Modern methods of quality assurance. Quality standardization. Software quality assurance methods. Meaning and classification of methods


17.1. The concept of product quality, the main indicators of quality

In accordance with the international standard ISO 8402 " quality is the set of properties and characteristics of a product that give it the ability to satisfy stated or implied needs.

property called the objective ability of products, which can manifest itself during its creation, operation and consumption. Quantitative characteristics of product properties are expressed using quality indicators.

Quality indicators share:

On functional;
- resource-saving;
- conservation.

to functional quality indicators include those that express the consumer properties of the product:

Technical effect (performance, power, speed, performance, etc.);
- reliability (durability);
- ergonomics (fulfillment of hygienic, anthropological, physiological, psychological requirements);
- aesthetics.

Resource-saving indicators include:

Technological (resource intensity in the production of a product: material consumption, energy intensity, labor intensity);
- resource intensity of the working process (consumption of resources during operation).

Conservation- include indicators of environmental friendliness and safety.

Below quality level product is understood as a relative characteristic of quality based on a comparison of the totality of quality indicators of the product in question with the totality of basic indicators (analogues, promising samples, standards, leading standards, etc.).

Assessment of the level of product quality can be carried out by differential or complex methods.

When applying the differential method, identical quality indicators of new products are compared with identical basic quality indicators. The relative indicator is calculated by the formula

where K i - relative quality indicator;
- the value of a single indicator of the quality of the evaluated products;
- the value of a single basic quality indicator.

When applied complex method apply a comprehensive quality indicator, which is determined by bringing together individual indicators using the weighting coefficients of each indicator. In this case, a functional dependence can be used:

where K 0 is a complex indicator of product quality;
n is the number of indicators taken into account;
b - weight coefficient of the i-th quality indicator;
k i - relative i-th indicator quality.

The algorithm for calculating the complex quality indicator is shown in fig. 17.1. Expert methods are used to determine the range of quality indicators, weight coefficients, and the type of functional dependence f.

Rice. 17.1. Algorithm for calculating a complex quality indicator

17.2. Ensuring the quality of products at various stages of their life cycle

The high quality of products is predetermined by various factors, the main of which are:

Factors of a technical nature (constructive, technological, metrological, etc.);
- factors economic nature(financial, regulatory, material, etc.);
- factors of a social nature (organizational, legal, personnel, etc.).

This requires an integrated approach to quality assurance. World experience in this regard is summarized in international standards ISO 9000 series on quality systems:

ISO 9001 "Quality system. Model for quality assurance in design and (or) development, production, installation and maintenance";
- ISO 9002 "Quality system. Model for quality assurance in production and installation";
- ISO 9003 "Quality system. Model for quality assurance in final inspection and testing".

Ensuring, managing and improving product quality at all stages of the life cycle "quality loop" (in accordance with ISO 9004) is shown in fig. 17.2.

Rice. 17.2. "Quality loop" according to ISO 9004

The bases for comparing the quality level of new products at various stages of the life cycle are given in Table. 17.1.

Table 17.1

Bases for comparing the quality level of new products

Life cycle stages Basis for assessing the level of quality Documents for evaluation
research State of the art in perspective
Research reports.
TK for R&D
OKR Level of completed developments Standards with forward-looking requirements.
Project design documentation
Production The level of new technology mastered in production Standards and TU.
Working design documentation
Exploitation The level of new technology mastered in operation Standards and TU.
Operational and repair and design documentation

Rational product quality management is based on the application of a system of standards. Objects state standardization are specific products, norms, rules, requirements, methods, terms, etc., intended for use in various fields. State standards establish indicators that correspond to the advanced level of science, technology and production.

Advanced standardization takes into account the change in time of quality indicators of standardization objects. Leading standards establish promising indicators of product quality and stepwise terms for mastering them by industrial production.

Enterprise standards are the documents governing the activities of each enterprise. They are reflected as requirements state standards, and features of products and the organizational and technical level of enterprises. The objects of enterprise standards are parts, assembly units, norms, requirements and methods in the field of development and organization of production of products, technological processes, norms and requirements for them; restrictions on the applied nomenclature of materials, parts; forms and methods of management, etc. According to their content, enterprise standards are divided into:

To TU standards;
- parameters;
- types;
- stamps;
- assortments;
- designs and sizes;
- technical requirements;
- acceptance rules;
- test methods;
- rules for labeling, packaging and transportation;
- rules of operation and repair, etc.

In accordance with the requirements of the standards, products (almost all types) are certified by independent certification centers. Products are subject to certification periodically (for example, once a year or every 1000th product), after which the products can be sold on the market.

Certification is especially important for international trade. In these cases, certification is carried out by international certification centers or domestic ones, appropriately certified and licensed to conduct international certification.

17.3. Organization of the quality control service at the enterprise

Technical control- This is a check of the compliance of the object with the established technical requirements. It is an integral and integral part production process. Subject to control:

Raw materials, materials, fuel, semi-finished products, components supplied to the enterprise;
- manufactured blanks, parts, assembly units;
- finished goods;
- equipment, tooling, technological processes for manufacturing products.

Main tasks technical control consist in ensuring the release of quality products, in accordance with standards and specifications; detection and prevention of marriage; taking measures to further improve the quality of products.

The organization of technical control consists of:

In the design and implementation of the quality control process;
- in determining the organizational forms of control;
- in the choice and feasibility study of means and methods of control;
- in ensuring the interaction of all elements of the product quality control system;
- in the development of methods and the systematic analysis of marriage and defects.

Defect- this is each individual non-compliance of products with the requirements established by regulatory and technical documentation.

Marriage- This is a defective unit of production, that is, a product that has at least one defect.

Depending on the nature of the defects, the marriage may be correctable or irreparable (final). In the first case, after correction, the products can be used for their intended purpose, in the second case, it is technically impossible or economically unreasonable to make the correction. The perpetrators of the marriage are being identified and measures are being taken to prevent it.

Types of technical control are shown in fig. 17.3.

17.3. Types of technical control

According to the completeness of coverage by the control of the production process, control is distinguished:

- selective;
- flying;
- continuous;
- periodic.

According to the mechanization of control operations, control is distinguished:

- mechanized;
- semi-automatic;
- automatic.

By influence on the course of processing:

Passive control (with a stop of the processing process or after processing);
- active control (control during processing and stop the process when the required parameter is reached);
- active control with automatic adjustment of equipment.

By measuring dependent and independent tolerances:

Measurement of actual deviations;
- measurement by limit gauges.

The unified body of technical control at the enterprise is the "technical control department" (TCD). Its approximate structure is shown in Fig. 17.4.

Rice. 17.4. The structure of the technical control department of the enterprise

17.4. Statistical methods of quality control

Statistical methods of product quality management involve the use of statistical control of technological processes and statistical control.

Statistical regulation technological process is an adjustment of process parameters based on the results of selective control of product parameters, carried out for technological support of a given quality level.

Statistical acceptance control(as well as incoming control) is a selective quality control of products based on the use of mathematical statistics methods to verify the conformity of product quality to established requirements. At the same time, this type of control is called selective when a decision on the quality of products is made based on the results of checking one or more samples or samples from a batch.

Statistical control of technological processes is an active form of control, since its goal is to prevent and eliminate defects.

Terms of use statistical methods quality controls are:

Mass character, continuity of the production process of these products;
- stability of technological processes;
- equipment with high-performance instrumentation;
- strict technological discipline;
- sufficient knowledge of the technological process and the establishment of signs on which decisions are made on the need for its adjustment.

Probability theory establishes patterns according to which the properties found in samples of a small number of products can be used to judge the properties of the entire batch of products. Therefore, the main components of statistical control are sampling, recording the results of testing the sample in the worksheet of statistical control and processing the results of the data obtained. The more heterogeneous the quality of the products and the sample, the greater the scatter of points reflecting the size of the samples will be on the control graph. Sample sizes are usually taken within 5-25 items: for stable controlled parameters - 5 or 10, for unstable - 10 or 20 pieces.

The frequency of sampling (sampling) depends on the stability of the process: the more stable it is, the less often samples (samples) are taken.

When applying statistical methods of control, it is important to establish what pattern the distribution of the controlled parameters of products obeys (the Gaussian normal distribution curve, the distribution characteristic of the Maxwell distribution curve, etc.). A change in the value of a specific controlled parameter of a product or technological mode is manifested in a change in the distribution function. Comparison of the actual distribution function with the normal one allows you to control technological process or product quality.

The general scheme of statistical quality control consists of the following steps:

1) small samples of products are selected periodically or according to a special algorithm;
2) sample products are checked to determine the value of a specific attribute X for each product;
3) the selected values ​​of X (X 1 , X 2 , ..., X n) are entered in the control chart, which indicates the permissible specific boundaries of the change in the attribute X;
4) according to the distribution of points X on the control chart relative to neutral boundaries, a decision is made about the suitability of products or defects during acceptance statistical control or about the need to intervene in the technological process during statistical control of the technological process.

The map of statistical quality control is shown in fig. 17.5.

Rice. 17.5. Statistical Quality Control Card

The horizontal axis indicates the sample numbers (per shift, day, week, month); on the vertical axis, the size of the selected characteristic X, the controlled parameter, the lower and upper tolerance limits (LHD, VGD) are plotted; lower and upper warning limits (NPKG, VPKG).

These cards are used to regulate the operating modes of equipment, its adjustment, etc.


Quality assurance(Quality Assurance - QA) is a set of activities covering all technological stages of development, release and operation of software information systems undertaken on different stages software life cycle, to ensure the quality of the released product.

Distinguish between technical and organizational methods of software quality assurance.

To technical The following methods of software quality assurance can be attributed:

Use of defect management systems ( bug tracking system);

Implementation of automated testing;

The introduction of modular ( unit) testing;

Use of modern integrated development environments;

Using code validators;

Implementation of version control systems;

To organizational software quality assurance methods include:

Planning of work and costs;

Assessment of project risks;

Holding status rallies;

Conducting Lessons Learn sessions;

Carrying out Casual Analysis;

Introduction of metrics;

2. Software testing. Testing goals. Types of testing: functional, usability, security, performance. [up]


Purpose of testing

depending from the test object distinguish the following types:

functional testing);

Usability testing ( usability testing);

Security testing ( security testing);

performance testing);

globalization testing);

Localization testing ( localization testing);

Accessibility Testing ( accessibility testing).

Functional testing (functional testing) is testing the declared (documented) functionality programs. The purpose of this testing is to find defects related to the execution of the direct functions of the program. Functional defects include, for example, incorrect taking of the root of a number by the calculator program.

Usability Testing (usability testing) is a test aimed at finding possible problems when using the program and related to ease of use and the provision of the declared functionality. Practicality defects include, for example, closely spaced small buttons of the calculator program, the location of which leads to the fact that the wrong number is often pressed.

Security Testing (security testing) is a program testing aimed at identifying vulnerabilities that may lead to misuse or inappropriate use of the program. Such defects include vulnerabilities in Internet browsers that allow attackers to gain control over a user's computer.

Performance Testing (performance testing) - testing aimed at identifying performance problems of the program. This testing evaluates the cost of the program to perform the declared functions, and also checks the behavior of the program when working with upper limits of input values. An example of a performance defect is a hundredfold increase in calculation time when performing a root operation on two-digit numbers in a calculator program.

3. Software testing. Testing goals. Types of testing: load, globalization, localization, availability. generations of testing. [up]

Testing is a software analysis process aimed at identifying differences between its actual and required properties and at evaluating software properties.

Purpose of testing– search for defects in the program. A defect is an incorrect logic, an incorrect or inadequate instruction, the execution of which leads to a failure. In other words, a defect is a source of failures, and failures are the execution of a piece of code containing a defect.

depending from the test object distinguish the following types:

functional testing ( functional testing);

Usability testing ( usability testing);

Security testing ( security testing);

Performance testing ( performance testing);

Globalization testing ( globalization testing);

Localization testing ( localization testing);

Accessibility Testing ( accessibility testing).

Stress Testing (stress-load testing) is aimed at determining the threshold values ​​of the input data and searching for defects in the program when processing peak loads. An example of a load test would be to check that the contents of a database are not corrupted when the number of connections to it is exceeded and the program crashes. Load testing is a type of performance testing.

Globalization Testing (globalization testing) - the purpose of this testing is to identify defects associated with regional differences in the software. For example, how the program will behave when used on a computer with American regional settings (time and date formats, currency units, etc.). An example of a defect of this kind is a defect associated with incorrect processing of floating-point numbers: in Russia, a comma is used as a separator, and, for example, in the USA, a period.

Localization testing (localization testing) is aimed at searching for defects that have arisen during localization software product. These can be both errors made during the translation, and problems associated with the display of national characters, etc.

Accessibility Testing (accessibility testing) is carried out to identify problems in the work of people with disabilities with the program. A defect found during this type of testing is incorrect interface colors, leading to the fact that a person suffering from color blindness is not able to read the text.

The main means and methods for ensuring product quality today is system management quality as a way to create competitive products. Only the product that is created for a specific consumer is competitive. It is possible to produce products of the required quality only if quality management systems are created taking into account the requirements of international standards of the ISO 9000 series. At the same time, it is necessary to fulfill the requirements of the standards for the elements of the quality system, marketing research market in order to meet consumer needs. A quality improvement program that takes into account the characteristics of the demand of potential customers and quality assurance systems should be integrated into production. It is impossible to ensure the stable quality of products if you do not achieve the stability of the quality of the raw materials. Therefore, there is a trend towards closer interaction between the manufacturer of products and suppliers of raw materials, materials and components. The main instrument of quality management - control - in recent times undergoing great changes. An atmosphere of trust and confidence in the reliability of partners is created thanks to the proven methods of interaction between the supplier and the consumer. Continuous input control is pushed back into the past, the number of inspectors is reduced, and control methods are being improved. On the the most important factor competitiveness of goods - cost - have a direct impact on quality costs. Systematic analysis of these costs and their optimization is an integral part of quality programs. In recent years, the methodology and principles of certification of quality systems have been further improved, new draft international standards of the ISO 9000 series have been developed, which were adopted in our country in 2000. Certification of products, works and services is being developed, including a conformity assessment mechanism. In this way, product manufacturers are given the opportunity to introduce more modern rules and procedures in order to improve quality. Therefore, exporting enterprises are currently facing the problem of raising the level of education of personnel in the field of quality. The world experience in quality management was concentrated in a package of international standards ISO 9000-9004, adopted by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) in March 1987. The standards embodied the experience of competitive foreign firms that a quality product that meets customer needs can only be manufactured with taking into account a comprehensive market research, in the form of a "quality loop" that starts with marketing and ends with marketing. The quality assurance system consists of activities that apply to all stages of the "quality loop". Organizational structure quality management system is included in general process management of the firm.

The quality loop model includes the following elements:

  • 1. Marketing. Search and study of the market;
  • 2. Design and development of technical requirements for products;
  • 3. Logistics;
  • 4. Preparation and development of production processes;
  • 5. Production of products;
  • 6. Control and testing;
  • 7. Packing and storage;
  • 8. Implementation and distribution;
  • 9. Installation and operation;
  • 10. Technical assistance in maintenance;
  • 11. Disposal after use.

The scope of ISO is concerned with standardization in all areas except electrical engineering and electronics, which are the responsibility of the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). Some types of work are carried out jointly by these organizations. In addition to standardization, ISO deals with certification issues.

ISO defines its tasks as follows: to promote the development of standardization and related activities in the world in order to ensure the international exchange of goods and services, as well as the development of cooperation in the intellectual, scientific, technical and economic fields. Organizationally, ISO includes governing and working bodies. Governing bodies: General Assembly (supreme body), Council, Technical Leading Bureau. Working bodies - technical Committees (TC), subcommittees, technical advisory groups (TCG).

The General Assembly is the assembly officials and delegates appointed by member committees. Each member body is entitled to present a maximum of three delegates, but they may be accompanied by observers. Corresponding members and subscriber members participate as observers. The Council directs the work of ISO between sessions of the General Assembly. The Council has the right, without convening a General Assembly, to send questions to the member committees for consultation or to entrust the member committees with their decision.

At meetings of the Council, decisions are made by a majority vote of the committee members of the Council present at the meeting.

Between meetings and if necessary, the Council may take decisions by correspondence.

The ISO Council has seven committees: PLACO (technical bureau), STACO (committee for the study of scientific principles of standardization), CASCO (committee for conformity assessment), INFCO (committee for scientific and technical information), DEVCO (committee for assistance to developing countries), COPOLCO (Committee for Consumer Protection), REMCO (Committee for Reference Materials).

PLACO prepares proposals for planning the work of the ISO, for organizing and coordinating the technical aspects of the work. The scope of work of PLACO includes consideration of proposals for the creation and dissolution of technical committees, determining the area of ​​standardization that the committees should deal with.

STACO is obliged to provide methodological and informational assistance to the ISO Council on the principles and methods of developing international standards. The Committee is studying the fundamental principles of standardization and preparing recommendations for achieving optimal results in this area. STACO is also responsible for the terminology and organization of seminars on the application of international standards for trade development.

CASCO deals with the issues of confirming the conformity of products, services, processes and quality systems with the requirements of standards, studying the practice of this activity and analyzing information. The Committee develops guidelines for testing and conformity assessment (certification) of products, services, quality systems, confirmation of the competence of testing laboratories and certification bodies. An important area of ​​CASCO's work is the promotion of mutual recognition and adoption of national and regional certification systems, as well as the use of international standards in the field of testing and conformity assessment. CASCO, together with IEC, has prepared a number of guidelines on various aspects of certification, which are widely used in ISO and IEC member countries: the principles set forth in these documents are taken into account in national certification systems, and also serve as the basis for agreements on conformity assessment of mutually supplied products in trade - economic relations of countries of different regions.

CASCO is also involved in the creation general requirements to auditors for accreditation of testing laboratories and assessment of the quality of work of accrediting bodies, mutual recognition of certificates of conformity of products and quality systems, etc.

DEVCO studies the requirements of developing countries in the field of standardization and develops recommendations to assist these countries in this area. The main functions of DEVCO are: organizing a wide-scale discussion of all aspects of standardization in developing countries, creating conditions for the exchange of experience with developed countries, training standardization specialists on the basis of various training centers in developed countries, facilitating study tours for specialists from standardization organizations in developing countries, preparation teaching aids on standardization for developing countries, stimulating the development of bilateral cooperation between industrialized and developing countries in the field of standardization and metrology. In these areas, DEVCO cooperates with the UN. One of the results of joint efforts was the creation and operation of international training centers.

COPOLCO studies the issues of ensuring the interests of consumers and the possibilities of promoting this through standardization, summarizes the experience of consumer participation in the creation of standards, and draws up programs to educate consumers in the field of standardization and communicate to them the necessary information about international standards.

This is facilitated by the periodic publication of the List of International and National Standards, as well as useful guides for consumers: "Comparative tests of consumer products", "Information about products for consumers", "Development of standard methods for measuring the performance of consumer products", etc.

COPOLCO has contributed to the development of ISO/IEC guidance on the preparation of safety standards.

REMCO provides methodological assistance to ISO by developing appropriate guidelines on issues related to reference materials (standards). Thus, a reference book on reference materials and several manuals have been prepared: "Reference to reference materials in international standards", "Certification of reference materials. General and statistical principles", etc.

In addition, REMCO is the coordinator of ISO activities on reference materials with international metrological organizations, in particular with OIML - the International Organization of Legal Metrology.

ISO standards are the most widely used throughout the world, there are more than 15 thousand of them, and 500-600 standards are reviewed and adopted annually. standardization technological production

ISO standards are a carefully developed version of the technical requirements for products (services), which greatly facilitates the exchange of goods, services and ideas between all countries of the world. This is largely due to the responsible attitude of the technical committees to reaching consensus on technical issues, for which the TC chairmen bear personal responsibility.

ISO's largest partner is the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). In general, these three organizations cover all areas of technology with international standardization. In addition, they interact stably in the field information technologies and telecommunications.

At the enterprises of mechanical engineering, in recent years, there has been an increasing need to create management systems that do not correspond to the fundamental ISO 9001 standard, but to improved (modernized in accordance with the requirements of the time and the specifics of a particular industry) standards for quality management systems (for example, the standards of Gazprom, Russian Railways, etc.). P.).

Although the majority of Russian enterprises have long introduced and successfully operate a system for developing and putting products into production (SRPP), which meets the national standards of the Russian Federation, many consumers today require suppliers to implement modern systems quality management, focused on standards that take into account industry specifics (for example, the international standard ISO / TU 16949, AS 9100 and similar).

When implementing these standards, it is necessary to duplicate many procedures already existing and operating at the enterprise that implement the requirements of the SRPP standards. There is no doubt that this leads to additional irrational costs of all types of resources.

The task of reducing time, human and financial resources on the implementation of the requirements of international standards for methods and procedures for quality assurance using the experience of existing national standards of the Russian Federation is extremely relevant today.

Despite the seemingly obvious differences in the specifics of building production in the automotive industry and in other branches of engineering, a common feature is the widespread use of the supply of components to the main assembly plants by relatively small enterprises.

Such principles of organizing production are well developed at almost all automobile plants without exception (both domestic and foreign), they are also used for oil and gas engineering - at plants that produce complex technological systems: drilling rigs, complexes for the development of offshore fields, etc. Similar examples can be found in other industries as well.

Due to the fact that cars are a product of a much wider mass demand, it was in this industry that manufacturers had to pay special attention to creating quality management systems that could correspond to modern principles of production organization and, moreover, could simultaneously improve product quality. . In addition, the automotive industry has established its own industry quality standards system much earlier than the need for this arose in other areas.

It is in this context that the work in the field of forming a quality management system currently being carried out at automotive enterprises is of undoubted interest. It is more than likely that, taking into account minor adjustments, the results achieved on them can be used in any machine-building plants.

It is well known that in order to show the consumer how the company monitors the quality of its products and guarantee this quality, manufacturers create quality management systems that meet the requirements of ISO 9001, ISO / TU 16949, apply the methods described there.

In Russia, there is now a trend of transition from national standards to the international standard ISO / TU 16949, which is applied to the automotive industry and organizations that produce the corresponding spare parts. Due to the fact that ISO/TS 16949 was released at the same time as the standard for quality management systems, it has much in common with the latter, but it also has its own characteristics, since ISO/TS 16949 was developed by the International Automotive Industry Task Force (IATF) and Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association registered as a corporation (JAMA) with the support of Technical Committee ISO/TC 176 Quality management and quality assurance.

Major automakers already certify or plan to certify their quality management systems to the international standard ISO/TU 16949, and require this from their suppliers. For example, representatives of the "Big Three" - DaimlerChrysler, General Motors, Ford put forward such requirements to their suppliers.

It should be noted that the implementation of the ISO / TS 16949 standard requires the use of special work organization methods - APQP (Advanced Product Quality Planning and Control Plan - Advanced product quality planning and management plan development), PPAP (Production Part Approval Process - Process for coordinating the production of a part, t .e. approval of the production of automotive components), as well as the use of some tools for product quality assurance using statistical methods of analysis - FMEA ( Method for potential failure mode and effects analysis - Method for analyzing the types and consequences of potential defects), MSA (Measurement systems analysis - Analysis of the measurement system), SPC (Methods of statistical process control - Methods of statistical process control) and QSA (Management quality systems analysis - Systems assessment quality management).

The most serious difficulties at domestic enterprises are the introduction of the APQP (Advanced Product Quality Planning) work organization method, in fact, the process of planning, developing and preparing the production of automotive components, which makes it possible to meet absolutely all the requirements and expectations of the consumer already at the pre-production stage, when there are basic opportunities Prevention of defects. Difficulties arise due to the fact that this process affects almost all departments and all processes in the organization and must be implemented at all stages of the product life cycle - from planning the creation, design and development of an automotive component to its mass production.

In Russia, there is a system similar in purpose to APQP - a system for developing and putting products into production (SRPP).

As you know, SRPP is a set of interrelated fundamental organizational, methodological and general technical state standards that establish the main provisions, rules and requirements that ensure the technical and organizational unity of the work performed at the stages of the product life cycle (LCP), including research and justification for the development of products or a project, in fact development, production, operation (application, storage) of products and repair (for repaired products), as well as the interaction of stakeholders.

SRPP is interconnected with the standards of other general technical systems and sets of standards: the Unified System for Design Documentation (ESKD), the Unified System for Technological Documentation (ESTD), the Unified System for Program Documentation (ESPD), the State System for Ensuring the Uniformity of Measurements, Technological support for the creation of products.

Currently, many specialists of enterprises are concerned about the following problem - the enterprises have already implemented and successfully operate a system for developing and putting products into production in accordance with the national standards of the Russian Federation. But there comes a time when a consumer - a certain automaker - requires its supplier to implement a quality management system according to the international standard ISO / TU 16949, including, of course, the implementation of the APQP method as an integral part of such a quality management system. Specialists understand that they have to duplicate many of the processes already implemented, which is accompanied by additional irrational costs.

This situation is being actively discussed by experts who have encountered it. True, in most cases, experts only talk about how interestingly the requirements of international organizations (the international task force of the automotive industry (IATF) and the requirements of our old, long-used national standards, which were developed back in the eighties and nineties of the last century, coincide.

So, there is a problem - how to implement the requirements of the ISO / TU 16949 standard at the lowest cost, including the still exotic method of organizing APQP work for us at an enterprise with an implemented and successfully functioning SRPP.

The purpose of our study was to develop an algorithm for mastering Russian enterprises international quality management systems, taking into account the specifics of the accumulated previous operating experience domestic systems and at the same time optimizing the costs of resources of various kinds: labor, financial, time, etc.

The author analyzed the degree of compatibility of the requirements of the ISO/TU 16949 standard and the APQP method with the requirements of national SRPP standards. To do this, the matrices of compliance with the requirements of the above two systems were built, in which 45 rows meet the requirements of the SRPP, and 49 columns each meet the requirements of ISO / TU 16949 and APQP. Each element of the intersection of rows and columns was further analyzed by a combination of expert judgment and regression analysis methods.

For a more accurate understanding of what was the degree of generalization of the requirements, how the requirements of the APQP method were classified into groups, and which requirements from the SRPP were considered for their compatibility with the requirements of the APQP process, let's consider a small part of the matrix in a more enlarged form. A fragment of the matrix is ​​presented in Table 2.

Table 2 - Fragment of the compatibility matrix of the requirements of SRPP and ISO / TU 16949

As a result of the analysis, it was revealed that in some cases there is compatibility (full or partial) of the requirements of ISO/TU 16949 and APQP with the requirements of the SRPP and vice versa. Therefore, further, a quantitative assessment of the degree of compatibility of the requirements of ISO / TS 16949 and the APQP method was carried out, which showed that the complete match of the requirements was found in 15% of cases, and the partial match of requirements - in 13% of cases. In addition, situations were identified where the requirements can serve as the basis for the implementation of international standards: the group of requirements of ISO / TU 16949 and APQP does not directly coincide with the requirements of the SRPP, but if the latter are somehow supplemented, then full or partial coincidence will take place . There were about 22% of such situations. Finally, the number of cases with a minor match is 12%, and no match was found in 38% of the cases.

For example, clause 5.2 of GOST R 15.201-2000 states the following: “It is recommended that the terms of reference take into account the interests of all possible consumers.” In turn, it is necessary to have “information from specific consumers” as input information at the first stage of the APQP method. During the study, it was recognized that there is a complete coincidence of requirements.

Another example: in clause 4.6 of GOST R 15.201-2000 there is a requirement that the product developer, when conducting research, development and technological works should pay special attention to ensuring, in particular, the requirements for accounting for product indicators that determine its technical level. The APQP process refers to benchmarks for competitors' products/processes. In this case, it was recognized that there was a partial overlap of requirements. The situation is similar with such requirements as the mandatory technological development of products in accordance with clause 5.2.6 of GOST R 50995.3.1-96 and the need for an “assumption about products and processes” in accordance with the requirements of the APQP method.

Based on the results of this work, the following conclusion can be drawn - when implementing ISO / TU 16949 and the APQP work organization method in enterprises with an implemented and successfully functioning SRPP, resource costs can be significantly reduced.

Cost reduction can be achieved due to the fact that those elements of the pre-production process control that are already implemented in the enterprise in accordance with the requirements of the SRPP standards do not need to be re-implemented if they are provided for when applying ISO / TS 16949 and APQP. It will be enough to clarify the difference in terminology in the documentation of the enterprise. We all are well aware that such an approach can significantly save both the time for implementing ISO/TS 16949 and the APQP method, and reduce the human and material resources required for implementation.

It should be noted that a rather superficial analysis of the current situation has been carried out. In particular, the requirements of the SRPP standards were divided into only 45 groups, the requirements of ISO/TU 16949 and the APQP method - into 49 groups, which is probably not enough to fully assess the compatibility of the requirements of ISO/TU 16949 and APQP with the requirements of the SRPP standards; It should also be noted that a scale consisting of only 5 categories was used to assess the compatibility of requirements, which also gives only an approximate assessment of the compatibility of requirements.

It should also be noted that, depending on the specifics of the enterprise and general orientation its activities, the procedure for implementing the various requirements of both the SRPP standards and the requirements of ISO / TU 16949 and APQP may be different. But, at the same time, it should be borne in mind that some requirements may be interconnected and then there is an undeniable order for their implementation. This situation must be taken into account in the joint implementation of the SRPP and ISO / TU 16949 standards.

In view of the foregoing, a production organization scheme has been developed, which we called the “organizational model” (Figure 1). The organizational model allows you to determine the sequence of actions at the stage of design, development and putting products into production and in the production of products, identify and localize bottlenecks, take specific actions to eliminate them, allocate responsibility and authority within both the unit responsible for the production of products and throughout the organization.

Figure 1 - Organizational model "Management of production and service"

The developed organizational model is applicable to any industrial enterprise. The organizational model can be used to determine the order of implementation and to distribute work during implementation. modern methods quality management at a machine-building enterprise that has an operating management system based on the implemented standards of the national SRPP system.

The analysis also did not take into account such a factor as some inaccuracies and conventions in the translation of the text describing the APQP method. In such a situation, it can be very difficult to take into account synonyms when presenting requirements - after all, some requirements may even completely coincide, but at the same time be stated in completely different words.

The results of the analysis make it possible to develop a specific algorithm for the implementation of the requirements of international standards, taking into account the SRPP system operating at enterprises, which can significantly reduce the time, human and financial resources and at the same time use the huge baggage left to us by our predecessors - Soviet engineers - developers of national standards. This algorithm will be described in the next publication of the author.

Natalia Viktorovna VASHCHENKO— Head of the Department of Certification and Organization of Work of ANO Coordination Center "ATOMVOENSERT"

List of sources used

1 Kudryashov A.V. Round table. APQP: problems and implementation experience // Methods of quality management. - 2012. - No. 6.
2 Kershenbaum V.Ya., Vashchenko N.V. Methodology for assessing the compatibility of regulatory requirements of domestic and foreign practice in the construction of quality management systems // Quality Management in the Oil and Gas Complex. - 2013. - No. 1. - with. 17 - 21.
3 Vashchenko N.V. On the feasibility of a documented procedure in the framework of the implementation of the requirements of the seventh section of ISO 9001:2008 // Quality management in the oil and gas complex. - 2013. - No. 2. - with. 14 - 18.

Numerous quality statistics indicate that the defectiveness of products is approximately 85-90% caused by the human factor. Let's consider what reasons related to the worker can affect the non-compliance with technical documentation, up to the marriage of products. Among them, one can note: low qualification, short work experience, poor health, inattention when reading drawings, technologies or instructions, poor preparation of the workplace.

It should be emphasized that the causes of marriage can be associated not only with a person, but also with a tool, technological equipment, equipment. This is true, but most often this happens not so much due to the shortcomings of the tool, equipment or equipment itself, but due to their careless sharpening, poor repairs, or inaccurate manufacturing and assembly performed by workers. If you "dig" to the culprit of the defect, then in the vast majority it will be a person who does not necessarily work at your enterprise, but also, possibly, at the supplier's enterprise.

Where should quality improvement begin? Japanese experts advise starting with quality in the workplace. Moreover, they developed a coherent system of quality improvement in the workplace, which they called "5S" ("Good Housekeeping Practices"). The name comes from five Japanese words beginning with the letter "C": "seiri" (sorting), "seiso" (cleaning), "seiton" (organization), "seiketsu" (standardization), "shitsuke" (self-examination). The Russian translation of these words gives, if not quite a clear, then quite sufficient idea of ​​the approximate content of measures to improve quality in the workplace. If we briefly characterize this system, we can say that “before starting work, and even responsible work, you need to figure out the order at your workplace.”

Let's give a clearer content of each of the stages of the "5S" system. Before proceeding with its implementation, it is necessary to describe in detail, and if possible, photograph the working area (or workplace) to be reorganized. Comparing the descriptions of work areas (places) before and after the transformation can provide management with a favorable impression that activates the quality work in the enterprise.

Stage 1. Sorting. Put things (or items) that are used daily in one place. Items used once a week should be placed in another place, monthly - in the third, and what is needed very rarely - in the fourth. Do this procedure for each zone of the workplace. Then, from each storage location, select and leave one copy of each type of item, and transfer the rest to the cabinet for storing spare parts.

Stage 2. Cleaning. Clean all work surfaces before putting anything on them again. Make sure that there are suitable waste containers near the workplace. Place all spare parts on general warehouse. Make a list of items returned to the warehouse in order to be able to report them to the shop floor management. Organize and put in one place all the necessary documents and clean all the tools. Establish cleanliness standards (norms) that must be observed by each employee.

Stage 3. Organization. Organize all papers and folders neatly. Items that are used daily should be at the worker's fingertips. Items used once a week can be placed at a distance of one step, and those used once a month - at a distance of 2-3 steps. Everything else can be located within a few steps of the workplace. It is necessary to clearly define the place of each item.

Stage 4. Standardization. Familiarize all employees associated with this workplace with the standards of cleanliness and post photos with the “correct” standard environment. Where necessary, provide equipment and tools with transparent dust-proof covers. If such covers are opaque, then workers are likely to store items under them that are not related to the workplace.

Stage 5. Self-test. After about a month, carefully inspect the condition of the workplace in order to improve it. If there are extra items - send them to the general warehouse. Review purity standards and revise them if necessary. Repeat this step after a month.

You can also recommend additional measures to maintain order in the workplace. So, for example, you can create movable boards with tools for specific jobs or draw the outlines of tools on the boards so that it is immediately clear which tool is missing.

Japanese researchers believe that if a company's managers cannot implement "5S", then they cannot manage effectively. Conversely, if you can master this system, it means that you can just as successfully implement other, more complex systems. The reason for this conclusion is that the 5S system does not require any special staff of managers for its implementation and will not become effective until all personnel are involved in it and begin to think about the success of this system. But if the 5S system has already been implemented, then we can assume that other systems are almost half assimilated (in terms of staff readiness to implement changes).

Since the mid 80s. 20th century in Japanese firms, the 5S system has been central to the thinking and philosophy of management. The management of companies everywhere has come to the conclusion that this system is a key method of management in any, even the most high-tech field of activity.

The 5S system has gained wide popularity in Russian enterprises in recent years. From the domestic practice of implementing this system, the following conclusions can be drawn:

  • - it is applicable and can be successfully implemented at domestic enterprises and in organizations of various forms of ownership with the interest of management in this;
  • - the content of the principles of the system and the technology of its implementation require significant adaptation to the peculiarities of the domestic economy, methods of organizing production and the mentality of the staff;
  • - the possibility of successful implementation of the system directly depends on the socio-economic working conditions in the workplace, i.e. level and regularity of payments wages, systematic and rhythmic loading of production, compliance by the administration with at least the basic requirements for safe conditions labor.

Attempts have been made to modernize this system, taking into account the principles of the scientific organization of labor and the practice of improving quality. The new system, which incorporated elements of the "5S" system and adapted to domestic production conditions, was called "Ordering" (Table 2.4). The main principles of this system are as follows:

  • - remove all unnecessary;
  • - regularly carry out thorough cleaning and checking the serviceability of equipment and inventory;
  • - place everything in the workplace in the most convenient way;
  • - develop standards (rules) for storage, use, cleaning and inspection;
  • - constantly and consciously follow the accepted rules.

Table 2.4

Comparison of the principles of the "5S" and "Ordering" systems

1. Participation of the whole team. Just as it is impossible to “boil water in one corner of the pool”, so this system cannot be effectively implemented in one workplace or in one unit at the will of one person. The new system requires the determination and coherence of the actions of the entire team.

Each rule of the system that needs to be executed is not difficult in itself. The difficulty lies in not stopping its implementation. This requires persistence and cooperation, which in turn creates a sense of belonging to the team and improves the corporate climate.

2. Ease of development - apparent. The principles of the "Ordering" system, at first glance, seem so clear and easy to implement. But why are they so difficult to implement?

The apparent ease of implementing these principles is due to the fact that employees do not fully understand what the "Ordering" system is. It's not a one-time spring-cleaning, not moving the tool from one place to another, but fundamentally new style relation to working environment, its organization and security style of constantly maintaining a highly organized, clean workspace.

3. From correction to prevention. You can often see how much time managers spend correcting what was done wrong or out of time. They react to adversity after the fact. But when we get to know the problems, it becomes clear that the causes of many of them are often very simple things.

Timely noticed violations in the operation of equipment, identified malfunctions of equipment or inventory can prevent large losses and accidents. Even some "little things" under an unfavorable set of circumstances can bring big trouble.

  • 4. From results-based management - to process control. Very often, managers tend to see only the results of activities and judge the effectiveness of their work. When implementing the "Ordering" system, it is necessary to learn to see the reasons leading to certain results, to see the whole process as a whole, its strengths and weaknesses.
  • 5. Emphasis on fulfillment of elementary requirements. Personnel must get used to the constant fulfillment of elementary requirements. For example, checking for the presence of all inscriptions and labels on important items or objects.
  • 6. Strengthening the responsibility of each employee for the results of their work. G. Ford once said that "even the most stupid worker can find a hundred ways to deceive the most skilled craftsman." This confirms that only the factor of the worker's personal responsibility and his interest in work can play a large positive role in production, and not constant regulation of work and strict control. We need an atmosphere where people help each other and everyone tries to do a good job.
  • 7. Understanding instructions and following their requirements. Very often, instructions and requirements are not followed, not because employees neglect them, but because they either do not know or do not fully understand the essence of the requirements or recommendations contained in them.

The Ordering system allows employees to independently develop specific rules and instructions in relation to their workplaces.

8. Gradual (step by step) approach. It is obvious that the "Ordering" system, which is primarily focused on changing the behavioral stereotypes of employees, cannot be implemented quickly and immediately after the start of its implementation, bring tangible results. The new system is the first step towards a long-term enterprise recovery program.

The system implementation technology involves methodical, gradual, step-by-step mastering of its principles, evaluation and consolidation of the results of each step.

9. System "Ordering» - it is a difficult path. The new system, like the Japanese "5S", operates on the principle: "Actions speak louder than words." Any great work begins with a small deed, with a gradual understanding of the essence of the problem, with errors and corrections. You should never refuse help, advice, support from colleagues and engineering staff. Real progress in gradual, even small steps, is much more useful than global discussions about a large project that can turn the structure of production at a given workplace.

The methodological approaches discussed above not only reveal the content and technology for implementing the principles of the "Ordering" system, but rather explain the obstacles, difficulties and difficulties that will be encountered on the path of implementing both this system and the "5S" system.

If for a Japanese employee it is quite enough to be sure of the company’s management that the introduction of the “5S” system will bring great benefits not only to the company, but also to the employee himself, so that long-term motivation is carried out to implement the elements of this system in practice, then this is clearly not enough for an employee of a Russian enterprise. . Effective mechanisms are needed that would stimulate the improvement of jobs and the improvement of the quality of products and labor at every workplace. As always, at Russian enterprises, everything related to improvement, rationalization, including jobs, is practically based not on the system, not on effective incentives, but solely on personal initiative. Such a serious matter as the introduction of "5S" or "Ordering" systems cannot be "blabbed" only on factory enthusiasts.

There is an opinion that if all the work could be done "urgently", then Russia would have no competitors here, while the work associated with daily painstaking work to restore order and cleanliness does not correspond to our mentality. Hence the need for a verbose explanation, using methodological approaches, of how to perform essentially a fairly simple job, which is the principles of the "Ordering" system.

If we want to live in a civilized way, as, for example, in Japan or Europe, then the new managers must inspire the workers that the quality of work does not depend on the mentality of the nation, but on the ability and desire to comply with all the requirements written down as in specifications on products, and in the international standards ISO 9000. And not only to inspire, but also organizationally and financially ensure the implementation of the necessary standards.

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