1c school management. Login Forgot your password? C:ChronoGraph Contingent for Education Departments


Introduction 2 1. General information about the software package "1C: School Management" 5 2. The composition of the software package "1C: School Management" 7 3. The purpose of each set of disk No. 1 "1C: School Management. Complex of programs" 10 1) 1C: ChronoGraph School 2.5 PROF 12 2) 1C: School Library 16 3) "1C: School Meals" 18 4) 1C: ChronoGraph Remuneration 20 Literature 23


The current stage of modernization of education has marked the growth of interest on the part of all the main participants in the educational process and, first of all, the main "customers" of educational services and the quality of education - students, their parents and the state, to the problem of informatization of educational institutions. The state pays great attention informatization of schools: all schools are connected to the Internet, much attention has been paid to equipping with software. Equipping with licensed software and automating the activities of educational institutions is one of the notable areas of the priority national project "Education", the Federal Target Program for the Development of Education (FTsPRO) for 2006-2010, the project "Informatization of the education system" (ISO) and other projects for the modernization of domestic education . Within the framework of the priority national project "Education", a standard (basic) software package (SBPPO) was formed and delivered to all educational institutions of the Russian Federation. The set, called "First Aid 1.0", includes 56 disks with the most popular software from Russian and foreign manufacturers, an access card to the user support system on the project portal www.shkola.edu.ru, a user manual, a certificate of receipt by the school of SBPPO, keys activation of software products and a description of the procedure for registering a school on the portal. The 1C: School Management software package, which is part of the SBPPO, is presented in the form of four green School Management disks and a HASP network hardware USB key in a green case, designed to protect the 1C: Enterprise program system. The software package includes the 1C:Enterprise 7.7 technological platform and a set of configurations: 1C:ChronoGraph School 2.5 PROF, 1C:School Library, 1C:School Meals, 1C:ChronoGraph Billing for an Accountant PROF, 1C : Salary and Personnel", "1C: accounting for budget institutions”, as well as the electronic reference book “Education, Science, Innovation”, schedule editor “ChronoGraph 3.0. Master". The software package provides automation of administrative and financial economic activity; activities to organize the educational process; library activities; food accounting; formation of external and internal reporting documentation. The software package provides full-fledged network functioning of applied solutions in multi-user mode. The users of the 1C: School Management software package are the following employees of educational institutions: director, deputy director, class teacher, subject teacher, librarian, secretary-clerk, accountant responsible for food



1. Methodological materials of the training course "Basics of working with the 1C: School Management" software package and the "1C: Education 4" system - 1C Firm: Yanikova Z, Bakhtina E, and others: February 2009, 1C CJSC. 2. Electronic resource http://www.chronobus.ru/; 3. Electronic resource http://sbppo.shkola.edu.ru/products.

1C: Department of Education

The 1C: Education Management software product was developed on the 1C: Enterprise 8.2 platform in the managed application mode and is intended for automated consolidation of data from subordinate educational institutions and preparation of consolidated reporting at the level of the education management body.

Assistance and assistance in the development of a new solution was provided by the Education Committee of the Administration of the municipality Uzlovsky district of the Tula region.

The Education Management configuration comes unsecured and open source.

Who is the software intended for?

The main users of the "1C: Education Management" system are:

    the head of the education management body and his deputies;

    heads of departments of the education management body;

    employees of departments of the education management body;

    employees of subordinate institutions;

    other employees of the educational authority.

Recommendations for the implementation of the program

The program "1C: Education Management" is intended for implementation in the municipal education management body (for example, Department, Committee, Administration, etc.). To work with the database, you can use file or client-server deployment options, including working through a web client, i.e. access the database through any popular browser.

In subordinate educational institutions, depending on the type of institution, it is advisable to implement the following programs:

    "1C: Preschool" - in preschool educational institutions;

    "1C: General educational institution" - in general educational institutions, including private educational institutions and institutions additional education(for example, a music school, etc.);

    "1C: College" - in institutions of secondary vocational education.

The use of specialized software products "1C" at the level of subordinate educational institutions will allow employees of the education authority at any time to receive up-to-date information on the activities of institutions with any degree of detail, as well as receive in electronic form and generate consolidated reports.

Between the system "1C: Education Management" and solutions for subordinate institutions ("1C: Preschool", "1C: Educational Institution", "1C: College") data can be synchronized using the web service mechanism. This mechanism allows you to work with the data of subordinate institutions in the web services mode, when a single information space of the education administration body and all educational institutions is created, while the data of subordinate institutions is not stored in the database of the 1C: Education Administration system.

Using a set of solutions "1C" for automation administrative activities the educational authority and subordinate institutions will allow:

    provide the municipal education authority with an online monitoring tool for the activities of all subordinate educational institutions;

    improve the efficiency of management of educational institutions, incl. by improving the skills of administrative and managerial personnel and the teaching corps;

    provide support for the provision of educational services in electronic form in accordance with the requirements of the law;

    significantly reduce labor costs when preparing reports and providing other data, get rid of errors that inevitably occur when manually processing large amounts of data;

    increase control over the activities of both employees of the education department and employees of subordinate institutions.

1C: Preschool

Software "1C: Preschool" allows you to:

    Accounting for the contingent of pupils:

    • Registration of information about pupils and parents
    • Accounting for the occupancy of groups
    • Registration of attendance by children preschool educational institution
    • Accounting for orders for pupils
    • Formation and accounting of agreements between preschool educational institutions and parents
    • Accounting for payment for visiting a preschool educational institution
    • Automatic completion of the form "Information on the activities of a preschool educational institution" (85-K)
    • Accounting for the needs of the population in preschool
    • Formation and printing of output reporting forms
  • Personnel accounting
  • Registration and maintenance of orders for personnel:

    • Maintaining orders for personnel (tabular form and single)
    • Printing orders for personnel (according to a unified form)
    • Sorting and printing the list of orders
    • Automatic transfer of information from orders to personal cards and time sheets
  • Formation staffing:

    • Creation of the structure of the organization (creation of divisions and positions)
    • Printing staffing according to a unified form
    • Reflection of information on the replacement of positions
    • Reflection of the list of the reserve and the list of employees holding the position
  • Time sheet:

    • Autocomplete and adjustment of the time sheet
    • Printing a time sheet according to a unified form
  • Maintenance of personal cards of employees:

    • Creation and maintenance of an electronic personal card of an employee
    • Accounting for personal cards of dismissed employees and employees removed from the staff
    • Printing an employee's personal card in a unified form
    • Ability to search for personal cards, reserve cards, orders
    • The ability to generate various certificates, graphs, magazines, forms
  • Office work:

    • Registration of documents:

      • Ability to register all documents of the organization: incoming, outgoing, internal
    • Registration of draft documents:

      • Ability to create projects of all internal documents of the organization
      • Passage of the process of coordination, approval, and registration of the project
      • Ability to create multiple versions of the same document project
    • User electronic desktop:

      • The possibility of receipt of documents by the relevant officials
      • Forwardability
    • Document search:

      • Ability to search for documents, draft documents, instructions
      • Ability to create search queries
      • Ability to print search results
    • Case description:

      • Dealing with written off cases
      • Reflection of the nomenclature of cases
      • Search for decommissioned documents
    • Control over the execution of orders:

      • Ability to take into account the planned and actual execution date
      • Ability to enter several types of instructions (resolution, draft resolution, paragraph, subordinate resolution)
      • Possibility of automatic statement (withdrawal) of an order (registration card) for control (from control)
      • Ability to enter a performance report
      • Possibility to close the actual due date
    • A mark on the write-off of the document to the case:

      • Formation of the nomenclature of cases
      • Possibility to write off a document in a case
      • Possibility to work with written-off document
    • Receiving analytical reports and forms:

      • The ability to generate various certificates, performance reports, data both on the general document flow, and in the context of organizations and citizens
    • Storage of an electronic image of a document:

      • Ability to attach an electronic file to the registration card
      • Ability to restrict access rights to read, edit, view a file
    • Registers of external sending of documents:

      • Possibility to register sending documents to external recipients (organizations and individuals)
      • Possibility to print output forms of registries ( postal items, registered mail, receipts, packages, etc.)
      • Accounting for unsent documents, accepted for shipment and sent documents
  • Support of pedagogical activity

    • Maintaining curricula and educational literature
    • Registration and maintenance of curricula according to the form
    • Registration and maintenance of the class schedule of a preschool institution
    • Maintaining various safety and fire safety documents
    • Accounting and maintaining cards of educational literature
    • Creation of electronic images of educational literature (creation electronic library)
  • Accounting for material resources

    • Accounting for fixed assets (inventory)
  • Formation and maintenance of a passport educational institution

1C: Preschool nutrition 8

Software "1C: Preschool nutrition 8" allows:

  • Maintaining a card file of dishes with the norms for laying products, a description of the cooking technology, information about nutritional value. The description of the composition of the dish products includes the following information: net, gross, cold processing waste, losses during cooking, product yield, the structure of technological processes.
  • Maintaining the product range. For each product, the following is maintained: waste rates during cold processing, nutritional value, technical specifications.
  • Maintenance of standard menus for several diets, indicating information about nutritional value and consumption rates, it is possible to download recipes and standard menus from external sources.
  • Replenishable composition of nutritional characteristics.
  • Development of recipes for dishes and a typical menu.
  • Calculation of the order of products to the supplier, including electronic filing of the application through the uploaded file.
  • Accounting for products in warehouses: receipt, consumption, movement of goods and materials, balances, inventory.
  • Separation of accounting by types of movement of funds (sources of financing).
  • For batches of products, information is maintained on the shelf life, health certificates, specific units of measurement (cans, loaves, etc.).
  • Calculation: preparation and calculation of the "Menu-requirements", the main one and for addition / return, taking into account the norms of cold processing waste, replacements of products and dishes, samples. Automated write-off of products and calculation of the cost of food. Ordering products.
  • Grading of finished dishes with registration of ratings and printing of insert sheets of the grading journal.
  • Control the actual diet for cost and nutritional value.

1C: Preschool psychodiagnostics

Software product “1C: Preschool psychodiagnostics. Basic version" is intended for psychologists:

  • systems of preschool, general and additional education,

    social assistance centers for families and children,

    centers of medical-psychological-pedagogical assistance.

Program approved expert council FGAU "Federal Institute for the Development of Education" of the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation as a software and methodological complex for use in educational institutions:

  • Review No. 110 dated April 01, 2011 on “1C: Preschool Psychodiagnostics. Basic version".

Under the guidance of Doctor of Psychology A.N. Gusev, a group of leading psychologists from Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, science-based, reliable, proven psychodiagnostic methods were selected and included in the software products.

Use of programs in practical activities psychologist reduces labor costs for the inevitable and necessary diagnostic work. The psychologist has the opportunity to use the saved time to provide direct psychological assistance and support to children, parents and teachers to maximize the personal and individual development of pupils.

Main features of the program

    Carrying out diagnostics in various ways:

    • Testing directly at the psychologist's computer, on which the program is installed.

      Remote testing on any computer using flash programs.

      Testing using paper forms.

    Automatic generation of conclusions after diagnostics (including after testing using paper forms).

    Keeping in the program the history of the work of a psychologist with children, parents, educators.

    Analysis and generalization of test results: comparison of the results of groups of children. Uploading to programs for statistical data processing is supported.

    Accounting for the work of a psychologist with the possibility of automatic generation of reporting documentation on the work of a psychologist.

The program helps the psychologist

    Automate workplace.

    Standardize the procedure for conducting psychodiagnostic testing.

    Minimize possible errors when processing test results.

    Form reliable and meaningful psychodiagnostic conclusions.

    Monitor the dynamics in the development of children and, if necessary, make timely changes to the educational program, taking into account the individual psychological characteristics of the child.

    Quickly and efficiently search for information about the results of previously conducted tests.

    Analyze the results of diagnostics, including to identify "difficult" children, as well as children whose level of development does not correspond to the age norm.

    Upload depersonalized test results for statistical processing in order to update psychodiagnostic norms. The program provides for the use of both general norms and specially loaded norms of a particular region.


Software"1C: College"designed to manage the activities of institutions of primary and secondary vocational education.

Product "1C: College"covers all levels of management activities of the main departments of the college and integrates with standard solutions firm "1C" for accounting and personnel department.

Product functionality

Director's desk

  • Control of the number of students, study groups depending on funding, form of education, specialties and departments.
  • Analysis of the fulfillment of the pedagogical load.
  • Ability to obtain information about certain students.
  • Control of progress and attendance depending on the specialties and departments.
  • Ability to control the course of the receiving company.
  • Getting a schedule for a specific period of time.
  • Ability to plan and conduct events.
  • Ability to control the composition of methodological commissions.

Selection committee

  • Reception of documents (compilation of a personal file and registration of applicants' data, control of delivery and return of documents).
  • Ensuring planning for admission to an educational institution (recruitment plan, scheduling exams, conducting interviews).
  • The procedure for enrolling applicants in an educational institution (verification, analysis and printing of exam results).
  • Planning of entrance examinations (preparation of documents, recording of test results).
  • Analysis of the work of the selection committee.


  • Accounting for student progress.
  • Student attendance record.
  • Registration of persons liable for military service according to military registration and enlistment offices.
  • Graduation of students (formation of SAC, diplomas, certificates, etc.).

Educational part

  • Planning educational process and load distribution.
  • Formation of the schedule.
  • Study load management.
  • Formation of the composition of the department.

Educational work

  • Management of educational activities.
  • Ensuring the employment of graduates.
  • Accounting and analysis of the work of curators.
  • Drawing up orders for rewards and punishments for students.
  • Questioning.

Industrial training

  • Audit fund accounting.
  • Organization of production practices.

Information Services

  • Maintaining a list of subscribers to newsletters.
  • Possibility of information distribution by means of mail, e-mail and sms.
  • Integration with the website of the educational institution.

Methodical work

  • The ability to record and evaluate the work of employees.
  • Accounting for the work of cyclic methodological commissions.
  • Maintaining a list of departments.
  • Accounting and storage of methodological materials.
  • Organization of reviews (competitions).

Personnel accounting

  • Automated personnel records.
  • Accounting and planning of certifications by areas of work (administrative and pedagogical).
  • Accounting for advanced training.

Settlements with students

  • Automated social accounting of students.
  • Calculations of scholarships, social payments and payments for paid educational services.
  • Support for the work of the scholarship committee.


Solution for automating the management activities of the university. The product covers all levels of activity of the main departments of the institution of higher professional education and is integrated with standard solutions of 1C for accounting and personnel department.

"1C:University rev.2.0" was developed on the technological platform "1C:Enterprise 8.3". All functionality of the product is available in both thin and web client.

The solution allows you to automate the accounting, storage, processing and analysis of information about the main processes of a higher educational institution: admission to a university, training, tuition fees, graduation and employment of graduates, calculation and distribution of the workload of the teaching staff, the activities of educational and methodological departments and deans, support for FSES-3 and a tiered training system (bachelor, specialist, master) at the level of curricula and state documents on graduation from the university, reporting.

The solution can be used to automate the workplaces of employees of the following structural divisions university:

  • Selection committee
  • Deans
  • Chairs
  • Educational and Methodological Department
  • Accounting
  • Student Human Resources
  • Trade Union Committee

1C: E-learning. Course builder

Applied Solution 1C: E-learning. Course Builder Edition 3.0 developed on the technological platform 1C:Enterprise 8.3 in the Taxi interface.

The software product is intended for those who:

  • plans to create electronic multimedia courses and practice-oriented tests for use in the educational process (business coaches, teachers of educational organizations);
  • want to train their employees on their own or with little investment;
  • is looking for a functional tool for organizing and conducting e-learning.

The functionality of the new application solution allows you to automate the following tasks:

Taking into account the needs of users, it is released in two versions: basic (single-user) and PROF (network), which differ in functionality.




Multiplayer mode
Adaptation teaching materials
Create your own courses
Exchange of educational materials between authors
Online learning using a standard browser
Changing the configuration
Recommended retail price, rub.

The basic delivery for both versions includes the platform 1C:Enterprise 8.3, configuration 1C: E-learning. Course builder, a set of documentation and a single-user license.

Usage 1C: E-learning. Course builder gives course authors and staff responsible for training a number of advantages:

  • Ease of creating training materials and tests due to the ability to download source materials familiar to methodologists in MS Word, Excel or PowerPoint format into electronic resources.
  • Ability to exchange data with other software products of the system 1C:Enterprise 8 and programs from other manufacturers allows you to use real, up-to-date data from accounting and management systems when creating courses.

Currently, 1C partners are actively using the configuration in the development of electronic courses for teaching the use of software products created on the platform 1C:Enterprise 8.

Softwareis intended for personnel management services of medium and large enterprises, corporate training centers and educational institutions using distance and blended learning.

1C: E-learning. Corporate University is a comprehensive solution for organizing and managing blended learning. It implements the following functionality:

  • Organization and conduct of training, management of the educational process;

Solution 1C: E-learning. Corporate University Today it is one of the few software products that allow to automate the management of the blended learning process in a complex. It was developed on the new technological platform "1C:Enterprise 8", which allows it to be integrated with other application solutions developed on this platform. This makes it possible to use information stored in other databases for training purposes (for example, commercial organization can use its own price lists and item descriptions to train salespeople), or upload training results to a personnel management system.

Platform included 1C:Enterprise 8.2, configuration 1C: E-learning. Corporate University, a set of documentation and a single-user license.

The licensing policy offered by 1C makes it possible to use 1C: E-learning. Corporate University previously purchased licenses. This allows organizations that already have applied system solutions 1C:Enterprise 8, to minimize the cost of organizing workplaces for training, to use the possibility of training directly at the workplace.

When using the product 1C: E-learning. Corporate University it is possible to organize access sessions separated in time. This allows using one license per workplace to train a larger number of students by assigning access sessions to the infobase at different times.

1C: E-learning. Corporate University belong to the company "1C". Please note that the configuration does not contain closed code sections that cannot be changed.

1C: E-learning. Educational organization

The software product "1C: E-learning. Educational organization" is intended for conducting e-learning in professional educational organizations (technical schools, colleges) and universities. The software product will help educational organizations to meet the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard:

  • higher education in terms of unlimited Internet access for students to the electronic information and educational environment of the university, which should provide synchronous / asynchronous interaction of participants in the educational process and access to electronic educational resources;
  • SVE in terms of accompanying the methodological support of extracurricular work of students and justifying the time spent on its implementation.

The software product "1C: E-learning. Educational organization" includes the platform "1C: Enterprise 8.3" and the configuration "Educational organization". This applied solution is the result of the development of the software product "1C: E-learning. Corporate University". By limiting the functionality of e-learning support for the regular educational process, an intuitive interface is provided for the main roles of users of the software product (student, teacher and organizer of the educational process).

Released in 2016, version 3.0 of the configuration implements the Taxi interface, the distinguishing features of which are a large font, maximization of the workspace on monitors with different resolutions, ease of navigation, and the ability to independently design your workspace. Reworking of all forms of configuration in the Taxi interface has significantly increased the comfort of users from desktop computers and mobile devices.

When integrating with the new software product "1C: E-learning. Web account of the teacher and student ”students and teachers get access to the electronic courses and tests published in the web account under the terms of an unlimited client license for 1C:Enterprise 8 workplaces. At the same time, to work in the web account (special site) of teachers and students there is no need to purchase 1C:Enterprise 8 client licenses. Using the web office solves the problem of providing mobile learning: electronic courses and tests published in the web office are available for study from different types of iOS and Android mobile devices.

Information about the names of areas (specialties) of training and disciplines, numbers of study groups, lists of students by study groups, teachers and administrative workers can be loaded into the software product "1C: E-learning. Educational organization" from the corresponding registers of the software product "1C: College PROF " or "1C: PROF University" . The grades based on the results of the electronic tests performed by students are transmitted back.

In cooperation with "1C: College PROF" or "1C: University PROF", the software product provides comprehensive automation of educational and administrative activities of colleges / universities.

Purpose of the software product

The software product "1C: E-learning. Educational organization" is intended for:

  • development of electronic educational multimedia interactive courses and practice-oriented tests;
  • conducting e-learning on the organization's local network or via the Internet, including support for training forums, private messaging and news publishing;
  • monitoring and analyzing the results of e-learning;
  • comfortable use in the electronic information and educational environment of educational materials of educational products of the 1C: School, 1C: Laboratory, 1C: Higher School series developed on the 1C: Education 4. Home platform; electronic courses, tests and workshops on the open website of the Federal Center for Information and Educational Resources; third-party courses in the SKORM 2004 format; courses of the National Open University "INTUIT".

1C: E-learning. Examiner

The application solution is intended for personnel management services of medium and large enterprises, corporate training centers and educational institutions using distance and blended learning.

The functionality of the applied solution allows you to automate the following tasks:

The applied solution, in particular, is used by 1C partners in the development and conduct of electronic tests when teaching users how to work with software products created on the platform 1C:Enterprise 8.

Applied Solution 1C: E-learning. Examiner developed on the basis of technological platforms 1C:Enterprise 8.2. This allows organizations that already have applied system solutions 1C:Enterprise 8, minimize the cost of organizing workplaces for working with tests, including directly at the workplaces of employees or on computers in classrooms.

When using the product 1C: E-learning. Examiner it is possible to organize access sessions spaced apart in time. This allows using a smaller number of user licenses to organize the work of a larger number of students and teachers by assigning their access sessions to the infobase at different times.

The main delivery of the applied solution includes the 1C:Enterprise 8.2 platform, the "1C:E-learning. Examiner" configuration, a set of documentation and a single-user license.

Exclusive rights to the configuration 1C: E-learning. Examiner belong to the company "1C".

1C: School certificate

The software product "1C: School certificate. Basic version" is designed to draw up official documents on general and secondary education for graduates of the 9th and 11th grades: inscriptions on certificate blanks, attachments to certificates (inserts), maintaining a book of records of issued certificates. Registration of certificate forms is carried out in accordance with the rules established by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

Configuration "School certificate" passed the certification "1C: Compatible". The configuration was developed in the 1C:Enterprise 8.2 environment in the managed application mode.

Key Features

    The press of inscriptions on forms of certificates.

    The press of inscriptions on forms-applications to certificates.

    Printout of insert sheets "Books for accounting and recording issued certificates".

    Accounting for the features of forms of different printing houses.

    Automatic declension of names for registration of certificates, certificates, certificates.

    Making duplicates.

    Prompt updates of the program in accordance with changes in legislation

Additional features

    The ability to customize the way to fill in empty columns, perform the inscription of grades, the names of subjects with a variable part (foreign languages).

    Printout of evaluation sheets for preliminary check.

    Preview before printing and page printing.

    Marks on the printed forms of certificates.

    Making duplicates.

    Accounting for corrective entries.

    Maintaining a database of graduates in the "Book for accounting and recording issued certificates".

    Ability to download print layouts, store an arbitrary set of layouts, edit layouts.

System Users

Deputy directors of schools for educational work and other employees of educational institutions responsible for the execution of official documents on education.

The software product is included in the Unified Register of Russian Programs for Electronic computers and databases: https://reestr.minsvyaz.ru/reestr/73670/.

The 1C: Education Management software product was developed on the 1C: Enterprise 8.2 platform in the managed application mode and is intended for automated consolidation of data from subordinate educational institutions and preparation of consolidated reporting at the level of the education management body.

Assistance and assistance in the development of a new solution was provided by the Education Committee of the Administration of the municipality Uzlovsky district of the Tula region.

The Education Management configuration comes unsecured and open source.

Who is the software intended for?

The main users of the "1C: Education Management" system are:

    the head of the education management body and his deputies;

    heads of departments of the education management body;

    employees of departments of the education management body;

    employees of subordinate institutions;

    other employees of the educational authority.

The program "1C: Education Management" is intended for implementation in the municipal education management body (for example, Department, Committee, Administration, etc.). To work with the database, you can use file or client-server deployment options, including working through a web client, i.e. access the database through any popular browser.

In subordinate educational institutions, depending on the type of institution, it is advisable to implement the following programs:

    "1C: Preschool" - in preschool educational institutions;

    "1C: General educational institution" - in general educational institutions, including private educational institutions and institutions of additional education (for example, a music school, etc.);

    "1C: College" - in institutions of secondary vocational education.

The use of specialized software products "1C" at the level of subordinate educational institutions will allow employees of the education authority at any time to receive up-to-date information on the activities of institutions with any degree of detail, as well as receive in electronic form and generate consolidated reports.

Between the system "1C: Education Management" and solutions for subordinate institutions ("1C: Preschool", "1C: Educational Institution", "1C: College") data can be synchronized using the web service mechanism. This mechanism allows you to work with the data of subordinate institutions in the web services mode, when a single information space of the education administration body and all educational institutions is created, while the data of subordinate institutions is not stored in the database of the 1C: Education Administration system.

The use of the 1C solution complex for automating the administrative activities of the education management body and subordinate institutions will allow:

    provide the municipal education authority with an online monitoring tool for the activities of all subordinate educational institutions;

    improve the efficiency of management of educational institutions, incl. by improving the skills of administrative and managerial personnel and the teaching corps;

    provide support for the provision of educational services in electronic form in accordance with the requirements of the law;

    significantly reduce labor costs when preparing reports and providing other data, get rid of errors that inevitably occur when manually processing large amounts of data;

    increase control over the activities of both employees of the education department and employees of subordinate institutions.

Benefits of using solutions based on the 1C:Enterprise 8.2 platform

Application solutions developed on the 1C:Enterprise 8.2 platform are distinguished by an ergonomic interface, advanced analytical reporting tools, fundamentally new capabilities for analyzing and searching for information, high scalability and performance, modern approaches to integration, and ease of system administration.

The 1C:Enterprise 8.2 system implements the work of users via the Internet in the web client mode using an Internet browser running Windows or Linux operating systems, including via mobile communication channels (GPRS).

"1C:Enterprise 8.2" supports various DBMS - file mode, Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL, IBM DB2, Oracle Database.

The 1C:Enterprise 8.2 server can operate both in Microsoft Windows and Linux environments. This provides, during implementation, the ability to choose the architecture on which the system will work, and the ability to use open source software for the operation of the server and database.

"1C:Enterprise 8.2" supports the ability to customize the application solution to reflect the specifics of the work of a particular institution:

    using the mechanism of functional options, with the help of which the system is quickly configured during implementation, without changing the applied solution,

    using the "Configurator" launch mode, which provides visual development tools, designers and other mechanisms for changing the application solution.

Data protection

1C Company received a certificate of conformity No. 2137 dated July 20, 2010, issued by the FSTEC of Russia, which confirms that the secure software package (ZPK) "1C: Enterprise, version 8.2z" is recognized as a general-purpose software tool with built-in information protection tools from unauthorized access (UAS) to information that does not contain information constituting a state secret. According to the results of certification, compliance with the requirements of the guidance documents on protection against unauthorized access - class 5 was confirmed, in terms of control of the absence of undeclared capabilities at control level 4, the possibility of using to create automated systems (AS) up to security class 1G (i.e. AU, providing protection confidential information in the LAN) inclusive, as well as to protect information in personal data information systems up to class K1 inclusive.

Typical configurations developed on the 1C:Enterprise 8.2 platform, including the Education Department, can be used to create a personal data information system of any class. Additional certification of applied solutions that are not information security tools is not provided for by the current legislation.


"1C: Education Department" is a multifunctional information system for automating the administrative activities of the education management body, automated consolidation of data from subordinate educational institutions and preparation of consolidated reporting at the level of the education management body.

Main subsystems and functions

Subsystem "Desktop"

The desktop of the program is configured depending on the user's rights. The user can customize the display of information on his desktop and this will not affect the display of the desktop of other users of the system.

In general, the user's desktop contains the following sections:

1. The structure of the education authority and subordinate institutions - a list of subordinate institutions, their divisions and contact persons. Data on the structure of a particular institution or the hierarchy of all institutions as a whole can be printed or saved in any convenient format.

2. Curriculum - a section available for the work of employees of a subordinate institution for entering information about the curriculum of an educational institution.

3. Employees - a section available for the work of employees of a subordinate institution, for entering information about employees of an educational institution.

Subsystem development plans

1. My tasks - a service that is designed to work with a list of tasks created by other users of the system and assigned to be performed by the current user.

2. Employee calendar - a built-in personal organizer of the user, which displays scheduled events.

3. Monitoring - an interactive tool for displaying relevant data based on the analysis of data from subordinate institutions. If the user has full rights or the rights of the head of the institution, then the data of all subordinate institutions is available for analysis.

Subsystem "Regulatory and reference information"

1. Storage of information about the department, its structure and data used in the work of the department (information about departments, responsible persons, storing the history of changes in information from the institution's card).

2. Organization of work with the data of subordinate institutions (structure of departments, contact details, information about responsible persons, etc.).

3. Using built-in classifiers to work with data.

Subsystem development plans

1. Inclusion of mechanisms to support the organization of the licensing procedure and state accreditation of subordinate educational institutions.

2. Assistant for the certification of educational institutions and teaching staff.

3. Analysis of the quality of education, incl. with the help of analytical reports of various directions.

Subsystem "Office work"

1. Accounting for incoming, outgoing and internal documents:

a. creating, editing and storing versions of documents and files;

b. distribution of internal documents into folders.

2. Setting up access rights to documents:

a. distribution of all types of documents by categories;

b. setting user access rights to document categories.

3. Formation of reports by types of documents:

a. statistics by types of documents;

b. formation of registers of incoming, outgoing and internal documents.

4. Automatic comparison of different file versions:

a. interactive display of changes in the file;

b. automatically building a file that combines two versions.

Subsystem development plans

1. Sending a document to e-mail directly from the system document.

2. Create a document directly from an incoming email message.

3. Seamless integration with the "1C: Document Management" system. The built-in web service will allow you to seamlessly (i.e., imperceptibly for the user) integrate the configuration with the 1C:Document Management system at the user interface level. For system users, this will look like working in a single infobase in a single interface with common data.

Subsystem "Planning"

1. Event planning: description of the event, introduction of the theme and stages of the event, participants, responsible persons.

2. Notification of the event by e-mail to all participants and responsible persons.

3. Registration of the results of the event: entering the results, printing the protocol.

"Certification of teachers for the category" - The topic is very narrow. Unsuccessful formulations of the topics of experience. Annual plan of the UO. Shortcomings in the description of technology experience. Certification. Criteria and indicators of evaluation. Non-diagnostic goals and objectives. Information about the certification can be obtained on the websites. Errors in the presentation of experience. Coordination of characteristics with PC.

"Teacher preparation for certification" - Achievements of students. Drafting an attachment to the application for attestation. Compiling an application. Learning outcomes. Competence in the field of motivating students. Performance dynamics. Conditions for successful certification. Diagrams. Development of a technological map of the lesson. Results of final control works.

"Certification of employees" - Pedagogical workers. Attestation tasks teaching staff. First qualifying category. Registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on April 26, 2010 N 16999. Certification. The teacher must be familiarized with the submission by the employer against signature no later than one month before the day of the certification.

"Certification of teaching staff" - Requirements for the first qualification category. Based on the results of certification, the AC makes a decision that corresponds to the position held (the position of the employee is indicated); does not correspond to the position held (the position of the employee is indicated). The procedure for attestation of the teacher's compliance with the position held.

"Certification of teachers" - The procedure for certification to confirm compliance with the position held. The first category can be set to ped. employees who: Opportunities: Certification is not subject to: Restrictions: The basis for certification for the first and highest category. Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation.

"Criteria for certification of teaching staff" - Documents and materials. pedagogical debut. The quality of students' knowledge. Positive results of work. Results of independent regional (municipal) monitoring. Teacher's personal contribution. Intertest period. The effectiveness of the activity. Stable learning outcomes. Gratitude. Portfolio.

There are 11 presentations in total in the topic

The software package "1C: School Management" is on disks No. 27-No. 30 of the SBPPO First Aid 1.0 package

Product General Information

The 1C: School Management software package provides opportunities for

Systematization of data on employees and students;

Automation of planning and organization of the educational process, administrative, financial and economic activities;

Automation of library activities;

Catering organizations.

The 1C: School Management software package includes the 1C: Enterprise 7.7 technological platform and a set of configurations (programs):

"1C: ChronoGraph School 2.5 PROF";

"1C: Chronograph Payroll"

"1C: School Meals";

"1C: School Library";

"1C: ChronoGraph Charging for Accountant PROF";

"1C: Salary and Personnel";

"1C: Accounting for budgetary institutions."

The complex also includes:

Schedule editor "ChronoGraph 3.0 Master";

Electronic reference book "Education, science, innovations";

Electronic catalog for school libraries.

Key activation and product installation

To prevent unauthorized use of the 1C:Enterprise 7.7 system, a hardware security key (USB key) is used. In the absence of the installed security key, the use of the software package becomes impossible.

To install the software package you need:

1. Install the "1C:Enterprise 7.7" platform.

2. Install configurations.

3. Install the license manager.

4. Install the protection driver.

When installing the platform, it is recommended to perform a network installation. Configurations "1C:ChronoGraph School 2.5 PROF" and "1C:School Library" are recommended to be installed on a local network server. Configurations "1C: School Meals", "1C: ChronoGraph Billing for Accountant PROF", "1C: Salary and Human Resources", "1C: Accounting for Public Institutions" are recommended to be installed on local computers.

To organize effective multi-user operation of the software package, it is necessary to have a local network with a dedicated server running the Microsoft Windows Server 2000/2003 operating system.

To ensure protection in the local network, there must be a computer, to the USB port of which the HASP network hardware key is connected, designed to protect the 1C:Enterprise program system, and the HASP License Manager utility must be running and the HASP Device Driver installed on the same computer.

If the school does not have a local network, you can use the "1C: School Management" package only on one computer to which the HASP USB dongle is connected. This computer must have the 1C:Enterprise 7.7 platform installed, the necessary configurations, the license manager, and the protection driver.

"1C:Enterprise 7.7"

A technological platform that allows you to build various application solutions and ensure their functioning.

A single technological platform meets the requirements of standardization and ensures the scalability of the solution (the ability to use the system - from one local computer to dozens of users connected to a local network), contains user-oriented tools necessary to refine application solutions and make changes to them of any complexity, as well as tools that allow, if necessary, to independently develop additional configurations required in general educational institution.

Configuration "1C:ChronoGraph School 2.5 PROF"

A multifunctional multi-user system, which is the basis for the formation of a single information space of a general educational institution.

The program is intended for the director and his deputies, secretary-clerk, class teachers, teachers. It is allowed to form your own categories of users with extensive customization options for individual user interfaces.

The program provides opportunities for

Creation of a database of an educational institution;

Automation personnel work(export to "1C: ChronoGraph Personnel for Education Departments" is provided);

Systematization of data about students (export to "1C: ChronoGraph Contingent for Education Departments" is provided);

Administration of the educational process (import of the schedule from "ChronoGraph 3.0 Master" is provided);

Integration with educational complexes built on the system "1C: Education 3.0" and "1C: Education 4. School";

Automation of the financial and economic activities of a general education institution (data export to "1C: Accounting for budgetary institutions" and "1C: Salary and Personnel" is provided);

Access to regulatory support (integration with the electronic reference book "Education, Science, Innovations").

Configuration "1C: Chronograph Payroll"(addition)

The configuration "1C: ChronoGraph Pay for Labor" is designed to automate the activities of educational institutions and educational authorities in the formation of the wage fund and the calculation of employees' salaries in accordance with the new wage system (NSOT) in terms of normative per capita financing (NPF).

Configuration "1C: School Meals"

The program allows the school food officer to keep a personal record of the number of meals and the cost of meals.

Compilation of the main and reserve list of those who eat;

Input of documents "Assignment of a group of eaters" and "Temporary refusal of food" with automatic control of validity periods;

Maintenance of the "Meal sheet";

Accounting for the cost of meals separately for each group of eaters, daily registration;

Preparation of final documents for the month;

Formation of printed forms of coupons in the dining room.

Configuration "1C: School Library"

The program is designed for complex automation of the library.

Main configuration options:

Automation of workplaces of a librarian, reader, teacher and administrator;

Automation of work with the book fund;

Differentiated work with arbitrary groups of students;

Formation and printing of all standard library forms;

Reference system for books available in the library fund;

Working with a dynamic table of book supply.

It is possible to download a list of readers (students and teachers) from the program "1C: ChronoGraph School 2.5 PROF", as well as upload a list of textbooks to it. The program implements the ability to upload and download bibliographic records in the RUSMARC format.

Electronic catalog for school libraries

Contains 4000 bibliographic descriptions of publications most frequently used in the libraries of educational institutions.

You can upload these descriptions to the 1C:School Library program using the RUSMARC data exchange function.

Bibliographic descriptions are provided by the Russian Book Chamber, which is the national center for state bibliography, statistical accounting and international numbering of publishing products, standardization and scientific research in the field of book business, the national repository of legal copies of all printed publications published in the Russian Federation.

Configuration "1C: ChronoGraph Billing for Accountant PROF"

Main configuration options:

Formation of the staffing table;

Preparation of tariff lists taking into account the specifics of local and regional budgets;

Formation of a common fund wages;

Synchronization of data with the package "1C: Salary and Personnel".

The program implements a multifunctional mechanism for preparing reporting documentation, which allows you to generate various billing and personnel, final and statistical reports.

Configuration "1C: Salary and Personnel"

The program is designed for monthly salary calculation of school employees, taking into account accruals and deductions.

The configuration "1C: Salary and Personnel" allows not only to automate the calculation of wages, but also to organize the accounting of employees, register official movements, receive statistical information on personnel composition, reporting documents.

Configuration "1C: Accounting for budgetary institutions"

The program allows you to keep accounting of a budgetary educational institution in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

The program contains a full-featured set of ready-made solutions for automating the main areas of accounting, provides opportunities for the formation of accounting and tax reporting in electronic form. The program implements the ability to upload and download data from the 1C: Salary and Personnel system.

Disk 3/3 contains methodological materials for an accountant, including articles on budget accounting and some materials on working with 1C:Enterprise programs.

Schedule editor "ChronoGraph 3.0 Master"

An interactive automated environment that allows you to create a schedule of any complexity for an unlimited number of classes and teachers with the ability to plan and make the necessary replacements.

Options for working with the program

The "1C: ChronoGraph School" configuration provides opportunities both for working on a local computer and for organizing user work over an internal network with a common information base.

Local work. In the absence of an internal network in an educational institution, it is possible to organize work with the program on local computers. In this case, the following are installed on each local computer:



A serious disadvantage of such an organization of work is the need for constant prompt updating of the information bases of all users in order to adequately display the results of the overall activity.

Network work. The organization of network work with the program provides an opportunity for users to access a common information base from their computers. The database itself can be located both on the server and on any of the computers. The best option is to host the database on the server.

The efficiency of such a system - the speed of information processing depends on the capacity of the equipment and the corresponding software, as well as on the number of active database clients (that is, users simultaneously accessing a common information base).

Advice. Network versions of 1C:Enterprise are best installed on server operating systems. If the expected number of users is more than three, it is recommended to use a network operating system (Windows Server or Novell Netware).

There are two options for installing a networking platform:

1. On each computer - local access to the platform.

For these purposes, it is necessary to perform a local installation of the platform on each computer.

2. On the server - a network call to the platform.

For these purposes, it is necessary to perform an administrative installation of the platform on the server, and then a network installation on users' computers.

An administrative installation is not, strictly speaking, an installation per se, but a preparation for an installation. Its essence lies in the fact that a directory is created on the local network server that is accessible over the network (reading rights are enough), into which all the necessary files are transferred from the 1C:Enterprise distribution kit in order to launch SETUP from this directory. EXE, it was possible to perform the platform network installation procedure on the user's computer. This does not make any changes to the menu, system directory, or Windows registry for the server.

A network installation can only be performed on a user's computer by running the SETUP.EXE program from a directory created on the server during an administrative installation. Network installation differs from local installation mainly in that during network installation, 1C:Enterprise program files are not copied to the user's computer, and menu items for launching programs are configured in such a way that when they start, executable files (.EXE, .DLL) are taken from the same LAN server directory from which SETUP.EXE was run to perform the network installation.

To organize network access to the infobase, regardless of the platform installation option, the configuration must be placed in a folder on a server with open access.

Attention! Be sure to check the availability of the right "to change" for access from the network to this folder. It is advisable to connect this folder for users as a network drive (to simplify administration, it is recommended to use the same letter for a network drive for all users).

Purchase conditions.

Prices are not indicated on the manufacturer's new website http://www.school.chronobus.ru. Until December 2010, you can use the software package from the SBPPO package for free. What will happen next - we'll see. Most likely, the cost will be commensurate with the Avers package, comparable in terms of characteristics.

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