How to make random crop in photoshop cc. How to crop an image in Photoshop for different purposes? Working with the tool frame


framing or Crop- one of the main tools of Adobe Photoshop. composition tool. After all, in fact, the photograph itself is cropping. But even though many of us are familiar with Photoshop for a long time, it often happens that we don't know much about Crop. That's why we offer you to explore in detail the possibilities of cropping in the most popular image editor, and we will tell you about 10 things that every photographer or designer needs to know.

You can watch a video tutorial in which Martin Perhiniak talks in detail about framing in English, or read a text description in Russian.

1. Crop Guide Overlays Mode

In mode Crop There are several options for overlaying the framing grid. You can see them right after you select a tool. Crop, and switch between them by pressing the key O. The following overlay types are available:

– Rule of Thirds (rule of thirds)
– Grid (grid)
– Diagonal (diagonal)
– Triangle (triangle)
– Golden Ratio (Golden Ratio)
– Golden Spiral (Golden Spiral)

All of them help to build a picture according to the composition according to its laws, and make cropping easier. You can also change the position spirals or triangle in case Golden Spiral or Triangle is selected by pressing a key combination Shift+O.

2. Change crop orientation

Probably you have already encountered the fact that it is not so easy to rotate the crop frame you set up in Photoshop. When you want to rotate the frame 90 degrees while keeping the aspect ratio, press the X. This way you can easily switch between landscape and portrait orientations.

3. Hide cropped areas

In order to make it easier to understand how good the frame will look after pressing the Accept button, you can hide the trimmed crop fields by clicking H. This will allow you to see the final result before the crop is confirmed. In the settings, there are more options to adjust the crop preview: click on the crop settings icon, where you can change the intensity of the blackout of the cropped area, as well as its color.

4. Classic framing mode

In Photoshop CC, you have probably already encountered the fact that cropping has become different than in previous versions. Namely, the cropping window has become static, and the image itself needs to be moved and adjusted to the grid. For those who prefer to use the classic cropping mode, in which you need to move not the picture itself, but the frame, it is possible to do this by pressing the key P which will take you to Classic Mode. You can also do this in the framing settings menu in the settings panel.

5. Usagefront image

When working with two documents with different resolutions and image sizes, you can easily crop one document to fit the other using the option front image. First you need to open both documents and select the one you want to use as a reference. Next select crop tool, and on the pop-up window in the options bar, select FrontImage or press the key I. This will remember the size and resolution of the first document. Then you can switch to another document in which crop tool will already contain setting the size and resolution of the first image.

6. How can cropping be confirmed

In addition to clicking on the checkmark in the settings panel, there are other options for how you can confirm the crop you have made:

– Press Enter
– Double click on crop area
– Click on the confirm icon in the settings panel
– Right click > Context menu > Crop
– Image setup menu > Crop

7. Perspective Crop Tool

If there is an object with a pronounced perspective in the frame, such as a building, then its planes may not be parallel to the frame frame. In this case, you can use Perspective Crop Tool. To crop, you need to mark four corners, and press Enter after the crop box is formed. The finished frame will be located front to you with even planes. If you want to align an object without cropping, use Auto Upright tab Lens Corrections in settings Camera Raw Filter.

8. Reversible crop

The best way to keep the "cut off" parts of the image when cropping is to uncheck the option Delete Cropped Pixels in framing settings. Another way is to create a layer smart object, which you can crop without fear of irreversible consequences, even regardless of whether the checkbox was turned on Delete Cropped Pixels, or not.

9. Pushing boundaries

While most users use cropping to cut off the excess from a photo, some use it to add something to the image by expanding its borders. To do this, you just need to drag the corners of the crop frame outside the picture, and if you have a background layer, pixels of the same color as the background layer will be added to the picture, if not, then the expansion areas will remain transparent.

10. Straighten a photo with cropping

You can also use crop tool to straighten your photos. Just by holding Command/Ctrl, click and drag to draw a line to indicate the horizon of the photo. You can also use any vertical straight lines to straighten the image.

In a few lessons, I'll show you the simplest techniques for working with Photoshop. Preparation of photographs for printing, for placement on the Internet. These lessons show the most necessary steps, without which it is simply impossible to prepare a good photo. The tools that I show are in all versions of Photoshop. If you don't have the same version as mine, some of the tools may be in a different place, but they are!

Lesson #1

Attention! Always make, just in case, a copy of the photo and then "mock" it already! Because the original may come in handy when you are not satisfied with the result of your experiments.

Now open a copy of the photo in Photoshop. Press the button " crop"(1) or "Crop" if you have non-Russian Photoshop.

At the top of the properties panel, set the desired width and height of the image. Since we are preparing a picture for posting on the Internet, in order to maintain the proportions of the monitor screen, we will set, for example, the width to 1024 pixels and the height to 768 pixels.

In principle, here you can set any size. Simply, if you want the photo to be used as desktop wallpaper, then set it to 1920x1080, 1024x768, 1280x1024, 800x600.
If the photo does not "pull" on the wallpaper, or there are several photos on the page, then they need to be made smaller in size, otherwise site visitors may not wait for such a heavy page to load and go to another site.

By the way, I am often asked how to make an avatar for a forum. And you do the same! Usually the maximum size of an avatar is 90x90. Therefore, set Width to 90 pixels, Height to 90 pixels.

After pressing the "Crop" button, the cursor took the form of the "Crop" icon. Now, by pressing the left mouse button in the upper left corner of the photo, drag the cursor down and to the right. In this case, the frame will stretch behind it. Release the button and the frame will freeze in place. But you can stretch - squeeze it by the corners, take it with the cursor and drag the entire frame from place to place. At the same time, it will strictly observe the proportion you set, so you will not be able to flatten the photo. In any case, the size you set will be saved!

By the way, if you are not going to observe the proportion of the photo size, then leave the "width" and "height" fields empty. In this case, by dragging the frame with the cursor by the sides, you can make it wide or narrow, high or low. In short, the photo will be a non-standard size.

As a result of experiments, you will achieve a result when there is nothing superfluous left in the frame, and the future cropping area is darkened.

Now press the right mouse button while holding the cursor on the photo. A context menu will appear with the words "crop" and "cancel" Press the menu item "crop" and you have an improved quality photo!

Note: Now you can proceed to the step of saving the photo. In the future, when you gain experience, you can do all the steps to improve the photo (next pages of the book) and only then save it.

Cropping is the cutting off of parts of an image for the purpose of focusing or improving the composition. Tool Crop Photoshop is a very simple and at the same time very interesting tool to use. In this lesson, we will look at the functions and settings of the tool. Crop.

Tool Crop can be activated by clicking on the tool icon in Toolbars or via hotkey FROM(Latin). The tool has much more features than it seems at first glance. Let's look at the tool settings.

Tool settings panel.

let's consider Tool Settings Panel, provided that we have not yet worked with the image using this tool.

one . The first setting item is called Preset Tool Settings (Tool Preset Picker). Click the arrow button to open the menu of available settings. In the window that opens, already saved samples are placed, each in a separate line. Select one of them, and the tool will acquire the specified parameters. You can also create a template with your own settings and save it. (We will not go into detail on the first element, but rather it is useful for professional photographers. But we will pay special attention to the next six adjustment elements).

2 and 4. Here you can set Width and Height the resulting image after cropping. For example, you want to get an image of 9 x 12 cm. In the field Width indicate the value of 12 cm, and in the field Height- 9 cm. By creating a crop box on the image, the width and height of the tool box will maintain the specified proportions. The frame can be moved around the image and resized using corner handles. By setting the frame in the right place and cutting out the image, you will get a cropped image measuring 9 x 12 cm.

3 . By clicking on this button you can swap the values ​​of the parameters Width and Height.

5 . Resolution Images. Resolution image shows how many pixels are in one inch of the image. If you are working with a photograph, for example, 300 pixels / inch, then it is better to write this number in the field Resolution.

6. By pressing the button Image (Front Image) in the fields WidthHeight and Resolution the values ​​of the opened image will be automatically written. After cropping, your image will be cropped at the same size and resolution.

7. Pushing a button Clear, You will delete all data entered in the fields WidthHeight and Resolution. Don't forget to clear the options when cropping the following images.

Now consider Tool Settings Panel, provided that the tool is selected and the tool frame is already located on the image Crop.

1 . Cropped Area. After selecting the area to crop, you do not have to cut it, instead you can simply hide the cropped areas. This feature is not available for the background layer. To convert the background layer to normal, in the palette Layers double-click on it and in the dialog box that appears, click OK. Now position the tool frame Crop in the image and Tool settings panels select option Hide. Click Enter to apply the crop, and the cropped area will be hidden but still exist. With a tool Move you can move the hidden areas of the image. This technique is useful when you want to experiment with different ways of composing an image without cutouts. To remove cropped areas, select an option Delete.

2. Check box Screen (Shield Color) to darken the area outside the frame. This will allow you to see the crop area better.

3 . Color. Click on the color swatch if you want to change the color of the shaded area.

4 . Opacity. Changing the opacity of the shaded area.

5 . After checking the box Perspective(the function is available when the parameter is selected Delete) frame manipulators become more independent. Now, by moving each of them, you can change the shape of the frame. Where it leads? After cropping, the image remains rectangular, but is distorted to fit the frame. This feature is used to change the perspective. For example, distortion can occur when shooting with a wide-angle lens, especially in urban landscapes. To fix it, reshape the frame so that its sides are parallel to the distorted outlines. After cropping, the image will be distorted so that the sides become parallel. This will correct the image.

Working with the tool frame.

You can change the size of the crop frame using the handles located on it. By moving the cursor to the markers, it will take the form of a double-headed arrow, showing the directions for adjusting the frame (1 and 2). Also, the frame can be rotated, while the arrow will take a semicircular shape (4). The rotation is around the center point (3). You can change the coordinates of the pivot axis by moving the center point to the desired location.

To end cropping, press the key. Enter or double-click inside the crop box. To cancel the crop operation, press the key. Esc.

In conclusion, I advise you to watch the lesson Crop the image, where on specific example showing how to work with the tool Crop, and the lesson Straightening an image, which shows how to straighten a skewed image before surgery framing.

If you have previously chosen an instrument crop tool(Crop / Frame), stretch it across your document and click Enter, this Photoshop tutorial may surprise you when you learn about other possibilities that you can use when cropping in photoshop.

Here are five best secrets tool crop tool(Crop / Frame).

1. Rotate when cropping

When applying a crop to an image, you can rotate the selection. Put the mouse cursor on one of the corners of the selection and rotate it as you see fit. By double-clicking inside the selection, you will apply both rotation and cropping at the same time.

2. Perspective framing

You can set perspective while cropping by first selecting a portion of the image. Check the box in the tool settings opposite Perspective(Perspective). Now when you drag the corners of the selection, they will move to whatever position you specify. When you apply a region to an image, it is not only cut out, but also converted to a rectangular image. You can use this technique to correct the perspective of your image.

3. Crop without cutting

After selecting the area to crop, you don't have to cut it, instead you can just hide the cropped areas.

To do this, you must be working on the image layer, not the background layer, so double click on the background layer and convert it to a regular layer. Stretch a rectangle on the image and in the tool options select the option Hide(Hide). After double-clicking, the cropped area will be hidden, but it will exist.

Take the tool MoveTool» (Move) and move the image. This technique is useful when you want to crop an image to a size 4 X 6 px and want to experiment with different options for composing an image without cutouts.

4. Create and use framing settings

When using the " crop tool» (Cropping / Frame), you can select various settings for it, just click on the drop-down menu in the settings window. Select a setting and apply it to the image to create a selection. You can change the selection from vertical to horizontal (and vice versa). Stretch a selection on the image and then rotate it by 90 degrees while holding the key Shift. When holding down a key Shift, your image will be rotated clearly by 15 degrees.

To create your own settings, set the Width, Height, and Resolution in the Tool Options, then click from the drop-down menu New Tool Preset(Set new tool parameters).

Give your settings a name and click OK.

They will appear at the very bottom of the options menu, where you can select and use them at any time in the future.

5. Cut with the same size

To crop the image with the same size, select " crop tool» (Crop / Frame) and activate the image you are referring to. Click the button front image(External image) to configure the " crop tool» (Cropping) with the dimensions of the current image.

Select your image and drag out a crop rectangle on the image. After double-clicking, your image will be cropped with the same size and resolution as the image you took as an example - in some situations, your image may increase in size.

Attention: If a " crop tool» (Crop / Frame) was not applied as expected by you, press the key Esc to deactivate the tool and press the button Clear(Clear) to reset some parameters in case you suddenly forget what exactly you changed in the tool settings.

Final result

The next time you cut out an image, remember that this tool has a lot more to offer than meets the eye.

Translation: Antsyperovich Alexandra;

Hello visitors to my blog! Very often, pictures, pictures taken by the camera or video frames need to be corrected. You can do it yourself using Photoshop. In its menu, among many interesting features, there is a tool - a frame. It is they who crop photos in Photoshop.
It is located in the toolbar and the manipulations performed by it help to achieve the desired result.

What You Can Do With the Frame Tool

  • Using the "Frame" you can get a portrait from a full-length picture, i.e. improve the composition of the picture.
  • By cropping the sides of the picture, remove unwanted objects that have fallen into the frame.
  • Align the horizon of the image.
  • Adjust photo size

How to use "Frame" to crop photos

Using the example of a personal photograph, I will show how to make a portrait from a large picture, removing unnecessary details or, as mentioned above, change the composition of the picture.

Open the desired photo in Photoshop and click on the "Frame" icon in the toolbar or activate the Frame tool using the C hotkey.

Next with a keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Alt+I activate the image size editing window and set the image size with a width of 1280 or 1024 pixels. In order for the height to be set in proportion to the width, the corresponding chain icon in the settings window must be activated.

Note! If in the future you plan to use the image only on the Internet, set the resolution to 72 pixels / inch. For printing, set the resolution to 300 pixels / inch.

Using hotkeys ctrl+1 zoom in on the image to 100%.

Select the desired fragment.

Then, moving the cursor diagonally, we create a frame of the required size on the image.

The framing is completed with the key "Enter" or a checkmark located in the upper right corner of the options panel. The operation is canceled by pressing Esc or by selecting the crossed out circle in the options.

In order to set a fixed image size, for example 800×500 in the options menu, you need to set the appropriate width and height values ​​in pixels.

Using the key hold:

"shift"- you can create an even square;
Alt- the expansion of the frame will be made from its center;
"Shift"+"Alt"- you can expand the square symmetrically.
The left mouse button, when the cursor is in the middle of the frame, you can move it in any direction.

Frame rotation and horizon alignment

In the photo, in the corners of the borders of the frame, when the cursor is placed on them, arrows in the form of a semicircle appear.
This indicates the possibility of rotating the cropped picture and changing its size.

When making the frame slanted, remember that when you click "Save", the fragment will be oriented in a straight position.

This feature is very useful when leveling the horizon. Of course, you will have to crop the edges of the photo. But if this is not done, then white areas will remain at the corners.

For example, take a landscape with a sloping horizon.

Align the frame parallel to the horizon and press Enter.

We get an image with a flat horizon.

That's all.

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Sincerely, Ul Sartakov.

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