Barley (cereal): description, cultivation technology, varieties, application. Difference Between Barley and Wheat Which Germinates Wheat or Barley Before?


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Wheat, barley and rye are the main cereals in crop rotation in many countries. Grain is used in food, textile, chemical and animal industries. Despite the external similarity, cereals have differences in the structure of the ear, appearance and in the chemical composition of the grain. They are grown in different conditions: unpretentious rye can grow on poor soils, and wheat and barley need a certain physical composition of the soil.

Depending on the variety, rye is annual or perennial, and wild species belong to the diploid form. Over the past 10-15 years, breeding varieties have been obtained that have a tetraploid set of chromosomes, which has led to an increase in yield and increased resistance to lodging.

Stem and root system

The root of the cereal has a fibrous shape and is able to reach deep layers of soil (up to 2 m). This explains the ability of the culture to bear fruit well even on light sandy soils. Another distinctive feature of the root system is increased physiological activity, which is expressed in the rapid absorption of nutrients and the breakdown of sparingly soluble compounds. The plant forms a tillering node at a depth of up to 2 cm, which is lower than that of wheat (2.5-3.5 cm). Rye is also distinguished by the intensity of tillering: under favorable climatic conditions on good soil, each plant is able to form up to 90 shoots.

The stem of the plant is hollow and has 5 to 7 internodes. The stem is pubescent only under the ears. Its height depends on the variety and soil and climatic conditions, it can reach 220 cm.

But most of the breeding species are medium-sized (from 80 to 120 cm).

grass leaves

The leaf shape of the plant is broad-linear, flat. Color - gray, gray-gray, gray-green. The length of the plate varies from 10 to 30 cm, and the width is 1-3 cm. The base of the plate covers a small tongue and ears, which quickly dry out and fall off. Drought-resistant varieties and types of wild rye have leaves pubescent on the upper side with sickle-shaped thin hairs.

Inflorescence and spike

The culture stem carries an elongated and slightly drooping spike, which is complex in shape. An ear of rye has a strong axis 4 to 15 cm long and up to 1.5 cm wide. It consists of a tetrahedral rod and flat two-flowered spikelets.

Scales have a linear subulate shape and one vein. Spikelet scales are without spines and shorter than flowering scales, they are rough along the keel and pointed at the top. The outer scale or flower has up to 5 veins and a long awn. Form - lanceolate. On the keel it is framed by hard cilia.


In a rye flower there are three stamens with long anthers that protrude by 2-3 mm and spikelets. The upper ovary is distinguished by a bilobed and pinnate stigma. The rye weevil has an oblong shape and a deep pronounced groove.

Cereal grain in shape, color and size depends on the variety. Typically, the length ranges from 5 to 12 mm, width - 1-4 mm, thickness - 1-3 mm. The mass of 1000 seeds depends on the variety, soil and climatic conditions. In tetraploid varieties, it can reach up to 60 g. Rye grain is usually oval or elongated with pronounced wrinkling. The color of the grain is different: it can be greenish or gray-green, gray-brown, rich yellow or red-yellow, yellow or red-brown, gold, dark brown.

Agrotechnological features

Rye, together with wheat, goes through the same phases of organogenesis and phenological stages, but under equal climatic conditions, it sprouts and begins tillering a few days earlier. Rye usually produces two- and three-node plants. In winter varieties, tillering begins in the fall, and 3 weeks after spring regrowth, they go into the tube. After another 45-55 days, the heading stage begins, and flowering - after 7-14 days. The flowering phase of a rye plant lasts up to 10 days.

Rye is not as demanding on soil and climatic conditions as wheat or barley. It is also less sensitive to soil acidity, so it is cultivated on low-quality podzolic soils. The cereal shows the highest yield on nutritious chernozem and gray forest soils with an average or light mechanical composition.

Rye differs from all winter cereals in winter hardiness. At the level of the tillering node, it withstands frosts down to -19-23 ° С. Vegetation of winter varieties ends in autumn at 3-5°C, and begins in spring at 2-5°C. Rye belongs to cross-pollinated plants: pollen is carried by air, and the most pleasant conditions for pollination are warm and humid weather without wind. To avoid cross-pollination, the sowing fields of diploid varieties are located at a distance of 200-350 m from each other, and for tetraploid varieties, an isolation strip is made 500 m or more.

The benefits and contraindications of rye

Due to the high content of useful elements and vitamins, rye grain belongs to dietary and preventive products. The use of rye is not limited to baking bread: biscuits and breads, cookies, desserts and sweets are made from flour. And bran is actively used in cooking and folk recipes. A decoction of them can help with bronchitis, constipation, diabetes, hypertension, thyroid disease, atherosclerosis, anemia and pulmonary tuberculosis.

Natural rye kvass contains many vitamins. In hot weather, it quenches thirst well, normalizes bowel function, strengthens blood vessels and creates a favorable environment for intestinal microflora.

Rye products have a low GI, so they are indicated for people with diabetes. The high fiber content satisfies the feeling of hunger for a long time, which allows the use of rye flour products in the diet menu.

Rye grain has not so many contraindications. You can not eat products made from rye flour during an exacerbation of gastric ulcer and with hyperacid gastritis in the chronic stage. Bran should be eaten without exceeding the daily allowance (up to 70 g), otherwise you can get indigestion and constipation. It is necessary to buy grain for sprouting only in stores specializing in healthy foods. Otherwise, you can buy seeds contaminated with ergot or treated with chemicals, which will lead to poisoning.

What is the difference between rye and wheat

Rye and wheat are the first cultivated cereals that quickly spread across the continents and began to be cultivated for human needs. Both rye and wheat are representatives of the family of cereal crops, which have winter and spring varieties in species diversity. Both plants can be either annuals or perennials. This is where the similarities between species end.

Rye grains have a rich vitamin and mineral composition, but are poor in gluten, so it is easier to work with wheat flour. The chemical composition of rye grains contains many vitamins of group b, C, PP, macro- and microelements, deficient amino acids and polyunsaturated acids.

Wheat has more classifications: grain is divided into soft and hard, and flour is divided into several classes. The yield of wheat is several times higher, but it is also more demanding on agrotechnical conditions. There are also more wheat varieties than rye varieties. Wheat grains almost always have a golden or light yellow hue, its spike is thick, and the tendrils often break off under the weight of the grains. The length of the wheat stalk usually does not exceed 140 cm.

Nutrition value difference:

  • In 100 g of rye grains: 8.5 g of protein, 1.9 g of fat, 61 g of carbohydrates, 14 g of dietary fiber, 2 g of minerals;
  • In 100 g of wheat grains: 15 g of proteins, 2.5 g of fats, 71 g of carbohydrates, 10 g of fibers, up to 68 g of starch and 2 g of sugars.

Due to its frost resistance, rye has gained great popularity in the northern regions, and heat-loving wheat has settled in the southern regions. Crops also have different preferences for soils. Wheat does not tolerate high acidity and gives a good harvest on black soil or podzolic soils. The plant is demanding on the physical qualities of soils and chemical composition. In the Russian Federation, the cultivation of winter wheat varieties is more common.

Rye is immune to the level of soil acidity and bears fruit well on any poor soil. Often rye is used to improve clay soils: the cereal is able to loosen and provide good soil drainage. Wheat is less resistant to lodging and diseases than rye, and is also affected by weeds. Varieties of winter and spring rye are distributed according to the agrotechnical map of the Russian Federation so that spring varieties are cultivated in regions with risky farming and short summers, and winter varieties - in regions with snowy and cold winters.

The practical use of cereals is also different - wheat is used not only for baking bread. Alcohol, starch, glucose and amino acids, biofuels are obtained from wheat grain by processing. Grain is used in the chemical and textile industries. Different varieties of wheat are used in different ways in the food industry: durum wheat is used to make premium bread, pasta and to improve flour from gluten-poor varieties. Depending on the class, soft wheat is used for baking bread, desserts, biscuits, etc. Germinated wheat is an important component of healing preparations and an immunomodulator. Sprouted rye is not used in cosmetology or in traditional medicine, but ears are used for homeopathic preparations.

To obtain a universal culture, a hybrid of wheat and rye was bred. Triticale is resistant to frost and many diseases, high yield and low content of gluten in the grain.

What is the difference between rye and barley

Rye in the grain economy of the Russian Federation is grown by 70% for the bread industry, by 20% - for the needs Agriculture, and 10% - for the needs of the chemical and food industries. Rye bread has a pleasant and recognizable aroma, satiety and delicate spicy-sour taste. The technology for baking black bread is different: for fermentation, the dough needs lactic acid fungi, the habitat of which is sourdough and malt. Rye bread is combined with many spices, herbs and spices, so there are many tastes and variations of loaves. Important products obtained from rye grains are bran and starch. In the food industry, confectionery molasses and various syrups, alcohol are obtained from starch.

Externally, barley and rye are similar, as are the areas of grain use. Malt, indispensable in brewing, is obtained from barley, and flour is added to various confectionery products. Barley and pearl barley are made from grains by crushing and flattening. In the livestock industry, barley plays an important role as a fodder crop. Barley flour is poor in gluten, but it is often added to wheat, oatmeal and rye flour for baking pancakes, pies, biscuits, and cookies.

Roasted and ground grains are used to prepare a coffee substitute that does not contain caffeine and has fewer contraindications.

External differences between barley and rye:

  • The grain of barley is wide, and slightly compressed from the sides, the spike has vertical oblong awns, the leaves are of medium width;
  • The grain of a rye plant is oval, has a pronounced transverse groove, narrow leaves, and the ear is short-awned;
  • All varieties of barley are short, and rye is the tallest of the cereal family.

Physical differences between cultures:

  • If the main area of ​​​​use of rye is the production of bread, then malt, cereals and animal feed are made from barley;
  • After threshing, barley grains come out in dense scales, and rye grains are clean;
  • Products made from rye flour have lower calories, but barley is richer in protein;
  • Barley contains more soluble fiber, while rye contains more insoluble fiber.

Products from barley and rye grains are rich in vitamins of the first group, fiber and many valuable elements. They are used for health and preventive nutrition, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, atherosclerosis, obesity and allergies to wheat protein.

What is the difference between rye and oats

Rye and oats differ not only in appearance, but also in their chemical properties. Rye grain is longer and thinner with less germ, aleurone layer and shells.

What does oat grain look like: white or yellow, yellow-brown, filmy and dense, spindle-shaped or oblong. Flower films are rough and thick, contain a lot of pentosans and fiber, micro and macro elements, active enzymes. The share of flower films accounts for up to 30% of the mass of the grain.

  • Water - 15%;
  • Proteins - 10%;
  • Carbohydrates - 56% (starch - 36%, ash - 3%, fiber - 10%, fats - 4.6%).

Oats differ from rye in early maturity and yield. The growing season of this plant is from 75 to 130 days. The culture is very fond of moisture, undemanding to the physical properties of the soil and tolerates frost well. After germination, the plant withstands a decrease in air temperature to -5-7°C. The fibrous root system is well developed. If rye or wheat are both annuals and perennials, then all varieties of oats are only annuals and are medium-sized. The height of the stem usually does not exceed 120 cm, but there are spring forms with a height of up to 175 cm. The leaves are gray or green, rough and long - up to 45 cm. Oats, like rye, do not have a large number of species.

Oatmeal is used for baking bread, confectionery, pastries. The cereal does not have a large number of breeding breeds, but is actively cultivated in the southern and southeastern regions of the Russian Federation. Oats are an important fodder crop; infusions and decoctions are also prepared from it, and sprouts are used in recipes for many diets.

Cereal crops - oats, wheat, barley and rye - form the basis of world grain production. Outwardly similar plants differ in grain composition, growing conditions and requirements for soil, climate, watering and fertilizers. Rye and oat products can be used for diabetes, hypertension and anemia, to strengthen the immune system, weight loss and during recovery after surgery or illness. Barley, like oats, is an indispensable fodder crop and is used to prepare various cereals and malt. Wheat is distinguished by an abundance of varietal forms and scope: different types of bread, sweets are baked from it, starches and gluten are obtained. And durum wheat pasta is not only tasty, but also healthy, contains few calories.

One of the oldest cereal crops is barley. This agricultural plant was cultivated by man more than a hundred years ago. Barley groats are a source of health, beauty and youth, as they are rich in substances necessary for the human body. Barley (cereal) is widely used in the food and brewing industry, it is used as a remedy, it is fed to animals, and used for technical purposes.

History of the origin of culture

The barley plant was cultivated in China more than 10 thousand years ago. Later, the remains of this cereal culture were found in Egypt, from where they came to the territory of the Roman Empire and Ancient Greece. Today, uncultivated barley (cereal) grows over vast areas. The plant is common in Tibet up to North Africa.

The ancient inhabitants of Palestine began to eat cereals, and already in the Middle Ages in Europe, peasants began to eat barley bread. By the beginning of the 19th century, this grain crop was replaced by potatoes. Barley was brought to Russia from Asia, penetrated into the territory of Siberia and began to be cultivated in the Caucasus.

For residents of the highlands and the north, this plant is still a sought-after product to this day. This is because barley is a cold climate tolerant crop, so it is easier to cultivate than wheat or rye. Grass is used not only in the production of bakery products, but also as feed in animal husbandry and poultry farming.

Description of the species

Barley is a grain crop that can grow both wild and cultivated for food purposes. This cereal belongs to the genus Hordeum and has more than 40 varieties. The culture is classified according to the number of fruit-bearing spikelets, its density, grain filminess, among which the following types:

  • The very first cultivated species of wild two-row barley (Hordeum distichon) was discovered during excavations in the territory of Ancient Asia about 7 thousand years BC. On the ledge of the rod there are two barren lateral spikelets and the middle one is fertile. The representative of the species has two subspecies: with spikelet lateral scales and with flowering ones.

  • During the period of the origin of agriculture in ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia 2 millennia ago, they began to cultivate multi-row barley (Hordeum vulgare). All three spikelets located on the segment of the rod are fertile. Depending on the density of the spikelet this species has the following subspecies: a six-row regular shape, resembling a dense and at the same time short hexagon, and an irregular six-row, in which spikelets located on the sides overlap each other, forming a quadrangle. Multi-row barley - a plant popular in our latitudes, ripens quickly and is resistant to arid climate, not demanding on the choice of soil.

Currently, agricultural producers prefer two-row or ordinary barley, whose origin goes back to Central Asia.

Two-row (ordinary) barley: variety description

This representative of the genus (Hordeum intermedium) is an annual herbaceous plant of spring and winter forms. Has a large number of varieties. The grass can reach a height of one meter. The straw has a bare, straight shape, from which long fan-shaped or straight awns diverge - three-horned appendages in the form of a blade.

A barley ear can have both awnless and furcate ears, and be yellow, brown or linear black in color. Three spikelets are formed on the ledge of the rod, the middle spike is bisexual and one-flowered. Lateral spikelets are spikelet scales. The grains are naked and in the film. The main regions of growth and cultivation of culture are Central Asia and Europe.

Varietal diversity and their features

Barley varieties are annual, biennial and perennial grasses. They are distinguished by quality characteristics, terms of planting and ripening, productivity. But, before planting a crop, it is necessary to know the characteristics of the cereal, because barley is winter, which is most popular, and spring.

Winter barley gives more yield, is not picky about the choice of soil, it is not characterized by fuses. But, nevertheless, this crop does not tolerate frost well, therefore, it needs certain measures to preserve sowing in the winter.

It is mainly used for the production of barley and pearl barley. This is a crop of early ripening, resistant to pests, has more than 70 varieties that are cultivated in different climatic zones.

Varieties of spring barley

Most regions of the world cultivate two-row. Among the spring varieties of this species, the following varieties can be distinguished:

  • Viscount is a fodder grain that is widely used in the brewing industry. The barley ear has an even and hollow stem, the grain is quite large, its weight can reach 0.05 grams, it contains up to 13% protein. The term of ripening and quality of grain directly depends on climatic conditions. Harvesting is carried out on the 127th day from the moment of sowing, or earlier - on the 73rd. Up to 70 centners of the crop are harvested from one hectare.
  • Vakula is a grain variety of spring barley resistant to climate change and soil. The mass of grain can reach 0.06 grams with abundant watering. This is a high-yielding variety, up to 90 centners of grain are harvested from one hectare, which has a low filminess and practically does not contain protein. But it should be remembered that the yield may decrease if the crops are thickened.

  • Other varieties of spring barley are: Zeus, Adapt, Marni, Lofant, Donetsk 4 and others.

Varieties of winter barley

The grass grows in any region and on any soil. Sowing time - September.

  • Worthy - a variety of winter barley, the ripening period of which is 273 days. The cereal reaches a height of about 86 cm, a grain weighing up to 0.04 grams, contains 12.6% protein and 61% starch. The average yield reaches 60 centners per hectare. The variety is winter hardy, tolerates drought well and is not subject to shedding.
  • Other varieties of winter barley are: "Sinderella", Fantast, Morozko, Aborigine, Ark and others.

High Yielding Varieties

With its variety of varieties, barley (cereal) allows you to choose the type that will bear the maximum fruit and bring a high yield in the selected region.

One of these is the Priazovsky variety. The grass is widespread throughout Russia, mainly in the middle lane and the southern region of the country. Its peculiarity is that it adapts well to unenriched soils, exhibits high vitality, is not susceptible to fungal infections, and is frost-resistant. The sowing rate of barley per hectare reaches 65% of the total crop. The culture is grown as fodder, and also used as food raw materials. The mass of grain is 60 grams per 1000 pieces.

Helios barley is characterized by high grain germination and its excellent quality. The maturation period lasts about three months. The culture is unpretentious to the soil. Up to 88 centners of crops are harvested from 1 hectare at a seeding rate of 3.5 million grains.

One of the productive and highly germinating varieties is the Mamluk variety. Growing barley in compliance with agrotechnical requirements will allow harvesting up to 72% of the crop at a seeding rate of 4.3 million seeds. Due to its high yield, the variety is popular in the Krasnodar and Stavropol Territories. The grass tolerates short dry periods well. The variety is early ripening, so it is recommended to observe the harvest time. The culture is resistant to various fungal infections such as fusarium and rust. Grain is used for the production of cereals.

What types of beer are made from?

For brewing, those varieties of barley are used that are preferable for independent cultivation, and not in industrial volumes. This allows you to get a healthier cereal, enriched with the maximum amount of nutrients. These varieties include: Ronnie, Sunshine, Gladys, Quench, Corserto, Scarlett and others.

As described above, the most popular and cultivated species is two-row barley, which comes in two forms: spring and winter. This grain crop has excellent qualities, which has gained confidence all over the world. Despite the fact that the grass tolerates low temperatures well and is resistant to drought, nevertheless, the plant needs regular nutrition and additional moisture. Under these conditions, during the ripening period, barley is able to withstand 45 ° C heat.

The culture grows on any soil, even acidic. But, the preferred soil are loamy soils and chernozems. It is recommended to plow the ground deep before sowing, despite the fact that the plant gets along well with weeds. The technology of barley cultivation assumes the presence of sunlight and preferably heat, but not heat.

Agrotechnicians use an intensive barley cultivation technology, in which the culture is not planted in the same place for more than three years. It is recommended to observe crop rotation, using crops such as potatoes, green manure, legumes, wheat, chickpeas, rapeseed as predecessors. It should be noted that if the grain is to be used as livestock feed, then legumes may be the precursor, which is not acceptable for the crop that will be used in the production of beer.

Sowing barley directly depends on the variety, climatic conditions and soil. Despite the fact that in most cases the culture is picky and adapts well to environmental conditions, nevertheless, the most productive and resistant varieties are those that grow mainly in the northern region of the country.

Barley is sown in the first half of spring in the fields, as soon as the machinery can drive into the field. Mechanized equipment allows you to sow grain with the help of grain seeders, the row spacing of which is 15 cm. At home, grain sowing is carried out manually. The terms of sowing seeds of winter barley - September-October, depend on the region where they will be cultivated.

Before sowing, the soil is prepared in advance, subjected to deep plowing and cultivation, in order to avoid weeds, enriched with organic fertilizers and harrowed. Poor soils are pre-impregnated with a phosphorus-potassium solution in a ratio of 45 kg per hectare of arable land. The seed material is a large grain with high germination. Seeds are pre-treated with fungicides and stimulants for rapid growth.

At a temperature of +1 ° C, the active growth of crops begins. The peak of ripening occurs at a temperature of +21 ° C. During flowering and during the formation of a barley ear, the plant becomes vulnerable to climate change, but is able to more or less favorably endure small frosts down to -7 ° C.

Barley is not picky about watering. Irrigation is used mainly in dry areas to increase crop yields. Moderate watering increases grain germination by 47% and involves irrigation measures no more than 2 times during the entire growing season. Barley grain during the harvest period should not be wet, no more than 20% moisture is allowed.

Barley is harvested by mowing in two stages: before flowering on the 55th day from sowing and during the flowering period. Grain is first placed in headers, then dried, threshed and poured into granaries, after which it is exported to its destination.

Use in the food industry

Barley (cereal) is an excellent raw material for the production of cereals and flour. Pearl barley and barley groats must be present in the nutritious diet. Barley is a whole grain that has undergone preliminary cleaning and polishing, and resembles or pearls in shape and color. During the production of the cell, the grain is freed from the film and crushed. Since the manufacturing technology does not provide for polishing, cereals retain more useful substances, including fiber, than they surpass pearl barley. As for flour, it is not used in its pure form, it is mixed with wheat or rye flour in an amount of not more than 25%.

Barley is used in the manufacture of coffee, more precisely, its surrogate. The culture is used as a raw material in the brewing industry. In the Neolithic era, a drink from this cereal was considered divine, later beer was used for mutual settlements, that is, they were elevated to the rank Money.

Barley grain is rich in complete proteins and contains starch, which makes it an excellent addition to the diet for raising livestock. On the territory of our country, the sowing rate of barley for this purpose is 70% of the total crop. For fattening animals, raw grains are used, which include 12% protein, 5.5% fiber, up to 5% fat and ash, about 65% nitrogen-free extractives. In addition to grain, barley straw is added to the diet of animals, since it surpasses other crops in biological indicators.

A coffee drink is made from barley and rye - this is a healthy product recommended by nutritionists for people suffering from high blood pressure. is indispensable for healthy nutrition. With its use, the condition of the gastrointestinal tract improves, weight normalizes, the work of the cardiovascular system is restored, blood pressure and insulin levels in the blood are normalized, immunity is strengthened.

Barley-rye coffee is close to cappuccino in taste. In its preparation, milk, cane sugar or honey is used. On sale there is a completely ready-to-use product. This is a ready-made mixture of such popular brands as Staraya Mill, Vokrug Sveta, Stoletov.

The history of the cultivation of barley, one of the most common cereal crops in the world, began its countdown in ancient times. This is confirmed by the mention of this cereal in the Bible, as well as barley grains discovered during archaeological excavations of the cities of Ancient Egypt, Rome, Greece, Palestine, China, which existed 4-5 thousand years BC. (on the territory of present-day Russia, barley has been grown for more than 5000 years).

From the grains of barley unpretentious to growing conditions in ancient times, flour was obtained from which bread was baked, but also barley grains already 2 thousand years BC. served as the main raw material for the production of malt (sprouted and then dried barley grains), which is widely used in ancient brewing and distilling. In those ancient times in the countries ancient world It was believed that food and drinks made from barley grains help to strengthen endurance, increase physical and mental strength (which is why barley food predominated in the diet of both the ancient Roman gladiators and the students of the legendary philosophical school of Pythagoras). In Russia, barley has long found the widest culinary use - the germinated grains of this cereal were the main raw material for the preparation of kvass, beer, barley vinegar, baking, and decoctions from barley grains in Russian cuisine were used in the preparation of soups, cereals, kissels and stews.

From ancient times to this day, barley grains, as well as decoctions and infusions based on them, which have a high nutritional value and a lot of properties that are beneficial to the human body, find various uses in folk medicine. The famous Avicenna wrote about the cleansing and restorative effect on the human body of decoctions of barley grains in his treatises. Since ancient times, in many countries of the world, decoctions and infusions based on barley grains and barley malt have been used in the treatment of diseases of the kidneys and bladder, respiratory organs, are used for various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, diseases of the mammary glands (in addition, barley water prepared in a special way is considered popularly an effective means to increase lactation and fight fever, and is also used to feed infants). Russian peasants traditionally used decoctions of barley grains and infusions of barley malt to strengthen the immune system and restore the health of people exhausted by a serious illness.

Nowadays, barley is of great economic importance and is widely used in animal husbandry (as part of concentrated livestock feed), brewing, flour-grinding and confectionery industries, and textile production. Also, this cereal crop is quite often used as a raw material for the production of coffee surrogates, the production of cereals, and is used in pharmaceutical industry(The bactericidal drug Gordecin is obtained from barley grains).

Composition of barley grain

The composition of barley grain is characterized by an optimal ratio of proteins (up to 15.5%) and carbohydrates (up to 75%)(moreover, barley protein significantly exceeds wheat protein in its nutritional value).

Barley contains a relatively small amount of starch.(compared to rye, wheat, peas, corn) and enough fiber(up to 9%) (in terms of its quantity, barley surpasses most known cereal crops, second only to oats).

The composition of barley grain (as well as the composition of oat grain) is characterized by a high content of water-soluble dietary fiber beta-glucans, which help cleanse the body of harmful substances and lower blood sugar levels and "bad" cholesterol. It is precisely due to the reduced starch content and a significant amount of beta-glucan fibers that cereals made from barley and oat grains have, from the point of view of nutritionists, a clear advantage over other cereals (wheat, rye, buckwheat, etc.), and in this regard, they can claim to be the title of the most useful dietary food.

Barley grain contains water-soluble B vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B4 (choline), B6, B8 (biotin), B9) necessary for human health, fat-soluble vitamins E, A, D, as well as a wide range of useful macro- and trace elements (silicon, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, nickel, sulfur, manganese, selenium, iodine, zinc, bromine, copper, cobalt, chromium, fluorine, etc.).

Vitamin B complex found in barley grain takes an active part in many processes occurring in the human body (energy, protein, fat, water-salt metabolism, hematopoiesis), regulates the functions of the nervous, cardiovascular, muscular and digestive systems, helps maintain normal hormonal balance in the human body.

Vitamins A, E and D in the composition of barley grain in combination with vitamins of group B contribute to the full growth of the human body, normalize vision, improve the condition of cartilage and bone tissue, skin, mucous membranes of internal organs, and also play a significant role in strengthening immunity, preventing infectious and oncological diseases.

A distinctive feature of the mineral composition of barley grain is the high content of phosphorus, silicon and potassium in it (you can find out about the beneficial properties of these macronutrients that are very important for the body in the “Barley” section).

Barley also differs from most known cereal crops in its increased content of antiviral and antibacterial substances, such as lysine and hordecin. In this regard, barley decoctions and infusions are a well-known remedy in folk medicine for the treatment of fungal and inflammatory skin diseases, diseases of the digestive system and respiratory organs, and barley grains serve as raw materials for the production of bactericidal and antiviral pharmaceutical preparations.

Features of the biochemical composition of germinated barley grain

In the process of germination in barley grain, the activity of enzymes is activated that contribute to the breakdown of nutrients (proteins, fats, carbohydrates) into organic components that are simpler in structure and easily absorbed by the human body (proteins are converted into amino acids, fats into fatty acids, starch into simple saccharides). Thus, when eating germinated barley grain or barley malt for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, the human body spends significantly less energy on the absorption of nutrients than when using traditional food products made from unsprouted barley grain (barley and pearl barley, barley bread) .

A characteristic feature of the germinated grain of barley is also a higher content in it (compared to ripe, unsprouted barley grain) of vitamin E and B vitamins.

Useful properties of germinated barley, barley malt infusions, decoctions based on barley grain

The barley grain product offered on our website is made from high-quality raw materials grown on environmentally friendly acreage without the use of any chemical fertilizers harmful to the human body. The natural product we recommend using at home for the preparation of a variety of products that have a lot of properties that are beneficial to human health - germinated barley, barley malt, barley kvass and kissel, medicinal and restorative decoctions based on barley grain.

Decoctions of barley, germinated barley and infusions of barley malt are useful in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The insoluble fiber contained in barley grains, in combination with the B vitamins contained in barley grain, stimulates the digestion process, activates the movement of food through the gastrointestinal tract, helping to cleanse the body of "bad" cholesterol, accumulated toxins and toxins. In addition, barley dietary fiber, in combination with choline (vitamin B4) contained in barley grain, has a pronounced choleretic effect, preventing the formation of stones in the liver and gall bladder. Water-soluble beta-glucan fibers, which are especially rich in barley grain, are an excellent nutrient medium for beneficial intestinal microflora, and in combination with vitamins E, A, B2 and B3, they have a protective enveloping and wound-healing effect on the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines affected by the inflammatory process. In connection with the above properties of the biochemical components of barley grain, regular consumption of mucous barley decoctions and infusions of barley malt is very useful for the prevention and as part of the complex treatment of such diseases as gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, colitis, enterocolitis, cholecystitis, gastroduodenitis, inflammatory diseases of the liver and biliary tract, fatty liver, cirrhosis, diarrhea. The introduction of sprouted barley, decoctions of barley and infusions of barley malt into the diet will also bring tangible benefits in the treatment of constipation, dysbacteriosis, food intoxication, helminthiases (ascariasis, etc.). In addition, barley grain-based mucous decoctions are also an excellent general strengthening dietary product for patients who have undergone abdominal surgery. With the methods of preparation and use of barley decoctions and infusions, effective in the treatment of various diseases of the digestive system, you can find in the section.

The benefits of barley decoctions, barley malt infusions and sprouted barley grains in metabolic disorders, obesity and diabetes mellitus. Barley grain has a high fiber content, which, when ingested by the human body, slows down the process of carbohydrate absorption, and thus prevents the increase in blood glucose levels. In addition, barley grain contains a whole complex of macro- and microelements that regulate the process of insulin synthesis by the pancreas (magnesium, zinc, chromium, manganese, selenium, etc.). That is why germinated barley grains containing a large amount of dietary fiber, easily digestible nutrients, useful vitamins and minerals, as well as barley decoctions and jelly, barley malt infusions are the most useful products for the diet of people with diabetes. In addition, fiber-rich dishes made from germinated barley and barley malt are very useful for those who are obese (fiber that has entered the stomach, swelling and increasing in volume, quickly creates the illusion of satiety, preventing excessive food intake, and consequently, weight gain) .

Decoctions of barley grain and infusions of barley malt are an effective remedy for the treatment of respiratory diseases. Having bactericidal, antiviral, anti-inflammatory properties, softening cough and sore throat, decoctions of barley, as well as water infusions of barley malt, have been widely used in folk medicine for many centuries in the treatment of tonsillitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis. Recipes for home preparation of various remedies based on barley grain and barley malt for the treatment of respiratory diseases are given in the section "Medicinal recipes based on barley grain".

The benefits of germinated barley, barley decoctions and infusions for the cardiovascular system. The complex of potassium and magnesium contained in barley grain improves the function of the heart muscle, and in combination with vitamins E and D plays a key role in the regulation of blood pressure. Dietary fiber beta-glucans and B vitamins, which are especially rich in barley grain, help cleanse the blood of “bad” cholesterol and other substances harmful to the human body. Vitamins B3, E, A and D, which are part of barley grain, take part in the regulation of blood clotting, and in combination with silicon, manganese and chromium, they help strengthen the walls and increase the elasticity of blood vessels, protecting them from deposits of “bad” cholesterol and inflammatory processes. Barley grain also contains in its composition a complex of substances that are actively involved in the synthesis of hemoglobin (vitamin E, B vitamins, iron, copper, magnesium, sulfur, cobalt, nickel). Due to a wide range of properties that improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system, germinated barley grains, barley malt infusions, decoctions of barley grains are widely used in the complex treatment of diseases such as hypertension, atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, arrhythmia, tachycardia, hemorrhoids, thrombophlebitis, varicose veins, and are also an effective means of preventing heart attacks and strokes.

The use of decoctions of barley, barley compresses and infusions of barley malt in the treatment of skin diseases. The high content of B vitamins, silicon, sulfur, antioxidant vitamins E and A in barley grain, which have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, have wound healing, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic and immunostimulating properties, as well as the presence of bactericidal and antiviral substances in barley (lysine, Gordecin) makes it possible to use barley compresses, baths with the addition of barley malt infusion, decoctions of barley grains in the treatment of diseases such as eczema, neurodermatitis, seborrhea, psoriasis, diathesis, urticaria, scrofula, acne, pyoderma, furunculosis, fungal skin lesions, herpes and etc.). Silicon and lysine contained in barley grain contribute to the production of collagen by the body - a substance that gives the skin firmness and elasticity, and in combination with vitamins A and E protect the skin from wrinkles and premature aging. These properties allow the use of crushed barley grains and barley malt in home cosmetology (as part of vitamin masks and scrubs). With various methods of preparing and using barley decoctions, compresses and malt baths, the most effective in the treatment of skin diseases, you can find in the section "Medicinal recipes based on barley grain".

Germinated barley and barley malt - for strengthening strength and endurance. Barley grains contain a whole range of substances (carbohydrates, proteins, macronutrients potassium, phosphorus, silicon, vitamins E and group B), stimulating energy and protein metabolism, accelerating the transmission of nerve impulses and increasing the strength of muscle contractions. That is why preparations based on barley malt, rich in vitamins and microelements, are widely used in sports nutrition as a means of increasing muscle mass and relieving muscle fatigue after intense physical exercise.

Perfectly strengthening bone and cartilage tissues, having bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties, germinated barley, decoctions of barley grain, barley malt and infusions based on it are useful to introduce into the diet for people suffering from diseases of the bones and joints (osteoporosis, gout, arthritis, arthrosis, articular rheumatism). etc.).

Due to the combination of diuretic, bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties, barley decoctions and infusions can be used in the prevention and composition of the complex treatment of diseases of the urinary system (urolithiasis, pyelonephritis, cystitis, etc.).

Regular consumption of germinated barley grains and infusions based on barley malt will also bring tangible benefits in diseases of the female genital area (breast disease, candidiasis (thrush), endometriosis, uterine fibroids, ovarian diseases, etc.) and male reproductive system(prostatitis, prostate adenoma, etc.).

Ways to use the product "Barley Grain"

With the methods of preparation and use of various therapeutic and prophylactic and restorative barley decoctions and infusions of barley malt, you can find in the section of our website "Medicinal recipes based on barley grain"(From the section of our website "Sprouting barley and preparing barley malt" you will learn how to properly germinate barley grains and prepare barley malt - the basis for medicinal infusions).

Based on mucous decoctions of barley grains we recommend cooking diet soups, which are extremely useful for diseases such as gastritis with high acidity or gastric and duodenal ulcers.

In cases where there is no exacerbation of inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, germinated barley grains or ground barley malt can be consumed neat(eating no more than 50-80 g per day, chewing thoroughly and drinking water), and you can also use them as a vitamin supplement to various vegetable salads, pates, pastas based on cheese, butter or cottage cheese. The health benefits of various cereals, soups, side dishes, fish and meat dishes will also increase significantly if they are sprinkled with germinated barley grains or barley malt ground in a coffee grinder or meat grinder before use.

You can also make tasty and healthy kvass from barley grains or barley malt.(The section of our website "Recipes for making barley kvass" will tell you about the methods of preparing this invigorating traditional Russian drink).

Contraindications to the use of sprouted grains of barley and barley broths

Germinated barley in some cases causes increased gas formation, and therefore its consumption is not recommended for people suffering from flatulence, and is also contraindicated in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in the acute stage. In addition, germinated barley grains should not be consumed at night.

During treatment with barley decoctions, one should refrain from eating egg white. Barley water should not be consumed with honey or vinegar.

Popular goods.

People began to grow cereals even before our era in warm countries like India, Ethiopia, Macedonia, realizing that they can be used to get flour for pasta and baking bakery products, cereals for cereals. Later one of them guessed to brew beer. From the plant itself, you can get molasses, starch, alcohol, sugar, which is extracted from cane. The list is endless. It is not surprising that now almost every country is mass-growing crops, trying to increase and improve their production.

There were cases of dissatisfaction with the people because of a crop failure, but there was not a single uprising due to a lack of vegetables and meat. If cereals are in abundance, then you can cook hearty and tasty porridge from it or bake bread. In the presence of various types of grain crops, hunger will not threaten the people, since even in their pure form, grains contain vital and nutritious substances.

Consider a list of common cereals that are grown all over the world.

No wonder it is in first place, as it is the most popular cereal in the world. Wheat began to grow ten thousand years ago in Central Asia. There are many types of wheat, but the most popular are the soft and hard varieties. The first varieties germinate well only in warm countries with a humid climate, for example, in Australia. And hard varieties - in countries with a dry climate, such as the USA, Western Asia, Russia. It can be said that durum wheat is more common than soft wheat.

Soft wheat flour turns out to be very crumbly, does not absorb liquid well, so it is used only in baking confectionery products, as it quickly becomes stale and the bread spoils the very next day. To understand what grade the flour is made of, then on the packages the flour from the soft grade is designated as “group B”, and from the hard grade as “group A”.

Durum wheat is valuable because it can be used to make excellent white flour, from which you can bake premium bread, which has excellent taste and is easily digested by the body. This is all due to the fact that the protein composition of wheat forms gluten, which binds the dough. In addition to flour, bran can be made from wheat, which retains valuable proteins, fats, and minerals that are so beneficial to the human body. No wonder most people are very fond of bran breakfast cereals.

Rye began to be grown by accident, for a long time it was considered a weed, which was destroyed each time among wheat germs. People have noticed that wheat often dies in cold countries, and cool summers are unimportant for rye. After that, we decided to try to grind its grains and got excellent flour, from which delicious dark rye bread was baked. Now hardy and strong rye is grown in large quantities mainly in northern countries. For her, poor and acidic soil, bad weather conditions, she can withstand even low temperatures down to -22 degrees. Due to which she always produces a rich harvest, this often saved the people from hunger.

Rye, unlike wheat, contains little protein, but is very rich in minerals, vitamins, indispensable for humans. It is an excellent dietary product, especially in the form of wholemeal flour containing particles of grain shells. And also decoctions of rye help with many diseases. Rye preparations treat cancer, liver, kidneys, arthritis, asthma, diabetes and many diseases. Rye grains can be different: oval, elongated. The length of the grain can be up to 9 millimeters. They are yellowish, brown, gray, greenish. From the day of planting, it sprouts very quickly, already on the 50th day you can harvest.

Historical notes say that the world's first grain cereal, which was specially grown, was barley. Its grains were found even in the tombs of the pharaohs. Before the spread of wheat and rye around the world, barley was very popular, from which in ancient times they even learned to brew beer. Yes, barley beer is the most ancient drink. And now barley is grown not only for animal and bird feed, but also for the production of malt, from which beer, beloved by mankind, is made. During the famine years of the war, barley was used to make a drink that tasted like coffee. Soothing, cleansing preparations are made from barley in alternative medicine. A decoction of barley can cure dry cough and cystitis.

Due to its rapid maturation, spring barley has been cultivated in northern countries, where wheat and rye do not have time to ripen in a short summer. And winter barley is popular in countries where droughts are frequent and the air temperature is high. Due to its undemanding nature, barley can be grown on any soil. The barley groats themselves are very rough, so they are soaked in water for a long time before cooking. And in order to get a useful barley for porridge from barley, its grains are polished from the skin of the chaff. Barley is used to make flour, from which healthy bread is baked. Those who want to lose weight use barley porridge, as they remove excess cholesterol and toxins from the body.

It adapts even more easily to soil and weather conditions than rye. It grows without problems on any soil: clay, sandy, peat. It is a self-pollinating crop with a high productivity index. Thanks to these qualities, oats are successfully grown in northern countries such as Russia, Germany, Kazakhstan, the USA, where it easily tolerates summer frosts. Oat grain contains a large amount of vegetable fats, high-quality protein and useful substances, such as iron and calcium. Of all the varieties of oats, white grain is considered the most valuable. Grains of other colors, like red, black, grayish, are considered less useful.

Almost 90 percent of oats are used as feed for birds and animals, only the remaining 10 percent is used as food for the population. But it is almost never used whole, it is processed into cereals for cereals, or healthy oatmeal is made from it. It is undesirable to bake oatmeal bread, as it has little gluten. But from it they bake the world-famous healthy and tasty oatmeal cookies.

For the southern countries, rice is the main cereal, as for the northern countries, wheat. It is difficult to say when they began to grow it. At ancient excavations, pottery with traces of rice was found. In addition to eating it, ancient people used rice as ritual offerings to the gods. Rice is 89 percent rich in starch and is where most of our calories come from. Due to the large amount of amino acids, rice is easily absorbed by the body and is a dietary product.

Since rice loves warmth and moisture, it is grown on a large scale in Thailand, China, India and Vietnam due to their humid tropical environment. Now many countries, such as Mexico, the USA, Brazil, have been able to grow rice thanks to artificial soil moisture, but Asian countries hold the palm.

There are many varieties of rice in the world, but their processing is divided into three types: brown, polished, steamed. Rice of the first type undergoes minimal processing, retaining all its useful properties. Polished rice after several stages of grinding becomes smooth and white. This is the most popular view rice. The latter type of rice is obtained by steaming while maintaining its beneficial properties. This rice has to be cooked longer, as it is harder than the types described above.

Buckwheat is one of the most popular and favorite cereals in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, where it is still successfully grown. On the this moment European countries, having appreciated its unpretentiousness and usefulness, began to grow buckwheat at home, since it can germinate even on poor soil. Buckwheat is primarily popular in the form of cereals, from which a delicious and healthy porridge is prepared. In addition, it can be eaten in the form of flour or flakes. A huge number of dishes can be prepared from peeled buckwheat: soups, casseroles, meatballs, bread, sausage, dumplings, pancakes.

Even buckwheat waste is useful, they are fed to animals or stuffed with pillows. Buckwheat is rich in vitamin B, vegetable protein and amino acids. Accelerates metabolism, removes excess water from the body. Thanks to these qualities, buckwheat is included in the list of many diets. The main thing is not to add sugar to buckwheat. Buckwheat flowers can be used to make tea.

Thanks to ancient excavations, it was found that corn spread around the world from Mexico. The difference between corn and other cereal crops is that in addition to cereals, starch and flour, vegetable oil is also extracted from it, although not very popular in the world. Cornmeal is only good for four months as it becomes bitter later. On an industrial scale, corn is grown in the United States, where it is used not only for animal feed, but also as a raw material for the manufacture of whiskey.

And also from it make sugar syrup, starch for soups, desserts. Corn on the cob can be simply boiled and consumed, just sprinkled with salt on top. Corn flakes have conquered the whole world due to their simplicity and useful properties. It is enough to fill them with milk to get a delicious breakfast. Thanks to the regular consumption of corn, the aging of the body slows down. But corn is not a diet food because of its high calorie content.

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