What does the import department do? Department of foreign trade of the enterprise, its structure and functions. establishing and maintaining partnerships with companies from other countries


The tasks of the foreign trade department include planning, organizing and coordinating foreign economic activity in the company, as well as ensuring the fulfillment of obligations to foreign partners, preparing imported equipment for the procedure customs clearance.

The FEA department in its activities interacts with all services and departments of the company. The coordination of this interaction lies with the employees of the foreign economic activity department.

Who are we looking for

Sociability, ability to negotiate, active life position, organization, attention to detail and responsibility are the main qualities of a foreign trade specialist that are necessary in his work. We value integrity, work ethic and commitment to excellence in our foreign trade professionals.

A specialist in foreign economic activity must have a higher education - economic, financial, logistics, transport, linguistics. Refresher courses for the programs "Logistics", "Customs regulation of foreign economic activity", "Foreign economic activity" are preferred.

He should also be well versed in the peculiarities of import-export operations, the rules of international freight transportation, the technology of customs clearance of goods, the rules of cargo insurance, tax and currency legislation.

Portrait of a modern foreign trade specialist

90% of foreign trade managers have higher education, 80% are fluent English language and 75% have completed specialized courses. There are slightly more women in this profession (57%) than men. The age range of the most demanded foreign trade managers in the labor market is 25-40 years.

(centre site vocational guidance ProfGuide, link)

How we are organized

The structure of the foreign trade department has developed over almost seven years of foreign economic activity of the company and includes several areas of activity:

declaration and customs clearance of goods

One of the main activities of the department of foreign economic activity. Our specialists maintain all customs documentation: they provide customs clearance of imported equipment, draw up cargo customs declarations, maintain statistical reporting of the department, etc. The end result of this activity is the receipt of the customs mark "Release permitted".

translation activities

In view of the large turnover of documentation in a foreign language, our translators are always busy with work. We welcome specialists with knowledge of English, German, as well as Chinese. Technical translations are one of the most difficult types of translations, and our employees successfully cope with this difficult task!

establishing and maintaining partnerships with companies from other countries

The most interesting and delicate activity of the foreign economic activity department is cooperation with foreign companies. In addition to existing European partners, we are constantly expanding the geography of work to the east, and are negotiating with representatives of China, South Korea, Taiwan and other countries. Competence in knowledge of language features and traditions, the ability to negotiate are indispensable qualities of specialists involved in this activity.

transport logistics

The FEA department in its activities largely interacts with the transport department, which carries out documenting goods, transportation of goods and draws up a schedule for their dispatch. Foreign trade specialists are engaged in the selection of foreign carriers, preparation of documents: for cargo insurance, certificates, instructions, invoices, TTN, packing lists. This responsible work requires attentiveness, organization and responsibility of the employees who perform it.

work with contracts

Drawing up an international contract requires an understanding of many conditions and nuances: who is responsible for the risk of accidental loss of goods in transit, whether the goods are insured during international transportation, what is included in the cost of delivery, whether there are warranty obligations, and so on. The preparation of international contracts is carried out by our specialists in foreign economic activity independently, starting from 2009. It is drawn up in two languages, taking into account the norms of international and Russian law. Employees of the foreign trade department also exercise full control over the execution of contracts: validity periods, timely payment, etc.

The direction of activity "manager" today includes a large number of specializations. Each of them requires a certain education, skills, personal qualities. We want to introduce the reader to such an interesting and promising job as a foreign trade manager. Who is it? What does a specialist do? What are the requirements for it? What is the salary? These and other questions will help answer this material.

Who is it?

Foreign trade manager - a specialist who manages the export / import of the company's products or its partners abroad / from abroad.

What is the abbreviation? FEA - foreign economic activity. What is included in this concept? All types of foreign economic activity of the company (economic, organizational, economic, commercial), which are aimed at the world market. This will also include the chosen strategy, methods of cooperation.

Foreign trade managers, therefore, work in companies that intend to cooperate or are already in contact with foreign partners.

Two main lines of business

The field of employment of a specialist is extensive. First of all, the direction of work of the foreign trade manager depends on the activities of the employer:

  • The company is engaged in the supply of its products abroad. Accordingly, a foreign trade specialist will deal with issues related to the export of goods. He needs to thoroughly study the foreign market, analyze the capabilities of competitors, find out the requirements for quality, design, and other product characteristics in the country of interest to the employer. In other words, develop an export strategy.
  • The company is busy purchasing foreign products. The FEA Purchasing Manager will be responsible for import-related matters. Here again a rigorous study of the foreign market is necessary. But in this case, it is aimed at finding a supplier, cooperation with which is the most profitable, long-term and safe.

Daily work of a specialist

It will be important to determine what the foreign economic activity manager is doing every working day:

  • Organization of product transportation. FEA, logistics related. Therefore, this employment will somewhat resemble the work of a logistician. The manager finds the most suitable transport, builds the most convenient route.
  • Development of customs schemes for import / export, interaction with customs brokers (representatives of the company at customs).
  • Work with all kinds of documentation. The most important thing here is contracts with foreign partners. To conclude the most profitable and safe foreign economic transactions, you need excellent knowledge of both domestic and foreign legislation.
  • Registration of permissions - ecological, hygienic and others.
  • Coordination of prices with partners, control over the flow of finance to the cash accounts of your company. It directly follows from this that the task of a foreign trade manager is also to monitor the exchange rate of world currencies.

Main responsibilities of a manager

Summarizing all of the above, let's highlight the key tasks, duties of a specialist in foreign economic activity:

  • Conclusion and support of foreign trade (import/export) contracts.
  • Negotiation, business correspondence with logistics partners, brokers under the terms of cooperation. FEA and logistics in any organization will be interconnected.
  • Accompanying deliveries from their placement to receipt by the addressee.
  • Control over the timely payment of products by partners, the transfer of finances to suppliers.
  • Registration of all necessary accompanying documentation for foreign economic transactions - licenses, certificates, permits, delivery schedules, etc.
  • Participation in international exhibitions, conferences.
  • Foreign market monitoring aimed at finding new partners.

These are the main ones for foreign economic activity. Let's move on to the next important question.

Requirements for a specialist

The main requirements for a manager are experience in concluding foreign economic transactions, well-established specialists who possess both of them are valued in this area literally worth their weight in gold.

The general requirements of employers come from official duties manager for foreign economic activity:

  • Higher education. Of course, preferably technical or economic.
  • Excellent knowledge of a foreign language - a specialist must be fluent in it, read, write documents. Most companies require classical English. However, depending on the chosen partners, knowledge of German, French and even Chinese or Japanese may be required. Not only spoken language is important, but also fluency in specific terminology.
  • Knowledge of the foreign market, legislation, customs requirements. Again - in relation to those states with whose representatives the employer cooperates or plans to establish contact. great attention here it is given to free orientation in positions in the world market, knowledge of legislation in the field international trade, private law. A big plus if the specialist has experience in cooperation with customs authorities, logistics companies.
  • Experience with business documents. In particular, with contracts for import/export.
  • Possession of a computer, other smart devices, programs and applications necessary for activities at the level of a professional user.
  • Psychological negotiation skills and oratorical qualities are encouraged. It is important if the applicant is not alien to diplomacy. The specialist must also be aware of the cultural characteristics of the country where the business partner is located.

Personal qualities

Having experience in one of the types of foreign economic activity is an important requirement for the applicant. However, a number of personal qualities are also valued. They also help the specialist himself, who is engaged in such a responsible, but also interesting activity. In particular, it is the following:

  • Most importantly, management and organizational skills.
  • Initiative.
  • Stress tolerance.
  • Sociability.
  • Ability to negotiate, diplomacy, the gift of persuasion.
  • Self-confidence.
  • Employability.
  • Punctuality.
  • Responsibility for your decisions and actions.

Pros of the profession

The following main advantages of working as a manager for foreign economic transactions can be distinguished:

  • High wages (of course, in relation to experienced professionals).
  • Possibility of developing, educational business trips to foreign countries.
  • Pretty fast career growth.

Cons of the profession

Like all other work activities, this one will also have disadvantages. Let's list the most important ones:

  • Pretty stressful and stressful job. This is due to the fact that in conditions of uncertainty, you need to quickly make decisions that affect both your own career and the development of the employing company.
  • The so-called deadlines are situations when a large amount of work needs to be completed in a limited time.
  • A high share of responsibility for each of their actions or decisions.
  • The need to find a common language, to establish successful communication even with diametrically opposed partners.

How to become a foreign trade specialist?

Of course, the best option is to get a higher economic education. The most suitable specialization is "World Economy". Pay attention also to the directions related to commerce and trade.

However, if you already have a university, humanitarian or technical education behind you, then for retraining you can turn to short-term courses at economic universities. Their duration is from a week to a year. These are such areas as "Foreign economic cooperation", " Logistics activities" and others.

Getting Started and Career Growth

As a rule, after receiving a specialized education, a graduate has several ways:

  • Find the required position in a small company.
  • Get a job as an ordinary employee in the department of foreign economic work in a large corporation.
  • Find a foreign trade manager.
  • To achieve the appointment of responsible for the development of a small international project, the supply of a specific product.

All of these paths will help you gain much-needed experience in this specialization. Of course, you should not hope for high wages here yet.

The most important thing at the beginning of a career is to thoroughly study the world market, engage in marketing research, make business contacts and acquaintances.

Since the profession in our country is young, but at the same time quite in demand, the forecasts for a quick career growth are very high. With the growth of the responsibility of the employee, the scale of his field of activity, wages will also increase.

Cash reward

Wage A foreign economic activity manager consists of three components:

  • Fixed part - salary.
  • Percentage of concluded transactions.
  • Annual awards based on the results of particularly successful completed projects.

It's hard to pinpoint any specific numbers. depends on the locality, and on the scale of the company-employer. And of course, from the professionalism and diligence of the manager himself. For a novice worker, the average wage in Russia is considered to be 20-40 thousand rubles. Experienced specialists, professionals in their field receive about 100 thousand rubles a month, or even more.

The manager of foreign economic activity is a young, but quite promising specialization. There is a possibility of rapid career growth, decent wages. But the requirements for a specialist are quite high. What is unfavorable for beginners, first of all, work experience and established business ties are valued here. However, there are several ways that allow all this to be acquired soon. It is also important not to forget about your personal qualities, because the success of a specialist here depends on his interactions with partners.

Department of Foreign Economic Activity (OVED) is a part of the enterprise management apparatus, its task is to plan, organize and coordinate the enterprise's foreign economic activity.

Main tasks foreign trade department:

Management of the export potential of the enterprise and the creation of competitive products;

Ensuring the fulfillment of obligations to foreign partners;

Development of new forms of industrial, scientific, technical and investment cooperation;

preparation of the contract goods for the customs clearance procedure.

In this case, the volume of export-import transactions is constant, homogeneous, and its geography is limited.

The main function of the foreign trade department is to ensure a stable and adequate to the potential capabilities of the enterprise of foreign economic activity, deepening trade relations with foreign partners.

The main types of work performed by the department are the following:

Organization of export-import operations;

Monetary and financial operations;

Declaring and customs clearance of goods;

Establishing partnerships with firms in other countries;

Scientific and information work;

Search for ways for the enterprise to enter the foreign market;

The study of directions and trends in the development of the world market for a particular product.

Declaration and customs clearance are one of the main activities of the foreign trade department, since not only the consumers of the company's products are located abroad, but also the main suppliers of raw materials - foreign partners. This leads to constant cargo flows of raw materials and goods. Declaration of goods involves the execution of the following documents:

Cargo customs declarations (CCD);

Electronic copies of the customs declaration;

Declarations of customs value;

Descriptions of documents attached to the customs declaration.

The final result of the activity of the declarant is the receipt of the customs mark "Release permitted".

In accordance with these general tasks and activities of the foreign economic activity department, its employees have their own specific responsibilities.

Consider structure department of foreign economic activity , the composition of whose employees is determined by the structure and characteristics of the production of export products, the forms and scales of foreign economic activity at the enterprise: the head of the department, the deputy head, who is directly subordinate to the head of the department, and he, in turn, is subordinate to: an expert in customs regulation, an economist, a protocol bureau.

Boss Department of Foreign Trade carries out general coordination of the activities of the employees of the department and coordinates the activities of the department with other departments and services of the enterprise, deals with the movement of foreign exchange funds, and resolves current operational issues. In some departments there is a position of a specialist in foreign exchange operations (planning, control over foreign exchange transactions, etc.).

Deputy Chief Department of foreign economic activity monitors the timely implementation of instructions, conducts correspondence with enterprises and firms of Ukraine and other countries on scientific and consulting, economic and other issues, participates in the development of contract terms.

Economist Department of Foreign Trade is responsible for calculating the prices of export products, taking into account the basis of delivery and other conditions, drawing up commercial offers for the sale of the company's products, developing contract articles, issuing a transaction passport under sales contracts, preparing an action plan for fulfilling the terms of the contract and its control. In some departments, instead of an economist, there is a position of a leading specialist in conjuncture and prices.

Customs regulation expert maintains all customs documentation: provides customs clearance of products exported and imported by the enterprise, draws up cargo customs declarations, maintains statistical reporting of the department.

In competence protocol bureau includes the preparation of programs for the stay of delegations, the translation of all documentation coming to the enterprise from foreign languages, assistance in organizing negotiations, preparation of the necessary documentation for foreign business trips of specialists.

As you can see, the department is small, but it can successfully cope with its functions thanks to interaction with other departments acceptance .

Wherein marketing department studies markets and consumer demand, establishes requirements for quantity, frequency of supply and quality of products.

Planning and Economic Department carries out planning of the work of the enterprise, makes the necessary calculations in connection with this, transfers to the department of foreign economic activity basic data on prices for products, raw materials and materials.

Department of new technology carries out technical development and control over the production of export products. The technical department is responsible for the quality of export products.

Financial department is responsible for the financial support of export-import operations, therefore, the foreign trade department provides him with all memos and invoices for paying current expenses (duties, customs payments, payments to certification bodies, etc.).

To accounting the department of foreign economic activity transmit acts for the performance of work on economic, scientific and technical cooperation with foreign organizations, cost estimates for foreign economic activities, data on allocated financial resources and documents on maintaining a foreign currency account.

transport shop carries out documentary registration of goods, transportation of goods and draws up a schedule for their dispatch.

Thus, the department of foreign economic activity in its activities interacts with the services and departments of the enterprise. The coordination of this interaction lies with the employees of the foreign economic activity department.

Foreign economic activity management. Level 2

Foreign economic activity, unlike business within the country, has a number of features. Import and export of products are associated not only with more complex logistics - differences in the legislation of different countries, the specifics of conducting business negotiations in each country, and increased risks in the transportation of goods and the choice of foreign suppliers are also important. The purpose of this course is to help students learn how to competently manage foreign trade activities and interact with suppliers/customers within the international field.

During the course, you will learn how to organize the process of importing goods at all stages (search and selection of suppliers, negotiating, features of business turnover in various countries). Study foreign trade contracts in detail - their types, examples for each industry, errors from the point of view of international and Russian legislation. In addition, you will get an idea of ​​​​the different schemes for organizing foreign economic activity in an enterprise and a guide to reducing risks in this area.

The course program was developed on the basis of the requirements of the professional standard "Specialist in Transport Logistics". Upon graduation, a prestigious certificate of advanced training or a certificate from the Specialist center is issued.

The course is designed for CEOs, foreign trade directors, heads of foreign trade departments, customs brokers, procurement managers, specialists in internal and external logistics, specialists in sales departments in transport and logistics and foreign trade companies, specialists in legal support of foreign trade activities, whose activities are related to the provision of foreign trade activities; senior and middle managers, accountants and financial services enterprises (section of foreign economic activity).

Manage foreign trade with confidence! Sign up for the course!

Organization of foreign economic activity (FEA) at the enterprise

  • Tasks, structure and functions of the foreign economic activity service.
  • Risks in foreign economic activity, their classification and ways of minimization.
  • The procedure for automated risk categorization of participants in foreign economic activity. The criteria for classifying FEA participants as risk level is low, medium or high.
  • Sources of information for market and competitor analysis. Marketing research foreign markets. Search and assessment of the prospects of foreign markets (on practical examples).
  • Development of the company's strategy when entering foreign markets.
  • Pricing mechanisms and pricing strategies in international marketing.
  • Options for promoting goods to foreign markets.
  • Classification of foreign companies. Features of building relationships with various categories of foreign partners.
  • Agents, distributors, dealers - their role and place in the sales policy of the company.
  • Structure and content foreign trade contract purchase and sale.
  • Features of the preparation of basic documents for the implementation of a foreign trade transaction and customs clearance of goods.
  • The market of near-customs services: customs representatives, temporary storage warehouses, customs carriers and their role in the company's foreign economic activity.
  • Workshop: Analysis of typical mistakes in the preparation of a contract for the international sale of goods.

Legal regulation of export: risk minimization

  • Start of export activities in the company. Regulation of foreign economic activity of the department of the company. The process and work under the foreign economic contract. Interaction with third-party partners (law firms, carriers, logistics companies, etc.).
  • Geographical and legal features of import and export. Regulation of exports from Russia to the EU and the EAEU. Legislative and other regulatory legal support for export activities. How to choose countries for export, features of foreign law.
  • Opening an enterprise in the European Union as a form of foreign economic activity. Freedom of movement of companies in the EU. Establishment and relocation. Taxation. Reports and checks. Choice of European jurisdiction. EU directives in the field of corporate law, features of action. Russian legal entities the weight. Capital joint-stock companies and Financial reporting of companies. Corporate standards in the EU. Invalidity of the company in the EU. One person companies in the EU. supranational companies. Legal nature of a supranational company in the EU. European cooperative. European Economic Interest Grouping (EEIG) or European Economic Interest Grouping (EEIG).
  • Foreign economic activity and responsibility. Civil, administrative or criminal liability. Common Mistakes. minimization strategies. Tax penalties. Penalties in the currency legislation. Penalties in the customs legislation.

International road and container transportation

  • Transportation management in Supply Chain Management.
  • Supply chain management concept. General concepts.
  • Place and role of the "Transportation" element in the SCM system. Flows of information, finance and materials.
  • Transportation: definition, mission, tasks. Transportation sides. The main tasks of transportation management.
  • Types of transportation: direct, mixed, multimodal and others. Participants in the transportation market.
  • Types of transport. Characteristics and comparison. Choice of mode of transport.
  • Motor transport.
  • International transportation of goods by road. Legislative framework for international transportation. Characteristics of the rolling stock.
  • Shipping documents for international transportation of goods, features of their filling. Customs transit procedure. Expenses for international road transport.
  • Freight forwarding contract, features of its execution.
  • Shipping.
  • Legislative basis of maritime transport. Basic terminology used in water transport modes.
  • The container transporting. Various types of containers. Ocean and feeder lines, organization and features of work. Types of liner bills of lading: registered, warrant, bearer, feeder bill of lading.
  • Linear terms of transportation: LI, LO, Fi, FO, CY, fees to the basic freight rate. The cost of transporting goods in a container. Liability of the container line for the loss and damage of cargo.

Customs clearance of goods in the Eurasian Economic Union

  • Basic principles and goals of the functioning of the EAEU.
  • Basic agreements of the Common Economic Space.
  • Features of customs and tariff regulation on the territory of the EAEU.
  • The single customs tariff of the EAEU. Agreement on export customs duties.
  • Tariff preferences and tariff incentives for goods imported into the territory of the EAEU.
  • Innovations under the Customs Code of the EAEU (TC EAEU).
  • Novels of the Customs Code of the EAEU in terms of declaring, releasing goods and customs control.
  • Simplification of the procedure for performing customs operations when declaring and releasing goods, provided for by the Customs Code of the EAEU.
  • New conditions for obtaining the status of an Authorized Economic Operator under the Customs Code of the EAEU.
  • Requirements for persons carrying out activities in the field of customs.
  • Customs procedures provided for by the Customs Code of the EAEU, the conditions and procedure for their application.
  • Features of the calculation, payment and return of customs duties in accordance with the Customs Code of the EAEU.
  • Workshop: Calculation of customs duties taking into account the current risk profiles.
  • Methods for securing the payment of customs duties, determining the amount of security provided for by the Customs Code of the EAEU.
  • The procedure and conditions for the enforcement of customs payments.
  • Arrival of goods and Vehicle to the customs territory of the EAEU. The procedure for applying the customs procedure for customs transit, provided for by the Customs Code of the EAEU.
  • Use of the "single window" mechanism for customs operations.
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