levitation technique. How to learn levitation? Levitation technique How to learn the levitation of objects - the main secret


Among the many tricks demonstrated by illusionists different levels, one of the most shocking tricks remains with levitation. Indeed, few things can strike the minds of spectators more than the sight of a card, a rose, or even a person overcoming gravity and floating freely in the air.

The secret of levitation lies in the careful preparation of the performance, sleight of hand and long training. Depending on the complexity, the tools needed for the focus may be limited to a transparent nylon thread or a copper coin, or they may be complex mechanisms and devices. Therefore, before you levitate an object, you need to think about what exactly you intend to lift into the air, how many spectators you will have and what devices you will need to complete the trick.

Trick with banknote levitation: a clue

This trick is best for a beginner illusionist. It is quite simple and practically does not require preparation, however, the audience will no doubt be amazed at the sight of a bill balancing, contrary to all the laws of physics, on the magician's finger. At the same time, the main part of the banknote hangs freely in the air, swaying in time with the movements of the magician's hand.

In order to impress your friends with this performance, you only need a banknote of any denomination and a metal coin. And, of course, sleight of hand. Take a coin and hold it firmly between the palm of your hand and the base of your ring finger. So you can use other fingers without risking dropping it, and your "cache" from the side will be invisible to the audience. You can take any coin - the main thing is that it be more or less heavy.

Now take the bill and show it to the public to prove it's real. You can let the audience feel or even hold it - this will not affect the outcome of the trick.

Having received the money back in your hands, carefully fold the bill three times in length. The main difficulty of this stage is to discreetly put the coin hidden in your palm between the paper folds. To achieve this, you have to practice a little in front of the mirror.

After that, you just have to place the folded banknote on your finger so that the coin located on the edge balances its length. To achieve greater effect, you can balance a little with a bill or make a few mysterious passes with your free hand.

Rose Levitation Secret

Rose levitation has always been considered one of the most beautiful and romantic magic tricks. The illusionist takes a real flower or a flower rolled from a napkin, and he, obeying a slight wave of his hand, rises into the air. The rose seems to be floating freely, the audience does not see any supporting threads or other devices for levitation.

Despite the unusualness, it is quite possible to learn how to do the trick with rose levitation on your own. In order to repeat it, you will need to prepare the following items:

  • Thin invisible thread (you can order it - inexpensively) or fishing line;
  • small button;
  • needle or tape;
  • flower.

Carefully attach the thread to your flower. For the greatest aesthetics, it is worth finding the center of gravity of the rose so that its flight looks more natural. Tie the second end of the thread to a button, which then will need to be sewn to the collar of your clothes. Now you need to figure out what to pass the main part of the thread through. You can throw it over a hook from a chandelier, a tree branch if you are outside, or simply stretch it over your own head, throwing a loose loop around the fingers of one of your hands. It is not worth tying the end of the thread to your fingers: in this case, any attentive viewer will be able to notice the dependence of the movements of the rose on your gestures.

So you can control the flight of your flower with light movements of your fingers and head. Of course, during stage performances, illusionists have the opportunity to use much more complex devices, which allows you to make the flight of a rose intricate and completely unusual. If you want to make your trick more spectacular, then you should think about the system of blocks through which you pass the thread and, thanks to this, you can move the levitated object not only vertically, but also to the sides.

If you decide to impress your friends with your abilities, do not forget that the success of the trick largely depends on how beautiful and mysterious your actions will look. You can accompany the flight of the rose with spells or mysterious gestures, or, conversely, limit yourself to just a slight nod of your head. You can even pass the "magic flower" through the hoop or run your hand over it; of course, only if you practice well alone and learn not to touch the fishing line during the performance.

Levitation training is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. For example, one of the ways can be seen in this video:

Having mastered the rose levitation trick, you can repeat it with any other small and fairly light object, such as a cigarette or a card.

Human levitation: deceit or illusion?

Illusionists have always spent a lot of effort on developing new, more and more shocking tricks, among which one of the most difficult, by right, is considered to be an independent flight of people.

The secret of the human levitation trick is, first of all, in distracting tricks that prevent the audience from seeing what the person is using to rise into the air. Since it is impossible to stay in the air without a propeller or an anti-gravity device, magicians have to invent all kinds of devices for levitation. An example of such a trick can be seen in a short video by the Safronov brothers, where they revealed one of their secrets.

In tricks of this type, the main role is played by a special mechanism controlled by the magician himself or his assistant and slowly lifting a lying person. It is for this reason that for most stage tricks with levitation, a cover is used, which hides not only the person himself, but also the apparatus that allows him to "take off".

Much more amazement of the public is caused by the flights of the magician himself, who seems to soar completely on his own, not supported by anything. Especially popular were the tricks of David Copperfield, who not only soared over the stage, but also flew through rotating hoops and transparent boxes. The key to this "magic" is the multitude of the thinnest invisible cables and boxes with slots into which the cables enter during the "captivity". But, of course, the main condition for a successful trick with levitation was and remains the lightness and artistry of the magician himself.

How to do the trick with levitation yourself

It is almost impossible to repeat the achievements of David Copperfield or the Safronov brothers at home - unless, of course, you are a brilliant mechanic who can create a levitation machine from improvised materials. However, there are many other, much more simple ways convince viewers of their levitation abilities. The most accessible of them is an optical illusion, which anyone can master. In this case, you don’t even have to take off: it will be enough to convince others of this.

To implement the focus, you need only 2 things:

  • Worn-in shoes without laces, several sizes larger than your foot;
  • wide pants;

The secret of this trick lies, first of all, in the choice right place for focus. Spectators, regardless of their number, should see only one of your legs: the success of your trick depends on this. The best location is 2-3 meters from the audience.

Having prepared for the trick, you need to carefully, so as not to attract attention, remove the foot hidden from the public from the shoe. It is on it that you will rely on during the "flight". And now begin to slowly rise on tiptoe, while lowering your hands down or reciting “spells”. It is better to press the released shoes to the second leg so that it “rises” with you and at the same time hides the supporting leg. If you do everything right, the audience will see how you smoothly take off a few centimeters above the floor and, after hovering for a few seconds, just as smoothly fall back down.

It is important! It is much easier to do such a trick with an assistant who, at the right moment, supposedly accidentally passes by you, and for a moment closes your actions from the public.

Video training focus "levitation" can be viewed in this video:

The human levitation trick requires patience and lots of practice in front of a mirror. In order to make it more effective, it is worth remembering a few small tricks:

  • Don't warn the audience ahead of time about the trick, otherwise they might take a closer look and solve your mystery.
  • The easiest way to demonstrate levitation is in a semi-dark room or with light music turned on, which will hide some of the nuances of the performance.
  • Do not stay in the air for more than 4 seconds.
  • Make sure your audience is looking at you at about a 45° angle and no one is standing behind you.

More tricks:

In some advanced stores, you can see advertising stands that show the most interesting effects when some thing from the window or an item with the image of the brand levitates. Sometimes rotation is added. But such an installation is quite capable of being made even by a person without much experience in homemade products. To do this, you need a neodymium magnet, which can be found in spare parts from computer equipment.

The properties of a magnet are amazing. One of these properties of repulsion by the same poles is used in objects that are used as trains on a magnetic cushion, funny toys or the basis for spectacular design objects, etc. How to make a levitating object based on magnets?

Magnetic levitation on video

Top levitation over five point neodymium magnets. Magnetic Levitation, magnétismo, magnetic experiment, truco magnética, moto perpetuo, amazing game. Entertaining physics.


When the magnet rotates, there is levitation, and if the revolutions of the magnet decrease, it falls from orbit ... justify this effect. The interaction of magnetic fields between magnets is clear, but what is the role of rotation. You can also use an alternating magnetic field from the coils to keep the magnet in the air.

Please work on the topic - flywheel generator. I think it will have a useful practical application. In addition, you had it filmed in a video a very long time ago, but very little and without information.

What if:
Launch this top and some kind of cube and create a Vacuum there, according to the idea there will be no air resistance and it will spin almost endlessly! And if it’s not for him to wind up the copper correctly and remove energy?

Evgeny Petrov
I read the comments, I'm surprised, what a thread!? There everything is like a magnetic top, he was given fur. energy is the constant magnetic field of the top, during the rotation of which the magnetic field also rotates, but the main thing is how! In magnets, the domains are packed unequally distributed, this is technically not possible, therefore the passive magnet itself cannot stay on the magnetic cushion, it will go to the stronger side where the difference is generally negligible, so the rotation of the field does not allow this.

Vyacheslav Subbotin
Another idea, but what if the laser is constantly shining from one side? Will the rotation time of the top change due to light pressure? If you take a strong laser, then it may be possible to make the top not stop at all.

Nobody Unknown
An old toy… I remember this spinning top and the plate under it on ferrite magnets, it’s already boring on neodymium, and the bottom magnet of the base was one solid plate, not five separate magnets, only it was magnetized in a tricky way…

Aligarh Leopold
Igor Beletsky, you can make a cap on which the spinning top will land, so as not to catch it. Is it possible to add a rotating magnetic field to it to keep it spinning? for example, if its magnetic table is rotated ..

Timur Aminev
And please tell us how the Earth's magnetic field slows down the top? In the sense of what moments of forces directed against rotation arise and why.

Alexander Vasilievich
If you attach a coil from above the magnet (or from below it would be even gorgeous!) And twist the top with it, then you get a kind of motor on a magnetic suspension. The thing is absolutely stupid, but beautiful. It will spin until the power supply is removed))

Ivan Petrov
Well, we've already seen this. Make the magnet levitate without spinning! (and without supports and liquid nitrogen of course).

high elf
Divorce for losers, it could be called levitation if the magnet did not have to be untwisted. The magnet itself, which is on top, will slide off if it is not given rotation.

Andrey Solomennikov
And what if you attach a fire to the platform, and propellers to the gyroscope (Yulya) that would rotate while the fire is burning below. I don’t remember the name of the engine, but its essence is the rotation, so to speak, of the rotor with the help of heat.

Igor, there is such an idea... You don’t have a uniform magnetic field on your table, but if you make a top from several magnets, and spin the table... Maybe the top will not lose momentum... What do you think? ..

Anton Simovskikh
Igor Beletsky, have you figured out the physics of the process? Why is levitation possible only in dynamics? Do the foucault currents arising in the top affect the stabilization of the top?

The simplest installation with a levitating object on a magnet

To do this, you will need: a box of CDs, one or two disks, a lot of ring magnets and super glue. You can buy any magnet in the Chinese online store.

When your friends come to visit you, they will be surprised by the spectacular design that you created yourself.

Levitation photography involves taking two or more photographs, one of the background and the rest of objects in the scene, usually placed on a chair, stool, or suspended. All photographs must be taken from the same angle. For this reason, we will definitely need a tripod. There was an idea to take such a photo of super-mom levitating with house and multitasking in the kitchen.

First you need to choose a place for the tripod. after going around the kitchen and taking a couple of shots, I found a place to shoot. With the help of manual focusing, and manual settings, we select the optimal parameters for sharpness and its depth. You will also need wireless remote remote control for the camera for easy shooting. After everything is ready, we make a couple of shots of our kitchen, they will be useful to us as a background.

But taking a photo with my lens with a focal length of 50 mm, I realized that there was not enough space in the frame. To fix this, I used a tripod to pan the background a bit by "stitching" the frames. Which would give a lot more space in the photo. And it succeeded.

Then, taking the stairs, our model, who will play the role of a super mom in the photo, climbs on it and tries to assume a levitation position, noting that lying in such a position on the stairs at a height of 1.5 meters from the ground is not the brightest idea. But art requires sacrifice. And everything will be fine, don't worry about her. After taking a few shots, it turned out what I needed.


When I opened the images in Lightroom, I noticed that my cat was in the frame. And that's good, it perfectly complements the environment, making it even more alive. Well done, kitty!

To expand the viewing angle of the photo, as I already wrote, I had to glue the frames taken initially. In the images below, rectangular areas mark areas of the photo where I had to tinker to expand the space in the frame.

If I'm combining images or expanding backgrounds, I always increase my canvas size first to give myself room to work with. This way I can use the move tool and drag and drop all my images into one document. I had to dig deeper, but everything went well.

After the background was to my liking, I opened the "flying" image on the model's stairs. To bring it all together in Photoshop, I dragged the "flying" image onto the background image, selected the background layer and placed it on top, and added a layer mask. Using a white brush, I painted the background back under my body, removing the stairs completely, being very careful not to mess up nearby items. It turned out like this!

I didn't plan to include any of the floating elements, but I felt it lacked the hustle, multitasking, and chaos in the frame that I wanted to portray. I took a few spices, tying them to a thread so that they seemed to float in the air. Using the remote control, I took a few shots while holding the condiments over the stove. They did the same with a knife, one shot holding it by the handle and one holding it by the blade. Next, carefully in Photoshop, remove our hands, ropes from our jars and knives, clean everything with a soft brush.

For the effect of steam coming out of the pot. Steam brushes for photoshop were used. They are not hard to find on the internet. So de you can insert steam from any picture. where it is, there are plenty of photos of a couple in search engines too! Here's what happened in the end! The Super Wash effect, chaos and multitasking in the kitchen faced by housewives! Exactly what is needed! Perfectly! I'm Satisfied! Experiment! and good luck in your endeavors!

(source) (/source)

People have long been interested in the topic of levitation. It is thanks to the desire to fly that we were so surprised and delighted by tricks where the illusionist makes the assistant soar above the ground. But as we know, any amazing phenomenon is often explained very easily, including the secret of the trick with levitation. Is it really just that? Let's take a closer look at what levitation is, and reveal some of its secrets.

  • Levitation as a trick. As we have already said, the sleight of hand of the illusionist works wonders, and we see what we are told. Although no professional is in a hurry to reveal the secret, levitation is carried out with the help of a support invisible to the viewer. Many have seen a photo of a faucet floating in the air, from which water flows. Everyone guesses what the secret is, but this does not make the spectacle any less vivid;
  • Photomontage. It is also a kind of illusion of levitation. It makes no sense to talk a lot about him, because an ordinary jump in a photo can also be passed off as levitation;
  • Yoga and levitation. Everything is much more complicated here, because there is a video of how brahmins and yogis soar in the lotus position above the ground. Video is often just another illusion. However, in Eastern literature this phenomenon is described as an acquired ability of a person. Everyone can learn levitation. You just need to clear your mind of unnecessary thoughts and develop skills.

Levitation: fiction or reality

Previously, scientists at the mention of such soaring in the air, only smiled skeptically. However, after the maglev railway line went into operation, skepticism began to evaporate. Said train can reach more speed than the traditional one due to the lack of friction. Physical levitation using the Archimedes force or powerful sound (for light objects) is a science. That is, from the point of view of science, levitation is possible. This has been proven in experiments with frogs, drops, tennis balls, etc. But what about the practice of yogis? How to learn levitation without a scientific approach?

Soaring in the air

In fact, in meditative practices, levitation is called only the result of spiritual growth. You could say it's a side effect. Without personal development, such a practice is simply impossible. Another condition is self-confidence. You must be sure that you can overcome the force of gravity of the earth as easily as you once learned to ride a bicycle. So did Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, a physicist who in the twentieth century developed a whole theory of how to make levitation.

There are a lot of people who sincerely believe that they can overcome the force of gravity. One of them is Helen Musdell. She ran a personality development center and spent many years trying to master the science of flight. Mainly by ski jumping into the water. Helen Masdell argued that during the jump you need to focus and keep the body in the air for as long as possible. She herself is known to have achieved dubious results. Maybe it's all about the original purpose. After the development center mentioned above, many schools were opened, where the main goal was levitation, the training of which was carried out through practices and meditations. But whether any of their students could take off is not known for certain.

Levitation in antiquity

Of course, there are many skeptics who consider levitation a fiction, but few today can explain how the ancient Egyptians moved blocks of stone to build the pyramids. One of the theories is levitation. One Arab historian described the process as follows: papyrus was placed under the stone, and then it was touched with a metal rod, after which the stone moved 50 meters. Perhaps all this is the fruit of the rich imagination of the historian, or perhaps the Egyptians for many centuries, from generation to generation, passed on the secret of such levitation.

But the European, Professor Jarl, in his book described the construction of the wall by Tibetan monks with sound. According to him, with the help of six pipes and twelve drums, an unbearably piercing sound was created, thanks to which huge blocks rose into the air. To believe or not to believe in such phenomena is a personal matter for everyone. However, there are as many skeptics as there are those who sincerely believe that there is a levitation spell (as in the Harry Potter movie), by saying which we can move objects. Now you know a lot of information on this topic. We hope it helped you.

Levitation is the ability to soar in the air, overcoming the force of gravity of the Earth, without using any devices for this and not repelling from the air, like a bird or an insect. The ability to levitate without forces compensating for gravity is completely and categorically denied modern science. But it should be noted that scientists are still unable to explain many phenomena. For example, the phenomenon Until now, the version is being considered that it is rather a hallucination than a real natural phenomenon. But this is also levitation.

It is difficult to admit the idea of ​​the possibility of flights

It is hard for representatives of science to admit that there are things that they still do not understand. It is easier to assume that numerous witnesses of levitation were subjected to hypnosis, and did not see it with their own eyes. How to learn levitation? This question torments many mediums, magicians and parapsychologists. This ability serves as proof of the supernatural. The phenomenon itself has a magical or divine nature. Both in Christianity and in many Eastern religions, levitation is referred to as a sign of God, his appearance on earth. If a mere mortal, not distinguished by holiness, hovers, then the church believes that this is a sign of demonic possession.

First flights

The first human levitation was recorded in Europe in 1565. Then a Carmelite nun, canonized as a saint, flew. This was seen by another 230 monks. The flight did not surprise them at all, since Teresa was a saint. The famous Italian Joseph Deza also soared. He succeeded in levitation only in a state of religious ecstasy. So that flights would not confuse the minds of believers, he was exiled to a monastery, where he died.

Among the Russian levitants, the most famous is Seraphim of Sarov, Archbishop of Novgorod and Pskov. In the 60s of the 19th century, the famous medium Home demonstrated the miracle of levitation. He was excommunicated because he was not a saint, so he had no right to practice levitation. Home took students who wanted to learn how to learn levitation. Unlike many predecessors and followers, he could not be caught by the hand and convicted of using some kind of hidden mechanisms for soaring in the air. To this day, records have survived only of those soaring who were blessed by the church (not counting Home). And how many sorcerers there were, it is impossible to count.

The question of flights affects a variety of practices

Deals with issues of yoga levitation, a set of ancient mental and physical practices. The Indian Vedas contain instructions on how to learn levitation. The problem is that no one can translate this instruction from Sanskrit. No one really knows this language. And in such practices, the distortion of the original meaning is unacceptable. Moreover, for the ancient Indian sages, the state of levitation is not a focus for the audience, but simply a convenient position for self-contemplation. Just as a matter of course.

In Tibet, the founders of the practice of levitation were the monks of the Shaolin Monastery. They have mastered the art of controlling the energy of the body. What can we say about the Buddha. He hung in the air for hours. In India and Tibet, this skill has come down to our days. Buddhists believe that the knowledge of how to learn levitation is available only to very highly developed spiritual people. This is the level of monks, for whom time, distance, no longer matter. They don't even need to eat or drink. How many years it takes to master the skill, the Tibetan sages do not answer, because, according to their worldview, a person lives forever, one life ends and another begins. Life is such a trifle compared to the comprehension of the great Mystery about the structure of the world.

Illusionists love to surprise people with their flights.

Human levitation is a favorite theme of all magicians known to the world. In 2010, Chile celebrated the 200th anniversary of the country. Chilean illusionists, the twins Nicolas Luisetti and John Paul Alberry, hovered above the ground for almost 7 hours, or rather 200 minutes. Traffic on the streets of the capital was paralyzed. Thousands of people watched this magnificent show, but no one was able to solve the trick.

In 2011, the British magician walked along the Thames right in front of the House of Commons. With his trick, he reproduced a famous episode from the Bible. A very dubious act from the point of view of the feelings of believers. In 2009, a graduate of the local school of fine arts, Claudia Pacheco, or, as she calls herself, Princess Inca, hung over the central square of the capital of Peru - Lima. Quite often, the Zambian magician Kalas Sviba demonstrates a trick with levitation. Moreover, he already knows how to hover well, but so far he is not very good at flying. That's why he's a regular customer. medical clinics. Often goes there with fractures or bruises.

Why can flights be dreamed of?

Our distant ancestors believed that if a person dreams of floating in the air, it means that he is growing. Such a dream is often seen by children. If an adult dreams of flying, then spiritual, creative, inner enlightenment awaits him. According to another version, such a dream means a desire to escape from pressing problems. If a healthy person dreams of a flight, then he will live happily ever after, and if a sick person, then he will soon leave this world. Soaring up predicts career success, down - vice versa. A flight paired with a representative of the opposite sex is a new bright love relationship.

Is levitation possible?

Vaping training is gaining in modern conditions great popularity. In our country, like mushrooms after rain, the so-called schools of magic appear. They promise, among other things, to teach levitation. Maybe they will teach. In any case, they won't do much harm. It has also become fashionable to go to Tibet or travel around India for Knowledge. They live in Indian ashrams for months, learn to meditate, improve themselves spiritually and physically, comprehend

Flight training

Levitation will need to be carried out with the help of conscious control of the energies that are in the body. In order to learn levitation, you need to completely relax, while closing your eyes. You have to concentrate, stand up straight. All attention should be directed to the legs. You should feel the weight of the body as strongly as possible and only after that try to lighten it.

At that moment, when you already begin to feel very light, you need to create a feeling as if they are laying under your feet, which gradually begins to rise up with you. In order to move in different directions, you just need to imagine the pressure. For example, to fly forward, you need to feel that someone or something is pushing you in the back. Such a levitation technique, if it does not teach you how to soar in a fairly short period of time, will definitely allow you to fully relax after a hard day's work.

All tests can be started on the scales to see with your own eyes how the body weight decreases.


Man has always been attracted to the sky. And he is trying to understand the secret of levitation, to learn how to walk on water. No one will ever know what is the trick and what is really. Unless scientists find an explanation for the phenomenon called levitation.
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