How to quickly bring goods from China. How is it legally correct to sell imported goods from China? I will bring goods from China


Delivery of goods from China is interesting for various categories of businessmen and individuals. It is in the Celestial Empire that the most diverse and, importantly, affordable goods are now produced. The cheapness of the products offered from this country is striking, but this price tag is not final - when transporting goods from the territory of this state to Central Russia, it costs a tidy sum.

There are only three delivery options with the following characteristics:
Fast and expensive;
Slow but cheap;
Fast and cheap - when contacting professionals.

There is also a difference in which batch of what goods you are going to transport across the border and plan to register it as a commercial cargo or for personal purposes. So, how many ways to receive goods from China are offered to residents of the Russian Federation? We will consider all possible logistics solutions, if necessary, to bring goods from this country.

Self-carriage of cargo

When you personally visit the country, find the necessary goods, pay for them, draw up all the accompanying documents and bring them to the border. Agree with the carrier company on the movement of goods across the territory of the Russian Federation, fill out a declaration, pay the duty and release the goods for free circulation throughout Russia. The disadvantages include the sheer complexity of the scheme for those who first encounter border crossings and customs services.

Intermediaries and customs brokers

Assistants will assist in customs clearance and cross-border transit of goods, as well as in finding suitable products throughout China and domestic transportation throughout the country. Outside of China, you yourself will be logistics issues. Often, intermediaries do not provide a full range of services, and their commissions are high and do not provide any guarantees for the quality delivery of goods.

Transport companies

Forwarding companies will take care of all issues related to the movement of goods across the territory of neighboring countries, you only need to indicate the necessary product and wishes for the timing and cost of delivery. Communication with the transport company is possible remotely. After signing the Agency Agreement, all that remains is to wait for your cargo at home.

Representatives of the organization themselves will pay for the goods, fill out the documents for customs control, collect the necessary accompanying documentation, take the goods to Russia and clear it, and then deliver it to the address you need.

There are no downsides to such cooperation. The only difficulty may arise with small consignments of goods - in these situations, you can overpay for delivery or lose time and wait for the formation of a groupage cargo. But there are full guarantees of trouble-free delivery.

Delivery by mail (Russian Post and ChinaPost)

It is more convenient to send small loads by postal parcels. It is only important to remember about the restrictions on weight, cost and names of goods that can be shipped through post offices. An invoice must be attached to the parcel (a waybill that customs officers are interested in). Ordering the necessary goods can be done remotely, but it is very important to trust a reliable supplier who will draw up the documents himself and will not disappear with an advance payment.

For single orders and deliveries, as well as small batches, in any case, it is more profitable to entrust all the efforts for the delivery of goods from China to professional transport companies and intermediaries. Communication with customs authorities and worries about the passage of goods across the border are too specific. If regular cooperation with Chinese manufacturers is planned, then you should delve into all the details of transportation and individually optimize the logistics solution in accordance with your needs.

You can deliver cargo from China to Russia by sea (this way you can bring a batch of goods in bulk), by road or rail, by air. How to deliver goods from China to Russia at the lowest cost? The most profitable way of delivery is by sea, via Novorossiysk or St. Petersburg: the price of sea freight is 1600 - 1800 USD for a 20-foot container and 2600 - 2800 - for a 40-foot container with a minimum land shoulder (compared to Vladivostok).

How to bring a batch of goods from China in bulk?

A batch of goods from China to Russia can be brought in bulk in four ways:

  • by air (up to several hundred kilograms) - up to 2.5 dollars per 1 kg when sending from Beijing / Shanghai to Moscow a consignment of 500 kg, and from 3.4 dollars - to Pulkovo (St. Petersburg);
  • by road through Kazakhstan or Zabaikalsk - from 180 - 230 US dollars per ton, or up to $5700 for the whole car (only to the border!) And about 320 thousand rubles more for transportation from Zabaikalsk to Moscow;
  • by rail - up to $2,300 to Zabaikalsk/Vladivostok for a 20-foot container and $5,200 for a 40-foot container, and 135,000 and 290,000 rubles, respectively, to Moscow and Moscow Region;
  • by sea - from 1025 USD for 20' and 1290 USD for 40' via Vladivostok and from 1600 and 2600 via Novorossiysk or St. Petersburg, with subsequent transportation within the Russian Federation (to Moscow from St. Petersburg - from 32,000 rubles, from Novorossiysk - from 38,000 by road for 20', from Vladivostok - 93,000 and 154,000 for 20' and 40').

What is the best way to bring cargo from China? If the consignment is relatively small - from 45 to 300 kg (45 kg is the minimum weight of a commercial consignment in air transport, and 300 kg is the minimum weight that forwarding companies undertake), then by air, in all other cases (if they do not terms) - by sea. What is the fastest way to deliver goods? By air.

How to quickly deliver goods from China

You can quickly deliver cargo from China to Russia by air - up to a day. The cost of express delivery of goods by air will be up to $7.7 from Guangzhou and up to $7.8 from Beijing to Moscow and St. Petersburg. The price is fair for small consignments of goods - from 45 to 100 kg, with an increase in the weight of the shipment, the cost per 1 kg decreases, reaching $ 2.5 - 3.4 per kg when sending consignments weighing more than 500 kg.

How else can you deliver goods from China quickly and not so expensive? Multimodal delivery scheme using sea and rail transport through Vladivostok by sea in 7 - 11 days and by Trans-Siberian Railway in 14 - 20 days (750 - 1290 dollars for sea transportation and 90 - 154,000 rubles for cargo transportation by rail). Another option is road transportation to Blagoveshchensk by road (approximately 30 rubles per kg) - up to 5 days, from Blagoveshchensk to Moscow by air - 126 rubles / kg (with a batch weight of up to 50 kg) and 118 rubles / kg (from 50 kg).

What is the fastest shipping from China?

The fastest way is express delivery from China to Moscow or St. Petersburg by air - up to 2 days (normal air transportation takes up to 7 days, taking into account the waiting for a cargo or cargo-passenger flight and preparing the cargo for shipment). In second place is multimodal cargo transportation by road and air through Blagoveshchensk - up to 7 days, followed by road transportation through the Republic of Kazakhstan - up to 21 - 25 days, then - by rail - up to 30 - 35 days, and, finally, by sea - through Novorossiysk (32 - 42 days) or St. Petersburg (45 - 60 days).

What is the best shipping from China?

When sending trial consignments, samples, as well as urgent shipments (for example, collections of clothes, shoes for the season), it would be best to make delivery from China by air, for shipments of large consignments (for 1 or more containers) - by rail or by sea. The railway is more expensive than the sea and performs best when sending an even number of 20-foot containers (two TEUs are placed on one railway platform at once).

How to make turnkey delivery from China to Russia

From China to Novorossiysk or St. Petersburg, delivery of cargo can only be done by sea - by direct option or with transshipment in Constanta/Istanbul. The term direct delivery from China means transportation without transshipment in intermediate ports, but often also implies door-to-door, turnkey work.

Often, the carrier company provides additional services: delivery of a container to the supplier’s (manufacturer’s) warehouse, to the port of departure from the stock line from another port (practiced when shipping goods in specialized containers), preparing a booking, returning an empty container to the port of arrival by completion of delivery to the recipient's warehouse in Russia, etc. build an optimal logistics scheme.

Sometimes direct delivery involves the purchase of goods in China, its import to a broker's contract with a deferred payment for the client (including at a specified percentage, the practice of commercial lending to consignees). The second type of delivery to a broker's contract is when the cargo owner does not plan to register as a participant in foreign economic activity, but he has money to pay for the entire or a significant part of the consignment (he can pay the rest upon delivery).

In this case, delivery occurs with payment of 50 - 70% of the cost of goods and logistics in advance. And the carrier is quite capable of using the received funds to finance its extraneous operating costs. The problem arises when, after that, he no longer has money left to pay for the delivery itself, and he cannot bring the goods for the customer's enterprise: usually a hitch of 2 - 4 weeks.

To deliver cargo from China on a turnkey basis, in general, means full forwarding of cargo transportation: registration of transport, accompanying, customs documentation, assistance in obtaining certificates and declarations of conformity, customs clearance (customs clearance), tracking in the country of departure, transit and arrival, temporary and responsible storage, consolidation of prefabricated lots (LCL) before shipment and other works.

This also includes insurance and taking measures to prevent damage and damage to cargo during delivery (on average, about 2% of goods from China are damaged during transportation and distribution), monitoring compliance with transportation requirements, taking into account the transport characteristics and characteristics of the goods being shipped. The route of transportation is usually not laid, but only selected from the services offered by the lines (in particular, by the number and name of optional ports of call for the ship).

Door-to-door delivery from China includes the acceptance of cargo from the sender, shipment control (timing, quality), unloading to the recipient's warehouse in Russia, organization of arrival in the Russian Federation (on a full outsourcing basis). A feature of door-to-door logistics from China to Russia is the geographical location of consumers of Chinese goods - usually in the European part of Russia, and manufacturers in China - in the south and south-east of the country (however, production is increasingly moving to the north western regions).

China's economic and industrial development has made it the best supplier for everything from plastic toys for children to high-tech equipment and cars. The quality of goods from the Middle Kingdom is growing every day, so today you can buy here not only consumer goods, but also quite good things.

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Despite the fact that many domestic companies successfully sell them on the Russian market, not everyone risks bringing them on their own, not daring to intersect with the intricacies of customs clearance. Although such a solution allows you to get a profit reaching several hundred percent.


Traditional customs clearance procedures are based on the requirements of Russian legislation. Of the main shortcomings of the legal import of products is not the verification of goods, but the paperwork necessary for this.

For entrepreneurs who do not want to somehow intersect with clearance issues, it is recommended to use the services of customs brokers.

Although a certain amount will have to be paid for their work, the entire necessary package of papers and certificates will be provided as a reward, allowing the further sale or use of the cargo throughout the territory of the Customs Union.

The customs union includes a number of the following states:

  1. Russia.
  2. Kazakhstan.
  3. Belarus.
  4. Armenia.
  5. Kyrgyzstan.

The procedure for passing through customs control consists of the following steps:

  1. Obtaining a certificate of conformity.
  2. Preparation of a number of papers and documents.
  3. Filling out the declaration.
  4. Payment of several fees and charges.

For an individual

Registration of products intended for personal, family, home use, customs clearance can occur in two ways:

  1. Through the "green corridor" - implying the import of goods that are not subject to declaration, which is confirmed by the statement of the owner of the cargo. The entire consignment in this case must be intended for personal use.
  2. Through the "red corridor" - passing through this passage requires a series of actions that determine the procedure for registering goods at the request of a citizen, indicating the following:
    • characteristic features of the cargo;
    • Name;
    • amount.

In this case, an individual is completely exempt from paying customs fees, duties, taxes and other payments provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

For a legal entity

Customs clearance of cargo belonging to a legal entity and subject to "customs clearance" is carried out after the application of the declarant or the customs broker representing him.

The main parts of these procedures include the following actions:

  1. Registration of a declaration containing information about imported products and goods.
  2. Checking by customs specialists of the documentation provided by the declarant or his representative.
  3. Comparison of financial documentation with the required list.
  4. The correctness of the determination of customs duties, value added tax.
  5. Final clearance check.
  6. Issuance of certificates.

For IP

The passage of customs procedures by an individual entrepreneur takes place in a manner similar to the above-mentioned method with legal entities.

There is no difference due to the fact that the imported goods will be used for commercial activities, and this necessarily requires the filing of a declaration.

In order not to repeat with the description already presented, a number of nuances inherent in the implementation of "customs clearance" for both cases can be given:

  1. Fast customs clearance, which means accelerated delivery can occur if you take care of the necessary documents prematurely:
    • the presence of an invoice received from a Chinese supplier. Contains information about the cargo, type of packaging, quantity;
    • certificate for transported products;
    • customs declaration;
    • documents of the person involved in the passage of cargo across the border.
  2. With the permission of the customs authorities, interested parties can take samples (samples) of products under customs control, and who exactly belongs to them is not regulated by the Code.
  3. Products that have not passed customs control may be returned back or detained by customs authorities, depending on the situation.

In addition to the list presented, it should be mentioned that only subjects of foreign economic activity (FEA) are allowed to import goods into the territory of the Union countries for the purpose of entrepreneurial activity, for which it is necessary to have the appropriate registration with the customs authorities.

Procedure price

When planning to establish stable ones, it is first recommended to calculate the cost of processing the imported goods.

The following factors must be taken into account:

  1. The total quantity of all consignments.
  2. Determining properties of products regarding weight and volume, together with excise taxes.
  3. The number of completed and missing supporting documentation.

If you contact customs brokers, you should understand that the cost of their services will also include approximate calculations, so you can do them yourself.

This is done with the obligatory selection of the TN VED code and the inclusion of the cost of the products included in the declaration. For a quick calculation, you can use the information given in the table below.

Table 1. Calculation of customs clearance tariffs from China.

Coefficient of "customs clearance", % The cost of a consignment, thousand rubles.
500 Less than 200
1 000 201 to 450
2 000 From 451 to 1200
5 000 From 1201 to 2500
7 500 From 2,501 to 5,000
20 000 From 5,001 to 10,000
50 000 From 10,001 to 30,000
100 000 From 30 001 and more

The calculation of the duty in favor of the state is determined based on the percentage value of the value of the goods transported. The calculation of the duty itself is indicated in the place next to the nomenclature code. However, the procedure has its own nuances that are typical for a number of product groups.

For example, a groupage cargo consisting of handmade tracksuits with an attached FEA code 6112120000 is subject to a state duty of 10% of the total value given in or another document, depending on the situation.

Transportation in a package is calculated based on the scheme of 3 euros per 1 kg of customs cargo.

Considering that this group of goods is imported by the piece, customs duties are determined according to a similar methodology. In the case of the work of the owner of the goods on the principle of EXW (self-export), the determination of the cost of customs duties is carried out in accordance with the existing invoice.

It is added to the border of one of the countries of the Customs Union or a point located at the airport, in case of arrival by plane.

As an example, you can use the diagram below:

  1. The customs value of office equipment is 10,000 euros, the applicable duty is 20%, VAT is 18.
  2. The “Value” is multiplied by the “Duty”: 10,000 * 20% = 2,000. This is how the “Amount of the Duty” in euros is calculated.
  3. The received “Duty” is added to the “Cost”: 10,000 + 2,000 = 12,000.
    4. The last number is multiplied by VAT: 12,000 * 18% "VAT": 2,000 + 2,160 = 4,160.
  4. The resulting value is the amount that must be paid for customs clearance of imported goods used as an example.

Features related to VAT practically do not create problems. The coefficient inherent in this value is written in the form of a code for each group of goods. For all cases, a ratio of 0 to 18% applies.

Therefore, to determine it, only the following information is required:

  1. Full name of the cargo and each type of goods in particular.
  2. Net weight taken from the invoice.
  3. Purchase price documented.

Container transportation

As mentioned earlier, there are two ways to clear containerized cargoes:

  1. Deliver the cargo to the customs point and independently prepare the documentation, starting with registering as a participant in foreign economic activity with the customs authority. To do this, you will need to provide all the necessary package of papers characteristic of an individual entrepreneur or legal entity. Further, he performs the actions disclosed earlier and carries out the "customs clearance" of the cargo.
  2. The second option involves the use of the services of cargo companies. Specialized in this type of activity, they have standard "templates" of actions and will perform the necessary work in a short time. In this case, there is an option to completely entrust the goods. This will allow the owner of the cargo to wait for his arrival at home, doing other activities.

It is possible to track the location of the property using the track code on the carrier's website. The advantage of container transportation is that the cargo is packed in a closed container and delivered in it to the carrier's warehouse without additional reloading.

This reduces the likelihood of damage as a result of loading and unloading operations. You can see the estimated cost in the table below.

Table 2. Cost of container transportation.

In this example, the shipping direction is Shenzhen - Moscow. Information about the cost of insurance is taken from the calculation of the proposals of IC "Consent". The current Customs legislation allows the delivery of Chinese cargo to Russia without payment of duties only in the case of passing through the "green corridor", which was mentioned earlier.

At present, China is still the most attractive place to buy goods due to low prices. In addition, over the past decade, the quality of Chinese goods has increased markedly. In China, you can buy not only consumer goods, but also high-quality goods, which at the same time will be noticeably cheaper than analogues produced in another country. Many Russian companies sell Chinese goods, but it will be much more profitable for your business to purchase from Chinese suppliers, and even better, directly from Chinese factories. At the same time, the price will be 5 or even 10 times less than that of Russian suppliers.

But here the question immediately arises, how to bring goods from China and clear it through customs. In this article, we will try to briefly familiarize ourselves with the question of how to bring goods from China and clear them through customs, as well as give some advice.

First you need to find a supplier in China. There are several options, with their pros and cons. The easiest and most affordable option is to search for a supplier on online trading platforms. You can also fly to China on your own, for example, to the Canton Exhibition, which is held 2 times a year. A huge number of different suppliers come to it with a demonstration of their goods. If you do not have enough experience in working with China or if you do not have the opportunity to independently organize a train there, then it makes sense to contact a company that will help you find a supplier for a fee. Read more about how to find a supplier in ours.

After the supplier is found and the goods are purchased, it is necessary to deliver them correctly from China to Russia. There are no problems with the delivery of a small consignment of goods for personal use, but with a commercial one it will be more difficult. You need to be a Sole Proprietor or LLC as individuals cannot receive commercial shipments. In addition, you must be registered as a participant in foreign economic activity in order to trade with China. You can read more about how to become a participant in foreign economic activity on our website.

How to bring cargo from China to Russia

In China, you will need to find a transport company and draw up a contract for the transport of a commercial consignment. You will also need to decide on the method of delivery, the most optimal is the delivery of groupage cargo by road, combining short terms and low cost. If you need delivery in the shortest possible time, then your choice is air transport, but it is noticeably more expensive than other methods of transportation. When the deadlines are not running out for you, then you should use the railway transport and save a lot on delivery. If you are buying goods in a container, then it would be more appropriate to use sea container transportation, this is the cheapest and most reliable way, but also the slowest, in addition, you will need to organize the removal of cargo from the port.

As a rule, goods are delivered from China by multimodal transportation, and here it is important to carefully work out your route in order to find a golden mean between the time and cost of delivery.

So you will need to complete the customs clearance of your consignment of goods with the payment of all duties and charges, read more about this in ours. In addition, some products may require mandatory certificates, which you will learn about obtaining from our. Once your item has been cleared through customs and all duties have been paid, you will need to arrange shipping to your warehouse.

And this is just a brief description of what you have to do. Delivery from China does not forgive incompetence and mistakes, you can not only lose your time and money, but also not bring the goods you need at all. Therefore, if you are new to the specifics of working with China, it is better to contact a transport company that specializes in this route.

Our transport company "Dobroezzhev" provides services for the delivery and customs clearance of goods from China. We know how to bring cargo from China to Russia in the shortest possible time with minimal costs for you. We deliver under your contract and offer you a full range of turnkey services. We control the entire process of customs clearance and give you a first-hand service, saving you from working with several companies. We have warehouses in Russia and China.

We also provide services for finding suppliers, our specialists in the Chinese city of Yiwu will select the necessary product for you at an attractive price. You can fill out your application for the export of goods directly on our website at a convenient time for you using a special service. A toll-free number also works for you. 8-800-7777-188 , our managers will answer your questions and help with the application.

Finding a manufacturer or its dealer in China is not as difficult as it seems. At the service of the entrepreneur are the AliExpress and AliBaba websites, where you can compare prices, choose the best offer and contact the supplier directly. It is also possible through companies cooperating with Chinese manufacturers. Including those based in China. Finally, you can personally come to one of the industrial exhibitions and establish contacts. The latter, however, will be too expensive. It is easier and cheaper to contact the manufacturer remotely.

How profitable is it to cooperate with Chinese manufacturers?

In general, it is beneficial to cooperate with manufacturers, but a lot depends on the type of product, the distance over which the goods will have to be transported, and the conditions of the supplier.

Not everything is so clear.

If you compare a Chinese manufacturer with a wholesale company from which you can purchase the same product, direct cooperation will save at least 10%. The wholesaler always makes his extra charge, including in the cost and delivery. On the other hand, a lot depends on the size of your order.

Consider an example:

You plan to order 5000 items. At the wholesaler (intermediary) one item costs $2. From the manufacturer - $ 1.5. If you order from the manufacturer, you will save $2500. You will spend from $500 (by sea) to $5000 (by rail) for delivery. By choosing , you will also have to pay for the delivery to your warehouse. Its cost depends on the distance separating you from the port, as well as the nature of the cargo. It could be $100 or $1000. If you use the services of customs brokers, you will have to invest another $100-200.

If you are willing to wait and work in a port city where the cargo is supposed to arrive, you will spend up to $800-900 on shipping. Add to this duties, delivery around the city to your warehouse, services of customs brokers. Of the $2,500 you save, $1,000-1,500 will be left. Beneficial enough.

If you do not live in a port city, the total costs will be higher. Delivery can cost from $100 to $1000-2000 (depending on distance, type, volume, weight, policy, etc.). The cost may be higher. Obviously, it makes sense to save only with large parties.

What's better? From the point of view of the final cost of the goods, there is not much difference: even if the supplier himself is involved in the delivery, he includes all costs in the price. With regard to risks, the first option is optimal: this way you can fully control the process, however, in this case, you take on all the issues of transportation in China and clearance at the Chinese customs point.

How to protect yourself from risks and marriage?

By cooperating with a Chinese manufacturer, you are at risk. There are only two risks:

  • the supplier will receive an advance payment, but will not ship the goods;
  • the product will be of insufficient quality and will not meet the stated requirements.

They cheat by not sending the goods, fraudulent suppliers. Protecting yourself from them is not as difficult as it seems. Before sending an advance payment, check the reputation of the seller. This can be done directly on the Internet site where you found the supplier. If you work through a specialized company, there should be no problems.

You can protect yourself from fraud by paying for the goods only after receiving them. If you incur delivery, arrange with the carrier to pay for it on the spot.

Almost every buyer runs into low-quality goods. Nothing can be done about it: manufacturers working in the budget price segment (which is what wholesalers from Russia are most often interested in) will try their best to save money. If you want the product to have the declared quality, check it. Ideally, come to China, look at the goods in person, go (if allowed) to the workshop, look at the production process. Particular attention should be paid to colors: in China, colors can easily be confused.

If you do not have the opportunity to come personally, use the services of a company that works with Russian wholesalers and is located in China. Its representatives will check the goods. Such services are inexpensive - about $ 100. You can also order a small trial batch.

Customs clearance

In addition to shipping, you will have to pay duties and fees if you are using a broker. The amount of the duty depends on the number of goods, the total cost of the consignment, the TNVED code. The cost of registration also depends on the size of the lot and the type of goods.

Customs clearance is carried out upon arrival in Russia:

  • at the Russian border, if you are transporting cargo by land;
  • at the airport at ;
  • seaport (Novorossiysk, St. Petersburg), if the cargo is transported by sea.

You need to prepare the following documents:

  • agreement with the supplier;
  • invoices;
  • certificates (if required);
  • contract with the carrier;
  • receipts for payment of goods;
  • transaction passport;
  • packing list.

Customs inspectors will need to provide documents of the buyer and the carrier. After registration at the customs office, your documents will be checked. If everything is in order, you will need to calculate the amount of duties and other fees, pay them, provide documents confirming payment to the inspectors. Then the cargo will be released.

They are often opened at the customs point, and the documents for the cargo itself are checked with special attention. Make sure that the information provided in the documents is correct.

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