How to make money on Instagram with your products. Ways to make money as a beginner on Instagram without investment. How to start making money on Instagram ads - strategies


08.03.2018 Lyubov Chushenko

The social network Instagram, which was created in 2010, has become a powerful trading platform in a few years. People have a chance not only to share their personal publications through this application, but now they can fully earn money through it. One of effective methods earning money through the Internet has become advertising.

Many large trading companies had to revise their sales policies. The number of viewers of such a site reaches 100 million users every month, and all of them are potential customers.

Features of earning on advertising on Instagram

Earnings on promotion in posts is the publication of photos of products of famous brands. But before that, you need to attract advertisers and win their respect and trust. Therefore, the matter must be approached as responsibly as possible.

There are several options for earning income through advertising. The most common ones are the creation in your own block of reviews of company products and PR of items and services using a personal example.

The key to success is the active position of the page creator. Participation in comments, dialogue with potential clients- all this gives confidence to the visitors of your page in the veracity of the recommendations you have given.

Promotion through trusted exchanges guarantees the absence of fraud on the part of both the account creator and the advertiser.

Compliance with the latest trends contributes to getting into the top wave of Instagram, which tremendously increases the chances of revenue.

Ways to make money from ads

Pros have developed several options for generating income through the placement of advertising posts.

The most effective of them: direct cooperation with selling accounts, receiving a percentage of sales for posting the necessary material on your page and creating posts through special exchanges.

Method 1. Interaction with the advertiser directly

The most convenient and easiest way to work on Instagram. You do not have to look for advertisers yourself, you just need to place information about cooperation, prices and contact details in the profile header. It remains only to consider incoming proposals for placing ready-made texts on your page.

The absence of third parties in the system simplifies the process, which is convenient for both parties.

Method 2: Affiliate Marketing

The method operates through platforms such as (remuneration for sales sometimes reaches 1000 rub.),,

Affiliate marketing has a number of benefits:

  • there is no need to independently create a product for implementation;
  • sometimes you don't even need a website;
  • cost minimization;
  • the possibility of obtaining ready-made schemes and promotion tools from the manufacturer of the product;
  • there is no need to build a sales system;
  • there are practically no risks for all participants in the process;
  • for distribution, you can use several products from different creators.

Method 3. Publication of posts through special exchanges

There is always more trust in real examples, so the chance of this promotion system functioning is quite high. Many brand companies use reviews to review their products on instagram. Some even send products to customers so that they share with followers the secret of using this or that tool in publications.

The link allows you to freely go directly to the store and make a purchase. Payment for advertising is negotiated on an individual basis. Usually it depends on the number of subscribers who clicked on the link in the description.

What affects the cost of ads on Instagram

There are several factors that determine the level of income.

It is important that the account has its own audience, which will be interested in what they are offered. The creator needs to be able to actively maintain the performance of his page, communicate with visitors, and answer questions.

Number of subscribers

A few years ago, when Instagram did not yet have such popularity, a page was considered promoted if there were more than 200 people in the subscriptions. But now this is not enough, advertisers are ready to pay money to those account holders whose news has been subscribed to by at least 10,000 "live" pages.

Of course, there is an option to artificially cheat subscriptions, but in this case, it is possible that a large number of bots will not be able to provide demand for your user page among advertising customers.

Demographic characteristics, gender and age of the audience

The gender and age characteristics, interests and location of the people following you largely determine the success of the account. If the age category is suitable for a particular product you offer, then both the success of the promotion and the demand for the product are guaranteed.

Your activity and ability to sell

To increase the chances of attracting large advertisers, you need to actively engage in the promotion of your page. Interaction with subscribers will increase interest in you.

Make it a rule to update content, post photos daily and accompany them interesting stories that will attract and interest other people. It is important to encourage people to subscribe and read you every day.

How to start making money with Instagram ads - step by step guide

Almost anyone who knows how to use this simple application can figure out how the advertising platform on Instagram works. In order for the account to start making a profit, you need to try and work hard on it. Earnings are possible only after passing three main steps.

Step 1. We create a concept for the future advertising profile

At the first stage, you need to decide on a topic that it is advisable to reveal to your future audience. The right direction is the guarantee of success. You need to be good at what you are talking about.

Pros advise choosing narrow topics, rather than general hackneyed categories that will not cause people to be interested.

Step 2. We create and promote an account

A beautifully designed blog will attract the attention of the target audience, because everyone knows that "they are met by clothes." On the initial stage increase in popularity will have to make some investment in advertising. This will help you get followers.

You can promote your account using special promotion services. Leave a link to it in all in social networks, ask to untwist you all acquaintances.

Passive income will begin to flow only after significant promotion costs. Usually it takes about 20-40 thousand rubles.

Step 3. We are looking for clients for advertising and monetize the profile

When the photo blog is ready, the audience is selected, the page is filled with interesting and useful information, it's time to take care of finding clients for advertising.

Monetizing your profile is easy. Become a member of the affiliate program and you will have a chance to make good money with very little effort.

You can learn more about how to monetize your profile in this video:

TOP 5 sites for making money on advertising on Instagram

The demand for promotion services has given rise to the emergence of a huge number of exchanges and services specializing in this issue. Exchanges are intermediary services that connect advertisers with performers.

The advantage of an automated system is the confidence in receiving the promised fee for your work. The client, on the other hand, receives guarantees that all the specified conditions will be met and his advertising company will start working within the specified time.


One of the most convenient exchanges for generating income. Feedback from users is mostly positive. Actively cooperates with customers of various social networks.

To receive money, you need to respond to applications and complete the tasks of advertisers.

Exchange features:

  1. Regular content updates.
  2. Payouts to WebMoney wallet.
  3. The profile has special requirements.
  4. Ability to work from mobile devices.
  5. There are transaction statistics.


It is possible to choose customers from the proposed list or independently respond to their proposals. The service serves as a guarantor of receipt of payment. A special panel allows you to work simultaneously with several accounts. Three violations of the established rules lead to profile blocking.

The right to use the exchange is available to owners whose pages have more than 300 subscribers.


The system provides for a free exchange of advertising posts and is positioned as one of the most reliable. Cash of the customer are subject to "freezing" until the fulfillment of the requirements by the contractor. Profile holders themselves set the cost for services.

Active promotion of the affiliate program of the project occurs in two ways:

  • receiving a referral link from the service and its subsequent placement;
  • contact details of those who may be interested in the information.


Significant features of the program - the presence of minimum requirements - to place ads, the user must have at least 500 followers and 50 posted posts. Clients are provided with full reporting, support service assistance, the ability to make secure payments and save time.


  1. Automatic verification of placements.
  2. Convenient filter for searching publics.
  3. All advertising posts are moderated.
  4. Payment guarantee.


Service that works on publics in instagram. The activity of the referral and the number of his subscribers determine the level of income. The "Item for review" format is being implemented. That is, as payment, the contractor receives the products. To be allowed to work in the system, you must have at least 500 subscriptions. Each transaction is evaluated separately and the cost is set by the blogger.

In addition to exchanges, there are many systems for making money on Instagram. For example, the service Doinsta. You can understand the essence and effectiveness of its work through a brief overview.

Doinsta— one of the most simple and convenient services. Outwardly, it looks quite attractive, which encourages the study of the system.

Profit is received for likes, subscriptions, unsubscribes and auto-unsubscribes. Only those profiles that have an avatar and meet the requirements for the number of subscriptions and subscribers are allowed to use the program. The user account must be public and belong to a person, not a business project.

Like any program, Doinsta has its advantages and disadvantages.


  • attractive design;
  • advice and guidance for beginners;
  • no additional storage is required, all data is in the cloud;
  • there is an auto-unsubscribe function when the allowed number of outgoing subscriptions is reached.


  • limited functionality;
  • high cost of services provided;
  • there are no statistics on the quality of promotion.

The mechanics of work: an account is added and an action is selected for it. It is permissible to perform several operations at once, for example, put likes and subscribe. Based on the set settings, the panel "effectiveness of promotion settings" is filled.

Each function is described in detail, which is convenient for beginners.

How much can you earn from advertising

The question "how much?" is not entirely correct, since the range of prices for advertising services is large and depends on many reasons. So, the status of the user is of decisive importance. Celebrities set the acceptable price tag for their services themselves, so it cannot be said that it is clearly set. For different people, the tariff will be completely different.

The prices on the respective exchanges are as follows:

  1. If there are less than 10,000 subscribers, one publication is paid for 500 rubles.
  2. If up to 100,000 people subscribe to the account, the post will cost up to 15,000 rubles.
  3. Up to 500,000 people - the amount of payment varies from 25 to 50 thousand rubles.
  4. If the number of viewers exceeds 500 thousand, it is possible to receive up to 100 thousand rubles for one ad.

In our country, public people have the highest fees - actors, TV presenters, pop stars. They get up 250 000 rubles for advising their audience to purchase a particular product.

The amount of profit per month depends on the number of placed advertising photo publications. It will be different for every actor.

Not only the number of subscriptions matters, but also the activity of people, the number of likes. Not always an account with a large arsenal of viewers will receive a significant number of offers from advertisers. Advertisers almost at first glance recognize pages with "whacked" users: such an audience will not bring the planned income and increase demand for the services offered.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Today we’ll talk about additional ways to make money on the Internet for beginners and pros, namely about instagram and what methods really work there.

From the article you can find out for yourself the following:

  • How to earn real money on Instagram without investments and where to start?
  • On what and how much do Runet bloggers earn?
  • What ways of earning can you use for yourself?

Modern technologies are developing in huge steps, at the same time, new options for doing business are emerging. Many readers are familiar with Instagram, but at the same time they do not suspect what kind of money is spinning there. In this article we will try to explain how to make money on Instagram and how profitable it is.

Is it possible for a beginner to make money on Instagram and where to start: TOP 5 tips

Instagram began to be actively considered as an additional source of income in 2015. Entrepreneurs realized how effective it is to show their products to the client through photos and videos.

The popularity and advertising effectiveness of the social network is increasing every year. Unfortunately, aspiring entrepreneurs only grab the idea of ​​earning money and quickly lose motivation. To prevent this, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with our recommendations.

#1: Start with a promotion plan

Young businessmen seek to organize earnings on the Internet without investments. Passive income is one of the most attractive, but it takes a lot of effort and time to develop it.

Any business requires financial investments. Practice shows that more initial capital the faster it pays off. In addition to money, it is important to take care of drawing up a development plan. For social networks, it is customary to call it a content plan.

Start by developing a plan to promote your content. Specify in it:

  • Sources of profit (to which partner you want to go);
  • How much do you plan to earn?
  • Blog topic;
  • What is the target audience (describe age, gender, purchasing power, etc.);
  • What topics need to be done (content plan);
  • What should be spent on at the start;
  • Where and how to advertise your account.

Everyone needs this plan. Write down the points in as much detail as possible for yourself. The more clarifying factors are created, the easier it is to develop in the future.

#2: Optimize your media content

If viewers do not want to watch publications, partners will stop paying. The main task on Instagram is to interest the viewer and keep his interest in further publications.

Communicate with the audience and find out what interests them more. You can track trends using likes, comments, and other activity. An excellent indicator is 50+ likes and 3+ comments from 1000 subscribers.

Optimization means increasing user activity. This is achieved by various methods, some of them are:

  • Improving the quality of images;
  • Using SEO optimization (, signatures etc.);
  • Creation of new ideas for promotion;
  • Mailing of letters;
  • Competitions with prizes;
  • Communication with the audience.

#3: Watch your stats

To notice the productivity of innovations, you need to keep statistics. The following services are great for this:

These applications allow you to analyze the effectiveness of the promotion using graphs and statistics.

#4: Follow the rules of Instagram and advertisers

In order not to get banned, strictly follow the rules of Instagram and fulfill your obligations to advertisers. These 2 recommendations are quite simple, but many people break them and ruin their reputation. The result is loss of profit.

The simplest example is a shadowban. It is received for:

  • Theft of other people's pictures;
  • Nude intimate places;
  • Violence;
  • Weight loss promotion;
  • Sharing your profile with others;
  • Low quality photo.

There are restrictions on promotion, if you go over the limit of likes, subscriptions, comments per day (1000 pcs.), You get a ban. You can get acquainted with the conditions on the official website. Or in the "Settings" section in the smartphone application.

#5: Don't chase money, quality and reputation are above

Some of the readers came to this page looking for a way to get rich quick on instagram. Unfortunately, there is no easy money. Try not to chase a profitable one in the first steps.

Prioritize the quality of publications, and then evaluate the potential profit. Companies will be more enthusiastic about making a good deal with an interesting and unorthodox installer than with a guy/girl who is only looking for profit.

Big bloggers who are famous now have achieved their heights due to the quality of the material and a good reputation. And those who want quick money (black PR and hype) are quickly losing popularity.

How much can you earn on instagram with 2000, 10000 or 20000 followers

It is impossible to unambiguously answer this question. The price per post is made up of:

  • The quality of publications;
  • Advertising effectiveness;
  • Solvency of viewers;
  • Account promotion (number of views);
  • Advertiser specific requirements.

With 2 and 10 thousand signatories, especially large fees should not be expected. But with 20,000 you can consistently receive up to 5,000 rubles a month. With 50 thousand subscribers, you can sell from 5 to 10 thousand rubles per month. Much depends on the solvency of the viewers.

  • Ksenia Sobchak - from 250;
  • Olga Buzova - 200;
  • Katya Clap - 100;
  • Alena Vodonaeva - 70;
  • Anastasia Volkova - 50.

These are amounts for just 1 photo with information about a commercial product. A couple of publications and a million in the account.

How bloggers make money on Instagram and on what

Large sums of money are circulating on the social network. A logical question arises how to make money on instagram. The main part of the income is advertising of other people's products. In addition to goods, you can advertise cafes, restaurants, clubs, cities, festivals, etc.

As an option. The popular athlete maintains his Instagram, where photos and videos of his training are regularly posted. And periodically (1-2 times a month) the character gets a stylish T-shirt. He does not directly talk about the purchase, but at the same time, the company logo is clearly visible in the photograph. The user is interested in the brand and orders a jacket.

How to make money on Instagram: TOP 8 ways to earn money without investment

A feature of the earnings of public figures (bloggers, photo models, athletes, etc.) is that they can remain in the shadows for a long time and not pay back the costs. Their salary directly depends on popularity and fame.

No. 1. Selling your goods and services

If a blogger has some kind of hobby or main occupation, then the social network can become an additional source of traffic. This method is used by freelancers and companies. They periodically post the results of their work or interesting thoughts, and as a result I attract future clients.

A popular motivational blogger wears his brand's clothes all the time. He does not directly hint at this, but at the same time, the brand icon, his ideologies fit exactly into the theme of his video. This is an example of advertising their products.

No. 2. Product Advertising

One of the most famous and effective methods. When an account is well known, it builds part of its income on advertising. For example, once a month, a girl will go to a beauty salon with a 50% discount, and from each new client who pays for the services she will receive part of the profit.

At Sobchak on the page you can find overt advertising of products. She directly calls to taste the drink and describe her feelings. For this post, judging by her rates, he received more than 250,000 rubles.

Number 3. Affiliate programs (sale of goods)

In the early stages, the insta-blogger is not known to anyone, so he often needs the help of affiliate programs. In fact, this is the same point 2, the only difference is that you often have to look for an affiliate program yourself and work on their terms.

Some offers from partner networks. These sites have hundreds of affiliate programs at once:

  • light;
  • adcombo.

In addition, almost all brands offer an affiliate program. It is enough to go to the product website and write to the company with your offer of cooperation.

No. 4. Administration of other people's accounts

As a rule, when the business starts to gain momentum, you have to hire additional staff. You can find some instabloger and offer him your services in administering his account.

The task consists of the following actions:

  • Regular posting;
  • Analysis of statistics;
  • Communication with subscribers;
  • Filtering comments;
  • Creation of new ideas;
  • Search and cooperation with advertisers;
  • Photo/video editing.

The main task is to maintain the quality of the content. You can find a similar job freelance marketplaces. You can also hire an employee from friends or personally write your offer to the installer by mail.

No. 5. Promotion of other accounts

Starting an Instagram business is one of the most difficult stages. As a rule, the initial promotion takes a lot of time. To speed up this period, businessmen hire people who will expand their subscriber base. Their functions include:

  • Content optimization;
  • Search for new subscribers;
  • SEO optimization;
  • Partnership with other bloggers;
  • Increased activity (likes, comments, replies).

Many of the novice install bloggers use. This is one of the easiest and fastest promotion methods. At first, this is forgivable and even useful, but later you need to get rid of dead accounts. It is important for the advertiser that his products are advertised as useful as possible. If he sees that out of 100,000 subscribers, only 10,000 have viewed an advertising post, then he will eventually refuse services.

Cheat is useful at the first stages, but do not order bots. At best, the number of purchased subscribers should not exceed 10% of the total viewer base.

No. 6. Become a fashion model

This tangentially applies to Instagram, but in today's world, fashion models are increasingly getting the main income from social networks. The task is to create a beautiful appearance and then act in advertising covers of various products.

For example, a Russian fashion model Kristina Pimenova . She receives money for photography, and posts part of her work on Instagram. With her photographs, she attracts new customers to cooperate with her.

No. 7. Sale of promoted accounts

This option is similar to purchasing ready business. The user does not need to engage in a set of subscribers for a long time, instead he buys a ready-made account on a given topic and continues its development.

On the Internet you can find different stores with similar offers, some of them:

  • Instaline;
  • salegroups;
  • Accmarket (accounts-sale);
  • trade groups;
  • insta-trade.

No. 8. For schoolchildren and clickers (likes and subscriptions)

The last of the options is the least profitable and. Earnings are built on likes and subscribers. We go to one of the promotion exchanges and get a job as an employee:

  • Vktaget;
  • Qcomment;
  • Soclike.

You need to like, comment and subscribe to users. For each action they pay from 0.5 to 10 rubles. If you try, you can earn up to 100 rubles per day. We recommend using this method for users who cannot find themselves in another niche.

Schoolchildren will not be given difficult work, but they will be able to work a little through clicks and simple actions. You sit on Instagram and still get paid for it. Good suggestion.

Conclusion + Video

In this review, we looked at how to make money on Instagram. This is not so difficult work and everyone can try themselves in this area. It is enough to create an account and think over a plan for its development. Income directly depends on the promotion of the account, and if you try, then in a couple of months you can get your first income of 5,000-10,000 rubles.

Watch a short video to consolidate what you read:

Hi guys! In touch I am Alexander Aparin. And today I want to continue the topic of making money on the Internet, but this time with the help of social networks. Speaking specifically, we will consider such a topic as: making money on Instagram, where to start for a beginner? Consider the first steps and ways to earn money in it. I also made a selection of training courses on Instagram for you.

Instagram today is one of the most promising social networks. Therefore, my advice is to study it in all directions, to invest in knowledge. Only in this way will it be possible to find your effective path. And for my part, I will tell you how you can make money with Instagram, where to start. I will note right away that there is no “magic pill”, thanks to which money will flow to you like a river in an instant. Everything needs work, the development of certain tactics and an action plan, and of course time.

How to start making money on Instagram

A high-quality and popular Instagram is distinguished by a unified design, high-quality and interesting content, and a strong marketing strategy.

Consider the main points where to start when working with Instagram:

  • Setting up a target audience profile. It is very important for whom the account will be maintained, knowing your target audience, there will be no problems with selecting the right content. And this is the key to the effectiveness of the profile.
  • Create an account. It is recommended to make the account name sonorous and simple. Names that reflect the essence of the profile are considered more ideal. When creating a personal account, use your first and last name. If you are creating a profile for a business, such as a store, then it is best to use the brand name in the name. Before you start working, transfer your profile to a business account.
  • Profile design. Creation appearance account is best to start with an avatar. It should be beautiful and bright, attracting attention. Further description in the profile header, it should be easy to read and catchy.
  • Drawing up a content plan. Depending on what your audience is interested in, make a plan according to which posts will be published. The content plan contains the topics of articles, posts, the date and time of their release. With such a plan, it will be easy not to get lost in a huge amount of information and get your account up and running.
  • Account maintenance. Be sure to select high-quality and interesting pictures and videos for maintaining a profile. Ideally, they should be executed in the same style, the style of your business account. Daily, competent publications are of great value.
  • Analyze. Be sure to evaluate your work for likes, reposts, saves, number of views and subscribers. This will help you understand if you are moving in the right direction.
  • Promotion. Here you need to think over a certain strategy for promoting your profile. It can be advertising, hashtags, stories, service methods, targeted advertising, advertising in other social networks, giveaways, blogger advertising.

To create a profitable and popular profile with thousands of subscribers, you need to think over a topic, a content plan, steps that will be of interest to your target audience. In order for people to return again and again, it is necessary to give usefulness and convince of their professionalism.

Earning opportunities on Instagram

Instagram is a phenomenal social network. She has been able to gain immense popularity all over the world and her fame continues to grow. Therefore, it is a great tool to use in your business. For him, this is a huge sales channel and creating a personal brand.

There are many opportunities to make money on Instagram, it is not only selling goods and services. Consider the most effective ways.

Likes and subscriptions for money.

Let's start the analysis with the simplest method of all, which we will consider today. This is earning on likes and subscriptions. The system is quite simple, you need to find people who are willing to pay for likes and subscriptions and then put hearts under their posts.

Unfortunately, you won’t earn much with such services, earnings can be up to 5 rubles. Most likely, this work can be called work for schoolchildren. A lot of knowledge is not required for this, but even if you find the necessary customers, you can rise to 100-200 rubles a day. Such earnings on Instagram can be the first step towards a great discovery and knowledge of the system and will help you understand that this is not fiction, but real money.

And now consider the collection of likes and subscribers through the eyes of an entrepreneur. In order to promote a profile on Instagram, you need the right approach that will allow you to achieve good followers. But this is not a one month job. As practice shows, promotion takes from six months to three years.

Only attracting subscribers is not enough, they must be retained. And well-designed content will help in this. With such earnings, a personal brand is being built on social networks. It is difficult to estimate the income of promoted and advanced instablogers, for some, the placement of one post reaches a cost of half a million rubles.

Most main secret successful entrepreneurs on Instagram who have been able to earn millions. It's not about waiting for immediate financial returns. Instagram needs to be started long before this very economic efficiency you will need.

You can wind up likes both live and with the help of various services.


If you managed to gain a sufficient number of subscribers, then earning money on advertising will be quite easy on Instagram. Of course, it should be noted that the larger the audience of your profile, the higher the payment you can charge when placing ads.

The system is very simple:

  • you need to create an attractive photo or video;
  • choose the right hashtags;
  • leave a link in the post to promote the advertised product;
  • place a post on your promoted page;
  • advertising is running, you get money.

The main thing in this method of earning is to have an account with more than 10,000 subscribers. Well, the search for an employer, you can search for him both on your own and wait until he becomes interested in your account. Or with the help of special services.

The most common services for buying and selling advertising:


After studying them, your eyes will be opened to making money with the help of the social network Instagram.

Selling your services and products

Due to its wide popularity, Instagram has attracted many entrepreneurs looking to sell their services or products. The range of services is so wide that the conclusion unobtrusively suggests itself, Instagram has everything.

Why is it so attractive for business:

  • a fairly active audience, and even solvent;
  • easy advertising of your brand, acceptable price-quality ratio;
  • creating an Instagram page and transferring it to a business account is absolutely no problem, which is much easier than running a website or an online store. Plus direct communication with the interested public.

They mainly sell their services and products through Instagram. Most requested:

  • clothing and footwear;
  • cosmetics;
  • Food;
  • legal services;
  • trainings;
  • psychologist services;
  • photographers Service;
  • design services;
  • all kinds entertainment centers, bars, restaurants attracting customers through a social network;
  • cosmetology and hairdressing services, nail services;
  • internet services.

This list is endless. You are required to qualitatively design your page, which will attract potential customers. Spread periodically useful information about your product or service. It is desirable to have your positive feedback.

Sale of other people's goods and services

One of the most simple ways to make a profit, you can consider selling your own goods and services through affiliate programs. An affiliate program is a collaboration between a business owner and the owner of a blog, website, page in social networks that will promote this product.

All that is needed for this is to find the necessary product that you want to offer to your subscribers, take an affiliate link to this product. Then use this link to recommend her on your Instagram profile or create a separate concise post for her. For the sale of these goods and services, you will receive your commission.

  1. — the best cashback service.
  2. - (mostly a product affiliate program) I use it myself, you can see the review.
  3. is the best financial affiliate network.

It should be noted here that earnings through affiliate networks can range from 600 rubles. for one sale of goods, up to several thousand.

Promote accounts for money

To make it more clear, let's call it earnings for the promotion of other profiles. Promoting accounts is another way to make some decent money on Instagram. But for this you need to have certain skills, for example, be able to process photos, design pages, use special services for promotion, and be able to compose high-quality content.

Many entrepreneurs who understand how much profit can be made by attracting people to this social network, first of all, they need high-quality specialists to promote their company, brand, firm. Entrepreneurs interested in promoting their product, in its targeted advertising, most often resort to the services of a professional who knows his business.

The list of those responsible for promoting a profile on Instagram includes:

  • the ability to arrange the page in a single design style;
  • follow the content plan and make thematic posts on a regular basis;
  • conduct correspondence in Direct with potential customers, be polite;
  • periodically SEO optimize the profile;
  • promote the page with ads;
  • to achieve the activity of subscribers;
  • cooperate with well-known bloggers, negotiate advertising, organize joint contests.

I would like to note that choosing a blogger for advertising is not an easy task. First of all, you need to find a blogger who has the target audience you need. And it doesn’t have to be a star with a million subscribers, bloggers with up to 150,000 subscribers have a much warmer audience. Be sure to analyze the blogger's account, all his posts, comments on posts, communication should be live, not just advertising. And of course, discuss in advance all the subtleties of the work performed, the number of posts, photos, when the publication will take place. It is important that the work is done well.

The average cost of maintaining an Instagram account varies from 5,000 to 20,000 rubles, it depends on your specific responsibilities. This is with minimal effort. If you find 2-3 companies whose profile you will be engaged in, then earnings will increase significantly. Count yourself!

Scheme of earning without investments

The scheme of earning money without investments, as a rule, consists in working with, which we have already talked about above.

This happens in several stages:

  1. Choose one of any partner sites (listed above).
  2. Register there.
  3. After registration, you are assigned a personal identifier, which will need to be added to the link to a particular advertised product.
  4. Choose a more attractive product or service and advertise.
  5. After the user clicks on your link and fulfills all the necessary conditions (making a purchase, registering), you receive your percentage of the affiliate transaction.

This scheme has both advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand, you do not need to invest money, invent, develop something, be responsible for the final product, because. it lies directly with the manufacturer (seller). On the other hand, this is not such a big income and the inability to control clicks on your link.

earnings training

The first impression is that learning how to make money on Instagram is a very difficult and impossible task. But this is not so, any skill can be learned in a month or two. You can learn everything on your own or with the help of special courses, thanks to which you will quickly acquire high-quality skills.


Friends, I wish you good luck in all your endeavors. I hope that my article was useful to you and I at least dispelled your fears of the unknown. As we can see, absolutely anyone who has a desire can master earnings on Instagram, so you figured out where to start your first steps. All you need is time, be patient and move in small steps towards a big result. And remember that the best investments are investments in your development.

Goodbye! The best gratitude from you is if you share the article with your friends and leave a comment.

Sincerely, Alexander!

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Instagram violently broke into our lives and confidently pressed the social networks that existed in it. Despite the fact that Instagram appeared much later than Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki, Facebook, it now occupies a leading position in terms of the number of users.

The cream is shot by popular singers, actors, presenters, show business stars. Fans are interested in watching them through the application. There are fresh photos and news from their personal lives.

And where there is a large, active audience that regularly interacts with the owner of a popular account, leaving their comments and likes, there are also advertisers who are willing to pay for the star to mention their product in their feed.

From here came the easiest and most popular way to make money on Instagram - earnings on advertising. In this article, we have collected 10 different ways to make money on Instagram. To receive money from this social network, it is not necessary to be a show business star. Anyone can earn money.

We tried to prepare exactly such instructions that will be available to an ordinary person who does not have super-talents. After studying the article, you can try on each of the options and understand what suits you best, what you are predisposed to. And then, having chosen the desired path, we will guide you through the steps to the first money.

If suddenly we do not succeed, we will be extremely grateful if you leave feedback in the comments so that we try to improve this material and add details. Arranges? Then let's get down to business!

A Brief History of Instagram

Instagram is a media social network founded in 2010. Active growth of the audience occurred in 2015. According to the latest data from the company, the mobile application has been installed by more than 1 billion people, only on Android devices, not counting iOS and Windows.

Initially, it was assumed that Instagram will be a mobile application that allows you to save photos in an album. Over time, the priorities for the development of the social network have changed. Now this is not just a primitive photo album. This is a whole tool for self-expression and business. With many ways to monetize a variety of projects.

Instagram facts

This option is one of the most effective ways to promote your account. At the end of 2017, Instagram released an update with double feeds. It became possible to stream together, simultaneously exchanging the audience.

This function is both an enemy and a friend - depending on whose hands it is used. Instagram algorithms are working to improve content by forcibly disabling uninteresting posts. In order not to fall out of the feed of subscribers, it is enough to follow a few recommendations, which we will talk about later.

The ranking of the feed is affected by the totality of all algorithm parameters that are hidden from users. The main recommendation: fill your posts with useful and unique information that I will read, like and comment on.

3 Media space of active use

More than 4.2 billion likes are placed daily. This indicator represents how actively people use the mobile application.

In the screenshot, you can see that Instagram is one of the ten most popular social networks in the world, as of the beginning of 2018.

4 No full PC version

The developers never created a version for personal computer. Users were presented only with a web version, which was significantly limited in functionality.

The web version of Instagram looks like this:

5 Instagram is not standing still

On Instagram, there are two scenarios. Either the growth of the account, or marking time and subsequent degradation. It is impossible to stay at a certain stage of development for a long time.

Advantages of Instagram over other social networks

Instagram gives you the opportunity to express yourself to the whole world with the help of photos, videos and interesting texts.

  • Audience engagement;
  • niche market;
  • Fast and affordable monetization of projects.

Important! Engagement (ER) is a parameter that characterizes the popularity of an account. Measured in percentage. Calculated according to the formula:

ER = Likes + Comment's / Reach * 100%

Where, Likes - likes, Comment's - comments, Reach - coverage. A good indicator of ER would be at least 2%.

Online engagement calculation (ER) can be done in the LiveDune service.

We specifically focused your attention on the concept of engagement, since this term will continue to be encountered regularly, and if you want to master earnings on Instagram, then you first need to familiarize yourself with this important indicator, it greatly affects the account, and then we will tell you how and why.

The screenshot shows the statistics of the most popular bloggers, including Olga Buzova. Over 1 million subscribers, a good indicator of ER would be at least 2%.

The following example shows an account with an ER of 8%. Russia has 14-year-old boy who successfully sells kittens abroad. The cost of one copy is 1500 dollars. Since insta is a public social network, photos with his kittens are scattered all over the world, due to the publications of clients. Word of mouth in this case is great for promoting the product. Note that he only has 7,945 followers, but that doesn't stop him from selling animals for an impressive price.

How much do top bloggers earn?

The income of bloggers on Instagram from the CIS countries reaches 10 million rubles. In the US or Canada, this is considered the usual amount of an average blogger.

1 Popular model Alena Esipova maintains a personal Instagram account with 616,000 followers. The main source of income is advertising publications. The average monthly income is about 400 thousand rubles.

2 TV presenter Dom-2, Olga Buzova is the Russian record holder in terms of the number of subscribers. She has over 12 million followers. Earns by posting advertisements. The monthly check is approaching 10 million rubles. One publication for clients costs 400-500 thousand rubles.

3 Sergei Shnurov, a member of the Leningrad group, the owner of a 3 million audience. Account monetization takes place in the form of advertising posts and promotion of your own concerts. According to approximate calculations, 3 million rubles a month come out.

How much can a regular blogger earn?

Here it is not the quantity of the audience that decides, but the quality. For example, it is possible to sell advertising from 1 thousand subscribers. The price for 1 subscriber fluctuates between 1-3 rubles. When creating a small subscriber base of 5-10 thousand, you can count on a stable income of 20,000 rubles per month.

To begin with, we will divide all bloggers into the following groups:

Bloggers' income of up to 100,000 subscribers depends on a competent content plan, which must be thought out in advance. It should include: advertising posts, life hacks, stories, tips. It is very important that photo and video formats alternate, this has a positive effect on engagement. The chosen method of monetization also affects the profitability.

There is a direct pattern between earnings and the quality of the audience. The customer is ready to pay only for a live and active audience. This means that the percentage of engagement for an account should not fall below 2-5%, depending on the number of audience.

To raise the level of engagement, you need to:

  • post unique content daily, at least once a day;
  • respond to comments on your posts in a timely manner;
  • share live stories regularly;
  • ask your audience for an opinion on an event, news or story, thus engaging it in a dialogue;
  • competently fill out the account profile (more on this in the section “Where to start making money on Instagram” - “Step Two”).

In addition, it is important to track statistics using special services and make adjustments. How to do it? This is discussed in detail in the "How to start making money on Instagram" section below in the "Step Five" and "Step Six" paragraphs.

The rules of involvement are:

  • up to 10,000 subscribers 8–10%;
  • 10,000-100,000 subscribers 6-8%;
  • 100,000–1,000,000 subscribers 4–6%;
  • over 1,000,000 subscribers 2–4%.

Let's fix it: the engagement of the audience of your account directly affects the amount of your earnings. Just coming up with a beautiful name for your account, making a cool avatar and uploading juicy pictures every day is not enough. Even if you have a million subscribers in this account, but they all react sluggishly to your materials, this will not bring you a lot of money.

If you are thinking about how to make money on Instagram, then first think about how you will influence your audience? How will you get her to interact with you? What content will get more likes and comments? If you have not yet decided on the niche of your future project, then reasoning about the involvement of followers will help you make a decision. We’ll talk more about how you can increase audience engagement later.

Useful fact The average price for the sale of an advertising post is calculated using the formula 2-3 rubles. for 10 subscribers.

Ways to earn money

This article breaks down the top 10 monetization methods:

  1. Earnings on affiliate programs
  2. Sale of goods
  3. Sale of services
  4. Account promotion
  5. Maintaining and administering accounts
  6. Creation and/or sale of graphics, photos, images for business accounts
  7. Earnings on likes, subscriptions and comments through special services
  8. Accounts sale
  9. User photo printing
  10. Create or sell stock photos for business accounts

Before choosing a monetization method, study potential . Create an Excel spreadsheet with four columns:

  • blogger name,
  • number of audience
  • monetization method,
  • the average number of likes and comments on the last 10 posts.

A proven way to analyze competitors

For example, let's take a group of accounts from the topic: “selling books”. Accounts differ in different ways of monetization, but with approximately the same number of audiences. Our table shows pages with up to ~11 thousand subscribers. To choose the best monetization method, it is enough to analyze 20-30 accounts.

After filling in the table, we see that the and @kiwi.losk accounts have the best ratio of indicators: the average number of likes and comments with the number of audience. From this we can conclude that advertising publications are best suited to monetize your account in this area.

However, this is not quite true. Perhaps competitors have built the wrong content plan and post posts that do not catch subscribers. Therefore, you should always monitor the ratio of the number of audience and average indicators: likes, comments.

If you sell any products, then you do not need to spam your followers' feed with constant advertising of your goods, products or services. You need to rely on informational and entertaining publications, and organically fit your products between them.

It is important to study the experience of competitors in order to understand how the audience reacts to a particular publication, what catches them, what makes them like and comment on posts. And based on this experience, build your own successful monetization and account development model.

IMPORTANT! Instagram pays only for an active audience. Bots and fakes spoil all profile statistics.

Method 1: Earnings on advertising

Earnings on advertising - will bring tangible income in the presence of a large audience. The essence of earning is simple, periodically the blogger posts photos and short description any product, service, event that was paid in advance by the advertiser.

Customers are most often searched for on specialized sites:

The screenshot shows earnings on the Plibber advertising platform.

At the beginning of the journey, users have to look for customers. Upon reaching 50 thousand audience, regular requests for cooperation begin to appear. SMM marketing experts agree that more than 2-5 advertising posts per week should not be posted. This has a negative effect on audience engagement. There are also exceptions. For example, native advertising is used 2-3 times more often.

The screenshot above illustrates the account of the popular model Anastasia Mikhailyuta, who has 132,000 followers. Basically, she publishes photos from life, but she does not forget about unobtrusive advertising posts. In this photo, she kind of hints to her audience so that people are interested and follow the hashtag. Agree, it is not immediately possible to understand that this is an advertising publication. After clicking on #vintagecandella, the user will be transferred to the list of all posts with this mention. And to enter the online store of candles will be an easy task, because. in the top with publications, there will be posts from the official account of this company. Yes, and in many other posts in the search, most likely, the official account of the seller is marked. This discreet way of advertising is suitable for those who sell unique items or services. The number of hashtag mentions should not exceed 1,000 mentions.

Many subscribers imitate their idols, want to be like them. Therefore, we are happy to buy the same candles. That's why advertisers love Instagram and actively promote their products and services there.

Before posting the first advertising post, it is recommended to activate the business mode in the Instagram account settings. This will allow you to track important statistics: engagement, reach, likes and comments. For clarity, it is proposed to read the instructions:

1 Go to the profile settings and select Connect to Company Profile:

2 We are greeted by the Instagram Business Welcome page, where we click Continue. Next, you need to select a Facebook page:

To link a personal Facebook page to an Instagram account, you must enter a password and login from your Facebook profile. There can be several profiles, in which case you need to choose the one that suits you the most, as here:

If there is no suitable profile in the list, you can create a new one. The screenshot below shows the Create Page item.

Then you need to provide contact information. You can choose one thing, such as an email address, or do not specify contacts at all.

After entering the data, Instagram will greet you with the words Welcome! And additional functions will appear in the profile: Analytics and the Promote button.

This data can be edited later. After switching to the company profile, detailed profile statistics open with the following parameters: likes, comments, views, engagement, publication saves, reach.

Statistics need to be analyzed daily. The main parameters reflecting the life of an account are engagement and coverage of the post. Make sure that there is no regression on these indicators. Every day, the numbers of the two key components should grow by 1-3%.

With the transition to a business account, detailed statistics of subscribers will become available:

The screenshot illustrates the audience activity hours.

This screenshot shows that the audience of the account is mainly 25-34-year-old women. The age range acts as a necessary filter to be analyzed.

This screenshot reflects the geolocation of your followers. You can see not only countries, but also cities.

After analyzing age, gender and place of residence, we can draw conclusions about what the audience wants to see. For example, if your main audience is women 25-34 years old from Moscow, offer exactly what they need. It could be like free shipping to Moscow, and publications affecting the events of the capital.

Companies doing business on the Internet are willing to pay for advertising. For example, an account with an audience of 50,000 subscribers will receive an average of 5,000-10,000 rubles per post, depending on engagement rates and post coverage. Before searching for an advertiser, work out the answers to all possible questions regarding your account.

The screenshot shows the prices for an advertising post, depending on the number of subscribers, daily audience growth and engagement:

Method 2: Earnings on affiliate programs

This method rather acts as an additional source of income. Affiliate programs should be implemented under the Target Audience. It is possible to calculate the target audience using statistical data after switching the account to a business profile.

Go to the profile settings using the "Edit" button. Next, paste the link in the Site field. The third step shows the result:

Please note that in the description under the photo, as well as in the comments to the post, you can specify links, but they will be inactive, which means that a person will not be able to click on them and go to the partner store. The follower can only copy the link from the text and enter it manually into the browser, which few people do. Therefore, in order to increase click-through, bloggers place affiliate links in their account description before posting, and then, at the end of the note, mention that the link to order the book is in the profile. You can only leave a clickable link in your profile.

Now consider the most popular affiliate exchanges:

Method 3: Selling goods

Selling goods is a common way to monetize around the world. It starts functioning already at the first 6-9 posts. When selling goods and services, it is necessary to draw up a content plan. This means that the topics of the posts should be thought out in advance. Selling posts are diluted with informative, fun and useful posts. Subject to the constant development of the account, the business will flourish rapidly.

The screenshot shows an example of how an online store sells bags:

List of current niches:

IMPORTANT! A store without prices is a bad store. The buyer (reader) should see the available price list before their eyes.

Method 4: Selling Services

The screenshot shows examples of business accounts in the service sector:

A case from one's life

A person provides the services of a foreign language tutor. In his profile, he publishes not only selling posts, but also helpful tips for training. This inspires confidence in the specialist and forms a strong bond between the seller and the buyer.

Method 5: Account promotion

Account promotion is a very popular service. The main goal is the promotion of other people's profiles, various paid and free methods.

An example of a price list for an smm specialist:

Income on the example of a famous blogger

Popular blogger Artem Senatorov has been promoting Instagram accounts for over 3 years. On its page, it sells training courses and consultations. For consultation receives 1-5 thousand rubles. More than 200 thousand are published per month, with a total number of subscribers - 216 thousand.

Pay attention to his avatar. It attracts attention, due to the icon with the broadcast, which you want to click on. This is just a picture, but it attracts interest when it hits the eye in the general search of Instagram. This clever trick can be used as an additional method of promoting your account for free.

You can earn money by promoting accounts both by working for yourself and by working for someone else.

  • Work for yourself

There are private promoters, as a rule, they are registered as individual entrepreneurs. There are large companies that are engaged in the complex promotion of both Instagram accounts and other social networks, as well as websites.

  • Working for someone

Here we are talking about working in the staff of a company that is engaged in complex promotion, as mentioned above, where you will need to promote the clients of this company. Or work in the state of the company that needs to be promoted own goods and services.

In the screenshot above, we see that the online store requires a manager to promote company accounts on Instagram and VK, who is ready to pay 25,000 rubles. per month.

The profession of an Instagram promotion manager is mastered in just 1-2 months. The average salary of an Instagram social network manager in Russia is 27,500 rubles.

The screenshot illustrates the average salary level for different cities of Russia, in terms of the location of the employer:

As can be seen from the picture, the highest salaries in this profession are received by residents of Moscow, in the regions the level of salaries is lower.

Method 6: Maintaining and administering accounts

Many businessmen do not have time to maintain an account on their own, or do not have the appropriate knowledge, so they involve assistants for this work.

Administrator duties typically include the following tasks:

  • Studying the subject;
  • Drawing up a content plan;
  • Selection of images and videos;
  • Timely publication of posts;
  • Spam removal, moderation;
  • Publication of photos and videos in live stories;
  • Writing a note;
  • Putting hashtags;
  • Conducting promotions and drawings among subscribers;
  • Answers in the comments;
  • Interaction with other bloggers for cooperation, joint promotions, etc.;
  • Search for informational reasons for subsequent publications.

If you have experience as an Administrator, for example, in the social network Vkontakte, then it will not be difficult to find a job on Instagram. It is best to search by thematic sites and groups in social networks. Income directly depends on the amount of work done.

Note! Many employers, when posting vacancies for an Instagram Administrator, often combine two different professions under this concept: Administrator and Promoter, which we talked about in the previous section. Ideally, own both directions. But you must understand that if we are talking about a large company-employer, then it will be difficult for you to fulfill your duties in a quality manner. Each of these areas represents a large layer of work. But if we are talking about a small company, then it is quite possible that it will cope well with both the administration function and the promotion function.

In order to become an administrator, you need to:

Step 1. Get trained

If you decide to become an administrator, then you need to acquire certain skills that will help you cope with the duties of an Instagram Administrator.

You can learn the theoretical part of the profession for free. On the Internet there is a sufficient number of training video courses and guidelines. If you spend 2 hours every day, for a month, it is possible to acquire basic knowledge with which you can find your first job as an Instagram administrator.

Step #2. Create an account and practice on it

After studying the theory, it is necessary to immediately move on to practice. Get an Instagram account. Perform all administrative duties.

Your task is to hone your skills on your own account. Plus, your account will serve as proof of your skills when applying for a job.

Step #3 Job search

Where to find an Instagram administrator job:

Method 7: Create and / or sell ready-made photos and graphics

Sell ​​photos and various images, this is an option for photographers and graphic designers with skills in specialized programs: Photoshop, 3D-Max, etc.

What photographers and designers sell on Instagram:

  • a photo;
  • illustrations;
  • animated portraits;
  • logos;
  • caricature;
  • avatars;
  • drawings.

People who are interested in buying graphics buy: Instagram users, owners of information resources, content managers, account administrators and business owners.

Reason for buying: the need for quality content and the lack of skills in drawing graphic images.

One of the ways to find customers is competitors who did not bother to respond in time to comments-questions from subscribers under their posts.

Also, paid or free ways to promote services are connected for search. For example, such as: mass following, placement of advertising publications with bloggers and popularization through hashtags.

It would be useful to create an account on freelance exchanges, as clients often turn to them in search of a designer.

Here is a list of eligible freelance exchanges:

If you are a photographer, then in parallel with Instagram, you can create an account on one of the popular photo stocks. So you can reach customers not only from Russia, but also from all over the world. Plus, this will give you an additional source of income, since your work will be bought on photo stocks not only for Instagram. From one sold photo or image, you can get from 50 to 5,000 rubles.

See also: How to make money on photo stocks. Interview with a family of photographers who moved to Gelendzhik and sell their photos all over the world.

Here is a list of popular photo stocks:

Underwater rocks

The complexity of the implementation of the method lies in the initial investments. You will need photo backgrounds, decor elements, shooting equipment, lighting and appropriate software on a computer. All this will cost about 150-200 thousand rubles. Income from the business is measured, depending on the volume of sales.

Method 8: Earnings on likes, subscriptions and comments through special services

Social networks and the opportunity to earn money in them have spawned a whole industry of various related services that help in promoting accounts, analytics, collecting data from competitors, etc. So, for example, in the social networks market, the service of cheating likes, subscriptions, comments is in great demand. Ordering such services, as a rule, account holders who are interested in the rapid growth of their Instagram.

Ordering services in most cases occurs through special services that act as intermediaries. They bring customers and performers together in one place. Despite the commission that you have to pay to such services, it is sometimes more profitable than recruiting people yourself, setting tasks for them and monitoring their implementation. In addition, all these services have a user-friendly interface that automates many routine tasks and makes the process of working with performers convenient and fast.

This work is cheap, it costs a penny, since there are a lot of people who want to do it, and the performer does not need any special knowledge and skills.

We have separate detailed articles on this topic, we recommend that you read them:

Method 9: Selling Accounts

The popularity of selling and buying accounts on Instagram is due to the rapid growth of the social network itself. They sell both age accounts with history, content, followers, and new, zero accounts.

They sell, as a rule, because the topic is boring or there is a need for investments for some other, more interesting and profitable project:

The people who buy are those who have free money and want to invest it profitably. Having bought accounts with a live audience on a specific topic, for example, women, then you can “merge” traffic from the purchased groups to some online jewelry store or affiliate programs.

Buyers can also be office workers dreaming about own business in the Internet. Agree, it is easy to work for hire, save money and buy for 150,000 - 200,000 rubles. an account that will bring you 50,000 rubles. profit per month. Some people don't get this when they work for hire. True, here you need to be very careful and not believe everything that is written in such ads. If you decide to buy such an account, then require proof of income from the seller and carefully calculate everything.

Zero accounts are often used as bots for cheating indicators: the number of subscribers, likes, comments. Purchased bots can be controlled through special programs. But since Instagram and other social networks are able to track bots and periodically ban them, there is always a need for new accounts.

Buying and selling accounts specialized exchanges, as well as through intermediary guarantors.

Method 10: Print user photos

Photocards are printed using vending machines. One sold photo card gives 50 rubles of net income. The device is installed in trade, business, office centers and crowded places.

The payback period of the equipment depends on the traffic and solvency of the audience. According to franchise owners, an average of 6-8 months is a full refund of the money spent in the absence of emergency repairs. It is rational to buy new vending machines, so you get 2 years warranty period.

How to build a large subscriber base

To form a subscriber base, it is necessary to describe a portrait of the target audience with an analysis of problems, weaknesses and common ground. If you collect a “mediocre” audience that does not belong to a niche, then the result will be mediocre.

Marketing experts, the smm-company Dnative, provide an interesting wording in their report for the beginning of 2018:

“Our team has learned the ins and outs of doing business on Instagram. The criterion for success is the ability to collect high-quality target audience. For example, an account that sells chainsaws should not have 100,000 followers at all. It is enough to declare yourself among the owners of sawmills, and things take a different turn.”

For a good result, you need to follow a few tips. So you will form a foundation in your account for subsequent promotion. In cases from leading SMM marketers, you will find information about the importance of filling out a profile. This section of the article briefly but informatively talks about proven features that experts use to quickly promote an account.

Correctly fill in the biography section

The section with personal information is filled in in accordance with the selected business topic. If positioning is on behalf of the company, then you need to describe your unique selling proposition. Contact information is indicated in any case. The more points of contact for feedback, the better. First of all, when a profile is found, the client will pay attention to the profile picture.

From the description of your profile, the subject of the account should be clear. In summary, the profile should contain:

  • avatar;
  • Contact details;
  • unique selling proposition;
  • a link to a third-party source, if any;
  • the selected category of activity (in the application settings);
  • the location is indicated if you have a store or office and subscribers need to see its location on the map.

IMPORTANT! Make your profile public. To do this, toggle the indicator in the Instagram app settings.

Go to your Instagram settings. Move the “Closed account” slider to the off position:

Regular posting

Optimal posting frequency: 1-2 per day. Accommodation time is selected individually. By default, the best moment is considered: 7-9 am, and 21-23 pm. The formation of a ranked feed on instagram prioritizes accounts that publish unique material daily. Regular posts allow you not to forget about the existence of an account and keep subscribers in good shape.

I have experience managing an Instagram account. Once I took a break for a week. Reach and engagement statistics have halved. Within 2 weeks, I regained my previous results with regular posting. To prevent this from happening, create a content plan. It is advisable to keep at least 20 reserve posts in reserve. They will be needed in case of force majeure.

Responses to comments

Any comment from readers requires a response. You need to work with the audience. There are usually more negative reviews and comments than positive ones. A person who is satisfied with the quality work will take place by, and annoyed will write angry comments.

If you do not respond to negative comments, a demonstration of weakness and self-doubt appears. Task: defend the position without causing harm to the offender.

Use hashtags in every post

Hashtags are keywords that link multiple posts into the same category. To form a list of niche hashtags, you will need 1 hour of free time.

We create and analyze a list of keywords using the service - Hashtagify. The service runs on English language. To check the hashtag, simply enter a word or phrase without spaces in the search box.

To find out the frequency of a hashtag, you need to go to the Instagram application and enter a phrase or word of interest into the search. After a moment, a pop-up menu will display the number of mentions for all time.

Create a table in Excel and divide it into 4 main columns (categories):

  • low-frequency (100 - 1,000 mentions);
  • mid-frequency (1,000 - 10,000);
  • high-frequency (10,000 - 100,000);
  • top (100,000 and above).

The ideal list includes words from all categories. Attention should be paid to the formation of low-frequency and mid-frequency queries, they are the ones who bring customers who are ready to part with their money.

There are special services for selecting hashtags, for example:

This service selects the most popular word forms and phrases for the entered word.

IMPORTANT! Re-write the hashtags in your post each time. Copying the same ones will result in a shadowban of the account. Shadowban - blocks the search for your publications for all hashtags. Avoid mass repetition. Combine combinations from the generated table. Optimal quantity: 8-12 pieces, 2-3 from each category.

Post text design

Even if the page looks perfect, the quality of the text plays a key role. The client acts as a reader, and everyone wants to find relevant and useful information on issues of interest.

The text component, according to Instagram regulations, is limited to 2000 characters. In advertising and training text, it is important to reveal the problem and offer a solution. When placing a narrative story or a case from life, the texts end with a concise conclusion.

Break the information into paragraphs, this will protect against unsubscribes, due to the uncomfortable presentation of the material. If you use emoticons, don't overuse them. They are meant to display emotion, not beauty.

Check text for grammar, punctuation, water and spam BEFORE posting. To do this, use the following services:

Photo and video for the post

The ideal content plan combines: photo and video formats.

If a person sells quadrocopters through Instagram, but uploads only photos. Is this a mistake? Of course yes. Show products in motion. Video connects with subscribers and has a positive effect on engagement.

IMPORTANT! Video length limit is 1 minute.

Advertising company development

As soon as the account is brought back to normal in all respects, the question arises of advertising campaign. There are paid and free ways to promote.

The free ones include:

To paid:

Owners of business accounts devote relatively little time to learning how to promote. For a quick positive result, you need to use the maximum number of points of contact with target audience. Here, as in cleaning sewer pipes, an integrated approach is important. Opinion of an SMM Specialist

How to make your page popular

For popularity, you will need to display your posts in the TOP by hashtags, regularly appear in recommendations, and use all possible methods of promotion.

Criteria to be followed in order for publications to get to the TOP by hashtags:

Form provocative posts that diverge from the opinion of society. In addition to posts, use information blocks with history and online broadcasts.

IMPORTANT! Live, as well as materials from stories, if desired, are saved in the settings.

Security Rules: What Not to Do to Avoid Being Blocked

Users are required to comply with the established rules of Instagram, or to make violations invisible.

You can get acquainted with the rules of Instagram in the settings:

What is a temporary block for up to 2 weeks?

- Limits exceeded. For each age of the account, different restrictions are suitable.

Limits for accounts older than 6 months:

  • Subscriptions + unsubscribes: up to - 60 per hour and 1440 per day;
  • Likes: up to 60 per hour and 1440 per day;

By 2018, the number of registered Instagram accounts had crossed the 1 billion mark. Such popularity is largely due to the ease of use of the service, its various functions and useful updates that developers regularly delight their users with.

However, not everyone uses Instagram for its intended purpose - just to share photos and videos with friends. For many, this is a place where you can earn money. And make good money. This is a great platform for sales, advertising, promotion. Those who are already earning money here do it without investment, without rent, without many years of training.

Before you learn how to make money on Instagram, we recommend that you read the article >>>

One of the best ways to make money on Instagram today is to host a Giveaway.

Check out our article and find out how you can earn 1,500,000 rubles per week and how much 1 subscriber of your account costs!

An approximate list of ways to make money on Instagram is given in the table below. However, read the article to the end. We have described a lot of nuances and subtleties of each method.

Ways Who can earn How long does it take for the first earnings How much can you earn
Bloggers with an audience of 300,000 or more subscribers Week 1 from 60 000 rubles
Earning on sales Everyone who knows how to set up targeted advertising Earnings after completing the task of setting up ads From one to several tens of thousands of rubles
Profile advertisement Account holders with more than 5 thousand followers Earnings immediately after placing an advertising post in the profile From 5 to 300 thousand rubles per post
Sale of goods and services Brand owners who sell their products/services offline.

Brand owners who sell products/services on the website.

Anyone who has something to sell.

First earnings after the sale of goods / services Up to hundreds of thousands, depending on what you sell
Account promotion Smm-specialists Earnings every month/week/two weeks From 20 to 80 thousand rubles per month
Accounts sale Everyone who has a profile with a large number of followers Earning after sale From 10 thousand rubles to 2-3 million
affiliate program Earnings after clicking on the link From several hundred to several tens of thousands of rubles per day
Likes and subscriptions Every Instagram user Earnings after completing the first task Up to 100 rubles per day

How to make money on Instagram advertising? Targeted advertising for Instagram stores

Instagram posts are 2.5 times more likely to be clicked on than other social networks. Understanding this, many bloggers use the service in order to earn money from advertising. You can too if you are the owner of a selling store or any business.

Regular account holders can also earn on ads, but not targeted ones. More on that later, since targeted advertising is only suitable for commercial projects.

Most of all bloggers earn on Instagram on their popular accounts. We recommend reading the articles

Advertising is an integral part of Instagram. Without it, there is nowhere, because the competition among business profile owners is simply huge. In just a couple of clicks on Instagram, you can find almost any page. An online store selling clothes is not a problem. Insurance Company- please. A team of repairmen - just wish.

So how do you make yourself known and stand out from the competition?

You can create a cool profile, come up with an original brand name, publish interesting posts every day, but if no one knows about you, all this does not matter at all. To understand how to make money on Instagram from advertising, a detailed guide will not hurt. Let's start with targeted advertising.

How to make money on Instagram with targeted advertising? Detailed guide!

  1. The first thing to do is to create a landing page.
    Any offline business can be transferred to Instagram and buy advertising on it to increase sales.

The page should have high-quality photos of your services and a detailed description.
Don't forget about competition.
Every business today has competition, so to succeed you need a marketing plan.

  • Next, you need to create an advertiser account and set up ad impressions.
    In order for advertising to work and sales to increase, it is necessary to make a high-quality advertising post and correctly set up impressions among the target audience.

How to create a selling page for a shop on Instagram?

It all depends on what kind of business you want to promote. If you have a clothing store, you need to arrange high-quality product photography and upload new materials daily!

It is the system that matters! In order not to disappear from the feed of subscribers, you must make posts every day (photo from detailed description) + upload information to stories.

Stories is a powerful feature of a social network. You post a story and it's in the TOP for 8 hours! Then it is deleted permanently. However, the advantage of stories is that almost everyone sees its content. Users view stories 90% more often than regular posts.

Two tips!

  • If you are a clothing retailer, you need a model to take competitive photos.

If your team does not have such a person who would understand Instagram technologies, we recommend that you find an online employee through a freelance exchange. For example, the exchange is a popular freelance platform.

6 rules for maintaining a selling account on Instagram

Your page plays a decisive role in the success of your business on Instagram. If you want to earn money, follow these rules:

  1. Create a profile. Choose a username that matches the brand name. Post a high quality profile photo. Ideally, a themed image with a logo. Fill in the section about yourself: tell us who you are, what you do and what you can offer. Please provide contacts where you can be contacted.
  2. Consider every post. In order for your page to be constantly active, publications must appear on it every day. Better yet, twice a day. But posting anything is not necessary. Content should be of the highest quality.

Our goal is sales, and in order for a product/service to want to be bought, it is necessary to present it/her correctly. Each post should be dedicated to a specific product, service, promotion, interesting offer. Try to present your assortment in the most favorable light. Tell under the photo why this particular product/service should be purchased by your subscriber, what are his/her advantages.

  1. Use Stories 100%. Don't underestimate the power of Instagram's Stories feature. You can use it to tell your audience about interesting promotions, contests, to get involved through games. And in Stories Highlights or pinned Stories, it is easy to place a catalog with goods/services, ordering instructions, and contacts to contact you.
  2. Communicate with the audience. In order for your subscribers to have a desire to buy a product / service, they must begin to trust you. Communication plays a big role in this. Ask your subscribers questions in every post, in stories, reply to messages in Direct. Let them know that their opinion is important to you, that you strive to be useful. Always thank for the purchase and post reviews of satisfied customers.
  3. Call to action. Many people do not make a purchase for one simple reason - because they are not pushed to do so. It is not enough to post a photo of a product / service, to tell how wonderful he / she is. You need to encourage the user to take an action - in this case, a purchase:

"Contact us via Direct/WhatsApp/number to place an order."

"Leave a comment if you want to place an order and we will contact you."

  1. Engage subscribers. When you already have a lot of followers and clients, maintaining an Instagram page is much easier. You just need to keep publishing new products/services and remind you of the ways to contact to place an order. But if you're just starting an Instagram business, it's important to get your first followers and gain their trust. Can be used for this:
  • Promotions and special offers:

"Order a product in our online store for 1000 rubles and get a 10% discount on your next purchase". So you can encourage them to try the product / service and make another purchase so as not to lose the discount.

  • Games and competitions. We remember that our goal is sales, but we also do not forget that in order to start selling, you need to get the location of your subscribers.

Great way to play.

"The first person to guess what's in the box wins (the name of the prize is your product/service)." The winner will have the opportunity to try the product / service and make sure of the quality. And this means that he can tell his friends about you, write a review that you can show to other subscribers in order to gain their trust.

How to make money on Instagram advertising? Detailed guide for personal account

But the goal of the account owner is to make money by placing ads on their page.

Who can earn from advertising?

This means that before you dream of making good money on advertising on your Instagram account, you need to create a page that people want to subscribe to, comment on and like.

How do I start earning ad revenue on my account?

To receive an order for advertising in your profile, again, the most important thing is to ensure that advertisers choose you. If you have thousands of subscribers, you might find it very easy to get an ad order. No matter how. There are many like you, with thousands of people.

  1. Inform on your Instagram page that you are ready to cooperate with advertisers. If you have a lot of "live" subscribers, including business profiles, someone will definitely be interested. Don't forget to include a way to contact you.
  2. Find a blogger yourself who has a profile theme similar to yours, and agree with him on mutual advertising. So you will not earn, but you will get even more subscribers, and those users who are already subscribed to you will understand that they can contact you for advertising.
  3. Use ad exchanges. The fact that Instagram is one of the most effective platforms for advertising is no secret to anyone. But the problem of finding bloggers by advertisers and advertisers by bloggers remains relevant.

Advertising exchanges act as an intermediary between them. You can find those who want to promote their profile much faster by turning to specialized services such as, for example,,,

It is important to study well the page that you are going to mention in your profile. Unconvincing advertising will have no effect. And this means that you will no longer be contacted.

An advertising post must be developed based on the specifics of the advertised page. If you are required to mention an online store / beauty salon, it would be wise to take a photo that shows them from the best side. Suitable:

  • an image of any interesting/relevant/unusual product/service that/which is sold in a store or in a salon;

  • your photo with the product or in the process / after the service has been provided to you.

As you understand, in order to know how to make money on an Instagram account, you need to have at least minimal knowledge in Internet marketing and promotion.

If you are required to advertise on your page for a specific product/service/promotion, the promotional photo must have an image of what it is about. In this case, posting a photo of the store itself or, even worse, the wrong product / service / promotion is not a good idea.

A photo is the basis of an advertising post. But that's not all. Equally important is the text that you place under it. It is not enough just to write “go to such and such a page” and provide a link to it. It is important that the ad does not look obvious. It can be said that you have used a product/service, were very satisfied and want to recommend it/her to your subscribers. Great if that's true.

You can write that this online store / souvenir shop / beauty salon / restaurant belongs to your friend / acquaintance / relative, and you want to help him in promotion.

  • Photo and text complement each other. The text says what is shown in the photo.
  • The photo is of high quality, without watermarks, if it is not the name of the advertised brand.
  • The text is literate, catchy, containing a link to the advertised page.

Creating an advertising post correctly is very important. But it is even more important not to lose the trust of your audience because of advertising. Do not advertise what you yourself would not use / do not consider to be of high quality and useful. Having advised your subscribers once on a product/service/page that is nothing special, you risk losing part of your audience and, therefore, the opportunity to make money on advertising in the future. You should also not overdo it with the number of ads on the page.

How much can you earn from advertising on your own Instagram account?

As a rule, an advertiser, before contacting a blogger, studies the statistics of his page. If the audience is live, the number of likes and views on publications is at least 10% of the number of subscribers. If this is the case for you, the benchmark is already going to the number of subscribers. The larger the audience, the higher the cost of advertising.

5-10 thousand subscribers - up to 5 thousand rubles.

10-20 thousand subscribers - up to 10 thousand rubles.

20-50 thousand subscribers - up to 20 thousand rubles.

50-100 thousand subscribers - up to 50 thousand rubles.

100-999 thousand subscribers - up to 150 thousand rubles.

A million subscribers and more - up to 300 thousand rubles.

And you can also make your own blog from Instagram, no worse than on the YouTube channel!

The algorithm for making money on a blog is the same as on advertising in a personal account. But by creating a block, you take on additional responsibility - you promote a special brand in the form of your name.

You can focus on your beauty or some talent.

Any active user of this social network knows how to make money on a blog on Instagram.

It's not just about knowledge, it's about personal ability. After all, not everyone can be a public person and charge thousands of people with energy and desire to watch you every day.

To create your own blog, you definitely need to be a bright and talented person at the same time.

Be sure to have a stress-resistant psyche. Many viewers will try to piss you off, embarrass you and put you in a not the best light.

The owner of a blog on Instagram must go live to chat with subscribers and answer their questions.

At such moments, you will be especially watched and caught on every word. Therefore, if you are not a cheerful person, you have no sense of humor and you are demanding of people, then your own Instagram blog is not for you.

Popular Instagram blog ideas:

  • review of cosmetics;
  • training in crafts, needlework;
  • travel;
  • philosophy, conversations on life topics;
  • celebrity parodies.

How to make money blogging on Instagram?

Of course on the ad! If you are a charming person with a multi-million audience, advertisers will start reaching out to you! In the worst case, you will have to run after them yourself. To learn all the intricacies of earning income from a blog, return to the section

make money on instagram from photos

How is this related?

  1. Increasing the activity and coverage of the page will allow you to monetize your account in any way.
    It's simple - you add photos, be sure to optimize them with hashtags, a detailed description, and as a result, gain views, likes and new subscribers (mostly thanks to hashtags).
  2. Having promoted your Instagram, you can start monetizing it. Add advertising, sell products or organize earnings through affiliate programs.

How to use hashtags to increase sales on Instagram?

Hashtags are made out keyword, preceded by the # symbol

Such an entry will be clickable and by clicking on it, the user will be able to see all the publications that are marked with this hashtag.

If you are careful, when you open any post on Instagram and scroll through its description, you will see a huge set of hashtags that are relevant to this post.

And users often intentionally search for information on the hashtag. For example, a person wants to find a public about sports nutrition. It is much easier to choose an option not by name, but by hashtags.

And if you were looking for information on how to make money on Instagram in photos, then here is the answer.

Pay attention to the photo below.

Example 1. How to make money on Instagram from photos.

Using a very popular hashtag, we could easily find a public whose owner obviously knows how to make money on Instagram from photos.

We opened the first photo in the store and saw a well-written description.

Detailed description of the price, goods and how to order goods. Hashtags at the very end.

Example 2. How to make money on Instagram from photos.

Here is a similar example, but with a different tag.

Try and find the material you need on Instagram by tag.

Note! For high-quality promotion, you need to take into account the popularity of tags! You can come up with a complex tag, as a result, no one will follow it.

You can select popular tags on the sitewebsta. me.

Earnings on affiliate programs

The essence of the method is to promote affiliate links in your account and receive money for it.

Who can earn?

Every Instagram user can use this method of earning.

How to make money on Instagram with affiliate programs?

To get money on an affiliate program, you need to register in one of the affiliate programs (you can have several), place a post in your profile, consisting of a recommended image and a link to the selected offer from those provided by the affiliate program.

From each person who followed the link from your Instagram page and bought a product / product, you receive a percentage or a fixed amount.

The best affiliate programs for making money on Instagram

There are a lot of affiliate programs on the Internet, and they pay good money for attracting traffic.

RWe recommend you to study the article >>>

– here is everything about choosing an affiliate program and how to get started.


Name Minimum amount for 1 lead Minimum withdrawal amount 600 rubles 800 rubles 550 rubles 1000 rubles 450 rubles 2000 rubles
Admitad 450 rubles 450 rubles
letyshops 75% off purchases 700 rubles

In each of them you can go through a hassle-free registration. Choose the right offer, create your referral link and start earning. Here is a list of some offers from the ad1 affiliate program:

In this type of earnings, the main thing is to learn how to make selling creatives. To get your audience interested, follow the link and buy the product.

You can peep creative ideas using the servicePubler. A very powerful assistant.

How much can you earn?

How to make money tailoring on Instagram? Detailed guide

To begin with, it should be noted that the idea of ​​promoting your tailoring business on Instagram is the right decision.

If you make great clothes, then all you need to do is create a landing page and promote it.

  1. Create an account with a "speaking" name. For example, Anna, tailoring children's clothing to order "
  2. Create a description, indicate your location, ways of cooperation, your strengths.
  3. Add contact details for operational communication (phone, WhatsApp). This will instill confidence in your followers.
  4. Add quality photos! Remember that they are the ones who will sell your product!
    If the photos are bad or unattractive, don't post them.
  5. To understand how to make money on Instagram tailoring, it is enough to study the profile of a competitor. Gather a list of pages and start analyzing them. You have to be better than them, otherwise you will fail!
  6. Use programs for beautiful photo processing. table the best programs see below.
  7. Use hashtags. How they work, we have described a little higher.
  8. Post EVERY DAY!
  9. Upload stories every day!
  10. Take pictures of yourself in your clothes. Ask your friends to try it on and upload a review on Instagram with a link to your page.

Be sure to share a piece of yourself with subscribers! They should get used not only to your goods, but also to you. You must become a friend to your audience. Occasionally tell stories and share personal photos. Ask for advice and take surveys.


Name Availability Description
Facetune Paid Powerful editor. Even bad photos are transformed into beautiful photos.
Perfect365 Free Large set of filters and useful features.
Pixelmator Paid Mini photoshop in your phone. Convenient and intuitive interface.
Snapseed Free One of the most powerful free photo editing apps.
MOLDIV Free with in-app purchases An application with good functionality for basic processing.

Posting regularly is important! Your page will be considered commercial, which means it must be constantly in full view.

There should be at least 2 posts per day. Posts should be of high quality and unique.

Also, in order to make money on tailoring on Instagram, you need to use such a promotion method as advertising.

To understand how to make money on tailoring on Instagram on advertising, go back to the beginning of the article. It describes all the nuances of maintaining a selling account.

Earnings on the promotion of accounts

Business on Instagram is a real gold mine. But not everyone has an idea of ​​​​how to maintain a profile in order to earn money on it. Due to the high competition in almost any niche, it becomes necessary to stand out and retain your audience. And it's not enough to just post. That is why smm-specialists involved in promotion are in demand.

Who can earn?

Only those who really understand this can earn on the promotion of Instagram accounts. Most business profile owners trust only smm-specialists who can confirm their qualifications with a certificate. But if you have already managed several accounts before, you can confirm your qualification by the statistics of these accounts and such parameters as the number of subscribers, likes and comments they have.

Even if you haven’t done promotion, but you feel that you have the ability, you can create your own account, fill it with quality content, gain a large number of subscribers, achieve good audience engagement and offer your promotion services. Your promoted account can confirm that you can really cope with this task.

How to make money with an Instagram account?

The algorithm for making money on promoting accounts on Instagram is as follows:

  1. You find a client and discuss all the details with him - how many subscribers are required, what kind of engagement is needed, etc.
  2. You are given the data to log into your account, you go in and proceed.
  3. You publish posts, negotiate advertising with bloggers or set up targeted advertising, work on errors in your profile, and format it correctly.

Account promotion can be both temporary and permanent job. It is enough for someone to gain a certain number of subscribers, but for someone it is important to constantly increase their number and maintain audience engagement.

You need to look for clients on freelance exchanges and message boards in social networks. networks.

How much can you earn?

Earnings depend on:

  • the number of tasks performed;
  • their specifics;
  • account topics;
  • the amount of time it takes to complete all tasks.

For a month of work as an SMM manager, you can earn from 20 to 80 thousand rubles.

Earn money on Instagram by selling accounts

Promoting a new profile on Instagram takes a lot of time. Therefore, many users buy already promoted pages with a large number of subscribers, adapt them for themselves and lead further. Of course, if the theme of the page changes, the number of subscribers may decrease. But after all, there is still a chance that most of them will stay with you.

If you have one or more Instagram profiles, you can sell them for a bargain price.

Given the growing popularity and the number of people who want to have a business or a personal blog on Instagram, this type of income can be considered very promising!

How to make money on instagram by selling accounts?

To make money on Instagram using this method, it is enough to find a person who wants to buy an account from you. Having decided to sell, you can place an ad on your pages on social networks or any other sites where there is a large audience.

There are even specialized services for the sale / purchase of accounts. For example,,,

It's great if you can find a person who wants to take your page further without changing the subject. In this case, there are high chances that all subscribers will remain in place.

How much does an Instagram page cost?

Unlike other ways to make money on Instagram, you can only earn once by selling accounts. Well, or as many times as you have accounts.

But you can get from several thousand to several million rubles, depending on the subject of the profile and the number of subscribers.

An account with an audience of up to 20-30 thousand people costs up to 10 thousand rubles.

A page with up to 100 thousand subscribers can be sold for 10-50 thousand rubles.

For a profile with up to 500 thousand subscribers, it is easy to get 100-300 thousand rubles.

On a page that generates income from advertising or sales, which is subscribed to from 500 thousand to several million people, you can earn up to 2-3 million rubles.

The answer is no!

This is the easiest and least profitable way to make money on Instagram. Its essence is that you register in services that pay for likes and subscriptions to pages, and perform various tasks.

This method seems tempting to many, because it is very simple! Hence such a frequent question: how to earn real money on Instagram for likes?

Who can earn?

Unlike other methods, you do not need to have a large number of subscribers or special skills to make money on likes and subscriptions. Anyone who has an Instagram page can earn money.

How to earn real money on instagram for likes?

The algorithm of actions for earning on likes and subscriptions is quite simple:

  1. Register for one or more services:,,
  2. Complete open tasks.
  3. You receive money that can be spent on promoting your page or withdrawn to an electronic wallet / bank card.

How much can you earn from likes on Instagram?

You can earn no more than 50 rubles a day on likes and subscriptions on Instagram. And only if there are many open tasks, and you work on several services at once. Basically, for one task like "subscribe to a page" or "like" they pay 1 - 5 rubles.

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