Lobanov Sergey Viktorovich FTS. Wash people. When will Belyaninov be tried?


On the case of alcohol smuggling, FSB officers came. Searches were also carried out at the offices of the Arsenal insurance company and the apartment of its co-owner Sergei Lobanov, whom investigators believe is a participant in illegal schemes for the supply of goods to Russia. Judging by the structure of his business, Mr. Lobanov preferred to formally act as a minority shareholder, but he worked with serious partners - among them there were large Russian and Moldovan businessmen.

While the investigators studied the contents of drawers and cabinets in the country house of the now ex-head of the Federal Customs Service Andrei Belyaninov under cameras, another group of their colleagues seized documents in the offices of Arsenal Insurance Company LLC. As Kommersant's interlocutors in the Investigative Committee (IC) explained at the time, Mr. Lobanov interested them not by chance, since "he acted as the founder of at least 15 different companies whose activities are closely connected with the FCS of Russia." "During the searches, items and documents that are important for the investigation of the criminal case were seized," Vladimir Markin, an official representative of the Investigative Committee, said on Tuesday.

We are talking about a criminal case involving an influential St. Petersburg businessman and owner of the Forum holding. Dmitry Mikhalchenko. He is accused of smuggling elite alcohol, and the investigators are sure that the case could not have been done without customs officers. In the criminal scheme, according to the UK, the company "Kontrail Logistic North-West" and its co-owner Anatoly Kindzersky, who had already made a deal with the investigation, were involved. In his testimony, he allegedly said that his company received the status of an authorized economic operator, which allows minimizing the time and cost of customs operations. According to investigators, Sergei Lobanov assisted in the implementation of the schemes. Kommersant tried to figure out how the latter's business works and who else is among its partners.

"Seventh water on jelly"

The first point that needs to be clarified is that most of the media made a mistake from the very beginning, calling Sergei Lobanov a former adviser to Andrei Belyaninov. In fact, the adviser to the head of the FCS since 2013 was Sergey Viktorovich Lobanov, who previously headed the main organizational and inspection department in the service.

The co-owner of the Arsenal insurance company is Sergey Yuryevich Lobanov. Little is known about him. A year ago in an inheritance investigation FSUE "Rostek", Vedomosti sources called Lobanov's son-in-law Andrei Belyaninov - the husband of his daughter Svetlana (also Vedomosti traced the connection in the past of some structures in which Sergey Lobanov participates, with the business of Andrey Belyaninov's wife Lyudmila). In Arsenal itself, however, this was denied. The Omsk-Inform agency recently conducted its own and is already linking Sergei Yuryevich Lobanov with Sergei Viktorovich, claiming that both come from Omsk. Sources of Kommersant, who worked with Sergei Yuryevich Lobanov, note: “There were rumors that they were relatives with Belyaninov, but seventh water on jelly. So that the son-in-law - never sounded.

In any case, the allegedly vast holding of 15 companies associated with customs, mentioned by the investigators, based on the data of kartoteka.ru, looks like some exaggeration, although Sergei Lobanov found very interesting former and current partners.

According to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, Mr. Lobanov became a shareholder of Arsenal Insurance Company LLC (they declined to comment) in January 2011 through Eloko LLC, receiving 49%. His partners in the insurance business were Gennady Eliseev and Anatoly Sandimirov, the current general director of Arsenal. Since then, the structure of LLC owners has changed several times, and today Sergey Lobanov owns 33.2% through Arsenal-Capital LLC.

Messrs. Lobanov and Sandimirov are also partners in one more insurance business - Arsenal MS LLC, where they own 70% and 30% respectively. We are talking about the renamed Crimean Medical Insurance Company, which Anatoly Sandimirov, a native of the RESO insurance group, registered in 2014. Then, in an interview with TASS, he claimed that he was creating the first medical insurance company on the peninsula. Sergey Lobanov became the main owner of Arsenal MS LLC at the beginning of 2015, the company is still engaged in compulsory medical insurance in Crimea. Until the middle of last year, Mr. Sandimirov was a partner of Mr. Lobanov and in his main holding company, OOO Arsenal-Capital, but then he left its capital.

Minority shareholder for relations with customs

Arsenal-Capital was established in 2014, and since 2015 the company has become the center of the assets of a businessman who consolidated 100% in it by December. Arsenal-Capital has 11 subsidiaries, and in most cases we are talking about minority shares. Three of them are directly and obviously connected with the customs business: Premier Finance LLC, OST-Terminal LLC and Opinter LLC. The first two are operators of temporary storage warehouses (TSW) in the Moscow region. On the territory of "Premier Finance" there is a Kyiv customs post. "OST-Terminal" - temporary storage warehouse in Krasnoznamensk. "Opinter" - a customs representative, "providing a full range of services."

Yaroslav Olegovich Potanin and Sergei Leonidovich Batekhin are Arsenal-Capital's partners in all three companies. According to Kommersant sources, we are talking about the younger brother of the co-owner and president of MMC Norilsk Nickel Vladimir Potanin and Senior Vice President, Head of Sales, Commerce and Logistics at the same company. In Premier Finance and OST-Terminal, Yaroslav Potanin has 28.8%, Sergei Batekhin has 51.2%, and Arsenal-Capital owns 20% each. In Opinter, Sergey Lobanov's company has 50%, Potanin and Batekhin have 18% and 32%, respectively. On the website of Premier Finance, LLC M-Logistics is indicated as a customs broker. Its owner is the Cypriot Nakisha Holdings, which until the end of 2015 also owned Premier Finance.

Norilsk Nickel declined to comment. A Kommersant source familiar with the situation explained that we are talking about "the remnants of a large logistics project that Interros planned to develop (Vladimir Potanin's holding. - Kommersant") under the leadership of Sergei Batekhin." Indeed, in 2010, Interros, together with the Kratos group and Air Bridge Cargo, announced the construction of a cargo terminal at Sheremetyevo. The head of the Federal Air Transport Agency Sergey Neradko and Andrey Belyaninov also signed the agreement of intent for the implementation of the project. A similar project was planned at the Yemelyanovo airport in Krasnoyarsk, Norilsk was to become the third reference point in Russia.

As it turned out now, the plans were even wider and included, among other things, customs and logistics terminals outside airports, and so Premier Finance and OST-Terminal appeared. Their main shareholder was Vladimir Potanin, while his younger brother (as a financial investor) and Sergey Batekhin (as the main ideologist and driving force of the project) received minority shares. According to Kommersant's sources, at the same time Sergey Lobanov also appeared among the partners - just through the Arsenal insurance company, which served the participants in the customs business, providing guarantees. According to one of Kommersant’s interlocutors, the first task and contribution of Mr. Lobanov to the business was financial and “core customs” services (therefore, Arsenal-Capital has half in Opinter, and only minority shares in temporary storage warehouses), although he also contributed certain funds to projects.

Kommersant's interlocutors doubt that the partners needed Sergey Lobanov as a serious lobbyist, drawing attention to the fact that Norilsk Nickel itself is a major subject of foreign economic activity and its managers and owners already have serious ties with customs. Sergey Lobanov, on the other hand, acted as a "convenient and reliable industry partner." His participation in business management was, the sources of Kommersant specify, was small, partners met infrequently. The scale of activity itself also turned out to be small: the turnover of each terminal is 250-300 million rubles. per year, although with a fairly high (about 50%) margin. Moreover, as a result, Interros failed to implement a large-scale logistics project. The terminal at Sheremetyevo, a key one for the entire chain, had to be sold in 2013 to TPS Avia Holding by Arkady Rotenberg and Alexander Ponomarenko, who launched a campaign to consolidate assets at the airport. After that, Vladimir Potanin began to withdraw from all core assets. The terminal in Yemelyanovo received Kratos in 2015, and shares in small logistics assets were re-registered to Sergey Batekhin for sale. Changes in their shareholder structure in 2015, clarifies one of Kommersant's interlocutors, are, in fact, deoffshorization, they occurred in connection with the adoption of the law on controlled foreign companies.

These assets no longer have anything to do with Norilsk Nickel and Vladimir Potanin. Negotiations with potential buyers, according to Kommersant's sources, are ongoing, investigative actions at the enterprises have not yet been conducted, the "customs case" has not affected their work.

Apparently, minority participation is one of Sergey Lobanov's key tactics in business, including customs. So, among the subsidiaries of Arsenal-Capital is Alfa Trans LLC registered in the Smolensk region (29%), which in 2013 provided customs services for 84 thousand rubles, in 2015 - for 78.5 thousand rubles . The holding company also owns 40% in the Sintekh customs broker (another 60% belongs to Nikolai Zhuravlev).

And already very small shares in Sergei Lobanov in a number of companies providing dry cleaning and cleaning services. According to kartoteka.ru, Arsenal-Capital owns 5% each in Rivest-Service LLC (established in 2003), Zheldor-Service LLC (in 2005) and Neva-Proekt LLC (also established in 2005). All companies are actively working on a state contract, serving departmental sanatoriums, large hospitals and clinics. For example, Zheldor-service earned 1.89 million rubles from the state contract in 2010, and by 2016 it signed contracts for 5.76 million rubles. "Neva-Project" works with the state less successfully: if in 2010 contracts were concluded for more than 160 million rubles, then five years later - only 212 thousand rubles. Rivest Service, which also serves institutions such as sanatoriums of the Federal Penitentiary Service, received contracts for more than 4 million rubles in 2010, and for 616 million rubles only at the beginning of 2016. These dry cleaners served, in particular, the Central Clinical Hospital of the Federal Customs Service.

Moldovan trace

Sergey Lobanov's connection with Moldova was discovered in 2015. Formally, we are talking about business, but by a number of indirect signs it can be established that Mr. Lobanov is associated with an influential local oligarch, deputy chairman of the ruling Democratic Party, Vladimir Plahotniuc, who is considered the real leader of the country, although he never held positions in the state structures of the republic.

The name of Mr. Lobanov first surfaced in Moldova on October 23, 2015. Then the Cypriot Insidown LTD, which owns 39.2% of the bank's shares, nominated four citizens of the Russian Federation to the administrative board of one of the largest Moldovan banks - Victoriabank. The bank is still considered to be under the control of Vladimir Plahotniuc, who from April 2005 to May 2006 was the deputy chairman of its administrative council, and from May 2006 to January 2011 - the chairman of the bank's council. At that time, Insidown's candidates were Alisa Aladinskaya, financial adviser to the president of the Russian insurance company Arsenal, Maria Vanchikova, head of the Arsenal presidential administration and Arsenal-Capital general director, and Arsenal president's adviser and general director of Pravda-Capital LLC (for 100 % belongs to Sergey Lobanov) Stepan Zhuravlev, as well as the deputy general director for legal issues of SVTS Group and the head of the legal department of the LAMA management company (Sergey Lobanov has an LLC with that name) Natalya Lobanova.

All, except for the last one, were elected to the administrative board of the bank, but did not submit documents to the Moldovan National Bank for approval in positions. As a result, on July 8, an extraordinary meeting of shareholders was held at Victoriabank. On it, Sergei Lobanov himself was elected to the administrative council from Insidown, as well as the former head of the Tax Service of Moldova, Ion Prisacaru, and the head of the administrative council of the Hendrix-Bail trading house, Andrei Cojocaru. They have not yet submitted documents to the National Bank for approval as members of the council.

Prior to his election to the bank's administrative board, Sergei Lobanov spoke very vaguely about his relationship with Insidown. “Back in the summer, I applied to the National Bank for permission to buy Insidown's stake (in Victoriabank). But so far I have not received an answer,” he said in the fall of 2015 in a commentary to the Moldovan resource NewsMaker. When asked how then one could explain the nomination of people working in Arsenal to the administrative board of Victoriabank, he then replied: “They probably liked them.”

Now it turns out that it is Mr. Lobanov who is behind Insidown. The question is, is this really the case. Insidown is a company with a very complicated history. Formed December 6, 2010. The founders are two other residents of Cyprus: Belserve Consultants Limited and Vaspaco Properties Limited, registered in 2006 and 1988, respectively, for individuals Mars Kallesi, Maria Papapavla, Irina Khanna. Victoriabank Insidown acquired shares on November 13, 2014 in small blocks of up to 5%. The permission was issued by the National Bank of Moldova. According to the documents submitted to the National Bank at the time, the ultimate owner of Insidown was a German citizen, dentist Peter Paul Fischer (Fischer Geb. Tabsch Peter Paul).

Kommersant's interlocutors close to Victoriabank, long before Sergey Lobanov's people were nominated to the administrative board of the bank, said that they did not believe that the dentist was the ultimate beneficiary of the company, and claimed that the owner of Arsenal was behind Insidown. According to them, a Moldovan businessman, the husband of the Russian singer Jasmine, acted as an intermediary in the deal to buy the shares of the bank offshore Ilan Shor, who has very extensive connections in Russian power circles.

A good idea about the level of contacts of Mr. Shor is given by his wife's Instagram - there you can find pictures of the Shor couple at various celebrations with the participation of the former manager of the President of the Russian Federation, and now an assistant to the head of state Vladimir Kozhin, Honorary President of the Russian Olympic Committee Leonid Tyagachev. According to Kommersant's information, Mr. Shor maintained relations with the now former chief customs officer of Russia. The latter, being on good terms with the leadership of Kyrgyzstan, allegedly assisted the Moldovan entrepreneur when he decided to open duty-free shops at the airports of Bishkek and Osh. Stores are open and working.

Now Ilan Shor is in the Chisinau pre-trial detention center on charges of involvement in "theft of the century"- the withdrawal in 2014 from the Banca de Economii, Unibank and Banca Sociala under his control of the amount equivalent to $ 1 billion. Last fall - before being arrested - Ilan Shor testified against the former prime minister of Moldova Vladimir Filat, who was recently sentenced to nine years in prison for corruption. Most of all, his old and main enemy, Vladimir Plahotniuc, was interested in the landing of Mr. Filat. By the way, last year Mr. Shor was banned from entering Russia. Kommersant's interlocutor in the Russian government claims that the ban is due to the fact that the businessman "corrupts everyone he sees" and poses a threat to national security.

There is one more detail in the history of Insidown, which indicates that this company is not a stranger to Vladimir Plahotniuc. The NewsMaker edition found that people from the oligarch's entourage are connected with Insidown. The insidown.com domain, identical to the offshore name, was registered in German jurisdiction by a citizen of Moldova, Mihai Cucos. Mr. Cucos, according to the database of the tax inspectorate, represents the interests of the Finpar Invest company, which owns the land on which the Chisinau Nobil Hotel, owned by Vladimir Plahotniuc, is built. The insidown.com domain was registered to the Cypriot offshore Insidown on February 2, 2015. The company is registered in the German system for registration and management of domains Key-Systems GMBH in the name of the aforementioned Peter Paul Fischer. Although Mr. Fisher is listed as the domain registrar, the column "registrar's email address" says [email protected] According to the MoldData.md database, the econet.md domain is registered in the name of Mihai Cucos from the email address [email protected] Mihai Kukos himself told reporters that he did not remember if he registered this domain.

The real role of Sergei Lobanov in Moldovan business remains unclear. According to Novaya Gazeta, we are talking about joint projects with Ilan Shor, which have one or another connection with the customs business, including projects for the transportation, supply of Moldovan goods to Russia and the organization of duty free shops at automobile checkpoints across the border.

How the Lobanov clan mastered the FCS

The original of this material
© RIA "Omsk-inform", 07/29/2016, Omsk trace: customs "Octopus" or just a family business?

Oleg Sidorkin

On Thursday, July 28, Russian President Vladimir Putin dismissed the head of the Federal Customs Service, Andrei Belyaninov. This was preceded by information in the federal media about searches at Belyaninov's house, as well as at the place of residence and work of Sergey Lobanov, president of Arsenal Insurance Company LLC. The latter may be directly related to Omsk.

This advanced and very successful young man, according to the federal media, is the founder of at least 15 companies that are closely connected with the FCS of Russia in their activities. In addition, he was an adviser to the now ex-head of the department, Belyaninov.

First of all, we drew attention to the fact that the mentioned Sergey Lobanov apparently lived in Omsk, since in the materials of the SPARK system his TIN begins with 55. Indeed, among the graduates of Omsk State University there is Sergey Yuryevich Lobanov, who with a high degree of probability is the son of Sergey Viktorovich Lobanov. The biography of the latter, it seems to us, is very typical for modern Russia and can largely explain the essence of what is happening in the capital's offices and country houses.

The elder Lobanov lived and worked in Omsk, and also served with Belyaninov and, after his retirement, continued to work under him at Novikombank OJSC. But, according to Muscovites, the families of Belyaninov and Lobanov became especially close after the next transfer of both to the civil service in the Federal Customs Service of Russia, where the latter was appointed to the general position - head of the Main Organizational and Inspection Department. Many, including journalists, at that time called Sergei Lobanov "the right hand" of the boss.

Omsk’s customs career was swift and cloudless, but a terrible thing happened: the security service of the FSB of Russia revealed that his father and son, as well as his wife, by the way, an employee of the presidential administration of the Russian Federation, had special coupons issued by the Moscow traffic police for personal, very expensive cars. The issuance of such coupons is allowed only to individual official vehicles of special law enforcement agencies. Soon after the public scandal, Lobanov Sr. became Belyaninov's adviser, taking his son into the apparatus.

Omsk University could be proud of the outstanding success in the business of its graduate: he contributed more than 630 million rubles to the authorized capital of the 15 companies mentioned above. And this is only the first cut of his business empire, since Arsenal Insurance Company LLC has established four firms, Lama Investment Company LLC has 12, and Arsenal-Capital LLC has 11 firms, etc. Thus , 30-year-old Sergey Lobanov is the owner of a huge number of firms, insurance companies, banks. But who is the actual owner?

Maybe someone who owns a house on the banks of the Ruza River with an area of ​​just over 1600 square meters. meters, and his wife, who received a legal profit in 2015 in her own company that leases real estate, in the amount of more than 46 million rubles. But the cost of the Belyaninovs' house in the Moscow region exceeds several hundred million rubles at market prices, and judging by the profits, her own real estate, which is so successfully rented out, is already worth more than 1 billion rubles.

It is authentically known that the son of Sergei Lobanov and the daughter of Belyaninov Svetlana ran a joint business, and the evil scribblers in the yellow publications gossiped about the supposedly warmer relations of the young. A few years ago, there were rumors among businessmen in Omsk about a fabulously rich young Muscovite, Sergei Lobanov, who had deposited several hundred million rubles of his enterprise's money on deposits in Omsk banks.

Therefore, the money that Belyaninov extracted from a shoe box during operational shooting in the hallway of his house is, perhaps, pocket money for weekly needs: go to a restaurant, play in a casino, again fly somewhere to sunbathe. There remains a ghostly hope that the “ice has broken”: political will has appeared in the country, and our Russian “commissar Cataño” will put everything in its place, but the name of Belyaninov’s daughter Svetlana - Serdyukova - returns to real life again.

Yesterday a Moscow court sentenced a lieutenant general of the customs service to 6.5 years in a strict regime colony for receiving a 30% kickback from supplier firms. If we estimate the scale of the family business of only two people involved in the scandal, then it probably amounts to tens of billions, but the damage to the Russian budget from the “selfless service” of customs “werewolves in uniform” seems to be in the hundreds of billions. [...]

Undercover intrigues in the case of the former chief customs officer of the country.

In July last year, operatives from the Department of Internal Security (SSB) of the FSB came with searches to the then head of the Federal Customs Service (FCS) Andrey Belyaninov. Photos from Belyaninov's house, in which he, in a tracksuit, took out shoe boxes with cash from the mezzanine, instantly spread around the Internet and became the main topic of news releases on federal television.

At that time, few people had any doubts that the broadcast of the interior of the Belyaninov house in the context of news about the criminal case was standard information support for the further “landing”. These are the laws of the genre: if footage of a search is shown on TV, the hero of the plot will most likely change his mansion to the cell of the Lefortovo pre-trial detention center.

However, contrary to established practice, no charges were brought against Belyaninov - the next day he submitted his resignation, and information about the search disappeared from the news reports.

Since then, television has returned to the customs theme twice. First, on December 1, 2016, during the presidential address to the Federal Assembly, when Vladimir Putin appealed to the audience: “Unfortunately, it has become a practice for us to raise an information noise around the so-called high-profile cases. And often representatives of investigative and law enforcement agencies sin with this. I want to draw attention to this. The fight against corruption is not a show” (at that moment the camera snatched the figure of Security Council Secretary Nikolai Patrushev). Then on December 23, during the annual press conference: “There was no case against Belyaninov. And the pre-investigation actions and searches thrown out in the media are unacceptable!”

Such a speech by the president left no doubt: the search in the house of Andrei Belyaninov, which led to his resignation, pursued a number of goals that were not brought to the attention of society.

Six months later, we fill in the gap and reveal the circumstances of the investigative actions in the house of the former head of the Federal Customs Service.

Why was the search carried out on the eve of the meeting between the head of the FCS and the president, how did it lead to the resignations of influential Lubyanka generals and the actual collapse of the most powerful service of the FSB, and why does the Investigative Committee continue to investigate the case, the defendants of which may be people from the closest circle of the ex-head of customs.

... In early September last year, the senior investigator for especially important cases of the Main Investigation Department (GSU) of the TFR in Moscow, Alexei Yefimov, arrived at the Medved detention center. By that time, Lieutenant General of the Customs Service Alexei Shashaev, a close friend of the recently retired head of the Federal Customs Service Andrei Belyaninov, had been in custody for a little over a month and therefore perceived the young "important" with anxiety. In July, the general was sentenced to five years in prison on charges of fraud, and before leaving for the colony, which was preceded by an appeal in the Moscow City Court, he did not count on another meeting with the investigating authorities.

However, this young investigator was very different from those who had recently sent him to prison: he politely apologized for the disturbance, inquired about his well-being and conditions of detention, offered to smoke.

Gradually, the conversation between the investigator and the prisoner on abstract topics began to flow into an interrogation, from which Shashaev understood the reason for Efimov’s visit: the ICR resumed the investigation of a criminal case concerning the execution of a contract for the development of complex software for the needs of the Federal Customs Service. Shashaev, who signed the certificate of completion under this contract, was to be interrogated as a witness.

Oleg Shashaev

The general did not have time to get upset by this circumstance - the very first questions on the merits of the case returned him to working condition. Difficult-to-pronounce phrases like "integrated components", which seemed to the investigator part of a tongue twister, for Shashaev were more like control words that trigger the thought process.

When the interrogated person realized that he was speaking with the investigator in different languages, he took a sheet of paper and began to draw a diagram. The lessons of artistic skill lasted more than three hours, during which investigator Efimov listened attentively to the general. “If I were free, I would have brought this matter to an end,” Shashaev said at the end of the interrogation, and neatly expressed his surprise at the suddenly re-emerging interest of the ICR in the information support of the customs authorities. And the investigator, who had previously preferred not to discuss the reasons for the resumption of the investigation, this time dropped for some reason: “You understand, the war of the special services continues.”

Conspiracy of the Generals

On July 21, 2016, the senior command staff of the 6th FSB CSS service carefully studied photographs of the land taken from a quadrocopter flying over the elite Konakovo district of the Tver region. There was a catastrophic lack of time even for the prompt installation of the object of interest, as some operatives of the FSB CSS would later explain - they were given less than a week to prepare the search.

The operational task itself also looked ridiculous - to seize everything that is of high value.

True, for the operas of the service, which took part in almost all the high-profile arrests of federal and regional officials in recent years, the rich interiors of huge mansions have long turned into mediocre scenery - without the help of experts, they have already learned to distinguish expensive paintings from fakes, and unique jewelry from cheap jewelry.

The object of the upcoming "raid", which was supposed to be the head of the FCS Andrei Belyaninov, also did not cause any emotions among the FSB officers. You never know these were - the former governor of the Sakhalin region Alexander Khoroshavin with kilograms of gold jewelry, the ex-head of the Komi Republic Yuri Gaizer with countless houses and apartments. As one of the officers explains, "everyone looks the same."

Another thing is the powerful generals of the Lubyanka, who dreamed of reaching out to the Glaali with their own multi-page certificates on "red forms" with an empty resolution - a signature on familiarization, without instructions on further actions. The country's foreign customs officer for the past four years. Over the past few months, at least twice they reported to the president about violations in the system of customs authorities, but in response they received

And on the eve of the head of the 6th service of the CSS FSB, Colonel Ivan Tkachev, they finally issued an order to prepare a search at Andrei Belyaninov's. The first steps of the 6th service of the FSB CSS were reminiscent of organizing the filming of a television reality show: both houses, apartments and Belyaninov’s office in the FCS building on Novozavodskaya Street were equipped with objective monitoring tools, and all contacts and movements of the “object” were reported online. up."

There seemed to be enough reasons for the FSB to invade the adjacent special service - the customs was shaken by high-profile corruption scandals, mainly related to the work of the North-Western Customs Administration (NWTU). A smuggling channel was opened in the zone of influence of NWTU, as a result of which some large business players ended up in custody.

It was the case of the illegal importation of several batches of alcohol under the guise of building sealant, which was investigated in the central office of the ICR, and should have become the basis for the production of operational and investigative actions in the FCS. And the senior investigator for especially important cases of the Main Investigative Directorate of the ICR Sergey Novikov, who often investigated cases together with the 6th service of the Internal Security Service of the FSB, signed a decree on the production of urgent investigative actions in the home of Andrei Belyaninov.

“There was no time to wait for the court's sanction for the search,” explains the FSB officer, referring to the short timeframe of the operation.

Exactly one week later, on July 27, 2016, Andrei Belyaninov was to have a personal meeting with President Vladimir Putin, at which the head of customs planned to discuss his future.

Andrey Belyaninov had several options for employment, according to a government official familiar with him and an employee of the presidential administration. The most probable is the management bodies of Vnesheconombank. “Andrey once mentioned that he could head the state bank if the president gives the go-ahead,” a federal official familiar with Belyaninov indirectly confirms this.

The transition of high-ranking security officials to the banking business has not been surprising for a long time, but in the case of Belyaninov it even looked logical. The head of the Federal Customs Service, who in the 1980s was responsible for the material support of the Soviet residency in East Germany through the First Main Directorate of the KGB, connected part of his life with the financial market: in the period 1992-1999 he headed REA-bank and Novikombank, then founded his own Nefteprombank.

However, state-owned banks were far from the only potential place of work for Andrei Belyaninov. According to an employee of the presidential administration, for some time Belyaninov was considered for the post of head of the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR), which was preparing the resignation of Mikhail Fradkov.

“Belyaninov, if you put scandals aside, this is a biting and conflicting campaigner. Such a set of qualities corresponded to the priority tasks of the service - control of meetings of Russian officials abroad, search for their assets, and so on. And the president needs people who serve and report objective information, and do not bunch up and lead by the nose, ”says an employee of the presidential administration.

One way or another, Andrei Belyaninov did not have time to discuss a new job with Vladimir Putin: in the early morning of July 26 - the day before the scheduled meeting - three FSB task forces raided the building on Novozavodskaya Street and two country houses of the head of customs.

Andrey Belyaninov

"Button" under the president

Andrey Belyaninov, according to the FSB officer, was caught by special forces while fishing.

For several days now, the head of the FCS has been on official leave, which he spent at his dacha in Konakovo. The FSB was well aware of this, so at 5:00 a.m. they sent several Volkswagen minibuses there.

After a short altercation, Belyaninov was put into one of them and taken to the area of ​​New Moscow, where his main place of residence was located. According to one of the operatives, both mobile phones were immediately confiscated from the head of customs, and upon arrival at the main dwelling, they began to inventory the main valuables - money (in total, more than 66 million rubles were seized in various currencies), four paintings, two icons and a rare The Holy Coronation book. Alexander II.

Photos of the seized money, jewelry and paintings, taken by one of the members of the task force, even before the end of the search, circled the Internet and federal television channels: all day long news stories told about the luxurious life of another official who got into the FSB networks. Closer to midnight, television loosened its grip. “Apparently, the president turned on the TV for the first time at that time,” says an entrepreneur familiar with Belyaninov with irony.

“This is a rare case of disruption of the state mechanism. The “button” of the TV was turned on not just without the knowledge of the president, but in spite of him,” confirms an employee of the presidential administration and recalls Vladimir Putin’s reaction to searches during a message to the Federal Assembly: “In recent years, the President writes part of the texts during such events himself, by hand. This part [about Belyaninov] also wrote. This is not surprising. After such stories, people go to prison, and are not transferred to the personnel reserve. That's how it's done."

Photo of operational shooting during a search of the house of the head of the Federal Customs Service Belyaninov

Be that as it may, for Andrey Belyaninov this no longer mattered in principle. The game was played in one search - so a loyal member of the president's team turned into a person publicly rejected by the system.

Defeat of the "six"

Surprisingly enough, the meeting between Vladimir Putin and Andrei Belyaninov did take place on the appointed day. According to the FSB officer, because of this, investigator Novikov even had to postpone the interrogation of the head of the FCS for a day.

The result of an hour-long conversation with the president was the natural resignation of Belyaninov and the approval of the candidacy of the new head of customs, which was the presidential envoy to the Northwestern Federal District (NWFD) Vladimir Bulavin, a former subordinate of the Secretary of the Security Council Nikolai Patrushev. In October, after the expected resignation of Mikhail Fradkov, the Foreign Intelligence Service was headed by State Duma speaker Sergei Naryshkin, on whose initiative a Duma structure was created that studied abuses and violations in Belyaninov's department.

“Defeat comes after victory,” Andrei Belyaninov said at a farewell press conference.

The words of the now former head of the Russian customs turned out to be prophetic: within a month, eleven high-ranking officials left the law enforcement bloc - from the official representative of the TFR, Vladimir Markin, to one of the most influential generals of the Lubyanka, deputy head of the Internal Security Service of the FSB, Oleg Feoktistov. The first became the deputy head of RusHydro, the second headed the security service of Rosneft.

It was Feoktistov, according to our sources, as the founder and curator of the 6th service of the FSB CSS, who was one of the organizers of the search at Andrei Belyaninov's house.

Having gained fame thanks to the investigations of a number of high-profile criminal cases, the victims of which were, among other things, the head of the operational support department of the Federal Drug Control Service Alexander Bulbov and the head of the GUEBiPK of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Denis Sugrobov, General Feoktistov was considered the main contender for filling the post of head of the FSB CSS.

Almost immediately after his departure, the 6th service supervised by him lost the status of the most dangerous FSB unit: first, the “six” was deprived of the right to wiretap telephone conversations, and then other fundamental powers in the implementation of operational-search activities.

“This service will only deal with ensuring the physical security of persons subject to state protection,” the FSB officer believes, adding that after a search in the house of the head of the FCS, operational support for most high-profile criminal cases began to be carried out by the 2nd service of the FSB FSB, which competed with the Six.

For some time, the prospects of the chief executor of investigative actions in the FCS, the head of the 6th service of the CSS FSB, Ivan Tkachev, also looked vague. Shortly before the fatal search, Colonel Tkachev, who received the nickname Soldier from his colleagues for unquestioning obedience to orders from his superiors, was considered the main contender for the post of head of Directorate "K" of the SEB FSB. This division is engaged in counterintelligence support of the credit and financial sphere and is considered the most significant in the system of economic security - it, in particular, oversees the banking business and customs authorities.

It was this department that, on duty, fought with the department of Andrei Belyaninov, engaged in deep operational developments of his subordinates and initiating criminal cases.

At the end of September, Tkachev's candidacy was nevertheless agreed upon by the presidential assistant for personnel, Yevgeny Shkolov, and the most famous special officer of the Lubyanka was retrained as the chief financial counterintelligence officer.

In his new capacity, he will investigate a criminal case, the threads of which will again lead him to the office of the head of the FCS.

close circle

It is not known how the fate of the former Soviet intelligence officer Alexei Shashaev would have developed if he had not met Andrei Belyaninov in the early 90s. A graduate of the Faculty of Applied Mathematics of the Higher School of the KGB, Shashaev, unlike most of his classmates, after the collapse of the Soviet Union did not go over to the side of free capital, but remained loyal to the state security agencies. At Lubyanka, according to retired FSB officers who knew him, he was remembered for his service discipline and naivety, unusual for a Chekist. “He always believed in formal logic. This belief still prevents him from understanding what he is sitting for,” one of them jokes.

With his future boss Andrey Belyaninov, Shashaev, the interlocutor continues, first met during a trip through the Moscow region to the Rozhayka River, where once a week people from the KGB liked to while away the weekend.

Quite quickly, the FSB officer Shashaev and the banker Belyaninov became friends. “They are both jokers. Wherever we rested - in the forest, on the Pirogovsky or Ruzsky reservoirs - Lesha and Andrey turned on the audience. Lesha was a full-time guitarist, Andrey loved to sing, ”recalls an acquaintance of Shashaeva.

Andrei Belyaninov and Alexei Shashaev during one of the campaigns. Moscow region. Photo from Shashaev's personal archive.

In 2001, friendship grew into official relations: Alexei Shashaev, in the status of a staff member of the FSB, took the post of first deputy head of the information technology department of Rosoboronexport, which shortly before was headed by Andrei Belyaninov.

And in 2006, he followed his friend to the FCS, taking the post of head of the Main Directorate of Information Technology (GUIT), where he was responsible for the technical support of the department.

Formally, in customs, Shashaev was subordinate to Belyaninov's KGB colleague Vladimir Malinin, but in fact he worked with an eye on the Lubyanka that sent him. A year later, Shashaev will become the first career Chekist to take off his shoulder straps as an FSB colonel and transfer to the customs service (where he will soon rise to the rank of lieutenant general).

“Just at that time, Belyaninov was struggling with the guardianship of counterintelligence officers, seeking the abolition of the institution of seconded employees in relation to the FCS. At extended boards [of the FSB], he repeatedly stated that colleagues from the adjacent service interfere with the implementation of the tasks set by the president,” recalls the former high-ranking FSB officer.

It should be noted that Andrey Belyaninov's complaints were not without foundation - the FSB officers formed the backbone of the law enforcement structures of the Main Directorate for Combating Smuggling and the Anti-Corruption Department of the Federal Customs Service.

Having achieved the expulsion of seconded Chekists, Belyaninov closed the entire fight against smuggling on himself, in particular, depriving the FSB of the operational and technical capabilities of customs. “By the end of 2011, the Lubyanka had completely lost its influence on the processes inside the customs,” states the ex-FSB officer.

At the same time, the interlocutor continues, the special service stepped up measures to identify crimes of corruption in the customs authorities: “The first sign of an impending storm was the activation of Voronin (the former head of the K Department of the SEB FSB. - A.S.), who was associated with Belyaninov in general friendly relations. When Belyaninov expelled seconded employees, he did not touch Voronin's relative, who served in the USTM FCS (Department of Special Technical Measures. - A.S.).

The mobilization of the security forces touched even the State Duma, which is loyal to the FCS, within which a coordinating council was created on the problems of foreign economic activity. According to the former State Duma deputy, the initiative to create the council came from speaker Sergei Naryshkin, and the FSB was engaged in “substantial content” for the work of parliamentarians.

In the spring of 2012, a series of inspections and arrests of employees of the Risk and Operational Control Department of the Federal Customs Service, the Logistics Department, the Central Customs Administration and regional customs offices, as well as cargo carriers associated with them, began.

The 7th department of the Directorate "K" of the SEB FSB, which directly oversaw the work of the customs authorities, quickly became the department's record holder in the number of criminal cases initiated on the basis of the materials of its operational employees.

Sometimes security officers sold operational information through colleagues from the Ministry of Internal Affairs. According to former employees of the GUEBiPK of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, based on the materials of the FSB, in the summer of 2012, on suspicion of commercial bribery, they detained an adviser to the subordinate FCS FSUE ROSTEK Alexander Romanov, a native of the 9th department of the KGB and a longtime friend of Andrey Belyaninov.

According to investigators, Romanov, together with the management of one of the ROSTEK branches, illegally charged shippers money for the smooth and speedy clearance of their goods. In 2014, Romanov was sentenced to five years in prison. And although the name of Belyaninov was not mentioned at the stage of preliminary and judicial investigation, and after the arrest of Romanov, he himself conducted a tough official check, it became clear: the security forces headed for the environment of the head of the FCS.

Shashaev's case

In the fall of 2013, the 7th department of the Directorate "K" of the SEB FSB received operational information about possible violations in the execution of a state contract for the supply of Oracle software for the needs of the Federal Customs Service.

The initial price of the work was more than 322 million rubles and did not change during the auction, which served as a signal to the Chekists. The formation of the cost of work and the development of technical requirements for the participants in the auction was carried out by the Main Department of the Federal Customs Service, headed by Alexei Shashaev. The only allowed participant was SBL-Technologies LLC, which received the status of the exclusive distributor of the software product from the Russian representative office of Oracle.

A year after the conclusion of this contract, Vyacheslav Lysakov, director of SBL-Technologies LLC, applied to the FSB with a statement about a price collusion between the customer and his company, recognizing the damage caused to the state in the amount of more than 100 million rubles. According to Lysakov, familiar entrepreneurs Igor Beregovsky and Stanislav Sorokin approached him with a proposal to take part in the auction "on favorable terms". At the same time, as Lysakov said, businessmen informed him of the need to transfer 15% of the contract amount as a “kickback” for FCS officials.

Shortly before this, Lysakov himself had problems with law enforcement officers - and his statement looked more like part of a deal, and not a confession.

FSB operatives, using their applicant, organized several controlled meetings with Beregovsky and Sorokin, at which Lysakov, equipped with a complex of audio and video recording equipment, became interested in the recipients of the “kickback”. During these meetings, the names of Shashaev, Malinin and Belyaninov were called. As Lysakov later explains, he acted on the instructions of the employees of the 7th department of the Directorate "K" of the SEB FSB.

However, neither the results of the controlled meetings, nor the reports of wiretapping of telephone conversations gave the counterintelligence officers exhaustive evidence of the involvement of the FCS employees. Nevertheless, on December 13, a criminal case was opened in the Main Investigative Committee of the ICR for Moscow on the fact of fraud, in which Beregovsky and Sorokin were detained.

As the investigation established, the real cost of the work amounted to just over 180 million rubles, and part of the difference received was distributed by the participants in the crime under a fictitious subcontract concluded with a garbage company.

An important detail: the calculation of the real cost of the work at the request of the FSB was made by the Yekaterinburg CJSC ACS.

A week later, Elena Soboleva, the head of the planning department of the GUIT, was detained on suspicion of abuse of power, who, according to the investigation, gave the two defendants information about the parameters of the future contract that created competitive advantages for SBL-Technologies.

Almost a year later, in October 2014, Alexey Shashaev was among the suspects. According to investigators, the general prepared a budget request for financial support for the activities of the Main Directorate of Information Technologies of the Federal Customs Service, "deliberately inflating the costs of supplying and supporting information products." The only evidence of the guilt of the head of the GUIT was the testimony of Vyacheslav Lysakov, who, ironically, turned from an applicant into a suspect, and businessman Stanislav Sorokin, who entered into a pre-trial agreement.

The announcement of the verdict for all the defendants in the case, scheduled by the Tverskoy District Court for July 28, 2016, was postponed for an hour. When the judge began to read the terms, Dmitry Medvedev's order to terminate the powers of Andrei Belyaninov had already been signed.

6th lot

In November 2015, when Aleksey Shashaev was already under investigation, another search was carried out at the GUIT FCS.

More than two dozen employees of the FSB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the TFR seized documents and electronic media related to a contract for the development and implementation of a complex software product that automates customs workflows.

Within the walls of the FCS, this contract received the capacious name "6th Lot". A criminal case on the grounds of the same fraud was initiated against unidentified officials of the Federal Customs Service and the heads of the system developer, I-Teco CJSC. The applicant was the same CJSC ACS, whose calculations a year earlier allowed the FSB to convict General Shashaev's GUIT of price conspiracy.

The investigating authorities did not publicize this case, the investigation of which was suspended until the resignation of Andrei Belyaninov, and resumed a month later. “After the ugly dismissal of Belyaninov, it was decided to investigate the case quietly,” admits the FSB officer.

The essence of this criminal case is as follows.

In 2009, the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), within the framework of the development program for the Russian customs authorities, allocated EUR 14 million to the Federal Customs Service for the creation of a software product that would automate the main customs workflows.

An employee of the Federal Customs Service, who participated in the development of technical requirements for the program, describes this product figuratively: “Imagine a building - a foundation, four walls, a ceiling. This was the technical support of customs more than ten years ago. With the development of technology, “extensions” began to appear - software tools that simplify the activities of customs. Automation of all processes in the department, which brought more than half of the funds to the revenue side of the budget, was inevitable. But as a result, the "development" led to chaos - there were about 80 software tools in the FCS ... Then it was decided to reduce the number of programs to the ten most significant ones and tie them to a single integration "tire".

The winner of the open auction held by the IBRD was one of the leaders in the market of integration products - I-Teco CJSC. In 2013, the product supplied by the developers was accepted into the balance of the Federal Customs Service - Alexey Shashaev signed the act of work performed, and Vladimir Malinin, chairman of the supervisory board of the program, approved the acceptance.

However, customs officers did not begin to introduce the product into the FCS system, which was immediately noticed by the Accounts Chamber and the FSB.

“This is the problem of most control bodies - they study the investigation, but do not want to see the reasons,” the FCS officer complains and explains the essence of disagreements with law enforcement officers using another example: “At one time in the Orenburg region, on the border with Kazakhstan, a checkpoint was built - a complex of administrative buildings with a platform for car inspection. The construction had to spend up to half a billion rubles. Shortly before the commissioning of the facility, the Customs Union came: the collection of customs duties for the circulation of goods between Russia and Kazakhstan was canceled - the checkpoint was not needed. When we were accused of misuse of the budget, we shrugged our shoulders: who knew that Putin, Nazarbayev and Lukashenko would invent the EAEU and abolish the border? The situation is the same here, except that the object is not physical, but virtual. For four years, the rules for structuring data have changed utterly, and the developer created the product taking into account the old technical requirements. We appealed to the IBRD with a request to adjust the terms of reference in accordance with the new standards, but the bank's management did not go forward.”

When a credit burden of 14 million euros fell on Russia, the government ordered the FCS to modernize the resulting software product.

The competition for the modernization of one of the ten components - the management of customs revenues - was held only in 2015, and the same ACS CJSC became its winner. However, when the term of the contract was coming to an end, the management of ACS turned to the FSB. The essence of the statement was as follows: the FCS handed over “empty disks” to the contractor for modernization, which means that the money allocated for development was simply stolen. The FCS assures that the program is working, as evidenced by trial runs carried out in the presence of FSB officers.

According to the TFR, the software is currently undergoing a computer-technical examination in the Ministry of Justice, the results of which determine the fate of the criminal case. However, according to the FSB officer, the position of the investigation remains unchanged so far - there is a crime, which means that suspects should appear in the criminal case. The main "signatories" - Alexei Shashaev and Vladimir Malinin - are under attack.

Harbinger of the Storm

The new head of the Federal Customs Service Vladimir Bulavin over the past six months has greatly changed the attitude towards customs on the part of law enforcement agencies. Having canceled several insignificant orders of Andrey Belyaninov, Bulavin revived the activities of the public advisory council, sent an unscheduled check to the wrongful SZTU, and most importantly, returned the seconded FSB officers to the customs. Moreover, he himself was the first to be sent - Bulavin headed the customs in the status of an acting general of the FSB. The second was his deputy at the embassy in the Northwestern Federal District Sergey Seryshev, who replaced Vladimir Malinin.

However, in the process of personnel rotation, the new head of customs did not get rid of some of Belyaninov's former subordinates, as his colleagues from the FSB insisted on. Moreover, in October last year, Vladimir Bulavin sent a submission to the presidential administration for the awarding of Vladimir Malinin with the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree.

According to the FSB officer, this “shocked” the Lubyanka generals: “The head of the K department, Tkachev, personally tried to convince Bulavin not to do this, but was not heard.”

The last controversial decision of the new head of customs was the cancellation of Andrey Belyaninov's order to ban the customs clearance of certain goods in electronic declaration centers (ECD).

It should be recalled that the introduction of the CED at one time allowed the FCS to separate physical inspection of goods and its electronic declaration into different regions. So, the goods, for example, were imported through checkpoints in Vladivostok, and declared at the Shchelkovo CED in the Moscow Region.

This led to the disorganization of the work of the customs authorities: the employees of the checkpoints did not see the declaration, and the CED inspectors did not see the actually imported goods.

In a fairly short period of time, the FCS itself began to notice an increase in cases of false declaration of goods. Through the port regions of the country - Vladivostok, St. Petersburg and Novorossiysk - smuggling poured in: under the guise of building materials and household items, expensive electronics, clothes and jewelry were transported on an industrial scale.

The budget began to lose billions of customs duties.

The FSB, in turn, reported to the country's leadership that they were unable to stop this: the lack of a full-fledged exchange of information between checkpoints and the CED, coupled with the difference in time zones between regions, deprived law enforcement officers of the chance to document the fact of smuggling and, as a result, initiate a criminal case.

Therefore, in 2015, Andrey Belyaninov sent a teletype message to the heads of the CED with a ban on declaring the most popular types of goods. The instructions of this teletype message were canceled by the directive of Vladimir Bulavin on February 10 of this year, at 23.20 Moscow time.

Several FSB operatives, who got acquainted with the directive thanks to journalists, were surprised by the decision of the head of the FCS. “This will inevitably lead to a wave of smuggling in the ports of the country in the very near future,” says one of them. “There will be a new aggravation in relations with customs,” predicts another operative.

Thus ended this round of struggle for the chairs of the chief of customs and the head of foreign intelligence. However, not all trump cards have been played yet.

However - and this is admitted by the officers themselves - this time the war of the special services will unfold soon inside the Lubyanka, part of the clans of which Vladimir Bulavin delegated to the customs. But who they are - viewers of federal TV channels will not know. There will be fewer TV shows.

Andrey Belyaninov, head of the Federal Customs Service (FCS), left his post last week. searches on the case of alcohol smuggling, FSB officers came. Searches were also carried out at the offices of the Arsenal insurance company and the apartment of its co-owner Sergei Lobanov, whom investigators believe is a participant in illegal schemes for the supply of goods to Russia. Judging by the structure of his business, Mr. Lobanov preferred to formally act as a minority shareholder, but he worked with serious partners - among them there were large Russian and Moldovan businessmen.

While the investigators studied the contents of drawers and cabinets in the country house of the now ex-head of the Federal Customs Service Andrei Belyaninov under cameras, another group of their colleagues confiscated documents in the offices of Arsenal Insurance Company LLC. As the interlocutors in the Investigative Committee (IC) explained at the time, it was no coincidence that Mr. Lobanov became interested in them, since “he acted as the founder of at least 15 different companies whose activities are closely connected with the FCS of Russia.” "During the searches, items and documents that are important for the investigation of the criminal case were seized," Vladimir Markin, an official representative of the Investigative Committee, said on Tuesday.

We are talking about a criminal case on the smuggling of elite alcohol, and the investigators are sure that the case could not have done without customs officers. In the criminal scheme, according to the UK, the company "Kontrail Logistic North-West" and its co-owner Anatoly Kindzersky, who had already made a deal with the investigation, were involved. In his testimony, he allegedly said that his company received the status of an authorized economic operator, which allows minimizing the time and cost of customs operations. According to investigators, Sergei Lobanov assisted in the implementation of the schemes.

"Seventh water on jelly"

The first point that needs to be clarified is that most of the media made a mistake from the very beginning, calling Sergei Lobanov a former adviser to Andrei Belyaninov. In fact, the adviser to the head of the FCS since 2013 was Sergey Viktorovich Lobanov, who previously headed the main organizational and inspection department in the service.

The co-owner of the Arsenal insurance company is Sergey Yuryevich Lobanov. Little is known about him. A year ago, in an investigation into the legacy of FSUE Rostek, sources called Mr. Lobanov son-in-law Andrei Belyaninov - the husband of his daughter Svetlana (Vedomosti also traced the connection in the past of some structures in which Sergei Lobanov participates with the business of Andrei Belyaninov's wife Lyudmila). In Arsenal itself, however, this was denied. The Omsk-Inform agency recently conducted its own investigation and is already linking Sergei Yuryevich Lobanov with Sergei Viktorovich, claiming that both come from Omsk. Sources who worked with Sergei Yuryevich Lobanov note: “There were rumors that they were relatives with Belyaninov, but the seventh water is on jelly. So that the son-in-law - never sounded.

In any case, the allegedly vast holding of 15 companies associated with customs, mentioned by the investigators, based on the data of kartoteka.ru, looks like some exaggeration, although Sergei Lobanov found very interesting former and current partners.

According to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, Mr. Lobanov joined the shareholders of Arsenal Insurance Company LLC (they declined to comment) in January 2011 through Eloko LLC, receiving 49%. His partners in the insurance business were Gennady Eliseev and Anatoly Sandimirov, the current general director of Arsenal. Since then, the structure of LLC owners has changed several times, and today Sergey Lobanov owns 33.2% through Arsenal-Capital LLC.

Messrs. Lobanov and Sandimirov are also partners in one more insurance business - Arsenal MS LLC, where they own 70% and 30% respectively. We are talking about the renamed Crimean Medical Insurance Company, which Anatoly Sandimirov, a native of the RESO insurance group, registered in 2014. Then, in an interview with TASS, he claimed that he was creating the first medical insurance company on the peninsula. Sergey Lobanov became the main owner of Arsenal MS LLC at the beginning of 2015, the company is still engaged in compulsory medical insurance in Crimea. Until the middle of last year, Mr. Sandimirov was a partner of Mr. Lobanov and in his main holding company, OOO Arsenal-Capital, but then he left its capital.

Minority shareholder for relations with customs

Arsenal-Capital was established in 2014, and since 2015 the company has become the center of the assets of a businessman who consolidated 100% in it by December. Arsenal-Capital has 11 subsidiaries, and in most cases we are talking about minority shares. Three of them are directly and obviously connected with the customs business: Premier Finance LLC, OST-Terminal LLC and Opinter LLC. The first two are operators of temporary storage warehouses (TSW) in the Moscow region. On the territory of "Premier Finance" there is a Kyiv customs post. "OST-Terminal" - temporary storage warehouse in Krasnoznamensk. "Opinter" - a customs representative, "providing a full range of services."

Yaroslav Olegovich Potanin and Sergei Leonidovich Batekhin are Arsenal-Capital's partners in all three companies. We are talking about the younger brother of the co-owner and president of MMC Norilsk Nickel Vladimir Potanin and Senior Vice President, Head of Sales, Commerce and Logistics at the same company. In Premier Finance and OST-Terminal, Yaroslav Potanin has 28.8%, Sergei Batekhin has 51.2%, and Arsenal-Capital owns 20% each. In Opinter, Sergey Lobanov's company has 50%, Potanin and Batekhin have 18% and 32%, respectively. On the website of Premier Finance, LLC M-Logistics is indicated as a customs broker. Its owner is the Cypriot Nakisha Holdings, which until the end of 2015 also owned Premier Finance.

Norilsk Nickel declined to comment. A source familiar with the situation explained that it was about "the remains of a large logistics project that Interros (Vladimir Potanin's holding company) planned to develop under the leadership of Sergei Batekhin." Indeed, in 2010, Interros, together with the Kratos group and Air Bridge Cargo, announced the construction of a cargo terminal at Sheremetyevo. The head of the Federal Air Transport Agency Sergey Neradko and Andrey Belyaninov also signed the agreement of intent for the implementation of the project. A similar project was planned at the Yemelyanovo airport in Krasnoyarsk, Norilsk was to become the third reference point in Russia.

As it turned out now, the plans were even wider and included, among other things, customs and logistics terminals outside airports, and so Premier Finance and OST-Terminal appeared. Their main shareholder was Vladimir Potanin, while his younger brother (as a financial investor) and Sergey Batekhin (as the main ideologist and driving force of the project) received minority shares. According to sources, at the same time Sergey Lobanov appeared among the partners - just through the Arsenal insurance company, which served the participants in the customs business, providing guarantees. According to one of the interlocutors, in the first place, the task and contribution of Mr. Lobanov to the business was financial and "core customs" services (therefore, Arsenal-Capital has half in Opinter, and only minority shares in temporary storage warehouses), although certain funds he also contributed to the projects.

The interlocutors doubt that Sergey Lobanov was needed by the partners as a serious lobbyist, drawing attention to the fact that Norilsk Nickel itself is a major subject of foreign economic activity and its managers and owners already have serious ties with customs. Sergey Lobanov, on the other hand, acted as a "convenient and reliable industry partner." His participation in business management was, sources specify, small, partners met infrequently. The scale of activity itself also turned out to be small: the turnover of each terminal is 250-300 million rubles. per year, although with a fairly high (about 50%) margin. Moreover, as a result, Interros failed to implement a large-scale logistics project. The terminal at Sheremetyevo, a key one for the entire chain, had to be sold in 2013 to TPS Avia Holding by Arkady Rotenberg and Alexander Ponomarenko, who launched a campaign to consolidate assets at the airport. After that, Vladimir Potanin began to withdraw from all core assets. The terminal in Yemelyanovo received Kratos in 2015, and shares in small logistics assets were re-registered to Sergey Batekhin for sale. Changes in their shareholder structure in 2015, clarifies one of the interlocutors - in fact, deoffshorization, they occurred in connection with the adoption of the law on controlled foreign companies.

These assets no longer have anything to do with Norilsk Nickel and Vladimir Potanin. Negotiations with potential buyers, according to sources, are ongoing, investigative actions at the enterprises have not yet been conducted, the “customs case” has not affected their work.

Apparently, minority participation is one of Sergey Lobanov's key tactics in business, including customs. So, among the subsidiaries of Arsenal-Capital is Alfa Trans LLC registered in the Smolensk region (29%), which in 2013 provided customs services for 84 thousand rubles, in 2015 - for 78.5 thousand rubles . The holding company also owns 40% in the Sintekh customs broker (another 60% belongs to Nikolai Zhuravlev).

And already very small shares in Sergei Lobanov in a number of companies providing dry cleaning and cleaning services. According to kartoteka.ru, Arsenal-Capital owns 5% each in Rivest-Service LLC (established in 2003), Zheldor-Service LLC (in 2005) and Neva-Proekt LLC (also established in 2005). All companies are actively working on a state contract, serving departmental sanatoriums, large hospitals and clinics. For example, Zheldor-service earned 1.89 million rubles from the state contract in 2010, and by 2016 it signed contracts for 5.76 million rubles. "Neva-Project" works with the state less successfully: if in 2010 contracts were concluded for more than 160 million rubles, then five years later - only 212 thousand rubles. Rivest Service, which also serves institutions such as sanatoriums of the Federal Penitentiary Service, received contracts for more than 4 million rubles in 2010, and for 616 million rubles only at the beginning of 2016. These dry cleaners served, in particular, the Central Clinical Hospital of the Federal Customs Service.

Moldovan trace

Sergey Lobanov's connection with Moldova was discovered in 2015. Formally, we are talking about business, but by a number of indirect signs it can be established that Mr. Lobanov is associated with an influential local oligarch, deputy chairman of the ruling Democratic Party, Vladimir Plahotniuc, who is considered the real leader of the country, although he never held positions in the state structures of the republic.

The name of Mr. Lobanov first surfaced in Moldova on October 23, 2015. Then the Cypriot Insidown LTD, which owns 39.2% of the bank's shares, nominated four citizens of the Russian Federation to the administrative board of one of the largest Moldovan banks - Victoriabank. The bank is still considered to be under the control of Vladimir Plahotniuc, who from April 2005 to May 2006 was the deputy chairman of its administrative council, and from May 2006 to January 2011 - the chairman of the bank's council. At that time, Insidown's candidates were Alisa Aladinskaya, financial adviser to the president of the Russian insurance company Arsenal, Maria Vanchikova, head of the Arsenal presidential administration and Arsenal-Capital general director, and Arsenal president's adviser and general director of Pravda-Capital LLC (for 100 % belongs to Sergey Lobanov) Stepan Zhuravlev, as well as the deputy general director for legal issues of SVTS Group and the head of the legal department of the LAMA management company (Sergey Lobanov has an LLC with that name) Natalya Lobanova.

All, except for the last one, were elected to the administrative board of the bank, but did not submit documents to the Moldovan National Bank for approval in positions. As a result, on July 8, an extraordinary meeting of shareholders was held at Victoriabank. On it, Sergei Lobanov himself was elected to the administrative council from Insidown, as well as the former head of the Tax Service of Moldova, Ion Prisacaru, and the head of the administrative council of the Hendrix-Bail trading house, Andrei Cojocaru. They have not yet submitted documents to the National Bank for approval as members of the council.

Prior to his election to the bank's administrative board, Sergei Lobanov spoke very vaguely about his relationship with Insidown. “Back in the summer, I applied to the National Bank for permission to buy Insidown's stake (in Victoriabank). But so far I have not received an answer,” he said in the fall of 2015 in a commentary to the Moldovan resource NewsMaker. When asked how then one could explain the nomination of people working in Arsenal to the administrative board of Victoriabank, he then replied: “They probably liked them.”

Now it turns out that it is Mr. Lobanov who is behind Insidown. The question is, is this really the case. Insidown is a company with a very complicated history. Formed December 6, 2010. The founders are two other residents of Cyprus: Belserve Consultants Limited and Vaspaco Properties Limited, registered in 2006 and 1988, respectively, for individuals Mars Kallesi, Maria Papapavla, Irina Khanna. Victoriabank Insidown acquired shares on November 13, 2014 in small blocks of up to 5%. The permission was issued by the National Bank of Moldova. According to the documents submitted to the National Bank at the time, the ultimate owner of Insidown was a German citizen, dentist Peter Paul Fischer (Fischer Geb. Tabsch Peter Paul).

Interlocutors close to Victoriabank, long before Sergey Lobanov's people were nominated to the administrative board of the bank, said that they did not believe that the dentist was the ultimate beneficiary of the company, and claimed that the owner of Arsenal was behind Insidown. According to them, a Moldovan businessman, the husband of Russian singer Jasmine Ilan Shor, who has very extensive connections in Russian power circles, acted as an intermediary in the deal to buy the bank's shares offshore.

A good idea about the level of contacts of Mr. Shor is given by his wife's Instagram - there you can find pictures of the Shor couple at various celebrations with the participation of the former manager of the President of the Russian Federation, and now an assistant to the head of state Vladimir Kozhin, Honorary President of the Olympic Committee of the Russian Federation Leonid Tyagachev. Mr. Shor maintained relations with the now former chief customs officer of Russia. The latter, being on good terms with the leadership of Kyrgyzstan, allegedly assisted the Moldovan entrepreneur when he decided to open duty-free shops at the airports of Bishkek and Osh. Stores are open and working.

Now Ilan Shor is in the Chisinau pre-trial detention center on charges of involvement in the "theft of the century" - the withdrawal in 2014 from the Banca de Economii, Unibank and Banca Sociala controlled by him of an amount equivalent to $1 billion. Last fall - before being arrested - Ilan Shor testified against former Moldovan Prime Minister Vladimir Filat, who was recently sentenced to nine years in prison for corruption. Most of all, his old and main enemy, Vladimir Plahotniuc, was interested in the landing of Mr. Filat. By the way, last year Mr. Shor was banned from entering Russia. An interlocutor in the Russian government claims that the ban is due to the fact that the businessman “corrupts everyone he sees” and poses a threat to national security.

There is one more detail in the history of Insidown, which indicates that this company is not a stranger to Vladimir Plahotniuc. The NewsMaker edition found that people from the oligarch's entourage are connected with Insidown. The insidown.com domain, identical to the offshore name, was registered in German jurisdiction by a citizen of Moldova, Mihai Cucos. Mr. Cucos, according to the database of the tax inspectorate, represents the interests of the Finpar Invest company, which owns the land on which the Chisinau Nobil Hotel, owned by Vladimir Plahotniuc, is built. The insidown.com domain was registered to the Cypriot offshore Insidown on February 2, 2015. The company is registered in the German system for registration and management of domains Key-Systems GMBH in the name of the aforementioned Peter Paul Fischer. Although Mr. Fisher is listed as the domain registrar, the "registrar's email address" field says This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view. . According to the MoldData.md database, the econet.md domain is registered in the name of Mihai Cucos from the email address This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view. . Mihai Kukos himself told reporters that he did not remember if he registered this domain.

The real role of Sergei Lobanov in Moldovan business remains unclear. According to Novaya Gazeta, we are talking about joint projects with Ilan Shor, which have one or another connection with the customs business, including projects for the transportation, supply of Moldovan goods to Russia and the organization of duty free shops at automobile checkpoints across the border.

Vladimir Solovyov
Inna Kyvyrzhik


"Octopus" or just a family business?

How the Lobanov clan mastered the FCS

On Thursday, July 28, Russian President Vladimir Putin dismissed the head of the Federal Customs Service, Andrei Belyaninov. This was preceded by information in the federal media about searches at Belyaninov's house, as well as at the place of residence and work of Sergey Lobanov, president of Arsenal Insurance Company LLC. The latter may be directly related to Omsk.

This advanced and very successful young man, according to the federal media, is the founder of at least 15 companies that are closely connected with the FCS of Russia in their activities. In addition, he was an adviser to the now ex-head of the department, Belyaninov.

First of all, we drew attention to the fact that the mentioned Sergey Lobanov apparently lived in Omsk, since in the materials of the SPARK system his TIN begins with 55. Indeed, among the graduates of Omsk State University there is Sergey Yuryevich Lobanov, who with a high degree of probability is the son of Sergey Viktorovich Lobanov. The biography of the latter, it seems to us, is very typical for modern Russia and can largely explain the essence of what is happening in the capital's offices and country houses.

The elder Lobanov lived and worked in Omsk, and also served with Belyaninov and, after his retirement, continued to work under him at Novikombank OJSC. But, according to Muscovites, the families of Belyaninov and Lobanov became especially close after the next transfer of both to the civil service in the Federal Customs Service of Russia, where the latter was appointed to the general position - head of the Main Organizational and Inspection Department. Many, including journalists, at that time called Sergei Lobanov "the right hand" of the boss.

Omsk’s customs career was swift and cloudless, but a terrible thing happened: the security service of the FSB of Russia revealed that his father and son, as well as his wife, by the way, an employee of the presidential administration of the Russian Federation, had special coupons issued by the Moscow traffic police for personal, very expensive cars. The issuance of such coupons is allowed only to individual official vehicles of special law enforcement agencies. Soon after the public scandal, Lobanov Sr. became Belyaninov's adviser, taking his son into the apparatus.

Omsk University could be proud of the outstanding success in the business of its graduate: he contributed more than 630 million rubles to the authorized capital of the 15 companies mentioned above. And this is only the first cut of his business empire, since Arsenal Insurance Company LLC has established four firms, Lama Investment Company LLC has 12, and Arsenal-Capital LLC has 11 firms, etc. Thus , 30-year-old Sergey Lobanov is the owner of a huge number of firms, insurance companies, banks. But who is the actual owner?

Maybe someone who owns a house on the banks of the Ruza River with an area of ​​just over 1600 square meters. meters, and his wife, who received a legal profit in 2015 in her own company that leases real estate, in the amount of more than 46 million rubles. But the cost of the Belyaninovs' house in the Moscow region exceeds several hundred million rubles at market prices, and judging by the profits, her own real estate, which is so successfully rented out, is already worth more than 1 billion rubles.

It is authentically known that the son of Sergei Lobanov and the daughter of Belyaninov Svetlana were joint business, and evil scribblers in yellow publications gossip about supposedly warmer relations between the young. A few years ago, there were rumors among businessmen in Omsk about a fabulously rich young Muscovite, Sergei Lobanov, who had deposited several hundred million rubles of his enterprise's money on deposits in Omsk banks.

Therefore, the money that Belyaninov extracted from a shoe box during operational shooting in the hallway of his house is, perhaps, pocket money for weekly needs: go to a restaurant, play in a casino, again fly somewhere to sunbathe. There remains a ghostly hope that the “ice has broken”: political will has appeared in the country, and our Russian “commissar Cataño” will put everything in its place, but the name of Belyaninov’s daughter Svetlana - Serdyukova - returns to real life again.

Yesterday a Moscow court sentenced a lieutenant general of the customs service to 6.5 years in a strict regime colony for receiving a 30% kickback from supplier firms. If we estimate the scale of the family business of only two people involved in the scandal, then it probably amounts to tens of billions, but the damage to the Russian budget from the “selfless service” of customs “werewolves in uniform” seems to be in the hundreds of billions. [...]

Svetlana Petrova

On Tuesday, the Investigative Committee of Russia (TFR) announced searches in the office and at the place of residence of the head of the Federal Customs Service (FTS) Andrey Belyaninov in the case of the smuggling of collectible cognac by the structures of a St. Petersburg businessman Dmitry Mikhalchenko. According to TASS, 10 million rubles, $400,000 and 300,000 euros were found in Belyaninov's house, and Gazeta.ru published photographs of this cash (next to it is a man who looks like Belyaninov), old paintings and a country mansion with expensive interiors. These are family savings - this is how the official explained to investigators the origin of more than 65 million rubles. in different currencies found during a search in his country house in shoe boxes, according to a REN TV source. This is confirmed by the interlocutor of Interfax, according to whom the funds were seized, now their origin is being checked, and if the words of the head of the FCS about personal savings are confirmed, the money will be returned to him.

In Belyaninov's declarations in 2012-2014. among other property, a residential building with an area of ​​1565 sq. m, in 2015 he disappeared. The area of ​​land and garden plots decreased by 2500 sq. m to 3200 sq. m, and his wife Lyudmila- on 5840 sq. m to 3610 sq. m. At the same time, the income of both has grown significantly and amounted to almost 60 million rubles. (cm. ). The FCS did not respond to a request where the mansion disappeared and who owns the house in which the search was carried out.

Found 65 million rubles. may be funds raised by Belyaninov and his wife from the sale of assets that disappeared in the 2015 declaration (land and residential real estate), although the general practice of officials is to transfer large property to adult children so as not to declare, says the deputy director of the center for anti-corruption research and initiatives of Transparency International Russia Ilya Shumanov.

[RIA Novosti, 07/26/2016, "The wife of the head of the Federal Customs Service earned almost 34 million rubles more than her husband in a year": The income of the head of the Federal Customs Service (FCS) Andrey Belyaninov in 2015 amounted to almost 13 million rubles, follows from the declaration published on the FTS website.
According to the document, Belyaninov earned 12.99 million rubles last year. He is the owner of an apartment of 122.5 square meters and a Lexus car.
The income of Belyaninov's wife in 2015 amounted to 46.7 million rubles. She is the owner of an apartment in Bulgaria with an area of ​​117.9 square meters, a residential building in Russia with an area of ​​297.9 square meters, two land plots, several non-residential premises, as well as a Mercedes-Benz car.
In 2014, the income of the head of the FCS amounted to 9.3 million rubles, the income of his wife - 26.4 million rubles. In 2013, Belyaninov's income amounted to 10.3 million rubles, his wife - 38.8 million rubles. - Inset K.ru]

From Intelligence to Banking

There is no information in SPARK-Interfax that Belyaninov owns or previously owned at least some kind of business in Russia. And from his biography it follows that he spent most of his life in the civil service. After graduating in 1978 from the Ministry of National Economy (now REU) named after. Plekhanov, he began his career in the First Main Directorate of the KGB of the USSR, which was engaged in foreign intelligence. He worked abroad, including being an employee of the USSR Embassy in the GDR, where, according to some media reports, he met Vladimir Putin. After his dismissal from the authorities, the former intelligence officer went into the banking business. In 1992–1994 was deputy chairman of the board of REA-bank, then - first deputy chairman of Novikombank, which he headed in 1999. But not for long: at the end of that year he became deputy general director of FSUE Promexport. Since November 2000 - after the merger of Promexport and Rosvooruzhenie into Rosoboronexport - he became the general director of the new structure. In 2004–2006 - Director of the Federal Service for Defense Order. Since May 2006 he has been in charge of the FCS.

Business for health

Just in 2006, his wife Lyudmila became the owner of the company "White Dew" in Mytishchi (at the end of 2009, 100% of this LLC was transferred to her daughter Svetlana), which rents out its own real estate. At the end of 2014, the company showed a net profit of almost 36 million rubles. with total assets of 296.5 million rubles. (more than 20% accounted for fixed assets).

However, the wife of the head of the FCS is better known as a co-owner of the Andreevsky Hospitals holding. Since 2009, she owns 60% in the Nebolit medical center (the remaining 40% belongs to Andrey Kozhushkov, head of the Andreevsky Hospitals holding). Prior to this, part of the medical center belonged to the IKG Infintrast company, established by the Association of Foreign Intelligence Veterans and Oboronprom structures. The website of the medical center says that among its partners is the Central Clinical Hospital of the Federal Customs Service.

At the address of Belykh Ros in Mytishchi (Olimpiysky Prospekt, 29), indicated in SPARK-Interfax, there is a medical center that operates under the brand name Andreevsky Hospitals - Nebolit. The website of the group of medical companies of the same name says that it was established in 2002, and now it includes five multidisciplinary clinics: two in Moscow (on Leninsky Prospekt and Varshavskoye Highway) and three in the Moscow Region (in addition to Mytishchi, also in Krasnogorsk and Troitsk ). At the end of 2014, the medical center "Nebolit" earned more than 63.1 million rubles. net profit, its revenue exceeded 429 million rubles. The medical center is a co-founder of the Autonomous Non-Commercial Organization (ANO) "Scientific Research Center (SIC) for the Prevention of Aging" Andreevsky Hospitals "Nebolit". And on July 13 of this year, Lyudmila Belyaninova and Kozhushkov established the veterinary clinic Andreevsky Hospitals Nebolit (60 and 40%, respectively).

"Nebolit" was engaged not only in medicine. In 2010, the company owned 20% of Ecointekh LLC. That year, Ecointekh received a 14% stake in the construction company CJSC Rostek-stroy, which was created by structures owned by FSUE "Rostek" FCS (see). The tasks of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise are the implementation of "a number of state tasks in the field of customs policy", including the construction and operation of customs facilities. Ecointekh still owns 14% of Rostek-Stroy, but is already owned by five citizens.

In addition, Lyudmila Belyaninova was the owner of 40% of the Garantstroynedvizhimost company, the customer of the Ruzskiye Dachi cottage settlement, located on 144 hectares near the village of Brazhnikovo on the banks of the Ruza, 100 km from the Moscow Ring Road. The website of the cottage settlement says that 163 plots out of 378 have already been sold, the cost of a hundred square meters is up to 105,000 rubles, the operating organization and developer is Brazhnikovo Management Company, established in 2011 in Volokolamsk to manage real estate. Among the founders of the management company "Brazhnikovo" was the investment company "Lama" Sergei Lobanov (50%). In 2010–2011 it was he who was the owner of 144 hectares near the village of Brazhnikovo. Lobanov is a former assistant to Belyaninov, the president of the insurance company Arsenal, who was also searched on Tuesday in the case of smuggling, according to the ICR, Lobanov founded at least 15 firms whose activities are related to the FCS.

The first general director of the management company "Brazhnikovo" Alexander Ivanov now heads the V100 LLC, created a year ago by Belyaninov's daughter Svetlana, in Volokolamsk, the company specializes in preparing for the sale of its own real estate. And until July 2009, Lobanov was Svetlana's business partner in Impulse-3000 LLC (5 and 47.5%, respectively), the main activity of which is fishing and fish farming, and he also headed it in 2008–2009. (from establishment to sale). And in 2010, its White Dews were among the founders (with a share of 37.5%) of the Moscow LLC Atlanta, along with the Lama investment company (5%) of Lobanov, specializing in wholesale trade. Since 2011, Svetlana has been the owner of Nizhnevolzhsk-invest LLC (NVI) in Moscow, and she is also the CEO. Although in "SPARK-Interfax" this company is listed as a wholesale agent (core activity), more than 85% of its assets (or over 121 million rubles in 2014). belongs to fixed assets. At the end of 2014, the company earned a net profit of 77.7 million rubles. NVI is the owner of a two-story building with an area of ​​1609 sq. m on Varshavskoe shosse, 89, and leases until mid-2030 a land plot of 3679 sq. m. m below it, according to USRR. In the same house there is one of the clinics "Andreevsky hospitals - Nebolit".

Judging by open sources, it turns out that the business of Belyaninov's wife and daughter is not connected with the activities of the Federal Customs Service - at least for today. But “second-tier relatives are employed in large state-owned companies such as Transneft, and this is much more valuable than having their own business,” Shumanov says.

["Interfax", 07/28/2016, "Medvedev dismissed the head of the Federal Customs Service Belyaninov": Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev dismissed the head of the Federal Customs Service Andrei Belyaninov. An order dated July 28 to dismiss Belyaninov from office with the wording "at his request" was published on the government's website. - Inset K.ru]

Husband from Transneft

The daughter of the head of the FCS, Svetlana, bears the name of her husband - Denis Serdyukov. Since June 2015, he has been the CEO of Burgas-Alexandropulis Pipeline Consortium LLC, which is owned on a parity basis by AK Transneft, NK Rosneft and OAO Gazprom Neft. Prior to that, Serdyukov, as a representative of Transneft, was a member of the board of directors of JSC Caspian Pipeline Consortium - Kazakhstan. In December 2015, Serdyukov, Deputy Director of the Department of Foreign Economic Affairs of Transneft, took part in a meeting of the steering committee of representatives of the Russian company and the Anglo-Dutch concern Shell as a member of this committee. Serdyukov also had a personal business - in 2012–2015. he was a co-owner (50%) of AV Spetstechnika LLC in Volokolamsk, which specialized in the rental of construction machinery and equipment.

Rostek's business

Established in 1992, the company, through its subsidiaries, owned terminals and temporary storage warehouses throughout the country. In May 2012, President Vladimir Putin promised to liquidate such structures or privatize them. In 2013, Rostek stopped providing services in the field of customs, his representative said. Since then, the Federal State Unitary Enterprise has only served the customs infrastructure - it cleans the premises of customs posts, monitors engineering networks.

Conducted searches and confiscated documentation in the central office. According to the sources of the interlocutor of Gazeta.Ru in law enforcement agencies,

investigative actions in the framework of a criminal case against a St. Petersburg businessman on alcohol smuggling took place at the home of the head of the Federal Customs Service Andrey a and his adviser Lobanov.

“Search activities were carried out both in the offices of the indicated persons and in their places of residence,” said the interlocutor of Gazeta.Ru. According to him, the investigation has reliable data on their illegal activities related to the patronage of smuggling. So, according to the source,

business cards of Dmitry Mikhalchenko, head of the Forum holding, were confiscated from Belyaninov in his office.

As Gazeta.Ru found out, searches were carried out at several addresses at once. So, the operatives searched the house of the head of the Federal Customs Service with an area of ​​1565 sq. m, located in the village of Bachurino. They were amazed by the luxurious interiors of the country house of the head of customs.

The walls of the house are decorated with paintings from the 17th-19th centuries; security officials do not rule out that the paintings are genuine.

At the head's house, large sums of money in rubles and foreign currency were found, which were kept in shoeboxes. They, according to security officials, Belyaninov personally got from the mezzanine.

Belyaninov explained to investigators that the money found in his house was “family savings.”

“This is exactly the explanation that appears in the documents,” the source of the TV channel said.

In addition, the operatives visited three Moscow apartments that belong to Belyaninov. Also, according to sources, his wife owns a land plot of 2.5 thousand square meters. m in the Tver region, on which the house is located, standing right on the banks of the Volga.

The Belyaninovs have at their disposal a pier with a part of the coastline located in a nature protection zone.

Searches were also held at the head of the Arsenal group of companies. According to the source, he owns ten apartments, four cars and four non-residential buildings.

“A number of customs officers condoned the import of products, and it was in connection with this that FSB investigators conducted searches and seizures of documents at workplaces,” says a source in law enforcement agencies.

Earlier it was reported that FSB officers carried out searches directly in the office of the director of the Federal Customs Service, Andrei Belyaninov, and the head of the Arsenal group of companies, Sergei Lobanov, who previously worked as an adviser to Mr. Belyaninov. At the same time, citing his sources in law enforcement agencies, he notes that the FSB officers, “as it should be in such situations, personally notified the head of the FCS Andrei Belyaninov about the event.”

“No claims were made against any of the employees of the service,” the source claims.

The press service of the FCS refused to comment on the investigative measures that took place in the building of the central office.

A criminal case in connection with the illegal supply of elite alcohol was initiated this spring against the St. Petersburg billionaire Dmitry Mikhalchenko, as well as the co-owner of the company "Kontrail Logistic North-West", the general director of the South-Eastern trading company and the deputy general director of the "Forum" Boris Korevsky.

According to the investigation,

businessmen organized illegal deliveries of elite alcohol to Russia through the port of Ust-Luga under the guise of construction sealant.

So, in 2015, Mikhalchenko and his accomplices bought alcoholic products in stores on the territory. The cost of one bottle ranged from 10 thousand to 20 thousand rubles, and the cost of one container of products - from 1.7 million rubles. Fake documents were made for the products, after which the alcohol went on sale in stores.

In addition, during searches in the port, FSB officers found several hundred bottles of the exclusive 1912 Courvoisier cognac worth about 500,000 rubles in opened containers. a piece. Also, in the terminal of the port of Ust-Luga, about a hundred containers with sanctioned meat products were arrested, which were imported into Russia under the guise of potato chips.

A criminal case was initiated against Mikhalchenko under Part 3 of Art. 200.2 of the Criminal Code of Russia (smuggling of alcoholic products in an organized group on an especially large scale). He is currently under arrest.

“It is clear that businessmen could not act without the help of customs officers, in connection with this, searches in the FCS were connected,” says the source of Gazeta.Ru.

The last two were considered trusted people of Dmitry Mikhalchenko. Meanwhile, Dmitry Mikhalchenko's business has always been closely associated with (FSO). His business partner Nikolay Negodov worked in the FSB in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region in the 1990s. In the same years, the ex-head of the Federal Security Service (FSO), who retired this year, also worked in the same regional department.

In 2007, the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Ateks, which acted as the general contractor in the construction and repair of government facilities, was transferred to the jurisdiction of the FSO by a government decision. And the people close to Dmitry Mikhalchenko, who had previously worked in his business structures, were appointed heads of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise.

It was through the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Ateks" of the Federal Security Service of Russia that the company "Baltstroy" began to receive the first major contracts.

To date, according to the database "Kontur.Focus", the co-founders of JSC "Baltstroy" are Alexander Testov. The manager of the company is Alexander Kochenov (arrested in the case of restorers), and the general director is businessman Dmitry Sergeev, now he is also arrested. Over the past year, the company won 48 tenders for 14 billion rubles. In total, since 2010, Baltstroy's portfolio has included 253 government orders worth 71 billion rubles. At the same time, according to the database of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, until 2015, Baltstroy was a CJSC.

By the way, Dmitry Mikhalchenko was one of the key partners of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Passport and Visa Service" of the FMS of Russia. For example, on the website of the passport and visa center it is indicated that the services for issuing international passports are handled by Document Preparation Center LLC, a structure of the Forum holding.

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