The contract of pledge of grain of the future harvest. Loans for livestock breeders


Agricultural loans in the context of import substitution are increasingly in demand by farmers and are increasingly reluctant to be issued by banks. Only thanks to subsidies from the state, it is possible to maintain both the volume of lending and its quality. Borrowers for this type of solution can be both individuals and legal entities, however, in general, the lines of most banks are focused on small and medium-sized businesses. What are the advantages of a specialized loan for farmers? Possibility of a long repayment term, low interest rate and many collateral options.


Rosselkhozbank demonstrates the greatest attention to the needs of farmers - it was created specifically to serve the agro-industrial complex. Among the products offered, a special position is occupied by specialized programs for the agro-industrial complex (Agro-Industrial Complex). This includes loans:

Moreover, these lines of banking products are designed not only to support traditional for the usual rise of producers of grain crops and livestock, but also for holders of fish farms, for those who need an office for the needs Agriculture and other atypical areas.

For example, a product for mariculture enterprises (marine culture - breeding of fish, shellfish, crustaceans, etc.) implies long-term lending for construction and reconstruction, updating the technical component, purchasing equipment and vehicles, or loans with a short term to maintain seasonal and permanent job enterprises.

Suggested timeframes: less than a year and up to eight years, depending on the goals. Payments can be monthly or quarterly. The amount is determined by the bank, as security is a pledge of any liquid property, guarantees of the Moscow Region and subjects of the federation, and other things. Collateral insurance is required. A loan for fish farms fully complies with its conditions.

On similar terms, Rosselkhozbank lends not only to farmers, but also to those who process their products and turn them into food.

Special products for farmers

Rosselkhozbank also has such highly specialized products as a loan for the purpose of acquiring grain from the federal intervention fund on the stock exchange or outside it. The amount is calculated from the contract, the term is less than a year, the security can be any, including the purchased grain. Of the difficulties, one can note the supplemented list of documents from the borrower, where there should even be original receipts for grain.

Or, with the help of a bank, you can buy land for agriculture, while laying the land itself to be bought. This product is only available to organizations and entrepreneurs. Terms - from three to eight years, there is a grace period. The amount is determined by the bank, while the borrower must pay at least some part of the cost of the site from his own funds. Of the restrictions: the plot is only from agricultural land, only for potential owners, without encumbrance and without restrictions on circulation.

The bank did not forget about livestock breeders either - in Rosselkhoz you can get money to buy young animals on their bail. With it, you can buy literally any official suppliers. If young animals are bought without a breeding certificate (not for breeding), then only from domestic breeders. Term up to five years, grace period up to two years, different payment schedules. The loan amount is limited to 80% of the transaction amount.

Seasonal credits

An additional highly specialized line of Rosselkhozbank is aimed at helping farmers during seasonal work. These are loans for crop growers, livestock breeders, those who are engaged in processing, as well as for all farmers for their purposes on the security of the harvest. There are also universal loans for micro-businesses working in this area among them. All products are united by the fact that they are issued not only directly for the purchase and implementation of work, but also for those expenses without which the work of farmers is impossible - for example, for fuel and lubricants.

Organizations and KFH (Peasant Farming) act as clients for them, terms - up to a year, any liquid property that the bank arranges, as well as guarantees and guarantees can act as collateral. Amounts and rates are offered by the bank individually for each borrower, depending on the current situation.


Rosselkhozbank is ready to accept as collateral: new agricultural machinery and auxiliary devices, transport, machinery for logging, road construction, utilities, agricultural equipment for milking, storing vegetables, power plants, woodworking machines, elevators, installations, incubators, batteries, mechanical and piping systems , refrigerators and repair equipment. Moreover, they are considered new for up to two years of operation. All other vehicles and equipment can be provided as collateral if no more than 4 years have passed since their purchase. At the same time, insurance is a mandatory step, but on the security of equipment, you can get funds for almost any need.


Another bank paying great attention lending to the agro-industrial complex is Sberbank. He has several programs designed specifically to help farmers. For example, leasing of special equipment costs separately - in a subsidiary of Sberbank, which deals only with leasing, you can successfully get almost any necessary agricultural equipment and necessary transport.

The program is designed for a wide range of clients - from peasant farms (see above) to medium-sized businesses. To conclude a leasing agreement, you need to deposit at least a quarter of the funds from the cost. You can conclude a contract for up to 24 million and for a period of up to three years. The payment schedule remains at the choice of the client, you can choose the balance holder. And only insurance remains invariably mandatory. Given that a minimum package of documents is required to use this loan, it becomes clear why many customers choose Sberbank over Rosselkhoz.

Apk credits

Sberbank also lends against the security of the future harvest, for the purchase of animals and for current needs. For example, project financing is available for up to ten years with a prolongation and maintenance of the rate, and if the state subsidizes part of the rate, the terms can be extended up to 15 years. The owner pays at least 20% of the contract value.

What are the features? Pledge is obligatory, insurance is obligatory, despite the clearly defined boundaries, the last word on the conditions still remains with the bank. Without state support, when selling a business, before investing your money, financing is not carried out, there is no delay in issuing a pledge.

Loans for livestock breeders

Sberbank issues loans only for the purchase of livestock for the purpose of breeding it. Terms range from 5 to 10 years, depending on the type of animal. Purchased animals serve as collateral. The share of the borrower in the transaction must be at least 20%, there is a grace period and the possibility of concluding an export contract. Another interesting and important feature is that it is impossible to credit a transaction for the purchase of twice as many heads of cattle as the borrower already has in the main herd. Conditions are valid only for residents with ready business plan, a draft contract, with an experienced specialist in the purchased animals in the state, feed and premises available.

Pledge of the future harvest

The cost of sowing and seasonal work can also be credited by Sberbank. The product is provided only to average and more big business engaged mainly in crop production. The client must have experience in agriculture, have land and equipment, make a profit for the last three years and have been a bank client for six months. The client can be credited for a year and a half inclusive if he provides a guarantee, property and future harvest as collateral. But the share of the borrower can be zero. You can get a loan at any time, and repayment of the loan is possible immediately after the harvest.

Other banks

Other lending institutions, apparently, are not so much focused on agriculture, so you can just get a loan for business development, special leasing or business mortgage without being tied to the agro-industrial complex and subsidizing the government. At a rate, it comes out more expensive, but the amounts and interest are immediately visible.

For example, VTB offers to take a targeted loan for the development of any area of ​​the client's business on the security of special equipment or vehicles, if they were purchased from the bank's partners. The rate is from 14.5%, the amount is from 850 thousand rubles, for a period of up to five years inclusive. Advance payment from a quarter of the amount, but a commission is charged for processing the loan. Such financing can be issued both by a credit line and a one-time loan.

A business mortgage from VTB can be useful for those farmers who need their own office. At the same rate, the amount starts from four million, and the term reaches 10 years. If there is still a deposit, then no advance payment is required. The bank also offers to buy equipment put up for sale from it - on credit, of course. There are no commissions, the amount is up to 150 million for ten years maximum.offbank_ru

Another good loan without mentioning that it is agricultural is an investment loan. At the same rate, you can invest in equipment, construction and expansion of your business for a long time. The previous rate and a long term are well suited for agricultural producers to purchase equipment. There are other banks with products specifically for the agro-industrial complex or with similar conditions, but for a wide range of business activities, so you can choose. By the way, it is better for individual entrepreneurs and peasant farms to pay attention to special programs for the development of personal subsidiary plots.

Perhaps this year in Russia will be surpassed the historical record of the harvest of leguminous crops - 133 million tons against 127 million in 1978, more than 900 kg per person. Last year, by the way, they also collected a lot: 120.7 million tons, of which 34.545 million were sold abroad, almost 30%, and the proceeds amounted to more than $5.9 billion.

Such indicators allowed our country to become the world's largest seller of wheat and confidently conquer the markets of such countries as China, Indonesia, Turkey and Egypt. Russian grain is already being bought by 36 countries, and this geography will certainly expand. Forecasts of our grain exports for this year fluctuate in the range of 43-47 million tons, and income from it, if world prices do not collapse, should amount to more than 6 billion dollars.

At the same time, the sown area under grain has significantly decreased, the entire increase in production was achieved by increasing the yield. The average wheat yield last year amounted to 26.8 centners per hectare, and this year it will already come close to the cherished mark for Soviet times of “30 centners per hectare”. Accordingly, on such a forage base it is possible to further develop domestic poultry and pig breeding.

Great news! And yet this record, as they say, "with questions."

Bread is the head of everything?

If we look not at the "shaft", which, of course, everything is in order, but at the quality of grain produced in our country, then we have to state that it is declining, and quite significantly.

The production of durum wheat (I and II classes) in 2016 amounted to about 600 thousand tons out of 73.3 million tons of the total harvest, or less than 1%. At the same time, the quality of soft wheat is also declining: in 2016, class III grain accounted for 22.3% (in 2015 - 36%), class IV - 49.1% (44.1%), and class V - 28, 6% (19.9%). This year, the imbalance towards wheat of IV-V classes will only increase: the share of grain of III class will decrease to 11-12%.

It should be said that for the needs of the baking industry, Soviet GOSTs allowed the use of wheat not lower than class III (22–24% gluten). Now, bread is everywhere baked from flour ground from a mixture of class III-IV grains, using special “improving” additives: it turns out cheaper this way. But the protein from this in bread, of course, is not added. The same goes for flour, pasta and other grain groceries. So if we count "in terms of protein" (gluten), then our agriculture is still far from the level of the late 70s and early 80s.

By the way, classes IV and V of wheat were introduced only by GOST 1990, and before that, all wheat with a gluten content below 22% belonged to fodder, that is, suitable for fodder exclusively for livestock. But for the market there is only profit, and if the price of a commodity cannot be increased to the required degree, then the quality of the product must be reduced.

It is unlikely that things will come to the samples of “proletarian” bread with sand and domestic analogues from quinoa described by English authors of the 19th century, but loaves and loaves from “five-grade” wheat, if nothing changes, we will probably have to try, and very soon. It's just that there will be no other grain and other flour in the country - with the exception of "elite" bakeries with "golden" prices for a kilo of "sieve". Everything is like in the classic poem by Francois Villon: “I’m dying of thirst over the stream ...” “We won’t finish it, but we’ll take it out” - in the modern version.

So bread - he, of course, is the head of everything, but after all, the head of the head is different. Sometimes the difference is fundamental.

And what to do?

Really what? Reduce the quality and quantity of products, waiting for new "bread riots"? To somehow subsidize the baking industry, which has been sending signals for several years that it is operating below the level of profitability? To limit the export of grain, thereby reducing prices in the domestic market?

The “bread problem” has always brought together many economic, political and even cultural factors. This knot is worse than the famous Gordian knot, it cannot be cut in one fell swoop, and it is not easy to untie it: if you pull on one, it will overflow in the other ...

Our average compatriot annually consumes 118-120 kg of bread products (in terms of flour), which provides about a third of the calorie content of his diet. Since "bread" calories, along with "potato" ones, are the cheapest, in the event of a fall in incomes of the population, the consumption of bread, absolute and relative, increases, and in the case of their growth, on the contrary, it decreases.

From this it is clear that the cost of the main varieties of bread necessarily turns out to be, one way or another, tied to the level of the minimum wage (minimum wage) in a particular region. This binding means the ability to buy 1,500 “bread” kilocalories per day for a tenth of the minimum wage, which approximately corresponds to 500 g of white bread.

Minister of Agriculture of Russia Alexander Tkachev, speaking at the Federation Council at the Government Hour "On preparations for spring field work in Russian Federation”, spoke about the start of the sowing campaign, the prospects for Russia in the global grain market and how the pressing problems of farmers will be solved, including with the help of state support measures

Alexander Tkachev noted in his speech that a good start of the sowing campaign is one of the key components of a decent future harvest, stressed the importance of maintaining the accelerating growth rate of the agro-industrial complex, and also drew attention to the positive trend in increasing the area of ​​cultivated agricultural land.

“Today, 17.1 million hectares have been sown under winter crops. 95% of winter crops are in good condition,” said Alexander Tkachev.

The Minister said that in 2017 the sown area exceeded 80 million hectares. The return of uncultivated lands to agricultural circulation is a priority task for the department. In 2018, it is planned to increase the sown area by at least another 200 thousand hectares.

Alexander Tkachev believes that the situation on the world grain market provides additional reserves and advantages for the export of Russian grain. The head of the Ministry of Agriculture noted that the record grain harvest of 134 million tons obtained in 2017 will allow exporting up to 45-47 million tons of grain this season.

“Since the beginning of the agricultural season, 28 million tons of grain have already been exported, which is 35% more than last year. Wheat exports rose by a third to 22 million tons. I am confident that we will firmly consolidate the status of the world's largest supplier of wheat,” the Russian Minister of Agriculture said.

The minister told the senators that in order to support farmers, at the end of the year, a mechanism was launched to subsidize the rail transportation of grain from regions with a large logistic shoulder to export ports. So that not only the South of Russia, but also Siberia, and the Volga region, and the Urals, and Central Russia could supply their grain to foreign markets.

To date, more than 100 thousand tons of grain have been exported to preferential terms from those regions where there were especially large surpluses, for example, from the Novosibirsk region. The Ministry of Agriculture, together with the Ministry of Transport, is systematically working to implement this mechanism.

Alexander Tkachev emphasized the good export potential not only in grain, but also in the processing industry.

According to preliminary data, the export of sunflower oil increased by 28% at the end of the year and reached 2.3 million tons. Since the beginning of the season, almost 500 thousand tons of sugar have been exported, which is 7 times more than last season. Such opportunities opened up thanks to the record harvest of sugar beets. Last year, more than 51 million tons were harvested, which allowed Russia to take the first place in the world in the production of beet sugar, ahead of France, the USA and Germany in this indicator.

Even more soy, rapeseed, flax and fodder crops

Alexander Tkachev said that spring crops in 2018 will be sown on an area of ​​53.5 million hectares (in 2017 - 53.3 million hectares). The area under soybeans, rapeseed, flax, barley and forage crops will also increase.

“In order for the sowing campaign to go smoothly, the primary task of our department and regions is to transfer state support funds to farmers in a timely manner. Thanks to the decision of the President, the support of the State Duma and the Federation Council, in 2018 state support for the industry will remain at the level of 242 billion rubles,” said Alexander Tkachev.

Russian farmers urgently need modern agricultural equipment, stabilization of prices for fuel and lubricants and new elevators

The minister pointed out that in order to successfully complete the sowing campaign, it is necessary to continue re-equipping farmers with modern agricultural machinery. In 2017, due to the increase in support to 15.7 billion rubles, farmers purchased more than 26 thousand pieces of equipment, which is 15% more than was purchased over the past 4 years combined. In 2018, 10 billion rubles are provided for these purposes, which will allow not only to compensate for the disposal of old equipment, but also to multiply the rate of re-equipment of farmers with modern agricultural equipment.

Alexander Tkachev noted that the mechanisms to support the agro-industrial complex implemented by the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia are in demand by farmers. One of them is the provision of unrelated support, which allowed for 5 years of the mechanism to increase the application of mineral fertilizers by 33% and, as a result, contributed to the growth of yields and improved efficiency of agricultural production.

The single subsidy mechanism launched in 2017 made it possible to quickly redistribute budget funds between different areas of support in each specific region, which made it possible to reduce the time it took to bring money to the final recipients and increase the efficiency of using funds federal budget.

The minister pointed out that this mechanism allowed the regions to independently determine the most priority areas for them. The largest share - a quarter of the funds - the regions directed to support farmers.

Another important mechanism for supporting farmers, according to Alexander Tkachev, is concessional lending at a rate of no more than 5%. The launch of this mechanism initiated a real credit boom: in 2017, authorized banks entered into almost 8,000 loan agreements with borrowers in the amount of 630 billion rubles.

The minister noted that, in general, the economies of the country are provided with mineral fertilizers and seeds.

Alexander Tkachev drew attention to the situation with prices for fuels and lubricants, saying that gasoline prices increased by 7% in 2017. As a result, summer diesel fuel has risen in price by 18%, winter - by 14%. “We hope that fuel prices will stabilize and will not create serious difficulties during the sowing season. We have applied to the Ministry of Energy with a proposal to fix prices for fuel and lubricants for the period of spring field work and are constantly monitoring this situation,” the minister said.

Alexander Tkachev noted that it is important not only to sow and harvest, but also to preserve it.

“We need new elevators and storage facilities for fruits and vegetables, wholesale distribution centers. This is an opportunity to ensure stable prices for both producers and consumers of products,” the minister said.

Concluding his speech, the minister noted that the Ministry of Agriculture had distributed all the funds to support agriculture, now agreements are being concluded on the provision of subsidies with the regions. “We are in constant operational interaction with the subjects so that the regional authorities promptly bring the funds to the recipients. I am sure that by joint efforts we will successfully and timely carry out the spring sowing,” summed up the head of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia. (Source and photo: official website of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation).

AGREEMENT No. _______

pledge of grain for the future harvest

__________ "___" _______ 2002

We, the undersigned:

1) LLP "Agro- star» , hereinafter referred to as "Pledgee", - on the one acting on the basis of the Charter, on the one hand,

2) _________________________________, hereinafter referred to as "Pledger", represented by ____________________________________________, acting on the basis of __________________________________, on the other hand,

collectively referred to as "Parties", and separately as above or "Side" have concluded this Agreement as follows:


1.1. In order to ensure the proper fulfillment by the Pledgor of obligations under Agreement No. _______ dated "___" ________ 2002 (hereinafter referred to as "Agreement"), concluded between the Pledgee and the Pledgor, in accordance with which the Pledgor undertook to make a payment in favor of the Pledgee in the amount sufficient for the Pledgee to fulfill the obligation to pay the foreign company "_______________" ___________ US dollars, constituting the cost of medicines, by "___" _________ 2002 protection of plants supplied by a foreign company "______________" to the Pledgor, the Pledgor pledges to the Pledgee all the grain of the 2002 harvest, which will be grown by the Pledger, hereinafter "Bail subject".

After the harvest, the Pledge Subject will be transferred by the Pledgor for storage to ____________________________________________________ located at the address: ______________________________________________________________________________.

1.2. The receipt of the Subject of Pledge into the ownership of the Pledgor in the future is confirmed by the following documents:





The listed documents are transferred to the Pledgee until the Pledgor fully fulfills all its obligations under the Agreement and this Agreement.

1.3. The pledgor declares that the expected harvest should be at least _____________________ tons. The estimated value of the Subject of Pledge is determined by the Parties in the amount of: ____________ (______________________________________) tenge.

1.4. Use of the Subject of Pledge by the Pledgor is not allowed without the written consent of the Pledgee.


2.1. The pledgee has the right:

a) at any time, at its own discretion, take the Pledged Item into its possession (as a pledge to its storage / warehouse / elevator), or leave the Pledged Item with the Pledgor under its lock and seal, or suspend the Pledgor’s operations with the Pledged Item by imposing on the Pledged Item their signs and seals (seals);

b) at any time, at its own discretion and at the expense of the Pledger, harvest the grain that is the Subject of Pledge directly from the fields;

c) require the Pledgor to take measures necessary to preserve the Pledge;

d) require any person to stop encroachment on the Subject of the Pledge, threatening its loss or damage;

e) if there is a danger of damage (destruction) of the Pledge - to demand from the Pledgor immediate (including early) performance of all obligations under the Agreement or restoration (replacement) of the Pledge in case of its damage (destruction);

f) satisfy his claims under the Agreement from the cost of the Subject of Pledge by its independent, extrajudicial sale in case of violation by the Pledgor of any of the obligations under the Agreement, with reimbursement at the expense of the Pledgor of all expenses incurred in connection with this;

5.2. This Agreement is terminated from the moment of fulfillment of all obligations under the Agreement.


6.1. All changes and / or additions to this Agreement are valid only if they are made in writing and signed by authorized representatives of the Parties.

6.2. Unilateral refusal to execute this Agreement and unilateral change and / or addition to this Agreement is not allowed.

6.3. This Agreement is subject to state registration in accordance with the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

6.4. Unresolved disputes are referred to the judiciary at the location of the mortgagee.

6.5. The costs of the conclusion, execution and registration of this Agreement shall be borne by the Pledgor.

6.6. In all other respects that are not expressly provided for by this Agreement, the Parties shall be guided by the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

6.7. This Agreement is signed in 3 copies of equal legal force, one for each Party and one for the registering authority.


7.1. The Pledgor guarantees that the Subject of the Pledge is free from any claims from third parties, is not under lease, under arrest or other pledge or encumbrance and undertakes to immediately notify the Pledgee of the occurrence of such claims.

7.2. The Pledgor guarantees and declares that he has all the necessary rights to dispose of the Subject of Pledge without any restrictions and the legal capacity to conclude this Agreement.

7.3. The Pledgor guarantees and declares that at the time of signing this Agreement, he is not involved in legal proceedings as a defendant (co-defendant).



Pledgee: LLP "Agro- star», /5, RNN, r / account. in, Almaty, MFO corr./ac. .

Pledgor: _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________


from the Pledgee: from the Pledgor:

____________________ __________________

Government House, Moscow

Opening remarks by Dmitry Medvedev at a Government meeting

Now the discussion of the budget will go on at the platforms of the State Duma and the Federation Council. Our parliamentary colleagues actively participated in the budget process even at the stage of the so-called zero reading. First of all, these are colleagues from the United Russia faction and some others. I also count on their support in further work on the budget in Parliament, especially since this is always the result common work. It should be built to address the most important, truly priority tasks, balanced in terms of expenses and income, taking into account our real capabilities.

And of course, I would ask all members of the Government to be ready for the most open and constructive interaction with the State Duma and the Federation Council.

Once again, I would like to draw your attention to what the President himself repeatedly emphasized and what the President focused on yesterday: the budget is the result of our collective work, discussions are over, there should be no departmental lobbying, everyone is working towards an agreed result.

By the way, one more thing: the Government will submit the budget in paper form for the last time – dozens of huge boxes. The next state budget will already be in figures.

Second. I would like to introduce the new President of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Alexander Mikhailovich Sergeev. Alexander Mikhailovich today for the first time takes part in a meeting of the Government. Elections of the President of the Russian Academy of Sciences have taken place. I heartily congratulate you on your victory. I hope that you will make every effort to develop our science, and we, for our part, will provide you with comprehensive support.

I urge my colleagues in the Government to cooperate as closely as possible with the leadership of the academy. And this applies not only to the Ministry of Education and Science, FASO and all those who, by the nature of their activities, should work with the Russian Academy of Sciences, but also to all other members of the Government.

Now a few words on the agenda. We will sum up the preliminary results of the harvest. We already . In general, the harvesting campaign is nearing completion. In almost all areas there is a positive trend, and in some areas, in fact, a record has been set.

I mean the harvest of cereals and legumes. According to the latest data, more than 122.5 million tons of grain have been threshed. The figure is not final, but it is already more than in 2016. According to the forecast, this figure can grow even more significantly.

In addition, we expect growth in oilseeds, sugar beets and buckwheat. The yield per hectare is increasing, more vegetables are being grown in the open field and in greenhouses. Fruit self-sufficiency reached 70%. Procurement of fodder necessary for the development of Russian animal husbandry is proceeding successfully.

And all this - despite the difficult weather conditions that have developed this summer. Let me remind you that emergency situations affected farms and farmers in 16 regions. There were, as usual, frosts, and droughts, and floods. Damage to agricultural producers must be promptly compensated so that they can prepare for the new agricultural year in a timely manner.

I consider the results of the harvesting campaign in 2017 to be very successful. There is a return on the colossal funds that we invest in agriculture. This year it is 242 billion rubles, which are directed to the implementation of state program development of agriculture and regulation of agricultural markets.

The topic of financing agriculture was also touched upon at yesterday's meeting with the President. Based on its results, let me remind you, a decision was made not only to maintain, but also to increase support for agriculture by 20 billion rubles over the next three years.

In Adygea, we discussed the possibilities of support in some areas. This is the production of agricultural machinery, and subsidizing preferential loans. I instructed these issues to be worked out.

But we need not only good harvests. It is necessary to profitably sell the fruits of the harvest so that the profitability of agribusiness remains high, and people are satisfied with the quality of the products, the assortment, and the price.

The situation on the markets requires us to take active steps that will ensure stable demand both in the domestic market and in the execution of export contracts.

The first thing that needs to be done more actively is to develop a system for processing agricultural products, including deep processing of grain. This will reduce the losses of agricultural producers due to price fluctuations in the markets. It's still there anyway.

Second. We are increasing export deliveries. To do this, we are taking the necessary tariff regulation measures, building new terminals in ports, and creating new wholesale and logistics centers in order to reduce transportation losses.

In addition, it is necessary to adjust the working conditions for processors of agricultural products on the scale of the markets of the countries of the Eurasian Union. Agribusiness must compete fairly here.

These and other questions are included in a large protocol order, which was prepared following the results of the meeting in Adygea. More details about the campaign itself will be reported by the Minister of Agriculture and colleagues who are present here - the governors of the Bryansk and Saratov regions.

Today we will also consider changes to the law on the budget of the current year 2017. They have been prepared taking into account the results of the execution of the federal budget for eight months, as well as on the basis of clarification of certain macroeconomic indicators. We see that in some areas things are going a little better than we expected when we approved the budget.

The changes that are being made, of course, do not fundamentally change the picture. The budget is generally balanced, taking into account the main obligations of the state. We are clarifying individual events, some expenditures under state programs, and some intergovernmental transfers. The revenue part of the budget is increased by 41.5 billion rubles, and the expenditure part - by 125.7 billion rubles. The deficit is estimated at about 2.2% of GDP.

Once the law is passed, regulations will need to be issued quickly so that these additional expenses can be made this year. Therefore, I ask the members of the Government who are responsible for this, and, of course, the Government Staff to do all this as quickly as possible.

In addition, today we will consider a package of bills that are linked with the budget package, create legal framework to balance the budget and off-budget funds. One of them clarifies the provisions of the Tax Code. In particular, it is planned to introduce an investment tax deduction for corporate income tax. Due to this tool, enterprises will be able to reduce the costs associated with the acquisition or modernization of fixed assets. The regions will determine the conditions for applying the deduction - categories of taxpayers, fixed assets, and the taxpayer himself will be able to choose whether to use this new tool or apply the current depreciation mechanism.

In addition, a solution is proposed that will limit the increase in insurance premium payments to those who work private practice, works in a legal field and at the same time does not make payments to other persons.

Two more bills are aimed at maintaining the rates of insurance premiums for compulsory types of insurance already for the main category, when the employer pays these premiums for the employee. Changes have been made to the Tax Code, according to which the current rates of insurance premiums will remain until 2020. We are introducing amendments similar in meaning to the law “On Compulsory Pension Insurance”.

And we distribute transfers, as well as subsidies to the regions. About 10 billion is allocated for programs in the road sector, for the repair and reconstruction of bridges, overpasses, other road structures, as well as for the development of a network of regional, intermunicipal and municipal roads.

In addition, additional money is allocated to support agriculture. More than 2 billion rubles - for the creation of objects of the agro-industrial complex, for the purchase of equipment. This year we have already allocated more than 10.5 billion rubles for these purposes.

Another subsidy is used to introduce a system for monitoring the health of students in schools.

A. Tkachev: Today we are summing up the preliminary results of the harvesting campaign. This year, for the first time in 15 years, the entire sown area in Russia has exceeded 80 million hectares.

I would like to inform the members of the Government that this year we introduced about 520,000 hectares of new land into agricultural circulation, which is quite a serious success. This is a program, this task that both the President and you, Dmitry Anatolyevich, have set before us: 10 million hectares, which are not in demand today, must be introduced into agricultural circulation and, of course, receive additional grain and food. In the future, we will increase the area of ​​cultivated agricultural land in accordance with instructions.

The Ministry of Agriculture was cautious in assessing the final gross harvest due to unfavorable weather conditions in a number of regions of Russia, but today 85% of the sown area has already been harvested, almost 122 million tons of bunker weight have been harvested. And we can say with confidence that a record harvest will be harvested, perhaps in the entire history of Russia - and, of course, the Soviet Union.

I would like to remind you that we had a similar harvest in 1978 - it is 127 million, this year we will beat this record, I have no doubt, but the area of ​​land under grain crops was 78 million hectares, and today 47 million hectares.

D. Medvedev: Almost two times less.

A. Tkachev: Yes. If we restore this area, we will receive an additional 100 million tons of grain. This is about the potential of the grain market. And in Adygea, we talked about this with you, that by 2030 we can get not 120, but 150 million tons of grain. This means that exports will not be 40–45 million, as they are today, but already over 70 million. It is clear that this is a very serious growth and, of course, the opportunity for farmers to earn extra money, including through exports, for the state. Such a harvest, of course, will make it possible to fully meet the growing demand for food and feed grains in the domestic market, as well as to ensure export supplies.

A good grain harvest is the basis for the development of domestic animal husbandry. The intensive development of animal husbandry stimulates the constant growth of grain consumption for feed, today it reaches 44 million tons. By 2020, we predict an increase to 46 million tons.

The dynamics of grain exports is also encouraging. To date, grain exports have exceeded last year's figures by a third: more than 10 million tons of grain have already been exported, including almost 8 million tons of wheat. Given the favorable situation on the world market, we plan to export almost 45 million tons, including 30 million tons of wheat. We hope that this year Russia will again become the world leader in wheat exports.

Dmitry Anatolyevich, we discussed in detail the measures to regulate the grain market at a meeting in Adygea. I reported to you that in order to stimulate grain exports, the Ministry of Agriculture proposes to allocate 3 billion rubles to compensate for railway tariffs for the transportation of grain for export from regions with a large logistic leverage. This primarily concerns Siberia, the Urals, the Volga region, and the center of Russia. The relevant draft government decree has been prepared, we have already found funds, and it is being approved by the interested authorities.

This year will bring a record harvest not only of wheat, but also of other crops, including barley, corn, buckwheat, oilseeds, and sugar beets. The record harvest of sugar beet will allow producing 6.5 million tons of sugar and maintaining the world leadership in this segment. In the 2016-2017 season, Russia came out on top in the world in the production of beet sugar, ahead of such countries as France, the USA, and Germany. More recently, sugar factories lacked domestic raw materials and had to import raw sugar. Today we are fully provided with our own raw materials and have increased sugar exports dozens of times. Last year it amounted to 340 thousand tons, this year the export potential of the industry is twice as high, up to 700 thousand tons.

Just a few days ago I visited Uzbekistan. We agreed to start deliveries of sugar to the republic. The President of the Republic supported our proposals and expressed confidence that supplies would be carried out on a long-term basis (about 500,000 tons). Of course, this will increase the margin and the country's income from sugar exports.

Unfortunately, such countries within the framework of the EurAsEC, as Belarus and Kazakhstan, are not acting like partners today, they are importing raw sugar from Brazil, thereby lowering the price within our country as well. I very much hope that we will be able to convince our partners to act in concert with us and in the interests of the common market.

in agricultural enterprises and farms vegetables are being harvested at a faster pace than last year. More than 2 million tons have already been harvested. Good dynamics for greenhouse vegetables (harvest growth by 21% compared to last year). We predict that due to the construction of new greenhouse complexes and the laying of new gardens, we will reach last year's figures. For us, the strategic task today is the construction of vegetable stores and potato stores, fruit stores, this will allow us to keep the price stable throughout the year. This, of course, will also affect the stability of inflation, and, of course, it is beneficial for agricultural producers to overstay the crop and sell it at a time when this crop is in dire need of the market.

We have begun the autumn planting of orchards and vineyards. In the spring, agricultural producers planted 24% more new orchards, one and a half times more vineyards. By the end of the year, the area of ​​planting orchards will exceed 15,000 hectares. At this pace, I can assure you that within four to five years we will completely close the deficit in fruits, primarily apples and other crops. We plant 5,000 vineyards a year, the same thing: three to five years - and we will have enough commercial grapes, and, of course, for the production of wine.

Next year, it is important to maintain the achieved pace of planting orchards in order to replace the import of the main fruits: apples, pears and grapes in five years. Already now, if we exclude all tropical fruits, self-sufficiency in fruits has reached 70%.

As for the sowing of winter crops, today we have already sown two thirds of the area, more than 11 million hectares. In Siberia and the Urals in September, the sowing of winter crops has already been completed.

Agricultural producers are provided with all the necessary resources: seeds, plant protection products, fuel, fertilizers. The purchase of fertilizers is ahead of last year, by 10%. The readiness of equipment on average in Russia is quite high, which will allow completing seasonal field work in the optimal time frame.

The priority task is to reverse the current negative trend so that the growing pace of acquisition of new agricultural machinery compensates for the retirement of old equipment. To do this, it is necessary to maintain the existing measures to subsidize agricultural machinery, they have proven their effectiveness.

Concessional loans attracted have also become a serious help in the current year. I also reported on this at a meeting in Adygea. I will not repeat myself, I just want to convey the words of gratitude from the farmers. Today, the Government has created all the necessary conditions for the effective implementation of seasonal field work, and the expected record harvest is a confirmation of my words.

A. Bogomaz: I can confidently report that the harvesting of grain crops in the Bryansk region in terms of ripening has been completed. The region is starting to harvest corn for grain. This year, due to the introduction of land into agricultural circulation, we have increased the area under grain groups, and I can say that we have received, in our opinion, the desired, worthy result.

More than 1.1 million tons of grains and legumes have already been harvested in the region. The harvest of corn for grain is estimated at up to 800 thousand tons, and in general this year the grain harvest in the region will be about 2 million tons. The Bryansk region has never received such a harvest.

The dynamics of grain harvest in the region looks like this. In the best Soviet years, gross grain production was about 800 thousand tons, in 2006 the Bryansk region harvested only 323 thousand tons of grain. I brought this year for a reason. It was in 2006 that the Federal Law “On the Development of Agriculture” was adopted. Such a state support measure, your personal participation, dear Dmitry Anatolyevich, in the implementation of the priority national project "Development of the Agro-Industrial Complex" brought the agricultural sector of our country's economy to a new level, and more recently our region was called a zone of risky farming. So, in 2013, 735 thousand tons of grain were harvested in the region, in 2015 our grain growers already harvested more than 1 million tons of grain, in 2016, after ten years of the agricultural development program, a record amount of grain was harvested in the region - 1.531 million tons. Increase by 2006 - almost six times, by 2013 - two times. At the same time, not only the gross harvest has changed, but the yield has also increased. Today, agricultural enterprises that use the most advanced technologies receive 100 centners - and in some fields even more - of grain per hectare.

The production of "second bread" has again become calling card our region. The potato harvest has doubled since 2013, and the volume of industrial production of Bryansk potatoes today is 13% of the total volume produced in Russia.

The share of agricultural products in the domestic regional product increased from 7 to 15.4%. The increase in agricultural production in 2017 compared to 2014 will be more than 30%.

Already today, the strategy for the development of agriculture in the region includes more than 20 investment projects. Investment in fixed capital in 2016 amounted to 27.2 billion rubles. This is 11.3 billion rubles more than in 2015. In recent years, about 100 thousand hectares of arable land have been put into circulation, which is overgrown with forest. Our plans for the future are to receive 3 million tons of grain by 2020.

I can assure you that the Bryansk region is able to collect, preserve and sell the declared volume of grain. The needs of the region in fodder grain are now completely covered, but for high quality grain it will be necessary to find new markets. For example, we are already exporting potato flakes today, supplying these products to countries near and far abroad. Potato chips are also exported to Belarus, which has always been famous for its potatoes.

Vegetable production in the region has reached a new level. For example, the yield of carrots is up to 1 thousand centners per hectare. The plans include the construction of a plant for its processing.

V. Radaev: Dear Dmitry Anatolyevich! Dear colleagues!

In the region, grain crops are threshed on 93% of the area - which is 2.104 million hectares - with an average yield of 26.6 centners. These are the highest figures in the history of the Saratov region. More than 5.610 million tons of grain have been harvested, including 4.212 million tons of wheat. It remains to harvest about 180 thousand hectares of late cereals.

Our forecast for the gross grain harvest is 6 million tons. This is a record for the last 20 years.

We started harvesting the main oilseed crop - sunflower on a sown area of ​​more than 1.1 million hectares. To date, 100 thousand hectares have been harvested. Collection - 100 thousand tons. We plan to collect (forecast) more than 1 million tons of sunflower seeds.

Sugar beets were harvested 35% of the plan - 125 thousand tons. Vegetable crops were harvested on 68% of the area. With an average yield of 191 centners per hectare, 234 thousand tons have been harvested. Another 5.8 thousand tons of late vegetable crops are to be harvested.

Feed is prepared in full. We enter wintering with a one and a half year supply of roughage. Silage is being harvested - more than 127 thousand tons have been harvested. We plan to produce 240 thousand.

Grain fodder is provided - 116% of the need. At agricultural enterprises and in peasant (farm) farms, 17 centners of feed units have been harvested for one conditional head of coarse and succulent feed.

A good foundation for the future harvest has already been laid today. The area under winter crops - more than 1.04 million hectares has already been sown, of which 957 thousand hectares are winter wheat. Winter crops are in good condition. 1.795 million hectares have been plowed over. We will complete the main tillage by October 15th. Seeds of spring crops have been filled up with 92% of the need, a side work is underway, of which 1.5 thousand are elite. There are no problems here.

There are no problems with diesel fuel. Weather conditions allow all field work to be carried out in a complex manner. We can say with confidence that all the tasks of the current agricultural year will be fulfilled.

D. Medvedev: The main report and speeches of the governors on the current situation were made. What to hide, she is very favorable. The only thing I would notice is that we are constantly pushing for export, and in general we are doing the right thing. Alexander Nikolaevich (Tkachev) said that we now have an export potential of 30–40 million tons, and it could be 70 million tons. This is all true, and this is important, because exports are foreign exchange earnings, this is our positioning in the world.

But there is still a factor of domestic consumption and processing: the more harvests we have, the easier it will be for us to deal with the forage base. And we are facing tasks not only in the field of agriculture, not only in the field of crop production, but also in the field of animal husbandry, so here we must look for a balance between our export potential and grain consumption in the domestic market, even in the presence of such very significant harvests. Not just very significant, they really surpass in terms of volume everything that was before that both on the territory of our country, the Russian Federation, and in the Soviet period.

There are some considerations for current affairs, according to the program, according to financing, maybe?

Everyone heard everything about financing yesterday. So I would ask you to take this into account, of course. And what I said today, too.

Briefing by Alexander Tkachev at the end of the Government meeting

From the transcript:

Question: Alexander Nikolayevich, you said at the government meeting that we would have a record grain harvest, and in connection with this, the question is: will this not become an even greater burden on the domestic market? You have already said that several million tons should be withdrawn. Within the framework of the ideas that you put forward about subsidizing transportation ... What to do with? What are we going to do about it?

A. Tkachev: Today the Prime Minister noted that the record harvest is yet another victory for Russian agricultural producers. We will indeed be the first this year in terms of wheat - in terms of exports. And in terms of volumes, we are in the top three countries.

On the other hand, of course, we must think about how the price is fair for the peasants, so that they cover their costs, investments in grain production, and a little more profitability - at least 10-20%. It's okay, that's how it should be.

Taking into account the distances of our country, the volume of grain, it is very important to maintain a stable price in all territories - both in the center and in remote regions. And the new tool that we are using today is subsidies, it is practically zeroing the railway tariff for the transportation of grain from the Volga region, from the Urals, from Siberia, from the center, primarily to the ports of southern Russia. In order for this particular grain (which, by the way, has never happened) to be exported as well. By the way, we removed excess grain (about 3 million tons, we roughly predict), so that the internal price on the market would be quite normal, effective. We will be doing these interventions from October, I really hope they will largely stabilize the market. Not only in the center, but also in remote, as I said, regions ...

Question: Do you mean transportation?

A. Tkachev: Yes, transportation. That is, by doing so, we simply take the surplus grain that exists on the market today not only in the south, as was customary, traditionally, but also from Siberia, from the Urals, from the central regions. They never counted on the export of grain. Never, I want to stress. As a rule, on the domestic market in these regions, the price was always underestimated by a ruble - by two, of course, this made grain production not very efficient, unprofitable in these territories. And this is no less than 70 percent of the volume of grain that is produced in territories far from the center, from ports, from southern ports, and not only. Therefore, of course, this measure will allow, on the one hand, to remove the surplus, and secondly, to increase exports, to give an opportunity to earn decent money throughout Russia, in all regions of the Russian Federation.

Question: Alexander Nikolaevich, how do you assess exports at the end of the year - both grain and food exports in general?

A. Tkachev: Export this year for grain will grow. We forecast about 43–45 million tons. Of these, our forecast for wheat is 30 million tons, which is also a significant increase, up to 20% compared to last year. Well, in financial terms, this figure can even reach $20 billion. I would like to remind you that last year it was 17 billion. In other words, this is a significant increase. And of course, this speaks of our export potential – it is not only grain, but also meat, vegetable oil, sugar, and so on. We are reaching serious milestones and occupying a very large market share in export products around the world.

Question: Question about records. We set a record not only for grain. What other cultures? What will be the harvest of vegetables and fruits?

A. Tkachev: First, in terms of sugar: 52 million tons of beets is a record. And in terms of beet sugar production, today we have bypassed America, France and Canada. That is, we are number one in terms of sugar. This is also our serious achievement, we must take this into account and talk about it.

In terms of vegetables, we have roughly remained at the level of last year. We grew up in the production of sunflower, vegetable oil. We have advanced on buckwheat, corn, barley and so on. Therefore, the year is quite successful. And it is very important that the peasants now profitably sell these products, restore their costs and investments, and, of course, they should earn a little on this.

Question: Will agricultural producers who have suffered from weather conditions be compensated for the damage?

A. Tkachev: Yes, of course, we are monitoring this situation. Unfortunately, the year was quite difficult. The state of emergency was declared in 16 territories of our country. The total area of ​​death was about 200 thousand hectares. The approximate amount of compensation that we are envisaging this year is about 2 billion rubles. I really hope that we will be able to pay this money to the regions in a timely manner so that they can develop further and compensate for their losses.

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