who understand their work. If for hotels such a suite will cost more than one hundred thousand rubles, then for a small hotel it is mere trifles, since you may need only 2-3 specialists.

Hostel zoning option

Let's move on to arranging

In order to fully equip the hostel, you will need 250-300 thousand rubles, taking into account the full payback in a year or two.

Hostel business plan with calculations.

The location of the mini hotel, taking into account the nearest competitors

As a rule, demand creates supply, and despite the fact that the hostel business is not yet as actively developed as abroad, the active demand for inexpensive accommodation while traveling generates more and more competitors. Mini hotel is desirable to be located in the city center, where there will be good transport interchange, many shops and shopping centers, as well as the ability to quickly see the main attractions of the city.

Before you open, it is recommended to study the area you have chosen for the presence of competitors, and if there are any, then you need to come up with a way to lure customers to your side. This may be: active advertising, creative design of housing space, adequate pricing, and so on. Also very important is the view from the window that will be opened to the guests, as this is the first thing they see in the morning, and this, as I rule, consolidates the overall impression of the hotel. Also, the next visit of customers to your guest house depends on other important factors.

Where to spend start-up capital. Hostel project

So, the problems with housing have already been resolved. All that's left is to get it all right. Today, small family-type boutique hotels are very popular, where the design of each room was created by an eminent designer. In order to attract more customers and make your business truly creative, you can implement a similar idea, but only in a budget variation. Vintage style has become widespread, which creates a cozy, but at the same time extraordinary atmosphere. This is what we will be inspired by when creating a common interior.

Vintage in the interior

  • First of all, you need to buy vintage furniture. You can buy specially aged fittings in hardware store or save money and buy truly vintage furniture (by the way, the second option will not only save money, but also bring an indescribable atmosphere to your guest house). The cost of a full set of furniture in the store will be 100 thousand rubles, and in vintage 50-70 thousand.
  • Next, you need to purchase the necessary equipment: TV, Wi-Fi router, heaters, coffee machine, washing machine, refrigerator and more. In this case, it is better not to save money and buy everything new, since vintage should be in moderation, or that unusual atmosphere that is created by furniture and accessories will be lost. The average set of necessary machinery and equipment will cost 80 thousand rubles with delivery directly from the store.
  • Bed linen must be chosen from a quality manufacturer and not from synthetic materials, otherwise it will be uncomfortable and hot to sleep on such sheets and duvet covers. In addition, according to the standards, mattresses must be orthopedic in order to make customers feel comfortable. A set of bed linen and mattresses for an average mini hotel will cost 18-20 thousand rubles.
  • Vintage decoration. One wall in the main hall or hall must be styled antique. Stick thick photo wallpapers with the image of old St. Petersburg or Moscow, put black-and-white photographs on the next wall and assemble a collage from them. The cost of such a design will be 20-25 thousand rubles.
  • Completion of the interior with special accessories. Well, in order to finally complement the interior you created, you will need to buy a lot of different figurines, paintings and other things. You can buy everything directly from the store, which will cost 15-20 thousand rubles, or buy really vintage things at flea markets, buying and selling sites (for example, on Avito), which will save half the money set aside for the final transformation.

In total, the above-mentioned 250-300 thousand rubles were obtained, which were spent on registration. But, do not forget about the additional waste that awaits a businessman at almost every step.

Marketing program and advertising

In order to find out about your hostel as much as possible more people, you will need to spend several tens of thousands of rubles on advertising. This includes: creating your own website or blog in social network, advertising around the city (billboards, leaflets, flyers, etc.), as well as making your own, unique logo that will show off at the entrance to your mini hotel.

Line costs

In this column, you can include payment utilities, payment wages, repair of broken appliances, furniture and other expenses that are necessary to maintain the hotel in a fertile state. In addition, do not forget about the costs in the form of payment for the Internet and cable TV.


As you can see, to open your own hostel, on average, half a million rubles is needed. Agree, the amount is rather big and naturally, most businessmen are interested in the payback of such a business. Naturally, the hotel business will pay off in any case, but there is another question. When?

As a rule, a mini-hotel fully pays for itself in 2-3 years (the first six months do not count, since in most establishments there is a stagnation of visitors when the total occupancy of the hostel is 30%). In order to avoid such downtime and start recouping the money spent earlier, it is recommended to carry out special promotions during the period of stagnation, reducing housing prices by 50-70%. Naturally, such a “generosity attraction” will attract new guests.

The hotel business is experiencing a special uplift. Such a stir is connected with the popularization of travel, both within the country and abroad.

Ilya Maseev - about the nuances of the hostel industry and the peculiarities of working with booking aggregators

IT tools used by Ilya Maseev

  • Microsoft Office suite

Entrepreneur Ilya Maseev from Yaroslavl shares his living space with strangers. He turned his three-room apartment into the Kefir hostel, which can accommodate 6 people at the same time. In just a few months of work, the institution got to the top steps of the ranking of the world's most popular booking service, and the investment in the project was returned six months after its launch.

Ilya Maseev, 21 years old, entrepreneur, 4th year student of the Yaroslavl Faculty of Law state university them. P.G. Demidova. In 2015 he organized a hostel " Kefir ", designed to accommodate six people. Investments in the project amounted to about 100 thousand rubles.

TV idea

Idea own business was born to Ilya Maseev in November 2014, it happened, as usual, by accident - I saw on television a story about a hostel in an apartment. Then the young man realized that his three-room apartment, in which he lives alone, is the best suited for these purposes. In addition, from the point of view of potential tourists, it is quite conveniently located: 5-6 minutes walk to the station, 15-20 minutes walk to the historic city center. Parents supported Ilya in his decision.

First, the student took up the study of the documents and state standards necessary for opening a hostel. For the future lawyer, this was not particularly difficult. Registration as such was not required. Under existing legislation, a hostel can be owned by a person who is not registered as an individual entrepreneur. "We have studied regulatory framework and realized that there would be no special legal problems during the creation and opening, and decided that we should try, ”recalls Ilya.

There was almost no need to remake the apartment for the needs of the hostel. In GOSTs, using formulas, the area for each guest is calculated (from 4 sq.m. of living space per person), the distance from the upper tier of beds to the ceiling, and bed standards are indicated. All that Ilya and his family needed to do was cosmetic repairs.

Most of the furnishings were purchased from IKEA in Moscow. Part of the furniture (cabinets, shelves and table) Ilya and his family designed and made themselves. The main difficulties arose with bunk beds. It turned out that in Yaroslavl they are sold only in the children's version. As a result, I had to order beds at a factory in Cherepovets.

The hostel opened in March 2015. It took only 4 months from the idea of ​​the project to its implementation. The name "Kefir" arose thanks to a simple marketing move invented by the creators of the hostel. “We understood that we needed some kind of feature, we had to somehow stand out, and at the same time not get bogged down in costs,” says Ilya. - Therefore, we had the idea to treat each guest with a glass of kefir and some pastries. We let foreign guests understand the meaning of our name, as they say, “in practice”. To a person who does not know what kefir is, it is not so easy to explain this.

From Canada to China

Ilya Maseev chose the popular booking system as the main channel for promoting Kefir. The site has a hostel page, by going to which you can book a place for the desired date. When registering on, the page is created step by step; when creating it, you only need to select those items that are present in the object, as well as add photos. The future page is being studied by the site moderators and after a couple of days it becomes open to the public.

Booking and cancellation notifications are automatically sent to Ilya's email and phone. Every month issues an invoice of 15% of bookings through this website.

These costs are justified - it is through this hotel booking service that Kefir receives the bulk of its clientele. “I am satisfied with the cooperation with Booking. Thanks to Booking, we have reached the global level. Guests stayed with us not only from all over Russia, but also from Europe, China, Kazakhstan, Canada,” admits Ilya.

Windfall payback

A night stay in "Kefir" costs a tourist 600 rubles. In the summer, Ilya conducted an experiment: he reduced the price to 500 rubles per day, and at this price the hostel worked all summer. Ilya is also planning discounts for the next summer season. “The main struggle for the client begins in the summer. In the off-season, you won’t earn much on discounts and promotions, since the general flow of tourists is still small, ”Ilya believes.

In total, about 100 thousand rubles were spent on the launch of the project. This amount includes the cost of cosmetic repairs, the purchase of beds, mattresses, bed linen, furniture, etc. According to the owner, the project was supposed to reach self-sufficiency within a year. In fact, it was possible to return the invested funds already in August.

Total per month in high season current expenses Ilya Maseev for a hostel is 12,000-13,000 rubles. These are utility bills. expendable materials, commissions for the booking system. Also, these expenses include a “signature” glass of kefir with a sandwich, tea and coffee with cookies and slippers, which are provided free of charge to each guest.

Taking into account the cost of laundry, the amount of monthly expenses increases to 15,000 rubles. Ilya uses the laundry service. Sometimes it may be necessary to wash the linen from all sleeping places in one day. At home, this is physically impossible.

Ilya is going to spend the money earned during the operation of Kefir on mini-repairs (painting, etc.), as well as on the installation of air conditioners. Without them, sometimes it was stuffy in the summer. To entertain guests, Ilya plans to purchase a game console. The student also expects to save up funds for additional investments in the hostel by next summer.

Payment in "Kefir" is made only in cash. The owners of the hostel are still assessing how “justified” the introduction of payment by cards with their small volumes.

Points for kefir

The average score of Kefir according to customer reviews on Booking is 9.5 out of 10 possible (based on 40 reviews), the price / quality ratio is 9.7. Among customer ratings, there are often dozens.

“According to customer reviews, we have the highest scores in Yaroslavl among all hotels and hostels, even including large and famous ones. We understand that keeping 6 beds in order is much easier than a few tens or hundreds. But still, this is a very serious achievement for us, ”Ilya notes.

The reviews often mention the comfort, cleanliness and homely atmosphere of a small hostel. Guests also like the "interior with a soul", thoughtful layout of the room, clean plumbing. The "many pleasant little things" such as books, games and geographical maps are not left without attention. The hospitality and friendliness of the owner, whom some reviewers call the "administrator", is mentioned more than once. The move with a glass of kefir as a treat for each client also worked - many remembered it.

Together with guests

In "Kefir" there are two rooms for three places. The third room is a large guest lounge, combined with a kitchen-dining room. Ilya does not have his own room in the hostel. When all the places are occupied by guests, he spends the night in another apartment.

With the opening of the hostel, Ilya had to spend some time getting used to the new status of the apartment and the changed daily routine. But now he feels absolutely comfortable in the role of the owner of the hostel. He has some inconvenience only in cases where guests book an early or night check-in.

You can book a place through the website or by calling Ilya personally. Once it turned out that 8 people came to the hostel for 6 people. “There was a technical error in the booking system, or the human factor played a role,” recalls Ilya. - I had to urgently buy 2 bedroom sets, and place "unscheduled guests" in the common room. In the future, such situations did not recur.

Ilya Maseev has no problems with disgruntled neighbors. Tourists stay with him for the most part disciplined and well-mannered. In addition, most of the apartments in the entrance, where the mini-hotel is located, are rented out. “There are no problems with neighbors. Clients come to us quite adequate. We have practically no issues with the discipline of the guests. I can’t even remember any “out of bounds” cases related to violations of order or silence, ”says Ilya.

Ilya and his family do the work related to running the hostel on their own, without hiring additional staff. When Ilya cannot be in an institution, his parents replace him. Ilya and his family do not cook food for guests - in hostels the guests themselves do it, they have open access to all kitchen utensils. Breakfasts for customers are ordered from partners.

Recently due to negative reviews Ilya had to change the breakfast supplier. “Complaints and comments, of course, we take into account in our work. When we started getting regular complaints about breakfast, we stopped serving our food delivery partner. Very little time has passed since the change of supplier, but we have already received the first positive feedback,” says Ilya.

He has free time only when there are no guests. The seasonal specificity of the business helps to combine running a hostel with study. “In winter, in this regard, it is freer. In the summer there are more guests, but there is no study, so there is a certain balance of time between study and the hostel,” Ilya believes.

"Vkontakte" with clients

A mini-hotel for 30-50 people - a hostel - will not bring passive income: the owner needs to meet guests himself, change toilet paper and generally actively participate in the work. But the hostel market is developing rapidly: in Moscow, from 2013 to 2017, their number increased 12 times - from, and there are more than 2 thousand mini-hotels throughout the country. At the end of October 2017, even before the final draw of the participating teams, the Moscow authorities reported that about 60% of the city's room stock was booked for the period of the World Cup, and there were no inexpensive options left in the center at all. Against the backdrop of falling real incomes, the demand for inexpensive hotels from Russians is growing: according to OneTwoTrip, from 2014 to 2017, the share of hostels and apartments in the structure of bookings in Russia increased from 0.2% to 6% - although they still lose in terms of audience to hotels , as follows from the data of Rosstat. Entrepreneurs told Inc. that opening a hostel will require from 1.5 to 5 million rubles, compliance with GOST, friendship with the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Emergency Situations and an administrator-guru of communication.

Where to begin?

You need to decide on - the choice of premises will depend on it. If we are talking about a small hostel focused on accommodating tourists, you will need a room in the city center. If the hotel is designed for workers and taxi drivers, you can look for options more and further from the center. If you need to "hook" for traffic - say, from a congress center - you will have to search in a specific area.

How many hostels in Russia

MOSCOW - 423


Kazan - 85



SOCHI - 37




If an entrepreneur already has a premises, it would be wise to come up with a concept based on its features. So did the managing partners of the Subway hostel in the center of Moscow, Anton Obukh and Alexander Kozlov. Obukh and his mother had an apartment near the Pushkinskaya metro station - it occupies one and a half floors, and it has large corridors that I wanted to beat stylistically: someone compared them with metro tunnels. In addition, there are four metro stations near the hostel. This is how the name Subway and design elements were born, made in the colors of the Moscow subway lines. The living room was designed as a depot, to which the guest, as it were, "arrives" along the corridors-tunnels.

How to choose a room?

You will have to decide on the size of the room and its location - in a residential or non-residential fund. The non-residential fund needs to be adapted for living. But from the point of view of the law, the organization hospitality activities in the non-residential fund is more correct, hosteler Roman Sabirzhanov believes. Otherwise, it will be impossible to organize a coffee shop in parallel with the hostel. And for a hostel or a small hotel, selling coffee, pastries, breakfasts for customers is a significant part of the income,” says Sabirzhanov. On the other hand, the housing stock, according to all sanitary standards, is suitable for people to live in and you don’t have to worry that something will be violated in this regard.

Evgeny Nasonov

Head of the non-profit association "League of Hostels"

I do not believe in the effectiveness of hostels with an area of ​​​​less than 120 square meters. m. From 120 to 200-250 sq. m. is rather a form of self-employment: you will not be able to hire a manager and go to Thailand - it will be your business. Professional business starts from 250 sq. m. On the other hand, 1 thousand-1.5 thousand square meters. m. - this is the maximum for a novice entrepreneur or for a person with not very much experience in this area. The history of Moscow hostels shows that large outlets do not work very well. If there is money for such a large facility, it is better to open a hotel.

In Russia, there is no law that would regulate the activities of hostels. On January 1, 2015, the specialized regulation “Services of accommodation facilities. General requirements to hostels” (allows hostels to be placed in apartments if there is at least 4 sq. m per person, as well as a toilet and shower for every 15 people), but it is advisory in nature. This standard is included in the system of legislative acts and is valid until a different concept of a hostel is adopted as a law, explains Anastasia Khudyakova, a lawyer in the legal department of HEADS Consulting.

In Moscow, as a rule, the authorities have no questions about hostels in non-residential stock, but in apartment buildings it is possible to work if there are no complaints from neighbors, otherwise it is highly likely to close, says Yevgeny Nasonov from the League of Hostels. In general, the authorities of the capital are skeptical about hostels, Obukh says: “People, not embarrassed in expressions, declare that all these “brothels” will be closed.” But a mini-hotel in the housing stock requires less investment at the start, plus it allows you to implement the format of a “cozy elite hostel,” says Nasonov.

In St. Petersburg, I recommend opening a hostel in non-residential premises, excluding basements and basement, says Valery Ulitin, owner of Positive Group, which manages a chain of hotels and hostels in the northern capital, although in fact the lion's share of hostels in the city is located in residential premises.

What about a hostel in a residential building?

There are three bills on this issue to the State Duma at once: two of them are prohibitive. All of them will be considered in spring session Parliament of 2018, hostels waited. The controversy around this issue has not subsided for several years. Respectable entrepreneurs suffer largely due to violations by less law-abiding ones - in particular, "rubber" hostels that register illegal migrants, or simply those who create inconvenience for residents of the house.

The hostesses are talking. that in a residential building it is necessary to find mechanisms for interaction with the public access. You should not open at the entrance, where at least one tenant will be against you. Sometimes hostel owners try to build good relations with their neighbors by improving common areas (as far as finances allow) or, say, by installing additional cameras.

How much will you need to invest in the launch?

To start in the non-residential fund, you need 5 million rubles, and in the residential - 1.5, hoteliers estimate. You can estimate the cost of the initial investment by multiplying the area of ​​​​the premises by 16-18 thousand rubles - these are the costs of repairs, equipment and a rental deposit. Opening a capsule hostel will cost more: if an ordinary bed with curtains costs 5-6 thousand rubles, then a two-story capsule costs 40 thousand rubles, Evgeny Nasonov argues.

Obukh and Kozlov spent 2.5 million rubles on the launch of Subway: repairs and materials - 50%, about 40% more - equipment (beds, tables, chairs, reception, cabinets, washing machine, refrigerator), 10-15% - the rest ( paid consulting, website, primary promotion).

What repairs and equipment are needed?

Repair should be done taking into account the requirements of GOST. Yevgeny Nasonov advises not to overload the hostel: "If you can accommodate 35 people comfortably, and 50 - like herring in a barrel, it's better to make 35 places, it will be more economical."

Anton Obukh says that they did not manage to do cosmetic repairs, they had to change the wiring, which was a blow to 100-120 thousand rubles. “You place strangers, you charge money for it, so if there are problems with electricity and communications, everything can end in fines or tragedy,” he explains.

Anton Obukh

Co-founder of the Subway hostel (formerly - Analyst of the development department of the Azimut Hotels chain):

Any hotel use of the object is the use of living people. Bad materials will not last long. If something can be broken, it will be broken. In addition, often people are not very careful about furniture and equipment, arguing like this: I paid for it, I can afford it. This is neither good nor bad, it just needs to be understood and remembered.

Entrepreneurs recommend not saving on mattresses - that is, on the quality of sleep. The founders of Subway bought the same mattresses from IKEA as they have at home, and in the very first weeks they received reviews that it was very comfortable to sleep (now the hostel is in the top 10 Moscow mini-hotels on Booking). Ideally, you can make soundproofing - at least to reduce the likelihood of conflicts with neighbors. We will also have to invest in the installation of cameras - this is a requirement of the anti-terrorist law. Be sure to put a panic button.

How to set up a business? What documents are needed?

Making a profit from hostels can go through or, says Anastasia Khudyakova. “Additional licenses for hostels are not required, however, checks by Rospotrebnadzor, the Ministry of Emergency Situations for fire safety and others are not ruled out. So, like any other consumer service company, it is necessary to comply with sanitary and hygienic, fire and other regulations,” she explains. For example, you will need an agreement with a special laundry, a magazine general cleaning, medical records of employees, lists Nasonov.

In accordance with federal law, entrepreneurs who plan to open a hotel or hostel must send a notification to the Office of Rospotrebnadzor, the department itself emphasizes. You also need to inform the Ministry of Internal Affairs: all foreign and Russian guests must be registered. To get the right to do this, you need to register yourself - as a business.

In a number of regions (in particular, in cities hosting football matches), hostels are already required to undergo a classification procedure. Law on mandatory classification The State Duma adopted

It is worth getting acquainted with the inspectors of various regulatory authorities in advance and find out the requirements for the hostel. Most of them are reasonable: using the services of a special laundry, disinfection and others. Strange requirements can be asked to provide in writing- in 80% of cases, this removes questions, says Evgeny Nasonov. If there are contacts in the supervisory authorities, you can ask them to check in advance whether all the rules are met in order to correct errors before opening.

Call a company dealing with fire safety - equipment and installation: they will consult for free (hoping for cooperation) or for little money.

“The general advice is to communicate more and more easily with the outside world. People share their experience, sometimes for free and willingly,” says Anton Obukh. There are groups on Facebook dedicated to the hospitality industry, there are industry events where experts from this field lead seminars - some of them free. Obukh advises visiting them and communicating with colleagues from the hotel business: although hostels have their own specifics, there are no differences in many respects - for example, in financial accounting - and the same problems arise.

Average prices

The hotel business is profitable and promising, but it is quite difficult to enter it. This is due to the high costs of arranging and maintaining a full-fledged hotel. But there is an alternative - to create a hostel. This does not require large investments, especially if you already have an apartment. Let's figure it outand what is needed for this.

Basic concepts

A hostel is basically a hostel. Guests here are located not in separate rooms, but in a common one, and payment is made for a place, and not for a room. Usually the amenities in the hostel are shared: there is a small kitchen for cooking, a bathroom and a shower. This is a very convenient option for large groups of tourists and for young people.

The hostel is a kind of hostel for large companies

Hostel implies short time residence and is designed for students, schoolchildren and middle-aged people. This is a great option to save money - on average, one place costs 300-500 rubles, while hotel rooms start at 2-3 thousand.


Hostels appeared in Russia just a few years ago and quickly became popular. They were appreciated by travelers who do not like to spend a lot of money just to spend the night in a new city. The advantages of a hostel as a business include:

  1. A small amount to get started.
  2. Low utility bills and taxes.
  3. The ever-growing popularity of this type of housing.

The easiest way to organize a hostel in an existing apartment. You won't need a lot of money to equip it - a standard cosmetic repair will be enough. Buy bunk beds, appliances and furniture - you won't need anything else.

How to open?

In order to legislate the opening and start working, it is necessary to open an IP. The easiest way to work on UTII.

Note:in order to open in a hostel, you need to remove the apartment from the housing stock. In most cases, it is not advisable to build separate housing - it is better to just buy real estate.

The withdrawal of an apartment from the housing stock is carried out on the basis of the following documents:

  1. Application written by the property owner.
  2. A document confirming the ownership of the apartment.
  3. House plan.
  4. Technical passport, plan of the apartment.
  5. Ready project for redevelopment.

The hostel has a fun and friendly atmosphere.

It can take a lot of time to complete these documents - you will have time to make repairs in the room. Be sure to compose hostel business plan with calculations and strictly adhere to the indicated amounts.

Place selection

To start a business, it is very important to choose a good place. You should be interested in either the areas of railway stations and business centers, or the city center. That is, those places in which there is a high traffic of tourists and business travelers.

Note:you first need to study the issue of real estate prices - it is quite possible that buying an apartment in the city center will be an impossible task for you. In this case, it is better to locate the hostel in a residential area with good transport interchange.


Russian legislation strictly regulates the process of creating “hotel premises”. So, one visitor should account for at least 5 square meters. m. of living space, and the distance between beds to be more than 75 cm. Practice shows that 9-10 beds can be placed in a standard three-room apartment.

Also in the room should be:

  1. Two or more sinks.
  2. Shower cubicle.
  3. Bathroom.
  4. Hot water (boiler).
  5. Sturdy and comfortable furniture.
  6. Free WiFi.

How to open in an apartment

How to open a hostel in an apartment? Very simple. To do this, you will not need additional costs for hotel licenses or the transfer of real estate to a non-residential fund. The matter is that officially the concept "hostel" in the legislation is absent. At the same time, laws allow the use of apartments for commercial temporary residence of citizens. That is, you may well use the apartment to create a kind of hotel complex - this is completely legal. The main thing is to observe several conditions:

  1. The hostel should not be located in the basement or basement.
  2. There should be one shower for 15 people, one sink for 6, and one toilet for 12.
  3. The sleeping place should not be less than 1.9 * 0.8 m (you can use bunk beds to save money).

When opening a hostel, do not try to force everything with beds - guests should be comfortable

Of the optional but preferred conditions:

  1. Availability of high-speed Wi-Fi. It is the Internet that can be decisive when choosing a place for a visitor to live.
  2. Good degree of sound insulation. The less you interfere with neighbors, the less often they will complain about your business. Therefore, take care of the soundproofing of the walls, the installation of high-quality windows and doors.
  3. The presence of a split system. This is the standard for hostels. It should be comfortable, and air conditioning provides comfort in the summer.
  4. Shared lounge and kitchenette. These premises will significantly expand the number of your customers. People like to relax in the evening watching TV or cook a simple breakfast in the morning.

Note:be sure to consider the issue of storing valuables. You may need to put up a few safes or organize a kind of storage room.

Pay special attention to furniture: it should be as strong, simple and reliable as possible.

Opening in non-residential premises

If you got a non-residential premises, then the costs are guaranteed to increase. Everything will rest on paperwork: you will have to obtain permission from the SES and firefighters, draw up various design sheets and approvals. We recommend that you contact the services of intermediaries with registration issues - they will do everything quickly and relatively inexpensively. If you do it yourself, then you can spend more than one month of time.

How beneficial is it

So you already knowNow let's see if it's profitable. Renting a standard two- or three-room apartment for a long time will bring you 20-40 thousand rubles a month. If you place a hostel for 6-10 people in this room and take a daily payment from customers, then you can easily reach 90-100 thousand per month. Plus - providing additional services, in the form of breakfasts, coffee, pastries, transfers, consultations and more. That is, the profitability of the hostel will be about 15%.

In general, the creation of such hotel business More profitable than simply renting an apartment, but more time consuming. It should be understood that the hostel will be beneficial only in cities with high tourist traffic: you need to leave at least 50-70% load every day. If you live in a depressed city where almost no one comes, then opening may not be profitable. However, you will not lose much - real estate will still remain in price, and new renovation increase its market value.

The average payback period for investments in a hostel is about 6 years (taking into account the purchase of an apartment, and not its availability). If the apartment is yours, then in most cases the money invested will be repaid in 3-4 months.

If the size of the room allows, then equip more expensive rooms for two.


Many conservative people believe that hostels have no future and will die out, being supplanted by hotels. But it's not. The hostel has its own philosophy. More and more people refuse traditional hotels because of their high cost and rigidity. Indeed, if you spend all day at work or sightseeing, then why do you need a luxurious room with three meals a day? All you need is a place to come in the evening, take a shower and spend the night. Many establishments of this type offer an alternative: either one large room with 6-8 beds, or one with 2-3. Living in the first is cheaper, in the second - more comfortable. Hostels are ideal for those who do not like to overpay. They are often used by students, young couples, groups of 4-6 people traveling (you can buy a small hostel entirely). Hostel as a business definitely promising. Especially if you approach its creation with soul, creating a unique design and style of housing. Keep your equipment clean and timely, don't skimp on toiletries, be polite to your customers, and your business will get a lot of positive feedback and make a good profit.

How to advertise

For advertising, you can use traditional methods (media, outdoor) and modern (Internet). It would be better to combine these two methods. Order advertising flyers and a few banners in your city, distribute and hang them near train stations, tourist places, offices. In parallel, create a website on the Internet with a detailed description of your services and photos of rooms. Indicate all the details: location, services provided, directions. Additionally, register in hotel booking systems, such as Booking, Travel, Oktogo, etc. Remember that most rooms are now booked via the Internet - people choose interesting options without leaving their homes and pay for them with a card. You may be able to negotiate cooperation with travel agencies that organize tours to your city. This is an ideal option - although you will earn a little less per client (you will have to share with the agency), but you will have a constant stream of clients.

Availability of a kitchen and household appliances in the hostel will significantly expand the number of customers

Possible problems

What are the pitfalls can you meet on the way? If you open in a residential building, then the neighbors will become a problem. Not everyone likes that new people are constantly walking along the landing, and some will simply envy your business and periodically write complaints to various authorities. Promise your neighbors various preferences from your venture: regularly wash stairwells, repair the entrance, change light bulbs, etc. It will also be beneficial for you, because even if you have beautiful rooms, and the entrance constantly stinks and there is a lot of dirt, then tourists simply will not come next time. If your apartment is located on the first floor, then you can organize a separate entrance, adding a porch and a place for the administrator. And don't skimp on soundproofing.

In contact with

The hotel business is characterized by high profitability and quick payback, so this line of activity attracts many start-up entrepreneurs. The most profitable option is a hostel or mini-hotel. These establishments are very popular because they do not require large financial investments and at the same time bring good profits. In this article, we will talk about how to open a hostel from scratch and attract the attention of customers to it.

Where to begin?

A ready-made business plan for how to open a hostel can be found on the Internet. But it's better to make it yourself. In this case, you can take into account all the important points and roughly calculate future expenses.

The document must contain the following items:

  • Planned budget;
  • Technical equipment;
  • Location;
  • Sample list of services;
  • Advertising.

To get an answer to the most important question, is it profitable to open a hostel, you also need to conduct a thorough market analysis and assess the level of competition.

The target audience

At its core, a hostel is not an ordinary cheap hotel, but a real subculture that differs significantly from inexpensive hotels designed for people with low incomes. Mostly students who do not have the means to rent a room in an expensive hotel stop in such institutions.

The main requirements that young people place on hostels are:

  • Purity;
  • Access to the Internet;
  • The presence of a kitchen and a bathroom with the necessary household appliances;
  • Convenient location.

If you have a desire, I want to open a hostel, where to start this process? Experts recommend first of all to determine target audience. This will allow you to understand whether your service will be in demand in this region.


Next, we will deal with the location of the hotel, that is, we will try to decide where to open a hostel. It is most profitable to start such a business in large cities that are often visited by tourists. By the way, this is a great business idea for Crimea. During the holiday season, inexpensive accommodation in resort towns is in great demand, so in the summer such a hotel will bring good profit. But in winter, you will have to switch to economy mode, since tourists rarely visit the Crimean peninsula in the cold season.

So, what does it take to open a hostel? First of all, this is a room. Most the best way This is a former hostel. But in this case, you will have to make repairs in the rooms and purchase furniture.

Beginners are often interested in whether it is possible to open a hostel in an apartment? Of course, you can, but for this you need to issue permits and fulfill all the requirements, established by law. If in doubt, it is better to open a hotel in it. Owning your own home is a big plus, since rent is too expensive these days. It is desirable that the apartment is located on the first floor. In one room, you can equip 3-4 beds, respectively, you can populate the apartment at the same time 9-12 guests. Over time, when you reach a net profit, you can buy out several neighboring apartments and thereby expand your business. Before you open a hostel in an apartment, you need to make a good repair and equip all rooms in accordance with the requirements of the SES and the fire inspection. We hope you have received an exhaustive answer to the question of whether it is possible to open a hostel in an apartment building.

Activity registration

Now let's talk about how to legally open a hostel in an apartment. Working illegally will not work, because huge fines can be imposed on you. Therefore, before starting such an activity, register an individual entrepreneur or LLC. It will not take you much time and money.

In addition, before you open a hostel from scratch in an apartment, as mentioned above, you need to carefully study all the requirements of the SES and firefighters. To avoid any problems in the future, be sure to familiarize yourself with the laws on tourism activities.

If you open a hostel in a residential area, you will have to conclude an agreement with each guest and issue it as a separate registration card. To simplify your life, you can transfer an apartment to a non-residential fund. Another requirement is a separate entrance to the institution and the written consent of all neighbors. In principle, this is all that is needed to open a hostel in an apartment.

Repair and equipment

The arrangement of a mini-hotel is a separate issue that requires a serious approach. There are special rules here, without which you will not be able to open your institution. First of all, for one person living in a hostel, 5-6 square meters should be allocated. meters of area. You also need to consider that one washbasin is designed for six guests, a toilet for twelve people and a shower cabin for fifteen guests.

If you want to open a hostel in a residential building, be sure to take care of soundproofing. This will help you avoid problems with guests and neighbors. In addition, provide high-quality heating, ventilation and lighting of rooms. Select one free room and arrange a relaxation area in it. Place a comfortable sofa, a few armchairs, a TV and a table for games in the room. It is also advisable to purchase an inexpensive laptop and a Wi-Fi adapter.

In a multi-bed room, it is better to put bunk beds. The kitchen should have kitchen furniture, as well as a refrigerator, coffee maker, microwave and washing machine. In the bathroom you need to install a shower, 2-3 washbasins and a toilet. Before equipping a bathroom, you need to make a quality repair in it.

So, let's calculate how much it costs to open a hostel?

Furniture and equipment:

  • Beds - 10-15 thousand rubles;
  • Refrigerator - 15 thousand rubles;
  • Coffee maker - 2 thousand rubles;
  • Microwave - 3 thousand rubles;
  • Kitchen furniture - 15 thousand rubles;
  • Washing machine -8 thousand rubles;
  • Shower cabin - 11 thousand rubles;
  • Washbasins and toilet bowl - 7 thousand rubles;
  • Repair of a bathroom - 30 thousand rubles.

In total, about 110 thousand rubles and more will have to be spent on the arrangement of the hostel. The amount will depend on the area of ​​​​the premises, the quality of repairs and furniture and other characteristics. If you are ready for such expenses, you can safely get down to business.

A hostel is a great option, because during a crisis people start to save money and therefore prefer to stay in cheap hotels. Before setting up a hostel in it, think carefully again. If you do not have enough time to engage in such a business, you can buy luxury housing and rent it out to foreigners. According to experts, such activities in some cases bring more profit than hostels.


Everyone knows that the demand and popularity of an institution largely depends on the quality of service. If you want the hostel to bring good profits, you need to take a responsible approach to the choice of staff.

For a small establishment, it is enough to hire a manager, an administrator and 1-2 maids. If financial possibilities allow you, invite a cook and a kitchen assistant to work.

The administrator is the face of the hotel. He is engaged in the reception of guests and their accommodation. For this position, you need to find a responsive sociable person. It is desirable that he own English language in case foreigners move in.

Financial investments

It is not so easy to say exactly how much money is needed to open such a business. Beginners who are interested in how to open a hostel in a private house can promote such a business with minimum investment. But in order to implement a larger project with the purchase of a franchise, you will have to raise a large start-up capital. It is also difficult to determine the payback period. It largely depends on which city you want to open a business in, how well the location is chosen, as well as on the pricing policy of your institution. Before you open a hostel in a non-residential premises, you need to perform preliminary calculations according to the following scheme:
  • Rent - 10 thousand dollars;
  • Arrangement of rooms - 12 thousand dollars;
  • Purchase of household appliances - 8 thousand dollars;
  • Salary to employees - 3 thousand dollars;
  • Paperwork - $ 500;
  • Advertising - $500;
  • Additional expenses - 2 thousand dollars.

This example shows that the minimum entry threshold for this business is approximately $36,000. If you own your own property, you can exclude rental costs.

In general, this is enough, which brings a decent stable profit. If you're still in doubt, buy a franchise. Work under the wing famous brand is a win-win option that will allow you to achieve a quick payback.


In large cities, one bed costs 8–14 dollars per day. If you accommodate 15 guests daily, you can earn an average of $4,500 per month. But, as a general rule, hostels have around 60% occupancy, which means you'll be making a steady monthly income of around $2,300.

If you subtract from this amount the cost of utilities and paying taxes, there will be approximately 2 thousand dollars. This is enough, because during the crisis, the incomes of the population began to decline, so not only traveling youth began to settle in hostels, but also adults with a small income.

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Customer acquisition

If you want a business to bring good profit, one desire, I want to open a hostel, is not enough. First of all, you need to take care of an effective advertising campaign.

The best advertising for a hostel is the recommendation of your friends and acquaintances, as well as promotion through various student clubs and Internet conferences. In addition, you can place advertisements on international sites. Another effective method promotions are business cards and leaflets. They can be distributed at airports, railway stations, cafes and various educational institutions, that is, wherever there may be potential clients. Many hostel owners place advertisements on online booking services. This service is inexpensive, about 200-300 rubles per month, so it is quite affordable for start-up entrepreneurs.

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