DPA in Ukrainian


Vityag from Liszt MONUNo. 1/9-66 dated January 31, 2018

About the organization of the completion of 2017/2018 R. that particularity of conducting DPA at the mortgages of the central middle level

DPA health basic middle light zdіysnyuєtsya in the letter form of three subjects:

  • Ukrainian language;
  • maths;
  • The subject behind the vibor of teachers for the sake of the slaughter of one hitch -for -laws of one subject: Ukrainian Litteracies, foreign Litteracies, Inozemna Mova (Englіyska/Nimeska/Franushaska Mova Vidpovly), Istoriye, ostor, ostor, geography, biology, chemistry, physics, computer science. At the beginning of the study of education and training of national minorities, the third subject for conducting the DPA can be either the language of the national minority or the integration course "Literature".

Tasks for carrying out DPA are laid in the reader's mortgage, vodpovidno until approved by the Ministry of Orientation, until the completion of the attestation task, and confirm the foundation stone of the foundation.

The results of the DPA are not refundable in case of the provision of regular marks for subjects, of which DPA was carried out. Ratings for DPA are posted in the Classroom magazine in the column with the inscription "DPA" without assigning a date after the column with the inscription "Richna" and an addendum to the certificate of the basic average light level; to be entered to the Protocol of the state sub-bag certification, book of appearance and type of documents about the production of basic secondary education.

Getting ready for DPA with Ukrainian movie

Carrying out the state sub-bag certification
from Ukrainian movie in the ninth grade

Methodology for conducting dictation - traditional, uzvichaenoy, prote­ nya majestic sub-bag attestation in the form of dictation may be special.
The type of work I will name the text should be written on the board.The reader reads the whole text on the back, after which he does not give any explanation about how to change it, the spelling features and the clouding of the meaning of the words in a new word (from an angle­ do on those texts adapted for primary needs, they may have so-called author's punctuation, no dialectisms, old words, collapsible with a meaningful look, and that little understanding for vocabulary learners). Teach­ tel can give only comments of a formal nature, like: placement of the title, a note by the author chi dzherel to the text and in.
After reading the entire text, the reader reads first the speech, and the students only respectfully listen to yoga. Give the same speech to be dictated for the record­ with parts, moreover, the skin part, as a rule, is read only once (partially in this way it is necessary to take in two-p "yati words, or a part of a folding speech approximately 3 times a number of words). The teacher can re-read a part of the speech, like that great for obsyag, they have changed the normative order of words or words of the names of the clerks of the ranks.­ Vani Mali I can transcribe what is written.
This way is dictated by the skin of the text. The teacher of the obov "languageally indicates the place under the text on the paragraph. After writing down the entire text of the text, I read it once again from the cob to the end, the children pause between the speeches, the text is trivalish, the text is sound, and I hope I can teach you to really translate it. Virazno, clearly up to the norms of literary movement, with the correct voice-over of words and intonations of the sound flow, at such a pace, so that the learners would learn to record freely.
After re-reading the entire text, the learners give dictation to the reader. It is not necessary to give an hour for additional re-verification: sum up the spelling­ nogo formalization of the work and learners are responsible for writing in the process of writing.

Getting ready for DPA with Ukrainian movie

Memo "yatka for students" How to write a dictation "

  1. Listen carefully to the text of the dictation.
  1. If the reader read the speech as a whole, listen to it to the end and do not make any notes.
  1. Start writing down the speech more than once, if the reader needs to read it in parts, the little ones pause.
  1. Under the hour of writing down the speech, pay more attention to the spelling (writing words), but do not need to forget about the different signs.
  1. At the hour of the re-verification of the recorded speech, we will need to consider the intonation and especially resolutely re-verify the set signs (for whom the important role is played by pauses: the ice will remember the pause to slacken at these places, it is required to put to whom, and more importantly - on the pause; means that you need to put a speck with a clod).
  1. Concentrate your respect and do not hesitate to write a dictation for an hour.
  1. Do not “take away” pardons, overlooking the hour of writing the dictation in the work of the Susida (as practice shows, on the contrary, in the first place, the hour is spent, which is so little, but in a different way, then we often end up shkoduvati through a pardon, admitted after such a correction ).

Getting ready for DPA with Ukrainian movie

Criteria for evaluating dictation

Dictation is evaluated by oneassessment based on the following criteria:

  • spelling and punctuation pardons are evaluated the same way;
  • repeating pardons (in one and the same word, as if repeated in dictation a few times) are honored with one pardon; pardons of the same type (on the same rule), but in different words they are called different pardons;
  • rozraznyayut rude pardons and non-rude ones (blanks from the old rules; writing capital letters in foldable names; the spelling of the clerks, adopted by the names of the successor with the successors; replacing one rozdіl sign with others; replacing Ukrainian letters with Russian, vipadki, if you put in place one sign; what should be distinguished not and not - in the received not someone else, like ...; not something else, like ...; nothing else not ..., nothing else not ...; omission of one of the received different signs, or destroyed their sequence;
  • spelling and punctuation pardons for the rules that are not included in the school curriculum, correct, but notvrakhovuyte. Also, do not pardon the wrong transmission of the so-called author's punctuation;
  • for presence in dictation more than five, the score is reduced by one point

Normative assessment of dictation


Number of pardons


Number of pardons

15-16 and more



1+1(not rough)



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