Own business: how to open a pizzeria from scratch. How to open a small pizzeria - a business plan with calculations How to open your own pizzeria


Every day, for many of us, the topic of starting our own business is becoming more and more relevant. The country is constantly shaken by economic crises, you constantly have to worry about whether tomorrow at work the authorities will announce the next layoff. While, having your own, albeit a small business, you can not worry about the day to come. However, many niches are already occupied at the moment, the competition in the market is such that it is not worth poking into this or that business. Nevertheless, there are still such segments in which you can try to win your place under the Russian sun. So, let's say, even despite the competition, opening a pizzeria can be a very good solution. A competent business plan, with all the calculations and taking into account the situation on the market, will help a beginner in this business to stay afloat at first, and then, perhaps, even win this race. This is what will be discussed in our review.

So, how to open a pizzeria? The business plan below as an example will help you write your own document and evaluate your strengths.

Rationale for choice

Some may have a completely logical question: “Why, in fact, it is proposed to consider the business plan of a pizzeria?” We answer. Yes, because there is never too much pizza! And even if a similar institution operates in the neighboring area, yours will not be left without customers in any case. Everyone loves pizza! In addition, there are several formats of establishments of such a plan, so it is much easier for a novice entrepreneur to choose something suitable for himself. For example, when developing a business plan for a pizzeria for a small town, it would be wiser to opt for a specialized mini-institution. After all, in the provinces, unlike megacities, as a rule, there are far from every city. And if, say, you don’t have a fairly large amount on hand to open a large cafe, then it makes sense to consider a business plan for a small pizzeria that delivers to your home. Yes, the income in this case will be much lower, but this is just the beginning. If things go well, then, who knows, the moment may come pretty soon when a business plan for a pizzeria of a larger scale is needed.

A few words about the document itself

Regardless of what business plan is being developed - whether it is planned to open a pizzeria, a restaurant or another catering establishment - this document should consist of several sections that must be considered. It must certainly take into account some basic elements, as well as describe in detail each step and provide calculations.

If we take the pizzeria business plan we are considering, an example of its preparation will look something like this. First of all, you need to study in detail the business idea itself for opening this enterprise, as well as analyze the situation on the market. Next comes the question of registering a business. Here you need to think about what type of activity and payment of taxes is the most reasonable choice. After that, you need to choose the format of the institution, and then calculate the cost of rent. In order for the latter to be minimal, you need to competently approach the choice of premises. After that, it is worth focusing on such an issue as recruitment. Here, depending on the scale of the plan, you need to think over its number, wages, calculate the cost of uniforms, etc. Next comes the compilation of a list of equipment and justification for the need to purchase one or another of its types. Then the plan is detailed, and the last item will be the calculation of profits. Your creation should be crowned with conclusions about the profitability of the undertaking. Or about his complete hopelessness.

Of course, today you can easily buy, or even find a free ready-made pizzeria business plan. However, not a single template, albeit well-written document can be compared with the one that will be made taking into account the specific place in which it is planned to open a business, as well as small nuances known only to the future entrepreneur himself.

Restaurant or cafe

It is hardly worth it for a novice entrepreneur to aim at a restaurant, but you can try to open a cafe, if you have the required amount on your account. This option when opening your own pizzeria is considered the most expensive, however, it is also the most cost-effective. When developing a business plan for the Pizzeria cafe, first of all, it should be borne in mind that the most money will have to be spent on renting the premises. Expenses, depending on the location of the institution and the city in which it is located, can vary from 100 to 300 thousand rubles. For salaries, staff will need to spend 20-30 thousand for each employee. And you should have quite a lot of them - cooks, waiters, helpers, since the format of the cafe implies the presence of not only pizza on the menu, but also a different assortment, up to alcoholic drinks. The purchase of equipment will take at least 200,000. Plus a PR campaign, which, in the most modest scenario, will draw twenty thousand. Plus paperwork, renovation of the premises and other expenses. In total, the opening of such a business will require at least $ 100,000. The profitability of the business will be about 350 thousand per month, but it will pay off in about a year.

Mini pizzeria: business plan

Such an institution operates on the principle of fast food. This is either a small mini-cafe, or even just a rented area in a shopping center. The costs in this case will be much lower, as it will be lower, and you will not have to hire a lot of employees. How much you have to spend at the initial stage will help you understand a well-written business plan. A takeaway pizzeria is an option that will help you cut costs even further. That is, in this case, you can limit yourself to a small area in the trading floor with just a couple of tables and a sales counter, offering the especially hungry to eat your product without leaving the cash register, while the rest take it with them. In principle, you can not save money, but combine both options by adding a few more tables to the hall, and salads, snacks, coffee and beer on the menu. As for costs, rental costs will range from 30 to 100 thousand rubles, for equipment - from 120 thousand, staff salaries - within 30 thousand. You can earn about a hundred thousand a month, and recoup the cost in a year and a half.

Pizza Delivery Business Plan

"Pizzeria with delivery!" - this is how entrepreneurs loudly advertise their alleged institution. In fact, there is no pizzeria as such. If you have permits and follow sanitary rules, you can simply cook such pizza in your own kitchen, spending money only on a more powerful electric oven, food, advertising and gasoline. However, with such a formulation of the question, you will not earn much. But with a competent approach, such a pizzeria that delivers is considered the most budgetary and at the same time quite profitable business. However, in order for this to be so, you still need to rent a room, albeit a small one, the rent of which will cost about 10-15 thousand rubles, buy equipment at a minimum, a hundred thousand, hire several cooks and couriers. In general, when opening, you can keep within 10-15 thousand USD. e. And at the same time earn about 70,000 rubles. It will be possible to return the spent money in two years.

This is what the business plan of a pizzeria of each format looks like. Further, we will touch on issues related to paperwork, rental of premises, purchase of equipment, search for personnel in more detail. After all, they are an integral part of any competent business plan.


You can open any business and work successfully and without problems only if you have a full package of permits on hand. Their entire list must certainly contain your pizzeria business plan.

First of all, you need to formalize your activity. So, it can be both an individual entrepreneurship and a joint-stock company with its own charter. At first, it is better to opt for an individual entrepreneur, in this case it will be easier to deal with taxes, and there is less responsibility. You also need to have a patent for trading activities and a license for retail trade, as well as the sale (if any) of alcoholic beverages. You will need to obtain permission from Rospotrebnadzor to place a pizzeria in a rented room. Plus a conclusion from the SES, for which you will additionally need to provide honey. future personnel books, premises lease agreement, certificate of state registration. You will also need to have a permit from the fire department.

Perhaps, in the area where you are going to work, some more papers will be needed, but you can find out more about this from the local authorities.


The issue of renting a room must be approached very carefully. Firstly, one should take into account such a moment: depending on the type of pizzeria, its area should be at least 50-250 "squares". Secondly, it must meet certain requirements of the SES. Not located in the basement, have connected and functioning communications, be divided into zones for the hall, utility room, kitchen. In principle, the last condition can be met by carrying out repairs on their own. However, in any case, you will need a cosmetic update, so the last condition can be omitted when choosing a suitable area.

The location is also important, since both the amount of the rent and the influx of customers depend on it. In the center, of course, you will have to pay more than in a residential area. But here, of course, not everything is so simple. If you are developing a business plan for a pizzeria for a small town, then considering placing it on the outskirts means immediately putting an end to your enterprise. An establishment of such a plan in a small settlement should be located where there are the most people. And the inhabitants of the province flock, as a rule, to the center. Another thing is if you are in a metropolis. Here there is a reason to turn your attention to new buildings. And especially on the outskirts. Residents of new houses in such places are not spoiled by the presence of a large number of shops. And many want to have a bite, and sometimes even a bite, without making unnecessary gestures like trips to the nearest supermarket. So your establishment will come in handy. In addition, in new buildings, the first floors of buildings are allocated for commercial real estate, and the rent there is quite low. So picking something suitable for yourself will not be difficult.


The most expensive part of a business plan. It is possible, of course, to reduce costs and purchase refurbished appliances, stoves and refrigerators or used ones, however, if possible, it is still advisable to buy everything new. First of all, you will need to acquire refrigerators, and for each type of product separately. Fish and meat should not be stored in the same unit. You will also need a special one. It will not be superfluous to have a dough mixer, it will not hurt to have one. You will have to buy a few more tables, also specially designed for making pizza, plus various furniture for the hall, dishes and other trifles. You will also need to take into account the cost of uniforms for employees.


As for this issue, the main thing here is that the waiters are well-trained, and the chef is a chef, in the full sense of the word from the point of view of culinary art in general and competent pizza preparation in particular. In general, neighbors, students, temporarily unemployed and other similar workers are not recommended to be considered. Only qualified personnel with appropriate education should be hired.


To promote your institution, you need to use all the methods available for this. Own website, advertising on radio, television, in newspapers, on poles, after all. There is an opportunity - place pointers-tips that will lead visitors to the doors of your pizzeria, hire students so that you don't be greedy. Hold all kinds of promotions, arrange free children's holidays, because kids love pizza no less than adults. If not more. Over time, grateful customers will bring new visitors with them - the word of mouth effect will work.


So, what conclusions does the above pizzeria business plan allow us to draw? The forecast for this type of activity can be said to be quite favorable. With the right approach, a well-written business plan and the availability of a certain amount of money, you can create a completely viable enterprise. Yes, of course, the competition in the market is quite high, but this does not mean at all that some can sell pizza, while others will not succeed. At first, you can try your hand at organizing a small pizzeria that delivers to your home, then expand and open a mini-cafe, and then completely swing at a restaurant. The main thing is to believe in yourself and have the initial capital. And you will need at the start - depending on the chosen format of the pizzeria - from fifteen to two hundred thousand dollars.

Opening a pizzeria is one of the most profitable types of business. The history of the invention of fast food dishes has been formed for thousands of years and today there are a number of favorites in the tacit struggle for the tastes and preferences in the food of mankind in this direction.

In many countries, some fast food dishes have become part of the national cuisine. Italy is considered the ancestor of pizza, and its prototype was food, the main ingredients of which were slices of bread with the addition of products available and available in the house of every Greek or Roman - olives, tomatoes, mozzarella cheese and spices.

Pizza belongs to the category of fast food, first of all, for its availability, cheapness, ease of manufacture. In megacities, there are thousands of catering establishments, including pizzerias, and the monthly financial turnover is hundreds of thousands, and sometimes millions of rubles.

The catering sector belongs to a popular business area, since the modern rhythm of life takes time and energy from day to day, and allowing yourself to spend several hours in the kitchen preparing your favorite dishes is an unaffordable luxury for many citizens.

Fast food has become an alternative for those who don't want or don't have the time to cook their own meals, as it's much easier and faster to visit a restaurant or order pizza to go.

The profitability and demand for fast food products involuntarily makes you think about opening a pizzeria.

One business idea to open a business is not enough, since you will need to work out a business plan, as well as study the legal side of the type of entrepreneurial activity in question, which includes:

  • choice of organizational and legal form;
  • business registration and taxation;
  • study of current GOSTs and standards;
  • preparation of documents;
  • the procedure and rules for concluding various kinds of civil law contracts.

A prepared pizzeria business plan with detailed calculations allows you to preliminarily determine the payback and profitability of the business, especially when it comes to opening a pizzeria in a small town.

Before opening a pizzeria, an entrepreneur needs to decide on the format of the establishment, given the variety of options.

You can open your pizzeria in the form of:

  1. Bar-pizza - in addition to the main course, the menu includes a narrow range of related types of fast food, for example, french fries and beer snacks, desserts and soft or low-alcohol drinks. Such establishments are popular with the younger generation, who prefer a tasty and inexpensive meal, chat or watch sporting events with a company. Opening a business in this format will cost from half a million rubles;
  2. Mobile pizzeria. Another way to open a pizzeria from scratch. The business owner at any time determines the location of the van on wheels. The main item of expenditure will go to the purchase of a vehicle, its re-equipment and legalization. Initial investment - from 500 thousand rubles;
  3. Food court point. Renting space in a shopping and entertainment center will allow you to avoid additional costs for advertising pizza. Visitors to the trading establishment are ready to spend hours walking and shopping, not forgetting to have a tasty and inexpensive meal. The disadvantages of this format are the high cost of rent and competition. Starting a business will require an initial investment of 700-800 thousand rubles.
  4. Pizzeria kiosk. The essence of the idea is to place a point in a supermarket or shopping center. It will be necessary to organize a zone for issuing finished products and a pizzeria - a production workshop. The production time of one unit is no more than 15-20 minutes in the presence of the client. This option refers to the budget, and its implementation will require within 400 thousand rubles.
  5. Business pizza at home. A format that does not require significant investments and costs for the purchase of equipment for a pizzeria, hiring staff and renting production premises. The bulk of the cost is for advertising. When planning to open a business, the costs of creating a corporate website, printing advertising booklets, developing applications for mobile phones and remote services are taken into account. Another cost item is the purchase of transport for the delivery of finished products. The implementation of a business plan for the production and delivery of pizza will cost from 1 million rubles.
  6. Kono pizza. A new direction, invented in Italy. The bottom line is the unique way of serving the finished dish. The pizza rolls into a cone shape and is sold in a compact package, having the appearance of a regular fast food that can be eaten even on the go. In Western European countries, this idea was enthusiastically accepted, which gives reason to implement such a format in the Russian Federation. A small kiosk or point in the mall will cost 300-400 thousand rubles to start with.
  7. Pizza mat. Automation of the pizza selling process allows you to save money on hired personnel. On the Russian market, this format is new and the niche is free. The bottom line is the mass installation of pizza vending machines. There are 2 types of slot machines - simple and advanced. Budget options include 3 cycles - storage of the semi-finished product, unpacking and baking. Expensive models include a full cycle, from dough kneading to final baking. The buyer does not have to wait a long time to get a freshly prepared product, moreover, the price of pizza from a vending machine is lower than in a restaurant. Starting investments range from 400 thousand rubles.
  8. Standard cafe-pizzeria. Common business format. To start, a small institution is enough, accommodating from 20 to 30 tables for visitors. Having a pizzeria business plan, studying menu examples and developing your own are essential components. Initial investment - from half a million rubles.
  9. Franchising. Before you organize a pizzeria, you should think about the possibility of starting to work under an already promoted and popular brand. You do not need to spend money on advertising, but you will have to incur additional costs to purchase the right to use the brand. For example, a Dodo pizza franchise will cost 350 thousand rubles. contribution, royalties in the amount of 3.5-5% of revenue, and organizational costs - from 6 million rubles.

As you can see, there are many formats of pizzerias, and which one is suitable in one case or another depends on the availability of capital, the choice of location and the ability to compete in the place of business.

The first thing to start a business in the field of catering is to register and obtain an IP certificate or create an LLC. In OKVED, this type of activity has code 55.30 "Activity of restaurants and cafes."

Registration as an individual entrepreneur

It is advisable to register as an individual entrepreneur if you plan to create a mini pizza production, open a retail outlet with a minimum number of employees - 5-10 people.

Required documentation:

  • a notarized application in the form No. Р21001;
  • copies of all pages of the passport;
  • declaration of intent to use UTII.

You can register an LLC.

LLC registrations

It is advisable when opening a restaurant with the prospect of further expansion and attraction of borrowed funds.

Required documents:

  • application No. Р11001;
  • charter;
  • the decision to establish an LLC;
  • receipt of payment of state duty;
  • certified copies of the passport pages of all founders.

The legislation establishes the minimum size for registering an LLC - 10 thousand rubles.

The selection of a suitable premises and the repair are started after:

  1. Ideas for a pizzeria.
  2. Studying the style, interior and exterior of the room.
  3. Target audience definitions.

The reality is that you have to adapt to existing options, since renting a room that is ideally suited in terms of parameters is a difficult and sometimes impossible task.

You can buy the desired property, but the amount of the initial investment will increase many times over, in addition, you will have to add additional time costs for registering the premises as a property. If it is possible to buy a room for a pizzeria, then it is better to stop at this option.

Investments in real estate are rarely losing, and if entrepreneurship in the chosen line of business is not successful, then the premises can be rented out or even sold.

Renting a room allows you to avoid large one-time costs, but adds an additional line of expenses on a monthly basis.

The style of the pizzeria depends on the target audience on which the entrepreneur relies. It is advisable to open restaurants and large cafes in the city center, where a massive crowd of people is constantly visible. The advantage of this location is felt on weekends or days of celebrations.

It is advisable to open small cafes near office centers, trading floors or educational institutions. During lunch breaks or during breaks, many people prefer to have a quick and inexpensive meal.

In sleeping areas, the pizzeria is in demand among families with children, as well as young people. Consider the location of the premises and its compliance with internal design standards.

Rooms required for:

  • kitchen equipment with division into workshops;
  • placement of personal belongings of staff and change of clothes;
  • restroom;
  • warehouse and storage of blanks;
  • accommodation for visitors.

The electrical power of the room is an important factor. Professional production equipment located in a room with a total footage of 200-300 sq.m. will require capacities, the value of which reaches 30-40 kW.

Ventilation is also an integral part. Regulations prohibit the organization of a pizzeria in the basement, and in the case of placement in a residential building, the presence of a separate entrance and emergency exit is mandatory.

Production is separated from the residential part of the building, and is also provided with additional sound insulation. Before opening a pizzeria, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the current SNiPs and GOSTs.

If the premises are selected, then the next stage is engineering and technological design, development of a design project, as well as solving design problems.

Proper investment in pizza kitchen equipment is one of the most important steps for opening a catering facility. The final result, and in this case the quality of pizza, depends on the equipment, the ingredients used and the optimization of the production process.

Study the commercial offers of specialized companies for the production and sale of kitchen equipment, consult with familiar entrepreneurs who somehow have experience in this area.

When choosing equipment, it is important to understand what types of devices will be involved in the production process without fail in order to exclude the purchase of secondary, most importantly unnecessary equipment, which you can do without.

What will be required:

  • oven for the final stage of pizza production;
  • equipment used at the stage of dough preparation - dough mixer, dough divider, flour sifter;
  • freezers and refrigerators for storing ingredients, products and semi-finished products;
  • vacuum packing machine;
  • vegetable cutter - its use will speed up the preparatory process and process large volumes of products;
  • table for forming pizza;
  • fryer and equipment for cutting french fries;
  • oven;
  • dishwasher - saves time and disinfects dishes;
  • beverage equipment;
  • kitchen utensils and supplies.

The specified list is not exhaustive and is supplemented depending on the chosen pizzeria format.

Recruiting staff

For example, consider a pizzeria for 20 people.

The staff includes:

  • pizzaiolo - 2 people;
  • waiter - 2-3 people with a shift schedule, but not less than 2 people per shift;
  • dishwasher - 1 person when equipping the kitchen with a dishwasher;
  • cleaner - 1-2 people;
  • courier - 2 people with transport.

To make a profit, the institution's work schedule must be daily, therefore, the establishment of a shift regime is mandatory.

Pizzaiolo is a key figure in the kitchen of a pizzeria. It is recommended to look for specialists among experienced chefs or those with a specialized education in the direction of Italian cuisine. The presence of medical and sanitary books is mandatory.

Inventing something new is not necessary. There are many types and names of pizzas in the world. Take 10-12 popular positions to start with. Over time, they include pizza according to their own recipe in the menu, thereby conducting an unspoken analysis of customer preferences.

The type of catering establishment "Pizzeria" does not oblige you to focus only on such a dish. Diversify the menu with additional items in the form of salads, snacks and drinks.

Allow customers to choose the ingredients of the pizza themselves.

For each position fixed in the menu, develop a technological map indicating the costs of the ingredients, broken down by weight.

To purchase products, analyze the nearest wholesale bases, where they agree on systematic purchases at loyal prices. There will be no problems with suppliers, since manufacturers of goods are trying to independently look for buyers of products through sales agents.

They should learn about the pizzeria in order to build up a client base as soon as possible and soon reach the required profit indicators.

  1. Hold a grand opening with promotions and attracting famous people.
  2. Installation of a bright and memorable sign.
  3. Organization of distribution of flyers.
  4. Create your own group in social networks.
  5. Direct distribution of leaflets - attachment of flyers in mailboxes.
  6. Order advertising on the radio or in local print media.

When considering how much it costs to open a pizzeria, advertising costs are also taken into account.

What are the risks of opening a pizzeria

Business is a risk, and opening a pizzeria is no exception.

  • the wrong location of the pizzeria;
  • instability of pricing for raw materials;
  • negative actions from competitors;
  • early termination of lease agreements at the initiative of the landlord;
  • decrease in purchasing power and demand for products;
  • personnel miscalculations, insufficient skill level, turnover;
  • failure of production facilities;
  • systematic accumulation of negative reviews as a result of poor service.

It is impossible to unify risks. In each case, external or internal factors become the cause of failure. However, the fast food business is still relevant and can bring profit to the owner.

The fast food market is growing even in a crisis, in this regard, the opening of a pizzeria is relevant even in the current market conditions.

Since the end of 2014, there has been a decrease in attendance at catering establishments. And before you open a pizzeria, you should carefully analyze the situation in this market. So what do the statistics say?

According to a study by the analytical agency NPD Group, in 2014 the number of consumer visits decreased by 1%, and from January to April 2015, the restaurant market lost up to 7%. To make up for the losses, catering establishments began to use promotional offers more widely.

According to NPD Group calculations, in 2015, due to promotional traffic, a 3% increase in visits was expected, with fast food establishments accounting for 10% of the growth, while restaurants are predicted to be able to reduce the drop in visits by 3%, i.e. the decrease in attendance will occur not by 6%, but by 3% (Fig. 1).

Fast food chains (the NPD Group also includes pizzerias) showed a significant increase in visits in the first quarter of 2015 - 8%, which looks surprising against the background of the general situation in the restaurant business (Fig. 2).

According to the NPD Group, for the first 9 months of 2015, the number of visits to fast food establishments increased by 10%, and the number of pizza delivery orders also increased by 6%, compared to the same period a year earlier. At the same time, the analytical agency links the growth in pizza orders with the "maturity" of the Russian market. Ordering pizza to the office or home has already become a habit of Russians.

The following graph will show more clearly which catering establishments were especially popular among Russians in 2015 (Fig. 3):

Based on the information above, it is obvious that the catering business is still as profitable as it was in pre-crisis times. And the format of pizzerias, as a representative of fast foods, is the most successful today. In order to start implementing our plan, let's figure out how to open a pizzeria from scratch - what steps you need to go through before you open the door of your establishment.

Preparing to open a pizzeria

First you need to develop a concept for your business, draw up a clear plan and sequence of actions.

Basic steps:

  1. Choosing the format of the future institution.
  2. Finding a room.
  3. Bringing the premises in line with sanitary and epidemiological and fire safety requirements.
  4. Purchase of equipment and hiring of personnel.
  5. Notification to supervisory authorities.
  6. Carrying out promotional activities.
  7. Start of activity.

Now we will analyze in detail the key steps: the choice of format and the procedure for opening a pizzeria in the context of coordination with Rosptrebnadozor and other services.

Choice of venue format

Having decided to open a pizzeria, where to start is easy to guess - you need to decide on the scale of your business, i.e. with the format of the institution. The following formats are popular today:

The restaurant is the most capital-intensive project. For this format, there are additional requirements for the choice of premises - there must be enough space to place tables for visitors. And the kitchen will require a larger set of equipment, because. In addition to pizza, the restaurant should also offer other cold/hot dishes. There will also be a need to hire more employees who would be busy with cooking and serving visitors.

A pizza bar will require less investment, but still the requirements for the completeness of the equipment and the necessary capacity for the room remain.

A pizzeria at a food court in a shopping center is the most ideal option for those who want to save money on decorating the hall and purchasing bulky equipment, but at the same time make good money on a large number of orders. Such pizzerias in shopping centers should serve customers quickly and at reasonable prices. Therefore, the main emphasis should be placed on the purchase of equipment for the showcase, as well as for heating and cooling dishes.

Pizza delivery is the most economical option for organizing a business. The requirements for the premises here are based on compliance with sanitary standards, there is no need to spend money on the interior. In addition, there is no need to look for a room with reference to places with high traffic, and its area may be small. You can also save a lot on equipment by buying only what you need to make pizza and store frozen convenience foods and ingredients.

After you have decided on the format, made all the economic calculations, decided on the premises, now the fun begins - bringing the premises in accordance with the requirements of Rospotrebnadzor and the fire service.

Important: Since December 2008, obtaining permission from Rosporebnadzor to open a public catering enterprise is not required; when opening, it is enough to submit a notification, while the premises must comply with all established requirements.

The main requirements of Rospotrebnadzor for a pizzeria

  • Hot/cold water supply and sewerage should be connected to the premises, supply and exhaust ventilation should be equipped.
  • The walls of the production room must be covered with tiles or painted with water-based paint at a height of at least 170 cm from the floor.
  • If the premises are located in a residential building, then it will be necessary to comply with the requirements for permissible noise and vibration standards.
  • Availability of ventilation to remove odors The basement is not suitable for a pizzeria.

Notification of Rospotrebnadzor and obtaining the conclusion of the fire service

Important: Activities cannot be started until a notification is sent to Rospotrebnadzor about the start of activities.

For catering establishments, which just include pizzerias, in accordance with sub. 3 p. 2 art. 8 of the Law "On the protection of the rights of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in the exercise of state supervision and municipal control" dated December 26, 2008 No. 294-FZ, there is a simplified procedure for notifying government agencies that control this area.

In accordance with clause 3 of the Government Decree “On the notification procedure for starting certain types of business activities” dated July 16, 2009 No. 584, catering establishments should apply with a completed notification to the territorial body of Rospotrebnadzor. The notification is filled out on the form, which is approved in Appendix No. 2 of the above government decree.

A notification can be sent only after state registration and registration with the Federal Tax Service Inspectorate of a legal entity (or individual entrepreneur), but always before the start of activities (clause 5, article 8 of Law No. 294-FZ).

What information should be included in the notice?

The notification will need to indicate registration information about the legal entity (or individual entrepreneur), as well as indicate the address of the premises in which the activity will actually be carried out. You will also need to confirm that the premises, equipment, vehicles and personnel meet the stated mandatory requirements for this type of activity.

Before sending a notification, you will need to conclude a number of agreements with third parties. For failure to provide a notice or for providing false information, the businessman will be liable under the Code of Administrative Offenses.

Package of agreements:

  • for the removal of municipal solid waste and food waste for disposal (or disposal at a landfill);
  • for disinfection / disinsection / deratization on an ongoing basis;
  • for disinfection of ventilation systems and delivery vehicles;
  • for dry cleaning and laundering of staff uniforms.

It is necessary that the medical staff have issued medical books (and that workers undergo regular medical examinations). Certificates/passports must be available for all used equipment, and measuring instruments and volumetric utensils must be verified.

The notification shall be completed in two identical copies and submitted to the regulator in person, by mail or via electronic communication channels.

By mail, the notification must be sent by registered mail and contain an inventory of the enclosure. An electronic document signed with a digital signature can be transferred through the portal https://www.gosuslugi.ru/ or directly to the e-mail of the multifunctional center for the provision of public services.

The second copy of the notice, drawn up on paper, is given / sent to the applicant on the day of his registration.

Helpful service: You can search and check whether information about the sent notification was entered at the link http://notice.crc.ru/# .

If you plan to sell alcoholic beverages in a restaurant or a pizza bar, then in order to obtain a license, you will need to obtain a conclusion from the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia (Gospozhnadzor) on the fire condition of the pizzeria premises. For its execution, you will need to provide, in addition to registration documents for a legal entity (IP) and a lease agreement for premises (or a certificate of ownership), the following documentation:

  • an act of commissioning a fire alarm and a contract for its maintenance;
  • the act of measuring the insulation resistance;
  • technical documentation for the premises (explication);
  • an order to appoint a person responsible for fire safety (this person must have a certificate confirming the development of the fire-technical minimum);
  • fire escape plan.

After you have been brought to the premises in accordance with the requirements of the State Fire Supervision Service and Rospotrebnadzor, you will only need to find staff and conduct an advertising campaign.

There is another option to start, this is to buy a ready-made business model (purchase a franchise), this will greatly simplify the procedures, but it will be somewhat more expensive than opening from scratch.

Franchising a pizzeria

The easiest way to start a profitable business right away is to open a franchise pizzeria. Then you will not need to spend additional money on an advertising campaign, and the franchisor will be given the opportunity to undergo training.

In the market for pizza parlor franchises, there are several attractive offers to highlight. Let's get acquainted with them.

Pizza Time

Pizzeria format - 3 in 1 - pizzeria + takeaway + delivery

Franchise conditions:

  • Lump sum - 299 thousand rubles;
  • Royalty - 3% of the profit monthly;
  • The volume of investments - 1.625 million rubles;
  • Payback period - 9-14 months.

You will get more information about this franchise if you read the article “Pizza Time Franchise”.

Dodo Pizza

The business is presented in three formats: Family Pizzeria, City Pizzeria and Dodo Express.

The franchise of the pizzeria "Dodo-Pizza" includes the following conditions (Fig. 6):

  • Lump sum - 413 thousand rubles. (in view of VAT);
  • Royalties - 3.5% of revenue + VAT monthly in the first year and 5% + VAT - from the second year;
  • Investment volume - 3 million rubles. (a pizzeria with a hall - from 5 million rubles);
  • Profitability - 15-25%;
  • Payback period - from 12 months.

Papa John's

  • Lump-sum contribution - 35 thousand dollars (equivalent - 2.641 million rubles);
  • Royalty - 7.5%;
  • The right to an exclusive - 7 thousand dollars (equivalent to 528 thousand rubles);
  • The volume of investments - 8-12 million rubles;
  • Payback period - 2-3 years.

Starting a pizza delivery business is easy and hard at the same time. Simple - because such large investments are not required, as for more serious enterprises. Difficult - because you have to go through the chain of command, work hard to earn a name and be patient until the business pays off.

If you succeed, you will get a highly profitable business, you can open new outlets or even full-fledged restaurants. It all depends on your patience, desire and determination.

Features and difficulties of such a business

Let's start the topic: "How to open pizza delivery at home", with the features of the business and the difficulties arising from them. The first and most obvious is competitors. They are all establishments where they prepare and deliver pizza: specialized pizzerias, restaurants and just delivery companies. You probably saw how all the entrances are pasted over with advertisements with the menu of such firms. As a rule, the number of competitors in one area is not very large, which makes the task easier. But their main advantage is the speed of delivery, a well-known name and reputation.

Customers are reluctant to change their habits and prefer to order in one place - where they cook delicious pizza and deliver it quickly. Gotta make an effort to convince them to buy something from you. To do this, you need to give more advertising, literally "an eyesore" so that the client decides to order something from you.

Next you need to earn reputation. Your pizza should arrive to the client as quickly as possible, always be tasty and of high quality. If you cook poorly or delay delivery, the person will no longer order from you and dissuade his friends from doing so. Therefore, carefully monitor the quality of the ingredients and the technology of making pizza, saving on this is a bad option.

The next one is organizational difficulties. First you need to find a place. Please note that it is unlikely that such a business can be organized in your own apartment. But even in this case, you will have to go through many instances, at least, this is obtaining a trade patent, permission from the fire inspectorate and SES. Experienced entrepreneurs recommend going to these organizations with a project for the premises before the lease is signed. You can immediately eliminate the shortcomings, so that later you do not have to redo anything.

Then - the staff, namely - cooks. It is unlikely that you will be able to find someone who will cook it using all Italian technologies for pizza delivery. This is taught in specialized institutions or immediately in restaurants. One consolation is that many say that pizza in Russia is tastier than in Italy. But in any case, you need to find an intelligent person who will make sure that the pizza is tasty, and its taste remains unchanged over time.

This is not easy, because it is not always possible to purchase raw materials from one supplier. And it is the chef who will determine whether he can recreate the same taste using different flours, cheese, tomato paste, etc. And also the tendency of the culinary profession is to change jobs every 2-3 years, as they get bored with the former.

Menu. Need add at least drinks and salads to it. If you look at the menu of other similar establishments, you will see that they are not limited to pizza. The most popular is the combination of pizza and sushi.

Fast delivery. Take care of logistics issues by purchasing several inexpensive cars or hiring drivers with your own cars. If you work in a residential area, a suburb or a small town, the bulk of the delivery will be carried out by car or moped. In the center of the metropolis, it is better to deliver pizza by public transport due to traffic jams.

About how much time the delivery should take - see the comment of the expert.

Premises and equipment

Enough 30 sq.m., where you can place all the equipment. May need cosmetic repairs. The premises must comply with fire safety and SES standards, which you will first visit before the start of the lease period, and then see the representatives of these organizations again after everything is equipped.

Since you only need a bakery, a small production hall is enough. The premises for it can be rented in canteens, cafes, residential buildings, put up a separate tent for the sale of pizza - wherever it is possible to put the equipment and start cooking. It is important that courier cars can easily drive up to your workshop and take away the goods from there.

We are talking about a pizza delivery business only, we are not discussing the possibility of organizing a full-fledged pizzeria yet. But it is quite possible to open it when you settle in the market and receive a stable income. But as an option, you can put a few tables in the room, if the area allows, or provide the opportunity to take freshly baked pizza to go.
  1. Pizza oven hearth or conveyor. Deck oven cheaper, pizza is placed on a stone floor and baked at a temperature of 400-500 degrees Celsius. Conveyor models are more expensive, but they are better suited for the preparation of the same type of product. Both types of ovens are gas and electric. There are also wood-burning ovens - a classic option for an Italian pizzeria. But pizza delivery companies are encouraged to use conveyor models - they are more productive and easier to operate.
  2. Pizza table. Here the pizza will be assembled and prepared for delivery to the oven. The table must have gastronorm containers with a cooling effect for storing ingredients.
  3. Refrigerator and freezer. This is where the rest of the ingredients will be stored.
  4. Ventilation equipment.
  5. Dough sheeter.
  6. Forms for pizza.
  7. Kitchen tools.
  8. Gravy boats.
  9. Package.
  10. Pizza bags.

Personnel and procurement of raw materials

What staff is needed:

  1. Cooks. Optimal - 2 pizza chefs who can work together or in shifts.
  2. Purchaser of equipment and raw materials. You can act as it yourself.
  3. Couriers - from 4 people.
  4. call center operator. You can also do this on your own at the first stage.

Activities from 2, 3, 4, and sometimes 1 point you can do yourself. Mistakes made by many new entrepreneurs trying to do everything yourself. Calculate exactly what kind of work and for how long you can do it yourself, what you can entrust to employees and to whom, otherwise you may not be able to do anything. The best option is to purchase raw materials yourself and answer part of the calls, and delegate the rest of the duties to employees.

First, let's talk about what raw materials you need. Ideally, pizza should be made with hot dough and quality ingredients. But there is an opportunity to save money by buying several pizza blanks and several options for fillings sold at wholesale depots.

Pizza will cook very quickly, the cost will be minimal, but the quality may suffer. Therefore, if you go this route, first personally try each cooked pizza and decide if you would buy such a product again.

If you decide to buy ingredients separately, they are sold in wholesale stores like METRO or at specialized bases that supply raw materials for pizzerias. You can find a permanent supplier in Russia or abroad and buy all the ingredients from him. It can be said unequivocally that raw materials are not something that can be saved on.

Economic calculations

Minimum costs:

  1. Room rental - from 15 thousand rubles per month.
  2. Equipment - 170-200 thousand rubles.
  3. Raw materials - 100-200 thousand rubles.
  4. Repair (if necessary) - 50-100 thousand rubles.
  5. Salary for employees - 150-200 thousand rubles per month.
  6. Registration of an enterprise - from 15 thousand rubles.
  7. Advertising - from 30 thousand rubles.
  8. Packaging for pizza - from 10 rubles. for a box.
  9. Printing booklets with menus - 5-10 thousand rubles.
  10. Utilities - 20-30 thousand rubles.

This is an approximate minimum cost. It can be more or less and varies depending on the region.

The average profitability of such an enterprise is 35-40%. The payback period is from 20 to 30 months. The cost of 1 pizza is 50-120 rubles. Margin - 200-300%. The average price of a pizza is 250 rubles. The average number of items is 20 types of pizza on the menu. Approximately 50 orders can be delivered per day. Let's say 1 order is, on average, 2 pizzas. We think so, because 1 person can order 1 pizza, at the same time a large company will order 3 pizzas. So it turns out 2 pizzas to order. Please note that these are very rough estimates.

As a result, the average cost of a pizza is 85 rubles. Let's say you sell 100 pizzas a day. We calculate the gross income per month:

(250 x100 - 85 x100) x 30 = 495,000.

After deducting expenses and taxes, the net profit will be 70-100 thousand rubles per month. This is a rough and very approximate calculation - income can be more or less. You will surely have other types of food and drinks that will increase your profits. The optimal ratio between the cost of production and the price: 1:5. some companies use a ratio of 1:7.

Do not seek to set a price higher than that of competitors, otherwise you risk being left with nothing. Focus on the average market price, too cheap pizza should not be sold either - this causes suspicion. In addition, you will have to save on raw materials, but this is not worth doing, as mentioned above.


Come up with a catchy name, a bright logo and patent them. The client should see them as often as possible: on flyers, on cars, on the Internet, on billboards, in printed publications, etc.

Create your site. Place on it all the information about the product, its ingredients, some interesting articles, the history of your company and everything that may be of interest to the client. Don't forget the most important thing - the "order" button. The client should be able to instantly buy pizza directly on the site, order a call back or call the specified phone number on their own.

Design mobile app. Its purpose is to quickly buy pizza and alert you to news and special offers from your company.

Paste menu booklets in the hallways. They will be constantly plucked, but someone will definitely want to order a pizza, since there is no need to look for delivery companies on the Internet - the menu has already been brought directly to his apartment.

Develop a discount system. For example, let the subscribers of a group on a social network receive a 5% discount, or a 10% discount for a repeat order within 2 weeks, etc.

Run word of mouth radio. Many companies rate it as the best way to advertise. Let one of your acquaintances, in a conversation with their friends, tell what delicious pizza they tried and order it so that people are convinced of this. Your task is to cook really tasty pizza and keep the brand, otherwise you will instantly lose confidence.

A pizza delivery business is pretty easy to set up. It has its own characteristics and difficulties. In short, to overcome them - you need patience and ingenuity. Then you will get a profitable and highly profitable enterprise with unlimited opportunities for expansion, growth and opening of new branches.

Many pizza delivery companies started out as small bakeries where the owner delivered the pizza himself. And now these are large enterprises, known throughout the country or even abroad.
Watch the video to learn how to open pizza and sushi delivery.

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