Science products. Features of the promotion of high-tech products. Promotion of science-intensive products to the market is the main task of the state innovation policy


AT modern conditions It is generally recognized that knowledge-intensive and high-tech sectors of the national economy largely determine the level of economic development countries. Moreover, the production of competitive high-tech products with high added value is not only an indicator of economic growth, but also a catalyst for qualitative structural transformations in the economy.

The concept and essence of high-tech products

Most authors identify the concept of “high-tech” with the help of the indicator “science-intensive ™”, as a result, the terms “high-tech” and “science-intensive” are currently used mainly as synonyms. However, this is not entirely correct, since the recognition of the fact that a product is science-intensive does not automatically mean that it is high-tech.

Science-intensive products- goods, in the production of which the ratio of costs for research and development to the average annual production volume is increased, ranging from 3.5 to 10%.

Obviously, science-intensive products will not always be high-tech, since a high share of the cost of scientific and technical research can theoretically be observed in any industry, and not just in the high-tech segment.

Taking into account the insufficient differentiation in the scientific and methodological literature of such definitions as “high-tech”, “high-tech”, as well as “innovative” products, we will eliminate this problem using the concept of “intersecting sets”, a graphic illustration of which is shown in Fig. 8.1.

Rice. 8.1.

Both science-intensive and high-tech products are a form of manifestation of innovation when considering the manifestation of its result, therefore, they can transpose the features of the innovation market as a whole.

In view of the foregoing, high-tech products are products manufactured by companies in science-intensive industries, manufactured using the latest models of equipment and technologies, with the participation of highly qualified, specially trained personnel, embodying modern scientific achievements, best practices and having high socio-economic efficiency.

There are two possible approaches to the problem of classifying a specific product as a high-tech product: product and industry.

As part of the product approach, the OECD in 1997 proposed the following groups of high-tech products:

  • aerospace products;
  • computers;
  • pharmacology products;
  • scientific instruments;
  • electrical equipment;
  • chemical products;
  • armament.

In 2010, the OECD carried out the sectoral classification of the national economy, presented in Table. 8.2.

The main features of the production of high-tech products are:

  • relatively high and stable R&D costs;
  • a large number of highly qualified workers stably engaged in research and development, whose share in the total number of employees exceeds the industry average;
  • relatively frequent change not only in the range of products, but also in the methods and technologies of their production;
  • high depreciation rate of the active part of fixed capital.

Industry classification

Group name


High tech industries

Medical equipment

Scientific Instrumentation

Electronic communications


Computer industry

Medium-high technology industries

Land transport technologies


electrical equipment

Non-electric equipment

Sectors of medium-low technologies

Chemical technology (excluding pharmaceuticals)

Rubber and plastic products


Non-ferrous metallurgy

Non-metallic mineral products

Ferrous metallurgy

Paper industry and printing industry

Low tech industries

Textiles and clothing

Food, drink and tobacco

Oil refining

Woodworking and furniture production

Among the fundamental features of these products, which must be taken into account in the process of managing their production and sale, include the following:

  • 1. Uniqueness, high degree of differentiation. The ever-accelerating rates of development of science and technology, as well as the steady growth in demand for their achievements, lead to a rapid turnover of products, the emergence of new, often unparalleled products on the high-tech market. Development of indicators production program of such products requires the construction of an appropriate management system and opens up opportunities for finding and applying new, non-traditional approaches and methods for determining output volumes, setting prices and controlling costs.
  • 2. Ability to generate income. It is the value economic effect from use largely determines the value of such products for the consumer and, accordingly, should be taken into account when determining the demand for a product and its price as one of key indicators production program.
  • 3. Mostly a long period of use of products. Its operation may require the timely delivery of specific Supplies, systematic preventive maintenance, repair work, replacement of failed parts and assemblies.

Sergey Feoktistov, General Director of Elpa Research Institute JSC, who was appointed to this position on January 1, 2018, spoke about the new projects and tasks of the enterprise and his approach to the development of science-intensive production.

“We do not promote products, but their useful properties”

Sergey Anatolyevich, when in December you were offered to head the Elpa Research Institute JSC, how did you react to this offer? Was it a challenge for you?

I must say right away that until December last year, there was no career growth in JSC Research Institute Elpa I didn't plan. And offer CEO JSC "SOCIUM-A" Ruslan Igorevich Ashurbeyli was quite unexpected for me.

During the discussion of my appointment by management, a request was made for further development companies. This task seemed to me feasible and interesting, because for many years I was engaged in the development of management systems for enterprises that produce science-intensive and high-tech products. Therefore, I took responsibility for the further development of Elpa Research Institute JSC and, as a result, for increasing its assets and income.

JSC "NII "Elpa" has a serious scientific and technical potential for the development and, at the same time, serious competitors and a number of other factors that impede the effective implementation and useful application of current and promising scientific and technical groundwork and developments of our enterprise in modern technical systems management of both special and civilian purposes.

First of all, it is required to change the ratio of the volumes of manufactured military and civilian products. At present, the share of military products is up to 80%. To ensure sustainable development, it is necessary to as soon as possible increase the share of civilian products and ensure an equal ratio of the shares of military and civilian products in the total volume of output.

In the medium term, it is necessary, without losing positions in the market of military products, to ensure a steady increase in the share of civilian products. From these tasks arise requirements for changes in the management system, work with scientific and technical personnel, scientific and production base. The system of converting the scientific and technical potential of the enterprise in the market also requires changes. I am sure that with the support of the staff of our enterprise, we will overcome obstacles through joint efforts and form new directions for development.

- And how many years have you been at the enterprise? What position did you hold prior to your appointment as CEO?

I joined Elpa Research Institute JSC at the end of 2011 and since then I have held one position: I was an investment adviser to the CEO.

- What were your duties?

My main task was to promote, bring to the market scientific and technical reserves and science-intensive products of JSC "NII" Elpa ", search for customers, sources of financing for promising developments. Actually, that's what I'm doing now. The only difference is that I want to turn the work that used to be limited to the CEO into a systematic one based on the introduction of project management. With this approach, each employee has his own task, integrated into the achievement of the overall result.

What is the difference between conventional marketing, that is, the promotion of finished products, so to speak, mass consumption, and the promotion of science-intensive products?

The problem of converting scientific and technical potential to the market is relevant for every science-intensive production. It is not always solved by the usual attraction of investments. In this case, this option is considered last. But to find an idea or come up with some kind of technical solution that could satisfy demand, grow needs - this is the main thing.

Usually sales departments promote already finished products. It is necessary to change the traditional approach - what we produce, we promote. We need to produce what is required.

We, first of all, promote the useful properties of products that we could create or have already created. We are looking for customers for useful properties that they could apply in their technologies. We offer technical solutions to problems and difficulties that we identify with a potential customer. With this approach competitive advantages devices based on piezoceramics are easier to recognize by the consumer.

We must offer the useful properties of our products, including those that are being created or can be created. After all, a designer designing new products is primarily interested in information about operating temperatures, speed, forces and displacements, frequency range, the possibility of digital signal processing and other characteristics that he can apply. In this regard, the role of professional communication with the external scientific and technical community, designers of enterprises that create final products is growing.

Science-intensive products go through many stages of birth, starting with the idea and laboratory research. Already at this stage, she needs promotion. We promote scientific ideas that we can potentially implement, or ideas that have already been brought to a demo version, or the results of R & D (scientific and technical products) when a working model has already been received.

For example, a piezoactuator is a piezotechnical device that can be structurally simple or complex, consisting of multilayer film structures. The actuator serves for a fixed movement or generation of an electrical impulse, this is its main useful property. Our actuators are durable and cannot be stopped by factors such as radiation, electromagnetic pulses, and so on. These are also useful features.

We implemented all of them in our development work, received an order for it from the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation and are now at the third stage of execution: we are already making the second piezo platform for special applications based on actuators. The useful properties of actuators are also used to control a laser beam, adjust telescope mirrors, and many other technologies.

- How is the promotion system usually built? science-intensive products?

Since the promotion of science-intensive products has a number of features, we have to solve several problems:

1. Search for the place of useful properties of piezotechnical devices or piezoelectric elements in the technology of customers.

2. Research needs, identification of problems that are currently being solved in a particular industry. This also provides new opportunities for the scientific and technical potential of the enterprise. One can try to respond to these problems with a scientific and technical solution. Having learned about the new useful properties developed by us, the potential customer will understand that he can improve the useful properties and, at the same time, the competitive advantages of his final product due to them.

3. Overcoming "dead zones". Everyone has a good idea of ​​what the final product is, for example, an airplane, a submarine or a rocket. The fact is that the scientific and technical products manufactured by Elpa Research Institute JSC are at the very initial stages of forming the filling of this final product. We are the primary technological link in a large chain of designers and component manufacturers, and the end customer - the one who designs and assembles this very ship from many parts - may simply not see us due to technological remoteness.

Thus, we are faced with the task of overcoming the "dead zone" between us and the main creator of the final product. It is necessary to convey to him the useful properties of our developments through a whole chain of other participants in this cooperation - in the form of some kind of product in which our products occupy a very small (in terms of area), but an important place. As an example, I can cite our angular velocity sensors, gyroscopes, temperature sensors, seismic sensors, piezotransformers, and so on. All these scientific and technical products can be applied in a wide variety of products.

Our problem is that we sometimes do not see the full wealth of opportunities for our products. We need to look for these opportunities, build cooperation with those who are at different stages of the production of the final product.

For example, we took this path with our seismic sensors, having formed cooperation with designers of systems for monitoring the technical condition of buildings and structures.

The designers had a problem: they could not find seismic sensors on the market that fully met their requirements. technical requirements. We proposed the unique useful properties of our product, then redesigned the seismic sensor to fit their criteria. Thus, a new end product was introduced to the Russian market: a system for monitoring the technical condition of buildings and structures.

Seismic sensors are certified under two brands: under the brand of our partner - SMIS Expert LLC and under the brand of JSC Research Institute Elpa. At the same time, the established cooperation does not prevent us from selling sensors to other manufacturers or looking for other partners.

The joint project has already spread in Russia. Domodedovo Airport has been equipped with the monitoring system of SMIS Expert LLC, and now a system is being designed for Vnukovo and for Krasnoyarsk facilities that are being built for the student Olympiad.

The results of our work were also presented in Kazakhstan, where the construction industry is now actively developing. They were very interested in monitoring systems there. Our partner has organized cooperation with diversified construction companies that have a strong position in this country. We will enter the market of Kazakhstan with a digital seismic sensor - a modified version of the existing one.

Thus, we use the opportunities and connections of our partner to enter new markets. And this is the fourth feature of the promotion of scientific and technical products.

Internal cooperation

Sergey Anatolyevich, you said that you want to turn promotion into a system at the enterprise. Does this mean that your designers and heads of departments will have more work to do?

It's really a common thing. In order to create successful products on the market and promote existing ones, it is necessary, in addition to external cooperation, to create and strengthen internal cooperation as well.

There are three research and production complexes at Elpa. NPK-1 deals with special products. 90% of the work here is a state defense order. The crisis in this area has become clear and is getting worse every year. How to bring the potential of NPK-1 out of the monocustomer, for me it's now headache. We are working on this, and there are no clear decisions yet.

In NPK-3, the element base is being formed and new materials are being created. But it is useless to look for a significant surplus value here because of the great competition. China, Japan, Germany, the Netherlands supply piezoelectric elements for Russian market millions, and at cost they are ten times cheaper than ours. Another thing is that mass character often prevails over quality, but this is a separate conversation.

We are not talking about curtailing the production and sale of piezoelectric elements at Elpa Research Institute JSC. On the contrary, we strive to produce and sell as much as possible. But now we will try to form a surplus value in NPK-2, where products based on piezoelectric elements produced in NPK-3 are developed and manufactured.

After all, the areas of application of the useful properties of piezoceramics are not limited. It can be used in many industries. In particular, we have prepared a project for Russian Railways and for road workers - it is possible to create an alternative solar panels used in traffic lights.

Now we have received an order for a working model of a mobile charger for use in the Armed Forces - in a fighter's outfit. I hope that in May we will hand over the layout to the Ministry of Defense and, if the results are satisfactory, we will receive an order for development work.

We have one more New Product, which we made at the expense of internal financing within the framework of the enterprise and the holding: a piezotransformer. He is not subject negative factors impact and durability surpasses all existing similar technical solutions. Now we are looking for areas of application for it. One of them is still in the realm of fantasy, since the order has not yet been received. Tomsk University, at the suggestion of Rosatom, is developing an atomic battery comparable in size to Krona. They didn't have the necessary supplies. We proposed our solution based on a piezotransformer. Now, in cooperation with Tomsk, we can offer Rosatom, which is simultaneously doing the same work, a working model.

The same piezotransformer can be used in another area - in night vision devices, which have the widest application not only in the military sphere.

Night vision devices usually work on electronic power sources, and electronics sometimes fail, it is susceptible to flare, electromagnetic effects, and so on. We made our own power supply based on our piezotransformer, tested prototype samples and got a result that is amazing for manufacturers and users of devices. On the basis of our power supply, the devices are not "dazzled" and equally well "see" both at night and in daylight. These useful properties are now being tested on devices designed for helicopter pilots.

A second series of field trials is being prepared. A cooperation has been created with a manufacturer that forms the “stuffing” of helmets, and this cooperation already has an end customer who is waiting for serial results. If everything goes well, in the autumn we will record the results of field tests and will be able to apply for an industrial order.

One of the main tasks now falls on our designers and NPK managers - the formation of demanded useful properties of products at the stage of creating a material and a piezoelectric element and further - at the stage of obtaining a structure. Designers should also participate in the work to overcome the "dead zones". I calculated the idea - an image appeared: how this idea might look in useful application. This image just "adds" the designer. He should understand better than others how and where one or another useful property can be applied with maximum efficiency.

Management Diagnostics

- JSC "NII "Elpa" is waiting for the restructuring?

Now I'm testing the functionality and organizational structure JSC “NII “Elpa” for compliance with the tasks that have been set for us, I evaluate the system for adequacy, I try to find out if we have enough resources and whether they are built correctly. In another language, this is called "management diagnostics of the management system." Only based on the results of this diagnostic can a decision be made on what changes need to be implemented in order to complete the task.

I have no intention of downsizing or wages to carry out a deep restructuring of the enterprise. I want to understand the database: what is, what is not, what needs to be done so that the specialists are provided with everything necessary to obtain results now and in the future.

The next stage is the distribution of functionality, consolidation of responsibility with the clarification that we are all working for the final result. It often happens that scientific and technical development is completed, but never put into mass production. Therefore, the first requirement: the results of scientific work must be mastered by production and deliveries to consumers should be organized. This is the end result.

Each NPC is considered as a business line. Two terms are introduced: a project (and it always has a commercial result) and project management. The head of the research and production complex is responsible not only for all stages of the project, but is also responsible for the formation and implementation of the project portfolio.

The team we have is really wonderful, with a history. Can you imagine - people have been working here for 50 years or more! And they differ in devotion. Not by respect for rank, which, in my opinion, is very harmful, not by attachment to some people or place, but by devotion to one's work. No matter how hard they tried to eradicate it during the years of "wild capitalism", it did not work out. People still tend to be proud of the results of their work.

I am very glad that JSC NII Elpa has it, and it can be passed on to young people in the form of our corporate values. By the way, it seems to me that this is one of the urgent tasks: to form in our young specialists a deeper understanding of life values rather than purely material, mercantile ones.

- Here someone might think that JSC "NII" Elpa "is trying to get people to work" for the idea "...

Not for the idea, but for the result. In this case, the old school people are an example. We have had this system for a long time. I want to support her. I want the young people who come to us now to also understand that we are all working for the same result. The material and moral benefits that we want to receive are all based on the result of the work of a large team.

The logic of an experienced commander

Sergey Anatolyevich, please tell us a little about yourself. You mentioned that you were involved in the development of various enterprises. What is your education? In what industries did you work, besides microelectronics?

My education is military. I graduated from the Donetsk Higher Military-Political School of Signal Corps and Engineering Troops, then the Military Academy. He served in many places, including in the Far East. At the time of his dismissal from the army in 1995, he worked in the Central Office of the Ministry of Defense.

Then I was invited to a consulting organization as a deputy director. We have been consulting on business management issues. At that time, the business seemed to be torn from the inside, people fled, the friendship between the partners who had founded the business together broke down.

The dynamics of enrichment, accumulation of funds significantly outstripped the development of the activity management system. The business developed, consolidated, firms were created that acquired branches and subsidiaries, and the business owners did not know how to manage them. Management systems did not change adequately to changes in the goals and structure of the business. Hence the request for our services.

It turns out that you immediately moved from military service to the business sphere. Pretty abrupt transition. Was it easy to adapt, did you feel the need to get another education?

I graduated from the command department of the Military Academy, where, first of all, management skills were taught. There are many analogies between the command and control system in the army and the command and control system in business. Nevertheless, all this time I have been studying and continue to study already in the position of CEO. This is an objective need, a natural reaction to the dynamics and scale of changes in the economic sphere, science, technological capabilities and people.

As for the application of army experience, I think that any activity, both in the army and in civilian life, implies personal responsibility for the decision made, for the task assigned, for people and is aimed at achieving a specific result. The commander decides how, with what forces and means to accomplish the task, based on the goals of the senior commander. The commander is the same top manager, only the price of his decision is greater, and since we are talking about human lives, he must not only make a decision, but also implement it in such a way as to avoid losses. The army command and control system teaches meticulously how to make a decision and control its implementation. At the same time, it defines very precisely what personal responsibility is.

Making a decision and taking responsibility for it, the ability to build a strategy, achieve results is a requirement for any top manager.

What is a strategy? As they say in the army, plans are plans, but the war will show. No matter how you calculate everything, no matter how you plan, in real life there are always many surprises and nuances that must be responded to immediately. Not a single captain brought his ship from point "a" to point "b" in a straight line. And what about undercurrents, winds, and reefs, and the level of knowledge and health of the crew, external and internal factors in the organization, and the circumstances of the partners?.. So, the essence of the strategy is change management while maintaining the direction of movement towards a given goal. And in the army they learn this better than anywhere else.

In addition, my path in managerial activity is not only empirical. I also taught at the Academy of National Economy public service- taught regional ministers and deputy ministers according to the presidential program. That is, I am well acquainted with the theoretical basis of managerial activity and perfectly understand what it means to introduce changes in an enterprise. I led projects related to the creation and resuscitation of companies, there were also projects to develop technologies that have not yet been in the world.

Implementing change in an organization is always associated with resistance. Stress work. How do you deal with stress? What advice would you give to people who work in similar conditions?

Stress is absolutely normal. This is a mobilizing reaction of the body. In half an hour, a dozen stressful situations can arise. Touched hot - this is already stress. In fact, it is not stress that has a destructive effect, but distress, that is, unrealized stress that has not received a positive, productive output.

How do you manage stress? The most common methods are to yell, slam the fist on the table, for example ...

I can. But why? It's destructive. Usually, having received some kind of negative information, I drive stress into myself. It works automatically: it is categorically impossible to give in to panic, because in a panic it will not be possible to manage either oneself or the team. In addition, the state of panic is very quickly transmitted to others. As a leader, I can't show the slightest bit of excitement. I learned to work with my stresses, so I don’t bring them to distress. For example, if we are talking about the professional, and not about the domestic sphere, then the search for a way out is The best way fight stress.

If any unexpected difficulties or obstacles arise, I gather everyone responsible for the result and arrange a brainstorming session: guys, show your emotions, swear, smoke, but evaluate the situation and offer a path, a way out, determine a plan of specific actions! When people reconfigure, start looking for a solution, look to the future, instead of endlessly “digesting” the problem, they easily get out of stress. This is the way I usually use it.

It should be noted that the stresses professional activity, are often the result of unprofessionalism, negligence and errors of specialists. Any research and production activity involves the risks of defects, failure of technological equipment, negative test results for new product samples, customer failures in payment terms, sharp reductions in planned orders, and so on. There are so-called emergency situations. Professionals, especially heads of departments, should be prepared for such situations.

With proper planning, a significant part of the risks provides options for preventive and subsequent actions. It is known that all specialists who are trained to perform work in areas of special risk are trained to act in the period of emergency situations. Therefore, the work to improve the professional level of employees of JSC "NII "Elpa", especially young professionals, can also be considered as a prevention of the occurrence of panic and distress among the staff.

In the Soviet era, half of industrial production was concentrated in the defense industry. The defense industry was the source of the most important geopolitical advantage of the USSR. A system of vocational technical training, higher educational institutions, Academy of Sciences, closed and semi-closed cities. Defense enterprises were provided with leading scientific and technical developments, staffed with highly qualified personnel, equipped with modern equipment. There was no shortage of funding under the state defense order. As a result, nuclear, space-rocket and aviation projects implemented in the interests of the country's defense capability turned out to be world-class innovations. Many developments of those years are still relevant today.


The sharp decline in production volumes in Russia since 1990 and the unstable position of many enterprises producing science-intensive products in recent years indicate the absence of established market mechanisms for the reproduction of the science-intensive sector of Russian industry. In 20 years since the beginning of perestroika, only those science-intensive enterprises that began to work for foreign markets were able to adapt to the new conditions. At the same time, the bulk of the developments used by enterprises are those made before 1990, and the products are mostly a modification of those produced earlier.

The potential of the modern Russian economy, to a greater extent than the Soviet one, is aimed at serving the export of raw materials to the world market. Due to sharp fluctuations in the commodity market, the economy cannot be in a state of stable equilibrium for a long time. The growth of knowledge-intensive markets is possible with the redistribution of financial, labor and other resources from other markets. The economy of dynamically developing countries of the world and companies is characterized by high intensity, effectiveness of scientific, technical and innovation activities, development of resource-saving technologies. The successful introduction of scientific and technological developments in these countries allows them to occupy a dominant position in world markets. In addition, the final products of science-intensive industries have a larger share of value added than in other industries.

When creating many knowledge-intensive industries, due to the need for significant investments, a natural process of integrating resources, primarily financial, and marketing networks, takes place. The affiliation of sectors of the economy to the category of knowledge-intensive is characterized by the indicator of knowledge-intensive products, which is determined by the ratio of R&D costs to total costs or sales volume. It is believed that for science-intensive industries this indicator should be 1.2-1.5 times higher than the average level for the manufacturing industry in industrialized countries. It is problematic to define the exact criterion of science intensity, since, in addition to the difference in the indicator by industry, in one industry in different countries (due to differences in the structure of costs attributed to R&D), there is a tendency to increase the share of R&D over time. The minimum threshold is currently around 5%.

The main characteristic features of knowledge-intensive industries are:

The presence of scientific schools, teams of designers and technologists capable of creating unique and competitive products on the world market (such as the schools of V.P. Glushko, A.N. Tupolev and other outstanding chief designers of the last century);

The predominance of highly qualified engineering and technical staff and production personnel in the total number of employees of the enterprise;

A public and effective system for training highly qualified personnel;

An effective system for protecting intellectual property rights;

Rapid implementation of developments that provide increased competitiveness, high production dynamism;

Government incentives and support (legislative, financial and tax);

Active and efficient investment and innovation activities;

Use of advanced technologies in production;

The long life cycle of many types of products, reaching, for example, in civil aviation, according to The Airline Monitor for the past years, 30-40 years: 5-7 years - development, 1-2 years - production, 27 years - average term operation;

High unit R&D costs and a number of other factors.

Availability financial resources for the implementation of the R&D project depends on the state of the company, determined by its activities. Therefore, the company's cash flows, both in the implementation of a specific project and in general, should be estimated with the greatest possible accuracy. Conducting high-quality calculations requires highly qualified economists and financial managers. However, there are a number of tasks that require the involvement of external consultants. Such tasks include the evaluation of science-intensive products, which requires adequate methods and highly qualified specialists. These projects include, for example, a project to assess market value of the Sukhoi Superjet100 aircraft at the manufacturing stage, performed by the specialists of CJSC BF-Otsenka, which is part of the Bona Fide Finance Group.

An important component of any large project is marketing research aimed at forecasting the sales of products (this article does not consider products purchased exclusively by the Ministry of Defense). In most cases, the cost of developing a product and subsequent sales volumes are decisive factors in the decision to initiate financing. The practice of the well-known marketing company Grifon Consulting House has shown that potential investors especially feel the relevance of the conducted marketing research with negative conclusions regarding future sales of products. Potential savings in this case amount to at least tens of millions of dollars.


The life cycle of a product begins from the moment the financing of the R&D stage begins, during which the appearance of the product is determined. This is followed by the development of technical documentation, R&D, manufacturing and testing of individual components and assemblies. This stage ends with the release of documentation and the creation of a prototype. Further testing of the prototype and fine-tuning of the product are carried out.

After successful tests, during which confirmation of the specified characteristics was obtained, it becomes possible to mass-produce and operate products. The operation of the product after the cessation of serial production continues to such a level of obsolescence that even after a deep modernization it is unable to provide the required level of efficiency (subject to a normal physical condition and economic feasibility of the modernization).

The costs at all these stages affect the cost of the product. A significant component of the life cycle cost is the cost of operating and repairing the product. To carry out the operation, it is also necessary to create an appropriate service.


The main feature of projects for the evaluation of high-tech products is the uniqueness of the objects themselves. When conducting an assessment, it is necessary to take into account many factors, such as market development, the economic life of the product, inflation, changes in GDP, changes in fuel prices, and others. Evaluation is carried out, as a rule, using three approaches: cost, comparative and income (reflecting the past, present and future).

For example, the methodology for evaluating an aircraft at the manufacturing stage can be formalized as follows.

As part of the cost approach, R&D costs are determined in relation to the planned number of products for release, and the average cost of manufacturing the product is added to the resulting value.

As part of the comparative approach, a comparison is made on key parameters. It is necessary to investigate the dependence of the prices of analogues on flight performance and operational characteristics. The most significant indicators that affect catalog and market prices for aircraft include the number of seats (passenger capacity), flight range, operating costs (you can choose other parameters).

Within the framework of the income approach, the reduced cash flow is determined, calculated for the most typical operating conditions, based on the distance of routes, operating conditions, and other factors.

Holding economic evaluation(before manufacturing, at the stage of manufacturing, evaluating efficiency, etc.) relevant for development companies and manufacturing companies that bear risks at the design and manufacturing stage, air carriers interested in minimizing operating costs, and leasing companies interested in timely receipt of leasing payments, as well as in some cases financing the manufacture of products.

The quality of management in knowledge-intensive industries has far-reaching consequences, while the cost of error and responsibility for decisions are much higher than in other industries.

To evaluate objects and events, there are a large number of characteristics and parameters. One of them is science intensity. This is a parameter that is used in production in the development of products and techniques. More about this is discussed in this article.

Science intensity is an important component of modern production

This indicator is used to reflect the proportion that exists between production and scientific and technical activities in terms of the amount of costs that go to scientific development in terms of a unit of product or service. This parameter is quantified. Also, knowledge intensity can be represented as a ratio of the number of employees engaged in research activities to the total number of production personnel in an enterprise or even in an entire industry.

So, knowledge intensity can also be determined by the amount of costs that are allocated for research, by their ratio to the volume of sales of goods. There is an upward trend specific gravity to the cost of production. Therefore, we can say that knowledge intensity is one of the important indicators of the competitiveness of manufactured goods or services.

What technologies are called science-intensive?

Such designations are used for segments of various areas that implement the developed innovations, and which are difficult or impossible to recreate in inappropriate conditions. High technologies imply the presence of investments in research to obtain results. These include:

  • electronics;
  • robotics;
  • wireless technologies;
  • software;
  • nanotechnology;
  • security systems;
  • environmentally friendly technologies that positively affect energy saving;
  • alternative energy;
  • navigation technologies;
  • biotechnology;
  • developments in the field of medicine;
  • technologies with dual and defense purposes.

As you can see, science and technology move together. Let's take a closer look at why these areas are important to us.

Importance of high technology

As you can see, the areas presented above can make life a lot easier. All of them are the results of scientific research. It should be noted that their use is not mandatory, but consider how difficult it will be to go to the nearest well for water? Or what will be the performance Agriculture, if you have to dig everything with shovels, and not tractors? Science intensity is an important parameter that allows more and more people to simplify physical labor with the help of progressive developments. Theoretically, in the future it will be possible to achieve that the majority of human resources will be directed to scientific or cultural delights. Accordingly, science and technology will significantly improve the lives of the inhabitants of the planet.

How to calculate science intensity?

This issue was covered in passing a little earlier. But let's dwell in more detail on the definition of knowledge-intensive industries.

So, for this, a set of parameters such as:

  1. Research and development costs in relation to volumes or Also produced and shipped volumes can be used as a comparative parameter.
  2. The number of professionals who are involved in research and those who help them in relation to the total number of people involved in this industry.
  3. The cost of scientific development to the amount that is used for production and industrial personnel and the volume of fixed assets of the industry that are involved in the manufacture of products.

According to the results of research in our country, methods are most often used, where the sums that are directed to the search are at the forefront. This indicator is paired with either the price base or the number and qualifications of staff. Ultimately, combination methods are often used to get the best possible result.

The nuances of science intensity

Quantity does not always lead to quality. The science-intensive factor is, of course, important in order to assess the state of affairs in production, but it is not decisive. It must be remembered that people differ in their character, pace of work, knowledge, talents and other parameters and characteristics. Also, luck can play a certain influence: it is worth remembering the detection of X-rays. Therefore, it is not necessary to be sure of obtaining the same result with identical characteristics.

Learn more about the knowledge-intensive factor

It is remembered, as a rule, when talking about the latest industries. They, in turn, gravitate towards large scientific centers, which are large cities. The result is something new. These are specialized technoparks and technopolises.

They fully implement the technological chain, from ending with the sale of invented products. Let's take a closer look at the main subjects:

  1. Technopark. This is the name of the agglomeration of knowledge-intensive firms that are grouped around a university, institute or laboratory. The main task of these forms of organization is to reduce the time for which scientific ideas are introduced into practice.
  2. Technopolis. This is the name given to a complex research and production town, which was specially built to engage in advanced technologies, training of specialized personnel and high-tech industries.


So, knowledge intensity is an important factor to determine the efficiency of the economy. Of course, this setting does not solve all problems on its own. It should be noted that research in some areas of science is not carried out due to the fact that they are too costly and do not entail quick profits. Therefore, developments in such areas lie mainly on the shoulders of the state.

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