Business plan for smoking meat. Organization of a workshop for smoking meat and fish How I opened a smokehouse


Reading 10 min. Published on 08.01.2020

Smoked fish and meat are in demand products and occupy a serious niche in the modern food market. Consumer demand creates supply, but how do you open a smokehouse from scratch? You will find answers to the most important questions in this material.

Opening a smokehouse: registration and necessary documents

To open your own smoking shop and for the legal activity of the enterprise, legal registration of a number of documents is required:

  • Registration of the organizational and legal form of the future enterprise (LLC, or other legal entity).
  • Opening and arrangement of the workshop (lease agreement, or property). At the same time, the premises must fully comply with sanitary requirements and standards.
  • Obtain a conclusion and work permit from Rospotrebnadzor, fire inspection, Rostekhnadzor, Rosprirodnadzor.
  • For the release of products must be a veterinary certificate.

After receiving all the necessary documents and conclusions, the veterinary service and the SES can conduct periodic inspections, to which they have a legal right. This should be remembered and the required state of the workshop and production should be maintained in the proper form.

Where and how to sell smoked fish and meat: we study the market and competitors

Market research is a must before starting any business.

When opening a smokehouse from scratch, pay attention to the following aspects:

  1. Examine the product range and pricing policy of those enterprises that are already engaged in the production of products in your area.
  2. Try to find out the preferences and tastes of consumers, conduct a survey among the population.
  3. Carefully study the products of competitors, evaluate all the pros and cons, draw conclusions. This will prevent mistakes when releasing your own similar products.
  4. Find and designate the most profitable points of sale.

After receiving answers to all the above questions, you will know how to proceed further - with whom to conclude sales contracts, which products to produce in the largest volume, and which ones to maintain in a minimum volume only for the range.

Features of the production of smoked fish and meat: smoking technology

The technology of smoking fish and meat is different from each other. At the same time, the smoking chamber must support the following modes: cold and hot smoking, cooking, drying, roasting.

Dry-cured meat products

The preparation of dry-cured meat products does not require any heat treatment. The raw materials used are beef, pork, chicken, turkey meat.

Preparation consists of the following steps:

  • Meat preparation, washing and drying.
  • Dry salting (no brine, only salt). The duration of exposure at this stage is 5-7 days. At this time, the full ripening of the meat takes place, all bacteria and microbes are removed.
  • Drying meat in a smoking chamber at a temperature of 20-22 degrees.
  • Smoking in the chamber (duration about 40-45 minutes).

A feature of this cooking method is repeated drying and smoking - these procedures are performed several times (3-5), repeating one after another. As a result, the product should acquire a rich golden color and a dense structure. The recipe and technology may vary depending on the type of smoking chamber.

Cold smoked fish

First, the fish is thawed and cut. After the preparatory work is completed, the product is salted in brine for a period of 3 to 10 days, depending on the size of the fish.

The next step is drying. For this, the smoking chamber has an appropriate mode. After the fish is smoked with cold smoke (not higher than 25 degrees). In the smoking chamber, this process takes several hours.

Hot smoking

The technology of hot smoking is distinguished by its temperature regime - the main process takes place at a high temperature. The advantage of the method is to obtain more juicy products, since moisture is retained as much as possible. The disadvantage lies in the shortening of the shelf life.

The main stages of hot smoking technology are:

  1. Preparation of raw materials (washing, gutting).
  2. Salting (for several days).
  3. Drying.
  4. Smoking.

When using smoking chambers, products are prepared quickly, under optimal conditions that meet all requirements.

What equipment and space is needed for a smokehouse?

Opening a smokehouse is not an easy task, because even the premises are subject to serious requirements. The building must be located in a special sanitary zone, at least 300 meters long from residential areas.

In the premises at the enterprise it is necessary to equip compartments and rooms for special purposes:

  • Warehouse with a cooler for storing raw materials (no more than 1 day).
  • A workshop where saline solution is prepared and salting of raw materials is carried out.
  • Room for packaging finished products.
  • The room in which the sanitary processing of returnable containers will be carried out.
  • Compartment for drying clean containers.
  • Closed warehouse for containers.
  • Closed warehouse for storage of disinfectants.
  • Storage room for sawdust, fuel.
  • Compartment for storing packaging material and additional equipment (if any).
  • Warehouse for finished products (daily storage).

It is desirable to arrange the supply of finished products without storage, but this is not always possible, therefore, it is necessary to equip refrigeration equipment in a separate room for a warehouse.

Small inventory required for processing raw materials for smoking:

  1. A table for cutting fish and a separate table for meat (cutting two types of raw materials on the same table is not allowed).
  2. Boards for cutting (2-3 pieces for each type of raw material).
  3. Knives for cutting (2-3 pieces for each type of raw material).
  4. Capacities.
  5. Weighing and refrigeration equipment.
  6. Trolleys for transportation of raw materials and finished products.

The main equipment is smoking chambers and refrigerators.

The following requirements are imposed on smoking chambers:

  • The doors of the smoking chamber must be closed tightly.
  • The presence of ventilation and a hatch in the cell are considered a prerequisite.
  • Such parts of the smokehouse as slats, ramrods should be doubled, as they are sanitized every shift.
  • Presence of thermometers in smoking chambers. The temperature regime is recorded in special journals.

The average cost of a smokehouse is 100-130 thousand rubles. Daily processing in this case is 200-300 kg. With an increase in production, the number of smokehouses also increases.

Tables, boards, cutting equipment must be processed in accordance with sanitary standards every shift. If it is intended to release cut or sliced ​​products in individual packaging, you should remember to indicate the packaging date, batch number, and expiration dates on them.

Finished products cannot be stored together with raw materials. Fish and meat cannot be stored and processed together at any stage of production.

We choose suppliers of fish and meat for the smokehouse

The choice and purchase of raw materials should be treated with special attention, since the quality of the finished product and, accordingly, the reputation of your production depends on this. It is better to order raw materials directly from manufacturers. In this case, these are those leading legal activities.

It does not make sense to choose shops, supermarkets and other retail chains as a supplier, since the costs of rent, taxes, etc. will be included in the products. With direct suppliers, the cost of raw materials will always be lower. It is worth considering the fact that after smoking, fish or meat loses about 10-12% in weight, so you need to look for a supplier with a favorable offer for price and quality. .

It is important to cooperate with suppliers from the same region where the activity is planned. In this case, there is no risk of receiving stale goods, and transportation costs are reduced.

To work with suppliers, you must conclude a contract. Upon receipt of the goods, a quality certificate for products and veterinary certificates for meat must be attached. They must correspond to the date of delivery, the type of raw material, the weight of the delivery must match up to grams. When cooperating with legal suppliers, no problems arise in the future.

What staff would be required to smoke fish and meat?

At the initial stage of organizing production, 2-3 people will be required, it is desirable that they have experience in this area. When using modern smokehouses, special education is not required, but at the same time, technological maps with a recipe that will be used in production must be approved. Usually these cards are included with the equipment, they are consistent with current regulations and meet all requirements.

Personnel must have the skills to operate the equipment, understand the technology of smoking . The presence of sanitary books is mandatory for each employee of food production.

When opening a larger workshop that will produce more than 2 tons of finished products per month, several smoking chambers (2-3) will be required, and the number of employees will also increase by 2-3 times. With the expansion of production to such a level, it makes sense to open our own points of sale, respectively, and the composition of workers will also increase.

At the initial stage, one person responsible for production, one assistant is enough. This number of staff is enough for a mini-smoker. With expanded production, a raw material receiver and a person responsible for its processing, a separate person for cutting and salting fish, a production manager responsible for a warehouse, a driver and vehicles with a cooler for transporting goods, an accountant, technical staff for cleaning at the factory are required.

Sample business plan for opening a smokehouse from scratch: calculation of costs and income

The costs for opening a smokehouse are not too high, and the payback period is no more than two to three years. But with a competent approach and well-established relations with the sales market, this time can be halved.

At the initial stage, for a small workshop, funds will be required in the following amount:

  • The cost of equipment is 400 thousand rubles.
  • Registration of documentation 25 thousand rubles.
  • Repair work in the workshop, arrangement and rental costs for this period of time - 300 thousand rubles.
  • Starting costs for raw materials 250 thousand rubles.
  • Additional expenses of 100 thousand rubles.

Total: 1 million 75 thousand rubles.

This is the minimum initial investment. Now consider what current costs are required for the annual maintenance of a small smokehouse.

We calculate:

  • The rent is 300 thousand rubles.
  • The cost of power supply is 220 thousand rubles.
  • Purchase of raw materials 2 million 800 thousand rubles.
  • Salary for staff (2 people) 500 thousand rubles.
  • Taxes 270 thousand rubles.
  • Transportation costs 120 thousand rubles.
  • Other (additional) expenses 150 thousand rubles.

Total: 4 million 360 rubles.

To reduce the payback period and quickly make a profit, several types of sales should be combined:

  1. Sales for sale in retail chains . With an average price of finished products of 400 rubles per kilogram (meat, fish), sales of 800 kg per month will bring 320 thousand rubles.
  2. Deliveries to catering points . If sales amount to approximately 300 kg, then the monthly revenue from this point of sale will be 120 thousand rubles.

Total: 440 thousand rubles.

Annual revenue will amount to 5 million 280 thousand rubles. We add up current expenses and start-up investments, we get the figure of 5 million 435 thousand rubles.

Conclusion: in this case, the first year of operation of the workshop "leaves" for payback and current expenses. But next year will bring a net profit of almost 900 thousand rubles!

Risks associated with opening a smokehouse from scratch

Any business has its risks, and you should be aware of them, because then they can be minimized or avoided altogether. It is better to start with a small workshop, then the cost of equipment will be reduced, and the products will be sold in a timely manner in full. Over time, when the reputation is won and you have “your regular customer” on the market, you can start expanding.

It is not reasonable to launch a large-scale production of smoked meats from scratch right away, there is a high risk of minimal sales, and then the enterprise will become unprofitable.

Working with unreliable suppliers can also bring its own risks associated with low-quality products.

In the summer months, it is necessary to use refrigeration equipment, to maintain the optimum temperature in the workshop.

Unloading and loading of raw materials and finished products should be carried out at a fast pace. Fish or meat should not be allowed to stay without refrigerators for a long time, otherwise it deteriorates, and the shelf life is reduced.

Early market research, assessment of demand and competitiveness helps to establish a profitable business. But do not be too self-confident, and even if you have established contacts with sales points, be prepared for possible risks and losses, because the chosen production allows you to receive products with a short shelf life.

Don't forget to keep proper documentation. All quality certificates, veterinary certificates and other product certificates must be available.

The business of producing smoked fish and meat can bring a solid income with minimal investment. The main thing is to evaluate all the opportunities and risks of sales, but it is better to have your own point of sale!

On smoking meat, fish, it is really possible to create a profitable business. But in addition to studying the technology for the production of such products, establishing a sales market, it is important to purchase high-quality equipment.

Features of production technology and sales market

Smoked meat is a meat product that was made from fresh meat (pork, lamb, beef), subjected to heat treatment, salting. It has a high nutritional value. 100 g contains 260-630 kcal, smoked fish meats are less high-calorie - about 200 kcal. Depending on the method of heat treatment, smoked meats are divided into baked, fried, raw smoked, boiled, smoked-boiled. The variety of products depends on the nutritional and taste value, and based on the part of the carcass used, the raw materials and the method of processing, it is served in different forms (hams, rolls).

The technology of smoking meat and fish consists in a special treatment, during which water is partially removed from the base raw materials and the amount of nutrients increases. This requires special equipment. The mechanism of the process consists of 2 phases: sedimentation of smoke substances on the surface of meat or fish, their transfer from it (penetration of smoke substances to a certain depth). The speed and duration of the first stage directly depends on the smoking temperature, the properties and texture of the product, the level of moisture content, the degree of grinding. In cooked and unground meat products, the rate of internal transfer of smoke substances is much higher than in those that have been ground and not heated.

Advice: intestinal sausage casings are 20-25% more permeable to smoke substances than artificial ones.

The main consumers of smoked products are both residents of various settlements, microdistricts, and public catering enterprises. To increase the profitability of this small business, it is important to think over the marketing line and pay attention to advertising your product, the quality of equipment. When setting the price, it is necessary to take into account the financial capabilities of the target audience, based on the average income level in the region. The rest of this process is based on market prices and product costing.

Mandatory conditions that ensure product quality (relevant even for small businesses):

  • full compliance with sanitary and veterinary standards;
  • meat should come immediately from the slaughterhouse in the presence of veterinary accompanying documents;
  • fulfillment of hygienic requirements during production, storage, packaging, sale and transportation;
  • use for smoking chilled, but not frozen meat;
  • when using food additives, it is necessary to have a certificate of conformity;
  • use of modern equipment to achieve high quality products.

Even with a small start-up capital, you can create a profitable business, for example, organize. has been increasing in recent years. With the proper approach, it reaches 45-55%.

Equipment for smoking meat and fish

For the operation of the smokehouse, you will need about 150 m² of space, at home there will be enough space and a smaller one. To organize a high-quality process of smoking meat, fish, you need to purchase professional equipment. Basic elements:

  • electric smokehouse (costs about 10-15 thousand rubles; an alternative is a smokehouse, for example, UKU-1M);
  • refrigeration unit or refrigerator;
  • set of utensils (dishes, knives, cutting boards);
  • curing containers (35 thousand rubles);
  • scales;
  • a rack for defrosting raw materials (3 thousand rubles);
  • cutting table;
  • smoking stands (8 thousand rubles);
  • returnable packaging (1 tray per 10 kg costs about 200 rubles).

You may need to buy a car to transport products. You also need to take into account the additional costs for the purchase of materials for smoking (wood chips, bars, special liquid). It is important to remember that the quality of the product also depends on the quality of the smoke.

Before buying equipment, it is worthwhile to realistically assess your production capabilities, the chances of obtaining all permits and think over the sales market. It is important to understand what will be profitable to trade and in what volume. If there are several strong competitors in the region, low demand for products or lack of access to high-quality raw materials, it hardly makes sense to start a business. This aspect is very important even when starting your own business on a small scale. can bring significant income to its owner, taking into account the above factors.

Experts note that the market for smoked meats is oversaturated. Well-known brands can maintain their profitability through the established brand, which is often at least 75% of the price. Therefore, for a novice entrepreneur, there are more chances of success when choosing the production of smoked fish. In this area, there are much more chances for success in the competition. To reach self-sufficiency and to compensate for monthly investments, it is necessary to supply products to at least 8 outlets. Under favorable business conditions, a small business can pay off in six months.

When choosing fish smoking as a business, you need to understand that this area of ​​\u200b\u200bactivity has quite high competition in the market. Many entrepreneurs are engaged in smoking at home, while also being fishermen. This article will discuss how to set up a business, what nuances must be taken into account and what to look for when organizing your own smoking production.

general information

Like any other business, the smoking business has a number of its own characteristics. If you plan to open a production facility aimed at a wide range of consumers, you should equip the premises, following numerous sanitary and hygienic requirements.

The situation is much simpler if you want to start smoking fish at home for personal consumption and for minimal sales in the local market. This will require very little investment and a little of your own effort. Let's talk in detail about what is needed to create your own mini-production.

First steps

Considering fish smoking as a business, it should be understood that in the first place you will need production facilities. This will be the main and most costly part of the future business. Not everyone can afford to build their own turnkey smoking shop, so entrepreneurs prefer to rent ready-made production facilities.

Since there are a lot of requirements for the premises, canteens in industrial areas can be considered as an object. In addition to the fact that they are being built in accordance with all regulations and norms, their location will correspond to one of the conditions for the creation of a smoking shop, namely: its location is not less than 300 meters from residential buildings.

The direction you have chosen has a high level of risk according to the SES classification. That is why this body has a lot of requirements and standards for the opening of the workshop.

SanPiN norms

SanPiN sets out in detail the rules for organizing the production and sale of fish products. We will not describe in detail the entire section, but only dwell on those points that relate directly to the smoking shop.

Requirements for the organization of a smokehouse

1. Production for smoking fish products, in addition to the premises where the main technological processes are carried out (cutting, defrosting, salting and leveling), must necessarily be equipped with the following rooms:

  • a refrigerated room for a daily supply of raw materials;
  • room for the preparation of saline solution;
  • a room for packaging finished products;
  • refrigerator for temporary storage of finished products;
  • a room for sanitizing returnable packaging;
  • a room for drying and storing containers;
  • container warehouse with a site for its repair;
  • a room for storing sawdust and fuel, as well as detergents and disinfectants, smoke liquid;
  • storage room for auxiliary and packaging materials.

2. Smoking chambers must be equipped with tight-closing doors, hatches and mechanical exhaust ventilation.

3. Elements of the smokehouse (ramrod, slats, etc.) must be doubled. They are sanitized once per shift. Chambers and cages are treated once a week.

4. Thermometers, psychrometers and moisture meters should be installed in smoking chambers to control temperature and humidity. Their testimony is recorded in special journals. Hot smoked fish must have an inside temperature of at least 80 degrees.

5. Raw materials for the production of smoked products must comply with the requirements of regulatory documents.

6. Finished products must be quickly cooled (to a temperature of 20 degrees), packed and placed in a refrigerator. Until the moment of sale, hot smoked products should be stored at a temperature of -2 ... +2, cold smoked - -5 ... 0 degrees.

7. Hot-smoked fish before freezing should not be stored for more than 12 hours from the moment it was unloaded from the smoking oven. Freezing of fish occurs immediately after cooling, the temperature should not exceed minus 18 degrees.

8. Containers for packaging (boxes) of smoked fish must have openings on the end sides.

9. When producing smoked balyk products in small packages, it is necessary that all inventory has its own marking.

10. Slices and pieces are stacked with special forks or spatulas.

11. Tables, cutting boards that are used in the processing of fish must be washed with a hot solution of soda ash (5%), then disinfected, rinsed and dried.

12. The export of finished products and the supply of raw materials must be carried out through separate entrances and elevators.

13. Transportation, storage and sale of hot and cold smoked finished products must be carried out in accordance with the requirements for perishable products.

In addition to the SES, it is necessary to coordinate the opening of production with Rosprirodnadzor, the veterinary and fire services, and Rostekhnadzor.

Equipment costs

Equipment for smoking fish can be purchased and installed with a relatively small amount of money available - about 300 thousand rubles. This is taking into account the fact that you will purchase it not new, but used. For work you will need:

  • refrigerators for storage of raw materials;
  • baths for washing and salting products.

Smoker selection

There is a large selection of smoke chambers with different technical characteristics on the market today. Imported smoking equipment can provide minimal profitability when processing from 8 to 10 tons per day. Small enterprises that do not have such volumes may pay attention to domestic units. Their price starts from 130 thousand rubles.

Smokehouses for small businesses make it possible to make production profitable when loading 200-300 kg per day. This can be a good option not only for start-up entrepreneurs, but also for those who are going to expand. Having assembled a line of 5-6 units, it is possible to ensure the processing of 8-10 tons of finished products per day. Smokehouses for small businesses will increase the economic efficiency of the equipment.

Raw material

Now let's talk about raw materials. Namely, about what will be smoked and where to come from. You need to develop a range of products based on the culinary preferences of the inhabitants of your region. It is also desirable to buy fish in your city or region. This moment is fundamentally important, since only by reducing the time of transportation you can get a high-quality and fresh product that has all the necessary documentation.

Therefore, when choosing fish smoking as a business, carefully study the market of raw material suppliers so as not to incur losses in the future. After all, you risk not only your money, but also the taste of the product. Focusing on small industrial volumes, you should not order 20 tons of fish.

Quality issues of purchased raw materials and finished products are among the most important that you may encounter when starting a business. Without the necessary education in this area, think about a technologist and a specialist in quality control of incoming products. The latter may be part-time and a veterinarian. He has the right to write out all the necessary accompanying documents for finished products.

Sales and risks

An entrepreneur who smokes fish at home does not expect a big sale. It is enough to have a point in the local market, regular customers, and the products will be sold out. Another thing is if the volumes of finished smoked fish are quite high, and sales are not properly established. Products are stored in a warehouse for a long time and deteriorate due to short sales periods.

A well-established sales network will be the key to success. You can conclude contracts with large retail chains. But you should evaluate the share of risks when working with such giants. They tend to greatly inflate retail prices, while achieving maximum profit. Customer demand is down, stock is spoiled due to short shelf life, and you have returns of expired products from customers.

A good solution would be to open your own small outlet. In addition, you can provide products for sale to small stores, where, subject to a certain level of retail prices, you can get guaranteed sales of your products and low returns.


When choosing fish smoking as a business, do not forget that the basis of the enterprise should be the high quality of your products. By sticking to traditional recipes, using fruit sawdust and firewood, and purchasing high-quality and fresh raw materials, you will be able to gain the trust of customers and earn a good reputation for your company. And that is the key to a successful business.

Smoked meats are a favorite delicacy for most of the population of our country. Yes, there are countries! All over the world, there are countless fans of smoked fish or lard.

A diverse assortment, wide technological capabilities of the mini-smoker allow you to satisfy the most sophisticated preferences of customers. Moreover, each person, if desired, can organize a small production. What makes a mini smokehouse business so affordable?

  • simple, compact and inexpensive equipment;
  • no need for large production areas;
  • simple technological process of smoking.

However, in order to develop your own mini-smoker and make a profit, you need to study a number of important points, which we will discuss below.

How to open a mini smokehouse from scratch

It is not difficult to open your own smokehouse in almost any locality - from a village to a large city. You can sell products both within this settlement and beyond its borders. It is quite acceptable to place a smoking shop on your suburban area. However, an important factor here will be to find a compromise with your neighbors so that the smokehouse does not become the cause of their discontent.

In order not to depend on the mood of the neighbors, the best solution would be to rent a suitable room and arrange it in accordance with all the rules and regulations. However, no one forbids working at home, for example, after refurbishing an old garage. SanPin requirements for the organization of the premises are contained in this official document in this white paper. Be sure to read them before you start choosing a location for your mini smokehouse.

A smokehouse as an enterprise belongs to a small business and demonstrates a fairly high profitability - more than 30-40%. It makes sense to open a small workshop for smoking products from fresh raw materials with the sale of delicacies immediately after preparation.

The main competitors for your business will be enterprises that independently process meat and fish. Thanks to their own production, they can significantly reduce costs, but their disadvantage is the regular use of raw materials whose shelf life is coming to an end.

On the contrary, the quality of products of small smokehouses is usually much higher. That's why homemade fragrant delicacies with a ruddy crust are always tastier. Accordingly, you will be able to achieve a high level of competitiveness solely due to the quality of products.

Despite the fact that at the initial stage you will not be able to work on large volumes of production, you will have a strong trump card in your hands. In what way does it manifest itself? And the fact that at a small scale it is easier for you to control the quality of products, monitor the technical process, identify and fix problems in a timely manner.

In addition, you will better study the preferences of customers by offering them a variety of products. It is much easier to cook several types of smoked meats in small batches, and in this case it will be easier to change the assortment.

Tip: At the beginning of your activity, focus all your attention and efforts on debugging the smoking technology. This will allow you to receive consistently high taste and commercial qualities of finished delicacies.

If you choose a competent pricing policy and set the optimal price for your products, then the number of regular customers will grow rapidly, regular customers will appear. This will allow you to scale your smoking business. The main thing is patience.

When starting your production, remember that dumping (artificial price reduction) can cause low profitability. On the contrary, an excessively high trade margin will scare away buyers and reduce demand. In order to find a middle ground, analyze the prices of competitors in the city and region. It is recommended to raise your prices no earlier than 3-6 months after the start of the sale of your smoked meats.

Description of the project, advantages and disadvantages of the business

Own mini smokehouseis a small private manufacturing enterprise that smokes meat, lard, fish or cheese. Such a business is considered highly profitable. It attracts by the fact that at the initial stage it does not require large cash injections. A mini-smoking shop can easily be placed at home: in a garage, in an annex, and even in a separate

And yet, why even bother with opening this case? Those who managed to start the production of smoked meats and create a profitable business on this speak of the following advantages:

  • The technological process of smoking is so simple that even a beginner can handle it;
  • A mini smokehouse is a great opportunity to work independently for yourself;
  • The ability to work from home without the need to rent a room;
  • Smoking equipment is compact and does not require a large amount of space;
  • Excellent opportunities for development and expansion of production (smoking cheese chechil, for example);
  • High demand for products;
  • High rates of profitability and payback.

However, mini-smokers also have disadvantages. These include:

  • the need to obtain permits;
  • possible supervision by state authorities;
  • problems in finding a reliable supplier of raw materials;
  • a short shelf life of finished products, on the basis of which it will be necessary to sell it as quickly as possible.

In order to wisely organize your own production of homemade delicacies, you need to study smoking technologies, starting from which you can choose the right equipment, decide who you will sell the finished products to.

One of the essential issues is the selection of suppliers. You can buy raw materials from outside, or you can produce yourself. For example, take a look atpoultry farming ideas for your business .

What to smoke and what not: choosing the optimal range of products

Modern smoking shops produce the following types of products. You can “spy” on their ideas and choose one or more for yourself:

  • Fish that can be smoked, salted or cured
  • Minced fish or fillet.
  • Smoked or dried pork, poultry, beef.
  • Smoked cheese.
  • Salo.

There are cold and hot smoked smokehouses on the market. The finished products of these units differ in characteristics and are aimed at different target audiences.

When choosing a smoking method, it is necessary to pay attention to the difference in the shelf life of the resulting delicacies. Compare: hot-smoked fish cannot be kept in the refrigerator for more than 10 days. But the cold-worked product can lie quietly for up to 60 days at a temperature of 0..-2 degrees.

Consider this before starting production. If you manage to establish wholesale distribution channels, for example, enter into cooperation with stores, you can start smoking products with a short shelf life.

At first, it is desirable to work on a preliminary order in order to reduce costs. Initially focus on a few popular positions, later you can expand the range, focusing on the needs of your client.

Smokehouse at home: where is it better to place your production?

Smokehouse in the format small businessrequires special accommodation conditions. It is desirable that the production area be at least 15-20 square meters. This parameter will depend on the expected production volumes. You need to take care of the following points:

  • stable functioning of sewerage, electrical wiring. ventilation and plumbing systems;
  • the presence of bactericidal lamps;
  • wall decoration with tiles up to 1.5 meters in height, then you can paint with oil paint;
  • the presence of a fire safety shield. It should be placed no further than 5 m from the smoking chamber. According to fire safety requirements, it is also necessary to purchase powder or foam fire extinguishers.

Purchase of equipment should be made at the stage of repair of the premises. This will allow you to think over the layout of production units, correctly position the outlets to electricity. However, installation should be carried out only after the complete readiness of the premises.

The best solution for a mini-smoker is to rent space. However, in some cases, it is possible to re-equip outbuildings, for example, in a summer cottage or in a country house. Keeping a smokehouse in an apartment is extremely problematic.

What documents are needed to open a mini-smoker?

In order to implementbusiness idea mini smokersmust be registered with the tax office. First, the form of ownership is selected - IP or LLC. Keep in mind that there is no need to register a limited liability company. This procedure is time consuming and requires higher costs. You better studyhowregister your business in the form of IPto avoid paperwork and save on taxes.

For the normal operation of the enterprise, permits from the fire inspectorate and the submission of a notice of the start of activities to the territorial body of Rospotrebnadzor will be required. Otherwise, you may face fines for illegal activities and the sale of low-quality goods.

Work in compliance with sanitary standards, and then your business will be in good standing with the supervisory authorities!

The algorithm of actions for opening a mini-smoker

Let's take a look at the front of tasks that a novice businessman has to solve:

  1. Demand analysis and selection of the type of smoking, as well as the type of raw materials.
  2. Registration with the tax office and notification of supervisory authorities about the start of activities.
  3. Selection of areas for rent or conversion of home buildings for production.
  4. Acquisition of the necessary units for smoking.
  5. Search for suppliers of raw materials.
  6. Registration of permits from state authorities.
  7. Purchase of initial raw materials, formation of assortment.
  8. Compilation of technical maps and establishment of a register of sanitary checks.
  9. Launch of an advertising campaign.
  10. Production and further sale of finished products.

Don’t let the amount of work scare you, in fact, building a business is a very exciting thing, and in such a format as a mini-smoker it is still tasty and fragrant!

We decide on the technology of smoking: what is the best way to smoke meat, poultry, fish?

Depending on the temperature used, there are two types of smoking: hot and cold. In the first case, the temperature regime is from 50 to 120 degrees, in the second case, the products are dried at temperatures up to 22 degrees.

The duration of the methods of processing products also differ. So, in the case of hot smoking, bringing products to readiness is carried out within a few hours, in the case of cold smoking - several days. At the same time, the shelf life of hot-smoked products is no more than 72 hours, and cold-smoked products can reach up to two months.

Smoking of meat, poultry and fish can be carried out by any of the above methods.

It is important to realize that for every product there is a buyer. However, practice shows that hot smoking technology is simpler and faster. If you prefer this option, take care of distribution channels, produce products in small batches and on order.

Cold smoking technology will take a long time, but will allow you to store products longer. This option is optimal if the production areas are located far from the distribution channels.

Also, you might be interestedchicken farm business plan . The “your own supplier” format will allow you to make a super-combination of two businesses.

What is the best raw material for a mini-smoker: we choose reliable suppliers

The selection of suppliers, as well as further purchases of raw materials, must be treated with special responsibility. In many ways, the taste of the finished product will depend on the quality of the product, and, accordingly, your reputation. It is recommended to purchase raw materials directly from manufacturers, bypassing resellers. This will not only save on the purchase, but also be sure of the freshness of the products.

Therefore, enter into agreements with fisheries and livestock farms. An important factor that you need to pay attention to is the legality of the companies.

Choosing hypermarkets, shops, and other retail chains as suppliers is a bad decision, since the cost of such raw materials will be much higher.

Remember that any distribution network includes a surcharge for taxes, rent, staff salaries in the price of products. A direct supplier always offers a lower cost of raw materials.

After the smoking process is completed, meat, lard and fish lose up to 20% in weight. Therefore, in order to avoid an unjustified increase in the cost of your products, the prices of raw materials should be low.

Give preference to suppliers located in your region - this will significantly reduce logistics costs, as well as reduce the likelihood of receiving products with expired shelf life.

In order to work effectively with suppliers of raw materials, be sure to conclude contracts. Upon receipt of the goods, check the availability of veterinary certificates and a quality certificate, check the compliance of the raw materials with the information specified in the documentation. If you work with legal suppliers, no problems should arise. Also, if you want to significantly reduce the possible costs of raw materials, and plan to expand your business, studyfish processing business .

Registering a business, choosing OKVED codes

In order to start an activity, you will need to register with the local tax authority. In your case, it will be enough to acquire the status of an individual entrepreneur. This is a convenient, economical option in terms of initial costs, as well as in terms of processing time. The following are selected from OKVED codes: 10, 10.1, 10.12. These options allow you to carry out the production processes of smoking and preparing dishes from fish and meat, as well as to engage in the sale of finished products.

Taxation system for a mini-smoker?

When registering with the IFTS, you will also need to select the required taxation system. In most cases, the use of the simplified tax system "income minus expenses" will be optimal. You can find out more about the schemes for accounting, calculating and paying taxes in the article.How to choose a taxation system.

What is the best equipment for a mini smokehouse?

After the premises have been brought to the desired state, you can engage in the purchase of equipment. As a rule, this is the main item of expenditure. It is undesirable to save here, since the quality of the finished product, as well as the speed of its preparation, will directly depend on the reliability of the units.

Many aspiring entrepreneurs are sure that they can buy used equipment. You should not give preference to such a solution if you are planning intensive production with large sales volumes. With such a load, your equipment will quickly fail. In addition, used equipment is already outdated, and don't you want to keep up with the times and use progressive technologies?

Here is a list of the fixed assets and tools that you will need to equip a mini-smoker shop:

  • Washing baths for raw materials;
  • Racks and tables for defrosting and storage of raw materials;
  • Specialized refrigeration equipment;
  • Table for cutting and butchering;
  • Installations for smoking, which can be presented in several versions according to the type of technology;
  • Baths for preparing brine and soaking raw materials;
  • Minced meat preparation equipment;
  • Specialized knives;
  • Chips for smoking;
  • Vacuum packaging equipment.

I would also like to say a few words about the staff. You can start your production on your own, without the participation of other people, however, with an increase in demand, assistants will be needed in your business. For a good workload and efficient production flow, it is recommended to hire at least two employees. They can work in shifts.

Advertising and marketing: how to promote the sale of homemade smoked meats?

At the initial stage of product sales, it is recommended to focus on residents of the city or region. You can use the following marketing tools:

  1. Development of an exclusive trade offer, creation of competitive products.
  2. Creating your own website, pages in social networks, promotion on the Internet.
  3. Placement of announcements on bulletin boards in the network, in urban virtual communities.
  4. Product branding, packaging development, the creation of specialized thermal stickers that will increase the recognition of your delicacies.
  5. Cooperation with large stores, search for new distribution channels in the form of retail chains.

An important stage of marketing is the formation of value. In order to set the right prices for the positions of your assortment, you need to focus on the offers of competitors. Start with a minimum cost to attract an audience and gain consumer confidence. But after 3-6 months, the markup can be set higher by 10-15%.

Mini Smokehouse Financial Business Plan: Cost Analysis and Revenue Forecast

It is necessary to carry out financial calculations for the mini-smoker business plan even at the stage of idea formation. So you can understand how much money you need, as well as how much revenue you can earn. The financial plan will need to be calculated independently, based on the characteristics of your smokehouse, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, the region and other factors.

The approximate costs for opening a mini-smoker in a small town are presented in the table:

How much can you earn selling mini-smoker products?

Consider an approximate calculation of income for 1 month for the three most popular items - smoked meat, poultry and fish.

Position Raw material costs/volumes The volume of finished products after smoking (on average minus 15% of the original weight) Selling price (per kilogram) Total (finished product weight *sales price)
Meat - 250 rubles. per kg RUB 18,750 - 75 kg63.75 kg470 rub.RUB 29,962
Fish - 120 rubles. per kg 12 000 rub. - 100 kg85 kg295 rub.RUB 25,075
Bird - 90 rubles. per kg 11 250 rub. - 125 kg106.25 kg280 rub.RUB 29,750
Total costs:42 000 rub.
RevenueRUB 84,787
Profit (revenue minus raw material costs) RUB 42,787

So, for a month of operation of a home smokehouse, you can earn almost 85,000 rubles, that is, 42,000 rubles. net profit. This amount will increase as production volumes increase.

Usually, from 2 to 8 types of finished products are chosen for one smoking shop, which makes it possible to bring the recipe and quality of the finished product to a high level.

Coef. Loss * Raw material cost ** Raw material cost of 1KG GP *** Selling price from production rub. Profitability of 1 KG of finished products rub.
Meat and poultry boiled-smoked (*link to the technology of cooking boiled-smoked meat)
1 Smoked chicken drumstick 1,24 90 ₽ 112 ₽ 151 ₽ 39,1
2 1,20 110 ₽ 132 ₽ 178 ₽ 46,2
3 Chicken boiled-smoked carcass 1,22 130 ₽ 159 ₽ 214 ₽ 55,5
4 1,28 220 ₽ 282 ₽ 380 ₽ 8,6
5 1,25 220 ₽ 275 ₽ 371 ₽ 96,3
6 Sausage boiled-smoked 1,16 215 ₽ 249 ₽ 337 ₽ 87,3
7 Turkey boiled and smoked 1,18 190 ₽ 224 ₽ 303 ₽ 78,5
8 Salo boiled-smoked 1,08 150 ₽ 162 ₽ 219 ₽ 56,7
9 Ostrich boiled-smoked 1,20 400 ₽ 480 ₽ 648 ₽ 168,0
10 Pheasant boiled and smoked 1,20 150 ₽ 180 ₽ 243 ₽ 63,0
11 Quail boiled-smoked 1,20 200 ₽ 240 ₽ 324 ₽ 84,0
Meat and poultry smoked-baked (*link to the technology of cooking smoked-baked meat)
13 Smoked-baked horsemeat 1,19 220 ₽ 262 ₽ 359 ₽ 96,9
14 1,23 130 ₽ 160 ₽ 219 ₽ 59,2
15 Smoked-baked lamb 1,22 290 ₽ 354 ₽ 485 ₽ 130,9
16 Goose smoked-baked 1,22 200 ₽ 244 ₽ 334 ₽ 90,3
17 Smoked-baked farm sausage 1,20 215 ₽ 258 ₽ 353 ₽ 95,5
18 Beef smoked-baked piece 1,19 216 ₽ 257 ₽ 352 ₽ 95,1
Dried-smoked meat and poultry, meat chips (*link to the technology of cooking smoked-baked meat)
19 Cured-smoked beef, meat chips 1,70 216 ₽ 367 ₽ 514 ₽ 146,9
20 Dried-smoked chicken, meat chips 1,80 180 ₽ 324 ₽ 454 ₽ 129,6

* Waste factor is the number by which 1 kg of raw material must be multiplied in order to get all of the raw material from which 1 kg of finished product is obtained (1 kg of raw material * Waste factor = Weight of raw material that is needed to obtain 1 kg of finished product)

** The cost of raw materials varies depending on the region and season, its cost needs to be specified

*** Raw material cost - the cost of raw materials in 1 kg of finished products

2. An example of an assortment of a meat smoking shop.

Output volume and gross profit per day (profit excluding overhead costs for rent, wages, electricity and consumables)

Name of the finished product (FP) Sales volume kg/day Raw material cost of 1KG GP Profitability % Selling price r/kg Gross profit r/day
1 Boiled-smoked pork ham 35 275 ₽ 35% 371 ₽ 3 369 ₽
2 Smoked-baked chicken roll 70 160 ₽ 42% 227 ₽ 4 701 ₽
3 Sausage boiled-smoked 35 249 ₽ 35% 337 ₽ 3 055 ₽
4 Boiled smoked pork breast 35 282 ₽ 38% 389 ₽ 3 745 ₽
5 Smoked chicken wings 35 132 ₽ 30% 172 ₽ 1 386 ₽
6 Chicken boiled-smoked carcass 70 159 ₽ 35% 214 ₽ 3 886 ₽
Total: 280 20 142 ₽

On average, from one kilogram of finished products, the workshop earns 72 ₽

Requires a cold store for storage of finished products with a size of 3x3 m2 with a temperature regime of 0 - -4 degrees C.

3. Procurement plan.

We proceed from the frequency of supply of raw materials once every three days

Name of the finished product (FP) Sales volume kg/day The volume of raw materials needed per day, kg The volume of the necessary raw materials for 3 days, kg Costs for the purchase of raw materials for 3 days, rub.
1 Boiled-smoked pork ham 35 44 131 3 369 ₽
2 Smoked-baked chicken roll 70 86 258 4 701 ₽
3 Sausage boiled-smoked 35 41 122 3 055 ₽
4 Boiled smoked pork breast 35 45 134 3 745 ₽
5 Smoked chicken wings 35 42 126 1 386 ₽
6 Chicken boiled-smoked carcass 70 85 256 3 886 ₽
Total: 280 343 1028 173 654 ₽

The required amount of working capital for the purchase of raw materials - 173 654 ₽

Cold storage required 1028 kg

The size of the refrigerating chamber for storing raw materials is 12 m2, the temperature regime is -18 degrees C.

4. Specification for equipment for meat smoking shop

Name Qty Price Price
Smoking equipment
1 Installation for hot smoking Izhitsa-GK (380V) 1 196 000 ₽ 196 000 ₽
2 Superstructure for steam generation 1 17 000 ₽ 17 000 ₽
3 Touch panel to control the work of Izhitsa-GK 1 15 000 ₽ 15 000 ₽
4 Cage for large products (4 rows) 1 4 900 ₽ 4 900 ₽
5 Cage universal (7 rows) 1 5 600 ₽ 5 600 ₽
6 Set of skewers for large products (8 mm, 24 pcs.) 1 9 280 ₽ 9 280 ₽
7 Set of grates for smoking (6 pcs., stainless steel) 1 29 800 ₽ 29 800 ₽
8 Trolley for moving stands (GK) - stainless steel. Steel 1 9 300 ₽ 9 300 ₽
Optional equipment
1 Floor scales TV-M-60.2-T3 1 20 800 ₽ 20 800 ₽
2 Packing scales VPM-15.2-F1 1 23 400 ₽ 23 400 ₽
3 Electric flycatcher 2 3 850 ₽ 7 700 ₽
4 Giesser butcher knife, 21 cm, 4005 4 1 200 ₽ 4 800 ₽
5 Cutting board professional 500x400x30 2 1 700 ₽ 3 400 ₽
6 Musat standard for sharpening Giesser knives, 31 cm, 9924 1 1 623 ₽ 1 623 ₽
Racks and barrels
1 Defrosting rack 1700 x 850 x 1700 (with drawers) 1 39 200 ₽ 39 200 ₽
2 Packing table 2 8 200 ₽ 16 400 ₽
3 Cutting table - 1600 mm. 1 19 200 ₽ 19 200 ₽
4 Sink - 800 mm. 1 14 200 ₽ 14 200 ₽
5 Container storage rack 1 12 000 ₽ 12 000 ₽
6 Barrel for salting food plastic 220 liters 4 2 800 ₽ 11 200 ₽
7 Plastic box for salting 780x550x420 with lid 6 3 200 ₽ 19 200 ₽
8 Waste barrel 48 liters 8 700 ₽ 5 600 ₽
1 Refrigeration chamber for storage of finished products with a size of 3x3 m2 with a temperature regime of 0 - -4 degrees C. (chamber, installation, refrigeration unit) 1 120 000 ₽ 120 000 ₽
2 Refrigeration chamber for storing raw materials 12 m2, temperature -18 degrees C. (chamber, installation, refrigeration unit) 1 160 000 ₽ 160 000 ₽
Total: 755 780 ₽

5. Consumables (production cost)

Name Qty Price Price Consumption per 100 kg HP Consumption per 100 kg. in rubles Consumption per 1 kg. GP in rub.
1 Alder wood chips, bag 12 kg. 30 340 ₽ 10 200 ₽ 2 680 ₽ $6.80
2 Coarse salt (not iodized), kg. 5 000 8 ₽ 40 000 ₽ 2 16 ₽ $0.16
3 Spices for salting, kg. 50 230 ₽ 11 500 ₽ 0,15 35 ₽ $0.35
4 Corrugated box, box 1000 12 ₽ 12 000 ₽ 0,2 2 ₽ $0.02
5 Water, m3 1 250 ₽ -- 0,2 50 ₽ $0.50
6 Electricity 1 5 ₽ -- 100 500 ₽ $5.00
Total: 73 700 ₽ $12.83

Production costs per 1 kg of finished products 12.83 ₽

The cost of consumables at the first stage is 73,700.00 ₽

6. Overhead

Overhead costs per month 171 000 ₽

7. The amount of investment in the smokehouse

*Renovation of the premises - The cost of repairs may vary up and down. It depends on the degree of readiness of the rented premises. To begin with, it is enough to lay out the walls with white Belarusian tiles (150 rubles / m2) for one and a half meters, make a drain in the floor in the salt room, conduct electricity to electrical installations, and make ventilation umbrellas over smokehouses.

8. Ensuring the project sales volume.

The products of a private smoking shop are positioned as a product of a higher quality compared to the factory one. Therefore, it is worth counting on sales to farm and private stores, directly from the workshop, at local markets, fairs. It makes sense to sell online only if there is no entry bonus and the payment is deferred for no more than 2 weeks.

Name of the finished product (FP) Sales volume kg/day of one outlet Production output kg/day Required retail outlets to sell finished products
1 Boiled-smoked pork ham 2 35 15,0
2 Smoked-baked chicken roll 4 70 17,5
3 Sausage boiled-smoked 3 35 11,7
4 Boiled smoked pork breast 2 35 15,0
5 Smoked chicken wings 2 35 17,5
6 Chicken boiled-smoked carcass 5 70 15,0
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