The script of the comic line for the meeting of graduates. Scenario of the evening of the meeting of graduates material on the topic. Competition "What is taught in school"



Amid the turmoil of endless everyday life,
Among the important things and petty troubles
To the world to return carefree youth
Gives a chance to our school meeting evening.
Come to school - the school is waiting! It will open its doors wide to all its graduates on February 4, 2014 at 18:00.

(The song "Evening of School Friends" sounds. Graduates and guests at the entrance to the assembly hall are met by cheerful buffoons, and registration of guests, taking autographs and memorable addresses can be entrusted to Baba Yaga.)

Welcome! Welcome!
Come into the hall, dear guests!
Come, guests, to us,
We will be very glad to see you!
Baba Yaga(calling for registration).
Wait, don't rush
Take a break here for a bit!
Your address for memory
Please leave me!
And, if it's not a secret,
Tell me, did you like to study or not?
What did you become when you left school?
Choosing a new path for yourself?

Wishes for teachers and students

Don't forget to scribble!

(Registers former graduates - guests of the evening: what year is the graduation, where do they work or study now, by whom, etc.)

(The school bell rings. This is the signal to start the concert. The soundtrack of the song "School Years" sounds. The hosts of the evening come on stage.)

one). I love school bells for a long time ...

2). Any route goes far from them

And the ships leave the pier.

The floor is given to the director of the school Sokova N.Z.

DIRECTOR. Good evening, our dear graduates! We are sincerely glad that those whose sonorous voices a year or five years ago filled the school with life have gathered again within these walls. Whose victories and defeats were the source of the joys and sorrows of the teachers. For those who walk into the classroom with excitement and love every day, you are still a student.

With love and gratitude, we are glad to greet you, dear teachers: those who are working today, giving their talent, soul and heart to the school, and for whom the school has become a second home.

The walls will smell of distant youth,
The familiar white poplar will snow,
As if the world did not know change:
On the same faces - the same light lies.

Leading. Winters have gone with springs.
You have already grown up
But remember your school days.
Calls and changes again
Lessons, first love,
Teachers who were close to you.

Presenter: School... When you leave it, it will be a dream for a long time.

A string of days has flown by -
We have nowhere to go
But you will always dream
Country of childhood!

They say that dreams are what is missing in life.

Leading: No wonder they say that you really appreciate something only when you lose it. Many things have an amazing means - to return people the memory of the past, to give the joy of lived moments that have not been allowed to repeat for a long time.

Leading: And when we look back at the path we have traveled, when we are looking for support and support, we open our school album.

Leading: Our school album stores episodes of school life - amazing events and incidents, joys and failures, moments of meetings with you, our graduates, captured by a flash.

Leading: Each of you would like to dedicate at least a few shots, but where can you find a film that could accommodate you all?

Leading: Do not be offended by us for choosing the genre of a collective portrait for our photo album - because in it you will see yourself, your teachers, as you would have been in your school years.

Leading: So get ready! Please do not make stern faces, do not attach importance to the defects of the film and the imperfection of our photographic skills. Smile with us. Attention - filming!

(Slide show "School album")


I love school bells for a long time ...
And yet, it cannot be otherwise,
From them begins a live connection of the line
And the first reflections on the problem.

Any route goes away from them
And in them joyful beginnings of discoveries,
That's probably how rockets take off
And the ships leave the pier.

Leading. You also left the walls of our school, but the teachers remember all of you. And now we would like to see how well you remember the school, the subjects that you studied here. All of you graduated from school in different years, but once you were friendly classes, let's remember this time.

2 classes are formed GRADUATES and STUDENTS. Now we will do some lessons.

(Bell rings).

Lesson 1.Knowledge of the world (or a little about everything).
We answer questions. I remind you that you need to raise your hand to answer.

In the novel "The Defeat" by Fadeev, from the following characters participate:
Snow Maiden
Father Frost
Finish the quote: "I go out alone..."
to work
on the road
on a bear
Substances that consist of two elements, one of which is oxygen, is -
What formula actually exists:
What's the difference to you
Went to the North Pole...
Kim Il Sung
Karl Marx wrote...
When adding numbers, you get

You adequately coped with all the tasks, which means that we did not teach you in vain. The first lesson is over (the bell rings). I ask you not to leave for a change.

Lesson 2 - integrated - mathematics and linguistics.

Now we will find out which class knows these two subjects better. And we will start the lesson with oral counting. We will count like this. The first class calls the first digit in English. The second class - the second, but in Bashkir -, the First - in Russian, the Second - again in English and so on. The class that made the mistake is out. (call)


Lesson 3- music.

Now all classes will show what else they are capable of. You will have to remember and sing a chorus to us in 3 minutes, some song about the school. (Song Contest)

You all sing wonderfully, well done! (bell rings)

(Concert number. bell rings)

Lesson 4- literature.
Oral essay on the topic: "Declaration of love ..." - to whom? This is up to you. So, who is ready to answer at the blackboard, i.e. at the microphone? (Alumni speaking)

Leading. So our school day is over. We congratulate you and for your excellent academic achievements and exemplary behavior, we present you with our musical gift.

(Concert number. bell rings)

Where are you, school books
And homework?

Who is now sitting at the desk,
For the second at the window?

Your girls got married
Your boys are married.

And for you, for classmates,
The whole country has become a class.

You are already called by your patronymic
Our younger generation.

But everyone appreciates school friendship,
Like in the old days.

For each other you are still -
The same girls and boys.

For which, quite simply,
The whole country has become a class.

1st leader.

Dear graduates, tell us how your life has turned out: where you study, work. Tell future graduates about your educational institution, perhaps one of them will decide to follow in your footsteps. (Speech by graduates)

Leading: And now we have extracurricular activity. We invite you to take part in the game "Lucky case". One team is formed from graduates, and the other from students of the school. And the duel will be judged by our respected jury - teachers. So the first competition "Warm-up".

1. What question cannot be answered in the affirmative? (Are you sleeping?)
2. There are teeth, but no mouth. What is it? (Saw)
3. When it is needed, the sailors throw it away, when not, they raise it ... (Anchor)
4. What can be smashed in peacetime, receiving gratitude for it? (Garden)
5. Which branch does not grow from a tree? (Railway)
6. What habitue of kitchens, canteens and restaurants has a mustache longer than legs? (At the cockroach)
7. What do a rider and a rooster have in common? (Spurs)
8. When can I carry water in a sieve? (in winter)

9. The mainland on which there are no rivers. (Antarctica)
10. Between what two identical letters can you put a small horse and get the name of the country? (Japan)
11. With what notes do sailors measure distance? (Mi-la-mi)
12. What great composer, being deaf, performed his works? (Beethoven)
13. What two notes grow in the garden? (Beans)
14. Which of the great composers at the age of preschooler gave concerts? (Mozart)

Leading. Jury word. (Jury evaluation)

Leading. And our second competition - recttime.

1st task. Imagine opening a new specialty store. Think of at least 5 types of goods that could be sold in it, and explain why. The store is called "All for Losers".

2nd task. Come up with texts for posters that could hang: in the school locker room; above the director's office; on the doors of the dining room. (Completing tasks)

Leading. Well done! It is evident that you have developed creative abilities and know how to work in a team. And what will our esteemed jury say? (Jury evaluation)

Leading. Our third contest - "Take more - throw more ...". Teams must respond very quickly to my questions.

Questions for the first team.

1. Birds whose wings are covered with scales. (Penguins)
2. Where can you not find dry stone? (In water)
3. What grows upside down? (Icicle)
4. Vyut Li migratory birds nests in the south? (Not)
5. They get cold in the hut, but not on the street. (Window)
6. Wishing you a safe voyage... ("Seven feet under the keel")
7. When do women talk the least? (In February. There are only 28 days in this month)
8. Harvesting time. (Strada)

Leading. And now questions for the second team.

1. Where is it better for a hare to run - uphill or downhill? (Uphill)
2. Why do yogis sleep on nails? (It is more difficult to get up from the screws)
3. Does the chick breathe in the egg? (Yes)
4. What flower has a male and female name? (Ivan da Marya)
5. What elephant does not have a trunk? (At the chess)
6. In what case can a boy be called a woman's name? (If he is a sleepyhead)
7. Will a snowman melt if you put on a fur coat? (Not)
8. Which watch shows the correct time only twice a day? (broken)

Everyone, probably, can't wait to see the results?! I, too, am burning with curiosity. Jury, reveal your cards to us as soon as possible. (Jury evaluation)

Leading. Dear participants, remember that you often had to fantasize, explaining to the teacher the reason for unlearned or missed lessons. Have you lost this amazing gift of fantasy yet? Now we will check it in fantasy competition.

Come up with a new use for an object that no one needs:

Empty tin can.

Burnt out light bulb. (Completing tasks)

Your imagination, dear participants, can only be envied. It's time to give the Nobel Prize for your inventions. I wonder whose performance impressed the jury more? (Jury evaluation)

Leading. Any idea can be stated briefly and clearly. Our next competition will test your public speaking skills. So, speaker competition. Try, without repeating a single word, say the following:

The fly sat on the jam.
The sparrow flew in through the window.
The clock strikes twelve times.

Perfectly! I ask the jury to sum up the results of the last competition and the entire competition. (Jury evaluation)

Graduates! Who is ready among you
On stage now?
Do not be shy, boldly go out
Tell us a little about yourself.
You can sing and dance
Ile poems for all of us to read.
(Performances of graduates)

This evening of the meeting does not end,
It continues with the disco.

And we say goodbye to all of you:
"See you again, friends! And goodbye!"

Presenter: We wish you, friends, success in your studies and work! Be kind, energetic, strong in spirit. Leading: Remember that your successes, your joy are both our successes and our joy. Do not forget your native school and come here more often, here they remember you, love and wait for you.

Sounds like music from the "Star Factory". Solemn beginning of the evening meeting of graduates.

Presenter: Hello, dear graduates of the star factory called Spartakskaya high school! We are pleased to welcome all of you, manufacturers, to this gala evening of the reunion of graduates. And by tradition, we give the floor to the director first.

Lesha (student playing the role of director): I am glad to welcome all of you in this hall, the place of our demonstration already finished products. And our factory produces high-quality products. Who is not here: there are no astronauts, and Nobel laureates no, and there are no ministers --- in general, we have no sponsors.

But I have connections at the expense of my manufacturers: in the district hospital there is a children's doctor, a nurse;

Graduates always give up their seat on the bus... to seats for the disabled. I am glad for each of your finally gone issues, because with each of his departures, I look exactly one year younger. True, once there was a case when I immediately looked 3 years younger: it was in 1956, when my "favorite" 10 "A, B, C" left. Looks like they don't exist today...

(Grandmas come out from behind the scenes)

Tanya: When it seems - you need to be baptized!

Alena: Why did the director announce us as always? I already thought that on the golden anniversary of our graduation from school there would be something cooler.

Nadia: There is no one here more jubilee than us.

Katya: We are like Cleopatra - antique, antique ...

Inna: Yes, yes, yes.

Katya: Is it time to eat already?

Tanya: Here, I remember, you would bring a piece of bacon with you, cut it into 3 ... classes, sniff it and wrap it in a newspaper again, leave it for tomorrow.

Alena: Yes, the school is not what it used to be: computers, the Internet, CD-roms, phones in the 1st grade!

Nadia: And in our time there were not enough fingers and toes, they brought counting sticks with them to the lesson - that's all mathematics.

Katya: And what are they wearing? Is it skirts - a shame alone. It's embarrassing to walk in this and up the stairs to the 2nd floor.

Nadia: And also geography, remember? It used to be that in geography you would point to the “boot” on the map ... It’s clear to you that this is Spartak: here is the sock - this is Lugovaya (where A.G. lives), the bootleg is Pionerskaya Street, and the holey heel is the school. What's incomprehensible here? And his teacher: Italy, they say, is Italy ...

Katya: Yes, geography! You remember singing! Well, when did we sing under "plywood"? We live only. Yes, everyone wanted to solo. Where is Vitas noneshny before us! We were specially given lessons on the sports ground so that the whitewash from the ceiling would not fall and the windows would not burst.

Tanya: And how many performed, how many harmonicas were broken, how many traveled around Europe: they were in Lyakhovo, and in Pionersk, and how they met us in Karamaly!

Alena: And they arranged their own disco, the guys came to visit on horseback. They brought their own balalaikas… And now, as soon as the "PRODIGITS" are turned on, one wants to put a helmet on the DJ.

Moderator: The graduates who left school 40-35 years ago remember themselves best as students. After all, the older people become, the more dear to them a carefree childhood. And we dedicate this song to these graduates who are now in the hall.

Babki: Well said; Let's go and listen.


Nadia: This is the song! Cool song! But is this the only thing our students do great? They still dance great!

Katya: Yes, we are always ready to dance. Where are our gentlemen?


Alena: And we studied better. It is not for nothing that we returned here as teachers, we will even conduct master classes. I still remember some theorems in mathematics. For example, my favorite theorem says that a crocodile is longer than it is wide. Who remembers how to prove it? Same, but I remember.

The proof is carried out in 2 stages. First you need to prove that the crocodile is longer than green, and then - that it is more green than wide.

1. The crocodile is long both above and below, and it is green only on top. Therefore, the crocodile is longer than green.

2. The crocodile is green both along and across, and wide only across. Therefore, the crocodile is more green than wide.

Q.E.D. Really, Galina Vladimirovna?

Nadya: But young people are sitting here, a quarter of a century younger than us, but I suppose you don’t remember the theorems?

(Yulia comes out with a bunch of balloons and hands them one for each correct answer).

Nadia: Now let's check:

1. The sum of the squares of the legs is ...

2. What is the name of a parallelogram in which all sides are equal?

3. What is the sum of the interior angles of a triangle?

4. How much does the throwing ball weigh?

Tanya: You probably received balloons as a gift for the last time when you were in the 1st grade?

Tanya: Are the rest of the manufacturers bored? Do you think that if they don’t ask you for theorems, then you don’t need to listen? You will write a dictation.

Host: Well, let's give the floor to the most ancient of those present.

Grandmothers sing ditties

We studied at school for a long time, We brought a mouse to school,

How many years - lost count, Scared all the guys:

And they came here again Children threw books

To see our classmates. And they don't want to learn.

We remember: we once, Fizruk we are cool,

Even it was twice, They have golden nerves:

They outlined the chair with chalk, No matter how much we missed,

They hit the boss on the carpet. They always forgave us.

The schedule was stolen, we were sitting at the table

Fortochek instructed. In the chemistry classroom.

We were not at the lessons - How it exploded once!

Swimming in Physics. We all came out blue.

We went into the dining room, We gathered here today.

We thought we were going to eat. We beg you now

They hung noodles on us so that they would not lose each other

On such an occasion. And come visit us again!

Presenter: These are now graduates of the factory - true stars, but they were once semi-finished products. We opened the archive and found some interesting excerpts from essays written by 1987 graduates. Now I will quote some of them.

Looking in a folder. Grandmas run out with a leaf.

Katya: No, look at him!

Alena: Oh, you saw it, huh?

Tanya: What has fallen is gone.

Inna: What? Where to go?

Tanya: Just listen to what they wrote:

P: Dobrynya Nikitich sat on a horse and peacefully plucked the grass.

Katya: Birds must be protected - they are our four-legged friends.

Alena: Taras Bulba was a free Cossack, because he did not work anywhere.

Nadia: His boots were up to their ears in mud.

Inna: The collective farm is a voluntary business: if you want, join, if you don't want, we'll shoot you.

Tanya: A sandwich and other school supplies were visible from Vova's briefcase.

Katya: Falling asleep while sitting on a horse, Sergei cheerfully sang a song.

Alyona: A gray hare was sitting in a lighted clearing, its large eyes and ears were erect.

Nadia: His brother worked as a nurse.


Cool suddenly in silence knocked on the door.

Really you to me?! I believe and I don't.

My pulse raced, my legs buckled ...

So many days, so many days where were you?

Here the lock clicked farewell ...

I couldn't run away from my mother.

How many words will mother make

Until dad finds the belt!

And the dawn was already breaking,

How did I learn the lessons?

I know it wasn't in vain

It was not in vain!

And it passed, and it came true, and do not wait for an answer ...

Without you, I lived so much in this world!

I grew up, while growing up, life beat me more than once.

If only everything, it was not all in vain.

How on wings rushed here ...

Cool, how long have not seen you!

You are still visiting

And carry a magazine with you

So that the children from the lessons again

They suddenly stopped slacking off.

You understand guys, not in vain

Teachers come to you.

The presenter comes out, puts out the sheets in a ruler and pens.

Moderator: And now...

Grandmothers look over their shoulders, pull out a folder. The leader remains standing.

Tanya: No, just look: there are 3 letters in the word, and he managed to make 4 mistakes: not "yet", but "ischo"!

Alena: I should have left you for the second year!

Nadia: 4 times in a row.

Alena: Now, if he had finished school in 2001, it would have been a different matter, because all 3 class teachers were linguists. And so all the manufacturers of this issue write exceptionally well.

Grandmothers distribute leaflets

The facilitator reads the text. Grandmas control writing.

Presenter: The notorious widow of collegiate assessor Agrippina Savvichna treated clerk Apollo Filippovich to ham, vinaigrette and wolverine stew on the plank terrace to the accompaniment of an accordion.

Grandmas collect leaves, run to the stage

Alena: Oh, they made mistakes!

Katya: You get older, sclerosis begins. And it's only been a few years!

Leading: Since it was a control cut in the Russian language, we will send it to your educational establishments.

Nadia: The happiest people in our hall are graduates who left the school just a year ago ...

Moderator: But the real head of the entire creative team has not yet spoken, who, by the way, is not responsible for what happened today.

The director speaks _____________________

Tanya: It won't take long.

Inna: And we are the same as you.

Nadia: Let's leave this factory of stars

Sasha: But we will never forget

Katya: That they finished this particular, Spartak secondary ... factory

Alena: And then, on full grounds, we will sing the "Hymn of Graduates" with you

Again, again, we all came to our school,

Here again we have gathered.

On this winter and very cheerful evening

We came to meet with friends.

Chorus: Through the years, through the distance

On any road, on any side

You won't say goodbye to school

The school doesn't say goodbye to you.

How many different adventures there were at school,

How much we had to endure in school ...

This is remembered by all people without exception,

Is it possible to forget all this?

Waiting and remembering you and me everywhere, always

Our, our dear people -

It's only you - Teachers!

SCENARIO OF THE EVENING OF THE MEETING WITH SCHOOL GRADUATES “So we met…” Before the start of the event, all graduates line up for the whole school line. 1. Construction 2. Submission of the report 3. Statistics - congratulations 4. Bell 5. Leaving the hall A solemn meeting of graduates in the hall. (against the background of the presentation) 1. "Evening of school friends" Nikolaychuk M.V. music No. 1 2. Performance of the ceremonial detachment "Phoenix" music No. 2 (after the drumming, the presenters come out) Presenter 1 What are you doing here? (guests' answers) Presenter 2 Ah, did you come to the evening of the meeting? Well! Then good evening! Presenter 1 Then, we begin! (The Phoenix squad finish their performance and leave, the presenters remain on the stage) Music No. 3 (in the background) Presenter 1 When the dawn rises above the windows, When the moon and the sun are in half, It doesn’t matter who goes to school now, But it’s important that she always was ... Presenter 2 There is a special day in February.

Bright, sunny, large. The day when the school meets all its graduates! Presenter 1 And friendly faces Everywhere shine then. What's the day? Let's answer in unison: Together: "It's Graduate Day!" Presenter 2 School, like a bouquet of flowers, Waiting for the hour of the meeting. So let for many years We will remember this evening. In a few minutes the stage will be illuminated with light. This evening we are all expected In the school hall invariably. Presenter 1 Hello, hello, evening of meetings! We keep traditions. Graduation day today, And we are talking about you. A flurry of applause awaits you, congratulations, compliments - Together: An evening of meetings! Presenter 2 How to measure the boundless feelings That rage in our hearts Presenter 1 How to measure talent and art Curiosity in children's eyes Presenter 2 So let's put it all together

Children's laughter and the ability to love Lead 1 And multiply everything by the desire To be happy, kind to be Lead 2 What will we get? Presenter 1 A huge figure And you don't have to count it Just know, Together: That our school will stand for many centuries! Presenter 1 Today is the anniversary of our school Let's congratulate all of her boldly! For all of us, you are dearer than you! Teach your children for many more years! Presenter 2 From boys and girls, we congratulate everyone good luck and health on this day, we wish everyone good and inspiration. Our school! Happy birthday! Song “Happy Birthday” music No. 4 I have been friends with our school for a long time. This noisy holiday is ours. I wish the school less grief, Let her more luck awaits. So happy birthday, school, happy birthday.

Congratulations to all your friends. Our School is the best in the world! Our School I love you! How much you endured how much you endured Snow and cold, passed by. And by the students You are loved by all. Be beautiful in spite of the years. Presenter 2 Well, did you say hello to the school? Presenter 1 Well, yes, but what? Host 2 Now it's my turn! Hello dear friends! We are glad to see familiar faces in this festive hall! Presenter 1 Do you know everyone? Presenter 2 Yes, of course! They have it written on their faces - theirs! Creative, positive, communicative is immediately visible! Because they all graduated from our school. And how great it is that all of them gathered here today to remember friends and first love, teachers and their desk, remember the exciting trill of the school bell. After all, each of you was waiting for him once, however, for the most part from the lesson, and very rarely for the lesson! Presenter 1 And let's call everyone to the lesson now. Presenter 2 To the lesson? Yes, each of those present heard the bell a million times, sat in class, went to the blackboard ... What's interesting, touching?

Presenter 1 Yes, do not be surprised, we will invite you to the lesson. (a girl runs with a bell and rings the bell loudly) When a cheerful bell rang for you, Promising cherished 100 roads, you did not believe that very soon your heart would call you back to school. Presenter 2 You did not know how dear your class would become, In which you spent so many years! No, these years were not in vain, And their warm light illuminated your path. Presenter 1 School is a guiding star And a beacon flashing in the darkness. School is something that forever In your, classmates, fate. Presenter 2 Each of you sitting in the hall spent 9, 10, 11, or maybe 12 years at school. However, this is not important. The main thing is that all this time there were teachers next to you. Presenter 1 How quickly and menacingly the earth spins, And school teachers grow old! There is no strength to watch how they grow old But still they are young at heart Leading 2 Years will rush by, you will pass by the school - As before, youth is rustling at the door. And the school teacher - he is so old! - In deep wrinkles and hair is white. Presenter 1 Shoulders hunched, baggy jacket,

And he looks like he's to blame. How quickly the years go by And school teachers grow old! Presenter 2 We salute you teachers, who are now on a well-deserved rest. Today, on behalf of every heart, on behalf of every graduate, we say to you - Together: Thank you! Presenter 1 You will always stay with us, Because we always need. So you will never grow old. Together: Never! Never! Never! Presenter 2 And we continue our lesson and now Goncharuk G.V., Podsosova O.A. will come to the board. and Trostyanaya N.A. Presenter 1 What are you going to ask them for homework? Presenter 2 Well, what's your homework? It’s just that the director calls them, and why she herself will say! Music No. 5 (the director comes out, reads thanks, presents flowers) Presenter 1: Teacher's Heart ... Well, what can we compare it with? Presenter 2: With the cosmic galaxy, which has no boundaries? Presenter 1: Or maybe with the Sun bright, what gives people light? Presenter 2: With the abyss of the sea that has been dormant for hundreds of years? Presenter 1: No, we will not compare! And we say: "Knock!"

Teacher's Heart - Together: HOPE, BELIEVE, LOVE! Presenter 2 For you, veterans of pedagogical work, this musical gift sounds Inspiration group “Teacher's waltz” music No. 6 Presenter 2 music No. 7 Unfortunately, today there are not many with us who would have every right to share our celebration. They will never come to us again. Presenter 1 They usually leave without saying goodbye Without whispering their parting words. Perhaps not going on a long journey, On that long road of dreams and dreams. Even if they are not with us, we remember them, Teachers who were so close, And everyone will never forget them, as if they are somewhere nearby Let's be silent for a while and remember our teachers, mentors. Dance "Candles" music No. 8 Presenter 2 And life goes on! Presenter 1 Yes, it continues, and with it our lesson continues. Presenter 2 Can we arrange a change? Presenter 1 Not a bad idea! Change, so change! Presenter 2 And what will we do with our guests at recess?

Presenter 1 We will ask our director to do this (welcome speech of the director of the school) (the girl runs with a bell and the director comes out loudly at this time) music number 9 (sound effects of a change) (After congratulations, the girl runs again with a bell). Presenter 2 We continue our lesson. (the intro of a children's song about physical education sounds 1 verse) music No. 10 Presenter 1 Shall we continue our lesson with physical education? Presenter 2 No, of course we can't exercise right now, our guests don't have uniforms. Host 1 So you mean our guests are out of shape? Presenter 2 I didn’t mean that, but about the uniform in the sense of clothing. I think that our graduates always keep their physical form perfectly well! But we can remember our athletes. Presenter 1 Yes, indeed, for as long as the school has existed, so many athletes have been in it who defended the honor of the school, traveled and continue to travel to regional and regional competitions, achieved and continue to achieve high results, receive prizes, medals, sports categories. (presentation by athletes of past years) Presenter 2 There are no short paths in sports, And there are no accidental successes. They learn the winning formula in training.

This is steadfastness and courage, The strength of hands and vigilance of the eyes, This is the honor of our native school, Inspiring us all. Presenter 1 They are fighting guys. And they can do it all. All world records To give not only to the school, but to the native big country. Skill matures over the years. And their finest hour will come. It's not in vain, friends, our school is sick only for you. Presenter 2 And in order not to be unfounded, we invite a 9th grade student to the stage. Athlete, winner of regional kettlebell competitions. This year, he surpassed the record of the Khabarovsk Territory in kettlebell lifting in his weight category. Meet Alexander Samofalov Number with kettlebells music No. 11 (the girl runs with a bell and calls loudly) Presenter 2 No, don't be scared, this is not the end of the lesson, this is just its continuation. Presenter 1 Where are you, school books And homework? Who is now sitting at the desk, Behind the fourth at the window? Presenter 2 Your girls got married, your boys got married. And for you, for classmates, The whole country has become a class.

Presenter 1 You are already called by patronymic Our younger generation. But everyone appreciates school friendship, As in the old days. Presenter 2 You are still for each other - The same girls and boys. For which, quite simply, the whole country has become a class. Presenter 1 You know, we are not getting a real lesson! Presenter 2 Well, what don't you like again? Presenter 1 In this lesson, the teacher asks for homework. Are you asking your students? You ask! Is a student who has not learned a lesson afraid to be called to the blackboard? Fears! And we do not ask anything, no one is afraid of us. So it's not even interesting! Presenter 2 So you want our guests to answer? Yes please! Now we will not only ask, but also find out who is present in this hall today. The chant game "It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!" (explain the conditions of the game) The hosts read in turn 1. Who does not change his native VILLAGE glorifies the roots, praise, honor and honor to you Who settled here? 2. Let's greet for now, those who are here from afar, Who are our birds From near, far abroad?

3. (To teachers) Well, who is sitting now And admiring us: Keeping good eyes on his graduates? 4. Who built a house for himself, held a housewarming party in the house, and now he lives in it, having survived this fun? 5. There is nothing more beautiful in this world to live in your own apartment. Who is the owner of it? Who is the lucky one? Who is the hero? 6. We are parents with experience, Someone with more, frankly? Who became mom and dad just a little light, Whose children are more than 15 years old? 7. We continue about the children of heroic families. Who, chur, not melting, Large family? 8. Who is single so far, Who holds his tail with a pipe? Whom to wish happiness, To create a family quickly. 9. Live for a century and learn from whom such a life? Are there students among you? Who is this, stand up now? 10 Who is on the site, on the famous Odnoklassniki adorable Everything is trying to find? Hangs who in a network?

11. Who, despite the burden of life, Found an opportunity, means, time And today is very glad to return a few years ago? 12. All of you were good! Everyone screamed from the heart! And as a reward to you from us, the Song will be performed now! "Inspiration" "Odnoklassniki" music No. 12 Presenter 1 The years spent at school gave you a lot of good things: true friends, first love. Meaningful looks, teasing smiles, sighs - this is probably how first love is born. School love... Does she have a sequel? Of course have! Presenter 2 You know how many times the walls of our school have heard the words of a declaration of love .... Don't count! (presentation of married couples) Presenter 1 The bell rang in our school Corridors buzzed again, And friends don’t know at all Why he doesn’t expect a change. Presenter 2 He wanted to be with her longer, Incidentally touch his hands They say it's just love Swirled for the first time over them ... Presenter 1 Do you know how many graduates formed married couples at the end of school!? Many, very many. And now their children continue to study within the walls of the school. And who knows, maybe they will find here their first, unrepeatable love for life.

Performance "Waltz" Artur, Lyuba music No. 13 Presenter 2 It was not long ago, it was a long time ago ... You played football and went to the cinema ... They wrote funny lines to each other. In the classroom, they crackled like magpies. And in dreams, forgetting, looked out the window. It was recently, it was a long time ago. Presenter 1 You will appreciate the school only when the years flash by like moments. She often dreams at night. School years no one will forget! Presenter 2 On this bright, wonderful evening, Under the chords of February, I cordially greet everyone, Within the walls of the best school. Presenter 1 Here you matured, grew up, Gained strength for life. We had fun, as best we could, In breaks - we were engaged. Presenter2 You have not changed at all, You have only matured a little, Yes, you have dressed in seriousness, However, you have become prettier. Let the fun embrace you, On this very good evening, Host 1 Graduates! Are any of you ready to speak at this place now? Do not be shy, boldly go out

Tell us a little about yourself. You can sing and dance and wish happiness to your teachers! Song "School" Sokolova I, Lapshina N. music No. 14 Presenter 2 And now, like many years ago, The teacher looks at the class. And it seems that a stern look Asked: "Why are you silent?" And the heart knows what to say, Yes, all the words are not these. It is easy to answer with a hint, It is not easy to be in the answer. Presenter 1 I have an idea! Let's ask the graduates what they were most afraid of when they were in school? Q: 2 (mini survey of viewers) (during the survey, they should come to the conclusion that they were afraid to take the exam at school) Q: 1 (the presenter concludes) In order to successfully pass the exams, you need ... .. (prepare well for it) Presenter 2 I suggest conduct a consultation. We will answer one question: School... My school... And what is it like? (graduates should pick up as many synonyms as possible) It has a permanent teaching staff, which means patient, ......., Lead 1 There are a lot of smiling faces, which means happy, ......, ......., Lead 2 We are always glad to see our graduates here, means hospitable, ……., …

Presenter 1 Here they are ready to help each student, which means - responsive, …….., ……., Presenter 2 Here former students bring their children and grandchildren, so beloved, ... .., Together: This is how it is, our school! Presenter 1 The programs are changing at the school, textbooks are being republished, the technical base is improving, the form of passing the exam is changing, but the state of the student that he experiences before the exam never changes. However, now you will see it, maybe someone will remember himself in the exam. Speech grade 8 sketch "Exams" music No. 15 Presenter 2 Dear graduates! Here comes the end of our evening. We thank everyone who came to this meeting. The doors of the school are always open for you. And wherever you are, whatever happens to you Know that there is a place on earth where you will always be expected Where you will always be welcome This is your native school. Presenter 1 We wish you success in your studies and work, happiness, health and prosperity! Be kind, energetic, strong in spirit. Presenter 2 Remember that your success, your joy is both our success and our joy. Do not forget your native school and come here more often, here they remember you, love and wait for you. Presenter 1 This evening of the meeting does not end. It continues in your former classes! There, kind teachers are waiting for you And old school friends.

Presenter 2 And now we all together repeat two sentences 1 “We promise” 2 - “No way” You will now listen carefully and finish only the last phrase in the sentence, be careful the answers may not always rhyme in meaning do not get caught. The presenters read the text in turn 1. We are smart, cheerful, We do not drink alcohol! Shall we take a good walk? Guests: We promise! 2. We were invited to the holiday, but we forgot to undress. Shall we sit down at the table in our coats? Guests: No way! 3. Our glasses, our dishes, Like other dishes, Today we will not fill ... Guests: We promise! 4. We will interrupt everyone, Argue, quarrel, shout, As if we know everything in the world? Guests: No way! 5. Will we sing and dance, Smile, flirt, Remember youth together? Guests: We promise! 6. Jokes away, smiles too, It's not worth having fun here! Who laughs kicking out? Guests: No way! 7. We do not sit in a corner sullenly, Away from games and noise,

And on full ignite? Guests: We promise! 8. We will enjoy gossip And find fault with each other: Everything is not this, everything is not that ... Guests: No way! 9. Let's remember that soon the children will come to our school again. Will everything be all right here? Guests: We promise! Presenter 2 We are the owners of this house, Thank you very much for coming to us! But so that you are not bored, Listen to my brief order. Don't stay too long at the table, Have a little meal and dance on the dance floor! Tired of dancing? Let's play! And for the victory in the game to receive gifts. So, do you understand me? So that we are not bored friends, Let's have fun together, And as the youth says - "let's hang out"! The final song "Wish" group "Inspiration" music No. 16 Presenter 2 And we say goodbye to all of you: "See you again, friends, All together: And goodbye!"

Scenario of the evening-meeting with school graduates

School songs are playing, the presenters are speaking in the background.

Presenter 1 On this February evening, you could be at home, relaxing with a book in your hands, chatting with a friend on the phone, turning screws in the garage, watching TV shows ....

Lead 2 However, you preferred the evening of school friends to all this.

Presenter 1 Let's greet each other with loud applause!

Lead 2 And now those who have applauded good mood!

Presenter 1 Those who are happy to meet friends!

Lead 2 Those who were the teachers' favorite!

Presenter 1 Who considers himself lucky and talented!

Lead 2 And now a stormy, prolonged applause to our teachers!

Presenter 1 In a word, we welcome everyone gathered in this hall!

Lead 2 Welcome to the evening of the meeting

All graduates and teachers.

IN 1 To our comrades and friends:

IN 2 To our teachers and students:

IN 1 For yesterday's, today's and future graduates:

IN 2 To everyone who shares with us the cares, anxieties and joys of school life:

IN 1 Dedicated to our festive evening, the evening of the meeting of graduates!

IN 2 Hello dear friends!

IN 1 Thank you for not forgetting your school and coming to us to meet friends and teachers.

IN 2 The school in your memory is bright classrooms,

IN 1 School is a chalkboard

IN 2 strict teachers,

IN 1 Diary lost somewhere

IN 2 parent notations,

IN 1 The first love:

IN 2 And how great the bell rang for you from the last school lesson! "Hooray!" - You screamed. Books flew into the briefcase like birds!

IN 1 The dressing room is crowded. The doors of the school victoriously thundered salute! The school yard resounded with joyful cries! Hooray! Lessons are over!

Lead 1.

Winters have gone with springs.
You have already grown up
But remember your school days.
Calls and changes again
Lessons, first love,
Teachers who were close to you.

Lead 2. School... When you leave it, it will be a dream for a long time.

A string of days has flown by
We have nowhere to go
But you will always dream
Country of childhood!

(The song “WHERE CHILDHOOD GOES GOING” is performed)

Lead 1.

Where are you, school books
And homework?

Lead 2.

Who is now sitting at the desk,
For the fourth at the window?

Lead 1. Your girls got married

Lead 2. Your boys are married.

Lead 1. And for you, for classmates,
The whole country has become a class.

Lead 2.

You are already called by your patronymic
Our younger generation.

Lead 1.

But everyone appreciates school friendship,
Like in the old days.

Lead 2.

For each other you are still -
The same girls and boys.

Lead 1.

For which, quite simply,
The whole country has become a class.

Lead 2.

It's good that there is such a date
It's good that there is a place too,
Where can we all gather
Where can we meet together
And it's like going back to childhood

Lead 1.

Today two friends may meet
Who haven't seen each other for a long time...

Lead 2.

Your first teacher will meet someone,
And someone - first love ...

Lead 1.

And someone won't know
In a solid strict uncle
His classmate's ring...

Lead 2.

The teacher will proudly tell you
What matured and what grew up ...

Lead 1.

Let there be meetings, surprises,
Let there be jokes, let there be laughter
And these wonderful moments
Will unite everyone at school today

Lead 2.

But before the holiday, friends, we will begin,
Now we will have a roll call here.
Be careful, shout loudly
Don't miss your release year!


Presenter1: Meet the 30th anniversary edition of our evening - 1985 edition

Presenter1: We meet the 20th anniversary of our evening - the release of 1995
Presenter2: The class teacher was:

Presenter1: We meet the 10th anniversary of our evening - the 2005 edition
Presenter2: The class teacher was:

Presenter 1

All of you were good!

Everyone screamed from the heart!

And as a reward to you from us

The number will be filled now!

Performance of the song "Let it be…»

Lead 2.

Now we invite you to the stage
The one who every day in the morning
Meets us at the threshold,
Who takes care of all of us at school
Of course, our director.

Ved.1 Word to the director of the school Vera Vasilievna Dubinina

(Speech by the director of the school)

IN 2: Ten, eleven, eight or nine years each of you spent in our school. And all this time there were teachers nearby.

IN 1 We welcome you teachers, who are now on a well-deserved rest. Today, on behalf of every heart, on behalf of every graduate, we say to you - thank you! We love you very much! And we are very grateful to you that you gave so many years to your native school educating students.

IN 2 You will always stay by our side,
Because we always need.
So you will never grow old.
Never! Never! Never!

AT.1 Today, teachers, veterans of pedagogical work, came to meet with you, graduates, and they have the floor ..

Ved.2: - Do you remember all your students?

Ved.1 - And how many releases did you have and how many guys did you release?

Ved.2 - Did you have any favorites, who was it?

Ved.1 - What can you wish to the teachers who are now working at the school?

Performance of veterans of pedagogical work.

Ved.2: Please accept our congratulations. We wish you good health, family well-being, good spirits and good mood.

Presenter 1 Now we will start the phrases, you continue, where you need to say - girls, and where you need - boys. Listen carefully.

Lead 2 Only …. (boys)

Presenter 1 They play bows and bears, of course, only .... (girls)

Lead 2 Any repair will be finely arranged, of course, only ... (boys)

Presenter 1 You will find bolts, screws, gears in the pocket of ... (boys)

Lead 2 They tie themselves bows from different ribbons of course ... (girls)

Presenter 1 Skates on the ice drew arrows, they played hockey all day ....!

Lead 2 Well done! Get a boost of energy!

Ved.1: Let at least one evening in the year recede inexorable time, and memory will return us to the past, for someone distant, for someone not very much, at that time of apprenticeship, which, I have no doubt, with tenderness and warmth all those gathered here remember .

Ved.2: Let's remember the beginning school year when all of you stood on the school line. Let's remember the first call and the first lesson. For us, this will be an evening of remembrance. What about the first call? Let it be given by the current first-graders. Perhaps someone will recognize themselves in them.

First graders come out

1: We were told today
Who are gathered in this room.

2: On the day of February, Saturday
People came to the school
Agronomists, officers, musicians, engineers
And doctors, one poet - and who is not here.

3: Here are workers, students,
future correspondents,
Nurse and seamstress
And my sister is here.

4: Here is a scientist and a builder,
Doctor, driver and our teacher.
Turner, warrior, journalist
And an aspiring artist.

5: Those who build, sow, plow
Teaches, heals, sews, bakes,
Protects our Fatherland
All to whom we honor.

6: We figured out the secret -
This is a different edition.

7: Why is there so much light,
And smiles, and people?
There is, of course, no secret here:
Meeting night at our school!

8: From the kids of our entire school,
From those who are few years old
Graduates of your favorite school
Helmet fiery hello.

9: And you, teachers,
We also send greetings
We wish you a long, long life
After all, we all come to you for advice.
Share joys and sorrows.

Sounds like a melodysongs "A Christmas tree was born in the forest ". Children sing.

    Hi all graduates!

    We are happy to see you!

    How good of you to come!

    After all, we have a holiday!

  1. Now you have become adults.

    And we are still growing.

    But just like you used to

    We live happily.

  2. We run a lot of competitions

    Sportlandy and ventures.

    Even though we are first-graders,

    But there are many friends here.

  3. Of course you all remember

    Your very first class.

    And the first teacher

    What is teaching us now.

  4. But wherever you are now

    In Izhevsk or in Moscow

    Don't forget school.

    Your teachers.

  5. 6. Hello to you all, graduates!

    We are happy to see you!

    How good of you to come!

    After all, we have a holiday!

  1. Presenter1:
    Clean classrooms are empty and silent
    The sunbeam wanders around the map.
    White verses are not erased from the boards
    And the old desks are painted...
    The leaves from the poplars flew around again,
    Time without school is rushing fast -
    School childhood is sweeter over the years,
    How would you like to go back...

    Ved.2 You left the walls of our school, but the teachers remember all of you. And now we would like to see how well you remember school, the subjects that you studied here. LESSONS

  2. We meet the primary school teacher Kalmykova A.N………………………...

    We meet the teacher of Russian language and literature Kozlova O.B………………..

    We meet the teacher of mathematics Bezusova L.V………………………………...

    We meet music teacher Dubinina E.E…………………………………………

    Against the background of music


    Ingenuity and ingenuity

    Helped you many times in your life.

    If you do not mind the time -

    Prove it to us now.


    Let's play some more

    It's very boring to live without a game,

    After all, the game helps a lot

    Remember childhood and love life!

    The game "Guess-ka" is being played. There are 5-7 participants on the stage. From a box or vase, each one takes it in turn balloon. Inflates him. The ball bursts. Inside the balloon is a note with a task. You need to quickly answer a question or complete a task.

    Ball No. 1 . Recall fairy tales in the names of which there are numbers. (“Three little pigs”, Three bears”, “Wolf and seven kids”, etc.)

    Ball number 2. Recall the cities in the names of which there are notes. (Ufa, Cherepovets, Usolsk, Novosibirsk, Donetsk, Minsk, etc.)

    Ball number 3. Name five words (as many as possible) that begin with the letter A and end with the letter Y. (Acacia, army, astronomy, academy, astrology.)

    Ball number 4 . Name the TV show correctly

    one. " Good morning, old men". ("GOOG night kids")

    2. "Mannequin and lawlessness." ("Person and law")

    3. "Village". ("Town")

    4. "The Cave of Nightmares". ("Field of Dreams")

    Ball number 5. Name as many words as you can that rhyme with candy. (Newspaper, cigarette, planet, rocket, comet.)

    Ball number 6. Read the poem correctly: “The goat lies without moving, Does not breathe, but lies.” (“A bull is walking, swinging, Sighing on the go ...”)

    Ball number 7. To name the song correctly, you can sing: “What a pity that none of them wandered off yesterday ...” (“It's great that we all gathered here today ...”)

    Prizes are awarded to all participants in the game.

  3. Presenter.1 4 boys and 4 girls are invited to the stage
    (optional or will we call?)
    The situation is this: in your portfolio there are things that are not related to learning process and your task is to convince everyone of the need for these items during school time. Take out one item at a time, demonstrating it, you say “I need this for ...” or “I need this for ...”
    in the girl's briefcasein the boys' briefcase
    ScrewdriverOne slate
    Sunglassesshoe covers


    Dear graduates, now we invite you all to play the game together.

    We will ask you questions, and those who believe that this phrase applies to them should shout loudly:

    « It's me, it's me, GREAT TO SEE EVERYONE HERE, friends!

    1. Who does not change the roots
    native VILLAGE glorifies,
    Praise, honor and honor to you
    Who settled here?

    2.Welcome bye,
    those who are here from afar,
    Who are our birds
    From near, far abroad?

  4. 4. Who built himself a house,
    hosted a housewarming party
    and now he lives in it,
    survive this fun?

    5. There is no more beautiful in this world
    live in your own apartment
    Who is the owner of that?
    Who is the lucky one? Who is the hero?

    6. You are parents with experience,
    Someone with a big one, shall we say?
    Who mom and dad became a little light,
    Whose children are more than 5 years old?

    7. We continue about children,
    heroic families
    Who, mind you,
    The large family?

    8. Who is single so far,
    Who holds his tail with a pipe?
    who wish happiness
    To create a family faster?

    9. Live and learn
    who has such a life?
    Are there students among you?
    Who is this, stand up now?

    10. Who is on the site, on the famous
    Lovely classmates
    Everyone is trying to find?
    Hangs who in a network?

    11. Who, despite the burden of life,
    I found an opportunity, means, time,
    And today I'm very happy
    Many years back?
    Vedas. one:
    Today we all together remembered the games of our childhood and tried to slightly return to this golden time of life. Our program is coming to an end, but it will be incomplete if we do not remember one more game called "Peepers - Talkers".


    Have you ever heard of such a game? Its conditions are very simple: you can look at your classmates and talk to your teachers to your heart's content.

    Vedas 1:
    The evening of the meeting does not end there.
    It continues in your former classes!
    Vedas 2:
    Good teachers are waiting for you there
    And old school friends.

    Leading together:
    And we say goodbye to all of you:
    "See you again, friends,
    And goodbye!"

    (The song "School, school, I miss you" is performed. Participants of the concert throw balloons into the hall. Former graduates go to classes to meet friends, teachers.)

Scenario of the evening of the meeting of graduates "Once many years later" 2018.

Registration is carried out at the entrance, students on duty seat guests in their places.

School-themed songs are played.

Presenter 1: Hello dear friends!

Presenter 2:We are glad to see familiar faces in this festive hall!

Leading: Do you know everyone?

Presenter 1:Oh sure! On their faces it is written: "Own!". Creative, positive and communicative are immediately visible! Because they all graduated from our twenty-ninth school.

Host 2:And how wonderful that they are all here today!

Presenter 1:Remember friends and first love, teachers and your desk, remember the exciting trill of the school bell

Host 2:After all, each of you was waiting for her once.

Presenter 1:True, for the most part from the lesson, and very rarely to the lesson!

Host 2:We are also waiting for this call today, it will start our holiday!(call soundtrack)

Presenter 1: Do you remember? Of course, you all remember.

How mothers brought you to school by the hand,

You were called by a new word - schoolchildren!

And you went towards knowledge.

Host 2:School years... Calls for lessons and breaks, fives and twos, joys and sorrows, school friends, holidays, contests, competitions...

Presenter 1:And what just didn’t happen here, behind these walls, but always invariably there was a person who has been heading our school for more than thirty-two years - this is our director Grigoryeva Alla Ivanovna. And she, as the mistress of the house, we give the floor.

Alla Ivanovna(Results of school life for 50 years)

Host 2:We are sincerely glad that those whose sonorous voices filled the school with life have gathered again within these walls.

Presenter 1:Whose victories and defeats were the source of the joys and sorrows of the teachers. For those who walk into the classroom with excitement and love every day, you are still a student.

Host 2:For all graduates, 5th grade students perform the dance number "I'm drawn to hooligans."

Presenter 1:With love and gratitude, we are glad to greet you, dear teachers:

those who worked and are working today, giving the school their talent, soul and heart, and for whom the school has become a second home.

Lead 2: You will always stay by our side,

Because we always need.

So you will never grow old.

Never! Never! Never!

Presenter 1: Present at the evening are: (veterans of labor are listed)


Host 2: We do not forget the teachers who are now on a well-deserved rest.

Teachers of school No. 29: Pervanova Sima Andreevna; Vasilenko Lydia Vasilievna; Fedoseeva Lyudmila Alexandrovna; Maslova Larisa Anatolyevna; Primak Olga Alexandrovna.

Presenter 1: Teachers of school No. 32: Baidina Olga Grigoryevna; Shirokova Sofia Zakharovna; Chechel Elena Viktorovna; Lyashchenko Maria Prokofievna; Boyko Elena Ivanovna; Cherednichenko Ekaterina Antonovna; Klyuchko Maria Andreevna.

Host 2: Today, on behalf of each graduate, we say to you - thank you! We love you very much!

And we are very grateful to you that you gave so many years to your native school, raising students.

For you, dear teachers, this musical gift from the vocal group "Domisolka".

"Thank you teachers."

Presenter 1:Many things have an amazing means - to return people the memory of the past, to give the joy of lived moments that have not been given to repeat for a long time.

Host 2: And everyone so wants to return to childhood ...

Presenter 1: Because those instructive lessons and interesting events remained in my memory.

School friends and fun time at recess.

Host 2: All this happened here in the walls of the native school. And the school remembers you - graduates.

And students should not forget their teachers.

Presenter 1: Let's remember today those teachers who are no longer with us today, they are gone, but the memory of them will remain in us forever. This is : Kovenkov Nikolai Dmitrievich, second director of the school;

IN 2. Belokhvost Ivan Ivanovich;

IN 1: Molodyk Nina Mitrofanovna;

IN 2. Kutasevich Evgenia Romanovna;

IN 1: Borovskaya Nadezhda Ivanovna;

IN 2. Kovenkova Ekaterina Stepanovna;

IN 1: Fedorova Lyudmila Vladimirovna;

IN 2. Kravchenko Raisa Fedoseevna;

IN 1: Shaforostova Anna Mikhailovna;

IN 2. Skrynnik Vasily Terentyevich;

IN 1. Tokareva Nadezhda Ivanovna;

IN 2. Golovneva Galina Vasilievna;

IN 1. Khudoley Alexey Alekseevich

IN 2. Koldenkov Vitaly Nikolaevich;

IN 1: Vasilchenko Valery Fedorovich;

IN 2. Leiba Elena Vladimirovna

IN 1 Kozlova Valentina Dmitrievna;

IN 2: Gvozdeva Nina Vasilievna

IN 1: Zubolei Ludmila Zakharovna;

IN 2. Garmatyuk Mariana Olegovna

IN 1. Vasilyeva Irina Georgievna

Leading 2. Let's honor their memory with a moment of silence. (Moment of silence)

Leading 1: Many of the graduates have become teachers and employees of the school.

Some of them work in their own school.

Leading 2: This is Miroshnichenko Svetlana Ivanovna, primary school teacher.

Leading 1: Kravchenko Svetlana Vladimirovna, Deputy Director for Educational Work.

Leading 2. Lvova Victoria Alexandrovna, school librarian.

Leading 1. Sereda Olga Ivanovna, school manager.

Leading 2: Kosenko Tamara Alexandrovna, technical staff of the school.

Leading 1: Karepanova Elena Vladimirovna, Stetsenko Vita Alexandrovna - school watchman.

Lead 2: Koren Alexander Nikolaevich, Potachuk Viktor Petrovich - stokers.

Presenter 1: Many of our teachers have turned from cool mothers into cool grandmothers,

because their graduates began to bring children and even grandchildren to school.

Lead 2: Entire school dynasties are already taking shape, and this is no coincidence, because school is our second home, where benevolence and justice always reign ...

Presenter 1: There is an amazing kind of dynasty. Our graduates return to their native school as teachers and not only.

Lead 2: This is Batrakova Larisa Valentinovna, teacher Ukrainian language and literature, and her daughters - Valchuk Elena Nikolaevna, teacher of the extended day group, and Gurina Svetlana Nikolaevna, art teacher.

Presenter 1: Our graduates are returning, and it's great! This means that life goes on, and the traditions of the school will not sink into oblivion!

Lead 2: School classes will not cool down if someone wants to warm them with the warmth of their hearts!

Presenter 1: For all those present in the hall Maksimova Ulyana, a 5th grade student, will perform the song "Back to School".

Host 2: Already fiftieth year twenty-ninth school hospitably opens its doors. And every year we, students and teachers, look forward to meeting you.

Presenter 1: You are probably thinking: “What are they trying so hard for? Who are we to them?

I will answer this question right away: we would also like that in a year, five, ten years, schoolchildren were waiting for a meeting with us - and they were waiting sincerely.

Host 2: For us, you are a kind of bridge to the future, into which we can look through you.

Presenter 1: All in all, it's a great day. Just imagine: on the same day, at the same time, all the graduates, as if on a team, meet at their home schools, all the stores exceed the plan for selling cakes. The florists have another successful day, and passers-by can easily recognize themselves in cheerful boys and girls 10, 20, 30 years ago.

Host 2: Yes, this is a unique day, because every year, on the last Saturday of January, everything is different. The year is added. And now, not four, but five years have passed, and not nine, but someone has all forty-nine ...

Presenter 1: Today, students from different years of our school came to meet us. Young and not so, exemplary in the past, and sometimes uncontrollable ...

Host 2: And for them, the current 6th grade students prepared a scene from school life. We meet them.

Presenter 1: Among the graduates sitting in the hall, there are VIP graduates - anniversaries.

Presenter 2: We want to look at the graduates of 2013 - 5 years ago they graduated from high school (applause).

Presenter 1: Let's welcome the graduates of 2008 - 10 years ago, the last bell rang for them, graduates of 2003 - 15 years ago they graduated from school!

Presenter 2: We are glad to see the graduates of 1998 in our hall - stand up, please, today is your 20th anniversary!

Presenter 1: We greet the graduates of 1993 - 25 years old, who graduated from school with applause!

Presenter 2: And I wonder if there are those among the graduates who graduated from school 30, 35, 40, 45 years ago, stand up, please ... this applause is for you.

Presenter 1: And, of course, we especially welcome those who are at this meeting for the first time, those who have recently left the walls of their native school and miss it very much.

Presenter 2: Graduates of 2017 - our latest graduation, welcome!

Presenter 1: We invite everyone to play together and have fun in a chanting game called "It's me, it's me, I'm glad to see everyone here, friends!". We will read the text, you, dear graduates, shout the phrase "It's me, it's me, I'm glad to see everyone here, friends!" on the lines that suit you.

Lead 2: Who does not change the roots,

glorifies hometown,

Praise, honor and honor to you

Who settled here?

Presenter 1: hello bye

Those who are here from afar

Who are our birds

From near, far abroad?

"It's me, it's me, I'm glad to see everyone here, friends!"

Leading: 2 (To teachers) Well, who is sitting now and admiring you:

On their graduates without lowering their kind eyes?

"It's me, it's me, I'm glad to see everyone here, friends!"

Presenter 1: We, parents with experience,

Someone with a lot, frankly,

Who mom and dad got up a little light,

Whose children are over 15 years old?

"It's me, it's me, I'm glad to see everyone here, friends!"

Lead 2: We continue about the children of heroic families.

Who, mind you, has a large family?

"It's me, it's me, I'm glad to see everyone here, friends!"

Presenter 1: Who is single so far,

Who holds his tail with a pipe?

Whom to wish happiness

To create a family quickly.

"It's me, it's me, I'm glad to see everyone here, friends!"

Lead 2: Live and learn,

who has such a life?

Are there students among you?

Who is this, stand up now?

"It's me, it's me, I'm glad to see everyone here, friends!"

Presenter 1: Who is online on the famous

Lovely classmates

Everyone is trying to find? Hangs who in a network?

"It's me, it's me, I'm glad to see everyone here, friends!"

Lead 2: Who, despite the burden of life,

Found an opportunity, means, time

And today I am very glad to return many years ago.

"It's me, it's me, I'm glad to see everyone here, friends!"

Presenter 1: Oh, we're a different generation

Have we gone ahead? How to know!

After all, we are children, as you once were

The answer - only time can give ....

Host 2: And for all graduates, 8th grade students prepared a scene "How the stars learned in school." We meet them.

Presenter 1: And I would like to know if there are any of you graduates of 1969?

Presenter 2: We greet you! Your release is special! On August 26, 1968, our school was reorganized from school number 7 to school number 29. And this year 2018 we will celebrate the 50th anniversary of the school, and in 2019 - 50 years of the first graduation of 1969. This applause is for you!

Presenter 1: And for all graduates - an incendiary dance from 5th grade students. Hip-hop.

Host 2: What is 8 or 9 years? These are the years spent in the waiting room of the school station.

Years of hopes, worries, thoughts about the future.

Presenter 1: And today there is a solemn event at our station. On the Graduation Express train

we're on our way down the road of school memories.

Host 2:When you go to school, time moves forward imperceptibly. But when you return to school and meet your classmates, it seems that those years never happened, that all the same schoolchildren, and your teachers are still waiting for you. And today is just such a day when our school hours will help you return to your school days. I think it's worth a try....

Presenter 1: We invite you to take a virtual journey on our symbolic train.

Host 2: Attention! Attention! "Graduation Express", following the route "School Years", departs from the first track of the station "School No. 29", the numbering of cars from the tail of the train. Request: passengers to transfer to empty seats. The train leaves in 2 minutes.

Presenter 1: Each passenger of our train carries with him a solid baggage of memories of school life. Let's wish each other a good and long journey! ( train whistle).

Host 2:( The sound of wheelsbackground ) Our train is picking up speed, the wheels are knocking along the rails to the beat. Their knock consists of memories interesting facts, joyful minutes of your school life. Have a nice journey on the road of school life

Presenter 1: Dear passengers, during the trip you and your guides, your favorite class teachers, need to fill in a travel diary. Reflect in it your memories, confessions and wishes to each other, teachers, schoolchildren and future graduates ... (transmit album and a pen for writing wishes)

Host 2: And so that our passengers do not get bored on the way, we offer your attention dance number from 9th grade students "Nine Grade Girls"

Presenter 1: Ahead of each issue there is a small stop where you will share your memories with us.

Host 2: Attention attention!!! Dear passengers, our train is arriving at the station

"Heroes of Our Time" and we have the first stop of the train.

Host 2: Dear passengers, the next stop is the station "Old Lovely Years"

Presenter 1: Passengers are invited to the platform - representatives from all cars - graduates of 1969 - 2017 (facilitators ask everyone in turn questions).

1. Give your last name, first name, patronymic.

2. What is your year of manufacture.

3. Who was your class teacher.

4. Do you remember your first class, first teacher, his name?

5. Which of the teachers do you remember and how do you remember them?

6. Can you remember memorable phrases from your teachers?

7. Your favorite subject.

8. How has our school changed since you left?

9. Which of your classmates would you like to tell us about?

10. What did you dream of becoming and who did you become?

11. Have your school dreams come true?

12. What can you wish your friends, graduates, teachers?

Host 2: Our train is approaching the World of Wonderful Discoveries station.

Presenter 1: Passengers wishing to get off can be answered from the seat.

Presenter: On the screen you see photos from the school life of graduates of different years. Who can comment on these events?

Presenter 2: Thanks to our guests for their memories as we move on. (Rattle of wheels).

Look at each other, pay attention to your appearance, smile. The next station is called "Confession". We offer you two daisies: one with questions, the second with answers.


1 Have you ever had to hide with a cigarette around the corner of the school?

2 Have you ever played gambling in class?

3 Have you ever wanted to burn a school magazine?

4. How often did you run away from lessons?

5 Have you copied your homework?

6 Did you put buttons on the chairs?

7 How often do you fall in love?

8 Did you sleep during the lessons?

9 Did you peep in the locker room?

10 Were your parents often called to school?

11 Did you use cheat sheets?

12 Did you correct the deuces in your diary?

13 Have you peeped at your neighbor's tests?

14 Did you hide your diary from your parents?

15 Did you break windows at school?

16 Are you often late for work (study)?

17 Are you capable of a noble deed?

18 Do you believe in love at first sight?

19 Do you often promise more than you can deliver?

20 Are you dangerous when angry?

21 Are you lucky?

22 Do you approve healthy lifestyle life?

23 Do you get scared?

24 Do you remember your friends' birthdays?

25 Do you like getting up early in the morning?

26 Do you like to take risks?

27 Could you accomplish a feat for the sake of love?


1. Often had to suffer from this.

2. This happened against my will.

3. My embarrassment tells me to keep quiet.

4. What do you care about this.

5. It all depends on my mood.

6. It goes without saying.

7. I admit this too.

8. I do not answer such questions.

9. I do not even allow the thought of it.

10. You seem to be too carried away.

11. Yes, this is my element.

12. Yes, and I advise you too.

13. Yes, although that's not all.

14. This is my dream.

15. How did you guess?

16. Only in a hammock under a tree.

17. It gives me a lot of pleasure.

18. You don't know me well.

19. Time at time is not necessary ...

20. I got used to it since childhood

21. This is my hobby.

22. Especially in the director's office.

23. I spend all my free time like this.

24. I had to do it a couple of times.

25. So far, everything is in order with my head.

26. Yes, I have always had many talents!

27. Yes, but today I am resting.

28. Yes, especially on the train.

29. You would love it too.

30. Only if no one sees.

31. Please do not put me in an awkward position.

32. If the situation is hopeless, then yes.

33. Yes, I like it very much.

34. Only in the company of friends.

35. Life forces.

36. Only in a dream.

37. At every opportunity.

38. This is quite possible, given my appearance.

39. Ask something easier.

40. Let's talk about this without witnesses.

41. Risk is a noble cause.

42. My financial situation does not allow me.

43. It seems to me that this is possible.

Presenter 1: Attention! Attention! Dear passengers! Our train arrives at the Wind of Change terminal station. We welcome those who will always remember each of their graduation, each of their lessons - these are our beloved teachers and class teachers - we invite you to the platform.

Presenter 2: We all want to hear your wishes for graduates - present and future. (live microphone).

Leading: This is where our journey comes to an end. But the history of the school does not end there. We are all her chroniclers. With every step, with every deed, we write new pages. And the page of 2018 will belong to our future graduates. We give them the floor.

Grade 9:

1. A year later, we will also gather for our alumni meeting, and today will be history for us.

2. We - representatives of the upcoming issue - assure you:

We will proudly bear the title of a graduate of our school.

3. We will justify the hopes of our teachers.

4. We will go through life so that the school is proud of us.

5. And the school has been standing for 50 years and will stand for another fifty years.

6. And the school will have both the hundredth and two hundredth issue, and this means

ALL- we'll meet Again!

Presenter 1:And today is a special evening - wonderful, sincere, warm ...

And so that this evening is not the last, the Domisolka vocal group gives everyone the song “Odnoklassniki. Dot. RU".

Presenter 2:We thank everyone who came to our native school and askkeep the warmth of this meeting for a long time.

Presenter 1: This evening of the meeting does not end,

It continues in your former classes.

Presenter 2: Good teachers are waiting for you there,

Classmates, beloved friends are waiting!

And we say goodbye to all of you:

Together:"See you again, friends! And goodbye!"

Scenario of the holiday "Evening of the meeting of graduates".

Holiday script dedicated to the Day home school provides for the implementation of several educational tasks: the socialization of the personality of students and the spiritual and moral formation of the personality. The scenario is developed on the basis of the use of student-centered learning technology with elements of information and communication technology. The holiday is built in the form of a concert on the principles of individualization, humanism, creativity and success. The form of the event provides an opportunity for self-knowledge, self-observation, self-analysis and self-assessment of students.
The event has a practical focus. Students get acquainted with the successes of graduates, the history of the gymnasium and significant events for the formation of their active citizenship, value orientations.
Expected results:
success personal growth;
self-development and self-realization of the personality of a high school student;
designing success in life.
Event goals:
1) education of love and respect for one's own small homeland, native school, knowledge of its history and traditions,
2) creation of conditions for the formation of clear ideas of the student about the educational institution,
3) exchange of information by graduates with future applicants.
The event is prepared and held according to a student-oriented technology that allows you to develop the personal potential of each student.
The leading methods of the holiday: verbal (the words of the hosts, guests) and illustrative (film presentation, performance of creative teams, games).
Types of tasks for the holiday: dialogue, games.
The holiday is intended for graduates of MBOU "Buranchinskaya OOSh"
Time spending: extracurricular.
Duration: 90 minutes.
Technological support: innovative technologies, personality-oriented technologies, KTD.

Event progress

Girl 1. To our comrades and friends,
Girl 2. To our teachers and students,
Veda 1. To yesterday's, today's and future graduates,
Veda 2. To everyone who shares with us the worries, anxieties and joys of school life,
Dedicated to our festive evening, the evening of the meeting of graduates!
Vedas 1. Good afternoon to you young people!
Veda 2. Hello warm hearts!
Veda 1. Just recently from a familiar porch
The long road took you away
Do great things.
Veda 2. Like yesterday you left school
And not noticeably time flew by.
You are also young, as good as before.
Veda 1. Good afternoon to you, dear graduates!

Together. Hello, with all my heart!
(1. Song "Hello friends")
Presenter 1. Hello dear friends! Thank you for not forgetting your school and coming to us to meet friends and teachers.
Lead 2. Outside the window, February is playing, it has become more fun.
Our school welcomes its friends again.
Students start the day every day
The silence is only broken by school bells.
Lead 1. Dear our graduates! We are sincerely glad that those whose sonorous voices a year or five years ago filled the school with life have gathered again within these walls. Whose victories and defeats were the source of the joys and sorrows of the teachers. To those who walk into the classroom with excitement and love every day, you are still a student.

Lead 1.
Dear graduates, guests of our holiday, to make our meeting more pleasant and interesting, let's say hello together.
All from the place and repeat the movements for us.
Let's wave our hands! Like this...
Let's wave another! Like this...
Together, friend!
This is how we meet friends!
Lead 2.
Let's shake hands with our neighbor! Like this...
Let's shake another neighbor! Like this...
Let's shake hands friendly!
This is how we meet friends!

Lead 1.
Let's hug a neighbor! Like this...
Let's hug another! Like this...
This is how we meet friends!

Lead 1.
We are glad that graduates of different years came to us today. For us, you are all equally precious. But there are those among you who have this anniversary year.

Lead 2
Alumni are the guests of honor today.
Let's greet them with applause, etc.

Presenter 1
With love and gratitude, we are glad to greet you, dear teachers: both those who are working today, and those who gave their talent, soul and heart to the school, and still do not forget their second home, their school. We think that it is pleasant for everyone to visit again this cloudless childhood home, where you were loved, where you learned to live, to think, And it is so pleasant for you all to say again: "Hello, school!"
2. Number (Song about school, Shatunov)
Boys songs

Lead 3
School time is over.
And you are not a child for a long time,
But in early February
Hurry to school you are not in vain -
To see friends in the class
Hug your teachers
To remember your graduation ball,
Where did you first dance
And the most fabulous dawn
What was he like at 17?
(3. Number. Waltz, performed by grade 9)
Lead 4
Today, former students of different years have gathered here - young and not very young, exemplary in the past, and sometimes uncontrollable.
But it's always good to remember
Good old years!
Host: 5
We are in our favorite school
Wonderful life -
We win the Olympics
And we dance and we sing
We publish our newspaper
We even receive grants
And more about the school
Our director will tell you.
Vedas 4. The word is given to the director of the school ………
Vedas 1 Here we have such wonderful news!
Vedas 2. Today, on the day of our meeting, I really want to sincerely and on your behalf graduates thank our teachers, everyone who taught you and teaches us today.
It is thanks to these amazing, selfless people that the school continues to live, create and develop. For you, dear teachers, a concert number

(4. Number for teachers "We love you")
Host: 3
February is coming - the time of joyful meetings,
Helping to save the memory of our youth.
After all, once together they not only studied,
But often we walked and had fun.
Remembering curiosities, we will laugh out loud.
We don't have to be afraid of the director anymore!
We grow up, grow wiser, of course, not in vain
Beloved teachers tried.
Host: 4
We welcome you teachers, who are now on a well-deserved rest. Today, on behalf of every heart, on behalf of every graduate, we tell you Ziyada Nurgalievna, Lyubov Ivanovan, Mikhail Vasilyevich - thank you! Everyone loves you very much! And we are very grateful to you that you gave so many years to your native school, raising students.

(5. Scene "Grandma")

Lead 2
School…. How simple and easy everything was.
How carefree childhood floated,
Lessons flowed in succession.
We comprehended all sciences,
Sometimes they experienced pain
And sometimes we got it.
(6 Number "Am I to blame.")
Presenter 1.Tragic - lyrical song - confession "Am I to blame". Performed for the first time in the role of teacher Zhanzakov Adalina.
Am I to blame, am I to blame
Is it my fault that I love?
Is it my fault that my hand was trembling,
When did you give him a two?

Is it her fault that her hand was trembling,
When did you give him a two?

Bring it on, bring it on, bring it on, bring it on,
Never taught anything.
But I believed everything, took bail,
Because she loved him.

And you believed everything, took bail,
Because she loved him.

Oh, you are my director, oh, you are my director,
Let me go to rest.

With him, life is good, the soul cheers,
Even though there is not a shish in his notebooks.

Blame it all, blame it all around
You still want to justify yourself.
So why, why, "count" slapped him?

Oh, why, why, why, the stake slapped him?
And could put and "five".

Presenter 1. Baurzhan, you know, many things have an amazing property - to return people's memory of the past, to give the joy of lived moments that have not been allowed to repeat for a long time
Lead 2. And when we look back at the path we have traveled, when we are looking for support and support, we open our school album.
Presenter 1. Our school album contains episodes of school life - amazing events and incidents, joys and failures, moments of meetings with you, our graduates, captured by a flash.
Lead 2. Each of you would like to dedicate at least a few shots, but where can you find a film that could accommodate you all?
Presenter 1. Do not be offended by us for choosing the genre of a collective portrait for our photo album - because in it you will see yourself, your teachers, the way you were in your school years.
Lead 2. So get ready! Please do not make stern faces, do not attach importance to the defects of the film and the imperfection of our photographic skills. Smile with us. Attention - filming!)
photo album

Lead 5
Our school is full of talents
Both dancers and musicians!
Accept our concert number
Appreciate it!
(7 number. Dance)

Host: 3
So that you don't get bored
Let's try to play.
Let's go back to your childhood for a moment,
Let's have some fun and laugh!

(Games with graduates)
The bell rings for the first lesson
The first lesson is Russian.
Dear students, please be quiet, it's time to start the lessons. And the first lesson today is Russian. We will write an essay. Let's remember once again the school days and look at them with humor. Which of you wrote essays best of all?..... (several graduates are invited). The Russian language has not yet been forgotten, what is an adjective remember? Name adjectives and funnier, and you write it down and in 5 minutes we will have an essay ready on the topic: “We are graduates!”
(named adjectives are inserted into the prepared text)
“Once upon a time……………… years ago September 1 came, it was the most……………………………. day in our life. We put on …………………….. a uniform, ……………………………… satchels and with……………………….. a bouquet of flowers went to the first class for the first time. Hello ……………………………… school!
What are the ………………………… classes, …………………………… desks and ………………………………. teachers with ……………………… Smiles! We learned the basics of science with pleasure and dreamed of becoming………………………….and…………………………………….
Time flew by imperceptibly. We got a lot of ……………………………friends and …………………………… school subjects. Every day we happily hurried to school. And then came…………………………………. The day of graduation. We came from…………………………. trembling in the soul and ………………………..trembling in the knees. Everyone's faces were…………………..
Gait………………………………. But when we picked up this …………………… document, we immediately became…………………………..! After all, the paths opened before us………………………. And here after --- years we sit at………………… table, with ……………………… snacks and ………………………… drinks and celebrate our……………………… meeting! Let's raise our glasses and drink for us, such………………………. AND…………………………….! Long live we are the most ……………………….. Graduates of 19.. (or 20…) years!!
(then the received text is solemnly read out)
Well done, the lesson is over. You can go to your seats
The bell rings for the second lesson
The girl gives a call
Dear graduates, please get ready for the lesson of physical culture

The second lesson is Physical Education.
Presenter: And why is everyone without a uniform? So you will now explain why you didn’t bring such (funny pants are shown, there are notes in them) sports pants. And you will begin with the words: “In my pants ...”

Girl; Change, change, change
(Number "Scene")

The bell rings for the third lesson

Lesson three - Geometry.
Leading. Do not relax, we have the next lesson. And the theme of the lesson is the construction of pyramids. They will go to the blackboard ...... (ask the teacher who is better to call, you need the best two in geometry)
(2 applicants are awarded on a sheet of a3, they must place on it as many of their friends as possible, but so as not to go beyond the edges.)

The bell rings for the fourth lesson

Fourth Lesson - History
Presenter: In this lesson we will be the most famous sculptures in Europe.
The essence of the competition: call several couples (M-F), distribute cards of world-famous sculptures, which depict two heroes: “A Russian soldier with a German girl in her arms”, etc. and to the appropriate music, each couple depicts their composition.
Little girl gives a call for recess
Change, change, change
(Number Dance)
The bell rings for the fifth lesson
Getting Ready for Literature Lesson

Fifth lesson - Literature.
Do you love fairy tales?
Let's read the story by roles. They will go to the board ... (if there is a teacher of literature in the hall, then invite him to name 15 candidates, if not, then conduct a survey who was the best in this subject or who considers himself to be such)
The bell rings sixth lesson
Sixth lesson - .Singing

Presenter 1. In the meantime, our talented children are performing for you
(10. Number children's song)
Presenter 1. The school in our memory is bright classes,
Lead 2. School is a chalkboard
Lead 1. strict teachers,
Lead 2. Diary lost somewhere
Lead 1. parent notations,
Lead 2. First love...
Presenter 1. And how cool the school bell rang from the last lesson! Hooray! Books flew into the briefcase like birds!
Lead 2. No wonder they say that you really appreciate something only when you lose it. And now we will give the floor to the graduates of the school. You probably also want to say something to teachers and future graduates.
(Speech of graduates)
Presenter 1
Thank you for your kind words!
Presenter 1
When the heart is lonely, sad,
And sometimes I want to cry
You sit quietly at the computer,
And open a forum in "classmates".
Lead 3
Turning page after page,
Reading poems and wishes
You will understand suddenly, "sadness" melted in my soul.
And longing slipped out the door.
It's good to have this page:
Where can you open your soul to a friend,
He silently listens to everything and quietly says:
“Well, you know - everything happens, you need to continue to live!”
And despite the difficulties
Be grateful to fate.
It's good that there is a page on the Internet,
Where there is no place for sadness and longing!
(11. Number song "Don't forget your friends")

- Can you imagine in a year we will also come to our native school as graduates!
Presenter 1:
Even a little sad...
Presenter 1:
-Don't be sad, look into the hall and you will see a sea of ​​happy eyes...
After all, a school is like a mother, and graduates are her children!
And returning to mom is happiness!
What is happiness? I can answer:
It's when the stars are lit by the wind
And when the shirt sticks to the body,
And when the sun hardened the skin.
Happiness is in the morning, going to work,
To know the cares of the world - and your cares.
Cut a path for those behind you.
What is happiness? It's very simple:
This is when people light up the stars!

(12. Dance number Kazakh Concert number - to all graduates!)
Presenter 1:
The evening is over
The meeting ended
The hour of parting has come.
Let you be tired
But everyone was warmed
Smiles and the light of your eyes.
In conclusion, we invite everyone to sing a song together.

13. (Final song performed)
Lead 2
We invite you to continue the evening,
In your former class come in, sit down at the desk,
Let the meetings be joyful today,
For our school, we are HER students.
Presenter 1
Well, until we meet again, friends,
Let it be friendly
Our school family!
See you next time! Goodbye!

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