I want to learn how to sell things on the market. What to do if you have no open trades before the news. Identification of customer needs


From this article you will learn:

  • How to offer goods to stores
  • How to offer a product on social networks and by phone
  • How to properly offer a product to a sales representative

The domestic economy has recently embarked on the rails of market relations, from that moment on, each of the sellers asks a fundamental question: how to offer a product or service so that the buyer is interested. Consider the key aspects of this issue.

How to offer a product to be bought

Of course, the success of a business depends largely on the volume of sales, this is perhaps one of critical factors. Production capacities can be increased quite quickly, but the market capacity does not always make it possible to realize the inherent potential. Advertising budgets can be 20-50% of the cost, firms are doing everything possible to beat the competition.

All of these factors indicate that the entire distribution chain – marketing/sales/store – is important. The answer to the questions: “How to properly offer a product” and “How to sell a product to a client” is the solution to the needs of the buyer.

  1. Before offering a product to a buyer, thoroughly study all the issues related to it. The more extensive and in-depth information about the product you have (operation, scope, availability of options and their differences, etc.), the more reasonably you can convey to the buyer why he needs it.
  2. Be very attentive to the question of the psychology of a potential client. You need to clearly understand who is in front of you: a student or an intellectual, young or old, man or woman. Having an idea about the nature of a potential client, it will be easier for you not only to offer him a product, but also to build a productive dialogue with him, to establish a competent strategy in the “buyer-seller” relationship.
  3. When offering a product, do not forget about the emotional component: let the potential buyer feel like the owner of a product that has not yet been purchased. Show what the product is in action, let it be touched, touched, smelled. Create all the conditions for making a purchase so that the client wants to purchase this particular product right now.

How to offer a product in bulk

There are a few simple rules on how to sell goods in bulk. In this case, you need to focus on the future, that is, on the constant search for a customer. The volume of deliveries depends on the scale of the client company (it will be large or small orders). Categories such as delivery, price, terms are a temptation for the buyer and a big plus for the supplier.


  • do everything possible to “lure” the client from the very beginning with low prices for delivered orders and low logistics bills;
  • follow the terms of the contract - never violate them;
  • deliver on time and regularly;
  • remember, that wholesale trade This is an equal sale.

How to properly offer a product to a customer in a store

The biggest problem faced by retailers retail chains, including large ones, this is a recruitment problem, since the employees of most stores are not ready for effective sales (residual phenomena of soviet education). But there is another side to this - retailers themselves often do not pay enough attention to the training and motivation of salespeople, treating them as a third-rate "labor force" that is constantly changing. This attitude leads to a lack of proper training. The seller offers the goods to the buyer not very effectively, because he does not know how to do it. But trained employees with proper motivation may well be the key to the success of any outlet.

A successful salesperson is someone who:

  • easily identifies customer problems;
  • can assess the priorities of the consumer in the context of solving these problems;
  • can and strives to help buyers find solutions to these problems in the most convenient, efficient, innovative and timely way, and at a price that is right for the buyer.

More often than not, if the salesperson is able to identify the customer's key issues, the customer will be willing to pay for their solution.

Knowing how to promote your problem-solving abilities to potential buyers can be the key to success. This is to ensure that customers are aware of what you can do for them and what will be the benefits obtained from using the solutions you propose.

Sales leaders don't just focus on how to offer a product (or how to sell it), but they expand their customer's horizons. To become a top seller, you need to periodically answer the following questions:

  • What customer problems do I solve?
  • What is the customer's perspective on these issues and the solutions I offer?
  • How does the buyer prioritize when looking for solutions to these problems?
  • What other customer problems can I solve?
  • What hidden or future problems are buyers unaware of?

The buyer comes with a lot of problems. Your task is to point to them and give them a detailed description, but not from your point of view, but from the position of the client. Focus on the problems that need to be solved first, and for this you need to formulate the right questions and listen carefully to the buyer's answers. And after that, offer your solutions (= offer a product).

3 tips on how to talk to a buyer when offering a product

Experts share useful tips with distributors about how to talk with the buyer in order to achieve success, how to offer the product as efficiently as possible.

  1. Product knowledge.

Despite the fact that we have already mentioned this fact, we will repeat once again: preparations for trading should begin even before the sales themselves, in particular, we are talking about getting all possible information about the product. What it can be: before offering a product, check the nuances of different manufacturers, the specifics of use, price corridors for wholesale / retail, at different outlets and in the place where exactly you will sell. However, the psychological aspect can be called much more significant.

The task of any seller is to offer a product, while giving answers to all the questions that have arisen. Such a distributor inspires confidence, the buyer understands that he is a professional, not an amateur. There is another point: if the client receives an exhaustive answer, he begins to feel obligated, and in some cases this may affect his decision to purchase the goods here, from this seller. However, in the opposite situation, when the seller answers without enthusiasm, at length, the consumer understands that he is not a professional.

The only exception: the buyer, due to some circumstances, has information about the product, for example, he took part in the production of similar products. Then you need to offer the goods more carefully, you should not go too far: it is important to show your competence in this matter, and respect the knowledge of the interlocutor, and maybe even ask him something, ask some questions. Such a model of behavior will increase the importance of the buyer in his own eyes and at the same time increase the assessment of the seller.

  1. Good mood.

In fact, the mood of the seller is a working tool, since he is an actor who cannot afford an arbitrary mood. His task is to "keep face" regardless of what's on his mind. After all, the buyer immediately catches the mood of the seller and reacts to it: good mood transmitted, but bad too. If the buyer came to the store in a good mood, and the seller spoiled it, then the buyer subconsciously (or maybe consciously) wants to take revenge on the seller without buying anything from him.

  1. Respect for the buyer.

Respect for the buyer is manifested in respect for his desires and choices.

That is, if the buyer wants to buy tea, then you should not try to sell him lemonade. Of course, it is permissible to offer a substitute product, but selling it is fraught with consequences. The buyer is more and more psychologically savvy, often he is also well versed in the product. Therefore, the fact that instead of a substitute product they begin to very persistently offer him something completely different, even when such a replacement seems appropriate to the seller, causes irritation and negativity. This is regarded as manipulation, and its disclosure should be followed by punishment: and this is already the loss of a client, because he is unlikely to ever return to the place where he was deceived or tried to deceive.

Trading is somewhat akin to fishing: it is impossible to force the fish to peck, but it can be attracted by high-quality bait. The buyer likes quality service, and respect is an important component. And even in the case when you do not have some product, sending the buyer to the place where he is, this will also positively affect your evaluation by the buyer, and it is highly likely that he will return to you.

You need to respect not only the problems of the buyer and his desires, but also the refusal. A buyer who was rude or rude after a refusal is unlikely to be seen again in your store. And even if there was no obvious rudeness, then a sharp change in the behavior of the seller (from fawning / attentive to indifferent / negative) will also shock the buyer, and he is unlikely to come to this store.

  • in no case do not talk about the negative nuances of the product, so as not to spoil the positive;
  • even if you know how to offer a product correctly, but do not own the rules of ethics, success will not be easy. Be charming, friendly, respectful - this will help sell the product, but avoid familiarity, familiarity, keeping the right distance.

How to offer a product to a sales representative

A budding sales rep is always going to get rejected, this is because retail outlets are against working with new suppliers or new products - the store shelves are already full of goods. However, there are good principles in sales and good methods of how to offer a product to unfamiliar customers.

  1. Make an illustrated catalog.

If it is the woman who decides whether or not to work with you, then there is one useful method: creating a catalog with illustrations. This is true for women, as women usually tend to choose goods from catalogs: this form of shopping inspires confidence in them. Offering goods in this way is a variant of a more advantageous form: browsing a catalog takes less time than viewing a price list, and looking at pictures is more pleasant than at numbers.

  1. Go around all outlets in the assigned territory.

Be prepared to be rejected in most places when you offer a product, but this should not bother you: it's normal for the psychology of the seller - checking a new person (will he appear again and how persistent is he?). Don't be discouraged if you get rejected. Just let them know that you will come back another time when something interesting appears. The seller is unlikely to refuse this. Focus on finding your first client - it's hard, but it's possible.

  1. Reapply to stores located near the first customer.

Come back after a while with a message that you have news. In the conversation, give a reference to the first customer and inform that your product will be presented in his store. Buyers notice everything: if one store offers your product, but this one does not, they will come to the store with new products more often. And this is an important criterion for many.

  1. Collect statistics and reviews.

Contact customers with a question about how they are doing in the outlet with your product. Do not let their answers go past your ears - fix and pay attention to it.

  1. Visit the rest of the shops.

Let us know that your product is already available in 15 stores. But do not lie, but tell it like it is. Voice the words of customers who are satisfied with your product. This may be the impetus to start working with you. You want to work with successful people, it is easier for people who are set up in this way to offer goods.

How to offer your product to stores

This question is always asked by newcomers, because the heads of retail outlets refuse new products, arguing that the stores are already overstocked with goods. Therefore, there is one feature in how to offer a product to a store: you need to offer not only a product, but also something more, for example, better service than competitors, a better solution to working moments. Your task is to offer a product, at the same time convincing the client that he will not waste his time in vain if he starts working with you.

To sell your product successfully, you need to have an idea about all the stages of a customer visit:

  • preparation;
  • approach to the outlet;
  • presentation;
  • make a deal;
  • merchandising;
  • visit analysis.

There are a number important tips in how to offer a product:

  1. Remember that store managers perceive a new supplier as new problems. This is due to the past negative experience of contacts with unreliable suppliers, for example. Therefore, any new proposal is perceived by them with caution. Don't forget this: Selling a product has two parts: first you have to "sell yourself" as a bona fide business partner, and only then do you focus on how to offer the product and sell it. If you look at the situation from this position too, then it will be easier for you to negotiate and find the right words.
  2. When you go to the store to offer a product, focus on a slightly different goal: find out about the problems of your potential partners. Let me know that you plan to work in this market, but today you came to find out what problems the store faces when working with suppliers. Be attentive to the answers you receive and say that you will return when you can offer a solution to these problems.
  3. Analyze this conversation: identify weaknesses in the work of competitors, create a service scheme for a point of sale that will surpass the offers of competing suppliers. Focus on how to effectively demonstrate this difference to store managers when you start offering the product.
  4. Organize another negotiation, but again do not talk about your products, focus on how comfortable it will be for the buyer to work with your firm.
  5. Receive your first purchase order. Let it be small - after all, this is a kind of check, but clearly state what the minimum order quantity should be in the future.

Remember: competitors will immediately notice the decline in sales that is associated with your entry into the market. The response of rivals may be, for example, an improvement in the quality of service. Your task is to return to the above steps from time to time and repeat them.

Important recommendation:go to the trading floor after the delivery has been made, find out if everything is fine. The fact that you care about your partner- this is an additional bonus that will play in favor of working with you.

How to offer a product on social networks

SMM, or social media marketing, is now gaining momentum. There is not a single company that does not understand the importance of promotion in social networks. At the same time, not everyone knows how to offer goods here correctly and as productively as possible.

The statistics say the following: for example, specialists from GfK Ukraine analyzed what goods, where and how often Ukrainians purchase via the Internet. Here are the results: in 2016, more than 39% of Internet users bought goods or ordered services using social networks. And, let's say, in 2013, only 12% made purchases through social networks.

The most popular products are: clothes, accessories, gifts, shoes, cosmetics and perfumes. Most of the customers are, of course, women.

Such statistics once again emphasize that you can really sell on social networks.

But how to do it?

Everything is not so difficult, you just need to take into account important factors:

  • the audience of your company coincides with the audience of the social network;
  • there are no barriers to buying your product through a social network (no additional registrations, requests are processed slowly, etc.);
  • you really develop your community: there is the right content, a sufficient number of participants, and you were able to reach the average or even high level involvement;
  • users trust you (for example, thanks to high-quality work with feedback);
  • you realize that online sales take time (minimum 3 months).

When you can put a plus next to each item, then you are really confidently moving in the right direction: you can safely offer your product.

  1. Specify the current price.

Do not create unnecessary barriers on the way of the purchaser to purchase your product: let him see the price right away. Don't doubt that potential clients, for which the price you have named will not be suitable, in any case, they will refuse to purchase the goods.

  1. Simplify the ordering process as much as possible.

It is necessary to offer goods in online stores in such a way that the client has the opportunity to buy the product he likes almost instantly, without unnecessary manipulations of going to the site, registrations, etc. The more difficult it is to place an order, the more likely it is that the buyer will change his mind. Your task is to make sure that the customer understands the scheme for purchasing goods, and this scheme should be simple.

  1. Regularly update the assortment so that the buyer has the opportunity to choose.

Remember the female craving for shopping: hourly walking on shopping malls, the ability to choose, the understanding that one of these things will sooner or later become their property. The same principle should work in social networks: users should have a choice. These can be albums with goods, where you can see everything that is, compare, and then buy. Plus - the more assortment you offer, the more customers (and their needs) will be satisfied.

Remember about such a factor as the relevance of the product. Let you have an "In Stock" album, which will be regularly updated and replenished, do not forget to periodically offer goods from this album. Because often the refusal to purchase is provoked by the need for a long wait for the receipt of goods or its absence at all (despite the fact that it is presented in the album / on the site).

  1. Follow the trends and beat them.

Trends are a great way to make money quickly and a lot. Pay attention to what users are talking about on the Internet, what is happening around, what is interesting to people. Apply what you've learned to offer your product. Things that are in trend, as a rule, are more popular than the standard range.

  1. Update community information regularly.

It is important for you to convey to your customers the fact that your products are updated all the time. However, you should not do it too zealously, otherwise there is a risk of a ban (in the news feed). Do this in moderation so that when a user needs something from what you sell, he immediately remembers you.

  1. Respond promptly to comments.

Timely responses to comments increase the likelihood of a purchase. Slowness can lead to the fact that the buyer will go to competitors.

  1. Don't neglect community management.

Community management is almost a key component in working with your community. It gives you the opportunity to build trust with users who can become your customers. Give public responses to negative comments, do not delete them and be able to admit your mistakes.

Remember the importance of feedback and reviews: their presence will increase the loyalty of the audience, which in the future will be able to recommend your store to friends and acquaintances. But just do not falsify information, reviews must be honest and real, and fictional reviews will never play into your hands.

  1. Let's advertise for interesting offers, discounts.

Draw your customers' attention to various interesting offers, promotions and discounts in advertising campaigns. Such messages increase the effectiveness of advertising, which leads to an increase in sales.

Good day, readers of our site. Do you know what determines the level of sales? Someone may say that it depends on the quality of the product, on the brand, on the reputation of the company or on advertising. Also, sales depend on the successful location of the store, on marketing moves and work with customers. All this is correct, there are dozens of factors, but few people know that even the most unsold item can be sold, the buyer can be forced to buy something that he absolutely does not need.
Scientists from all over the world have been analyzing the behavior of the buyer for many years, studying various scientific methods of influencing our desires to buy this or that thing. It turns out that we are a very simple species that is easier to manage than it seems. So you might think, no, I'm not like that, I won't fall into various scientific tricks. I want to disappoint, because you, I, and millions of people around the world every day in stores, restaurants, supermarkets are faced with well-established sales techniques. Sometimes we don’t even notice them, but somewhere, on a subconscious level, everything is postponed, and the desire to pay attention to a certain group of goods, to stop near the shelf you need, to buy this or that product arises.
Today's article will be about the 5 most common scientific methods that help sell a product. Be sure to read the article carefully, draw conclusions, and use these techniques when building your sales schemes.

How to Sell a Product: Rule #1 – The Buyer is Predictable

The next time you go to the big grocery store, then pay attention to what is on the right. Remembering the supermarkets in Kyiv, I can say that many of them immediately have a department with fresh fruits and vegetables on the right. Some try to arrange pastries nearby. It is noteworthy that practically the entrance doors are located in such a way that upon entering you will be forced to turn to the right. Such a construction is not accidental, and everything is subject to strict rules and long scientific research.
As it turned out, people are very predictable, almost like animals during migration. We choose the same paths around the store. Scientists who have studied consumer behavior different countries, came to the conclusion that we prefer to go around the store counterclockwise.
Modern markets are designed in such a way that you unwittingly follow a well-thought-out route. Knowing that when you enter the store, you will definitely turn right, marketers try to place the freshest, most seductive and attractive product there. It is the first one that catches your eye, and whether you like it or not, think about it, consider the need for such a purchase. As a rule, goods are placed not the most popular, those that need to be sold quickly. They understand that if you place a shelf with chips at the entrance, or refrigerators with beer, then you just grab them and go to the checkout without seeing all the offers of the store.
Another trick is that the first thing you see forms the impression of the entire store. Entering the market and seeing fresh greens, bright and beautiful fruits, you will automatically be more loyal to this store, it will be associated with freshness, bright colors and pleasant smells.
The sequence of "showing" goods to you is also thought out to the smallest detail. Seeing a palette of colors and freshness from fruits, you move on, you see other products, but not at all the ones that I buy most often. Bread, dairy products, meat, eggs - all this is located at the farthest end of the market, and by the time you get there, you are already throwing a bunch of all sorts of nonsense into the cart, which you were not going to buy initially.
Remember! The most important thing is to get the buyer to stay in the store as long as possible, bypass the maximum number of racks and view a lot of products. A person will never buy "Haporel Honey Pepper" if he does not know about its existence.
Why does it work?
Walking in circles is a common activity for herd animals, but why people behave this way is not yet clear. Studies have shown that buyers in England, Japan and Australia prefer to walk around the store in a clockwise direction, perhaps because of the left-hand traffic in their countries. If you are used to driving on the right side, then it is more likely that in the store you will also go to the right, along the wall.
Whatever it was, we can say that this momentum is really strong. In the USA, they even tried to set up an experiment. The store opened the right door, and wanted to force customers to go clockwise, that is, turn left. What a surprise it was when the buyers entered through the right door, but still went to the left entrance to start moving counterclockwise. This is already laid down in the subconscious, so people are more comfortable.

How to Sell a Product: Rule #2 - More Shiny

Everything shiny and beautiful is automatically perceived as something new, fashionable and valuable. Many drivers can testify that after a good wash and polish, they even feel that the car drives much better. “This cannot be my 1990 Zhiguli that I previously drove. Look how shiny it is, the engine works differently.”
That's exactly why in good and expensive stores everything sparkles, glows, shimmers with different colors of the rainbow.
Envirosell Inc. conducted a large-scale study, and found out that a shiny window makes passers-by involuntarily slow down, and some even stop to take a closer look at the presented goods. And it's hard to deal with it.
Why does it work?
In 1990, researchers from England put forward a rather interesting theory. They believe that our love for everything shiny dates back to the time of the first people. It was then that the first people were looking for good, clean and drinkable water, focusing on its brilliance.
Scientists conducted a study and invited people to choose vessels with the best, in their opinion, water. Many girls, without hesitation, chose the one that sparkled the most. The argument was that this water is more credible and should be clean, tasty and pleasant.
Further, the experiment was with children, very young, who did not have time to fall under the influence of society. Two plates were placed in front of them - white and shiny. Almost everyone chose the shiny one, squatted down and tried to lick it. No child has ever done this with white.
The results of the research allowed us to put forward a hypothesis that people used to look for water and recognize it by its brilliance, it was this skill that remained in the subconscious, did not disappear for thousands of years. Therefore, seeing something brilliant, we involuntarily stop, try to consider and understand what it is.

How to Sell a Product: Rule #3 Enjoy Shopping

In Europe, and in recent times in our country, on all major holidays, Christmas, New Year, many stores arrange grand sales. In the US, there is a whole season of sales, which begins with Black Friday. People take time off from work, line up in stores from late at night, stand, crowd at the entrance, waiting for the opening of the store and huge discounts. Do you think all this is because they need to buy some thing, or from a desire to save money? 95% of buyers in the sales season simply get high from the purchases themselves, from shopping, from shopping and the opportunity to buy something, and even cheaper than yesterday. Skillful sellers are aware of this human weakness, and can more than sell goods stale in warehouses in a few days.
Many of you laugh at shopaholics, who don’t feed bread on girls, let them buy a new jacket or blouse. But wait, this technique is used not only for things and shoes. According to statistics, many gamers have about 10% of the games that they have bought, played several times and that's it, the disks are gathering dust on the shelves. Some people buy books and then don't read them. Yes, a person can be forced to buy anything, and he will think that it is necessary. Understanding that a thing is useless comes much later.
Look around, you do not have such things that you bought, but now you do not understand why? My friend has a lot of DVD discs, with a variety of films. He definitely won’t watch them, but every time he buys, he says that he replenishes the collection. The process of finding a good movie and buying a disc is a pleasure.
Why does it work?
This is where old Dopamine comes into play. This substance is produced by your brain when you fall in love, when you eat delicious food or do what you love. Dopamine affects all body functions that are responsible for behavior, cognition, movement and other important things, such as the ability to keep saliva in the mouth.
The action of dopamine becomes stronger if you go into new shop, or come to another city. New emotions, new desires. No wonder scientists note that we make the most pointless purchases while traveling. And, of course, that the thing, in fact, we do not need. We want to feel emotion, get a dose of dopamine.

How to Sell a Product: Rule #4 – Numbers Are Not Your Forte

In 2010, Steve Jobs introduced to the world a new miracle of technology - the iPad. And the price for it was pretty low, only $499. That's a very good price for... but wait, what for? Before that, there were no tablets on the market, no one could say for sure the price, but everyone thought that it was excellent, and even very low. The price was more than phones and most laptops, so how can you be sure it's good?
And one more thing, why are they still putting nines at the end of the price tags? Buyers have long understood that 499 is almost $500, so set the normal price, which is already this dollar. Many are sure that they have figured out this marketing ploy, and are not being led by it. But is it? Not a fact, far from a fact. Knowing that you are being manipulated in this way and not falling for the bait are two different things.
In fact, people are bad friends with numbers. Only a few can calculate the real benefit, understand the real price of the goods. Let's say you wait for a discount on a sweater you like, then go to the store and pay with a credit card. The bank calculates a percentage for the use of money, and it happens that a sweater bought at a discount turns out to be more expensive than it was originally.
Also, many fall with loans. No one considers real amounts, they are tempted by small monthly payments, they take out a loan for a long line, and at the same time, the overpayment can reach 100% of the amount.
Sellers understand that the price of goods depends on them. Even when you see that the goods are cheaper by 50%, then from the price that they invented. I specifically looked at prices for household appliances with a 30% discount in one large store, and then on the Internet I found a similar offer, without a discount, and even at a lower price. It turns out that you save 30% of the price taken "from the ceiling."
Back to the iPad's very low price of $499. Where did the belief that the price is really good come from? A few months before the presentation, many leading magazines and Internet sites, commissioned by Apple, made a good marketing ploy. They allegedly published information from reliable sources about the new tablet, about its functionality, and hinted that having such characteristics, the gadget will cost at least a thousand dollars. At the presentation, Jobs also emphasized this fact that the price was planned to be much higher. That's how people got the impression that 499 is very cheap. Perhaps the price was too high, but people thought otherwise.
How it works?
Imagine 3 tennis balls on a table. Represented? Now try to imagine 4037 of the same balls. I am sure that it will be almost impossible to do this, and it is difficult to imagine a table on which they will fit. The brain of many people is simply not adapted to work with such numbers, because nature did not provide us with such functionality, and natural selection did not take into account mathematical abilities.
The story of $499 and $500 is a great confirmation that numbers are not our forte. Even if you understand that the difference is negligible, only one dollar, the subconscious mind perceives differently. This happens for one simple reason - you read prices from left to right, and remember, to a greater extent, only the first one. $499 you would rather call "four hundred something", and not as "practically 500". Sometimes people ask me how much this or that product cost. I answer, they say, a hundred and something rubles, and then I catch myself thinking that it cost 199. Even knowledge and understanding of this marketing move does not protect against price perception errors.
Studies also show that those who try to calculate expenses right in the store, save on purchases, spend at least as much, or even more. The notorious nines at the end of the price tag do not give us the opportunity to accurately and quickly calculate the price. Answer the question, how much will 5 avocados cost 30 rubles each? I'm sure you answered right away. Now calculate the price of the same amount of avocados, but at 29.89 each. I think there are problems.

How to sell a product: Rule #5 – A familiar logo can deceive taste

The incredible trust in the brand is justified, but only to a certain extent. If you had a BMW car, then buying a new one, you will give preference to this particular brand. Users of Apple products are unlikely to ever change it to Samsung. But at some point, the brand name can play a cruel joke on you. You begin to idealize the product, exaggerate the pleasure it can deliver. I must say right away that I do not mean fashionistas who are chasing Gucci shoes and Prada handbags. For them, the brand is a kind of label that brings these girls closer to the upper strata of society.
I'm talking about something else:
In 1970, Pepsi did an interesting experiment called "Pepsi Challenges". Cola and Pepsi were poured into identical glasses. People were asked to choose which drink tastes better and what suits them best. Most Americans have chosen Pepsi. This experiment ended in a resounding success, many media outlets talked about it, and it would seem that Cola should then choke in its sugar syrup, sales would fall to a minimum, and the company would leave most of the market. But, as we can see, Coca-Cola sells better than Pepsi to this day. And this is despite the fact that many still say that Pepsi is much tastier.
What is even more surprising is the fact that when there were logos on the glasses, people, seeing the familiar white lettering on a red background, chose Cola. This phenomenon has been called the Pepsi Paradox.
A similar experiment was carried out with wine. One test group was told the price of the drink ($90 and $10) and almost everyone said that the more expensive one was better quality. But the second group did not know the prices, and the answers about the quality were divided 50 to 50. By the way, in China there is a very expensive beer (the price of a bottle is more than $40), and it tastes like a cheap burda that in the states costs no more than $3. The whole secret is that the enterprising Chinese stuck a beautiful label, carried out an advertising campaign and inflated the price.
Why does it work?
And again, the whole thing is in our brain, more precisely in the hemispheres. One is responsible for visual perception, and the other for taste. When you don't see the logo, you trust only taste, real taste. When a person sees a logo, then memory comes into play, which associates the logo with something good, better and more famous, which means that products under this brand will be better.
Without logos, your brain tells you that Pepsi is much better and tastier, choose it. But as soon as you see the logo, the brain repeats - "When - it's super, you should drink it." Dozens of years of an advertising campaign, and driving data into a person’s head, have done their job. Companies are actually brainwashing buyers and making them love not what is better or more useful, but what they want to sell.

Retailing involves many regulations, rules and pitfalls. Moreover, they differ depending on the taxation system used by the seller organization. Each of them has its own nuances and features of how to do retail. In this material, we will describe in detail what and how to do so that there are no problems with buyers and regulatory authorities.

The difference between retail and wholesale

First, let's figure out what kind of trade is considered retail. It seems that everything is simple: when a lot of goods are sold at once, then this is wholesale trade, and when by the piece or in small quantities, then this is retail. However difference between retail and wholesale, actually, not in it. By law, you are considered to be a retailer of goods if the buyer is using them for personal rather than business purposes. But as a seller, you do not have to control what the person who bought it from you does with the product. At the same time, you cannot sell at retail, for example, a trade or cash register equipment, that is, a product that cannot be used for personal purposes.

Retail is different from wholesale and the documentation that accompanies it. When selling goods at retail, you must not issue an invoice for the goods to the purchasing organization, otherwise the transaction may be recognized as a wholesale transaction.

How to make a retail sale without consequences

One of the main rules is the issuance of a payment document to the buyer. This may be a written contract of sale, a cash or sales receipt, as well as another document confirming payment (for example, a strict reporting form or a cash receipt order). In very rare cases, no documents are needed. Let's try to figure out how to arrange a retail sale without consequences. Consider all possible options.

Retail sales contract

In fact, this contract is mandatory for any retail sale transaction. But most often it is not necessary to conclude it in writing. For example, with a simple purchase in a store, this is done orally. The condition for the oral conclusion of a contract of sale is the coincidence of the moments of transfer of the goods to the buyer and its payment. As soon as a cash or sales receipt is issued, the contract is considered concluded, and these documents, in turn, legally confirm it.

Sales receipt

A sales receipt may also serve as confirmation of the conclusion of a retail sale contract. With a few exceptions, in most cases it can be omitted. You are required to issue a sales receipt to the buyer if you are selling non-food items, as well as selling furniture, weapons and ammunition, cars, motorcycles, trailers and licensed units. If the cash receipt does not contain such information about the product as the name, article, grade, type and other characteristics, then the sales receipt is also required when selling:

  • textile, clothing, knitwear, fur products,
  • technically complex household goods (communication equipment, musical equipment, electrical appliances, etc.),
  • precious metals and precious stones,
  • animals and plants,
  • building materials.

In addition, a sales receipt is issued at the request of the buyer.

This document is drawn up in any form. On our website you can download the sales receipt form, as well as clarify the required details that it must contain.

Trade without a cash register

Companies that pay a single tax on imputed income (UTII), as well as individual entrepreneurs using the patent system of taxation, are allowed to trade without cash register . Instead of a cash receipt, they can issue to customers any document that replaces it - a sales receipt, a receipt, etc. And this is most often the best option for small businesses, since when trading without a cash register, you do not need to spend money on the purchase of appropriate equipment and its maintenance. Despite the fact that by law a cash document replacing the check must be issued at the request of the buyer, experts advise to issue it every time in order to avoid problems during checks.

Some UTII payers are allowed not only to retail without a cash register - they may not issue any checks and receipts to customers at all. It does not depend on the taxation regime, but on the type of activity.

In 2016, the law allowing UTII payers and those who apply the patent taxation system to trade without a cash register was changed.

Price tag rules

AT retail equally important to comply pricing rules. If they do not comply with the form approved by the Government, or if any of them have an incorrect price, this can also lead to fines.

To issue a price tag correctly means to place on it information about the name of the product, its grade and price per weight or unit (required in rubles). According to the rules that came into force in January 2016, it is allowed to issue price tags both on paper and on any other medium - the main thing is that the information is clearly visible. For example, prices may be indicated on a slate board, on an electronic or light board. In all cases, the design must be clear and uniform.

On our website, you can always clarify how to draw up a price tag correctly, download templates for free, or fill out and print price tags online.

In the store, this document is considered a public offer, and the seller is obliged to sell the goods at exactly the price that appears in it. Failure to comply with this condition, as well as non-compliance with the rules for issuing price tags, is considered gross violation law. If the price on the price tag and at the checkout do not match, this can lead to administrative sanctions, even if the store simply did not have time to change the labels.

When selling books, as well as when peddling trade, price tags are not needed. When peddling goods, you must have a price list indicating the names and prices of goods. The price list is certified by the signature of the person responsible for its execution and the seal of the seller.

Responsibility for violation of trading rules

If your organization is required to issue a cashier's receipt for every purchase, and an audit reveals that the salesperson hasn't done so, this can result in nasty administrative sanctions. Responsibility for violation of trading rules in particular for not using cash register, regulated by Art. 14.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. For officials the fine will be from 1.5 to 2 thousand rubles, for individual entrepreneurs - from 3 to 4 thousand, for organizations - from 30 to 40 thousand. The same sanctions are provided for non-issuance of a sales receipt in cases where the law makes it a duty.

If the inspection authorities caught you on the discrepancy between the price tags and the real value of the goods, your store may be fined 10-20 thousand rubles, and the employee who did not issue the check will have to pay from 1 to 2 thousand to the state treasury. In case of repeated violations, the consequences can be more serious, up to the closure of your store.

Employees of regulatory authorities can "catch" the cashier on the wrong order of issuing change and a check. If the cashier put the change first, and then gave the check, for the inspector this may be a reason to find fault. cash receipt must be handed over to the buyer at the same time as the delivery, not before and not after. Otherwise, it threatens with a fine for non-use of CCP. Another common violation of the rules of trade, which entails serious responsibility - often cashiers do not add change to the buyer in change. This can be interpreted as consumer fraud (Article 14.7 of the Code of Administrative Offenses). For citizens, the fine in this case will be from 3,000 to 5,000 rubles, for officials - from 10 to 30 thousand rubles, for legal entities- from 20 to 50 thousand.

How You Can Be Caught for Trading Violations

Representatives of the internal affairs bodies and Rospotrebnadzor have the right to conduct a so-called test purchase (officially, this operation is called a “test purchase”). Employees of Rospotrebnadzor under the guise of ordinary visitors come to the store and buy a certain product. Police officers can do the same, but two more people must be present when checking them, who are also shopping. Rospotrebnadzor checks stores for compliance with trade rules, and the police - as part of operational search activities. After making a test purchase, the inspectors are required to introduce themselves, present certificates and an order on the basis of which the event is being held. The inspector himself must be mentioned in this order, otherwise the test purchase can be considered illegal.

Tax officials have the right to make test purchases only together with police officers. Tax inspectors can check the presence of a cash register and the rules for its installation, but not the rules for issuing a check. So, if the inspector made a test purchase without representatives of the internal affairs bodies, this event is illegal.

The reason for the test purchase may be a complaint from any of your buyers. Sometimes these methods become methods of competition. You may not even suspect that inspection bodies are going to your store. And the only recipe for peace that can be here is to follow all the laws and rules always, every day, even if it seems that there is no reason to worry. And if something is not clear - be sure to find out.

Murat Turgunov, book author "Guerrilla sales: how to take a client away from competitors" tried it personally. Happened. Wrote a book (as usual in Russia). Some of the information seemed useful and therefore it turned out to be with us.

Where to get clients? There are two ways: to lure them away from competitors or to grow new ones. The second option is very long, expensive and risky. The first one remains - to start a war for customers. And in this war, guerrilla sales methods bring the most profit the fastest. No underground fights and forbidden tricks: we will fight smartly!

In 2010 I decided to return to the training and consulting business. I called the well-known and charismatic business coach Radmilo Lukic, expressed a desire to work in his company and engage in various projects. Radmilo replied that he needed sellers and agreed to meet. When we talked, he set quite difficult conditions for me:
- task: sale of trainings and consulting services;
- probation- one month;
- it was necessary to appoint at least two meetings per week, that is, eight per month;
- sales plan - 700,000 rubles per month (after the crisis, like many training centers, the company experienced difficulties).
I, without hesitation, agreed to work as a sales manager. At first, of course, I was surprised: why are other newcomers given a trial period of three months, and me only one? Now I am very grateful to my colleague for the fact that he then set these tough conditions for me. Thus, Radmilo Lukic gave his new employee the opportunity to prove himself and, most importantly, to acquire knowledge and tremendous experience.

So, what did I decide to do to achieve the desired results? Developed his own system "Partisan Sales". Of course, not everyone believed in it. Some even laughed and said: “Yes, it's all creative, but…” I didn't have a choice. I really wanted to make money, and even more - to prove that my program is really effective. For this, the usual style of work had to be changed. Forgetting about the office schedule, he worked twelve to sixteen hours a day. Conducted business as a partner of the company, and not as an employee. I looked for profitable clients and provided them with expert assistance, etc. Here are the fruits of my efforts:
- in the first month I made twelve appointments;
— three months later signed the first major contract for 4 million rubles (with an average market value training at that moment - 70,000 rubles);
- brought the company a profit of up to 3.8 million rubles per month (many times more than the entire sales department, which consisted of five people);
— the maximum amount of one contract was 6.7 million rubles;
- became a development director and, in addition to sales, began to deal with new projects;
- came up with an award Commercial Director of the year";
— worked on a PR campaign and promotion of services (articles, SEO promotion, Internet marketing, etc.);
- came up with the project "Training Parade". These were demo trainings for future clients, or, as I also called it, “test drive of trainers”. When the idea arose, many frightened me: they say, you can gather a maximum of three or four people who want to. Then I decided to conduct the first demo-training myself. The result exceeded all expectations: due to the large number of people applying, we even had to suspend admission;
— finally, I managed to become the best seller in the history of the company!

I have had great success in business and sales before. But here he competed with himself! Every day I asked the question: “What else am I capable of?” And he was not afraid to do it, because he was confident in himself. And my "10 Secrets of Highly Effective Salespeople" that I always use worked!

Secret number 1. Attitude towards others
Attitude towards people should not depend on their position and position, gender and age, skin color and nationality. Everyone must be treated with equal respect. It doesn’t matter who is in front of you: a colleague or a client, a friend or a stranger, a subordinate or a leader, this is a person and you should treat him the way you would like to be treated. It is the people around you who make your career and influence your destiny.
Unfortunately, it often happens like this: when people start to succeed, they become more arrogant. Why imitate them? Remember: modesty is the highest aerobatics for a business person.
You should not assume that a businessman should have a serious face - this is not so. Smile and people will love you. Everyone wants to deal with a person who is pleasant in all respects. Therefore, first you need to sell your charm, and only then - the idea, services and goods.

Secret number 2. Lifelong education
Lifelong education, study all your life. This process should never be interrupted! Only by constantly absorbing new knowledge will you be able to keep up with progress, be ready for the inevitable changes in life, and fully realize yourself. But the most successful capital for any business is a clear mind and time.
Successful salespeople understand that what works today won't necessarily work tomorrow or six months from now. You may need a completely different approach. Therefore, they are ready to constantly learn: new products, new methods, new technologies, new trends, new customer needs, etc. By the way, one of the definitions of the path to success is: “the process of self-improvement in an ever-changing world.”
Many salespeople, and some executives too, don't read books. There can be many excuses, but in fact there is only one obstacle: laziness. Employment has nothing to do with it. But by reading at least one new book a month, you can become better than 90% of salespeople. One per week - to become stronger than 99% of competitors. And we are talking not only about business literature, which is necessary as air, but also about fiction, especially the classics. An erudite salesperson always receives respect and admiration from customers and colleagues in return. The main thing is to learn one simple truth: the process of learning and development should not stop after graduation. Remember what trainings and seminars you have attended lately, what you have gained valuable, how the acquired skills and knowledge have been applied in practice. Have you ever wanted to take a course or master class? Right now! Read the chapter and go!

Knowledge of foreign languages ​​is a huge plus for any seller, even if it is not used in communication with the client. After all, languages ​​make it possible to read the most interesting book novelties in the original! With this baggage, you will always be a few steps ahead of others.

I recommend three to get you started. best books of all times:
Book #1- Sales Practice by Rudolf Schnappauf. It will help you gain a lot of useful knowledge and skills of a super seller.
Book #2 How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie. This book will help you quickly and easily build friendships with people, increase your popularity among clients and colleagues, and also give you the ability to attract new clients and partners.
Book #3 Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. After reading this book, you will learn to overcome all obstacles by setting a clear goal, move towards it without distractions, and succeed.

In addition, for self-development, I would recommend books by the following authors:
. Jack Trout - about the secrets of marketing;
. Gavin Kennedy - for those who want to learn how to effectively negotiate;
. Stephen Covey - for personal growth;
. Gleb Arkhangelsky - all about time management;
. Robert Kiyosaki - to achieve financial success;
. Neil Rackham - SPIN sales technologies;
. Peter Drucker or Yitzhak Adizes - for effective management;
. Michael Porter - All you need to know about the competition;
. Stephen Schiffman - The Best Books on Cold Calling
. Sun Tzu and his treatise The Art of War is the best guide to strategies for dealing with conflicts of any level.

You can continue this list yourself and recommend it to your friends. In addition to the basics of sales, you will definitely need knowledge in areas such as marketing, management and project management. All this will help to establish contacts with clients of any level. Buyers like to deal with educated and intelligent people.
Ultimately, the person who knows the "how" will never be out of a job, but the one who knows the "why" will always be in leadership positions.

Secret #3: Work Differently
Time management experts estimate that the average salesperson can complete an eight-hour job in five hours. I will add from myself: a salesperson who arrives an hour early and leaves an hour late, while working at maximum efficiency, can double personal sales!
To do this, you just need to learn how to save both your own and other people's time. Do not be distracted by “extraneous noises”: conversations, weaving intrigues, smoke breaks, social networks. And especially on "foreign" projects. In business, everyone has to do their job. Let the seller deal only with sales. All that is required of him is to fulfill the plan and increase the volume of transactions.
It will be useful if the seller develops his personal sales plan. Moreover, his bar should be at least two times higher than that set by the management. If the general sales plan for managers is presented as a mountain, the personal (internal) plan should reach the top of this mountain. Strive for the peak, while others consider it enough to get only to the average level. Only after conquering the summit will you be able to feel true pride and satisfaction.
But then, when the plan is completed, the most important thing remains to be done: to remain a professional. Do not forget about your personal sales plan, reporting daily, weekly and monthly to yourself about what you have achieved. If the personal sales plan is fulfilled by 70%, it will still turn out to be much more than the standards set from outside. Of course, mistakes happen to everyone. In such cases, you just need to calmly analyze your mistakes - and direct due efforts to correct them. Do not be lazy, confidently move forward - and then the pinnacle of luck will surely submit.
The most important thing is to believe in yourself. Believe even when even the closest people have already stopped doing it. Success depends only on personal attitude and personal actions. You just need to work differently than the rest. Work harder, more efficiently, more selflessly. Approach the matter creatively and wisely, and not carelessly. And then everything will work out.

Secret number 4. Be able to listen
The trouble with many salespeople is that they want to talk all the time. By interrupting the client, they end up missing the most important information. Hence the numerous mistakes in the sales process: misunderstanding the desires of customers, letters with errors, drafting commercial proposals that no one reads, etc.
Studies show that no more than 10% of people know how to listen to the interlocutor. Isn't it very sad? I will share with you several techniques that help you listen and hear.
Reception "Parrot". Verbatim repetition by the seller of the statement of the buyer. This technique is accompanied by such phrases: "Do you think that ...", "As far as I understand you ...".
Reception "Generalization". Summarizing the buyer's statement with the help of the phrases "So you are interested in ...", "I understand you, you need ...".
Reception "Main meaning". Repetition of the main meaning of the client's statement. For example, the salesperson says, “Based on what you said, you are only interested in…”
Reception "Clarification". The seller asks to clarify some points of the client’s statement: “Could you clarify about ...”
Developing the ability to listen is very important! When talking with a client, try to follow these rules:
- focus on the speaker, be alert all the time, try to absorb all the nuances of what was said;
- respond quickly when necessary, but do not interrupt the interlocutor over trifles;
- if necessary, ask questions to clarify what has been said;
- comment on some significant points from time to time to demonstrate your understanding.
Even Plutarch said: "Learn to listen, and you can benefit even from those who speak badly." Listen carefully and you will understand what the client wants. The ability to ask is meaningless without the ability to extract information from the answers. Learn to read the mind of the buyer by his voice, gestures, views. Show the interlocutor that they are listening carefully. To do this, you can use the appropriate non-verbal techniques: features of the posture and a sympathetic look, nods, inserted remarks to the place. It is useful to record important moments of the conversation and, only after learning and fixing the needs of the client, offer your product or service.

Secret number 5. Overcome your fear
Fear is the main enemy of a novice seller. And not only for beginners: sometimes even experienced sellers are afraid to be rejected by buyers. There are both psychological and physiological explanations for this. With psychology, everything is clear: we all do not want to reduce our status, won with such difficulty, and any failure is always fraught with precisely this. As for the purely physiological aspect, it has long been established that when faced with a refusal, the human body begins to produce norepinephrine, the “fighting hormone”. On the contrary, consent causes endorphins, the hormones of pleasure, to be released. Probably, you yourself have noticed more than once how even the smallest success can cheer you up for a long time.
Do you know what successful people different from everyone else? Firstly, they do not hesitate for a long time, but immediately rush into battle - they try everything in practice. And secondly, they make lemonade out of lemons, turning every failure, every failure, every violation of plans into an advantage.
Let's figure it out. A former military man, for example, can say to himself: “I already know firsthand what order, discipline, clarity, task setting and responsibility are. So if you need to sell something, I will deal with it, there is nothing complicated here. But the same person, with the same experience and skills, may think very differently: “I have never sold anything and have no idea about sales. Nothing will come of it, you don’t even have to try!” Well, what do you think, who will make a good seller?
How to become the number 1 seller? Yes, very simple. Read, study, try and develop without dwelling on failures. Those who work hard are more likely to make mistakes. But sitting on the bench will never miss. Only, sunbathing on the shore, you can not learn to swim! Don't jump to conclusions about your abilities before you try. The eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing - already a good motto. And then the eyes will stop being afraid. You need to be strong, and if a mistake has already happened, you should recognize it, analyze it and move on, forward!
Knowledge and skills are the best means to overcome fears and lack of confidence. Remember: fear disappears with experience. But there is an effective way to speed up this process. Every morning, when you wake up, repeat the magic words aloud:

  1. "I'm 100% confident in myself."

  2. "I'm confident in my own abilities."

  3. "I don't care about being judged by others."

  4. "No one and nothing will stop me from succeeding."

  5. This is how every morning should start. At this time, the consciousness has not yet fully woken up, and the subconscious without a “filter” will take a magic potion. Drive away dissatisfaction with an early rise and the need to go somewhere! Great day ahead!

Secret number 6. Manage time
Leading experts believe that any employee can complete his day's work in four hours. Instead of mentioning the standard tips for organizing your time here, I will tell you how I applied time management in my sales practice.
I was strongly influenced by the movie The Pursuit of Happiness, where Will Smith played the lead role brilliantly. He presented to the eyes of the viewer the life and success of the American financier and millionaire Chris Gardner. I cut out a piece from this film, in which the hero is engaged in cold calls, and every morning, when I came to work, I watched it. It always inspired me to new exploits. As a result, I created my own time management system. So what did I do?

1. Worked from 8 am to 8 pm every working day. In twelve hours I was able to do double and even triple work.
2. While other employees came to work at 9 o'clock and started the working day by making coffee, I had been busy for a long time. By the way, I drank only clean water. After coffee and tea, the thirst only intensifies, and this leads to running to the restroom.
3. First of all, I checked mail, answered letters, wrote to clients. Took about half an hour on this. And so three times a day: in the morning, in the middle of the day and after 18 hours. The rest of the time I tried not to look at the mail - it takes time. If the client wrote, but did not call, then it is not so urgent, and you can answer him in the allotted time.
4. In the evenings, I created a cold database of clients so as not to deal with this day. During the call, I tried to shorten the intervals between calls so as not to lose the drive. Most of the time I just didn't hang up. This can save up to eight seconds.
5. Minimized idle chatter with colleagues. Usually in companies, idlers distract working employees. When someone approached me, I said that I was busy now and would come back later. After all, if I come to the office of a person, I will have the opportunity to leave when I want.
6. I turned off such mail services as ICQ, Mail.Agent, etc. I talked more with clients by phone. Social media used only to find new clients and decision makers of the client company. No personal correspondence during work, although no one forbade me from this.
7. On the phone, I tried to solve any problems in three minutes. Short and to the point. I used mail mainly to send materials: price lists, commercial offers etc. It should be noted that such a system of work helped me achieve solid success in sales.

Secret number 7. Forget about sales
The mistake of many sellers is that they are always selling, trying to sell goods and services to their customers. Not interested in what they want. The main goal of such merchants is to sell as much and as expensive as possible.
Imagine that you went to a communication store to buy mobile phone. Even if you have chosen a specific phone model in advance, the opinion of the seller can still be important. After all, it is assumed that the seller is an expert in his field. So, acting as a seller, it is worth behaving exactly like a strong specialist in your field! People also need a professional, an assistant who will solve the problem.
The client either knows what kind of product he needs, or not. In both cases, he will need an expert. If the buyer has not decided what kind of product he needs, try to find out what tasks he faces. Only after the true motive of the purchase becomes clear, offer the product or service that you really need.
There are clients, more precisely, specialists of client companies, who have already decided exactly which goods they want to purchase. The task of the seller in this case is to confirm that the buyer made the right decision. If a client specialist did not take into account something, chose the wrong product, made a mistake - without humiliating his pride, offer the best way. And, believe me, this person will become your eternal customer in joy.

Secret number 8. Work as a partner of the company
Imagine that you have decided to purchase some household appliances for your home. You are looking for where it is cheaper and better, that is, you are looking for value. Of course, you will use the purchased carefully and carefully. Still money out of my own pocket. Why is it different in the office? Because "uncle" pays? Anyone who ever had own business, knows perfectly well what an expensive pleasure it is to provide for one’s business. There is a responsibility to employees - you need to pay salaries on time. Plus taxes, rent, ongoing office expenses, etc.
"Uncle" should be respected at least for the fact that he takes these worries upon himself. A business idea, production is even more expensive. If you consider yourself capable of creating your own business, you should not suffer while sitting in the office. It is better to work for the owner, for the company, but as a partner.
Partnerships mean not only saving costs, but also treating the business as if it were your own. Build your business like it's yours! To do this, it is worth taking certain risks when making operational decisions. The client must feel that the employee takes personal responsibility. It is always a pleasure to work with such sellers, they do not run to their leader for any trifle.
Talk to management about having certain powers. The leaders of many companies will gladly go for it. But if instead they begin to “put you in your place” and remind you “who is the boss here,” then you have chosen the wrong company. Look for your dream job!

Secret number 9. Think about your family
I guess this phrase surprises you. Let me explain. To be successful, you need to be able to set goals. If you want to succeed in sales, try to answer yourself for whom and for what you want it. Every person has cherished dream, a goal in life, and more often - problems that need to be solved. By becoming a successful seller, you will earn more, and by earning more, you will be able to pay off debts, buy a car, build a house, etc. Great motivation!
In general, a person always needs an external or internal kick. The motivations “for what” and “for whom” act as an internal kick. If you don't motivate yourself, no one can do it. The best motivation “for whom” is, of course, the family. For the sake of the family we work, for the sake of the family we earn. And when there are children - it's just wonderful! For the sake of these little tomboys, we are ready for anything, if only they were happy. I am 100% sure: every person would like that in the evening, after a hard day, close people would meet him at home, kids would run out to meet him, throw themselves on his neck, hug and kiss. It's moments like these that you really understand what you're trying to achieve.
All in your hands. We create our own happy life. If there is no family yet, create it and live for the sake of your loved ones and loved ones. This is something that should always come first, and everything else, including work, should come second. Family values ​​are the meaning of life!

Secret #10 Be disciplined
We were taught this as early as elementary school, when we dutifully followed the weekly schedule and tried to plan our lessons. Alas, over time, we often suffer the most terrible disease for business people - laziness, which prevents us from remaining disciplined.
Have you ever noticed that among successful businessmen many soldiers? Who served in the army knows what discipline and order are. The law of modern business says: "Never put things off until later." If there is no discipline, no CRM system and no “reminder” will help. In the same company, one seller in the CRM system is all right, and the other is just a mess. Just in the second case, a person does not have a sense of responsibility, orderliness, because there is no motivation and aspiration. He is like that in real life too. There is no willpower and fighting spirit.
It is disciplined salespeople who have the qualities of fighters. They think it's better to fight and lose than not to fight at all. They love to fight for clients and nothing can scare them away. Even if such a seller knows in advance that he will lose, he still rushes into battle and constantly breathes down the back of his competitors' heads. As soon as the enemy makes the slightest mistake, they have already caught up with him and even surpassed him. These sellers know they have everything under control. And clients, in turn, love and respect such disciplined partners.

self-discipline- a simple thing, for this it is enough to develop the habit of managing yourself and following a certain goal. There are no patented recipes for “how to become more disciplined,” so it’s safer to develop your own rules of the game. You can also use the tips below:

  1. Write down your goals for the month, year, three and five years. It is easier to make efforts when you know by what date what needs to be done and for what.

  2. Make a schedule for the week and break things down in detail by day. Keep these lists up to date.

  3. Prioritize things and start with the most important.

  4. Concentrate on the main goal, visualize the end result.

  5. Learn to deny yourself and say “STOP”. First of all, give up empty entertainment such as gatherings on the Internet. This time can be used for much more important things.

  6. Plan your rest and sleep. Life is short, besides work there is family, friends and relatives, travel, nature. Don't work just for money.

  7. Go in for sports - no matter what. Sport strengthens both body and spirit!

To achieve the global, you need to do something small. It looks something like this:
To start a family
To buy an apartment
To buy a car
Buy household appliances
Establish business connections
Execute the sales plan
Grow up the career ladder
Make an appointment with a new client
Submit a commercial offer
Make 100 cold calls

Make a to-do list for each day. It is daily and seemingly insignificant things that will lead to global success, to a dream.

Colleague, these are my own rules of the game, and by these rules I still live and work. I am a "playing coach" and I sell my services, as well as help sell other coaches' trainings. These skills have never let me down. You can adapt my system for yourself, thus developing your own formula for success.
Good luck in all your endeavors, colleague!

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The conversation should be conducted in such a way that the interlocutors from enemies are made friends, and not friends enemies.


But everyone can learn how to work with people, you just need to work hard on yourself. The ability to learn and perseverance allow us to "create real miracles." Let's try to isolate the most important for success.

1. Greet the client fully armed

"I don't have to work around the clock," you say. But preparing for work before it starts is completely normal. After all, teachers prepare in advance for lessons, and do not start flipping through the textbook after they enter the classroom. Actors rehearse roles, and do not go on stage with a cheat sheet in hand. This is where you need to be ready to go.

2. Study products and prices for similar products in other companies

First, you must replenish the assortment if you see that some product is in demand, but you do not have it. Second, you will be prepared to discuss financial matters.

Your prices should not be higher than those of others, and if they are higher, then be sure to explain to the customer why this is due: longer service life, additional functions ("mobile phones sold by us have built-in GPS, you will not need to buy a separate navigator for auto").

3. Forget the adage "if you don't cheat, you won't sell"

Moreover, the client now went informed - before meeting with you, he had already sat on the Internet, and discussed the issue with friends, and looked at a couple of other companies or called. In any case, you can deceive the customer once, the second time he will not come to you.

Anyone who wants to have a permanent clientele - trades honestly (while remembering the proverb: "Tell the truth, only the truth, but do not tell the truth inappropriately!" - do not give out unnecessary information without the need!).

4. The client does not have to wait

Taxi, private trader, garbage truck - but you must be there ten minutes before the meeting in order to have time to look around, check that your appearance all right, and enter the office minute by minute.

The same applies to order fulfillment - have a board or calendar on your wall with a note next to each date when to remind customers that the goods will be shipped to them tomorrow. And if they promised "tomorrow in the first half of the day" - it should be so.

The storekeeper's binge, transport problems, technical reasons do not concern the customer. Accuracy is not only courtesy of kings. This is the first thing to learn when wondering how to learn how to sell.

5. Don't get lost!

All the time that you are not in the office, you must have a mobile phone in working order (check in advance that it is charged). In the office - telephone, fax, Email(It is possible to receive notifications of incoming emails).

It should be easy for the customer to contact you. And if you also remember (by yourself or with the help of the list on the table) which customer is called, this will help to activate contacts.

6. Trade "on the go"

At the oriental bazaar, they always weigh as much as the buyer requested, and add a little more from themselves ("with a trip"). You should always have some not too formal additives ready for the client - offer him free instruction on how to use the product, give him a calendar with the company logo.

In a word, do something beyond what is supposed to. Does the customer care about you? And you to him too! Seeing that you work with all your heart, he will enjoy the purchase, recommend you to other people, and the next time he will come back to you. No familiarity, but be friendly.

7. Make a good impression!

You should always be in a great mood and in good shape. It is always easier for a fit, healthy, energetic salesperson to achieve results. There are no trifles here - everything is according to Chekhov: "And the face, and clothes, and the soul, and thoughts."

Comparing, for example, two approximately identical dental clinics, with equal prices, quality and range of services, a person will make a choice in favor of the one where the staff is more pleasant, polite, erudite.

8. Remember that it is always easier to work with a group than with one buyer.

Remember, from Gilyarovsky: "To persuade one village peasant to go into a shop and buy something - that's difficult. And I will persuade the crowd to swim in the hole in the winter!" When acquaintances, family members, or even just other visitors are nearby, it is more difficult for a client to refuse a deal than face to face.

If it is possible to organize meetings with groups of clients - be sure to do it. This approach is good for retail sales. Using this technique, any sales consultant will understand how to sell correctly very quickly.

9. Not a day without a new customer!

10. A negative result is also a result

Of course, in order to understand how to sell correctly, you need to gain experience, which usually consists of a large number of negative results. Yes, it's frustrating when a deal falls through - but it gives you the opportunity to understand what exactly went wrong for you.

After analyzing the reasons for the failure, you change tactics - and next time everything will be fine. You need to believe in yourself, work on yourself - and success will come.

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