How to make a person out of plasticine in stages. Sculpture from plasticine with your own hands. Colored sculpture. Master Class


From multi-colored plasticine, you can mold any figures (including human ones). If desired, they will be naturalistic or cartoonish. It is easier for children to sculpt the second option, and adults can work on the first one.

To mold a person from plasticine, it will take about half an hour (maybe more), as well as creativity to the process. If there is a desire to mold a realistic figure, down to the details, then it is better to first draw a sketch. After that, you need to prepare all the materials and start sculpting.

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In addition to plasticine, you will need other improvised materials:

  • Board for rolling;
  • Knife for plasticine;
  • Container with water;
  • Toothpicks;
  • Dry rag.

If beige plasticine is not in the kit, you can mix white, red and yellow in a ratio of 6/2/1.


Sculpting the head is the most difficult and time-consuming process:

  • You need to roll a ball (or oval) - this will be the head. Small indentations are made in it for the eyes and mouth;
  • The eyes are rolled from white plasticine and the resulting balls are inserted into the eye sockets. A pupil is molded from above;
  • To prevent a person from being goggle-eyed, a small flesh-colored ball is flattened and superimposed on the eye, covering about a third of its upper part - this will be the eyelid. The transition between the eyelid and the face is smoothed out;
  • Two strips of eyebrows are attached above the eyes (depending on their shape and location, the facial expression of the future little man will change);
  • The nose is made from a ball (or sausage), smoothing it on the sides. With the help of a toothpick, the nostrils are pressed;
  • The mouth can be made closed or a wide smile can be depicted - small white balls are placed like teeth and two strips of lips are attached around them (it is better to make them round, from “sausages”);
  • The easiest option for depicting the mouth is to make a small indentation with a toothpick, giving the smile the desired shape;
  • The hairstyle can be different: from small sausages, stripes (noodles), or from a single piece of plasticine (flattened and cut in several places). Instead of a hairstyle, you can place a headdress;
  • If the ears remain open, they are made from two flattened balls, slightly bending inward.


When the head is ready, they begin to sculpt the body, starting from the bottom:

  • First, shoes are made, then toothpicks are stuck into them and legs are formed (with the help of toothpicks, the upper body is also fixed on the legs);
  • In the same way, the arms are attached to the body. Toothpicks are placed at an angle (the way the hands should be in the finished version - lowered down, spread apart, etc.). If the arms are bent at the elbows, then only part of the toothpick is used - to the bend;
  • They make a neck out of a toothpick and stick around it with flesh-colored plasticine or make a scarf, a collar;
  • On the rest of the toothpick, the plasticine head of the little man is fixed;
  • All transitions are made smooth, except for those where you need to form edges (for example, between pants and boots).


Palms are made separately:

  • Roll up the ball and flatten it slightly;
  • Knife make incisions (fingers);
  • After wetting your hands in water, you can carefully trim the edges of the fingers so that they are smooth;
  • The palm is slightly bent inward and attached to the hands.

This article will present master classes on modeling a person from plasticine ( step by step photos and a selection of instructional videos attached).

Educational videos

This article will offer a selection of videos that will demonstrate the processes of sculpting the head, face and body of a person. It will also show how to sculpt the characters of famous films.

How to mold a person from plasticine: we sculpt a little girl

The first master class will be devoted to the process of sculpting a girl's figurine. In order to mold a girl from plasticine, you will need plasticine of several colors, namely: red, pink, yellow, beige, white, brown and matches.

It is necessary to start the modeling process with modeling a dress, for this, a cone-shaped part must be formed from a piece of red plasticine, then the plasticine should be pulled out in a circle so that a skirt is obtained. Then, using a different color, you can apply a pattern to the skirt, for example, you can make a polka dot skirt using yellow plasticine. Next, a cake should be made from the yellow color, then cuts should be made on it and attached to the top of the cone-shaped part. Then you need to make sleeves from the red color and attach them to the dress.

In order to make a head, it is necessary to form a ball from beige plasticine, then eyebrows, eyes, nose, lips and cheeks must be attached to the front part. In order to make hair, it is enough to form thin sausages from brown, collect several sausages to make ponytails, and attach them to the head. You can also make hairpins from red. After that, the two resulting parts must be connected with a match. Next, you need to stick around two matches with yellow plasticine, make shoes, attach the parts to the main parts, and the craft can be considered finished.

How to mold a person from plasticine: we sculpt Spiderman

In the second master class, the process of sculpting a spider-man will be described. To work, you need plasticine of red, blue, black and white colors. The head of the hero in the shape of an oval should be obtained from the red color, two large eyes should be attached to it, made of white plasticine with black edging. In order to make the torso, you must first sculpt the torso with muscles from red plasticine, then attach thin layers made of blue on the sides. In order to make hands, two red tubes should be formed and supplemented with blue inserts, and to make legs, you also need to connect pieces of red and blue plasticine. The resulting arms, legs and head can be attached to the torso with matches. You can also attach a web of black plasticine to your back.

Iron Man Tony Stark

In the third master class, you will learn how to make an iron man figurine. To work, you need plasticine of red and yellow colors. First, a diamond-shaped head with slightly rounded corners should be formed from the red color. From above it is necessary to attach a square fashioned from yellow plasticine. The body should be made from a piece of red, clearly marking the shoulder line. Arms and legs can be made using yellow and red balloons, alternating between them. Using a spatula, cuts must be made on all component parts. On the final stage all the details should be connected, and the toy is ready.

Figurine of a man on a wire frame

A human figurine can also be made using plasticine and wire. In this case, the process of creating a human figure consists of two stages: at the first stage, a frame skeleton is formed from the wire, and at the second stage, the skeleton is pasted over with plasticine. The stages of work are shown in the photo.

Elena Kostina

Master Class ""

in different programs preschool education the task is to mold human figure in motion. She may sound differently: "the formation of the ability to convey characteristic movements human, create expressive images ... the girl is dancing, the children are doing gymnastics), etc. There is a problem in the transfer of movements if each arm and each leg is attached separately (smeared). Upon attempt (and there may be several) change the position of the arms or legs, they may break off. For myself, I discovered a method that not only speeds up the creation figurines, does figurine much stronger and more stable, but also allows you to repeatedly change the position of the arms and legs, transmit various movements without fear of breaking them off. The quality of work increases, which gives children self-confidence. Children use the saved time for decorating, detailing work.

I will show this method using the example of a soldier and a boy in winter clothes.


We roll out a thick cylinder for a tunic, for legs - a long cylinder of medium thickness, a black cylinder for boots. We roll up balls for the head, hands, headdress, details. We cut the upper part of the tunic in a stack and the cylinder for boots in half.

Form two sleeves with your fingers, rounding and stretching them. Important moment: arms with a torso are obtained in one piece.

Fold the trouser top in half. This is also very important moment: it turns out the whole part of the lower body from the waist with legs. We sharpen the lower parts of the pants. We make a dimple in the lower part of the tunic.

We form "beaks" on the head and hands. We make dimples in the sleeves, collar, boots.

We collect parts - the soldier is ready.

He can march...

Do exercises…


Boy in winter clothes

We are preparing a thick cylinder for a jacket, a thin long one for pants, an egg for boots.

We cut the upper part of the jacket, the testicle in half lengthwise, fold the panties in half.

We make dimples in the sleeves, boots, the bottom of the jacket. We sharpen the bottom of the panties.

Assembling the boy, adding details. Now he can ski...


On skates.

Can push sleds...

Can throw snowballs...

Master class on working with plasticine (modelling, plasticineography, etc.);

Colored sculpture. Master Class

Master class for students in grades 6 - 10

Target: creation and painting of a three-dimensional plasticine sculpture.


Development of creative abilities of pupils;

Creation of emotional images in the field of sports, recreation and art;

Mastering the technique of working with sculptural plasticine.

Expected results: the creation of author's three-dimensional sculptures by pupils.

Necessary equipment: hammer, furniture stapler, thin-nosed pliers, stacks for modeling, bristle brush, soft brushes for painting, anatomical atlas.

Necessary materials: sculptural plasticine, wooden boards, aluminum and thin copper wire for the frame, carnations 30 mm and (or) furniture clips at least 8 mm, flour or talc, water-based paint, gouache or acrylic paints, wooden skewers, pieces of cardboard or veneer, glue.

Let's start creating a colored three-dimensional sculpture by developing a sketch. You can choose appropriate photos in magazines, you can be guided only by your own imagination, the main thing is to create a dynamic, emotional image that you will be interested in working on. We took the themes of sports, recreation and art.

We chose sculptural plasticine of beige or olive color as the material for creating the figurines (it doesn't matter).

We make the frame of the future sculpture from soft aluminum wire with the help of thin-nosed pliers: we bend a piece of wire 70-80 cm long in half. The loop at the fold is the future head. At the ends of the wire we form two loops for attaching to the board. From the same wire we form the contours of the body (shoulders, chest volume, waist, hips), wrapping and fastening them in the right places with a thin wire. You can also use tape. We attach a piece of wire 30-35 cm long to the shoulders - these are the arms. We give dynamism to the figure: we bend the legs at the knees and arms at the elbows, we bend the torso and neck, guided by our sketch. We turn the loops at the ends of the wire perpendicular to the figure so that it “stands” comfortably on the base board. Using a stapler or nails and a hammer, we attach each foot to the board in 3-5 places.

Important: in order for the sculpture to be stable and not sway, it must be fixed on the board with at least two (and preferably three) well-fixed points.

Now we form the main volumes of the sculpture. To reduce weight, you can put pieces of foam or cork, crumpled foil or paper twisted with thread or tape into the head and torso to reduce weight. We put the mashed plasticine on the frame and model the body of the figure, guided by our sketch and an anatomy atlas.

We sculpt a face and hair or a headdress, hands and shoes, we form clothing details. We make additional parts from cardboard or veneer: skis, violin, guitar, etc. We cover additional details with plasticine, as well as the base to hide the attachment points of the sculpture. In work, we constantly check with the sketch.

Children love to sculpt from plasticine what they can later play with, inventing various plots and stories. Very often, kids ask their parents to help them make a plasticine craft for a person, which at first glance may seem like a very complicated and time-consuming process. We offer you a simple master class on modeling a person from plasticine, thanks to which even a baby preschool age can handle this task.

How to make a man out of plasticine in 7 minutes?

A simple way to mold a plasticine man will not take you more than 7 minutes and, in addition, a child of 4-5 years old can mold such a plasticine hero himself. All you need is colorful plasticine, a knife and toothpicks.

  1. We begin to sculpt a man from plasticine from the head. Take yellow plasticine, roll out an oval from it and make recesses for the eyes and mouth.
  2. We sculpt a face: roll out small blue balls - eyes and a small pink sausage - lips. We insert the eyes and mouth into the special recesses and press a little.
  3. We sculpt hair: roll the ball, then press it with the palm of your hand, making it flattened. With a knife we ​​cut small strips - hairs and apply our hairstyle to the head.
  4. We sculpt the torso: cut out a collar from a rectangular piece of plasticine with a knife and attach a sausage from face-colored plasticine to it - this will be the neck of a little man. Then we roll two sausages-arms, insert toothpicks into them and attach to the body. We also insert a toothpick into the neck and attach the head to the body. Thus, our little man, the head and arms will be movable.
  5. We sculpt the legs: cut a rectangular piece of plasticine in the middle, but not completely. We roll out two ovals from dark-colored plasticine - shoes - and connect all the details with toothpicks.

The plasticine man is ready!

How to mold a real man from plasticine?

Older children, of course, want everything to look much more natural, so for them we have an idea for sculpting a person with natural features. To do this, we need sculptural and colored plasticine, a bowl of hot water, a knife and toothpicks. In the absence of sculptural clay, to obtain flesh-colored clay, you can mix ordinary clay in the following proportions: white - 6 parts, red - 2 parts, yellow - 1 part.

  1. We slap our heads. Before starting work with sculptural clay, soften it in water. We roll an oval, cut a hole in it for the mouth. From tiny pieces of white color we roll balls - teeth and insert them into the mouth. We roll two sausages from red plasticine - lips and attach them around the mouth.
  2. We sculpt the nose, eyes and ears. We sculpt a drop-shaped nose from a small piece, roll two small white balls for the eyes and attach it all to the head. We put a blue iris and a black pupil on the whites of the eyes. We make eyelids from thin strips and partially close the eyes with them, giving the eyes the correct shape. We roll black sausage-eyebrows and fasten them over the eyes. We make ears from flattened small balls, and also fasten them on the sides at the level of the nose. The facial expression of a person made of plasticine can be different: for a sad person, lower the corners of the mouth and make the eyebrows “house”, a cheerful person can smile joyfully, a surprised person will have eyebrows set high on his forehead.
  3. We sculpt legs and boots. We roll two flesh-colored sausages - legs, then coat them with colored plasticine, getting pants. We make shoes from two ovals flattened on the sole. With a stick, you can draw seams and laces. Insert toothpicks into pants and shoes.
  4. We sculpt the body. We sculpt an oval body from body plasticine and coat it with color. We sculpt the arms as well as the legs and connect all the parts with toothpicks.
  5. To make the plasticine figure look even more natural, blind the little man of the hands: on an oval blank, cut out the fingers with a knife and connect the hand with the hand with a toothpick.
What heroes can be molded from plasticine?
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