Summary of the class hour “Internet and dependence on it. Class hour "computer Internet addiction in adolescents" Class hour prevention of computer addiction in adolescents


Target class hour: to acquaint children with the harmful effects of computer games, to give an idea of ​​the Internet addiction; to form a positive attitude towards such qualities of character as independence, curiosity; develop the skills to participate in the discussion; Encourage children to broaden their horizons healthy lifestyle life and show the benefits of live communication.

Type of event: talk show.



I. Motivational conversation

Teacher. Today we will talk about the Internet.

Please tell me you go online?

Raise your hands, who has ever played online games?

Do you talk to your friends about games, codes, levels, etc.?

Have you had to deceive loved ones, saying that you were writing a paper or looking for information, while you were just playing or talking?

Have you ever forgotten about the time while playing on the computer?

(Children's answers.)

Psychologists ask about the same questions when they want to make sure whether a person suffers from Internet addiction. I asked these questions not by chance and I want you to look at yourself from the outside, evaluate your attitude to the computer and the Internet. A positive answer to all these questions should make you wary.

II. "Internet Addiction"

Do not voice the first block of the conversation. "Three Facets of the Problem"


Internet addiction -

“A new disease of our time or a fictional threat?

In the West, they say that every fifth Internet user suffers from computer addiction in one way or another. And in Russia, many are already subject to this mania. People lose their sense of reality, go into the virtual world. The most vulnerable, as always, were children and adolescents. There was even such a term - "computer syndrome".Who is to blame and what to do

Today we will try to answer these questions during our conversation.

Guests of our studio: parents, doctors, programmers.

The first word is parents.

Mom 1. Many parents simply do not understand what a terrible destructive force the computer represents. One 14-year-old student from Romania was taken away from the Internet cafe "Ambulance". The boy sat in this cafe for 9 days, he was simply obsessed with a computer game, he did not leave him, he stopped going to school. He lied, stopped bathing and lost 10 kg.

Mom 2 . And I heard a story that a 12-year-old child died of a stroke in Yekaterinburg after playing for 12 hours on a computer. Doctors say that every week they receive at least one teenager who has become addicted to computer games. I'm scared for our children (put your hand to your heart)

Teacher. Do you feel like you are also being sucked into the computer quagmire? Do you see how your friends are leaving you more and more in the virtual world?(Children speak up.)

So, people are sounding the alarm, seeing how their loved ones go into the virtual world. What will the doctors say?

Doctor 1. Western doctors say that Internet addiction exists. There was even such a diagnosis: "cybermania" and over time it will be recognized as the number one disease in the world.

Teacher . What is cybermania?

Doctor 2 First of all, people spend up to 18 hours a day in computer games and the Internet -!

Teenagers begin to skip classes, lie, do their homework too quickly in order to quickly sit down at the computer. In virtual reality, they forget about time, rejoice in their virtual victories, and experience failures violently. They can no longer even eat normally, preferring to chew something in front of the monitor. And when communicating in chats, they invent a virtual image for themselves, which gradually replaces their real "I"

Doctor 1 . The danger of games is that they are much easier to win than real life. After all, life is a constant struggle, self-affirmation, victories and failures. A person simply loses himself, his personality, becomesattachment to a computer.(highlight voice)

Doctor 2 . Another danger lies in wait for chat lovers. Virtual communication cannot replace live communication between people. A person who has plunged into a fictional world under someone else's mask gradually loses his face, loses his real friends, dooming himself to loneliness.

Classroom teacher.

Do you agree with the conclusions of the doctors?

Do you think that Internet games increase aggressiveness?

Do you prefer to eat at the computer?

What victories have you won in real life over the past year?

(Children speak up.)

It's time for the computer geniuses to speak up. Is a computer really that dangerous? Are all games built on violence?

Programmer 1 . The computer can be dangerous. After all, it is a source of radiation. And this has a bad effect on a person. But if you follow sanitary rules, it can be harmless.

For example, an adult can sit at a computer no more than 4 hours a day, and a child no more than 20-30 minutes

Teacher. Is there any harm from computer games?

programmer 2. Not all games are built on aggression. There are logic games, games for studying school subjects. There are simulators with which you can learn important and useful skills. There are game tests that will help you test your knowledge. As for the Internet, in addition to chat rooms, there are forums where serious issues are discussed and where you can express your point of view. So the Internet does not necessarily lead to the loss of one's self. It gives great opportunities for self-affirmation, self-expression.

Teacher . As you can see, according to experts, there is nothing in the computer itself or on the Internet that would cause addiction.

What can you add to this?

Maybe someone wants to speak out in defense of the Internet?

What information are you looking for online? (passes WWII competitions)

The second block "game"

What do you think?

The opinion of the participants was divided, for objectivity we will divide into 2 groups. Let the 1st defend the point of view "Pros of the Internet",

and the second group "Cons of the Internet"

I name the problem and you solve it ......, and you guys defend your point of view, and speak words of defense in your favor

Fizkultminutka.Despite the fact that you were opponents, I would like you to remain allies, I ask you to stand up, smile and shake hands! Have a seat.

We considered your points of view on this problem .

Now let's listen to the opinion of our guests, what should be done so that children do not fall into the thrall of the Internet?

Moms' opinions:

Let children use the Internet only in the presence of parents

Teaching children how to use useful programs

Doctors' opinions:

Every child should go in for sports or find some hobby. Then friends will appear, and there will be no time to be bored.

Programmers' opinions:

  1. Everyone needs to become a competent user, not a teapot.
  2. Be critical of gaming novelties, do not buy everything
    contract. Limit the use of aggressive games.

Children need to play less. Let everyone try to create their own website, then you will need to tell something about yourself, show what your uniqueness is. And this will encourage self-development.

Teacher. Guys, after listening to the proposals of our guests, having made our own conclusions, maybe one of us will be able to find a middle ground for solving the problem of the Internet?(Children speak out, repeating and paraphrasing the opinions of the guests, adding their original sentences.)

What can we do to avoid getting into Internet addiction? (You need to become a competent user, master useful programs, you need to play less, and go in for sports, chat with friends, read books, etc.)(You can ask leading questions:Is there a computer addiction? Who is to blame for its appearance? How to deal with this evil?

Sample result of the discussion:

  1. Computer addiction exists.
  2. This is the result of promiscuity of children, irresponsibility of parents,

Taking into account all your suggestions, and the opinions of experts are not noticeable to yourself, you have developed an Internet user memo. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Teacher . Our meeting has come to an end. And I would like to end it with the words of one writer. He discussed the problem of computer addiction on the Internet and concluded: “I write these reflections on a computer, send them by e-mail through the world wide web, draw information from the Internet. All these facts indicate that I am by no means a computerophobic. Moreover, I really love this little box that helps me live. But my love will end the moment when, or if, I realize that I do not own him, but he owns me.

Teacher: Does what we talked about today concern you? Is there a reason to think and change your behavior?

Final word

Teacher: Today we talked about Internet addiction, and we did not seek to solve this problem at all costs. But discussing it, we learned to hear and listen to each other. During the discussion, we learned live communication - exactly what no computer can give.

Candle: Our live communication, like a spark, conveyed not only the light of our thoughts, but also the warmth of our hearts. Now, carefully passing this quivering light from hand to hand, and looking into our eyes, let's say compliments and wishes to each other.

How pleasant is the live communication from heart to heart! How exciting it is! Remember this.


Our meeting has come to an end, I want you to express your attitude to the class hour using emoticons

I liked it I'm satisfied

Learned a lot, surprised, great

It was boring


Class hour analysis "Internet and teenager"

held in February 2010.

The topic of the class hour is "Internet and teenagers". I took the topic not by chance, I think that it is relevant for teenagers and for me, as a computer science teacher. The survey shows that teenagers spend more than 3 hours a day at the computer, which is harmful to their health.

The purpose of the class hour: to acquaint children with the harmful effects of computer games, to give an idea of ​​Internet addiction; to form a positive attitude towards such qualities of character as independence, curiosity; develop the skills to participate in the discussion; encourage children to expand their horizons, form a healthy lifestyle and show the benefits of live communication.

Type of event: talk show.

To conduct a class hour, I used motivational and heuristic conversation, role-playing and group play, individual and pair project work, discussion; explanatory-illustrative and partially-search method, computer and design technology, visibility, accessories. I took into account the individual, psychological and age characteristics of students.

To arouse children's interest in the topic of the class hour, I conducted a motivational conversation, which contributed to the creation of positive motivation.

Problematic question “Internet addiction – a new disease of our time or a fictional threat?” Became key to role play, which was attended by "parents", "doctors", "programmers".

Group work was carried out in the form of a discussion, during which students looked for the pros and cons of the Internet, learned to communicate, defend their point of view, and formulate conclusions.

Conducted physical education helped to reduce fatigue.

As a result of steam design work developed basic rules for working with a computer.

Throughout the meeting, an atmosphere of goodwill, ease, mutual assistance, a normal psychological climate reigned.

At the end, a reflection was carried out.

I think the class goal has been achieved!

Class hour: "Internet addiction"
I. Motivational conversation
Teacher. Today we will talk about the Internet.
 Tell me, please, do you go online?
 Raise your hands, who has played online games at least once?
 Do you talk to your friends about games, codes, levels, etc.?
 Have you ever deceived your loved ones by saying that you were writing an essay or were looking for
information while you were just playing or chatting?
 Have you ever forgotten about the time while playing at the computer?
Psychologists ask questions like these when they want to make sure whether
man internet addicted. I asked these questions not by chance and I want you to
looked at themselves from the outside, assessed their attitude to the computer and the Internet.
A positive answer to all these questions should make you wary.
II. "Internet Addiction"
Teacher. Internet addiction is the "new" disease of our time or
imagined threat?
In the West, they say that every fifth Internet user in one way or another
least suffers from computer addiction. And in Russia, many are already subject to this
mania. People lose their sense of reality, go into the virtual world. by the most
as always, children and teenagers turned out to be unprotected. There is even a term
"computer syndrome".
Who is to blame for this and what to do?
Today we will try to answer these questions during our conversation.
Many parents simply do not understand what a terrible destructive force
represents a computer. One 14-year-old student from Romania was taken away from
Internet cafe "Ambulance". The boy sat in this cafe for 9 days he was
just obsessed with a computer game, he did not leave him, stopped going to
school. He lied, stopped bathing and lost 10 kg.
And I heard a story that a 12-year-old died of a stroke in Yekaterinburg
child after 12 hours of playing on the computer. Doctors say that every week to
he receives at least one teenager who has become addicted to
computer games. I'm scared for our children (put your hand to your heart)
Teacher. Do you feel like you are also being sucked into the computer quagmire?
Do you see how your friends are leaving you more and more in the virtual world?
(Children speak up.)
So, people are sounding the alarm, seeing how their loved ones go into the virtual world. What will they say
Western doctors say that Internet addiction exists. Appeared
even such a diagnosis: “cybermania” and over time it will be recognized as a disease
number one in the world.
Teacher. What is cybermania?
First of all, that people spend up to 18 hours a day playing computer games and

Teenagers begin to skip classes, lie, do their homework too quickly to
quickly sit down at the computer. In virtual reality they forget about time
rejoice in their virtual victories, and violently experience failures. Even eat
normally they can no longer, preferring to chew something in front of the monitor. And when
chatting, they invent a virtual image for themselves, which gradually
displaces their real self
The danger of games is that it is much easier to win them than in real life. After all
life is a constant struggle, self-affirmation, victories and failures. The man is just
loses himself, his personality, becomes a prefix to the computer. (highlight
Another danger lies in wait for chat lovers. Virtual communication cannot
replace live communication between people. Man plunged into a fictional world
under someone else's mask, gradually loses its face, loses real friends, dooming
yourself to loneliness.
Classroom teacher.
 Do you agree with the conclusions of the doctors?
 Do you think that Internet games increase aggressiveness?
 Do you prefer to eat at the computer?
 What victories have you won in real life over the past year?
(Children speak up.)
It's time for the computer geniuses to speak up. Is it really that dangerous
a computer? Are all games built on violence?
The computer can be dangerous. After all, it is a source of radiation. Is that bad
affects a person. But if you follow the sanitary rules, it can be
For example, an adult can sit at a computer for no more than 4 hours a day.
day, and the child is not more than 2030 minutes
Teacher. Is there any harm from computer games?
Not all games are built on aggression. There are logic games, games to explore
school subjects. There are simulators with which you can get important and
useful skills. There are game tests that will help you test your knowledge. What
As for the Internet, in addition to chats there are forums where serious
questions and where you can express your point of view. So internet is not necessary.
leads to the loss of his "I". It gives great opportunities for
self-affirmation, self-expression.
Teacher. As you can see, according to experts, neither in the computer itself, nor in
There is nothing on the Internet that is addictive.
 What can you add to this?
 Maybe someone wants to speak out in defense of the Internet?
 What kind of information are you looking for online? (passes WWII competitions)
"A game"

What do you think?
The opinion of the participants was divided, for objectivity we will divide into 2 groups.
Let the 1st defend the point of view "Pros of the Internet",
and the second group "Cons of the Internet"
I name the problem and you solve it, defend your point of view and say
words of defense in your favor
"Internet and Health"
Find folk recipes
Download gymnastics
No walk
"Internet and Time"
Forgot to do homework
Forgot to eat
Didn't take a walk
played too much
Quick search (savings)
Instant answer to your question
"Internet and Games"
Indifference to the fate of the hero of the game
Team spirit
"Internet and Education"
Thoughtlessly copying essays
The internet can't explain how
teacher in many ways
(Or maybe it will replace the live
meeting with a veteran
Free education
Preparation for competitions (search
information about the Second World War, photos of those times
- can only be found online
In-depth study of subjects
No real communication
Hobby Questions
"Internet and Communication"
Quick response when speaking
despite the distance
New acquaintances

You can not only talk, but also
see your interlocutor
Let children use the Internet only in the presence of parents
Teaching children how to use useful programs
Fizkultminutka. Despite the fact that you were opponents, I would like that
remained allies. Please stand up, smile and shake hands!
Have a seat.
We have considered your points of view on this issue.
Now let's draw conclusions, what to do so that children do not fall into the thrall of the Internet?

 Every child should play sports or find some hobby.
Then friends will appear, and there will be no time to be bored.
 Everyone needs to become a competent user, not a teapot.
 Be critical of game novelties, do not buy everything
contract. Limit the use of aggressive games.

website, then you will need to tell something about yourself, show what your uniqueness is.
And this will encourage self-development.
Children need to play less. Let everyone try to create their own
Teacher. Guys, after listening to the proposals of our guests, drawing their conclusions
maybe some of us will be able to find a middle ground for solving the problem
Internet? (Children speak out, repeating and paraphrasing the opinions of the guests,
add their original sentences.)
What can we do to avoid getting into Internet addiction? (need to become
a competent user, to master useful programs, you need less
play, but go in for sports, chat with friends, read books, etc.)
(You can ask leading questions: Is there a computer addiction?
Who is to blame for its appearance? How to deal with this evil?
Sample result of the discussion:
Computer addiction exists.
This is the result of promiscuity of children, irresponsibility of parents,
Considering all your suggestions and opinions, you have developed
Internet user guide.
Teacher. Our meeting has come to an end. And I would like to end it with the words of one
writer. He discussed the problem of computer addiction on the Internet and in
conclusion wrote: “I write these reflections on the computer, send them
e-mail through the global network, I draw information from the Internet. All these
the facts show that I am by no means a computerophobic.
Moreover, I really love this little box that helps me live. But mine
love will end the moment when, or if, I realize that I do not own it, but he
Teacher: Does what we talked about today concern you? Was there a reason
think and change your behavior?
Final word

Teacher: Today we talked about Internet addiction, and we did not seek
solve this problem no matter what. But discussing it, we learned to hear, and
listen to each other. In the course of the discussion, we learned live communication - exactly what
what no, the computer can not give.
Candle: Our live communication, like a spark, transmitted not only the light of our thoughts, but
and the warmth of our hearts. Now, carefully passing this quivering light from hand to
hands, and looking into the eyes, let's say compliments and wishes to each other.
How pleasant is the live communication from heart to heart! How exciting it is! Remember
Our meeting has come to an end, I would like you to express your attitude to
class hour with emoticons
I liked it I'm satisfied
Learned a lot, surprised. Great
it was boring
Responsible: class teacher, creative group of students.
class theme
cool shape
hours (events)
Goals of education:
The goals of education and
development taking into account

"Internet Addiction"

conversation game
develop a desire for a healthy lifestyle
Develop intellectual and creative
students' abilities.
Improve teamwork skills:
speak your mind, listen to
in the opinion of comrades, to find the optimal
correct solutions.
Further rallying the class team.
Building camaraderie and skill
1. Motivational conversation.
2. "Internet addiction"
3. "Three Facets of the Problem", student reports.
4. Game, two teams
5. Physical education.
6. Summing up the results of the discussion
7. Reflection

capabilities and features;
the work of the student in accordance with his
disclosure of intellectual and creative
Ways to motivate the desire to achieve a certain result;
positive emotions;
satisfaction in one's own work and
group work as a whole.
active position in the activities of the group;

interaction with other members of the group;
the formation of certain skills;
manifestation of personal qualities;
active life position;
competitive spirit.
comfortable communication;
a variety of types of tasks;
manifestation of individual abilities
personality (intellectual, creative, etc.)
emotional impact
Working in a group helped everyone to feel
responsibility for the possible outcome, and
also self-realization
showing their
Expanded horizons in a healthy way
life, physical education, the history of the Internet.
The material is selected taking into account the moral
significant norms.
Emotional uplift contributed to the rapid
and relaxed atmosphere of the event.

Development factors
interest in this

student experience
Types of activity Group, individual, team.
multimedia presentation.
Forms and types of work used during
activities that promoted self-discovery and
self-realization as individual students in
the composition of the group, and teams

Achievement of goals The goals set have been achieved. The guys showed
their intellectual potential and oratory
Deficiencies in
carrying out
class hour
Some were only formal
team members without taking an active
participation in their work. Orders should be given
based on individual abilities

Sections: cool guide , Competition "Presentation for the lesson"

Presentation for the lesson

Back forward

Attention! The slide preview is for informational purposes only and may not represent the full extent of the presentation. If you are interested this work please download the full version.

It is difficult to overestimate the relevance of the topic of computer security, chosen for an open class hour. Almost 30 years have passed since the creation of the World Wide Web. At the end of December 2015, the world celebrated the 25th anniversary of the creation of the first site. It was in 1990. The advantages of the Internet are undeniable: it is global communication, a limitless information field, and the possibility of using various technologies. But after 10 years, the world began to celebrate the international a day without internet on the last Sunday of January. And after 4 years - the World day safe internet on the second Tuesday of February. So why is the Internet dangerous?

Working at a computer requires the user to focus on performing sequential operations, at which time he is isolated from the outside world. The Scientific Center for Children's Health of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences conducted a survey of schoolchildren and their parents. According to this study, 40% of students use a computer for homework, 36% for virtual communication, and 70% of children use it for games. In the Russian Federation, more than 3 million minor children have access to the Internet, and this access is mostly not controlled by parents. About half of schoolchildren spend more than 2 hours a day on the Internet. The current level of development of digital technologies creates the illusion of user immersion in virtual reality. In a virtual game, a child can perform miracles, be strong and powerful, and easily start all over again. All this increases his self-esteem.

Computer addiction - it is a painful addiction to spending a long time at the computer. Approximately 10% of computer users in the world suffer from this obsessive state.

Computer addiction most often affects children and adolescents. At risk are children who experience a lack of communication with their parents, psychological and material difficulties, hidden dissatisfaction with themselves and the world around them, who have a conflict with their parents, teachers or peers.

The mechanism of formation of computer dependence is the same as in the formation of any other dependence. It is characterized by the following features:

  • Behavior aimed at acquiring the object of dependence
  • Decreased critical attitude towards negative sides dependencies
  • Loss of interest in the social side of life
  • Loss of interest in your appearance(untidy clothes, indifference to personal hygiene)
  • The appearance of withdrawal syndrome

The most common mental signs of computer addiction are "loss of control" over time spent on the computer, failure to keep promises made to oneself or others to reduce time spent on the computer, loss of interest in social life and appearance, justifying one's own behavior and addictions, neglecting studies and household duties, etc.

The endless stream of information on the Internet has a negative impact on our brain - memory, thinking processes, speech are disturbed, especially in children. If 15 years ago at the dawn of an era personal computers and smartphones, speech development delay was noted only in 4% of children, then in 2015 there were already from 40 to 60% of such children.

Particular attention should be paid to gadgets. While using a computer, the Internet and various gadgets, children can get into real trouble. For example, headphones. They spoil the hearing, but the danger lies not only in this. When you listen to loud music and move around the city at the same time, you do not notice how you lose concentration and attention, and at the same time you fall under the wheels of cars.
Currently, many people simply do not let go of their phones, they are constantly in social networks and communicate in that virtual world with people we know and strangers, share problems with them and, of course, brag. It will not be difficult for attackers to find out where a person lives and enter the apartment in his absence.

Computer games also start the process of "zombie". All these factors cause a huge dependence, and subsequently, irritability and aggression. Aggression does not disappear by itself, more often it gives rise to crimes. In the world, there have already been several dozen cases of murders committed by Internet-addicted people on the so-called domestic soil.

In addition to mental dependence, there are functional disorders and diseases associated with prolonged work at the computer. This is a computer visual syndrome: decreased vision, a feeling of dryness and sand in the eyes, and in advanced cases, the development of cataracts. Overstrain of the muscles of the hand and forearm leads to the appearance of “repetitive stress injury”: diseases of the tendons and joints appear, leading to disability and requiring surgical treatment. Posture disorder progresses.

Open class hour on the topic “Computer and the Internet - good or evil? (Prevention of computer and Internet addiction) was prepared and conducted by 2nd year students of the Department of Nursing GBPOU DZM "Medical College No. 5". Venue: College auditorium. All college students were invited.

The theme of the open class hour echoes the topics of the main professional modules in the specialty 34.02.01 Nursing.

The purpose of the open classroom hour is to develop students' knowledge about the dangers associated with computer and Internet addiction, and the formation of skills to prevent this addiction and to prevent functional disorders associated with working at a computer.

After participating in an open class hour on this topic, students will know:

  • risk factors for the development of diseases associated with prolonged work at the computer, their causes and clinical manifestations, possible complications;
  • learn how to organize workplace when working at a computer;
  • learn a set of simple exercises for periodic gymnastics while working at a computer;
  • get acquainted with the mode of work at the computer in different age periods;
  • learn about malicious sites on the Internet and the consequences of being too candid on social networks;
  • get acquainted with the clinical manifestations of Internet addiction.

Learners will be able to:

  • Properly organize your work at the computer and on the Internet
  • Properly organize a workplace for working at a computer
  • Perform a set of preventive exercises to prevent the influence of the computer on the organs of vision, the musculoskeletal system
  • Carry out prevention of computer addiction among their patients

The methodological material for the open class hour includes a detailed scenario with a list of actors and equipment, the texts of all messages: video reports and oral messages, accompanied by slides of the presentation "The influence of a computer on the human body", competition tasks for the teams "For computers" and "Against computers", a set of exercises for prevention negative impact long work on the computer and much more.

Conducting this class hour contributes to the formation of interdisciplinary connections among students:

Anatomy and Physiology

Healthy person and his environment

Human hygiene and ecology


Fundamentals of Nursing

1.5–2 academic hours are allotted for holding an open class hour in the assembly hall.

Scenario of an open class hour ( Annex 1 Scenario) provides for a performance-competition. A short performance will show students the ways of communication between young people in the 19th and 20th centuries. From students of other groups in the auditorium, two teams of 5-6 people are formed "For computers" and "Against computers". Each of the teams was asked to do a few simple tasks: draw a team logo, list the maximum number of positive and negative aspects of the computer and the Internet, guess logos, write a letter to grandmother, etc. While the teams are completing tasks, the dramatization continues, or students receive information about the impact of computers and the Internet on the human body.

Videos are broadcast or oral short (1-2 minutes) messages are read with a slide show of the presentation of scientific medical data on the impact of the computer and the Internet (Presentation).

After hearing information about computer vision syndrome, carpal tunnel syndrome, a student comes on stage and demonstrates simple physical exercises to relieve eye fatigue, hand and forearm muscles, and back. Students in the hall stand up and learn these exercises. Then the trainees get acquainted with the hygienic rules for working at a computer and on the Internet, the rules for workplace equipment, the permissible duration of work in different age periods.

At the end of the event, the results of the competition between the two teams are summed up. Of course, friendship won. You cannot do without computers and the Internet in the real world, but you need to use them wisely, without harming your health and not at the expense of real communication with other people. So what is the computer and the Internet - good or bad? As in medicine in general, the answer to this question lies in the right dose. We must remember that the computer and the Internet are just a means of obtaining, transforming and storing the information we need, a means of communicating with people close to us.

In general, holding an open class hour on the topic “Computer and the Internet - good or evil? (Prevention of computer and Internet addiction)" contributed to the formation of students' general and professional competencies.

General competencies

Understand the essence and social significance of your future profession show a sustained interest in it.

Organize their own activities, choose typical methods and methods for performing professional tasks, evaluate their performance and quality

Make decisions in standard and non-standard situations and be responsible for them

To search for and use the information necessary for the effective performance of professional tasks, professional and personal development

Use information and communication technologies in professional activity

Work in a team and in a team, communicate effectively with colleagues, management, consumers

Take responsibility for the work of team members (subordinates), for the result of completing tasks

Independently determine the tasks of professional and personal development, engage in self-education, plan and implement advanced training

Navigate in the conditions of changing technologies in professional activities

Carefully treat the historical heritage and cultural traditions of the people, respect social, cultural and religious differences

Be ready to take on moral obligations in relation to nature, society and man

Organize the workplace in compliance with the requirements of labor protection, industrial sanitation, infectious and fire safety

Share experience Lead a healthy lifestyle, exercise physical education and sports to improve health, achieve life and professional goals

Professional competencies


  1. Sukharev A.G. et al. Fundamentals of hygienic education and the formation of a healthy lifestyle of the population, RMAPO, Moscow, 2011, pp. 105-111
  7. %B2%D0%B8%D1%82


· Formation of healthy lifestyle skills (prevention

addictive behavior) through demonstrating the benefits of live communication.


· formation of ideas about the concepts of "addiction", "information addiction", "Internet addiction", "computer addiction",

Causes of occurrence;

· development of communication and discussion skills;

· the involvement of all students in the class in game interaction and the formation

The game culture of students: the ability to work together in teams, coordinate

Your actions;

· creating a positive emotional atmosphere in the classroom.


· Multimedia device and laptop

● Folder with tasks by the number of subgroups

The course of the classroom.

1. Organizational moment.

2. Motivational part.


1. Network web

Braided the whole wide world

Don't let the kids pass by.

What is this? (Internet)

2. What a miracle unit

Can do everything

And become a good friend. (a computer)

Jumping out the door pupil: "Where's the computer? Let's play."

Teacher:" Katia. What happened to you?"

Pupil:“I can't live without a computer. Let's play."

Teacher: The Internet and the computer have firmly entered the life of almost every person. Many people no longer imagine their lives without this achievement of technology. The possibilities of the Internet are endless. Let's try to figure out whether this is good or evil.

3. Team game.

One team from the proposed cards chooses the advantages of a computer and the Internet, the other disadvantages.

· Grows technically literate.

· Feels more confident with any technique.

· Develops logical thinking.

· Increases the speed of reaction, decision making.

· Learns to concentrate.

· Learn to visually perceive objects.

· Gets the opportunity to communicate with friends living far away.

· Has the ability to get any information he needs.

· Visual impairment.

· Electromagnetic radiation.

· The appearance of dermatitis of varying complexity.

· development of scoliosis. The occurrence of psychological problems.

· increases the state of nervousness and fear while striving to achieve victory at all costs;

· the content of the games provokes the manifestation of children's aggression, cruelty;

· obliges the child to act at the pace set by the program;

· contributes to the development of hypodynamia;

4. Fizminutka.

5. Express testing.

· Tell me, please, do you go online?

· Raise your hands, who has ever played online games?

· Do you talk to your friends about games, codes, levels, etc.?

· Have you had to deceive loved ones, saying that you were writing a paper or looking for information, while you were just playing or talking?

· Have you ever forgotten about the time while playing on the computer?

  • Have you ever been at risk of getting problems in your studies or in your personal life because of the Internet?
  • Have you ever told lies to family members, doctors, or others to hide your online time?
  • Do you use the Internet to get away from problems or bad moods (such as feelings of helplessness, guilt, irritability, or depression)?

6. "Internet addiction."

Internet addiction -

“A new disease of our time or a fictional threat?

In the West, they say that every fifth Internet user suffers from computer addiction in one way or another. And in Russia, many are already subject to this mania. People lose their sense of reality, go into the virtual world. The most vulnerable, as always, were children and adolescents. There was even such a term - "computer syndrome". _

· One 14-year-old student from Romania was taken away from the Internet cafe "Ambulance". The boy sat in this cafe for 9 days, he was simply obsessed with a computer game, he did not leave him, he stopped going to school. He lied, stopped bathing and lost 10 kg.

· in Yekaterinburg, a 12-year-old child died of a stroke after playing for 12 hours on a computer. Doctors say that every week they receive at least one teenager who has become addicted to computer games. I'm scared for our children (put your hand to your heart)

Teacher.Do you feel like you are also being sucked into the computer quagmire? Do you see how your friends are leaving you more and more in the virtual world? (Children speak up.)

Causes of computer addiction.(find in the proposed text)

Lack of communication.
When a person (usually a teenager) can't find friends with the same interests. If he is too reserved or afraid of being misunderstood. He draws the wrong conclusion and begins to actively look for friends on the Internet.

Lack of hobbies.
If a person has a favorite hobby, or he plays sports. He simply will not have free time that he could devote to the Internet.

Bad luck.
When a person is met with failures everywhere: bad work, quarrels with friends, problems with parents. He will try to somehow realize himself. And he will find this way in computer games.

What to do? (student statement)

7. Final word

Teacher:Today we talked about Internet addiction, and we did not seek to solve this problem, no matter what. But discussing it, we learned to hear and listen to each other. During the discussion, we learned live communication - exactly what no computer can give .

Candle:Our live communication, like a spark, conveyed not only the light of our thoughts, but also the warmth of our hearts. Now, carefully passing this quivering light from hand to hand, and looking into our eyes, let's say compliments and wishes to each other.

How pleasant is the live communication from heart to heart! How exciting it is! Remember this.

8. Reflection.

When leaving the office, put in my envelope a figure of the color you are in.

About A. Mosaleva, MBOU Zarechenskaya secondary school, Lakinsk, Vladimir region

  1. Goals:
    1. Familiarize children with the harmful effects of computer games, convey an idea about the computer, Internet addiction;
    2. To form a positive attitude towards such qualities of character as independence, curiosity;
    3. Develop the skills to participate in the discussion;
    4. Encourage children to self-expression, self-development,.
  2. Conduct form: Motivational conversation, game.
  3. Equipment: Multimedia equipment, leaflets, pencil, felt-tip pens.

Class time course:

Block 1: Motivational conversation.

1. Opening remarks.

Today we will touch on a vital topic for all teenagers. And I'll start our class hour with such a riddle - the answer to which you all know. (Slide 1)

There is such a network in the world

She can't catch fish.

It even includes children

To chat or play.

The information is taken

And what's not here!

What is the name of the network?

Well, of course, ( Internet)

Raise your hands, who has ever played online games?

Do you talk to your friends about games, codes, levels, etc.?

Have you ever forgotten about the time while playing on the computer?

(Children's answers.)

Psychologists ask about the same questions when they want to make sure whether a person suffers from Internet addiction. I asked these questions not by chance and I want you to look at yourself from the outside, evaluate your attitude to the computer and the Internet. A positive answer to all these questions should make you wary.

2. Research.

Most recently, I conducted a study in our class, in order to find out how close the concept of the Internet is to you. The results of the survey, I was clearly alerted:

1. It turned out that 98% of students in our class have a computer at home and use the Internet.(Slide 2)

2. to the question, how much time do you spend online?:(Slide 3)

13 people answered - less than 1 hour a day

5 people - 1-2 hours a day

6 people - more than 2 hours.

3. Was it very interesting to know what you do online?(Slide 4)

18 people indicated that they communicate there with friends

12 people watch movies and cartoons online

11 people indicated that they play online games

6 people download programs

6 people use email

And what's most interesting only 5 people use the internet to study!

4. At the same time, 98% indicated that they enjoy working online.(Slide 5)

5. To the question, how do your parents feel about your work on the network?(Slide 6)

14 people indicated that they were given complete freedom to use the Internet

For 6 students, parents set a time schedule.

And only 3 students use the Internet in the presence of their parents.

From the study, we can conclude that most of you freely use the Internet, primarily for entertainment. Have you ever thought that many dangers can lurk in the depths of this network?

3. Let's listen to a poem about how to use the Internet correctly and safely and what precautions should be taken: (Slide 7)

A Few Internet Security Rules

1st reader: (Kalashnikov Lyosha)

The Internet can be different: A true friend or a dangerous one.

And it all depends on you alone.

If you follow the rules you are different -

So for you communication in it will be safe!

Be obedient and read carefully, remember thoroughly

The set of rules that is set out here is not difficult for kids!

If you are not the first time you turn on the computer itself

And you can easily visit sites, chats without unnecessary phrases,

You consider yourself a master in it.

Suddenly, one day he decided in secret from his parents,

Slowly start an email address for communication on the network.

He indicated without permission the address, the street and the house, and the apartment in it.

Posted on the site you photos of the family.

I did not forget the secrets of the elders - I indicated everything in the questionnaire,

Everything I remembered, everything I knew!

I downloaded different films.

In general, while there are no adults, you went to the Internet.

2nd reader: (Kostyunin Denis)

And now you are sitting satisfied: you became instantly famous!

Everyone at school knows about you! What's in the school and in the area,

Famous all over the world! There are no secrets from friends -

Everyone has known this for a long time. Everyone is willing to write to you

And secrets are revealed. The whole world knows everything about you

And at the meeting he says:

“We know, we know, we have read, we have seen photographs.

We read that your dad was late for work,

And my mother's soup ran out of the pot onto the stove.

And we read everything about school problems and we know everything!”

3rd reader: (Vorobyova Sasha)

And by mail the bill came to you for the work of the Internet.

There are such numbers! What is mom for some reason

At once, the eyes became large and did not rise back.

Mom is crying slowly, and dad is walking around angry.

After all, they do not know the truth, why will they be recognized?

Why do they need to invest so much money in the account?!

Everyone at a meeting, immediately quickly tells them the same thing:

We know, we know, we read, we saw the photos!...

And the thief, unfortunately, will find everything without delay,

Where and what do you have.

Now remember, my friend!

The rules are not complicated: On the Internet, as in life,

You must understand everything:

Post information and photos with your mother together.

I have to deal with her!

If you want to go with mom or dad, it's up to you.

On the Internet, as in life, Security observe!

What simple, but very important and necessary rules for using the Internet are mentioned in this poem?

What other tips and suggestions could you yourself give to your peers so that their stay on the Internet is useful and safe?

(Not recommended to post personal information on the Internet, Do not reply to Spam (unsolicited email), Do not open files sent by people you do not know. You cannot know what these files actually contain - they may contain viruses or photos / videos with "aggressive" content. Do not add strangers to your IM contact list (ICQ, MSN messenger, etc.) , Remember that virtual acquaintances may not be who they say they are. It's never too late to tell an adult if someone hurt you.)

4. - Guys, carefully consider this picture. Looking at her, what can you say?

(Slide 8)

- (Mom pulls her son away from the computer);

Why do you think? - (Because he spends a lot of time at the computer.)

What do you call people who endlessly sit on the Internet, in search of something. They already can't imagine their life without the Internet, they are dependent on the Internet.? - (This is the Internet - addicted people.)

5. Let me answer a few simple questions for you. Leaves are in front of you. We answer “yes” or “no” to each question. (Slide 9-14)

Questionnaire on the screen:
1. Do you feel preoccupied with the Internet (do you think about previous online sessions and look forward to future ones)?
2. Do you also feel the need to increase the time spent on the Web?
3. Have you made unsuccessful attempts to control, restrict or stop using the Internet?
4. Do you feel tired, depressed or irritated when you try to limit or stop using the Internet?
5. Are you online more than you thought?

If you got 5 positive answers - you are Internet addicted and you need to take urgent measures to eliminate this problem. If you have 3 or more positive answers, you need to think and limit the time you spend online.

6. - Today there is a threat of Internet addiction, especially among teenagers! Internet addiction affects 1.5% of the total number of Internet users. official medicine does not accept this diagnosis. But in China and the United States, special clinics have been created to treat this disorder. People are really mentally upset. They fall into hysterics, depression, if they have not visited the Internet. Many people are already addicted to the internet and just don't realize it.

Psychological symptoms (Slide 15)

  • good health or euphoria at the computer;
  • inability to stop;
  • increase in the amount of time spent at the computer;
  • neglect of family and friends;
  • feeling of emptiness, depression, irritation when not at the computer;
  • lying to employers or family members about their activities;
  • problems with work or school.

Physical symptoms (Slide 16)

  • dryness in the eyes;
  • headaches;
  • back pain;
  • irregular meals, skipping meals;
  • neglect of personal hygiene;
  • sleep disorders, changes in sleep patterns.

Physical education - visual gymnastics.

- Here's another piece of advice:

Dependence is difficult to feel when every day you can freely connect to the Internet. But if you take and turn off the Internet, you can immediately determine whether a person has an addiction or not.

Causes of computer addiction: (Slide 17)

1. Lack of communication.
When a person (usually a teenager) can't find friends with the same interests. If he is too reserved or afraid of being misunderstood. He draws the wrong conclusion and begins to actively look for friends on the Internet.

2. Lack of hobbies.
If a person has a favorite hobby, or he plays sports. He simply will not have free time that he could devote to the Internet.

3. Failure.
When a person is met with failures everywhere: bad work, quarrels with friends, problems with parents. He will try to somehow realize himself. And he will find this way in computer games.

Treatment of computer addiction. (Slide 18)

1. Psychologist.
Gather your strength and go to a professional psychologist, they repeatedly meet this problem and know the best ways to deal with it.

2. Close people.
The help of relatives will be very helpful, they should support and guide you on the path of healing.

3. Awareness of the beauty of real life.
The real world is much brighter than the virtual one, there are many interesting and exciting things in it. To help a person break away from the virtual world, take him to a bowling alley, skating rink, paintball, etc. He must feel how beautiful it is in the real world and try to get out.

7. Received on my email address Letter from a schoolboy suffering from Internet addiction. Now I will read it, and you listen carefully. What advice would you give to this student? (Slide 19)

I'm writing out of boredom...

I studied before I was five

played football, went to the pool,

I often met friends.

Here comes the internet

and there is no escape from it

forgot about everything, where to go?

how long to stay online

how to delete spam mail

I don't know what to do myself?

what to do my friends tell me

how to deal with my bad trait

words, pull away with a syllable

you from the screen my image.

And on the Internet, however, there is something,

Since many people actually live there!

A country of idleness, relaxation here ...

You again - here and I, of course, here!

We need to sleep, but a little more!

Just a few more minutes...

But an hour has passed, another has already gone.

And you are everything! And of course I'm here!

The world has turned into a small screen

Where are the waves of wars, where is the fabulous comfort,

Where it is so beautiful to die from wounds!

Everyone is here! And we are with you, of course, here!

Do not go to the Internet for a long time -

You can get lost there unnoticed.

There is no return to the old life...

And I do not like the Internet for this.

Why can we say that he is addicted to the Internet?

1. Use the real world to communicate.

2. Look for friends in reality. The virtual world only gives the illusion of belonging to a group and does not develop any real communication skills.

3. Fill your life with positive events, actions.

9. Have your own clear views, beliefs.

10. Avoid deceit and anonymity in virtual reality.

11. Learn to control your own time and time at the computer.

12. Find favourite hobby, hobby, hobby in real life.

13. Walk more, spend time outdoors, play sports.

14. Listen to the advice of your parents if they say that you spend too much time on the computer.

The second block "game"(Slide 20)

1. Do you consider the Internet friend or foe?

The opinion of the participants was divided, I propose to play the game, for objectivity we will divide into 2 groups. From this basket, you will take turns getting the problem. Let the 1st defend the point of view “Pros of the Internet” and speak words of defense, and the second group “Cons of the Internet” will defend their point of view and say what harm the Internet brings. As a result, what will be more, + or -, that group won and that point of view became more convincing.

"Internet and Health"

Find folk recipes


Download gymnastics

No walk

"Internet and Education"

Thoughtlessly copying essays

Free education

The Internet will not be able to explain how a teacher, in many ways

Preparation for competitions (search for information about the Second World War, photos of those times - can only be found on the Internet)

(Or maybe this will replace a live meeting with a veteran)

In-depth study of subjects

Hobby Questions

4. Final word: (Slide 21)

The Internet gives us many opportunities, Whether the Internet will become your friend or enemy - depends only on you. The main thing is to use it correctly.

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