Desired position in resume. How to write a working resume? What to write in the title of the resume


How to indicate the desired position in the resume

Why do you need to indicate in your resume the position that you plan to occupy? The fact is that a recruiter or employer always looks first of all at this line, which is your application for a vacancy. Only after the recruiter has seen the position declared by you in the resume, he will study the length of service, experience and the like.

It is important to understand that the HR manager is not obliged to decide for himself where to attach you. When looking for a job, you take certain steps and offer yourself. Therefore, try to clearly state your professional wishes.

Examples of positions on a resume that will always be set aside include entries like this:

  • I can work with anyone;
  • I am a generalist;
  • position - manager;
  • I will consider any of your suggestions.

This approach suggests that the applicant approaches the job search at least lightly. This is exactly how the recruiter will understand this, because his company does not need the first people who come across from the street, but specialists in a particular field.

What to write in the desired position in the resume

Be sure to specify the position you are applying for. It happens that a person with sufficient experience in any field is a specialist in a narrow profile. However, there are many professions that may be related.

Examples of the desired position in the resume:

  • Financial Director;
  • Intern programmer 1C;
  • Design engineer.

Examples of the desired position in a resume with related professions:

  • Artist/designer;
  • Article writer/copywriter/journalist;
  • Administrator/Secretary.

In other words, if your duties at your previous place of work included a voluminous list of duties, you may well indicate several positions, the main thing is that they be similar. But in no case should you write “sales manager / programmer”. It is quite possible that you had a chance to work as a programmer and a manager, but in a particular case you can only apply for one position. If there is some experience and skills in another field of activity, then it is best to write a separate resume or indicate work experience in another field in a cover letter (if appropriate).

One more note: when wondering what desired position to indicate in the resume, try to specify it as accurately as possible, and not the industry. That is, it is better to write "advertising manager" and not "advertising". This will make it easier for the recruiter to navigate.

As the title of the resume on, what you write in the column "Desired position" is displayed. Unfortunately, when filling out this column, applicants often make mistakes. We've broken down the most common ones so you can check yourself.

Error: there is no specifics in the post

Error: anything instead of a position

Writing the word “Resume” instead of the desired position is one of the surest ways to make sure that no one opens your resume.

Remember that all resumes on are moderated. The column "Desired position" is required to be filled in - and not with any kind of information, but with the one that corresponds to the name of this column. Otherwise, the resume will be blocked.

You should not write instead of a position, for example, salary (“From 30,000 rubles”, “Daily payments”, “Sc from 1000 USD”) or professional area (“Purchasing”, “Marketing”, “Logistics”), desired schedule (" shift work”, “in three days”) and so on. Such resume will be blocked by the moderator.

For such information, there are special resume columns. For example, "Salary expectations" and "Work schedule". This is where the employer will look for this information.

The professional area is affixed automatically depending on the position that you have indicated.

Mistake: extra information besides position

No need to try to insert a short extract from the entire content of the resume in the title field. “Seller, work experience 5 years, salary 1500 c.u. i.e., work schedule 2/2, social package, sociable, purposeful ”- an example of a name that is unlikely to be read to the end. It should contain only the position.

Mistake: multiple positions at once

We emphasize once again: specificity is important in the position. If you write several positions from different professional areas, then it's like writing “any” or “different”, “discussable”. Therefore, options such as "Promoter/Office Manager/Courier" or "Waiter/Salesman/Driver" are not allowed. Make a copy of your resume for each desired position. The same is worth doing if you have diverse experience in different areas. We talked about it.

It is possible to indicate different titles of the same position or positions similar in functionality from the same professional area. For example, "Content Manager / Content Strategist / Site Editor" or "Secretary / Office Manager / Personal Assistant". But if there is still a difference in nuances between these job options, albeit close ones (for example, a personal assistant is assigned more complex and non-standard tasks than a receptionist), then it is also better to make a separate copy of the resume for each position.

"Desired position" is one of the most important fields in the resume, which the employer pays attention to first of all, so its wording should be approached very responsibly. When you send a CV to an employer, the title of your document is exactly the position you are applying for. In other words, the title of the resume is the very "clothes" by which HRs meet applicants. Therefore, it is necessary to try to say as much as possible in the title, but at the same time, the desired position must be formulated as clearly and precisely as possible.

On the site RABOTA.TUT.BY Up to 5 resumes visible to employers can be posted, allowing you to adjust the titles depending on how the job that job seekers want to apply sounds like.

In fact, in the title you indicate the purpose of your resume, the position you want to get. Unfortunately, applicants make many mistakes in wording, which negatively affects further relationships with employers. Therefore, in order to avoid annoying miscalculations, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with typical mistakes. They can be roughly divided into three groups:

1. The applicant chooses as the title of the resume too general concepts.

2. The column "Desired position" is not used for its intended purpose, it is filled incorrectly.

3. As the desired position, several positions of different functional responsibilities are indicated.

Let's consider each of them in more detail.

Too general terms

The employer has neither the desire nor the time to carefully study the resume of each applicant in order to try to understand what he can be interested in. In the conditions of fierce competition, with tight deadlines, it is quite logical that the employer will take a simpler path and will choose among those candidates who have clearly defined requirements.

In the title, you indicate the purpose of your resume, the position you want to get.

  • "Manager", "specialist", "company member".

The title of the resume should not use such "faceless" concepts, as well as the words "any", "different", according to which it is impossible to determine exactly what position the applicant is applying for, what he wants to do, what duties he can and is ready to perform for new job. The purpose of the resume will become more obvious if the column "Desired position" indicates the profile of the company, for example: "IT Specialist" or "Bank employee". In this case, at least outlined professional sphere the interests of the applicant.

  • Sales/Purchasing Manager.

In this title, the field of activity is defined, but it is too broad a concept: in our time, you can sell / buy almost anything. On the RABOTA.TUT.BY website, there are about 30 specializations in these two areas. Therefore, it is necessary to narrow this concept, specifying what exactly you want to sell / buy. But from the wording "sales/purchasing manager for food or business goods" It is immediately clear to an HR that the applicant knows exactly what vacancy he is applying for, and, therefore, the specialist only needs to compare the requirements indicated in the resume with the conditions of the vacancy.

  • “Any job in the field of logistics. 1200 c.u. e.".

In the search parameters on all job sites there is a “Salary Expectations” column, so the recruiting manager will look for this information separately, and it is completely superfluous in the description of the desired position. This wording focuses on the amount of compensation and not on professional qualities candidate.

  • "I will consider different offers."

Such readiness of the applicant will not inspire confidence in the recruiter. It is better to report your thoughts on further employment in a cover letter, after adjusting it with the requirements specified in the description of the vacancy for which you are applying.


It makes no sense for a recruiter to look at the applicant's CV and determine for him the scope of his professional interests.

  • "Debatable."

Seeing this wording, the recruiter has the right to ask with whom and what the applicant wants to discuss. Does it make sense to spend time on this resume if the search result returned 20 resumes, in 10 of which the desired position exactly matches the title vacant position? This option says that the applicant has not yet decided, but the recruiter has no time to make a decision for him.

  • "Summary".

Of course, this is a plus that a person is aware of what kind of questionnaires the document he filled out belongs to. Still very often there is a simple and concise expression looking for a job/need a job. However, such names do not carry any semantic load, since it is already clear that since a person sends a resume, it means that he is looking for a job. It makes no sense for Eichar to look through the CV of the applicant and determine for him the scope of his professional interests.

  • Work experience 5 years, salary 1500 c.u. e., work schedule 2/2, social. package, sociable, purposeful.

Some applicants try to make a cover letter from the title of the resume, indicating briefly all their experience there. When a CV with such a long list appears on the employer's page, it is at least tiring, and at the end of the working day, it is probably also annoying. In order to get acquainted with the basic requirements of the applicant, an HR can view a cover letter or open a resume.

Mixing functionality

  • "Secretary/office manager/personal assistant".

These specializations belong to the same professional area, but differ greatly in terms of functional duties and remuneration. If you are applying for several positions at once, create a separate resume for each of them.

  • "Account manager, or recruiting manager, or sales manager."

Indecision cannot positively influence the decision of the employer. Probably, the applicant seeks to change the profile of activity, thinks about where to go, and thinks that the employer will solve this issue for him. But what is the point of hiring a specialist who has not yet decided? In a couple of months, he, quite possibly, will realize that this is not his occupation, that he does not see further prospects for himself in this direction, and will want to try another “or”. Such a name is acceptable only for a person who is at the beginning professional path and choosing the specialization in which you want to prove yourself.

  • "Student with no work experience."

IN staffing there is no such position as "student", so in the column "Desired position" it is better to indicate trainee/assistant. And although the employer will see that he has a resume of an applicant without experience, but at the same time, there will be some professional focus in the title. If the applicant has not yet fully decided where he can most usefully apply his skills, then in the category "Early Career/Students" you can choose the maximum number of regions (there are 3 on our website). This option will allow you to consider more vacancies. Even students should not list an entire professional area in the title. On the one hand, this limits the possible offers of employers, and on the other hand, it is unlikely that recruiters will enter into the "Search" as keywords"Finance/accounting" or "Marketing/advertising".

Everything that is acceptable for applicants who are at the beginning of their career is not suitable for professionals with work experience. Before publishing a resume on the site, they must clearly and clearly assess their capabilities, decide what they want to do next, especially if it was decided to change their field of activity and try something else. It is better to have specific ideas about your future employment in order to facilitate the task of finding a job for yourself, and finding a specialist for personnel services. We recommend that applicants with work experience indicate only one specialization in a professional field to emphasize that they know their strengths and are ready to move on in their chosen direction.

Every day, recruiters and HRs look at a huge number of resumes, so they have a certain image of the ideal candidate for each position. And the more the applicant matches this image, the higher his chances of getting a job in a brand-name company. The main requirement for applicants for the position of a middle manager is the experience of managing people.

"Ideal Candidate"

The ideal candidate for the position of a middle manager is a specialist who has built his career consistently, best in one or related industries, and who has experience in a brand-name company. The total length of his work must be at least 5 years, of which 2 years he must hold a managerial position. It is simply necessary for him higher education and business education is also desirable.

In Russia, for some reason, a person can be called a manager without having subordinates.

Achievements in the summary should definitely be highlighted in a separate column. When describing previous experience, the applicant needs to focus on the results achieved. The number of completed projects is regarded as an achievement more often in specific industries, such as construction. It is also important for a marketing manager to talk about the projects in which he took part. This will show the scale of the work done by him and the “filling” of his position, because in different companies in the same positions, employees sometimes have different responsibilities.

Desired position (resume goal)

To introduce yourself simply as a manager means to say nothing about yourself. In Russia, for some reason, a person can be called a manager without having subordinates. Therefore, the question arises by itself: “Who and what does he manage then?” A manager must have people under his command!

In addition, if there is no specific desired position in the resume, this means that the person himself does not know what he wants to do in the future and what kind of work he needs. Companies have a standard departmental structure. The middle manager can be the head of both the logistics department and the sales and marketing department, and financial department. True, sometimes department managers are already top management.


The first education, even if it is non-core, must be indicated. Firstly, to comply with the chronological principle in the resume, and secondly, as evidence that the person consciously followed the path of professional and personal development to improve their skills. The presence of a second education will be a good sign for both the recruiter and the company, because it is an indicator of the applicant's interest in professional growth.

Additional education it makes sense to indicate only when it refers to either the current position or the desired position.

It is necessary to indicate the received specialization. This information will take only a couple of lines in the resume, but it will definitely not be superfluous. But the name of the faculty can be omitted.

The applicant should not write that he completed the macrame circle in the 10th grade of the school. Additional education makes sense to indicate only when it refers either to the current position or to the desired position. In this case, it will show that the candidate is interested in developing his career.

work experience

It's no secret that the first time a resume is read diagonally and only the main points are pulled out. “Work experience” is one of the key sections, so the information here should be concise and concise.

It is recommended to describe in detail the work experience for the last 10 years. However, I prefer that the candidate state it in full. This is due to the fact that Antal International many foreign clients who want to see the full picture of professional growth, it is not customary for them to watch an excerpt from a working biography. The last 10 years of work should be described in the most detail, and when talking about earlier experience, it is enough to indicate the years, the name of the company and the position held by the applicant. All this will not take up much space.

The resume should show how the manager grew up in the company. It is great that the candidate has worked in the same organization for a long time, this indicates his loyalty and ability to communicate with people, because it is not easy to work in the same team for many years. For example, the process of professional growth will be clearly demonstrated by the candidate who came as an assistant to the procurement department, then became a manager, then the head of the department, moved to the position of head commercial department or became responsible for the sales unit. And of course not the best way, if the applicant indicates that he has worked for 8 years as a support manager in the sales department.

The market is open to everyone, but it is quite difficult for a candidate from an organization known only in narrow circles to get into a brand-name company, because recruiters and employers, first of all, pay attention to the brand. In such a situation, the applicant should rely more on his own strength, build a job search strategy in a different way. It is important that he presents himself correctly, and this can only be done at the interview stage. Headhunters hunt for qualified employees of brand-name companies, and specialists from organizations known only in narrow circles must promote themselves.

Headhunters hunt for qualified employees of brand-name companies, and specialists from organizations known only in narrow circles must promote themselves.

If a candidate does not have managerial experience, but he wants to take the position of a manager, he will have to justify his career ambitions. This is the task of an oral presentation at a meeting with the employer, since, unfortunately, such information cannot be reflected in the resume. It is clear that in this situation a person should not and cannot immediately claim leadership of a department of 10 people. At first, most likely, we will talk about a small team.

In Russia, it is not very common to provide written recommendations, but they will not be superfluous. True, more often, if they are requested, then verbally. I would not advise in the resume to indicate the coordinates of people (director or partners) who are ready to give a characterization, because they may not be called at the most opportune moment. It is better to provide their phones already at the second or third stage of negotiations.

If we are talking about a hired middle manager, then the director of the company should give him a description. If the applicant has his own business or he is a top manager of a Russian “non-branded” company, it is advisable for him to provide recommendations from Western partners with whom the candidate has collaborated. The coordinates of colleagues are most often not indicated. If you need more advice, you can ask your line manager for help.

Additional Information

It is better for an applicant for the position of a middle manager not to mention anything about personal characteristics at all. Such information is indicated by yesterday's students, since they still cannot boast of either solid work experience or high level competencies. Middle managers should, first of all, talk about their professionalism, about what they can and want to do. Moreover, in the section Additional Information» there is no need to repeat the description of functional duties on previous places work. The wording here should be more concise and capacious, for example, “building a team from scratch” or “development of a business from scratch”.


It’s convenient for me if the age of a potential candidate is indicated on the resume: I don’t have to waste time to find out how much the applicant is this moment years. Even when it does not contain a date of birth, it is not difficult to determine it. If the resume is interesting, but there is no age indicated, recruiters look at the date of graduation.

Middle managers should, first of all, talk about their professionalism, about what they can and want to do.

I can say that there are no strict age limits. For example, the position description states that a manager under 45 is required, but this does not mean that a 46-year-old applicant will not be considered. True, if he is 60, recruiters most likely will not be able to submit his resume to a client. However, even in this case, everything depends on the specialist himself, if he can convince the employer that he will be able to complete the tasks - why not?

Income level

As for salary expectations, candidates for managerial positions, as a rule, are roughly familiar with the situation on the labor market and can adequately assess their value. And if a manager works in a brand-name company, then he is often called by headhunters who keep him up to date with market events.

The level of income in the resume is not indicated. Compensation is a subject for negotiations. Its size is determined by the manager's ability to present and "sell" himself. Due to today's huge need for experienced employees by employers, companies, as a rule, are ready to offer a certain salary range to a qualified manager.


When compiling a resume, it should be taken into account that in similar positions in organizations of different scale, profile and structure, there are usually different functional responsibilities and, accordingly, the requirements for candidates. If a person works in the position of Area Sales Manager in an FMCG company and wants to move to the position of Regional Manager - take a step forward, it is clear that his previous experience will speak for itself, you won’t have to invent anything. But, if the applicant wants to change the field of activity and he does not have enough similar work experience, he needs to pay more attention to his competencies. For example, we have just been approached by a candidate who wants to move from an average managerial position to a top one, for this we “highlight” his MBA degree.

Write desired position in resume right! Unfortunately, very often inexperienced applicants make the same mistake regarding the desired position, which is incorrectly indicated in their resumes.

  • In some cases, this may even help, since a certain number of employers may be quite interested in specialists who have managed to work in different positions, one way or another intersecting with the requirements of a particular vacancy.

But much more often, the vagueness in a resume about desired positions will indicate that the candidate himself does not really know what he really wants. The blurring of goals automatically makes many employers send bundles of resumes of applicants to the wastebasket, who do not really understand themselves and have not decided what position they want and work fruitfully in the future ...

  • You can wish for a lot, but it is not necessary to indicate this in a resume!

Such a diversity of interests leads a potential employer to the idea that the applicant for the position has not succeeded in anything in particular, therefore he is forced to try to find a job at least somewhere ... It is clear that this dramatically reduces the candidate's chances of being at least invited to the very first interview.

This trap most often falls into people who send out resumes in batches, trying to squeeze into the “desired position” at least a few areas where, in their opinion, they could work successfully. Unfortunately, employers do not always favorably treat "handymen of all trades", rightly treating such candidates as "dark horses" who do not inspire any confidence.

And how would you personally, wanting, for example, to find a good marketer for your company, reacted to the resume of “craftsmen” who set out a whole list of areas of activity in the desired position where they could easily succeed? If, for example, you see that the company is looking for a regional manager, then at the top of the resume should be written in bold: “TARGET: Regional Manager”!

This is the desired position number 1. There can be no other goals in this case.

All other skills and abilities are described below, in the relevant sections. Here you can indicate in more detail about professional skills, achievements, favorably emphasizing the most important ones and without detailing the secondary ones.

In fairness, it should be noted that in troubled times of crisis, when there are massive layoffs, management, especially from small firms, can be more than loyal to candidates' resumes, which clearly indicate that it is not for them to work more or less successfully in several positions at once. problem. Often, during such periods, 1 employee has to work for himself and ... “for that guy”, therefore, the chances of getting a job are increased not by narrow specialists, but by more universal ones.

  • During periods of economic growth and the rapid development of the company, the management tries to fill vacant positions not by "jacks of all trades", but by good specialists in their field, whose skills and business qualities most harmoniously meet the requirements of a particular vacancy.

About what is more logical to indicate in the column "Disadvantages". Desired position in resume must be clearly and unambiguously indicated at the very top!

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