Fishing goods store from scratch: where to start? How to open an online store of fishing goods? Open sp angler and tourism get started


Reading 7 min. Published on 14.02.2020

A store offering fishing goods is a very specific business. It can be easily mastered by a fishing enthusiast who has a reserve necessary knowledge. The right approach in organizational moments will allow the entrepreneur to make good profits. A number of questions immediately arise. How to open a store from scratch? What products to sell and how to earn? Are there any features in the promotion? Let's figure it out.

What documents are required to open a fishing store?

Setting up a business involves the following steps:

  1. . Individual entrepreneurship allows you to simplify accounting and reduce taxes. The LLC form is considered in case of opening a large outlet(more than 150 "squares") or for wholesales.
  2. Opening a bank account for paying taxes.
  3. Registration cash register. You can't do without it in retail.
  4. The choice of taxation system - unified or simplified.
  5. Obtaining codes from the State Committee for Statistics.
  6. Conclusion of a contract for the lease of premises.
  7. Obtaining permits from the SES, the Fire Service and Rospotrebnadzor.

As soon as the passage of all the stages listed above is confirmed by the relevant papers, the legal part can be considered completed. In other words, from the point of view of the legal aspect, the activity of the store has a legal basis.

Where is the best place to open a fishing goods store: choosing a location

Although goods for fishermen do not belong to the category of essentials, however, when choosing the location of a retail outlet, it is necessary to give preference to crowded places.

What options are considered the most optimal in this matter? Almost any:

  • Special department located in the shopping center.
  • Separate shop.
  • Converted residential facility on the 1st floor in a high-rise building.
  • Even a basement will do.

True, some experts argue that a large human flow is not a determining parameter, therefore it is advised not to focus on it. One way or another, but the outskirts of the city are definitely not worth considering.

The only exception is the exit from the city leading to fishing spots.

Important factors contributing to successful trading include:

  1. Availability of parking.
  2. Presence of public transport stops nearby.
  3. Convenient approach and driveway (for private cars).

The main thing is to provide customers with convenient transportation of bulky goods. For example, boats or motors. People willingly visit a store that has a convenient location.

Premises requirements for a fishing store

You need a spacious room - 50-80 m² or more, to accommodate the entire range on the shelves in the trading floor. Buyers need to be given the opportunity to take the product and examine it. A reminder of good lighting and ventilation will be useful here. The romance of twilight, tightness and stuffiness in a fishing store is inappropriate. In addition, a room is necessarily provided for storing a stock of goods (warehouse), a service room and a bathroom.

Don't pay attention to design . The clients of such an outlet are mainly men who are little interested in the combination of the color scheme of the ceiling with the floor covering. For them, the quality of the purchase is important, or rather the size of the future catch when using a new spinning rod, fishing rod, and so on.

Furniture and equipment necessary for the operation of a fishing store

A point of sale offering goods for anglers is equipped with:

  • Open shelving.
  • Special stands for spinning (rods)
  • Glass closed showcases for small goods.
  • Racks for fishing overalls.
  • Cash register.
  • Furniture for office space and warehouse.

The list of necessary attributes differs little from ordinary stores. What and how much to buy? Depends on the range and size of the room. On average, everything will have to spend 150,000-200,000 rubles.

What is profitable to sell in a fishing store: assortment

The most important component of any outlet is its assortment. Otherwise it can not be. In this case, buyers belong to the category of fishing enthusiasts. This means that the offer of the whole range of goods will be the most correct option - when coming to the store, the fisherman should know that, in addition to the fishing rod, he will be able to purchase everything necessary for catching fish.

In the fishing segment of the trading industry, the goods are divided into certain groups:

Based on the table above, it is easy to draw a conclusion about the category of the most profitable product.

Note . You should not bet on low-grade products from Chinese manufacturers. Cheating up to 200% is a very weak argument in this matter. Fishermen are a special type of buyer, famous for being spoiled. They are great at branding. Therefore, the sale of low-quality gear and other goods leads to negative consequences - an almost instantaneous loss of customers. But the profitable operation of the outlet depends on the number of regular customers.

Search and selection of personnel for a fishing goods store

What are the needs of visitors to such a store:

  1. Replenish the supply of tackle, hooks, reels and other fishing accessories.
  2. Get good advice from a sales assistant about catching fish for a specific type of spinner and so on.
  3. Tell about your fishing experience and listen to the story of the interlocutor.

The fishing shop is classified as an interest club where people share experiences, tell stories, get advice and make purchases. The main contingent of such places are men. A woman will be interested in a fishing rod only as a gift for the stronger sex. Hence the main requirement for the selection of sellers - they must be men who love fishing, or at least know everything about this topic.

State small shop consists of:

  • Sellers . Enough two people for shift work.
  • accountant . It is better for a businessman to find a specialist who understands accounting and taxation, rather than independently engage in work that requires special knowledge.
  • manager . He is the general manager and works with suppliers.
  • cleaners . Its functions require no explanation.

At first, it is not necessary to adhere to this list. In order to save money, entrepreneurs themselves stand behind the counter, take the management of the store into their own hands. One way or another, control by the business owner is required, and the number of hired personnel may increase as the point is promoted.

How to promote a fishing store from scratch: advertising and marketing

It is enough to have:

  1. A bright sign.
  2. A folding bed located in front of the entrance to the store.
  3. Page in social networks.

Clients are well attracted by the regular distribution of flyers and communication with anglers on special forums. An effective marketing option is sponsoring fishing championships or city-level festive events. Do not forget about word of mouth - the best free advertising tool. If the fisherman is satisfied with the pricing policy, assortment and its quality, he will certainly visit the outlet again, become its regular customer and bring his friends.

How much does it cost to open a fishing goods store: a ready-made business plan with calculations

Approximate calculation for a store with an area of ​​40-60 "squares", in which 2 people work in shifts.

Starting costs:

The amount of annual costs:

The exact calculation of profit is a complicated matter, it is necessary to take into account:

  • The number of buyers.
  • Average purchase amount.
  • The markup amount. The recommended average value is not more than 65%.

Thus, if all purchased goods are sold (for 1,000,000 rubles), then the profit will be 650,000 rubles.

When calculating the expected profit, the data of statistical studies help:

  1. For a year, a real fisherman spends up to 5,500 rubles on his favorite hobby.
  2. In cities with a population of up to 200,000 people, about 20% are potential clients fishing shops. This is 40,000 people.
  3. Suppose there are already 7 fishing outlets in the city. This means that each has 5,700 buyers.
  4. The annual revenue of one store will be 31,350,000 rubles.
  5. The amount of revenue per month is 2,612,500 rubles (with an investment of 1,600,000 rubles in the purchase of goods).

In this state of affairs, the profitability of a fishing store is obvious.

True, it is necessary to take into account:

  • Seasonality of demand for fishing goods.
  • To make, if possible, an accurate analysis of this market segment in the city where it is planned to open a business.
  • Have enough money to buy goods.

This is interesting and promising idea. If you correctly use the passion of a certain group of people for fishing, then the business will bring considerable profit. The advantage of the fishing business lies in its high profitability - from 20%. But in order to competently organize the activities of the store, you need to take into account all the important points and draw up an approximate financial plan.

Every year, the average cost of a fisherman is about five thousand rubles.. Funds are spent to replace or upgrade gear. An insignificant margin from the sale of only fishing equipment makes it necessary to expand activities at the expense of more expensive tourist goods - boats, tents, clothes, and so on. In the article we will analyze in detail how to open fishing store from scratch in Russia.

The importance of location

Before registering a fishing business, you should consider the location of the store and its concept. Fishing accessories are not essential items, so the outlet must stand out from the crowd of competitors.

Since the target audience of fishing shops is predominantly men, it is better to choose areas near markets, construction or automotive outlets for the location of the store. An excellent option would be a fishing tackle shop on the outskirts of the city.

Product range

What does it take to open a fishing shop? you can ask professional anglers. Their consultation will help in drawing up the range and selection of the demanded goods. A business plan is developed in one of several directions, taking into account the chosen concept. Trade in goods for fishing can be:

  1. profile specialization - only well-known brands are offered;
  2. branded - elite goods of a high price category;
  3. diversified direction - a wide range at reasonable prices.

The most promising last option, since a large assortment and low prices significantly expand the circle of potential consumers.

The product range is an important component of any business, including a fishing store. Your outlet should have a full range of products required for fishing and outdoor activities.

If the store is multi-profile, then there will be quite a lot of goods, which means that the premises will be required large area, minimum 80 sq.m. It is good if the premises are divided into several trading floors, so that it would not be difficult for buyers to find the goods they need for fishing. For example, in the first hall, accessories specifically for fishing will be placed: fishing lines, fishing rods, lure, and so on.

And the second hall will be designed for goods used for outdoor activities: boats, tents, sleeping bags, clothes, and so on. It will also be necessary to allocate a room for a warehouse where a stock of the most demanded product - floats will be stored. Hooks, baits and much more.

Approximate calculations

To find out is it profitable to open a fishing shop you need to draw up a cost plan. First of all, you should deal with the registration of the outlet, as well as obtaining all the required permits and certificates for conducting activities of this kind. Then you can start financial calculations. How much does it cost to open a fishing store from scratch can be calculated based on the following costs:

  1. rent (purchase) of premises, its repair;
  2. purchase of commercial equipment (racks, shelves, etc.);
  3. purchase of the first batch of goods;
  4. advertising costs.

On average, opening a retail outlet requires expenses of about 850 thousand rubles.. Since the trade in fishing accessories is considered a profitable activity, investments will pay off quite quickly - in about 3-4 months.

At the time of opening the store, the assortment should consist of several thousand items. As the business develops, the quantity of goods needs to be increased and expanded. For cooperation, you need to choose reliable suppliers, foreign and domestic brands. It is better to order goods with a short shelf life from local suppliers so that it is convenient to update the assortment on time.

The profitability of the store is largely determined by the correct selection of goods for fishing. Products should be as diverse as possible, the buyer should be given a wide choice.

Fishing store standard items:

  • fishing rods, rods;
  • coils and accessories to them;
  • various sizes of fishing line;
  • baits in assortment;
  • hooks, weights, spinners, floats;
  • other fishing accessories.

The group of gear for spinning should also differ in the maximum variety. There should be goods of various price categories - from the most inexpensive to high-class spinning rods. Products are divided into small and large goods. The initial assortment must include at least 7,000 positions.


In every store, the main component of successful activity is the product line. But do not underestimate the importance of the correct location of the assortment. It is very important to choose convenient racks, boxes for equipment and fishing accessories. You will have to purchase special display cases and counters with a large number of drawers in which you can put all the fishing tackle.

Personnel Requirements

A fishing tackle shop is not the kind of place you go to quickly buy what you need. This is a kind of club for fishing and outdoor activities, so sellers should understand the assortment in order to give experienced advice to the buyer. It is necessary to hire for such a job real lovers and connoisseurs of fishing, with extensive experience and the necessary skills in this matter.

Only in this case, sales will be excellent, and the business profitable. It is better to organize the work of staff in two shifts, that is, you need to hire two salespeople. The requirements for potential employees are clear: they must be able to help the client make a choice, navigate the product range, be sociable and pleasant in communication. In order for sales growth to be of interest to the sellers themselves, they should be assigned bonuses taking into account the sale of goods.

In addition, an experienced manager and a qualified accountant are required to conduct business. It is better to trust your business to good professionals who understand all the intricacies of working with clients, suppliers and competent reporting.


Partners and suppliers can be online stores that sell multi-purpose fishing products in bulk with a discount of 25-30%. This option will be ideal when you first fill the store. Further, you can expand the range through cooperation with foreign suppliers from China or Japan. Thanks to this partnership, the margin on goods can be increased up to 50-70%. This is a useful advantage that allows you to increase cash flow and balance the instability of profits due to the seasonality of the business.

The competition in the fishing business is small, but, nevertheless, it is present. And in order to make your store successful and profitable, you need to take into account the advice of those who have been engaged in such activities for a long time:

  1. Careful thought should be given to the concept and competitive advantages your store. There are a lot of ordinary outlets where you can buy what you need for tourism or fishing, so you should figure out how to interest the consumer. Alternatively, you can introduce a new supplier in your city.
  2. The product range needs to be updated regularly. The fishing market is rapidly expanding and developing, so an entrepreneur who wants to make money in this area should be aware of new products and offer them to their customers in a timely manner.
  3. Do not keep in your store a product that is poorly sold, even if you have profitable terms cooperation with its supplier.
  4. It is unlikely that you will succeed in a business that you are not interested in. Step-by-step instruction it will help to open a fishing shop from scratch, but it will become profitable only if you understand and are fond of fishing or tourism.
  5. Don't spend a lot of money on advertising campaign. You can limit yourself to a bright conspicuous sign, outdoor advertising and online ads on fish forums.
  6. The best advertising tool will be the recommendations of anglers who purchased goods in your store and who were satisfied with the assortment presented in it and the pricing policy. In this case, it is guaranteed that their friends and acquaintances will hear about your outlet and will buy fishing tackle from you.

Business Disadvantages

The main disadvantage of the fishing business is seasonality. Otherwise, with the right approach to organizing the business, if everything is carefully thought out and the local market studied, then success is quite realistic.


It is really difficult to calculate how much investment is required to open a fishing store from scratch. Everything is determined by the chosen format, direction and concept of the outlet. Drawing up an individual business plan will help you navigate, taking into account the characteristics of fishing activities. The market for fishing gear and tourist goods is considered profitable, the demand for products is consistently high, and if you attract the attention of the target audience, interest it in the competent formation of the assortment, and adopt a reasonable pricing policy, then profitability is guaranteed.

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Despite the rather strong competition in the market of goods for fishing, this species business remains quite profitable. The main factors of such high popularity are the popular love of our citizens for fishing, as well as the development of infrastructure (private ponds) near the cities. These factors stimulate a constant demand for fishing products, which translates into a quick payback of the project, which is 9 months. The break-even point falls on the 4th month.

To open a store, you need to rent a retail space. It can be found both in large residential areas, and at the exits from the city on major highways. In the city center, such stores are not in demand. Also, when opening, you will need to hire two sellers and a cleaner. The staff of the store will be 4 people, including the owner.

The assortment of the store will be presented with various products for fishing. Most Attention it is necessary to give spinning and gear for them. These products are the most marginal. On average, the markup on goods in the store will be 70%. The average check of one purchase is 595 rubles. At the same time, it can vary from 200 rubles to 5,000 rubles. Given these figures financial results projects will be as follows:

Amount of initial investment- 419 800 rubles

Monthly costs- 773,907 rubles

Monthly profit- 83 687 rubles

Payback period- Seven months

Breakeven point- 3 months

Profitability of sales - 15%.

2. Description of the business, product or service

The main task of the fishing store will be the sale of goods for fishing. These include: various sinkers, baits, hooks, fishing lines, clothes and rubber shoes, fishing rods, boxes and boxes, as well as other equipment that the fisherman uses in the fishing process.

Suppliers of goods and accessories can be both domestic manufacturers and imported ones. These include suppliers from China and Europe. At the same time, today the quality of Chinese goods is no worse, and the prices are much lower in comparison with European counterparts. Therefore, the main emphasis will be placed on Chinese goods.

You can open a store even in a small town. With a city population of 250,000 people, the minimum size of the target audience will be 12,500 people (5% of the population). These people regularly purchase goods for fishing. The average number of customers who will visit our store per day is 50 people.

To open a store, you will need to install and purchase the following equipment:

  • Cash register
  • A computer
  • Printer
  • Shelving
  • Office furniture (table + chair)
  • Showcases

This equipment will be enough at the start of the store. Further, as the assortment grows, it will be necessary to install a warehouse accounting system, as well as a customer accounting system to increase customer loyalty.

In addition to equipment, the store will need a retail space. As noted earlier, it is best to look for a rented area on the outskirts of the city, as well as near large residential areas. The central parts of the city will not work. The minimum store area is 30 m2. Also, the room will need to make cosmetic repairs.

When opening a store, it is necessary to purchase the initial batch of goods.

There is no licensing for this activity. When concluding a lease, ask the landlord for a document certifying compliance with all fire safety requirements.

3. Description of the market

The success of a fishing shop is determined by the quality and prices of the products offered.

The main target audience of the store are men aged 25 to 75 years. It can be both professional fishermen and amateurs. Therefore, the assortment of the store will need to focus on these two segments.

Despite the slight target audience, in our country, a lot of men prefer to spend their free time with friends fishing on a river or pond. For some, this is a weekly ritual.

In order for the demand for products to be constant, it will be necessary to implement a loyalty program. Regular customers can be offered a permanent discount card, for example, 5% or 10%, for new customers one-time discount coupons can be offered.

4. Sales and Marketing

5. Production plan

To successfully run a fishing store, you will need the following:

  1. Register IP
  2. Find a room
  3. Make repairs
  4. Purchase equipment and the first batch of goods
  5. Find staff
  6. Start working

Stage/duration, weeks

IP registration

Premises for rent

Purchase of equipment and goods


Beginning of work

As this business does not have a strong specificity and large production processes, then it will take about 6 weeks to open. First you need to register a legal entity - an individual entrepreneur (OKVED 47.64.2 "Retail trade in fishing accessories in specialized stores"). The tax rate is 6%, the taxable base is "income". Based on the results of receiving all the statutory documents, you can open a bank account.

I hasten to disappoint those who are thinking of opening a fishing store from scratch: financial investments will still be required. But, if you correctly choose the range of the most hot commodity, you can save a lot at the start. The location of the outlet will also be of great importance. We need high traffic: markets, shopping centers, central streets of the city. A point opened near the track can also be successful if it leads to popular fishing spots ...


Experienced businessmen claim that opening a competitive fishing shop requires at least 3 million rubles, of which 80% of the starting funds go to purchase a range of goods. One cannot but agree with this: the larger the assortment, the better the store looks in the eyes of a potential buyer.

Large investments in goods are primarily due to their high cost. Motor boats, fishing suits, tents, spinning rods are quite expensive goods, the purchase of which requires significant funds. Selling such a product through a catalog is also not an option, since the buyer needs to see the product with his own eyes, touch it. There is only one option for saving at the start: do not buy expensive items, but choose something cheaper and more popular. In this case, investments in goods can be reduced to 300 thousand rubles.

The main product of such a mini-shop can be:

  • baits, baits and flavorings;
  • reels, fishing rods, spinning rods, cages;
  • fishing line, sinkers, leashes, floats, hooks, tees;
  • for winter fishing: spinners, balancers, winter fishing rods, nods, etc.

The big advantage of such a product is that it is small in size, so the store can be located on a minimum area of ​​​​only 5-6 square meters. m.

You can also choose to specialize. For example, call the store "Blesna" and form the richest assortment of such goods in your city.

Earnings on spinners in the winter are very good. A catchy lure costs between 700 - 1000 rubles, and often wealthy fishermen take several lures at once to their collection. The margin for spinners is 100 percent or more. Yes, the goods are seasonal, but in the season you can make good money. In addition, the point will receive regular customers who can come in the summer to buy a fishing line or a float with hooks.


As a room, you can use the island or wall department in mall. There are no problems with traffic in such places, and from the first days you can get the first buyers. But due to high rent, the location in the shopping center may not always be profitable.

No less profitable can be a store opened in a residential area of ​​the city. Here, small premises are often rented out on the first floors of multi-storey buildings. Find 5-10 sq. m. is always possible. Such an area will cost only 10 - 20 thousand rubles a month. If you always have a fresh bait in stock: bloodworm, maggot, worm, sprat, etc., the flow of local customers is guaranteed. To store the nozzle, you will have to purchase a refrigerator.

Business registration

Before renting a retail space and purchasing a consignment of goods, you will need to register entrepreneurial activity. Without IP, no supplier will work with you. Therefore, we register an individual entrepreneur in the local tax service. Registration of an individual entrepreneur will cost only 800 rubles (state duty) and will take 5 business days from the date of submission of documents (application, photocopy of passport, receipt of payment of state duty). When filling out the application, you can specify the OKVED code 52.48.23 " Retail sporting goods, fishing gear, camping equipment, boats and bicycles.

As a taxation system for a fishing store, UTII is best suited - a single tax on imputed income. This is the most optimal tax regime for a small fishing department. The amount of tax depends on the sales area of ​​the object: the larger the area, the higher the tax. UTII is a fixed tax and does not depend on the sales outlet's revenue.


Only guys should be hired, and preferably fishing enthusiasts. The majority of market players think so too. The fact is that many fishermen, due to their chauvinism, do not perceive the concept of "a woman and fishing." If there is a girl behind the counter, for many it may seem strange. Still, guys are trusted more: they will listen to advice, ask for a recommendation, and definitely buy something.

In the first months of work, you can trade with the organizer of the case (if time permits). This will not only allow you to get increased revenue, but also help you better understand the needs of the client and form the ideal assortment of the outlet.

Season - when to open?

There is a pronounced seasonality in the trade in fishing goods. December and May are considered the most profitable months. At the beginning of the winter fishing season, the demand for spinners, drills, winter rods and baits (bloodworm, sprat) increases. In May, the demand for spinning rods, summer fishing rods, boats, echo sounders increases. If you decide to organize your own fishing shop, then it is better to do this before the opening of the next fishing season. In this case, the funds invested at the start will pay off much faster.

Many experienced businessmen advise setting up a reserve fund when opening a store. For a small store, this can be an amount of 150 - 200 thousand rubles. These funds will be used, first of all, to pay rent and wages to sellers if the store's revenue in the first months of operation is very small (which is likely to happen).

Fishing shop business plan

We propose to carry out some calculations of the prospects of opening a small fishing shop (feasibility study).


  • trade software(showcases, shelves, refrigerator) - 100 thousand rubles;
  • creation of an assortment of goods - 200 thousand rubles;
  • advertising, design, other expenses - 50 thousand rubles.

TOTAL: 350 thousand rubles.

Permanent monthly expenses:

  • rent 6 sq. m. - 15 thousand rubles;
  • wage+ insurance contributions (2 people) - 45 thousand rubles;
  • UTII - 6 thousand rubles;
  • other expenses - 5 thousand rubles.

TOTAL: 71 thousand rubles.

The break-even point of sales with an average trade margin of 70% will be reached with a monthly revenue of 172,000 rubles. Anything over this amount is our profit:

  • average trade margin - 70%;
  • average check - 400 rubles;
  • average income from one buyer - 235 rubles;
  • the number of clients per day - 25 people, per month - 750 people;
  • income per month (minus the cost of goods) - 176.25 thousand rubles.

Hence, the profit of the store will be: 176,250 - 71,000 = 105,250 rubles. With such indicators, the costs of opening a fishing store pay off in just 3 months of the outlet's operation. However, taking into account the fact that high traffic to the store will not be achieved immediately, a period of 8 to 14 months can be considered a normal payback period.

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