Is it easy to be rich? Morning discussions…. Is it good to be rich Is it good to be rich reasoning


How do people who suddenly become rich feel? In the comments on this topic, entrepreneurs who have earned millions of dollars in various ways shared their opinions. Someone postponing, and someone selling his company. They talked about what it feels like a person who suddenly can afford everything. And is it so good.

Anonymous ($30,000,000)

Wealth isolates you from society. You can't complain about your life or talk about your problems to anyone outside your circle of closest friends. Otherwise, you will simply be considered an insolent jerk. It is very difficult for people of lesser income to sympathize with you, since they believe that money gives everything. This is not true.

There are many problems with money. Lack of motivation to work, constant requests to borrow money from suddenly appeared friends and relatives, envy and taxes - all this leaves a not very pleasant imprint on life. If you have children, then you will also have to think about how to motivate them to do something, instead of just spending your money.

Do not rejoice that you will have a lot of free time. Idleness will quickly get bored, and you will have to forget about meetings with friends, since almost all of them work at a regular job from 9 to 17 hours. Money makes you lonely and that was the biggest surprise and disappointment for me.

Anonymous ($4,000,000)

I made my small fortune by saving money in the bank. $4,000,000 is not that much by my standards, but among the people in my circle, I have the most money. Here are some tips I can give to a person who has suddenly become rich:

  1. Don't talk about your money to anyone. On my own previous work I accidentally blabbed about my savings. The people I have known for years and considered friends have changed. Envy and light sarcastic comments about me and my money appeared in the conversations. Over time, nothing has changed, despite the fact that I did not talk about it anymore. Going to new job, I did not say a word about money and I am only glad of it.
  2. Material things do not bring pleasure. Super cliché, but I couldn't help but mention it. It's probably hard to understand until you go through wealth yourself. I've bought cars and expensive toys, and they're only fun the first time. Then you realize that this is just a bad investment.
  3. I didn't leave work. I still work in an IT company and live on a salary. I decided to leave the accumulated money for retirement or an unforeseen situation.

Safal Yot Sing ($15,000,000)

I made a lot of money selling an IT startup when I was about 20 years old. And here's what I realized: being rich is better than not being rich, but it's not even close to being as great as you think.

First, you can no longer complain. Others will think that with the help of money you have reached nirvana and no longer experience any problems, which, of course, is not the case. Secondly, everyone will need something from you. And it’s very difficult to understand whether a person likes you or it’s all about money. And finally, friends and family. Your relationship may remain the same, but most likely it will change.

You think that once you get rich, your life will get better. And so you get rich, but life does not change. Such an outcome can cause severe depression or a life crisis. If you are not happy with average income, then you will not be happy being rich either.


The biggest problem for rich people is isolation. Yet we pay too much attention to money and in vain put it in the first place in the list of our values. Everything is relative, and if you want to buy a BMW now, when you can afford it, you will immediately want a Bentley. And so it will go on forever.

It would be interesting to know the opinion of suddenly rich readers, if any. What challenges or benefits did you face after getting rich?

Money is not a goal, but a means to achieve other goals and desires. Wealth is, first of all, the ability to help others, but almost no one will refuse a million that “accidentally fell on their heads”. Such data were obtained in a joint study of the weekly "Comments" and the international personnel portal.

Most of those who took part in the survey consider wealth not an end in itself, but a means to achieve more important life goals. One fifth of the respondents are sure that well-being is just an indicator of a person's social status. Another 13% are convinced that becoming rich is the main task of human life. And 3% consider wealth a reason for envy.

The concept of "wealth" is very subjective - the respondents did not agree on how much a person needs to earn in order to be considered rich. A quarter of respondents (26%) believe that a wealthy person should earn about 10 thousand dollars a month. 24% are sure that wealth starts from 20-50 thousand dollars a month. The same number believe that truly rich people earn from 100 to 500 thousand. 9% of respondents are ready to recognize as a rich man only the one whose income is 1 million dollars a month. 14% of respondents have a philosophical attitude to wealth: they believe that it cannot be measured with money, because it is a state of mind. The older the respondents, the more popular this approach to saving money is. Most of the "idealists" are among those over 40.

Despite the fact that, according to the respondents, a wealthy person should earn more than 10 thousand dollars, the definition of a good, well-paid job among the respondents is somewhat more modest. Most consider earnings high even when it exceeds $3,000 per month.

For the sake of high earnings, the respondents are ready for a lot. Only a third of the respondents are not ready to sacrifice anything for the sake of a good job. The rest can put weekends, vacations and even human relations on the altar of making money.

The readiness to work beyond measure is obviously associated with the low assessment of their own well-being by working Ukrainians.

40% said they don't have enough money today to not worry about tomorrow, 15% have difficulty providing for their families, and 8% are unable to buy even the bare necessities. Only a third of the respondents positively assess their well-being. Confident in financial terms 11% of respondents feel themselves, and 2% can afford any whims and purchases. Another 17% can easily provide their families with everything they need.

According to respondents, the best areas of the economy in order to earn a lot and do your own business are Information Technology(48%), real estate (31%), finance and insurance (24%) and sales (24%). Almost half of the respondents (41%) are sure that there is a chance to get rich in any professional field.

36% of respondents believe that wealth, first of all, makes it possible to help others. A fifth of the respondents consider wealth as an opportunity to lead a carefree life, and the same number consider well-being to be their main life goal. 10% consider themselves rich, but not financially.

Only 3% of respondents are sure that it is a shame to be rich, because honestly it is impossible to earn big money. Here, as in the previous question, the younger generation is much more pragmatic than middle-aged and older people. Among respondents under 30 years old, only 1% agree with this statement, among those who are 30-40 years old - already 3%, and after 40 years the number of idealists increases to 10%.

The easiest and most attractive opportunity to get rich is to rely on your luck. More than half of the respondents believe this. Respondents also consider a good chance to become a wealthy person high paying job in Ukraine or abroad, winning the lottery, as well as a successful marriage / marriage. However, this way of becoming rich is more attractive to women (26%) than to men. In turn, the stronger sex will take the opportunity to steal more calmly and profitably dispose of what they have acquired (11% of men and only 4% of women are not against this option). Men are also more adventurous 14% of the men surveyed would prefer to find a treasure in all ways to get rich, among women this figure is only 6%.

Ukrainians are pragmatic, but nobility is not alien to them. If a respondent suddenly had a million dollars in their hands, 65% would open their own business, 41% would buy real estate and a car, and almost a quarter of those surveyed would donate money to charity. Many would use this money to pay for their studies, make their relatives happy with gifts, or pay for expensive medical treatment.

You have to pay for everything

Only 26% of respondents think that wealth can come "with impunity". The rest are sure: you will have to pay. They are ready to exchange for a lot of money: friendship (27%), happiness in personal life (25%), family well-being (24%), the opportunity to do what they love (21%).

The data was obtained as a result of a survey of registered users of the site. The survey involved 1200 respondents from different regions of Ukraine.

I certainly respect those who really got out of poverty and devastation into people. But the problem is that most modern successful people actually pseudo successful.

I'm sick of pseudo-successful people. Why zadolbali and why "pseudo"?

Firstly, they wouldn’t have bothered me if they didn’t expose their “success” as solely their merit, they wouldn’t boast about it with or without, and, most importantly, they wouldn’t argue in a mentor’s tone that, they say, they could, and who could not do the same, that sucker. And "pseudo" - because this success exists mainly due to one factor: a successful birth in a certain family.

Here Madam buys herself an apartment in Moscow with a mortgage, closes it in two years. Success? Of course. Madam is now constantly looking for a reason to rant about what to buy an apartment, even in one of the most expensive cities in the world - bullshit, there would be a desire. Only she is silent for some reason that she managed to close the mortgage thanks to the sale of another apartment in the same Moscow, inherited from her late grandmother.

So Monsieur took it and moved from a boring Russian town to civilized Britain, where he occupies a rather high position and receives a large salary even by those standards. Also a success? Yes, definitely! Only Monsieur does not mention that at one time his parents were able to enroll him in the most prestigious school in the city, where they gave the best education, paying for this an amount that at that time could buy a small property.

Again, the housing issue, the young lady bought a kopeck piece at the age of 30, spacious, in a new house, without a mortgage. Again success, again lengthy arguments about the need to work hard and then ... And yes, again silence about the fact that most of the amount was borrowed from parents and brother, who are not a bank - they give without interest, and in case of problems they don’t will be kicked out into the street.

And here is a young man who, at the age of 21, received a brand new car worth under a million rubles, working in a construction company (without having higher education). He must be very talented, managed to make a fortune for himself ... Oh, for sure: his father is the owner of this very construction company. Everything fell into place again.

In no way am I denying the fact that all these people were not just lying on the couch, but were making some kind of effort. But when at the same time they say that they did absolutely everything themselves and that no one helped them, I begin to blaze with anger, like Vesuvius on the last day of Pompeii. They were just lucky to be born into a family that could enroll in a good school, lend money, leave an inheritance, arrange for Good work. It's not success, it's luck.

And those who really got out of poverty and devastation into people, I undoubtedly respect. By the way, they don't often talk about their success. Apparently, because they know its real value.

In a recent post on one of the social knowledge sharing sites founded in June 2009 by Adam d'Angelo and Charlie Cheever, where questions are answered by professionals, "Is wealth worth it?" users have shared unexpected downsides they find about being rich.

Here are some of the most compelling ideas about why getting rich might not be as wonderful as you imagine:

1. You had to sacrifice a lot.
Over the years of hard work to earn as much as possible, you may have abandoned important relationships, lost future opportunities, missed life experiences, or cheated on your true desires and dreams. If wealth simply compensates you for what you can't do, then it's hardly worth it.

2. You are likely to be seen as greedy, ruthless, or obsessed with your work.
If you buy good things, people will perceive you as an overly materialistic or ostentatious person. In addition, your success is the flip side of someone else's defeat, and, of course, a reason for someone else's envy and indignation.

3. Being rich can cut you off from society.
From fear or belief that you are somehow better than others, it becomes increasingly difficult for you to make contact with most other people. Very few people can sympathize with you, and this can make you feel a certain sense of isolation.

4. Friends and family may start treating you differently.
You will be asked to borrow money and expect outrageously chic gifts for Christmas or birthday, and if you do not pay the general bill in a restaurant, you will be considered a miser. Since many people believe that being rich is the key to happiness, they are unlikely to be patient enough to understand you when you complain about something or share your frustrations. You may find it hard to live up to the high expectations of those around you.

5. Money makes you lose touch with reality.
Ask yourself, "Is the money mine, or am I mine?" Your finances can suddenly take control of your life, cause frequent family quarrels or a constant fear of losing your fortune.

6. Your money becomes a means to attract the attention of others.
You begin to depend on high-status purchases like expensive cars or houses just to show people how rich you are. But if you try to attract people to you with something like chic parties, you will very soon be left alone with low self-esteem.

7. Your children will not know the value of money.
They may not feel like they need to work or worry about income since they grew up in such hothouse conditions. And although they will have ambition and an understanding that they must work, your children simply will not develop the qualities necessary for success in themselves, as you did in your time.

8. People are trying to get something out of talking to you.
It can be difficult for you to figure out if someone is communicating with you for yourself or for your money. Especially if you're single, it's hard to tell if your significant other is interested in you or your condition.

9. The things you want become less attractive.
Most of the things you imagine buying are only desirable because you are the only one who can't afford them, or you have to work hard to get them. But as soon as you can afford to buy high-end expensive things, they cease to mean so much to you.

10. You start to pay attention to those who are richer.
There is always someone whose wallet is bigger than yours, and it never feels like you have enough money. If you make $20 million, you might meet someone who has $3 billion. When you've climbed this high, it becomes easier to compare yourself to others.

12. You learn that money can't change the way you think.
Money can buy comfort, but comfort doesn't always lead to satisfaction. Happy people often still happy when they become millionaires. The unfortunate are still dissatisfied when they acquire wealth.

Poverty is a standard of living, the complete opposite of wealth. Those affected by poverty do not have at all or have minimal opportunity to acquire the necessary attributes for life, support a family, and pay for important services.

People faced with poverty are tormented by need, hunger, and this pushes them to many negative actions, such as theft. In some people, poverty can develop evil feelings and envy, leading to despair. But, on the other hand, sometimes a poor person turns out to be much kinder, more honest and more generous than a rich one.

Causes of poverty:

  • Way of life - there is a category of people who are satisfied with their position and do not want to change anything, from unwillingness to work;
  • Alcoholism and drug addiction - a person who is under addiction often loses all valuables and money in order to satisfy unnecessary needs;
  • Low wage- the most common reason;
  • Unemployment.

Wealth is the material well-being of a person or a certain population. A person who owns real estate, has large cash savings, and has more than necessary wealth is considered rich.

In the modern world, with the help of wealth, you can solve many problems, allow yourself to satisfy needs and not have to suffer from want. The richer a person, the more society shows respect for him. Basically, wealth spoils people, a person endowed with power and money often becomes greedy and arrogant.

Possessing significant financial values, a person can start to go crazy, it becomes less and less for him, there is a desire to get even more at any cost, going to various crimes. A good example of this is the famous fairy tale "About the golden fish". But among them there are also people with a good soul. Often there are cases when a rich person does charity work and donates large sums of money to various foundations and shelters, thereby helping the poor. This suggests that there is good and bad in everything, it is important that the person chooses.

In my opinion, it does not matter whether a person is poor or rich, the main thing is to preserve only the best moral qualities and not allow the bad ones to develop. Many great people have been both poor and rich.

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