Taxi business plan: how to open a taxi dispatch service. How to start your taxi service from scratch Start your taxi service


It is no secret that the situation in the taxi market is very difficult. In addition to the usual taxi companies, Yandex Taxi and Uber entered the market, which further aggravated the situation. If you are thinking about how to open a taxi fleet and quickly make money on it, you should understand that this is a very complex business, in which there is simply a huge number of influencing external and internal factors.

In some regions, it even got to the point that disgruntled taxi drivers set fire to Yandex Taxi cars

Opening a taxi company from scratch is very expensive. If you approach this business with perfectionism, then you will need millions of rubles and a huge amount of time to pay off. In this article, we will tell you how to organize a business in such a way as to reduce at least the initial costs and pay off as quickly as possible.

Business Components

To understand how to open a taxi company from scratch, you must take into account the fact that this business resembles a LEGO constructor. There is a limitless number of variations of business organization.

To illustrate, let's take a simple example. To organize communication between drivers and the dispatcher, you can:

  • Purchase walkie-talkies and rent a frequency
  • Force drivers to buy tablets and communicate using them
  • Buy tablets yourself and distribute them to drivers
  • Use someone else's application to connect drivers and dispatchers
  • Develop your own application

5 different options that solve the same question. Each solution has its own cost, pros and cons. And the connection between the driver and the dispatcher is just a small piece of the chain of business organization. Therefore, before you begin to act, you definitely need detailed business plan, which will describe all the questions.

If we enlarge our business plan and discard all minor issues, it turns out that the taxi fleet consists of two parts:

A full-fledged taxi service cannot function without these components, but it does not have to create and maintain them on its own.

There are options when the taxi fleet has only a control room, but does not have its own drivers and cars at its disposal. Or vice versa, the fleet has drivers and cars, but it has no customers. Then he can offer his cooperation to the taxi company with the control room and the flow of customers.

Therefore, if you do not want to make big investments, but want to break into this market, you can start by opening your own fleet or control room.

We open a car park in Yandex Taxi

If you want to invest with minimal risks, you should definitely learn how to open a taxi fleet in Yandex Taxi. The most important plus is that when you open a fleet with Yandex, you do not go on a free voyage. There are no questions about what to do and how to do it. From the very first day of cooperation, you will be helped in absolutely everything.

What is required of you:

  • Registration legal entity
  • Investments from 3 million rubles
  • Hiring drivers

Advantages of cooperation with Yandex:

  • You will definitely not be thrown
  • Minimal risks
  • We will help you to buy cars on favorable terms
  • Helping you find drivers
  • No need to buy software

Another significant plus is that Yandex is not some kind of office that businessman Vasya is trying to develop alone. This is a multi-million dollar business with analytics departments, in-house programmers and managers in various areas.

If you start cooperating with Yandex, the likelihood that they will not have customers or the company will suddenly close, as is usually the case with regional taxi companies, tends to zero. Therefore, payback and exit to the plus remains only a matter of time.

If you already have a fleet of vehicles and do not need to open a Yandex taxi fleet from scratch, then you can simply become a partner if your business satisfies their conditions.

How to officially open your taxi fleet

As we said earlier, any taxi fleet consists of a fleet that hires drivers and resolves issues with cars. And from the control room, which is engaged in attracting customers.

You can open only a fleet or only a control room and make great money on it. And you can open everything at once and earn even more, but the problem is that you are unlikely to have enough investment for everything at once.

First, we will tell you how to open a taxi fleet, then we will talk about the control room and attracting customers, and at the very end we will combine these components and calculate the costs and income.

Part 1: opening a car park

In the first part, we will talk about how to open a taxi fleet. Of course, you can start creating your taxi empire first from the control room, but we decided to start with the fleet.

In this part, we need to organize the hiring of drivers, purchase cars and find taxi companies that would like to rent them if we want the fleet to work as an independent business.

Earlier we already said that there is the possibility of cooperation with Yandex and the solution of all issues will be much easier, but if you want to work with some other taxi companies or even create it for your future taxi service, you will have to go through a difficult path alone.

IP registration

In order for us to work officially, we first need to register as an individual entrepreneur with the OKVED code 49.32. For taxation, we choose UTII (single tax on imputed income).

It is highly recommended not to work informally. The taxi market is highly competitive and most likely, if competitors find out about your black side, they will immediately denounce the authorities, which will entail unpleasant consequences.

Save on cars

Buying at least 10 cars in your fleet is a very expensive undertaking. One Volkswagen Polo costs 600,000 rubles, and if we need 10, then we get a tidy sum of 10 million rubles. Not everyone has such large funds, and they will pay off for a very long time. There are two options to get out of this situation.


Corporate leasing is a very profitable way out of the situation. Since we will buy 10 cars at once, a discount system will apply to us.

After the full payment of the cost of the cars, you can freshen up your garage and buy new ones.

In order to purchase 10 VW Polo at once, we will need to pay 3 million rubles one-time. Agree, this figure is much less than 6 million. Then monthly we will need to make payments in the amount of 120,000 rubles until the full payment of the cost of cars. The lease term will be 36 months.

So that you do not get into an uncomfortable situation, we do not recommend buying cars with all your money. It may turn out that you spend all the money on cars, but you can not find customers. Then you will not have any profit and it will be very difficult for you to pay these monthly 120,000 rubles.

Purchase of used cars

Another option will also cost you about 3 million rubles. The only difference is that used cars will be old and they will probably start to break down soon. But this option has a serious advantage, you do not have to pay 120,000 rubles a month and you will be a little freer.

We take care of transport

Be sure to insure all vehicles. This question does not even need to be considered from different points of view. Cars are the most dangerous and most accidental vehicle, so you should definitely insure every car.

In the future, when your fleet grows, you should consider opening your own small service.

Obtaining a license

For each car, you must obtain a license, which is issued for a period of 5 years. To do this, you need to fulfill a small number of conditions:

  • Every six months, a full technical inspection must be carried out, as a result of which the machines must be in good working order.
  • Cars must be equipped with special checkers and lanterns. For those who want to open a taxi fleet in Moscow, they will also have to paste over the cars with a film. Since Moscow taxis must be yellow
  • Equipping vehicles with a taximeter

The obtained licenses will be valid only in certain regions. If you plan to travel intercity, you must indicate this when obtaining a license.

Interesting fact:
The license for New York taxis in 2013 cost $1 million per vehicle. Due to the fact that players such as Uber entered the market, its value began to gradually fall.

Rent for taxi drivers and taxi companies

If you are figuring out how to open your own taxi service, you can skip a couple of paragraphs and go straight to opening a control room. In this paragraph, we will consider a fleet of 10 cars as an independent business.

Rent price:

  • For new cars, the rental price is from 1,300 rubles per day
  • For old people from 800 rubles per day

There are two ways to rent out:

  • Directly to a taxi driver, for this you need to look for taxi drivers and place ads on the Internet, for example on Avito
  • Another option is to rent a taxi service

Now we can draw up a rough financial plan.

Thus, the approximate payback of the fleet can be from 10 to 40 months.

Hiring drivers

There is another option for monetizing the fleet. Some taxi services may cooperate with you on such terms that you will provide them with not only cars, but also drivers.

You can independently find and hire drivers and work with them according to one of the schemes:

  • The driver pays you a fixed amount of 1,300 rubles per day, all the rest of the money that he earns remains with him
  • The driver gives you a percentage of the profits

Which scheme to choose is up to you. The first is more reliable and stable, but the second can be more profitable.

Part 2: open the control room

We have come to the second part, in which we will talk about how to open a taxi without a fleet. In other words, we open a control room that will receive calls and transfer orders to taxi drivers. Like a car fleet, a dispatching office can be an independent business.

For registration, we may need additional OKVED codes:

  • 52.61.2 - sale of goods and services via the Internet
  • 63.2 — Additional services transport for the population
  • 72.6 — information activity with the use of technology
  • 74.83 - information and editorial services
  • 92.4 - informative services

Try to stand out!

The taxi market is already very crowded. Large companies such as Yandex and Uber are rapidly conquering it throughout the country. And if you open your own taxi service, you will most likely have high prices, long delivery times and low brand trust. The consequence of this will be a small number of customers and a small profit.
There are two ways out of this situation, either invest huge amounts of money in advertising, or try to stand out!

By “stand out” we don’t just mean some unusual design, we are talking about the organization of the business itself.

For example, you can organize a "Women's Taxi". Not all women can trust a stranger to drive their child, not all girls trust male taxi drivers, and some simply believe that women drive cars softer.

Another option is "Taxi for the Disabled". On specially equipped vehicles, it is possible to conveniently bring in wheelchair users. If in Moscow there are several companies that do this, then in other cities there is much less competition or there is no competition at all.

It is not necessary to hire 10 female drivers and make a female taxi, and it is not necessary to rent 10 specialized cars for the disabled. These are unusual services and you may find it difficult to find clients. Therefore, it should not be the main part of the taxi fleet, but only an addition. To begin with, we recommend hiring one female driver and renting one car for the disabled.

Also, you can stand out from the competition if you equip each car with wi-fi, a computer set-top box with a TV and distribute chocolates to passengers. You can come up with a lot of unusual things, so come up with ideas and bring them to life!


In order to open a taxi dispatch office, you do not need a large room, but nevertheless it must satisfy a number of requirements:

  • Accommodate 10 people at the same time
  • Good cell signal
  • Modern telephony protocols (SIP, H323)
  • Good internet provider
  • Uninterruptible units and a small electricity generator

Since we need office space, not retail space, the cost of rent will be low. It is quite possible to find from 15.000r. up to 50.000 rub. per month.

Hardware and software

The most difficult thing in organizing a control room is hardware and software. To debug the correct operation and further maintenance, you will definitely need one system administrator.

You need to find software that will allow you to receive calls, calculate the cost of a trip, send a notification to drivers, show which driver took the order. It should also be able to store all information about the order in the database:

  • customer call time
  • the cost of travel
  • route
  • taxi driver arrival time
  • trip duration
  • trip end time
  • etc.

With this, you do not need to load your head much. Just rent the software for 10,000 rubles a month or buy it. They have everything you might need and more.

Communication with the driver

Most taxi service software assumes that the driver will have an Android tablet or smartphone. You have to decide for yourself whether you will force drivers to buy gadgets with their own money or give them away yourself.

If you decide to issue them yourself, we recommend buying cheap smartphone models for about 6,000 rubles. Their power will be enough to install the necessary software and work stably.

If gadgets are not enough for you to communicate, you can purchase walkie-talkies and rent a frequency. Many taxi companies refuse this option, as it is outdated.

In total, 630,000 rubles is the minimum amount required to open a taxi dispatch office.


For your business to pay off faster, you must work around the clock. Therefore, you will have to hire 6 dispatchers who will work 2 people per shift.


If you want to open a taxi service and make at least some money, you must allocate a monthly budget for advertising and promotions.

  • billboard
  • Distribution of leaflets on the street, in the shopping center, at the checkout in stores
  • in regional newspapers
  • on regional websites

The most effective option would be to create your own website and promote it in search engines. It should be noted that if you order website development for 15,000 rubles, then even the most professional specialists on promotion in search engines will not be able to promote your site.

15,000 rubles is too little. You need a well-thought-out structure, design, different features that will distinguish your site from most competitors. Only then can you hire an SEO specialist and promote it in search engines.

The cost of developing the site and its promotion will be about 200,000 rubles

The service sector is one of the most promising business areas. The absence of the need to create a material product allows you to save money and make a profit through qualified personnel. The transportation service is one of the most interesting ideas for entrepreneurs who want to start their own business, regardless of size. start-up capital. A thoughtful taxi will help not only calculate the level of costs and income, but also consider the available formats for such a business.

Why do people choose taxi services

A modern Russian often chooses a taxi, refusing to use public transport. People explain their choice by the following factors:

  • you can get to any part of the city;
  • a taxi will bring you right to the entrance;
  • high speed delivery;
  • you can use the services at any time of the day or night;
  • increased comfort;
  • safety.

There are also a number of negative points. For example, the cost of services may be several times more expensive than travel by transport. You can carry a small number of passengers at a time. And in holidays sometimes it is impossible to wait for the car due to the heavy workload of the fleet. An entrepreneur must take into account all these disadvantages when drawing up a taxi business plan. It can increase the quality of services provided by focusing on the following competitive advantages:

  1. excellent specifications fleet of vehicles (cars must be powerful and modern, pass an internal technical inspection in a timely manner to eliminate emerging problems);
  2. professionalism of employees (people who know the city and the time of traffic jams should work in a taxi, how the driver treats passengers is also important);
  3. ensuring an adequate level of safety (cars must be equipped with airbags and other means of protection);
  4. fast provision of services (for this, it is necessary to provide a sufficient number of drivers, on holidays more employees should go to work in order to have time to deliver customers);
  5. reasonable prices (in addition, you can hold promotions, give out discounts, come up with loyalty systems);
  6. alternative ordering options (it is better if the entrepreneur invests in the development of his mobile application, then customers will be able to order a car through it).

Drawing up a taxi business plan on your own is not so difficult, but putting the idea into practice from scratch is much harder. An entrepreneur who is not familiar with this area may not only not reach the desired level of profit, but also incur losses. In this market segment, there are no longer huge fleets with their own cars or branched dispatch services. Interaction with customers was simplified to processing applications through aggregators. Therefore, a businessman should either work in this direction or buy a ready-made franchise.

Taxi Franchise

The idea of ​​​​opening your own franchise taxi service is suitable for those who want to start their business from scratch and claim to make a good profit. A ready-made business model will not only reduce costs, but also eliminate most of the risks.

Taxi service concept

Drawing up a business plan for a taxi service should involve developing a clear concept for your own business. Here you can go in several ways:

  1. Open a company that will deal with transportation on your own or rented vehicles. This format will require significant capital investments in the purchase of a vehicle fleet. Moreover, dispatching services can be provided either within the company or by third parties.
  2. The organization of the dispatch service, which will provide orders to private cabbies.

If a person himself wants to be engaged in transportation, then he can simply register an individual entrepreneur, obtain a license and conclude an agreement with the dispatch service. In this case, he will pay for their services, and take the rest for himself.

In modern realities, the second concept is more suitable for a novice businessman. This is due to several reasons. Firstly, own costs at the start will be small. Secondly, most of the bureaucratic formalities will be shifted to private cab drivers - they will independently register as an individual entrepreneur, obtain a license and conclude agreements with the dispatch service. That is, the actual organization of the taxi service will resolve issues wages to their dispatchers and receive a certain fee for the services provided.

List of services - how else to attract a client

Competitive advantages Taxi will help to form a base of loyal customers. However, in order to attract new faces, it is necessary to think about expanding the services provided. In addition to simple passenger transportation, we can offer the following:

  • delivery and transportation of goods (including the delivery of documents, gifts, flowers, products);
  • pre-ordering a car (discounts and bonuses may be provided for customers who enter into a contract for a long period of time);
  • “sober driver” service (the driver delivers the passenger in his car from a banquet or holiday);
  • transfers to airports, train stations, meeting clients;
  • delivery of children to kindergartens, schools, circles and sections;
  • animal transport service;
  • garbage removal.

Additionally, it is worth considering the presence of child car seats in the car. Then the driver will be able to transport children safely. The presence of Wi-Fi, karaoke and other amenities will be an additional plus for the client.

How to organize work

If the entrepreneur has settled on the concept of opening a control room, then he will not have to deal with the fleet and obtain licenses. The main tasks will be:

  • search for drivers with a car and a license;
  • search for clients;
  • organization of the work of the control room;
  • creation and adjustment of software and mobile applications.

It is important for drivers to offer profitable terms. For example, it is possible to provide consulting services regarding the registration of an individual entrepreneur and the issuance of a license. You can hire an accountant who will draw up documentation for each employee. That is, the drivers themselves will actually only need to transport the company's customers and send finished reports to the Federal Tax Service.

It is also important to choose a payment system for services. In this case, it is not the taxi service that will pay the money, but the drivers themselves. And payment can be made in one of the following ways:

  • fixed cost per month for receiving orders;
  • percentage of orders (usually varies from 10 to 15%);
  • a certain amount for a shift.

The latter option is suitable for drivers who have an irregular schedule or have a main job. That is, if they do not work for a whole month, then they do not pay anything to the service company.

Work space

The control room will require a small room to operate. You can place it anywhere in the city. At first, an area of ​​​​15 - 30 m 2 will be enough. It is important that the premises have access to communication systems: radio, computers, telephones, the Internet.

It doesn’t take a lot of money to rent such a room, you don’t need to invest heavily in repairs either - just put it in order and equip it with everything you need.

Some workers can work remotely. This will be especially true if most of the orders will come through a mobile application.

Necessary equipment

To organize the work of a taxi, you will need to purchase professional equipment. Most of the costs will be associated with the development and implementation of software and mobile applications. Additionally, you will need:

  • establish a communication system with drivers and their customers;
  • install servers and terminals for operators;
  • equip cars with taximeters and payment devices.

In addition, it will be necessary to purchase furniture, computers and other devices necessary for the work of dispatchers.

You will have to install a multi-channel telephone in the room to simultaneously process calls from a large number of citizens at once. Drivers need to be equipped with touchscreen phones with active applications. Ideally, if they also have GPS-navigation.

Taxi registration

When opening a taxi in the format of a dispatch service, it is better, but IP can also be used. In this case, the actual provision of transportation services will be carried out by drivers. They need to indicate the OKVED code 49.32 - “Taxi activities”. You can select , or as the taxation system. It will not do without a license. It is issued for a period of 5 years and is stored along with the documents for the car.

The taxi dispatch service itself in the LLC format must also choose the OKVED code for itself. In the classifier for this type of activity, the exact codes are not indicated. The most appropriate would be 52.21.29 - “Other auxiliary activities related to by car". Since the main costs of the enterprise will be associated with salary dispatchers, it is more profitable to choose the format of the simplified tax system "income".

Advertising and promotion

High competition in the taxi industry is forcing business owners to use various methods attracting customers. To increase their number, it is worth:

  • cooperate with restaurants, clubs, cafes, grocery stores– they can give out taxi business cards or discount cards;
  • place advertisements on the radio, pillars, billboards, in the shopping center and on the Internet (especially in in social networks);
  • put up ads, distribute leaflets;
  • carry out promotions with a reduction in the cost of travel at certain times or days (when people use taxi services less actively), but this will have to be agreed with the drivers.

For cars, you can buy checkers and stickers with logos so that they are recognizable. At the time of launch, advertising can cost from 50,000 rubles. You will have to actively invest in it for the first 2 months. Then the customer base will be developed and it will be possible to reduce the cost of promotion.

It is important that the taxi number is memorable and short. If there will be a music advertisement on the radio, then it must necessarily include the name and telephone number.

How much does it cost to open a taxi

The organization of the dispatch service will not require serious investments if you do not organize your own car park. The main costs will be associated with the launch of an advertising company, the purchase of equipment, the development and implementation of a mobile application. It will also be necessary to allocate money for registration and assistance to drivers in registration. In total, at least 500,000 rubles will be required.

A full-fledged taxi service needs even more investment. Only the creation of a fleet will require from 4,500,000 rubles according to the most conservative estimates. And in addition, you will need to obtain a license and issue license cards for employees.

How much can a taxi service earn

The size of the dispatcher's income will depend on the number of cars and the form of payment. If you take 8,000 rubles per driver, then from 30 cars you can get an income of 240,000 rubles a month. In the case of a percentage fee, it can be: 30 cars * 15% * 25 working days * 1,500 rubles (average revenue per day) = 168,750 rubles.

To choose a more suitable option, it is worth calculating both at the stage of drawing up a taxi business plan. For the purposes of the calculation, let's assume that the income is fixed.

Financial results

The main costs of the taxi dispatch service will be related to the payment of wages. One dispatcher will have a salary of at least 20,000 rubles, including insurance premiums. Monthly costs will include:

  • salary - 120,000 rubles;
  • advertising - 20,000 rubles;
  • rent of premises - 8,000 rubles;
  • tax - 15,000 rubles.

Therefore, the profit will be equal to 77,000 rubles per month. By increasing the number of machines, great results can be achieved. Business profitability: 77,000 / 240,000 = 32.08%.

For the first 2 months, the entrepreneur will be busy looking for drivers, assisting in registration, and conducting an advertising campaign. Therefore, the payback period will be equal to: 500,000 / 77,000 + 2 = 9 months.

The organization of a full-fledged taxi service can bring more profit, but the level of costs will be much higher. Payback periods in this niche start from 12-24 months when using your own fleet.

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Let us briefly describe how to open a taxi dispatch service. After all, it is quite profitable, interesting and actual business. Today, the demand for transport services of this kind exists in every city, regardless of the size of the population.

With the right approach and a well-written business plan, you can organize a service that will take orders and direct drivers to the right place. And if you get positive feedback from customers, offer additional services, create a high-quality service, then in six months you can expect a full payback of the project.

Enterprise concept

To enter the market competitively, you should initially study it. To do this, find out what services already exist in the city, what they offer, how many calls they receive per day, the size of the average bill, etc. To this end, you can become a client and personally communicate with drivers from different companies.

Also study the other side - the opinion of people about existing offers, services provided, prices. For example, such topics are often discussed on forums and social networks. You can find out wishes and claims potential clients and form your own concept, thanks to which you will be ahead of your competitors already at the start.

To immediately stand out from the list of taxi services, you need to think over a unique offer. And here it is not necessary to underestimate the cost of services, since this strategy unlikely to justify itself. It is better to offer something in addition to the usual transportation from place to place, for example:

  1. Delivery of groceries or other goods from stores.
  2. Accrual of so-called free kilometers to regular users.
  3. Favorable prices for servicing large events (weddings, corporate parties).
  4. VIP transportation.
  5. Providing a car with a driver for the whole day at the agreed rate.
  6. Callbacks and order notifications via SMS.
  7. Transportation services for children, pensioners, etc.

You can open a taxi dispatcher in three ways:

  • purchase cars and hire drivers;
  • offer jobs to car owners at a fixed rate;
  • a similar scheme of actions, but with a contract drawn up for piecework payment, depending on the completed orders.

If you opt for the second or third option, then a number of advantages open up for a novice entrepreneur:

  1. Starting your own business from scratch does not require large investments.
  2. By providing a variety of services, you can significantly expand the scope of activities.
  3. It is not necessary to rent a large room for the control room.

If you don’t buy your own fleet of vehicles, then the invested funds will be minimal, and all cares for the maintenance and maintenance of cars fall on the shoulders of their owners. True, some disadvantages in the organization of this project also exist:

  • today this area is highly competitive;
  • special attention will have to be paid to the advertising campaign.

To make your taxi dispatch service as a business in short time began to make a profit, it is necessary to provide customers with good service, timely delivery of cars, adequate prices, clean salons, polite staff, ease of handling using any modern means of communication.


If you decide to buy cars, then you will have to register as an LLC or any other form of legal entity. But in order to create just a dispatch service, where drivers with their own cars will work, it is enough to apply for an IP. In this case, the whole process will take no more than a week and requires payment of a low state duty.

In order to be able to expand the scope of activities in the future and offer new services to customers, it is advisable to take care in advance about correctly indicated OKVED codes. The following options are suitable for the dispatch service:

  1. 4 - provision of information services.
  2. 2 - for work in the field of transport.
  3. 61.2 - sale of goods via the Internet.
  4. 6 - to carry out activities related to modern technologies and computer technology.
  5. 83 - services of a secretary, editor and translation of information.

When submitting documents, you should immediately decide on the taxation scheme. In the case of organizing a dispatch service, a simplified one (USN) is more suitable. Don't forget to register as an employer with the Pension Fund and Social Security. In some cases, permission from Roskomnadzor and a license from the Ministry of Transport will be required.

In order to better navigate what requirements are imposed on such services, cars, drivers, as well as what exactly is needed to conduct legal activities, carefully study Federal Law No. 68. It deals with taxis and each region has its own nuances in this area.

Arrangement of the premises

One of the advantages in organizing a dispatch service is that you can opt for an inexpensive building somewhere in the vicinity of the city. The important parameters are the following:

  • the presence of a small parking lot nearby for cars waiting to be called;
  • stable telephone connection;
  • the ability to connect high-speed Internet;
  • conducted communications to maintain equipment in working order, it is desirable to have your own generator.

That is, you choose a place such that there are no interruptions in communication with customers and drivers. But the size of the building does not really matter. To accommodate several dispatchers, 15-20 sq. m. But it is desirable to separate each employee working on the phone with a partition and provide free space.

Also, the premises are zoned for arranging the control room itself, a lounge, a bathroom and an office for administrative staff.

Purchase of hardware and software

For the arrangement of the office, simple and comfortable furniture is enough. The most important part of the organization of the dispatch service is the installation of office equipment and special programs. You need the following technical equipment:

  1. Classic multi-channel IP-telephony for taking orders.
  2. Carrying out telephone communication and the Internet - choose responsible and reliable providers who are ready to provide the office with uninterrupted network operation.
  3. Special software for dispatchers and drivers, which helps to keep a record of all received calls and fulfill orders - there are different models and options, you should choose the best one for your needs.
  4. Install video surveillance, since the desire of customers to contact this service again or recommend it to someone else depends heavily on the work of dispatchers and drivers, so carefully control your subordinates.
  5. Each car can be installed modern system navigation.
  6. Computers and laptops.

Special programs developed for such taxi services today can make things much easier and help control the activities of employees. So, such software is capable of:

  • fix the client's phone number and add it to the common database;
  • calculate the entire route and its cost, the duration of the trip;
  • provide feedback to drivers;
  • notify the client via SMS about the waiting time for transport and the price for services;
  • calculate how much each driver and dispatcher earned, etc.

In this case, you need to use only licensed software and to install it, contact a specialist for services. It's better to sign a permanent contract technical support systems to avoid various risks.

Machine Requirements

Serious requirements are imposed on cars in this type of business. After all, they are the face of the company and the impression that the machine makes on the client largely depends on whether he still wants to use your services. It is also extremely important and safety on the road for the driver and his passenger.

So keep an eye out for the following:

  1. Vehicles are marked with special markings.
  2. A taximeter is attached to the dashboard.
  3. A magnetic tape is glued to the body.
  4. The machine must be regularly (once every six months) inspected at a service station.
  5. Be in excellent working order.
  6. The interior is washed once a week, and the outer parts every day.

A good advertising move would be to place brief information about the taxi service on the vehicle itself. To do this, apply the logo, phone number of the company and a short slogan. So, your company will become more recognizable and conquer the market faster.

We select personnel

One of the key factors in the development of business in the service sector are employees. The reputation of the company depends on how they communicate with customers. Dispatchers receiving calls must be polite, competent, have clear diction, and be able to calmly resolve conflict situations. It is also useful for drivers to communicate discreetly with passengers, to become friendly, to show goodwill and to navigate the route very well.

You can start the work of the dispatcher with several people on the phone and drivers with their own car. But as it develops and grows client base you need to have a whole staff of employees:

  • dispatchers (their number depends on the ability to answer all calls) - work in three shifts to ensure round-the-clock acceptance of applications;
  • drivers;
  • accountant - can be incoming or the function is outsourced;
  • System Administrator.

It is very important to think over the size of wages correctly. Dispatchers and other employees can set a fixed rate and enter into agreements with drivers, according to which you take a certain commission from their revenue. Usually it is 7-18%, but it is better in each case to agree so as to prevent staff turnover and at the same time make a profit from the organization of the enterprise.

Today, the taxi market is quite saturated and in almost every city there is a huge competition among such services. To stand out among them, you need to offer unique and sought-after services, as well as engage in targeted mass advertising. To do this, use all available means:

To attract regular customers, today they come up with many interesting promotions - “Tell a friend”, “Nth trip is free”, count the accumulated kilometers, etc. But this will not work if dispatchers or drivers become rude to passengers, the car will not arrive on time, it will be difficult to get through , and the cost of services will be higher than the average for the region. So pay attention to high-quality service at every stage of work.

Here you can download for free as a sample.


It is very important to draw up a competent business plan, which will indicate expenses and income. Then you can calculate for what period you can return all investments and receive a net profit from your own business.

Initial investment Price, in rubles
1 office equipment 85 000
2 Router and internet 3 000
3 Headset for dispatchers 6 000
4 Connection and installation of all equipment, telephony 15 000
5 Software 60 000
6 Registration of a company and collection of documents 30 000
7 Office rent (per month) 20 000
8 Advertising 20 000
9 Payment for dispatchers 35 000
Total: 274 000

Video: how to open a taxi service - a business idea with little investment.

Everyone knows what a taxi service is. She is engaged passenger traffic within the same city or region using vehicles. All cars are equipped with special meters, in accordance with the indications of which the cost of the trip is determined. The taxi dispatch service involves the acceptance and processing of applications by dispatchers, who then send the necessary information to drivers. Opening such a business is considered profitable, but you will need to spend quite a lot Money for the organization of its own fleet, installation of equipment and the selection of qualified workers.

Characteristics of opening this business

Many entrepreneurs dream of opening a taxi from scratch, but initially it is important to evaluate all the positive and negative aspects of this business. In this case, you can accurately find out about all the pitfalls and avoid possible difficulties.

Business Benefits

Towards the positives this business can be attributed:

  • good demand for services;
  • the ability to install own price for transportation;
  • do not organize your own staff of drivers, since you can use the services of people who will perform the necessary actions for a certain fee in accordance with requests received from dispatchers.

Business Disadvantages

In addition to the pros, you need to know the cons:

  • high competition;
  • the need to have substantial funds to open a business;
  • high legal requirements that cars and drivers must meet;
  • the inability to clearly control employees who may have conflict situations with clients;
  • Only a limited number of passengers can be carried at one time.

It is important to evaluate all the parameters in order to decide whether it is profitable to open a taxi dispatch service and whether the entrepreneur is ready to cope with all the difficulties.

Business Format

Initially, it is important to decide how exactly a businessman will offer a passenger transportation service. The service can be implemented in the following ways:

  • individual service provision , which assumes that the entrepreneur will carry out transportation in a private car;
  • with the help of an intermediary dispatch service , which will take a certain percentage of the proceeds for submitting applications;
  • through your own dispatch service with its own fleet and hired drivers.

The latter option is considered the most optimal, since it involves the organization of a large and stable business.

Assessment of the market situation

If we talk about how to open a taxi dispatch service that will be profitable and promising, then for this it is important to initially marketing research. They will reveal:

  • the number of competitors in the region;
  • services for which the highest demand is set;
  • services that are not offered in the city, which will allow the new company to stand out;
  • the number of potential customers.

In accordance with these data, it will be possible to organize a business, adding services that can interest future customers.

Business registration

Before you open a taxi, you must register as an individual entrepreneur or LLC. As a taxation system, the choice of UTII is considered optimal. In this case, a fixed amount is paid monthly.

If the drivers are out of state, then an agreement must be drawn up with them, on the basis of which, for each application they receive, they must pay a certain percentage of the earnings received.

A license is required to open a business.

Legal requirements and conditions

When opening a taxi service, it is important to know the basic legal requirements for this species business. The main conditions for official work include:

  • obligatory possession of a license, which is a permit for the transportation of people or goods;
  • a license is issued for 5 years and it is valid on the territory of a specific region where an individual entrepreneur or organization is registered;
  • the company must have one or more cars equipped with all the necessary elements;
  • on the sides of the car or on its body there should be special color compositions, thanks to which it is possible to determine whether it belongs to a taxi;
  • it is necessary to install special taximeters in cars;
  • each driver must have at least three years of experience as a taxi worker or a total driving experience of at least 5 years;
  • twice a year for all vehicles must be inspected.

Selection and arrangement of premises for the control room

Before you open a taxi service in your city, you need to choose a room for the dispatcher.

The best option would be to rent a small office space. The size can be small, since the main thing here is the comfortable location of the dispatchers at the tables.

The taxi dispatcher is equipped with the following equipment:

  • a radio station with good reception;
  • computers and other office equipment;
  • stationery;
  • tables and chairs.


In order for the services of the new taxi to be successful among customers, it is necessary to select experienced drivers. The requirements for staff are:

  • driving experience must not be less than 5 years;
  • Drivers must be punctual and responsible.

In addition to drivers, dispatchers, an accountant and technical staff in the control room will work in the organization.

Advertising and business promotion

It is important not only to know how to open a taxi company, but also how to properly promote its services so that it can bring a stable profit. To do this, you can use the following popular methods of advertising distribution:

  • placing ads in various media;
  • advertising on city portals of a particular region;
  • posting information in elevators, public transport, at stops or in other places characterized by high traffic of people;
  • handing out flyers on the street.

It is best to use several ways to promote your business at once.

Financial calculations

How to organize a taxi business? To do this, you need to have at your disposal a substantial initial capital. This is due to a significant number of cost items, which are quite expensive.

Table. Capital investments

Table. Monthly investment

One hired car can bring the company 1,000 rubles a maximum per month. in a day. Cars owned by a businessman, approximately 2 thousand rubles. With this calculation, the payback period of the business is approximately two years.


Thus, the dispatch service can become a source of good income if you know how to organize a business and how to run it competently. However, to open it, you will have to spend significant money.

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Business processes. Investments. Motivation. Planning. Implementation